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Messages -1984

January 1, 1984 #8
Your cross is heavy, but so will be your reward. The ysteries enclosed
in the words o! the "lighty are any. #e, in due tie, will reveal
the to you. You...should a$e the be aware, y obedient child%
this is your ission even i! it involves sacri!ices% do not disay...
&lory be to the 'ord.
(ead) *+e$iel ,11 -1.,19,/0% ,11 -2-9
*+e$iel ,11 -1.,19,/0
1. 3 will gather you !ro the nations and asseble you !ro the countries over
which you have been scattered, and 3 will restore to you the land o! 3srael.
19 3 will give the a new heart and 4ut a new s4irit within the% 3 will reove
the stony heart !ro their bodies, and re4lace it with a natural heart,
/0 so that they will live according to y statutes, and observe and carry out
y ordinances% thus they shall be y 4eo4le and 3 will be their &od.
*+e$iel ,11 -2-9
2 5ut i! the watchan sees the sword coing and !ails to blow the warning
tru4et, so that the sword coes and ta$es anyone, 3 will hold the
watchan res4onsible !or that 4erson6s death, even though that 4erson is
ta$en because o! his own sin.
. You, son o! an, 3 have a44ointed watchan !or the house o! 3srael% when
you hear e say anything, you shall warn the !or e.
8 3! 3 tell the wic$ed an that he shall surely die, and you do not s4ea$ out to
dissuade the wic$ed an !ro his way, he 7the wic$ed an8 shall die !or his
guilt, but 3 will hold you res4onsible !or his death.
9 5ut i! you warn the wic$ed an, trying to turn hi !ro his way, and he
re!uses to turn !ro his way, he shall die !or his guilt, but you shall save
January 1 #9
The -irgin highlights the i4ortance o! !ervor in 4rayer to receive the graces o!
the 'ord. 9he highlights also the i4ortance o! 4raying the (osary together.
(ead) / Tiothy ,/ -8-11
/ Tiothy ,/ -8-11
8 (eeber Jesus ,hrist, raised !ro the dead, a descendant o! :avid) such is
y gos4el,
9 !or which 3 a su!!ering, even to the 4oint o! chains, li$e a criinal. 5ut the
word o! &od is not chained.
10 There!ore, 3 bear with everything !or the sa$e o! those who are chosen, so
that they too ay obtain the salvation that is in ,hrist Jesus, together with
eternal glory.
11 This saying is trustworthy) 3! we have died with hi we shall also live with
1/ i! we 4ersevere we shall also reign with hi. 5ut i! we deny hi he will
deny us.
11 3! we are un!aith!ul he reains !aith!ul, !or he cannot deny hisel!.
January / #10
My sadness is your sadness, all Mothers su!!er when their children
su!!er. My #eart, that you see covered with thorns, en le!t it li$e this.
;! their rede4tion de4end that these thorns be turned into 4er!ued
roses. &lory be to the "lighty.
(ead) *4hesians ,/ -1-10
*4hesians ,/ -1-10
1 You were dead in your transgressions and sins
/ in which you once lived !ollowing the age o! this world, !ollowing the ruler o!
the 4ower o! the air, the s4irit that is now at wor$ in the disobedient.
1 "ll o! us once lived aong the in the desires o! our !lesh, !ollowing the
wishes o! the !lesh and the i4ulses, and we were by nature children o!
wrath, li$e the rest.
4 5ut &od, who is rich in ercy, because o! the great love he had !or us,
< even when we were dead in our transgressions, brought us to li!e with ,hrist
7by grace you have been saved8,
2 raised us u4 with hi, and seated us with hi in the heavens in ,hrist Jesus,
. that in the ages to coe he ight show the ieasurable riches o! his grace
in his $indness to us in ,hrist Jesus.
8 =or by grace you have been saved through !aith, and this is not !ro you% it
is the gi!t o! &od%
9 it is not !ro wor$s, so no one ay boast.
10 =or we are his handiwor$, created in ,hrist Jesus !or the good wor$s that
&od has 4re4ared in advance, that we should live in the.
January 1 7e> 1.8 #11
They are telling you that y essages are !ull o! ho4e. Yes, they are,
as long as you obey the 'ord and ta$e re!uge in #is ?ord. You should
wal$ with slow but sa!e ste4s, always going !orward% that is what the
'ord deands.
3 a the tutor o! seinarians% 3 give the strength when they acce4t
e. They will all coe to e 79he says this regarding all en8. @ray
!or the whole world. &lory be to the 'ord.
(ead) 1 Thessalonians ,< -1/-/0
3 !eel the need to tell y -irgin Mary)
My #eavenly Mother,
?hat do You have in store !or e,
3 do not $now i! it is 4ain or Aoy.
5ut 3 $now that today,
?hen 3 !eel e>hausted,
3 can only thin$ o! Your 9on,
?ho carried the ,ross on #is shoulders,
?ith all the 4ain,
"nd without a co4laint.
#ow uch did Jesus su!!er !or the world and its sins.
3 also thin$ o! You,
Your 4ain has no eBual,
Co one or anything on *arth su!!ered as uch as You,
"nd 3 !eel that, y -irgin, 3 should be crying,
Cot out o! grie!, but out o! Aoy !or the load You are giving e.
Mother, !orgive e !or having these bad thoughts.
Cow 3 !eel relie!, 3 $now 3 a illuinated and 3 !eel 4rotected
with all Your care.
This 4rayer is not only !or you, it is also !or anyone that !eel anguish
!or any reason. You should read it and you will !eel relie!. Ma$e it
1 Thessalonians ,< -1/-/0
1/ ?e as$ you, brothers, to res4ect those who are laboring aong you and who
are over you in the 'ord and who adonish you,
11 and to show estee !or the with s4ecial love on account o! their wor$. 5e
at 4eace aong yourselves.
14 ?e urge you, brothers, adonish the idle, cheer the !ainthearted, su44ort
the wea$, be 4atient with all.
1< 9ee that no one returns evil !or evil% rather, always see$ what is good 7both8
!or each other and !or all.
12 (eAoice always.
1. @ray without ceasing.
18 3n all circustances give than$s, !or this is the will o! &od !or you in ,hrist
19 :o not Buench the 94irit.
/0 :o not des4ise 4ro4hetic utterances.
January 4 #1/
'ast night 3 saw again the star in the !or o! a narrow ray o! white light that
nailed the ground. 3n re!erence to this, the -irgin says)
3 will sancti!y this 4lace.
73t is worth noting that on the sae s4ot, !or /< years, there was a slu4, within
which a ud cha4el was erected, in honour to ;ur lady o! 3tati8
(ead) 1 John ,< -2-9,1/,11
1 John ,< -2-9,1/,11
2 This is the one who cae through water and blood, Jesus ,hrist, not by water
alone, but by water and blood. The 94irit is the one that testi!ies, and the
94irit is truth.
. 9o there are three that testi!y,
8 the 94irit, the water, and the blood, and the three are o! one accord.
9 3! we acce4t huan testiony, the testiony o! &od is surely greater. Cow
the testiony o! &od is this, that he has testi!ied on behal! o! his 9on.
1/ ?hoever 4ossesses the 9on has li!e% whoever does not 4ossess the 9on o!
&od does not have li!e.
11 3 write these things to you so that you ay $now that you have eternal li!e,
you who believe in the nae o! the 9on o! &od.
January < #11
&od sends you to 4reach, 4reach. :o not let the te4ests sto4 you,
!ul!ill the will o! the =ather. "en.
(ead) "cts ,10 -14-12,41
7"t night8
:o not let any align sword get to your heart. The 9acred #eart o!
Jesus will hel4 you to de!end yourselves.
"cts ,10 -14-12,41
14 Then @eter 4roceeded to s4ea$ and said, D3n truth, 3 see that &od shows no
1< (ather, in every nation whoever !ears hi and acts u4rightly is acce4table to
12 You $now the word 7that8 he sent to the 3sraelites as he 4roclaied 4eace
through Jesus ,hrist, who is 'ord o! all,
41 To hi all the 4ro4hets bear witness, that everyone who believes in hi will
receive !orgiveness o! sins through his nae.D
January 2 #14
3 will show you how 3 want y house, the one that you should have
3 see a big te4le. To get to the altar you should clib three ste4s. The altar is
sustained by two round 4illars. 3n the center is the -irgin, to one side the 9acred
#eart, on the other side 3 can6t see clearly, 3 believe it6s the #oly 94irit. ;n the
bac$ there is enough s4ace !or a sall grotto. The bac$ wall is concave, and has
a big round visual o! the #oly Trinity. Then 9he says)
The te4le should be big, that is how &od wants it. &lory be to &od.
...They will believe when they see y wor$s% they will see the, little
by little% thus should be done. "en.
(ead) *+e$iel ,1. -<,8-9% ,18 -10-1/
*+e$iel ,1. -<,8-9
< Then he too$ soe seed o! the land, and 4lanted it in a seedbed% " shoot by
4lenti!ul waters, li$e a willow he 4laced it,
8 3n a !ertile !ield by 4lenti!ul waters it was 4lanted, to grow branches, bear
!ruit, and becoe a aAestic vine.
9 9ay) Thus says the 'ord &;:) ,an it 4ros4erE ?ill he not rather tear it out by
the roots and stri4 o!! its !ruit, so that all its green growth will wither when
he 4ulls it u4 by the rootsE 7Co need o! a ighty ar or any 4eo4le to do
*+e$iel ,18 -10-1/
10 There!ore 3 will Audge you, house o! 3srael, each one according to his ways,
says the 'ord &;:. Turn and be converted !ro all your cries, that they
ay be no cause o! guilt !or you.
11 ,ast away !ro you all the cries you have coitted, and a$e !or
yourselves a new heart and a new s4irit. ?hy should you die, ; house o!
1/ =or 3 have no 4leasure in the death o! anyone who dies, says the 'ord &;:.
(eturn and liveF
January 8 7e> 188 #1<
"t this oent, huanity is hanging on a thread. 3! that thread
brea$s, any will not !ind salvation. That is why 3 a calling you !or
re!lection% hurry, the tie is !inishing. There will be no 4lace !or those
delaying their coing% the 'ord wants all to enAoy #is Gingdo. To
those who are away !ro #i 3 say) &et closer% Jesus ,hrist is at your
hand reach. @reach this.
5lessed be Jose4h, blessed be Mary, blessed be &od !or the 4roised
(ead) #ebrews ,4 -1/-12
#ebrews ,4 -1/-12
1/ 3ndeed, the word o! &od is living and e!!ective, shar4er than any two-edged
sword, 4enetrating even between soul and s4irit, Aoints and arrow, and
able to discern re!lections and thoughts o! the heart.
11 Co creature is concealed !ro hi, but everything is na$ed and e>4osed to
the eyes o! hi to who we ust render an account.
14 There!ore, since we have a great high 4riest who has 4assed through the
heavens, Jesus, the 9on o! &od, let us hold !ast to our con!ession.
1< =or we do not have a high 4riest who is unable to sy4athi+e with our
wea$nesses, but one who has siilarly been tested in every way, yet
without sin.
12 9o let us con!idently a44roach the throne o! grace to receive ercy and to
!ind grace !or tiely hel4.
January 8 7e> 198 #12
Today 3 gave you strong words, but they are eant to be re!lected
(ead) 1 @eter ,1 -1/,11
1 @eter ,1 -1/,11
1/ 3t was revealed to the that they were serving not theselves but you with
regard to the things that have now been announced to you by those who
4reached the good news to you 7through8 the holy 94irit sent !ro heaven,
things into which angels longed to loo$.
11 There!ore, gird u4 the loins o! your ind, live soberly, and set your ho4es
co4letely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation o! Jesus
January 9 7e> /08 #1.
"ny de!eat o! yours to reach ;ur 'ord is a victory !or the evil one.
The 'ord su!!ers i! #e sees that you let yourselves be convinced by
hi. 9truggle not to co4roise to his 4ower% get away !ro evil
thoughts. 9trengthen your !aith, day a!ter day, in the 9avior% let the
94irit wor$ in you. "en.
This 3 say !or the whole world.
(ead) (oans ,2 -12-18,/1-/1
(oans ,2 -12-18,/1-/1
12 :o you not $now that i! you 4resent yourselves to soeone as obedient
slaves, you are slaves o! the one you obey, either o! sin, which leads to
death, or o! obedience, which leads to righteousnessE
1. 5ut than$s be to &od that, although you were once slaves o! sin, you have
becoe obedient !ro the heart to the 4attern o! teaching to which you
were entrusted.
18 =reed !ro sin, you have becoe slaves o! righteousness.
/1 5ut what 4ro!it did you get then !ro the things o! which you are now
ashaedE =or the end o! those things is death.
// 5ut now that you have been !reed !ro sin and have becoe slaves o! &od,
the bene!it that you have leads to sancti!ication, and its end is eternal li!e.
/1 =or the wages o! sin is death, but the gi!t o! &od is eternal li!e in ,hrist
Jesus our 'ord.
January 10 #18
...My daughter, 3 trust in you, that is why you were chosen.
...#a44y days await you, as well as bad ties... You will be 4ointed at
by evil and incredulous 4eo4le, but you will reain silent. ;nly 3 will be
in charge o! easing your way, o! a$ing the close their ouths,
when the right tie coes....
(ead) Malachi ,1 -<% ,/ -4
Malachi ,1 -<% ,/ -4
1)< Your own eyes shall see it, and you will say, D&reat is the ';(:, even
beyond the land o! 3srael.D
/)4 Then you will $now that 3 sent you this coandent because 3 have a
covenant with 'evi, says the ';(: o! hosts.
January 11 #19
5egin to !ast again.
(ead) *cclesiastes ,9 -.,8
*cclesiastes ,9 -.,8
. &o, eat your bread with Aoy and drin$ your wine with a erry heart, because
it is now that &od !avours your wor$s.
8 "t all ties let your garents be white, and s4are not the 4er!ue !or your
January 1/ #/0
This ission is hurting your health, but the 'ord needs you. #e is in
you with all #is Mercy. Through you 3 will get to those away !ro the
'ord. My 9on loves you and wants the best !or you% answer #i. 3 a
with You% you will receive good news soon...
(ead 1 Tiothy ,4 -2,9-11
1 Tiothy ,4 -2,9-11
2 3! you will give these instructions to the brothers, you will be a good inister
o! ,hrist Jesus, nourished on the words o! the !aith and o! the sound teaching
you have !ollowed.
9 This saying is trustworthy and deserves !ull acce4tance.
10 =or this we toil and struggle, because we have set our ho4e on the living
&od, who is the savior o! all, es4ecially o! those who believe.
11 ,oand and teach these things.
January 11 #/1
"s a Mother, 3 a watching over y children. 3 !ill the with strength
i! their s4irit is wea$ened !ro lac$ o! !aith.
The 'ord gives wisdo to those who wish to receive it. ,hrist Jesus is
not lac$ing love !or you, #e wants to give it to you in abundance.
Ma$e this $nown.
(ead) (evelation ,1 -8-10
(evelation ,1 -8,10
8 D3 $now your wor$s 7behold, 3 have le!t an o4en door be!ore you, which no
one can close8. You have liited strength, and yet you have $e4t y word
and have not denied y nae.
10 5ecause you have $e4t y essage o! endurance, 3 will $ee4 you sa!e in
the tie o! trial that is going to coe to the whole world to test the
inhabitants o! the earth.
January 14 #//
Today 9he says to e)
3 give you the biblical Buotes with y essages so that the world sees
that they are authentic, so as not to doubt you. 'et your ission hel4
everyone $now that y 9on, Jesus, tries to convert the !or the 'ord.
(eread the 4assages and you will !ind answers you do not !ind now.
&lory be to &od.
(ead) #aggai ,1 -<-.% ,/ -/1
#aggai ,1 -<-.% ,/ -/1
1)< Cow thus says the ';(: o! hosts) ,onsider your waysF
1)2 You have sown uch, but have brought in little% you have eaten, but have
not been satis!ied% You have drun$, but have not been e>hilarated% have
clothed yourselves, but not been wared% "nd he who earned wages
earned the !or a bag with holes in it.
1). Thus says the ';(: o! hosts) ,onsider your waysF
/)/1 ;n that day, says the ';(: o! hosts, 3 will ta$e you, Herubbabel, son o!
9healtiel, y servant, says the ';(:, "nd 3 will set you as a signet ring%
!or 3 have chosen you, says the ';(: o! hosts.
January 1< #/1
My children, do not disobey ,hrist Jesus, !or #is 4ure #eart su!!ers i!
#e sees you sin. The 'ord wants you to be as 4er!ect as you can. #e
does not want anyone to !all into worldly te4tations.
My daughter, today o4en your heart to your neighbour.
Ma$e this $nown, !or it is y will and that o! your =ather. "en.
(ead) 1 John ,/ -1-2,1.
1 John ,/ -1-2,1.
1 The way we ay be sure that we $now hi is to $ee4 his coandents.
4 ?hoever says, D3 $now hi,D but does not $ee4 his coandents is a liar,
and the truth is not in hi.
< 5ut whoever $ee4s his word, the love o! &od is truly 4er!ected in hi. This is
the way we ay $now that we are in union with hi)
2 whoever clais to abide in hi ought to live 7Aust8 as he lived.
1. Yet the world and its enticeent are 4assing away. 5ut whoever does the
will o! &od reains !orever.
January 1. #/4
3 will bless every 4lace and every 4erson who is beside the 'ord. @lace
yourselves under #is Mercy. :o not sha$e hands with those who har
you, nor wal$ beside the. ;nly ignore the, and ignore their tongue.
;nly the 4erverse want evil !or you.
5eloved children, call u4on the #oly 94irit, !or #i to be 4resent with
you, and !or #i not to !orsa$e you. "en.
(ead) Joshua ,1 -<-9

Joshua ,1 -<-9
< Co one can withstand you while you live. 3 will be with you as 3 was with
Moses) 3 will not leave you nor !orsa$e you.
2 5e !ir and stead!ast, so that you ay give this 4eo4le 4ossession o! the
land which 3 swore to their !athers 3 would give the.
. "bove all, be !ir and stead!ast, ta$ing care to observe the entire law which
y servant Moses enAoined on you. :o not swerve !ro it either to the right
or to the le!t, that you ay succeed wherever you go.
8 Gee4 this boo$ o! the law on your li4s. (ecite it by day and by night, that you
ay observe care!ully all that is written in it% then you will success!ully attain
your goal.
9 3 coand you) be !ir and stead!astF :o not !ear nor be disayed, !or the
';(:, your &od, is with you wherever you go.D
January 18 #/<
@ray the #oly (osary, and ay the 'ord see that with it goes your
conversion. The 9acred #eart o! Jesus will give you 4lenti!ul blessings.
The 4roises o! the 'ord are waiting to be !ul!illed% !ul!ill yourselves
#is 4etition.
(ead) "os ,9 -9-1<
"os ,9 -9,11-1<
9 =or see, 3 have given the coand to si!t the house o! 3srael aong all the
nations, "s one si!ts with a sieve, letting no 4ebble !all to the ground.
11 Yes, days are coing, says the ';(:, ?hen the 4lowan shall overta$e the
rea4er, and the vintager, hi who sows the seed% The Auice o! gra4es shall
dri4 down the ountains, and all the hills shall run with it.
14 3 will bring about the restoration o! y 4eo4le 3srael% they shall rebuild and
inhabit their ruined cities, @lant vineyards and drin$ the wine, set out
gardens and eat the !ruits.
1< 3 will 4lant the u4on their own ground% never again shall they be 4luc$ed
=ro the land 3 have given the, say 3, the ';(:, your &od.
January // #/2
3 a constantly seeing the blindness o! other 4eo4le to the 'ord6s
warning. That is why 3 $now that you are going to do uch to be with
,hrist Jesus. 3 $now you will achieve it with your e!!orts.
(ead) "cts ,/2 -12-18
"cts ,/2 -12-18
12 &et u4 now, and stand on your !eet. 3 have a44eared to you !or this
4ur4ose, to a44oint you as a servant and witness o! what you have seen 7o!
e8 and what you will be shown.
1. 3 shall deliver you !ro this 4eo4le and !ro the &entiles to who 3 send
18 to o4en their eyes that they ay turn !ro dar$ness to light and !ro the
4ower o! 9atan to &od, so that they ay obtain !orgiveness o! sins and an
inheritance aong those who have been consecrated by !aith in e.6
January /1 #/.
Jesus says to e)
#el4 the 4oor, hel4 the rich and also the hel4less, because they are
lost in the !aith. Tal$ to the about My Mercy. 3 do not reAect those
who see$ Me. 94ea$, do not reain silent. :o not get tired o!
4reaching. 3 a your 9trength. "en.
January /4 #/8
:o not get tired o! glori!ying the Cae o! ,hrist Jesus.
(ead) (evelation ,1/ -10-1/
(evelation ,1/ -10-1/
10 Then 3 heard a loud voice in heaven say) DCow have salvation and 4ower
coe, and the $ingdo o! our &od and the authority o! his "nointed. =or the
accuser o! our brothers is cast out, who accuses the be!ore our &od day
and night.
11 They conBuered hi by the blood o! the 'ab and by the word o! their
testiony% love !or li!e did not deter the !ro death.
1/ There!ore, reAoice, you heavens, and you who dwell in the. 5ut woe to
you, earth and sea, !or the :evil has coe down to you in great !ury, !or he
$nows he has but a short tie.D
January /4 #/9
Your Mother is begging you to listen to &od. 'et no one a$e !alse
su44lications, because the 'ord $nows your heart. This is !or you all to
January /< #10
'oo$ toward the rising sun and you will see the birth o! a new day. May
there be ho4e and !aith in you% and each day ay the wish grow to be
true children o! &od. :o not a$e #i turn #is !ace !ro you% trust in
(ead) 3saiah ,2 -8,9% ,2< -1.-19
3saiah ,2 -8,9% ,2< -1.-19
2)8 Then 3 heard the voice o! the 'ord saying, D?ho shall 3 sendE ?ho will go
!or usED D#ere 3 a,D 3 said% Dsend eFD
2)9 "nd he re4lied) &o and say to this 4eo4le) 'isten care!ully, but you shall
not understandF 'oo$ intently, but you shall $now nothingF
2<)1. 'o, 3 a about to create new heavens and a new earth% The things o! the
4ast shall not be reebered or coe to ind.
2<)18 3nstead, there shall always be reAoicing and ha44iness in what 3 create%
=or 3 create Jerusale to be a Aoy and its 4eo4le to be a delight%
2<)19 3 will reAoice in Jerusale and e>ult in y 4eo4le. Co longer shall the
sound o! wee4ing be heard there, or the sound o! crying%
January /2 #11
The 9acred #eart hel4s you to be strong in s4irit. &lory be to the 'ordF
(ead) Micah ,2 -8
Micah ,2 -8
8 You have been told, ; an, what is good, and what the ';(: reBuires o!
you) ;nly to do right and to love goodness, and to wal$ hubly with your
January /. #1/
The 'ord is revealing through the Messages and through the #oly
9cri4tures what #e e>4ects !ro an$ind. :o not close the doors to
#iF &ive yourselves to Jesus as #e gave #isel! away to you. 'et this
that 3 give you be $nown% believe, those that wish to believe, and hear,
those that wish to hear. "en.
(ead) / 9auel ,/1 -/-.
/ 9auel ,/1 -/-.
/ The s4irit o! the ';(: s4o$e through e% his word was on y tongue.
1 The &od o! 3srael s4o$e% o! e the (oc$ o! 3srael said, 6#e that rules over
en in Austice, that rules in the !ear o! &od,
4 3s li$e the orning light at sunrise on a cloudless orning, a$ing the
greensward s4ar$le a!ter rain.6
< 3s not y house !ir be!ore &odE #e has ade an eternal covenant with e,
set !orth in detail and secured. ?ill he not bring to !ruition all y salvation
and y every desireE
2 5ut the wic$ed are all li$e thorns to be cast away% they cannot be ta$en u4
by hand.
. #e who wishes to touch the ust ar hisel! with iron and the sha!t o! a
s4ear, and they ust be consued by !ire.D
January /. #11
"t the retreat, the 9acred #eart says to e)
You ust tell your brethren that these nights o! 4rayer 4lease My
=ather. Tonight the #oly 94irit is with you all.
January /8 #14
(eeber that the 'ord does not want a sinner, but soeone that
observes and $ee4s #is law. You ust run away !ro the evil one and
see$ the 'ord i! #e is !ar !ro you. Trust in the "lightyF #e, with #is
4ower, will deliver you !ro the eney. "en.
(ead) / ,orinthians ,/ -8-1.
/ ,orinthians ,/ -8,9,14,1<,1.
8 There!ore, 3 urge you to rea!!ir your love !or hi.
9 =or this is why 3 wrote, to $now your 4roven character, whether you were
obedient in everything.
14 5ut than$s be to &od, who always leads us in triu4h in ,hrist and
ani!ests through us the odor o! the $nowledge o! hi in every 4lace.
1< =or we are the aroa o! ,hrist !or &od aong those who are being saved
and aong those who are 4erishing,
1. =or we are not li$e the any who trade on the word o! &od% but as out o!
sincerity, indeed as !ro &od and in the 4resence o! &od, we s4ea$ in
January /9 #1<
3 see a big 4eaches ount in !lower and suddenly a strong wind ta$es away the
!lowers !ro the trees, but they do not !all to the ground. The wind ta$es the
away. Then the sae ount a44ears, all dry.
The -irgin says)
:o not let this ha44en in your lives. :o not wait !or the wind, lest it
coe and devastate everything in your lives, and there is no salvation.
Ta$e re!uge in the 'ord. &lory be to &od.
January /9 #12
5eloved children, 3 a with you. Tell your neighbours to allow
theselves to be touched by the 'ord, to allow #i to s4ea$ to the,
as #is ?ord is *ternal 'i!e. My daughter, everywhere there is violence.
My 9on Jesus does not want this. @ray !or those who are in need o! #is
?ord. "en.
(ead) Jereiah ,8 -4-.
Jereiah ,8 -4-.
4 Tell the) Thus says the ';(:) ?hen soeone !alls, does he not rise againE
i! he goes astray, does he not turn bac$E
< ?hy do these 4eo4le rebel with obstinate resistanceE ?hy do they cling to
dece4tive idols, re!use to turn bac$E
2 3 listen closely) they s4ea$ what is not true% Co one re4ents o! his
wic$edness, saying, D?hat have 3 doneFD *veryone $ee4s on running his
course, li$e a steed dashing into battle.
. *ven the stor$ in the air $nows it seasons% Turtledove, swallow and thrush
observe their tie o! return, 5ut y 4eo4le do not $now the ordinance o! the
January 10 #1.
The 'ord grants !reedo to choose. #e a$es you see the good and
a$es you see the evil. #e a$es you see the light and also the
dar$ness. Those who want to be with #i ust act according to #is
Your Mother tells you)
69uon as any as you can !or 4rayer, 4ray the #oly (osary6.
@raise be the 'ord.
(ead) 5aruch ,/ -11-1<
5aruch ,/ -11-1<
11 they shall $now that 3, the ';(:, a their &od. 3 will give the hearts, and
heed!ul ears%
1/ and they shall 4raise e in the land o! their ca4tivity, and shall invo$e y
11 Then they shall turn bac$ !ro their sti!!-nec$ed stubbornness, and !ro
their evil deeds, because they shall reeber the !ate o! their !athers who
sinned against the ';(:.
14 "nd 3 will bring the bac$ to the land which with y oath 3 4roised to
their !athers, to "braha, 3saac and Jacob% and they shall rule it. 3 will
a$e the increase% they shall not then diinish.
1< "nd 3 will establish !or the, as an eternal covenant, that 3 will be their
&od, and they shall be y 4eo4le% and 3 will not again reove y 4eo4le
3srael !ro the land 3 gave the.
January 11 #18
3 see a big roo, li$e a disco, crowded with young boys and girls% they see
drun$, soething ugly. The -irgin tells e)
This is a calaity, huan wrec$s% no child o! good 4arents should go
to such 4laces. &od is not there% no one is loo$ing !or the 'ord in
4laces li$e this.
You should 4ray !or the youngsters in the world who have not !ound
@ray !or those that behave in a denigrating anner, !or those that are
not well advised. The 'ord can rescue the because #e is erci!ul and
loves #is children.
(ead) &alatians ,2 -/,2-10
&alatians ,2 -/,2-10
/ 5ear one another6s burdens, and so you will !ul!ill the law o! ,hrist.
2 ;ne who is being instructed in the word should share all good things with his
. Ma$e no ista$e) &od is not oc$ed, !or a 4erson will rea4 only what he
8 because the one who sows !or his !lesh will rea4 corru4tion !ro the !lesh,
but the one who sows !or the s4irit will rea4 eternal li!e !ro the s4irit.
9 'et us not grow tired o! doing good, !or in due tie we shall rea4 our harvest,
i! we do not give u4.
10 9o then, while we have the o44ortunity, let us do good to all, but es4ecially
to those who belong to the !aily o! the !aith.
=ebruary 1, 1984 #19
D'oveD is the word 3 as$ !or !ro the world, but it is not corres4onded
by en as the 'ord wishes.
73 saw the word D'oveD written at #er !eet and also D(osesD8.
You see the word D(osesD because 3 as$ !or roses, white and red roses.
=ebruary / #40
&od is love, gi!t o! li!e, ercy and total understanding.
You are *ternal &lory, co!ort in grie!, liberation o! the soul.
My 'ord, 3 want to honour You, sing 4raises to Your Cae.
Today 3 want to tell You) #ere 3 a, My 'ord.
9tay with e today and always.
3 have to watch over those who are sic$, sic$ in the soul. @ray !or
the, salvation is 4ossible !or the. The 'ord will bless you !or that.
My soul is in anguish !or the sin!ul world you are living in.
=ebruary 1 #41
Jesus says)
#e who is healthy in his heart, reain healthy% do not containate
yourselves. #e who wal$s y way will inherit *ternal 'i!e and he who
$ee4s My coandents will have Me as a co4anion !or the rest o!
his li!e. 'et no one be a!raid o! My ?ords. Tell this to your brethren.
'ater, the -irgin says to e)
My children, listen to ,hrist Jesus, #e announces #is 4roise. ?ear
!estive dresses and not rags% i! you are with the 'ord, you are already
dressed as #e as$s. ;bey y 9on and 3 will reAoice in you.
&lory be to the 'ord.
