St. Joseph'S College of Engineering St. Joseph'S Institute of Technology Hs6151 - Technical English I Assignment I Unit - I Part A

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Part A
1. Fill in t! "lan#$ %it $&ita"l! 'r!(i)!$ t* +!t t! ,!anin+ +i-!n a+ain$t !a..
a) -----------tension: abnormal blood pressure
b) -------zero: Less than zero
c) -------medical: relating to how biology affects medicine
d) ---------technology: relating to very small structures
/. A00 $&ita"l! $&((i)!$ t* t! (*ll*%in+ %*r0$ t* ,at. t! ,!anin+.
(a) Simple - make simple
(b) Weight - light weight
(c) revent - that can be avoided
(d) !epend - condition or "uality
1. Fill in t! "lan#$ %it $&ita"l! 'r!'*$iti*n$2
#he gobar gas plant is a simple apparatus used-------turning animal wastes -------bio-gas plus nitrogen
fertilizers$ %&obar' comes ------from the (indi word ----------cow$ )attle-dung forms the primary source
-------- fuel ---the rural population--------*ndia$ +ther supplementary materials like organic wastes can be
used, wherever the availability-------cattle dung is found to be inade"uate$
3. Fill in t! "lan#$ %it $&ita"l! 'r!'*$iti*n$2
#he #horium reserves can be used ----- fast breeder reactors$ . very small "uantity ----- nuclear fuel
produces energy that can otherwise be produced -----vast "uantities ----- conventional fuels like coal$
5. Fill in t! "lan#$ %it t! $&ita"l! %*r0$ (r*, t! %*r0$ +i-!n "!l*%.
#he year was /0/1$#he Wright brothers had 2ust succeeded in making an aero plane which--------flew high$ * was
deeply interested in flying and was making my own-----------with flying machines$ * really ----------in that little
machine * had-----------together and * decided it was time to prove its merits$
(34periments, atched, 5eally, 6elieved)
6. Fill in t! +a'$ %it a''r*'riat! %*r0$.
/$ She had known me ------$
a$ since long b$ a long time c$ last 7 years d$ before two years
7$ *f you want to save money, you must ------the entertaining you do$
a$ run out b$ cut down on c$ go down with d$ get rid of
1$ (e was ------ 5s$ 8999 for drinking and driving$
a$ penalized b$ fined c$ punished d$ paid
:$ (aving been borne in a good family he is ------ rich to beg$
a$ ;ery b$ greatly c$ too d$ plenty
4. Fra,! $&ita"l! %56&!$ti*n$ (*r t! (*ll*%in+ $!nt!n.!$.
a) * have been to <ew !elhi$
b) =y birthday is in =ay$
c) * went to =umbai to meet my uncle$
d) * came to college by bus$
7. Fill in t! "lan#$ %it a''r*'riat! (*r,$ *( %*r0$.
Sl$ <o ;erb <oun .d2ective
/ *ntensification *ntensive
7 6reak 6reakable
1 Solve Solution
: 34press 34pression
Part 8
/) Write a paragraph of 799 words on *ndia as a developed nation with self-sufficiency in resources,
power and technology$
7) Write a paragraph of 799 words describing your e4perience of your first day in the college$
1) =ake notes from the following passage$
Wikipedia is a multi-lingual, web-based free content encyclopedia pro2ect$ Wikipedia is written
collaboratively by volunteers> the vast ma2ority of its articles can be edited by any one with access to
internet$ Wikipedia's name is a portmanteau of the words wiki (a type of collaborative websites) and
encyclopedia$ *ts main servers are in #ampa, ?lorida, with additional servers in .msterdam and Seoul$
Wikipedia's 3nglish edition was launched on @anuary /8, 799/, as a complement to <upedia, e4pert
written and now defunct encyclopedia$ #he pro2ect is currently operated by the Wikimedia foundation, a
non-profit organization created by @immy Wales, the co-founder of Wikipedia$ Wikipedia has
appro4imately A$8 million articles in 781 languages,/$B million of which are in the 3nglish edition$ *t has
steadily risen in popularity since its inception and currently ranks among the top ten most visited
websites$ #raffic to wikipedia's A7 servers of any given day e4ceeds B9 million hits$
Wikipedia's founder believed in creating an open encyclopedia that anyone can contribute to$ #he pro2ect
also adapted a rule everytime someone edits an article a new version is created and stored$ .ll
contributions are kept for posterity and identified as such$
!ue to its open nature, critics have "uestioned Wikipedia's reliability and accuracy$ #he site has also been
criticized for its susceptibility to vandalism and the addition of false information, systematic bias and
inconsistency for favoring consensus over credentials in its editorial process$ Wikipedia content policies
and sub pro2ects set up by contributors seek to address this concerns$ #oo scholarly studies have
concluded that vandalism is generally short lived and the Wikipedia is as accurate as other
Some studies suggests that Wikipedia provides a good starting point for research but sometimes suffers
from omissions and inaccuracies$ +n the other hand, an investigation by Nature comparing Wikipedia to
the Encyclopedia Britannica suggested a near similar level of accuracy in terms of its natural science
articles$ Encyclopedia Britannica disagreed and described this study as fatally flawed to which Nature
