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L- L I F E I N E B E R R O N 6
The World 8
Khorvaire 8
Beyond Khorvaire 10
The Planes 10
Life Across. Khorvaire 12
Government 12
Everyday Life 12
Money 13
Adventurers 13
Languages 13
Naming Conventions 14
Faiths of Eberron 14
The Sovereign Host 14
The Dark Six 17
The Silver Flame 18
The Blood of Vol 18
The Path of Light 18
The Spirits of the Past 18
The Undying Court 18
Evil Deities 19
Time and History 19
The Dawn of Time 19
The Age of Giants 19
The Age of Monsters 19
The Current Age 20
Calendar 20
Movers and Shakers 21
The Draconic Prophecy 21
The Dragonmarked Houses 21
Royal Families 23
Universities 23
Adventures 24
Dungeons 24
Investigation 24
Intrigue 24
The Planes 25
Travel 25
Z. R A C E S 26
Changeling 28
Kalashtar 30
Warforged 32
Other Common Races 34
Devas 34
Dragonborn 34
Dwarves 35
Eladrin 35
Elves 36
Gnomes 36
Goliaths 37
Half- Elves 38
Halflings 38
Half- Ores 39
Humans 39
Shifters 40
Tieflings 40
Supporting Cast 40
3: C L A SSE S 42
Artificer 44
Artificer Class Features 44
Implements and Weapons 46
Creating an Artificer 46
Artificer Powers 47
Paragon Paths 58
Alchemist Savant 58
Battle Engineer 59
Chameleon 60
Clockwork Engineer 61
Exorcist of the Silver Flame 62
Gatekeeper Mystagogue 63
Lightwalker 64
Self- Forged 65
Warforged Juggernaut 66
Dragonmarked Paragon Paths 67
Cannith Mastermaker 67
Deneith Protector 68
Ghallanda Sanctuary
Guardian 69
Jorasco Jadehand 70
Kundarak Ghorad'din 71
Lyrandar Wind- Rider 72
Medani Trueseer 73
Orien Swiftblade 74
Phiarlan Phantasmist 75
Sivis Truenamer 76
Tharashk Wayfinder 77
Thuranni Shadow Killer 78
Vadalis Griffonmaster 79
Epic Destinies 80
Champion of Prophecy 80
Dispossessed Champion 81
Mourning Savior 82
Sublime Flame 83
4: C H A R A C T E R OP T I ON S 84
Feats 86
Dragonmarked Feats 86
Heroic Tier Feats 86
Paragon Tier Feats 93
Epic Tier Feats 94
Multiclass Feat 94
Equipment 95
Weapons 95
Mundane Items 96
Dragonmarked House
Services 96
Alchemy 98
Alchemical Items 98
Magic Items 104
Holy Symbols 104
Rods 108
Staffs 108
Wands 109
Totems 110
Dragonshard Augments 111
Warforged Components 113
Rituals 116
Ancestral Whispers 116
Banish Illusions 116
Conceal Dragonmark 116
Eavesdropper's Foil 116
Enhance Vessel 117
Fantastic Recuperation 117
Find the Path 117
Fluid Funds 118
Inquisitive's Eyes 118
Masking Shroud 118
Scry Trap 118
Secure Shelter 118
Seeming 119
Spirit Idol 119
Steed Summons 119
Summon Winds 119
5: W O R L D O F E B E R R O N 120
The Five Nations 122
Common Knowledge 122
People of the Five Nations 122
Five Nations Adventurers 122
Aundair 123
Breland 125
Sharn 126
Karrnath 128
The Mournland (Cyre) 129
Thrane 131
Greater Khorvaire 133
Darguun 133
The Demon Wastes 134
Droaam 136
The Eldeen Reaches 138
The Lhazaar Principalities 139
The Mror Holds 140
Q'barra 142
The Shadow Marches 143
TheTalenta Plains 145
Valenar 146
Zilargo 147
Beyond Khorvaire 149
Aerenal 149
Argonnessen 149
The Frostfell 150
Khyber 150
Sarlona 151
Xen'drik 152
Dragonmarked Houses
Backgrounds 153
Other Backgrounds 158
The cauldron of the thirteen dragons boils
until one of thefive beasts fighting over a single bone becomes a
thing of desolation.
Desolation spreads over that land like wildfire, like plague,
and Eberron bears the scar of it for thirteen cycles of the
Life ceases within its bounds,
and ash covers the earth.
- The Draconi c Prophecy
IN THE wake of a long and terri bl e war, a world
struggl es to fi nd its destiny. Wi l l it descend once
more i nto brutal confl i ct and end in spectacul ar
anni hi l ati on, or wi l l the world emerge at last i nto a
new era of peace and prosperi ty?
A t thi s moment, a handful of heroesyou and your
alliesmight hol d the fate of the world in thei r hands.
Thi s is a worl d whose desti ny is hi dden i n the mys-
teri ous propheci es of dragons, tempered by powerful
magi c, and forged i n bl oody warfare.
What makes the world of Eberron uni que? H ere are
ten key pi eces of i nformati on about the world to bear
in mi nd.
1. If it exists in the D&D'"' world, then it has a place in
Eberron. Eberron is al l about usi ng the core el ements
of the D&D world i n new ways and i nteresti ng com-
bi nati ons, wi th some uni que el ements thrown i n.
I t's still a D &D setti ng, so any i nformati on for play-
ers that appears i n another D &D core rul ebook or
suppl ementfrom the cl asses and races i n a Player's
Handbook"' to the new powers and other features in a
book such as Divine Power
"should fit right in to your
Dungeon Master's EBERRON campai gn. (Of course,
your DM always has the fi nal word about what parts
of the D &D game are al l owed and not al l owed in the
campai gn.)
2. Tone and attitude. Eberron takes al l the ci nemati c
acti on and swashbuckl i ng adventure of tradi ti onal
D &D games and adds i n a strong dose of mystery and
schemi ng. I n thi s campai gn, stori es don't always end
well, and there isn't always a right answer to every
probl em. The Last War turned old al l i es i nto bi tter
enemi es and destroyed an enti re nati on, l eavi ng ter-
ri bl e scars behi nd. Cri me and corrupti on l urk i n the
largest ci ti es. Your character's al l i es mi ght become
hi s or her enemi es in the bl i nk of an eye, and well-
known agents of evil mi ght provi de assi stance when
it's least expected. H i dden dragons shape the course
of hi story. Si ni ster fi ends i nfl uence the dreams of the
unwary. A n army of horrors l i ngers just beyond the
edge of reality, struggl i ng to break through. Nothi ng
is exactl y what it seems.
3. A world of magic. The setti ng supposes a worl d
that devel oped not through the advancement of
sci ence, but by the mastery of magi c. Magi c al l ows
for conveni ences and servi ces undreamed of in
tradi ti onal medi eval fantasy. Bound el emental
creatures power el emental ai rshi ps, rai l transport,
and hi gh-speed ocean vessel s. A worki ng cl ass of
mi nor mages uses ri tual magi c to provi de energy
and other necessi ti es in towns and ci ti es. A dvances
in magi c i tem creati on have l ed to everythi ng from
sel f-propel l ed farmi ng i mpl ements to senti ent, free-
wi l l ed constructs.
4. A world of adventure. From the steami ng jungl es
of A erenal to the col ossal rui ns of Xen'dri k, from
the toweri ng keeps of Sharn to the bl asted hi l l s and
valleys of the Demon Wastes, Eberron is a world of
acti on and adventure. A dventures can draw your
character and your al l i es from one exoti c l ocati on
to another across nati ons, conti nents, and the enti re
world. The quest for the Mi rror of the Seventh Moon
mi ght take you from a hi dden desert shri ne to a
rui ned castl e in the Shadow Marches and fi nal l y to a
dungeon bel ow the L i brary of Korranberg. Through
the use of magi cal transportati on, your heroes can
reach a wi der range of envi ronments duri ng an
adventure, and thus deal wi th a di verse assortment of
monsters and chal l enges.
a. The Last War has ended-sort of. The L ast War,
whi ch pl unged the conti nent of Khorvai re i nto ci vi l
war more than a century ago, ended wi th the si gni ng
of the Treaty of Thronehol d and the establ i shment of
twelve recogni zed nati ons occupyi ng what was once
the ki ngdom of Gal i far. A t least overtly, the peace has
hel d for just over a year as the campai gn begi ns. The
confl i cts, the anger, and the bi tter pai n of the long
war remai n, however, and the new nati ons seek every
advantage as they prepare for the next war that they
bel i eve wi l l i nevi tabl y eventual l y break out on the
conti nent.
6. The Draconic Prophecy. The dragons, long-lived
and pati ent i n al l thi ngs, seek meani ng in the pat-
terns found i n the world and the heavens. These
patterns play out i n the Prophecy, a record of thi ngs
to come that has been emergi ng si nce the creati on of
the worl d. The Draconi c Prophecy is as compl ex and
unfathomabl e as the dragons themsel ves. I t hi nts at
events of doom and dread as often as it hel ps push the
world toward exal ted events. I t seems to poi nt toward
transformati on rather than destructi on, but to most
people, the Prophecy remai ns as al i en as the dragons
themsel ves.
7. The Five Nations. The human- domi nated civiliza-
tions on the conti nent of Khorvai re trace a l i neage to
the anci ent ki ngdom of Gal i far, whi ch was made up
of five di sti nct regi ons, or nati ons. These were A un-
dair, Brel and, Cyre, Karrnath, and Thrane. Four of
these nati ons survive to the present day as i ndepen-
dent countri es; Cyre was destroyed before the start of
the campai gn. The devastated terri tory it once occu-
pied is now known as the Mournl and. A common
oath or excl amati on among the peopl e of Khorvai re
is "By the Five Nati ons," or some versi on thereof. The
Five Nati ons refers to the anci ent ki ngdom of Gal i far
and evokes a l egendary ti me of peace and prosperi ty.
8. A world of intrigue. The war is over, and the
nati ons of Khorvai re now try to bui l d a new age of
peace and prosperi ty. A nci ent threats linger, however,
and the world desperatel y needs heroes to take up the
cause. Nati ons compete on many l evel seconomi c
mi ght, pol i ti cal i nfl uence, terri tory, magi cal power -
each l ooki ng to mai ntai n or i mprove its current status
by any means short of al l -out war. Espi onage and sab-
otage servi ces create big busi ness i n certai n ci rcl es.
The dragonmarked houses, templ es both pure and
corrupt, cri me lords, monster gangs, psi oni c spies,
arcane uni versi ti es, royal orders of kni ghts and wiz-
ards, secret soci eti es, si ni ster mastermi nds, dragons,
and a mul ti tude of organi zati ons and facti ons jockey
for posi ti on i n the aftergl ow of the Last War. Eberron
teems wi th confl i ct and i ntri gue.
9. Dragonmark dynasties. The great dragonmarked
fami l i es are the barons of i ndustry and commerce
throughout Khorvai re and beyond. Thei r i nfl uence
transcends pol i ti cal boundari es, and they remai ned
mostl y neutral duri ng the L ast War. The heads of
each house, not techni cal l y ci ti zens of any nati on,
live in spl endor wi thi n thei r encl aves and empori -
ums l ocated throughout Khorvai re. These dynasti c
houses of commerce derive thei r power from the
dragonmarksuni que, heredi tary arcane sigilsthat
mani fest on certai n i ndi vi dual s wi thi n the family,
granti ng them l i mi ted but very useful magi cal
abi l i ti es associ ated wi th the trade gui l ds the fami l y
control s. Dragonmarks are said to be the Prophecy
wri tten on mortal flesha supposi ti on that i ncenses
the dragons.
10. Dragonshards. A nci ent l egends and creati on
myths descri be Eberron as a worl d i n three parts:
the ri ng above, the subterranean real m bel ow, and
the l and between. Each of these worl d secti ons is
ti ed to a great dragon of l egendSi berys, Khyber,
and Eberron, respecti vel y. Each secti on of the worl d
produces dragonshards, stones and crystal s i mbued
wi th arcane power. Wi th the ai d of dragonshards,
dragonmarks become more powerful , el emental s
are control l ed and harnessed, and magi c i tems of
al l sorts are crafted and shaped. These shards, how-
ever, are rare and di ffi cul t to come by, maki ng them
expensi ve and often the goal s of great quests and
Thi s book is desi gned to hel p you create charac-
ters i n the DUNGEONS & DRA GONS game usi ng the
uni que fl avor and detai l s of the EBERRON setti ng. The
EBERRON Player's Guide uses the core rul es and game
mechani cs of DUNGEONS & D RA GONS. YOU can use
a character from another D &D campai gn setti ng i n
Eberron wi thout any modi fi cati ons. You can create a
character who coul d be found onl y in Eberron, usi ng
the new races, cl asses, backgrounds, and feats found
i n thi s book. Or you can make a hero who combi nes
el ements from more than one setti ng. The EBERRON
Player's Guide offers you a weal th of i nformati on to
hel p you desi gn a character ready to take on thi s
compl ex world of wonders, terrors, and adventures.
I N T R O D U C T I O N ^
C H A P T ER 1
WELCOME TO the world of Eberron! Thi s
book is your gui de to expl ori ng everythi ng Eberron
has to offer. The EBERRON campai gn setti ng abounds
wi th si ni ster conspi raci es, a mysteri ous Prophecy,
and constant opportuni ty for expl orati on and adven-
ture. The setti ng mi ght be descri bed as fantasy noir,
combi ni ng pulp acti on wi th dark fantasy for a uni que
experi ence at the game tabl e.
I n thi s book you'll fi nd all the tools to customi ze
a character for the Eberron world (or any D&D
( K >
ti ng). The EBERRON Player's Guide features three races
essenti al to the setti ng: kal ashtar, changel i ngs, and
warforged. I t al so i ntroduces the arti fi cer cl ass and
provi des over two dozen new opti ons for paragon
paths and epi c desti ni es. You'l l fi nd feats to create
a dragonmarked character, as well as al l the back-
grounds, ri tual s, and i tems you'll need to create a
character ready to adventure in Eberron. I f you are a
Dungeon Master i nterested in runni ng an EBERRON
campai gn, the EBERRON Campaign Guide expl ores thi s
setti ng in even greater detai l .
Thi s chapter i ncl udes the following secti ons.
The Worl d: A n i ntroducti on to the pol i ti cs and
geography of Eberron, Khorvai re's Five Nati ons, the
di stant conti nents of Sarl ona, A rgonnessen, and
Xen'dri k, and the other pl anes.
Life Across Khorvai re: The qual i ti es that shape
the peopl e of Khorvai re. H ow fai th and pol i ti cs i nter-
act to shape the everyday lives of Khorvai ri ans.
Fai ths of Eberron: Each of the major rel i gi ons
and fi gures revered by Eberron's i nhabi tants,
i ncl udi ng the dei ti es of the Soverei gn H ost and the
Dark Si x.
Ti me and Hi story: The ages and events that have
shaped present-day Eberron, and how peopl e in the
world track ti me.
Movers and Shakers: Some of Eberron's most
powerful forces, i ncl udi ng dragonmarked houses,
nobl e fami l i es, and the Draconi c Prophecy.
Adventures: The fundamental s of bei ng an
adventurer i n Eberron: where you can go and how
to get there.
C H A P T E R 1 | Life in Eberron
Eberron is a worl d di vi ded i nto three parts. L egends
tell of three great progeni tor dragons that created
the world and now form its three segments: Si berys
the Dragon A bove, Khyber the Dragon Bel ow, and
Eberron the Dragon Between. These l egends have
made thei r mark on phi l osophy, rel i gi on, and fol kl ore
across the worl d- every cul ture has its own versi on of
the three creator dragons.
The progeni tor dragons correspond to the world's
physi cal structure. The Ri ng of Si berys, whi ch appear
as a ri bbon of gl eami ng dragonshards, surrounds the
world and shi nes l i ke a gold band across the ni ght
sky. On cl ear days, it shi mmers wi th a fai nt gol den
haze. Twelve moons gl i tter l i ke gems i n its cel esti al
setti ng. The nearest moons look l i ke gold coi ns in the
ni ght sky, whi l e the farthest seem onl y slightly l arger
than the bri ghtest stars.
Khyber, the Dragon Bel ow, is the cavernous
underdark beneath the world's surface. L abyri nthi ne
passages snake through the depths and open i nto
vaults of every shape and si ze. I n many pl aces, the
El emental Chaos spills i nto the caverns of Khyber,
creati ng areas where fi re, magma, or l i ghtni ng
stream forthand where demons emerge to wreak
havoc on the worl d.
The Dragon Between is the world of Eberron
vast oceans and si x great conti nents, mountai ns and
deserts, a patchwork of fields and forests, swamps
and tundra, and much more. Eberron is a world of
extremes: Fantasti c natural beauty mi ngl es wi th
terri bl e corrupti on and darkness. The world's maj-
esti es i ncl ude mountai nous i ce fl oes l oomi ng over
the freezi ng waters of the Bi tter Sea, spectacul ar
bl uewood trees formi ng natural cathedral s i n the
heart of the Toweri ng Wood, and i sl ands l i ke mag-
ni fi cent scul ptures i n the Strai ts of Shargon. At the
opposi te extreme, corrupti on seeps from the Real m
of Madness and spreads through a si ckened forest,
the desol ate soil of the L abyri nth rejects al l life and
growth, and the bl i ghted earth of the Mournl and lies
desol ate in the wake of catastrophe.
Si x conti nents support the vast diversity of life on
Eberron. One of these, Khorvai re, is the heart of the
world, at l east as far as humans are concerned. On
thi s conti nent, the last and greatest of the human
empi res grew and thri ved before the Last War tore it
asunder. Most player characters are from Khorvai re,
si nce members of most of the races of Eberron can be
found there.
H umani ty's great nati ons were once one, then
five, and now four: schol arl y A undai r, mi l i tari sti c
Karrnath, theocrati c Thrane, and cosmopol i tan
Brel and. These four ki ngdoms, together wi th a dead
nati on once cal l ed Cyre, occupy central Khorvai re.
I n addi ti on to bei ng home to humans, the nati ons are
mel ti ng pots of other cul tures. Dwarves, elves, half-
l i ngs, dragonborn, hal f-el ves, and less common races
make thei r homes in the towns and ci ti es of the cen-
tral nati ons. Warforged are a parti cul arl y common
sightHouse Canni th's humans fashi oned thi s race i n
thei r arcane creati on forges.
The doomed nati on of Cyre is now the Mournl and,
a desol ate, haunted real m where gray mi sts suck the
life from travel ers. Few can survive its hardshi ps, but
the treasures of a fal l en nati on tempt some to try thei r
l uck. The onl y creatures here are treasure hunters,
travel ers, and those bei ngs that do not possess a life
force on whi ch the l and can prey: warforged, undead,
and stranger creatures.
A undai r, Brel and, Cyre, Karrnath, and Thrane
were cal l ed the Five Nati ons i n the di stant past, and
the name is still used despi te the loss of one of thei r
number. These nati ons once formed the cornerstone
of the great Ki ngdom of Gal i far. Onl y a few human
l ands fall outsi de the Five Nati ons. These countri es
i ncl ude the L hazaar Pri nci pal i ti es in the northeast,
tropi cal Q'barra in the southeast, and the wild El deen
Reaches in the west.
H omel ands of other races are al so found in Khor-
vai re. The dwarves' ancestral home is the Mror
H ol ds, near Karrnath i n the northeast. Nomadi c
hal fl i ngs travel across the Tal enta Pl ai ns in the east.
El ves from the i sl and conti nent of A erenal have
establ i shed a l and cal l ed Val enar in Khorvai re's
southeast. Communi ti es of ores and hal f-ores are
concentrated i n the swampy Shadow Marches to the
far west. Gnomes cal l southern Zi l argo thei r home-
l and, and ti efl i ngs long ago found refuge i n western
Khorvai re when they fl ed the rui n of thei r anci ent
ki ngdom, Ohr Kal uun.
Shi fters roam the wi l d forests across the conti nent.
Dragonborn encl aves i n the east recal l the great
empi re of thei r anci ent past. El adri n have long visited
Khorvai re from thei r homes in the Feywi l d, but many
fey are now trapped i n the world, and one of thei r
ci ti es has shared the devastati ng fate of the Mourn-
l and. Even the monstrous racesmedusas, ogres, and
the l i ke- cl ai m Droaam as thei r own nati on in Khor-
vai re, al though the conti nent's other countri es refuse
to acknowl edge its sovereignty.
C H A P T E R 1 I Life in Eberron








A l though Khorvai re is the center of the world to
many peopl e, five other conti nents stretch across
Aerenal : J ust southeast of Khorvai re lies the
great island of A erenal , the anci ent home of the el f
race. The A ereni have preserved thei r tradi ti ons
unchanged through mi l l enni a, gui ded by thei r
undead ancestors. To outsi ders, the elves of thi s
anci ent i sl and ki ngdom seem l i ke si ni ster necroman-
cers or death cul ti sts, but thei r reverence for the dead
does not make them evi l . Even so, the l and of A er-
enal hol ds abundant dangers al ongsi de its pl enti ful
opportuni ti es.
Xen'dri k: To Khorvai re's south stretches the vast
wi l derness of Xen'dri k, once home to a fal l en empi re
of gi ants. Rui ns of thi s empi re are buri ed i n the con-
ti nent's endl ess jungl es. Every expedi ti on that returns
from the wi l ds of Xen'dri k bears new rel i cs and
mysteri es. Wi th steami ng equatori al jungl es, a vast
desert, and a frozen wastel and to its di stant south,
Xen'dri k is a treasure trove wai ti ng to be pl undered.
A t least, that's how adventurers vi ew it. To the nati ve
yuan-ti and drow, the jungl es and rui ns are home,
and they fight to defend them.
Argonnessen: East of Xen'dri k, beyond A erenal ,
is the homel and of the dragons, A rgonnessen. Few
nondragons travel to the conti nent's i nteri or, but
reports speak of dragonborn city-states, rul ed by
dragon ki ngs. The dragons are devoted to the study
of thei r anci ent Prophecy, whi ch they see reveal ed i n
the movement of the moons and stars, marks wri tten
on the earth, and i n the strange desi gns that appear
on the ski n of some of Khorvai re's humanoi ds. These
desi gns are the dragonmarks, and many schol ars
vi ew them as symbol s of power and desti ny.
The Frostfel l : North of Khorvai re is the frozen
waste of the Frostfel l , the source of brutal wi nter
storms and the home of terri fyi ng monsters of i ce and
destructi on. Onl y two expedi ti ons from Khorvai re
have successful l y braved the Frostfel l 's unrel enti ng
col d, and nei ther has reported any redeemi ng feature
of thi s barren l and.
Sarl ona: Sarl ona is Khorvai re's nei ghbor to both
east and west. The vast empi re of Ri edra domi nates
Sarl ona. I ts rul er-dei ti es are the mysteri ous I nspi red;
its l i ai sons and di pl omats can be found in every major
Khorvai ri an popul ati on center. The other regi ons of
SarlonaA dar, Syrkarn, and the Tashana Tundraare
defi ned by thei r rel ati onshi p to Ri edra and exi st in
its shadow. Occasi onal l y, A daran travel ers come to
Khorvai re, so its cul tureal though it is exoti c and ill-
understoodis not unknown on that conti nent.
The l egendary dragons correspond to the three layers
of the uni verse. The A stral Sea, or Sea of Si berys, lies
above the worl d. I t is home to i mmortal angel s and
devi l s, and perhaps even to dei ti es. L egends say that
the Sea of Si berys is di vi ded i nto real ms, much l i ke
the world below, and that beauti ful , ageless creatures
i nhabi t its breathtaki ng ci ti es.
The Coi l s of Eberron is the world most creatures
know, i ncl udi ng Khorvai re, Xen'dri k, and the other
conti nents. The Coi l s also embrace the Shadowfel l
(Dol urrh), the Feywi l d (Thel ani s), and Dal Quor, the
eni gmati c Regi on of Dreams.
Fi nal l y, the El emental Chaos, or the Chaos of
Khyber, is the nether regi on that forms the founda-
ti on of exi stence- the world bel ow. Thi s tormented
real i ty is home to demons, devils, and worse. These
creatures struggl e to break free from Khyber and i nto
the Coi l s of Eberron, in order to prey upon vul nerabl e
mortal bodi es and mi nds.
Some bel i eve that there is a fourth layer of the
uni verse, or perhaps a layer beyond the uni verse.
Schol ars cal l thi s pl ane Xori at, the Real m of Mad-
ness. Brave souls shudder at the menti on of the
creatures said to dwel l there. A l though most of what
is known about Xori at is apocryphal , the exi stence of
the Real m of Madness and its i nfl uence on Eberron is
undeni abl e.
A l though the pl anes touch on few peopl es' lives,
they have an i mportant i mpact on Eberron. L i ke the
moons or the ti des, the i nfl uence of the pl anes wanes
and waxes. Someti mes they are di stant (or remote)
from Eberron, and thei r i nfl uence is smal l ; other
ti mes they are near (or cotermi nous), and thei r pul l is
strong. When a pl ane is at its cl osest, Eberron feel s its
effects. When Dol urrh is cotermi nous, for exampl e,
the shadows of Eberron are deeper, the ni ghts longer,
and the darkness more dangerous.
Even when the pl anes move away, thei r i nfl uence
bl eeds i nto the world at certai n key l ocati ons. These
spots, cal l ed mani fest zones, are strange and other-
worldly areas. Some are verdant real ms of life and
twi l i ght, some are l andscapes of twi sted trees and
monstrous abomi nati ons, and others evi nce subtl er
changes. Whatever the speci fi c consequences, the
power of the pl anes is great.
C H A P T E R 1 I Life i n Eberron


A l most four years ago, the peopl e of Khorvai re took
the first drasti c steps to pul l themsel ves out of a dev-
astati ng, century-l ong confl i ct cal l ed the L ast War.
I n its aftermath, the great Ki ngdom of Gal i far was
no more. I n Gal i far's pl ace were a handful of smal l er,
depl eted nati ons nursi ng l ong-standi ng grudges and
deep wounds. The Last War and, to a l esser extent,
the memory of Gal i far's gol den age defi ne how the
peopl e of Khorvai re thi nk and act.
Khorvai re is a di sparate l and. However, much of
it was once a single ki ngdom, and thus its nati ons
share a number of si mi l ari ti es. The L ast War and the
destructi on of Cyre left peopl e wi th a deep cyni ci sm
and smol deri ng di strust. A feel i ng of doom lies heav-
ily on the l and. Many peopl e see the ravaging of Cyre
as the harbi nger of an even greater apocal ypti c event.
Many specul ate that i f Cyre coul d fall, then al l of
Khorvai re is at ri sk of becomi ng a lifeless gray l and-
scape where onl y ghosts wal k.
These dark thoughts are pervasi ve and profound.
Some peopl e remai n opti mi sti c despi te the hard
ti mes (citing the Treaty of Thronehol d as evi dence
that the nati ons can work together), but, for most
Khorvai ri ans, trust is dead. The average person
suspects hi s nei ghbor of somethi ng. H i s nei ghbor,
i n turn, suspects the same of hi m, and going to the
market is an experi ence ri fe wi th col d gl ances and
whi spered conversati ons.
The nati ons' pol i ti cal l eaders foster thi s sense of
unease. None of the ki ngs or queens got what they
wanted i n the L ast War. Nati onal pri de is not nearl y
as strong a feel i ng as xenophobi a, and al though the
nati ons work together to some degree, di strust among
thei r l eaders is echoed by di strust among thei r citi-
zenry. Each nati on suspects the others of secretl y
stockpi l i ng weapons, di recti ng saboteurs, and com-
mi ssi oni ng spi es. The general atmosphere is not rel i ef
that the war is fi nal l y over. Khorvai ri ans know that
al though the survi vi ng nati ons are now exhausted
from the brutal i ty and the effort of the war, they wi l l
soon l eap back i nto the fight.
Gal i far was a heredi tary, feudal monarchy, and most
of the nati ons that came from it follow its exampl e.
Ki ngs and queens are supported by an array of
nobl esbarons, earl s, counts, and other l andhol ders
who oversee l ocal affai rs. Peasants are taxed and
expl oi ted to varyi ng degrees, dependi ng upon the
nati on i n whi ch they live.
A l though nobl es ostensi bl y rul e the nati ons, other
organi zati ons wi el d comparabl e power i n Khorvai re.
i The most i mportant of these groups are the twelve
H H Bra
dragonmarked houses. Each of these extended
fami l i es domi nates a parti cul ar aspect of trade, be it
transportati on, weaponry, or heal i ng. Wi th potent,
heredi tary magi c at thei r command and scores of
cousi ns and vassals, central members of the dragon-
marked houses wi el d power aki n to that of hi gh
nobility. The houses' barons possess pol i ti cal and
mercanti l e cl out aki n to that of queens and ki ngs. The
houses' i nfl uence stretches across Khorvai re. Brel and
mi ght be abl e to survive wi thout a ki ng, but the face
of Khorvai re woul d change dramati cal l y i f H ouse
L yrandar were l eaderl ess.
Two organi zed rel i gi ons al so mai ntai n great
power i n Khorvai re: the Soverei gn H ost and the
Si l ver Fl ame. I n these uncertai n, postwar ti mes,
the power of rel i gi on is growi ng. Scared peopl e
turn to spi ri tual authori ty for comfort. A l though the
doctri nes of both the Soverei gn H ost and the Silver
Fl ame promote vi rtue and order, hi gh-ranki ng mem-
bers of these fai ths someti mes abuse thei r status.
A l though respected, rel i gi ous offi ci al s usual l y don't
wi el d as much power as thei r nobl e or mercanti l e
counterparts. The Soverei gn H ost has no di sti nct
hi erarchy through whi ch to wi el d authori ty, and the
Church of the Si l ver Fl ame has l i mi ted i nfl uence
outsi de Thrane.
The cornerstone of life on Khorvai re is the smal l
town: a di m but i mportant poi nt of light in the
world's darkness. Most Khorvai ri ans are farmers or
l aborers, living i n farmsteads and haml ets wi thi n a
coupl e of mi l es of a central town. A l arger settl ement
serves as a tradi ng nexus, to whi ch farmers bri ng
crops, l i vestock, wool , and si mi l ar goods. Crafters
from the town trade plows, l eather goods, i mported
i tems, and si mi l ar objects or servi ces i n exchange
for farm goods. Farmers, crafters, and l aborers pay
taxes to a l ocal l ord, who lives nearby. The lord uses
thi s tax money to rai se an army, trai n a mi l i ti a, or
otherwi se ensure that the peopl e under hi s or her
protecti on are safe.
I n truth, thi s system isn't perfect. Bri gands-
many of them ex-sol di ers from the Last War - pl ague
the countrysi de. Monsters roam the vast di stances
between towns, occasi onal l y attacki ng farms and
trade routes. Corrupt nobl es hoard thei r weal th and
let thei r peopl e suffer.
Rural life is si mpl e and someti mes peaceful . A way
from the bustl e of the city, peopl e are more connected
to the natural world. The rural population of Khor-
vai re tends to di strust visitors and strangers. News
travels slowly, and rural peopl e are often suspicious of
C H A P T E R 1 I Life in Eberron
anythi ng that happens more than a dozen mi l es away.
Many still feel the pai n of the Last War and its after-
mathcousins dead, fathers di sappeared, and siblings
gone to work i n the big ci ti es.
J ust as farms surround a town, towns surround
a ci ty- al though usual l y the ci ty is mi l es away and
travel ers must spend a day or more to traverse the
di stance (i f they travel by conventi onal means).
A l though Khorvai re's ci ti es are few, they are vi tal .
These poi nts of light are beacons of both ci vi l i zati on
and depravity, of schol arshi p and corrupti on, of orga-
ni zati on and fi l th. Ci ti es are far more cosmopol i tan
than the countrysi de. I ndi vi dual s of al l races and
backgrounds come together i n the great metropol i ses
ot Sharn and Fl amekeep, shari ng food, l i vi ng space,
and rumors.
City resi dents are more comfortabl e wi th diver-
sit}* and more wary of the wi l derness than are rural
peopl e. They al so have more opportuni ti es to i mprove
thei r economi c means. Members of the mi ddl e and
upper cl asses are found more often in ci ti es than i n
the country.
Urban dwel l ers have access to resources that
country folk general l y l ack. Magi c is common-
resi dents of ci ti es regul arl y enjoy mi nor spel l s and
enchanted i tems that i mprove thei r lives. A l so, the
remnants of Gal i far's educati onal system are i ntact
i n most of Khorvai re's ci ti es; publ i c educati on is
free (supported by taxes) for al l who care to take
advantage of it. H i gher educati on is avai l abl e at a few
uni versi ti es that teach subjects such as hi story and
geography, as wel l as more esoteri c topi cs such as
magi c and monster l ore.
Most rural folk are farmers or l aborers, and they
make up the majori ty of Khorvai re's popul ati on.
