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Planned economy

This article is about an economic system based on

centralized planning. For economic systems based on
decentralized forms of planning, see Decentralized
planning (economics).
A planned economy is the economic system in which
decisions regarding production and investment are em-
bodied in a plan formulated by a central authority, usu-
ally by a public body such as a government agency.
Thus it may be termed a extquotedblcommand economy
extquotedbl. Although a planned economy may be based
on either centralized or decentralized forms of economic
planning, it usually refers to a centrally planned econ-
omy. Central planning aims to improve productivity and
coordination by enabling planners to take advantage of
better information achieved through the consolidation of
economic resources when making decisions regarding in-
vestment and the allocation of economic inputs.
Planned economies are usually categorized as a particu-
lar variant of socialism, and have historically been sup-
ported by and implemented by Marxist-Leninist socialist
states. Analysts argue that Soviet-type central planning
did not actually constitute a planned economy in that a
comprehensive and binding plan did not guide produc-
tion and investment; therefore the term administrative
command economy emerged as a more accurate desig-
nation for the economic system that existed in the former
Soviet Union and Eastern bloc, highlighting the role of
centralized hierarchical administrative decision-making
in the absence of popular and democratic local market-
based oversight as the essential coordinating feature of
these economies.
In some cases, the most extensive formof a planned econ-
omy is referred to as a command economy,
or com-
mand and control economy.
In such economies,
central economic planning directs all major sectors of
the economy and formulates decisions about the use of
economic inputs and the means of production.
In a
centrally-planned economy, planners would decide what
would be produced and would direct lower-level enter-
prises and ministries to produce those goods in accor-
dance with democratically-determined national and so-
cial objectives.
Implementation of this form of econ-
omy is sometimes called planication.
Planned economies are held in contrast to unplanned
economies, such as the market economy and proposed
self-managed economy, where production, distribution,
pricing, and investment decisions are made by au-
tonomous rms based upon their individual interests
rather than upon a macroeconomic plan. Less exten-
sive forms of planned economies include those that use
indicative planning as components of a market-based or
mixed economy, in which the state employs inuence,
subsidies, grants, and taxes, but does not compel.
This latter is sometimes referred to as a planned mar-
ket economy.
In some instances, the term planned
economy has been used to refer to national economic de-
velopment plans and state-directed investment in market
Beginning in the 1980s and 1990s, many governments
presiding over planned economies began a process of
marketization, moving toward market-based economies
by allowing individual enterprises to make the decisions
regarding management and pricing, granting autonomy
to state enterprises, and ultimately expanding the scope
of the private sector through privatization. Limited free
market activity gradually entered the Eastern Bloc dur-
ing the 1980s. on January 1, 1992 the newly independent
Russian Federation abolished the Soviet price controls.
Although most economies today are market-based mixed
economies (which are partially planned), fully planned
economies of the Soviet-type continue to exist (as of
2013) in Cuba, North Korea and Laos.
The possibility of a digital planned economy was ex-
plored by Chile with the creation of Project Cybersyn.
1 Economic planning versus com-
mand economies
Main article: Economic planning
Economic planning in general is dened as a mecha-
nism for the allocation of inputs based on a direct al-
location, held in contrast with the market mechanism,
which is based on indirect allocation.
Economic plan-
ning may be carried out in a decentralized, distributed
or centralized manner depending on the specic organi-
zation of economic institutions. An economy based on
economic planning (either through the state, an associ-
ation of worker cooperatives or another economic entity
that has jurisdiction over the means of production) appro-
priates its resources as needed, so that allocation comes
in the form of internal transfers rather than market trans-
actions involving the purchasing of assets by one govern-
ment agency or rm by another. In a traditional model of
planning, decision-making would be carried out by work-
ers and consumers on the enterprise-level.
This is contrasted with the concept of a centrally planned,
or a command economy, where most of the economy is
planned by a central authority and organized in a top-
down administrative model, where decisions regarding
investment and production output requirements are de-
cided upon by planners at the top in the chain of com-
mand, with little input from lower levels of the chain of
command. Advocates of economic planning have some-
times been staunch critics of command economies and
centralized planning. For example, Leon Trotsky be-
lieved that central planners, regardless of their intellec-
tual capacity, operated without the input and partici-
pation of the millions of people who participate in the
economy and understand/respond to local conditions and
changes in the economy, and therefore would be unable
to eectively coordinate all economic activity.
