Retro Gradation and Acceleration

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Retro gradation and Acceleration

P. R. Muralidharan
Retro gradation and Acceleration:
P. R. Muralidharan M. E. (Civil)
No planet actually retraces its orbit. , but ever, moves in forward motion, i.e., clockwise, some
time planets appear to have backward motion, i.e., anticlockwise, mainly due to the relative
position and motion of the earth. This appearance of anticlockwise motion or decrease in celestial
longitude is called Retro gradation.
When the planets come nearer to the Sun, the gravitation of the Sun increase more and
more, so that the velocity of the planet is accelerated i.e., the state of acceleration is attained.
Retro gradation is a phenomenon caused by the fact that we live on a planet which is not at the
center of the solar system. If one were to view the solar system from the surface of the Sun,
which is at the center, one would never see planets retrograde. However, since that isn't where
we're viewing things from, we do see planets appear to stop their motion in the sky relative to the
fixed stars (or the Zodiac), reverse their direction for a little while, then stop again and appear to
resume their normal course through the heavens.
There are two planets which are exceptions and never seem to retrograde.
The Sun never retrogrades because it is truly the center of our solar system. Since our
orbital direction around the Sun never changes, it always appears to be moving in Direct
or forward motion.
The Moon also never retrogrades, since we are the center of its orbit. Since it always
moves around Earth in one direction, we never see it appear to move backwards.
All the other planets will periodically appear to retrograde. In the case of the planets inside our
orbit (Mercury and Venus), this is because we see them reach the longitudinal maximum extent
of their orbits, which is a point in the orbit perpendicular to our line-of-sight to the Sun, then
swing inside of and begin to cross in front of the Sun
The period of retrograde and stationary of the planets are as under:

Distance from Sun
No of days
No Of Days
Retrograde Direct
1. Mars Kuja 228
80 2 to 3
Retro gradation and Acceleration
P. R. Muralidharan
2. Mercury Budha 14
to 20

3. Jupiter- Guru 245
120 5
4. Venus- Sukra 29
42 2
5. Saturn Sani 251
140 5
6. Uranus Indra 257
155 6
7. Neptune-Varuna 259
157 6
8. Pluto- Rudra 260
160 7

Speed of the Planets
Sl No. Planets Sped of planets per day
1 Sun 1
2 Moon 12 to 15
3 Mars 31 to 44
4 Mercury 66 to 100
5 Jupiter 5 to 15
6 Venus 62 to 82
7 Saturn 2
8 Uranus 42
9 Neptune 24
10 Pluto -

The Apparent backward motion of planets including Mars moving across the heavens are said to
be retrograde .Retrograding is a phenomenon that makes planets (including Mars) seem to stop
and reverse then go toward again as they move across the heavens .this is the effect of perspective
(an illusion) due to the movements of the earth and the plankton their orbits .Since Mars is ahead
o the earth, then behind it, When the earth overtakes Mars, the red planet seem to move
Motional strength [Cheshta Bala]: All Planets become retrograde when placed at a certain
distance from sun .They are said to be powerful .The strength obtained by them are as follows:
Retro gradation and Acceleration
P. R. Muralidharan
Different kind of Motion during retrogression and their strength.

Sly .no. Motion Speed Strength
1 Vakros
Planet is retrograde but remains in the
same sign.
2 Ambulacra or
ate vakra
Planet is retrograde and moves into
previous sign.
3 Same Planet is retrograde and moving at its
average speed.
4 Chara Planets speed is increasing
continuously and faster than its average
5 Atichara Planet moves very fast and ruches into
next sign in accelerated motion.
6 Manda Planets speed is slower than its average