responded, stating that study was perfectly neutral$ +ther studies have shown that Wikipedia's coverage
of history is broader and deeper than that of 3ncarte, while being 2ust as accurate and that obvious
vandalism usually reverted "uickly$
:) a$ 5ead the following passage carefully and answer the following "uestions
Learning is a process that every single human being undergoes$ *t is not 2ust a yearly or even monthly
process, but a day-to-day one as well$ We observe people around us-how they speak and act$ *n learning
about others, we learn about ourselves in the bargain, and also how it is best to interact with other people$
We learn the true meaning of terms such as integrity, kindness, sincerity, dedication, love, acceptance,
appreciation, humility and encouragement only from honest actions$ <ot 2ust from words$ .s students,
we e4pect to learn these life lessons on campus C both within and outside the classroom$ Students play
such an instrumental role in influencing and educating fellow students$ Sadly, it is very difficult to find
students true to their beliefs, firm in the stands they take and confident of their values$ =any take the
easy way out, rather than being whom they truly are, which is not as easy as it sounds$ #hey slide into the
easiest getaways camouflaged in the form
of a group of close friends$ Det why do these students feel such a sense of lonelinessE Why is it that even
though they appear to have things figured out, they are all still so aloneE .ll that * choose to boldly say is
that if being different means that you stand alone, then do not be afraid to be the only one brave enough
to be the person everyone is secretly wishing that heFshe was$ #he real dilemma in our educational system
is that many students are afraid to be who they really are$ #hey have been taught by people around them
that it is not acceptable to laugh at things that other people do not think are funny, that it is not proper for
them to think differently from their parents and most importantly, that it is not right to voice your own
opinion$ Sooner or later, you will look upon yourself wondering how much you have accomplished in
life$ (owever successful you may become, it is only the satisfaction of embracing what really makes
%%you'' and appreciating what you really feel, that will make you genuinely happy$ #hat is education at its
.nswer the following "uestions$
i$ What do we gain by learning about othersE
ii$ What helps us to understand the meaning of kindnessE
iii$ What is the best education, according to the authorE
iv$ Why most students suffer a sense of lonelinessE
b$ 5ead the following passage carefully and answer the following "uestions
+n the death of .le4ander the great his vast empire was almost immediately broken up into three
main divisions$ *n the 3ast, his &eneral Seleucus <ikator founded an empire comprising ersia,
=esopotamia, Syria and part of .sia =inor, that is, almost all the area from the (ellespont to the
*ndus$ #he capital of this empire was .ntioch, which became one of the greatest commercial
centers of those times, through which merchandise for .rabia, *ndia and )hina flowed into the
#he second division of the .le4andrian empire was the &raeco-3gyptian kingdom founded by
tolemy *, another general of .le4ander$ *ts chief city was .le4andria which, with its safe harbour
and splendid library, became for a long time the most important centre of &reek civilization and
culture in the ancient world$
#he third and the smallest division was =acedon, ruled by .utigonus and his successor, who had
partial control over &reece till /:G 6$)$ *n that, year &reece was made a 5oman province under
name of .chaea$ Later, both Syria and 3gypt were also con"uered by the 5omans$
/$ When .le4ander died, his empire:
(.) Was disintegrated to several pieces$
(6) Was broken into three divisions$
()) Was e4panded by his son$
(!) Went totally out of e4istence$
(3) !id not die but remained intact to continue for several centuries thereafter$
7$ Seleucus <ikator founded an empire in the:
(.) South (6) West ()) 3ast (!) <orth (3) <orth-West
1$ Which of the following was not included in the empire of Seleucus <ikatorE
(.) ersia (6) 3gypt ()) =esopotamia
(!) Syria (3) art of .sia =inor
:$ #he capital of Seleucus <ikatorHs empire was:
(.) =acedonia (6) .thens ()) Sparta (!) .ntioch (3) #roy
8$ #he second division of .le4andrian empire was:
(.) 6abylonian kingdom (6) &raeco-#urkish kingdom
()) .ssyrian kingdom (!) &raeco-3gyptian kingdom (3) ersia
G$ #he second division of .le4andrian empire was founded by:
(.) .le4anderHs eldest son (6) .le4anderHs youngest son
()) .le4anderHs grandson (!) tolemy *
(3) . =esopotamian prince
A$ #he chief city of &raeco-3gyptian kingdom was:
(.) )airo (6) !amascus ()) .le4andria
(!) .ntioch (3) =acedonia
B$ Which of the following cities was for a longtime the most important centre of &reek civilization
and culture in the ancient worldE
(.) .thens (6) Sparta ()) )onstantinople
(!) =acedonia (3) .le4andria

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