I ndeed, six out of every ten Khorvai ri ans are mem-
bers of the lower cl ass. A rural Khorvai ri an would
rarel y have more than a handful of silver pi eces at
one ti me, and mi ght onl y wi th di ffi cul ty fi nd a few
dozen gold pi eces in an emergency.
Three out of every ten Khorvai ri ans are members
of the mi ddl e cl ass. They are merchants, arti sans,
skilled professi onal s, mi nor nobl es, members of the
clergy, professors, or heroi c ti er adventurers. Each
might have several hundred gold pi eces wi thi n easy
access, and coul d gather a coupl e of thousand or more
i f necessary. The majori ty of the mi ddl e cl ass resi des
i n ci ti es, but a few membersski l l ed arti sans, mi nor
lords, and reti red adventurers-l i ve i n the country.
One in ten Khorvai ri ans bel ongs to the upper
cl ass, i ncl udi ng hi gh nobl es, ranki ng clergy, masters
of the dragonmarked houses, and adventurers in the
paragon and epi c ti ers. These i ndi vi dual s can easi l y
obtai n thousands of gold pi eces to support thei r life-
styles, and can access even greater weal th i f need be.
A dventurers break rul es and defy stereotypes.
A l though they are not common, most peopl e in
Khorvai re know what adventurers are, and have
romanti c noti ons about what they do. Becomi ng an
adventurerand survivingis a good way to become
ri ch, see i nteresti ng pl aces, and gai n everl asti ng fame.
News pamphl ets such as the Korranberg Chronicle
encourage thi s noti on, because the publ i c loves great
adventure tal es. Such stori es are even better when
they're true. A dventurers whose stori es end badl y are
rarel y featured, and novi ce do-gooders who di sap-
pear in the wi l d on a fi rst outi ng are rarel y di scussed.
A dventuri ng is the epi tome of a hi gh-ri sk, high-
reward career.
Few adventurers travel al one. They know that
there is safety in numbers, that five heads are
better than one, and that a group is more than the
sum of its parts. Many adventuri ng parti es work as
freel ancers, going wherever thei r noses (and more
arcane senses) poi nt. Others accept the patronage of
weal thy i ndi vi dual s, governments, or organi zati ons.
These patrons supply adventurers wi th mi ssi ons and
rewards and serve as sources of i nformati on and
i ntri gue. These rel ati onshi ps work best when the
adventurers and thei r patrons share common i nter-
ests. A party fasci nated by Xen'dri k's mysteri es, for
exampl e, woul d do wel l to consi der patronage from
Morgrave Uni versi ty.
A cross Khorvai re, peopl e of al l races speak
Common. A s the offi ci al l anguage of the Ki ngdom
of Gal i far, it became nearl y uni versal on the conti -
nent. Nonhuman races such as el ves and dwarves
have thei r own l anguages, but those tongues are not
as wel l known.
The l anguages in Eberron are the same as those
presented on page 25 of the Player's Handbook, wi th
a few excepti ons. Ores speak Gobl i n (not Gi ant) from
thei r days as members of the Dhakaani Empi re, and
drow speak Gi ant (not El ven) due to thei r long tenure
as slaves of the gi ants. I n addi ti on, three new l an-
guages appear in Eberron.
A rgon is an al tered form of Common spoken by
numerous barbari ans, especi al l y those i n and around
the northern i sl ands and shores of A rgonnessen.
Quori is an anci ent, mysti cal l anguage spoken
pri mari l y among the most l earned and i mportant of
Sarl ona's kal ashtar and I nspi red.
Ri edran is spoken by the Sarl onan lower cl asses.
I ts scri pt is an anti quated form of Common cal l ed
Ol d Common. A l though both Ri edran and Common
evolved from the same root l anguage, they are dif-
ferent enough that speakers cannot understand each
C H A P T E R 1 | Life in Eberron
The scri pt for Deep Speech is Dael kyr, rather than
Rel l ani c. Eberron's Far Real m is cal l ed Xori at, and its
i nhabi tants are the dael kyrsome of the most fear-
some and perverse creatures in the cosmos.
Language Spoken by . . . Script
Abyssal Demons, gnolls, sahuagin Barazhad
Argon Barbarians of Argonnessen
and Seren
Common Humans, halflings,
half- elves, half- ores
Deep Speech Daelkyr, mind flayers,
other aberrant creatures
Draconic Dragons, dragonborn, kobolds lokharic
Dwarven Dwarves, galeb duhrs Davek
Elven Elves, eladrin, fomorians Rellanic
Giant Giants, ogres, drow Davek
Goblin Goblins, ores Common
Primordial Efreets, archons, elementals Barazhad
Quori Inspired, kalashtar Quori
Riedran Lower classes of Sarlona Old Common
Supernal Angels, devils Supernal
I n the Five Nati ons, most peopl e take a surname, usu-
ally a fami l y name, a name denoti ng area of ori gi n,
or a name i ndi cati ng the i ndi vi dual 's professi on.
Exampl es i ncl ude Bari us Fai rshi el d, Toroth of Sharn,
and Si anna Magewri ght.
Sci ons of royal or dragonmarked fami l i es have
addi ti onal nami ng conventi ons. The ki ngs of Gal i far
had many hei rs, and they bestowed titles and l and
upon vari ous fami l i es. These peopl e are of nobl e
bl ood, and they attach the prefi x "i r"' before thei r
surnames. Ki ng Boranel of Brel and, for exampl e,
traces hi s l i neage back to Ki ng Gal i far, so hi s name is
Boranel i r'Wynarn.
Members of dragonmarked fami l i es i ncl ude the
prefi x "d"' before thei r surnames, such as Morri kan
d'Kundarak, El vi nor El orrenthi d'Phi arl an, and
Dal i n d'Vadal i s (the l eaders of H ouse Kundarak,
Phi arl an, and Vadal i s, respecti vel y). Thi s conven-
ti on arose fi fteen hundred years ago, after a confl i ct
cal l ed the War of the Mark. I t serves to solidify the
dragonmarked houses and set them apart from the
rest of Khorvai re- parti cul arl y from those who have
aberrant dragonmarks.
Each dragonmarked house is composed of mul -
tiple i nterrel ated fami l i es. H ouse Phi arl an, for
exampl e, i ncl udes the Phi arl an, Ti al aen, Shol , and
El orrenthi l i nes. Typically, a member of such a l i ne
uses the house name al one and adds the fami l y
name onl y on formal occasi ons. Thus, El vi nor
El orrenthi d'Phi arl an commonl y goes by El vi nor
d'Phi arl an, but when i ntroduci ng hersel f at court
uses her ful l name.
Rel i gi on is i mportant i n Eberron, but not because
the dei ti es take an obvi ous and di rect i nterest i n the
worl d. Rather, organi zed fai th is i mportant in both
a spi ri tual and a secul ar sense. Templ es and shri nes
are sources of communi ty and peace (or conspi racy
and corrupti on) in vi l l ages and towns. I n ci ti es, high-
ranki ng members of the cl ergy can wi el d as much
power as the nobility.
I n thi s war-torn ti me, numerous Khorvai ri ans
have come to scorn dei ti es and hi gher powers. J ust as
many, however, actively parti ci pate in organi zed reli-
gi on as a way to make sense of the world.
The Sovereign Host is a group of ni ne deities col l ec-
tively representi ng the enti re world, but focusi ng on
aspects of ci vi l i zati oncommuni ty, the protecti on of
the weak, the slaying of wi l d beasts, fertility, construc-
ti on, and the l i ke. The Sovereign Host is the most
wi del y worshi ped body in Khorvai re. Nearly everyone
offers prayers to the H ost as a whol e and to i ndi vi dual
deities for speci fi c acti ons. For exampl e, a farmer
mi ght whi sper a prayer of thanks to A rawai when hi s
baby is born healthy, and a bl acksmi th mi ght sing the
songs of Onatar when worki ng at her forge.
The Soverei gn H ost fi nds worshi pers among all
races and from al l wal ks of l i fe- peasants, ki ngs, and
adventurers. The fai thful worshi p the pantheon as
a whol e, rather than devoting themsel ves to speci fi c
dei ti es. Worshi pers of the Soverei gn H ost are cal l ed
Vassal s.
A s a group, the H ost exhorts its followers to:
Pl ace your trust i n the communi ty. The group is
stronger by far than the i ndi vi dual . The great light
of a ci ty is composed of the thousands of fl ames of
its ci ti zens. You must ensure that your fl ame is as
bri ght as you can make it.
Treat others as they deserve to be treated. I f they
haven't harmed you or yours, treat them ki ndl y.
Bri ng the light of ci vi l i zati on to the darkness of
the wi l ds.
A rawai is the goddess of fertility, abundance, and life
(parti cul arl y pl ant life). She teaches that the wi l der-
ness hol ds great resources that empower ci vi l i zati on.
The si ster of Bal i nor and the Devourer, A rawai is also
the mother of the Fury (as a resul t of her rape at the
hands of the Devourer, accordi ng to Soverei gn H ost
rel i gi ous texts). She fi nds followers among parents,
farmers, drui ds, rangers, sai l ors, and others who
C H A P T E R 1 I Life in Eberron
pl ace great i mportance on nature, fertility, or the
weather. I conography usual l y depi cts her as a half-
el f femal e, someti mes as a human or a hal fl i ng, and
occasi onal l y as a bronze dragon.
H er tenets are si mpl e and few:
Be frui tful and multiply.
Cel ebrate life, especi al l y new life. A young sapl i ng
is a beauti ful creati on, and chi l dren are the world's
greatest bl essi ng.
Never turn your back on a chi l d or young creature
in need.
A ureon is the god of knowl edge, arcane l ore, and
magi c. H e al so values order and law. H e is Ona-
tar's brother and Bol drei 's husband, and bears a
mysteri ous connecti on to the Shadow. Most arcane
spel l casters cal l hi m thei r patron, as do sages, l i brar-
i ans, scri bes, professors, and students. I n rel i gi ous
texts, he appears as a human or gnome wi zard, and,
on rare occasi on, as a grand blue dragon.
H e urges hi s followers to:
Respect and acqui re knowl edge, especi al l y knowl -
edge that was once lost. Knowl edge is the most
powerful force on Eberron.
Val ue reason and sound thought over emoti on and
rash acti on.
Educate yoursel f, your chi l dren, and your al l i es.
Bal i nor rul es the beasts, the hunt, and the cycl e
of l i fe. H e teaches respect for wi l d ani mal s and
nature: One shoul d take- careful l yonl y what one
needs from the wi l d to i mprove ci vi l i zati on. That
the i ntel l i gent races slay and eat ani mal s is part of
the natural cycl e. That an occasi onal hunter fal l s to
a rampagi ng boar or angry bear is al so part of the
cycl e. Brother to both A rawai and the Devourer,
Bal i nor counts rangers, drui ds, and hunters of al l
types among hi s fol l owers. I n i mages, he appears as
a crude but good-natured human or hal f-ore, and
someti mes as a green dragon.
H i s commands are strai ghtforward:
Take what you need from nature, but respect its
Courage invites l uck. Never fl i nch in the face of
danger, but don't court it unprepared.
Change is constant. The onl y certai nty in life is
death. Death is not to be feared, but cel ebrated as
part of the natural cycl e.
I n some ways representati ve of the Soverei gn Host
as a whol e, Bol drei 's areas of i nfl uence are commu-
ni ty and the safety and comfort of hearth and home.
H er name is i nvoked at weddi ngs and government
C H A P T E R 1 I Life in Eberron^
Faith, Pantheon, or Deity Alignment Areas of Influence
The Sovereign Host Good All the world, focused primarily on aspects of civilized life
Arawai Good Agriculture, fertility, the wilderness as natural resources
4- Aureon Unaligned Knowledge, law, arcane lore and magic
Balinor Unaligned Beasts, the hunt, the cycle of life
Boldrei IHHHi
Community, home, hearth flHHHHHHHHHHIHHHHHHl
4- Dol Arrah Lawful good Light (physical and metaphorical, the goodness of the soul), honor,
selflessness, military strategy, war
Dol Dorn Unaligned Courage, duty, physical prowess, soldiers and warriors, war
Kol Korran Unaligned Wealth, trade, commerce
Olladra f 1
Good Fortune, luck, success
4 Onatar Unaligned Forges, crafts, industry, fire
The Dark Six Evil All the world, especially the primal wilderness and nature's destructive
The Devourer Chaotic evil Storm, flood, famine, other aspects of nature's wrath; also, the sea
The Fury Chaotic evil Wrath, passion, vengeance
The Keeper Evil Gluttony, greed, necromancy
The Mockery Evil Violence, betrayal, dishonorable victory, love of carnage, war
The Shadow Chaotic evil Ambition, dark magic, corruption
The Traveler Unaligned Change, cunning, innovation, deception
The Silver Flame Lawful good Protection, generosity, destruction of evil and the unnatural
The Blood of Vol Unaligned Divine power of the blood, immortality, undeath
The Path of Light Lawful good Light, progress, self- improvement, freedom
Elf Religion Unaligned The elf people and society
The Undying Court Unaligned Immortality, elven society, history
The Spirits of the Past Unaligned Glory, elven history and heroes
Khyber Cults Chaotic evil Madness, destruction, aberrant creatures, darkness
appoi ntments. She is A ureon's wife and counts com-
moners, parents, and mi l i ti a members among her
worshi pers. She is usual l y depi cted as a commoner of
any race, and someti mes as a copper dragon broodi ng
over a cl utch of eggs.
H er tenets are:
4- Val ue your communi ty and fami l y above yourself.
Ensure that i f you fall, they survi ve.
4 Make your home your haven. Wei ghty and stress-
ful affai rs bel ong el sewhere, and vi ol ence in the
home is unconsci onabl e.
4 H el p other members of your communi ty wi th no
thought of recompense. Rewards come when they
are needed.
Lawful Good
Dol A rrah is the shi ni ng goddess of honorabl e
combat, sel fl essness, and sunl i ght. She bri ngs light
to pi erce the dark pl aces and bl ades to pi erce the
hearts of monsters. L egends say that Dol Dorn and
the Mockery are her brothers. Pal adi ns, warl ords,
and good-al i gned fi ghters revere her, as do di pl omats,
who fight thei r battl es wi th words i nstead of swords.
She appears in rel i gi ous texts as a human or hal f-el f
kni ght al i ght wi th hol y radi ance, and someti mes as a
red dragon atop a cl oud.
H er teachi ngs are:
4 Bri ng succor to those who suffer.
4 Bri ng the light of truth and goodness to dark and
evil pl aces.
4 Bri ng force of arms agai nst al l that is evil.
The god of courage and physi cal prowess, Dol Dorn
al so exempl i fi es duty and war. H e urges all peopl e to
be at thei r physi cal best. Sol di ers, fi ghters, and war-
lords are hi s pri mary worshi pers, al ong wi th athl etes
and acrobats. Sai d to be the brother of Dol A rrah
and the Mockery, texts depi ct Dol Dorn as a muscl e-
bound human, dwarf, or hal f-ore, and occasi onal l y as
a mi ghty silver dragon.
H i s commands are si mpl e but strong:
4 Shi rk your duty onl y i f your charges have become
unworthy of it.
4 A chi eve and mai ntai n physi cal perfecti on.
4 Test your physi cal powers i n contests and i n battl e.
May the strongest prevai l !
Kol Korran's l i keness appears on coi ns throughout
the Five Nations, for he is the god of commerce and
weal th. I n the postwar world, where trade is cautiously
C H A P T E R 1 I Life in Eberron
emergi ng and expandi ng, hi s following is on the
rise. Merchants, traders, and thieves are hi s pri mary
Vassals, but anyone who has money, or wants more,
pays hi m homage. Religious texts say he .and hi s twi n
brother the Keeper are the sons of Ol l adra and
Onatar. These same books depi ct hi m as a pl ump,
cheerful human or dwarf in fi ne cl othes. A few anci ent
depi cti ons show hi m as a whi te dragon atop a bed of
ice-blue gemstones.
H e teaches hi s worshi pers to:
A cqui re weal th.
Travel. New l ands offer new tradi ng partners to
cul ti vate and new resources to gather.
Remember that a charmi ng smi l e and a ki nd
word are often more powerful than a bl ade and a
strong arm.
The goddess of l uck and plenty, Ol l adra's name is
a popul ar one. Peopl e toast her at parti es and festi-
vals. Gambl ers, rogues, bards, and hedoni sts pay her
homage throughout the year. She is Onatar's wi fe
and mother to the twi ns Kol Korran and the Keeper.
I n i magery, she is a young hal fl i ng, an old femal e
human, and occasi onal l y a bl ack dragon.
H er tenets are:
Eat, dri nk, and be merry, for life is good and l uck
comes to those who need it.
Ol l adra favors the bol d. Fashi on your own desti ny
to enjoy her favor.
Fight agai nst oppressi on. A ny who woi dd deny you
your freedoms should feel Olladra's anger.
Onatar is the god of forge and fi re, of i ndustry and
craft. H i s name is i nvoked in factori es and smi thi es,
and hi s symbol appears on forges throughout Khor-
vai re. Dwarves i n parti cul ar revere hi m, as do those
who speci al i ze i n fi ery magi cwi zards and warl ocks
of the appropri ate bent. Rel i gi ous texts say he is hus-
band to Ol l adra and father to Kol Korran and the
Keeper. I n these same sources, he appears commonl y
as a dwarf and occasi onal l y as a brass dragon.
H i s commands are:
Create. To craft an object or forge a weapon is to
create a tool that many workers can use.
Work. Work gives meani ng to life and strength to
communi ti es.
Respect fi re. I t is an i nval uabl e tool and a powerful
Compl ementi ng the Soverei gn H ost and its focus on
the light of ci vi l i zati on, the Dark Si x represent the
darkness of the wi l ds. The two pantheons were once
combi ned, but a great schi sm separated them. The
Dark Si x now oppose the H ost on al l fronts. Wher e
the Soverei gn H ost is general l y good, the Dark Si x are
by and l arge evil. Wher e the Soverei gn H ost val ues
communi ty and government, the Dark Si x val ue
i ndi vi dual i ty and anarchy. The Dark Si x are cruel ,
passi onate, brutal , and wi l d.
A l though worshi p of the Dark Si x is not common,
the peopl e of Khorvai re haven't forgotten that
these dei ti es have power over aspects of the worl d.
A l though the average peasant reveres the Soverei gn
Host, few peopl e are so assured that they refuse to
offer a prayer to the Dark Si x when appropri ate.
Everyone knows that the nei ghbors do the same,
al though none ever speak of it.
Wi th the excepti on of the mysteri ous Traveler,
the Dark Si x are evil dei ti es, and thus i nappropri ate
sources of venerati on for PCs. (A s descri bed i n the
Player's Handbook, a character can worshi p an evil
dei ty wi thout shari ng that al i gnment, but doing so is
tricky.) For that reason, onl y the Travel er is di scussed
bel ow (the other members of the Si x are descri bed
bri efl y at the end of thi s secti on).
The great tri ckster, the Travel er is a dei ty of cunni ng,
decepti on, and change. The Travel er is a consum-
mate shapechanger and master of di sgui ses, and thus
the bei ng's true nature is unknowntexts vari ousl y
refer to the Travel er as "i t" rather than "he" or "she."
Many doppel gangers, shi fters, l ycanthropes, thi eves,
and rogues revere the Traveler, as do a few arti fi cers
who focus on the deity's i nnovati on and cl everness.
The Travel er is someti mes cal l ed the Gi ver of Gi fts,
but proverbs warn that one must be wary of its gi fts.
Ostensi bl y a member of the Dark Si x, the Travel er
seems to have no connecti on, fami l i al or otherwi se, to
its fellows.
The Traveler's commandments must often be
i nferred, for its holy texts are few. I ts tenets are:
Reveal i ng your true sel f is weakness. Shroud your-
sel f i n mi sdi recti on and di sgui se so that even you
do not know what dwel l s i n your core.
Nothi ng is permanent. Ensure that change
i mproves your lot and damages your enemi es.
The best weapons are cunni ng pl ans and i ntri cate
decepti ons. Mortal mi nds are predi ctabl e and
easi l y mani pul ated.
C H A P T E R 1 | Life in Eberron
Lawful Good
Second onl y to the Soverei gn H ost i n popul ari ty and
promi nence, the Silver Fl ame espouses purity, stead-
fastness, chari ty, and, above al l , the destructi on of
evil. A s such, pal adi ns are its most fervent worshi p-
ers, but crusaders from al l wal ks of life l ook to the
Fl ame for gui dance.
The Silver Fl ame is an abstracti on, not a deity. I t
represents powerful forces of good and sel f-sacri fi ce
that keep evil l ocked away. I n ages long past, a femal e
human named Ti ra Mi ron transcended her human-
ity to become the i mmortal Voi ce of the Fl ame. She
serves as the i ntermedi ary between the sacred Fl ame
and the vast majori ty of mortal s who haven't attai ned
the puri ty necessary to communi cate di rectl y wi th
the di vi ne force.
The Church of the Silver Fl ame is much more
organi zed than the hi erarchy of the Soverei gn H ost.
The Church has a defi ni te chai n of command, and its
members aren't afrai d to wi el d thei r power i n secul ar
affai rs. Fl amekeep, i n Thrane, is the Church's capi tal
and home to its l eader, the Keeper of the Fl ame.
The teachi ngs of the Silver Fl ame (and its Church)
Destroy evil i n al l its forms. Undead are parti cu-
larly abhorrent to the Silver Fl ame.
Bri ng rel i ef to those who suffer.
Protect those who cannot protect themsel ves.
Offer ai d to those who can.
The fai thful of the Bl ood of Vol are capti vated by
the l i teral and fi gurati ve meani ng of bl ood and of
heredi ty, seei ng bl ood as a source of power and divin-
ity. They focus thei r energy on sel f-i mprovement,
shunni ng hi gher forces. Worshi pers bel i eve i n the
power of what is physi cal and present, and focus on
the affai rs of day-to-day life, not on an i l l usory oth-
erworl dl y power. Bl ood is the di vi ni ty wi thi n, the
source of life, and, i f one's fai th is strong and one's
abi l i ti es mastered, the onl y true path to i mmortal i ty.
A dherents of the Bl ood of Vol are often di strusted
by members of other fai ths because of rumors that
the Bl ood of Vol worshi ps the undead. Wi del y mi s-
understood, the teachi ngs of the rel i gi on are dark
and dri ven, but not evi l . The same can be said of its
fol l owers.
The Bl ood of Vol's exhortati ons are si mpl e:
Bel i eve i n yoursel f. A common reci tati on when
faced wi th a chal l enge or event: "As the bl ood is
the power, and the bl ood fl ows through me, the
power is mi ne."
C H A P T E R 1 | Life in Eberron
Work to i mprove yoursel f and your capaci ti es. A
compl ete understandi ng of the di vi ni ty wi thi n
opens the door to i mmortal i ty.
Meet wi th other members of the Bl ood of Vol to
share i n the power of each other's bl ood.
Lawful Good
Rare i n Khorvai re but preval ent among A dar's
kal ashtar (page 30), the Path of Light is equal parts
phi l osophy and rel i gi on. I ts adherents don't wor-
shi p a deity, but i nstead recogni ze a uni versal force
of positive energy they cal l il-Yannah, "the Great
Light." Fol l owers of the Path of Light strive for physi-
cal and mental perfecti on through medi tati on and
communi on wi th thi s Great Light. Such perfecti on
is necessary, for followers of the Path of Light expect
to do battl e wi th evil forcesespeci al l y the si ni ster
Dreami ng Dark.
The central teachi ngs of the Path of Light are:
Seek excel l ence i n both mi nd and body, for a great
war agai nst the dark is brewi ng.
4- Do not l ook to dei ti es for divinity. Di vi ni ty is
wi thi n the grasp of mortal s i f they but touch the
Great Light.
Use your honed skills to di scover and vanqui sh
evil bei ngs.
Many elves of A erenal , i n parti cul ar the Val enar,
revere thei r ancestors. Thi s practi ce stops short of
worshi p, but the spirits of the past represent glori-
ous deeds and the ri ch hi story of the el ven race.
Even elves who follow other rel i gi ons often mai ntai n
shri nes to great ancestors. Elves who venerate the
Spirits of the Past devote themsel ves to emul ati ng
patron spirits. Such elves have a marti al bentthey
are often rangers, fi ghters, or warl ords. Parti cul arl y
devout warri ors someti mes attai n the title Keeper of
the Past; they are often bards or cl eri cs.
A l though each practi ti oner honors an ancestor in
hi s or her own way, followers of the Spi ri ts of the Past
share some common pri nci pl es:
Remember the great deeds and peopl e of the past,
and try to emul ate and even to surpass them.
4- L ook to hi story and tradi ti on for strength.
Nothi ng is true today that wasn't true i n the past; it
just wears di fferent trappi ngs.
Some A ereni elves revere dead ancestors, and some
revere ancestors who have el uded death's grasp.
Long ago, the elves of A erenal di scovered the secret
of extendi ng thei r life spans. Onl y the wi sest mem-
bers of thei r race recei ved thi s treatment, and these
deathl ess creatures rul e the elven homel and just as
they did mi l l enni a ago. The Undyi ng Court counts
all A ereni elves as its followers, as wel l as Val enar
and Khorvai ri an elves and hal f-el ves. I ts pri ests are
cl eri cs who dress i n whi te and bl ack; they wear death
masks or pai nt or tattoo thei r faces wi th stylized skul l
i mages.
The Court's commands are anci ent:
Obey the commands of the Undyi ng Court and its
seneschal s.
I mmortal i ty is wi thi n reach i f you prove yoursel f
worthy of the gift.
Thi s world is but one stop on the soul's journey
toward perfecti on, and death is merel y a passage.
Creatures and people who revere evil powers are likely
to battl e against the PCs, al though a few mi ght be
occasi onal allies. Wi th the excepti on of Khyber cults,
all the deities bel ow are members of the Dark Six.
The Devourer is lord of deep waters, of mael strom
and reef. H e represents nature's destructi ve power,
and hi s chi ef worshi pers are sahuagi n.
The Fury is a deity of passionfervor dri ven to
The Keeper is the master of death and decay. H e
hungers for soul s.
The Mockery is the god of treachery and brutal -
ity. Evil assassi ns and fi ghters are among those who
revere hi m.
The Shadow promotes dark magi c and the corrup-
ti on of nature.
Khyber cul ts are di verse groups who share an
obsessi on wi th the vast underdark and the power said
to stir i n the body of the Dragon Bel ow.
Eberron is an old worl d. Throughout its l engthy hi s-
tory, empi res have ri sen from the dust of previ ous
centuri es, thri ved for a ti me, and then fal l en i nto
rui n. Thi s rubbl e still dots the wi l derness (and even
some ci vi l i zed areas), resti ng unexpl ored for mi l l en-
ni a. Treasure, mysteri es, and the answers to age-old
questi ons mi ght be hi dden i n the thi ck shadows.
Di fferent cul tures and races have vari ous i deas
about the world's ori gi n, but one parti cul ar tal e has
achi eved wi despread acceptance. Pri ests and phi-
l osophers of vari ed bel i efs teach thi s story to thei r
fol l owers- i f not as true history, then at l east as a valu-
abl e al l egory and the most accurate tal e they have.
Three great dragons exi sted in the ti me before
ti me: Si berys the Dragon A bove, Eberron the Dragon
Between, and Khyber the Dragon Bel ow. Unabl e
to coexi st, the progeni tor dragons fell to fi ghti ng.
Khyber tore Si berys apart after a great battl e. Eber-
ron wrapped Khyber i n si nuous coi l s and i mpri soned
the Dragon Bel ow. The pi eces of the Dragon A bove
became the Ri ng of Si berys overhead, Eberron's body
formed the conti nents and oceans, and i mpri soned
Khyber twi sted i nto l abyri nthi ne tunnel s beneath
the earth.
The creati on of al l that is was compl eted when
dragons arose from the remai ns of Si berys, fi ends
crawl ed from the depths of Khyber, and al l other
living bei ngs were born from Eberron's fertility.
No one knows exactl y how many years passed, how
much life thri ved, and how many cul tures rose, fell,
and were forgotten before a ci vi l i zati on of gi ants
arose on the conti nent now cal l ed Xen'dri k.
The gi ants expanded thei r empi re, ensl aved races
of smal l er humanoi ds and gathered vast knowl edge.
The greatest l egacy of the A ge of Gi ants, however, is
the cycl opean structures that dot Xen'dri k. Schol ars
cl ai m that such bui l di ngs coul d not have been rai sed
wi thout powerful magi cmagi c the gi ants must have
l earned from a mi ghty creature or creatures.
The gi ants rul ed for tens of thousands of years.
Schol ars are not certai n what brought about the
ci vi l i zati on's col l apse, but rumors abound. Some say
the dragons destroyed it to protect the worl d. Others
cl ai m that the gi ants' slaves rebel l ed and overthrew
thei r masters. A few whi sper that horri fi c creatures
from another pl ane appeared i n the world and
brought down the gi ant empi re.
Whatever Xen'dri k was l i ke in the ti me of the
gi ants, it is now a steami ng jungl e of di sease, car-
ni vorous pl ants, vi ci ous beasts, si ni ster yuan-ti , and
cruel drow. Vari ous archeol ogi cal expedi ti ons have
attempted to penetrate the jungl e, but few return.
Real evi dence of the gi ant empi re is sparse, and
schol ars are hungry for more i nformati on. Because of
thi s, Xen'dri k's name has become synonymous wi th
adventure: It hol ds great dangers, great rewards, great
mysteri es, and the chance to fi nd pl aces, objects, and
creatures unseen for mi l l enni a.
I n the wake of the gi ants' fall, thei r slaves were freed.
The elves hid i n the rui ns of Xen'dri k, or di sappeared
i nto the jungl es of A erenal . More acti ve were the gob-
l i ns and the ores. L ead by the Dhakaani gobl i ns, they
bui l t an empi re on the conti nent of Khorvai re that
l asted for thousands of years.
C H A P T E R 1 | Li fe i n Eberron ^.^mdHV
A s wi th the A ge of Gi ants, the end of the A ge of
Monsters is shrouded i n mystery. Some pri ests and
phi l osophers say that, by thei r nature, savage ores and
chaoti c gobl i ns coul d not live long i n peace. These
thi nkers cl ai m the monsters feuded and ri pped thei r
own empi re apart. Other schol ars poi nt to an inva-
sion from creatures from another pl ane as the cause
of the Dhakaani Empi re's col l apse.
Many hi stori ans vi ew the A ge of Monsters as a
dark ti me because monstrous races rul ed the world.
Other commentators see the A ge of Monsters as a
ti me that never achi eved its potenti al , crushed before
it coul d trul y evolve. Gobl i ns and ores l ook back on it
wi th l ongi ng. Many, especi al l y among the hobgobl i ns,
seek to recl ai m the empi re's former glory.
Rui ns of the Dhakaani Empi re are some of the
most preval ent throughout Khorvai re. Dhakaani
rel i cs are val uabl e- the gobl i ns were fi ne crafters and
accompl i shed magi ci ans. The more potent i tems are
hi ghl y pri zed by monstrous races for thei r power and
thei r hi stori cal si gni fi cance.
A l though life conti nues to thri ve on Sarl ona,
Xen'dri k, A erenal , and A rgonnessen, the nature of
those pl aces seems ti mel ess, and little changes. I n the
Current A ge, the events of the greatest note occurred
on Khorvai re.
H undreds of years after the col l apse of the Dha-
kaani Empi re, human refugees from Sarl ona arri ved
on Khorvai re's northeast coast, l ed by the famous
expl orer L hazaar. The humans qui ckl y pushed
i nl and, sei zi ng the l and from monstrous i nhabi tants,
both ci vi l i zed and wi l d. The remnants of the Dha-
kaani were in no posi ti on to resist the humans.
Fl edgl i ng human nati ons began to appear. I n
central Khorvai re, five communi ti es arose. Si nce
that ti me, the central areas of Khorvai re and the
col l ecti ve human ci vi l i zati on on those l ands have
become known as the Five Nati ons. Over the years,
these nati ons bui l t, farmed, traded, expl ored, quar-
rel ed, and fought. Peri odi cal l y, a great l eader sought
to uni te the peopl es under one banner, but alleven
the mi ghty Karrn, one of Eberron's greatest conquer-
orslacked the combi nati on of vision, force of arms,
di pl omacy, and l uck needed to accompl i sh so monu-
mental an undertaki ng.
One thousand years ago, a mal e human named
Gal i far succeeded where so many before hi m had
fai l ed. H e bound the human popul ati ons i nto a great
nati on and named it the Ki ngdom of Gal i far. For
nearl y a thousand years, the ki ngdom thri ved, cre-
ati ng a gol den age for Khorvai ri ans. A rts, cul ture,
schol arshi p, and ci vi l i zati on fl ouri shed. Trade routes
\ crossed the l and, sea, and ai r; great urban centers
grew up across the conti nent; rel ati ons were estab-
l i shed wi th A erenal ; a gateway ci ty to the ri ches and
mysteri es of Xen'dri k, Stormreach, was founded. For
hundreds of years, peace and prosperi ty rei gned.