The BRIHAT JATAKS OF VARAHA MIHIRA States The sun and Moon possess chestabala
when in any six signs from Capricorn .the other planets possess it when in their retrograde motion
or in conjunction with the Moon or when in their greatest brilliancy or to be in northern planets in
planetary conjunction.
The MANT HESWARAS PHALDEEPIKA Moon gets Chestabala when she is in full .The Sun
gets it when it is in northern course: the other planets, when it is in retrograde motion. All Planets
are strong they are in exaltation .the moon is strong and auspicious when she has full paksha Bala
and the Sun is has full Dig Bala i.e., when it is in 10
house .the other planets are strong when
they are in retrograde motion.
The UTTARA KALAMRITA of KALIDASA states when a planet is retrograde, his strength is
equal to that of exaltation .a planet in conjunction with a retrograde one has the strength one half
a Rupa .a planet exalted in the Rasi while retrograde is similar to a debilitated one and it has a
Retro gradation and Acceleration
P. R. Muralidharan
no strength .a retrograde planet in his debilitation has the strength of exaltation .a planet in
conjunction with a planet in exaltation has the strength of half Rupa .when in conjunction with a
planet in debilitation has no strength .a planet in conjunction
With malefic who are his friends, or with benefics that are enemies, has strength of half a Rupa.
is strong in his retrograde motion .mercury is also strong in his Retrogradation motion except
when eclipsed by the Sun .Jupiter is considered to be strong when retrograding motion in all signs
except Capricorn where he will be in debilitation .Venus is strong when in retrograde motion .The
planet Saturn is said to be strong when in Retrogradation motion.
The SARAVALI OF KALYANA VARMA states The Planets in retrograde motions acquire
strength .and becomes strong.
The Sun and Moon have always direct motion, where as Rahu and Kethu have Anticlockwise or
reverse motion .Other planets have Direct and indirect motions .This is due to the speed of the
planets there is continues change in the zodiac .one planet over takes .passing, then slowing,
stopping and beginning to move backwards .the apparent backward motions termed as
Retrogradation and when planet does not move it is called Stationary .The different periods of
planets are furnished.
The favorable influence of a good aspect forwarded by planets during Retrogradation is
considerably reduced and falls short of its efficacy in the good results which would otherwise
given when in direct .Diversity of opinion exists in both Hindu and western system .
Generally the effects of benefic planets are weakened when they are in Retrogradation .the
Retrogradation is contrary to the regular motion and hence it is considered to be evil. when
malefic Planets are in Retrogradation the evil effects are said to be increased .aspect whether
radical or progression that are thrown to a Retrogradation planet reduces the efficacy of the planet
,what it promises falling short in actual results .The final effect is deficient or disappointing
.Hence Retrogradation is considered to be debility .
The effect is strong when in stationary upon the radical position or progressed planet or in aspect
to each.
Retro gradation and Acceleration
P. R. Muralidharan
The different effect of planets in Retrogradation has been given by GRACE INGLIS.The same is
summarized below:
Sl No. Planets Results
1 Mars The physical energy and vitality never rise to meet the challenge .It
implies stubborn, unyielding physical force which does not have until
mystical reason is found for its expression .It is often Key to importance
and frigidity, in men and women whose physical forces are not unlocked
until implemented by some non related idea or ideals .such people stops
often in the middle of a project to recapitulate..they are Good Doctors
and scientists .hey have good at planning and organizing the physical
labor of others thoughts or develop quite differently They frequently
rebel against their own desires ,try to stifle them ,preferring to act when
they have to against any odds ,Sub consciously seeking an excuse for
the failure they anticipate .
2 Mercury If Mercury is retrograde in his birth chart ,then the native will think in
terms of Symbols and Insights ,rather in term than facts and figures .The
mind works more easily on the Sub conscious level ,hence their insights
and motivations are often are uncammy and revealing .Such persons are
amazingly profound. Amazingly, creative, discovering possibilities
which are more direct, obvious, practical mind over looks .Talk
themselves, and hums little tunes. Mercury is connected with education
.literature, intelligence and astrology .as a writer will prefer stories of
atmosphere to action, Character to conflict .as astrologer prefer accurate
analysis in natal than predictive, unless some intuition works on event or
action .they do not hear others and always justify their own actions .it is
best hear persons whose chart has retrograde mercury .and their say may
not agree to the matter but ultimately seems to be correct.
3 Jupiter They find success in the failures of others .they start at the point where
others become discouraged ,and have unique ability to succeed in
projects which have been abandoned .they are people who become
surprise when they find opportunities are worked easily .They revive
failed company easily and uncover hidden assets and thereby do some
remarkable jobs which others cannot do the same .In order to achieve
Retro gradation and Acceleration
P. R. Muralidharan
their material goal ,they bargain ,employ indirect ,subtle psychological
warfare methods in achieving their goal .They do not respond
enthusiastically to obvious opportunities for gain ,but become
immediately alert for profits to be derived from such unpromising
situations .They have foresight and step with the proper time .they
predict disasters where others see success and vice versa .They are
generally good in situation which involve unknown element ,a chance
factor The flexibility is the key point for success .
4 Venus They do not find enjoyments in things liked by most people. They find it
difficult to adjust to outward Social conditions .In condition where tact
and charm is required they are truthful and blunt .The idealistic images
of love and Sex Marriage, child berth are quite different from these
.They tend to be fastidious about things which others do not consider
important .they have generally reverse habits and thinking then the other
people .They are unconventional love expressions, may renounce love
for religion, become quite ceremonious.
5 Saturn When Saturn is retrograde ,one is in need to be on guard against a
subconscious defeatism which undermine their most noble ambitions
