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The Complete Guide

to Business Cards
A STEP BY STEP GUIDE to business card content, design, printing and distribution

Spread the word about the power of networking with business cards.

Copyright Sept. 2014
Written and designed by Oswaldo Zapata
Looking forward to connect with you: oswaldozapata

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 2

Do you exchange business cards regularly but feel that you are not getting the positive
results you expect from your efforts? Are you planning to order new business cards but
you are afraid to lose valuable time and money? Yes? Then, this book is for you!

The Complete Guide to Business Cards will teach you everything you need to know
about business card content, design, printing and distribution.

On the following pages you will learn what to include on your business card, how to
design it so prospects remember you, what printing companies to use, and how to
outline a distribution strategy to attract the loyal customers you need to build a
successful business.

In our next eBook in this series, The Complete Guide to Business Networking, I will tell
you about etiquette in exchanging business cards, best practices for successful
networking, how to manage the business cards you receive, and how to stay on the
minds of prospects and potential referrals.

These guides will teach you the best tips and tricks for successful business networking
as discovered over the years, and they will describe how to avoid common networking
pitfalls that can impair your business.

Each comprehensive guide is unique. In addition to complete coverage on how to
create a successful business card along with details and helpful tips on how to
successfully network, these guides are the first books in their genre to fully address
recent developments the Internet has brought about that affect the design and usage of
traditional business cards.

Following are questions these guides will help you answer: Do I still need a phone
number on my business card, or is my email address enough? Do I need to include
social media contacts on my business card? How can I store information from my
business cards on my smartphone, to take with me wherever I go? When following up
with a prospect, should I send an email or make a phone call? How can I stay on the
minds of my business contacts? These are currently the only books on the market to
systematically cover these topics given todays changing business landscape.

Follow the useful tips in these guides, and I guarantee you in the next couple of months
you will begin to see your network expand and your business grow. I hope you will
apply these ideas to your new business card design and experience amazing results.

How to read this guide: Rather than read this guide entirely, it may be more productive
if you search in the content for relevant topics. Keep in mind, these eBooks are
business handbooks and not works of literature!

Oswaldo Zapata

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 3

1. Why Business Cards in Todays Market? ................................................................................................ 5
Importance Today ................................................................................................................................... 6
History ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
2. What Should I Include On My Business Card? ...................................................................................... 12
Name ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
Job Title ................................................................................................................................................. 17
Company Name ..................................................................................................................................... 20
Phone .................................................................................................................................................... 23
Email ...................................................................................................................................................... 27
Companys Tagline ................................................................................................................................ 29
Personal Tagline .................................................................................................................................... 32
Calls to Action ....................................................................................................................................... 35
Logo ....................................................................................................................................................... 37
Social Media .......................................................................................................................................... 40
Photo ..................................................................................................................................................... 43
QR Codes ............................................................................................................................................... 46
Address.................................................................................................................................................. 49
Back ....................................................................................................................................................... 52
3. How to Design Better Business Cards ................................................................................................... 55
Keep It Simple ....................................................................................................................................... 57
Shapes ................................................................................................................................................... 60
Colors .................................................................................................................................................... 64
Background ........................................................................................................................................... 67
Fonts ...................................................................................................................................................... 69
Paper ..................................................................................................................................................... 72
Other Materials ..................................................................................................................................... 75
DON'Ts .................................................................................................................................................. 78
4. Online and Offline Business Card Printing ............................................................................................ 80
DOs ........................................................................................................................................................ 82
Prices ..................................................................................................................................................... 87
Online vs Offline .................................................................................................................................... 89
Free ....................................................................................................................................................... 92
5. Your Business Card Distribution Plan .................................................................................................... 95
Why a Distribution Plan? ...................................................................................................................... 96

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 4
Strategies .............................................................................................................................................. 99

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 5
1. Why Business Cards in Todays Market?

Even in today's digital world,
a great business card is a must if you want to optimize your business.
Nancy Fox, Author of Network Like a Fox

Do you know the key to a successful business card? Its not what you are
thinking. Sure, contact information and a creative design are important, but
these elements alone will not guarantee your success.

So, what is the key?

The key to a successful business card is found in a number of small but
important elements. These elements are not necessarily hard to execute, but
first you need to learn them. That is why I have written this guide: to help you
create a successful business card and explain how to use it to effectively

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 6
Importance Today

Do you know how many business cards are printed every year? Millions? Tens
of millions? No! Many, many more!

A study performed in the United States concluded that more than 10 billion
business cards are printed in this country every year! Yes, ten billion! Thats a
huge number: 10 billion = 10,000,000,000. Amazing, isnt it? This means that
approximately 33 business cards are printed every year for every single person
living in the United States, babies and children included! Thats only in the
United States.

If you add to this number to the number of business cards that are printed in the
United Kingdom, the rest of Europe, India, China, Japan, other Asian countries,
Latin America, the Gulf region, and other entrepreneurial countries, we are
referring to hundreds of billions of business cards printed every year around
the world. This is phenomenal!

Did you know that 100,000,000,000+ business cards
are printed worldwide every year?

In spite of these incredible figures, some people maintain that business cards
are out of date. For them, business cards are a relic from the pre-digital age.

Business card detractors believe that modern technologies associated with the
Internet are overcoming the previous hassle in creating and exchanging business
cards. Some of them proudly boast that they stopped using business cards
several years ago and that now they simply send an email, a LinkedIn invitation
to connect, or a WhatsApp message. The most extreme advocates of this drastic
decision affirm that if someone is really interested in getting in touch with them,
he or she will find a way besides business cards to do so; maybe by searching for
them on Google.

Less enthusiastic supporters of this radical view say that business cards are
indeed not yet deadthey see them as a necessary evilbut nevertheless they
are convinced that business cards will be off the market in the near future.

Most business card critics are younger entrepreneurs who do not want to spend
their valuable time using old-fashioned methods that may not be successful.
Before engaging in new business relationships, they want to be certain there is a
minimum commitment from their new connections.

If you want to read more about the arguments for and against the use of
traditional business cards, take a look at these two articles:

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 7
amerland and The debates at the bottom of the
articles are very interesting.

There is a problem with this limited view of what a business card is, its purpose,
and its full potential in the business milieu.

No one denies that the Internet has transformed the way we do business; from
the information we include on our business cards to the way we follow up and
keep in touch with our contacts. However, the versatility and unique qualities
of a business card and the rich significance of its exchange make it an
irreplaceable tool.

It is a common mistake to think that business cards are no more than a practical
means to communicate your contact information to people you meet in person.
The truth is, on this small piece of paper (or a less common material), you
include not only your name, what you do, and your contact details, but you also
tell others how much you care about your business, how much you respect your
clients and customers, your values and business philosophy, why you are in
business, and how much you value your business partners.

Another impalpable trait of a business card is its capacity to create a lasting
impression on your prospects. When your potential client or customer takes
your business card home, it resonates with them time and time again. The
intangible qualities shown on your business card stay on your prospects minds
and revive the very moment you presented it to them.

Business cards are unique because of their symbolic power. You can share so
many aspects about you and your business with a little ink on a 3.5 x 2 piece of
paper! Your business card materializes an interlinked, complex net of meanings
that goes beyond the simple exchange of contact information.

These are only some of the untouchable attributes that a business card holds,
that no mobile app can compete with. I will delve more deeply into these
qualities in the following sections. I will unravel for you the marketing and
networking secrets within this tiny piece of paper.

Just because some techy enthusiasts claim there is little value in exchanging
business cards, it does not mean you should not have yours.

Find out for yourself if your target market is using them. Mingle with your clients
and customers, talk to them, understand them; only then will you know if it
makes sense to order the business cards that you will be handing to them in the
future. There are a few business people in narrow niche markets that may find
the use of business cards irrelevant, but you will find most people cannot do
business without them. Do your research and decide accordingly.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 8
Due to their unique symbolic attributes, in the near future I do not see a
substitute to business cards. Traditional business cards and digital Internet
developments are becoming complementary. The two worlds are converging
and giving rise to an optimal solution entrepreneurs must have. allBcards is
moving in that direction!

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 9

Today, business cards are ubiquitous. Wherever you go, business cards are
available and readily exchanged.

You have certainly received dozens if not hundreds or thousands of them. You
keep them at home and in your office. They are everywhere: systematically
sorted out in your business card holders, or chaotically populating in the bottom
drawers of your desk or inside a book you have not opened for years. From time
to time, you find a business card that you forgot you received. Its revival may
spark some interest.

Not only do you receive and collect business cards regularly, you also distribute
your own business cards to every potential customer or client you meet. When
you leave your home, you check to make sure you have business cards with you,
and you feel lost when you run out.

Business cards are here to stay, and new social media and mobile app solutions
are paradoxically having a positive impact on orders for business cards by
entrepreneurs around the world.

Business cards have been around for at least four centuries and counting!

You may be curious about the history of business cards. When and where were
the first business cards produced? Who were those visionaries that introduced
this tiny yet mighty marketing and relationship tool? What were they thinking
about? What were the benefits of using early business cards? Have things
evolved over time?

There is no certainty about the origin of the business card, but there is a wide
consensus about a few key points. This is how the story goes:

Paper was invented in ancient China about two thousand years ago. For
centuries, paper was widely used in the commercial environment; most notably
but not limited to banknotes.

It has been suggested that business cards were also invented in China and by
the 15th century they were commonly used. However, these cards were not
used for commercial purposes, so they were not exactly what we call business
cards today. A more appropriate name is visiting card.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 10

When an elite member of the Chinese society was visiting an acquaintance and it
happened that the person was absent or unwilling to receive visits, it was
common practice to leave a piece of paper with a note on it. The handwritten
note specified the name of the visiting person and the purpose of his or her visit.
Since the printing process was not yet a diffused technique and considering that
this was a proper custom of the upper class, we can imagine that these were
handmade cards with beautiful designs, plenty of colors, and delicate calligraphy.
It might read, Mr. Xi would be honored to meet thou.

Later, this custom reappeared. Perhaps imported from China or reinvented,
oligarchs from 16th-century France had a similar practice. Distinguished people
used to leave a small card with their name and the purpose of their visit for the
person they wanted to meet.

By the same time, in the UK business owners were using cards to spread the
word about their businesses. These cards were known as trade cards.

History indicates that the business card as we know it today was well
established in 19th-century England, the cradle of modern capitalism. With the
booming entrepreneurial spirit of the time and the subsequent growing
competition, shop and business owners began thinking about new ways to
promote their products and services. With the commercialization of the
standard printing press, they ordered business cards and distributed them in
front of their shops and to people they met. The idea was to give the business
card to as many people as possible.

The evidence suggests that in America the business card was received with
enthusiasm by the most advanced entrepreneurial groups. The idea spread
rapidly to the rest of the society. Early business cards were very simple: black ink
on white or ivory paper. Unique fonts and simple designs were the main visual
variations used to set business cards apart.

By the end of the 19th century, the printing process improved considerably and
business cards started to look more like present day business cards. Colors were
added and some graphic elements made business cards still more attractive.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 11

During the first part of the twentieth century, but particularly after WWII and
the flourishing economy that followed in most Western countries, business
cards began to permeate society as a whole. Small business owners and
executives alike used their business cards on a daily basis to start business
relationships with potential consumers and business partners.

With the advent of the digital age and the proliferation of smartphones, the
business card is reinventing itself.

If youre interested in learning more about the origin of the business card, Dr.
Ivan Misner talks about it in the first pages of his book, Its in the Cards!

Click here to view our gallery of vintage business cards on Pinterest.

Since its inception several centuries agowhether in oligarchic Beijing or Paris,
or in entrepreneurial Londonthe business card has become an integral part of
the modern business scene. In many industries it is mandatory to have a
business card and that you are prepared to give them to the countless prospects
you will meet during the day.

In the following chapters you will learn how to make the most out of your
business card, from content and design to printing. I will also tell you how to
create an effective marketing and distribution plan.


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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 12
2. What Should I Include On My Business Card?

Business cards are the single most powerful business tool, dollar for dollar,
that you can invest in to help build and promote your business.
Dr. Ivan Misner, Founder & Chairman of Business Networking International

Do you suppose the person you met the other day kept your business card? For
how long? Maybe they kept it a couple of days or even a week or two. And then

The fact is, most business cards end up in a shoebox, piled up in the back corner
of a desk, or at the bottom of a dusty drawer. They tend to hang around until
the point the receiver becomes aware that they are completely unnecessary,
and then they are thrown away.

The question is: when do people throw away our business cards, and why?

The reasons are many, and most of them can be avoided. The good news is that
you can improve your tactics so your business cards are retained longer and
used by our prospects.

The first reason business cards are tossed is associated with an attitude. We
need to give business cards the attention they deserve. Most of us ignore the
power of an effective business card. We do not care enough about our business
card design, content, and quality.

Second, the power of the business card is misunderstood. We often associate
business cards with our marketing materials, and we consider them as brochures
or flyers. Well, they are not! Business cards are not for selling products but
rather to establish a first point of contact that can potentially lead to a solid
business relationship and more sales.

As a consequence of this misunderstanding, people do not know what to include
on their business cards. This may seem obvious, but one of the most common
questions people ask is, What should I include on my business card? My name?
My company name? Phones numbers? Emails addresses? My social networks?
What else?

There is also the problem of information overload. With the proliferation of
social media and the number of ways to connect on the Internet, many of us
tend to cram our business cards with too much information. We forget that a
business card exchange is simply the first step in what we hope will become a
mutually beneficial relationship.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 13

These topics are covered in full detail in this chapter to help you create a simple
yet effective business card that will make a great impression on your potential
customers and clients.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 14

You may believe that your name is the most important element on your business
card, and you would be correct. Let me explain.

No matter what your name is, whether it is a popular one or a difficult one to
pronounce, I am sure that when you hear it you feel important. Everybody likes
to feel important!