A l l came to an end wi th the death of J arot, the
last ki ng of Gal i far. The human l ands di vi ded i nto
five feudi ng nati ons, and they turned on each other.
The war tore the conti nent apart and ki l l ed mi l l i ons.
Some schol ars see the L ast War as the end of what
they cal l the A ge of H umans. I n the aftermath, the
Five Nati ons remai n, but they are exhausted and
greatl y di mi ni shed. Monsters agai n stal k the wi l der-
ness between ci ti es, peopl e turn on each other, and
dark creatures stir i n the shadows.
Peopl e are concerned wi th the events of thei r own
era, marki ng ti me by reference to the recent past. Not
surprisingly, Khorvai ri ans use a cal endar devi sed i n
the earl y days of the Ki ngdom of Gal i far. H undreds
of years ago, the dragonmarked houses adopted thi s
system of ti mekeepi ng, cl ai mi ng that it was parti al l y
based on draconi c measurements.
Years are numbered, wi th the foundi ng of the
Ki ngdom of Gal i far marki ng year 1. For 998 years,
si nce Gal i far decl ared hi s ki ngdom, the years have
been desi gnated Y K for the Year si nce the foundi ng
of the Ki ngdom of Gal i far. Years before that ti me are
marked wi th a mi nus sign. Thus, the year of Ki ng
Gal i far's bi rth is known as - 45 Y K .
A day is 24 hours long. Seven days fill a week, and four
weeks make a month. A year contai ns 12 months, which
correspond to the 12 moons in the Ring of Siberys. Folk-
lore and tradition associ ate the moons and months with
the twelve dragonmarks, as shown below.
Sul Mol Zol Wi r Zor Far Sar
Month Season Dragonmark
Zarantyr Mid-winter Storm
Olarune Late wi nter Sentinel
Therendor Early spring Healing
Eyre Mid-spring Making
Dravago Late spring Handling
Nymm Early summer Hospitality
Lharvion Mid-summer Detecti on
Barrakas Late summer Finding
Rhaan Early autumn Scribing
Sypheros Mid-autumn Shadow
Aryth Late autumn Passage
Vult Early wi nter Warding
C H A P T E R 1 I Life in Eberron
The worl d is ri fe wi th adventure revol vi ng around
the struggl es and desi res of i nfl uenti al peopl e and
organi zati ons. For PCs, these powers can act as
patrons, opponents, adversari es, and sources of
i nformati on and equi pment. I n thei r deal i ngs, the
PCs wi l l undoubtedl y run across one or more of the
fol l owi ng. .
A l though not a parti cul ar organi zati on or person,
the Draconi c Prophecy is once of the most power-
ful forces i n the worl d. The dragons bel i eve that
the Prophecy does more than change hi story- i t is
The dragons see si gns of the Prophecy every-
where: i n the cl ouds, i n the patterns of mountai n
ranges, in the meanderi ng of ri vers, and parti cu-
l arl y i n the mysteri ous dragonmarks that appear on
the ski n of some humanoi ds. The wyrms have been
col l ecti ng, contempl ati ng, and decodi ng el ements of
the Prophecy for mi l l enni a. Some schol ars bel i eve
that the draconi c race knows no hi gher purpose.
I n thei r secl usi on on A rgonnessen, the dragons
observe the worl d and chroni cl e the evol uti on of
the Prophecy.
Some of the Prophecy's most i mportant pl ayers
are those who bear dragonmarksespeci al l y those
who real i ze thei r potenti al and reach out to cl ai m
thei r desti ny. Such peopl e are often adventurers,
for they are concerned wi th achi evi ng personal
power, maxi mi zi ng thei r abi l i ti es, and search-
ing for thei r desti ni es. The tradi ti onal goal s of the
housesacqui ri ng weal th or expandi ng a mercanti l e
empi rehol d l i ttl e i nterest for these i ndi vi dual s.
Some dragons bel i eve that the most powerful mor-
tals become part of the Prophecy. Pl ayer characters in
the epi c ti er defi ni tel y fall i nto thi s category, and thei r
epi c desti ni es speak of thei r rol e i n the Prophecy.
The thi rteen dragonmarked houses col l ecti vel y wi el d
power on a conti nental scal e; they are arguabl y the
greatest power brokers in Eberron. Membershi p i n a
house is heredi tary, and each bl oodl i ne has a parti cu-
l ar mark associ ated wi th it. These marks grant thei r
bearers a di sti nct competi ti ve advantage in certai n
aspects of trade and commerce. Si nce the marks first
started appeari ng on the ski n of humanoi ds thou-
sands of years ago, the dragonmarked houses have
consol i dated thei r power and bui l t enormous com-
merci al enterpri ses. They now have near monopol i es
in key goods and servi ces, and they do not hesi tate
to crush competi tors. Yet they are al so patrons of the
arts, sponsors of schol arshi p and expl orati on, and
i nnovators that have enhanced the lives of nearl y all
Khorvai ri ans.
House Canni th: Thi s house was formed by
humans beari ng the Mark of Maki ng. Creators of the
warforged, the ai rshi ps (wi th H ouse L yrandar), and
the l i ghtni ng rai l (wi th H ouse Ori en), the members
of H ouse Canni th are the greatest arti fi cers and
i nventors i n the worl d. I n the wake of the L ast War,
many arti fi cers fl ocked to H ouse Canni th, where
they found work under Merri x d'Canni th. I n hi s
servi ce they created magi c weapons and warforged
wi thout regard for the ri sks i nherent i n maki ng the
tools of battl e.
Ori gi nal l y from Cyre, much of the house's assets,
i ncl udi ng its ancestral estates and its l eader, were
destroyed in the Mourni ng. The house still reel s from
the blow, its l eadershi p split and struggl i ng for domi -
nance. A fter the Treaty of Thronehol d, the warforged
have been freed and H ouse Canni th enjoi ned from
maki ng more. Each facti on of the crafti ng house
strives to repl ace that aspect of the house's busi ness
wi th somethi ng si mi l arl y l ucrati ve.
House Denei th: Thi s house is domi nated by
humans wi th the Mark of Senti nel . I ts Bl ademarks
Gui l d provi ded compani es of mercenary troops to
all sides duri ng the L ast War. Today, most members
of the house are veterans of the L ast War. Whi l e
the need for mercenari es has di mi ni shed, it has not
di sappeared. Furthermore, the dangerous postwar
worl d has meant boomi ng busi ness for Denei th's
Defenders Gui l d, Khorvai re's premi er bodyguards.
Each dragonmark tends toappear on a specific race. The
list belowshows which dragonmarks are associated with
particular races, and it identifies the house that usually
claims dragonmarked members of that race.
Dragonmark Race House
Mark of Detection Half-Elf Medani
Mark of Finding Human and Half-Ore Tharashk
Mark of Handling Human Vadalis
Mark of Healing Halfling Jorasco
Mark of Hospitality Halfling Ghallanda
Mark of Making Human Cannith
Mark of Passage Human Orien
Mark of Scribing Gnome Sivls
Mark of Sentinel Human Deneith
Mark of Shadow Elf Phiarlan
Mark of Shadow Elf Thuranni
Mark of Storm Half-Elf Lyrandar
Mark of Warding Dwarf Kundarak
C H A P T E R 1 j Life in Eberron
Fi nal l y, just as it did before the L ast War broke out,
H ouse Denei th provi des the Senti nel Marshal s
responsi bl e for chasi ng down cri mi nal s who fl ee
across nati onal borders to escape justi ce.
H ouse Denei th is the most mi l i tari l y powerful
dragonmarked house. A l though hi stori cal l y neutral ,
the house has the means to take advantage of the cur-
rent chaos. Some members of the house feel it is ti me
for Denei th to uni te the quarrel i ng nati ons of Khor-
vai re i nto a new ki ngdom.
House Ghal l anda: Thi s house is rul ed by hal f
l i ngs wi th the Mark of Hospi tal i ty, who take a broad
vi ew of the mandate that comes wi th the mark. The
house mai ntai ns and l i censes i nns, restaurants, and
si mi l ar establ i shments throughout the conti nent,
runni ng both roadsi de i nns on the fronti er and
sel f-suffi ci ent encl aves i n major ci ti es. Wi th secret
agents, deserters, fugi ti ves, renegades, war cri mi -
nal s, and mysteri ous strangers of al l sorts crowdi ng
the streets, H ouse Ghal l anda provi des a safe haven
for cl andesti ne meeti ngs and a jumpi ng- off poi nt for
thri l l i ng escapes from the pursuers wai ti ng just out-
side a Ghal l anda encl ave's wal l s.
I f the way to a person's heart is i ndeed through
hi s stomach, then H ouse Ghal l anda hol ds the
hearts of al l i n Khorvai re. I ts l argest base of opera-
ti ons is the ci ty of Gatherhol d, the onl y permanent
settl ement ami d the nomadi c hal fl i ngs of the Tal -
enta Pl ai ns.
House J orasco: Thi s house is especi al l y popul ar
among adventurers because its most val ued members
bear the Mark of H eal i ng. The Last War meant thou-
sands of battl efi el d wounds and peri odi c epi demi cs
of di sease, and that i n turn meant boomi ng busi ness
for thi s hal fl i ng house. I ts medi cs were offi ci al l y non-
combatants hi red by the armi es of the Five Nations
duri ng the war, but H ouse J orasco heal ers qui ckl y
became accustomed to worki ng ami d the dangers
of the front l i nes. Recentl y, some members of H ouse
J orasco have sought trai ni ng among drui ds and sha-
mans, respondi ng to a cal l to heal the l and broken by
the Last War and the Day of Mourni ng.
H ouse J orasco mai ntai ns hospi tal s and cl i ni cs
across Khorvai re that use al chemy, herbal i sm, and
heal i ng tal ents (both magi cal and mundane) to cure
di sease and kni t wounds.
House Kundarak: Thi s house is responsi bl e for
much of modern commerce. I ts dwarf el i tes bear the
Mark of Wardi ng, whi ch hel ps secure i tems, papers,
and money deposi ted i n thei r fortressl i ke faci l i ti es.
Deepl y enmeshed i n the world of fi nance, Kundarak
i nsti tuti ons are the bankers and moneyl enders of
Khorvai re. I n thi s rol e, they provi de l oans and l etters
of credi t and serve as moneychangers.
A l though the house possesses vast weal th, it has
other treasures wi thi n its vaults, i ncl udi ng some of
the most powerful magi c i tems ever fashi oned by
^dwarf arti sans. The si ngl e-mi nded zeal wi th whi ch
H ouse Kundarak pursues thi eves who abscond wi th
house property is both qui ntessenti al l y dwarven and
a demonstrati on of stubbornness that beggars the
i magi nati on.
House Lyrandar: Thi s house's hal f-el ves carry
the Mark of Storm, whi ch al l ows them great i nfl u-
ence over ai r and sea trade. Master of the wi nds and
rai n, thi s house possesses the greatest concentra-
tion of the magni fi cent ai rshi ps that sail the ski es of
Khorvai re. These shi ps traverse Khorvai re, taki ng
val uabl e goods and weal thy passengers from pl ace
to pl ace. Even so, the house earns most of its revenue
from its el emental l y augmented sea gal l eons and its
abi l i ty to magi cal l y i mprove the weatheran abi l i ty
that both farmers and general s are wi l l i ng to pay
dearl y for.
House Medani : Thi s house is one of the more
mysteri ous of the dragonmarked houses. The house
is composed of hal f-el ves wi th the Mark of Detecti on
who take great pri de i n thei r mental and magi cal
trai ni ng. They hi re out as speci al i sts in every-
thi ng from poi son detecti on to personal securi ty
to ol d-fashi oned i nqui si ti ve work. A l though they
aren't spi es, H ouse Medani 's members are adept at
catchi ng spiesa field just as i mportant now as it
was duri ng the war. A t ti mes, thi s speci al ty draws
them i nto confl i ct wi th H ouse Phi arl an and H ouse
Thuranni two houses whose members travel wi del y
and gai n access to i mportant pl aces, al l owi ng them
access to detai l s unavai l abl e to others.
House Ori en: Thi s house domi nates transporta-
tion, especi al l y on l and. I ts human members bear
the Mark of Passage. Hi gh-val ue goods and weal thy
passengers wi th cause to travel qui ckl y board the
war-damaged l i ghtni ng rai l network, whi l e more
mundane goods and less weal thy travel ers ri de i n
Ori en's horse-drawn caravans. Powers over tel eporta-
ti on al l ow the house to transport i mportant peopl e
and objects i nstantaneousl yfor a pri ce, of course.
Thei r dragonmarks al so hel p H ouse Ori en's members
wi th the house's most notori ous not-qui te-secret:
smuggl i ng.
House Phi arl an: Thi s house is domi nated by
elves and el adri n, and its members are known across
Khorvai re as superl ati ve musi ci ans, dancers, and
entertai ners. Thei r concerts and exhi bi ti ons are the
hi ghl i ght of the soci al season for many nobl es of the
Five Nati ons. The best of the bestthose members
wi th the Mark of Shadowcan be found i n perfor-
mance hal l s and manors al l across the conti nent.
Thei r marks al l ow them to create i l l usi ons that exci te
awe and wonder in thei r audi ences.
Gi ven thei r extensi ve travel s and associ ati on
wi th ci ti zens hi gh and low, H ouse Phi arl an's mem-
bers l earn much that is hi dden to others. They are
great storytel l ers and potenti al sources of fasci nat-
i ng i nformati on. The house has a turbul ent hi story;
C H A P T E R 1 I Life in Eberron
a facti on of it broke away duri ng the L ast War to
form H ouse Thuranni .
House Sivis: Thi s house is heavi l y i nvested in the
l i nes of communi cati on across Khorvai re. I ts gnomes
possess the Mark of Scri bi ng. They operate tradi ti onal
post offi ces, a magi cal message servi ce, and speaki ng
stones that al l ow conversati ons between speakers hal f
a world apart. A l though it's rarel y the stuff of adven-
tures, House Sivis al so has a monopol y on the notary
and accounti ng busi ness and extensi ve cl out in the
legal system. I f you are arrested for a cri me you didn't
commi t (or even one you di d), a H ouse Sivis barri ster
is one of the best ways to spend the gold you earned
adventuri ng. H ouse Sivis is famous for its i mparti al i ty
and its compl i cated bureaucracy.
House Tharashk: Thi s house consi sts of humans
and hal f-ores wi th the Mark of Fi ndi ng. The majori ty
of thi s house's busi ness is extracti ng and processi ng
dragonshards for myri ad magi cal uses. I t entered the
mercenary busi ness i n the wani ng days of the L ast
War, usi ng monstrous shock troops from Droaam,
and it al so has a steady demand for its i nqui si ti ves,
who speci al i ze i n l ocati ng stolen goods and mi ssi ng
House Thuranni : Thi s house split from H ouse
Phi arl an 26 years ago, after a seri es of assassi na-
ti on pl ots converged i nto a fratri ci dal bl oodbath.
There's no love lost between the ri val houses today.
H ouse Thuranni is strongest in northern and east-
ern Khorvai re, al though it remai ns much smal l er
than H ouse Phi arl an. A l so mani festi ng the Mark
of Shadow, its entertai ners are darker, more auda-
ci ous, and more i conocl asti c. They compete di rectl y
wi th H ouse Phi arl an, offeri ng si mi l ar, i f l ess
refi ned, servi ces.
House Vadal i s: Members of thi s house bear the
Mark of H andl i ng, whi ch grants them great facility
i n the breedi ng and trai ni ng of ani mal s. A l though
famous for thei r magebred horses and the gri ffons
used by most armi es in the l atter days of the L ast
War, H ouse Vadal i s experi ments wi th both tradi-
ti onal ani mal s and captured monsters. Recentl y it has
begun to turn the power of its mark toward the cul ti -
vation of rare herbs and other pl ants.
Gal i far i r'Wynarn uni ted the Five Nati ons i nto one
ki ngdom and establ i shed a heredi tary monarchy.
Hi s sons and daughters and thei r descendants rul ed
i nterconnected but di sti nct areas of the ki ngdom.
When Gal i far spl i ntered, the regents decl ared
themsel ves ki ngs and queens of whatever l ands they
governed and began separate royal l i nes.
A l though each dynasty suffered si gni fi cantl y
duri ng the war years, the royal fami l i es of the Five
Nations remai n some of the most i nfl uenti al indi-
viduals in Khorvai re. They attempt to maneuver thei r
nati ons i nto ascendancy through careful pol i ti cal
deal i ngs, espi onage, sabotage, posturi ng, and any
other tacti cs they can devi se.
Aundai r: Queen A ural a i r'Wynarn rul es A undai r
from her capi tal of Fai rhaven. She is known as a cun-
ni ng l eader and a charmi ng di pl omat.
Brel and: Ki ng Boranel i r'Wynarn of Brel and is
getti ng on i n years. A l though he is not ai l i ng, many
Brel i sh have begun to worry about thei r nation's
future. Boranel 's hei rs are unpopul ar, or at least
uni mpressi ve. The king's throne is i n Wroat.
Cyre: Much of Cyre's rul i ng fami l y was destroyed
on the Day of Mourni ng. The most powerful remai n-
ing member, and the de facto ki ng in exi l e, is
Oargev i r'Wynarn. H e is based i n the town of New
Cyre, whi ch Brel and graci ousl y provi ded for Cyran
Karrnath: Kai us I I I mai ntai ns Karrnath by
means of a tradi ti onal mi l i tary di ctatorshi p. A great
proponent of the current peace, he seeks to stabi l i ze
hi s nati on, rebui l d i nfrastructure, and otherwi se
make Karrnath a progressi ve ki ngdom. H e rul es
from Korth.
Thrane: The Church of the Si l ver Fl ame governs
Thrane, and its Keeper, el even-year-ol d J ael a Daran,
resi des i n Fl amekeep. Members of Thrane's royal
fami l y, led by Queen Di ani i r'Wynarn, serve pri mar-
ily as fi gureheads.
The Five Nati ons boast several i nsti tuti ons of hi gher
educati on. Perhaps the most wel l known are the
L i brary of Korranberg in Zi l argo and Morgrave Uni -
versity i n Sharn, Brel and. These uni versi ti es, and
si mi l ar faci l i ti es i n A undai r and el sewhere, wi el d
si gni fi cant clout through thei r scattered al umni , thei r
enormous endowments, and thei r knowl edgeabl e
facul ti es and admi ni strators. A mong adventurers, the
col l eges are known to be eager reci pi ents of i nforma-
tion, rel i cs, or dusty old arti facts. The uni versi ti es
regul arl y fi nance treasure-hunti ng expedi ti ons, par-
ti cul arl y to mysteri ous Xen'dri k. I n addition, each
faci l i ty mai ntai ns at l east one tel eportati on ci rcl e for
use wi th the L i nked Portal ri tual .
The L i brary of Korranberg has eight associ ated
col l eges. I t is presti gi ous-nobl es from both royal
and dragonmarked fami l i es come here to study. I t is
al so famous as the l argest reposi tory of knowl edge in
Khorvai re.
Morgrave Uni versi ty doesn't possess the presti ge
of other uni versi ti es. I nstead, it boasts an outstandi ng
col l ecti on of anci ent treasures and rel i cs. The i nsti tu-
tion's expedi ti ons are often gl ori fi ed treasure hunts.
Sti l l , its schol ars and professors are l earned and
ardent, and the uni versi ty makes a good resource for
adventurers of the heroi c ti er who mi ght not be abl e
to catch the attenti on of the other uni versi ti es.
C II A I' I ER I Life in Eberron
A dventures abound i n Eberron. Whatever a party's
level or area of i nterest, there are countl ess pl aces to
expl ore and ways to get there.
Sneaki ng through anci ent rui ns, i nfi l trati ng enemy
stronghol ds, and del vi ng i nto peri l ous caverns are sta-
ples of the DUNGEONS & DRA GONS game, and Eberron
has pl enty of underground l ocal es to expl ore. Many
caverns are ti ed to the world's ri ch hi story, and rui ns
can often be traced back to vari ous cul tures.
Prehi story: A few sites date from a ti me before
the A ge of Gi ants. Some schol ars cl ai m that an A ge of
Demons exi sted at thi s ti me; whatever thei r ori gi ns,
a few remnants of thi s age lie buri ed throughout
the worl d. Most can be found i n the Demon Wastes,
i n Khorvai re's northwest, wi th a few i n OJ barra,
Xen'dri k, and other pl aces forgotten for mi l l enni a.
The Age of Gi ants: The gi ants' empi re left
numerous rui ns. These pl aces are of great mystery
and great size; an adventurer's footsteps ri ng hol-
lowly i n thei r vast grani te hal l s. Most such rui ns are
i n Xen'dri k, surrounded by jungl es teemi ng wi th
i nsects, i l l ness, and predatory beasts. Schol ars are
fasci nated by the A ge of Gi ants, and uni versi ti es regu-
larly sponsor expedi ti ons to the lost conti nent. More
than a few expedi ti ons never return.
The Age of Monsters: The Dhakaani Empi re rose
and fell i n the A ge of Monsters, l eavi ng gobl i n rui ns
throughout Khorvai re. These l ocati ons possess rel i cs
of much i nterest to col l ectors and archi vi sts, par-
ti cul arl y among the monstrous races. Certai n magi c
i tems of great power are menti oned i n Dhakaani his-
tori es, and more than one has been recovered i n the
current age. Rui ns of structures bui l t by the elves of
Val enar al so date from thi s ti me peri od.
The Current Age: A great number of rui ns
were created by the L ast War. The Mournl and is
the most obvi ous source of treasure and dungeons,
but fortresses, stronghol ds, and towns al l across the
conti nent now lie vacant (or, at l east, vacated by thei r
ori gi nal owners). Many l ocal es that were once poi nts
of light are now part of the darkness. I n some ways,
that makes them even more fri ghteni ngthey are
symbol i c of ci vi l i zati on's col l apse.
I sol ated Dungeons: Numerous dungeons across
Eberron bear no rel ati on to hi stori cal events. They,
and the adventures that occur wi thi n them, stem
from i sol ated i nci dents. A mysteri ous force wi ped
out the dwarves of one fortress deep i n the I ron-
ifek root Mountai ns; a sand-covered l abyri nth is al l that
remai ns of some forgotten desert cul ture; a deep
forest recl ai med an odd settl ement of ri tual i sts. A ny
of these coul d supply the setti ng for an exci ti ng and
dangerous dungeon.
Beneath the Streets: The urban nature of Eber-
ron's ci ti es makes them good spots for adventures
focused on i ntri gue and i nvesti gati on, but dungeons
appear i n ci ti es just as they do i n the wi l d. These
dungeons can be found i n tunnel s beneath the city,
in sewer systems co-opted by wererats or street gangs,
i n the rui ns of ol der ci vi l i zati ons that honeycomb the
city's foundati on, and i n even deeper tunnel s from
whi ch monstrous foes attempt to i nfi l trate the city.
Those pursui ng cl andesti ne schemes i n a ci ty often
hole up bel ow the streets and bui l di ngs.
The Underdark: The tunnel s of Khyber offer
pl enty of adventure for those brave or foolish enough
to tackl e them. I n thi s subterranean hel l , aberrati ons
lurk and demons dream of breaki ng free. The El e-
mental Chaos bl eeds i nto caverns, creati ng strange
areas where physi cal laws are bent or broken.
Eberron is someti mes descri bed as fantasy noir, and
an investigative adventure is one of the best ways to
experi ence thi s aspect of the setting. A l though parts
of Eberron are ci vi l i zed, ci vi l i zati on breeds its own
brand of brutal i ty. Mysteri es must be solved, stol en
goods must be returned, and murderers must be
puni shed.
I nvesti gati ons often take pl ace i n ci ti es, or at
least begi n there. A search for cl ues can l ead char-
acters across the nati on, the conti nent, or the world,
dependi ng on the mystery's scope. H eroi c ti er adven-
turers mi ght try to determi ne why the l ocal gangs
have become more violent; paragon ti er adventurers
mi ght unravel a mul ti nati onal plot to assassi nate the
Keeper of the Silver Fl ame; and epi c ti er adventur-
ers mi ght pi ece together aspects of the Draconi c
Prophecy to determi ne how to prevent yet another
extrapl anar i nvasi on.
Some say the L ast War is over, but most peopl e
bel i eve that thi s peace is onl y a temporary stal emate.
The remai ni ng nati ons of Khorvai re don't trust each
other; they plot agai nst each other, send spies and
saboteurs across borders, and slowly rebui l d armi es
and arsenal s. On top of thi s schemi ng, forces wi thi n
each government and organi zati on plot to wrest
power for themsel ves.
The pol i ti cal cl i mate i n Eberron is tense and intri-
cate. I t offers numerous opportuni ti es for adventurers
who are i nterested i n such affai rs. Characters mi ght
be l i ai sons between nati ons, si l ver-tongued spies i n
enemy courts, espi onage speci al i sts who sneak about
i n the shadows, or desperate peacemakers who seek
to quel l i mmi nent hosti l i ti es. They mi ght al so have
C H A P T E R 1 1 Life in Eberron
ambi ti ons of thei r own, angl i ng to topple ki ngs and
take thei r crowns.
Eberron is connected to otherworl dl y pl anes by por-
tal s, mani fest zones, spel l s, and other arcane means.
Even heroi c ti er adventurers can venture i n the
Shadowfel l or the Feywi l d, whi l e paragon and epi c
ti er adventurers can battl e the mi ghty i nhabi tants of
the El emental Chaos or Xori at. These di mensi ons are
strange pl aces where monsters hold sway and unfa-
mi l i ar forces are part of the l andscape. They have
thei r own dungeons, thei r own hi stori es, and thei r
own opportuni ti es for i nvesti gati on and i ntri gue. The
appearance of such creatures is perhaps coi nci den-
tal , but it mi ght al so hi nt at some al i en i ntel l i gence
taki ng an i nterest i n the worl d. I n addi ti on, mani fest
zones and the pl anes' tendency to wax and wane can
make any adventure ri ch wi th extrapl anar danger
and i magery.
A dventures usual l y involve travel . A hero needs to
hi ke to a remote dungeon, arri ve i n Xen'dri k some-
how, ride the l i ghtni ng rai l to the ci ty i n ti me to warn
the duke, or escape from the angry dragon as qui ckl y
as possi bl e. Eberron's technol ogy al l ows for world
travel much more readi l y than in most other setti ngs,
and there are numerous ways to get from one spot to
Some peopl e wal k from one pl ace to another. That's
okay, but it's not parti cul arl y fast. Ri di ng an ani mal is
al so popularin Eberron, these beasts can be mun-
dane creatures such as horses and donkeys, or more
esoteri c creatures such as di nosaurs, gri ffons, and
magebred mounts. H ouse Vadal i s can be contacted
for the l oan or purchase of such creatures.
A ni mal s pull wagons and carts as well, and the
caravan is a popul ar choi ce among merchants.
Magebred ani mal s and more exoti c beasts can pull
vehi cl es faster and for a l onger ti me than thei r mun-
dane counterparts.
Si mi l arl y, mundane water vessels are common
across Khorvai re. Barges ply the rivers and shi ps
travel the seas. A l though not as fast or i mpressi ve as
more arcane vessels, they do the j ob for a fracti on of
the cost.
One of the most advanced, most expensi ve, and
most presti gi ous ways to travel , an ai rshi p resembl es
an oceangoi ng vessel that fl i es. A bound el emental
powers the shi p, surroundi ng it in a di sti ncti ve ri ng
of fi re, l i ghtni ng, or air, dependi ng on the el emen-
tal's nature. A i rshi ps travel qui ckl y, bypass di ffi cul t
terrai n, need not follow ri vers or roads, and are
i mmune to many of the mundane dangers (bandi ts
and monsters, for exampl e) that pl ague other forms
of travel .
A s wi th the ai rshi p, a contai ned el emental powers
the el emental gal l eon. These shi ps ply the waters
around Khorvai re and are much more common than
other el emental vehi cl es. H ouse L yrandar i n par-
ti cul ar makes extensi ve use of el emental gal l eons,
empl oyi ng them to transport cargo and passengers
swi ftl y and safely. Most adventurers agree that
el emental gal l eons are the best way to travel from
Khorvai re to Xen'dri kthe ri de is fast, rel i abl e, and
rel ati vel y cheap.
A n el emental l and cart resembl es a normal wagon,
but it is not hi tched to any ani mal . A captured earth
spirit powers the cart. The creature propel s the cart
at great speeds and across even the roughest of ter-
rai n. L and carts can carry more passengers or cargo
than can normal carts.
The l i ghtni ng rai l is the most popul ar choi ce for
overl and travel between di stant spots. H ouse Ori en
mai ntai ns the rai l tracks that cross Khorvai re.
Bound el emental s propel l i ghtni ng rail coaches at
great speed al ong l i nes of conductor stones, spi tti ng
l i ghtni ng as they go. L i ghtni ng rai l l i nes connect al l
of Khorvai re's major ci ti es and i ncl ude stops at the
l arger towns.
A dventurers on urgent mi ssi ons can take advantage
of the L i nked Portal ri tual to transport themsel ves
to one of dozens of tel eportati on ci rcl es throughout
Khorvai re. H ouse Ori en mai ntai ns most of these
ci rcl es and guards them jeal ousl y. Use of these arcane
addresses is expensi ve. Most ci rcl es are l ocated
wi thi n stati ons that al so provide accommodati on,
shops, and other servi ces geared toward weal thy
travel ers.
Of course, H ouse Ori en isn't the onl y possessor of
tel eportati on ci rcl es. Many organi zati onsi ncl udi ng
uni versi ti es, arcane col l ecti ves, and royal f ami l i es-
have thei r own ci rcl es, al though they are unl i kel y
to permi t use of the ci rcl es by outsi ders. Persi stent
rumors al so speak of tel eportati on ci rcl es on other
conti nentsSarl ona, Xen'dri k, A erenal , and even
A rgonnessenbut the nature of these mysti c sites is
known to few.
C H A P T E R 1 | Life in Eberron
THIS CHAPTER i ntroduces three new r aces-
changel i ngs, kal ashtar, and warforged. Changel i ngs
appear in the Monster Manual" under the doppel-
ganger entry, and warforged appear in that book as
well. The presentati on i n thi s book fl eshes out these
races to make them more sui tabl e as pl ayer character
races. Whenever thi s book contradi cts the Monster
Manual, the i nformati on here supersedes what's pre-
sented there.
Eberron is home to al l the races of the DUNGEONS
& DRA GONS game, elves and dwarves, dragonborn
and devas. Thi s chapter descri bes the races from the
Players Handbook" and Pl ayers Handbook 2, detai l i ng
thei r cul tures and thei r nati ve l ands wi thi n Eberron
as well as thei r rel ati onshi ps to the powerful dragon-
marked houses of Khorvai re.
A pl ayer character i n Eberron is more l i kel y to
have an unusual race than are characters in other
setti ngs. Eberron accommodates players who want
to play gnol l s, gobl i ns, mi notaurs, ores, and si mi l arl y
monstrous races. The Monster Manual and D & D
I nsider have rul es for pl ayi ng these races i f your D M
allows it. The fi nal secti on of thi s chapter descri bes
the roles that these races play wi thi n Eberron.
The new races presented i n thi s chapter use the
same format as those i n the Player's Handbook. When
you create a character, you can choose one of these
races i nstead of a race from the Pl ayers Handbook or
Players Handbook 2.
Changel i ngs are subtl e, cl ever shapechangers
that can di sgui se themsel ves as members of other
races. Someti mes cal l ed doppel gangers, changel i ngs
play a promi nent part in espi onage and pol i ti cal
i ntri gue.
Kal ashtar have al i en mi nds seaml essl y merged
wi th human fl esh and spi ri ts. They are mysti cs from
the di stant conti nent of Sarl ona, and they are devoted
to fi ghti ng the evils that threaten Eberron.
Warforged are constructs created to serve as sol-
diers i n the L ast War. The Treaty of Thronehol d freed
the warforged from H ouse Canni th's control , and
si nce then, many warforged fi nd themsel ves adri ft,
searchi ng for meani ng and i denti ty in a world no
l onger at war.
C H A P T E R 2 | Races
Anyone, anywhere, hidden in plain sight
Average Height: 5' 7' - 6' 0"
Average Weight: 120- 160 lb.
Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity or I ntelligence, +2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Normal
Languages: Common
Skill Bonuses: +2 Bluff,+2 Insight
Shapechanger: You are a shapechanger; you can alter
your appearance. As such, you are subject to effects
and conditions that affect shapechangers.
