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Steven Peliari

Covert Hypnosis
Rules of Persuasion
Learn How to Use Covert Hypnotic Techniques to
Influence and Command People While Main!
"veryday Conversation#

For a limited time only receive your copy of TH" $"C%"T
&%T' & (uide to the Power of Conversational Hypnosis#
a)solutely *%""

Inside +ou Will Learn'
How to Create Hypnotic Rapport so that you can make ANYONE feel
instantly comfortable in your presence
Step by Step Guide to Using Nested oops to Create a Hypnotic !rance
while using normal con"ersation #this is completely unnoticeable$
Read peoples body language so it is like being able to read their mind
How to place an Outrageous %ind &irus in their subconscious that they
will accept without any critical thinking

Clic Here to &ccess TH" $"C%"T &%T' & (uide to
the Power of Conversational Hypnosis
Who is Steven Peliari? ................................................................................ 4
Rule #1 Wat!h "our Su#$e!ts Response ................................................... %
Rule #& 'et "our (n!onsious )in* +ui*e "ou ....................................... ,
Rule #- +et The. /0reein0 ...................................................................... 1
Rule #4 E.#e* "our*s .............................................................. 2
Rule #% Har*3ire the Te!hni4ues ........................................................... 15

Who is $teven Peliari,

Steven Peliari is the mastermind behind the art of covert hypnosis
system. He began his journey to becoming a master covert
hypnotist after watching a stage hypnotist induce hypnotic states in
his audience members without them even noticing.

Steven Peliari then wondered what would happen if he learns the
same ability and apply it do everyday situations. Such a skill if it
could be mastered would allow him to:

Influence and persuade any
one even if they initially
disagreed completely with
what he was saying
Allow him to enjoy unlimited
career success and the
opportunity for financial
ive him the ability to attract
any kind of lover that he desired
!otivate and move masses of people to his will

All of this could be achieved without the person that he was
hypnoti"ing having no idea that it was happening.

#ager to begin his journey he made contact with the
representation for that stage hypnotist he had seen. $he women
he talked% who went by the moniker Destiny gave him a contact
phone number for an organi"ation that could help him with his

$his led to a startling discovery of a secretive society of master
covert hypnotists amongst this group one particular master agree
to tutor the young the Peliari% perhaps seeing something of himself
in his young student. &hatever the reason he decided to teach
Peliari all that he knew.

'ow Steven Peliari is for the first time willing to share what was
once only known to a select few to the general public. (ou can
learn more about his teachings here:
Steven Peliari)s $he Art of *overt Hypnosis

%ule -.' Watch +our $u)/ects %esponse

In order to be successful with covert hypnosis it is just as important
to become a good observer as it is to
learn the specific techni+ues of covert

(ou need to be able to gauge the
response of your subject so that you are
able to make changes to your hypnotic
suggestions and approach.

,ne of the reasons that people are not
able to observe their subject as closely
as they should is because of internal
chatter that is going on in their mind.

$his internal chatter distracts their attention away from the subject
and too their own thoughts. -eginners are often so caught up in
the process of conversational hypnosis that they are not observing
whether or not their techni+ues are having the desired effect.

As a covert hypnotist you will need to learn the skills of .emptying
the mind/ so that you are able to place all of your attention on your
own subject.

,ne of the key areas that you need to pay attention to is whether
or not the subject has fallen into a trance state. If they are not yet
in a trance state you need to do more work before moving on to
embed your commands.

In general you are looking for a move towards stillness and
rela0ation in the subject. Physical signs of this include:

A slowing of their breathing rate
1acial muscles become rela0ed
#yes may begin to close
-linking may slow down
1ewer physical movements and gestures

%ule -0' Let +our Unconscious Mind (uide +ou

In conversational hypnosis we often discuss how to talk directly to
the unconscious mind of your subject. -y doing so we are able to
.bypass/ the judgemental% decision making conscious mind and
embed our commands directly so that they will not be rejected.

However it is also important that you are able to communicate with
your own unconscious mind if you are going to be successful with
covert hypnosis. (our unconscious mind is a much more powerful
mechanism than your conscious mind and will help guide you
through the covert hypnosis process.

1or e0ample one of the key ingredients to success with covert
hypnosis is learning to observe the subject closely and gauge how
you should pace the covert hypnosis session.

-y tapping into the power of your own unconscious mind you will
be much more attuned to the effect that you covert hypnosis is
having on the subject. (our unconscious mind is a much better
reader of what is going on around you than your conscious mind.

$o give an analogy imagine if you tried to drive a car using your
conscious mind. #verytime you wanted to turn the steering wheel
or slow down or speed up you would need to give yourself a
conscious instruction.

&hat is more your conscious mind would constantly need to be
observing all of the other traffic on the road and making deliberate
adjustments to it.

$he fact is that you would simply not be able to do it. Instead you
use your unconscious mind to react to the changing conditions and
react without having to think about it.