Another key dierence is that command economies are
usually authoritarian in nature, whereas economic plan-
ning in general can be either participatory and demo-
cratic or authoritarian. Indicative planning is a form of
planning in market economies that directs the economy
through incentive-based methods. Economic planning
can be practiced in a decentralized manner through dif-
ferent government authorities. For example, in some pre-
dominately market-oriented and mixed economies, the
state utilizes economic planning in strategic industries
such as the aerospace industry. Mixed economies usually
employ macroeconomic planning, while micro-economic
aairs are left to the market and price system.
Another example of this is the utilization of dirigisme,
both of which were practiced in France and Great Britain
after the Second World War. Swedish public housing
models were planned by the government in a similar fash-
ion as urban planning.
A planned economy may consist of state enterprises, co-
operative enterprises, or private enterprises, or a combi-
nation of dierent enterprise types coordinated through
some form of planning. Some make the distinction that
in a command economy, enterprises need not follow
a comprehensive plan or be coordinated through plan-
ning - the dominant coordinating mechanism comes in
the form of a command from higher authorities. That
is, a planned economy is an economic system in which
the government controls and regulates production, distri-
bution, prices, etc.
but a command economy, while
also having this type of regulation, necessarily has sub-
stantial public ownership of industry.
Therefore, com-
mand economies are planned economies, but not neces-
sarily the reverse.
2 Relationship with socialist eco-
Main article: Socialism
While socialismis not equivalent to economic planning or
to the concept of a planned economy, an inuential con-
ception of socialism involves the replacement of capital
markets with some formof economic planning in order to
achieve ex ante coordination of the economy. The goal of
such an economic system would be to achieve conscious
control over the economy by the population, specically,
so that the use of the surplus product is controlled by the
The specic forms of planning proposed
for socialism and their feasibility are the subject of de-
bate within the broader socialist calculation debate.
3 Transition from a planned econ-
omy to a market economy
The shift from a command economy to a market econ-
omy has proven to be dicult; in particular, there were
no theoretical guides for doing so before the 1990s. One
transition from a command economy to a market econ-
omy that manyconsider successful is that of the Peoples
Republic of China.
By contrast, the Soviet Union's transition was much more
problematic, and its successor republics faced a sharp de-
cline in GDP during the early 1990s. One of the sug-
gested causes is that under Soviet planning, price ceilings
created major problems (shortages, queuing for bread,
households hoarding money), which made the transition
to an unplanned economy more dicult. While the
transition to a market economy proved dicult, many
of the post-Soviet states have been experiencing strong,
resource-based economic growth in recent years, though
the levels vary substantially. However, a majority of
the former Soviet Republics have not yet reached pre-
collapse levels of economic development.
Still, most of the economic hardship that struck many
of the former East Bloc countries and the post-Soviet
states comes from the program of shock therapy. The
idea behind this program is to convert from a centrally
planned economy to a market economy in a short space
of time. This means mass-scale privatization, budget cuts
and liberalization of economy and nance regulations.
This shock therapy program was implemented in several
former communist states like Poland and Russia. Wealth
inequality continues to be extremely severe in the rapidly
privatized post-soviet countries. People in poverty have
seen an approximately 50% reduction in their income,
compared to late soviet era income statistics.
of the acquired wealth is attributed to the political nature
of the respective privatization processes.
4 Advantages of economic plan-
The government can harness land, labor, and capital to
serve the economic objectives of the state. Consumer
demand can be restrained in favor of greater capital in-
vestment for economic development in a desired pattern.
The state can begin building a heavy industry at once in an
underdeveloped economy without waiting years for capi-
tal to accumulate through the expansion of light industry,
and without reliance on external nancing. This is what
happened in the Soviet Union during the 1930s when the
government forced the share of GNP dedicated to private
consumption from eighty percent to fty percent.
a result, the Soviet Union experienced massive growth in
heavy industry.