Mental Defense: You have a +1 racial bonus to Will.
Change Shape: You have the changeling disguise
Changeling Trick: You have the changeling trick power.
Changel i ng Di sgui se Changeling Racial Power
You alter your form to look likeanother person.
At- Will Polymorph
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You alter your physical form to take on the appear-
ance of any Medium humanoid. You retain your statistics
in your new form, and your clothing, armor, and posses-
sions do not change. The new form lasts until you change
form again.
Any creature that attempts to see through your ruse
makes an Insight check opposed by your Bluff check, and
you gain a +5 bonus to your check.
Changel i ng Tri ck t hangeling Ra< Power
Your feint tricks a foe into giving you an advantage.
Minor Action Melee 1
Target: One creature
Effect: You make a Bluff check opposed by the target's
passive Insight. If your check succeeds, you gain combat
advantage against the target until the end of your next
Changel i ngs are shapechangers, a peopl e abl e to
assume the features of other humanoi ds. Known also
as doppel gangers, changel i ngs' tal ents breed mi strust
and fear, l eadi ng many changel i ngs to hi de thei r true
nature from even thei r cl osest compani ons. Many
changel i ngs seek onl y to avoid unwanted attenti on
and to fi nd a pl ace in the worl d.
C H A PT ER 2 | Races
Play a changel i ng i f you want . . .
to excel at decepti on, mi sdi recti on, and tri ckery.
to fit in wherever you go.
to be a member of a race that favors the bard,
rogue, sorcerer, and warl ock cl asses.
Changel i ngs wear many masks, conceal i ng thei r
true i denti ti es behi nd fal se faces. A s shapechangers,
changel i ngs can appear to be members of any
humanoi d race, playing the part of a dwarf one day
and a dragonborn the next. Thi s propensi ty for dis-
gui se l eads peopl e to di strust changel i ngs, so most
keep thei r true nature hi dden.
A l though changel i ngs can adopt any persona,
most rel y on a few establ i shed gui ses, each wi th
a devel oped hi story and a network of fri ends and
acquai ntances. These gui ses provi de a changel i ng
wi th backup i denti ti es shoul d one persona become
compromi sed. A changel i ng who travels frequentl y
mi ght change i denti ti es from town to town, swappi ng
genders, appearances, and voices to bl end i n wi thi n
each new communi ty.
I n true form, a changel i ng has a startl i ng yet vague
appearance. A changel i ng's ski n is uni forml y pal e
wi th whi te or light gray tones. I ts oversi zed eyes are
often sunken in dark ri ngs, between whi ch lies a
subtl e nose. Changel i ngs are sl ender, borderi ng on
frai l . Thei r hai r tends to have light col ori ng wi th hi nts
of bl ue, green, and even pi nk; pal e silver is the most
common hai r color, followed by pl ati num and bl ond.
A side from the hai r on thei r heads, changel i ngs have
little or no hai r.
Changel i ngs reach maturi ty at about fi fteen years
of age, and they live about as long as humans do.
L acki ng a cul ture or a ci vi l i zati on to cal l thei r own,
changel i ngs adopt other races' soci eti es. They seek
out communi ti es that have val ues and i nterests that
paral l el thei r own. Changel i ngs prefer ci ti es because
they are i deal pl aces to bl end in wi th others or to
vani sh i f necessary. Ci ti es al so contai n peopl e too
i nterested i n thei r own affai rs to noti ce the oddi ti es of
Changel i ngs are i noffensi ve and peaceful by
nature, and they have few concerns about pol i ti cal
and soci al affai rs. Thei r mercuri al nature breeds dis-
trust and suspi ci on i n other races. Peopl e are i ntent
on seei ng the worst i n changel i ngs; they assume the
race uses its shapechangi ng ability for mal i ci ous
ends. Some changel i ngs do use thei r tal ents for evil,
but such i ndi vi dual s exi st i n no greater numbers than
among other races.
I n a way, changel i ngs are parasi ti c i n thei r rela-
ti onshi ps wi th other races. Rather than constructi ng
grand ci vi l i zati ons and sweepi ng edi fi ces devoted
to thei r peopl e, changel i ngs are content to treat the
works of other races as thei r own. Thei r wi l l i ngness
to i denti fy wi th a vari ety of soci etal structures is vital
to mai ntai ni ng thei r false i denti ti es. For most change-
lings, the arts, customs, and practi ces they uphol d are
more than tools to rei nforce thei r i denti ti es. These
aspects of soci ety and cul ture are a part of thei r
bel i efs and values, just as they are for other members
of thei r adopted communi ti es.
Changel i ng Characteri sti cs: A daptabl e, compel -
ling, cunni ng, devi ous, evasive, furti ve, i nsi ghtful ,
mysteri ous, prudent, sly, subtl e
Mal e and Femal e Names: Bi n, Dox, Fi e, H ars, J i n,
L am, Nit, Ot, Pai k, Ruz, Si m, Toox, Yog
Three sampl e changel i ng adventurers are descri bed
bel ow.
Dox is a changel i ng bard who constantl y tri es to
escape the i nfamy of her peopl e. She swaps person-
al i ti es and appearances l i ke another person woul d
change cl othes. Dox sees hersel f as many peopl e.
When she assumes one of her personas, she becomes
that person unti l she's ready for a new identity. She
uses her shapechangi ng tal ents to augment her per-
formances as a bard, swi tchi ng her form to match a
character she presents i n stori es and songs.
H ars is a changel i ng rogue, a trai ned ki l l er wi th an
i ntel l ect as sharp as the kni ves he wi el ds. H e keeps
hi s changel i ng nature a secret, usi ng it as a hi dden
weapon to take enemi es by surpri se. When he settles
on a gui se, he rarel y changes it. H e keeps a facade
for months or years, swi tchi ng onl y when no one is
around or when it is absol utel y necessary to di scard
the identity.
A unn is a changel i ng arti fi cer, a spy who works
for A undai r's Royal Eyes. H e was rai sed to become
a member of the Royal Eyes, i nsti l l ed wi th deep loy-
al ty to the queen but taught not to care for anyone
or anythi ng el se. Fri endshi p and sympathy are dis-
tracti ons that onl y i nterfere wi th compl eti ng a job.
When A unn was sent to Xen'dri k on an expedi ti on,
al though, he became strangel y drawn to one of hi s
compani ons, a pal adi n of the Silver Fl ame. When
the expedi ti on cl ai med her life, A unn found hi msel f
i n turmoi l , questi oni ng everythi ng he l earned in hi s
chi l dhood and trai ni ng. Now adventuri ng wi th a new
group of compani ons, he agai n fi nds hi msel f dri fti ng
away from the i deal of detachment he was taught,
becomi ng i ncreasi ngl y concerned wi th hi s al l i es'
goals andto hi s horrorgenui nel y cari ng for them.
C H A P T E R 2 | Races
Refugees from the realm of dreams whose minds are
as sharp as their swords
Average Height: 5' 8"-6' 3"
Average Weight: 130- 220 lb.
Ability Scores: +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Normal
Languages: Common, telepathy 5 (you can commu-
nicate with any other creature that has a language
and is within line of sight and within 5 squares of
you; this allows for two-way communication)
Skill Bonuses: +2 Insight, +2 to choice of one other
Dual Soul: At the start of your turn, you can make a
saving throw against each effect currently rendering
you dazed or dominated. If you fail the saving throw,
you do not make a saving throw against the effect
at the end of your turn.
Bastion of Mental Clarity: You have the bastion of
mental clarity power.
Bastion of Mental Clarity Kalashtar Racial Power
You erect a psychic shield to protect
you ward your allies as well.
your mind from assault, and
Immediate Interrupt Close burst 5
Trigger: An enemy hits or misses you with an attack against
your Will
Target: You and each ally in burst
Effect: Each target gains a +4 power bonus to Will until
the end of your next turn.
Kal ashtar look si mi l ar to humans, but thei r outward
appearance masks an i nner demeanor that is at once
serene and wildcerebral and mad. The kal ashtar fl ed
Dal Quor, the region of dreams, ei ghteen centuri es
ago and came to Eberron. Today, they are strangers in
Khorvai re, seeki ng refuge from agents of the Dream-
ing Dark in templ e-keeps in the mountai ns of A dar.
Play a kal ashtar i f you want . . .
to play a wi se and contempl ati ve character who is
capabl e of momentary madness.
to be a stranger in a strange l and, where every
pl ace you visit is ful l of wonder.
to be a fugitive on the run from enemi es that coul d
be anyone, anywhere.
to be a member of a race that favors the bard,
cl eri c, pal adi n, and warl ock cl asses.
Kal ashtar, whi ch i n Quori means "wanderi ng
dreams," fi rst came to Eberron 1,800 years ago. They
came as a renegade group from Dal Quor that sought
to escape rel i gi ous and phi l osophi cal persecuti on.
A gents of Dal Quor known as the Dreami ng Dark
hunted them unti l fi nal l y the group's l eader, Taratai ,
found an audaci ous way to escape Dal Quor. She con-
vi nced A daran monks to accept a permanent fusi on
of thei r own souls wi th those of the renegade quori .
From that synthesi s came kal ashtar, and as a result,
kal ashtar today l ook si mi l ar to the monks who served
as the first wi l l i ng vessel s.
The monastery where the sixty-seven humans
became kal ashtar was a pl ace of refuge, so the
humans who lived there were diverse. Kal ashtar have
thus retai ned a diversity of appearance, possessi ng the
same vari ety of ski n, hai r, and eye colors found among
humans. They are usual l y sl i mmer and tal l er than
humans, al though short or stocky kal ashtar exi st.
Kal ashtar physi cal l y devel op at the same rate as
humans do and have si mi l ar life spans. A kal ashtar
chi l d passes for human at fi rst gl ance, but a few mi n-
utes of observati on reveal s the key di fference. A l l
kal ashtar have a manner that is graceful , serene, and
seri ous because of the fragment of quori soul bound
wi thi n them. Whi l e human chi l dren run, l augh,
and play, kal ashtar chi l dren engage i n the same
medi tati ve exerci ses, marti al trai ni ng, and tel epathi c
conversati ons as adul t kal ashtar. For a kal ashtar,
growi ng up is a physi cal process, not a mental or
emoti onal one.
Most kal ashtar remai n i n the templ e-keeps of A dar,
so any kal ashtar travel i ng around Khorvai re prob-
abl y has a good reason for doi ng so. A kal ashtar
mi ght be dri ven by a desi re to break the Ri edran
si ege of A dar, or coul d be on the run from the
Dreami ng Dark.
The typi cal kal ashtar is contempl ati ve and serene.
They are compassi onate and friendly, but i n a cere-
bral way. Perhaps due to the turmoi l wi thi n thei r
conjoi ned souls, kal ashtar keep a tight rei n on thei r
emoti ons. A kal ashtar demonstrates camaraderi e
wi th a wry gri n and an offhand remark rather than
wi th a backsl ap or a ri bal d joke.
The fragment of quori soul in a kal ashtar recal l s
the escape from Dal Quor. Kal ashtar on the run from
the Dreami ng Dark are wary, al though they still
try to mai ntai n polite and ki nd behavi or. Kal ashtar
struggl e to i ntegrate the thoughts and sensi bi l i ti es
of thei r human hal ves wi th the strange, i ntangi bl e
memori es of thei r quori soul s. Kal ashtar fl i rt wi th
madness. Occasi onal l y, a kal ashtar's serene counte-
nance drops to reveal crazed and baffl i ng behavi or
that is i nappropri ate or even dangerous.
Kal ashtar Characteri sti cs: Bal anced, commandi ng, cc
compassi onate, contempl ati ve, di sci pl i ned, graceful , ^
i nsi ghtful , i ntel l ectual , spi ri tual , thoughtful
t/ i
Mal e Names: H al khad, H avrakhad, Kanatash, L ana- - J
mel k, L anharath, Mal harath, Mi nharath, Nevi tash,
Parmel k, Thakakhad, Thi nharath
Femal e Names: Gani tari , Khashana, L akashtari ,
Mevakri , Novakri , Pani tari , Sorashana, Thakashtai ,
Four sampl e kal ashtar adventurers are descri bed
bel ow.
Gani tari is a kal ashtar wi zard known for her
bri ght and capaci ous mi nd. She trai ns daily for war-
fare agai nst the Dreami ng Dark as wel l as the world's
more tangi bl e evils. Enemi es outnumber her peopl e,
yet she bel i eves a source of power must exi st that can
hel p her expunge corrupti on from the worl d. Per-
haps the power lies wi thi n her and other brave souls
wi l l i ng to defy evi l , or perhaps it is a long-forgotten
arti fact dati ng back to the dawn of the worl d. What-
ever the case, she i ntends to fi nd it.
H al khad is a kal ashtar cl eri c who grew up i n the
templ e-keeps of A dar. Earl y i n life, he vol unteered to
become a warri or-mi ssi onary for the Path of Light
in Khorvai re. I n hi s ti me away from A dar, he has
l earned an i mportant l esson: The best way to tend
to a person's spi ri tual needs is to seek out the root
of hi s or her cri si s. H al khad has di scovered that the
core message of i f Yannah resonates even among non-
kal ashtar. A s he travels throughout Khorvai re, he
preaches the Path of Light's vi rtues to any who l i sten.
Kanatash is a kal ashtar rogue. H i s parents, sib-
lings, and the other members of hi s smal l kal ashtar
communi ty were wi ped out by agents of the Dream-
ing Dark when he was young. Kanatash escaped onl y
because he was weedi ng the fields in a di stant val l ey
as puni shment for sneaki ng away from the com-
muni ty to spy on human travel ers nearby. Kanatash
joi ned a group of adventurers and has so far managed
to stay one step ahead of the Dreami ng Dark. Some
day he pl ans to fi nd a way to return to A dar to see i f
anyone from hi s l i ne remai ns.
K hashana is a kal ashtar avenger who spends
every spare moment i n the rel entl ess pursui t of
physi cal perfecti on through deep medi tati on,
cal i stheni cs, and repeated combat dri l l s. I n thi s
i ncarnati on, she bel i eves, life is a seri es of tests, each
more demandi ng than the l ast. Khashana isn't much
of a conversati onal i stshe's too focused to waste ti me
on i dl e pl easantri esbut i f you want to tal k about
endurance trai ni ng techni ques or the weaknesses
of Karterri s's doubl e-dagger defense, Khashana wi l l
tal k your ear off.
C H A P T E R 2 | Races
Built for a war that has ended, searching for purpose
Average Height: 6' 0"- 6' 6"
Average Weight: 270- 300 lb.
Ability Scores: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Normal
Languages: Common
Skill Bonus: +2 Endurance, +2 I ntimidate
Living Construct: You are a living construct. You do
not need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep. You never
make Endurance checks to resist the effect of star-
vation, thirst, or suffocation. All other conditions
and effects affect you normally.
Unsleeping Watcher: You do not sleep and instead
enter a state of inactivity for 4 hours to gain the
benefits of an extended rest. While in this state,
you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice
approaching enemi es and other events as normal.
Warforged Resilience: You have a +2 racial bonus to
saving throws against ongoing damage. Also, when
you make a death saving throw, you can take the
better result of your die roll or 10.
Warforged Mind: You have a +1 racial bonus to your
Warforged Resolve: You have the warforged resolve
Warforged Resolve
Warforged Racial Power
It's difficult to takeyou down, even whenyou'refaltering.
Encounter Healing
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You gain a number of temporary hit points equal
to 3 + one- half your level and can make a saving throw
against one effect on you that deals ongoing damage. If
you are bloodied, you also regain hit points equal to 3 +
one- half your level.
Created as soldiers for the Last War, warforged are
arti fi ci al humanoi ds who are i ntel l i gent and self-
aware. Wi thout a war to fight, freed of thei r creators,
and wi th no heri tage or cul ture of thei r own, war-
forged are searchi ng for a pl ace in the world.
Pl ay a warforged i f you want . . .
to be strong, tough, and bui l t for battl e.
to be a creature searchi ng for the meani ng of your
exi stence.
to be a member of a race that favors the fighter,
barbari an, warden, and pal adi n cl asses.
Warforged are bul ky humanoi ds covered in plates
of metal and stone. A skel eton of these materi al s
supports woody fi ber bundl es that compri se a war-
forged's muscul ar system. Warforged bodi es have
an i nternal network of tubes fi l l ed wi th a bl oodl i ke
fl ui d that nouri shes and l ubri cates thei r systems.
Thei r powerful arms end in hands that each have two
fi ngers and one thumb, and each of thei r feet has two
broad toes.
Warforged heads have si mpl e humanl i ke features.
They have heavy brows, hi nged toothl ess jaws, and no
noses. A warforged's eyes someti mes glow when he or
she experi ences certai n i ntense emoti ons. The fore-
head of each warforged bears a uni que rune cal l ed a
ghul ra. These ghul ra hel p give warforged a sense of
i ndi vi dual i ty.
Warforged possess an arti fi ci al and relatively
sexl ess shape. They don't reproduce l i ke other
humanoi ds. A warforged can modi fy its body, addi ng
and removi ng l i mbs as necessary. A warforged feel s
pai n onl y from real i njury. These physi cal modi fi ca-
ti ons al l ow warforged to vary i n appearance as much
as any other humanoi ds.
Warforged have a strai ghtforward emoti onal range.
A l though they experi ence pai n, fear, hatred, and
anger l i ke other races, they are reserved and pen-
sive, hi di ng emoti ons behi nd expressi onl ess metal
faces. Some warforged l ack i ntrospecti on and are
dangerousl y nai ve or emoti onal l y stunted. Many
warforged are the opposi te, though. They questi on
the purpose of thei r exi stence and consi der whether
or not they have soul s. A few warforged devel op
sophi sti cated phi l osophi es about what they percei ve
and l earn. Many warforged fall in wi th humanoi ds
of si mi l ar mi ndsets, worki ng passi onatel y for an
organi zati on or a rel i gi on. A warforged typi cal l y
forms a strong emoti onal attachment to a smal l
group of comrades.
A warforged often has l i mi ted experi ences in the
world, havi ng spent its exi stence assi gned to one spe-
ci fi c duty. Warforged enjoy worki ng, and many create
endl ess lists of goal s and chores. They take pri de i n
thei r jobs, and they di sl i ke i dl eness and fai l ure more
than most races do. A warforged's sensi bi l i ti es give
it a si ngl e-mi nded effi ci ency wi th any task, parti cu-
larly i n combat. War and mi l i tary condi ti oni ng col or
warforged behavi or. Warforged intuitively under-
stand duty, confl i ct, the chai n of command, and other ^
el ements of war and soldierly l i fe.
Because most warforged have bodi es that resembl e 0
mal es, they i denti fy themsel ves as mal es and prefer to jjjj
be cal l ed "he" rather than "i t." Some warforged adopt <
femal e names, though. Most warforged have si mpl e ^
names rel ated to thei r jobs, abi l i ti es, or mi l i tary
posi ti ons. Warforged often accept the names or the
ni cknames that thei r comrades give them, al though
some search long for parti cul ar names that defi ne
them. Many si mpl y take names common wi thi n
another race, especi al l y those of humans.
Warforged Characteri sti cs: A ggressi ve, al ert,
brave, curi ous, forthri ght, i ndustri ous, loyal, methodi -
cal , nai ve, practi cal , reserved, si mpl e
Warforged Names: A zm, Book, Bul wark, Cart,
Cutter, Fal chi on, Graven, H ammer, Mark, Morg,
Namel ess, Pi erce, Pi ous, Rel i c, Rune, Steepl e, Three,
Ti tan, Unsung, Vi ctor, Watcher, Zeal ot
Two sampl e warforged adventurers are descri bed
bel ow.
Thunderstruck is a warforged cl eri c of Dol Dorn.
H e sees warforged as Dol Dorn's chosen peopl e, and
he bel i eves that hi s race exi sts to bri ng gl ory to them-
selves and to the god of battl e. Wi th thi s phi l osophy,
Thunderstruck wi l l i ngl y takes up any just cause
that requi res hi s strength and skill. H e openl y seeks
personal renown, whi ch he bel i eves al so honors Dol
Dorn. A gai nst hi s enemi es, he is a fearl ess storm of
steel - an expressi on of what he bel i eves is the war-
forged i deal .
Null is a warforged warl ock wi th the star pact. I n
her hunger for individuality, she rejected warforged
and human norms and communed wi th unfathom-
able enti ti es beyond the world. She has engraved her
body and bel ongi ngs wi th mysti cal and madden-
ing sigils, and she savors the fear her appearance
evokes i n her enemi es. A l though gloomy, taci turn,
and darkl y candi d, Null enjoys the grudgi ng admi ra-
ti on that heroi cs garner. Thus, she prefers to use her
power to puni sh those whom she bel i eves are evi l .
C H A P T E R 2 [ Races
The races detai l ed i n the Player's Handbook make up
the majori ty of Eberron's ci vi l i zed humanoi d popu-
l ati on. The races from Player's Handbook 2 are less
numerous i n the worl d, but they still play i mportant
roles i n Eberron's soci ety and cul ture. The i nforma-
ti on presented here expands the materi al from both
books, descri bi ng how each race fits wi thi n the world
of Eberron.
Spirits of a di stant age, devas are reborn agai n and
agai n i nto a world that has al l but forgotten them.
Stori es tell how couatl s, a nobl e race of wi nged ser-
pents, arose from the bl ood of Si berys and fought
agai nst demons that sprang from the bl ood of Khyber.
A s the demons had rakshasa al l i es, the couatl s too
had comrades i n thi s fi ght. Devas, spirits of light
born i n mortal form, ai ded the couatl s i n thei r battl e
agai nst the demon l ords. Desti ned to be conti nual l y
reborn i nto the world, devas persi st i n Eberron even
now when couatl s are al l but exti nct and few crea-
tures remember the devas' anci ent purpose.
Devas cl i ng to the vi rtuous precepts of thei r ances-
tors, bel i evi ng that anyone who dri fts i nto evil is
reborn as a rakshasa. A few devas even assert that
they are rakshasa spirits that have found redempti on,
al though most devas doubt such cl ai ms. Devas, wi th
thei r spi ri tual nature and hatred of evil, often fi nd
kal ashtar to be sympatheti c al l i es.
Devas have no homel and and are rare i n Eberron.
A deva can go hi s or her enti re life wi thout meeti ng
another deva. When a deva di es and is rei ncarnated,
he or she appears i n adult form, often hundreds of
mi l es from where he or she l ast lived and wi th onl y
vague recol l ecti ons of past lives. Thus, i nstead of
devel opi ng thei r own communi ti es, devas dwel l ami d
other races. They often live among humans and are
drawn to areas where evil has a strong presence, such
as regi ons near the Mournl and or al ong chasms to
Khyber. There, they work to stem the fl ow of demons
and aberrant creatures.
Devas do not have a dragonmarked house. On the
rare occasi on when a deva does devel op a dragon-
^ mark, it is usual l y one from a human, elven, or half-
el ven house.
C H A P T E R 2 | Races
Dragonborn stand between the real ms of mortal s and
those of the great dragons, at home i n nei ther.
Dragonborn ori gi nate from A rgonnessen. Tal es
mai ntai n that great dragonborn city-states exi st i n
A rgonnessen's i nteri or, warri ng wi th one another
over terri tory over i nterpretati ons of the Draconi c
Prophecy, or at the behest of thei r dragon overl ords.
I n Khorvai re, dragonborn are strongl y associ ated
wi th Q'barra. L ong ago, dragonborn i mmi grants
from A rgonnessen formed an empi re i n the thi ck
jungl es of thi s regi on, conqueri ng or annexi ng
l i zardfol k and kobol d l ands. They constructed huge
monuments, tamed the wi l d, and stood on the verge
of becomi ng one of Khorvai re's great powers. None
today can say wi th certai nty what happened to the
empi re. I t fell as swi ftl y as it rose, l eavi ng behi nd
pockets of ci vi l i zed dragonborn fi ghti ng for survi val
i n a fi erce jungl e. A l though the empi re is long gone,
dragonborn mai ntai n a l i nk to thei r stori ed past
through thei r fai th. They worshi p the Dragon Sov-
erei gns, the draconi c i ncarnati ons of the dei ti es of
the Soverei gn H ost. Evi l dragonborn, on the other
hand, typi cal l y worshi p the Dragon Bel ow. A l though
dragonborn do not di rectl y worshi p dragons, they
respect them as emi ssari es of the gods, and they
deepl y revere the three progeni tor wyrms: Si berys,
Eberron, and Khyber. Dragonborn bel i eve that the
Draconi c Prophecy is the way these anci ents com-
muni cate wi th the dragons of today.
A few dragonborn travel the world as adventurers or
merchants, but most of Khorvai re's dragonborn still
live i n Q'barra. A fter centuri es of eki ng out a living
i n the jungl es, dragonborn communi ti es i n Q'barra
have begun to thri ve, formi ng new governments and
tradi ng wi th outsi ders. By contrast, a few dragon-
born tri bes have i nstead turned savage, dwel l i ng i n
the wi l d al ongsi de l i zardfol k and trogl odytes. These
dragonborn are a menace to settl ements i n Q'barra
and to Q'barra's nei ghbors.
A few dragonborn tri bes dwel l on Seren and other
isles al ong the coast of A rgonnessen. A l though few
travel ers ever see them, dragonborn city-states are
l ocated i n the conti nent's i nteri or.
Dragonborn do not have a dragonmarked house, and
dragonmarks are extremel y rare among members of
thei r race. A dragonborn who devel ops a dragonmark
is probabl y the onl y such i ndi vi dual in the world. So
rare are the marks that it isn't cl ear whether dragon-
born would regard a mark as a sign of honor or
abomi nati on.
The dwarven cl ans mi ght not be the most powerful or
hi stori cal l y cel ebrated of Eberron's nati ons, but they
are the ri chest. The dwarves boast that the one who
real l y rul es a ki ngdom is not the one on the throne
but the one"who keeps the ki ngdom's purse.
Long before the ri se of Gal i far, barbari c dwarven
cl ans dwelt in the Frostfel l . The dwarves bel i eve that
thei r peopl e travel ed south from thi s frigid l and i n
search of a more hospi tabl e home. Stori es tell how
they reached the mountai ns of northeastern Khor-
vai re and there began mi ni ng great ri ches.
The dwarves' mountai n home ran wi th bl ood
for centuri es as cl ans battl ed one another. Onl y
when Gal i far i mposed peace upon the l ands did
the cl ans l earn the value of cooperati on. A l though
anci ent grudges and enmi ti es remai n, today they are
expressed through economi c pol i ci es and occasi onal
espi onage and sabotage rather than overt war.
Dwarves are loyal to thei r fami l i es and cl ans. They
exerci se i nfl uence over the rest of Khorvai re through
thei r weal th and the banki ng pol i ci es of H ouse
Kundarak. Nearl y all dwarves worshi p the Sover-
ei gn Host, parti cul arl y Dol A rrah, Kol Korran, and
Dwarves now live al l across Khorvai re as wel l as in
Ri edra on the conti nent of Sarl ona, but thei r ances-
tral homel and is the Mror Hol ds. There, the dwarven
cl ans mi ne the seemi ngl y endl ess vei ns of preci ous
metal s and gems found i n the I ronroot Mountai ns.
The Mror Hol ds is not exactl y a ki ngdom, but is
i nstead more a congl omerate of cl ans run by dwarf
lords wi th the i nput of H ouse Kundarak.
Most dwarves who have dragonmarks are members
of H ouse Kundarak. H ouse Kundarak began as Cl an
Kundarak, one of the powerful dwarven fami l i es. I t
is the undi sputed master of banki ng, l oans, and secu-
rity i n Khorvai re. The house is peerl ess i n its ability
to i nfl uence the economy of Khorvai re. Members of
House Kundarak carry the Mark of Wardi ng, whi ch
enabl es them to protect thei r own weal th as well as
the ri ches of others who have commi ssi oned thei r
servi ces. H ouse Kundarak keeps heavi l y guarded
vaults deep wi thi n the I ronroot Mountai ns.
Many natives of Eberron bel i eve el adri n are new-
comers to the worl d, but the race has i n fact been
around si nce the bi rth of the world. El adri n often
appear uncomfortabl e i n Eberron owi ng to the hor-
rors Eberron has recentl y undergonehorrors that
have ri ppl ed out to the el adri n and the Feywi l d.
The seven shi ni ng ci ti es of the el adri n are cal l ed the
feyspi res, and they have been appeari ng on Eber-
ron si nce the A ge of Gi ants. A t certai n conjuncti ons
between the Feywi l d and Eberron, the gl eami ng
towers of the feyspires would appear, al l owi ng the
el adri n wi thi n to emerge and experi ence the worl d.
Someti mes, a few el adri n woul d stay, succumbi ng to
the beauty of a pl ace or the charm of its peopl e. A t
other ti mes, l eavi ng the feyspires was not a choi ce,
such as when gi ants conquered Shae Ti ri as Tolai, the
Ci ty of Silver and Bone. That feyspire appeared i n the
wi l ds of Xen'dri k, and gi ants sei zed the opportuni ty
to attack and take the popul ati on of Shae Ti ri as Tolai
i nto captivity. The race of elves descended from these
di spl aced el adri n.
El adri n have had little hi stori cal or soci al i mpact
on Eberron. Before the war, when the feyspires
appeared in Eberron, thei r i nhabi tants woul d emerge
to trade wi th nearby settl ements. Thi s casual rel ati on-
shi p wi th the world mi ght have conti nued had the
feyspires not been present in Eberron on the Day of
Mourni ng. On that day, the feyspires were severed
from the Feywi l d, becomi ng permanent parts of the
l andscape of Eberron. The di spl aced el adri n are now
adjusti ng to thei r new ci rcumstances or are searchi ng
desperatel y for a way back to the Feywi l d.
Most el adri n worshi p thei r ancestors, al though
some grant devoti ons to sel ect dei ti es of the Soverei gn
Host, parti cul arl y A ureon and Ol l adra. A rare few
who are bi tter about thei r exi l e i n Eberron are drawn
to the Bl ood of Vol.
A l though a few communi ti es of el adri n are nati ve to
Eberron, most who live the world are i nhabi tants or
former i nhabi tants of the feyspi res. The names and
l ocati ons of the feyspi res are as follows:
Pyl as Pyri al , the Gate of J oy, is i n Zi l argo.
Shae J ori dal , the Ci ty of Emeral d Lights, is i n
Darguun, where the gobl i ns keep it under siege.
Shae L oral yndar, the Ci ty of Rose and Thorn, is
in the Twi l i ght Demesne of the El deen Reaches.
Shae Ti ri as Tolai, the Ci ty of Silver and Bone, is
in Xen'dri k; thi s haunted rui n has stood empty si nce
it was pi l l aged duri ng the A ge of Gi ants.
Shael as Ti ral eth, the Court of the Silver Tree,
tradi ti onal l y appeared i n Cyre but has not been seen
C H A P T E R 2 | Races
si nce the Day of Mourni ng. I t was the l argest of the
feyspi res.
Taer L i an Doresh, the Fortress of Fadi ng
Dreams, is i n the L hazaar Pri nci pal i ti es!
Taer Syraen, the Wi nter Ci tadel , is i n Karrnath.
Centuri es ago, the elves of H ouse Phi arl an discov-
ered the feyspi re of Taer Syraen when it appeared i n
Karrnath. Si nce then, a cl an of dragonmarked elves
and el adri n has ari sen wi thi n the feyspi re. These
elves and el adri n carry the Mark of Shadow. L ong
separated from H ouse Phi arl an, thi s cl an is techni -
cal l y still part of the house, al though it has offered no
overt support to H ouse Phi arl an or its rival, H ouse
Thuranni .
The elves of Eberron are a strange peopl e, someti mes
seemi ng as al i en to humans as do ores or gobl i ns.
The elves who dwel l among humans are approach-
able and have worl d vi ews that match those of thei r
nei ghbors. The elves of A erenal and Val enar are
aloof, though, unwi l l i ng to concern themsel ves wi th
the affai rs of the races that they regard as petty and
short-si ghted.
Elves ori gi nal l y came from Xen'dri k. They descended
from the el adri n of the feyspi re ci ty of Shae Ti ri as
Tolai. Mi l l enni a ago, the gi ants of Xen'dri k sacked the
ci ty and ensl aved its el adri n i nhabi tants. The el adri n
toiled i n slavery for years before eventual l y rebel l i ng
and fl eei ng Xen'dri k. Generati ons of i sol ati on from
the Feywi l d fundamental l y changed them, though.
The el adri n became what the i nhabi tants of Eberron
now cal l elves. The refugees col oni zed the smal l con-
ti nent of A erenal , where most have remai ned. Some
departed A erenal to settl e on Khorvai re before the
ri se of Gal i far, and more elves came to Khorvai re as
mercenari es duri ng the L ast War under the l eader-
ship of H i gh Ki ng Vadal l i a. These elves now i nhabi t
Val enar.
