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16 December 2009

Tax and house prices

Changes to the tax system are likely to reduce house values

would change both house prices and rents, and it is hard to

• Potential changes to the tax system could reduce
predict which would move most. We have assumed that one-
house prices.
third of the adjustment to a tax change would come about via
• We estimate that changing the top rate of income tax
higher rents, and two-thirds of the adjustment would come via
to 30% would reduce house prices by 14%.
lower house prices. On a similar note, we have assumed that the
• Many of the potential tax changes could increase the tax changes will be revenue neutral and will not change average
rate of home ownership. after-tax incomes. We take no stance of any pre-existing over- or
under-valuation of housing, since we are estimating changes in
In New Zealand, owning property comes with tax advantages. fair value. Still, the framework is useful for illustrating that prices
An investment in one’s own home incurs zero tax on the flow of will be affected by taxes, and for giving a rough guideline as to
benefits (avoiding rent and capital gain). By contrast, all other magnitude.
investments incur tax on the interest/dividends/profits. Owning
rental property can be “useful” from a tax perspective, too. Possible tax changes and their impact
Landlords normally pay more in expenses and mortgage interest
than they receive in rent. These losses are tax deductible against Top rate of income tax reduced to 30%
other income, while capital gains are tax free.1 High-income
landlords can swap their taxable labour income for tax-free Impact on house prices: -13.6%
capital gain income. Unsurprisingly, many do. Ownership of
Impact on rents: +6.8%
New Zealand rental properties is skewed towards high income
New rental yield: 5.7%
working-age people, and the sector as a whole claims more in
tax deductions than it pays in tax.2 Effect on rate of homeownership: Higher

The price of a property – both owner occupied and rental – Landlords receive a tax rebate for losses on their rental properties
partly reflects the tax benefits conferred upon the owner. If at their marginal rate of income tax. If the marginal rate of
the tax benefit changes, so will the price. This bulletin uses our income tax changes, so does the size of the rebate. For example,
Investment Value of Housing model to estimate the impact of consider a landlord who is taxed at 38% and loses $20,000 per
potential changes to the tax system on house prices. We also annum from owning a rental property. At present, s/he gets a
discuss possible impacts on the rate of home ownership (the tax rebate of $7,200 each year (0.38x$20,000). If the top rate of
system currently discourages home ownership because landlords income tax were 30%, the rebate would be just $6,000 per year
are treated more favourably than indebted owner occupiers). We (0.3*$20,000). The annual net cost of becoming a leveraged
have focussed roughly on the tax changes being discussed by the landlord would instantly increase by $1,200, so fewer people
Tax Working Group (TWG, would be willing to do it. Less demand would cause house prices
to fall. Fewer willing landlords would mean higher rents. Lower
The estimates relate to a median property in New Zealand, house prices and higher rents would make home ownership both
currently worth $350,000 and being rented out for $310 more attractive and more affordable, so home ownership would
per week, for a gross rental yield of 4.6%. Of course, the be higher than if taxes remained unchanged.
estimates are ball-park figures only, and are sensitive to the
assumptions made (detailed in Table 1). For example, tax reform Leveraged landlords are the “marginal buyer” in most segments
of the New Zealand housing market, so they determine the price.
Except in rare cases when the Inland Revenue Department can prove that the However, it is useful to note that a change in income tax would
investor purchased the property with the intention of realising capital gain. also affect debt-free owner occupiers. Lower income tax means
For ownership breakdown, see less tax on interest income or dividends. This would increase the

For further information, questions or comments contact Brendan O’Donovan, telephone (04) 470 8250, email
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1 WEB: 88/09
Tax and house prices – 16 December 2009

incentive to save via bank deposits, shares, or business ownership Deemed rate of return (tax applied on 6% of equity)
rather than by owning a bigger/better house. So demand for
property would fall. Impact on house prices: Between -26% and -34%
Impact on rents: Between +13% and +17%
New rental yield: 7.0% to 8.2%
Land Tax 0.5%
Effect on rate of homeownership: Higher