That is why we are disappointed when people forget our names. When this
happens, we feel the person does not care about us. It does not matter if they
forget everything else we told them, but we hope they remember our name!

This explains why when we meet new people we tell them our first name: we
want to create a sense of empathy. We want to show them that we are
approachable and ready to build new relationships. We no longer say, Bond,
James Bond, but rather, Hi, my name is James. In this simple way, we are
telling our prospects that we would like them to address us in the most
straightforward and familiar way.

The same applies for your business card:

Your name must be the first thing your prospects see on your business card.

Here are some Tips for Choosing the Right Name to Put on Your Business Card.
You might find them useful next time you order new business cards:

Nicknames are acceptable on business cards. Use the name you feel most
comfortable with. If your name is Katherine but most people call you Kathy
and you prefer that name, then use Kathy. It depends on your business
industry, but be aware that the use of a nickname in certain settings may
leave a bad impression. Observe what others are doing in your field of
business and follow the best practice.

Middle names are not required on business cards. If someone were to call
you by your middle name, would you realize they are talking to you?
Sometimes? If you dont identify with your middle name, why would you use
it on your business card? Leave it out unless you have a particular reason to
include it.

Second family names are not often useful on business cards. Unless you
have a common name or you want to differentiate yourself from someone
else, like your father or a colleague with the same name, keep your business
card simple: use one name and one surname, in this order.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 15

Click to view our Pinterest gallery of business cards with names shown

Unisex names can be modified for clarity. For example, names like Taylor or
Jamie can lead to confusion. If that is the case and you think people may
need clarity, then use a title. That is, precede your name with something like
Mr. or Ms. in order to identify gender if necessary.

Abbreviations are best left out. Unless you are J. Lo or O. J., avoid
abbreviations. There is no chance your reader will be able to decode F. after
your first name, or what the R.M. stands for before your surname.
Abbreviations may look classy, but they are usually confusing. Leave them
out unless you have an exception.

Give prominence to your name before the company name, with some
exceptions. If you want to build rapport with someone, your name should
stand out. This is the usual practice. Now, imagine the following scenario:
you are attending a trade show to represent a company and people are
interested in the products or services the company provides. In this case, the
company name should be the first thing your potential customers or clients
see. They are not likely interested in your skills or resources, but in how the
company you represent can fulfill their needs.

Place your name in the most visible location. The most visible spot on your
business card is usually near the top depending on the layout youve chosen
for your visual elements. The left, right, or center of your business card is
often the best place to place your name. This is the first place the eyes of
your prospects will focus.

To capitalize or not to capitalize, that is the question. Given names and
surnames can be capitalized or left in lower case. If you find that your
business card design looks interesting without capital letters, lower case can
create an appealing design element for client recall. It is understood by most
that names are capitalized in formal settings.

You dont always need a space between a given name and a family name.
The business card shown above is an excellent example that nothing forces
you use traditional spacing.

Partner business cards may work, but individual cards are better. People
working closely together may choose to have one business card with both
names on it for business use. I think individual business cards are better for
future opportunities, but if you decide to use two names on a card, be sure
that they are equally prominent.

Your name prominently shown on your business card tells your prospects that
you are approachable and ready for business. There are many variations you can

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 16
experiment with concerning your name, but always keep in mind: your name is
the most important visual element on your business card.


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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 17
Job Title

If you have ever received a business card from a person and it displays the title
CEO to describe a multitude of important roles, be aware that this can be a bit

This person does everything: crafts emails, engages in critical phone calls and
teleconferences, attends business networking events and trade shows to find
potential clients, tweets five times a day, posts Facebook updates, and makes
investments to keep the business afloat, among other things. This person does
absolutely everything!

Isnt it absurd for such a person to deceive leads with such an inaccurate and
pretentious job title?

This person may actually be performing the responsibilities of a CEO, but this
may not be the sort of title business contacts expect. This misstep in business
card content is damaging the business owners credibility in front of prospects
and acquaintances that could help grow his or her business.

If you want to avoid making this mistake, the first thing you need to do is
remove from your mind the idea that people like and trust you for something
you are not. Sooner or later, they will learn about your values.

Take a look at this example of Albert Einsteins business card:

Click on Dr. Albert Einsteins business card if you want to share it.

Einstein was much more than a professor of physics, but he did not need to
emphasize that on his business card. Why? Because nobody would ever question
his understanding of the physical world!

When people trust you,
there is no need to use pompous job titles on your business card.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 18
The following list contains 5 Important Concepts about Using an Appropriate
Job Title on Your Business Card:

1. Avoid Self-Deception. If you think of yourself as CEO because you have a
small business with a group of people working with you, you may be creating
a sense of self-satisfaction that in the future can mislead you and your
prospects. If you are humble and honest about your role, working your way
to the top will come naturally. Recognize that your position as CEO may be in
the distant future, but in the present you need to approach your business
with integrity. You will know when to reveal that you are a CEO or high-
powered executive.

2. Go Incognito. Some company founders and directors prefer to talk to their
customers without telling them their real position. They believe that acting
as an undercover agent allows them to get honest feedback from their
customers; this helps them discover the real weaknesses of a company and
the needs of their customers.

3. Useful Icebreaker. If you do not reveal your job title or position in the
company to your prospects, they may strike up a conversation and ask you.
Leaving out your title could work as a conversation starter when you meet
someone at a business networking event.

4. Good Partnership. If you are a seasoned executive, your colleagues may be
critical of the fact that you are bragging about your achievements on your
business card. Keep it honest.

5. You Are More Than a Title. You may perform a number of responsibilities
and there is no true title for your job. In this case, leave out a title. During a
conversation with your prospects, you can tell them exactly what you do.

There may be some good reasons too to include your job title on your business
card. If you are an executive networking at a large event and other members of
your company are present, it may be important to include a title on your
business card. At these types of gatherings, attendees and participants are
interested in meeting the most important representatives of a company. You
can let them know up front on your business card that you are the right person
to talk with.

Whether to include a job title on your business card will depend on many factors:
your position within the company, the size of the business, the people you are
networking with, your business goals, and more. In general, there are more good
reasons not to include a title on your business card.

At allBcards, I have seen hundreds of business cards of professionals and
business owners who tag themselves with the wrong title. I have learned that for
small business owners and solopreneurs, the best option is to leave out the title.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 19

If you believe it is necessary to include a title on your business card, get creative
so that you stand out from the competition. Instead of using a title, show what
you do for your clients and customers. For example, instead of Customer
Service VP, try something compelling like The Customer Satisfaction Guy, to
show your contacts that you are that friendly and helpful businessman they

At the end of the day, its your choice. Remember to ask yourself: would my
prospects care if I included a job title to my business card? Will they understand
what I do? Will a title make a good or bad impression on them? Will a title help
me as an entrepreneur?


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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 20
Company Name

Will your potential customers or clients care if you work for Microsoft, Samsung,
or any other multinational company? Should the company name stand out from
the rest of the content on your business card? What if you own or work for a
small business?

Company names are a long-standing debate among business card experts.

Lets say you own a small business. Consider whether you should give priority to
your name or to the company name. It may be counterproductive to print a
company name in large colorful lettering. Consider whether a company name on
your business card will tell your customers and prospects how you can help
them. This is the information they are looking for with any new business

A business card is not always presented to make a sale, but rather to start
building business relationships that in the long run can be beneficial to both
parties. If you are a small business owner, your name is the most important
element on your business card.

There are some cases when the company name should take precedence on your
business card. In the example, you see an old-style business card for Larry Page,
co-founder of Google. When Google was in its early stage, he considered it
appropriate to promote the company on his business card. He was not
interested in people remembering his name, but rather his new web search
engine. Notice he also includes his name and his position within the company,
but the emphasis is on the company name. He wanted his business relationships
and potential business partners to focus on his web tool, and it worked.

The following list contains 5 Good Reasons to Give Prominence to the Company
Name on Your Business Card:

Boast Success. Make the company name a priority because you want to
show recipients that you are a successful employee and that you have
numerous responsibilities in a large firm such Microsoft, Amazon, etc.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 21
You Are the Man or Woman in Charge. You want your potential business
partners or customers to know that you are the right person to speak
with if they desire something from the company you work for.

On allBcards you can search business cards by company name.

Expand Your Personal Network. If people know that you work for an
important company, they will be eager to get in your circle of
acquaintances, for a number of reasons. They may see you as an
important sources for business introductions and networking. A company
name can be advantageous in expanding your network of contacts for
present or future projects.

Increase Your Credibility. A company name on your business card may
increase your credibility in the eyes of your potential customers. For
example, if you are a realtor working for Century 21 or Keller Williams,
your prospects will trust you more than if you work independently or for
a small real estate agency.

Job Searching. Representatives of other companies in your industry will
notice that you are a highly qualified employee. Next time they need
someone with your qualifications, they may think of you based on a
significant company name.

Click to view our Pinterest gallery of business cards with company names shown

Consider your situation carefully, and leverage the name of the company you
work for if it is appropriate for your situation.

If you work for a small business or you own a startup that only few people know
about, your name must be the most prominent piece of information on your
business card. However, if you work for a multinational or a well-know company,
you can take advantage of a company name by giving it prominence on your
business card.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 22
If you work for a famous and respected company, keep in mind that people will
do business with you because of your values and experience, not because of
your company name. They first get to know you and then start building a
business relationship that may result in something beneficial to both of you.


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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 23


Everyone has at least one phone and they know how to use it. In consequence,
my recommendation is:

Always include your phone number on your business card.

You may believe nowadays your email address and your website URL are needed
on your business card, and that a phone number is not necessary or that it
would be redundant. Rather, some if not all of your prospects and customers
might prefer to talk to you on a phone. They may tell you how great it was
meeting you the other day or they may invite you for coffee.

If these details can be shared in email or txt, why should I share my phone
number on my business card? you may ask.

There are several Reasons Why People May Want to Have Your Phone Number:

A Personal Touch. Phone calls give a personal touch to the business
relationship you are building. When you speak with someone, you can get to
know the person better by the tone and character in their voice. You can
identify whether the person is friendly and sincere.

Not Everyone Has Internet. This may sound strange to you if you spend most
of your day online, but think about it for a second. What if you want to get in
touch with your provider and you are on the street without Internet? What if
Internet is down and you need to contact someone? In these circumstances,
having a phone number to call is almost always the solution.

Technology Challenged. Your prospects may not use computers regularly or
they may not know how to contact you online. A phone number may be the
only means of communication for a customer who also happens to be a
senior citizen.

Waste of Time. Some customers may feel that you are wasting their time if
they have to search for your phone number online when you could have
presented it to them on your business card. It might become easier for them
to call your competition!

SMS or Whatsapp Alternatives. Some of your prospects may prefer to have
your phone number so they can communicate with you via SMS or Whatsapp.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 24
Whatever the reasons your potential customers or clients might have for
wanting your phone number, there is no doubt it is an important element on
your business card.

The question now is, which phone number and how many phone numbers?
Should I share my home phone number or my personal mobile number? What if
I have more than one phone number? Lets address these issues one at the time.

You do not generally need more than one phone number on your business
card. If you include more than one phone number, people may find it distracting
and it can keep them from taking action. Psychologists call this the choice
inaction. In this situation, less information is more.

Include the phone number you use to make and receive calls. Also include the
business hours you are in the office and available by phone. Specify the time
zone if needed.

If you work from home, add the appropriate business number to your business
card and be sure it is you that picks up the phone. If someone else, like your kids,
picks up the phone, you might leave a poor impression on your customers and
clients or lose a sale.

If you are serious about your business, do not let your kids pick up the phone!

If you are devoted to your business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, as many
business owners are, use your personal mobile phone and pick it up every time
someone calls. This may be the ideal client or referral that will take your
business to the next level.

Use a voice recording system so that prospects that do not have time to speak
with you can leave a voice message. Mention this option explicitly on your
business card. For example, Leave a Message 555-222-2222 .

If you are currently doing business in several countries around the globe, tell
your customers and clients where you are located. For instance, you can write
UK: 0044 555-222 22 or US: 555-222-2222.

If you like to be contacted on Skype because you prefer to see your clients when
you talk to them, or because video calls are often inexpensive or free, substitute
your phone number for your Skype username on your business card. Or you may
wish to include both of them!

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 25

Connect your phone number and Skype username to your Bcard.

Complement your phone number or Skype username with a call to action:

Lets talk again
Call Toll Free
Call now, 24/7 customer service
Call Today!

See the section in this eBook for more information on how to use a call to action
on your business card.

With the alternatives to faxing, FAX numbers on business cards are not used
frequently. If you are among the few people who still receive or send faxes on a
regular basis, you may choose to include a fax number on your business card. If
not, then leave it out.

If you have more than one target market, order different business cards with
different phone numbers. Depending on the person you are talking to, you can
provide the business card that is appropriate for the new connection. You might
give your personal phone number to a high-profile contact and your Skype
username to a less promising prospect.

As a business owner, you may decide not to print a phone number on your
business card because you prefer to write it down with a pen at the moment you
are handing it to a potential client. That way, you can exchange the phone
number or information based on the situation.

If you are among those individuals who despise talking on the phone to people
you do not know, consider changing your attitude in order to take advantage of
some good business opportunities. Your phone number must be on your
business card if you expect to succeed.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 26
Your potential customers or clients may not call you; they may send you an
email instead. In any case, if they want to talk to you, it is best to have your
phone number on your business card.

There is no need to share your personal phone number, as there are many other
options: voice recorder, Skype, Google voice, etc. But, you need to include at
least one method in which people can talk to you.


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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 27

One thing that almost every hasother than a phone numberis an email
account. As a business owner or professional, you will want to include your
email address on your business card as it can lead to more customers, clients,
and ultimately, sales.

One of the first things people will do with your business card is
look for your email address to make contact.

