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Pokemon Learning League

Exercise/Working Out

Written By
Timothy Whitfield

(Episode opens with Misty, Serena, Iris, Axew, Dawn and Piplup
on a boat heading for Sootopolis City on a mostly sunny day
with a sea breeze and the water sparkling in the Sun. Dawn
stretches her arms out and sighs in comfort.)
Dawn: Ahh. Doesnt that breeze feel great?
Piplup: Piplup.
Serena: Yeah.
(She glances over to the audience and speaks to them casually.)
Serena: Oh, hi guys.
Dawn: Hey, there.
Piplup: Piplup.
Misty: Hello.
Iris: Hi.
Axew: Axew.
(They look and see the city on over the horizon.)
Misty: Well, there it is, guys.
(Their boat goes through a small tunnel and become immersed
in the citys unique look.)
All (impressed): Whoa!
Piplup (impressed): Piplup
Axew (impressed): Axew.
(It pulls up to a dock, stops in place and everyone gets off. The
city streets are quiet with a few people walking about.)
Misty: This is a really nice place.
Dawn: Yeah, it is.
(As they continue along, they notice some people are heading
Serena: Huh? Where is everybody going?
Dawn: I dont know.
(Just then, Iris spots a woman heading the same way. She has
green hair, red eyes, a short-sleeved shirt, blue jeans and flats.)
Iris: Maybe shell know whats going on.
(She runs up to her.)
Iris: Excuse me, where is everyone heading to?
Woman: Oh, theyre going to see Juan and his Pokemon give a
big performance. Its going to be great.
Iris: All right. Thanks.
(The woman leaves and Iris goes back to the others.)
Iris: Turns out theres a guy named Juan giving a big
performance with his Pokemon.
Misty (intrigued): Ahh. Well, then lets go and see it.
(They head down the streets and come to a water-themed
theatre, with the bleachers being almost completely filled. They
find some seats, go over to them and sit down.)
Dawn: So, what sort of Pokemon will this Juan use?
Serena: Well just have to see.
(The place quiets down and Juan walks out onto the stage.)
Juan: Ha-ha!
(He raises his arms up and suddenly, huge spouts of water come
up out of the pool. They arc over the top of the stage and a
rainbow appears above them. The spouts dissipate and the
crowd applauds and cheers loudly.)
Dawn: Wow that was really good!
Piplup: Piplup!
Juan: My Pokemon and I are grateful that you were able to
make it here today. Now, everyone, come on out!
(All of his Pokemon leap out of the water and a Gorebyss, a
Floatzel, a Kingdra, a Cloyster, a Simipour and a Frogadier land
on the six pedestals.)
Frogadier: Frogadier.
Simipour: Simipour.
Kingdra: Kingdra.
Gorebyss: Gorebyss.
Floatzel: Floatzel.
Cloyster: Cloy-ster.
(Then, his Milotic comes up and lands in the center.)
Milotic: Milotic.
All (amazed): Whoa!
Piplup (amazed): Piplup!
Axew (amazed): Axew!
Juan: And now, heres what youve all been waiting for. Feast
your eyes!
(They all open their mouths and fire powerful blasts of water
into the air. They collide with each other and form arches while
Juan moves his hands like a conductor. Then, a Palpitoad, a
Clauncher and a Poliwrath pop up. Clauncher and Palpitoad
fires streams of bubbles, while Poliwrath fires a spiral of water
from the swirl on its stomach. A Wingull, Masquerain and
Pelipper fly by. Wingull and Pelipper fire streams of water from
their mouths, while Masquerain fires a stream of bubbles.
Then, we see pillars of water rise up from parts of the city with
bubbles flowing about and we cut to some pillars spinning
around. Finally, we see some Starmie spin around while
spraying water around from their tips, some Tentacruels
spinning their tentacles around and some Frillish spinning
around and a giant rainbow forms over the entire island. The
girls watch with astonishment and amazement in their eyes and
the audience claps and cheers really loudly while Juan gives a
bow. Moments later, they leave and head down the streets.)
