Case Study 412976

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Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 24-01-1957
Time of Birth: 17 : 20
Place of Birth: Guntur
"atitude: 00# 00$ N
"on%itude: 00# 00$ &
Product Year Ahead Predictions(2010) + Life Predictions
You are born in Tula Rashi, Karkat Lana, !irth "akshatra #isakha in $
%ada &ith 'and
Yoa (e)ari 'ana*
Year In A Nutshell :
+n the beinnin of this ,ear, -ercur,, #enus, Rahu and .un &ill be in .aittarius in $
/u%iter in A0uarius in 1
, -oon and Ketu in 2
in 'e3ini, -ars in 10
in 4ancer, and
.aturn in 12
house in #iro as %er transit trends*
/u%iter &ill sta, in the 1
house for one ,ear fro3 12
(ec*2002 to 5
(ec* 2010* At the
ti3e of /u%iter6s transit to A0uarius, .aturn is in the 12
, Rahu is in the $
, Ketu in the
and -ars in the 10
* -oon is in the 7
, thereb, affects the ood influences of /u%iter*
8ence 3uch ood cannot be e9%ected o&in to /u%iter in the 1
house* The benefic
results &ill be restricted to one fourth of ordinar, results* Also it is i3%ortant to note here
that on and fro3 02*02*2002 ,our %eriod of .hani .ade .ati has started &hich &ill
continue for a total s%an of :*1 ,ears ie* u%to 12*01*201:* This &ill not be a fa)orable
%eriod for ,ou and caution is re0uired*
This ,ear ,ou 3a, suffer fro3 )arious disease &hich 3a, 3ake ,ou %h,sicall, &eak and
e9hausted* You &ill find it difficult to et ,our i3%ortant &orks done due to ad)erse
%h,sical conditions* At ti3es ,ou 3a, reret for so3e of ,our decisions* All this 3a,
3ake ,ou tense and &orried* Alon &ith this, ,ou 3a, ha)e to incur too 3an, e9%enses
on )arious fronts &hich &ill add to ,our dis%leasure* Tr, not to et in)ol)ed in dis%utes
and face the difficulties &ith %atience* 8o&e)er, the sil)er linin is ,our -ahadasha ;
antardasha %eriod &hich &ill i)e ,ou so3e relief in this reard*
Mahadasha & Antardasha Trends :
4urrentl,, ,ou are under the influence of #enus 3a<or %eriod and -oon sub %eriod till
17*0$*2010* Thereafter -ars sub %eriod &ill influence ,ou throuhout the ,ear* Please
note that -ars is %laced in Aries in 10
house and is in -ooltrikone %osition and also
,our 1
and 10
lord* +n addition it is ,oakaraka both as %er ,our Lana and 8orosco%e*
8ence, it &ill fa)orabl, influence ,our &ork front to a reat e9tent* Thus, in this ,ear ,ou
&ill e9%erience a lot fro3 ,our &ork front* -an, of ,our drea3 %ro<ect can et
co3%leted &ithin this ,ear* Althouh the co33ence3ent of .hani .ade .ati &ill %ose
so3e hindrances fro3 ti3e to ti3e ,ou &ill be able to achie)e 3ost of ,our tarets b,
,our hard labour*
Transit results of Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu :
General :
As %er transit trends /u%iter &ill be in 1
foretellin ha%%iness fro3 0uarters and solution
of 3ost of the %roble3s relatin to ,our &ork front* You 3a, also enae ,ourself in
so3e aus%icious reliious rituals at ho3e* +n ,our &ork front ,ou &ill like to introduce
ne& techni0ues or strateies to i3%ro)e the efficienc, le)el* !ut /u%iter6s transit bet&een
-a, to "o)e3ber 3a, enhance ,our e9%enditure le)el* 8ealth of self and %arents or
so3e senior fa3il, 3e3ber 3a, cause &orr,* Your ri)als and ene3ies 3a, hatch u% a
cons%irac, aainst ,ou* You ha)e to sta, )er, cautious and alert*
Health and Doesti! =
>irst half and last 0uarter of the ,ear can cause debilit,, %h,sical strain, ail3ents, 0uarrels
and 3ental &orries* .o3e chronic disease and blood %ressure %roble3s 3a, need careful
handlin* !ilious or &ind, co3%laints can also bother ,ou* >or the first 0uarter lack of
ha%%iness and 3ental %eace can %re)ail* The third 0uarter can ensure fa3il, &elfare* The
success of children can ladden ,ou to so3e e9tent*
"ersonal and #inan!e :
+n eneral the ,ear can brin success in undertakin and fa)our and hel% fro3 the
authorities* +3%ro)e3ent in &orkin en)iron3ent can be seen* ?% to the 3iddle of the
,ear so3e failures can 3ake ,ou de<ected but as ,ou are ca%able of 3ore creati)e and
intellient &ork, this 3ust not be allo&ed to affect ,our deter3ination or lose heart*
A3bitious %rora3s can suffer dela,* Later a %osition or leadershi% can &elco3e ,ou*
Ac0uisition of so3e kinds of &ealth, 3o)able and i33o)able %ro%erties are %ossible*
You 3a, et fa3e and re%utation* 8o&e)er, at ti3es ,our colleaues and subordinates
3a, enerate s3all troubles durin the second 0uarter and the last 3onth of the ,ear*
Also durin the ,ear ,ou 3ust tihten ,our belts in s%endin*
Relations $ith friends and relati%es :
!e careful fro3 outsider@s o%inion in reards to ,our %ersonal life* Your friends and near
ones 3a, also 3isunderstand ,ou* !e %atient or ,ou6ll ruin ,our relationshi% &ith others*
A lon <ourne, or so3e short tri% is likel, but it &ould %ro)e 0uite e9%ensi)e and
unco3fortable* -ore e9%enditure 3a, u%set ,ou 3entall,* .o a)oid unnecessar, tra)els*
Yearl& "lanner 'ith Dates :
Month Auspi!ious Dates Inauspi!ious Dates
/anuar, 7, 1, A, 2, 10, 1$, 17 5, :, 11,15, 1:, 21, 25, 2:
>ebruar, 1, 1, 5, 2, 10, 11 2, $,7,12, 1$, 21, 22, 2$
-arch 1, 7, 1, A, 2, 10, 2:, 2A 2, $, 11, 12, 1$, 21, 22, 22, $0
A%ril +, 2, 1, 5, 2$, 27, 2A, 22 :, A, 2, 1:, 1A, 25, 2:
-a, 2, $, 21, 22, 21, 22, $0, $1 1, 5, 17, 11, 15, 2$, 27
/une 1:, 1A, 21, 22, 2$, 25, 2: 1, 2, $, 11, 12, 12, 20, 2A, 22, $0
/ul, 17, 11, 12, 20, 2$, 27 A, 2, 15, 1:, 25, 2:
Auust 11, 12, 11, 15, 12, 20, 21 7, 1, 5, 1$, 17, 22, 2$
.e%te3ber :, A, 11, 12, 11, 15, 1: 1, 2, 2, 10, 1A, 12, 20, 2A, 22
Bctober 7, 1, 2, 10, 1$, 17 :,A, 11, 1:, 21, 25, 2:
"o)e3ber 1, 2, 1, 5, 2, 10, 11, 2A, 22 1,5,17,11,15, 27,21*
(ece3ber $, 7, :, A, 21, 25, $0, $1 1,2,$,7 2, 10, 11, 12,1$ 12, 22 2A, 22,$0,$1*