,because of elf protective fear motivations, they tend to yield easily to
external influences They often found to be uneasy ,shy introverted
,lacking in self assertions or at times attempt to cover this insecurity with
a pretext of arrogance .they have strong sense that fate ,some universal
compelling force ,control their destiny .they fell alone .,isolated
separated from their fellow men and seldom understood .They are
secretive .They may be apparent super sophistication about them ..Total
boredom, an impression that nothing could stock them .Though they
really worry about being a bore and wish to conceal a fact that they are,
indeed, shock able. Such persons do not like to be openly known in
public, form they Sub- consciously fear there is no face behind the mask.
They find security in intellectuals or spirituals.
3 Uranus They are most creative, imaginable, rebellious work always for self
.individualistic. In order to search identity ,and ego fulfillment ,they
reach the often reach the most magnificent heights of humanitarian
actions .In their worst expression they are self destructive inclined to
Retro gradation and Acceleration
P. R. Muralidharan
regard themselves as un appreciated ,constantly in court ,wishing to
reform everyone but themselves .Critics of others
Uranus is a Planet symbolizing the divine counter part of the human ego
.Such natives are generally at odds with their generations .he is the
conscience of his fellows, which is why he so often seems to have none
of his own .such person should bear in mind that those who would save
their lives will lose them, and those who would lose their lives, in some
higher cause than ego, will surely find them.
6 Neptune They need to avoid parading their virtues before the world .they always
remind everyone else of their righteousness, arousing resentment instead
of admiration they seek .They are selfish .Spiritual inconsistency is
denoted .They are psychic and hence they decay the reality of extra
sensory, skeptical of their own beliefs and suspect once element of truth
when others appear cynical ..pride is apparently missing .they will
conceal their ideas to a large extent and they do not mind or understand
their meaning themselves .they seek seclusion ,escape from material
coils .They are very subtle .in their highest form of expression they are
able to revitalize old beliefs and launch counter reformations of
simplicity when religion becomes more ritualism or religiosity
7 Pluto Those who subconsciously rebel against the force of groups pressures
and become the cause of collapse of established social morals .They are
very intolerance .they form caciques to eradicate cliques .such person are
extremely conscious social caste .the resistance to groups are more than
individual .motivation .such person are seeds of anarchy or saint wood
with them. Desire for change the course of personal inevitability and
create a new set of order for self .their actions to be analyzed and
objectively carefully
When a planet apparently changes in motion from retrograde to direct or vice versa, by
secondary progression, conversely or direct or when a planet or the lights crosses the equator or
the ecliptic by the same method of progression with in the life time of a person or of an under
taking, some particular face of that persons or that of the project under consideration is affected.
Usually indicate the time of termination of the issue or of the life itself or with the conclusion of
Retro gradation and Acceleration
P. R. Muralidharan
some condition appertaining to it and the beginning of some other which alters the prevailing
So summing up the whole discussion we come to the conclusion that a retrograde planet allows
time to view the circumstances impersonally and to decide what to do about it UN effected by our
emotions. There are times to views cautions, make an important moves until the planet is in direct
motion. When it is in direct motion again, you can enjoy the fruit. Or plan the things when a
planet turn retrograde and generally the plans will be completed when it turns direct and generally
between these two dates, it is a period of marking time. Retrogradation and Transit A natural
benefic when transiting a favorable house 1 ,2 ,4 ,5 ,7 ,9 ,10 If it is retrograde give more good
results .,on the contrary if it transits in malefic houses 3 ,6 ,8 11 ,12 ,the evil results will be
reduced to the minimum .When malefic planets transits in favorable houses will neutralize the
good effects of that house but when it transits malefic houses ,of course a retrograde planet ,the
malefic effect of that house will become more evils planet in Retrogradation
.A slow moving secretive planet when becomes retrograding should not be enthusiastic in
working ,planning ,in expansion of a business agreement signing and any new ventures etc., He
should down and be slow and try to relax .he should review all the situation done so for been
done .Plan the things for future ,do not put down them relaxing but operate slowly without
dashing knowing fully the hurdles and previous experience and try to move better than earlier
.when Saturn becomes Direct .It is noticed that many people find relived themselves when
Retrogradation and start new ventures with full zeal but are thwarted and bewildered when Saturn
becomes Direct .as their plan do not masteries .When Saturn enters a house and becomes
retrograde and direct in the same house .again it becomes retrogragrade in the previous house .at
this time many fell that they are relived of the mounted pressures but you have to handle two
chances now .at this stage Saturn is backing off the territory it has already covered but it is going
to the right back over the territory as soon as direct motion resumes .So during this period one
should relax ,review the situation and follow perfect displace himself .define or economize in his
activities more effectively .Saturn at birth retrograde and inward to the sun then that part of
person laity does not work openly in the first place .it works through indirect psychic actions
triggered by the unconscious .but sometimes bearable ,unbearable pressures go within the native
which does cannot be seen or understand by others ,nor by the native to explain the same two
other .on the hand when direct ,he will then be able to show the pressures to the people by
speaking and agonizing over them ,the individual with the retrograde birth planet often goes
Retro gradation and Acceleration
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through the same agonies without being able to communicate ,in a sensible way ,what is
happening to him .A retrograde planet psychic process turned inward and manageable ,expect
with enormous efforts by the conscious ego .a direct planet represent psychic process or part of
his personality that is manageable .by the ego consciousness .

