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Production Support Issues

Important Transactions
RSMO Load Monitor
RSPC Process Chain Maintenance
RSPCM Process Chain Monitoring
BWCCMS Process Chain Monitoring
SM12 Display and Delete Locks
SM37 Job Selection
SM50 Process Overview
SM51 List of SAP Systems
SM5 Asynchronos !"C #rror Log
SM!1 $!"C Monitor %Otbond &ee'
SM!2 $!"C Monitor %(nbond &ee'
RSR! Data Load Monitor for a re$est
ST03"ST03# )ork Load Monitor
ST05 Performance Monitor
ST22 A*AP Dmp Analysis
$%11 Display SAP Directories
B&7 Stats Monitor for AL# Messages
OB0 C "( Maintain +able +C,!!
Basic &ata %oad 'rrors
Master &ata %oc(s
- master data load failed. ne/t time load is not allowed becase master data lock
- master data lock need to be removed
- go to !SMO. select error re$est. go to Stats tab. click on lock overview. it displays
the master data attribte. select it. conte/t men. and select remove lock0
- load the re$est again from PSA
In)a*id C+aracters in BW
- #rror 1 in the pdate. invalid characters
- *) spports capital letters and certain characters. invalid characters cased an error
- 2 soltions. remove the invalid character. change the invalid character or allow
character in *)
- (f wants to remove. remove it from PSA0 (f wants to change. change in PSA0 (f
want to allow the character in *). se transaction !S3C
- !eload re$est from PSA
S+ort dump Occurred
- short dmp occrs in both *) or in SAP !42
- to analy5e the reason. select Short dmp overview btton in stats tab of a re$est in
!SMO or check in S+66
- in *). short dmps are becase of +ime-Ots and Database errors
- if short dmp is in *) and it is becase of +ime-ots. then reschedle the re$est
from PSA. if it repeats again regenerate all the related ob7ects sing8
(nfoCbe - !SD9:C,*#:AC+(;A+# - in S#2< Program
(nfoOb7ects - !SD9:(O*J:AC+(;A+# - in S#2< Program
MltiProvider - !SD9:MP!O:AC+(;A+# - in S#2< Program
Cmm0 Strctre - !S:COMS+!,:AC+(;A+#:ALL - in S#2< Program
+ran0 Strctre - !S:+!A=S+!,:AC+(;A+#:ALL- in S#2< Program
,pdate !les - !SA,:,PD!:!#AC+(;A+#:ALL- in S#2< Program
ODS - !SD9:ODSO:AC+(;A+# - in S#2< Program

- if short dmp is in *) and it is becase of Database errors. these errors can be
cased by varios reasons. bt mostly cased by too small table space or no
database space. inform to the database administrators to solve and then reschedle
the re$est from PSA0
- (f short dmp is in !42. this is becase of Database errors and other reasons
- (f it is by database error. inform to D* Administrator to solve. and again reschedle the
load from sorce system
O,-ects %oc(ed
- if someone editing the ob7ects and at the same time if load is happened. then loads
are fail with error message ob7ects locked
- remove the lock if have athori5ation or wait for some time
- check the list of locked ob7ects in SM16. if are athori5ed remove the ob7ect from
SM16 and then reschedle the re$est from PSA
&up*icate Records
- while loading mater data
- perform elementary tests or remove dplicate records at (nfoPackage level
- in !S!; perform the elementary tests to remove the dplicate records or checks the
check bo/es ignore dplicate records at (nfoPackage0
- !eschedle the (nfoPackage from PSA0
Sa)e .ierarc+/ 0ai*ed
- de to attribtes load. some time hierarchy will load bt fails to save
- manally load the hierarchy
- manally schedle the re$est from PSA
'rror in Source S/stem
- this is becase of so many reasons. most of the time becase of !"C problem
- check the sorce system connection in !SA12. if it is not in active inform to *asis
- remove the bad re$est and reschedle the re$est
- reschedle the re$est from the sorce system
Inacti)e 1pdate Ru*es
- pdate rles are in inactive stats
- manally activate the pdate rles
- rn the program !SA,:,PD!:!#AC+(;A+#:ALL in S#2<. provide (nfoSorce and
Data +arget name. to activate the pdate rles
- reschedle the re$est from PSA
Time Stamp 'rror
- this is becase of timestamp changes between sorce system and *) system
- replicate DataSorce and activate the transfer strctre
- replicate DataSorce from (nfoSorce or Sorce System tree. then rn the program
!S:+!A=S+!,:AC+(;A+#:ALL. provide Sorce system name and (nfoSorce
name and e/ecte to activate the +ransfer Strctre
- then reschedle the re$est from sorce system
PS$ 'rror Records
- how to modify the records in PSA
- select the error data package. to modify the error record
- first delete the bad re$est from the re$est tab of manage. then PSA allow modifying
the records0 9o to details tab of the particlar (nfoPackage in monitor. select the error
data packet. conte/t men. select PSA maintenance. then it moves to PSA
maintenance screen then doble click on error record then modify0
- Load data manally from PSA or select icon !ead everything in manally in monitor