You are born in cancer, the fourth sign of the
watery triplicity of the zodiac. You are very diplomatic.
You will have a large upper body. You may enjoy wealth.
You are fond of water. You face opposition from your
friends. You are a person of moderate stature and may
have pale complexion, brown face, light and brown hair.
Your constitution will be somewhat weak.
Sometimes you are timid, dull and careless. You will enjoy
happiness in life. You will enjoy wealth and comforts. You
are very sentimental. You are very wise .You are fond of art
and music. You have the capacity to adopt other's nature
uickly and observe their ideas. You are sentimental and
due to excess of this you may have a high degree of nervous
irritation. You are very courageous under some
circumstances. You have changeable temperament. Your mind is
very fertile. You lead a wandering and restless life. You
are famous for your hospitality. You have deep feelings. You
are loyal and a responsible person. You construct a plan and
carry it out with great determination and are successful.
You gain from many sources. You are self centered. You are
impressive and are magnanimous .You would be fragile in the
early part of your life but will have good health as you
grow in age. !hange is always liked by you. You may suffer
from chest and stomach troubles at times.
" brief on your Strengths # $eaknesses are given below %
Strong )emory
"bsence of foresight
,*-+& ."/S&"+-" % 0*S&"/&"
"s you were born in this nakshatra you will tend to be
religious, pious but unfriendly and jealous, your health
will either be very good or very bad.
Your spouse will suffer from ill health. You will
have urinary complaints and eye troubles. You will have
uarrels, disputes, tedious journeys, displeasures from
superiors and humiliation some part of your body will be
affected. You will wander aimlessly and will get some
unhappiness from your spouse.
Sometimes you are a bit uarrelsome. You are very
talkative. You will be competent in business.