@ray the #oly (osary, but do it with the devotion and love deanded
by the 'ord.
(ead) Jereiah ,9 -//,/1% ,10 -2,.
Jereiah ,9 -//,/1 True &lory
// Thus says the ';(:) 'et not the wise an glory in his wisdo, nor the
strong an glory in his strength, nor the rich an glory in his riches%
/1 5ut rather, let hi who glories, glory in this, that in his 4rudence he $nows
e, Gnows that 3, the ';(:, bring about $indness, Austice and u4rightness
on the earth% =or with such a 3 4leased, says the ';(:.
Jereiah ,10 -2,.
2 Co one is li$e you, ; ';(:, great are you, great and ighty is your nae.
. ?ho would not !ear you, Ging o! the nations, !or it is your dueF "ong all the
wisest o! the nations, and in all their doain, there is none li$e you.
=ebruary 4 #4/
My words are not o! discourageent, nor should they be a cause o!
grie!. You should be convinced that the !uture will be better than the
4resent and wait !or Jesus ,hrist with all your love. The 'ord does not
disa44oint #is children.
(ead) @roverbs ,/ -1-9,/0,/1
@roverbs ,/ -1-9,/0,/1
1 My son, i! you receive y words and treasure y coands,
/ Turning your ear to wisdo, inclining your heart to understanding%
1 Yes, i! you call to intelligence, and to understanding raise your voice%
4 3! you see$ her li$e silver, and li$e hidden treasures search her out)
< Then will you understand the !ear o! the ';(:% the $nowledge o! &od you
will !ind%
2 =or the ';(: gives wisdo, !ro his outh coe $nowledge and
. #e has counsel in store !or the u4right, he is the shield o! those who wal$
8 &uarding the 4aths o! Austice, 4rotecting the way o! his 4ious ones.
9 Then you will understand rectitude and Austice, honesty, every good 4ath%
/0 Thus you ay wal$ in the way o! good en, and $ee4 to the 4aths o! the
/1 =or the u4right will dwell in the land, the honest will reain in it%
=ebruary < #41
There is an urgent need !or 4rayer, but there is also an urgency !or y
house, 3 have to dwell in it.
(ead) Mar$ ,8 -14-18
Mar$ ,8 -14-18) The ,onditions o! :isci4leshi4
14 #e suoned the crowd with his disci4les and said to the, D?hoever
wishes to coe a!ter e ust deny hisel!, ta$e u4 his cross, and !ollow
1< =or whoever wishes to save his li!e will lose it, but whoever loses his li!e !or
y sa$e and that o! the gos4el will save it.
12 ?hat 4ro!it is there !or one to gain the whole world and !or!eit his li!eE
1. ?hat could one give in e>change !or his li!eE
18 ?hoever is ashaed o! e and o! y words in this !aithless and sin!ul
generation, the 9on o! Man will be ashaed o! when he coes in his
=ather6s glory with the holy angels.D
=ebruary < #44
Your 4eo4le need e and 3 want to tell the) My children, coe you
all to e, do whatever you can to hel4 e achieve y ai.
3 do not want you to s4ea$ in a low voice, 3 want the all to hear you.
The 'ord will do great things, but you have to do soething !or #i,
which is nothing ore than searching !or your salvation.
@raised be the 'ord.
5uild the altar, and 3, together with y 9on Jesus, will bless whoever
coes near it.
=ebruary 2 #4<
(ecogni+e the 'ord, #e is your shelter in the daily struggles% let #i
reain in you. May #is ,ross increase your !aith. The wisdo o! the
'ord e!!aces all the shadows that surround you and gives 'ight !orever.
5lessed be the 'ord. ,hildren, editate these words and you will !ind
the answer.
(ead) 3saiah ,<2 -<-8
3saiah ,<2 -<-8
< 3 will give, in y house and within y walls, a onuent and a nae. 5etter
than sons and daughters% an eternal, i4erishable nae will 3 give the.
2 "nd the !oreigners who Aoin theselves to the ';(:, inistering to hi,
'oving the nae o! the ';(:, and becoing his servants-- "ll who $ee4 the
9abbath !ree !ro 4ro!anation and hold to y covenant,
. The 3 will bring to y holy ountain and a$e Aoy!ul in y house o!
4rayer% Their holocausts and sacri!ices will be acce4table on y altar, =or y
house shall be called a house o! 4rayer !or all 4eo4les.
8 Thus says the 'ord &;:, who gathers the dis4ersed o! 3srael) ;thers will 3
gather to hi besides those already gathered.
=ebruary 9 #42
=ro #is Tree the 'ord gave you a s4rout, it will grow because this soil
is !ertile% do not let #i becoe wood !or the !ire. #e will reAoice in
$nowing that #e s4ea$s and is listened to% as$ !or hel4 and #e will
save you. :o not hinder y words. "en.
(ead) 9irach ,/ -1-2
9irach ,/ -1-2
1 My son, when you coe to serve the ';(:, 4re4are yoursel! !or trials.
/ 5e sincere o! heart and stead!ast, undisturbed in tie o! adversity.
1 ,ling to hi, !orsa$e hi not% thus will your !uture be great.
4 "cce4t whatever be!alls you, in crushing is!ortune be 4atient%
< =or in !ire gold is tested, and worthy en in the crucible o! huiliation.
2 Trust &od and he will hel4 you% a$e straight your ways and ho4e in hi.
=ebruary 10 #4.
The -irgin says)
-enerate the 'ord, do not turn your bac$ on #i. #e should be your
4ride% $ee4 #i in your heart. ,all out to the 'ord all those who wait
in #i. 3 give you ho4e in the 'ord, because 3 $now there is salvation
!or you.
=ebruary 11 #48
5less the 'ord, the Ging o! the universeF @raise &od ;ur =atherF May
all $now that #e is erci!ul, that #e !orgives and loves above all
things, that #is Gingdo is everlasting, as #is 'ove !or #is children is
everlasting. #e only as$s !or !aith and to live within #is ?ords, and in
e>change o!!ers salvation !or the soul and total liberation.
"en, "en.
=ebruary 1/ #49
3 tell y children) :o not grieve over aterial 4ossessions, they do not
lead to soething everlasting. :o worry rather, !or s4iritual goods% try
to ulti4ly the because they coe !ro the 'ord. :o not 4roise
ore than what you can give% ,hrist Jesus $nows your liits.
&lory be to the 'ord.
(ead) Job ,11 -2-19 I Judith ,11 -18
Job ,11 -2-19
2 #ear now the rebu$e 3 shall utter and listen to the re4roo! !ro y li4s.
. 3s it !or &od that you s4ea$ !alsehoodE 3s it !or hi that you utter deceitE
8 3s it !or hi that you show 4artialityE :o you 4lay advocate on behal! o! &odE
9 ?ill it be well when he shall search you outE ?ould you i4ose on hi as
one does on enE
10 #e will o4enly rebu$e you i! even in secret you show 4artiality.
11 9urely will his aAesty a!!right you and the dread o! hi !all u4on you.
1/ Your reinders are ashy a>is, your !abrications are ounds o! clay.
11 5e silent, let e aloneF that 3 ay s4ea$ and give vent to y !eelings.
14 3 will carry y !lesh between y teeth, and ta$e y li!e in y hand.
1< 9lay e though he ight, 3 will wait !or hi% 3 will de!end y conduct
be!ore hi.
12 "nd this shall be y salvation, that no i4ious an can coe into his
1. @ay care!ul heed to y s4eech, and give y stateent a hearing.
18 5ehold, 3 have 4re4ared y case, 3 $now that 3 a in the right.
19 3! anyone can a$e a case against e, then 3 shall be silent and die.
Judith ,11 -18
18 Then J++iah said to her) D5lessed are you, daughter, by the Most #igh &od,
above all the woen on earth% and blessed be the 'ord &od, the creator o!
heaven and earth, who guided your blow at the head o! the chie! o! our
=ebruary 11 #<0
3 do not want y children to go wandering, without $nowing where to
go. That is why 3 as$ the to see$ the 'ord, to coe to $now #i and
glori!y #is Cae, !orever and ever. "en.
=ebruary 14 #<1
The 4ower o! &od overcoes all en6s calculations. The sentence o!
the 'ord is grave i! you do not obey #is ,oandents, as is huge
#is ercy !or the ones that obey #is ?ord. (eveal your !aith and a$e
your covenant with #i. &lory be to &od.
(ead) *+e$iel ,18 -/<-/9
*+e$iel ,18 -/<-/9
/< You say, DThe ';(:69 way is not !airFD #ear now, house o! 3srael) 3s it y
way that is un!air, or rather, are not your ways un!airE
/2 ?hen a virtuous an turns away !ro virtue to coit iniBuity, and dies, it
is because o! the iniBuity he coitted that he ust die.
/. 5ut i! a wic$ed an, turning !ro the wic$edness he has coitted, does
what is right and Aust, he shall 4reserve his li!e%
/8 since he has turned away !ro all the sins which he coitted, he shall
surely live, he shall not die.
/9 "nd yet the house o! 3srael says, DThe ';(:69 way is not !airFD 3s it y way
that is not !air, house o! 3srael, or rather, is it not that your ways are not
=ebruary 1< #</
:o not deny your outh the very thing your hearts screa, the nae
o! the 'ord ;ur &od% a$e a continuous 4raise to #i. "en. "en.
=ebruary 12 #<1
"s yet, they do not understand the i4ortance o! the Message. The
'ord will guide the in ?isdo. You ust be constant in 4rayer to the
(ead) 1 ,hronicles ,/8 -8-10
1 ,hronicles ,/8 -8-10
8 There!ore, in the 4resence o! all 3srael, the assebly o! the ';(:, and in the
hearing o! our &od, 3 e>hort you to $ee4 and to carry out all the
coandents o! the ';(:, your &od, that you ay continue to 4ossess
this good land and a!terward leave it as an inheritance to your children
9 D"s !or you, 9oloon, y son, $now the &od o! your !ather and serve hi
with a 4er!ect heart and a willing soul, !or the ';(: searches all hearts and
understands all the ind6s thoughts. 3! you see$ hi, he will let hisel! be
!ound by you% but i! you abandon hi, he will cast you o!! !orever.
10 9ee, thenF The ';(: has chosen you to build a house as his sanctuary. Ta$e
courage and set to wor$.D
=ebruary 12 #<4
'et yourselves be led and 3 will guide you to the inheritance o! y
(ead) Jaes ,< -.-11
Jaes ,< -.-11
. 5e 4atient, there!ore, brothers, until the coing o! the 'ord. 9ee how the
!arer waits !or the 4recious !ruit o! the earth, being 4atient with it until it
receives the early and the late rains.
8 You too ust be 4atient. Ma$e your hearts !ir, because the coing o! the
'ord is at hand.
9 :o not co4lain, brothers, about one another, that you ay not be Audged.
5ehold, the Judge is standing be!ore the gates.
10 Ta$e as an e>a4le o! hardshi4 and 4atience, brothers, the 4ro4hets who
s4o$e in the nae o! the 'ord.
11 3ndeed we call blessed those who have 4ersevered. You have heard o! the
4erseverance o! Job, and you have seen the 4ur4ose o! the 'ord, because
Dthe 'ord is co4assionate and erci!ul.D
=ebruary 18 #<<
3n all the 4laces in the world where y Messages have been given, it
sees that they were 4reached in ceeteries% that was not the
answer the 'ord e>4ected.
That is why your 4eo4le was chosen% 4reach so that your brothers ay
answer the call o! the 'ord ;ur &od.
"en. "en.
(ead) @sal ,10. -1<-41
@sal ,10. -1<-41
1< #e changed the desert into 4ools o! water, arid land into s4rings o! water,
12 "nd settled the hungry there% they built a city to live in.
1. They sowed !ields and 4lanted vineyards, brought in an abundant harvest.
18 &od blessed the, they becae very any, and their livestoc$ did not
40 5ut he 4oured out conte4t on 4rinces, ade the wander the trac$less
19 ?here they were diinished and brought low through isery and cruel
41 ?hile the 4oor were released !ro their a!!liction% their !ailies increased
li$e their !loc$s.
4/ The u4right saw this and reAoiced% all wic$edness shut its outh.
41 ?hoever is wise will ta$e note o! these things, will 4onder the erci!ul
deeds o! the ';(:.
=ebruary 19 #<2
"ccuulate virtues, that is enAoyed by My 'ord. #e gives you #is 'ight,
let yourselves be illuinated by 3t and 3t will !ree the sinner !ro all
4unishent. The 'ord will in due tie show the greatness o! #is
"en. "en.
=ebruary 19 #<.
@rayer to the 'ord)
My 'ord, You are y strength,
"nd the reason !or y li!e.
'isten to y voice and y 4rayer,
(each out Your #and,
9o that 3 can grab it to live.
3 ta$e y re!uge in You, 'ord.
My heart is with You.
The -irgin says)
5uild y house, venerate the 'ordF 3 want you to enAoy it in all its
s4lendor. Ma$e it yourselves. May it have no less than twenty one rows
o! benches. ;bey e in everything.
=ebruary /0 #<8
You all e>4ect things !ro the 'ord. 3 say to you) &ive yourselves
co4letely to #i% do not be ungenerous with your love to &od.
(ead) Matthew ,1/ -18-/0 I *4hesians ,4 -1-2
Matthew ,1/ -18-/0
18 D5ehold, y servant who 3 have chosen, y beloved in who 3 delight% 3
shall 4lace y s4irit u4on hi, and he will 4roclai Austice to the &entiles.
19 #e will not contend or cry out, nor will anyone hear his voice in the streets.
/0 " bruised reed he will not brea$, a soldering wic$ he will not Buench, until
he brings Austice to victory.
*4hesians ,4 -1-2
1 3, then, a 4risoner !or the 'ord, urge you to live in a anner worthy o! the
call you have received,
/ with all huility and gentleness, with 4atience, bearing with one another
through love,
1 striving to 4reserve the unity o! the s4irit through the bond o! 4eace)
4 one body and one 94irit, as you were also called to the one ho4e o! your call%
< one 'ord, one !aith, one ba4tis%
2 one &od and =ather o! all, who is over all and through all and in all.
=ebruary /1 #<9
#a44y are those who are a!raid o! &od6s Audgent. 3 loo$ed !or your
4eo4le, but 3 ho4e now they loo$ !or e so that you can see that the
Mother does not abandon her children.
(ead) Hechariah ,8 -11-11
Hechariah ,8 -11-11
11 5ut now 3 will not deal with the renant o! this 4eo4le as in !orer days,
says the ';(: o! hosts,
1/ !or it is the seedtie o! 4eace) the vine shall yield its !ruit, the land shall
bear its cro4s, and the heavens shall give their dew% all these things 3 will
have the renant o! the 4eo4le 4ossess.
11 Just as you were a curse aong the nations, ; house o! Judah and house o!
3srael, so will 3 save you that you ay be a blessing% do not !ear, but let
your hands be strong.
=ebruary // #20
Jesus ,hrist is right be!ore your eyes and you do not see #i. The
'ord wor$s wonders in those that believe in #i. 'et #i be with you
night and day% do not let the evil one in through any crac$. :o not
abandon the teachings o! y =ather. 5lessed be the 'ord.
(ead) *4hesians ,1 -1-19
*4hesians ,1 -1-19
1 5ecause o! this, 3, @aul, a 4risoner o! ,hrist 7Jesus8 !or you &entiles--
/ i!, as 3 su44ose, you have heard o! the stewardshi4 o! &od6s grace that was
given to e !or your bene!it,
1 7naely, that8 the ystery was ade $nown to e by revelation, as 3 have
written brie!ly earlier.
4 ?hen you read this you can understand y insight into the ystery o! ,hrist,
< which was not ade $nown to huan beings in other generations as it has
now been revealed to his holy a4ostles and 4ro4hets by the 94irit,
2 that the &entiles are coheirs, ebers o! the sae body, and co4artners in
the 4roise in ,hrist Jesus through the gos4el.
. ;! this 3 becae a inister by the gi!t o! &od6s grace that was granted e in
accord with the e>ercise o! his 4ower.
8 To e, the very least o! all the holy ones, this grace was given, to 4reach to
the &entiles the inscrutable riches o! ,hrist,
9 and to bring to light 7!or all8 what is the 4lan o! the ystery hidden !ro
ages 4ast in &od who created all things,
10 so that the ani!old wisdo o! &od ight now be ade $nown through the
church to the 4rinci4alities and authorities in the heavens.
11 This was according to the eternal 4ur4ose that he acco4lished in ,hrist
Jesus our 'ord,
1/ in who we have boldness o! s4eech and con!idence o! access through !aith
in hi.
11 9o 3 as$ you not to lose heart over y a!!lictions !or you% this is your glory.
14 =or this reason 3 $neel be!ore the =ather,
1< !ro who every !aily in heaven and on earth is naed,
12 that he ay grant you in accord with the riches o! his glory to be
strengthened with 4ower through his 94irit in the inner sel!,
1. and that ,hrist ay dwell in your hearts through !aith% that you, rooted and
grounded in love,
18 ay have strength to co4rehend with all the holy ones what is the breadth
and length and height and de4th,
19 and to $now the love o! ,hrist that sur4asses $nowledge, so that you ay
be !illed with all the !ullness o! &od.
=ebruary /1 #21
The cowards and the e4ty hearted live in terror o! the !uture, but do
nothing to reach the 'ord. They close their eyes and do not want to
see. 3n this way, they will not see the Gingdo o! &od.
'isten to the 'ord, do not reAect #i% #e is your salvationF
&lory be to &od.
=ebruary /4 #2/
Your duty is to teach the "lighty6s Austice, and blessed is he who
learns it. 'et yourselves be guided by the 'ord, as a !loc$ is guided by
its she4herd.
(ead) *+ra ,. -/<% ,9 -2-8
*+ra ,. -/<% ,9 -2-8
.)/< D"s !or you, *+ra, in accordance with the wisdo o! your &od which is in
your 4ossession, a44oint agistrates and Audges to adinister Austice to
all the 4eo4le in ?est-o!-*u4hrates, to all, that is, who $now the laws o!
your &od. 3nstruct those who do not $now these laws.
9)2 3 said) DMy &od, 3 a too ashaed and con!ounded to raise y !ace to you,
; y &od, !or our wic$ed deeds are hea4ed u4 above our heads and our
guilt reaches u4 to heaven.
9). =ro the tie o! our !athers even to this day great has been our guilt, and
!or our wic$ed deeds we have been delivered over, we and our $ings and
our 4riests, to the will o! the $ings o! !oreign lands, to the sword, to
ca4tivity, to 4illage, and to disgrace, as is the case today.
9)8 D"nd now, but a short tie ago, ercy cae to us !ro the ';(:, our &od,
who le!t us a renant and gave us a sta$e in his holy 4lace% thus our &od
has brightened our eyes and given us relie! in our servitude.
=ebruary /4 #21
3 want the conversion o! the world% sto4 disobeying the 'ord.
,hildren, 4ray !or this.
=ebruary /< #24
The 'ord will answer to those that re4ent o! their evil actions. The 'ord
says) (e4ent and 3 will !orgive you.
The eney will not advance, the #and o! &od, Your =ather, will sto4
hi. 3n due tie, #e will ri4 out evil co4letely% #e will 4uri!y you and
you will be good ,hristians. &lory to the "lighty.
=ebruary /2 #2<
You are all called to be children o! &od. ,all out to #i, do not get
tired o! doing so% !ro #is #oly Throne, #e will coe to you.
(ead) / @eter ,1 -/-9,1.
/ @eter ,1 -/-9,1.
/ to recall the words 4reviously s4o$en by the holy 4ro4hets and the
coandent o! the 'ord and savior through your a4ostles.
1 Gnow this !irst o! all, that in the last days sco!!ers will coe 7to8 sco!!, living
according to their own desires
4 and saying, D?here is the 4roise o! his coingE =ro the tie when our
ancestors !ell aslee4, everything has reained as it was !ro the beginning
o! creation.D
< They deliberately ignore the !act that the heavens e>isted o! old and earth
was !ored out o! water and through water by the word o! &od%
2 through these the world that then e>isted was destroyed, deluged with water.
. The 4resent heavens and earth have been reserved by the sae word !or !ire,
$e4t !or the day o! Audgent and o! destruction o! the godless.
8 5ut do not ignore this one !act, beloved, that with the 'ord one day is li$e a
thousand years and a thousand years li$e one day.
9 The 'ord does not delay his 4roise, as soe regard Ddelay,D but he is
4atient with you, not wishing that any should 4erish but that all should coe
to re4entance.
1. There!ore, beloved, since you are !orewarned, be on your guard not to be
led into the error o! the un4rinci4led and to !all !ro your own stability.
=ebruary /. #22
The 'ord trusts in your !aith!ulness and will wor$ !or your salvation.
9how yourselves to &od. "en.
(ead) 3saiah ,4/ -1,9% ,42 -8-1/
3saiah ,4/ -1,9
1 #ere is y servant who 3 u4hold, y chosen one with who 3 a 4leased,
J4on who 3 have 4ut y s4irit% he shall bring !orth Austice to the nations,
9 9ee, the earlier things have coe to 4ass, new ones 3 now !oretell% 5e!ore
they s4ring into being, 3 announce the to you.
3saiah ,42 -8-1/
8 (eeber this and be !ir, bear it well in ind, you rebels% reeber the
!orer things, those long ago)
9 3 a &od, there is no other% 3 a &od, there is none li$e e.
10 "t the beginning 3 !oretell the outcoe% in advance, things not yet done. 3
say that y 4lan shall stand, 3 acco4lish y every 4ur4ose.
11 3 call !ro the east a bird o! 4rey, !ro a distant land, one to carry out y
4lan. Yes, 3 have s4o$en, 3 will acco4lish it% 3 have 4lanned it, and 3 will do
1/ 'isten to e, you !ainthearted, you who see !ar !ro the victory o! Austice)
=ebruary /9 #2.
5eloved children, Jesus is the su44ort and the 'ight o! your li!e.
?ithout #i you would live in dar$ness. :o not rebel, you, that wait in
the 'ord. Trust with your heart in the 9avior, since everything coes
!ro #is hand. "en, "en.
March 1, 1984 #28
My daughter, your 4eo4le will change, their !aith in &od will grow. 3 will
hand out blessings and you will have an answer !ro the 'ord. Tell
your brothers that the ?ord o! Jesus ,hrist is in the ,hurch, go to #er
and listen to it.
&lory to the Most #oly =ather.
(ead) 3saiah ,/9 -11,14
3saiah ,/9 -11,14
11 The 'ord said) 9ince this 4eo4le draws near with words only and honors e
with their li4s alone, though their hearts are !ar !ro e, "nd their
reverence !or e has becoe routine observance o! the 4rece4ts o! en,
14 There!ore 3 will again deal with this 4eo4le in sur4rising and wondrous
!ashion) The wisdo o! its wise en shall 4erish and the understanding o!
its 4rudent en be hid.
March / #29
The 'ord $nows you give everything u4 to loo$ !or s4iritual richness,
that is why #e 4uts it at hand reach at each oent o! your lives.
,hildren, the ,hristian true Aoy is to live in ,hrist and !or ,hrist.
"en. "en.
March 1 #.0
The 'ord Audges according to how you behave towards #i. 5ehave in
a 4er!ect way as your &od deands. 5lessed be the *ternal =ather.
(ead) 1 ,orinthians ,1/ -/.-10% ,14 -1-<
1 ,orinthians ,1/ -/.-10
/. Cow you are ,hrist6s body, and individually 4arts o! it.
/8 9oe 4eo4le &od has designated in the church to be, !irst, a4ostles% second,
4ro4hets% third, teachers% then, ighty deeds% then, gi!ts o! healing,
assistance, adinistration, and varieties o! tongues.
/9 "re all a4ostlesE "re all 4ro4hetsE "re all teachersE :o all wor$ ighty
10 :o all have gi!ts o! healingE :o all s4ea$ in tonguesE :o all inter4retE
1 ,orinthians ,14 -1-<
1 @ursue love, but strive eagerly !or the s4iritual gi!ts, above all that you ay
/ =or one who s4ea$s in a tongue does not s4ea$ to huan beings but to &od,
!or no one listens% he utters ysteries in s4irit.
1 ;n the other hand, one who 4ro4hesies does s4ea$ to huan beings, !or their
building u4, encourageent, and solace.
4 ?hoever s4ea$s in a tongue builds hisel! u4, but whoever 4ro4hesies builds
u4 the church.
< Cow 3 should li$e all o! you to s4ea$ in tongues, but even ore to 4ro4hesy.
;ne who 4ro4hesies is greater than one who s4ea$s in tongues, unless he
inter4rets, so that the church ay be built u4.
March < #.1
&ive gi!ts to the 'ord. *ven though your o!!erings ay see huble,
they are always enAoyed by the 'ord.
:o not let anything get in the way between you and &od, #e should
always be in your thoughts and wor$s.
&lory be to &od.
March 2 #./
Jesus says)
3 want your eyes and hearts devoted to your &od. ?oe to the an that
does not obey #i, he is worth nothing, and nothing can be given !or
hi. 3 call you y children, and 3 want you to be y children.
'ord, You have ta$en y li!e and 3 trust You.
#ear e Jesus,
,o!ort y heart,
9trengthen y s4irit,
:eliver e !ro all evil thoughts.
&uide e in righteousness.
3 $now this is the only way,
3 will receive Your blessing on Judgent :ay. "en.
(ead) / 9auel ,. -/4-/9
/ 9auel ,. -/4-/9
/4 You have established !or yoursel! your 4eo4le 3srael as yours !orever, and
you, ';(:, have becoe their &od.
/< "nd now, ';(: &od, con!ir !or all tie the 4ro4hecy you have ade
concerning your servant and his house, and do as you have 4roised.
/2 Your nae will be !orever great, when en say, 6The ';(: o! hosts is &od o!
3srael,6 and the house o! your servant :avid stands !ir be!ore you.
/. 3t is you, ';(: o! hosts, &od o! 3srael, who said in a revelation to your
servant, 63 will build a house !or you.6 There!ore your servant now !inds the
courage to a$e this 4rayer to you.
/8 "nd now, 'ord &;:, you are &od and your words are truth% you have ade
this generous 4roise to your servant.
/9 :o, then, bless the house o! your servant that it ay be be!ore you !orever%
!or you, 'ord &;:, have 4roised, and by your blessing the house o! your
servant shall be blessed !orever.D
March . #.1
The 'ord $nows o! your !atigue due to the daily struggle. 5ut you ust
dedicate tie to ,hrist Jesus% editate #is ?ord. #e watches you and
will e!!ace with #is 'ove, any !atigue and 4ain.
@raise the 'ord.
"en, "en.
March 8 #.4
My children, see$ ,hrist Jesus and you will !ind #i.
You will !ind #i, 3 assure you, and you will not leave #i any ore,
because he is the only reason !or 'i!e% and only the 'ord, with #is
'ove, will redee you. Trust in #is Austice. "en, "en.
(ead) 'u$e ,14 -11,/<-/.
'u$e ,14 -11,/<-/.
11 =or everyone who e>alts hisel! will be hubled, but the one who hubles
hisel! will be e>alted.D
/< &reat crowds were travelling with hi, and he turned and addressed the,
/2 D3! any one coes to e without hating his !ather and other, wi!e and
children, brothers and sisters, and even his own li!e, he cannot be y
/. ?hoever does not carry his own cross and coe a!ter e cannot be y
March 9 #.<
:o not let the 'ord see 4ride in you because #is Gingdo belongs to
the huble. #e gives #isel! 4lenti!ully to #is children% 4roclai #is
Cae today ore than ever.
(ead) John ,< -/4,10-1/
John ,< -/4,10-1/
/4 "en, aen, 3 say to you, whoever hears y word and believes in the one
who sent e has eternal li!e and will not coe to condenation, but has
4assed !ro death to li!e.
10 D3 cannot do anything on y own% 3 Audge as 3 hear, and y Audgent is
Aust, because 3 do not see$ y own will but the will o! the one who sent e.
11 D3! 3 testi!y on y own behal!, y testiony cannot be veri!ied.
1/ 5ut there is another who testi!ies on y behal!, and 3 $now that the
testiony he gives on y behal! is true.
March 10 #.2
:o not let yourselves be drawn by the in!aous% get away !ro sin,
!ro the circle o! evil and envy.
3n these days the 'ord coes to you, receive #i as #e deserves.
,hrist Jesus is all @urity, 'ove, and ?isdo. @raise be to the 'ord.
March 11 #..
:o not 4rovo$e &od6s anger, 4ain ore than anger, to see the
disobedience o! #is children. 9how #i that you love #i, giving
everything u4 !or #i. This is the chance. May #e !ind truth in your
hearts and glori!y #isel! in you. "en, "en.
(ead) Jaes ,4 -4-10% ,< -19,/0
Jaes ,4 -4-10
4 "dulterersF :o you not $now that to be a lover o! the world eans enity
with &odE There!ore, whoever wants to be a lover o! the world a$es hisel!
an eney o! &od.
< ;r do you su44ose that the 9cri4ture s4ea$s without eaning when it says,
DThe s4irit that he has ade to dwell in us tends toward AealousyDE
2 5ut he bestows a greater grace% there!ore, it says) D&od resists the 4roud,
but gives grace to the huble.D
. 9o subit yourselves to &od. (esist the devil, and he will !lee !ro you.
8 :raw near to &od, and he will draw near to you. ,leanse your hands, you
sinners, and 4uri!y your hearts, you o! two inds.
9 5egin to laent, to ourn, to wee4. 'et your laughter be turned into
ourning and your Aoy into deAection.
10 #uble yourselves be!ore the 'ord and he will e>alt you.
Jaes ,< -19,/0
19 My brothers, i! anyone aong you should stray !ro the truth and soeone
bring hi bac$,
/0 he should $now that whoever brings bac$ a sinner !ro the error o! his way
will save his soul !ro death and will cover a ultitude o! sins.
March 1/ #.8
3 say to y children) ?ithout the 'ord6s ercy you cannot go !ar. May
#is Cae be 4er4etually on your li4s. 5lessed be the 9avior.
March 1/ #.9
'ord, no shadow covers e now,
"ll is clear because o! You.
You 4rotect e with Your su4ree 'ove.
My 'ord, 3 4raise You and glori!y You.
You have bro$en y chains.
My heart cries out Your Cae.
May Your 'ight $ee4 guiding y days !orever, 'ord.