Wi th few excepti ons, el ves worshi p thei r ances-
tors i n the form of the Undyi ng Court or the Spi ri ts
of the Past.
Many of Khorvai re's elves dwel l i n the nati on of Vale-
nar, al though the majori ty of elves i n Eberron remai n
i n A erenal . A l though these elves are wi l l i ng to trade
and i nteract wi th outsi ders, nei ther communi ty wel-
comes visitors.
Elves represent a si gni fi cant mi nori ty i n many
nati ons. These elves often have more i n common wi th
the races around them than wi th the elves of thei r
anci ent homel ands.
For a ti me, Phi arl an was the onl y el ven dragon-
marked house, but duri ng the L ast War, facti ons
wi thi n Phi arl an formed a house cal l ed Thuranni .
Today, Phi arl an and Thuranni are fi erce competi tors.
H i story tells of a thi rteenth markthe Mark of
Deaththat once exi sted among elves. However, the
mark was supposedl y extermi nated long ago.
Often overl ooked by other races, gnomes are i n fact
among hi story's greatest movers. A thi rst for knowl -
edge and secrets combi ned wi th natural chari sma
and i nnate mysti cal tal ent make gnomes a race to be
reckoned wi th.
Gnomes ori gi nal l y came from the Feywi l d, but
no one knows when or how. What is cl ear is that
gnomes arri ved i n the worl d i n numbers far greater
than di d the el adri n. Gnomes have spread across the
worl d, but they have gathered i n a few di sti nct com-
muni ti es, the greatest of whi ch is Zi l argo. Gnomes
are gregari ous and fri endl y, but they are al so fasci-
nated by decepti on and i ntri gue. A gnome is happi est
when he or she is unearthi ng a nei ghbor's secrets or
engagi ng i n subterfuge, even when the onl y resul t
mi ght be a slight i ncrease i n the val ue of hi s or her
property. Some gnomes thi nk bi gger, engagi ng i n
espi onage and conspi racy that can toppl e govern-
ments. When gnomes fi nd troubl e, they usual l y try
to tal k or tri ck thei r way out of it. A bove al l , gnomes
are a soci al peopl e.
Gnomes share no common fai th; al most every reli-
gi on of Eberron counts gnomes among its ranks.
Zi l argo is the l and of gnomes. Ori gi nal l y i nhabi tants
of the Feywi l d, many gnomes i mmi grated to Zi l argo
through the feyspi res of the el adri n. When the fey-
spi res fai l ed to return to the Feywi l d, most gnomes
stranded i n Eberron joi ned thei r ki n i n Zi l argo.
Some gnomes still live i n the feyspi res, as wel l .
Whether living i n Zi l argo or i n a feyspi re, though,
gnomes val ue thei r ki n and usual l y live wi th mem-
bers of thei r extended fami l y. Gnome bl oodl i nes
are often i ntertwi ned through a network of shared
secrets and favors.
C H A P T E R 2 I Races
Gnomes that bear the Mark of Scri bi ng compri se
H ouse Sivis. The gnomes use the mark's powers to
hel p faci l i tate di pl omacy, as a tool in the-transpor-
tati on of i mportant messages, and as a means of
veri fyi ng i mportant documents.
Gol i aths are not numerous, but they boast a long his-
tory and have great pri de i n thei r strength and honor.
The race of gol i aths ori gi nated in Xen'dri k but left
that conti nent i n l arge numbers wi th the ri se of
gi ants. Those that remai ned were ensl aved l i ke
the elves, but they proved to be poor slavesthey
weakened i n captivity, fai l ed to reproduce, and di ed
qui ckl y. A s a resul t, few gol i aths remai n i n Xen'dri k.
A l though they are far-fl ung, gol i aths have never
had suffi ci ent popul ati on or drive to establ i sh nati ons
or empi res. They exi st today as they have for centu-
ri es, mai ntai ni ng thei r tradi ti onal ways of life in hi gh
mountai n ranges on the fri nges of ci vi l i zati on.
I n keepi ng wi th thei r scattered communi ti es,
gol i aths have diverse rel i gi ous tradi ti ons. Some tri bes
revere Bal i nor, the god of the hunt, al though they
often cal l hi m Banor the Bowhunter. I n the moun-
tai ns of the El deen Reaches, many gol i aths follow
the pri mal tradi ti ons of drui di c sects, parti cul arl y
the Wardens of the Wood and the A shbound. A few
tri bes preserve serpent cul t tradi ti ons deri ved from
a reverence for the couatl s that i mpri soned demons;
the bel i efs of these gol i aths are thus rel ated to the
faith of the Silver Fl ame.
Most gol i aths i n Khorvai re live in scattered tri bes i n
the Shadowcrags and the I cehorn Mountai ns, where
they have i nfrequent contact wi th the peopl e of the
forested l owl ands. Some gol i aths al so dwel l in the
peaks of the I ronroot and the H oarfrost mountai ns
of the Mror H ol ds, where they someti mes i nter-
act wi th dwarves. Gol i ath tri bes are al so found in
Syrkarn, the Tashana Tundra on the conti nent of
Sarl ona, and the mountai ns of the Frostfel l .
Gol i aths have no house of thei r own, and al though it's
possible that a goliath mi ght develop a dragonmark,
there are no records of such an occurrence.
I n Eberron, hal f-el ves live pri mari l y on Khorvai re,
where they outnumber the elves from whom they
descend. Combi ni ng human fl exi bi l i ty and ambi -
ti on wi th el ven wi sdom and foresight, hal f-el ves have
capi tal i zed on thei r raci al tal ents to affect hi story and
cul ture i n ways far greater than thei r numbers woul d
seem to al l ow.
Few l i vi ng hal f-el ves are the offspri ng of human
and el f parents. Si nce el ves fi rst came to Khorvai re,
hal f-el ves have represented a di sti nct cul tural
group, and most are descendants of earl y i nter-
breedi ng. H al f-el ves ori gi nal l y hai l from what today
is Val enar, but they have si nce spread across the
conti nent, mi grati ng wi th Khorvai re's human popu-
l ati ons. H al f-el ves never formed thei r own nati on.
I nstead, member s of the race have had formati ve
rol es i n human nati ons. They have steered the
course of governments, economi es, and wars, but
they have done so as i ndi vi dual s, organi zati ons, or
gui l ds, never as a uni fi ed soci ety.
Hal f-el ves share the rel i gi ous bel i efs of thei r com-
muni ti es and have no parti cul ar raci al predi l ecti ons.
Most worshi p the Soverei gn H ost or the Silver Fl ame,
al though excepti ons exi st across Khorvai re.
Hal f-el ves live throughout Khorvai re, parti cul arl y
wi thi n the Five Nati ons. Khorvai re contai ns a few
communi ti es that predomi nantl y consi st of hal f-el ves,
but such settl ements are rare because hal f-el ves
prefer to live wi thi n human-occupi ed regi ons.
The greatest tools wi th whi ch hal f-el ves have effected
change i n Khorvai re are thei r dragonmarked houses,
H ouse L yrandar and H ouse Medani . Wi th the Mark
of Storms and its ai rshi ps, H ouse L yrandar is one of
the houses most vital to the functi oni ng of civiliza-
ti on in Khorvai re. H ouse Medani 's Mark of Detecti on
means that many of its members fi nd vocati ons as
gatherers and purveyors of val uabl e i nformati on.
A nomadi c peopl e ori gi nal l y from eastern Khorvai re,
hal fl i ngs have spread throughout the conti nent and
have come to occupy al l ni ches of society. They cl ai m
few terri tori es, and they are at home i n most pl aces.
A fter humans, they are one of Eberron's most ubi qui -
tous races.
H al fl i ngs began as a tri bal peopl e who dwel l ed i n
the Tal enta Pl ai ns. There, they l i ved undi sturbed
by others for many generati ons. A s thei r search for
grazi ng l ands expanded, hal fl i ngs encountered
i ncreasi ng numbers of humans, dwarves, elves,
and other races. What began as trade soon became
exodus as tri bes of hal fl i ngs moved beyond the
Tal enta Pl ai ns, expl ori ng the worl d wi th an i nnate
curi osi ty and an abi l i ty to assi mi l ate i nto other cul -
tures. The hal fl i ngs' nomadi c tradi ti ons made them
excel l ent couri ers and travel i ng merchants, and thei r
practi ces of tri bal l oyal ty made them trusted com-
pani ons. H owever, the hal fl i ngs' i gnorance of others'
laws and thei r l oose defi ni ti ons of personal property
l ured many i nto cri mi nal activity.
One can fi nd hal fl i ngs i n al l the same posi ti ons
and i ndustri es that one woul d fi nd humans. When
the Ki ngdom of Gal i far cl ai med the Tal enta Pl ai ns,
the hal fl i ngs scarcel y noti ced, for thei r lifestyle
changed onl y slightly throughout the years of Gal i -
far's rul e and the L ast War.
H al fl i ng rel i gi ous bel i efs have remai ned the same
over the centuri es, focusi ng on speci fi c deities wi thi n
the Soverei gn H ost, especi al l y Bal i nor.
H al fl i ng tri bes still roam the Tal enta Pl ai ns, usi ng the
great repti l es of that l and as mounts, quarry, and herd
stock. Occasi onal l y the hal fl i ngs assembl e at camps
or ci ti es for trade and news. A l though a few half-
ling tri bes exi st beyond the Tal enta Pl ai ns, they are
typi cal l y nomadi c and don't greatl y resembl e thei r
Tal entan ki n. I ndi vi dual hal fl i ngs, on the other hand,
live wi thi n most cul tures, occupyi ng posi ti ons on vir-
tual l y every ti er of society.
H al fl i ngs that bear the Mark of H ospi tal i ty are often
members of H ouse Ghal l anda. H al fl i ngs that have
the mark frequentl y manage i nns and taverns. The
mark makes the hal fl i ngs a rel i abl e source from
whi ch to obtai n food, water, and shelter. A s a tradi-
ti onal l y nomadi c race, hal fl i ngs cl ai m to understand
the i mportance of occasi onal l uxuri es better than
anyone. H al fl i ngs are al so known for the Mark
of H eal i ng, whi ch earns them the respect of most
Khorvai ri ans.
Hal f-ores are uncommon, and they usual l y live i n
pri mi ti ve communi ti es and secl uded regi ons. Such
areas afford hal f-ores the opportuni ty to'be judged
on meri t rather than bl ood, whi ch the i nhabi tants of
more ci vi l i zed pl aces often regard as tai nted.
L ike most hybri d races, hal f-ores have one of two
types of ori gi ns. Some hal f-ores are the offspri ng of
ore and human parents. A l though such commi ngl i ng
is uncommon and someti mes taboo, it occurs fre-
quentl y in the wi l der reaches of the conti nent. Other
hal f-ores are the resul t of i nterbreedi ng that occurred
generati ons ago. Such hal f-ores often form thei r own
tri bes and communi ti es.
The first hal f-ores appeared shortl y after human
i mmi grants from Sarl ona l anded in western and
northwestern Khorvai re, where ores were al ready
living. A l i ttl e-known l egend cl ai ms that the Gate-
keeper drui ds arranged pai ri ngs of humans and ores
to determi ne i f the offspri ng woul d prove superi or to
the consti tuent races, and thus be qual i fi ed to carry
on drui di c tradi ti ons. H al f-ores never spread through-
out Khorvai re to the extent that hal f-el ves did due to
thei r l ower numbers and to soci al prejudi ces agai nst
them. To thi s day, members of many races regard
hal f-ores and ores in the same way- as more beast
than person.
L i ke hal f-el ves, hal f-ores follow whatever rel i gi on
is domi nant in thei r regi on. I n the Shadow Marches,
they mi ght follow the drui di c fai th of the Gatekeepers
or be part of a Khyber cul t.
H al f-ores live pri mari l y in western Khorvai re, mostl y
in tri bes in the Shadow Marches. They al so appear
in the El deen Reaches, in Droaam, and sporadi cal l y
i n the Demon Wastes. H al f-ores do not represent the
domi nant race i n any regi on; ores or humans out-
number them.
A porti on of the hal f-ore popul ati on in Darguun
is ensl aved. These slaves are descendants of hal f-ores
that hobgobl i ns bred in an effort to produce more
effi ci ent sol di ers.
Hal f-ores would be easi l y di smi ssed were it not for
House Tharashk. A l though humans compri se most of
the house, Tharashk al so boasts many hal f-ores, a few
of whom have devel oped the Mark of Fi ndi ng. The
house even counts ful l -bl ooded ores among its ranks.
For good or ill, humans are the domi nant race on
Khorvai re and the most numerous on Sarl ona.
A daptabl e and ambi ti ous, humans have defi ned hi s-
tory i n the recent age, and wherever Eberron's fate
goes in the future, humani ty wi l l undoubtedl y be the
gui di ng force.
H umani ty first arose on Sarl ona. H i story fails to
recount whi ch of the conti nent's many di sasters fi rst
i nspi red humans to leave, but leave they di d, setti ng
out in pri mi ti ve shi ps. The earl i est expl orers crossed
the Sea of Rage, arri vi ng in what are now the L haz-
aar Pri nci pal i ti es and Q'barra. L ater expedi ti ons
travel ed east across the Barren Sea, l andi ng i n the
Demon Wastes, the El deen Reaches, and the Shadow
Marches. Few of those col oni es survi ved.
Once it establ i shed a foothol d i n Khorvai re,
humani ty could not be stopped. Ragged bands of
expl orers and pi l gri ms advanced across the conti-
nent, and settl ements emerged. Towns became ci ti es
and ci ti es formed nati ons before fi nal l y coal esci ng
i nto the Ki ngdom of Gal i far. The ki ngdom l asted for
centuri es unti l fi nal l y the L ast War came, cri ppl i ng
humani ty wi th over a century of warfare. Today,
humans still control most of Khorvai re, al though the
peace between thei r nati ons is tenuous.
H umans cl ai m most of Khorvai re. H uman popul a-
ti ons domi nate the Five Nations and the L hazaar
Pri nci pal i ti es. Many human communi ti es al so thri ve
in Q'barra, porti ons of the El deen Reaches, and the
Shadow Marches. Sarl ona, humani ty's bi rthpl ace, is
no l onger governed by humans si nce the ri se of the
I nspi red of Ri edra. Nonethel ess, humans still make
up the majori ty of the popul ati on. Most of Khorvai re's
humans care little about Sarl ona or the other conti -
nents, and few even know that Sarl ona is the l and of
thei r forebears.
H umans bear more dragonmarks than any other
race, al though no one knows why. Perhaps it is
because humans are somehow i mportant to the Dra-
coni c Prophecy, or maybe it is si mpl y because there
are more of them. The human dragonmarked houses
and thei r associ ated dragonmarks i ncl ude H ouse
Canni th wi th the Mark of Maki ng, H ouse Ori en wi th
the Mark of Passage, H ouse Denei th wi th the Mark
of Senti nel , and H ouse Vadal i s wi th the Mark of
H andl i ng. H ouse Tharashk has the Mark of Fi ndi ng
and i ncl udes both humans and hal f-ores.
C H A P T E R 2 I Races
Cal l ed "weretouched" by many, shi fters are among
Eberron's most di strusted and persecuted races.
Peopl e often hate and fear shi fters for thei r besti al
natures, yet some shi fters are abl e to fi nd acceptance
wi thi n groups of open-mi nded i ndi vi dual s.
Shi fters descended from the i ntermi ngl i ng of humans
and l ycanthropes. No one knows when they ori gi nal l y
appeared, for at fi rst, they were mi staken for lycan-
thropes i n human or hybri d form. Onl y when the
race grew more numerous did other races recogni ze
them as a di sti nct peopl e.
Recogni ti on of the race did not i ncl ude acceptance,
though. Other races are uncomfortabl e around shift-
ers due to thei r predatory natures and vaguel y besti al
appearance. Many bel i eve that shi fters are essenti al l y
the same as l ycanthropes. I n fact, the Church of the
Silver Fl ame's war agai nst l ycanthropes resul ted
i n the death of many shi fters as wel l as actual
l ycanthropes.
Treatment of shi fters depends l argel y on where
they are l ocated. A mong urban popul ati ons, shift-
ers mi ght be accepted as just more exoti c travel ers
passing through. Shoul d shi fters appear i n l arger
numbers, however, a communi ty's ci ti zens mi ght
become suspi ci ous. I n rural envi ronments, shi fters
are rarel y tol erated.
A few shi fters, parti cul arl y those attempti ng to
assi mi l ate i nto other communi ti es, grant devoti ons to
the Soverei gn Host, parti cul arl y Bal i nor and Bol drei .
Others worshi p the Travel er or the Dark Si x. Most
shi fters, however, follow drui di c sects or revere the
pri mal spirits.
A l though a few shi fter communi ti es exi st, the race
control s no l arge regi ons i n Khorvai re. The largest
shi fter popul ati on dwel l s i n the El deen Reaches.
Otherwi se, shi fters resi de i n onl y the wi l dest regi ons
of humanoi d nati ons, eki ng out livings as hunters and
trappers or worki ng as gui des, trackers, or scouts.
I n the i ce-covered reaches of Sarlona's Tashana
Tundra, ancestral home of Eberron's l ycanthropes,
the shi fters have carved out thei r own nati ons. These
three nati ons are essenti al l y groups of uni ted tri bes.
The struggl e to survive i n that l and has prevented
shi fters from exerci si ng any si gni fi cant i nfl uence
beyond its borders.
Shi fters have no dragonmarked houses, and the
appearance of dragonmarks among thei r ki nd is rare.
Most shi fters never meet one of thei r ki nd who bears
a dragonmark.
Wi th bl ood tai nted by the di abol i cal pacts of thei r
ancestors, ti efl i ngs remai n one of the most eni gmati c
of the races of Eberron. Some have trul y broken free
of the shackl es of thei r heri tage and seek to ri ght the
anci ent wrongs that bi rthed them, whi l e others con-
ti nue the schemes of thei r i nfernal ancestors.
Most of Eberron's ti efl i ngs arose from the corrupted
bl oodl i nes of the Sarl onan nati on of Ohr Kal uun.
A cul ture steeped i n arcane l ore and obsessed wi th
el dri tch knowl edge, many of its l eadi ng ci ti zens
entered i nto pacts wi th devi l s. What they sought
knowl edge, power, and i mmortal i tywas secondary
to any consequences thei r descendants mi ght face.
When the I nspi red sought to wi pe out unauthori zed
magi c from Sarl ona, Ohr Kal uun fell, but not before
many ti efl i ngs fl ed to other l ands.
Some ti efl i ngs follow i n the tradi ti ons of thei r
ancestors and worshi p devi l s, whi l e others joi n
Khyber cul ts or pay homage to the Dark Si x. Those
ti efl i ngs who rebel agai nst thei r past often revere the
Soverei gn H ost or the Silver Fl ame, or follow vari ous
drui di c tradi ti ons.
Many ti efl i ngs who fl ed Ohr Kal uun went to Khor-
vai re. The l argest popul ati on of ti efl i ngs founded the
Venomous Demesne i n the Demon Wastes, but tief-
ling popul ati ons al so survive i n the Shadow Marches,
Droaam, the El deen Reaches, and even rural parts of
A undai r.
Ti efl i ngs have no dragonmarked house, and there are
no records of any ti efl i ng devel opi ng a dragonmark.
Eberron boasts a vari ety of races beyond those
al ready descri bed. Other races that mi ght play a rol e
i n a campai gn are descri bed here.
Genasi are extremel y rare i n Eberron, and al though
theori es regardi ng thei r ori gi ns abound, even the
genasi cannot say how thei r race came to exi st. One
rumor has it that genasi were once expl orers of
another raceperhaps dwarveswho were caught in
a vol cani c erupti on of the Fi st of Onatar, i n the I ron-
root Mountai ns. The force of the expl osi on, fuel ed by
dragonshards deep beneath the lava, changed these
bei ngs from what they once were i nto genasi . Other
stories tel l that genasi are ori gi nal l y i nhabi tants of the
El emental Chaos, drawn i nto the world through the
vi ol ence of an el emental storm. Some arcani sts hol d
C H A P T E R 2 I Races
that genasi are the creati ons of the powerful wi zards
of the A rcane Congress, experi mental bei ngs who
escaped from thei r exhi bi t i n the Fl oati ng Towers of
A rcani x. There are al so those who cl ai nj that genasi
are nothi ng more than random geneti c mutati ons
appeari ng among the offspri ng of humanoi ds who
have had prol onged exposure to the mal i gn i nfl uence
of Khyber. Whatever thei r ori gi n, few genasi live i n
A l though rumors speak of the exi stence of a genasi
vi l l age i n the wi l ds of the El deen Reaches, genasi
have no terri tori es of thei r own. Most dwel l on the
fri nges of human communi ti es, avoiding thei r nei gh-
bors. The peopl e of Eberron are fami l i ar enough wi th
magi c that they don't hate or mi strust genasi , but
nei ther are they comfortabl e around the strange and
cl earl y unnatural bei ngs.
A l though most of Eberron's gnol l s are the ravenous,
demon-worshi pi ng creatures of campfi re stori es, a
smal l number have ri sen above thei r chaoti c, besti al
natures. Cal l ed the Zni r Pactnamed for the l ocati on
in Droaam where they abandoned thei r demoni c
overlordthese gnol l s banded together i n a smal l but
remarkabl y stable gnol l nati on. The group is strong
enough to retai n its i ndependence, and the gnol l s
earn heal thy sums of money servi ng as mercenari es,
trackers, and rai ders for the warl ords of Droaam or
anyone outsi de the borders of that nati on who can
pay appropri atel y.
Typi cal gnol l s still worshi p the demon known as
the Beast of Butchery. These gnol l s mostl y live i n the
Demon Wastes, al though si zabl e tri bes al so appear
in the El deen Reaches, the Shadow Marches, and i n
porti ons of Droaam not occupi ed by the Zni r Pact
gnol l s.
Before the ri se of humans on Khorvai re, gobl i n tri bes
had establ i shed what was then the l argest uni fi ed
empi re on Khorvai re. Di sci pl i ned hobgobl i ns rul ed
the Dhakaani Empi re, breedi ng gobl i ns and bugbears
as slaves, l aborers, and warri ors. Weakened by the
usual i nfi ghti ng, the empi re fell swi ftl y to the advanc-
ing wave of humani ty.
Today, gobl i n tri besparti cul arl y hobgobl i ns-
rul e the mi l i tant nati on of Darguun. Many gobl i ns
see Darguun as the Dhakaani Empi re reborn.
Gobl i n, hobgobl i n, and bugbear tri bes exi st in many
other regi ons, parti cul arl y i n Droaam. Val enar con-
tai ns a smal l popul ati on of hobgobl i ns that work as
serfs or live in the i mpoveri shed outski rts of vi l l ages.
Rumors al so tel l of pri mi ti ve gobl i n tri bes that dwel l
i n Xen'dri k.
Many gobl i ns work as mercenari es for human
nati ons and the dragonmarked houses.
A l though gobl i ns mi ght acknowl edge the exi stence
of the gods, they do not worshi p them.
Gobl i ns have a mi l i tant and i mperi ous nature; ores
practi ce savage and tri bal ways. Kobol ds, on the
other hand, seem to have no parti cul ar way at al l . A s
i ndi vi dual s, they have an array of moti vati onsgreed,
faith, patri oti sm, hungeryet no si ngul ar cul tural
i denti ty dri ves thei r race. Or at l east, there isn't one
that the ci vi l i zed humanoi ds of Khorvai re have been
abl e to identify.
Smal l kobol d tri bes live i n most mountai nous or
jungl e regi ons, but few si zabl e popul ati ons exi st. The
l argest kobol d popul ati on dwel l s i n Shaarat Kol i n
Droaam. L arge kobol d tri bes are al so preval ent i n the
jungl es of Q'barra and i n the Demon Wastes. Kobol ds
come i nto confl i ct wi th other races most frequentl y
in the mountai ns of Zi l argo, where they battl e agai nst
gnomes. Schol ars bel i eve that a l arge kobol d popul a-
tion exi sts on the conti nent of A rgonnessen, but no
one can say for certai n.
A few cl ans of mi notaurs live in the wi l der regi ons
of Khorvai re, Sarl ona, and Xen'dri k, but the greater
part of Eberron's mi notaurs i nhabi t Droaam. They
are found wi thi n most of that region's major com-
muni ti es. The mi notaur warl ord Rhesh Turakbar
al so cl ai ms several terri tori es in the regi on. A l though
Turakbar's mi notaurs are vi ol ent demon-worshi pers,
many of Droaam's other mi notaurs have personal i -
ties and bel i efs more agreeabl e to other races. H ouse
Tharashk and the mi l i ti as of Droaam respect mi no-
taurs for thei r strength and thei r sense of honor and
use them as mercenari es.
One of the first humanoi d races to i nhabi t Khorvai re,
orcs resi de all across the western hal f of the conti -
nent. They dwell on the outski rts of human nati ons,
wi th the excepti on of a few that live i n the major
ci ti es where they have been accepted. Most orcs live
in pri mi ti ve tri bes i n the El deen Reaches, the Demon
Wastes, the Shadow Marches, Droaam, and the wi l ds
of the Mror Hol ds.
When most of Khorvai re's peopl e thi nk of orcs,
they i magi ne savage, barbarous rai ders, sl aughteri ng
communi ti es in the names of evil dei ti es. A nd i ndeed,
many ore tri bes fit that descri pti on. Others, however,
are di si ncl i ned to mi ndl ess vi ol ence. The Gatekeeper
drui di c tradi ti on arose among the orcs of El deen, and
orcs who dwell in or near human nati ons often make
concerted efforts to adopt more ci vi l i zed lifestyles.
H ouse Tharashk i ncl udes orcs wi thi n its ranks, and
i n the communi ti es of the Shadow Marches, orcs and
humans live together.
C H A P T E R 2 | Races
EBERRON IS a world of magi c and wonder,
of i ntri gue and suspense, of pul p adventure and noi r
mystery. I ts heroes are a diverse lot, ti ed to the des-
ti ny and the prophecy of the world. Each of the races,
the paragon paths, and the cl asses of the Pl ayers
Handbook and Player's Handbook 2 has a pl ace wi thi n
the world of Eberron. Each has the potenti al to create
a hero or a vi l l ai n to advance the story of the worl d.
The EBERRON Players Guide expands the number of
cl asses and paragon paths avai l abl e to characters.
Thi s chapter i ncl udes the following secti ons.
Arti fi cer: A rcane l eaders who i mbue magi c i nto
weapons, armor, and constructs. A rti fi cers are mas-
ters of both al chemi cal compounds and mundane
tools, usi ng rods, staffs, and wands to enhance thei r
abi l i ti es. They excel at concocti ng i nfusi ons to bol ster
thei r al l i es. A rti fi cers' mechani cal constructs, ani -
mated wi th el emental force or arcane compounds,
dart across the battl efi el d at thei r masters' di recti on.
Paragon Paths: A host of advancement opti ons
for characters. The opti ons for arti fi cers i ncl ude the
battl efi el d engi neer and the cl ockwork engi neer. New
raci al paragon paths are al so i ntroduced: Change-
lings mi ght choose the chamel eon paragon path,
kal ashtar mi ght pursue the way of the l i ghtwal ker,
and warforged coul d follow the warforged juggernaut
path. Dragonmarked heroes can fi nd a paragon path
associ ated wi th each of the thi rteen dragonmarked
houses; other opti ons for other races and cl asses have
been desi gned wi th the themes and fl avor of Eberron
i n mi nd.
Epi c Desti ni es: New desti ni es have been cre-
ated for those characters who reach worl d-shi fti ng
epi c levels: a champi on of prophecy l earns hi s or
her i mportance i n the grand scope of the Draconi c
Prophecy; the di spossessed champi on l eads those
abandoned by hi story to a better future; the mourn-
ing savior sacri fi ces hi m- or hersel f in order to heal
the l and; and a subl i me fl ame combats evil on the
path to a fi nal joi ni ng wi th the Silver Fl ame.
C H A P T E R 3 | Cl asses
^^BK^ K ft
"I see the secret patterns of magic, and through the
items I carry, I can use that magic to protect you,
heal you or make you explode."
Role: Leader. You channel arcane power into items that
empower your allies and hinder your enemies. You
lean toward controller as a secondary role.
Power Source: Arcane. The cryptic formulas of arcane
magic and the complex recipes of alchemy appeal to
you. You also know a great deal about magic items.
Key Abilities: I ntelligence, Constitution, Wisdom
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, simple ranged
Implements: Rods, staffs, wands
Bonus toDefense:+1 Fortitude,+1 Will
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 +Constitution score
Hit Points per Level Gained: 5
Healing Surges per Day: 6 +Constitution modifier
Trained Skills: Arcana. From the class skills list below,
choose four more trained skills at 1st level.
Class Skills: Arcana (I nt), Diplomacy (Cha), Dun-
geoneering (Wis), Heal (Wis), History (I nt),
Perception (Wis), Thievery (Dex)
Class Features: Arcane Empowerment, Arcane Reju-
venation, Healing Infusion, Ritual Casting
A rti fi cers treat mastery of magi c l i ke a techni cal skill.
They see patterns i n energy and matter, and they
understand how to mani pul ate the fl ow of magi c i n
and around objects and creatures. A rti fi cers chan-
nel energy i nto i tems usi ng magi cal components,
di agrams, and compl ex chai ns of sigils. Thei r skills l et
them assembl e a magi c devi ce for any si tuati on.
A s an arti fi cer, you mi ght be a formal student of
magi c who became i nterested i n arti facts and arcane
i tems. A l ternati vel y, you coul d be a ti nkerer who
devi sed magi c tools i n a musty basement. Or perhaps
you are an expl orer who found your knowl edge i n the
forgotten pl aces of the worl d. Whatever the source of
your tal ents, a passi on for the techni cal components
of magi c drives you to perfect your art.
Wi th a bandol i er slung across your chest, you carry
an arsenal of al chemi cal compounds, magi c i mpl e-
ments, mundane materi al s, and tools. Your weapons,
i mpl ements, and other gear are i nscri bed wi th runes
and mysti c patterns. You mi x reagents, dri nk poti ons,
and craft i tems. You use your knowl edge to i nfuse
yoursel f and your allies wi th arcane power. A nd one
day, your magi cal skills wi l l carry you i nto l egend.
A rti fi cers have the fol l owi ng cl ass features.
Your study of magi c has given you the abi l i ty to
mani pul ate the arcane energy contai ned wi thi n
i tems. You begi n each day wi th the ability to
empower a magi c i tem, and you gai n one addi ti onal
arcane empowerment for each mi l estone you reach.
You must spend a short rest wi th an i tem i n order to
empower it. You can empower an i tem i n two ways.
I mpart Energy: You recharge the dai l y power of a
magi c i tem. A n i tem can be recharged onl y once j>er
day i n thi s way.
Augment Energy: You i nfuse a weapon or an
i mpl ement wi th a reservoi r of energy that lasts
unti l the end of your next extended rest or unti l it
is expended. The wi el der of the i mpl ement or the
weapon can use a free acti on after maki ng an attack
roll to expend the reservoi r of energy to gai n a +2
bonus to that attack rol l . A n i mpl ement or a weapon
can be augmented onl y once per day i n thi s way.
Before combat, an arti fi cer spends ti me i nfusi ng
hi s or her al l i es' magi c i tems wi th curati ve energy.
Whenever one of the arti fi cer's al l i es uses a magi c
Characteristics: Your powers combi ne area and ranged
attacks to i mpede foes while bolstering allies. Your spells
deal moderate damage, and you have powers that heal
and augment the attacks and the defenses of your com-
panions. You can also create magical artifices that can aid
you over the course of a battl e.
Rel i gi on: Artificers favor knowledge over faith; only
a few artificers worship a specific deity. Artificers some-
ti mes pay homage to Onatar for his influence on craft and
C H A P T E R 3 [ Cl asses
industry and to Aureon for his favor of arcane knowledge.
Many artificers also respect the innovation and creativity
that the Traveler represents.
Races: Humans of House Cannith comprise the largest
conti ngent of artificers in Eberron. Artificers also count
the gnome shipwrights of Zilargo and the dwarf smiths
of the Mror Holds among thei r number. Someti mes war-
forged become artificers in an attempt to understand their
item's dai l y power, that al l y absorbs the energy and
gai ns temporary hit poi nts equal to one-hal f your
level +your I ntel l i gence modi fi er.
You can create heal i ng i nfusi ons for l ater use. A t the
end of an extended rest, you create two heal i ng infu-
si ons that last unti l the end of your next extended
rest. At 16th level, you i nstead create three heal i ng
i nfusi ons.
You determi ne the effect of a heal i ng i nfusi on
at the ti me you use the power, not at the ti me you
create it. When you use a H eal i ng I nfusi on power,
you expend one of the i nfusi ons you created duri ng
your last extended rest. Duri ng a short rest, you or an
ally can spend a heal i ng surge to repl eni sh one of the
i nfusi ons expended.
