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Adam Holmess 2 Key Takeaways List

UBC ID: 75569137

Services are a huge component of Canadas GDP 72%
Successful service businesses rely on repeat purchases
The 4 categories of services can be used to categories among services that differ in nature and
physical recipient
Services vary in the amount of contact with customers, each presenting unique challenges. Ex.
Consistency, high risk
The core service is that which customers pay for, but supplementary services can be significant
points of differentiation among companies
Reengineering service process involves analyzing processes, in order to redesign said processes into
more efficient or higher performing activities
Marketing services can be challenging, because they are intangible. This can be overcome sing
association strategies such as metaphors, or memories
The 5 Whys framework (Who, Where, How, When, What)is a great tool for developing marketing
Establishing service levels or tiers can be a method for customers to self-select based on their
willingness to pay
Positioning maps are a useful tool for visually representing the perceptions of service or service
companies relative to the competition or other comparable
Service blueprinting helps translate intangible services to s more understandable visual depiction
that can be used to build mutual understanding
Blueprinting can help to identify high risk failure points that may require more oversight or controls
Satisfaction= Perception Expectation love it. I used this in negotiations as well to influence
willingness to negotiate
The servicescape plays an often neglected role in developing and controlling the service experience
and customer satisfaction often subconsciously
Similar to Starbucks, front-line staff can be the differentiator in the satisfaction of service delivery.
Customer influence is strongest at the point of contact
Emotional labour, is when front-line staff deliver the organizationally desired emotional messages
In brief, the service profit chain entails increasing employee satisfaction, to increase productivity and
subsequently customer satisfaction
To avoid conflict when integrating service mix functions, it is best to avoid the formation of formal or
informal silos
Simple personality categorization can have dramatic impacts on customer experiences when
integrated with service delivery
It is best to align the preferred behaviours towards personality training, with individual incentives
and motivations to ensure the internalization of insights and improvements

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