March 11 #80
&ive yourselves with devotion to the 'ord. 9ee$ in your hearts and you
will see there is only one way, the only way, #is ?ay. @ray to the #oly
94irit to listen to you, and #e will get inside you allowing you to grow
in the 'ove o! &od. "en, "en.
(ead) #ebrew ,1 -1-8
#ebrews ,1 -1-8
1 There!ore, holy Dbrothers,D sharing in a heavenly calling, re!lect on Jesus, the
a4ostle and high 4riest o! our con!ession,
/ who was !aith!ul to the one who a44ointed hi, Aust as Moses was D!aith!ul in
7all8 his house.D
1 5ut he is worthy o! ore DgloryD than Moses, as the !ounder o! a house has
ore DhonorD than the house itsel!.
4 *very house is !ounded by soeone, but the !ounder o! all is &od.
< Moses was D!aith!ul in all his houseD as a DservantD to testi!y to what would be
2 but ,hrist was !aith!ul as a son 4laced over his house. ?e are his house, i!
7only8 we hold !ast to our con!idence and 4ride in our ho4e.
. There!ore, as the holy 94irit says) D;h, that today you would hear his voice,
8 6#arden not your hearts as at the rebellion in the day o! testing in the desert,
March 14 #81
'et the 'ord live in you, and #e will deliver you !ro all evil. 9tart each
day 4utting the ?ord o! &od into 4ractice.
@raise be to the (edeeer.
(ead) Job ,19 -/9 I *cclesiastes ,1/ -11,14
Job ,19 -/9
/9 5e a!raid o! the sword !or yourselves, !or these cries deserve the sword%
that you ay $now that there is a Audgent.
*cclesiastes ,1/ -11,14
11 The last word, when all is heard) =ear &od and $ee4 his coandents, !or
this is an6s all%
14 because &od will bring to Audgent every wor$, with all its hidden Bualities,
whether good or bad.
March 1< #8/
*>aine yourselves and do not hesitate to give yourselves in body and
soul to the 'ord in these days in which ,hrist Jesus is insisting on your
conversion. To the wise and 4ower!ul, to those that believe to have it
all, 3 say) You are lac$ing the essential, you do not love your neighbor
nor the 'ord, which is the greatest treasure that any an could desire.
;nly a !ew are chosen by #i. (e4ent, and turn to ,hrist% love #i
and you will reach 9alvation. "en, "en.
(ead) (oans ,14 -//-/1% ,1< -1-11
(oans ,14 -//-/1
// Gee4 the !aith 7that8 you have to yoursel! in the 4resence o! &od% blessed is
the one who does not conden hisel! !or what he a44roves.
/1 5ut whoever has doubts is condened i! he eats, because this is not !ro
!aith% !or whatever is not !ro !aith is sin.
(oans ,1< -1-11
1 ?e who are strong ought to 4ut u4 with the !ailings o! the wea$ and not to
4lease ourselves%
/ let each o! us 4lease our neighbor !or the good, !or building u4.
1 =or ,hrist did not 4lease hisel!% but, as it is written, DThe insults o! those
who insult you !all u4on e.D
4 =or whatever was written 4reviously was written !or our instruction, that by
endurance and by the encourageent o! the 9cri4tures we ight have ho4e.
< May the &od o! endurance and encourageent grant you to thin$ in harony
with one another, in $ee4ing with ,hrist Jesus,
2 that with one accord you ay with one voice glori!y the &od and =ather o!
our 'ord Jesus ,hrist.
. ?elcoe one another, then, as ,hrist welcoed you, !or the glory o! &od.
8 =or 3 say that ,hrist becae a inister o! the circucised to show &od6s
truth!ulness, to con!ir the 4roises to the 4atriarchs,
9 but so that the &entiles ight glori!y &od !or his ercy. "s it is written)
DThere!ore, 3 will 4raise you aong the &entiles and sing 4raises to your
10 "nd again it says) D(eAoice, ; &entiles, with his 4eo4le.D
11 "nd again) D@raise the 'ord, all you &entiles, and let all the 4eo4les 4raise
1/ "nd again 3saiah says) DThe root o! Jesse shall coe, raised u4 to rule the
&entiles% in hi shall the &entiles ho4e.D
11 May the &od o! ho4e !ill you with all Aoy and 4eace in believing, so that you
ay abound in ho4e by the 4ower o! the holy 94irit.
March 12 #81
:o not !ool yourselves, thin$ing you can wal$ on your own% 3 tell you,
every shee4 needs his she4herd. :o not let the eney see you
con!used% have a clear ind and receive the 'ord. "en.
(ead) Joel ,/ -1/-11 I 9irach ,1 -2-10
Joel ,/ -1/-11
1/ Yet even now, says the ';(:, return to e with your whole heart, with
!asting, and wee4ing, and ourning%
11 (end your hearts, not your garents, and return to the ';(:, your &od. =or
gracious and erci!ul is he, slow to anger, rich in $indness, and relenting in
9irach ,1 -2-10
2 There is but one, wise and truly awe-ins4iring, seated u4on his throne)
. 3t is the ';(:% he created her, has seen her and ta$en note o! her.
8 #e has 4oured her !orth u4on all his wor$s, u4on every living thing according
to his bounty% he has lavished her u4on his !riends.
9 =ear o! the ';(: is glory and s4lendor, gladness and a !estive crown.
10 =ear o! the ';(: wars the heart, giving gladness and Aoy and length o!
March 1. #84
Those who trust the 'ord will not be hungry% #e will !eed you. #e
4rotects those who 4ut theselves in #is hands% see$ the 'ord. 'et
everyone $now that 3 s4ea$ here, and in these days. "en, "en.
March 18 #8<
3 coe to do good, and the 'ord allows e to do so, es4ecially aong
your 4eo4le. You were aslee4 to the things o! &od% #is ?ord is
4reached to you, but you see dea!. You are still in tie, that is why
#e sends e. You are a town touched by the hand o! the 'ord.
"nswer #iF &lory be to the 'ord.
March 18 #82
To your brethren, as a Mother, 3 say) :o not sinF 3 do not want
blas4heies in your outh% do not do anything to anger the 'ordF
March 19 #8.
The 'ord gives you all, both the good and the bad. You ust res4ect
#is Audgent% #e is only testing your !aith. "cce4t #is ?illF 3 say this
!or the wea$ that !ind it hard to believe there is a 9u4ree &od.
"en, "en.
(ead) 'aentations ,1 -//-/4,/8-11
'aentations ,1 -//-/4,/8-11
// The !avours o! the ';(: are not e>hausted, his ercies are not s4ent%
/1 They are renewed each orning, so great is his !aith!ulness.
/4 My 4ortion is the ';(:, says y soul% there!ore will 3 ho4e in hi.
/8 'et hi sit alone and in silence, when it is laid u4on hi.
/9 'et hi 4ut his outh to the dust% there ay yet be ho4e.
10 'et hi o!!er his chee$ to be struc$, let hi be !illed with disgrace.
11 =or the 'ord6s reAection does not last !orever%
1/ Though he 4unishes, he ta$es 4ity, in the abundance o! his ercies%
11 #e has no Aoy in a!!licting or grieving the sons o! en.
March /0 #88
You have started to 4ray, 4eo4le o! &od. You are beginning to resurge
again, as y 4resence has resurged be!ore you. You behave in a way
that is 4leasant to the 'ord.
?ithout $nowing it, you were sic$ in s4irit, the ?ord o! &od had not
really reached your hearts. The ?isdo o! the 'ord is the health o! the
souls% you have !ound it, never abandon it. @ray !or that.
"en, "en.
March /1 #89
3 as$ you !or 4rayers because 4raying, you are near the 'ord. 'et #i
!ill your lives and you will be sa!e !orever. "en.
March /1 #90
The 'ord does !or you ore than what you deserve. 5e worthy o! #is
Mercy. My children) (eAoice because the 'ord is aong you.
"en, "en.
(ead) 3saiah ,41 -8-11
3saiah ,41 -8-11
8 5ut you, 3srael, y servant, Jacob, who 3 have chosen, o!!s4ring o!
"braha y !riend--
9 You who 3 have ta$en !ro the ends o! the earth and suoned !ro its
!ar-o!! 4laces, You who 3 have called y servant, who 3 have chosen and
will not cast o!!--
10 =ear not, 3 a with you% be not disayed% 3 a your &od. 3 will strengthen
you, and hel4 you, and u4hold you with y right hand o! Austice.
11 Yes, all shall be 4ut to shae and disgrace who vent their anger against
you% Those shall 4erish and coe to nought who o!!er resistance.
1/ You shall see$ out, but shall not !ind, those who strive against you% They
shall be as nothing at all who do battle with you.
11 =or 3 a the ';(:, your &od, who gras4 your right hand% 3t is 3 who say to
you, D=ear not, 3 will hel4 you.D
March // #91
'isten to what 3 say to you) 5lessed are those who trust in the 'ordF
3nstruct yourselves in #is ?ords as #e e>4ects !ro you. The #oly
94irit always is 4resent when you invo$e the 'ord sincerely.
&lory be to the *ternal =ather.
(ead) :euteronoy ,< -/.-11
:euteronoy ,< -/.-11
/. &o closer, you, and hear all that the ';(:, our &od, will say, and then tell
us what the ';(:, our &od, tells you% we will listen and obey.6
/8 DThe ';(: heard your words as you were s4ea$ing to e and said to e, 63
have heard the words these 4eo4le have s4o$en to you, which are all well
/9 ?ould that they ight always be o! such a ind, to !ear e and to $ee4 all
y coandentsF Then they and their descendants would 4ros4er !orever.
10 &o, tell the to return to their tents.
11 Then you wait here near e and 3 will give you all the coandents, the
statutes and decrees you ust teach the, that they ay observe the in
the land which 3 a giving the to 4ossess.6
1/ D5e care!ul, there!ore, to do as the ';(:, your &od, has coanded you,
not turning aside to the right or to the le!t,
11 but !ollowing e>actly the way 4rescribed !or you by the ';(:, your &od,
that you ay live and 4ros4er, and ay have long li!e in the land which you
are to occu4y.
March /1 #9/
You have corrected your lives. The 'ord little by little is straightening
the roads. Gee4 listening to #is ?ord and you will be blessed.
"en, "en.
March /1 #91
?ith Your 4ower, y &od,
You have changed y whole being.
=ro today You live in e.
You always give e consolation.
You encourage y li!e,
5ecause 3 a nothing without You.
#el4 e do Your ?ill in e, 'ord.
March /4 #94
3 reAoice when 3 see you obeying the 'ord. The ?ord o! &od reaches
your brethren% they are acce4ting it generously. 3ndeed, 3 have not
been s4ea$ing to stones. "en, "en.
The -irgin says to us)
3 a here% My #eart is with you.
(ead) John ,1. -2-11
John ,1. -2-11
2 D3 revealed your nae to those who you gave e out o! the world. They
belonged to you, and you gave the to e, and they have $e4t your word.
. Cow they $now that everything you gave e is !ro you,
8 because the words you gave to e 3 have given to the, and they acce4ted
the and truly understood that 3 cae !ro you, and they have believed that
you sent e.
9 3 4ray !or the. 3 do not 4ray !or the world but !or the ones you have given
e, because they are yours,
10 and everything o! ine is yours and everything o! yours is ine, and 3 have
been glori!ied in the.
11 "nd now 3 will no longer be in the world, but they are in the world, while 3
a coing to you. #oly =ather, $ee4 the in your nae that you have
given e, so that they ay be one Aust as we are.
March /< #9<
My children, do not be a!raid. 3! you behave as you are doing now, you
are already in counion with the 'ord. @ray, because 4rayer
strengthens you and you can !eel sure that you are listened to. The
9acred #eart o! Jesus blesses you. "en, "en.
"s your Mother, 3 as$ you) 3ncrease your !aith in the 'ordF "en.
March /2 #92
'ove &od and hate evil. 3 will send the rains in due tie. 5ear y
words in ind.
(ead) 1 9auel ,/ -1<,12 I ?isdo ,12 -/4-/2
1 9auel ,/ -1<,12
1< 3 will choose a !aith!ul 4riest who shall do what 3 have in heart and ind. 3
will establish a lasting house !or hi which shall !unction in the 4resence o!
y anointed !orever.
12 Then whoever is le!t o! your !aily will coe to grovel be!ore hi !or a
4iece o! silver or a loa! o! bread, and will say) "44oint e, 3 beg you, to a
4riestly !unction, that 3 ay have a orsel o! bread to eat.6D
?isdo ,12 -/4-/2
/4 =or your creation, serving you, its a$er, grows tense !or 4unishent
against the wic$ed, but is rela>ed in bene!it !or those who trust in you.
/< There!ore at that very tie, trans!ored in all sorts o! ways, it was serving
your all-nourishing bounty according to what they needed and desired%
/2 That your sons who you loved ight learn, ; ';(:, that it is not the
various $inds o! !ruits that nourish an, but it is your word that 4reserves
those who believe youF
March /. #9.
9he says to e)
Your 4eo4le answers y call !or 4rayer, they go bac$ to the ,hurch%
the 'ord will reward your res4onse. Those who disobey will bear the
guilt% the 'ord does not tolerate evil, since it coes !ro the eney.
(ead) @sal ,91 -14-12
@sal ,91 -14-12
14 ?hoever clings to e 3 will deliver% whoever $nows y nae 3 will set on
1< "ll who call u4on e 3 will answer% 3 will be with the in distress% 3 will
deliver the and give the honor.
12 ?ith length o! days 3 will satis!y the and show the y saving 4ower.
March /9 #98
?hen &od tal$s #e wants to be heard% listen to #is voice, #is
reBuests% #e listens to your voices. You $now little o! the 'ord, y
children. (ead the 9acred 9cri4tures and you will learn to $now #i.
&lory be to the "lighty.
The 'ord will ta$e away all the stee4ing stones on your way. :o not
leave to ,hrist Jesus, do soething !or yourselves% #e is as$ing this.
"en, "en.
(ead) Job ,14 -10-11% ,12 -1-1/
Job ,14 -10-11
10 There!ore, en o! understanding, hear$en to e) !ar be it !ro &od to do
wic$edness% !ar !ro the "lighty to do wrongF
11 (ather, he reBuites en !or their conduct, and brings hoe to a an his
way o! li!e.
Job ,12 -1-1/
1 *lihu 4roceeded !urther and said)
/ ?ait yet a little and 3 will instruct you, !or there are still words to be said on
&od6s behal!.
1 3 will bring y $nowledge !ro a!ar, and to y Ma$er 3 will accord the right.
4 =or indeed, y thee cannot !ail e) the one 4er!ect in $nowledge 3 set
be!ore you.
< 5ehold, &od reAects the obstinate in heart% he 4reserves not the li!e o! the
2 #e withholds not the Aust an6s rights, but grants vindication to the
. "nd with $ings u4on thrones he sets the, e>alted !orever.
8 ;r i! they are bound with !etters and held !ast by bonds o! a!!liction,
9 Then he a$es $nown to the what they have done and their sins o! boast!ul
10 #e o4ens their ears to correction and e>horts the to turn bac$ !ro evil.
11 3! they obey and serve hi, they s4end their days in 4ros4erity, their years
in ha44iness.
1/ 5ut i! they obey not, they 4erish% they die !or lac$ o! $nowledge.
March 10 #99
You ust be 4re4ared to !ight the eney. 9ee$ strength in the 'ord,
!or #e is your sure su44ort. &lory be to the ost #oly =ather.
March 11 #100
?hen the road sees long and you are tired, thin$ o! the 'ord and it
will becoe short, and your burden will see light. 3 assure you, the
hand o! the 'ord is always stretched out !or #is children. "en, "en.
(ead) #ebrews ,11 -14-12,19
#ebrews ,11 -14-12,19
14 =or here we have no lasting city, but we see$ the one that is to coe.
1< Through hi 7then8 let us continually o!!er &od a sacri!ice o! 4raise, that is,
the !ruit o! li4s that con!ess his nae.
12 :o not neglect to do good and to share what you have% &od is 4leased by
sacri!ices o! that $ind.
19 3 es4ecially as$ !or your 4rayers that 3 ay be restored to you very soon.
"4ril 1,1984 #101
3n these ties, the 'ord is teaching you a great lesson and you ust
value it. ,hrist Jesus, with #is :ivine Mercy, will illuinate you to be
able to do so. "en, "en. Meditate this.
(ead) @sal ,<0 -14,1<,/1
Jesus says to us)
3 a not !ar !ro those that need Me% 3 stay by their side. @ray !or
yourselves and !or your brethren.
@sal ,<0 -14,1<,/1
14 ;!!er 4raise as your sacri!ice to &od% !ul!ill your vows to the Most #igh.
1< Then call on e in tie o! distress% 3 will rescue you, and you shall honor
/1 Those who o!!er 4raise as a sacri!ice honor e% to the obedient 3 will show
the salvation o! &od.D
"4ril / #10/
Message !or seinarians)
Tell the 3 a44reciate the devotion o! all seinarians who are with
their hearts by the 'ord. My blessing goes to the.
"4ril 1 #101
You should also 4reach the ?ord o! the 'ord to the children. 3 want
the to be educated in the 'ove o! &od. "en, "en.
(ead) :euteronoy ,10 -11-14% ,11 -8,1/,11
:euteronoy ,10 -11-14
11 D=or this coand which 3 enAoin on you today is not too ysterious and
reote !or you.
1/ 3t is not u4 in the s$y, that you should say, 6?ho will go u4 in the s$y to get
it !or us and tell us o! it, that we ay carry it outE6
11 Cor is it across the sea, that you should say, 6?ho will cross the sea to get it
!or us and tell us o! it, that we ay carry it outE6
14 Co, it is soething very near to you, already in your ouths and in your
hearts% you have only to carry it out.
:euteronoy ,11 -8,1/,11
8 3t is the ';(: who arches be!ore you% he will be with you and will never
!ail you or !orsa$e you. 9o do not !ear or be disayed.D
1/ "sseble the 4eo4le--en, woen and children, as well as the aliens who
live in your counities--that they ay hear it and learn it, and so !ear the
';(:, your &od, and care!ully observe all the words o! this law.
11 Their children also, who do not $now it yet, ust hear it and learn it, that
they too ay !ear the ';(:, your &od, as long as you live on the land which
you will cross the Jordan to occu4y.D
"4ril 4 #104
3 tell you that i! you are with ,hrist Jesus, you do not wal$ in the dar$.
There is always brightness where the 'ord is. #e is the 'ight o! all li!e.
"4ril . #10<
The 'ord deands a dee4 sincerity in your attitudes% you should be
honest because &od hates lies. *very ,hristian should struggle to
achieve the interior security and to $now how to resist the evil that
coes !ro the eney.
;nly in the 'ord, you will !ind love, and only by #is side you will be
4rotected. "en, "en.
"4ril 8 #102
=ar !ro the ,hurch you cannot act as the 'ord wishes% you ust be
united to #er. 9erve &od, and save yourselvesF The 'ord rewards
according to the behaviour o! an. @ray, y children. "en, "en.
(ead) *4hesians ,/ -19-/1
*4hesians ,/ -19-/1
19 9o then you are no longer strangers and soAourners, but you are !ellow
citi+ens with the holy ones and ebers o! the household o! &od,
/0 built u4on the !oundation o! the a4ostles and 4ro4hets, with ,hrist Jesus
hisel! as the ca4stone.
/1 Through hi the whole structure is held together and grows into a te4le
sacred in the 'ord%
"4ril 8 #10.
9ee$ &od and #e will live in you, and will o4en the doors o! #is
Gingdo !or you. "en.
:o not get tired o! 4reaching. @ray, @eo4le o! &od% the glory o! the
'ord is with you.
"4ril 9 #108
The world is !ull o! !alsehood, o! 4roud 4eo4le. :o not let the drag
you. ?henever you are te4ted, see$ the 9avior6s hel4 and #e will
lead you on the right road. "en, "en.
"4ril 1/ #109
3n other 4laces where 3 ani!ested Mysel!, the 'ord was there too. My
children, without the hand o! &od, nothing is 4ossible. 3 a a$ing
you listen to things you had already heard be!ore, but did not 4ut into
4ractice. Cow the 'ord gives you a new o44ortunity. The answer is in
you. "en, "en.
(ead) 1 ,hronicles ,// -19
1 ,hronicles ,// -19
19 There!ore, devote your hearts and souls to see$ing the ';(: your &od.
@roceed to build the sanctuary o! the ';(: &od, that the ar$ o! the
covenant o! the ';(: and &od6s sacred vessels ay be brought into the
house built in honor o! the ';(:.D
"4ril 1< #110
:aughter, the 'ord has reach out #is hands towards you. #e wants to
!ree you and give you a sure re!uge. The 'ove o! &od !or #is children is
so huge that ost 4eo4le do not understand it. Your Mother su!!ers !or
that. 'et the 'ord 4our #is 'ove in your hearts and you will !eel
strengthened. "en, "en.
(ead) 3saiah ,49 -8,9
3saiah ,49 -8,9
8 Thus says the ';(:) 3n a tie o! !avor 3 answer you, on the day o! salvation
3 hel4 you, To restore the land and allot the desolate heritages,
9 9aying to the 4risoners) ,oe outF To those in dar$ness) 9how yourselvesF
"long the ways they shall !ind 4asture, on every bare height shall their
4astures be.
"4ril 12 #111
You are a$ing a reBuest and the 'ord $nows the urgency o! your
need. #e gives you ore than you give #i, because #e is generous.
3n the !uture, devote yourselves to ;ur 'ord% 3 $now you can do it.
Men should not e>4ect anything !ro en, because the 4roise does
not coe !ro the earth, it coes !ro #eaven, where the 'ord ;ur
&od is. "en, "en.
(ead) Mar$ ,11 -//-/<
Mar$ ,11 -//-/<
// Jesus said to the in re4ly, D#ave !aith in &od.
/1 "en, 3 say to you, whoever says to this ountain, 65e li!ted u4 and thrown
into the sea,6 and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says
will ha44en, it shall be done !or hi.
/4 There!ore 3 tell you, all that you as$ !or in 4rayer, believe that you will
receive it and it shall be yours.
/< ?hen you stand to 4ray, !orgive anyone against who you have a
grievance, so that your heavenly =ather ay in turn !orgive you your
"4ril 1. #11/
To you who are lost, 3 Aust say) 5elieve in the 'ord. 5elieving and
4raying, you will be sa!e !ro any te4tation. =aith and 4rayer are the
ost 4ower!ul wea4ons that Jesus gives you% you should not do
anything that is not good in the eyes o! the 'ord.
&lory be to #eaven.
"4ril 18 #111
My children, obey the :ivine 'awF The call o! these days is a dee4 call
to conversion% the 'ord is testing your !aith. "en, "en.
You should 4ray !ro toorrow until 9unday ten D;ur =athersD
editating each word and carrying out its eaning as you haven6t
done this u4 to now, and there will be uch 4eace in your hearts. This
is a 4roise !ro the 'ord.
"4ril 19 #114
"s$ing a iracle !ro the 'ord is lac$ o! !aith. You ust believe !or
!aith itsel!, and not because o! a iracleF The 'ord does not e>4ect
that !ro you. #e ani!ests #isel! when #e wants, and in the way
#e wants. 9ee$ &od, love &od and #e will cover you with #is &lory.
"en, "en.
(ead) #osea ,2 -2% ,10 -1/
#osea ,2 -2% ,10 -1/
2)2 =or it is love that 3 desire, not sacri!ice, and $nowledge o! &od rather than
10)1/ D9ow !or yourselves Austice, rea4 the !ruit o! 4iety% 5rea$ u4 !or
yourselves a new !ield, !or it is tie to see$ the ';(:, till he coe and
rain down Austice u4on you.D
"4ril /0 #11<
You should be united and share the love and 4eace o! the 'ord.
You have touched e, My 'ord,
?ith Your iraculous #ands,
"nd ade y li!e change co4letely.
3 want to enter Your dwelling,
5e in Your 4resence.
You who are Merci!ul, ta$e e.
'ord, 3 want to be with You.
"4ril /1 #112
You are living these days as a true act o! o!!ering to the 'ord. 3 see
that the su!!ering and death o! y 9on on the cross reaches your
hearts !or the salvation o! souls.
@raise be to Jesus.
(ead) 3saiah ,40 -9 I John ,12 -1/,11
3saiah ,40 -9
9 &o u4 onto a high ountain, Hion, herald o! glad tidings% ,ry out at the to4
o! your voice, Jerusale, herald o! good newsF =ear not to cry out and say to
the cities o! Judah) #ere is your &odF
John ,12 -1/,11
1/ D3 have uch ore to tell you, but you cannot bear it now.
11 5ut when he coes, the 94irit o! truth, he will guide you to all truth. #e will
not s4ea$ on his own, but he will s4ea$ what he hears, and will declare to
you the things that are coing.
"4ril /1 #11.
=eed your s4iritual li!e. (eeber that only the 'ord has the 4ower to
do so, and 3 assure you, it will be a bal in your li!e. "ll those who are
at 4eace with the 'ord, have 4eace in their hearts.
5lessed be &od !or all eternityF
"4ril /4 #118
The 'ord gives you the !ood necessary to go ahead. 3 have chosen this
city as a 4eranent dwelling. Multi4ly yourselves li$e grains o! sand
and you will be as strong as roc$s. "en, "en.
(ead) Cahu ,/ -1 I Malachi ,1 -11
Cahu ,/ -1
1 9ee, u4on the ountains there advances the bearer o! good news,
announcing 4eaceF ,elebrate your !easts, ; Judah, !ul!ill your vowsF =or
neverore shall you be invaded by the scoundrel% he is co4letely
Malachi ,1 -11
11 =or !ro the rising o! the sun, even to its setting, y nae is great aong
the nations% "nd everywhere they bring sacri!ice to y nae, and a 4ure
o!!ering% =or great is y nae aong the nations, says the ';(: o! hosts.
"4ril /< #119
These days 3 a living aong you. The glory o! the 'ord will a44ear
when you least e>4ect it. You ust 4ray to the 'ord !or what has been
given to you u4 to now. "en, "en.
"4ril /2 #1/0
The evil one is doing great daage in the world, but nothing o! the
sort will ha44en to you, who are obedient to the 'ord. #old on to #iF
The 9acred #eart is with you. "en, "en.
(ead) (oans ,9 -1<-18% ,10 -14-1.
(oans ,9 -1<-18
1< =or he says to Moses) D3 will show ercy to who 3 will, 3 will ta$e 4ity on
who 3 will.D
12 9o it de4ends not u4on a 4erson6s will or e>ertion, but u4on &od, who shows
1. =or the 9cri4ture says to @haraoh, DThis is why 3 have raised you u4, to show
y 4ower through you that y nae ay be 4roclaied throughout the
18 ,onseBuently, he has ercy u4on who he wills, and he hardens who he
(oans ,10 -14-1.
14 5ut how can they call on hi in who they have not believedE "nd how can
they believe in hi o! who they have not heardE "nd how can they hear
without soeone to 4reachE
1< "nd how can 4eo4le 4reach unless they are sentE "s it is written, D#ow
beauti!ul are the !eet o! those who bring 7the8 good newsFD
12 5ut not everyone has heeded the good news% !or 3saiah says, D'ord, who has
believed what was heard !ro usED
1. Thus !aith coes !ro what is heard, and what is heard coes through the
word o! ,hrist.
"4ril /. #1/1
3 see a large house with windows and !ences% 3 hear 4eo4le arguing
inside. 3 see a 4ar$ and a lot o! 4eo4le, soe 4ersons a4art !ro the
rest, as though ar$ing social di!!erences.
The -irgin says)
The 'ord does not want division, #e wants union. #e does not want
arrogance or 4ride, #e wants huility. Jesus was e>treely huble.
My children, i! you achieved this in your heart, you would !ill the 'ord
with ha44iness. Try to be better every day, behave as a worthy child o!
@raise be to the 'ord.
"4ril /. #1//
7"t the (etreat8)
To love &od is to wish !or eternal li!e, to love &od is to wish to see the
'ight o! eternity. 'ove #i and you will live in #is &lory.
"4ril /8 #1/1
The -irgin says to e)
My daughter, 3 have always invited all 4eo4le to !ollow the 'ord. There
are reAections, !ew are those who see$ #i. You, 4ray with ho4e and 3
assure you that your 4rayers will reach &od. "en.
(ead) "cts ,18 -9-10
"cts ,18 -9-10
9 ;ne night in a vision the 'ord said to @aul, D:o not be a!raid. &o on s4ea$ing,
and do not be silent,
10 !or 3 a with you. Co one will attac$ and har you, !or 3 have any 4eo4le
in this city.D
"4ril /9 #1/4
Jesus says to e)
To hi who invo$es &od and later does not act accordingly, 3 will
re4roach his behavior, but o! hi who invo$es Me and does so, 3 will
certainly have co4assion.
The -irgin says)
There are hearts as cold as snow% these are te4ted by the evil one.
#e does not want you to reach &od. The "lighty !ights evil,
reeber this. "en, "en.
"4ril /9 #1/<
5lessed are you who hunger !or the ?ord o! &od% #e gives you the
!ood !or your s4irit. "en, "en.
(ead) 1 ,hronicles ,/9 -11-11
1 ,hronicles ,/9 -11-11
11 DYours, ; ';(:, are grandeur and 4ower, aAesty, s4lendor, and glory. =or
all in heaven and on earth is yours% yours, ; ';(:, is the sovereignty% you
are e>alted as head over all.
1/ D(iches and honor are !ro you, and you have doinion over all. 3n your
hand are 4ower and ight% it is yours to give grandeur and strength to all.
11 There!ore, our &od, we give you than$s and we 4raise the aAesty o! your
"4ril 10 #1/2
My children, 3 tell you, it is not tie to wal$ ailessly% it is tie to ta$e
the right 4ath, so that you will see ,hrist Jesus. :o not let the
teachings o! &od be in vain. &lory be to the Most #oly.
May 1 #1/.
You ust 4ray that each day there are ore !aith!ul coing near to
the ?ord o! the 'ord. @ray with !aith, and you will live in the !ullness
that only &od grants. ?hen you !eel the evil one is besieging you, you
ust say)
To y right and to y le!t is y 'ord,
There is no third 4lace,
Cot !or the eney.
3 assure you that he will go away !ro you. "en, "en.