Healing Infusion: Artificer Feature
Curative Admixture
You usethemagic of your infusion to heal the wounds of your
Encounter (Special) Arcane, Healing
Minor Action Close burst 5
(10 at 11th level, 15 at 21 st level)
Target: You or one ally in burst
Effect: The target regains hit points equal to its healing
surge value + your Wisdom modifier, and you expend an
infusion crafted with your Healing Infusion class feature.
Level 6: Healing surge value + your Wisdom modifier + 2.
Level 1 1: Healing surge value + your Wisdom modifier + 4.
Level 16: Healing surge value + your Wisdom modifier + 6.
Level 21: Healing surge value + your Wisdom modifier + 8.
Level 26: Healing surge value + your Wisdom modifier +10.
Special: You can use two Healing Infusion powers per
encounter, but only one per round. At 16th level, you can
use three Healing Infusion powers per encounter, but
only one per round.
Healing Infusion: Artificer Feature
Resistive Formula
You channel the energy of your infusion into your target's ar
mor. providing lasting protection.
Encounter (Special) Arcane
Minor Action Close burst 5
(10 at 11 th level, 15 at 21 st level)
Target: You or one ally in burst
Effect: The target gains a +1 power bonus to AC until the
end of the encounter, and you expend an infusion crafted
with your Healing Infusion class feature. The target can
end the bonus as a free action to gain temporary hit
points equal to its healing surge value + your Constitu-
tion modifier.
Level 11: Temporary hit points equal to the target's healing
surge value + twice your Constitution modifier.
Level 21: Temporary hit points equal to the target's healing
surge value + three times your Constitution modifier.
Special: You can use two Healing Infusion powers per
encounter, but only one per round. At 16th level, you can
use three Healing Infusion powers per encounter, but
only one per round.
You gai n the Ri tual Caster feat as a bonus feat,
al l owi ng you to use magi cal ri tual s (see Chapter
10 of the Player's Handbook). You own a ri tual book,
and it contai ns the fol l owi ng ri tual s that you have
mastered: Brew Poti on, Di senchant Magi c I tem,
Enchant Magi c I tem, and Make Whol e. I n addi-
ti on, you can use Di senchant Magi c I tem wi thout
expendi ng components.
A rti fi cers make use of rods, staffs, and wands to hel p
channel and di rect thei r spel l s. When you wi el d a
magi c rod, a magi c staff, or a magi c wand, you can
add its enhancement bonus to the attack rolls and
damage rolls of arti fi cer powers and arti fi cer paragon
path powers that have the i mpl ement keyword. Wi th-
out an i mpl ement, you can still use these powers.
Some arti fi cer powers use a ranged weapon.
When an arti fi cer makes an attack usi ng a thrown
weapon, that weapon returns to the arti fi cer as i f it
were magi cal , even i f it is not.
Two arti fi cer bui l ds are presented here: the battl e-
smi th and the ti nkerer. The ti nkerer creates arcane
constructs, whi l e the battl esmi th i nfuses weapons
and armor wi th magi c. A l l arti fi cers rely on I ntel -
l i gence to create and control thei r spel l s. I n addi ti on,
Wi sdom hel ps you ani mate constructs, whi l e Consti -
tuti on focuses your magi c i n nonani mate i tems.
Usi ng whatever materi al s are on hand, you empower
weapons and armors and even create al l i es. You
i mbue each of your creati ons wi th magi c, el emental
spirits, and a spark of life, giving it the power to per-
form a speci fi c task. Your attack powers are based on
I ntel l i gence, so it shoul d be your pri mary ability score.
Your second-best ability score should be Wi sdom,
whi ch enhances the arti fi ces and the constructs you
create. Other arti fi cer powers rely on Consti tuti on, so
that should be your thi rd hi ghest ability score.
Suggested Feat: A l chemy
Suggested Skills: A rcana, H eal , Hi story, Percep-
tion, Thi every
Suggested At-Wi l l Powers: magic weapon, thun-
dering armor
Suggested Encounter Power: spike wire
Suggested Dai l y Power: obedient servant
You weave strands of magi c and thread them i nto
i tems and al l i es. Wi th these i nfusi ons, weapons
become stronger, armor becomes tougher, and allies
become more durabl e. You should make I ntel l i gence
your hi ghest ability score, because it determi nes the
accuracy and potency of your attack powers. Consti tu-
ti on hel ps augment your spel l s' damage and defense
boosts, so it shoul d be your second hi ghest ability. A
good Wi sdom score can hel p bol ster your Wi l l and
support any powers you take outside your specialty.
Suggested Feat: A l chemy
Suggested Skills: A rcana, H eal , History, Percep-
tion, Thi every
Suggested At-Wi l l Powers: aggravating force,
static shock
Suggested Encounter Power: burning weapons
Suggested Dai l y Power: icebound sigil
The arti fi cer ani mates objects and creates constructs.
Many of these creati ons follow the same rul es as
summoned creatures. When an arti fi cer ani mates
an object, he or she summons an el emental spirit
and bi nds it to that object. The bi ndi ng process al so
requi res a bit of the arti fi cer's own vitality. I f the con-
struct is destroyed before the end of the encounter
or before the arti fi cer di smi sses it, the destructi on
takes a toll on the arti fi cer. For thi s reason, an arti -
ficer's summoni ng is l i mi ted in both durati on and
Powers that have the summoni ng keyword bri ng
creatures from el sewhere, often other pl anes, to serve
you in a vari ety of ways.
A creature you summon uses these rules, unless a
power description says otherwise.
Allied Creature: When you use a summoning
power, you create a creature that is an ally to you
and your allies. The power determines where the
summoned creature appears.
Your Defenses: The summoned creature's defenses
equal yours when you summon it, not including any
temporary bonuses or penalties to your statistics.
Hit Points: The summoned creature's maximum
hit points equal your bloodied value. When the
summoned creature drops to 0 hit points, it is
destroyed, and you lose a healing surge. If you have
no healing surges left, you instead take damage
equal to half your bloodied value.
NoHealing Surges: The summoned creature lacks
healing surges, but if a power allows it to spend a
healing surge, you can spend a healing surge for it.
The summoned creature then gains the benefit of
the healing surge, instead of your gaining it.
Speed: The summoning power determines the
summoned creature's speed.
C H A P T E R 3 | Cl asses
Commanding the Creature: The summoned crea-
ture has no actions of its own; you spend actions
to command it mentally. You can command the
creature only if you have line of effect to it. When
you command the creature, the two of you share
knowledge but not senses.
As a minor action, you can command the
summoned creature to take one of the follow-
ing actions, if it is physically capable of taking that
action: crawl, escape, fly, open or close a door or a
container, pick up or drop an item, run, stand up,
shift, squeeze, or walk.
The summoning power determi nes any
special commands you can give the summoned
creature and gives an action type for each com-
mand. If a special command is a minor action, you
can give that command only once during each of
your turns.
Attacks and Checks: If a summoning power
allows the summoned creature to attack, you make
an attack through the creature, as specified in the
power description. If the summoned creature can
make a skill check or an ability check, you make
the check. Attacks and checks you make through
the creature do not include temporary bonuses or
penalties to your statistics.
Duration: Unless the summoning power states
otherwise, the summoned creature lasts until the
end of the encounter and then disappears. As
a minor action, you can dismiss the summoned
You carry esoteri c reagents and materi al s. I f you
don't have what you need, you transmute mundane
materi al s i nto components. Each day, you craft,
i mbue, and prepare the objects and compounds you
need for your arcane powers, whi ch are cal l ed spel l s.
Many arti fi cers refer to spel l s that i nsti l l magi c in
objects as "i nfusi ons."
Aggravating Force Artificer Attack 1
When your infused weapon strikes an enemy, theweapon un-
leashes a force that rattles the foe.
At- Will Arcane, Force, Weapon
Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 1 [W] + Intelligence modifier force damage, and the
next ally to attack the target before the end of your next
turn gains a +2 power bonus to the attack roll.
Level 21: 2[W] + Intelligence modifier damage.
Magic Weapon Artificer Attack 1
Your attack issues a hurst of magical energy that enhances the
weapons of allies closeto you.
At- Will Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence + 1 vs. AC
Hit: 1 [W] + Intelligence modifier damage, and each ally
adjacent to you gains a +1 power bonus to attack rolls
and a bonus to damage rolls equal to your Constitution
or your Wisdom modifier until the end of your next turn.
Level 21: 2[W] + Intelligence modifier damage, and a +2
power bonus to attack rolls.
Static Shock Artificer Attack 1
You imbueyour opponent with a crackling arcane charge, hin-
dering thepotency of its next attack.
At- Will Arcane, Implement, Lightning
Standard Action Melee or Ranged 5
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage. The
next attack the target makes before the end of your
next turn takes a penalty to the damage roll equal your
Constitution modifier.
Level 21: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage.
Thundering Armor Artificer Attack 1
Thunder ripples outward from your implement, coalescing
around you or an ally beforefocusing its might on a nearby
At- Will Arcane, Implement, Thunder
Standard Action Close burst 10
Primary Target: You or one ally in burst
Effect: The primary target gains a +1 power bonus to AC
until the end of your next turn. Make an attack.
Secondary Target: One creature adjacent to the primary
target in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier thunder damage, and you
push the secondary target 1 square away from the primary
Level 27: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier thunder damage.
Burning Weapons Artificer Attack 1
Flames dance across theweapons that you and your comrades
Encounter Arcane, Fire, Weapon
Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 1 [W] + Intelligence modifier fire damage. Until the
end of your next turn, you and any ally within 2 squares
of you deals extra fire damage equal to your Constitution
modifier with weapon or fire attacks.
C H A P T E R 3 | Classes
Scouring Weapon Artificer Attack 1
You infuseyour weapon with acid, momentarily corroding vour
opponent's defenses.
Encounter Acid, Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Intelligence modifier acid damage, and the
target takes a -2 penalty to AC until the end of your next
Artificer Attack 1
Shielding Cube
You direct a minute cube covered in runes into thefray. Al-
though small, thecube contains a force that bashes foes and
shields allies.
Encounter 4- Arcane, Force, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier force damage.
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, any ally gains a +1
power bonus to AC while adjacent to the target.
Artificer Attack 1
Spike Wire
You throw a bundle of barbed wirethat bites into your enemy's
flesh, digging deeper and deeper.
Encounter Arcane, Force, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage. Until the
end of your next turn, any attack deals extra damage to
the target equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Artificer Attack 1
Caustic Rampart
You spill some liquid and infuse it with energy, creating a defen-
sivewall of acidic fumes.
Daily Acid, Arcane, Conjuration, Implement
Standard Action Area wall 5within 10 squares
Effect: You conjure a wall of acidic fumes. The wall can be
up to 2 squares high and must rest on a solid surface, and
it lasts until the end of your next turn. The wall is difficult
terrain, and its squares are lightly obscured. Any creature
that starts its turn within the wall or adjacent to it takes
acid damage equal to 1 d6 + your Intelligence modifier.
Sustain Minor: The wall persists.
Artificer Attack 1
Icebound Sigil
By etching an arcane sigil upon a weapon, you infuse it with icy
cold, giving it thepower to freeze foes.
Daily Arcane, Cold
Minor Action Melee touch
Target: One weapon or implement
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, any attack that uses
the target as a weapon or an implement deals extra cold
damage equal to your Constitution modifier.
As a free action, the target's wielder can end the effect
when he or she hits a creature. That creature is then im-
mobilized (save ends).
Life-Tapping Darts
Artificer Attack 1
You launch magical darts at an ally and a foe. The dart that
strikes thefoe transfers vitality to your comrade in a golden
Daily Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d10 + Intelligence modifier damage, and one ally
within 10 squares of you gains 10 temporary hit points.
Miss: Half damage, and one ally within 10 squares of you
gains 5temporary hit points.
Artificer Attack 1
Obedient Servant
You in/ use a construct with an elemental animus and then
throw it info the fray to aid vour allies.
Daily Arcane, Implement, Summoning
Minor Action Ranged 5
Effect: You create a Medium obedient servant in an unoc
cupied square within range. The servant has speed 6.
Any marked enemy that starts its turn adjacent to the
servant takes damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.
You can give the obedient servant the following special
Standard Action: Melee 1 or Ranged 5; targets one
creature; Intelligence + 2 vs. AC; 1 d10 + Intelligence
modifier damage.
Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature;
Intelligence + 2 vs. AC; 1d10 + Intelligence modifier
damage, and the target is marked until the end of your
next turn.
Artificer Utility 2
Arcane Springboard
Infusing a small square of prepared cloth with arcane energy,
you create a bouncy surface that launches any who step on it.
Daily Arcane, Conjuration
Standard Action Ranged 10
Effect: You conjure an arcane springboard in a square with-
in range. The springboard lasts until the end of your next
turn. You or any ally who enters the square can jump a
number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier. The
distance jumped does not count toward a character's
movement. A character can benefit from this conjura-
tion's effect only once per turn.
Sustain Minor: The conjuration persists.
Bolster Armor Artificer Utility 2
You touch some armor, causing it to glow as you enhance its
Daily Arcane
Minor Action Melee touch
Target: You or one ally
Effect: The target gains a +1 power bonus to AC. When hit
by an attack, the target can end this bonus as a free ac-
tion to gain a +4 bonus to AC against that attack.
C H A P T E R 3 | Classes
Reinforced Minion Artificer Utility 2 | | Force Infusion
You send energy to bolster one of your artifices, helping it to
evade an attack that might otherwise have damaged it.
Daily Arcane ^
Immediate Interrupt Close burst 5
Trigger: One of your summoned creatures within 5 squares
of you is hit by an attack
Effect: The triggering attack misses the summoned
Restorative Infusion
Artificer Utility 2
You infuse a comrade with a restorative compound. That ally
can then redirect excess vitality to your other allies.
Daily Arcane
Minor Action Ranged 5
Target: You or one ally
Effect: The target gains 20 temporary hit points. As a
minor action, the target can transfer any number of these
temporary hit points to an ally within 5 squares of him
or her.
1 Swift Mender Artificer Utility 2
You empower a tiny construct tc zoom to an ally's aid.
Encounter Arcane
Minor Action Ranged 5
Target: You or one ally
Effect: The target makes a saving throw.
Use Magic Item
Artificer Utility 2
Your knowledge unlocks thepower in a magic item without
expending your own energy.
Daily 4 Arcane
Free Action Personal
Effect: The next magic item daily power you use before the
end of your next turn does not count toward your limit of
magic item daily power uses.
Altered Luck
Artificer Attack 3
Your magic blasts an enemy and transfers its luck to a nearby
Encounter Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 10 squares
Target: One creature in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier damage, and the target
takes a - 2 penalty to saving throws until the end of your
next turn.
Effect: One ally within the burst gains temporary hit points
equal to 5 + your Wisdom modifier and a +2 bonus to an
attack roll, a skill check, an ability check, or a saving throw
before the end of your next turn. The ally can use the
bonus after determining the result of a roll.
Artificer Attack 3
Your attack binds energy within your foe's form. The magic
reacts with concussiveforce each time you or an ally strikes the
Encounter 4 Arcane, Force, Weapon
Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1 [W] + Intelligence modifier + Constitution modifier
force damage.
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, whenever any ally
hits the target with a melee attack, that ally pushes the
target 1 square.
Artificer Attack 3
Lightning Sphere
The small metal ball you roll atyour enemies bursts apart in an
explosion of lightning.
Encounter Arcane, Implement, Lightning
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage, and
the target grants combat advantage until the end of your
next turn.
Artificer Attack 3
Repulsion Strike
You empower your weapon to create afield of resistance around
your enemy, hindering your foe's attacks.
Encounter Arcane, Force, Weapon
Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 2[W] + Intelligence modifier force damage, and the
target takes a penalty to melee attack rolls equal to your
Constitution modifier until the end of your next turn.
Corrosive Sigil
Artificer Attack 5
Your sigil imbues a weapon or an implement with arcane acid.
Daily 4 Acid, Arcane
Minor Action Melee touch
Target: One weapon
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, any attack that uses
the target as a weapon deals ongoing 5 acid damage
(save ends).
As a free action, the target's wielder can end the
effect when he or she hits a creature using the target in
order to give that creature a penalty to AC equal to your
Constitution modifier (save ends).
C H A P T E R 3 | Classes ..
Dancing Weapon Artificer Attack 5
Your weapon flies from your hand and harries oneof your
Daily 4- Arcane, Summoning, Weapon
Minor Action Ranged 5
Requirement: You must be holding a melee weapon.
Effect: You throw a melee weapon you are holding into an
unoccupied square within range. The weapon has speed
0 and fly 6 (hover). The weapon is considered to be a
Small creature. When the dancing weapon drops to 0
hit points, it is not destroyed, and you don't lose a heal-
ing surge. Instead, the weapon returns to your hand. The
dancing weapon cannot open or close a door or contain-
er, or pick up or drop an item. You can give the dancing
weapon the following special commands.
Minor Action: Melee 1; targets one creature;
Intelligence vs. AC; 1 [W] + Intelligence modifier damage.
Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature;
Intelligence vs. AC; 1 [W] + Intelligence modifier damage.
Flameheart Defender Artificer Attack 5
You infuse a small construct with a volatile heart of elemental
Daily 4 Arcane, Fire, Implement, Summoning
Standard Action Ranged 5
Effect: You create a Small flameheart defender in an unoc-
cupied square within range. The flameheart defender has
speed 6. Any enemy adjacent to the flameheart defender
at the start of your turn is marked by it. You can give the
flameheart defender the following special commands.
Standard Action: Melee 1 or Ranged 5; targets one
creature; Intelligence + 2 vs. AC; 2d6 + Intelligence
modifier fire damage.
Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature;
Intelligence + 2 vs. AC; 2d6 + Intelligence modifier fire
No Action: When the flameheart defender drops to 0
hit points, it must make the following attack: Close burst 2;
targets each creature in burst; Intelligence vs. Reflex; 1d8
+ Wisdom modifier fire damage.
Predatory Shards Artificer Attack 5
On impact, your rune-inscribed projectilecreates a cloud of
magical shards to aggravate your enemies.
Daily 4 Arcane, Force, Weapon, Zone
Standard Action Area burst 1 within weapon range
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Intelligence modifier damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: The burst creates a zone of magical shards that lasts
until the end of the encounter. Any enemy that starts its
turn within the zone takes 5 force damage.
Animate Helper Artificer Utility 6
You'vecrafted theperfect assistant for your task.
Encounter 4 Arcane
Free Action Personal
Effect: You gain a bonus to your next skill check before the
end of your turn equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Healing Reserve Artificer Utility 6
You channel arcane energy to assist an ally's healing.
Daily 4 Arcane, Healing
Free Action Ranged 10
Trigger: An ally within 10 squares of you spends a healing
surge to regain hit points
Target: The triggering ally
Effect: The target does not expend the healing surge but
still gains its benefit. The target regains additional hit
points equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Phantom Structure Artificer Utility 6
By arranging small objects in your hand, you createan ephem-
eral structuremade of magical force.
Daily 4 Arcane, Conjuration
Standard Action Ranged 20
Effect: Choose a square within range and another square
within range and within 2 + your Intelligence modifier
squares of the chosen square. You create a phantasmal
bridge between the two squares that lasts until the end
of your next turn. The bridge connects the two chosen
squares by the shortest path. The bridge has no height,
and a creature can pass through a square containing the
bridge as though it were normal terrain, even if it normal-
ly contains no terrain, difficult terrain, challenging terrain,
or hindering terrain.
Sustain Minor: The bridge persists.
Regeneration Infusion Artificer Utility 6
You imbue an ally's equipment with a steady flow of arcane
energy, which restores your friend's vigor.
Daily 4 Arcane, Healing
Minor Action Close burst 10
Target: You or one ally in burst; target must be bloodied
Effect: The target gains regeneration equal to your
Constitution modifier until the end of the encounter. As
a minor action, the target can end the effect to spend a
healing surge.
Gale-Force Infusion Artificer Attack 7
You infusean ally's armor with thepower of a violent
Encounter 4 Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Area burst 2 centered on an ally
within 10 squares of you
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 1 dl 0 + Intelligence modifier damage, and you slide
the target 2 squares.
Effect: The ally in the attack's origin square gains a power
bonus to AC equal to 2 + your Constitution modifier until
the end of your next turn.
C H A P T E R 3 I Classes
Icy Weapons Artificer Attack 7
An icy wind imbues vour weapon with frost.
Encounter 4 Arcane, Cold, Weapon
Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 1 [W] + Intelligence modifier cold damage, and the
target is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Effect: You and each ally adjacent to you deal extra cold
damage equal to your Constitution modifier with weapon
or cold attacks until the end of your next turn.
Runic Resistance Artificer Attack 7
Using your implement, you hurl a sigil-scribed sphere that blasts
your foes and shields your allies.
Encounter Arcane, Implement; Varies
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier damage. Choose a dam-
age type: acid, cold, fire, or lightning. The attack deals
damage of that type to each target.
Effect: Choose a damage type: acid, cold, fire, or lightning.
Each ally in the burst gains resistance equal to 5 + your
Wisdom modifier to that type until the end of your next
Vampiric Weapons Artificer Attack 7
You imbueyour weapon with thepower to drain lifefrom your
enemies and transfer it to theweapons of your allies.
Encounter 4 Arcane, Healing, Necrotic, Weapon
Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 1 |W| + Intelligence modifier necrotic damage. Each
ally within 5 squares of you who deals damage with a
weapon attack before the end of your next turn regains
hit points equal to 1 d6 + your Constitution modifier. An
ally regains these hit points only once for each use of this
Brittle- Skin Missile Artificer Attack 9
Your rune-scribed projectile calcifies flesh and causes your foe
to falter.
Daily 4 Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Intelligence modifier damage, and the target
is slowed and gains vulnerable 5 to melee attacks (save
ends both).
Lightning Motes Artificer Attack 9
Channeling arcane energy into a cloud of dust, you create light-
ning that ripples across your foes.
Daily 4 Arcane, Implement, Lightning
Standard Action Close burst 3
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage, and the
target is dazed (save ends).
Each Failed Saving Throw: The target takes 5 lightning
Aftereffect: The target takes ongoing 5 lightning damage
(save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 5 lightning damage (save
Radiant Sigil Artificer Attack 9
Brilliant light streams from theweaponyou imbue with radiant
might and healing power.
Daily 4 Arcane, Healing, Radiant
Minor Action Melee touch
Target: One weapon or implement
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, any attack that uses
the target as a weapon or an implement deals radiant
damage. Whenever any attack power using the target
hits, the target's wielder regains hit points equal to your
Constitution modifier.
As a free action, the target's wielder can end the ef-
fect when he or she hits a creature. That creature is then
dazed (save ends). In addition, the wielder can spend a
healing surge and regain additional hit points equal to
your Constitution modifier.
C H A P T E R 3 | Classes
Relentless Harrier Artificer Attack 9
Slick Concoction Artificer Utility 10
You grant animation to a nimble construct.
Daily 4- Arcane, Implement, Summoning
Standard Action Ranged 5
Effect: You create a Small relentless harrier in an unoc-
cupied square within range. The relentless harrier has
speed 8. The relentless harrier's attacks deal 1 d6 extra
damage to any creature granting combat advantage to it.
You can give the relentless harrier the following special
Standard Action: Melee 1; targets one creature;
Intelligence + 2 vs. AC; 1d8 + Intelligence modifier
damage, and the relentless harrier shifts 2 squares.
Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature;
Intelligence + 2 vs. AC; 1d8 + Intelligence modifier
Dancing Shield Artificer Utility 10
A small metal sheaf unfolds into a medium-sized shield that
floats near an ally and blocks incoming attacks.
Daily 4 Arcane, Conjuration
Minor Action Ranged 5
Target: One ally
Effect: You conjure a shield of metal and magic to protect
the target. The target gains a +4 power bonus to AC and
Reflex until the end of the encounter or until you move
the shield. As a minor action, you can move the shield to
a new target within range. That ally then gains the bonus
Healing Figurine Artificer Utility 10
You imbue a small/ igure with lifeforce, causing it to emit a
golden aura that heals allies.
Daily 4 Arcane, Healing, Summoning
Standard Action Ranged 5
Effect: You create a Small healing figurine in an unoc-
cupied square within range. The healing figurine has
speed 5. It has a +2 bonus to AC and to Fortitude. Any
ally who spends a healing surge while adjacent to the
figurine gains additional hit points equal to your Wisdom
modifier. In addition, three times before the end of the
encounter, an ally adjacent to the healing figurine can use
a minor action to make a saving throw and to regain hit
points as if he or she had spent a healing surge. You can
give the healing figurine the following special command.
Minor Action: The healing figurine administers first aid
to an ally adjacent to it. The figurine uses your Heal skill
for the check.
Sigil of Luck Artificer Utility 10
You imbue a weapon or an implement with a dose of luck and
arcane energy.
Daily 4 Arcane
Minor Action Melee touch
Target: One weapon or implement
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, any attack that uses
the target gains a +1 power bonus to attack rolls and a
bonus to damage rolls equal to your Constitution modi-
fier. As a minor action, the target's wielder can end the
effect in order to remove an effect on him or her that a
save can end.
You direct a magical liquid under your allies'feet, causing them
to slip across the battlefield.
Encounter 4 Arcane
Minor Action Close burst 3
Target: Each ally in burst
Effect: You slide each target 5 squares. Each target gains a
+4 bonus to Reflex until the end of your next turn.
Barbed Automaton Artificer Attack 13
You hurl a small knot of barbed wire, which grows and springs
to life, attacking your foes.
Encounter 4 Arcane, Conjuration, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 10
Effect: You create a barbed automaton in an unoccupied
square within range. The automaton occupies a square
and counts as an ally for the purpose of flanking. The au-
tomaton lasts until the end of your next turn. Any enemy
that enters a space adjacent to the automaton or starts
its turn there is subject to the following attack.
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8 + Intelligence modifier + Wisdom modifier
Energy Shroud Artificer Attack 1 3
Afield of arcane energy surrounds you and your allies, lashing
at attackers.
Encounter 4 Arcane, Force, Implement
Standard Action Close burst 2
Primary Target: You and each ally in burst
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, any enemy that hits
or misses the primary target with a melee attack is sub-
ject to the following attack.
Secondary Target: The attacking enemy
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d 1 0 + Intelligence modifier force damage.
Forceful Weapon Artificer Attack 1 3
You infuse a weapon with magic, making it deliver a greater
impact than its size suggests.
Encounter 4 Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Intelligence modifier damage, and you push
the target a number of squares equal to your Constitu-
tion modifier and knock it prone.
Positive Energy Infusion Artificer Attack 13
You channel arcane power into your enemy, using the creature
as a conduit for vitality.
Encounter 4 Arcane, Healing, Weapon
Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Intelligence modifier damage. Until the end
of your next turn, any ally who hits the target can spend
a healing surge and regain additional hit points equal to
your Constitution modifier.
C H A P T E R 3 | Classes
Animate Arbalester
Artificer Attack 15 I I Good Luck Charm Artificer Utility 16
Your crossbow glows briefly as you infuse it with elemental life
force. Theweapon then alights, moving as you will it.
Daily Arcane, Summoning, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged 5
Requirement: You must be holdings crossbow.
Effect: You throw a crossbow you are holding into an un-
occupied square within range. The crossbow has speed
0 and fly 6 (hover). The crossbow is considered to be a
Small creature. When the animate arbalester drops to 0
hit points, it is not destroyed, and you don't lose a heal-
ing surge. Instead, the crossbow returns to your hand.
The animate arbalester cannot open or close a door or
container, or pick up or drop an item. You can give the
animate arbalester the following special command.
Minor Action: Ranged 15/ 30; targets one creature;
Intelligence vs. AC; 2[W] + Intelligence modifier damage.
Clockroach Swarm
Artificer Attack 1 5
You unleash a horde of tiny constructs that swarm over and bite
your foes. ~\
Daily Arcane, Implement, Zone
Standard Action Close blast 5
Target: Each enemy in blast
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier damage, and ongoing 5
damage (save ends).
Effect: You create a zone of tiny mechanical cockroaches
that lasts until the end of the encounter. Any enemy within
the zone grants combat advantage.
Artificer Attack 1 5
Lightning Sigil
Pouring arcane power into a weapon or implement, you create a
crackling field that lashes at foes with tendrils of lightning.
Daily Arcane, Lightning
Minor Action Melee touch
Target: One weapon or implement
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, any attack that uses
the target as a weapon or an implement deals extra light-
ning damage equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier.
As a free action, the target's wielder can end the ef-
fect when he or she hits a creature. That creature is then
dazed (save ends).
Artificer Attack 1 5
Stalwart Defender
You animate a small construct covered in armored plates.
Daily Arcane, Implement, Summoning
Standard Action Ranged 5
Effect: You create a Small stalwart defender in an unoc-
cupied square within range. The stalwart defender has
speed 6 and a +2 bonus to AC. Any enemy that starts its
turn adjacent to the stalwart defender is marked by the
defender until the end of your next turn. You can give the
stalwart defender the following special commands.
Standard Action: Melee 1; targets one creature;
Intelligence + 2 vs. AC; 2d8 + Intelligence modifier damage,
and the target is immobilized until the end of your next turn.
Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature;
Intelligence + 2 vs. AC; 2d8 + Intelligence modifier damage.
You infuse a small object with luck.
Daily Arcane
Standard Action Melee touch
Target: One object
Effect: You charge the target with luck that lasts until the
end of your next extended rest. Any ally who is holding
or wearing the target can expend the charge to gain a
bonus equal to your Wisdom modifier to his or her next
saving throw or skill check before the end of his or her
next turn.
Iron- Hide Infusion
Artificer Utility 16
You crush a bit of iron in your hand, infusing it with protective
magic. You then cast thedust onto your allies' armor.
Encounter Arcane
Minor Action Close burst 5
Target: You and each ally in burst
Effect: Each target gains a +4 bonus to AC until the end of
your next turn.
Protection from Elements Artificer Utility 16
You direct a vibrant ray of protective energy at an ally, granting
resistance to that comrade and to those around him or her.
Ranged 5
Daily Arcane
Minor Action
Target: One ally
Effect: Choose a damage type: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or
thunder. The target gains resist 1 5 to that damage type
until the end of the encounter. In addition, while you or
any ally is adjacent to the target, you or that ally gains
resist 10 to the chosen damage type.
Vorpal Edge
Artificer Utility 16
The deadly parts of theweapon you touch become suffused with
magic, making them sharper and deadlier.
Daily Arcane
Minor Action Melee touch
Target: One melee weapon
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, attacks with the
target score critical hits on rolls of 18 or higher.
Earth's Embrace
Artificer Attack 1 7
You transpose a glowing rune of force onto an ally's armor
and send that ally skating across thebattlefield, crashing into
nearby foes.
Encounter Arcane, Force, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 10
Primary Target: One ally
Effect: You slide the primary target a number of squares
equal to your Wisdom modifier. You then make an attack
that is an area burst 1 centered on the primary target
Secondary Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d10 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and yo
slide the secondary target 1 square or immobilize it until
the end of your next turn.
C I I A PTE K 3 | Cl asses
Radiant Burst Artificer Attack 1 7
As your ally heals, you channel theexcess healing energy into a
flash of arcane light that burns a nearby foe.
Encounter 4- Arcane, Healing, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Ranged 10
Effect: You or one ally within 10 squares of you can spend a
healing surge and regain additional hit points equal to your
Intelligence modifier.
Target: One creature adjacent to the character who spent
the healing surge
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier radiant damage, and the
target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Skipping Shot Artificer Attack 1 7
Infusing a projectilewith volatile energy, you send themissile
ricocheting among opponents.
Encounter Arcane, Force, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged weapon
Primary Target: One creature
Primary Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 1 [W] + Intelligence modifier force damage, and the
primary target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Effect: Make a secondary attack. \
Secondary Target: One creature other thah the primary
Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 1 [W] + Intelligence modifier force damage, and the
secondary target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Unstable Infusion Artificer Attack 17
You sabotage oneof your infusions, loosing a blast of raw ar-
Encounter Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Close blast 3
Target: Each creature in blast
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d 10 + Intelligence modifier damage, and you knock
the target prone.
Burrowing Projectile Artificer Attack 19
When your shot strikes a foe, theprojectilespins likea top, bur
rowing into the creature.
Daily Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 3|W] + Intelligence modifier damage, and the target
takes ongoing 5 damage and grants combat advantage
(save ends both).
Aftereffect: The target takes ongoing 5 damage (save
ends). If the target drops to 0 hit points before the ongoing
damage ends, you choose an enemy within 5 squares of
the target to take ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and the target grants combat advan-
tage (save ends).
Clockwork Acid Wasp Artificer Attack 19
You grant animation to a clockwork wasp fueled by acid.