Impact on house prices: -4.4%

For property investors, rental income would not be taxed, and
Impact on rents: +2.2% expenses (including interest) would not be tax deductible.
New rental yield: 4.9% Instead, income tax would be applied to a “deemed rate of
Effect on rate of homeownership: Neutral or down, depending on design return” on the net equity in the property. Owner-occupiers
Impact on price of land: -11% would be unaffected. The TWG discussed a deemed rate of
return of 6%.
A land tax would be levied on the owners of land, and calculated
as a percentage of the unimproved value of land as determined Fully leveraged landlords would not pay any tax on their zero
by the rating valuation – similar to rates but applied to land equity, but they would lose the right to deduct cash losses on the
value, not capital value. We estimate that the value of land property against their taxable income. That would make rental
would fall by 11%. Our estimate of a 4.4% house price decline property worth 34% less to 100% leveraged landlords.
applies to the median New Zealand house, for which land
makes up 40% of the value. Properties for which land makes Debt-free landlords would face a higher tax bill than they
up a greater proportion of the value, such as lifestyle blocks, face today, causing a 26% fall in the net present value of
would experience a greater percentage decline in overall price. rental property for them. Since debt-free landlords would be
Apartments would experience a smaller percentage decline. less impacted than leveraged landlords, there would be some
transfer in ownership. Depending on the willingness of less
The impact on home ownership depends on the detail of the tax. leveraged investors to enter the market, the price decline would
We have assumed that the land tax is treated as a tax-deductible be between 26% and 34%.
expense for landlords. (IRD argued at the TWG that failure to
do so would create distortions). If the land tax were not tax Market segments in which investors are less prevalent, such as
deductible for owner occupiers, then landlords would enjoy an the top end, might be less affected by this tax, although the
even greater tax advantage over leveraged owner occupiers, impact would not be zero.
and therefore home ownership would fall. One way around
this would be to simply set the tax at a lower rate for owner-
occupiers. Ringfencing

Impact on house prices: Down

Capital Gains Tax 10% Impact on rents: Up
Effect on rate of homeownership: Higher
Impact on house prices: -15.7%
Impact on rents: +7.8% Rental losses could only be offset against future rental profits,
New rental yield: 5.9% not current personal income. There would no ability to shelter
Effect on rate of homeownership: Higher from income tax using loss-making rental properties. However,
property would still be a tax-efficient investment for cash-flow
The TWG discussed the possibility of a capital gains tax that positive landlords. Many leveraged landlords would either pay
would exempt the family home, but would apply to rental down debt or sell to cash-flow positive landlords. Prices would
properties. Such a tax would reduce the tax advantage of owning fall, but it is not possible to predict how far.
rental property, and would therefore dramatically reduce the
price of property. A capital gains tax would remove the tax
subsidy for landlords, so rents would rise. Lower house prices and Land tax 0.5% and income tax 30%
higher rent would mean higher home ownership.
Impact on house prices: -16.9%
Top-end property would be less affected than lower-end ones, so Impact on rents: +8.4%
price dispersion would widen. New rental yield: 6.0%
Effect on rate of homeownership: Higher
We regard capital gains tax on investment property as unlikely
to happen. For a start, it would be complex to administer. Worse, This scenario is politically plausible.
much of the burden would fall on tenants, who tend to have low

