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Unit 1

After completing this study unit you should understand

(1) the meaning of the term perspective
.(2) that human development can be described according to different perspectives
. (3) that we use the terms domains, determinants and phases to make it easier to
describe human development

You should also be able to
.(1) describe the different domains of human development
. (2)discuss the different determinants of human behaviour
. (3) explain the various phases of development

Unit 3
After completing this study unit you should
.(1) know some theorists' contributions to the discussion of human development
. (2)be able to describe these theorists' ideas in your own words
. (3) be able to form an opinion about the value of these theories in a debate on
human development

Unit 4
After completing this study unit you should
. (1)know the meaning of prenatal and neonatal development
. (2)know which environmental factors influence prenatal development
. (3)be familiar with the physical, cognitive and psychosocial development of an infant
and be able to apply this knowledge to everyday life

Unit 5
After completing this study unit you should
.(1) know how children's physical development proceeds
. (2)know about some children's diseases and the phenomenon of child abuse
. (3)know how young children's cognitive development proceeds
. (4)understand the psychosocial development of young children and how they
experience emotion
. (5)know about some aspects of young children's conative and moral development

You should also have insight into the implications of development in all these
domains for those who deal with young children every day

Unit 6
After completing this study unit you should
.(1) know about the physical development of children in middle childhood and a number
of common diseases during this phase
.(2) understand the course of these children's cognitive development
. (3)understand the course of their psychosocial development and how they express
their emotions
. (4)know about certain aspects of their conative and moral development

You should also understand the implications of development in these domains and how
this influences your dealings and relations with the child.
By studying this module you should acquire skills that will help you with the education
of these children

Unit 7
After completing this study unit you should

.(1) know about the physical and sexual development of adolescents, as well as common
diseases during this phase
.(2) understand the cognitive development of adolescents and how formal operational
thought influences development in other domains
.(3) know how adolescents' psychosocial development proceeds and understand their
search for identity
. (4)know about some of the main problems that arise during adolescence and show
insight into the handling of these problems
. (5)understand some aspects of adolescents' conative and moral development

You should also be able to apply what you have learnt from this study unit in your
profession or in the education of your own child or children.
The knowledge you acquire should help you to offer adolescents guidance in areas such
as sexually transmitted diseases, substance abuse, pregnancy and abortion.
Because we do not deal with these topics in detail in this module, it would be in your
interest to read more on it.

Unit 8

After completing this study unit you should

.(1) be able to describe early adulthood, middle adulthood and late adulthood in terms
of the physical, cognitive, psychosocial, conative and moral development of people in
normal circumstances
. (2) know about the unique experiences and problems that are typical of this
developmental phase
. (3)be able to discuss the educational implications of every facet of human
. (4) have insight into death as the final stage of development

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