Daily Acid, Arcane, Implement, Summoning
Standard Action Ranged 5
Effect: You create a Small clockwork acid wasp in an un-
occupied square within range. The wasp has speed 4
and fly 8 (hover). It has a +2 bonus to AC and to Reflex.
When the clockwork wasp drops to 0 hit points, you
don't lose a healing surge. You can give the clockwork
acid wasp the following special commands.
Standard Action: Melee 1 or Ranged 5; Intelligence + 2
vs. AC; 1 d10 + Intelligence modifier damage, and ongoing
10 acid damage (save ends).
Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature;
Intelligence + 2 vs. AC; 1d10 + Intelligence modifier
damage, and ongoing 10 acid damage (save ends).
No Action: When the clockwork acid wasp drops to 0
hit points, it must make the following attack: Close burst
1; Intelligence vs. Reflex; 2d8 + Wisdom modifier acid
Grasping Rope Artificer Attack 19
Weaving magic into a prepared rope, you transform theobject
into a whirling, grasping artifice.
Daily Arcane, Implement, Zone
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 10 squares
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d10 + Intelligence modifier damage, and the target
is immobilized (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed until the end of
your next turn.
Effect: The burst creates a zone of grasping rope that lasts
until the end of your next turn. The zone is difficult ter-
rain to enemies, and each enemy that enters the zone
or starts its turn there is slowed until the end of its next
Sustain Minor: The zone persists.
Hellfire Sigil Artificer Attack 19
Flames dance upon thesurface of theitem you infusewith
magic, eager to incinerateyour foes.
Daily Arcane, Fire
Minor Action Melee touch
Target: One weapon or implement
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, any attack that uses
the target as a weapon or an implement deals extra fire
damage equal to 1d8 + your Constitution modifier.
As a free action, the target's wielder can end the ef-
fect when he or she hits a creature using the target in
order to ignite that creature with hellfire (save ends).
While affected by hellfire, the target takes 10 fire dam-
age at the start of its turn. In addition, any enemy within
2 squares of the target at the start of its turn takes 10 fire
C H A P T E R 3 ] Cl asses
Bag of the Four Winds Artificer Utility 22
You mix reagents to create a windstorm within a small cloth bag.
You then unleash thewinds to moveyourself and your allies.
Encounter Arcane
Minor Action Close burst 5
Target: You and each ally in burst
Effect: You slide each target a number of squares equal to
your Wisdom modifier.
Cure- All Admixture Artificer Utility 22
Your concoction provides theperfect remedy.
Daily Arcane, Healing
Minor Action Melee touch
Effect: The target regains hit points as if he or she had
spent a healing surge, and the target can choose to end
any effects on him or her. In addition, the target gains
a +2 power bonus to saving throws until the end of the
Diminutive Bodyguard Artificer Utility 22
With a burst of magic, you infuse inanimate components ujith
life, creating a tiny construct that can intercept attacks.
Daily Arcane, Summoning
Standard Action Ranged 5
Effect: You create a Small diminutive bodyguard in an un-
occupied square within range. The bodyguard has speed
3. It has a +2 bonus to AC and a +4 bonus to Fortitude,
Reflex, and Will. Any ally adjacent to the diminutive
bodyguard gains resist 5 to all damage. You can give the
diminutive bodyguard the following special command.
Immediate Interrupt: When an ally within 5 squares of
the diminutive bodyguard is hit by an attack, the ally gains
a +4 bonus to all defenses against the triggering attack.
Hero's Elixir Artificer Utility 22
You transmute a small vial of water into a potent healing draft.
Daily Arcane, Healing
Minor Action Melee touch
Target: You or one ally
Effect: The target spends one healing surge and is restored
to the maximum number of hit points possible. If the
target cannot spend a healing surge, the target instead
regains hit points equal to his or her bloodied value.
Armor of Acid Artificer Attack 23
You cast a prepared liquid onto an ally's armor, shrouding that
comrade in a cloud of noxious fumes that harms foes.
Encounter Acid, Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Area burst 1 centered on you or
one ally within 10 squares
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d8 + Intelligence modifier acid damage.
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, the ally in the attack's
origin square gains resist 15 acid, and any creature that
makes a melee attack against that ally takes acid damage
equal to 10 + your Wisdom modifier.
Beetle of Force Artificer Attack 23
You release a tiny construct, which flies into your foe with im-
possibleforce before exploding with arcane energy.
Encounter Arcane, Force, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 10
Primary Target: One creature
Primary Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and you
push the primary target 6 squares.
Effect: Make a secondary attack that is an area burst 2
centered on the primary target.
Secondary Target: Each creature in burst
Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier damage, and you knock
the secondary target prone.
Chaos Weapon Artificer Attack 2 3
With your strike, you conjure elemental powers that rage
around theweapons of you and your allies.
Encounter Arcane, Weapon; Varies
Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Intelligence modifier damage. Choose a dam-
age type: acid, cold, Are, force, lightning, or thunder. The
attack deals damage of this type to the target. Until the
end of your next turn, the weapon attacks of each ally
within 2 squares of you deal extra damage of the chosen
type equal to 1 d8 + your Constitution modifier.
C H A P T E R 3 | Classes
Prismatic Strike
Artificer Attack 23
Life-Shock Sigil
Artificer Attack 25
You activate runes on your weapon and causeit to emit multi-
colored light as you strikeyour foe.
Encounter Arcane, Fire, Force, Thunder, Weapon
Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude, Reflex, and Will. You
make one attack roll and compare the result against all
three defenses. The target might be hit up to three times,
depending on which defenses are hit.
Hit (Fortitude): 1 [W] + Intelligence modifier thunder dam-
age, and you knock the target prone.
Hit (Reflex): 1 [W] + Intelligence modifier force damage,
and you push the target a number of squares equal to
your Constitution modifier. The target can't stand up from
prone until the end of your next turn.
Hit (Will): 1 [W] + Intelligence modifier fire damage, and
the target takes a penalty to attack rolls equal to your
Wisdom modifier until the end of your next turn.
All- Consuming Missile Artificer Attack 25
Your sigil-inscribed projectileignites and ehgulfs your foe in
hungry flames. /
Daily Arcane, Fire, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 3[W] + Intelligence modifier fire damage, and ongoing
10 fire damage (save ends).
First Failed Saving Throw: The target takes ongoing 15
fire damage (save ends).
Second Failed Saving Throw: The target takes ongoing
20 fire damage (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends).
First Failed Saving Throw: The target takes ongoing 10
fire damage (save ends).
Second Failed Saving Throw: The target takes ongoing 1 5
fire damage (save ends).
Dimensional Shifter Artificer Attack 25
You bind a powerful elemental to your construct, giving the
artifice thepower to alter spacearound it.
Daily Arcane, Implement, Summoning
Standard Action Ranged 5
Effect: You create a Small dimensional shifter in an unoc-
cupied square within range. The dimensional shifter has
speed 6 and can teleport 6 squares as a move action. If
the dimensional shifter and one of your allies are adja-
cent to an enemy, that enemy grants combat advantage
to all creatures adjacent to it. You can give the dimen-
sional shifter the following special commands.
Standard Action: Melee 1; targets one creature;
Intelligence + 2 vs. AC; 2d8 + Intelligence modifier
damage, and the dimensional shifter teleports 3 squares.
Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature;
Intelligence + 2 vs. AC; 2d8 + Intelligence modifier damage,
and the dimensional shifter teleports the target 3 squares.
Through your infusion, you createa weapon that heals while it
Daily Arcane, Healing
Minor Action Melee touch
Target: One weapon or implement
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, once per round
when an attack that uses the target as a weapon or an
implement hits, one bloodied ally within 5 squares of
the target's wielder regains hit points equal to 10 + your
Constitution modifier.
As a free action, the target's wielder can end the
effect when he or she hits a creature using the target in
order to spend a healing surge. In addition, the target of
that attack is stunned until the end of its next turn.
Trio Of Biting Blades Artificer Attack 25
The three rune-inscribed blades you fling at your opponent sur
round the creatureand bitedeep when it attacks or moves.
Daily Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d10 + Intelligence modifier damage, and the target
takes 10 damage the first time it moves or attacks during
its turn (save ends).
Aftereffect: The target takes 10 damage the first time it
moves or attacks during its turn (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and the target takes 5 damage the first
time it moves or attacks during its turn (save ends).
Grave- Dust Cloud Artificer Attack 27
You direct a bag of ash atyour foes, and it explodes in a pale
cloud that saps their lifewhilebolstering your allies vitality.
Encounter Arcane, Healing, Implement, Necrotic
Standard Action Area burst 3 within 20 squares
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d10 + Intelligence modifier necrotic damage. Each
ally in the burst gains a +1 power bonus to attack rolls
and to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
Effect: Each ally in the burst can spend a healing surge and
regain additional hit points equal to 2d6 + your Wisdom
Life- Stealing Shroud Artificer Attack 2 7
A gray field of necrotic energy surroundsyou andyour allies,
stealing thelifeof attackers.
Encounter Arcane, Implement, Necrotic
Standard Action Close burst 2
Primary Target: You and each ally in burst
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, any enemy that hits
or misses the primary target with a melee attack is sub-
ject to the following attack.
Secondary Target: The attacking enemy
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 4d6 + Intelligence modifier necrotic damage, and the
primary target who was attacked can make a saving throw.
C H A P T E R 3 1 Cl asses
Living Caltrop Swarm Artificer Attack 27
Runes of the Shadow Tendrils Artificer Attack 29
You direct a handful of spiked orbs across an area. After sting-
ing your foes, thecaltrops explode.
Encounter Arcane, Fire, Implement, Zone'
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d8 + Intelligence modifier damage.
Effect: The burst creates a zone of animate caltrops that
lasts until the end of your next turn. Any enemy within the
zone grants combat advantage to you and your allies. Any
creature within the zone at the end of your next turn takes
fire damage equal to 2d10 + your Wisdom modifier.
Thunder- Shock Weapon Artificer Attack 27
Your weapon screams like a hurricane as you swing it toward
your foe. It strikes with a thunderous blow, knocking your foe
Encounter Arcane, Thunder, Weapon
Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 3[W] + Intelligence modifier thunder damage, and you
knock the target prone. The target is dazed until the end
of your next turn.
Bitter- Frost Bolt Artificer Attack 29
The sigils etched onto your weapon steam with bitter cold. On
impact, theweapon shrouds your enemy in ice.
Daily Arcane, Cold, Weapon
Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3[W] + Intelligence modifier cold damage, and the
target is immobilized and gains vulnerable 10 to all dam-
age (save ends both).
Aftereffect: The target is slowed and gains vulnerable 5 to
all damage (save ends both).
Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed and gains vul-
nerable 5 to all damage (save ends both).
Haste Sigil Artificer Attack 29
The runes you inscribe on the item causeits wielder to move in
a blur of speed.
Daily Arcane
Minor Action Melee touch
Target: One weapon or implement
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, the creature wield-
ing the target gains a +3 power bonus to speed.
As a free action, the target's wielder can end the effect
when he or she hits a creature using the target in order
to take an extra standard action.
Tracing a magic pattern in theair, you causetentacles of dark-
ness to erupt fromyour ally's armor and attack nearby foes.
Daily Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares and
centered on one ally
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Hit: 4d6 + Intelligence modifier damage, and the target is
blinded and slowed (save ends both).
Each Failed Saving Throw: You slide the target 1 square.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is blinded (save ends).
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, any enemy that
attacks the ally who was in the attack's origin square is
blinded until the end of your next turn.
Simulacrum Artificer Attack 29
You use magic and elemental lifeforce to fashion a construct
capable of sophisticated attacks.
Daily Arcane, Implement, Summoning
Minor Action Ranged 5
Effect: You create a Medium simulacrum in an unoccu-
pied square within range. The simulacrum has whatever
speed and modes of movement you have without bonus-
es or penalties. The simulacrum has nonmagical copies
of any implements or weapons you possessed at the time
of its creation. These disappear when this power ends or
when they are removed from the simulacrum. You can
give the simulacrum the following special commands.
Standard Action: The simulacrum uses an at- will or
encounter artificer attack power that you know, regardless
of whether you've already expended that power. The
simulacrum's use of an encounter attack power does not
count toward your use of that power. The simulacrum
uses your attack bonus with the power. It can use each
encounter attack power only once for each use of this
Standard Action: The simulacrum uses an artificer
daily attack power that you know, regardless of whether
you've already expended that power. The simulacrum
cannot use simulacrum. The simulacrum's use of a daily
attack power does not count toward your use of that
power. The simulacrum uses your attack bonus with the
power. After the simulacrum uses a daily attack power,
simulacrum ends.
Opportunity Attack: The simulacrum uses your melee
basic attack when making opportunity attacks.
C H A P T E R 3 | Classes
Secret Recipe Alchemist Savant Utility 1 2
The following paragon paths exhi bi t characteri sti cs
and features rel ated to Eberron, al though a player
may use one of these paths for a character from any
setting. The secti on is di vi ded i nto generi c paragon
pathsthose based on cl ass, race, or backgroundand
dragonmarked paragon paths.
"There's magic in all things. It just takes a little work to
tease it out."
Prerequi si te: You must be abl e to make al chemi -
cal i tems
H erbs, ti nctures, mi neral s, and exoti c i ngredi ents
are the tool s of al chemi sts across Khorvai re. From
an al chemi st's l aboratory, al l manner of fantasti c J
creati ons are bornfrom poi sons to poti ons to fan-
tasti c devi ces.
A s an al chemi st savant, you transcend the skill
of hedge wi zards. You bl end magi c wi th al chemi cal
compounds. By combi ni ng mysti c energy wi th your
reci pes, you produce deadl y concocti ons that can
rival any weapon.
Al chemi cal Acti on (11th level): When you
spend an acti on poi nt to make an attack wi th an
al chemi cal i tem, you gai n a bonus to the attack rol l
equal to your I ntel l i gence modi fi er.
Al chemi cal I nnovator (11th level): A t 11th
level, and agai n at 15th, 21st, and 25th, you master
two formul as of your choi ce. The formul as you master
must be of your level or lower.
Resourceful Al chemi st (11th level): When
you create new al chemi cal i tems, you can use exist-
ing al chemi cal i tems as components. The val ues of
the al chemi cal i tems you use as components are
subtracted from the component cost of the new
al chemi cal i tem. A ny val ue i n excess of the new item's
component cost is wasted.
Al chemy Master (16th level): You gai n a +2
bonus to attack rol l s wi th al chemi cal i tems.
Using the remnants of an alchemical compound,you create a
short-lived duplicate of one of your concoctions.
Daily Arcane
Free Action Personal
Trigger: You use an alchemical item of your level or lower
Effect: You create a duplicate of the triggering alchemical
item. The duplicate lasts until the end of the encounter.
Alchemist Savant Attack 20
Spell Magnet
A lodestone painted with sigils leaps from your outstretched
hand, drawing arcane currents into a maelstrom.
Daily Arcane, Conjuration, Implement, Lightning
Minor Action Ranged 10
Effect: You throw a stone into an unoccupied square
within range. The stone creates a spell magnet, a rune-
covered pillar 2 squares high that occupies the square.
Any enemy within 3 squares of the spell magnet takes a
-1 penalty to all defenses against your arcane attacks and
a -2 penalty to saving throws against ongoing damage.
The spell magnet lasts until the end of the encounter or
until you dismiss it as a free action. In addition, you can
make the following attack with the spell magnet once
per round.
Minor Action Close burst 5
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: The target takes ongoing 10 lightning damage
(save ends). The spell magnet pulls the target 5 squares.
Alchemist Savant Attack 11
Quick Admixture
In the blink of an eye, you usea prepared alchemical item.
Encounter Arcane
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You use an alchemical item without spending its
required action.
C H A P T E R 3 | Cl asses
"A workshop? Not for me. I'll he on thefront lines."
Prerequi si te: A rti fi cer
Duri ng the Last War, most arti fi cers provi ded logis-
ti cal and technol ogi cal support. A few arti fi cers
refused to stay in workshops, though. These arti fi cers
were battl e engi neers, and they carri ed thei r skills
i nto battl e. Battl e engi neers proved a vital addi ti on to
the armi es of the Last War. Today, those who follow
in the battl e engi neers' tradi ti on are al so formi dabl e
fighting compani ons.
Aggressi ve Acti on (11th level): When you
spend an acti on poi nt to take an extra acti on, you
gai n a +1 bonus to weapon attack rolls unti l the end
of your next turn, and your weapon attacks deal l d6
extra damage unti l the end of your next turn.
Brutal Enchantment (11th level): Whenever
one of your arti fi cer or battl e engi neer powers grants
an al l y a bonus to weapon damage rolls, that ally's
weapon al so becomes brutal 1 unti l the bonus ends.
I f the weapon is al ready brutal , its brutal val ue
i ncreases by 1.
Accurate Enhancement (16th level): Whenever
one of your arti fi cer or battl e engi neer powers grants
a bonus to weapon attack rolls to an ally, that bonus
i ncreases by 2.
Greater Magic Weapon Battle Engineer Attack 11
Arcane energy enwraps your weapon and your allies'weapons.
Encounter Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence + 3 vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Intelligence modifier damage.
Effect: Each ally adjacent to you gains a power bonus to
attack rolls and to damage rolls equal to your Wisdom
modifier or your Constitution modifier until the end of
your next turn.
Fleeting Dweomer Battle Engineer Utility 12
You infusea weapon with a brief yet powerful enchantment.
Encounter Arcane
Minor Action Close burst 5
Target: One weapon or implement in burst
Effect: You infuse the target with arcane energy. Choose a
damage type: acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, or thunder.
The target deals extra damage of this type equal to your
Intelligence modifier until the end of the encounter. Until
the end of the encounter, whenever the target's wielder
scores a critical hit with the weapon, the target of the
attack gains 10 ongoing damage of the damage type you
chose (save ends).
Persistent Spheres Battle Engineer Attack 20
Your weapon crashes into your foe, sending out sparklike motes
that harass that creature and sting other foes that draw close
to it.
Daily Arcane, Weapon, Zone
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 3d10 + Intelligence modifier damage, and if the target
doesn't move at least 2 squares during its turn, it takes
10 damage at the end of its turn (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and if the target doesn't move at least 2
squares during its turn, it takes S damage at the end of its
turn (save ends).
Effect: The attack creates a zone of painful motes in a burst
2 centered on the target. The zone lasts until the target
saves against this power. When the target moves, the
zone moves with it, remaining centered on it. Any enemy
that starts its turn within the zone takes 5 damage, and it
grants combat advantage while within the zone.
A brutal weapon's minimum damage is higher than that
of a normal weapon. When rolling the weapon's damage,
reroll any die that displays a value equal toor lower than
the brutal value given for the weapon. Reroll the die until
the value shown exceeds the weapon's brutal value, and
then use the newvalue.
C H A P T E R 3 | Cl asses
"You can't solve every problem with a hammer..."
Prerequi si te: Changel i ng
A s a changel i ng, you al ter appearances and i denti ti es
to suit your purpose. A s a chamel eon, you take versa-
tility to a new level. You absorb the manneri sms and
acti ons of those around you through careful observa-
tion. You not onl y change your appearance, you al ter
your powers and are abl e to perform an astoni shi ng
range of maneuvers. The more ti me you spend wi th a
person, the more accuratel y you can mi mi c hi s or her
acti ons and abi l i ti es.
Coordi nated Acti on (11th level): I f you have not
al ready spent an acti on poi nt i n the encounter, when
an al l y spends an acti on poi nt to take an extra acti on,
you can spend an acti on poi nt as an i mmedi ate reac-
ti on. Your acti on must be taken after your ally has
resolved the acti on from hi s or her acti on poi nt.
Shifting Skill (11th level): Duri ng an extended
rest, choose one skill i n whi ch an ally is trai ned. A t
the end of the extended rest, you gai n trai ni ng i n that
skill unti l the end of your next extended rest. The ally
whose skill you choose must be present duri ng the
enti re extended rest.
Power Focus (16th level): Duri ng a short rest,
choose one of your al l i es' cl ass or paragon path
encounter attack powers of 11th level or lower. A t
the end of the short rest, you can swap the encounter
attack power you gai ned wi th imitating strike for the
chosen attack power. The al l y whose power you gai n
must be present duri ng the enti re short rest.
Imitating Strike
Chameleon Attack 11 I
You demonstrate your sk
your ally's atlark.
lis of Mimicry as you perfectly imitate
Standard Action Personal
Requirement: You must use this power at the end of an
extended rest.
Effect: Until the end of your next extended rest, you can
use an ally's class or paragon path encounter attack
power of 11 th level or lower as if it were your paragon
path encounter attack power. The ally whose power you
gain must be present during the entire extended rest
before you use this power. You can use your Charisma
for the attack roll and damage roll instead of the ability
scores normally associated with that power's attack rolls
and damage rolls. You do not need to meet the normal
prerequisites to use the power, but you must meet any of
its requirements.
Perfect Mimicry Chameleon Utility 12
You carefully study your ally's abilities, imitating even those
that aren't part of his or her attack retinue.
Standard Action Personal
Requirement: You must use this power at the end of an
extended rest.
Effect: Until the end of your next extended rest, you can
use an ally's class or paragon path utility power of 12th
level or lower as if it were your paragon path utility pow-
er. The ally whose power you gain must be present dur-
ing the entire extended rest before you use this power.
You do not need to meet the normal prerequisites to use
this power, but you must meet any of its requirements.
Deadly Duplication Chameleon Attack 20
Your skill at imitation has culminated in theability to duplicate
even themost complex attacks.
Standard Action Personal
Requirement: You must use this power at the end of an
extended rest.
Effect: Until the end of your next extended rest, you can
use an ally's daily or paragon path attack power of 20th
level or lower as if it were your paragon path daily attack
power. The ally whose power you gain must be pres-
ent during the entire extended rest before you use this
power. You can use your Charisma for the attack roll and
damage roll instead of the ability scores normally associ-
ated with that power's attack rolls and damage rolls. You
do not need to meet the normal prerequisites to use the
power, but you must meet any of its requirements.
C H A P T E R 3 I Cl asses
"I make my friends. Let's call it a hobby."
Prerequi si te: A rti fi cer
The Last War saw i ncredi bl e advances i n arti fi ce.
Wi th the creati on of the warforged and the perfecti on
of war machi nes, arti fi cers attai ned a deeper under-
standi ng of how to bl end technol ogy wi th magi c.
A l though most arti fi cers trai n in the creati on of magi -
cal servants', cl ockwork engi neers elevate the practi ce
to an art form.
A s a cl ockwork engi neer, you are a master of cre-
ati ng i mi tati ons of life from i nani mate objects. You
can pi ece together automatons in a few moments.
The devi ces you create are more durabl e, longer-
l asti ng, and more deadl y than those created by your
arti fi cer peers.
You fashi on mi ni ons and arti fi ces to aid your
compani ons, al though you probabl y feel as much
ki nshi p to the automatons as you feel toward your
fellow adventurers. You mi ght dote on your creati ons,
l amenti ng when they become damaged, and even
avengi ng thei r destructi on.
Outsi de of combat, harml ess cl ockwork creati ons
surround you. They twi tter and buzz, fl utteri ng near
you, keepi ng you company. Many are al so hel pers,
and through thei r adroit appendages, you can con-
struct other mi ni ons more qui ckl y.
Coordi nated Acti on (11th level): When you
spend an acti on poi nt to take an extra acti on, you al so
gai n two mi nor acti ons, whi ch you can use onl y to
command your summoned creatures.
Durabl e Arti fi ce (11th level): Creatures you
summon wi th arti fi cer or cl ockwork engi neer powers
have a +2 power bonus to al l defenses.
Superior Mi ni ons (16th level): Creatures you
summon wi th arti fi cer or cl ockwork engi neer powers
have a +2 bonus to speed and a +1 bonus to attack rolls.
Clockwork Soldiers Clockwork Engineer Attack 11
Scores of tiny metal sol
diers drop off your body and swarm a
Encounter Arcane, Implement, Zone
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 10 squares
Effect: The burst creates a zone of miniature clockwork
soldiers. The zone lasts until the end of your next turn.
The zone is difficult terrain, and any enemy that starts its
turn within the zone is subject to an attack.
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier, and the target is slowed
until the end of its next turn.
Aid Artifice
Clockwork Engineer Utility 1 2
Your creations last longer than expected.
Encounter Arcane, Healing
Immediate Interrupt Close burst 10
Trigger: A creature you summoned with an artificer or
clockwork engineer power takes damage
Target: The triggering summoned creature
Effect: You spend a healing surge, and the target regains
hit points equal to your healing surge value + 2d6.
Clockwork Engineer Attack 20
You carefully assemble a realistic and versatile clockwork creation.
Daily Arcane, Implement, Summoning
Minor Action Ranged 10
Effect: You summon a Small clockwork companion in an
unoccupied square within range. The clockwork compan-
ion has speed 7 and ignores difficult terrain. It has a +4
bonus to AC and to Reflex. When you or any ally starts
your turn adjacent to the clockwork companion, that
character gains 10 temporary hit points. You can give the
clockwork companion the following special commands.
Minor Action: Melee 1; targets one creature;
Intelligence + 2 vs. AC; 2d10 + Intelligence modifier
damage, and the target is marked by the clockwork
companion until the end of your next turn. If the target
is already marked, the companion can deal 1 d8 extra
damage instead of marking it.
Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature;
Intelligence + 2 vs. AC; 2d10 + Intelligence modifier
damage, and the target is marked by the clockwork
companion until the end of your next turn. If the target
is already marked, the companion can deal 1 d8 extra
damage instead of marking it.
C H A P T E R 3 | Cl asses
"Filthy demon, I abjure you! Leave this place and never
Prerequi si te: A ny di vi ne cl ass, must worshi p the
Silver Fl ame
No force stands in greater opposition to the world's evils
than the Church of the Silver Fl ame. I ts holy warri ors
are embroi l ed in an eternal war against demons, devils,
l ycanthropes, and undead. Foremost among the Silver
Fl ame's divine servants are the exorcists of the Silver
Fl ame. These individuals travel the world, devoting
thei r lives to deeds that exempl i fy the faith's precepts.
A s an exorci st of the Silver Fl ame, you enjoy a
powerful connecti on to the Silver Fl ame and have
become a living vessel for the power that underpi ns
the Church. The Voi ce of the Fl ame speci fi cal l y
sel ected you for thi s servi ce, and it falls to you to
uncover corrupti on and purge it from thi s worl d.
You have hardened yoursel f agai nst the grisly deeds
you must perform to el i mi nate evi l . You unl eash the
power of your faith upon your enemi es, scorchi ng
them wi th fl ames that puri fy the i ni qui tous and bol-
ster the ri ghteous. Whenever you use your prayers,
a smal l silver fl ame appears above your head to
C H A P T E R 3 | Cl asses
i denti fy the hol i ness of your cause and the stature of
your posi ti on wi thi n the Church.
Silver Fl ame Acti on (11th level): When you
spend an acti on poi nt to take an extra acti on, your
attacks deal 2d6 extra fi re and radi ant damage unti l
the end of your next turn.
Bol stered by Fl ame (11th level): Whenever you
use a fi re power, you and one ally wi thi n 5 squares of
you gai n temporary hi t poi nts equal to your Wi sdom
modi fi er.
Silver Exorci sm (16th level): When you attack a
demon, a devil, a shapechanger, or an undead usi ng a
fi re or radi ant power, you can rerol l any damage die
roll of 1 or 2.
Flame Exorcist of the Silver Flame Attack 11
of Censure
You unleash a wave of flames that incinerates the unrighteous.
Encounter Divine, Fire, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Close blast 3
Target: Each enemy in blast
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier fire and radiant damage, and
the target is blinded until the end of your next turn. If the
target is a demon, a devil, a shapechanger, or an undead,
it takes 2d6 extra fire and radiant damage and a penalty
to AC equal to your Charisma modifier until the end of
your next turn.
Warding Flame Exorcist of the Silver Flame Utility 1 2
You summon a silver flame that bolsters allies and punishes foes.
Daily Divine, Zone
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 10 squares
Effect: The burst creates a zone of silver flame that lasts
until the end of your next turn. You and each ally within
the zone gain resist 10 fire, resist 10 radiant, and a +2
power bonus to all defenses. Each enemy within the
zone gains vulnerable 5 fire and vulnerable 5 radiant,
and takes a - 2 penalty to all defenses.
Sustain Minor: The zone persists.
Silver Brand Exorcist of the Silver Flame Attack 20
A tongue of fire erupts on your foe's brow.
Daily Divine, Fire, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier fire and radiant damage, and
the target is blinded and dazed (save ends both). If the
target is a demon, a devil, a shapechanger, or an undead,
it also takes ongoing 10 fire damage and ongoing 10
radiant damage (save ends both).
Miss: Half damage, and the target is blinded and dazed until
the end of your next turn.
"They breached our world once, but as long as I live, they
shall not do so again."
Prerequi si te: A ny pri mal cl ass, member of the
Over si xteen thousand years ago, drui ds formed
the Gatekeepers. They were charged wi th the di re
responsi bi l i ty of safeguardi ng the world from a bur-
geoni ng evil, the aberrant ho/ rors dwel l i ng wi thi n
Khyber's depths. A l though defeated once, these crea-
tures still cl amor for a chance to slip through reality's
boundari es and conquer the mortal worl d. The
Gatekeepers have fai l ed onl y one ti me i n thei r guard-
i anshi p. Some ni ne thousand years ago, the dael kyr
spilled from Xori at, the Real m of Madness. Onl y a
few Gatekeepers survi ved the struggl e to bi nd the
dael kyr behi nd great seal s. From that moment, the
Gatekeepers renewed thei r anci ent oaths and have
remai ned vi gi l ant i n thei r duti es.
A s a mystagogue of the Gatekeepers, you preserve
the seal s forged by your predecessors, and you work
to contai n the aberrant threat. Your mi ssi on carri es
you across the world, for the dael kyr and thei r spawn
are unceasi ng in thei r efforts to thwart the seal s. To
oppose them, you have l earned anci ent techni ques
to steel your mi nd agai nst thei r powers and to battl e
thei r fell i nfl uence.
Resol ute Acti on (11th level): When you spend
an acti on poi nt to take an extra acti on, you gai n resist
20 psychi c unti l the end of your next turn. I n addi-
ti on, you and each ally adjacent to you can make a
saving throw agai nst any psychi c effects.
Aberrant Bane (11th level): Your attacks agai nst
bl oodi ed aberrant creatures can score cri ti cal hi ts on
rolls of 19- 20.
Aberrant Di srupti on (16th level): Whenever
you score a cri ti cal hi t agai nst an aberrant creature,
that creature is al so stunned unti l the end of your
next turn.
Nature's Balance Gatekeeper Mystagogue Attack 11
Nature corrects imbalances;you merely speed theprocess by
evoking venomous vines to weaken your joes.
Encounter Poison, Primal
Standard Action Close burst 5
Target: One creature in burst
Attack: Strength or Wisdom + 4 vs. Fortitude
Level 21: Strength or Wisdom + 6 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + Constitution modifier poison damage. The tar-
get and each enemy adjacent to it gain vulnerable 5 to all
damage until the end of your next turn.
Gate Seal Gatekeeper Mystagogue Utility 12
You deny those who circumvent thenatural methods of travel.
Daily Primal, Zone
Minor Action Close burst 10
Effect: The burst creates a zone of primal interference that
lasts until the end of your next turn. Each enemy that
starts its turn within the zone cannot teleport until the
start of its next turn. Each ally who starts his or her turn
within the zone gains a +2 power bonus to speed until
the start of his or her next turn.
Sustain Minor The zone persists.
Nature's Purge Gatekeeper Mystagogue Attack 20
Poisonous fumes spill out from your hands, flowing across foes
and scouring those that oppose thenatural order.
Daily Poison, Primal
Standard Action Close burst 3
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Strength or Wisdom + 4 vs. Fortitude
Level 21: Strength or Wisdom + 6 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d8 + Constitution modifier poison damage, and the
target is dazed and slowed (save ends both). If the target
is an aberrant creature, then whenever it uses a psychic
attack before the end of the encounter, it takes ongoing
10 poison damage (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed and slowed until
the end of your next turn.
c h a p t e r 3 | Cl asses
"We walk in the light, hut when faced with only darkness,
we must carry that light with us."
Prerequi si te: Kal ashtar, must worshi p the Path of
Wanderi ng crusaders who worshi p the Path of Light,
l i ghtwal kers travel between kal ashtar communi -
ties, hel pi ng to resolve whatever confl i cts or cri ses
they face. A s a l i ghtwal ker, one month you mi ght be
deal i ng wi th probl ems sti rred up in Sharn by the
Dreami ng Dark, and the next month you mi ght be off
to protect kal ashtar archeol ogi sts expl ori ng anci ent
ziggurats i n Q'barra. Many of your peopl e are content
to remai n sedentary, living in i sol ated communi ti es
or wi thi n the templ e-keeps of A dar. That life isn't
for you, though. You are not sati sfi ed unl ess you are
actively battl i ng agai nst the darkness, hel pi ng to
thwart the Dreami ng Dark, attempti ng to destroy the
L ords of Dust, or bri ngi ng peace to the ci vi l i zati ons
of your peopl e. A s a l i ghtwal ker, you enjoy the light of
puri ty and ri ghteousness, but you recogni ze the need
to oppose the tangi bl e evils of the worl d.