Your mother will have a long life. You will build
a nice house and will own many vehicles. You will like to
shift your residence very often. You will have a fortune in
land and agriculture. You will be over indulgent in physical
pleasures. You will be famous and popular. You will perform
virtuous and benevolent deeds.
)oon in 'ibra% you will be tall, having a well
built body, a rosy complexion, a raised nose and defective
limbs. You will respect brahmins and other religious people.
You are fond of travelling. You are intelligent, clever,
strict in business dealings and strong during daytime.
You will help your relatives though they will reject you. You
are gracious and make friends easily. +he 3th, 4th and
53th hindu 6tithis7 are inauspicious for you. You may suffer
from skin diseases and stomach aches. You will have many
children. You will believe in 8od. 2thers will
influence you. You will be rich and respected by all. You
are very helpful. You will be popular.
You are bold, uick in
judgement, charitable and full of valour. You will be noble
and will be admired by all. You are inconuerable and
efficient. You belong to a modest family but still you will
rise very high due to your brilliant intellect. )ars causes
increased earnings and fame, gain in business or
profession. You will have courage and powers. You are daring,
charitable, truthful, very rich and reputed in society
especially in political circles.
You are faced with troublesome and deceitful
servants. Your education faces hinderances. )other suffers
loss of money or riches. You suffer from emotional and
nervous complaints. You are idle, harsh, loose wealth
through enemies, are unhealthy, and your maternal uncle has
ill health all due to mercury. You are lazy at times.
You are kind hearted, famous for charitable acts,
are respected in society, wise and a good writer.
You have good brothers and neighbours. You will
take care of your health first and only later think of other
things. Sometimes you have disputes with your children.
:upiter makes you fond of physical pleasures. You will enjoy
fame and happiness. You are said to be
fortunate. You will acuire as much wealth as you wish.
You are passionate, luxurious but will always be
wavering. You take interest in arts and mathematics.

0enus in ;th house causes you to indulge in
physical pleasures. You will have dutiful servants. Your
spouse will suffer from some illness. You may suffer from
some skin disease. You are a spendthrift and spend much for
acuiring pleasures. 0enus causes loss of wealth through
association with opposite sex.