(ead) @hili44ians ,/ -11-1<% ,1 -1<-12
@hili44ians ,/ -11-1<
11 =or &od is the one who, !or his good 4ur4ose, wor$s in you both to desire
and to wor$.
14 :o everything without grubling or Buestioning,
1< that you ay be blaeless and innocent, children o! &od without bleish in
the idst o! a croo$ed and 4erverse generation, aong who you shine li$e
lights in the world,
@hili44ians ,1 -1<-12
1< 'et us, then, who are D4er!ectly atureD ado4t this attitude. "nd i! you have
a di!!erent attitude, this too &od will reveal to you.
12 ;nly, with regard to what we have attained, continue on the sae course.
May / #1/8
There is so uch s4iritual 4overty in the world. Mind what 3 a
saying) "s$ the 'ord !or it not to reach you, and strengthen in #i. :o
not let the !lae o! your !aith e>tinguish% renew it and increase it. @ray
to the 'ord that this ha44ens. The 'ight o! ,hrist is never
e>tinguished. @raise be to #i !or #is Mercy.
May 1 #1/9
3 have coe to unite the son with the !ather% !or en to love each
other as brothers, without anger% !or en to !ind the way to &od% !or
#is ?ord to be $nown% !or you to close the doors to lies and o4en it u4
to Truth% !or you to welcoe ,hrist in your hearts% !or you to have
'ight and no shadows% !or you to 4ros4er in !aith today and !orever%
and oreover, !or you to love &od.
"en. "en.
May 4 #110
?hat you get with your own e!!ort is not enough to live, not to live in
&od. (eAoice because the 'ord is bringing salvation to you. Try not to
have evil thoughts, because this destroys you. &lory be to the 'ord.
(ead) 1 ,orinthians ,1 -1-1.
1 ,orinthians ,1 -1-1.
1 5rothers, 3 could not tal$ to you as s4iritual 4eo4le, but as !leshly 4eo4le, as
in!ants in ,hrist.
/ 3 !ed you il$, not solid !ood, because you were unable to ta$e it. 3ndeed,
you are still not able, even now,
1 !or you are still o! the !lesh. ?hile there is Aealousy and rivalry aong you,
are you not o! the !lesh, and behaving in an ordinary huan wayE
4 ?henever soeone says, D3 belong to @aul,D and another, D3 belong to
"4ollos,D are you not erely huanE
< ?hat is "4ollos, a!ter all, and what is @aulE Ministers through who you
becae believers, Aust as the 'ord assigned each one.
2 3 4lanted, "4ollos watered, but &od caused the growth.
. There!ore, neither the one who 4lants nor the one who waters is anything,
but only &od, who causes the growth.
8 The one who 4lants and the one who waters are eBual, and each will receive
wages in 4ro4ortion to his labor.
9 =or we are &od6s co-wor$ers% you are &od6s !ield, &od6s building.
10 "ccording to the grace o! &od given to e, li$e a wise aster builder 3 laid a
!oundation, and another is building u4on it. 5ut each one ust be care!ul
how he builds u4on it,
11 !or no one can lay a !oundation other than the one that is there, naely,
Jesus ,hrist.
1/ 3! anyone builds on this !oundation with gold, silver, 4recious stones, wood,
hay, or straw,
11 the wor$ o! each will coe to light, !or the :ay will disclose it. 3t will be
revealed with !ire, and the !ire 7itsel!8 will test the Buality o! each one6s
14 3! the wor$ stands that soeone built u4on the !oundation, that 4erson will
receive a wage.
1< 5ut i! soeone6s wor$ is burned u4, that one will su!!er loss% the 4erson will
be saved, but only as through !ire.
12 :o you not $now that you are the te4le o! &od, and that the 94irit o! &od
dwells in youE
1. 3! anyone destroys &od6s te4le, &od will destroy that 4erson% !or the
te4le o! &od, which you are, is holy.
May < #111
Jesus says to e)
You will say these words) #e who !alls into a ditch without seeing it, 3
will ta$e hi out, but he who sees the danger and does not wal$ away,
3 will leave hi there. More than ever you should 4reach today
because 3 a s4reading y #ands to you to be in counication with
your brothers.
The -irgin says)
#onor the 'ord by obeying #is coandents, do not !eel
overwheled, #is eyes are set in you, #is children. "en. "en.
&od is your brother, your other, your !ather, and your son% &od is all
your !aily. ;bey #i. @ray, since 4rayer is the consolation !or all evil.
(ead) Jaes ,1 -12-/<
Jaes ,1 -12-/<
12 :o not be deceived, y beloved brothers)
1. all good giving and every 4er!ect gi!t is !ro above, coing down !ro the
=ather o! lights, with who there is no alteration or shadow caused by
18 #e willed to give us birth by the word o! truth that we ay be a $ind o!
!irst!ruits o! his creatures.
19 Gnow this, y dear brothers) everyone should be Buic$ to hear, slow to
s4ea$, slow to wrath,
/0 !or the wrath o! a an does not acco4lish the righteousness o! &od.
/1 There!ore, 4ut away all !ilth and evil e>cess and hubly welcoe the word
that has been 4lanted in you and is able to save your souls.
// 5e doers o! the word and not hearers only, deluding yourselves.
/1 =or i! anyone is a hearer o! the word and not a doer, he is li$e a an who
loo$s at his own !ace in a irror.
/4 #e sees hisel!, then goes o!! and 4ro4tly !orgets what he loo$ed li$e.
/< 5ut the one who 4eers into the 4er!ect law o! !reedo and 4erseveres, and
is not a hearer who !orgets but a doer who acts, such a one shall be blessed
in what he does.
May 2 #11/
My children) :o not ignore that the 'ord is s4ea$ing to you, so listen
with attention to what #e says. "cce4t willingly #is reBuests and you
will see #is ?or$ grow.
May . #111
3 see a big city with any buildings, and it is destroyed, as i! under war. Then 3
see a white dove !lying.
The -irgin says)
5lessed are those who love 4eace, because war brings total
destruction. 3t causes dread to see en are inca4able o! re!raining
their abition and thirst !or 4ower% that they cannot see where is the
true eaning o! li!e that can lead the to co4lete ha44iness. ;nly
&od can do that and only &od has the 4ower to a$e it 4ossible.
"en. "en.
May 9 #114
5lessed are those who do good and blessed are the ones that listen to
&od. My child, everything that has been ordered by the 'ord, you
should do. You should be united, you are all brothers, you are all &od6s
(ead) Matthew ,11 -/8,/9
Matthew ,11 -/8,/9
/8 D,oe to e, all you who labor and are burdened, and 3 will give you rest.
/9 Ta$e y yo$e u4on you and learn !ro e, !or 3 a ee$ and huble o!
heart% and you will !ind rest !or yourselves.
May 10 #11<
My child) have in ind that whenever the 'ord sees you tired, #e will
coe to your aid, because as uch as the children need their =ather,
their =ather needs the. Today the 9acred #eart o! Jesus is near you
to be your guide and to reAect the evil one who is attac$ing with all his
!ury. #e $nows he cannot beat the 'ord and that a$es hi even
ore !urious.
You are sa!e. &lory to the "lighty.
May 11 #112
Your Mother says)
9ing and 4ray, that a$es the 'ord ha44y. ?ith ,hrist you don6t die,
you live% i! you are aware o! this, you will surely not leave #is way, nor
#e, away !ro yours. "en. "en.
3 begin to 4ray and 3 a already be!ore You, My 'ord because
You listen.
?ith Your :ivine &race, You a$e it 4ossible !or e to !ind the
desired serenity in y li!e.
?ithout Your hel4 nothing is 4ossible,
?ithout Your 'ight no one can go !orward.
5lessed is the an that see$s !or You and ho4es in You, ;h 'ord,
5ecause You give 4lenty o! 'ove to Your children.
May 1/ #11.
You will never !ind tears in the truth!ul believers in ,hrist, because the
'ord is not sadness but Aoy. ?hen tie 4asses, you will see that those
devoted to #i and wal$ing with #i will be strengthened in their
!aith% don6t !orget that the 'ord is strength. "en. "en.
May 11 #118
To all o! you who wonder and say that you do not as$ anything o! the
'ord because you do not $now i! #e is there or i! #e will answer, 3 say)
The 'ord is here, and #e will ta$e as long to answer as you ta$e to get
to #i. "en. "en.
(ead) :euteronoy ,2 -4-9,12-19
:euteronoy ,2 -4-9,12-19 The &reat ,oandent
4 D#ear, ; 3sraelF The ';(: is our &od, the ';(: aloneF
< There!ore, you shall love the ';(:, your &od, with all your heart, and with
all your soul, and with all your strength.
2 Ta$e to heart these words which 3 enAoin on you today.
. :rill the into your children. 94ea$ o! the at hoe and abroad, whether
you are busy or at rest.
8 5ind the at your wrist as a sign and let the be as a 4endant on your
9 ?rite the on the door4osts o! your houses and on your gates.
12 DYou shall not 4ut the ';(:, your &od, to the test, as you did at Massah.
1. 5ut $ee4 the coandents o! the ';(:, your &od, and the ordinances
and statutes he has enAoined on you.
18 :o what is right and good in the sight o! the ';(:, that you ay, according
to his word, 4ros4er, and ay enter in and 4ossess the good land which the
';(: 4roised on oath to your !athers,
19 thrusting all your eneies out o! your way.
May 14 #119
My children, blessed is the blind an that could see with the eyes o!
the soul and that can reach the 'ord, because #e is the only light that
atters. There are any that, being able to see, do not want to see
the true 'ight which is &od. Meditate this that 3 say, and use it as an
e>a4le. @raised be the 'ord. @reach this.
May 1< #140
3 will a$e you a 4eo4le who believe in &od, as you have never
believed be!ore% a 4eo4le that obey #is coandents and you
yourselves will see that it6s no good to be !ar !ro the things o! &od,
because #is ?ord does not destroy, but build. "en. "en.
@reach this.
May 12 #141
Men are iature in their !aith, they deand too uch !ro &od and
give #i little.
The 'ord o!!ers you a great e>change) love !or 4rayers. Gee4 these
words in your hearts and bear the in ind. "en. "en.
(ead) / ,hronicles ,2 -19-/1
/ ,hronicles ,2 -19-/1
19 'oo$ $indly on the 4rayer and 4etition o! your servant, ; ';(:, y &od,
and listen to the cry o! su44lication your servant a$es be!ore you.
/0 May your eyes watch day and night over this te4le, the 4lace where you
have decreed you shall be honored% ay you heed the 4rayer which 3 your
servant o!!er toward this 4lace.
/1 'isten to the 4etitions o! your servant and o! your 4eo4le 3srael which they
direct toward this 4lace. 'isten !ro your heavenly dwelling, and when you
have heard, 4ardon.
May 1. #14/
5eloved children, 3 $now you are 4raying the #oly (osary as 3 as$ed
you, but 3 want you to start today a Covena, than$ing the 'ord !or his
sending e here to 4rotect you.
Than$ #i !or all #e is ca4able o! giving, because &od is erci!ul,
"lighty and in!initely 4ious. The &race o! the 'ord is wonder!ul, do
not have any doubt.
&lory to the 9u4ree =ather.
May 18 #141
The 'ord tells you) Gnow y ?ord, read the 9acred 9cri4tures, have a
$nowledge o! &od. There is no s4ecial age to do it, but 3 see any
children who $now nothing o! the 'ord. They also need to $now about
their ,reator% you cannot 4revent the children !ro $nowing his ?ord.
"nd !or those who are iature 3 say) @ut a little ore love in your
hearts each day% the 'ord does not 4roise in vain. "en. "en.
(ead) (oans ,10 -<-18
(oans ,10 -<-18
< Moses writes about the righteousness that coes !ro 7the8 law, DThe one
who does these things will live by the.D
2 5ut the righteousness that coes !ro !aith says, D:o not say in your heart,
6?ho will go u4 into heavenE6 7that is, to bring ,hrist down8
. or 6?ho will go down into the abyssE6 7that is, to bring ,hrist u4 !ro the
8 5ut what does it sayE DThe word is near you, in your outh and in your
heartD 7that is, the word o! !aith that we 4reach8,
9 !or, i! you con!ess with your outh that Jesus is 'ord and believe in your
heart that &od raised hi !ro the dead, you will be saved.
10 =or one believes with the heart and so is Austi!ied, and one con!esses with
the outh and so is saved.
11 =or the 9cri4ture says, DCo one who believes in hi will be 4ut to shae.D
1/ =or there is no distinction between Jew and &ree$% the sae 'ord is 'ord o!
all, enriching all who call u4on hi.
11 =or Deveryone who calls on the nae o! the 'ord will be saved.D
14 5ut how can they call on hi in who they have not believedE "nd how can
they believe in hi o! who they have not heardE "nd how can they hear
without soeone to 4reachE
1< "nd how can 4eo4le 4reach unless they are sentE "s it is written, D#ow
beauti!ul are the !eet o! those who bring 7the8 good newsFD
12 5ut not everyone has heeded the good news% !or 3saiah says, D'ord, who has
believed what was heard !ro usED
1. Thus !aith coes !ro what is heard, and what is heard coes through the
word o! ,hrist.
18 5ut 3 as$, did they not hearE ,ertainly they did% !or DTheir voice has gone
!orth to all the earth, and their words to the ends o! the world.D
May 19 #144
My children, get closer to the 'ord hel4ing the huble, the 4oor,
because Jesus ,hrist will also a$e you $now (ichness through
huility and 4overty. Those who love the good get away !ro the evil%
those who wish ha44iness, give ha44iness.
"cting li$e this you are !aith!ul to the 'ord.
"en. "en.
May /0 #14<
Cever leave the way that leads to the 'ord, because it contains
invaluable gi!ts. #ave always in ind that #e understands the
ista$es o! #is children, !orgives the sinners but reAects the sins.
3n the days to coe you will say a blessing over your eals li$e this)
63n the nae o! the =ather, and o! the 9on and o! the #oly
94irit. "en.
'ord, bless this eal which contains the !ood You are
sending us on this day, and ay we never lac$ Your 5read.
3n the nae o! the =ather, and o! the 9on, and o! the #oly
94irit. "en6.
May /1 #142
3! you !ind resistance to the ?ord o! &od you should reain serene,
regardless o! what a !ew ay thin$. ?hat atters is the !aith in &od
o! any% those against &od6s ?ill are not with #i, let the go.
"en. "en.
(ead) ?isdo ,1 -1/-1<% ,/ -/1-/4
?isdo ,1 -1/-1<
1/ ,ourt not death by your erring way o! li!e, nor draw to yourselves
destruction by the wor$s o! your hands.
11 5ecause &od did not a$e death, nor does he reAoice in the destruction o!
the living.
14 =or he !ashioned all things that they ight have being% and the creatures o!
the world are wholesoe, "nd there is not a destructive drug aong the
nor any doain o! the nether world on earth,
1< =or Austice is undying.
?isdo ,/ -/1-/4
/1 =or &od !ored an to be i4erishable% the iage o! his own nature he
ade hi.
/4 5ut by the envy o! the devil, death entered the world, and they who are in
his 4ossession e>4erience it.
May // #14.
My children) 9ince you have 4laced your trust in &od, 3 have y ho4e
4laced in you that you will give everything u4 !or the 'ord. :o not
rebel against the su!!ering sent by the 'ord because a!ter it coes a
love res4onse to your 4ain.
The 'ord is "lighty. &lory be to &od.
May // #148
Your Mother is as$ing !or #er house. 3 do not want soething
lu>urious, 3 Aust want it to be s4acious.
May // #149
3 a watching over you, y children% you are living in the 'aw o! the
Aust, you are living in the 'aw o! &od. #e will cover you with #is
benevolence. @ray !or you, 4ray !or the world.
"en. "en.
(ead) 1 @eter ,/ -2-10
1 @eter ,/ -2-10
2 =or it says in 9cri4ture) D5ehold, 3 a laying a stone in Hion, a cornerstone,
chosen and 4recious, and whoever believes in it shall not be 4ut to shae.D
. There!ore, its value is !or you who have !aith, but !or those without !aith)
DThe stone which the builders reAected has becoe the cornerstone,D
8 and D" stone that will a$e 4eo4le stuble, and a roc$ that will a$e the
!all.D They stuble by disobeying the word, as is their destiny.
9 5ut you are Da chosen race, a royal 4riesthood, a holy nation, a 4eo4le o! his
own, so that you ay announce the 4raisesD o! hi who called you out o!
dar$ness into his wonder!ul light.
10 ;nce you were Dno 4eo4leD but now you are &od6s 4eo4le% you Dhad not
received ercyD but now you have received ercy.
May /1 #1<0
You have been touched by the 'ord, you have to ta$e advantage o!
this oent, you should learn to a44reciate it.
Meditate and o4en your hearts to #i. The 'ord sends #is ?ord% a$e
sure you 4ut 3t into 4ractice. Thin$ about this) ?hat coes !ro above
is a blessing, it coes !ro the 'ord. "en. "en.
@reach this.
May /4 #1<1
3! you are u4set or in anguish, call out to &od and #e will co!ort you.
,all out to #i at all ties because #e is the Ging o! the universe, #e
alone. My children, today you should 4ray !or the sic$, who are any,
and only a !ew o! the are in 4eace with &od. @ray li$e this)
'ord, co!ort Your children,
3n need o! health,
"nd o! Your 'ove,
,o!ort their souls,
,o!ort the, 'ord.
=orgive their sins,
"nd when You call the to Your @resence,
'et the enter Your Gingdo, 'ord.
May /< #1</
The 'ord will hel4 anyone coing to #i in !aith, no one will be le!t
unheard or un4rotected. 'isten to your Mother and you will be
witnesses o! the greatness o! &od. &lory to the 'ord.
(ead) (oans ,4 -18-/<
(oans ,4 -18-/<
18 #e believed, ho4ing against ho4e, that he would becoe Dthe !ather o!
any nations,D according to what was said, DThus shall your descendants
19 #e did not wea$en in !aith when he considered his own body as 7already8
dead 7!or he was alost a hundred years old8 and the dead wob o! 9arah.
/0 #e did not doubt &od6s 4roise in unbelie!% rather, he was e4owered by
!aith and gave glory to &od
/1 and was !ully convinced that what he had 4roised he was also able to do.
// That is why Dit was credited to hi as righteousness.D
/1 5ut it was not !or hi alone that it was written that Dit was credited to hiD%
/4 it was also !or us, to who it will be credited, who believe in the one who
raised Jesus our 'ord !ro the dead,
/< who was handed over !or our transgressions and was raised !or our
May /2 #1<1
@ray !or those 4oor in s4irit who lac$ the bread o! &od% they have not
!ound it because they have not loo$ed !or it. @ray that they ay soon
!ind the way to the 'ord. Those living in #is 'aw do not lac$ anything,
they live in 4lenti!ulness. #e does not allow his children to lac$
anything. @raised be #is Cae.
May /. #1<4
My children) 5e 4ious, that is what the 'ord wants. @ity your brother6s
isery, su!!er with his su!!erings% co!ort hi in the 4ain that
torents hi. (each out your hand in his hel4 and a$e hi
understand that Your =ather in #eaven will !orti!y his s4irit with #is
wonder!ul 'ove. :o not !ear because there is nothing the 'ord cannot
re4air. "en. "en.
(ead) 1 John ,4 -12-/1
1 John ,4 -12-/1
12 ?e have coe to $now and to believe in the love &od has !or us. &od is
love, and whoever reains in love reains in &od and &od in hi.
1. 3n this is love brought to 4er!ection aong us, that we have con!idence on
the day o! Audgent because as he is, so are we in this world.
18 There is no !ear in love, but 4er!ect love drives out !ear because !ear has to
do with 4unishent, and so one who !ears is not yet 4er!ect in love.
19 ?e love because he !irst loved us.
/0 3! anyone says, D3 love &od,D but hates his brother, he is a liar% !or whoever
does not love a brother who he has seen cannot love &od who he has
not seen.
/1 This is the coandent we have !ro hi) whoever loves &od ust also
love his brother.
May /8 #1<<
5lessed be the 'ord !or #is ercy, #e e>alts the good son and !orgives
the one that sins. :o not get away !ro #is ?ord, it is !ull o! ho4e.
My children) @ray to the 'ord that #is light continues to illuinate you.
;!!er your 4rayers today to Jesus.
@ray to the #oly 94irit, because #is strength is the strongest o! all.
Cever let your hearts be hardened. ?al$ sa!ely% ahead o! you wal$s
the 'ord.
(ead) #ebrews ,1 -1/-1<
#ebrews ,1 -1/-1<
1/ Ta$e care, brothers, that none o! you ay have an evil and un!aith!ul heart,
so as to !orsa$e the living &od.
11 *ncourage yourselves daily while it is still Dtoday,D so that none o! you ay
grow hardened by the deceit o! sin.
14 ?e have becoe 4artners o! ,hrist i! only we hold the beginning o! the
reality !ir until the end,
1< !or it is said) D;h, that today you would hear his voice) 6#arden not your
hearts as at the rebellion.6D
May /9 #1<2
Gee4 your !aith!ulness to the 'ord. :o not let anything de!ile the 4urity
o! your thoughts. @ray to the #oly 94irit li$e this)
#oly 94irit, 'ight and @ower,
?e than$ You !or the strength that You give us,
9o that we can lean on it and wal$ the ?ay.
You who go dee4 into our beings and lighten u4 the !lae o!
our !aith,
=ree us !ro anything i4ure that we ay harbor in our
4oor hearts.
?e beg You that with Your 'ove, You a$e us worthy o!
entering The #ouse o! the *ternal ;ne.
May 10 #1<.
9erve the 'ord in such a way that you becoe worthy o! #is 'ove. Tell
your brothers that 3 will grant graces to all those who ta$e sel!ishness
out o! their hearts, who reAect their 4ride and as$ hubly. 3 will
concede that grace and any ore. &lory be to the 'ord.
(ead) @hili44ians ,1 -.-11
@hili44ians ,1 -.-11
. 75ut8 whatever gains 3 had, these 3 have coe to consider a loss because o!
8 More than that, 3 even consider everything as a loss because o! the su4ree
good o! $nowing ,hrist Jesus y 'ord. =or his sa$e 3 have acce4ted the loss
o! all things and 3 consider the so uch rubbish, that 3 ay gain ,hrist
9 and be !ound in hi, not having any righteousness o! y own based on the
law but that which coes through !aith in ,hrist, the righteousness !ro
&od, de4ending on !aith
10 to $now hi and the 4ower o! his resurrection and 7the8 sharing o! his
su!!erings by being con!ored to his death,
11 i! soehow 3 ay attain the resurrection !ro the dead.
May 11 #1<8
:ear children) The 'ord ta$es care that you do not lose the love !or
the ,hurch, because in #er, Jesus ,hrist is as$ing !or the unity o! the
brothers. &od is des4erately calling #is children so that they are not
lost. You should listen to #i% only in this way you will be saved !ro
the ruin the world is sin$ing into% only by being good ,hristians you
will be unhared. 3 e>tend y 4etition to all your brothers in the
whole world. #ave !aith, the 'ord gives it to you% receive it.
@ray to the 'ord. "en. "en.
(ead) ,olossians ,1 -/4-/9
,olossians ,1 -/4-/9
/4 Cow 3 reAoice in y su!!erings !or your sa$e, and in y !lesh 3 a !illing u4
what is lac$ing in the a!!lictions o! ,hrist on behal! o! his body, which is the
/< o! which 3 a a inister in accordance with &od6s stewardshi4 given to e
to bring to co4letion !or you the word o! &od,
/2 the ystery hidden !ro ages and !ro generations 4ast. 5ut now it has
been ani!ested to his holy ones,
/. to who &od chose to a$e $nown the riches o! the glory o! this ystery
aong the &entiles% it is ,hrist in you, the ho4e !or glory.
/8 3t is he who we 4roclai, adonishing everyone and teaching everyone
with all wisdo, that we ay 4resent everyone 4er!ect in ,hrist.
/9 =or this 3 labor and struggle, in accord with the e>ercise o! his 4ower
wor$ing within e.
June 1, 1984 #1<9
5e on guard, because you will always see rudeness in those who do
not believe% do not !orget you are e>4osed to everything.
Gee4 united, because united you will resist evil better. :o not !orget
that the 'ord will not ignore you, because #e is with you. Than$ the
'ord. "en. "en.
June / #120
My children, even though aterial well-being is desirable, you should
!irst desire s4iritual well-being. 3t is the only thing you can count on to
get to the &lory o! the 'ord% ha44y the son that achieves it. ;!!er
yourselves u4 to the 'ord% do not rebel against #is :ivine ?ill and you
will overcoe any anguish that o44ress you. "en. "en. @reach this.
June 1 #121
Today Jesus says to e)
#ave attentive ears, listen to what 3 say. 3 have given you the !ield, 3
have given you the seeds, !ro now on it will be harvest tie. :o not
neglect it !or 3 will see it and you will see it.
The -irgin says)
My children, answer to the 'ord, to #is reBuest !or 4rayer and
obedience. &o to #i, reeber that ,hrist redees. ,elebrate the
&lori!y the 'ord. "en. "en. @reach this.
5e !aith!ul to the 'ord with your hearts, thin$ that !ro a good heart
will coe good wor$s and !ro an evil heart will coe evil wor$s.
"en. "en. @reach this.
(ead) Hechariah ,1 -1-2
Hechariah ,1 -1-2
1 and say to the) Thus says the ';(: o! hosts) (eturn to e, says the ';(:
o! hosts, and 3 will return to you, says the ';(: o! hosts.
4 5e not li$e your !athers who the !orer 4ro4hets warned) Thus says the
';(: o! hosts) Turn !ro your evil ways and !ro your wic$ed deeds. 5ut
they would not listen or 4ay attention to e, says the ';(:.
< Your !athers, where are theyE "nd the 4ro4hets, can they live !oreverE
2 5ut y words and y decrees, which 3 entrusted to y servants the
4ro4hets, did not these overta$e your !athersE Then they re4ented and
aditted) DThe ';(: o! hosts has treated us according to our ways and
deeds, Aust as he had deterined he would.D
June 4 #12/
3! the 'ord !orgives he who sins, how uch ore #e will do !or those
who $ee4 a s4otless behavior. You do not ignore that the 'ord is 'ight,
loo$ !or 3t and 4lace your ho4e in &od. &lory to the "lighty.
Ma$e this be $nown.
June < #121
"ll y children can as4ire to the heritage o! the 9u4ree =ather. =or
this you need to be clean and to dee4en your !aith. Gnow Jesus ,hrist
and receive Jesus through the 9cri4tures and the ?ord that is
announced to you. Turn to the 'ord.
"en. "en.
@reach this to your brothers.
(ead) 1 ,orinthians ,/ -10-12
1 ,orinthians ,/ -10-12
10 this &od has revealed to us through the 94irit. =or the 94irit scrutini+es
everything, even the de4ths o! &od.
11 "ong huan beings, who $nows what 4ertains to a 4erson e>ce4t the
s4irit o! the 4erson that is withinE 9iilarly, no one $nows what 4ertains to
&od e>ce4t the 94irit o! &od.
1/ ?e have not received the s4irit o! the world but the 94irit that is !ro &od,
so that we ay understand the things !reely given us by &od.
11 "nd we s4ea$ about the not with words taught by huan wisdo, but
with words taught by the 94irit, describing s4iritual realities in s4iritual
14 Cow the natural 4erson does not acce4t what 4ertains to the 94irit o! &od,
!or to hi it is !oolishness, and he cannot understand it, because it is Audged
1< The s4iritual 4erson, however, can Audge everything but is not subAect to
Audgent by anyone.
12 =or Dwho has $nown the ind o! the 'ord, so as to counsel hiED 5ut we
have the ind o! ,hrist.
June 2 #124
5e care!ul those o! you who want to acco4lish soething without the
hel4 o! the 'ord, those who stand u4 against #i or say they do not
believe in #i. Those who act li$e this have an i4overished s4irit,
and are about to !all into the 4it !ro where they will never coe out.
Your Mother tells you)
:o not wait until then, as$ &od "lighty to save you and to give you
&lory be to the 'ord.
June . #12<
(eAoice, because you have $nown &od6s goodness !ro the oent
#e chose you and tested you. My children) 3 $now you are not
indi!!erent to the 'ord6s call, that you obey it co4letely.
:o not abandon 4rayer, do not abandon !aith in &od% be always li$e a
burning !lae, $ee4 it alight.
"en. "en.
(ead) #ebrews ,10 -//-/<% ,11 -1-1
#ebrews ,10 -//-/<
// let us a44roach with a sincere heart and in absolute trust, with our hearts
s4rin$led clean !ro an evil conscience and our bodies washed in 4ure
/1 'et us hold unwaveringly to our con!ession that gives us ho4e, !or he who
ade the 4roise is trustworthy.
/4 ?e ust consider how to rouse one another to love and good wor$s.
/< ?e should not stay away !ro our assebly, as is the custo o! soe, but
encourage one another, and this all the ore as you see the day drawing
#ebrews ,11 -1-1
1 =aith is the reali+ation o! what is ho4ed !or and evidence o! things not seen.
/ 5ecause o! it the ancients were well attested.
1 5y !aith we understand that the universe was ordered by the word o! &od, so
that what is visible cae into being through the invisible.
June 8 #122
#onor &od, res4ect #i, love #i. Ma$e o!!erings to the 'ord% o!!er a
huble and 4ure heart, healthy thoughts and a s4irit willing to receive
"en. "en.
@reach this.
June 9 #12.
3 cae to you to 4ut the ?ord o! the 'ord near your ears, to awa$en
you, to guide you and 4revent you !ro stubling% that is why 3 have
coe. Those loving Jesus ,hrist will understand the essage and
those who haven6t search !or #i, will do it. Today the #oly 94irit will
get to the dee4est o! your hearts blessing you and renewing your !aith
in &od. You should only be willing to receive #i. "lleluia.
Ma$e this be $nown.
@ure 94irit,
?ho coes to s4read Your &i!ts on this 4oor sinner,
@re4are y heart,
"nd deliver e !ro the te4tation o! the world,
9o that 3 can be acce4ted by You.
=ear no longer reaches e,
5ecause You have coe near e.
3 wal$ trustingly towards Your glorious 4uri!ying 'ight.
@raise be to You !orever and ever.
5lessed be the heart that is o4ened to the 'ord.