Retro gradation is a phenomenon caused by the fact that we live on a planet which is not at the
center of the solar system. If one were to view the solar system from the surface of the Sun,
which is at the center, one would never see planets retrograde. However, since that isn't where
we're viewing things from, we do see planets appear to stop their motion in the sky relative to the
fixed stars (or the Zodiac), reverse their direction for a little while, then stop again and appear to
resume their normal course through the heavens.
There are two planets which are exceptions and never seem to retrograde.
The Sun never retrogrades because it is truly the center of our solar system. Since our
orbital direction around the Sun never changes, it always appears to be moving in Direct
or forward motion.
The Moon also never retrogrades, since we are the center of its orbit. Since it always
moves around Earth in one direction, we never see it appear to move backwards.
All the other planets will periodically appear to retrograde. In the case of the planets inside our
orbit (Mercury and Venus), this is because we see them reach the longitudinal maximum extent of
their orbits, which is a point in the orbit perpendicular to our line-of-sight to the Sun, then swing
inside of and begin to cross

Retro gradation and Acceleration
P. R. Muralidharan
While these two planets are inside of this 3-9 Line (so called because it's a line through the 3
o'clock and 9 o'clock positions), they will appear to retrograde, or move backwards. A simple
animation will help to make this clear.lof Inn

Sun and Moon have always direct motion where as Rahu and Kethu have always in reverse
motion .Other planets have direct and indirect motion
Saturn retrograde : There is need to be on guard against subconscious defeatism which undermine
their most noble ambition ,because of this self protective fears motivation, they tend to yield too
easily to external influences .They either appear shy ,uneasy ,introverted ,lacking in self assertion
or attempt at times to cover this insecurity with a pretext of arrogance.
They strong sense that fate ,some universal competing for ,controls their destiny .they fell alone
,isolated ,separated from their fellowmen and seldom understood .they are secretive .they may be
an apparent super sophistication about them ,an air of total boredom ,an impression that nothing
could shock them .Stemming from the fact that they really worry about being a bore and wish to
Retro gradation and Acceleration
P. R. Muralidharan
conceal a fact that they are indeed ,shock able .A retrograde planet allows time to view the
circumstances impersonally
Such people do not like to be known openly in public, for they subconsciously fear there is no
face behind the mask .They find security in intellectuals or spirituals. A Retrograde planet allows
time to view the circumstances impersonally and to decide what to do about it unaffected by our
emotions .there are times to use cautions make an important moves until the planet is in direct
motion .
When in direct motion you enjoy tithe fruit .or plan the things when a planet turn retrograde and
generally the plans will not be completed .when it turns direct generally between these two dates
,t is the period of marking time .
Saturn Transit In retro gradation : When a Natural benefic planet transits in a favouarable houses
1 ,2 ,4 ,5 ,7 9 and 10 ,If retrograde it will give more good results .where as when benefic planets
transits in malefic houses 3 ,6 ,8 ,11 or 12 ,the evil results will be reduced to the minimum .Also
when a malefic retrograde planet transits in favorable houses will neutralize the good effects of
that house .,but when in malefic house the evil effects of that will become more .
A slow moving secretive planet when becomes retrograde one should not be enththusiatic in
working ,planning ,in expansion of business ,signing the agreements ,starting a new ventures etc.,
,but he should slow down and relax .He should review the situation what has so for e done .plan
the things for future ,do not put them in operation so that so that you can be more dashing by
relaxing having experience of the blunders committed by in the past or good work done and so
there by you will move a ahead better than earlier when Saturn becomes direct. On the other hand
many people find relived themselves when Satan becomes retrograde and start new ventures with
full Zell but are thwarted and be-wilder when Saturn becomes direct as their plans do not metalize
.When a Saturn enters a house and becomes retrograde and direct into the same house ,again it