Saturn in <th house indicates you are extremely
clever and diplomatic. +here may be premature loss of
children. Saturn causes criminal tendencies, depressed and
miserable life, loss of wealth, ill health to children . You
may associate yourself with undesirable friends. You are
very wise. You are a pessimist. You will travel to many
places. You may suffer from constipation and stomach
troubles. You are a bit lazy and have a wavering mind.
Sometimes you may feel dissatisfaction in education,
wealth, children and general happiness. Your mind will be
unstable. You will have few friends. Sometimes you feel some
deficiency and weakness in physical pleasures. You will
have a long life. You will win over your opponents by your
shrewd and tactful actions. You are a competent
politician. You are very learned and wise. You are defamed
due to your bad associates. You are mentally worried. You
get public favours. You will suffer losses in speculative
business and in lotteries, etc. You may die in water or due
to heart troubles.
Saturn in Scorpio indicates bad associates and
deficiency in matrimonial happiness. You possess an angry

-ahu in <th house indicates you will acuire huge
wealth and properties and will travel to many foreign
countries. You are very passionate and enjoy the company
of the opposite sex. You get some weakness in the happiness
of children. You may suffer from stomach troubles. You are
fortunate. You are strong minded. You enjoy paternal
properties. You give much importance to your self prestige.
You may get hindrance in acuiring education. You take
interest in research works. You acuire high honours and
fame for your research. You hold a good degree. You are an
expert in arguments. You possess complete knowledge in your
occupation. -ahu causes high power and honours, passionate
nature, high fame and respect, abortion, ill health of
spouse and children.
You are extremely clever and cunning. You suffer
from many diseases, get many physical troubles. You suffer
from financial point of view.

You win over your opponents by your intricate and
tactful policies. You are highly influential and popular.
+here will be sudden gains and success in projects. You hold
high govt and social honours. You are a very competent
politician. You get success in your projects by your
labourious actions. You may have trouble with your teeth.
Some Favora!e Po"nts :
'ucky .o. % =
>riendly .o. % ?.3,;,4,=
9vil .o. % 5,@,A
>av. Bays % +ue, )on, +hu
>av (lanets % )ar, )on, :up
>rndly Signs % !ap, 8em
>rndly "sc % 'ib, (isc, +au
8od $orship % 'akshmi
Im#ortant $ogas :
Bhana 0yaya Yoga in religious rites%
"s a result you will spend much in religious rites and ceremonies.
$aasi Yoga %
"s an outcome you will suffer from eye problems but will be laborious.
8opuramsha Yoga %
"s a result you will acuire much wealth.
Sunaphaa Yoga %
"s a result you will be pious, renowned, peace loving and happy. You
will hold a high position of repute in your work front.
Br"e% In&"'at"on ase& on ("mshottar" Dasha S)stem :
!urrently you are passing through 0enus major period and )oon sub period
till 53.C?.=C5C. +hereafter )ars sub period will cover the rest of the
year. &owever, a brief on your forthcoming periods are given as under %
0en D )on % 53.C?.=C5C%8ood
D )ar % 53.C<.=C55%"verage
D -ah % 5?.C<.=C53%,ad
D :up % 55.C5.=C5@%)ixed
D Sat % 5?.C?.=C=C%"verage
D )er % 5=.C5.=C=?%"verage
D /et % 5?.C?.=C=3%,ad

Shan" Sa&e Sat" *Per"o& o% Ca+t"on, :
*n your case the ?rd cycle of Saturn Sade Sati has started on and from
C4.C4.=CC4 and will continue till 54.C5.=C5@. Buring this period you
should remain very cautious because of the ill effects of Saturn. *t may
heavily effect on your health, finance and general well being. (roper
pacification of 'ord Saturn along with )aha )rityunjay worship will
counter those ill effects.
-aa! Sar#a $oga :
Boes not exists.
Reme&"a! .eas+res :
You must take the following remedial measures to counter the
negative effects planets.
(e&"' Reme&"es:
-ecite "dityaD&riday Stotyram daily.
0isit and pray at the nearby 'ord &anuman or 8anesha temple on every
La! k"ta reme&"es:
.ever refuse any beggar. -ead 0ishnu sahsaranama daily.
8ood 'uck.

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