2 WEB: 88/09
Tax and house prices – 16 December 2009

What improvement in sustainable capital gain would offset The impact of tax changes on P were determined by varying t1, t2,
the tax changes? or l, and simultaneously assuming that the percentage change in
If New Zealand’s sustainable rate of economic growth were R is equal to half of the percentage change in P. The deemed rate
to rise, it is reasonable to assume that the sustainable rate of of return scenario involved setting t1 = t2 = l = 0. For the land tax
capital gain on housing would increase. (A “rule-of-thumb” says scenarios, l was set at 0.2%
that the real capital gain on land should, on average over time,
equal real economic growth). There are a number of deeper assumptions underlying this
Our baseline scenario assumes 2.5% sustainable real capital
gain. To completely offset the price-negative impact of the tax • Rent and maintenance costs are assumed to grow at the
changes in the combined land and income tax scenario, the same average rate as house prices in equilibrium.
rate of sustainable real capital gain would need to lift to 3.1%,
• We have ignored second-round effects stemming from the
assuming no change in average mortgage rates. We think that’s
likes of a change in disposable income after a tax change.
a bit of a stretch.
This is unlikely to be a large problem if the tax changes are
revenue neutral.
The details
The calculations use our Investment Value of Housing model,3 • The tax changes are assumed to be completely unanticipated.
which values the property for a 100% leveraged investor (the If they were anticipated, the actual price change would be
marginal buyer), using the net present value method. Equilibrium smaller than our estimate.
between rents and house prices requires that the benefit of
• We treat 100% leveraged investors as the marginal buyer,
owning a rental property (rent and capital gain after taxes) must
implying that they determine the price. That is a reasonable
equal the cost of owning a rental property (interest, maintenance,
approximation for most market segments except the very top
and land taxes after tax deductions, plus compensation for risk):
end. Houses are worth most to debt-free owner-occupiers,
but not every person has sufficient capital to fit into that
R(1-t1) + P(πe + g)(1-t2) = P(i)(1-t1) + (f)(1-t1) + P(l)(1-t1) + P(α)
category. Houses not already taken by the debt-free owner
occupiers are worth most to investors, because they get
Definitions are outlined in Table 1 below, along with the assumed
better tax breaks than owner occupiers with high debt. The
values. The equation above can be solved for price to give the
amount that a 100% leveraged investor on the 38% tax rate
Investment Value of Housing:
is willing to pay for a property sets a price floor at auction,
(R-f)(1-t1) so long as sufficient capital is available. Anybody who wants
P= to own a property must bid at least the price floor set by the
(i+l)(1-t1) – (πe+g)(1-t2) + α
Investment Value. The fact that many properties are actually
owned by leveraged investors suggests that property does
Table 1: Definitions not trade at a premium to that floor (owner occupiers do
Symbol Variable
Value in
not need to pay much more than the floor to secure the
base case
Approximate value of median house in New
P Price $350,000
Zealand, Nov 2009.
Ministry of Housing median rent on 3-
• We have estimated the impact of tax changes on the
R Annual rent $16,120
bedroom house is $310 per week. underlying value of property, abstracting from any pre-
Cost of maintaining the $7,700 for upkeep, rates, and insurance,
$1,300 for property management
existing overvaluation or undervaluation. A view that NZ
i Interest rate 8%
Two-year mortgage rates averaged 8.16% property is currently overvalued could be expressed by
from Jan 1995 to today.
setting α higher. This changes the estimated impact of tax
Current 2-year ahead inflation expectations
Long-run expected rate 2.6%. 5-year average inflation 3.0%. RBNZ
changes only slightly.
π 2.50%
of inflation inflation target 1% - 3%, with history of
preferring top part of target range.
Brendan O’Donovan, Chief Economist, Ph: (64-4) 470 8250
Expected long-run
g sustainable rate of real 2.50%
Compound average annual rate 1970 to Dominick Stephens, Research Economist, Ph: (64-4) 381 1414
today 2.57%.
capital gain
Calibrated to force investor value equal to
α Risk premium 1.30%
Taxpayers on the 38% rate have the most to The Investment Value of Housing model is based on the User Cost of Housing used
Marginal rate of
income tax
38% gain from owning rental property, and are by, for example, Poterba, J (1992), “Taxation and housing: old questions, new answers”,
the most likely to own rental property. American Economic Review, 82, 2, pp 237-242. We adapted the model to better
reflect the New Zealand’s tax system for our 2007 Bulletin “Bubble Schmubble”.
l Rate of property tax 0% The model was also used by Hargreaves (2008) “The tax system and housing demand
2 Rate of capital gains in New Zealand”, RBNZ Discussion Paper DP 2008/06. All of these earlier models
t 0%
tax treated maintenance costs as a proportion of the house’s value, which implies that
when property prices fall as a consequence of a tax change, the cost of maintaining
the house also falls. This is unrealistic and causes understatement of tax impacts
on prices. Our current model treats maintenance costs as independent of house
prices. Previous models also lumped the risk premium in with maintenance costs,
which made it tax deductible and therefore exaggerated the impact of tax changes
on prices. We have corrected that error in the present model.

3 WEB: 88/09

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