June 10 #128
My children) The 'ord is 4atient with #is children% #e waits !or those
that hesitate, those that are a!raid, $nowing that it won6t be long until
he co4rehends the greatness o! &od. To those hard-hearted 3 say)
The 'ord wants to heal the wounds o! the su!!ering% do not re!use to
$now #i, go to #i. "nd to those already wal$ing in the 4ath o! the
'ord 3 say) You that have !ound #i, hel4 your brother sharing with
#i the ?ord o! &od.
"en. "en.
Ma$e this be $nown.
(ead) John ,4 -/1-/4
John ,4 -/1-/4
/1 5ut the hour is coing, and is now here, when true worshi4ers will worshi4
the =ather in 94irit and truth% and indeed the =ather see$s such 4eo4le to
worshi4 hi.
/4 &od is 94irit, and those who worshi4 hi ust worshi4 in 94irit and truth.D
June 11 #129
3t is 4ain!ul to see soe o! y children away !ro the 'ord% 3 say this
because in soe 4laces in the world they re!use to listen to #i. 3 as$
!or 4rayer because there can be salvation !or the. Those who act li$e
this are sic$ in their souls% 4ray !or the s4iritual health o! your
"en. "en.
@reach this.
June 1/ #1.0
:o your best to obey the 'ord, because there is 4lenty o! #is &race
aong you. @ray !or ore conversion% this is #is wish, because only
thus you will be saved.
Meditate this.
"en. "en.
June 11 #1.1
My children) The 'ord wants your union to be solid, that is why #e
as$s you to be united.
The !aith in &od should have a beginning, but no end.
Today 3 bless your 4eo4le and es4ecially the 4riests, so that they can
clearly see this way dedicated to the 'ord and can hel4 their
neighbours to reach &od.
The Mission is big, and they have to su44ort it. &lory be to &od.
(ead) Matthew ,10 -40-4/
Matthew ,10 -40-4/
40 D?hoever receives you receives e, and whoever receives e receives the
one who sent e.
41 ?hoever receives a 4ro4het because he is a 4ro4het will receive a 4ro4het6s
reward, and whoever receives a righteous an because he is righteous will
receive a righteous an6s reward.
4/ "nd whoever gives only a cu4 o! cold water to one o! these little ones to
drin$ because he is a disci4le -- aen, 3 say to you, he will surely not lose
his reward.D
June 14 #1./
&et away !ro sel!ishness i! you do not want to o!!end &od. #e will
only love those worthy in #is eyes% let yourselves be lead by #is
3 tell you that there is no value in living i! you do not do as the 'ord
coands. "en. "en.
Ma$e this be $nown.
June 14 #1.1
May there be 4lenty o! love !or your brothers and !or &od in this li!e,
because without love nothing is achieved, everything is lost.
(eeber these words today and always. "en. "en.
June 1< #1.4
Today Jesus says to e)

#e who listens to My ?ord will be saved, and he who 4uts it in 4ractice
will live !orever. Those who ho4e in &od do not ho4e in vain.
The -irgin says to e)
5lessed are those who ho4e in the 'ord because only in #i you6ll live,
only in #i you6ll !ind 4eace% and i! you loo$ !or the Austice o! &od you
will !ind it.
'isten to #is voice, #e a$es those willing to listen to #i hear #i.
&lory to the Most #oly =ather.
(ead) (oans ,1/ -14-19% ,1< -1,2
(oans ,1/ -14-19
14 5less those who 4ersecute 7you8, bless and do not curse the.
1< (eAoice with those who reAoice, wee4 with those who wee4.
12 #ave the sae regard !or one another% do not be haughty but associate with
the lowly% do not be wise in your own estiation.
1. :o not re4ay anyone evil !or evil% be concerned !or what is noble in the
sight o! all.
18 3! 4ossible, on your 4art, live at 4eace with all.
19 5eloved, do not loo$ !or revenge but leave roo !or the wrath% !or it is
written, D-engeance is ine, 3 will re4ay, says the 'ord.D
(oans ,1< -1,2
1 ?e who are strong ought to 4ut u4 with the !ailings o! the wea$ and not to
4lease ourselves%
2 that with one accord you ay with one voice glori!y the &od and =ather o!
our 'ord Jesus ,hrist.
June 1< #1.<
,all out to &od and say)
My &od, listen to this 4rayer.
You that co!ort e in y su!!ering,
Today 3 4ray !or y brother.
&rant hi strength to resist the bad ties he is living,
Ta$e hi out o! his ho4elessness,
'ead hi to Your :ivine @ath.
Ma$e hi acce4t Your ?ill,
May he not endanger his li!e, but save it, 'ord.
June 12 #1.2
'oo$ inside yoursel!, reeber the 4ast and loo$ at the 4resent% how
you were be!ore and how you are now. (ecogni+e then how Merci!ul is
the 'ord.
You will certainly see how green are #is !ields and with how uch
richness #e gives !ro #is gra4evine. @raised be the 'ord. @reach this.
(ead) &alatians ,1 -/1-/9
&alatians ,1 -/1-/9
/1 5e!ore !aith cae, we were held in custody under law, con!ined !or the !aith
that was to be revealed.
/4 ,onseBuently, the law was our disci4linarian !or ,hrist, that we ight be
Austi!ied by !aith.
/< 5ut now that !aith has coe, we are no longer under a disci4linarian.
/2 =or through !aith you are all children o! &od in ,hrist Jesus.
/. =or all o! you who were ba4ti+ed into ,hrist have clothed yourselves with
/8 There is neither Jew nor &ree$, there is neither slave nor !ree 4erson, there
is not ale and !eale% !or you are all one in ,hrist Jesus.
/9 "nd i! you belong to ,hrist, then you are "braha6s descendant, heirs
according to the 4roise.
June 1. #1..
The sinners that have not !ound &od yet have not !ound #is 'ight nor
#is 'ove. They are ill nurtured because they lac$ the !ood o! the
,hristian% they are thirsty and do nothing to cal this thirst that only
the 'ord cures. My children, listen to what #e says to you.
The ore you obey #i, the ore o! #is &race you will receive. May
the #oly Trinity cure today your s4iritual need.
"en. "en.
Ma$e this be $nown.
June 18 #1.8
Those who o!!end Jesus ,hrist are li$e those who whi44ed #i and
cruci!ied #i, that is how #e !eels it% #e su!!ers the o!!enses and
inAustices so dee4ly. (eeber that the &od who gives you li!e will
console you in your grieves and will give you Aoy in *ternal 'i!e.
"en. "en.
Ma$e this be $nown.
June 19 #1.9
The 'ord gives you intelligence to use, do not let it go% you should be
worthy o! having received it. #e gives you lessons to editate, either
in one oent or later. #e only wishes you to $now their whole value.
Cever ignore &od, because #e directs your lives.
"en. "en.
@reach #is Message.
June /0 #180
Ma$e sacri!ices !or your #eavenly =ather, all the ones you consider
necessary, and that they a$e you !eel redeeed by the 'ord. 3! you
do not $now what to do, as$ #i to guide you% #e will ta$e away the
dar$ness and in #i you will !ind co!ort.
&lory be to &od.
@reach this.
(ead) 3saiah ,<. -18-19% ,<8 -8-9
3saiah ,<. -18-19
18 3 saw their ways, but 3 will heal the and lead the% 3 will give !ull co!ort
to the and to those who ourn !or the,
19 3, the ,reator, who gave the li!e. @eace, 4eace to the !ar and the near,
says the ';(:% and 3 will heal the.
3saiah ,<8 -8-9
8 Then your light shall brea$ !orth li$e the dawn, and your wound shall Buic$ly
be healed% Your vindication shall go be!ore you, and the glory o! the ';(:
shall be your rear guard.
9 Then you shall call, and the ';(: will answer, you shall cry !or hel4, and he
will say) #ere 3 aF 3! you reove !ro your idst o44ression, !alse
accusation and alicious s4eech%
June /0 #181
3t ta$es longer !or a burning coal to turn into ashes than !or the 'ord
to convert a re4ented unbeliever. 9uch is the @ower o! the 'ord.
"en. "en.
June /1 #18/
Message !or the young) Youth, all youth needs ;ur 'ord% they need to
be saved. They should learn to straighten their lives.
My children) you should overcoe inconstancy to give way to
4erseverance, to !aith in &od. :o not let it be wea$ened, increase it,
trust #i% let the ?ord o! &od get into you and you will discover how
Aust is the 'ord.
'isten to #i and o4en your hearts.
"en. "en.
Ma$e it $nown.
(ead) #ebrews ,1/ -1-1
#ebrews ,1/ -1-1
1 There!ore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud o! witnesses, let us
rid ourselves o! every burden and sin that clings to us and 4ersevere in
running the race that lies be!ore us
/ while $ee4ing our eyes !i>ed on Jesus, the leader and 4er!ecter o! !aith. =or
the sa$e o! the Aoy that lay be!ore hi he endured the cross, des4ising its
shae, and has ta$en his seat at the right o! the throne o! &od.
1 ,onsider how he endured such o44osition !ro sinners, in order that you ay
not grow weary and lose heart.
June // #181
The ?ord o! the 'ord is above everything and deands everything. #is
will is to carry out these essages o! love. You are the ones to carry
the out. 3t is necessary that you understand what the 'ord as$s o!
each son and what each son can and is ca4able o! giving to the 'ord.
@ray that the #oly 94irit a$e you reach the &lory o! &od.
"en. "en.
June /1 #184
To all y children 3 say) 5y &od6s ?ill you will be 4uri!ied o! your sins
and through #is 'ove you will be saved.
5e worthy o! #is @roise.
*>aine yourselves !ro the inside% see each o! you the need you
have o! Jesus ,hrist.
"s$ the 'ord that your s4irit ay be renewed.
"en. "en.
June /4 #18<
@raise the Cae o! the Most #igh. This day you ust be in counion
with ,hrist Jesus. @lace all your senses in #i. @ut yourselves under
#is 4rotection and you will lac$ nothing.
My children, you have a 4rivilege, that o! having been chosen by the
'ord. "en, "en.
June /4 #182
#e who !eeds on My 9on, will live in My 9on.
June /4 # 18.
#onor the 'ord sincerely, because the ha44iness that awaits those
going to #is $ingdo is abundant.
(ead) Tobit ,4 -18-19
Tobit ,4 -18-19
18 D9ee$ counsel !ro every wise an, and do not thin$ lightly o! any advice
that can be use!ul.
19 "t all ties bless the 'ord &od, and as$ hi to a$e all your 4aths straight
and to grant success to all your endeavours and 4lans. =or no 4agan nation
4ossesses good counsel, but the 'ord hisel! gives all good things. 3! the
'ord chooses, he raises a an u4% but i! he should decide otherwise, he
casts hi down to the dee4est recesses o! the nether world. 9o now, y
son, $ee4 in ind y coandents, and never let the be erased !ro
your heart.
June /< #188
May the &race o! &od reach you on this day, because 3 tell you truly
that you are not alien to #is love. "ll ,hristians, all good children o!
&od, have to 4er!ect your ste4s, and avoid evil in your hearts.
3 beg you to see what is agreeable to the 'ord, y daughter. 3 a still
with you, acco4anying you.
&lory be to the 'ord.
(ead) @hili44ians ,1 -1.-/1
@hili44ians ,1 -1.-/1
1. Join with others in being iitators o! e, brothers, and observe those who
thus conduct theselves according to the odel you have in us.
18 =or any, as 3 have o!ten told you and now tell you even in tears, conduct
theselves as eneies o! the cross o! ,hrist.
19 Their end is destruction. Their &od is their stoach% their glory is in their
Dshae.D Their inds are occu4ied with earthly things.
/0 5ut our citi+enshi4 is in heaven, and !ro it we also await a savior, the 'ord
Jesus ,hrist.
/1 #e will change our lowly body to con!or with his glori!ied body by the
4ower that enables hi also to bring all things into subAection to hisel!.
June /2 #189
:o not let yourselves be disheartened, the ?ord o! the 'ord ought to
encourage you to go ahead. My daughter, the seeds are s4routing.
Gee4 your heart steady and ho4e in &od.
To all y children, 3 say) 5e huble with the huble, 4ious with the
sic$, e>tend your hand to the 4oor.
5lessed are those who act this way and do not rebel against the
coandents o! the 'ord, because #e is behind each o! your
"en, "en.
Ma$e it $nown.
June /2 #190
?hat the 'ord sends is !or the $nowledge o! #is children.
(ead) / Tiothy ,/ -1-.
/ Tiothy ,/ -1-.
1 9o you, y child, be strong in the grace that is in ,hrist Jesus.
/ "nd what you heard !ro e through any witnesses entrust to !aith!ul
4eo4le who will have the ability to teach others as well.
1 5ear your share o! hardshi4 along with e li$e a good soldier o! ,hrist Jesus.
4 To satis!y the one who recruited hi, a soldier does not becoe entangled in
the business a!!airs o! li!e.
< 9iilarly, an athlete cannot receive the winner6s crown e>ce4t by co4eting
according to the rules.
2 The hardwor$ing !arer ought to have the !irst share o! the cro4.
. (e!lect on what 3 a saying, !or the 'ord will give you understanding in
June /. #191
My daughter, 3 !eel saddened when 3 see indi!!erence toward &od, but
3 a sorry !or the, because they allow theselves to be drawn by
evil. They let theselves be led by the wic$ed one.
3 warn y children, do not let yourselves be seduced by the easy way.
*ven i! it6s hard, go by the 'ord6s road% even i! it6s hard to reach. 'ove
!or &od ust be true.
"en, "en.
June /8 #19/
Today Jesus says to e)
?herever you wal$, you tread on evil% that is e>actly what you have to
do% tread on it and you will a$e it disa44ear.
The -irgin says to e)
@ay attention, obey the 'ord6s ?ords and you will go !orward. ;bey
#i and do not worry% leave everything in the #ands o! &od.
My children, give the =ather what belongs to the =ather.
&lory be to the 'ord.
June /9 #191
You that obey &od6s 'aw, teach those who are lost. #el4 the doubt!ul,
because those who are Aust with the 'ord will be !avoured.
Today the 9acred #eart will listen to your hearts.
@ray a (osary to #i.
9acred #earts o! Jesus,
3 beg You to guide y ste4s,
5ecause 3 a wea$.
@rotect and bless e.
May You be blessed, 'ord,
5ecause salvation is in Your #eart.
"ct in e according to Your ?ill.
June 10 #194
The -irgin says to e)
You have coe to this city 7'a (ioAa8 as abassadors o! love. 3t had to
be so, since you are sharing its 4atron saint 79t. Cicholas8.
5eloved children, ay y blessing be with you and with this city, since
the 'ord wishes it. @raise be to the 'ord.
3 wanted you to 4raise the 'ord here in this 9hrine.
@raise #i !orever and ever.
July 1, 1984 #19<
The -irgin tells e)
My children, the senseless an is dead, even i! alive, because he is
not a!raid o! the Justice o! &od, nor !ear not !ul!illing #is
,oandents. #e wants to ignore that the 'ord6s day and #is
Judgent will arrive.
This way o! living will be their eternal death% this is the assurance that
the 'ord gives. (eeber this, because #e wants to save you.
"en, "en.
July 1 #192
@ray !or the increase o! 4riestly vocations.
5elieve in the 'ord6s ?isdo,
5elieve in :ivine &oodness,
Just believe in the 9avior.
@ray !or 4eace in the world, and,
@ray that there be an end to its isery.
"en, "en.
&ive this to your brother.
July / #19.
My children, get away !ro all 4ride, because it is against ,hrist Jesus6
huility. 3itate #i and you will be glori!ied. (eceive #is ?ill with
love and #e will not be sorrow!ul% #is Aoy will shine on you.
"en, "en.
(ead) 1 @eter ,1 -11-1.
1 @eter ,1 -11-1.
11 Cow who is going to har you i! you are enthusiastic !or what is goodE
14 5ut even i! you should su!!er because o! righteousness, blessed are you. :o
not be a!raid or terri!ied with !ear o! the,
1< but sancti!y ,hrist as 'ord in your hearts. "lways be ready to give an
e>4lanation to anyone who as$s you !or a reason !or your ho4e,
12 but do it with gentleness and reverence, $ee4ing your conscience clear, so
that, when you are aligned, those who de!ae your good conduct in ,hrist
ay theselves be 4ut to shae.
1. =or it is better to su!!er !or doing good, i! that be the will o! &od, than !or
doing evil.
July 1 #198
3t is u4 to you to see that the wor$ o! the 'ord grows% #is Trust is
4laced in you. #e is letting you 4rove that #is ?ord !inds and echoes in
#is ,hildren.
You ust be aware that the 'ord has coitted you in the call #e has
ade% act accordingly.
"en, "en.
July 4 #199
To love &od is to give onesel! entirely to &od. 3t is to give onesel!,
e>4ecting nothing in return and without reward. The 'ord, who sees
and hears #is children will reach you and a$e you worthy o! #is
Mercy. 3 say this so that y children Buestion theselves, and
editate in their own heart.
&lory be to &od.
(ead) (oans ,8 -11-19
(oans ,8 -11-19
11 ?hat then shall we say to thisE 3! &od is !or us, who can be against usE
1/ #e who did not s4are his own 9on but handed hi over !or us all, how will
he not also give us everything else along with hiE
11 ?ho will bring a charge against &od6s chosen onesE 3t is &od who acBuits
14 ?ho will condenE 3t is ,hrist 7Jesus8 who died, rather, was raised, who
also is at the right hand o! &od, who indeed intercedes !or us.
1< ?hat will se4arate us !ro the love o! ,hristE ?ill anguish, or distress, or
4ersecution, or !aine, or na$edness, or 4eril, or the swordE
12 "s it is written) D=or your sa$e we are being slain all the day% we are loo$ed
u4on as shee4 to be slaughtered.D
1. Co, in all these things we conBuer overwhelingly through hi who loved
18 =or 3 a convinced that neither death, nor li!e, nor angels, nor 4rinci4alities,
nor 4resent things, nor !uture things, nor 4owers,
19 nor height, nor de4th, nor any other creature will be able to se4arate us
!ro the love o! &od in ,hrist Jesus our 'ord.
July 4 #/00
:o not be ista$enF The wea$ are the strongest with the 'ord because
they ho4e in #i and are !ar !ro sin. @ray to the 'ord with strength
and #e will listen to you.
July < #/01
5lessed be those who get rid o! huan isery and see$ the wealth o!
the 'ord.
5lessed be those who are sincere in their words, and those who are
not ashaed o! their acts.
5lessed be those who have &od in their heart and do not act against
#i, because 3 tell you, the love they have in the and the 4urity in
their s4irit is a44reciated by the 'ord.
#e has co4assion !or the 4oor, the a!!licted, the huble and the
My children, you have uch to learn !ro the 'ord. #ave !aith, and
!ro #i you will receive the understanding you need.
"en, "en.
July 2 #/0/
The 'ord wants to see ore conversion, ore children in the
,hurches, and #e wants to see #is ?ords transitted with uch love
in the. #e also wants to see ore union in the 4riests theselves.
My children, understand that 3 a nourishing you, and 3 want you to
nourish your brethren. The 'ord wants to be $nown, loved, and
res4ected. &lory be to the 'ord.
July . #/01
You are all children o! &od, but you ust 4rove it. ?hen #e sends you
a di!!icult ordeal, you ust !ace it with love and !aith in the 'ord. You
will understand how uch ,hrist Jesus loves you.
?hat #e as$s is little i! you consider #e gave everything !or you to
enAoy everlasting salvation. "en, "en.
(ead) #ebrews ,/ -12-1.,18
#ebrews ,/ -12-1.,18
12 9urely he did not hel4 angels but rather the descendants o! "braha%
1. there!ore, he had to becoe li$e his brothers in every way, that he ight be
a erci!ul and !aith!ul high 4riest be!ore &od to e>4iate the sins o! the
18 5ecause he hisel! was tested through what he su!!ered, he is able to hel4
those who are being tested.
July 8 #/04
Jesus says)
Cever deny &odF ,oe close and listen to y call% you will not be
The -irgin says)
?here the 'ord lives, Aoy reigns. There is an enorous distance
between a son who calls hisel! &od6s child and does not obey #i,
and the one who has surrendered to #i in every oent o! his li!e.
"en, "en.
July 9 #/0<
"llow the 'ord to 4rotect you. #e gives 4eace to the children who see$
4eace, love to those who see$ love. #e redees those who are in need
o! rede4tion. The 'ord6s strength has no liits.
:o not reain with your ars !olded, go to &od and &od will coe to
you. @raise be to the 'ord.
July 10 #/02
3 say this to the incredulous) You who only believe in what you see,
believe through !aith because it is the only way to reach &od.
@ray this way)
My &od, hel4 e to see clearly,
May 3 not reain con!used.
Ta$e e out o! this a+e with no e>it,
#el4 e because 3 a lost.
&ive e the !aith 3 a lac$ing,
3 want to believe in You.
:o not let e sin$,
?ith everything tubling in on e.
3 4roise, 'ord,
To dedicate y days to You.
July 11 #/0.
Many in this world are seduced into believing they are living. 3n reality,
they do not e>ist because their lives are in vain. That is why the 'ord
wants to o4en your eyes, a$ing you see the true li!e. May no one
ignore #is ?ill.
My children, save yourselvesF :o not hesitate% you are 4reaching &od.
"en, "en.
(ead) :euteronoy ,8 -<,11
:euteronoy ,8 -<,11
< 9o you ust reali+e that the ';(:, your &od, disci4lines you even as a an
disci4lines his son.
11 5e care!ul not to !orget the ';(:, your &od, by neglecting his
coandents and decrees and statutes which 3 enAoin on you today)
July 1/ #/08
3! you have !allen under the in!luence o! a vice, give u4 the vice. 3! you
are under the 4ower o! the s4irit o! evil, !ace it. :o not let yourselves
be overcoe% 4lace the 'ord as your shield and you will be able to
:o not let yourselves be da++led, nor run a!ter irages% ,hrist Jesus
does not want you to be slaves o! anyone. 5e res4onsible !or your
lives% a44reciate the value they have.
"en, "en.
July 11 #/09
Ma$e good use o! this tie, a tie !or re!lection and renewal. The 'ord
o!!ers you 4rotection, consolation and salvation.
5eloved children, learn that it is better to live in truth than in
!alsehood% you can see this by living in &od. Your Mother does not
want these words to be lost. 'isten to the and 4ut the into
4ractice. &lory be to &od.
July 14 #/10
=eel &od in your heartF 5e ee$ with #i, listen to #i, loo$ at #is
road% wal$ without turning bac$, because the 'ord is there.
Ma$e every e!!ort you can, and be certain o! having reached #is
4roise. 3t is u4 to you to be united to the 'ord. May #e be 4raised.
July 1< #/11
@oor he who believes to be right, without see$ing &od6s (ightness.
@oor he who !eels !orgiven, without see$ing #is (ede4tion. You
cannot hide !ro the sight o! the 'ord. 9ee$ #is ?ord and then indeed
you will be e>alted. May the 9acred #eart reward every re4entant
heart. &lory be to the 'ord.
(ead) 5aruch ,4 -/1-//,/.-/9
5aruch ,4 -/1-//,/.-/9
/1 D=ear not, y children% call u4on &od, who will deliver you !ro o44ression
at eney hands.
// 3 have trusted in the *ternal &od !or your wel!are, and Aoy has coe to e
!ro the #oly ;ne 5ecause o! the ercy that will swi!tly reach you !ro
your eternal savior.
/. =ear not, y children% call out to &odF #e who brought this u4on you will
reeber you.
/8 "s your hearts have been dis4osed to stray !ro &od, turn now ten ties
the ore to see$ hi%
/9 =or he who has brought disaster u4on you will, in saving you, bring you bac$
enduring Aoy.D
July 12 #/1/
?hen you see$ &od, do not see$ #i on the sur!ace% see$ #i dee4ly
in the dee4est o! your heart. 3t is true that #e is within your reach, but
learn how to !ind #i. :o not allow the !ruit to rot, eat it while it is
ri4e. My children, do not disa44oint the 'ord. "en, "en.
July 1. #/11
My children, do not live in the easy way as is done these days, to the
rhyths o! adness, o! violence, believing that an alone can 4rovide
hisel! with everything he ay want. "ll is a lie, because it is a
ista$en way o! living.
;nly the 'ord, ?ho is the ,reator o! all the greatness o! the universe,
is the Truth. =ro #i you will receive wisdo, !ro #i you will
receive !aith. ,all #i and #e will answer. &lory be to the 'ord.
(ead) (oans ,1/ -1-/
(oans ,1/ -1-/
1 3 urge you there!ore, brothers, by the ercies o! &od, to o!!er your bodies as
a living sacri!ice, holy and 4leasing to &od, your s4iritual worshi4.
/ :o not con!or yourselves to this age but be trans!ored by the renewal o!
your ind, that you ay discern what is the will o! &od, what is good and
4leasing and 4er!ect.
July 1. #/14
3! any o! you are o44ressed and you do not $now who to turn to, go to
the ,hurch. 9ee$ a 4riest because he is a 4u4il o! ,hrist, an assistant
o! ,hrist, and he will hel4 you to see how necessary it is to be near
"en, "en.
July 18 #/1<
The words o! the 'ord are dee4. #e teaches that li!e continues beyond
death, do not !ear it% rather !ear not doing the 'ord6s ?ill. My children,
do not reAect #is a44roach% reain sure and trusting in ,hrist Jesus.
"en, "en.
July 19 #/12
'isten children o! &odF You who 4roclai 4eace, you are living in stri!e.
You who love !reedo are slaves% yes, you are the evil one6s slaves.
"lthough you ay deny it, he is using you against the 'ord.
You $now that everyone who does not act as the 'ord coands, is
doing wrong. :o not surrenderF :o not let yourselves be ta$en% 4ray
and the #oly 94irit will a$e you see the way out.
5e certain it will be so. &lory be to #eaven.
July /0 #/1.
5lessed be he who !ro this oent discovers the 'ord, because #e
brings #is 5lessing with hi. :o not becoe unworthy in #is 4resence.
Cothing can be co4ared to the Aoy o! obtaining #is Mercy.
&lory be to &od.
(ead) (evelation ,// -2-.
(evelation ,// -2-.
2 "nd he said to e, DThese words are trustworthy and true, and the 'ord, the
&od o! 4ro4hetic s4irits, sent his angel to show his servants what ust
ha44en soon.D
. D5ehold, 3 a coing soon.D 5lessed is the one who $ee4s the 4ro4hetic
essage o! this boo$.
July /1 #/18
Cothing is needed being with the 'ord, and you have #is hel4. You
cannot iagine how near 3 a to you, $nowing what ha44ens and the
way it ha44ens.
My children, live 4utting your !aith in the 9avior, that is #is ?ill. Ta$e
courage because the 'ord $nows o! your desires. @raise be to #i.
July // #/19
*ach orning than$ &od because you see the day. :o not !eel
ashaed o! it. 3t would be sad to regret not being able to see the
'ight, because without it you would be unable to wal$.
My children, leave your Buiet li!e% answer to the 'ord who calls you,
doing soething !or #i% you are doing uch !or yourselves.
"en, "en.
July /1 #//0
You are not abandoned, the 'ord is dwelling in you. This ust a$e
you Aoy!ul and let this Aoy not disa44ear !ro you.
My children, any ties you will !eel threatened, but do not !ear, it is
only that, only threats.
Your Mother tells you) Cever hesitate in the 'ord6s things.
July /4 #//1
:o not coe near to &od with deceit, coe only with your heart and
devoid o! all 4ride. Then indeed you ay be near #i.
The 'ord brings those who are lost, bac$ to the right road. #e receives
those who have o!!ended #i. #e li!ts those that have !allen.
Gnow the 'ord, $now #is $indness% 4ut yourselves in #is hands. #e
has uch to give. &lory be to &od.
July /< #///
3 $now you are res4onsible !or your acts, and that you are doing
everything that 4leases the 'ord. ,ontinue this way, $ee4 !ir.
#e a$es #is ?ill $nown, then #e ust be obeyed% you will bene!it
!ro this. You will see the greatness o! the 'ord, in #is wor$s.
5lessed be those who are !eeding on the 'ord today. "en, "en.
(ead) / @eter ,1 -10-11% ,/ -9-10
/ @eter ,1 -10-11
10 There!ore, brothers, be all the ore eager to a$e your call and election
!ir, !or, in doing so, you will never stuble.
11 =or, in this way, entry into the eternal $ingdo o! our 'ord and savior Jesus
,hrist will be richly 4rovided !or you.
/ @eter ,/ -9-10
9 then the 'ord $nows how to rescue the devout !ro trial and to $ee4 the
unrighteous under 4unishent !or the day o! Audgent,
10 and es4ecially those who !ollow the !lesh with its de4raved desire and show
conte4t !or lordshi4. 5old and arrogant, they are not a!raid to revile
glorious beings,
July /2 #//1
@reach this) Those who are not in the 'ord6s service, need to cal
their s4irit. The 4eace that you wish coes !ro &od. #e does not
abandon, on the contrary, #e wants to reain in you.
(eAoice because you are growing. &lory be to &od.
July /. #//4
My children, you $now sin and its conseBuences but you sin all the
sae% you should resist. You should understand that the 5lood o! y
9on was shed !or your salvation. @ray !or the Most #oly =ather to
enlighten you interiorly. "en, "en.
(ead) (oans ,8 -1-8 I 1 ,orinthians ,1< -11-14
(oans ,8 -1-8
1 #ence, now there is no condenation !or those who are in ,hrist Jesus.
/ =or the law o! the s4irit o! li!e in ,hrist Jesus has !reed you !ro the law o!
sin and death.
1 =or what the law, wea$ened by the !lesh, was 4owerless to do, this &od has
done) by sending his own 9on in the li$eness o! sin!ul !lesh and !or the sa$e
o! sin, he condened sin in the !lesh,
4 so that the righteous decree o! the law ight be !ul!illed in us, who live not
according to the !lesh but according to the s4irit.
< =or those who live according to the !lesh are concerned with the things o! the
!lesh, but those who live according to the s4irit with the things o! the s4irit.
2 The concern o! the !lesh is death, but the concern o! the s4irit is li!e and
. =or the concern o! the !lesh is hostility toward &od% it does not subit to the
law o! &od, nor can it%
8 and those who are in the !lesh cannot 4lease &od.
1 ,orinthians ,1< -11-14
11 :o not be led astray) D5ad co4any corru4ts good orals.D
14 5ecoe sober as you ought and sto4 sinning. =or soe have no $nowledge
o! &od% 3 say this to your shae.
