One Specific Religious Worldview Perspective

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Dickson, Charles. 2010. "New Age Ideas and the Christian Faith." Priest 66, no. 2: 20-2.

Academic Search Complete, !"#C$host %accessed Fe&r'ar( ), 201*+.

FA,IA#, -I./!0, and -AN#/, 0A001!!. 200). "2olistic Indi3id'alis4 in the Age o5
A6'ari's: -eas'ring Indi3id'alis47Collecti3is4 in New Age, Catholic, and
Atheist7Agnostic .ro'8s." Journal For The Scientific Study Of Religion 9, no. 2: 299-
2):. Academic Search Complete, !"#C$host %accessed Fe&r'ar( ), 201*+.
.regor(, Andre, and ;allace #hawn. 1:)1. My Dinner with Andre. D<D. Directed &(
0o'is -alle. New =ork, N=: >he Andre Co48an(.
#ire, 1a4es. The ni!erse "e#t Door. Downers .ro3e, I0:
Inter<arsit( ?ress, 200:.
%accessed 1an'ar( 2:, 201*+.
#teinkra's, ;arren !., and -ichael 2. -itias. 1::). ">2! C$NC!?> $F .$D: -a( .od "e
<iewed as $ne or -an(---onotheis4 or ?ol(theis4@" Ta$ing Religious Claims
Seriously A-A6. Academic Search Complete, !"#C$host %accessed Fe&r'ar( 2, 201*+.
$ne s8eci5ic religio's world3iew 8ers8ecti3e is Isla4. >he -'sli4 Declaration o5 Faith sa(s that
there is no other god &esides Allah. It also states that -'ha44ad is AllahBs 8ro8het %#ire, 200:,
29)+. >he Christian 5aith is &ased on asking 1es's into (o'r heart, &elie3ing that 1es's died on the
cross to sa3e (o' 5ro4 (o'r sins and that .od raised 2i4 5ro4 the dead three da(s later, and
con5essing that (o' are a sinner. I5 a 8erson does all this, he or she is sa3ed and is considered a
Christian. ,o4ans 10:: states C&eca'se, i5 (o' con5ess with (o'r 4o'th that 1es's is 0ord and
&elie3e in (o'r heart that .od raised hi4 5ro4 the dead, (o' will &e sa3edD ,o4. 10:: %!nglish
#tandard <ersion+.
#ire states that one characteristic o5 h'4an &eings in regard to Isla4 is that C2'4an
&eings are the 8innacle o5 .odBs creation. >he( ha3e &een gi3en a&ilities o5 which other
creat'res, s'ch as angels and Einn, are not ca8a&le. 2owe3er, their high standing also &rings with
it the res8onsi&ilit( to li3e '8 to .odBs standardsD. >his 6'ote 4eans that h'4an &eings who are
higher &eings ha3e to li3e '8 to AllahBs standards &( o&e(ing Isla4ic laws. An eFa48le o5
Isla4ic law is #haria 0aw. According to A&ed Awad, C#haria, or Isla4ic law, is a co48leF
s(ste4 o5 4oral codes that go3erns all as8ects o5 -'sli4 li5eD %2*+. $&e(ing and worshi8ing
Allah is a -'sli4Bs 'lti4ate 8'r8ose in li5e. A ChristianBs 'lti4ate 8'r8ose in li5e is to tell others
a&o't 1es's and getting the4 con3erted thro'gh the 8ower o5 the 2ol( #8irit. -atthew 2):1:
states C.o there5ore and 4ake disci8les o5 all nations, &a8tiGing the4 in the na4e o5 the Father
and o5 the #on and o5 the 2ol( #8iritD -att. 2):1: %!nglish #tandard <ersion+.
>here is no original sin in Isla4. According to #ire, C!3en while Ada4 was o't o5 5a3or
with .od, he recei3ed instr'ctions 5ro4 Allah, and '8on 8ro8er 8enitence, .od restored hi4 to
5ellowshi8. >h's, there was no 8er4anent c'rse, Ada4 did not re4ain a 5allen creat're, and
h'4ankind was not &eset with herita&le Horiginal sinBD. >his 6'ote contradicts the original sin
descri&ed in .enesis cha8ter *. Another characteristic o5 Isla4 is that CIn the si48lest o5 ter4s,
Isla4 sees each h'4an &eing s8ending a li5eti4e on 8ro&ation. It is one thing to acknowledge
.od as the greatest with 4ere words, e3en i5 the( are 4eant sincerel(, it is 6'ite another to li3e
