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Electricity and its Effects

One mark questions wit answers!
"#! Write the value of charge and mass of electron.
Ans#! Charge = 1.6 x 10
Mass = 9.11 x 10
"$! o! man" electrons constitute a charge of three coulombs#
Ans$! Charge on one electron = 1.6 x 10
$umber of electrons in three coulombs = 3%&1.6 x 10
' electrons
= 1.()* x 10
"%! +efine ,otential difference. -ive its units.
Ans%! .t is defined as the amount of !ork re/uired to be done on a charge in shifting
it from one ,oint to another in the electric field.
0he 1... unit of ,otential difference is volt.
"&! +oes ammeter have high resistance#
Ans&! $o2 ammeter has lo! resistance.
Two mark questions with answers
"#! o! is the ,otential difference maintained across the ends of a conductor#
Ans#! 0he ,otential difference is maintained across the ends of a conductor b"
connecting it to a batter" or a dr" cell. 3 cell or batter" does so because a difference
in ,otential bet!een its t!o electrodes is maintained b" the chemical ,rocesses
going on inside it bet!een its electrodes and the electrol"te.
0he figure above is a sim,le electric circuit that maintains a ,otential difference
across the given lam,.
"$! 1tate ohm4s la!. What are non-ohmic conductors#
Ans$! -eorge 1imon ohm in 1(56 ,ro,osed a most fundamental la! of electricit"
kno!n as 6hm4s la!.
3ccording to this la! 'te ratio of (otential difference a((lied across a
conductor to te electric current flowin) trou) te conductor is constant
if all (ysical conditions like tem(erature* len)t* area of cross+section and
(ressure remains constant'!
7%. = constant &8' or 8 = 7%..
0he conductors !hich do not obe" ohm4s la! are called non-ohmic conductors.
"%! 3 current of 53 flo!s through a 157 car headlight bulb for 6 minutes. o! much
energ" transfer occurs during this time#
Ans%! . = 532 7 = 15 volts
t = 6 minutes =
9nerg" transferred = ,o!er x time = 7. x t
= 15 x 5 x 6%60
= 5.: !att hour or 5.: x 10
"&! 9lectricians !ear rubber sandals or shoes or rubber hand gloves !hile !orking2
Ans&! 9lectric current cannot ,ass through insulators. 1ince rubber is an insulator
therefore the ,erson using rubber made gloves2 sandals2 shoes does not become a
,art of the electrical circuit and no current ,asses through his bod". 0he current
flo!ing in the circuit does not affect the ,erson !ho touches the !ire etc.2 and he
can !ork !ith electric a,,liances safel".
Three mark questions with answers
"#! 3n electric iron is used on a 5:07 su,,l" and dra!s a current of : 3m,ere#
&a' What is its ,o!er#
&b' What is its resistance#
&c' What is the cost of using the iron for the month of <anuar" 10 hours a da" if 1
k!h costs 8s.3.:0#
Ans#! 7oltage2 7 = 5:072 current2 . = :32 time2 t = 31 x 10 hours = 310 hours.
&a' =o!er2 = = 7 x .
= 5:0 x :
= 960W
&b' 8esistance2 8 = 7%. = 5:0%: = 60 ohms
&c' 9lectric energ" consumed = =o!er x 0ime
= 960 x 310
= 59)60 !att hours
= 59.)6 k!h.
Cost of using the heater for 310 hours = 8s. 59.)6 x 3.:0
= 8s. 101.1(.
"$! What is the difference bet!een an electromagnet and a ,ermanent magnet#
Electroma)net Permanent ma)net
#! 0he magnetic field ,roduced is
generall" ver" strong.
#! -enerall" the magnetic field ,roduced is
lo! and moderate.
$! 0he strength of the magnetic-field can
be controlled b" controlling various factors
such as the current and the number of
turns in the solenoid.
%! 0he ,olarit" of the magnet can be
changed b" reversing the direction of
&! $ormall" soft iron is used for making
electro magnets.
