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A. Title of Institute: U.S. Culture and Society

Study of the U.S. Institutes for Scholars are intensive post-graduate level
academic programs with integrated study tours whose purpose is to provide
foreign university faculty and other scholars the opportunity to deepen their
understanding of U.S. society, culture, and institutions. The ultimate goal of these
Institutes is to strengthen curricula and to improve the quality of teaching about
the United States in academic institutions abroad.
Study of the U.S. Institutes for Scholars will tae place at various colleges,
universities, and institutions throughout the United States over the course of si!
wees beginning in or after "une #$%&. 'ach Institute includes a four wee
academic residency component and a two wee integrated study tour.
The Institute on U.S. Culture and Society will provide a multinational group of %(
e!perienced and highly-motivated foreign university faculty and other specialists
with a deeper understanding of U.S. society, culture, values, and institutions. The
Institute will e!amine the ethnic, racial, social, economic, political, and religious
conte!ts in which various cultures have manifested themselves in U.S. society
while focusing on the ways in which these cultures have in)uenced social
movements and *merican identity throughout U.S. history. The program will draw
from a diverse disciplinary base, and will itself provide a model of how a foreign
university might approach the study of U.S. culture and society. The Institute host
will be determined at a later date.
Candidates should be mid-career, typically between the ages of &$-+$, highly-
motivated and e!perienced scholars and professionals generally from institutions
of higher education or research focused organi,ations -not-for-pro.ts, thin tans,
etc./. 0hile the educational level of participants will liely vary, most should have
graduate degrees and have substantial nowledge of the thematic area of the
Institute or a related .eld.
Ideal candidates are individuals whose home institution is seeing to introduce
aspects of U.S. studies into its curricula, to develop new courses in the sub1ect of
the Institute, to enhance and update e!isting courses on the United States, or to
o2er speciali,ed seminars3worshops for professionals in U.S. studies areas
related to the program theme. 0hile the nominee4s scholarly and professional
credentials are an important consideration, the potential impact and multiplier
e2ect of the Institute is equally important.
5rogram 6equirements and 6estrictions7 *ll participants are e!pected to
participate fully in the intensive post-graduate level academic program and the
study tour.
Candidates should be willing and able to fully tae part in an intensive post-
graduate level academic program and study tour. It is important that posts and
Commissions nominate only persons who are liely to be comfortable with
campus life and an active program schedule. 'C*3*3'3USS encourages posts to
strive to recruit diverse nominees including candidates from disadvantaged
groups and women from countries where they are underrepresented in academia.
0hile senior faculty members and new professionals to the .eld are eligible
applicants, 'C*3*3'3USS urges posts and commissions to give .rst consideration
to mid-career professionals.
Candidates should be aware that they are applying for an intensive program and
there will be little time for personal pursuits unrelated to the program. The
Institute is not a research program. 5articipants must attend all lectures and
organi,ed activities and complete assigned readings. 8amily members and3or
friends may not accompany participants on any part of the program.
B. Nominee's Full Name, exactl as it a!!ea"s on can#i#ate's !ass!o"t
9ast :ame7
8irst :ame7
;iddle :ame7
$. %en#e" &male'female(:
D. Date of Bi"t) &mm'##'(:
E. Bi"t) $it:
F. Bi"t) $ount":
%. $iti*ens)i!
Secondary -if applicable/7
H. +esi#enc:
I. ,e#ical, -)sical, Dieta" o" ot)e" -e"sonal $onsi#e"ations
(Please describe any pre-existing medical conditions, including any prescription
medication the candidate may be taking, allergies, or other dietary or personal
This will not afect candidate selection, but will enable the host institution to make
necessary accommodations)
.. $an#i#ate $ontact Info"mation
*ddress -:o 5.=. >=?/7
@ome State or 5rovince7
5ostal Code7
@ome Country :ame7
@ome 5hone7
;obile 5hone7
0or 5hone7
/. $u""ent -osition, Title, Institution
5osition Type7
Senior University =Acial -5resident, 5rovost/, Bovernment ;inister,
Senior '!ecutive, etc.
University <ean, Bovernment *dvisor, Cice 5resident, "unior '!ecutive
Senior 5rofessor, <epartment Chair, <irector, 'ditor, =Acer, etc.
*ssociate 5rofessor, Senior 6esearcher3Thin-Tan 8ellow, Senior Sta2,
*ssistant 5rofessor, *ssistant 'ditor, Coordinator, mid-level Sta2
6esearcher3Thin-Tan fellow, etc.
9ecturer, Teacher, Consultant
Teaching *ssistant, Instructor
Institution :ame7
Institution Country7
0. 1o"2 Ex!e"ience, inclu#in3 !"e4ious !ositions an# titles
8rom7 To7 Title3Institution -5lease specify if position is
,. E#ucation, Aca#emic an# -"ofessional T"ainin3:
Please list all earned degrees beginning with most recent. Degrees listed should reect the
closest !.". e#ui$alent.
<egree 'arned Dear 'arned Speciali,ation3Institution
*dditional 5rofessional Training7
N. Acti4e -"ofessional ,em5e"s)i!s:
%cti$e Pro&essional 'emberships independent o& current pro&essional responsibilities.
These should not include uni$ersity committee work or other pro&essional duties directly
related to current employment.
5osition Title =rgani,ation
O. -u5lications +elate# to t)e Institute T)eme -up to %$/
Please list all &oreign titles in (nglish, including whether book, chapter, )ournal article,
newspaper article, web article, etc.
Dear Title 5ublisher
-. -"e4ious Ex!e"ience in t)e Unite# States
5urpose 8rom To <escription
6. Famil'F"ien#s +esi#in3 in t)e Unite# States
*Please include city and state ((xample+ ,ohn Doe - -hicago, ./)
+. E4i#ence of En3lis) Fluenc
S. -"ofessional +es!onsi5ilities
Please discuss your pro&essional responsibilities in greater detail, including research
interests, administrati$e responsibilities (ex. curriculum design), and0or other pertinent
Current Courses Taught7
9evel of students
@ours 5er
E Students
U.S. Studies
content -F/
Current Student *dvising7
%d$ising is not the same as teaching. 1e are looking &or the number o& students, their
le$el, and hours the nominee spends pro$iding assistance in helping students clari&ying
personal and career goals, and e$aluating progress towards those goals. This section can
also include those that super$ise PhD and graduate students.
:umber of Students
Studying U.S. 6elated
9evel of Students
@ours of *dvising
Student 5er Dear
=ther 5otential =utcomes7
Please select any likely potential pro&essional outcomes o& this program.
Update '!isting Course
Create :ew Course
Create :ew <egree 5rogram
University Curriculum 6edesign
:ational Curriculum 6edesign
:ew 6esearch 5ro1ect
:ew 5ublication
5rofessional 5romotion
Bovernment or ;inistry 5olicy
:ew 5rofessional =rgani,ation
:ew Institutional 9inages
6aise Institutional 5ro.le
T. -e"sonal Essa -9imit G,+$$ characters/
Please discuss how your participation would enhance your personal and pro&essional goals,
the current state o& !.". studies in your home country. .nclude how attending this .nstitute
would help you achie$e the 23ther Potential 3utcomes2 you ha$e checked abo$e. 4our
statement must describe your capacity and plans to ampli&y the impact o& the .nstitute
beyond your own knowledge and research.

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