Savage Worlds Quick Player Reference

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Unskilled attempts (p.

70): roll d4-2 (assumes the skill can be used untrained)

Opposed rolls (p. 70): characters roll becomes the others TN; tie = struggle continues
Cooperative rolls (p. 71): +1 for ea. helpers success / raise (max +4, unless Strength)
Group rolls (p. 71): make one roll for a group of Extras
Wild Die (p. 71): Wild Cards get extra d6 for Trait rolls; double 1s=critical failure
Bennies (p. 71): can spend to reroll Trait test (not damage rolls), or to Soak damage
Players get 3 Bennies per player per session; cannot save between sessions
GM gets 1 Benny per player; each Wild Card gets 2 Bennies
Initiative (p. 72): Deal each Wild Card and group of Extras 1 card; go highest-to-lowest
Ties: resolve in order of Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs
Jokers: +2 to all Trait tests & damage totals; character may go anytime, & may
interrupt others
Hold action (p. 72): may act at will & may interrupt others (opposed Agility rolls); loses
Hold if Shaken
Surprise (p. 73): attackers start on Hold; others roll Notice (failure = no card in the first
Games w/o minis (p. 73): Small Burst = 1d3 foes; Medium / Cone = 2d4; Large = 2d6;
affects allies unless attack roll raises
Movement (p. 74): characters may move at full pace as a free action
Crawling: move at 2 per turn and considered prone
Crouching: move at half pace; run at half speed; -1 to Ranged attackers
Going Prone: drop as a free action; get up costs 2 of movement
Difficult Ground: count each inch as 2
Jumping: can long jump 1 (2 with a running start); Strength roll for extra 1
Running: can run an additional 1d6 (standard -2 penalty to all other actions)
Actions (p. 74):
Readying weapons: action; may require an Agility roll (failure = no further actions)
Multiple actions in a round: cannot fire more than RoF; cannot perform same
action twice; each additional action imposes -2 to all actions
Melee attacks: roll Fighting vs. Parry to hit; add +1d6 Damage on a raise
Ranged attacks: roll Shooting / Throwing vs. 4 to hit; -2 if Medium range, -4 if Long
range; add +1d6 Damage on a raise; roll RoF shooting dice (one Wild Die)
Attack modifiers:
o Light Cover: -1 if half of the target is obscured
o Medium Cover / Prone: -2 if more is obscured, or if target is Prone
o Heavy Cover: -4 if only a small part of the target is visible
o Near Total Cover: -6 if nearly nothing of the target is visible
o Dim: -1 for twilight, light fog, night with a full moon, etc.
o Dark: -2 if some ambient light; characters are not visible beyond 10
o Pitch Darkness: -4 if attacker knows roughly where the target is (sound, etc.)
Damage (p. 76): roll Damage vs. Toughness (no Wild Die, cannot spend Bennies);
Shaken 1 wound 2 wounds 3 wounds Incapacitated
Shaken: can only perform free actions; spend Benny or Spirit roll to recover
(success=cannot perform actions that round; raise=can act normally)
Wounded Extras are removed from play
Each wound causes a -1 penalty to Pace and Trait rolls
When a character is Incapacitated, make a Vigor roll:
o 1 or less: the character dies
o Failure: Roll on Injury Table (p. 78); permanent & character is Bleeding Out
o Success: Roll on Injury Table; goes away when all wounds are healed
o Raise: Roll on Injury Table; goes away in 24 hrs, or when all wounds are healed
Bleeding Out: make Vigor roll at start of ea. round (before Action Cards are dealt):
o Failure: the character dies
o Success: the victim must roll again next round (or next minute if not in combat)
o Raise: the victim stabilizes; no further rolls needed
Soak Rolls: spend a Benny after an attack to make a Vigor check; success & ea.
raise reduces # of wounds by 1; soaking all wounds removes Shaken condition
Aim (p. 79): add +2 to Shooting / Throwing if character spends a full round aiming
Area Effect Attacks (p. 79):
target a location with a Shooting / Throwing roll; failure means deviation by 1d6
(thrown weapons) or 1d10 (fired weapons) (x2 for Medium range; x3 for Long)
targets use lowest Armor value against area effect attacks
targets using cover apply the cover penalty as an Armor bonus
targets who saw the danger coming may make an Agility roll at -2 to avoid damage
Automatic Fire (p. 79): -2 penalty to Shooting for full-auto; each die uses RoF ammo
Suppressive fire: use Medium Burst and single Shooting roll; use 5xRoF ammo; if
successful, all targets make Spirit rolls (add cover modifiers); failure=Shaken; 1=hit
Breaking Things (p. 80): use Parry 2 for inanimate objects, and Object Toughness Table
(p. 81); raises do not count; object breaks if damage equals / exceeds Object Toughness
Called Shots (p. 81): -2 to hit a limb; -4 to hit head or vitals (+4 damage); -4 to hit a
small target; -6 to hit a tiny target
Defend (p. 81): +2 to Parry if a characters only action is to defend (may move
normally, but no running or other actions)
Disarm (p. 81): called shot to the arm; defender makes Strength roll (TN = damage);
failure = drop the weapon
Double Tap (p. 81): expend 2 rounds of ammo to get +1 to Shooting and Damage
(requires a semi-automatic weapon)
Three Round Burst (p. 81): expend 3 rounds of ammo to get +2 to Shooting and