Serena: That was incredible!
Misty: Yeah, you said it.
Iris: Those were some great moves they did.
Axew: Axew, Axew.
(As they continue on down, they soon spot a trainer named
John, who is exercising with his Magmar and Kirlia and has
exercising equipment. He has straight purple hair, light blue
eyes, a yellow shirt with an orange stripe down the middle,
black pants and sneakers with straps on them. The girls go over
to him.)
John: Oh, hello there. Im John. Nice to meet you.
Dawn: Thanks. Im Dawn, this is Piplup.
Piplup: Piplup.
Misty: Im Misty.
Iris: Im Iris, and this is Axew.
Axew: Axew.
Serena: And Im Serena.
Misty: Why are you and your Pokemon working out like that?
John: Oh, were going to do some dance practicing.
Iris: Oh, for what?
John: For a special fire/psychic performance were working on.
Iris: Thats cool. What made you decide to do that?
Juan: Well, after seeing a lot of Juans performances, I decided I
want to do one of my own.
Dawn (understanding): Ahh. So, how has it been going?
John: Its been pretty well, but
Dawn: But what?
John: Lately, Ive been trying to find some new exercises to do.
Serena: Really?
John: Yeah. Say, do you guys know any?
Iris: No, we dont, but I think Quinn might have some.
(She pulls out the Pokepilot and calls Quinn, who is outside the
HQ filming Lex and Siara doing silly pranks to each other.)
Quinn: Oh, hi guys. How are you doing?
Serena: Great, Quinn. What are you guys doing?
Quinn: Oh, were just doing silly and crazy pranks and filming
Dawn: That must be a lot of fun.
Quinn: Yep. Well, what have you guys been up to?
Misty: We just came from seeing an amazing performance by
Quinn: Thats sounds nice.
Iris: It was. Then, we came across John working out with his
Pokemon for a performance theyre working on. Hes looking
for some new exercises to do, so do you any he could do?
Quinn: Sure. One he can do is the air bike. What you do is lie
down on your back, bring one leg out and bring the other one
in. Then, as you bring your right knee in, put your left elbow
out towards it. Hold on it for one second and switch sides.
Continue doing this for 90 seconds.
(As he describes it, an animated figure starts going.)
John: That sounds good. What else?
Quinn: Another good one is rope climbs. Its really simple. You
lie on your back, reach the arms straight up to the ceiling and
imagine yourself climbing up a rope. Itll strengthen your
abdominals and oblique.
Serena: Okay, now what?
Quinn: Well, you can try the Parallel Bar Triceps Dips. You hang
between two parallel bars and push up until your arms are
almost straight. Then, slowly lower your body while
keeping your elbows tucked in to your sides and have your
legs behind your bodies until the upper arms run parallel
with the floor. Oh, and try to be careful when youre
doing it.
Iris: All right, is there another one you have?
Quinn: Yes. Theres the Biceps Ladder. For this one, set a bar
at a level low enough for you to extend your arms, with your
back clear of the floor. Start by grasping it with an underhand
grip, with the arms fully stretched and curl the upper body to
the bar until it touches your forehead. Squeeze hard at the top
and slowly lower your back down to the starting position. After
you do as many reps as you can, raise the bar a bit and
continue on until it comes to the farthest notch.
Misty: Oh, thats a good one. What else you got?
Quinn: Now, try doing squat jumps. Stand with your feet at
shoulder width and toes pointing forward. Then, lower yourself
down to a full squat position while keeping your back straight.
Push against the floor and jump as high as you can.
Dawn: Sounds good. Well, is there one more?
Quinn: Yeah. Lastly, you can do the one leg squat. This one is
pretty difficult. I strongly recommend you have a strong box
with you. Put it behind you at a height you can safely squat up
and down on, and over time, use smaller boxes to increase how
much you squat down.