July /8 #//<
@ray !irly, because through 4rayer you will !ind the 'ord% you will also
see that #is 4ower is su4ree, and so is #is Mercy. 'et nothing
4revent you !ro obeying the 'ord. :o not doubt that by doing so #e
will be in you !orever. "en, "en.
July /9 #//2
Today 3 see Jesus and #e says to e)
&o on, because nothing sto4s you. This ission was sent to you so
that the ?ord o! &od ay be $nown by those who did not $now it, and
to renew the love and strengthen the !aith o! those who have it in their
The -irgin says)
To you who want to be near the 'ord 3 say) #e is near, do not stray
!ro #is sight. Thin$ o! what #e is warning you, listen to the 'ord.
"en, "en.
July 10 #//.
Those who are !ar !ro the $nowledge o! &od do not understand what
it is to live !ully in #i, and they $now little about #is 'aw. This grieves
e greatly. The 'ord encourages you day by day to !ollow #is ste4s so
that your soul, 4oor in love !or ,hrist Jesus, will be wra44ed in #i.
&lory be to the *ternal =ather.
July 11 #//8
3 say this !or all y children) The 'ord wants you all reconciled with
#i. #e also wants you to acce4t #is deands which are not any, as
you $now. You ust res4ect the so that your ho4es ay be !ul!illed.
"cce4t the 'ord6s truth. "en, "en.
My children, in word and in deed you ust be with the 'ord. 9how that
you canF May #is ?isdo not be lac$ing in you, and do not let it be
ta$en !ro you.
:uring the tie 3 have been with you, you have understood the
i4ortance o! My essages% you have also understood that the 'ord
has ade it 4ossible !or you to reach #is Mercy. &lory be to &od.
"ugust / #/10
"ll the wishes o! the 'ord will be done% that is why #e is showing
#isel!. #e will not leave youF My children, #e has !ound you lac$ing in
!aith, hence #e wants to strengthen you.
The 'ord ust be your constant co4any, only thus you will not be
lost. :o not cut the bud that you see s4routing, on the contrary, water
it, so that you can enAoy later.
(ead) #ebrews ,4 -1-/,.
#ebrews ,4 -1-/,.
1 There!ore, let us be on our guard while the 4roise o! entering into his rest
reains, that none o! you see to have !ailed.
/ =or in !act we have received the good news Aust as they did. 5ut the word
that they heard did not 4ro!it the, !or they were not united in !aith with
those who listened.
. he once ore set a day, Dtoday,D when long a!terwards he s4o$e through
:avid, as already Buoted) D;h, that today you would hear his voice) 6#arden
not your hearts.6D
"ugust 1 #/11
3 address those who are alone, with no co4any) 9ee$ co4any in the
'ord and you will not !eel loneliness. 'oneliness is a bad adviser, it
attracts te4tation, sin. :o not let it get into you. Thin$ o! Jesus
,hrist and use #i as your shield. &lory be to the 'ord.
"ugust 4 #/1/
&reat is the love o! the 'ord, y children. #e wants to share #is
treasure, acce4t it. The 'ord wants you to be !aith!ul, because only
thus #e will receive you, and you will not be reAected.
"44reciate what #e o!!ers. The 9acred #eart will hel4 you to see
(ead) Hechariah ,8 -11-1/
;h Most 9weet Mother, !or all your su!!ering, hel4 e to
carry y cross.
Hechariah ,8 -11-1/
11 5ut now 3 will not deal with the renant o! this 4eo4le as in !orer days,
says the ';(: o! hosts,
1/ !or it is the seedtie o! 4eace) the vine shall yield its !ruit, the land shall
bear its cro4s, and the heavens shall give their dew% all these things 3 will
have the renant o! the 4eo4le 4ossess.
"ugust < #/11
You will see that calling out to &od, you will not !eel in ca4tivity, you
will !eel !ree. There will be 4eace and not te4ests in your hearts% the
'ord wants to cover you with a Mantle o! 'ove.
@ray and than$ &od because you are receiving #is ?ord.
"en, "en.
"ugust < #/14
5lessed be the 'ord, because #e listens to #is children6s 4rayers, even
those o! the sinners. May no one wish to overcoe or twist the 'ord6s
?ill because he will stuble, 3 assure you. My children, the words o!
the 'ord are growing in your outh. @raise be to #i.
(ead) / Tiothy ,1 -14-1.
/ Tiothy ,1 -14-1.
14 5ut you, reain !aith!ul to what you have learned and believed, because
you $now !ro who you learned it,
1< and that !ro in!ancy you have $nown 7the8 sacred 9cri4tures, which are
ca4able o! giving you wisdo !or salvation through !aith in ,hrist Jesus.
12 "ll 9cri4ture is ins4ired by &od and is use!ul !or teaching, !or re!utation, !or
correction, and !or training in righteousness,
1. so that one who belongs to &od ay be co4etent, eBui44ed !or every good
"ugust 2 #/1<
:o not go bac$ to the road 3 too$ you !ro, !ollow the 'ord. My
children, #e does not deceive you when #e 4roises you a new li!e.
'isten to #i, because i! your li!e is in Buestion, #e will be cleent
with you.
3t is the "lighty who Audges, you ust be sure o! this. Meditate on
your behavior, be sincere and truth!ul with #i. &lory be to the 'ord.
"ugust . #/12
Tell all the 4eo4le that &od is erci!ulF ;therwise how is it 4ossible
that your hearts are so!teningE The 'ord is redeeing you and you are
seeing it. You cannot deny this% $ee4 #i in your hearts, !or #e is with
you. "en, "en.
"ugust . #/1.
=ro the 'ord you will receive #is gi!ts% !ro #is grain, the seed. #is
truth will dis4el !alsehood and !ro #is s4ring you will drin$ 'i!e.
@raise be to the 'ord.
"ugust 8 #/18
3! you loo$ into your heart, you will see that you have need o! &od.
?ith #i nothing is lost, one always wins. ,hrist Jesus invites you to
4ass !ro sorrow to Aoy, !ro ignorance to wisdo, !ro night to day
and !ro death to 'i!e. 'isten to the 'ord6s adviceF "en, "en.
"ugust 9 #/19
:e!end yourselves !ro the attac$s o! the evil one. You ust be !ir
and trust in ,hrist Jesus. The 'ord6s children are sa!e with #i.
5lessed be those who want to reach the 'ord, !or #e will change their
lives. 3 a giving you salvation, ta$e it. &lory be to the 'ord.
(ead) Job ,11 -/-1% ,14 -/-4
Job ,11 -/-1
/ 5ehold, now 3 o4en y outh% y tongue and y voice !or words.
1 3 will state directly what is in y ind, y li4s shall utter $nowledge
Job ,14 -/-4
/ #ear, ; wise en, y discourse, and you that have $nowledge, hear eF
1 =or the ear tests words, as the taste does !ood.
4 'et us discern !or ourselves what is right% let us learn between us what is
"ugust 10 #/40
My children, the 'ord does not throw down those #e li!ts u4. ;n the
contrary, #e $ee4s the with #i. &od wishes to lead #is children on
the right road, so obey #i, and love #iF
@ray to the 'ord)
My &od, turn y sorrow into Aoy,
Ta$e all y sorrows !ro e.
3 $now 3 a not as !aith!ul, 'ord,
"s 3 should be,
5ut 3 !ollow Your advice,
5ecause it sounds li$e &lory to e.
3 have Your Cae engraved in y heart.
"ugust 11 #/41
My children) You are addened in a race in which you have no valid
ai. You cannot go on li$e this because it does not let you see beyond
your noses. 9to4, see what is ha44ening beside you, and where you
are% it is tie !or you to do so.
The 'ord is showing you that you are living ista$enly. 3! you want to
!ollow #i, #e shows you #is way. 3! you want to learn, you will learn
!ro the 'ord.
&lory be to #eaven.
3 say this !or all y children.
(ead) 9irach ,2 -/.-/8
9irach ,2 -/.-/8
/. ?ith all your soul draw close to her% with all your strength $ee4 her ways.
/8 9earch her out, discover her% see$ her and you will !ind her. Then when you
have her, do not let her go%
"ugust 1/ #/4/
To those who cry because they believe they are !orgotten by the 'ord,
3 say) You have !orgotten that there is a &od, an "lighty &od ?ho
calls you and loo$s at #is children. " &od ?ho gives and wants you to
give, ?ho draws near and wants you to draw near, ?ho lives in the
Truth and wants you to live in that Truth% a &od ?ho announces and
wants you to announce. ;nly he who is co4letely !ar !ro &od can
believe that he is alone, because the 'ord never !orgets. #is 'ight
illuinates all those that want to be illuinated.
"ugust 1/ #/41
@ray because you will relieve tensions. @ray together !or these
=or the 'ord to relieve you%
=or those who have not yet so!tened their hearts, to do so%
=or #i to ta$e away the arrogance !ro the 4roud%
=or the huble, that they ay be ore each day because they are
nearer to &od.
"ugust 11 #/44
Man$ind is endangering the earth. ;4en your eyes and you will see
that you are blinded 4ursuing illusions.
Jntil now you have not reali+ed this% you wanted to silence the voice o!
the 'ord that is warning you. 5ut now, y children, you are witnessing
that &od, in these days, is see$ing you% go to encounter #i. Mind
that the 'ord is beside you. @raise be to #i.
"ugust 11 #/4<
My children need uch love and 3 give ysel! entirely !or the union o!
you all, !or the 4eace o! the countries, and !or the to discover ,hrist
and listen to #is ,all.
"ugust 14 #/42
5eloved children, 3 tell you) 3t de4ends on you not to su!!er hunger% do
not !orget that the 'ord wants to !eed you. :o not be hungry because
you ris$ su!!ering. "lways $ee4 &od in ind% trust in #i and you will
be saved. &lory be to the 'ord.
(ead) John ,1 -12-/1
John ,1 -12-/1
12 =or &od so loved the world that he gave his only 9on, so that everyone who
believes in hi ight not 4erish but ight have eternal li!e.
1. =or &od did not send his 9on into the world to conden the world, but that
the world ight be saved through hi.
18 ?hoever believes in hi will not be condened, but whoever does not
believe has already been condened, because he has not believed in the
nae o! the only 9on o! &od.
19 "nd this is the verdict, that the light cae into the world, but 4eo4le
4re!erred dar$ness to light, because their wor$s were evil.
/0 =or everyone who does wic$ed things hates the light and does not coe
toward the light, so that his wor$s ight not be e>4osed.
/1 5ut whoever lives the truth coes to the light, so that his wor$s ay be
clearly seen as done in &od.
"ugust 1< #/4.
;h 4eo4le, do not be so hard with the 'ord, because it will have been
in vain that #e too$ you out o! the ud and 4ut you on solid ground.
@ay attention to all that #e tells you. 'isten to #i because #e
watches over you% listen and 4ut yourselves with your heart in the
'ord6s hands. "en, "en.
"ugust 12 #/48
Jesus says)
3 tell you all) loo$ !ro your inside and you will see what you are. &od
sows in each one, and each one ust ta$e care o! that seed !or it to
live or die.
"ugust 12 #/49
The -irgin says to e)
5lessed be he who becoes 4leasing to &od. :o not allow what you
are already reaching, the love !or the 'ord be destroyed.
Gee4 !aith within you and reain !aith!ul to &od. "en, "en.
"s !ro toorrow you will start a Covena, 4raying !or your hoeland,
!or your 4riests and !or an a44roach to the 'ord.
Ma$e it $nown because it ust have strength.
"ugust 1. #/<0
My children, do not waitF 9earch !or the 'ord now because #e will only
have ercy on the huble, the Aust, the obedient, and will not grant
this to the violent, the indi!!erent.
,onsider the words o! your Mother and you will see your ho4es
&lory be to the Most #oly =ather.
(ead) #ebrews ,2 -1.-19
#ebrews ,2 -1.-19
1. 9o when &od wanted to give the heirs o! his 4roise an even clearer
deonstration o! the iutability o! his 4ur4ose, he intervened with an
18 so that by two iutable things, in which it was i4ossible !or &od to lie,
we who have ta$en re!uge ight be strongly encouraged to hold !ast to the
ho4e that lies be!ore us.
19 This we have as an anchor o! the soul, sure and !ir, which reaches into the
interior behind the veil,
"ugust 18 #/<1
Cever stray !ro the right o! the 'ord. Gee4 your s4irit trusting in #i,
wor$ing according to #is wishes. The love #e s4ills on you is abundant,
y beloved.
5lessed be, 'ord o! the 'ight,
5ecause You give e Your blessing.
You bring e Your 94irit,
"s also Your Mercy.
Marvellous is Your love,
That e>alts the sallest,
;verthrowing the 4roud.
May Your greatness be 4raised.
"ugust 18 #/</
"s a watch!ul other, 3 a with y children, beside the.
"ugust 19 #/<1
There are any sic$ souls that can be restored by acce4ting the 'ord.
There are any others who are condened, because they have been
invaded by a violent te4est, and are being destroyed beyond
4ossibility o! salvation.
:o not !ear y words% 3 only as$ you to a44reciate the 4rotection that
the 'ord gives you.
May #e be 4raised.
"ugust 19 #/<4
3 tell y children) :o not wal$ in the dar$ because you will not
advance, do it in daylight and you will arrive. 9oe 4eo4le do not
$now that everything is received !ro &od, !ro #i coes love,
4eace and health. ;nly !ro #i will you obtain co4lete well-being.
"ugust /0 #/<<
My children, your heart was e4ty !or too long a tie% 3 assure you
that it was e4ty.
The 'ord o4ens a new hori+on !or you, loo$ and go toward it. Trust this
advising Mother and you will not be disa44ointed.
"en, "en.
(ead) #ebrews ,8 -10-1/
#ebrews ,8 -10-1/
10 5ut this is the covenant 3 will establish with the house o! 3srael a!ter those
days, says the 'ord) 3 will 4ut y laws in their inds and 3 will write the
u4on their hearts. 3 will be their &od, and they shall be y 4eo4le.
11 "nd they shall not teach, each one his !ellow citi+en and $insan, saying,
6Gnow the 'ord,6 !or all shall $now e, !ro least to greatest.
1/ =or 3 will !orgive their evildoing and reeber their sins no ore.D
"ugust /1 #/<2
3! you love the 'ord, live !or #i. #e does not wish your su!!ering, nor
does #e want to see you o44ressed% #e only wants that you don6t
reAect #i. 'et yourselves be encouraged by #is :ivine 94irit and you
will be consoled in all your grieves.
My daughter, the 'ord is teaching you.
&lory be to the 'ord.
The 'ord is sowing 'ove% !ill yourselves with that 'ove. You are
"ugust // #/<.
3 a a Mother who wants to see her children obeying their =ather% a
Mother who su!!ers when 9he sees her children in danger% a Mother
who is ha44y i! 9he sees the wal$ the road o! li!e.
My children, the 'ord as$s you to go to eet #i% then you will see
#is $nown greatness, and that which is yet to be $nown.
#is ?ord is useless i! you ignore #is call.
5e alert and you will be witnesses o! the Most #oly =ather6s Truth.
"en, "en.
"ugust /1 #/<8
The 'ord ordered that 3 should be announced, and 3 announced ysel!
here aong you because #e has seen that you have still salvation.
You are living eorable days in your lives% you ust $now how to
bene!it !ro these days.
Tell your 4eo4le) 'et yourselves be led by the 'ord% do not brea$ away
!ro #is side. The 'ord6s hand has withdrawn !ro soe% do not let
this ha44en with you.
&lory be to the 'ord.
(ead) *+e$iel ,14 -//,10,11
*+e$iel ,14 -//,10,11
// 3 will save y shee4 so that they ay no longer be des4oiled, and 3 will
Audge between one shee4 and another.
10 Thus they shall $now that 3, the ';(:, a their &od, and they are y
4eo4le, the house o! 3srael, says the 'ord &;:.
11 7You, y shee4, you are the shee4 o! y 4asture, and 3 a your &od, says
the 'ord &;:.8
"ugust /4 #/<9
3t is good to $now, that with the 'ord be!ore you, you will not ste4
!alsely. 3 tell you this !or you to be able to !eel #is 4resence.
My children, y heart trebles $nowing that with the 'ord you will
ta$e a sure course. =ollow #i, because there is no wind ca4able o!
blowing down the 'ord6s ?ill.
&lory be to &od.
"ugust /< #/20
5lessed be you, children o! &od, who wor$ in !avor o! ,hristF :o not let
the weight o! sin !all on your heart, because your rede4tion would be
(es4ect #is ?ord and honour the 'ord% you will receive abundant
@raise be to the 'ord our =ather.
"ugust /2 #/21
Jesus says)
Much evil will su!!er those who wish to !ollow the wrong road and do
not sto4 to listen to the voice o! &od.
The -irgin says)
You should only do good actions% that is what the 'ord wants.
You are !ull o! love, but you have not discovered it yet. 'et #i do so,
and you will !eel Jesus ,hrist inside you.
#el4 your neighbor, even i! you thin$ he does not deserve it.
My children, let the 'ord Audge, and your heart will be at 4eace.
"en, "en.
"ugust /. #/2/
My children, soe day the 'ord will call you. May you be healthy in
body and soul% that is what your Mother wants.
&ive yourselves to the 'ord and your hearts will gently change.
?ith ,hrist beside e,
3 $now no wea$ness.
#e !eeds e with #is 'ove,
"nd y strength is ulti4lied.
3 than$ Jesus !or awa$ing e,
=or teaching e the (oad towards 'i!e.
#e is all y ho4e,
My con!idence, y Aoy.
,hrist loves, ,hrist teaches,
,hrist saves, ,hrist redees.
"lleluia. "en.
"ugust /8 #/21
'ove the 'ord, because you are under #is 4rotectionF
My children, the 'ord is a great teacher% how uch love there is in
#e gives you #is #eart, #is #o4e and #is ?ord.
The 'ord wants 4eace in the hearts o! all #is children because only
thus you will be able to obey #i.
The 94irit o! the 'ord is in the 'ord6s children.
&lory be to &od.
(ead) *4hesians ,4 -14-12
*4hesians ,4 -14-12
14 so that we ay no longer be in!ants, tossed by waves and swe4t along by
every wind o! teaching arising !ro huan tric$ery, !ro their cunning in
the interests o! deceit!ul scheing.
1< (ather, living the truth in love, we should grow in every way into hi who is
the head, ,hrist,
12 !ro who the whole body, Aoined and held together by every su44orting
ligaent, with the 4ro4er !unctioning o! each 4art, brings about the body6s
growth and builds itsel! u4 in love.
"ugust /9 #/24
You ust bear your su!!ering in the sae way My 9on bore the 4ain o!
his wounds. #e su!!ered uch and #is 4ain was silent. :o not be wea$
nor i4atient, thin$ing o! your !uture.
;bey the 'ord and trust, !or #e will res4ond to that trust.
"en, "en.
"ugust 10 #/2<
3 say to all y children) &od does not want your huiliation be!ore the
eney, nor your destruction% #e wants you to o44ose and resist hi.
=ear nothing, because the 'ord goes in !ront o! each battle. :o not let
your goodwill diinish% be strong because the "lighty is with you.
"en, "en.
"ugust 11 #/22
:uring ne>t 9e4teber devote yourselves to 4ray the continual #oly
(osary% 4raying !or 4eace in the world, !or conversion, and o!!ering
your !aith without claudication.
;n the ninth day o! the onth, you will see the 'ord acting in your
:o as 3 as$ and do not go away !ro the 'ord. You already $now your
Mother6s day. You shall $ee4 it on the /<th o! 9e4teber, every year.
"en, "en.
9e4teber 1 #/2.
3 say to all y children) Many o! you ay have led a bad li!e, but i! you
re4ent, you will be saved.
The 'ord will hel4 you, 3 assure you. My Mission is to save souls, show
the way to the 'ord, and let everybody $now #is 4urity.
@raise be to the 'ord.
9e4teber / #/28
Your Mother as$s you to $ee4 nothing evil in your hearts, only what is
good, what is worthwhile% only the ?ords o! the 'ord.
(eeber that by believing in #i, you will be reebered and
received by #i.
The 9acred #eart o! Jesus is well dis4osed towards you. "en, "en.
9e4teber / #/29
'et no one doubt that you are being guided by the 'ord6s hand.
(ead) John ,1< -12
John ,1< -12
12 3t was not you who chose e, but 3 who chose you and a44ointed you to go
and bear !ruit that will reain, so that whatever you as$ the =ather in y
nae he ay give you.
9e4teber / #/.0
;h, beloved children, your Mother i4lores you !or 4rayer and
re4entanceF ;nly with true re4entance will you be saved.
You ust truly love and obey the 'ord.
@raise be to #i.
9e4teber 1 #/.1
Man a$es 4lans but the 'ord u4sets the. ?hat 3 ean is that
earthly things are di!!erent !ro heavenly ones. The things o! the 'ord
are 4er!ect and 4ure, earthly things are dirty.
My children, search the 'ord and nothing you !ind in #i will be ta$en
away !ro you.
&lory be to #eaven.
9e4teber 4 #/./
;4en your hearts only to the 'ord, because i! you $ee4 the closed,
your lives will be in vain.
You ust trust the 'ord, because #e is never late, but be care!ul. The
'ord ho4es you will enAoy the seed #e has abundantly sown, y
:o not let your thoughts go away !ro the 'ord.
&lory be to &od.
9e4teber < #/.1
5lessed and beloved by &od are you, y children% you who obey the
'ord, listen) salvation is !or all eternity.
You have started to clib a stee4 hill, but do not get tired% you will be
able to arrive because you have &od6s strength and with #i all is
near. 5e strong in your !aith.
"en, "en.
9e4teber 2 #/.4
?hen you 4ray, the 'ord listens to your 4rayer% when you invo$e !or
relie!, you are relieved. #e is a =ather who is in 4eranent union with
#is children.
Mind how uch in need o! the 'ord you are, and how essential it is to
!eel #is 4resence.
Cever !orget the 'ord.
"en, "en.
(ead) @roverbs ,4 -10-11
@roverbs ,4 -10-11
10 #ear, y son, and receive y words, and the years o! your li!e shall be
11 ;n the way o! wisdo 3 direct you, 3 lead you on straight!orward 4aths.
1/ ?hen you wal$, your ste4 will not be i4eded, and should you run, you will
not stuble.
11 #old !ast to instruction, never let her go% $ee4 her, !or she is your li!e.
9e4teber . #/.<
;h, MotherF 3 want to consecrate ysel! to you.
-irgin Mary, today 3 consecrate y li!e to you.
3 !eel a constant need o! your 4resence in y li!e,
=or you to 4rotect e, guide e and console e.
3 $now that y soul will set at rest in you,
"nd anguish will not enter into e.
My de!eat will becoe a victory,
My weariness, in you, is strength.
To all y children who consecrate theselves to this Mother, 3 say) My
#eart Aoy!ully receives this dedication, this love you o!!er, because they
are souls saved !ro the claws o! evil, deserving *ternal &lory, the
glory o! the 'ord. "en, "en.
Ma$e it $nownF
May this be editated% ay &od illuinate your s4irits to a44raise the
signi!icance o! ,onsecration.
9e4teber 8 #/.2
Jesus says)
#e who coes to Me will be consoled% ay no one reAect the salvation
that is o!!ered to hi.
The -irgin tells us)
,oe, dear children, and e>4erience the 'ove o! the 'ord% there is so
uch 'ight in #iF 3 want you to editate y words and believe that
you ust !ully obey &od.
3 show you #is 4ath clearly% use the 'ight while it is daytie.
@raise be to #eaven.
9e4teber 8 #/..
:o not search !or 4er!ection here on earth because it is in #eaven,
above% it is in the 'ordF 94read #is ?ord, y children, because it ust
be $nown all over the world.
"en, "en.
(ead) 3saiah ,4/ -2-8
3saiah ,4/ -2-8
2 3, the ';(:, have called you !or the victory o! Austice, 3 have gras4ed you by
the hand% 3 !ored you, and set you as a covenant o! the 4eo4le, a light !or
the nations,
. To o4en the eyes o! the blind, to bring out 4risoners !ro con!ineent, and
!ro the dungeon, those who live in dar$ness.
8 3 a the ';(:, this is y nae% y glory 3 give to no other, nor y 4raise
to idols.
9e4teber 9 #/.8
5lessed is he who ho4es in &od.
5lessed is he who o4ens his eyes to see through #i and su!!er !or
5lessed is he who 4raises #i.
5lessed is he who !eeds on the 'ord.
5lessed be he who e>4ects #is &lory and hubles hisel! be!ore the
5lessed is he who searches !or rede4tion.
5lessed will be he who is with #i !or eternity.
May the "lighty be 4raised.
3 want y children to $now the blessings that await the 'ord6s
9e4teber 10 #/.9
You have received uch !ro the 'ord and will receive uch ore, 3
tell you, in &races and $nowledge, y beloved children. 3 have never
wanted to sadden you% on the contrary, 3 a with you to give you this
wonder!ul gi!t o! &od.
3t is the 'ord6s desire.
"en, "en.
(ead) / ,orinthians ,4 -12-18
/ ,orinthians ,4 -12-18
12 There!ore, we are not discouraged% rather, although our outer sel! is wasting
away, our inner sel! is being renewed day by day.
1. =or this oentary light a!!liction is 4roducing !or us an eternal weight o!
glory beyond all co4arison,
18 as we loo$ not to what is seen but to what is unseen% !or what is seen is
transitory, but what is unseen is eternal.
9e4teber 11 #/80
Today 3 see a very strong and white light, the -irgin says)
3t is y 3aculate #eart that is waiting !or y children.
'ater the light disa44ears and 3 see her with the ,hild. 9he says)
My children, re4ent and you will be Austi!ied. May everything you listen
!ro the 'ord enter through your ears and coe out through your
heart. "s$ this o! the 'ord.
(eeber that the Mother guides you to the 9on and that the 9on
guides you to the =ather.
You are sustained by #i.
&lory be to the 'ord.
9e4teber 1/ #/81
:o not let your heart be saddened% 4ray to the 'ord and #e will be
5eloved children, do not as$ not to su!!er on the road toward Jesus
,hrist, since you cannot carry the cross without su!!ering.
The 'ord s4ea$s out, you ust 4ay attention% you are in tie to
receive #i.
"en, "en.
9e4teber 11 #/8/
(eAoice, children o! &odF #is 'ove is your love, #is 5read is your =ood.
@raise be to the Most #oly =ather in #eaven.
9e4teber 11 #/81
#ave dee4 !aith in &od, y children. 5e honest with yourselves, you
have discovered the 'ord% go away !ro ignorance and enter #is
wisdo. :o not hesitate to answer to the :ivine ,all. May 4eace be in
your hearts.
To all those who search !or 4eace, 3 say) those who o4en to the 'ord
will always !ind 4eace.
@raise be the 'ord.
(ead) ,olossians ,1 -9,1.-/0
,olossians ,1 -9,1.-/0
9 There!ore, !ro the day we heard this, we do not cease 4raying !or you and
as$ing that you ay be !illed with the $nowledge o! his will through all
s4iritual wisdo and understanding
1. #e is be!ore all things, and in hi all things hold together.
18 #e is the head o! the body, the church. #e is the beginning, the !irstborn
!ro the dead, that in all things he hisel! ight be 4re-einent.
19 =or in hi all the !ullness was 4leased to dwell,
/0 and through hi to reconcile all things !or hi, a$ing 4eace by the blood
o! his cross 7through hi8, whether those on earth or those in heaven.
9e4teber 14 #/84
3 see a an and several en who are 4ulling hi !ro one side to the other. "t
ties it sees they are going to tear hi in two 73t hurts e to see this8. The
an is stoo4ed, 3 cannot see his !ace% he wants to advance but they do not let
#e wears a natural colored tunic, and the others are wearing dar$ brown tunics.
The an $neels as though vanBuished, and suddenly an enorous dog a44ears
showing his teeth as i! to bite% it is !urious. "lso there is a great wind. The en
are !rightened and let the an go. ?hen he raises his head, 3 see #e is Jesus. "t
that oent 3 see the -irgin and as$ #er) ?hat is thisE, and 9he says)
You need a strong guide in these hurricane winds which surround you,
because you are living aongst a turoil. 'et the 'ord act and #e will
rescue you.
You are hearing a salvation voice.
"en, "en.
9e4teber 1< #/8<
5eloved children, a44reciate the #oly Mass. *very good ,hristian
ought to 4artici4ate in the 9acred 9u44er o! the #oly Mass every day,
or at least once a wee$.
"t that oent y adored 9on counicates the =ather6s 'ove and
*ternal 9alvation. 3t is then that ,hrist Jesus o!!ers #isel!, in
absolute obedience and !ull trust to &od the =ather.
You ust iitate this great e>a4le. 3 invite you to a$e it a duty o!
great love !or the 'ord to receive ,ounion.
To those who ,onsecrate theselves)

;!!er yourselves to the 'ord with love.
@ray the #oly (osary with ,hristian !ervor, every day.
34rove your li!e, enriching it s4iritually.
My children, this is what your Mother as$s you.
May you be blessed in obedience to the 'ord.
&lory be to #eaven.
9e4teber 12 #/82
:o you $now how uch the 'ord is doing !or youE :ear children,
reAoice in #i.
You will be saved, the oent you understand the love o! &od. The
'ord does #is wor$, so try to do yours.
"en, "en.
9e4teber 12 #/8.
These days the 'ord is giving rays o! sunlight% let one o! the into
your heart and 3 will be very ha44y.
My love !or y children has no liits. Mind the 'ord6s words, because
everything #e says is i4ortant.
&lory be to the 'ord.
(ead) / @eter ,1 -8-9
/ @eter ,1 -8-9
8 5ut do not ignore this one !act, beloved, that with the 'ord one day is li$e a
thousand years and a thousand years li$e one day.
9 The 'ord does not delay his 4roise, as soe regard Ddelay,D but he is
4atient with you, not wishing that any should 4erish but that all should coe
to re4entance.
9e4teber 1. #/88
:o not worry, the 'ord will grant you all $inds o! &races. You ust only
live as #e says. Cever reain in silence, never $ee4 Buiet, the ?ord o!
&od ust be ade $nown.
"en, "en.
9e4teber 1. #/89
The -irgin tells e)
3 a with you. "ll those who 4ray and 4ut theselves in the 'ord6s
hands will be co4ensated in these days.