For the last decade and a half, email has become pervasive and many people use
it to make a first connection. Contacts may prefer to send you an email rather
than make a phone call for various reasons. They may not feel at ease talking to
a stranger or they may not know if you are available. They will email to set an
appointment, to ask you when you are available for a phone call, and so on.

By sharing your email address, people can also learn more about you, your
business, and your social media presence (see, for example,

You generally need only one email address, depending on your business. Select a
clear typeface, place it in a prominent location on your card, and make it stand
out from the rest of the content.

Below is more information on how your email address should look.

If you send email from an address such as:, you
could consider changing your email address to a custom domain name like

Even though Gmail and Hotmail accounts are free, changing to a dedicated mail
server could help you deliver a better image of your business. If you own a small
prosperous business or if you are a professional with a number of clients, it may
make an impression on your prospects if you use a paid email account and place
the email address on your business card. Good business requires portraying an
image, and a free email account may stand in the way. Custom domains do not
cost a lot, and you can get a business email account for a minimum fee.

Create a personalized email address, such as This will
help your prospects and customers remember you. Do not use a generic address
like If your domain name already contains your name,
then get creative with something like

I have seen numerous business cards that include long and complicated email
addresses, things like What

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 28
happened the last time you wanted to contact a person with a complicated
email address? You tried to send an email and the system told you that you
entered the address incorrectly. You tried a second time and again it was wrong.
Then you gave up! Follow my advice and use a simple email address that reveals
something about you and your company (for example, By all means, avoid underscores and numbers.

Use a simple and informative email address, and include a compelling call to
action to invite people to contact you.

Contact me:
Connect with me today:
I would love to hear more from you:

An email on your business card is a must in todays digitally connected world.
Always include your email address on your business card because people rely on

Using the guidance in this eBook, you are on your way to building a robust
network of contacts that will bring you more connections and improved sales.
Dont stop reading!


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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 29
Companys Tagline

Perhaps you have seen a business card with this company tagline on it: We
have the best products in the world. What is wrong with this tagline?

The problem with this tagline is that the message is not specific enough. The
companys unique value proposition is so generic that it dilutes the message,
conveying no real value.

What should my companys tagline include?

First, let me define a tagline. A tagline is a simple sentence that tells others what
your company is good at, what makes it different and better than the
competition, and ultimately why they should consider doing business with you.

It is a very simple and powerful concept that every business owner should be
leveraging. You would be surprised to know that most people forget to include
a tagline on their business cards.

Click to view our Pinterest gallery of business cards with companys taglines on

I have been asked the same question over and over: Do I really need a tagline
on my corporate business card? The answer is yes, you need to include a short
and effective sentence that tells your prospects what you do, like no one else

Think about this scenario: The lady you met at a networking event last night is at
home and she has your business card in her hands. She is ready to transfer your
information into her online customer relationship management (CRM) program.
Do you think she will remember what your company does if she doesnt look at
your business card? Of course not!

Lets suppose that the moment you introduced yourself, you told her everything
about your company and you made a good impression. Perhaps she liked you.
Time has passed, and now she has simply forgotten what she once knew. Its
natural; she has many things to do, she meets many people, and she forgot what
type of services or products your company provides. She may not think to
contact you when she needs your services, if you have not made an impression
with a creative tagline.

A tagline will help recipients remember your business. When she is back home in
front of her computer, you want her to say, Ah, I remember this guy. What was
his business about? Hmmm yes, here it is. His company does computer
consulting. I liked his style and his card is cool. Ill call him.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 30
If you made a good impression at the conference event or business mixer you
attended, the tagline on your business card will help to refresh the memories of
your prospects and give them a sense of competency and trustfulness about you,
just as it did the first time you met.

You need to help your prospects remember you.
That is the entire function of a business card.

Do not confuse a tagline with a selling phrase. Your company tagline tells your
potential customers and clients what your company can do for them, not why
they should buy from you.

A long time ago, in the middle of the past century, big brands used to bombard
consumers, selling messages via television ads and billboards. Smaller business
owners thought they could compete with a massive business card distribution
plan. The strategy was essentially the same as the one used by big companies:
reach more people and convert them into customers. Instead of using expensive
television advertisements, they decided to turn to the humble business card.

Today, this model for competition has changed. The world is more competitive
and consumers are aware like never before of the many alternatives. Customers
tend to choose brands not for higher quality or lower prices, but because they
like and trust them.

When you meet a potential customer or client, your goal is to create a rapport
and offer something of value that nobody else in the market can afford. The
power of your tagline is to synthetize all of this in a short sentence.

This is how your tagline from allBcards might look.
Use keywords so that Google and Bing can find you.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 31
As you may expect, crafting an effective tagline may take some imagination
and a lot of thought. Start early and explore different ideas. Take the elevator
pitch you use for your company and summarize it in a sentence. This will
eventually lead to the best tagline for your business card.

An effective tagline should contain 6-8 words, never longer. If the tagline is too
short, you risk being misunderstood by your prospects. They may not
understand exactly what your business does. On the other hand, if the tagline is
too long, you may not be using the best words to describe your business. Drop
superfluous words that do not add value.

Talk to your customers and clients and see how they react to your tagline. Take
note, improve your tagline, and use it on your next business card order. Repeat
this process until you find your perfect tagline. Also check to ensure that your
tagline is not being used by another company or copyrighted by someone else.

An effective company tagline is one that tells your prospects what your business
does in a couple of words, and sets your business apart from the competition.

If you are in a competitive industry, you may need to work harder to have more
connections and make an influence than some of the bigger brands. With a great
tagline, thats not a problem. If you can convey in a clear and persuasive manner
what you do better than anyone else in your market, your prospects will show
interest in your business. An initial curiosity may turn into a solid business

Create a clear and concise tagline for your business card that is easy to
remember and that identifies the benefits of doing business with you.
Constantly look for improvements to enhance the effectiveness of your business
card and adapt it as your business evolves.


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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 32
Personal Tagline

What is the number one reason you buy a product or service? Because it
provides a solution to a problem, right? That is exactly why others will buy from
you: because your products or services will help them solve a problem.

When trying to convince someone to consider your products and services, these
are the questions you want to ask yourself: How will my products or services
make my customers lives better? Will they be able to do things faster? Will they
save money? What makes me different or better than my competition? Answer
these questions in a short sentence and use it on your business card; this is your
personal tagline.

Your tagline is a short version of your Unique Value Proposition, that is, what
you offer that is valuable and unique. It is not about how great you are but how
you can help your potential customers and clients, that is, how you provide
value to them. And you are unique not because you think so, but because you
help others to succeed as no one else can do it. In only 6-8 words, your tagline
should tell your prospects what you provide and why it is unique.

The tagline on your business card must be short and informative.

The elements in a perfect tagline for your business card include these features:

It must begin with I help, I provide, I offer, etc. You are in business
because you help someone or provide a product or service, so it is important to
state this.

Specify your target market. When crafting a value proposition, many people
make the mistake of trying to reach everyone. It is common to see business
cards with taglines that use the word You. Using the word You is a generic
way to hand out the same business card to every one you meet. Using You is
simple, but it is the wrong way to reach your target audience. You addresses
everybody and no one.

Your business card tagline should be specific. Substitute You with something
more tangible. For example, instead of stating I help you , state, I help
marketers , or I help job seekers . You can take this approach no matter
who your target market happens to be.

Finally, include the problem you are helping to solve.

The format of a great tagline for your personal business card is very simple;
state I help target market to solve problem.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 33

If various niche markets might be interested in your products or services, try
business cards with different taglines. Each package of business cards should
come with a different tagline based on each target market and the problem to

At first, creating different personal taglines may seem like a lot of work, but once
you know the customer segments you want to target, it is easy to create and
print your business cards with unique taglines for each. To avoid confusion, carry
them in separate business card holders. Your past experience will tell you where
to network and which card to present to whom.

Here are some 3 Things You Dont Want to Forget when Writing Your Tagline(s):

Emphasize your role. Notice in the taglines above I have emphasized the
role of the business card owner with the personal pronoun I. You can
do the same with your tagline.

Avoid jargon. The people that truly understand what you do are your
colleagues and competitors, but they do not need your services!

Your potential customers and clients have no interest in learning how you
exactly describe your products and services. They simply want to know
how your business can fit their needs. So, avoid unnecessary jargon that
may sound like pure nonsense to your prospects.

Avoid jargon and try to say what you do in simple words,
As if you were explaining it to a layman!

The more specialized your occupation or business, the more effort you
need to make in order to convey your message in a clear and
unambiguous way. The rewards are worth the time and energy invested.

Be creative but dont overdo it. Be creative when you describe the
benefits of your business. For example, instead of simply writing
Personal Trainer, a more descriptive tagline would read, I Help Busy
Moms Live a Healthier Life.

Another approach is to tell your prospects what you have accomplished
with your present and past clients. For example, this tagline might read,
Ive Helped Hundreds of Busy Moms Become Healthier.

Be creative when writing your tagline, but dont exaggerate or your
prospects may not understand what you are trying to say. For example, if
you are a social media expert and you write on your business card, I
connect you with the world, this message could be misleading.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 34
Alternatively, you could write, I help small businesses boost their social
media presence.

You may not be as famous as Guy Kawasaki, who can simply say I
empower people and everybody gets it. You need to be more explicit.

When people exaggerate their tagline, they tend to trespass over the line
between a smart tagline and a silly one. Instead of coming up with an
intelligent tagline, one that engages people, they craft a ridiculous tagline
that would lead to embarrassment. You will stand out from the crowd,
but unfortunately for the wrong reasons. Restrain from over-creativity.

Rather than asking yourself, Whats the perfect tagline for my business card?,
ask yourself, Whats the perfect tagline for my business card in my particular
situation? By getting specific, you can describe the goods and services your
customers and clients are seeking and how you can best help them. You will be
able to convey your unique value proposition more effectively.

Your tagline will communicate in a concise and memorable way the main
benefits of your business. For maximum results, use the format: I Help, I
Guide., I Assist, I Make , etc.


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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 35
Calls to Action

You can hand out hundreds of business cards every month, but if your prospects
dont follow up, whats the point?

One of the easiest ways you can boost your follow-up rates is to add a call to
action to your business card. That is, a short sentence that encourages the
recipient of your business card to take some type of action.

Studies have shown that people are more willing to take action when you tell
them exactly what to do. For example, if you want someone to call you, simply
mention it.

Lets look at some helpful examples of calls to action you can display on your
business card:

Be explicit and tell your prospects to call you. Instead of writing, Tel. 555-222-
2222, write Call me at 555-222-2222. If you want them to connect with you
on LinkedIn, write something like, Lets connect on LinkedIn: myusername.
This holds true whether you want your potential customers or clients to call you,
send you an email, or visit your website.

Always be explicit and specific with the
call to action you use on your business card.

In order to maximize the results of your calls to action, start your sentence with
an action verb followed by a subject. It is well known that this direct approach
helps people more quickly grasp your meaning: Email me, Call me, Visit my
website, etc.

When do you want your prospects to call or email you? The sooner, the better.
Right? Append a sense of urgency to your call to action. A simple well-chosen
word is appropriate. For instance, write Call me today: 555-222-2222, or
Email me ASAP:

Also consider adding the associated benefits for your prospects when they do
take action. Why should they call you in the first place? What is there for them?
Describe in a few additional words why they should consider your products or
services. For example, instead of writing your phone number: Tel: 555-222-
2222, write Call me now at 555-222-2222 for a free consultation.

The most important call to action on your business card is the action you want
your prospects to take and it must be located in a prominent position on your
business card to be noticed. If you want your call to action to stand out, dont

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 36
position it in between text or graphic elements. Place your call to action
independently, and use colors and fonts that are easy to read and stand out
from the background.

Be creative and test your calls to action to find out what works best. Try
different calls to action and experiment with different font colors, sizes,
locations, and so on. Distribute your business cards in a methodical way, and
then keep those with the calls to action that have generated a response and
proven more appealing to your prospects. Order new business cards with the
winning call to action.

Crafting an engaging call to action will take a bit of your time along with some
extra space on your business card, but it will increase your follow-up rates.

Add a call to action on your business card to encourage your potential clients or
customers to get back to you. In a short time, you will begin receiving more calls
and emails from your ideal prospects.


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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 37

Do you like the logo on my business card? I did it by myself!

No, its awful! is the cutting reply you might receive if you asked a client for an
honest opinion. Unfortunately, people tend to be nice and not tell you the entire
truth. If you want to know the truth, let me help you: if the logo on your
business card looks amateurish, it may project a pitiful image of you and how
you manage your business.

Good logos are difficult to create and often they can be so costly, so why should I
use one?

It has been shown time and again that people react to images much faster than
they do to written messages. If someone has seen your logo and it is well
designed, there should be no need to read anything in order for prospects to
remember you and your business service. That first impression is what makes a
logo a powerful way to convey your message.

This process of recognition only takes a fraction of a second!

If you want people to easily recognize your brand, then you need a logo.

A logo usually consists purely of a graphical element. It may also include a
company name or an abbreviation.

Every logo should include simplicity and originality. If another company in your
industry uses a logo similar to yours, the lack of unique properties will reduce its

Crafting an attractive logo is a challenging task, and, like it or not, only trained
graphics artists generally have the skills to design a professional and effective
logo. If you are using a logo you designed, you may be damaging your credibility.

Do I need to spend a fortune on my new logo? Usually big companies spend a lot
of money on a successful, well-thought-out logo. For instance, BBC spent $1.8
million and Pepsi spent $1 million on their logos. However, you do not need to
spend such an amount for a good logo design.

You do not need to spend a fortune on your new logo.
Nike paid $35 and Twitter paid no more than $15!

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 38
If you are on a budget, you can seek a good designer at or to create your new logo for a reasonable price.