become retrograde into the previous house .at this time many feel that they are now relived of the
already mounted pressure but actually you are to handle two chances now .At this stage Saturn is
backing off the territory it has already covered but is going to go right back that territory as soon
as direct motion resumes .
So during this period one should relax, review the situation and should see how one could
displace himself, define himself or economies in his activities more effectively.
Saturn transits a planet i.e.; retrograde at birth. If it is a planet from Saturn inward to the
sun then part of personality does not work openly in the first place. It works through indirect
psychic actions triggered by the unconscious, but sometimes many bearable, unbearable pressures
go with in the native which cannot be seen or understand by other nor the native will himself be
Retro gradation and Acceleration
P. R. Muralidharan
able to explain the same to the other people. On the other hand when the planet is direct, he will
then be able to show his pressures to the people by speaking and agonizing over them, the
individual with the retrograde birth planet often goes through the same agonies without being able
to communicate, in any sensible way, what is happening to him. Retrograde planets represent a
psychic process turned inward and not manageable; accept with enormous efforts by the
conscious ego. A direct planet expect Uranus, Neptune and Pluto represents a psychic process or
part of the personality that is manageable by the ago consciousness
Retrogression is a kind of qualification like exaltation, debilitation, own house but as far
as results are concerned it is not quite definite in the sense that malefic retrograde planets would
give good results as well as bad results similarly benefic retrograde planets will give bad as well
as good results. In this sense retrogression is quite different in contrast to other qualifications.
In retrogression we have to see 3 types
1) Retrograde natal planets in human or mundane chart
2) Transit retrogression i.e. retrograde planets in transit.
3) Transit of slow moving planets over natal retrograde planets
There is so much of confusion on retrogression, to know whether it gives a malefic or benefic
results definitely. Sometimes it gives both malefic & benefic. As such it is very difficult to
ascertain how a retrograde planet would give results, hence astrologers get confused.
*E.g. August 8
2005, retrograde Saturn was transiting over scribes ascendant deg, and a friend
sent me Rs 10,000, on the very same day.
In America on the 14
Nov 1998, the scribe was presented Life Time Achievement Award, at a
time when Saturn was retrograde, Sun was in the 4
house & Saturn was in the 10
transiting exactly over the RAMC of the scribe chart. Scribe RAMC is about 4 Ar727. See here
a retrograde planet gives the scribe the highest honor of scribes life though Saturn is considered
as a malefic.

It is a specialty of a retrograde planet; some author has said that both the
signs of a retrograde planet should be occupied by planets. I.e. Signs owned
by retrograde planets should not be vacant to give FULL RESULTS to the
If one of them is occupied & the other isnt then the results are NOT FULL.
If none of the signs owned by the retrograde planet is occupied then the
results (positive or negative) of the retrograde planets would be minimum or
Retro gradation and Acceleration
P. R. Muralidharan
In Chandra Kala Nadi, one finds more than 30 verses from where mostly Saturn & Jupiter
retrogression is dealt with. Deva Kerelam gives specific results especially Jupiter when it
retrogrades it gives good results. Basically good results & happy events in ones life happens
when Jupiter retrogrades.
*J.N. Bhasin on Retrogression
Late Shri J. N. Bhasin in his book Hora Shatak has touched the subject of retrogression of
Jupiter at one place only (in verses 12, 13, 14 & 15)
He has given importance to retrogression of Jupiter with reference to Scorpio Ascendant only,
where Jupiter is the lord of the 2
house and the 5
house (of progeny); is in exaltation in the 9

house and is debilitated in the 3
Referring to the placement of retrograde Jupiter in those houses he predicts:-
1. Many Children in the 3
house of debilitation (verse 12)
2. Hardly gets a son in the 9
house of exaltation (verse 13)
3. No progeny at all in the 10
house of Leo (verse 14) as it is still near its sign of
4. More children in the 2
house sign of Sagittarius (verse 15) which is near to its sign of
Summary of Retrogradation