9e4teber 18 #/90
:o not o!!end &od, do not deny #i when #e trials you, because #e
wants to test your !aith.
3 wish that you all reach the 'ord, as you need uch love, y beloved.
=ight uncertainty% never doubt the "lighty, and above you, will
a44ear the 'ight that bathes your souls.
@raise be to the 'ord.
(ead) / Thessalonians ,/ -14,12-1.
/ Thessalonians ,/ -14,12-1.
14 To this end he has 7also8 called you through our gos4el to 4ossess the glory
o! our 'ord Jesus ,hrist.
12 May our 'ord Jesus ,hrist hisel! and &od our =ather, who has loved us and
given us everlasting encourageent and good ho4e through his grace,
1. encourage your hearts and strengthen the in every good deed and word.
9e4teber 19 #/91
#a44y is he who !inds in &od the ai o! his li!e, because he will act
correctly and there will be 4eace in his heart. Mind that the 'ord is
coing to you and !eel #is 4resence.
3! you have already given yourselves to &od, 3 tell you) &ive #i
ore% the ore you give, the ore you will receive.
The #oly 94irit will a$e you grow s4iritually.
"en, "en.
9e4teber /0 #/9/
3! you search !or #eaven, you will !ind Jesus there% i! you search !or
salvation, you will !ind it in Jesus. 3! you want to get out o! the ud,
#e will ta$e you out.
;nly #is @ower can a$e you enAoy the wonder!ul @eace so desired by
@lace your li!e in the 'ord6s ?ill.
@raise be to #i.
(ead) #ebrews ,/ -1-1
#ebrews ,/ -1-1
1 There!ore, we ust attend all the ore to what we have heard, so that we
ay not be carried away.
/ =or i! the word announced through angels 4roved !ir, and every
transgression and disobedience received its Aust reco4ense,
1 how shall we esca4e i! we ignore so great a salvationE "nnounced originally
through the 'ord, it was con!ired !or us by those who had heard.
9e4teber /1 #/91
My children, your Mother does not want you to be or4hans in the love
!or the 'ord. 3 loo$ at you and $now your way o! living. *verything
would be so di!!erent i!, !or the love o! &od, you would renew your
s4irit, ta$ing o!! that shell that covers your heart.
You ust not give yourselves to the 'ord only outwardly. (eeber
and editate y words.
&lory be to the 'ord.
9e4teber // #/94
My children, this Covena your 4raying will hel4 you to increase your
love !or y 9on and your !aith in #i.
,oit yourselves to the 'ord and trust in #is Mercy. May each heart
be willing to receive My #eart.
@raise the 'ordF
9e4teber // #/9<
@ray that you ay be able to reach the 4er!ection that the 'ord wants
!ro you.
9e4teber /1 #/92
My children, what the 'ord has given you is not little% what you have in
your hands you ust 4ut into 4ractice not !or a day but !orever.
5lessed is he who sees &od6s 'ove in #is ?ord, and blessed is he who
sees blessing and rede4tion in the Message because you will be
4uri!ied and ade worthy o! #i.
&lory be to the 'ord.
9e4teber /4 #/9.
May your children grow u4 healthy in thoughts and in !eelings.
You can entrust the only to the 'ord. Teach the the i4ortance o!
4rayer. May &od not be a stranger to the.
Meditate this. You should not !orget this call !ro the 'ord, since this is
#is ?ill.
(ead) Tobit ,14 -8
Tobit ,14 -8
8 DCow, as !or you, y son, de4art !ro Cineveh% do not reain here.
9e4teber /< 7"nniversary8 #/98
This ust be a s4lendorous and glorious day !or your souls. You are
4raying and than$ing the 'ord as 3 have as$ed, y dear children. 3 !eel
very near to your hearts and 3 see your !aith has increased.
3 tell you that the obedience and love you !eel !or &od is a44reciated.
"s$, the 'ord is listening to you.
9e4teber /< #/99
:o not !orget the 9anctuary, since it will be the 'ord6s 9anctuary. Tie
will 4ass, but this will continue.
9e4teber /2 #100
3 !eel truly sorry to see that soe do not bene!it !ro the $nowledge
the 'ord gives, nor do they recognise #i.
3 say to y children) #is ?ord is li$e running water, that waters and
gives li!e to every 4lant 3t !inds on its way. 'et yourselves be watered
by 3t and you will live in the 'ord.
"en. "en.
9e4teber /. #101
My children, the 'ord is watching you. :o not let tie 4ass% do not
neglect doing what the 'ord orders you.
#e who 4laces his trust in the 'ord, #e who 4laces his li!e in #is hands,
will not $now eternal agony, as he will $now the 9avior6s &lory.
Cow you $now.
&lory be to the 'ord.
(ead) Job ,< -1.-18
Job ,< -1.-18
1. #a44y is the an who &od re4rovesF The "lighty6s chastening do not
18 =or he wounds, but he binds u4% he sites, but his hands give healing.
9e4teber /. #10/
"ll the 'ord6s children should 4ractice 4iety and charity% in each action
they would !ind ,hrist Jesus. 3t is a wonder!ul way o! living in ,hrist.
@raise be to #i.
9e4teber /8 #101
=ill your s4irit with the love o! &od% !ill yourselves with #is ?isdo.
The 'ord ?ants you to be bound to #i.
The oent you do, you will !ind relie! in your hearts. The 'ord brings
you salvation because #e does not want the destruction o! the world to
reach you.
(ead) 1 ,orinthians ,1< -1
1 ,orinthians ,1< -1
1 Cow 3 a reinding you, brothers, o! the gos4el 3 4reached to you, which you
indeed received and in which you also stand.
9e4teber /9 #104
My children, y wish is that you should honor &od by loving #i as #e
loves you. "s$ the 'ord to deliver you !ro sel!ishness and you will be
able to !eel how #e can trans!or you.
5eside the 'ord, you will discover true 'i!e% act in #is Cae. May #is
Cae be 4er4etual in you.
9e4teber 10 #10<
The 'ord tells you) 'isten, now that the Truth is a44earing be!ore youF
'oo$, do not cover your eyes while you can still see. Jnderstand and
a44reciate the advice o! your Mother.
*veryone ust $now the 'ord% that is why 3 want to bring y children
throughout the world near #is ?ord.
9e4teber 10 #102
&od does not wound, y children, #e heals. &od is health, ho4e and
li!e% go to #iF @raised be the 'ord, because #is Austice !orti!ies the
&lory be to the 'ord.
(ead) 1 John ,1 -8-9
1 John ,1 -8-9
8 3! we say, D?e are without sin,D we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in
9 3! we ac$nowledge our sins, he is !aith!ul and Aust and will !orgive our sins
and cleanse us !ro every wrongdoing.
;ctober 1, 1984 #10.
Gee4 your s4irit cal, beloved children. 3! you !ind yourselves near
hatred, withdraw !ro hatred, ,hrist is not there. 3! you !ind
yourselves !acing soeone who !eels 4ower!ul, withdraw !ro hi
also, as ,hrist is not there either.
Cobody is ore i4ortant than others. Cever huiliate be!ore
soebody that is your eBual% do not coit that i4rudence.
Ma$e o!!erings to the 'ord% live as #e teaches you, and you will live in
4eranent ha44iness.
"en, "en.
;ctober 1, 1984 #108
My children, let your 4rayer be dee4ly !elt this onth. @ray !or 4eace
in the world, and that every day ore children should a44roach the
,hurch because 9he is ,hrist.
Meditate y essage.
;ctober / #109
#a44y is the son who !eels at 4eace with the 'ord. @raise the 'ord,
4raise #is #oly Cae. #e is o!!ering #isel!.
;ctober / #110
5lessed be he who obeys the 'ord.
5lessed be he who $ee4s and !ul!ills #is coandents.
5lessed be he who su!!ers on account o! &od, because he has won
eternal 'i!e.
5lessed be he who has chosen the 'ord as rudder to guide his li!e.
5lessed be he who !ears &od.
;ctober 1 #111
The *ucharist ,ongress ust hel4 &od6s children to coe close to
#i, including 4riests and nuns% to turn to #i with all the love and
vocation that 4riesthood reBuires.
@ray !or the #oly 94irit to enlighten their s4irits, so that they ay
really see ,hrist in the *ucharist, and they ay !ind #i and never
leave #i.
These days are 4leasant to the 'ord.
&lory be to #eaven.
;ctober 4 #11/
You should be on guard and $ee4 the !aith at all ties, because
4rotection is by your side% the 'ord6s 94irit dis4els all danger.
"t your hoe, at your wor$, wherever you are, $ee4 ,hrist 4resent
and you will see #is 4resence re!lected% only want it.
Your Mother is !ull o! Aoy seeing how you love the 'ord.
&lory be to &od.
5lessed be Mother o! ine,
#o4e o! y li!e,
(adiant light o! y eyes,
(ede4tion o! y sins.
5ud o4en to the love o! Your children towards the =ather.
=ro #eaven You bless e,
3 give You y heart, Mother.
;ctober < #111
5lessed be the 'ord and #is designs, y children. The 'ord neither
gives nor ta$es anything !or the sa$e o! only doing it.
May each one $now how to lead his li!e in a balanced way.
:o the 'ord6s ?ill, bearing with !aith whatever #e sends% show that
you want to !ollow #i.
&lory be to &od.
(ead) 1 John ,1 -19-//
1 John ,1 -19-//
19 7Cow8 this is how we shall $now that we belong to the truth and reassure
our hearts be!ore hi
/0 in whatever our hearts conden, !or &od is greater than our hearts and
$nows everything.
/1 5eloved, i! 7our8 hearts do not conden us, we have con!idence in &od
// and receive !ro hi whatever we as$, because we $ee4 his
coandents and do what 4leases hi.
;ctober 2 #114
My dears) it will be enough !or you to draw near y beloved 9on and
you will be able to reAect the eney6s cursed te4tation.
@re4are your heart and receive the 'ord. 5e a 4eo4le who is
res4onsible, because you are in the hands o! &od.
@raise be to #i.
;ctober . #11<
,an you 4rove to &od that you are doing #is ?illE
Gee4 within you, in the de4th o! your heart, the 'ove #e gives you.
:o not destroy this great bundle o! wise words% $ee4 the and turn
the to your good.
"en, "en.
;ctober . #112
?hen you 4ray, you ust all re4eatedly as$ !orgiveness !or the
o!!enses that the 'ord receives daily !ro those who re!use to listen to
&ive than$s because #e has 4laced #is eyes on you, a$ing you see
that in the ,hurch you can !ind ,hrist.
:uring all the onth, do this on your $nees.
;ctober . #11.
The 'ord has ta$en and will ta$e any out o! that rebellion in which
they were involved, and has led and will lead the on the right road.
My children, the 'ord is gathering #is shee4.
(ead) Joshua ,4 -/4
Joshua ,4 -/4
/4 in order that all the 4eo4les o! the earth ay learn that the hand o! the
';(: is ighty, and that you ay !ear the ';(:, your &od, !orever.D
;ctober 8 #118
Co one can destroy the wor$ o! &od, because there is no 4ower over
&od. Co one can destroy the ,hurch, as the ,hurch is ,hrist #isel!
and ,hrist is the Truth.
*vil denies &od and is !ar !ro #i% it is death and &od is true 'i!e.
,hrist loves you, y children% 4lace yourselves under #is 4rotection.
"en. "en.
;ctober 9 #119
Jesus says)
3 s4ea$ to the 4oor, the des4erate, the ill. &od !orgets no one.
;ctober 9 #1/0
Mary says)
#ow could the 'ord, who sha4ed the universe, not re-sha4e your way
o! thin$ingE #ow would #e re!rain !ro increasing that little light that
you have lit within youE #e can do itF
3! a child is sothering, #e will not deny hi air% i! thirsty, #e will not
deny hi water. The ercy o! &od reaches all o! you and all o! you
need it.
&lory be to the 'ord.
;ctober 10 #1/1
,ontinually, you are being attac$ed by the evil one, but you will reAect
it all. ;nly this way will he lose his strength and be consued.
5e 4rudent and he will not overthrow you. 3n the 'ord you will !ind
&lory be to #eaven.
@ray to the 'ord this way)
3 renew y s4irit.
3 o4en y heart to the 'ord,
3 4roise to listen only to #is voice,
To $ee4 #is word and 4ractice it.
(ead) #ebrews ,1 -1/,1<
#ebrews ,1 -1/,1<
1/ Ta$e care, brothers, that none o! you ay have an evil and un!aith!ul heart,
so as to !orsa$e the living &od.
1< !or it is said) D;h, that today you would hear his voice) 6#arden not your
hearts as at the rebellion.6D
;ctober 11 #1//
:ear children, !or you 3 want clear and bright days% be care!ul how you
3 say this !or those who clai to have no need o! reading the ?ord o!
the 'ord, #is essages% that hardness o! heart does you no good.
(un away !ro the ca4tivity in which you can !all% see$ the 'ord.
"en, "en.
;ctober 1/ #1/1
The Mother has to be near #er children, that is why 3 a beside you. 3
see any o! you anguished and isguided, 3 see atheis. 5ut 3 say to
you) 5y denying &od you are lost. My children, you trust too uch in
an6s strength, but it is not to be co4ared to the strength o! &od.
You thin$ o! hatred and revenge. 'et no one thin$ o! that, because it
will get you nothing. ;nly the 'ord is the Just Judge.
&lory be to #eaven.
(ead) *4hesians ,4 -1.-18,10-1/
*4hesians ,4 -1.-18,10-1/
1. 9o 3 declare and testi!y in the 'ord that you ust no longer live as the
&entiles do, in the !utility o! their inds%
18 dar$ened in understanding, alienated !ro the li!e o! &od because o! their
ignorance, because o! their hardness o! heart,
10 "nd do not grieve the holy 94irit o! &od, with which you were sealed !or the
day o! rede4tion.
11 "ll bitterness, !ury, anger, shouting, and reviling ust be reoved !ro you,
along with all alice.
1/ 7"nd8 be $ind to one another, co4assionate, !orgiving one another as &od
has !orgiven you in ,hrist.
;ctober 1/ #1/4
3 see an anchor, and on either side a !ish and a loa! o! bread. The anchor is blue.
;ctober 11 #1/<
To y children, 3 say) These are !avourable days to o4en your heart to
the 'ord.
79he re!ers to the *ucharist ,ongress8
Ta$e advantage o! the to con!ess and re4ent o! every bad action,
and to be able to !ind in ,hrist a new li!e. 3t is i4ortant, 3 as$ this o!
you es4ecially since blessings will !all u4on you.
The 'ord wants to see !aith in your hearts.
This city has grown in !aith, but it ust still grow ore% it ust be a
odel o! ,hristianity.
"en, "en.
;ctober 14 #1/2
"cce4t &od6s ?ill% act as #e as$s you. 3t is tie !or you to start to see
clearly because the day is shining.
The 'ord has co4assion !or those who atte4t not to heed #is voice.
:o not draw away !ro the 'ord% do not reain closed, re!using #is
The #oly 94irit does not abandon you, #e is always 4resent.
&lory be to the 'ord.
(ead) Jereiah ,11 -1<-1.
Jereiah ,11 -1<-1.
1< &ive ear, listen hubly, !or the ';(: s4ea$s.
12 &ive glory to the ';(:, your &od, be!ore it grows dar$% 5e!ore your !eet
stuble on dar$ening ountains% 5e!ore the light you loo$ !or turns to
dar$ness, changes into blac$ clouds.
1. 3! you do not listen to this in your 4ride, 3 will wee4 in secret any tears%
My eyes will run with tears !or the ';(:69 !loc$, led away to e>ile.
;ctober 14 #1/.
3 see a river, 3 thin$ it is our river, and a great canoe, it loo$s li$e an ar$.
The -irgin says to e)
3 a the "nchorF 3 have anchored here. 3 a the "r$ that wants to
carry y children to the 'ord.
;ctober 1< #1/8
9oe o! y children clai to have nothing. 3 as$ you) #ave you
nothingE ,an it be that anything is lac$ing i! you have &od, which is all
that attersE 3s there need o! anything ore, having ,hrist in your
#e covers everything, re4laces everything.
=aith is what any o! you need, and only the 'ord can give it to you.
@raise be to #iF
;ctober 1< #1/9
(eeber, y children, that when a stor coes, only the 'ord can
dis4el the clouds. @lace your trust in the 9avior and #e will 4rotect you
with #is 4rotecting ar.
"en, "en.
(ead) 3saiah ,<4 -10
3saiah ,<4 -10
10 Though the ountains leave their 4lace and the hills be sha$en, My love
shall never leave you nor y covenant o! 4eace be sha$en, says the ';(:,
who has ercy on you.
;ctober 12 #110
#a44iness coes !ro &od and can be enAoyed by a child o! &od.
My dears, be constant in 4rayer% the 'ord never abandons a child who
4rays and as$s. You are lost i! you do not do it.
You will never !eel !aint hearted i! you are !aith!ul to the 'ord.
"en, "en.
;ctober 1. #111
3! you thin$ that there is urgency in &od6s call, it is true. There is
5e convinced, it is so, because the days will coe in which the guilty
will carry their guilt and the innocent will see the 'ord6s &lory.
"en, "en.
;ctober 18 #11/
"s a !lower drin$s water to be able to live, so you ust drin$ the
'ord6s ?ords.
3 do not thin$ that a good ,hristian can withdraw !ro #is call, nor do
3 thin$ that anyone should not want to hear this cry o! 'ove. #e who
o4ens his door to the 'ord will reain bound to #i.
&od is over!lowing 'ove.
May #e be 4raised.
;ctober 18 #111
My children, the 'ord wants the !lae o! 'ove to 4enetrate in you. 5e
certain that ,hrist Jesus, the 9avior, will give you strength.
3t is #e who 4uri!ies everything.
"en, "en.
(ead) Jereiah ,12 -/1
Jereiah ,12 -/1
/1 'oo$, then) 3 will give the $nowledge% this tie 3 will leave the in no
doubt ;! y strength and y 4ower) they shall $now that y nae is
;ctober 19 #114
The 'ord gradually turns you into children who are truly res4onsible !or
all your acts. This is visible, you can see it.
Those who scorn &od have a great is!ortune% they are not even
aware, as yet, o! what this eans.
3 say to those children) :o not give in, !ight !or that victory that the
'ord wants to give you.
&lory be to the 'ord.
;ctober 19 #11<
3 see a very green !ield, a deer and near the deer a lion. The -irgin says to e)
The lion, as you $now, is the $ing o! anials, and he is by the deer
because they can live 4er!ectly well side by side, as there is enough !or
both o! the in the 'ord6s !ields.
There is no reason to worry.
"en, "en.
;ctober /0 #112
=ro the beginning o! every li!e is &od, and an ust continue being
with &od.
"lways live as you should, with your s4irit !ull o! that Aoy that coes
!ro $nowing that you have 4lunged dee4ly in ,hrist.
The 'ord does not want tears or bent $nees.
"en. "en.
;ctober /1 #11.
Jesus says)
To all those who !eel !aint and belittled, 3 say, &od 4rovides.
The -irgin says to e)
My children, when 3 see that a child resists the 'ord, 3 su!!er so, and
!eel such bitterness in y #eartF
#e that is !ar !ro the 'ord should !eel shae% the 'ord does so uch
!or 'ove o! youF
'ove &od, y children% be grate!ul !or this &race you are able to live.
@raise be to #eaven.
;ctober // #118
Cever hesitate when !acing a call !ro &od, wherever you ay be,
since it will be a Aust call.
&lori!y the 'ord, !or #i to a$e that ho4e and everlasting ha44iness,
which the "lighty 4roises you, stay !orever in your hearts.
"en, "en.
;ctober /1 #119
5lessed children, your ste4s will be straight i! they are guided by the
'ord% #e gives you out everything. You can see how iense &od6s
'ove is. 5eside #i there is no wea$ness% it is enough to nae #i to
!eel #is strength.
May he who has not done it, 4ut his heart on trial and he will soon
understand that the 'ord is not absent, and least o! all, distant.
&lory be to the 'ord.
(ead) @roverbs ,4 -10-11
@roverbs ,4 -10-11
10 #ear, y son, and receive y words, and the years o! your li!e shall be
11 ;n the way o! wisdo 3 direct you, 3 lead you on straight!orward 4aths.
1/ ?hen you wal$, your ste4 will not be i4eded, and should you run, you will
not stuble.
11 #old !ast to instruction, never let her go% $ee4 her, !or she is your li!e.
;ctober /4 #140
My children, always reeber these thoughts) 3t is better to !orgive
than to harbor anger% it is better to love than to be loved, to be
hungry than to be !ull, to as$ the 'ord !or ercy than to believe you
have no need o! &od.
Many o! y children as$ the 'ord not to abandon the. 3 say, let it be
you who do not go away !ro the 'ord.
"en, "en.
;ctober /< #141
@ray !or those lost souls% !or the aterialis that wants to be i4osed
on the wea$, !or that hollow world in which so any children !all and
that o!!ers nothing.
@ray to the 'ord)
3 beseech You, 'ord,
To 4lace Your eyes on all children,
To a$e the better,
"nd that they !ind in You,
The reason !or living.
@raise be to the "lighty.
;ctober /< #14/
My 4oor #eart !alls to 4ieces to reach yours.
&lory be to the 'ord.
;ctober /< #141
3 want to lead you, y children, towards y adored 9on6s 4urity.
;ctober /2 #144
?hen a child is converted, at that oent he starts to live% that day
the bandage will have !allen !ro his eyes and the 'ord6s 'ight will
begin to enter.
:o not allow yourselves to be 4ersecuted% do not let evil harass you,
because the days are short, but not those to coe.
"en, "en.
;ctober /2 #14<
May all y children $now 3 wal$ beside the.
;ctober /2 #142
@ray !or those who are aslee4 in their !aith, so that the #oly 94irit ay
drive the to wish to see the 'ord6s &lory.
;ctober /. #14.
;h 4eo4le, to you 3 s4ea$. 'istenF May each one begin to !eel the
warth and love enclosed in the 'ord6s ?ords.
:o not let the disa44ear, nor abandon what you have not yet
started. The 'ord is 4atient, #e waits !or you% do not delay.
"en, "en.
(ead) 3saiah ,<< -1-1,2,.
3saiah ,<< -1-1,2,.
1 "ll you who are thirsty, coe to the waterF You who have no oney, coe,
receive grain and eat% ,oe, without 4aying and without cost, drin$ wine and
/ ?hy s4end your oney !or what is not bread% your wages !or what !ails to
satis!yE #eed e, and you shall eat well, you shall delight in rich !are.
1 ,oe to e heed!ully, listen, that you ay have li!e. 3 will renew with you
the everlasting covenant, the bene!its assured to :avid.
2 9ee$ the ';(: while he ay be !ound, call hi while he is near.
. 'et the scoundrel !orsa$e his way, and the wic$ed an his thoughts% 'et hi
turn to the ';(: !or ercy% to our &od, who is generous in !orgiving.
;ctober /8 #148
"void the weariness that can lead you away !ro &od, and that ay
cause you to not renew a 4rayer. ;!!er yourselves willingly to #i and
a$e an e!!ort to dedicate yourselves to the 'ord.
My children, ignore any su!!ering that can $ee4 you away !ro #is
side, and you will discover that nothing is i4ortant co4ared to the
&races that are received !ro &od.
@raise be to #i.
;ctober /8 #149
My children, the real trust in &od is to let yourselves be led by #i.
5lessed be he who see$s shelter in the 'ord. &lory be to the 'ord.
(ead) (evelation ,1 -19-//
(evelation ,1 -19-//
19 Those who 3 love, 3 re4rove and chastise. 5e earnest, there!ore, and
/0 5ehold, 3 stand at the door and $noc$. 3! anyone hears y voice and o4ens
the door, 7then8 3 will enter his house and dine with hi, and he with e.
/1 3 will give the victor the right to sit with e on y throne, as 3 ysel! !irst
won the victory and sit with y =ather on his throne.
// ?hoever has ears ought to hear what the 94irit says to the churches.
;ctober /9 #1<0
*ternal will be the days o! those who live the Aoy o! !inding health o!
soul in the 'ord, because !orever they will be 4rotected.
To those who have ista$en the road, start see$ing the right one. :o
not rest until you have !ound it. Then you can say) The shadows do
not touch e, 3 a with y 'ord. "lleluiaF
;ctober 10 #1<1
3 say to y children) :o not be !ear!ul in the !ace o! any obstacle.
3! you see soeone trying to discredit the nae o! &od, stand u4 to
hi% a$e hi see that he is wrong. The 'ord considers that i! that
child sees his ista$e in tie, he will be rescued.
,oo4erate in this wor$, which is the wor$ o! ,hrist.
"en. "en.
;ctober 11 #1</
'isten, y dears, 3 want you to understand and !ind in the 'ord what
you so need% love, huility, charity. "s$ and #e will 4rovide it to you to
the e>tent that you learn to value the i4ortance o! !eeling
acco4anied by the 'ord.
"en, "en.
(ead) @hili44ians ,/ -1-4
@hili44ians ,/ -1-4
1 3! there is any encourageent in ,hrist, any solace in love, any 4artici4ation
in the 94irit, any co4assion and ercy,
/ co4lete y Aoy by being o! the sae ind, with the sae love, united in
heart, thin$ing one thing.
1 :o nothing out o! sel!ishness or out o! vainglory% rather, hubly regard
others as ore i4ortant than yourselves,
4 each loo$ing out not !or his own interests, but 7also8 everyone !or those o!
;ctober 11 #1<1
This city was s4iritually di!!erent a year ago. The 'ord has been
changing #is children to the e>tent that now 4rayer rises, and be
certain that it reaches &od !or the good o! all.
Coveber 1, 1984 #1<4
May an innocent heart never !eel guilty and ay all y children $now
that only !ro &od is ercy received.
#e has bent down to you. ?ait, and you will see that the 'ord leaves
no one alone.
My 9on6s 9acred #eart guides you.
"en, "en.
Coveber 1 #1<<
9weetest #eart o! Jesus,
3 bless You,
3 worshi4 You,
"nd 3 as$ You to have co4assion on e.
'et e never be lost !ro the (oad to the 'ord.
&ive e strength, 9acred #eart,
To be able to correct y !aults,
"nd deserve the 'ord6s 4eace.
Coveber / #1<2
Your Mother 4roclais aloud that you should trust in the 'ord, since
#e gives you the gra4es !ro #is vine. 5lessed be he who receives the
5e sincere and 4erseverant in the !aith.
@raise be to the 'ord.
Coveber 1 #1<.
My children, the 'ord shows you the way to as$% trust #i and
surrender to #i.
3t would be useless were it not so% that is why 3 ta$e you to the
There you should unburden any o44ression su!!ered in your heart with
a good con!ession, where your soul will reain so 4ure that you will
!eel that ,hrist Jesus lives in it.
That is what the ,hurch is !or, that is why it is necessary to resort to
#er% the 'ord is there.
&lory be to &od.
(ead) / ,hronicles ,2 -40-41
/ ,hronicles ,2 -40-41
40 My &od, ay your eyes be o4en and your ears attentive to the 4rayer o! this
41 "nd now, D"dvance, ';(: &od, to your resting 4lace, you and the ar$ o!
your aAesty. May your 4riests, ';(: &od, be clothed with salvation, ay
your !aith!ul ones reAoice in good things.
Coveber 1 #1<8
The great strength o! &od brea$s any 4lan that the eney wishes to
set u4.
The wic$ed one is ste44ed on and ra+ed by the 'ord6s ?ill.
You ust wish this !or it to ha44en.
Coveber 4 #1<9
My children, do not have your hands tied, you who wal$ in obedience.
5e sowers o! the ?ord o! ,hrist% ta$e it to all your brethren and you
will !eel the 94irit reborn.
"en, "en.
Coveber < #120
9o, standing as 3 a, so ust you be, without !earing being
abandoned by &od.
#ave the courage o! !acing any inAustice, because o!ten you will !ind it.
5e huble, the 'ord orders you to be huble. Cothing will soil you i!
you anage to do #is ?ill.
@raise be to #eaven.
Coveber 2 #121
&od loves everything that e>ists% how could #e not love what #e
createdE #ow then not to desire #is children6s 4er!ectionF
My dears, i! you love the 'ord, e>4ress it with actions% !ollow y
9ave yourselves !ro artyrdo, save yourselves !ro !ear, save
yourselves !ro sorrow, save yourselves !ro 4ain.
'ove Jesus and in #i you will !ind salvation.
"en, "en.
Coveber . #12/
;h y children, 3 want !aith!ul and !ir hearts that do not treble,
that consecrate theselves, trusting and ho4ing in the 'ord.
Jsually, an believes he is with &od, without doing anything, and
!orgetting #is 'aw% that is to live in !alsehood.
To be with &od is not to abandon #is road !or any reason, !ollowing
#i, !eeling sure that #e is within, and intensely !eeling that you are
in the 'ord.
"en, "en.
(ead) Titus ,1)1<-12% ,/)11-1<
Titus ,1)1<-12
1< To the clean all things are clean, but to those who are de!iled and
unbelieving nothing is clean% in !act, both their inds and their consciences
are tainted.
12 They clai to $now &od, but by their deeds they deny hi. They are vile
and disobedient and unBuali!ied !or any good deed.
Titus ,/)11-1<
11 =or the grace o! &od has a44eared, saving all
1/ and training us to reAect godless ways and worldly desires and to live
te4erately, Austly, and devoutly in this age,
11 as we await the blessed ho4e, the a44earance o! the glory o! the great &od
and o! our savior Jesus ,hrist,
14 who gave hisel! !or us to deliver us !ro all lawlessness and to cleanse !or
hisel! a 4eo4le as his own, eager to do what is good.
1< 9ay these things. *>hort and correct with all authority. 'et no one loo$ down
on you.
Coveber 8 #121
May he who as$s !or !aith be sure o! what he as$s, since the 'ord will
give it to whoever !eels sincere attraction towards #i.
5lessed be he who is te4ted and reAects te4tation, blessed be the
son who is called by &od% and blessed be he who ignores envy,
because his soul would be very sall, and there would be uch
4overty in his heart, i! there were roo in hi !or this tri!le.
&lory be to the 'ord.
Coveber 8 #124
Today as never be!ore, 3 would li$e to say how 3 see the 5lessed -irgin Mary.