5 Disadvantages of economic plan-
5.1 Inecient resource distribution: sur-
plus and shortage
Critics of planned economies argue that planners cannot
detect consumer preferences, shortages, and surpluses
with sucient accuracy and therefore cannot eciently
co-ordinate production (in a market economy, a free price
system is intended to serve this purpose). This di-
culty was notably written about by economists Ludwig
von Mises and Friedrich Hayek, both of whom called
it the extquotedbleconomic calculation problem extquot-
edbl. These opponents of central planning argue that
the only way to satisfy individuals who have a constantly
changing hierarchy of needs, and are the only ones to pos-
sess their particular individuals circumstances, is by al-
lowing those with the most knowledge of their needs to
have it in their power to use their resources in a compet-
ing marketplace to meet the needs of the most amount of
consumers, most eciently. This phenomenon is recog-
nized as spontaneous order. Additionally, misallocation
of resources would naturally ensue by redirecting capi-
tal away from individuals with direct knowledge and cir-
cumventing it into markets where a coercive monopoly
inuences behavior, ignoring market signals. According
to Tibor R. Machan, Without a market in which alloca-
tions can be made in obedience to the law of supply and
demand, it is dicult or impossible to funnel resources
with respect to actual human preferences and goals.
5.2 Suppression of economic democracy
and self-management
Economist Robin Hahnel notes that, even if central plan-
ning overcame its inherent inhibitions of incentives and
innovation, it would nevertheless be unable to maximize
economic democracy and self-management, which he be-
lieves are concepts that are more intellectually coherent,
consistent and just than mainstream notions of economic
Says Hahnel, Combined with a more democratic politi-
cal system, and redone to closer approximate a best case
version, centrally planned economies no doubt would
have performed better. But they could never have deliv-
ered economic self-management, they would always have
been slow to innovate as apathy and frustration took their
inevitable toll, and they would always have been suscepti-
ble to growing inequities and ineciencies as the eects
of dierential economic power grew. Under central plan-
ning neither planners, managers, nor workers had incen-
tives to promote the social economic interest. Nor did
impeding markets for nal goods to the planning system
enfranchise consumers in meaningful ways. But central
planning would have been incompatible with economic
democracy even if it had overcome its information and
incentive liabilities. And the truth is that it survived as
long as it did only because it was propped up by unprece-
dented totalitarian political power.
5.3 Economic Instability
Studies of Eastern European planned economies in the
1950s and 1960s by both American and Eastern Euro-
pean economists found that, contrary to expectations,
they showed greater uctuations in output than market
economies during the same period.
6 Fictional portrayals of planned
The 1888 novel Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy
depicts a ctional planned economy in a United States c.
the year 2000 which has become a socialist utopia.
The World State in Aldous Huxleys Brave New World
and Airstrip One in George Orwells Nineteen Eighty Four
are both ctional examples of command economies, al-
beit with diametrically opposed aims: The former is a
consumer economy designed to engender productivity
while the latter is a shortage economy designed as an
agent of totalitarian social control. Airstrip One is or-
ganised by the intentionally sarcastically named Ministry
of Plenty. Other literary portrayals of planned economies
were Yevgeny Zamyatin's We, which was an inuence on
Orwells work. Like Nineteen Eighty Four, Ayn Rand's
dystopian story Anthem was also an artistic portrayal of a
command economy that was inuenced by We. The dif-
ference is that it was a primitivist planned economy, as
opposed to the advanced technology of We or Brave New
7 See also
Calculation in kind
Communist state
Criticisms of Socialism
Decentralized planning (economics)
Economic equilibrium
Economic planning
Economics of fascism
Economic calculation problem
Enrico Barone
Input-output model
Lange model
Leonid Kantorovich
Material balance planning
Market economy
Mixed economy
Political and Economic Planning
Non-conformists of the 1930s
Marcel Dat
Participatory economics
Inclusive democracy
Indicative planning
Public ownership
Socialist calculation debate
Socialist economics
Jean Coutrot
Case studies
Analysis of Soviet-type economic planning
First Malaysia Plan
Five-Year Plans in the Soviet Union
Five-year plans of Argentina
Five-Year Plans of South Korea
Great Leap Forward (China)
Economy of Singapore
Economy of India
Project Cybersyn, a project for a computer network
controlling the economy of Chile under Salvador
Eastern Bloc economies
Economy of Saudi Arabia
8 Notes
[1] Alec Nove (1987), planned economy, The New Pal-
grave: A Dictionary of Economics, v. 3, pp. 87980.
