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Srpsko-engleski renik

Momci iz kraja - Boys from the end

Taman posla - Dark of the job
Mesna Zajednica - Meat community
Staili su mu lisice - They put him fo!es
"pasulji se - Bean yourself
#askupusana $njiga - %abbaged book
&uno sam se sekirao - ' a!ed myself ery much $ama sutra - Big knife tomorro(
#aunaj na meme - %alculate on me
#adio Milea - )orked Melissa
*ekanje u redu za hljeb - )aiting all right for bread $o umije njemu dije - )ho (ashes+ him t(o
,e lezi ra-e - Don.t lay deil
/ej -ica+ -ica+ -ica+ drma mi se kabanica - /ey+ (ire+ (ire+ (ire+ my raincoat is shaking
0ta ima - )hat has
Da lo1a ubi1e Milo1a - T(o bad Michel dead
$om obojci+ kom opanci - To (hom feet (rappers+ to (hom serbian peasant shoes Drage olje - "f dear (ill
$o te 1ljii - )ho plums you
$o te 1i1a - )ho cuts your hair
Za1to da ne - )hy yes not
$ako da ne - /o( yes not
)e (ere shooting from laughter - &ucali smo od smijeha 2et him carry himself - ,ek se nosi
)ho sandpapers his ears - Tko mu smirgla usi Spitted father - &ljunuti otac
3or eery picture and occasion - Za saku sliku i priliku 4arth %ourt - Zemaljski sud
Subroof - &otkrolje
/e attacked him on dogs. mouth - ,apao ga na pasja usta She turned his brain around - Zartjela mu je mozak
Brake(orry - #azbibriga
/e.s catching fog - /ata maglu
/e is not (orth a pissing bean - ,e rijedi ni pisljia boba Beat your (orry on the joy - 5dri brigu na
/e doesn.t hae hair on his language - ,ema dlake na jeziku To (hom you this - $ome ti to
6ie up the blind business - Mani se coraa posla Bake it then say it - 'speci pa reci
/e laughs into his moustache - Smije mu se u brk
/e is drunk as a mother - &ijan je k.o majka
To return pleasure for dear - 7ratiti milo za drago &laughed citizen - 5zoran gradjanin
/e is big stamp - "n je elika marka
8pples in nightgo(n - 9abuke u slafroku
Stuffed calf handkerchief - Sarma u telecoj maramici "ut of clean peace - 'z cista mira
' (ould like to oertie myself to the discusion - /tio bih se nadoezati na diskusiju
2et.s eat something from the leg - Da pojedemo nesto s nogu &hoto-(hodrinks - 3oto-kopije
The 'n-fall of 2ittle Mice - 5pala misica
/ello for ready - Zdrao za gotoo
Blind /ose - Slijepo crijeo
)hochicken - $opile
"n-elephant - ,aslon
't doesn.t dog - ,e pa1e
' old about him - 9a se staram o njemu
#ed on rail(ays - %reno na pruge
8re rail(ay - Supruga
Treasure to you - Blago tebi
3ade+ see+ joke - 7eni+ idi+ ic:i;
' hae to fish the floor - Moram oribati pod /oly shit - Seta Stolica
/e took a paining - 5zeo je boloanje
2ook at him receiing himself - 7idi ga kako se prima
4erything that is lost can be thro(n up - Se sto je izgubljeno moze se poratiti 2ightbulb throat -
Sijalicno grlo
&riest singer - &op-pjeac
The rier blued the ground - #ijeka je poplaila zemlju 4erything is up and up - Se je gore i gore
4yes colors long - "ci boje duge
#oof on hair chair - $ro na kosu stolicu
Directed cheeking - 5smjereno obrazoanje
't is ery (ith-een - 7rlo je sparno
%ourt slo( - Sudski spor
To (ithgoern - Saladati
'.e been assing in the screen all day - %ita dan buljim u ekran ' am onshouted on eerything - ,a se sam
Shitting through a dense bush - Sranje kroz gusto granje
/e scre(ed a hedgehog - 9ebo je jeza
6o into three beautiful - 'di u tri lijepe
'.ll scre( your sun - 9ebat cu ti sunce
2et the dog catcher scre( you - 9ebo te 1inter To jingle someone.s balls - Titrati nekome jaja To oercunt
- &opizditi
)indfucker - 9ebijetar
'n is - 5+ je<
"nfuck - ,ajebati
3orfuck - Zajebati
)ithfuck - Sjebati
"ffuck - "djebati
5nderfuck - &odjebaati
3orescratch - Zagreb
Sarah 's 8n "! - Sarajeo
)olfcook - 7ukoar
2ittle Bad %ity - Mali 2o1inj
,aked S(ell - 6oli "tok
,o %at - ,emacka
8nd That 3o! - 'talija
Mt= /e-(as-2ike-an-"! - Biokoo
,o >es Stolen - ,eda 5kraden
>es To 2ittle %annon - Dado Topic
6oernment and 3airy-tale - 7lada i Bajka
3reeman 6entlefuck - Slobodan Miloseic
But ' 8nd Brother-'n-2a( 4scape - 8lija 'zetbegoic &eace ' on - Mirjana
&eace(ho - Mirko
$issopeace - 2jubomir
8ndout - 'an
4arly(ho - #anko
Mroftalp ,oitcurtsnoc - 8leksandar :okreni naopacke; 8partment(ho :3lat(ho; - Stanko
%olorado - Bojan

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