Damage (requires an automatic weapon with a burst fire option)
The Drop (p. 81): attackers who catch their foes off guard are considered to have
Surprise (see above) and get +4 to attack and damage rolls
Finishing Move (p. 81): may kill a helpless victim as an action
Firing Into Melee (p. 82): use Innocent Bystander rules (see below)
Full Defense (p. 82): Make a Fighting roll at +2 and may use the result as Parry until
next action (cannot move or make any other action)
Ganging Up (p. 82): Each additional foe adds +1 to all attackers Fighting rolls, up to a
maximum of +4
Grappling (p. 82): Opposed Fighting roll that causes no damage; if the attacker wins,
the foe is grappled; on a raise the foe is Shaken
grappled defenders may break free using an opposed roll (Strength or Agility, vs.
attackers Strength or Agility); success ends the grapple; a raise means the
defender may take an action
grappled defenders may attempt an action at a -4 penalty
grappled attackers may attempt to damage the defender using an opposed roll as
described above; success does his Strength in damage (gaining an extra d6 for a
raise as normal)
Improvised Weapons (p. 83): -1 Fighting or Throwing penalty, and -1 to Parry
Small weapons: Range 3/6/12, Damage Str+d4, Min Str d4
Medium weapons: Range 2/4/8, Damage Str+d6, Min Str d6
Large weapons: Range 1/2/4, Damage Str+d8, Min Str d8
Innocent Bystanders (p. 83): a miss that is a 1 on the Shooting die (a 1 or 2, if a
shotgun or on full-auto) hits a random adjacent character
Mounted Combat (p. 83):
Trained mounts may attack to their front during their riders action
Mounted characters must use the worst of their Fighting or Riding skills to attack
Collisions cause Collision Damage to mounts and riders (see Vehicle Rules below)
Riders suffer the normal -2 penalty to attacks when their mounts are running
Any rider Shaken or that suffers a wound must make a Riding roll to stay mounted.
Failure = fatigued if mount was still, 2d6 damage if moving
A rider on a charging horse (6 straight-line movement) gains +4 to his damage roll
on a successful Fighting attack
Defenders being charged while on Hold can set a weapon; roll to interrupt as usual,
adding +2 per weapon reach to each characters Agility roll; the winner gets the +4
charge bonus to damage, while the loser gets nothing
A wounded or shaken mount rears; rider makes a Riding roll; failure = fall (see
above); untrained mounts flee in a random direction when Shaken or wounded
Nonlethal Damage (p. 84): -1 to Fighting; incapacitated characters are knocked out for
1d6 hours instead
Obstacles (p. 84): treat the cover as armor for the target behind it, using the Obstacle
Toughness Table (p. 85)
Off-Hand Attacks (p. 85): -2 penalty
Prone (p. 85): Treat prone as Medium Cover, unless a ranged attacker is within 3;
prone defenders in melee suffer -2 to Parry and Fighting
Push (p. 85): Opposed Strength roll; +2 if the attacker runs at least 3; on a success, the
attacker can:
Bash: push the target 1 for a success and 2 for a raise; if the target hits an
obstacle, he suffers 1d6 damage for every 1 he would have moved
Shield Bash: As with Bash, but add +1 to the damage for a small shield, +2 for
medium, and +3 for large
Knock Prone: Knock the defender prone
Ranged Weapons in Close Combat (p. 85): No ranged weapon larger than a pistol may
be fired at adjacent foes in melee; the TN is the defenders Parry
Rapid Attack (p. 85): take a -2 penalty to Parry in exchange for up to 3 Fighting rolls or
6 Shooting rolls as a single action at -4
Tests of Will (p. 86): Opposed roll (Intimidation vs. Spirit, or Taunt vs. Smarts); success
means +2 to next action against the defender; raise makes the defender Shaken
Touch Attack (p. 86): +2 to Fighting
Trick (p. 86): Opposed roll (Agility or Smarts); success means -2 to defenders Parry
until his next action; raise makes the defender Shaken; does not stack with other tricks
Two Weapons (p. 86): -2 unless the attacker is ambidexterous
Unarmed Defender (p. 87): +2 to Fighting roll
Unstable Platform (p. 87): -2 to Shooting roll
Wild Attack (p. 87): +2 to Fighting and Damage, -2 to Parry until the next action
Withdrawing from Close Combat (p. 87): All adjacent, non-Shaken opponents get one
immediate free attack
Healing (p. 87):
A Healing attempt requires 10 minutes and must be done during the hour in which
the wounds were sustained; success removes one wound, and a raise removes an
additional wound
-1 penalty for each of the patients wounds; -2 penalty if first aid supplies are not
For Incapacitated patients, the healer must make a Healing roll to remove that
state before attempting to heal wounds
Natural healing: every 5 days, wounded / Incapacitated characters may make
Vigor rolls to improve one step (two with a raise); a critical failure increases a
wound level by one; Extras lose their Incapacitated status with a success and
expire if they roll a 1 on their Vigor die; apply the modifiers from the Natural
Healing Modifiers Table (p. 88)
After a fight, make Vigor rolls for each wounded Extra; failure = death; success =
Incapacitated; raise = healed

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