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By the creativest Nastya and the

greatest Bo
Golden apples
SO basically, he was the son of the King Oeneus and some
woman called Althea
When he was a week old, the Fates came to his mom, set a
piece of wood on fire and said that the baby will live until the
wood burns into ashes
Althea of course, put the flame out and hid the piece of
wood. In a chest..
Was a great warrior and hunter
Daughter of either Iasus or Schoenius
When born, her father left her on a wild mountainside to die
A she bear rescued her
She was later found and taken care of by two hunters
She was like an equal to them
Once, she was hunting and two Centauri followed her
She shot them with her bow
Wanted to stay virgin forever
Atalanta is a great female hero mostly known from the
Calydonian Hunt.
Calydonian Hunt- Arthemis sent a HUGE boar in order to
punish the King Oeneus
Many of the tribes went to hunt, but it was her who cause
the death of the boar
Atalanta injured the boar, but the warrior named Meleager
finally killed boar.
Meleager wanted Atalanta to have the skin as the prize
(blame his crush), but...
Meleagers uncles (Altheas brothers) are insulted by that
This angers Meleager so he kills them
Althea find out about that and burns the piece of wood which
holds Meleagers life -> Meleager dies
Althea, horror stricken and sad hangs herself
Atalanta though goes on. She participates in the funeral
games held in honor of Pelias, Jasons uncle
She finds her parents, dad welcoming her with open arms
Everyone wanted to marry her, but she said she would only
marry someone who would outrun her in a race
Melanion (with the help of Aphrodite) gets three golden apples
which no one could resist
The race began, she started to outrun him when he tossed
one of the apples
She stopped to pick it up
He did that with all of the apples and outran her
They married each other and lived happily ever after even
after being turned into lions :)
1. Do you think that Atalanta was happy with how the marriage
race/contest turned out? Why or why not?
2. Was the decision to give Atalanta the skin of the boar right?
Should the uncles have kept quiet about their uncontent?
3. Think of alternative ways that Melanion could have outwitted
and outran Atalanta. (Bonus points for creativity!)
4. BONUS QUESTION: what does having a female hero say
about Greeks at that time?
Everything taken from Edith Hamiltons Mythology: timeless tales of gods and heroes
Questions: Our critical thinking skillz
Thank you for your attention
We really hope you didnt fall asleep during
the presentation :)

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