[2] See Myant, Martin; Jan Drahokoupil (2010). Transition
Economies: Political Economy in Russia, Eastern Europe,
and Central Asia. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley. ISBN
[3] Ellman, Michael (2007). The Rise and Fall of Social-
ist Planning. In Estrin, Saul; Koodko, Grzegorz W.;
Uvali, Milica. Transition and Beyond: Essays in Hon-
our of Mario Nuti. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. p.
22. ISBN 0-230-54697-8. Realization of these facts led
in the 1970s and 1980s to the development of new terms
to describe what had previously been (and still were in
United Nations publications) referred to as the centrally
planned economies. In the USSR in the late 1980s the
system was normally referred to as the administrative-
command economy. What was fundamental to this sys-
tem was not the plan but the role of administrative hier-
archies at all levels of decision making; the absence of
control over decision making by the population...
[4] Command Economy. Encyclopdia Britannica. 2007.
Encyclopdia Britannica Online. 11 June 2007.
[5] Barth, James R.; Caprio, Gerard, Jr. (March 2007).
Chinas Changing Financial System: Can It Catch Up
With, or Even Drive Growth. Networks Financial Insti-
tute Policy Brief No. 2007-PB-05. SSRN 985580.
[6] Bouman, O. Thomas; Brand, David George (1997). Sus-
tainable Forests: Global Challenges and Local Solutions.
New York: Haworth Press. p. 91. ISBN 1-56022-055-4.
[7] Myers, Danny (2004). Construction Economics. London:
Spon Press. p. 288. ISBN 0-415-28639-5.
[8] Ollman, Bertell (1997). Market Socialism: The Debate
Among Socialists. London: Routledge. p. 12. ISBN 0-
[9] Alec Nove (1987), Planned Economy, The New Pal-
grave: A Dictionary of Economics, v. 3, p. 879.
[10] Barkley, John (1992). Comparative Economics in Trans-
forming World Economy. MIT. p. 10. ISBN 0-262-
[11] von Brabant, Jozef M. (1992). The Planned Economies
and International Economic Organizations. New York:
Cambridge University Press. p. 16. ISBN 0-521-38350-
[12] Mandel, Ernest (1986). In Defence of Socialist Plan-
ning. New Left Review 159: 537. Planning is not
equivalent to perfect allocation of resources, nor scien-
tic allocation, nor even more humane allocation. It sim-
ply means direct allocation, ex ante. As such, it is the
opposite of market allocation, which is ex post.
[13] Trotsky, Leon. Writings 193233. p. 96.
[14] planned economy. Unabridged (v 1.1).
Random House, Inc. (accessed: May 11, 2008).
[15] command economy. In Merriam-Webster Online Dictio-
nary (2008) (accessed May 11, 2008).
[16] Feinstein, C.H. (1975). Socialism, Capitalism and Eco-
nomic Growth: Essays Presented to Maurice Dobb. Cam-
bridge University Press. p. 174. ISBN 0-521-29007-4.
We have presented the view that planning and market
mechanisms are instruments that can be used both in so-
cialist and non-socialist societies...It was important to ex-
plode the primitive identication of central planning and
socialism and to stress the instrumental character of plan-
[17] Global Wealth Databook 2013. Credit Suisse. October
[18] Kennedy, Paul (1987). The Rise and Fall of the Great
Powers. New York: Random House. pp. 3223. ISBN
[19] Machan, R. Tibor (2002). Some Skeptical Reections on
Research and Development. Liberty and Research and
Development: Science Funding in a Free Society. Hoover
Press. ISBN 0-8179-2942-8.
[20] Hahnel, Robin (2002). The ABCs of Political Economy.
London: Pluto Press. p. 262. ISBN 0-7453-1858-4.
[21] Zielinski, J. G. (1973). Economic Reforms in Polish In-
dustry. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-
9 Further reading
Gregory Grossman (1987): Command economy,
The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, v.
1, pp. 49495.
Carl Landauer (1947): Theory of National Eco-
nomic Planning. University of California Press.
Berkeley and Los Angeles, Second edition.
Alec Nove (1987): Planned economy, The New
Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, v. 3, pp.
Myant, Martin; Drahokoupil, Jan (2010), Transition
Economies: Political Economy in Russia, Eastern
Europe, and Central Asia, Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN
10 External links
An article against The myth of the permanent arms
The Stalin Model for the Control and Coordination
of Enterprises in a Socialist Economy
11 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses
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Planned economy Source: Contributors: Matthew Woodcraft, Robert
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