Professor Krishnamurti in his work has said that Retrogradation has no effect in the natal
chart whereas in horary if the sub lord is situated in the constellation of a retrograde planet
the event will not materialize. Western Defines Retrogradation as when any planet is
decreasing in longitude it is said to be in Retrogradation .It is a very great debility. On going
through the various literatures it has come to the conclusion, that Retrogradation has some
debility both in the Natal as well as Horary depending on the time at which the birth has
taken place and also depending on the question in case of horary. In support of the statement
Let us explain when Retrogradation is favorable as stated in the western system:
1. A Child Lost or absconded Will it return or be found? The lords of the first and fifth
going to a conjunction or good aspect, it returns or is found: if to bad aspect the parent will
hear of it: the lord of the fifth turning retrograde, it will return. The Moon translating
light from the lord of the fifth to the first, it will be heard or found: but if the lord of the fifth
be cadent, and in no aspect to the lord of the first, and there be no translation of light between
the two Significators, the child will not return or be found. . All the Significators under the
Retro gradation and Acceleration
P. R. Muralidharan
earth, a bad sign. If above a good sign. . If the child has absconded, and lord of the fifth be
cadent, swift in motion, and in a movable sign, it will never return or be found.
2. Thefts : In al cases of theft ,the lord of the first denotes the querent : 2
house and its lord
denotes the thing stolen : he fourth and its rule shows the place where the article the is :The
Seventh ,its lord ,or a peregrine planet therein ,or in an angle ,or the second house ,shows the
thief .
Will the goods be recovered? The lord of the seventh combust, or turning retrograde, the thief
brings the article stolen back, especially if applying to lord of the ascendant, or second.
3. When shall I leave my present employer ?If the lord of the tenth or the moon ,are disposed
of by any planet in any angle (Except the fourth )and that planet be in low motion ,he will not
leave until that planet be combust or retrograde ,or leave the sign he is then in : also ,see
when the lord of the tenth leaves the sign he is then in ,and that time the querent changes .
The above rules have been verified by me in a number of cases and proved to be correct .
Effects of Retrogradation:
Mars: Mars becomes retrograde once in two years or so, for a period of about three months
The Retrogradation of Mars can limit our ability to act and to assert our desires, but can also
help us to rethink the consequences of our actions, and slow down for our own good.
Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto become retrograde once a tear for a
period of about four months.

Mercury: Mercury becomes Retrograde about three times each years, for a periods of
approximately three weeks. The Retrogradation brings some disruption in communication,
travel, but also helps us to deepen our understanding with others, increasing introspection,
Jupiter: Jupiter can limit our expansion challenging our hopes, but can also helps us to
question our philosophy of life and moral values, making us wiser and spiritually richer
Venus: Venus becomes retrograde once in 18 months for a period of approximately six
weeks. This brings some difficulty in relationships and financial matters, but also helps us to
refine and deepen our feelings and our moral, artistic, aesthetic Values.
Saturn: Saturn: the Retrogradation of Saturn can manifest in a difficult period with added
responsibilities and work load, us can also help us to refine our skills and become more
realistic and practical.
Uranus: The Retrogradation of Uranus can indeed be very disruptive of the status quo,
challenging our sense of security and habits, but it can also let us see what needs to under go
Retro gradation and Acceleration
P. R. Muralidharan
urgent changes in our lives, showing us in which way we can become more true to ourselves
without altering others
Neptune: The Retrogradation of Neptune can indicate rather chaotic period in our lives, when
issues are muddled and confused and we ma
Pluto: The Retrogradation of Pluto can indicate an emotionally intense, even traumatic
period of major upheavals. The positive outcome is personal empowerment with the
discovery of hidden inner resources and talents

Chiron : The Retrogradation of Chiron can manifest in a period of ill health or one during
which we need to give up something we are very much for ,but can also help to face more
squarely our health issues ,or accept more philosophically what we cannot change
*Note: Some of the information has been taken liberally with due respects original authors.
* From Web site:

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