I do not recommend clipart logos. You will find that some online business card
printers offer free logos and do-it-yourself solutions. The problem with these
logos is that they are not unique and in general they do not look as professional.
Below is an example of Vistaprints logo maker tool:

The free online logo maker from Vistaprint.

Once you have a logo, the next step is to find the right location to place it on
your business card. Most business cards display the logo near the upper left
corner. You can also find logos placed in the center or in the upper right corner. I
prefer to place my logo near the upper right corner of my business card, so that I
do not hide it with my thumb when I present it to someone.

There is also an option to omit a logo on your business card. If you do not want
to include a logo, either because you do not have the skills to create one or
because you do not want to spend the money, it is acceptable to leave it out.
Many professionals do not need a logo, as long as people are easily able to
identify the business.

A logo is a visual symbol that identifies your company or personal brand. It can
be a powerful device in your marketing toolkit if you want people to easily
recognize your business. Including one on your business card can be a good

The idea behind a business card is to create an attractive and memorable
impression. First, you want your customers to be surprised by its beautiful and
unique design in order to remain fresh on their minds. Then you want your ideal
customers to remember your business when they see the business card again.
How can you help them remember you? A well-designed business logo!

If you own a company, a logo can help you. If you provide professional services,
you may or may not need a logo. Try to find an inexpensive professional
designer, and then ask your friends and incisive colleagues what they think
about it.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 39


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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 40
Social Media

Do you want more engagement from your prospects?

Did you know that Facebook has over 1.5 billion users worldwide and Google+
and Twitter have about a half a billion each? LinkedIn, the largest professional
social network on the web, has about 300 million active users.

Today, everybody in one way or the other is engaging in social media. The odds
are very high that your customers and clients are spending several hours a day
interacting with their friends and colleagues on their social networks.

If you want to take advantage of the many possibilities the digital age we live in
has to offer, you should use social media to connect with your potential
customers and clients.

Include your social media info on your business cards
to interact with your prospects.

Your prospects will visit your social media pages to learn more about you, your
services, and your products. In addition, it is most likely they will try to get in
touch with you before they make a decision to hire you or buy from you.

Click to view our Pinterest gallery of business cards with social media contact info.

When I mention this to allBcards users, the reply I get is: Got it, but how many
social media channels should I include on my business card? One? Two? All of
them? Which ones?

It is commonly advised that you share as much contact information on your
business card as you can, so that you make it easy for customers or clients to get
in touch with you. If they do not use Facebook, they might have a Twitter
account, a YouTube channel, or a Pinterest board. If you follow this
recommendation, however, you will end up with a business card that is
overcrowded with social media icons. Contrary to this belief, I am convinced that
you don't need to add all social networks on your business card.

Over the years, I have noticed two problems with the practice of including as
many social media links as possible. The most obvious one is unattractive and
illegible business cards crammed with social media icons. The other problem is
business cards with social media icons and no usernames or URLs associated
with them. The issue with this is that printed icons are not clickable! This might
seem obvious, but some designers dont include them on purpose.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 41
You are fooling yourself if you think your prospects will go to Facebook or
Twitter to find you among dozens or hundreds of other people, just to send you
a friend request or follow you. The truth is, they will not bother! If you include
your social media icons, always add the handles and URLs. Otherwise, no one
will connect with you.

We know we should limit our social media contacts to one or two, but which
ones should we use?

If you want to generate more business, don't share your personal Facebook page
or Instagram username on your business card. Since LinkedIn is the largest and
most respected professional network on the web, most of the time your
LinkedIn address is enough. People who want to know more about you can take
a look at your profile, present job, past achievements, and your current clients
and products, among other things.

If you really want to add another social media contact, share one that you use
for professional reasons. It can be Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc., but it needs
to show your professional interests.

On allBcards, you have the option to connect your business card with four social
media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn.

allBcards gives you the option to include four social media links.

In reviewing the numbers presented at the beginning of this section, it is clear
that if you work in any specific niche market that uses the Internet, some if not
all of your potential customers are present on social media.

My advice is that no matter what target market you serve, you should try to
connect with your potential clients and customers via social media.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 42
Carefully study your target market values and your business objectives, and then
include one or two social media icons on your primary business card. Share
business and professional networks, rather than those with your personal
interestsit is not because you want to hide your personal life, but it is simply
because your prospects do not care. This way, you show your prospects that you
want to stay in touch with them and that you care about your business


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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 43

Should you add your photo to your business card? Are you wondering whether
people still do so? In this section we will talk about the pros and cons to consider
when it comes to including your photo on your business card.

In some industries, people put a headshot on their business card because
everyone else is doing it; for example, in the real estate industry. They want to
show their potential clients that they are vested members in the industry and
that they follow what the field considers consummate practices.

This may work for you, too. However, think about this:

Con 1. You may want to consider if going against the mainstream could be more
effective. Since nearly everyone adds their photo on their business card, why not
discover if its more advantageous to leave the photo out?

Con 2. Another reason to omit your photo is the high cost of production. The
quality of your photo requires more precision than the rest of your business card.
Printers in general charge you an extra fee for a photo and to include a headshot
on your business card. If you are not sure the extra expense is worthwhile, check
with your printer in advance to find out the cost.

Of course, there are some pros as well:

Pro 1. The number one reason why people find a photo useful is that others will
more easily remember them.

Imagine you are organizing the business cards you received at a big conference
earlier in the evening. You met dozens of people interested in what you do. Of
course, you dont remember all of them. In line with dozens of business cards, a
photo will certainly help you recognize that particular prospect that seemed so
enthusiastic about finding ways to collaborate with you and your team. This is a
strong argument in favor of placing a photo on your business card.

Pro 2. If you include your photo, you may appear more approachable and
trustworthy. People want to do business with people they like and trust.
Including a photo showing your best side will move you in that direction.

Pro 3. Do you have a first name like Sean or Taylor? Having a headshot can help
avoid confusion as to your gender, if necessary.

Click to view our Pinterest gallery of business cards with photo.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 44
If you think a photo on your business card can help you develop relationships
with potential clients or customers, here are some Tips to Make the Most out of
Your Business Card Photo:

Have someone take a professional headshot that shows a friendly face and
a good smile, and dont worry about your wrinkles!

Do not wear accessories like sunglasses or hats.

No pets or kids in the photo. This is an unbreakable rule if you want to look
professional. Of course, there is always an exception to the rule, but only if it
is relevant to your job. For example, it is acceptable if you are a school or
music teacher, a sports instructor for kids, a pediatrician, a veterinarian or a
pet breeder, and so on.

Hire a professional photographer to do the job.

Use a headshot only. Do not take a full body photo unless you are in the
fitness or fashion industry, or another business where this type of photo adds

Use a small area for your photo. In other words, do not take up half of your
business card with your photo.

Do not print it on an everyday desktop printer. If it unprofessional to print
your own business cards from home, if you dont have a good printer and
high-quality cardstock paper. Your photo will look unprofessional and leave a
bad impression about you and your business.

Do not present a business card with a dated headshot that looks nothing
like you. There is no sense in giving out business cards that do not match
your current image. If you look younger, have a different haircut, or show a
moustache that you dont have anymore, its not the right photo.

Try to use the same photo you have on your social media profiles, especially
LinkedIn. You will increase the odds that people will recognize you and you
will start becoming more familiar to them.

You do not need to a have real photo; you can use a drawing or a caricature.
This can be very useful if you are a designer or cartoonist.

Click to view our Pinterest gallery of business cards with drawings.

Whether you choose a picture or a drawing, you must know and understand
your target market and try to figure out how they will perceive the photo on
your business card. With whom would they like to do business? How could you
connect best with them? Do you look friendly and likeable enough? How could
you project trustworthiness and professionalism? These are some questions you
should evaluate before making a decision about your headshot.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 45

Including your headshot on your business card can be a good idea; headshots
make it easier for people to remember you, and they may keep your business
card around longer.

There is extra work and time to consider when you decide to include a headshot.
Ask yourself these questions:

Is it worth your time and money to have a photo on your business card? What do
you want your business card to do for your business? What do you want your
business card to tell people? Will it make your brand look more friendly and


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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 46
QR Codes

Its trendy. Its cool. Its the QR code!

You may have considered adding one to your business card as well. Lets be
honest though. When was the last time you scanned a QR code? Several weeks
or months ago?

This is an example of a QR code.

By now, you have certainly seen this fancy square on marketing materials,
product labels, and business cards, among other products. They are everywhere.

What is a QR code and how does it work?

QR stands for Quick Response, and QR codes are two-dimensional barcodes
encrypting some type of information: it can be a text, phone number, email
address, website URL, a LinkedIn profile, and so on.

If you search for QR code generator on the Internet you will find hundreds of
websites that create QR codes. Using one of these websites, in less than a
minute I created the QR code shown above. It contains a link to our home page:

How do you know what is contained there? QR codes can be read by special
software that translates the embedded information into something we can
identify. If you have a mobile phone, its easy to discover what a QR code
contains. In the App Store or in Google Play, you can find many QR code readers.
Open the app, capture the QR code, and thats it! The information has been
decrypted for you.

An easier-to-understand example of encrypted information on a QR code is plain
text. Lets say you are in a museum and the paintings have QR codes beside
them. You capture the code with your mobile device and the app shows you the
text with the story of the painting. You can read the story or origin of the piece.
For example, following is a simple QR code with text:

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 47

If youre enjoying this guide, read the code above and share it with your peers.

QR codes have become very popular, since they provide users with an easy way
to connect the offline and online worlds. Business owners and networking
experts in particular have found QR codes helpful, since it is simple to share their
contact information by adding a QR code to their business cards.

When your prospect receives your business card, he or she scans your QR code
and immediately has your contact information. Depending on the information
you encoded, you can be contacted right away: sending an email, writing a text
message, visiting your website or LinkedIn profile, you name it.

Business card designers have taken advantage of the multiple possibilities
offered by QR codes. They have found that QR codes add a modern personality
to what some people consider boring and unexciting pieces of paper.

Click to view our Pinterest gallery of business cards with QR codes.

Today, many online printers understand this new trend and they are offering QR
codes that you can include on your business cards. Below is an example of a QR
generator used by the online printing company, Office Depot:

The process is very simple. First, you upload your own business card design, or
you choose one from their free templates. After this, you see the option to
include a QR code:

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 48

This company gives you three options for your QR code: phone number, website,
or vCard.

Moo is another online printing company offering business cards with QR codes.

As with any new technology, there are pros and cons. The most important factor
to take into account when considering a QR code on your business cards is your
target audience.

If you work with young tech-savvy entrepreneurs, then a QR code on your
business card can be a good idea. Check the business cards you have collected
and see if your contacts use them. On the other hand, if your clients seldom use
their smart phones, then dont include a QR code.

QR codes have been around for several years now, but not everyone
understands them or uses them. This situation has led some experts to predict
that QR codes soon will be dead.

Since their dissemination a few years ago, QR codes have been a challenge to
the standard ways of exchanging contact information as well as to traditional
business card design.

Business owners need to understand how these trendy QR codes fit into the
general strategy for their businesses. I do not include a QR code on my business
card, but whether you do or not depends on your needs. If you think a QR code
is a good option for your business card, give it a try.

With a QR code on your business card, you will encourage prospects to contact
you immediately after you exchange business cards.


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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 49

At one time, it was common for small business owners to include a street map
on the back side of their business cards to indicate to their customers how to
reach their shop.

This is a feature hotels, restaurants, beauty salons, and some other businesses
still find helpful. However, if you check the business cards you have collected
recently, you will notice not many businesses still include a map nor is there a
physical address written on the card. Why so? What has changed?

Many things! Today, we stay in touch with our prospects and clients via email,
phone, and social media. I frequently hear people say: Why should I share my
address on my business card? My customers already have my email address and
they follow my Facebook fan page. Moreover, I dont want strangers to show up
in front of my house or office when Im not there. No way!

Let us discuss some Good Reasons Why You Should Consider Including Your
Address on Your Business Card:

You are constantly receiving posts from your clients, customers, and
business partners. In this case, you could alternatively use your Post
Office box (PO Box).

People often come to your storefront to pick up products or materials
they have purchased from you. If you are doing business together, your
contact information should already be in their database. However, having
your address on your business card can help them when they are on their
way to your office.

You offer a service in which people need to come to your office (for
instance, if you are a dentist or an optician).

In some industries, an address on a business card gives more legitimacy
to the business. This is particularly true in conventional and conservative

A snail mail address on your business card could enhance your credibility.

You want to show prospects that you are a successful business owner or
professional. For example, if you are a law firm in New York City, show
everyone that you have an office on 5
Avenue. Use this strategy to show
prospects and present clients that you are a successful lawyer with a high-
level profile.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 50
You own a hotel or restaurant, or any other business where customers
would need an address and expect an address to be included.

Click to view our Pinterest gallery of business cards with addresses and street

The best position for your address is at the bottom of your business card. It is
current practice to use smaller fonts and center it, depending on the design you
select. Concerning the street map, use the back of your business card.

There are also good reasons to exclude an address from your business card.

If you are a professional, generally you do not need to include an address on
your business card. The first thing your prospects will do is call or send you an
email. They will not go to your office. Your address is something you will usually
communicate to them after several exchanges. In this case, you can safely leave
out the address on your business card.

Some people have serious concerns about making their addresses public. If you
believe it can somehow be annoying or dangerous to share your physical
address (due to advertisements or thieves), dont do it.

If you are afraid someone could show up in the middle of the night or when you
are not at home, a good solution is to write on your business card the country
and city where your business is located. With this solution, you will show your
prospects that you have a physical address without sharing your exact location
with everyone.

On allBcards, users can see where your business is physically located.

Location of a business, as advertised by allBcards.


By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 51
Your business card must provide your basic information. If you sincerely think
your customers or clients need your physical address to reach you, then include
your address. If you work at home, spend most of your time online, or your
industry does not find an address useful, then leave it out.