oneBs entire li5e in s'&4ission to hi4, and the latter re6'ire4ent is the test 5or whether a 8erson
will 6'ali5( 5or sal3ationD %#ire, 200:, 2:2+. >his 6'ote 4eans that how 5aith5'l one is to Allah
will deter4ine how that 8erson gets rewarded or 8'nished. In Christianit(, (o' do (o'r &est to
re8ent o5 (o'r sins &( asking 1es's to 5orgi3e (o'. A &elie5 in 1es's is the wa( to earn sal3ation
in the Christian religion. Christian sal3ation is a gi5t o5 grace and (o' do not ha3e to do an(thing
to recei3e this gi5t eFce8t to &elie3e the .os8el, ad4it (o' are a sinner, and ask 1es's into (o'r
Characteristics o5 Allah is that C>he 5'nda4ental realit( o5 Isla4 is .od %Allah+,
descri&ed as 4onotheistic, in5inite, 8ersonal, transcendent, i44anent, o4niscient, so3ereign and
good. $5 these attri&'tes Isla4 e48hasiGes his oneness, transcendence and so3ereignt(D
according to 1a4es #ire. %200:, 2:2+. Christianit( is a 4onotheistic religion. .od in the Christian
religion is descri&ed as o4niscient, so3ereign, good, and 5orgi3ing. In ,e3elation 22:1*, .od
sa(s CI a4 the Al8ha and the $4ega, the 5irst and the last, the &eginning and the endD ,e3. 22:1*
%!nglish #tandard <ersion+.
Characteristics o5 rewards and 8'nish4ent in the Isla4 religion are that according to
1a4es #ire, CDeath is a ti4e o5 transition &etween this li5e and o'r eternal state, which will
consist o5 either 8aradise or hellD %#ire, 200:, 2:2+. CIn the I'rBanic descri8tion, hell is 5irst o5
all a 8lace o5 hot, odi5ero's, 8oisono's water in which the 'n&elie3er will ha3e to end're
n'4ero's tort'resD %#ire, 200:, 2:+. >his de5inition is how 2ell is descri&ed in Isla4. 2ell in
the Christian religion is descri&ed as a 8lace o5 e3erlasting tor4ent. ,e3elation 20:1A sa(s CAnd
i5 an(oneJs na4e was not 5o'nd written in the &ook o5 li5e, he was thrown into the lake o5 5ireD
,e3. 20:1A %!nglish #tandard <ersion+. ?eo8le who do not &elie3e in 1es's go to 2ell. #ire states,
C2ea3en, on the other hand, is de8icted as a desert no4adBs ideal 8lace o5 delight. ?ict're a
&ea'ti5'l oasis with 5resh water, l'scio's green 8lants, handso4e &o(s ser3ing all the &est to eat
and drink, and the &ea'ti5'l h'ri, the enticing, dark-e(ed 3irgins, whose ser3ices are 8erenniall(
a3aila&le. Now, there is no 6'estion that the descri8tion o5 hea3en gi3en in the I'rBan is one that
is 'tterl( geared to 4en. Nonetheless, one sho'ld not in5er that wo4en will not &e eligi&le 5or
hea3enD %200:, 2:+. A -'sli4 will end '8 in 2ea3en and ha3e 3irgins as a reward according to
Isla4. In the Christian religion, a Christian goes to 2ea3en 5or &elie3ing in 1es's and has
e3erlasting li5e &asking in .odBs lo3e while ret'rning it in worshi8.
According to -ichael ?al4er, CA world3iew is a set o5 &elie5s and 8ractices that sha8e a
8ersonBs a88roach to li5eD %2010, 2+. It is e3ident that Isla4 and Christianit( are two di55erent
;orks Cited
A;AD, A"!D. 2012. ";hoJs A5raid o5 #haria@" "ation 2:, no. 2972): 2*-2. Academic
Search Complete, !"#C$host %accessed 1an'ar( 2:, 201*+.
?al4er, -ichael. %lements of a Christian &orld!iew.
#8ring5ield, -I: .os8el ?'&lishing 2o'se, 2010.
%accessed 1an'ar( *1, 201*+.
#ire, 1a4es. The ni!erse "e#t Door. Downers .ro3e, I0:
Inter<arsit( ?ress, 200:.
%accessed 1an'ar( 2:, 201*+.

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