#er beauty is not easy to describe, but 9he is lovely and in #er, #uility,
9trength, @urity and 'ove% li$e this, with ca4ital letters, go together, because all
the love in the world 3 thin$ does not cover the love 9he !eels !or #er children.
?hen 9he reBuests, 3 !eel the strength there is in #er% when 9he advises, 3 !eel
#er otherly 'ove% and when 9he tells e that 9he su!!ers !or those children
who are !ar !ro the 'ord, 9he transits #er sorrow to e.
"ll this is le!t in e by this arvellous Mother, who 3 venerate and to who 3
have consecrated y li!e.
3 say this !or y dear brethren to be able to $now, in soe way, what our
#eavenly Mother is li$e.
Coveber 9 #12<
Co atter how you try, you will achieve nothing i! !ar !ro the 'ord,
y children. =ollow ,hrist, nothing can retain you. #ave the courage o!
seeing the Truth and o! living that Truth, which is in the 'ord.
9tart to see$ #i those o! you who have not done it.
May there be 4eace in your souls, 4eace in your 4eo4le, 4eace in the
@ray to increase your !aith and that o! your brethren.
@raise be to the Most #oly.
(ead) John ,/0 -/.-/9
John ,/0 -/.-/9
/. Then he said to Thoas, D@ut your !inger here and see y hands, and bring
your hand and 4ut it into y side, and do not be unbelieving, but believe.D
/8 Thoas answered and said to hi, DMy 'ord and y &odFD
/9 Jesus said to hi, D#ave you coe to believe because you have seen eE
5lessed are those who have not seen and have believed.D
Coveber 10 #122
'et &od6s Mercy 4uri!y your souls. :o not withhold your 4rayers% the
'ord6s wish is that you should 4ray to #i, to be able to res4ond.
&reat are the bene!its received !ro the 'ord.
'ove #i with true love.
&lory be to the 'ord.
Coveber 11 #12.
Jesus says to us)
My #eart is great, it can !it any laentation, any sorrow. 3 a not
dea!, 3 a not cold, My 'ove reaches those who give Me love.
The -irgin says to e)
?oe to the son who lets the !lae in his heart go out, without as$ing
the 'ord to !eed it.
#e, ?ho $nows your lost ste4s, will save you !ro being victis% only
&od will do it.
"en, "en.
(ead) "os ,8 -11
"os ,8 -11
11 Yes, days are coing, says the 'ord &;:, when 3 will send !aine u4on the
land) Cot a !aine o! bread, or thirst !or water, but !or hearing the word o!
the ';(:.
Coveber 11 #128
My children, the 'ord $nows that soe o! you are thirsty and others
are not, but all need the 'ove o! &od. #e is giving 'ove% #e has
already started.
&lory be to &od.
(ead) *4hesians ,< -1<-1.
*4hesians ,< -1<-1.
1< ?atch care!ully then how you live, not as !oolish 4ersons but as wise,
12 a$ing the ost o! the o44ortunity, because the days are evil.
1. There!ore, do not continue in ignorance, but try to understand what is the
will o! the 'ord.
Coveber 1/ #129
3 as$ y young children, those who are Aust starting to see li!e) ,an a
!ew oents o! worldly and !alse Aoy, such as you are living, !ill the
s4irit co4letelyE ,an that be enough, and leave you satis!iedE
@erha4s, but that is su4er!icial, nothing reains, as the ain thing is
lac$ing% you are lac$ing ,hrist.
My dears, 3 do not want to see you i4overished, enrich yourselves
with #i.
&lory be to &od.
(ead) 1 Thessalonians ,4 -.-8
1 Thessalonians ,4 -.-8
. =or &od did not call us to i4urity but to holiness.
8 There!ore, whoever disregards this, disregards not a huan being but &od,
who 7also8 gives his holy 94irit to you.
Coveber 11 #1.0
You cannot let this chance, that the 'ord is giving you, 4ass without
doing anything. 'isten to this that 3 tell you) 9earch !or #i, !or #is
?isdo, and you will be able to understand, because i! you do not do
this, you will not be able to enAoy the *ternal 'i!e o! the 'ord.
"en, "en.
Coveber 14 #1.1
Many o! those who now laugh, will cry, when the 'ord a$es the see
how late it is !or re4entance.
9to4 and listen now to the 'ord6s ?ord. :o you not !ear that when the
tie coes &od will 4ass you byE
Ta$e care, you ay wear ourning !orever.
Your Mother does not want this to ha44en to you% that is why you are
called to re!lect in your hearts.
"en, "en.
Coveber 1< #1./
3! you have not yet sought &od, do so. 5e sure that #e will not delay in
arriving. May this hel4 you not to continue ista$enly.
&lory be to the 'ord.
3 see$ Your &race without disay.
3 see$ Your 'ight since 3t can change e.
3 entrust ysel! to Your :ivine 'ove.
#ow 4oor 3 a without You, 'ord.
Coveber 12 #1.1
3 as$ that you not withdraw charity !ro your hearts. May your hands
be always ready to serve your neighbor. :o not let the 'ord6s teachings
!ade% give yoursel! to the.
?hat a bitter taste 3 !eel, when 3 reali+e that sel!ishness has ta$en
hold o! y children and they do not let love enter.
#e who lets love in will be considered an heir o! &od.
"en, "en.
Coveber 1. #1.4
@ray to the 'ord !or there never to a44ear be!ore you any shadow, and
you will $now no 4ain. &od, ?ho sees everything, $nows whether your
hearts are dis4osed% thus you ust avoid being stained.
&lory be to &od.
(ead) Job ,14 -12,11
Job ,14 -12,11
12 Cow, do you, ; Job, hear thisF #ear$en to the words 3 s4ea$F
11 ?hen anyone says to &od, D3 was isguided% 3 will o!!end no ore.
Coveber 18 #1.<
#ow 4oor is he who is !ar !ro &od, what unha44iness surrounds hi%
he su!!ers !ro solitude.
3 warn that son) 'isten to the 'ordF You thin$ ha44iness is i4ossible%
you !ind it hard to believe in salvation, but you do not $now how wrong
you are.
The 'ord can change your li!e. @rayF :evote yoursel! to 4rayer. #e is
waiting to receive each child, and that each child receives #i.
"en, "en.
Coveber 18 #1.2
5less the Cae o! the 'ord ?ho orders you to obey the
coandents. 5less #is #oly CaeF
My dears) !ro the 'ord you will receive #is &i!ts, you will receive #is
&oods% as$ the 'ordF
@raise be to the 'ord.
Coveber 19 #1..
Jesus says to e)
;nly &od $nows the roads and #e shows the sa!e 4ath.
The -irgin says to e)
3t is so clear to see what the 'ord wants !ro you% how can you doubt
and istrust #iE
:o not be rebellious% the 'ord6s children are not rebellious. ,hrist
Jesus wants to reach your hearts% hold !ast to #is #and that wants to
save you.
"en, "en.
Coveber 19 #1.8
To say how 3 see Jesus, what #e conveys to e, and how 3 !eel when 3 see #i,
is to tear ysel! a4art within% such is the sensation that 3 !eel, but it is the 4ain
o! an over!lowing love.
3 see #i as the 9u4ree 5eing that #e is, in #eaven and on the earth, !ull o!
'ove, o! &entleness and 9trength% a strength that raises everything, an i4osing
To let onesel! be carried away by #i is to be co4letely sure o! reaching
4er!ection and with it, salvation, which is what #e really wants !ro us.
#e is deanding, but #e does not deand anything i4ossible and #e only does
so !or our own good, since we are #is children.
#e transits 'ove to e% a great 'ove !or the neighbor, sa!ety, and the
conviction that #e is the only ?ay.
#e leaves with e a great inner 4eace and serenity, which is what 3 need to be
able to !ollow on in #is ission.
3 will than$ #i eternally !or the &races #e leaves us.
Coveber /0 #1.9
Many are the 4eo4le who do not listen to the 'ord, who are stubborn
and deny #i.
Your Mother says to you) Thin$ again, children, because you will be
guilty o! your own !aults. 'isten to y advice% 4ractice the and 4eace
will reign in your s4irits.
@raise be to the 'ord.
(ead) Joshua ,// -19
Joshua ,// -19
19 3! you consider the land you now 4ossess unclean, cross over to the land the
';(: 4ossesses, where the :welling o! the ';(: stands, and share that
with us. 5ut do not rebel against the ';(:, nor involve us in rebellion, by
building an altar o! your own in addition to the altar o! the ';(:, our &od.
Coveber /1 #180
5lessed be the son who chooses to be with &od, who longs !or #is
4resence and #is 'ove.
To 4lease the 'ord and to reain !aith!ul to #is ?ord should be the
ost i4ortant thing !or you. The 'ord rewards #is children.
&lory be to #eaven.
(ead) "cts ,/ -/2-/8
"cts ,/ -/2-/8
/2 There!ore y heart has been glad and y tongue has e>ulted% y !lesh,
too, will dwell in ho4e,
/. because you will not abandon y soul to the netherworld, nor will you su!!er
your holy one to see corru4tion.
/8 You have ade $nown to e the 4aths o! li!e% you will !ill e with Aoy in
your 4resence.6
Coveber // #181
Many o! y children are clusy, they do not $now how to wal$ alone.
They have i4enetrable hearts and, without $nowing, they are
atte4ting against their own lives% they have !allen into sin.
3 tell you, you are in a Buagire. :o not advance any !urther, you are
in danger o! death. Turn bac$, !or you have salvation% ,hrist wants to
save you.
@raise be to the 'ord.
Coveber /1 #18/
,hristian !aith should be greater these days, so as not to be stained,
and also !or you to be able to receive the 'ord.
#ave the courage o! reAecting evil, and you will not be destined to see
My adored 9on, ,hrist Jesus, wants to bless you eternally% do not
reAect #is GindnessF
"en, "en.
(ead) (oans ,4 -1-8
(oans ,4 -1-8
1 ?hat then can we say that "braha !ound, our ancestor according to the
/ 3ndeed, i! "braha was Austi!ied on the basis o! his wor$s, he has reason to
boast% but this was not so in the sight o! &od.
1 =or what does the 9cri4ture sayE D"braha believed &od, and it was credited
to hi as righteousness.D
4 " wor$er6s wage is credited not as a gi!t, but as soething due.
< 5ut when one does not wor$, yet believes in the one who Austi!ies the
ungodly, his !aith is credited as righteousness.
2 9o also :avid declares the blessedness o! the 4erson to who &od credits
righteousness a4art !ro wor$s)
. D5lessed are they whose iniBuities are !orgiven and whose sins are covered.
8 5lessed is the an whose sin the 'ord does not record.D
Coveber /1 #181
You ust as$ !irly% y reBuest is ost i4ortant. My house ust be
built% y children, give your Mother what 9he as$s.
3nvite all to 4ray at the 4lace chosen and sancti!ied by e, and y
children will coe.
Coveber /4 #184
Today the world is te4ted by evil and surrenders because it has
attraction, but it only attracts the wea$.
#a44y are those who are attracted by the @ower o! &od, which is the
universal strength% and ha44y are those who in their hearts have roo
only !or #i.
"en, "en.
Coveber /< #18<
My daughter, 3 a seeing in this city a great conversion% you are on
the right road. You have 4laced yourselves in &od6s hands, and that
a$es y #eart !eel great Aoy.
#ow destroyed you were% how uselessly your wings !luttered, not
$nowing where you were going. Cow you have a goal) to reach the
Coveber /< #182
:evote this day to 4rayer and 4ut your thoughts in order. @raised be
the 'ord.
3 a a 4oor, ill sinner,
"nd 3 have coe to Your !eet,
To as$ You to heal e and redee e.
Ta$e y heart, Mother,
&ive e Your 'ove.
Coveber /< #18.
Truly adore the 'ord, because #e 4uri!ies and heals.
Coveber /2 #188
9oe o! you ay say, the 'ord says nothing new% 3 tell you)
*verything is new, because you 4racticed nothingF 3t would see that
you $new nothing about &od. 3t is necessary that you begin to $now
#i because you are receiving uch !ro the 'ord.
5lessed be #i.
Coveber /. #189
@re4are your s4irits% do not be o44ressed. You cannot let these
teachings, that the 'ord is bringing you, 4ass by.
You will learn any things that were dorant in you, y dears. 3 as$
you to !ace these truths, as this is the only way to coe close to &od.
3t is the only way to be 4ure within.
The #oly 94irit will hel4 you to see the dawn.
"en. "en.
#ow 4leasant are the oents devoted to the 'ord.
Coveber /8 #190
3 do not re4roach you% 3 only as$ you, never say, 6y love !or &od is
;ne never gives enough to the 'ord. 'earn how to o!!er% show your
obedience and #e will always be aongst you.
&lory be to the 'ord.
(ead) 3saiah ,44 -8
3saiah ,44 -8
8 =ear not, be not troubled) did 3 not announce and !oretell it long agoE You are
y witnessesF 3s there a &od or any (oc$ besides eE
Coveber /9 #191
'isten, y children, &od6s nae should not be whis4ered% this is not
the way to nae #i. (aise your voices% that is what the 'ord wants.
3 invite you to !eel #is 9ublie 'ove, and you will see the change it
a$es in your hearts.
"en, "en.
Coveber 10 #19/
#ow any o!!enses against the 'ord are there in the worldF #ow uch
su!!ering and ingratitude, y daughter.
3! all the children were to ebrace the !aith, as you are doing here, in
this 4lace, there would be less sinners and the su!!ering caused to the
'ord and to y 4oor #eart would decrease.
&od is aongst you and you do not see #i% #e is as$ing !or love, and
you do not give it.
You can see how erci!ul the 'ord is, when #e does not tire o! as$ing
you !or your conversion% #e wants to save you.
#ear #i% 3 as$ this with all y Motherly 'ove.
@raise be to the 'ord.
:eceber 1, 1984 #191
Cothing stains the heart o! the child who is with &od. Cothing sto4s
hi, he will Aust !ollow the 'ord. Co one can turn out the 'ight on his
4ath% he who surrenders to the 'ord has nothing to !ear. 9ay
3! 3 love the 'ord, 3 will be ha44y.
3! y heart is 4ure, 3 will see #is &lory.
@raised be the 'ord.
:eceber / #194
&o to the 'ord, as$ !or ercy, 4ray !or ercyF 'isten to the 'ord, #e
calls you untiringly to #is side. =ollow #i, y children% devote
yourselves to the 'ord. The child who does so is a worthy son o! &od.
&lory be to the 'ord.
Your wheat will blosso and ulti4ly.
:eceber / #19<
You ust coin a edal with the iage o! y advocation o! Mary o! the
(osary o! 9an Cicolas, and on the bac$, the Most #oly Trinity with
seven stars.
:eceber 1 #192
:ear children, everything that the 'ord as$s o! you is !or your own
good. 5e care!ul, since nothing will reain without being e>4osed to
the eyes o! &od.
&lory be to #eaven.
(ead) :euteronoy ,4 -/9-11,1<,19,40
:euteronoy ,4 -/9-11,1<-40
/9 Yet there too you shall see$ the ';(:, your &od% and you shall indeed !ind
hi when you search a!ter hi with your whole heart and your whole soul.
10 3n your distress, when all these things shall have coe u4on you, you shall
!inally return to the ';(:, your &od, and heed his voice.
11 9ince the ';(:, your &od, is a erci!ul &od, he will not abandon and
destroy you, nor !orget the covenant which under oath he ade with your
1< "ll this you were allowed to see that you ight $now the ';(: is &od and
there is no other.
19 This is why you ust now $now, and !i> in your heart, that the ';(: is &od
in the heavens above and on earth below, and that there is no other.
40 You ust $ee4 his statutes and coandents which 3 enAoin on you today,
that you and your children a!ter you ay 4ros4er, and that you ay have
long li!e on the land which the ';(:, your &od, is giving you !orever.D
:eceber 4 #19.
3t is good to live with the assurance that the 'ord bac$s u4 and guides.
9ee$ that su44ort and never go away !ro the 'ord.
(ebellions e>4ose you to be destroyed by the evil one. 3! only you
could tell the !alse !ro the truth, your hori+on would clear u4.
"en. "en
:eceber < #198
3 say to y children) :o not su44ose to 4lease &od i! you do not wish
to obey #i. :o not e>4ect #is !orgiveness, i! you do not 4re4are your
heart to deserve it.
'ove &od, serve &od, res4ect &od.
@raise be to #i.
:eceber 2 79t. Cicholas =east :ay8 #199
5lessed be &od !or the greatness o! #is ercyF 5lessed be the 'ord,
y children, because #e blesses and loves, and blessed be because #e
s4ea$s to you o! ho4e and li!e. &lory be to the 'ord.
Today is a day o! 4rayer% you ust than$ the 'ord !or having that
saint, 9aint Cicholas, who intercedes be!ore #i !or the needy
3n this season o! "dvent, blessings will be abundant.
:eceber . #400
5eloved children, when there is a change in the heart, such as there
has been in yours, that is a signal that the 'ord has healed and has
given you the gi!t o! !aith.
You ust increase it, because ,hrist 4laces #is 94irit in all those who
give theselves to #i.
"en, "en.
:eceber 8 #401
My !ace shows sorrow !or the un!aith!ul souls, !or those who do not
coe close to y #eart, !or those who do not want to see the
su!!ering that ,hrist underwent. @ray you, the hearts that are !aith!ul
to the 'ord.
9tart 4raying a Covena on the seventeenth% a$e 4etitions, and as
the days go by they will be granted.
&lory be to the 'ord.
Mother, 3 as$ You !or the &race,
That You heal e in body and soul.
3 $now that 3 ust de4rive ysel!,
;! y 4ride, and o! all y sins.
#ow !ar 3 was !ro You,
#ow blac$ the veil covering y soul.
Today 3 a discovering You and 3 want to live,
*>tend Your hand and 4lace it on y heart.
(ead) *>odus ,/0 -/
*>odus ,/0 -/
/ D3, the ';(:, a your &od, who brought you out o! the land o! *gy4t, that
4lace o! slavery.
:eceber 9 #40/
The 'ord wants your Mother to guide you% that is why 3 coe when
you are wrong. May no one believe to be Aust, as only the 'ord is Aust.
May no one believe to be 4ower!ul, since only the 'ord is 4ower!ul, and
ay no one thin$ hisel! wise, because only the 'ord is wise and #e
uses #is wisdo to 4rotect #is children.
9ee$ the 'ord and stay in #i.
"en, "en.
(ead) Jaes ,1 -11-18
Jaes ,1 -11-18
11 ?ho aong you is wise and understandingE 'et hi show his wor$s by a
good li!e in the huility that coes !ro wisdo.
14 5ut i! you have bitter Aealousy and sel!ish abition in your hearts, do not
boast and be !alse to the truth.
1< ?isdo o! this $ind does not coe down !ro above but is earthly,
uns4iritual, deonic.
12 =or where Aealousy and sel!ish abition e>ist, there is disorder and every
!oul 4ractice.
1. 5ut the wisdo !ro above is !irst o! all 4ure, then 4eaceable, gentle,
co4liant, !ull o! ercy and good !ruits, without inconstancy or insincerity.
18 "nd the !ruit o! righteousness is sown in 4eace !or those who cultivate
:eceber 10 #401
The s4iritual a44roach to the 'ord is always latent in #i, y children.
Then, !ace the eney that is in !ront o! you% he only o!!ers what is
easy and !or the day% thin$ o! toorrow. ,hrist is the ho4e o!
toorrow, and #e loves youF
"en, "en.
:eceber 11 #404
#ow any laentations 3 hearF #ow any is!ortunes you su!!erF 3
tell you) The 'ord is not in you% you have not sought #i, since the
'ord 4rotects and gives 4eace.
"dvance triu4hantly, in !ull Aoy% advance with the 'ord.
"en, "en.
:eceber 1/ #40<
Jesus says to e)
&od attends each child, according to the need and the love that the
child !eels towards #i.
The -irgin says)
My daughter, 3 see how the youth is dri!ting% the devil is leading the
away, ta$ing the to sin.
My children are being harassed by evil, and their s4irits are in
co4lete disorder.
3 say this to all) &ive than$s to the 'ord ?ho is 4atient% as$ the 'ord
to be able to receive #is 4rotection.
@raise be to the 'ord.
(ead) 9irach ,1. -/<-/2
9irach ,1. -/<-/2
/< The li$e cannot be !ound in en, !or not iortal is any son o! an.
/2 3s anything brighter than the sunE Yet it can be ecli4sed. #ow obscure then
the thoughts o! !lesh and bloodF
:eceber 11 #402
You are witnessing that the 'ord is a44roaching you. ?here are you,
y children, or are you a!raid o! the 'ightE
Many are the 4retenders who believe they can deceive &od. They
clai to love #i and they reAect #is ?ord% they clai to be in the
truth and they are children o! !alsehood.
Co one deceives the 'ord% ay no one deny the 'ord.
"en, "en.
:eceber 14 #40.
Many are the atrocities which o!!end ,hrist. ,an you be so blind as not
to be able to see the di!!erence between li!e and deathE ,an you not
hear that ,hrist is callingE
3t is said that the world is lost. Your Mother tells you) Cot everything is
lost, since the 'ord sees salvation% re4ent, 4uri!y your hearts% the 'ord
allows it.
@raise be to the 'ord !orever.
:eceber 1< #408
Many o! y children are indi!!erent, they go along the roads
hesitating. The 'ord does not 4unish this% #e only wants to lead the,
!or the not to dri!t, and to be able to !ind the right way.
&lory be to &od.
:eceber 12 #409
5lessed be the child who does not go away !ro the 'ord and sees #is
greatness, because he will $now no laentations.
May these words !ind an echo in your hearts, y children, and you will
4lease the 'ord.
@raise be to &od.
(ead) 1 John ,/ -1<-12
1 John ,/ -1<-12
1< :o not love the world or the things o! the world. 3! anyone loves the world,
the love o! the =ather is not in hi.
12 =or all that is in the world, sensual lust, enticeent !or the eyes, and a
4retentious li!e, is not !ro the =ather but is !ro the world.
:eceber 12 #410
They who receive y words, receive the 'ord. 3 see arrogance in
soe, but be 4ious, be huble% the 'ord orders you to behave this
(ead) 1 Tiothy ,4 -8 I @hili44ians ,/ -<-.
1 Tiothy ,4 -8
8 !or, while 4hysical training is o! liited value, devotion is valuable in every
res4ect, since it holds a 4roise o! li!e both !or the 4resent and !or the
@hili44ians ,/ -<-.
< #ave aong yourselves the sae attitude that is also yours in ,hrist Jesus,
2 ?ho, though he was in the !or o! &od, did not regard eBuality with &od
soething to be gras4ed.
. (ather, he e4tied hisel!, ta$ing the !or o! a slave, coing in huan
li$eness% and !ound huan in a44earance,
:eceber 1. #411
There are dry hearts, others have only wilted. :o not let your heart
dry, y children% believe in the "lighty. 9ee$ #is co4any, and the
!aith that you have dorant, will a44ear.
:eceber 18 #41/
:o not wish to live !ar !ro &od% it is useless to live !ar !ro #i. :o
not be inconstant% #e does not want you in inconstancy, #e wants you
strong in #is struggle.
@raise be to the 9avior.
:eceber 18 #411
3n &od 3 4lace y li!e,
3n &od y ho4e.
3 !ollow #i with assurance,
(eceiving #is Teachings,
Gnowing o! #is &i!ts,
Trusting in #is 'ove.
3n ,hrist 3 believe,
#e is y 9alvation.
:eceber 18 #414
7"t the site chosen and sancti!ied by the -irgin8
3! you want 4eace coe to this 4lace, because here you will !ind 4eace,
here you will receive &races.
3 want to be able to receive you on a not too distant day, in this house
that 3 have chosen.
&lory be to the 'ord.
(ead) Tobit ,11 -11-11
Tobit ,11 -11-11
11 " bright light will shine to all 4arts o! the earth% any nations shall coe to
you !ro a!ar, "nd the inhabitants o! all the liits o! the earth, drawn to you
by the nae o! the 'ord &od, 5earing in their hands their gi!ts !or the Ging
o! heaven. *very generation shall give Aoy!ul 4raise in you, and shall call you
the chosen one, through all ages !orever.
1/ "ccursed are all who s4ea$ a harsh word against you% accursed are all who
destroy you and 4ull down your walls, "nd all who overthrow your towers
and set !ire to your hoes% but !orever blessed are all those who build you
11 &o, then, reAoice over the children o! the righteous, who shall all be
gathered together and shall bless the 'ord o! the ages.
:eceber 19 #41<
,oe to the 'ord% do not be a!raid. #a44y is he who o!!ers to the
'ord, ha44y is he who wor$s !or the 'ord. #a44y is he who trusts in
the 'ord, because i! he is ill, he will be healed, and i! he as$s !or
rede4tion, it will be granted to hi.
@lace all your will in the 'ord.
(ead) Matthew ,11 -/8-10
Matthew ,11 -/8-10
/8 D,oe to e, all you who labor and are burdened, and 3 will give you rest.
/9 Ta$e y yo$e u4on you and learn !ro e, !or 3 a ee$ and huble o!
heart% and you will !ind rest !or your selves.
10 =or y yo$e is easy, and y burden light.D
:eceber /0 #412
@eo4le are unaware o! the 4oison that the evil one 4laces in the, and
they let theselves be te4ted.
Today they continue to cruci!y ,hrist with that behavior% that is why
the 'ord is instructing #is children.
Join your hands, Aoin your voices, acclaiing the 'ord ?ho is by your
"en, "en.
:eceber /0 #41.
9ee$ re!uge in y #eart% 3 will receive you with great 'ove.
:eceber /1 #418
&od6s co4assion !or #is children is enorous% you are very i4ortant
to #i.
You can see #is concern over your 4er!ection. My children, see$ re!uge
in the 'ord% 3 assure you, you will be acce4ted.
"en, "en.
:eceber // #419
The 'ord tests all #is children. 3 tell you, be !aith!ul to the 'ord, be
o4en to !aith.
My dears, it would be regrettable i! you resisted y call% 3 want to be
your consolation.
&lory be to &odF
:eceber /1 #4/0
You reeber the birth o! y adored 9on with love. ?ith uch ore
love 3 reeber it, as #e was born !ro y wob, without $nowing
o! the su!!ering 3 had ahead o! e, and without $nowing #is great
?ith all y su!!ering, 3 never doubted &od6s 'ove. 3 never !elt
un4rotected, because #e ade e understand that in s4ite o! an6s
sin, o! an6s o!!enses to &od, #e does not abandon us. ;n the
contrary, in ,hrist, #e gave #is answer o! 'ove, o! *ternal 'ove.
My children, you ust receive the 'ord. ?hen your heart !eels that #e
is arriving, do not reAect #i.
You ust always bear ,hristas within you, as it is the coing o! the
9avior, o! your salvation. "lleluia.
May &od a$e you see #is love in de4th.
:eceber /4 #4/1
You ust $ee4 your relationshi4 with &od in co4lete harony. The
children who are not willing to do so are to be 4itied% their hearts are
li$e stones.
Jnderstand, y outh s4ea$s !or you to understand% 3 want you to
ta$e advantage o! this day, in which &od6s generosity is o!!ered to
4uri!y your s4irits.
&lory be to #eaven.
:eceber /< #4//
My children, o4en your eyes and raise the% here is your Mother. "ll
who discover y #eart will see theselves re!lected in it.
May the #oly 94irit be with you eternally% 4ray !or this to be so.
3 see a torch, the !lae is 4in$, and blue around it.
The -irgin says to e)
:aughter, now y !lae will not go out, !or it is the !lae o! 'ove.
"en, "en.
:eceber /< #4/1
,oe, touch y hands, you will !ind a blessing in the.
:eceber /2 #4/4
:o not irritate the 'ord with isconduct. Ta$e care o! your hearts
which are not ruined, still, but you can destroy the.
Try to see$ &od and you will understand the eaning o! everything 3
say to you% #e invites you.
&lory be to the 'ord.
:eceber /. #4/<
My house will be your house, a 4lace o! 4eace which all good ,hristians
need. 3t will be li$e a 4ool o! still waters, where you will be able to
drench in &od6s 'ove.
"en, "en.
:eceber /8 #4/2
The 'ord wants you to have a heart !ull o! love, sure, and not at all
!ear!ul. #e wants you to $ee4 away !ro all !oolish words, and to lead
a healthy li!e.
3t is true that the 'ord tolerates everything, allows everything, but
res4ect the 'ord.
@raise be to #i.
:eceber /9 #4/.
3 see the -irgin and behind #er a44ears a great light. 3t is as i! a ountain
o4ened and within, an illuinated valley is seen, also lit by that light.
:aughter, it is the 'ord6s #ori+on, in which #e wants all y children to
3 call the all eBually. 3 want to be listened to, 3 also want to !eel the
Aoy o! being understood, as every other wants the best !or her
"en, "en.
(ead) 3saiah ,4 -/
3saiah ,4 -/
/ ;n that day, The branch o! the ';(: will be luster and glory, and the !ruit o!
the earth will be honor and s4lendor !or the survivors o! 3srael.
:eceber 10 #4/8
9ave yourselves% go to the 'ord, y children, and do not stray !ro
e, !or 3 a your guardian.
:o not let yourselves !all, or show weariness !or !ollowing the 'ord6s
road, but the desire to arrive.
:aughter, the !ruits are already being collected.
&lory be to the 'ord.
:eceber 11 #4/9
May the 'ord have 4ity on those whose li4s there is always an o!!ense.
Those souls are eaten by wic$edness, covered in shae. 5e care!ul, do
not let yourselves be containated.
The wisdo o! the 'ord teaches to see in de4th the behavior that a
believer in &od should have. My children, !ollow the 'ord6s ste4s.
"en, "en.
(ead) Jereiah ,1< -19-/1
Jereiah ,1< -19-/1
19 Thus the ';(: answered e) 3! you re4ent, so that 3 restore you, in y
4resence you shall stand% 3! you bring !orth the 4recious without the vile,
you shall be y outh4iece. Then it shall be they who turn to you, and you
shall not turn to the%
/0 "nd 3 will a$e you toward this 4eo4le a solid wall o! brass. Though they
!ight against you, they shall not 4revail, =or 3 a with you, to deliver and
rescue you, says the ';(:.
/1 3 will !ree you !ro the hand o! the wic$ed, and rescue you !ro the gras4
o! the violent.

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