2riving is a highly comple0 task and yet you are able to do things
such as carry out a conversation or listen to music while
performing it. $his is the power of being able to do things

*overt hypnosis when mastered works in the same way. &ithout
consciously needing to think about it you make adjustments and
changes to your approach so that you are able to achieve your
desired outcome.

%ule -1' (et Them &!reein!

,ne of the easier to master concepts in conversational hypnosis is
the idea of agreement sets. An agreement set is based on the idea
that once you have gotten to agree
to one idea it is much easier to get
them to agree to another.

,ur brains think in patterns. &e like
to have consistency in our thoughts
and once we get set in a pattern we
will continue down it unless it is

Another way to think of this is the
idea that once something is in
motion it will continue on that
trajectory unless a countervailing
force is applied to it.

So how does this help us with covert hypnosis3 &hen we are
trying to hypnoti"e someone we want to start by getting them to
agree to ideas and concepts that they already believe.

$his is also known as operating from the subject)s reality. ,nce we
get them to agree to these obviously true statements with can lead
them further down the path we want to take them to get them to
agree to statements which while not as obvious are plausible.

#ventually they will be able to offer commands to our subject and
have them agree to what we want them to do.

,nce we have gotten verbal agreement there is a high probability
that they will comply with that agreement. So for e0ample if we
were trying to get our boss to offer us a raise and we could get him
to verbali"e the agreement to the idea chances are that this raise
will in fact be offered.

%ule -2' "m)ed +our Commands

In conversational hypnosis we deliver our commands in a very
specific way. &e embed them into the conversation in such a way
that they are unnoticeable as actually being a command.

-efore beginning you must decide what phrase or word you want
to embed into the conversation for you)re subject to follow. 1or
e0ample .-uy now/ or .,ffer a 4aise/.

,nce you have decided on what phrase you want to use you
should work out how you will use this in an otherwise ordinary
sentence for e0ample .-y 5buy6 now you have probably reali"ed/

&hen you get to the embedded command you need to emphasi"e
in it in a way that it registered in the subconscious of the subject.

In order for this to be effective it must not be noticeable to the
conscious mind of the subject that you are giving this particular
phrase emphasis.

&hen you reach the embedded command phrase use one of the
following techni+ues to give it emphasis:

Slow down your voice as you speak the command and then
resume your normal pacing for the rest of the sentence
Pause slightly before and after the command
$ouch the subject at the point you are saying the command
4aise your eyebrow as you are saying the command

-ecause the subject will be focusing on the overall content of your
conversation they will not be focusing specifically on the
embedded command. However their subconscious mind will pick
up the signal and register it as being important.

%ule -3' Hardwire the Techniques

In order to be a successful covert hypnotist it is important to
hardwire the techni+ues so that you are able to access them
without having to consciously think through the process.

7ike any skill you want to learn this re+uires practice.

$o give an analogy when you want to learn a martial art at first you
need to consciously think about how to perform each of the actions.
(ou learn this is the correct way to kick and this is the right way to

,vertime and through
practice however these
actions become unconscious.
(ou no longer need to think
about the right way to kick or
punch is. &hat is more when
someone attacks you% you
can respond unconsciously
with the correct response. If
you had to think consciously
about what to do you would
be too slow to defend

$his is true of becoming a master covert hypnotist as well. As your
abilities develop you start to absorb the skills and techni+ues on an
unconscious level. (ou will then be able to tap into whatever
.tools/ you need in your conversational hypnosis sessions.

$o begin with you should choose a single pattern that you want to
practice. 8se this simple pattern in your daily conversation until it
is easy and comfortable for you to use without you having to think
too much about it.

$hen move onto another conversational pattern. Again using it
until you become comfortable with it. ,vertime you will find that
your conversational hypnotic skills are developing to the point
where you can use the techni+ues effortlessly.

,ften what is most noticeable is how areas of your life have
changed. Perhaps you have met a new partner9 someone who you
thought would never date someone like you. ,r perhaps you have
been offered a new raise or you companies sales have
significantly increased.

It is then that you truly reali"e the powers of your new covert
hypnotic skills.
Learn How to Use Covert Hypnotic Techniques to
Influence and Command People While Main!
"veryday Conversation#

For a limited time only receive your copy of TH" $"C%"T
&%T' & (uide to the Power of Conversational Hypnosis#
a)solutely *%""

Inside +ou Will Learn'
How to Create Hypnotic Rapport so that you can make ANYONE feel
instantly comfortable in your presence
Step by Step Guide to Using Nested oops to Create a Hypnotic !rance
while using normal con"ersation #this is completely unnoticeable$
Read peoples body language so it is like being able to read their mind
How to place an Outrageous %ind &irus in their subconscious that they
will accept without any critical thinking

Clic Here to &ccess TH" $"C%"T &%T' & (uide to
the Power of Conversational Hypnosis

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