Every situation is unique and both solutions have their pros and cons. Evaluate
the specifics of your business target market and decide.


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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 52

You should always take advantage of the back of your business card and use it to
further communicate information to your prospects. Yes, always!

Never leave the back of your business card blank.
Offer something valuable to your prospects.

Even though the front of your business card is the most important real estate, it
does not mean you should neglect the back side. Cramming everything on the
front of the card can completely ruin the effectiveness of an otherwise well-
thought-out business card.

On the front, you include the most important information. On the back, you add
supplemental details that will tell your potential clients and customers more
about you and your company.

It should be clear to the person who receives your card, which is the front and
which is the back. On the front, you include your name, company name, tagline,
email, and phone number. Present your business card with the front side up.
Your prospects will turn it over to find additional information and benefits your
business provides, or you may jot something down for them on the back side.

Here is a list of 20 Ideas for the Back of Your Business Card:

1. For some businesses and professional activities, a before/after photo can be
very compelling (for instance, if you work in the diet industry or you are a
fitness coach). It can also be helpful if you provide home improvement,
furniture repair or restoration services.

2. Use the back side of your business card to show prospects that you are a
reputable expert in your field. You can add titles or cover photos of any
books you have published.

3. If you are a teacher, include the titles of your courses and the number of
people you have trained in your career. Public speakers can include the titles
of their talks.

4. Use Testimonials from a couple of your most famous and respected clients.

5. If your company has several branches, tell your prospects which location to
find you and add the phone numbers or addresses of your main divisions.

6. Many people still use an annual calendar printed on the back of the business
cards they have collected.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 53
7. Incentivize customers to go to your shop by offering coupons or discounts
for items you sell or services you provide.

8. Let people know the hours you are open for business. Write the hours and
your availability to receive calls.

9. If you own a restaurant, you can include a small menu, especially for
takeout customers. You can add a persuasive image, showing a couple of
your most praised dishes.

10. Proudly boast the names or logos of your major clients or customers.

11. Include a short list of important local and national media in which you have
been featured.

12. Some coffee shops offer a free beverage after you have purchased so many:
Buy X, get 1 Free program. Business cards are often used as punch cards to
help keep track of the number of coffees sold. You could use a similar
strategy for your business.

13. Add more details about your products or services and the benefits of doing
business with you.

14. Your mission statement. This is not your tagline, but a couple of sentences
stating the essence of your business, your goals, and your values can go a
long way.

15. Display the prices of your best-selling products.

16. This is the best place on your business card to add a photo.

17. A translation of your business card will help you if you are doing business
abroad. It makes a great first impression on your foreign clients and

18. Career achievements, special prizes, or honorary degrees can give you

19. Print a street map to show where your shop or office is located.

20. Add a personalized design to help your prospects be reminded of their
appointments with you. This is helpful if you are a dentist or a psychologist.

On her blog, Diana Ratliff has a thorough list of ideas for the back side of your
business card.

Use graphic elements to make the front of your business card more appealing.
When someone is looking at your card, there should be no doubt which is the
front and which is the back. Business card organizers, whether traditional or
digital, also give preference to the front side of business cards. So, make it easy
to distinguish the side that has the most important information on it.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 54
There are plenty of content options for the back side of your business card. Use
the back of your card to add additional information, but dont repeat the
content on the front side.

What you should include will depend on the specifics of your business: your
target audience, your business goals, your unique personality, the time of the
year, and so forth. Whatever you decide to add to the back of your card, make it
something valuable and beneficial to your customers or prospects.

If you are not using the back side of your business card, you are missing a big
opportunity to communicate your message. Use both sides, the front and the
back, so you can double the impact of your business card!


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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 55
3. How to Design Better Business Cards

Your business card makes a powerful statement
about your professionalism and credibility.
Diana Ratliff, Author of Business Card Breakthroughs

Are you trying to create the perfect business card for your small business or a
professional activity? You know, one that enhances your image and makes it
easier for people to remember you? You know what Im talking about: your
dream business card; the one that will encourage every new prospect you meet
to get in touch with you and ask you more about your business!

It may seem like a dream, but in fact you can learn how to create the ultimate
business card. At allBcards, we have the experience you need. We have seen
many business cards and talked to many business people about what works and
what doesnt. Today, we want to share that knowledge with you!

In this chapter, Ive collected the basic visual elements a successful business
card design must have.

In the previous chapter, we saw the right information you must provide on your
business card. Yet:

A business card is much more than
a piece of paper with some information on it.

If you are attempting to make a lasting impression on your contacts and grow
your network, there is more to consider than your business card content. By
making your card more appealing and graphically engaging, in a short time you
will notice a positive return on your efforts toward relationship building.

Business people recognize the importance of a beautiful and compelling
business card design, but they do not know how to manage the situation. They
generally proceed in a rudimentary manner. They will peruse the business cards
they have collected and hope to adapt some of those visual elements for their
own business card. They may also find a source of inspiration from business card
examples found on the Internet. Pinterest is another great source, where people
pin their favorite and most inspiring business cards for future reference.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 56
While these are excellent resources to get some ideas, in this chapter I will show
you a more systematic way to create a visually appealing business card that your
potential customers and clients will not easily forget.

I have seen business owners with excellent products become frustrated because
their networking efforts are not paying off. They frequently attend networking
events and they have a well-thought elevator pitch; there is no doubt they are
making a good first impression. However, customers are not responding. They
know something is wrong, but they dont recognize the problem. Well, there is
something lacking on their business card!

On the other hand, many small entrepreneurs with mediocre products and
services are expanding their networks quickly. Why does this happen? Have you
seen such cases? Have you experienced this situation yourself?

The answer is very simple: because successful networkers have effective
business cards. Prospects keep these business cards longer, and people
remember themnot because of the information on the card, but because of
the attractive design of the card.

Follow the steps in this chapter and you will be able to create an amazing
business card that will make a great first impression on your prospects and
persuade them to contact you.

Business cards have been proven as one of the easiest yet most powerful tools
to start a business relationship. You just need to know a few secrets to stay on
your prospects minds.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 57
Keep It Simple

More is better, right? Not in the world of business cards!

Have you ever received a business card that was so jam-packed with minutiae
that you were not sure where to fix your eyes? You try to find an element of
focus, a place to start reading, but the card contains so much visual noise that
its not only unpleasant to see, its also hard to find the information you are
seeking from your prospect.

You only have a couple of seconds to grab your prospects attention.
So, make sure not to overcrowd your business card.

When you have received only a couple of business cards to sort out, extra
information is manageable, but when you have dozens of business cards to
organize in folders or add to your database, this problem can become big. In this
case, you will likely take the cluttered business cards and throw them away.

Before you toss them in the trash, you think, I hate to do this! Why cant he
simply make a decent business card? Its not that difficult! Who cares about the
other five phones numbers, three additional blogs, both home and office
addresses, and ten social networks? In addition, there are pictures of the
products he sells! Oh my gosh! Its a mess!

This is something that happens to us often, and we do not want to spend
valuable time organizing and managing our business contacts, making life harder
than it is.

We have already come to understand that the most important information on a
business card is your name, the name of your business or the company you work
for, your tagline, your email address, and your phone number. It may sometimes
be useful to add a physical address and a website or LinkedIn URL. Thats it!
Everything else is supplementary.

It is worth commenting that simple doesnt mean minimalist.

Some people include only their website URL on their business cards. If the
website URL includes a name of a person, like, this approach
is a good idea. In a simple line of text, you are providing your name and your
preferred method of communication. The problem is that your prospects may
not remember what you do and your business card may still end up in the trash
or in the bottom drawer of a dusty desk. You can elaborate with a URL like, but this can become cumbersome. If you
want to keep it safe and simple, use the traditional elements: name, company

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 58
name, tagline, email, and phone; include mailing address and website (or
LinkedIn profile) if needed.

Its OK to keep your business card simple, but it must be informative.
Its a business card, not a minimalist manifesto!

Concerning the design of your business card, the same principle applies: keep it
simple. There is no need to overwhelm your prospects with tiny visual details,
social media icons, infinite typefaces, pictures of your products, and more.

Have you ever seen Malevichs painting, White on White? That has the right
idea: simple, evocative, and memorable, all at the same time.

If there is something positive about free online templates that companies like
Vistaprint offer, it is that most of their designs are simple and fields for the
information you can provide are limited. This is helpful, because these
constraints help to keep your business card simple.

Example of a free Vistaprint business card template.
You cant clutter one of these.

There is a networking benefit in avoiding clutter on your business card. When
you leave space on your business card, you or your prospects may jot down
some notes there after you speak. A note on a business card may increase the
chances your prospects will remember you and contact you.

Your business card recipients will recall the details they need to know about
your products or services. Of course, they may not find everything, but they
know how to reach you. You have already provided them with enough
information to get in touch with you or search online for additional information.

Business cards are more effective when they convey your message in a simple
and yet powerful manner. If your business card is full of visual noise, your card

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 59
may end in the trash. Keep it simple and do not forget to use the back side of
your business card.


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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 60

Do not believe people who say business cards are boring! In fact, they rarely
ever look the same.

Look at the business card example below: do you love this cute dog? Would you
throw away this business card? No, I dont think you would.

Click to view the business card on our Pinterest gallery.

People who believe business cards are boring ignore the versatility of this small
piece of paper and the infinite shapes and sizes it can display. If you want to set
your business cards apart from the hundreds of the other cards your prospects
are taking home after a networking event or conference, design one with a
unique shape.

Lets take a look at some of the most common shapes and sizes you can use for
your business card:

RECTANGULAR BUSINESS CARDS. This is the most common shape for
business cards. With a standard size 3.5 x 2.0 card, you can use
horizontal or vertical display. If you choose this simple rectangular format,
create an outstanding design in order to make it stand out.

ROUNDED CORNER BUSINESS CARDS. Adding rounded corners to your
traditional 3.5 x 2.0 card will effectively tell your customers and clients
that you are open and friendly. This shape of card blends perfectly with
Sans Serif fonts and warm colors.

MINI BUSINESS CARDS. This new format has become very popular in the
past few years. The usual size for most online printers is 2.75 x 1.0,
though Moo produces mini business cards that are slightly bigger at 2.75
x 1.1.

Click to view our Pinterest gallery of mini business cards.

These business card minis are the most versatile of all the shapes. They
have become an alternative to standard 3.5 x 2.0 cards that are most
often used in business settings. They are widely used in the promotion of
social and cultural activities; for example, in art galleries and exhibitions. I
have received mini business cards from people who are promoting their
blogs, YouTube channels, and social media accounts. If you are involved in
cultural or sports events and you want to promote your cause, I
recommend mini business cards for added interest.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 61
Two online printers offering mini business cards are Moo and Zazzle.

SQUARE BUSINESS CARDS. Square cards are printed on 2.0 x 2.0 paper.
Compared to a standard rectangular business card, square business cards
have the same height but almost half of its width.

Click to view our Pinterest galley of square busienss cards.

Due to the smaller size, the information on square business cards must be
reduced. In fact, if you try to retain the same amount of detail you
normally print on a rectangular 3.5 x 2 business card, you will soon
notice your square card looks jam-packed.

Pay attention to a lengthy tagline. It may not fit on the 2 square card. A
small redesign may be necessary. Try to cut your tagline in two lines and
align it to the left border. Finally, use the back of your square card to get
additional elements to fit!

Overnight Prints and Moo are two online printers that sell square
business cards.

CIRCULAR BUSINESS CARDS. You do not see many of these around. Have
you ever received one? If you want to stand out from the crowd, circular
business cards are a good choice.

You can order them at most online printing companies. I have found that
GotPrint has the largest variety of circular business cards on the market.
You can choose between diameters of 1.5, 2, 2.5, and beyond:

LESS COMMON SHAPES. You can combine the previous shapes and sizes
to create a business card that is unique. For example, you can use a
square card with rounded corners to create a business card that is half
square and half circular, and so on. If you want an unconventional
business card, try one like the card at the beginning of this section.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 62

Look at the different shapes and dimensions of the business cards
Uprinting has to offer:

On our allBcards Pinterest gallery, we have pinned a large collection of business
cards with creative shapes for your inspiration. Whatever your business or
professional activity, you will find one that suits your needs: yoga instructor,
jewelry designer, plumber, real estate agent, graphic designer, music teacher,
and so many more. It is worth taking a look:

Just as unique shapes create interest, uncommon business card shapes have
their detractors. Some business card experts do not like the fact that most of
these cards will not fit in standard size wallets, in business card holders, or in
standard organizers. For them, most of these cards may inevitably end up in the

Those who support business cards with unusual shapes and sizes, on the other
hand, profess that business cards end up in the trash because prospects are not
interested in the products and services they promote. This may have nothing to
do with the shape of the business card.

Before spending valuable time and money creating an original business card
with a unique shape, think carefully as to whether the return on your
investment is worth it. Its up to you to decide if you want a traditional
rectangular 3.5 x 2.0 business card or one with an unusual and perhaps unique

A business card with a creative shape can make a great impression on your
potential customers and clients. You can express your personality and the
qualities of your unique business. There is no doubt that your business card will
be noticed.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 63

Keep in mind, a unique business card shape is not a panacea. The truth is, you
will not convert more prospects into customers just because you have a business
card with a nice shape. That is pure fantasy! A successful business card is just a
single element in a complex process. Make a great first impression with a
fantastic business card, and then follow up to deliver value to your prospects.
This long term-approach is the only winning strategy.


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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 64

Your goal in designing the perfect business card is
to ensure that your prospects will not throw it away.

Did you know that the colors you use on your business can drastically affect the
number of people who will remember you after a networking event? Did you
know that business cards with colors are kept longer?

Yes, it seems that people consider attractive business cards worth keeping. They
may not be interested in the product or services offered, but they like the
business card! Colorful business cards are definitely more attractive than black
and white ones.