Serena: Those exercises are pretty interesting.
Quinn: Yes, they are, which is why Im going to show you
Dawn: Okay, Quinn.
Piplup: Piplup.
(Pan down to a lower panel.)
Quinn: You guys ready to go?
Misty: Oh, yeah.
Quinn: Very well. Here, this girl is training with her Marshtomp
on their running and endurance. What exercise do you think
they should do?
Iris: They can do squat jumps.
Quinn: Okay, Iris. This boy and his Electabuzz want to be able to
climb faster. What exercise do you think he should do?
Serena: They can do some rope climbs.
Quinn: All right, Serena. Finally, this girl and her Nuzleaf want to
strengthen their arms for mountain climbing. What exercise do
you think she should do?
John: She can do the Parallel Bar Triceps Dips.
Quinn: Very well, John. You guys did well.
Iris: Thanks, Quinn.
Axew: Axew.
Quinn: Youre welcome, Iris.
Siara (calling off-screen): Come on, Quinn! Youre up next.
Quinn: Okay! Listen, guys, I need to go. Ill see you later. Oh,
and it was nice to meet you, John.
John: Thanks, same to you.
(Iris puts the Pokepilot away.)
Misty: Okay, guys, what do you say we do some more of them?
Dawn: Sure thing, but lets see if the viewers want to do it.
Serena: Okay. (She looks at the viewers.) Hey, you guys up for
it? (She casually waits for an answer from the viewers for one
second.) Oh, okay.
(Cut to various images of people doing different activities with
their Pokemon.)
Misty: All right, lets do it. This boy wants to keep up with his
Grovyle when they go through forests. What exercise do you
think he can do? (She casually waits for an answer from the
viewers.) The air bike. Sure, why not.
Dawn: Here, this girl wants to be as strong as her Lucario. What
exercise do you think she can do? (She casually waits for an
answer from the viewers.) The Biceps Ladder. All right, then.
Iris: Now, this girl and her Hawlucha love to jump off high
places while training for sky battles and they want to go father.
What exercise do you think she can do? (She casually waits for
an answer from the viewers.) The one-leg squat. Okay.
(Cut back to them and Misty casually speaks.)
Misty: That was pretty good, you guys.
John: Thanks, guys. Thisll really be a big help for us.
Iris: Hey, it was no trouble.
Axew: Axew.
John: So, would you guys like to work out?
All: Sure.
(A montage of everyone doing various exercises, from sit-ups
and jumping jacks, to the air bike, crunches and squat jumps
and rope climbs. A half hour later, they sit down and have some
food and fruit juice.)
All: Ahh.
Dawn: Man that really felt good.
Piplup: Piplup.
Serena: So, John, whats your performance going to be like?
John: Well, were going to do special dances while floating in
the air, do some combinations and do a big finisher.
Dawn: Wow, thats cool.
John: It will be.
Dawn: Would you mind showing us one of them?
John: Well, all right.
(He, Kirlia and Magmar stand up, then Kirlias eyes glow light
blue. The three become surrounded in a light blue aura and
start floating. John spins around counterclockwise, while
Magmar and Kirlia spin around clockwise, then Kirlia and
Magmar step forward on their right foot and John steps
backwards on his left. Then, John and Kirlia walk around each
other, then he does the same with Magmar. Then, they do the
Thunder Clap while moving to the left and finish up with a free
spin. They land back to the ground and take a bow. The group
Serena: That was pretty good, John.
John: Thanks. It still needs some work, but the rest is going to
be terrific.
Misty: Im sure it will.
(They all turn to the audience.)
All: Thank you, guys.
Piplup: Piplup.
Axew: Axew.
(Cut to them at a different part of the area.)
Iris: Well, that was a pretty interesting episode. Did you like it?
(She casually waits for an answer form the viewers for one
second.) Oh, all right. Then, well see you later.
Axew: Axew.
(They all wave goodbye to the audience and they continue
chatting and irises out, ending the episode.)

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