$! 0he strength of the magnetic-field of a
,ermanent magnet is ,ermanent but
changes &decreases' !ith the tem,erature.
%! 0he ,olarit" of the magnet can not be
&! Cobalt2 steel etc.2 are used for the
"%! What is the usual colour code follo!ed for connecting live2 neutral and earth
!ires# Wh" is it so im,ortant#
Ans%! 0he old convention is red for live2 black for neutral and green for earth. 0he
internationall" acce,ted convention is bro!n for live2 light blue for neutral and green
or "ello! for earth.
0he selection of earth !ire is made in such a !a" that it can !ithstand stronger
currents. 0he thickness of other !ires de,ends u,on the ,o!er rating of the
0he distinction bet!een the colours is necessar" because the !ires are taken
according to their current carr"ing ca,acities.
"&! o! much !ork is done in moving a bod" carr"ing charge e/uivalent to that on
* x 10
electrons from a ,oint at 5* volts to a ,oint at :0 volts#
Ans&! =otential difference2 75 - 71
= Work done%Charge = W%>
75 = :072 71 = 5*7
Charge on * x 10
electrons2 > = charge on one electron x number of electrons =
1.6 x 10
x * x 10
= ( coloumb
0herefore2 the !ork done2 W = &75 - 71' x >
= &:0 - 5*' x ( = 150 <.
Five mark questions with answers
"#! +escribe an e?,eriment to sho! that a current carr"ing conductor e?,eriences a
force in a magnetic field and that the direction of force de,ends on the direction of
&a' the magnetic field2 and &b' the current.
Ans! ,-ry yourself..
"$! -ive the ,rinci,le2 construction and !orking of an electric motor.
Ans$! Princi(le/ When a current carr"ing conductor is ke,t in a magnetic field2 it
e?,eriences a tor/ue. 0he conductor rotates continuousl" and electrical energ"
su,,lied to the conductor is converted into mechanical energ".
Construction / $21 ---@ $orth and 1outh ,oles of ,ermanent A-sha,ed magnet
C12 C5 ----@ =arts of co,,er ring called commutator
B12 B5 -----@ Carbon brushes for taking out,ut &these brushes are al!a"s in contact
!ith the rotating rings and through them induced current is taken to the out,ut
3BC+ -----@ 8ectangular coil of insulated co,,er !ire !ound on a soft iron core
called armature
0orkin)/ .nitall"2 the armature is in the horiContal ,osition. When the current is
s!itched on2 the electric current flo!s through the coil through brush B1 and ring C1.
0he current flo!s in the anti-clock!ise direction and leaves the ring at C5 and brush
B" using Dleming4s left hand rule for ,art +C and 3B of the coil !e find that the force
is in do!n!ard direction on +C and in u,!ard direction on 3B. 0hese t!o forces are
e/ual in magnitude but o,,osite in direction. 0he" constitute a cou,le an a tor/ue
acts on the coil. 3s a result the coil rotates in anticlock!ise direction.
When the coil starts rotating and reaches in the vertical ,osition then the brushes B1
and B5 !ill come in ga, bet!een the rings C1 and C5. 0he circuit breaks and no
current flo!s through the coil. +ue to inertia of motion in the coil it continues to
rotate in the same direction. 3fter com,leting half rotation the ,osition of brushes is
interchanged. +ue to this the direction of current through the coil is reversed. ence2
the direction of forces acting on the t!o sides of the coil is also reversed. 0he side 3B
occu,ies the ,osition of side +C of the coil. But the tor/ue acting on the coil is in the
same direction and the coil rotates continuousl".
.f an" mechanical s"stem is connected to the armature of the motor2 it can be made
to rotate in the desired direction.
"%! +escribe the construction and !orking of an electromagnet. Mention the factors
on !hich its strength de,ends.
Ans! ,-ry yourself..
"&! What is action ,otential# o! is action ,otential ,roduced in the bod"#
Ans! ,-ry yourself..

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