Use colors to highlight the most prominent visual elements on your business
card: your logo, your headshot, and your background image (if you have
included these). A colorful business card is an excellent way to call the attention
of your prospects.

Different colors have different meanings. Before choosing a color or multiple
colors for your business card, first study your target market and then select the
colors that best respond to a mood and specific circumstances.

For example, if you organize events for kids you might want to use garish colors
kids love, something you cant do if you have a business dedicated to funerary
services. Not everyone associates the same meaning to colors, so pay attention
to the colors you choose.

Here is a list of colors with their main associations in a western culture:

RED: courage, passion, happiness, and celebration
PINK: tenderness, seduction, and the romantic
ORANGE & : optimism, warmth, joy, and pleasure YELLOW
GREEN: nature, vivacity, life, social status, wealth, and the dollar
BLUE: harmony, faithfulness, and confidence
BLACK: power, authority, elegance, and solemnity
: innocence, cleanliness, impartiality, beginnings, new, and fresh

If you are looking for inspiration in terms of color for your next business card,
check out our Pinterest galleries.

In addition to the interests of your local demographic target market, be aware
that the different meanings associated with colors are also culturally dependent.
You may need to do some color association research if you are doing business in

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 65
countries you are not familiar with. For example, red is the color of abundance
and happiness in China so a red business card might be a good idea. However, in
an ex-communist country red means something different. You do not want your
potential business partners to think you are handing them a sort of ex-
communist party membership card!

There is much to say about color modes and the best ways to combine them.
Lets scratch the surface on this deep subject. You may already know what
complementary colors are, but blending them for balance can be a challenge. If
you want to combine warm (yellow-orange-red) colors and cold colors (purple-
blue-green), some talent is needed. People attempt this on their own, but most
of these experiments result in complete failed business cards. Leave it to the
experts at online business card companies or skilled graphic designers.

One of the features that allBcards provides completely free is the ability to
search for business cards by their dominant colors:

Use caution when you send your business card design to the printer, since the
colors you see on the screen are not the same as you will see on the printed

Heres what happens: Computer screens usually work in RGB (Red, Green, and
Blue) mode, and commercial printers use CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and
Key/Black) mode. The two modes are not completely compatible. In order to
avoid problems before you send your business card to a printer, check to see
how your business card looks in CMYK mode by changing the default mode on
your computer screen (or within the software program you are using).

Before ordering hundreds of new business cards, most local printers will print a
couple of sample business cards for your proof. Make sure they do. This way you
will be able to see if the colors are what you expect and that they match your
other marketing materials.


By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 66
There are hundreds of colors you can use for your business card and there are
infinite ways to combine them.

Colors are critical to the success of your business card design, so I always
recommend consulting with or hiring a professional designer. No one knows
your business and target market as well as you do, so take into account the
previous tips andwith the help of a designeruse colors to your advantage to
send the right message to your customers and prospects.


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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 67

You have heard many times that a picture is worth a thousand words. If
images increase engagement by their audiences and your business card is
sometimes the only opportunity you have to positively impress a potential
customer or client, why not use a background image on your business card?

What kind of image, you ask? I will help you decide.

Use an image that is relevant to your business. Oftentimes, I have come across
business cards with background images that are too generic or simply have
nothing to do with the products or services the person is promoting. For
example, if you are in the real estate industry, do not use a picture of a beach no
matter how beautiful the beach might be. Irrelevant images do not add value for
your prospects. Your business card is small, so an additional element must
always be an asset to your business card. As a real estate agent, you could use a
picture of a beautiful house or a gorgeous view from the condominium you are
selling or renting.

Use a professional and relevant background image on your business card.

Be aware that a background image could make your text unreadable on your
business card. If you use a dark background, do not use dark fonts since the text
will be difficult to read. Most of the time, a dark image will blend perfectly with
a light font, and a light background will blend with a dark font.

Large online printing companies usually have a variety of free background
templates to can choose from. You can find hundreds of business card designs
for almost any industry. How great is that? You select a free template, you add
your content, and they may print the business cards for free. Sounds great, right?

Not so fast!

Even though online printing companies are offering free and easy products and
services, it does not mean this is the solution. There is something you should
consider before ordering.

Other people are using those same background templates! One of the most
characteristic strengths of business cards is the versatility and ability to convey a
specific message in a unique way. If you use one of these free templates you are
depriving your business card of its unique power. If you are on a budget, it may
be a suitable option, but be aware of a lower impact in your business card

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 68

Free business card templates by Vistaprint.

A better option is Zazzle. On this online printer graphic designers sell their
business card designs at a reasonable price (in average between $15 to $50):

A background image on your business card can be a good way to attract the
attention of your customers and prospects.

Use a background that contrasts well with the rest of your content, whether it is
text or images, and keep it relevant to your business.


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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 69

If you are one of those people who believe that any font will work as long as
your message is delivered, think twice! The message you are trying to
communicate with your business card will come across completely different
based on the type of font you use.

Really? Are you sure? Yes, absolutely!

If you are not a graphic designerand I am assuming most of the readers of this
guide are notthis is what you should know about the use of fonts on business
cards: Choose a font that is easy to read and, at the same time, has the
potential to call your prospects attention. These two characteristics may seem
incompatible at first. Many people think that eye-catching fonts translate to
typefaces with serifs and fancy shapes. The fact is, for business cards the
opposite is generally true. Attractive and effective business cards have simple
and readable fonts.

What else should I know about using fonts on my business card?

Tip 1Choose your business card fonts according to your industry.

You may not be aware, but some fonts are more suited to certain types of
businesses and professional activities than others. Let me clarify this point.

There are two main groups of fonts: Serif and Sans Serif. Serif fonts have small
lines attached to the end of each stroke in a letter; Sans Serif fonts do not. Serif
fonts are commonly associated with classic businesses and traditional ideas.
Sans Serif, on the other hand, bring to mind modern trends. For example, if you
own a shop where you sell gothic clothes and accessories, select a font with
serifs for your business card. Something like this: My Business. If you are
involved with the technology industry, use a font without serifs: My

It is recommended that you use no more than two different fontss on the space
of your business card. How can I blend them? Can I combine Serif and Sans Serif
fonts? This is known as a difficult subject in graphics design. Many fonts simply
do not fit together, while others do. If you do not know the subject and you
attempt to place mismatched fonts on your business card, you take the risk of
coming across as careless and unprofessional. Ask a graphic designer for help.

Tip 2Use fonts that reflect your unique personality and your business values.

It is important to use fonts that match the mood and values of your business.
For example, the lack of the small lines in a Sans Serif font usually reflects a
friendlier and less rigid personality than a Serif font would. Of course, the

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 70
meanings associated with fonts are not as straightforward as we would like it to
be. It is a complicated business!

You may choose to use fonts in only uppercase or lowercase, vary the sizes,
combine bold fonts with light and italic fonts, underline parts of the text, and so
on. The options are infinite and the choices are perplexing, so the best way to
get it right is to talk to a professional designer and ask for advice.

Only a graphic designer can tell you which type of fonts
you should use on your business card.

Be aware there are some Fonts You Should Avoid at All Cost:

Fonts that imitate hand-written text make your content unreadable and
impede the natural flow of the readers eyes. Here are two examples of
fonts to avoid: Edwardian script and Palace Script . Your prospects will despise
you for using them. Worse yet, they may toss your business card.

Do not include fonts that are amusing, unprofessional, or irrelevant. The
most common of these are IMPACT, Comic Sans and Papyrus. The fonts
you use should fit the image you want to deliver. If you want to look
professional, avoid these fonts.

Do not use fonts that are standard for other media. For example, Time
New Roman is the typical font used for large text on many newspapers
and books. It is instantly associated with informative boring text. On the
other hand, Verdana and Arial are widely used on the web. If you can,
avoid these sorts of fonts and choose an alternative with similar stylistic

Be aware that if your business card has bright and narrow text against a dark
background, when you print, the ink might cross over the text and make it
unreadable. Check this before sending a new business card to the printer.
Always view a proof.

The perfect combination of fonts is an area of study that takes years of
experience to master. Only a skilled graphic designer will be able to guide you in
selecting the proper fonts for your new business cards. I hope this section has
helped you with the basics.

Follow the recommendations above, and your business card will be more
readable and relevant for your business image and values.


By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 71

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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 72

Effective business cards are about more than content and design. No doubt,
content and design are important, but how does your business card feel when
you touch it? Does it feel like toilet paper? Is this the brand image you want to
convey to your prospects?

Seriously, paper stock is something you shouldnt take for granted. Business
networking experts state time and again that if you use high quality paper for
your business cards, you will make a memorable first impression on your

Your prospects will remember you and just how serious and professional you are
about your business. This is the idea behind exchanging business cards. So, think
twice before ordering business cards printed on low-quality paper.

What are the characteristics of a good business card paper stock?

First of all, your card must feel pleasant to touch. You know, it feels nice in your
hands. It is soft but not flimsy, smooth but at the same time rigid. It is a beautiful
feeling when you hold it in your hands.

A good business card paper stock makes your prospects want to grab it.

There are two broad types of paper: matte and glossy. Matte paper is the most
common. If you did not include any special visual elements on your business
card, matte paper is a good option. It looks professional and less pretentious
than glossy paper.

Glossy paper, on the other hand, is brighter and more attractive. If you have
images on your business card, glossy paper is a good choice.

If you print your business cards on glossy paper stock, double check that you can
write on them with most pens. Try different pens and be sure to take along the
appropriate one when you are networking. If your prospects need to, they will
be able to jot notes on your business card.

The thickness of your business card is also important. You do not want it to be
too thin, but not too heavy eitherjust the perfect weight.

Business cards are normally printed in 14, 15, or 16 point paper stock, or 0.14,
0.15 and 0.16 inches, respectively. In general, a 1 stock thickness point is
equivalent to 0.001 inches. See the table below for a list of paper thicknesses for
some of the most popular online business printers.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 73

If you want a more sturdy business card to give the impression that your
business is durable and reliable, you can order cards that are much thicker than
the standard ones. Moo offers business cards printed on thick, 32pt Luxe Paper,
and Overnight Prints has Sandwich Business Cards at 42pt and 56pt. These
cards are three to four times thicker than a typical business card. Vistaprint has
Ultra Thick Business Cards, but they are only two times thicker than common

Business cards are tangible, and they cannot be replaced by a simple verbal
exchange of contact details. Moreover, the pleasant feeling you get when you
touch a high-quality business card is an experience that no mobile app can
substitute. Those who do not use business cards are missing something special.

The quality of paper stock you use for your business card says a lot about you
and your business.

A business card with a soft feel tells others that you are approachable and
friendly. A sturdy business card indicates, in a subtle manner, that you are a
determined and responsible person, that your business is solid, and that you are
a trustworthy business partner.

If you combine all of the possible associations stock paper invites along with
other elements of a business card such as colors, fonts, and so on, the range of
possible messages is infinite. With a perfect business card, your message can
practically speak for itself about your business. This is something you will never
be able to do with the modest verbal or contemporary digital exchange of
contact information.

Before choosing paper stock for your new business cards, ask yourself: What
image do I want to project for my business? What will my prospects think when
they hand out my business card for the first time? Will it be the best positive
impression possible? How can I improve the experience? How can the quality of
the paper help me?

Ask your local printer for advice. They will be able to help you in selecting the
best paper stock for your business card.


By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 74

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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 75
Other Materials

What comes to your mind when you think about awesome and effective
business cards? Attractive colors, engaging images, and nice fonts. Right?

Have you ever received a business card made of pastry or meat? If you did, you
would certainly remember it!

Click to view our Pinterest gallery of edible business cards.

The desire to be easily remembered, to stand out, are the reasons business
owners and professionals prefer to make their cards with materials other than
paper. You can find business cards made of plastic, metal, wood, cork, leather,
tissue, cotton, wool, cardboard, ceramic, and edible materials like chocolate,
peanuts, pastry and dried meat. If you need some inspiration for your new
business card, take a look at our Pinterest gallery with an incredible number of
amazing non-paper business card ideas. We have the largest collection of
business cards on the web!

Why are business cards made from unusual materials attractive and memorable?
The reason is, we are used to receiving business cards made of paper, and we
like to see new things! When we receive a traditional paper card and we are not
interested in the persons business, or the card doesnt have an amazing design,
we throw it away. Thats normal. We want to clear our desks of things that in a
matter of a few days or hours will become trash. When a business card is made
from an unusual material, we may take a different approach.

I have received thousands of business cards, but I have only received twelve
business cards that were not made of paper. Eleven were made of plastic and
one was made of metal. Not surprising, I keep them. Wouldnt you?

The number one reason business cards made of materials other than paper are
so impressive and are usually kept longer is that people think they are nicer than
typical business cards. This does not mean your business card will not be thrown
awayit just increases the odds that your prospects will keep it longer.

The other reason why people use alternatives to paper for their business cards is
to make a great first impression.

Below are some Business Cards Made from Alternative Materials that can be
printed on something other than paper:

A plastic business card will stand out from the rest of the business cards
exchanged in a networking event or social gathering. How many plastic
business cards did you see the last time you attended a networking function?

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 76
Not too many, I bet. If you got one, I am sure you still remember the traits of
the person who gave it to you and the nature of their business. Of course,
you also remember the business card, at least the color and the shape. That
is way more than what you remember about the other people you met.

Most plastic business cards today are made of PVC, a very resistant and
malleable sort of plastic. Different processes produce the types of plastic
business cards you see on the market. In one process, the ink is placed
directly on the plastic material, and then the two sides of the card are
covered with a thin layer using heat and pressure. Translucent and semi-
translucent plastic cards are created with a gel of plastic and then the ink is
applied. Visit this website PlasmaDesign to learn more about the process of
producing plastic business cards.