#o SI& 0ound
- while loading transaction data if any master data record not fond. it will throgh this
- load master data for a particlar master data (nfoOb7ect
- manally load master data by schedling the (nfoPackage or manally maintain the
master data
- reschedle the re$est from PSA
#um,er Ran2e 'rror
- when nmber range defined e/ceeds.
- perform elementary tests in !S!;
- copy the name of the particlar ob7ect for which the nmber range to be increased.
then goto !S!;. select >Compare the =mber !ange?@ test nder particlar ob7ect
%for dimension or (nfoOb7ect. etc0'. drag and drop to right side. provide the ob7ect
name then select >!epair@ icon
- reschedle the re$est from PSA

Transact R0C 'rror
- error while transferring the L,)s from sorce to service AP(
- manally psh the L,)s%blocked' to service AP(
- 9oto SMA< in sorce system side. select the blocked L,)s. then select #/ecte
L,) form the men tab0
- Once L,)s are manally e/ected in sorce side. refresh the load then it will start
loading atomatically0 (n between any data packets failed. then select the respective
data packet from the details tab. conte/t men. then select e/ecte manally0

$%' Remote %oc(
- +his can happen when ser or AL#!#MO+# is accessing the same table
- !emove the locked ob7ect from lock list%if athori5ed'. or inform to *asis
- 9o to SM16. remove the ob7ect from the list if athori5ed. else inform to
administrator and wait for some time0
- !eschedle the re$est from PSA
&e*ta %oad 0ai*s
- procedre if any delta load fails
- go for repeat delta
- remove the re$est from the re$est tab of manage. change the stats of the re$est
to red in monitor and then schedle the re$est
- it poplates repeat delta screen. select ok
&e*ta %oad 0ai*s 3O&S4
- procedre to handle if any delta load fails
- go for repeat delta
- remove the bad re$est from the manage of re$est tabB change the $ality stats to
red in both re$est tab as well as in monitor of that re$est0 (n ODS. remove the
datamart stats. then reschedle the re$est from the (nfoPackage as sal
- it poplates repeat delta screen. select ok
$ttri,ute C+an2e Run
- how to perform attribte change rn
- sing program !SDDS:A99!#9A+#S:MA(=+A(= or transaction !SA++!
- rn the program !SDDS:A99!#9A+#S:MA(=+A(=. provide (nfoOb7ect name and
e/ecte it will pdates the attribtes vales in aggregates in foregrond. or se the
transaction !SA++! to e/ecte in backgrond

'rror at Process C+ain Start 5ariant
- how to handle if any process chain stopped at start variant
- perform the following standard steps
- 6o to process c+ain p*annin2 )ie7
- 6o to )ariant maintenance o8 t+e start process 37+ere 7e sc+edu*e t+e
process c+ain4
- Se*ect 9Start suin2 Metac+ain or $PI:; and sa)e
- Come ,ac( to t+e p*annin2 )ie7 and tri22er or sc+edu*e t+e process c+ain
- 6o to *o2 )ie7; c*ic( on 5ie7 in menu ta,; and se*ect 9Mer2e $cti)e 5ersion:
- Come ,ac( to *o2 )ie7; se*ect t+e start process; 2o 7it+ conte<t menu and
se*ect =Stop Process $2ain>
*y these steps. the process chain restarts normally0 Once all the processes
sccessflly finished. we need to perform the following steps to bring back the process
chain to normal
- Rese*ect =&irect Sc+edu*in2> in t+e )ariant o8 t+e start process
- $cti)ate and sc+edu*e t+e process c+ain
Process O)erdue 'rror
- if two chains try to load or pdate data to a single ob7ect. we will get this type of error
- wait for some time and reschedle the re$est
- identify the chain and process which is pdating the target. after finishing that process
again reschedle the re$est
- reschedle the re$est from PSA
#o $ccess Permission; ta,*e is *oc(ed
- this is becase of some one accessing that ob7ect
- wait for some time or nlock the ob7ect
- if r athori5ed. delete the ob7ect from SM16. or inform to administrator to nlock the
- reschedle the re$est from PSA
#o master data operations possi,*e durin2 a c+an2e run
- simltaneosly loading attribtes and change rn is not possible
- check is any attribte change rn is rnning
- wait ntil it finish and reschedle the re$est from PSA
More 'rrors
C:\Documents and
Settings\ramakrishna.kamurthy\Desktop\Load Failure and Resolution.xls
C:\Documents and
Important BWP Pro2rams
C:\Documents and
Settings\ramakrishna.kamurthy\Desktop\BW! !rograms.doc
Important BWP 0unction Modu*es
C:\Documents and
Settings\ramakrishna.kamurthy\Desktop\S"! BW! #mportant Function $odules.doc
Important BWP Ta,*es
C:\Documents and
Settings\ramakrishna.kamurthy\Desktop\S"! #mportant %a&les.doc

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