The final result is a stylish and elegant business card. You can take them with
you to a networking event and be certain to make a memorable first
impression. Keep in mind that plastic business cards are much thicker than
standard paper business cards (more or less like a credit card). If you plan to
give out more than twenty of these cards during the function, think in
advance as to where you will carry them with ease.

Depending on your target market segment, you may invest between $1 to $2
for each plastic business card. If you think your prospects will be just as
impressed by your traditional paper business card, then reconsider the cost
of your new expensive plastic business cards.

Check out our Pinterest gallery with 60+ plastic business cards for inspiration.

You may have received few plastic business cards over the years, but receipt
of a metallic business card is less probable.

Business cards made of metal are simply remarkable. They look professional
and luxurious. As soon as you see one of these cards, you associate the
person who gives it to you with success. Its automatic and unavoidable!

Thanks to recent technological advances, today companies can print business
cards in many different shapes, thicknesses, sizes, and colors: mini business
cards, rounded corners, circular, and more. Click here to see our Pinterest
gallery with more than 60 metallic business cards.

The high cost of a metallic business card is why we associate it with success
and wealth. If you want one of these, be ready to pay around $2 to $3 each,
roughly ten times more than an average paper business card. They can go as
high as $1,500 each!

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 77
If you want to make the best possible first impression on your clients and
prospects, hand them a metallic business card. None of your prospects will
ever throw away what is likely the only metallic business card, and the most
expensive one, they have ever received.

When I mention that a business card can be made of wood, I get this reply:
Cutting down a tree for a business card? No way!

The truth is, a wooden business card is among the most eco-friendly cards
you can find on the market.

These business cards are the perfect option for you if you work in the wood
industry or produce objects made of wood. You have a wide range of tones
to choose from, ranging from warm tones to dark tones. They can be laser
engraved or printed, and they come in a wide variety of thicknesses. The
degree of details for these business cards can be astonishing.

Here is a link to our Pinterest gallery of business cards made of wood.

Wooden business cards are not as durable as metallic or plastic business
cards, however, they are quite resistant. If you have a wooden business card
and you follow the guidelines Ive provided in this eBookusing the right
content and the right designyou can be sure your prospects will keep your
business card for a long time.

If you are in a competitive industry and you want to set yourself apart from the
competition, I highly recommend an alternative material for your business card.

Depending on your industry and budget, you might prefer to print a plastic,
metallic, or wooden card. If you want something even more unconventional, you
can design a business card made of dried meat or chocolate. In the end, it
depends on your target customers, but do not hesitate to be creative!


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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 78

Have you ever wondered why some business cards are kept while others are not?
You no longer have to guess the answer. Below I have put together a list that will
help you with this.

If your business cards are thrown away the same day you give them out, chances
are it has to do with poor design elements.

To help you avoid some of these mistakes, the following list contains 11
Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Your New Business Card:

1. Your business card is so crowded that your prospects will not bother reading
it. They will pitch it in the trash as soon as you turn your back.

2. You use too many colors and your card looks more like a mini circus billboard.
No one will take you seriously.

3. The fonts you use are so tiny that your customers and clients need a
magnifying glass to read the text.

4. The colors on the business cards you just received from the printer do not
match your other marketing materials. Do not forget that the colors you see
on the screen are not always exactly what you see on the printed card.

5. Visual elements seem to be added at random. Your prospects find it
annoying when they have to search for the most important information on
your business card.

6. Your business card looks more like a flyer. It contains too many salesy words,
promotions, price symbols, product images, and so forth.

7. Your business card delivers a brand image that does not fit your other
corporate materials. Be consistent, so that potential customers and clients
can easily recognize your brand.

8. You use light fonts on a dark background and the text is illegible on the
printed business card. Verify readability with your print shop or online
company before you print hundreds of new cards.

9. There is too much text on your business card. Keep it simple.

10. You didnt put your text within the safe zone and it was cut off!

11. You are not using the back of your business card. Huge mistake!

Unfortunately, these mistakes are made every day by millions of business
owners around the world. Be smart and learn from them!

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 79
With everything you have learned in this eBook thus far, you are now ready to
begin designing your dream business card. Before you design it, re-read the
common mistakes and try to avoid them.

Congratulations! Thanks to your new business card design you are on the right
track to attract more prospects, steadily grow your network, and increase your
monthly revenue. Let us continue our journey and discuss several facts about
the process of ordering and printing business cards.


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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 80
4. Online and Offline Business Card Printing

The impression your business card can make and the business leads it can generate
demand you spend the extra dollars to make it the very best it can be.
Big Mike McDaniel, Author of Business Cards: Front to Back

As we have learned in previous chapters of this eBook, business cards are more
than useful tools to exchange contact details and information.

We learned that in order to deliver your message effectively, you need to
include the right content and create an attractive business card using the
appropriate design, shape, and material. To craft a memorable business card,
you also need a high-quality printer. This is the subject of the present chapter:
how to choose the right printer for your new business cards.

Friends and allBcards customers often ask: Can I print my business card at home?
Are local print shops better than online printing companies? What is the cost of a
pack of new business cards? What will I get if I order free business cards? What
will people think of my business?

Below is a brief sketch of the topics in the following sections.

It is not a good idea to use your home or office printer to print your business
cards. The final product is unprofessional and your cards may leave a negative
impression about you and your business. However, some companies like Avery
offer good and affordable solutions that can be helpful if you must print your
own business cards.

Both local printers and online solutions have pros and cons.

Your local print shop is usually an excellent source for advice about your
business cards. You can ask questions regarding the general layout of your
business card and the paper stock that best fits your business and budget. If you
need help with the design, they may be of assistance or they can recommend a
good graphic designer.

Online printing solutions have positive points as well, mainly the fact that you
can decide on every element in the production process, from design to shipping.
Start by visiting the website. Select the background image you want for your
business card, and then enter the information related to your business. Pick the
card stock you desire, and select the number of business cards you need. Finally,
choose the shipping preferences and the day you want to receive them.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 81
Online printers are becoming increasingly aware of their customers needs and
some of them are now providing personalized customer service.

Depending on your budget and your target market, your business card can cost
you a few cents or few dollars. The quality of the paper and the material you
choose (plastic, metal, wood, etc.) will be the most determinant factor.

Concerning free business cards, it is fair to say that many business people find
them unprofessional. There is a wide consensus among networking experts and
business professionals that free business cards are a no-go solution. However, if
you are starting a new business, they can be a convenient, low-cost option.

These topics will be covered in more depth in the following sections. You will
discover what you need to know to wisely select the printing service that will
deliver the business card you always dreamed of.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 82

How do you feel when you are ready to click on the Order Now button? Are you
afraid that your printed business cards wont look exactly as you want? Will you
be disappointed and forced to reorder new cards?

We have all been in that situation. Even though we have checked the work
several times, we are afraid we have missed something. What if I forgot my
email address? What if there is a typo? You do not want to waste money on
business cards that will be tossed.

Does the picture in your mind of throwing away your new business cards because
of a small error make you tremble?

I will help you manage this situation. I have seen many business cards, and I
know what people tend to forget. Below is a list of 6 Most Common Business
Card Printing Mistakes, and how to avoid them:

1. The necessary information is not included.
In Chapter 2, we learned that the most important information on your
business card depends on the nature of your business. However, you should
always include your name, company name, tagline, email, and phone
number. If you have additional information or messages that you want to
communicate, check for those also.

2. There are typos.
This may be ridiculously obvious, but typos happen a lot. Before clicking on
the Order Now button, verify that your name and contact information are
spelled correctly. Many people have printed business cards that show a
mistake. The difficulty is: you cannot always see your own mistakes. It is best
to ask a friend or colleague to take a look at your business card to find
possible misspellings or errors.

3. The information is out of date.
A business card with outdated information is useless, and it looks
unprofessional to cross it out and then give it to your prospects. Check to see
that all of the information on your business card is current: email, phone,
address, etc.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 83
If there are typos or outdated information on your business cards,
throw them away!

4. The information is cut off.
Take a look at this image of a business card:

The blue linecalled the trimindicates where your business card will be
cut. The light blue areathe bleed arearepresents the paper that will be
discarded. Since the machine might not cut the card exactly where you
specified, the red rectanglethe safe areaindicates where it is safe to
place your information. Note: none of these lines actually print on your
business card.

Avoid reordering new business cards.
Double check that your design is inside the safe area.

The image below shows a business card template from Overnight Prints, with
the same properties:

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 84

Be aware that different printing companies use a slightly different variation
of the above terminology. Look at Vistaprint for example:

Vistaprint has only one border while Overnight Prints has two, to prevent
your information from being cut off. A Vistaprint user reported this issue:

Some online printers notify you on their websites of the dimensions of these
outlines. For example, Moos dimensions are shown below:

5. Printed colors are not what you expected.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 85
You learned earlier that colors you see on the computer screen do not look
the same when they are printed on paper. People often forget this and then
they are disappointed with their new business cards.

Before printing hundreds of business cards that will cost you money, check
that the colors on the final product are as close as possible to what you want.
This is not always easy, but talk to your printer to see what they can do for
you. They have catalogs to check in order to reproduce the colors you want
for your business card.

Often colors are not vivid enough or they are simply not the ones the
customer chose. In the screenshot below, a Vistaprint customer complains
because the business cards she ordered did not arrive with the colors she

The customer was fortunate that Vistaprint recognized the problem and took
responsibility. Not all printers will respond this way. Take into account this
tip the next time you order business cards, and avoid wasting money.

6. The images are not clear and small details are imperceptible.
Small drops (dots) of ink produce the visual content of your business cards.
The more drops per-surface area, the finer the final product. How may drops
(dots) is enough to create a high quality printed business card? It is
understood that 300 dots per square inch will be adequate for color on a
business card.

The problem arises when you send images to the printer that do not have
enough dots per square inch. When you look at the screen, the image looks
great, but when you print, the image comes out blurred and fuzzy.

Online and local printers usually take care of this problem. If you send them a
picture with a low resolution, they will let you know if the image is not
adequate for printing and ask you to send another one. To avoid the problem,
every time you order new business cards, send the picture with the highest
resolution available.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 86

Moos tips to avoid printing a fuzzy business card.

I hope these tips will help you avoid printing business cards that will need to be
thrown away.

Consider how gratifying it would be to look at your next monthly revenue and
realize that your new business cards have increased your income. This is
completely possible. You need to take precautions and follow the tips in this


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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 87

You want to make a lasting impression on your potential clients and customers.
Who doesnt? But how much are you willing to pay for a business card? Could
you afford a business card worth $1,500?

A company based in England will craft especially for you the most luxurious
business card ever. Their cards have diamonds encrusted on delicate cast acrylic
or classy metal. Your name and photo will be engraved onto the card. These
luxurious business cards also come in different colors for you to choose from.
The price: $1,500!

Since most of us do not have the money to spend on such luxurious business
cards, let us consider the prices from some of the most affordable online
business card printing companies.

The business card industry is very competitive and online printers continously
change their prices, with new promotions every once in awhile. Check these
websites regularly to see if they have new offers.

Vistaprint has a large variety of business card designs, shapes, and paper stocks.
Standard 3.5 x 2.0 business cards start at $9.37 for 100 of them.

The quality of Moosbusiness cards is better than Vistaprints, in consequence
the prices are higher. For 100 classic business cards you will pay $39.98.

Overnight Prints offers 100 business cards for $10.55 plus shipping. The Pricing
Calculator on their website will tell you exactly how much you will pay for your
new pack of business cards.

Uprinting has Standard Business Cards (from $8.45 for 25 cards) and Die-Cut
Business Cards (from $28.35 for 25 cards).

GotPrints prices start at around $7 for 100 standard business cards.

If you are not sure how many business cards to print, always start with a small
number. If you like the product, you can order more business cards from this
printer. If you dont like them, try another company.

You may not believe that spending a few cents more on a business card can
affect your networking success, but it really can. Look at successful business
people in your circle.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 88
Successful friends and colleagues do not usually have business cards worth
$1,500 each. Their business cards were not cheap either. They were simply
unique, well-thought-out cards worth remembering. Effective business cards are
not expensive, but they are not free either.

I recommend you visit the websites of online printers I link above. For each one,
upload the business card you want to print (content, shape, back side, paper
stock, and shipping) and compare prices. Select an online printer and order your
business cards. Repeat this process elsewhere if you are not satisfied with the
product delivered. This can be a tedious process that you wont want to repeat
every time you order new cards. Once you have found a printer that delivers a
product you are satisfied with, stay with them.


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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 89
Online vs Offline

Creating and ordering new business cards is time consuming and it represents an
extra investment of our limited resources. So why not use an online business
card printing service which makes things much faster and cheaper than a local

Sometimes online printing companies offer to print business cards for free and
you pay for shipping. Or, you pay for the business cards and they ship them to
you for free. There are so many options!

Online printers are very good, no doubt. Recently, they have become the first
choice for people looking for cheap business cards and fast turnarounds. Here
are some of the advantages of choosing an online printing company for your
next business card order:

Online Printing Advantages

Online printing services are much cheaper. They have less brick-and-
mortar space and staff to maintain.

The hours are flexible. Online printers dont have regular hours, so you
can order your new business cards anytime. It can be during the week
after youve put the kids to bed or on Sunday morning before you go out
to play golf.

You can order business cards without leaving your home or office. If you
have a busy day ahead with no time for a trip to the local print shop, you
can turn on your computer, design a business card, and order your new
business cards online. You need an Internet connection and thats it.

Online printers have faster turnarounds. In couple of days, you can have
your new business cards delivered to your home.

You control every step of the process, from design to shipping times.

Since the most popular online printing companies are much larger than
many local printers, they have modern machines and therefore more
alternatives to choose fromcolors, shapes, paper stocks, types of ink,

Offline printers have their advantages, too. Lets review some of them.

Offline Printing Advantages

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 90
You talk to a real person. The difference is similar to ordering books from
Amazon versus going to a bookshop. Maybe you are going to buy the
same books, but the buying experience is completely different.

You get free advice. In your local print shop you can have a conversation
with a customer representative. You can tell that person about your
needs and your target market and they will help you with the concept and
the message your business card must deliver.

A local printer will be able to print a sample of your business cards
before you order hundreds of them. This allows you to check the quality
of the final product before ordering a whole pack.

You would like to support your local community. Did you know that
millions of small businesses in America account for more than half of the
sales in the entire country? If you dont own a national or multinational
corporation, supporting your local community in the long term means
supporting your small business.

Printing Business Cards From Home

Printing business cards from home is popular among people who are just
starting their businesses. The option is attractive if you are creating sample
business cards using an online business card template or software, and you want
to see what they look like.

Some people go a step further and buy special paper that is thick and sturdy, like
real card stock, to make the best of it: After printing
on a home printer, individual business cards can be easily snapped apart. The
best quality papers result in cards with smooth and non-perforated edges.

Whether you use a special paper or not, in matters of minutes you have new
business cards in your hands. You feel great, ready to meet new prospects and
amaze them with your fabulous piece of art. Not so fast!

We are sorry to disappoint you, but you will impress no one with
unprofessional homemade business cards.

The truth is, most people will think your business card looks cheap and
unprofessional. You will give the impression that you are in a transitory business
and you dont want to spend money on your business cards or your business!

Another point worth mentioning about homemade business cards is that they
are not cheap. For instance, if you buy the perforated business card paper, you
will be paying around $15 for 200 business cards, without counting the cost of
the ink and other small expenses. You will get a better quality business card for
almost the same price at Vistaprint or other online printers.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 91

Online and offline printing services have both pros and cons. To decide which
option is best for you, you must first consider how much money you want to
spend, how much time, and how many resources you want to invest on the
design and printing of your business cards. I have used both methods and they
have worked well. Use the option that delivers the best quality product.

I do not recommend changing your printing service, whether online or offline, if
they are providing a good product. Trying other companies can be time
consuming and sometimes disappointing.

Today you can find high-end home-based printers that create acceptable
business cards, but the quality is never as good as that offered by commercial
printers. Two weeks before you run out of business cards, order new cards from
your favorite online or local printer and avoid the chance of leaving an
unprofessional impression.


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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 92

You may or may not have ordered business cards from Vistaprint, but you have
seen their banners offering 250 business cards for free. Their ads are
everywhere: on the web, on TV, with amazon orders, you name it. Have you
been tempted to order them? Who hasnt? Free stuff! Who doesnt want free

Let me be clear on one point: your prospects will notice if you are handing out
free business cards. The quality of the paper is not the best, the background
image is not unique, and the back side of your business card looks like this:

Business Cards are FREE at
and you advertise for them, for free!

What?! Yes, you choose the front of your business card from their gallery of free
business card templates, and they advertise their services on the back! Free to
you, free advertising for them!

Moo, on the other hand, prefers not to include their logo on the back of their
free business cards; instead, they promote their business partners:

Advertisements at the back of two free business cards by Moo.

At first, it looks a good deal. Im sure it can be helpful if you have no money to
spend on business cards. But what will your prospects think? The poor guy, he
must be broke, or, Wow, he cant even invest in decent business cards, or,
Oh my gosh, another cheap Vistaprint business card.

Is this the image you want to deliver to your potential business partners?
Think about it.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 93

Templates to create your own free business cards from Vistaprint website.

The consensuspeople despise free business cards. I have many articles online
of people complaining that their new business cards look bad, have poor quality,
and are unpleasant to touch.

Here are 5 Reasons Why Free Business Cards Look So Cheap:

The paper is much thinner than the paper used for standard business
cards. It is flimsy and uncoated.
The ad from the printing company on the back of the card can leave a bad
The same templates are used by many people, so your business card is
not unique.
To reduce costs, printers use less ink. In general, colors are less vivid.
For some printers (like Vistaprint), free business cards are a bit smaller
than traditional business cards.

Those who order free business cards obviously do not have the money to spend
on extra marketing materials. However, there are better solutions for
exchanging your contact information and spending little or no money. For
instance, there are hundreds of mobile apps that allow you to exchange your
contact information for free.

The use of business cards is not a matter of saving a few dollars!

Business cards are a great tool, not because they are the cheapest way to
promote your business or exchange your contact details, but because they help
you make the best impression on your prospects. With business cards, you can
convey your message in the most convincing and memorable way. Thats why
they are unique.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 94
Free business cards are not a solid solution for networking.
Spend a little extra money on high quality cards.

If you must order free business cards, remember always to check the proof for
the printers advertisement on the back of the card. You may want to reconsider.

There is nothing wrong with saving money on free business cards if you are just
starting your own small business or need them for a professional activity on a
budget. These free cards will help you pass across your message, but keep in
mind they will not make the best impression on your customers and prospects.
As soon as your business starts gaining some traction, throw your free business
cards away and spend some money on durable, high quality business cards that
feel rich.

Do not believe ads that promise free business cards as a successful tactic to
reach more prospects and grow your network. Its too risky and expensive for a
serious business owner to make a bad first impression with cheap business cards.


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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 95
5. Your Business Card Distribution Plan

Think of your business cards as seeds and plant them cheerfully.
Reno Lovison, Author of Turn Your Business Card into Business

Designing and printing your new business card is only part of an entire process.
If you cant use your business cards to grow your network and increase your
revenues, you will not be in business for long.

How do you convert your business card into a powerful marketing tool? You
must craft a savvy distribution plan!

In the previous chapters, we learned how to create and order an effective
business card. Now that you have them, what do you plan to do with them? If
you are like most people, you have no plan at all. You may give your new
business cards to people you meet by chance, but sadly this is the wrong way to

If you have no plan for distributing your business cards,
do not bother spending the money on them.

In order to teach you how to design a successful business card distribution plan,
on the following pages I have assembled some important concepts business card
experts have found: what works and what doesnt.

The one fact business card and networking experts have learned is that you are
not likely to see results right away. If you keep up with systematically placing
your business cards in the right hands, you will begin to see traction within two
to six months.

In my next eBook The Complete Guide to Business Networking, I will explain
how to successfully network with your business card. Whether you go to a local
business networking function with a small group of people or to a large
conference with hundreds of attendees, this guide will teach you the most
effective tips and tricks networking experts use. With this knowledge and some
practice, you will become a ninja networker in only a few months.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 96
Why a Distribution Plan?

Have you ever felt that no matter how much time and money you spend toward
the design and printing of your new business card, it is still not effective? You
cant understand why your prospects are not calling or showing interest in your

If this happens to you frequently, it is likely you have a problem with your
business card distribution strategy. Or worse, you dont have a distribution
strategy at all!

The painful truth is that most of us order brand new business cards
without any real idea of what to do with them.

When we receive new business cards, it is a good feeling. We feel that we are
serious business people. We visualize others congratulating us for our award-
winning business card, but when the time comes to get them into the right
hands, ironically we do not know what approach to take. Why is this so? There
must be an explanation for this passive behavior.

Below are 3 Reasons that Explain Why Some People Do Not Feel at Ease Giving
Out their Business Cards.

1. Stinginess. Some people do not feel comfortable giving away that which has
taken them considerable time and effort to create and that which they own.
They have spent so many hours creating the perfect business card design and
inspecting the content, that they believe their business card is a most
beautiful work of art. As a consequence, as bizarre as it sounds, they dont
want others to have them!

2. Self-satisfaction. Getting out of a comfort zone is difficult for some. Most of
us feel terrified at the idea of meeting dozens of new people and trying to
sell our company or ourselves. But, we know if we want to be successful, we
have to order business cards and network. So, the simple idea of having
business cards makes us feel that we are headed in the right direction. Of
course, nothing will result from obtaining business cards and leaving them at
home on your desk. But, somehow, this makes us feel pleased that we have
at least accomplished something in the direction of our business goals.

3. Unworthiness. Many beginning business owners claim they have difficulty
meeting the right customers or clients for their business. They say, Why
should I carry my business card with me? Nobody will ask me for it! For them,
there is no reason to carry business cards. They often feel unworthy or too

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 97
shy to promote themselves. These people need a little confidence and a
business card strategy to take their business to a new level.

If you are among the types of people who keep their business cards at home
instead of giving them to others, let me remind you: maybe you are not
aware, but the whole idea of having new business cards is to share them
with other people; people who can bring you business.

This is the key point:

If you want to see your business grow, then give your business cards to others!!!

Below are three questions people ask when you suggest a systematic plan to
distribute their business cards.

How many business cards should I give out each week? If you are serious
about your business, according to networking experts you should be handing
out over 250 business cards every month; that is, about 8 business cards
every day, or 3,000 in a year. What about you? How many business cards
have you ordered and handed out so far this year?

To whom should I give my business card? Ideally, your business cards should
be in the hands of your best prospects or clients. But, to achieve this goal,
you need to target a large market and include people who may not currently
buy from you.

Why give business cards to people who cant contribute to your business?
Business cards are for doing business, not making friends, right? Well, yes
and no. Remember that unexpected things could happen. Give out your
business cards generously. You never know who will become your next client
or send you a new lead.

Where should I leave my business cards? Think about places where your
ideal clients or customers congregate and leave your business cards in those
places. Check back regularly and restock the supply if people have taken
them. Leave business cards in places where traffic is high, and stop leaving
business cards where they are not taken. Finally, dont forget to ask people
who contacted you where they found your business card.

These points will surface again in the following sections.

You need a business card distribution plan, and you should start one right now.
You cannot afford to continue missing business opportunities. I guarantee if you
leave your business cards at home, no one will call you!

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 98

Make a plan and expect results in several weeks. If you are going to distribute
your business cards, make sure you leave them in strategic places and then
constantly check back to see what locations are bringing the highest return on
your time and money invested. If you still dont see the results you expected,
tweak your plan to adjust your tactics and maximize your efforts. Attend at least
one local networking event per week and one major event at least once a month.


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By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 99

In the past few years, I have learned that most entrepreneurs and small business
owners do not have a systematic plan to distribute their business cards. Even
seasoned and successful business people paradoxically ignore the effectiveness
of a strategic distribution plan. If they could foresee the results, their businesses
would be much larger and more profitable.

Below is a list of 11 Ideas You can Start Using Today to Distribute Your Business
Cards. If you use them strategically, business card experts guarantee that in the
short term you will expand your network and find more clients and customers.

If you frequently attend meetings by your local chamber of commerce or
you stop by your community center on a regular basis, ask staff if you can
leave some of your business cards in a visible spot. Depending on the
nature of your business, health centers might also be effective. Always
ask for permission before leaving your business cards.
Pin five to ten of your business cards on bulletin boards you find in your
local area. You can find them in public places such as shopping centers,
coffee shops, cinemas, theaters, and schools.
Include a couple of your business cards with every package or envelope
you send. If you are shipping a product someone purchased, sending a
follow-up letter, paying a bill, or sending an invoice, include a couple of
your business cards. In this way, you will send a clear message to your
customers and prospects that you are open for business.
If you are sending a present to one of your customers, such as a box of
chocolates or a bouquet of flowers, attach your business card to it.
You can leave your business card on the table every time you pay a bill
and leave a tip at a restaurant. This practice may seem a bit aggressive,
but it may generate a lead. Create a business card especially for these
occasions (a mini business card is an excellent idea).
Use the fishbowls in restaurants, coffee shops, and other businesses, to
drop some of your cards. They may need your services or products.
Place your business cards on the rear window or windshield of vehicles
you find on the street or in parking lots. Pay attention to laws in some
cities and states that may pertain to this activity. It may be illegal.
If you have magnetic cards, stick them on cars and metallic doors.
Magnetic business cards are more expensive than paper cards, so think
carefully about where you want to leave them.
Do not be afraid to give more than one business card to people who
make good referrals. Most of the time, customers and clients who are
happy with your products and services will be glad to send their friends to

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 100
you. Next time you meet them, ask if they know anyone who would be
interested in your products or services, and give them a couple of your
business cards.
Non-competing businesses within your industry are an excellent source
of referrals. Talk to them and build a mutually beneficial referral system.
Dont forget to give your business cards to your family and friends. They
know perfectly well what you do and they will be happy to see you

If you want to learn how to effectively distribute your business cards, take a look
at Chapter 2 of Reno Lovisons book, Turn Your Business Card into Business.
Lovisons book is full of original and clever ideas, and tells you exactly how to
implement them.

Be aware that some of these ideas involve little or no personal contact, so they
might not be as effective as you expect. You will see growth in your network, but
without a face-to-face strategy you will only realize modest results.

Leave your business cards everywhere you go, and create an army of supporters
to help you spread the word about your business. Following these concepts for
business card distribution will help your network grow quickly, but you must
complement your business card distribution strategy with a business networking
plan and a systematic follow-up program.

Finally, the most aggressive business card distribution idea ever: Go to a
bookshop or library and leave a couple of your business cards inside the books
your potential customers or clients would likely buy or read. For example, if you
are a sales or marketing consultant, leave your business card inside books
related to marketing. Keep in mind, this strategy may be disrespectful with
regard to some readers or the institution.

In this eBook, I have shared some ideas for an effective business card
distribution plan. There are still many more, but I have attempted to only share
those that are truly effective. Try a couple of these strategies and see what
works for you.

Your best approach is to spend more time attending networking events, handing
out your business cards, and following up with your new acquaintances.

If you want your business cards to bring in more business, you must learn the art
of networking. Log in to your allBcards account and download our free Complete
Guide to Business Networking. There you will find everything you need to know
to become a master networker.

By allBcards, Your Free Online Business Card Manager 101

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Feel free to share it with your friends and colleagues.

Want to become a master networker? Log in to your allBcards account and
Download Now The Complete Guide to Business Networking

Disclaimer: allBcards is not affiliated with any company mentioned in this guide.

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