Li ghtwal ker Acti on (11th level): When you
spend an acti on poi nt to use a radi ant power, you or
one al l y wi thi n 5 squares of you regai ns hit poi nts
equal to one-hal f your level.
Wal k the Bri ght Path (11th level): Whenever
you make a radi ant attack, one al l y wi thi n 5 squares
of you gai ns combat advantage agai nst the target of
that attack unti l the end of your next turn.
Radi ant Renewal (16th level): You gai n resist
10 radi ant and resist 10 psychi c. I f you al ready have
resi stance to radi ant damage or psychi c damage, the
resi stance i ncreases by 10.
Illuminate the Adversary Lightwalker Attack 11
A golden beam of light shoots from your implement and strikes
your foe, which continues to emit sparks for several seconds.
Encounter Divine, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage, and the tar-
get takes a -2 penalty to AC and Reflex until the end of
your next turn. In addition, squares within 10 squares of
the target are illuminated with bright light until the end
of your next turn.
Path of Light Lightwalker Utility 12
Sunlight bursts from a crack in theearth and hardens into a
tangible, solid path that can also sustain you in times of need.
Daily Conjuration, Divine
Minor Action Area wall 8 within 10 squares
Effect: You conjure a path of solid light in unoccupied
squares within range. The path is flat, can support any
weight, and must have at least 1 square on a solid sur-
face. The path can ascend or descend 1 square vertically
for each square it traverses horizontally. The path lasts
until the end of your next turn.
Any bloodied ally gains regeneration 10 while occupy-
ing one of the path's squares.
Sustain Minor: The path persists.
Call the Light Lightwalker Attack 20
You draw streams of light from nearby sources, using it to sear
theflesh of your enemies while healing an ally.
Daily Divine, Healing, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One, two, or three creatures
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage, and you or
one ally within 5 squares of you regains 10 hit points.
Miss: Half damage, and you or one ally within 5 squares of
you regains 5 hit points.
C H A P T E R 3 | Cl asses
"I improve myself by any means necessary."
Prerequi si te: A ny race except warforged, must be
an arti fi cer
Warforged are an i ntri gui ng race, and regard for
them ranges from vi ewi ng them as property to
accepti ng them as peopl e. Most folks resent, di strust,
or tolerate warforged. You take a di fferent vi ew: You
want to become one. Duri ng the Last War, a few
master makers who worked i n the foundri es that pro-
duced warforged became convi nced that warforged
were exempl ars of perfecti on. Now renegades from
thei r former empl oyers, these i ndi vi dual s seek to
i mprove thei r own forms by i nstal l i ng mechani cal
augmentati ons i nto thei r fl esh.
To become a self-forged, your first step is to i nstal l
a battl efi st, a mechani zed steel appendage that
resembl es a gauntl et wi th arti cul ated fi ngers. The
battl efi st repl aces your hand, requi ri ng you to sever
your own appendage to make way for the new addi-
ti on. A s a result, onl y the most dedi cated or mad
arti fi cers embark on thi s path.
Forti fyi ng Acti on (11th level): When you spend
an acti on point to take an extra acti on, you gai n tem-
porary hit poi nts equal to 5 +one-hal f your level.
Battl efi st (11th level): You have a battl efi st,
whi ch repl aces your hand. The battl efi st is a mel ee
weapon wi th whi ch you are profi ci ent. It is a part of
the mace weapon group, deal s l d8 damage, and has
a +3 profi ci ency bonus. You can hol d i tems in your
battl efi st as though it were your hand, but you must
not be hol di ng anythi ng when you use your battl efi st
as a weapon. You can use the Enchant Magi c I tem
(Players Handbook, page 304), Di senchant Magi c I tem
(Players Handbook, page 304), and Transfer Enchant-
ment (Adventurer's Vault, page 199) ri tual s on the
battl efi st. Usi ng Di senchant Magi c I tem on the battl e-
fist does not destroy it.
Supporti ng Constructi on (11th level): The
parts you graft onto your body make you more
durabl e. You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws agai nst
ongoi ng damage.
More Metal Than Fl esh (16th level): You can
attach and embed components as i f you were a war-
forged (see "Warforged Components," page 113).
Added Resi l i ence (16th level): Whenever you
make a death saving throw, you can take the better of
your di e rol l or 10.
Battlefist Smash Self- Forged Attack 11
Channeling arcane power into your battlefist, you smash it into
your enemy with such force that you leaveyour foe staggering.
Encounter Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Requirement: Your battlefist hand must be free.
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 3[W] + Intelligence modifier damage, and you push
the target a number of squares equal to your Constitution
modifier. The target grants combat advantage to you and
your allies until the start of your next turn.
Self- Repair Self- Forged Utility 1 2
Your magic quickly repairs your damaged components.
Daily Arcane, Healing
Standard Action Personal
Effect: You regain hit points equal to twice your healing
surge value.
Flailing Gauntlet Self- Forged Attack 20
Your metal hand detaches from your arm and shoots toward a
foe, remaining connected to you by a chain of force.
Daily Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee 2
Requirement: Your battlefist hand must be free.
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 4[W] + Intelligence modifier damage, and you knock
the target prone.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: Your battlefist gains the reach weapon property
until the end of the encounter.
C H A PT E R 3 | Classes
"Our of my way, flesh hags!"
Prerequi si te: Warforged
You have dedi cated yoursel f to
physi cal perfecti onto becomi ng an
embodi ment of strength and prow-
ess. Perhaps you were on the front
l i nes i n an army of the L ast War,
or maybe you were created i n the
wani ng days of that confl i ct and
yearn to expl ore your mi l i tary
nature. Whatever the case, you
rel i sh the act of rushi ng headl ong
into your enemi es and dri vi ng
them before you. A s a warforged
juggernaut, you are an unstoppabl e
force, most at home on the battl efi el d
surrounded by dozens of foes. When
you choose to hol d a posi ti on, you keep it.
Your trai ni ng and bui l d have gi ven you the
ability to shake off attacks that woul d devas-
tate your al l i es.
Chargi ng Acti on (11th level): When you spend
an acti on poi nt to make a charge attack, you gai n a
+2 bonus to speed and to al l defenses unti l the end
of your next turn. I n addi ti on, you can take further
acti ons after the charge.
Chargi ng Stri ke (11th level): Whenever you
charge a target and hi t it, your attack deal s l d6
extra damage to the target and you push the target
1 square. I n addition, you can shift 1 square i nto a
square that the target vacated. The extra damage
i ncreases to 2d6 at 21st level.
Construct Perfecti on (16th level): You gai n a +2
bonus to saving throws and Endurance checks.
Unstoppabl e (16th level): When you spend an
acti on poi nt, you can make a saving throw.
Warforged Juggernaut Attack 11
You end your reckless charge with a brutal blow that throws
your enemy backward, rattling its nerves.
Encounter Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target is
dazed until the end of your next turn.
Special: When charging, you can use this power in place of a
melee basic attack.
Warforged Juggernaut Utility 1 2 Inexorable
To attack your chosen adversary, you hurtle across the battle
field, shrugging off attacks.
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you ignore difficult
terrain, can move through enemy spaces, and gain a +2
power bonus to AC against opportunity attacks.
Crag of Steel Warforged Juggernaut Attack 20
You lock yourself into position, holding your ground with a de-
fensive posture and a series of deadly attacks.
Daily Stance, Weapon
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the stance ends, you gain resist 5 to all dam-
age, and whenever this reduces an attack's damage to 0,
you also negate that attack's effect on you. Additionally,
until the stance ends, you can reduce the distance you
are pulled, pushed, or slid by 5 squares, and any enemy
that starts its turn adjacent to you takes 1 [W] damage
while you are able to make opportunity attacks.
C H A PT E R 3 | Classes
Each of the following thi rteen paragon paths is asso-
ci ated wi th one of the thi rteen dragonmarked houses.
Each paragon path has a dragonmark as a prereq-
ui si te. The dragonmarked feats appear i n the feats
secti on of Chapter 4.
"I'vealways had a sense of the latent power residing within
certain items. Of course, in my hands, that power doesn't
stay latent for long."
Prerequi si te: Mark of Maki ng feat
The mastermakers of H ouse Canni th are among the
most powerful spel l casters of the thi rteen dragon-
marked houses. The house counts numerous arti fi cers
and wi zards among its ranks. A s a Canni th master-
maker, you are a part of the house's august magi cal
tradi ti on. You are capabl e of coaxi ng hi dden power
out of your magi c i tems, and you can use that power
in unusual ways. The untold days spent handl i ng
residuum and other components have left thei r mark,
though. Most mastermakers have hands that bear per-
manent silver streaks.
Mastermaker Acti on (11th level): When you
spend an acti on poi nt to take an extra acti on, one of
your expended magi c i tem dai l y powers recharges.
I tem Affi ni ty (11th level): A fter an extended
rest, you can use three magi c i tem dai l y powers per
day. A t 21st level, you can use five magi c i tem dai l y
powers per day.
Arcane Rechannel i ng (16th level): Once per
encounter as a free acti on duri ng your turn, you can
expend one of your uses of a magi c i tem dai l y power
to regai n the use of an arcane encounter attack
Cannith Mastermaker Attack 11
Power Siphon
You blast your foe with a golden ray, and streaming wisps of
power flow from your enemy into your equipment and into the
equipment of nearby allies.
Encounter Arcane, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 4d6 + Intelligence modifier radiant damage, and you
and each ally within 10 squares of you gain a +2 power
bonus to attack rolls or a +2 power bonus to all defenses
until the end of your next turn.
Item Resurgence Cannith Mastermaker Utility 1 2
You channel arcane energy into a nearby item, using your ar-
cane reservoir of power to activate it.
Daily Arcane
Immediate Interrupt Close burst 10
Trigger: An ally within 10 squares of you uses a magic item
daily power
Target: The triggering ally
Effect: The target does not count the triggering magic item
power toward his or her limit of magic item daily power
Lightning Infusion Cannith Mastermaker Attack 20
With a blast of eldritch lightning, you assault your enemies and
bolster summoned creatures.
Daily Arcane, Implement, Lightning
Standard Action Close blast 5
Target: Each enemy in blast
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 4d8 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage, and you
push the target 1 square.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: Any summoned creature in the blast gains tempo-
rary hit points equal to 5 + your Intelligence modifier.
C H A PT E R 3 | Cl asses
"I can't promise that nothing will happen to you while I 'm
around. I can promise that I'll seeyou through whatever
perils we face."
Prerequi si te: Mark of Senti nel feat
Denei th's protectors are among the most stori ed
members of the house's Defenders Gui l d, an orga-
ni zati on of mercenary bodyguards who are combat
veterans. A s a protector, you protect your charge wi th
both combat prowess and the supernatural powers of
your dragonmark. A l though most of your comrades
are probabl y members of the Defenders Gui l d, you
mi ght al so fi nd yoursel f worki ng wi th the Bl ade-
marks Guildan organi zati on of mercenari es who
provi de a vari ety of servi ces throughout K hor vai r e-
and the Senti nel Marshal s, a group that ensures the
enforcement of l aw and order. Your trai ni ng has
honed your skills to protect others, and you rel i sh the
opportuni ty to thwart enemi es who try to attack your
charges. Those foolish enough to venture such an
assault swi ftl y meet your weapon as you del i ver retri -
buti on for thei r audacity.
Senti nel Acti on (11th l evel ): When you spend
an acti on poi nt to take an extra acti on, you mark
each enemy that is adjacent to you when you com-
pl ete that acti on. The mark l asts unti l the end of your
next turn.
Bodyguard's Resol ve (11th level): Whenever
you are dazed or stunned and an enemy marked by
you targets an ally wi thi n your l i ne of sight wi th an
attack, you can make a saving throw agai nst the dazed
or stunned effect. I f you save, the effect ends before
the enemy makes the attack rol l agai nst the ally.
Denei th Mark (16th level): Whenever you mark
an enemy, you end any marks on you.
D e n e i t h P r o t e c t o r A t t a c k 1'
i.i.y.jj.jiM i'.mi'.m
Your dragonmark sends a magic charge into your enemy when
you hit, creating a link that lets you divert thefoe's attacks.
Encounter 4- Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength or Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 3[W] + Strength or Intelligence modifier damage, and
the next time the target hits an ally with a melee attack
before the end of your next turn, you can choose to have
the attack instead hit you.
Globe of Warding
D e n e i t h P r o t e c t o r U t i l i t y 1 2
You create a shimmering globe that strengthens allies against
Encounter 4 Zone
Minor Action Close burst 2
Effect: The burst creates a zone of protective energy that
lasts until the end of your next turn. You and each ally
within the zone gain a +2 bonus to all defenses against
ranged and area attacks.
Sustain Minor: The zone persists.
Punish the Assailant Deneith Protector Attack 20
Your weapon leaps into a gap in thedefenses of an attacking
enemy, punishing it for having thetemerity to attack an ally.
Daily 4 Reliable, Weapon
Immediate Interrupt Melee weapon
Trigger: An enemy within your reach makes a melee attack
roll against an ally
Target: The triggering enemy
Attack: Strength or Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 4[W] + Strength or Intelligence modifier damage, and
the triggering enemy's attack targets you instead of the
ally, even if you are not within the attack's range. If the
attack misses you, you can make a melee basic attack
against the target as a free action.
C H A P T E R 3 | Cl asses
"I recommend you back away now. Then again?a part of
me wants to see what happens if you don't."
Prerequi si te: Mark of Hospi tal i ty feat
A s a sanctuary guardi an, you are the poi nt of the
spear for H ouse Ghal l anda, adept at enforci ng the
house's mandate to provi de a safe haven for its guests.
H ouse Ghal l anda has encl aves around the world
that are beset by hazards such as overzeal ous l ocal
authori ti es, ki dnappers, and rampagi ng monsters.
You've been trai ned to deal wi th all such threats.
Through the power of your dragonmark, you set the
stage for battl es, maki ng sure that your al l i es have the
advantage. Your powers hel p keep your al l i es fi ghti ng
and your enemi es struggl i ng. Those who woul d chal -
l enge you or your comrades qui ckl y l earn that H ouse
Ghal l anda is competent in more arts than just those
of comfort and conveni ence.
Swift Acti on (11th level): When you spend an
acti on point to take an extra acti on, each ally wi thi n
5 squares of you can shift 1 square as a free acti on.
Hospi tabl e Surge (11th level): Whenever you
spend a heal i ng surge, each al l y adjacent to you can
make a saving throw. Those al l i es gai n any bonuses
you have to saving throws for that rol l .
Ghal l anda's Sanctuary (16th level): When any
ally wi thi n 5 squares of you takes a total defense or
second wi nd acti on, that ally gai ns temporary hit
poi nts equal to 5 +your Chari sma modi fi er.
The number of temporary hit poi nts equal s 10 +
your Chari sma modi fi er at 21st level.
Scatter G h a l l a n d a S a n c t u a r y G u a r d i a n A t t a c k 11
the Invaders
You strikeout at onefoe and send it staggering into other
nearby enemies.
Encounter Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Primary Target: One creature
Primary Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage. Make a secondary
Secondary Target: Each enemy adjacent to the primary
Secondary Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude
Hit: You push the secondary target 1 square.
Guardian's G h a l l a n d a S a n c t u a r y G u a r d i a n U t i l i t y 1'.
Your dragonmark glows and empowers your healing.
Free Action Personal
Effect: The next healing power you use before the start
of your next turn restores the maximum number of hit
points possible.
Ghallanda Sanctuary Guardian Attack 20
You swing, striking your foes and emitting a shower of energy
from your dragonmark to empower your allies.
Daily Weapon
Standard Action Close burst 1
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Strength vs. Reflex
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, any ally can use
his or her second wind as a minor action while within 3
squares of you.
Sustain Minor: The effect persists.
C H A PT E R 3 | Cl asses
"My enemies are like gangrene on a wound that would
otherwise heal. And there's only one thing to do with
gangrene-start cutting."
Prerequi si te: Mark of H eal i ng feat
When Sahemi the Emi ssary told H ouse J orasco that
it shoul d hel p heal Eberron from the wounds of the
Last War, you l i stened. Despi te resi stance from much
of the house, Sahemi i nsi sted that the dragonmark
that he and hi s ki n bore mandated an effort to hel p
heal the l and. A supporter of Sahemi 's efforts, you
cal l yoursel f a jadehand for the jade bracel ets you
wear in emul ati on of the Emi ssary. You respect the
drui di c tradi ti ons, and you Ye i nterested in stoppi ng
supernal menaces and heal i ng the world's scars,
such as the Mournl and. You have a broad vi ew of
what consti tutes "heal i ng," so you al so apply your
skills l i beral l y to hel p heal peopl e and the l and. For
you, exposi ng a demoni c cul t and thwarti ng fronti er
bandi try are just i nci si ons and surgeri es performed
on a l arger scal e.
J adehand Acti on (11th level): When you spend
an acti on poi nt to use a heal i ng power, you restore
extra hit poi nts equal to your Wi sdom modi fi er.
I mproved Recovery (11th level): Whenever you
grant an ally a saving throw, that ally can roll two
di ce and take the hi gher resul t.
Heal i ng Savant (16th level): Whenever you use
a heal i ng power duri ng a short or an extended rest,
that power restores the maxi mum number of hit
poi nts possi bl e.
Preventive Medicine Jorasco Jadehand Attack 11
When an enemy attacks your friend, lightning arcs from your
dragonmark into theenemy, shocking it and healing your ally.
Encounter Healing, Implement, Lightning
Immediate Interrupt Ranged 5
Trigger: An enemy within 5 squares of you hits an ally
Target: The triggering enemy
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier lightning damage, and the
triggering ally can spend a healing surge and gain an ad-
ditional 2d6 hit points.
Jade Rejuvenation Jorasco Jadehand Utility 12
Your dragonmark glows a faint green. Sigils identical to the
mark then appear over theheads of your friends.
Daily Healing
Minor Action Close burst 5
Target: You and each ally in burst
Effect: You lose one healing surge, and each target gains
regeneration 5 until the end of your next turn.
Sustain Minor: The effect persists.
Dawn Burst Jorasco Jadehand Attack 20
Thesun seems to flarefrom your dragonmark, flashing its light
on friend and foe alike.
Daily Healing, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 10 squares
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage.
Effect: Each ally in the burst can spend a healing surge or
make a saving throw.
C HA I'T E R 3 | Cl asses
"Strictly speaking, it might not take a thief to catch a
thief. However, we do try to think and train like our
adversaries do."
Prerequi si te: Mark of Wardi ng feat
You are part of an unusual group of thi eves. You are
a member of H ouse Kundarak's Ghorad'di n, who are
charged wi th testi ng the house's wards and recover-
ing property stolen by those brazen enough to break
i nto Kundarak vaults. You combi ne the magi cal prow-
ess of a spel l caster wi th the steal th of a burgl ar. A s a
resul t, no barri er can stop you.
H ouse Kundarak uses the Ghorad'di n onl y rarely,
and they answer onl y to L ord Morri kan, l eader
of H ouse Kundarak. When a new hi gh securi ty
vault needs testing, the house assembl es a group of
Ghorad'di n to try to break i n and expose weaknesses
before any treasure is pl aced wi thi n. A l though such
practi ces hone your ski l l s, you mi ght prefer even
greater chal l enges. The most ski l l ed Ghorad'di n are
assi gned to recover stolen property from other gi fted
thi eves. Whi spers al so tel l of Ghorad'di n who operate
as assassi ns.
Ghorad'di n Acti on (11th level): When you
spend an acti on poi nt to take an extra acti on, you
gai n a +2 bonus to Thi every checks and Steal th
checks unti l the end of your next turn. You al so gai n
a +2 bonus to A C and to Refl ex unti l the end of your
next turn.
Careful Trap-Breaker (11th level): You gai n a
+5 bonus to Thi every checks to del ay a trap, and you
do not tri gger a trap wi th a failed Thi every check.
Master Burgl ar (16th level): Whenever you
make a Thi every check, you roll two di ce and take
the hi gher resul t.
Befuddling Bypass Kundarak Ghorad'din Attack 11
Empowered by your dragonmark, your shot befuddles your foe,
allowing you to pass by it before thecreature realizes you are
Encounter Charm, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength or Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit: 2[W] + Strength or Dexterity modifier damage, and
the target is immobilized until the end of your next turn.
You can then move your speed. This movement does not
provoke opportunity attacks from the target.
Thwart the Walls Kundarak Ghorad'din Utility 1 2
You start to fade out of existence, gaining theability to step
through walls and obstacles.
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You gain insubstantial and phasing until the end of
your next turn.
Ward Unleashed Kundarak Ghorad'din Attack 20
With the power of your dragonmark, you dispel nearby wards
and usetheir power to impede your enemies.
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 10 squares
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Strength or Dexterity + 4 vs. Fortitude
Level 27: Strength or Dexterity + 6 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d10 + Strength or Dexterity modifier damage, and
the target is slowed (save ends).
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: Any enemy zones or conjurations in the burst end.
C H A PT E R 3 | Cl asses
"Battling me is as futile as trying to strike the wind. And
if you try, you'll look just as foolish."
Prerequi si te: Mark of Storm feat
You're more at home in the skies aboard a House
L yrandar ai rshi p than you are on the ground.
Through the power of your dragonmark, you exert
control over wi nd and weather. You're natural l y hel d
aloft by breezes, but the wi nd isn't just a constant
compani on, it's al so a weapon i n your arsenal . Wi th
the aid of your dragonmark, you can cause sudden
bursts of wi nd that send your enemi es flying. Wi th
enough power, you can even summon a tornado to
tear through your enemy's ranks. Those who tri fl e
wi th you feel the fury of the storm.
Wi nd-Ri der Acti on (11th level): When you
spend an acti on point to take an extra acti on, you
gai n a fly speed equal to your speed (and can hover)
unti l the end of your next turn.
Storm Adept (11th level): You gai n a +1 bonus
to attack rol l s and a bonus equal to your Consti tuti on
modi fi er (mi ni mum 1) to damage from l i ghtni ng or
thunder attack powers.
Feather's Touch (16th level): Once per encoun-
ter, you can use the wi zard uti l i ty power/ eather/ all
(Player's Handbook, page 160).
Wind Burst Lyrandar Wind- Rider Attack 11
With the power of your dragonmark, you call forth a column
of wind that lands on your enemies, scattering them in all
Encounter 4 Implement
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Charisma or Constitution vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d6 + Charisma or Constitution modifier damage,
and you push the target 2 squares away from the attack's
origin square. A target in the burst's origin square is
knocked prone instead of pushed.
Zephyr Wings Lyrandar Wind- Rider Utility 12
You feel a rush of wind at your back, and you'recarried aloft.
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You gain a fly speed equal to your speed until the
end of your next turn.
Sustain Minor: The effect persists.
Unruly Cyclone Lyrandar Wind- Rider Attack 20
Your dragonmark flares as you struggleto control a powerful
tornado and blast your foes.
Daily 4 Implement, Zone
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Effect: The burst creates a zone of violent wind that lasts
until the end of your next turn. As a move action, you can
move the zone 4 squares. Each creature that starts its
turn within the zone is subject to the following attack.
Attack: Charisma or Constitution vs. Fortitude.
Hit: 3d10 + Charisma or Constitution modifier, and you
push the target 4 squares away from the burst's origin
Sustain Minor: The zone persists.
C H A PT E R 3 | Cl asses
"I knew you were going to do that. And now, 1 know you're
going to pay."
Prerequi si te: Mark of Detecti on feat
H ouse Medani 's abi l i ty to trai n the senses and the/
mi nds of its members is l egendary. I n your case, the
ri gorous trai ni ng combi nes wi th the power of your
dragonmark to bri ng your powers of presci ence and
observati on to supernatural levels. You can reveal
invisible foes wi th ease and throw your enemi es
from thei r feet by anti ci pati ng thei r movements. A s a
Medani trueseer, you thi nk a step ahead of everyone
el se. Even adversari es that thi nk they've outsmarted
you fi nd themsel ves l ured i nto traps that give you the
Trueseer Acti on (11th level): When you spend
an acti on point to take an extra acti on, any enemy
you can see grants combat advantage to you unti l the
end of your next turn.
Bl i ndl ess Sight (11th level): You cannot be
bl i nded, and you gai n a +2 bonus to Percepti on checks
and initiative checks.
Medani Targeti ng (16th level): Your attacks
i gnore cover and conceal ment, but not superi or cover
and total conceal ment, agai nst a target you have
combat advantage agai nst.
Medani True Strike Medani Trueseer Attack 11
Your Mark of Detection flares, sending out darts of energy to
hunt down hidden foes and reveal their locations.
Standard Action Ranged 10
Effect: You can see invisible creatures within 10 squares of
you and within your line of sight until you hit or miss with
this power.
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma or Wisdom + 4 vs. Reflex. The attack
ignores any cover and any concealment if the target is
within 10 squares of you.
Hit: 2d10 + Charisma or Wisdom modifier.
Medani Foretelling Medani Trueseer Utility 1 2
The power of your dragonmark allows you to take a quick
glance into thefuture to help you decide what to do.
Free Action Personal
Effect: You roll a d20. If you attack during this turn, you
can choose to use this roll as the first attack roll of the
Disruptive Medani Trueseer Attack 20
Beforeyour enemy can strike, you let loose a debilitating sting
that inhibits its defenses and ability to attack.
Daily Weapon
Immediate Interrupt Ranged 10
Trigger: An enemy within 10 squares of you hits or misses
you or an ally
Target: The triggering enemy
Attack: Charisma or Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d10 + Charisma or Wisdom modifier damage, and
the target takes a - 4 penalty to attack rolls against you
(save ends).
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: The target grants combat advantage to you until the
end of your next turn.
C H A PT E R 3 | Cl asses
"Areyou watching my blade, or areyou watching my
feet? You'll have to keep an eye on both if you're to keep
up with me."
Prerequi si te: Mark of Passage feat
A mong the best duel i sts of H ouse Ori en are the
swi ftbl ades, peerl ess swordmasters whose Marks of
Passage enabl e them to cut paths between worlds
wi th thei r fl ashi ng bl ades. A s a swi ftbl ade, you can
slice a ri ft in the fabri c of the world, dart through it,
and then appear on the other side of the battl efi el d.
When you practi ce agai nst your peers, the fights
range across nei ghborhoods and ci ti es as you and
your opponent tel eport from pl ace to pl ace.
H ouse Ori en cal l s upon swi ftbl ades to defend
the house's i nterests wi th weapon and word. The
house di spatches the duel i sts to conduct negotia-
ti ons or investigate di sturbances in its travel network.
Wi th thei r sophi sti cated demeanor, swi ftbl ades are
often underesti mated by House Ori en's enemi es.
Those who attract the i re of an Ori en swi ftbl ade
qui ckl y l earn that the duel i sts are more than casual
Swiftblade Acti on (11th level): When you spend
an acti on poi nt, you can tel eport your speed as a
move acti on unti l the end of your next turn.
Vi gi l ant Spri nter (11th level): You do not grant
combat advantage for runni ng.
Swift Foot (16th level): You gai n a +1 bonus to
speed and a +1 bonus to A C and to Refl ex agai nst
opportuni ty attacks.
Shifting Charge Orien Swiftblade Attack 11
Brandishing your weapon, you chargeforward, dashing among
your enemies before they can react.
Encounter Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Effect: Before the attack, you shift your speed.
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength or Intelligence + 1 vs. AC
Hit: 3[W] + Strength or Intelligence modifier damage.
Orien Unbound Orien Swiftblade Utility 1 2
Your Mark of Passageflares, and you teleport away from your
Encounter Teleportation
Move Action Personal
Effect: You end any immobilized or marked effects on you.
You then teleport your speed.
Flurry of Teleportation Orien Swiftblade Attack 20
You blink from place to place on thebattlefield, stabbing a foe
before disappearing again.
Daily Teleportation, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Primary Target: One creature
Primary Attack: Strength or Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength or Intelligence modifier damage.
Effect: You teleport 4 squares and then make a secondary
Secondary Target: One creature other than the primary
Secondary Attack: Strength or Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 1 [W] + Strength or Intelligence modifier damage.
Effect: You teleport 4 squares and then make a tertiary
Tertiary Target: One creature other than the primary
and secondary targets
Tertiary Attack: Strength or Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 1 [W] + Strength or Intelligence modifier damage.
Effect: You teleport 4 squares.
C H A PT E R 3 | Cl asses
"I suggest that you withdraw. My last foes found that flee-
ing in abject terror was far more hazardous than a sensible
Prerequi si te: Mark of Shadow feat
The entertai ners and arti sans of H ouse Phi arl an
empl oy a vari ety of medi a and techni ques to express
thei r art and di stract thei r foes. Members of the
house who show a predi sposi ti on for i l l usi on are
often trai ned as phantasmi sts. A s a phantasmi st, you
excel i n evasi on and decepti on. Your trai ni ng has
taught you how to bri ng your enemi es' ni ghtmares to
l i fe. You can cl oak yoursel f i n shadows or tri ck foes
wi th i l l usory forms. When you perfect your art, you
even gai n the power to make an i l l usi on i nto a deadl y
Phantasmi st Acti on (11th level): When you
spend an acti on poi nt to take an extra acti on, you or
one ally wi thi n 3 squares of you becomes invisible
unti l the start of your next turn.
Mi nd Fi re (11th level): A ny enemy affected by
one of your charm, fear, i l l usi on, or psychi c powers
takes a -2 penal ty to saving throws agai nst that pow-
er's effect.
Phase-Mi st Shroud (16th level): Whenever you
use an illusion power, you gai n conceal ment and a
+1 bonus to attacks rolls wi th charm, fear, i l l usi on, or
psychi c powers unti l the end of your next turn.
Disturbing Visions Phiarlan Phantasmist Attack
Terrible illusions plagueyour enemies' minds, causing them to
flee in fright.
Encounter 4 Fear, Illusion, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Intelligence or Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence or Charisma modifier psychic
damage, and you slide the target 2 squares. In addition,
the target takes a - 2 penalty to attack rolls until the end
of your next turn.
Taunting Decoy
Phiarlan Phantasmist Utility 12
An image of you appears near your enemy, drawing its attacks.
Daily 4 Conjuration, Teleportation
Standard Action Ranged 10
Effect: You conjure a decoy of yourself in an unoccupied
square within range. The decoy occupies 1 square, and it
lasts until the end of your next turn. When you conjure
the decoy, it marks one enemy within 5 squares of it until
the end of your next turn. The decoy can be attacked,
and when the enemy marked by the decoy hits it, the
mark ends and the decoy teleports 5 squares. As a move
action, you can move the decoy 3 squares.
Sustain Minor: The decoy persists, and it marks one enemy
within 5 squares of it.
Phantasmist Stalker Phiarlan Phantasmist Attack 20
You summon a feral, gangly creature of shadow and mist to do
your bidding.
Daily 4 Implement, Psychic, Summoning
Standard Action Ranged 10
Effect: You summon a Medium phantasmist stalker in an
unoccupied square within range. The stalker has speed
7. It has a +4 bonus to AC and to Reflex and a +5 bonus
to saving throws against fear effects and charm effects.
Whenever the stalker hits a creature granting combat
advantage to it, that creature takes ongoing 5 psychic
damage (save ends). You can give the phantasmist stalker
the following special commands.
Minor Action: The phantasmist stalker moves 7
squares. It has insubstantial while moving.
Standard Action: Close blast 3; targets each creature in
blast; Intelligence or Charisma vs. Will; 1 d10 + Intelligence
or Charisma modifier psychic damage, and the target is
dazed (save ends).
Standard Action: Melee 1; targets one creature;
Intelligence or Charisma vs. Reflex; 1d8 + Intelligence or
Charisma modifier psychic damage.
Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature;
Intelligence or Charisma vs. Reflex; 1 d8 + Intelligence or
Charisma modifier psychic damage.
C H A PT E R 3 | C l as s es ^
"I callyou thaukrala'them-sholowdi. I rebukeyou with
mahanaprill-katarnah. And heed this word: Quarran
Prerequi si te: Mark of Scri bi ng feat, fl uent in
A s a bearer of the Mark of Scri bi ng, you have a super-
natural affi ni ty for l anguage. You have chosen to
focus your skills on masteri ng the subtl e i ntonati ons
and preci se rhythms of the true l anguage that gave
bi rth to al l others. A l though your vocabul ary is l i m-
ited, your words carry potent magi c powera power
that can befuddl e and ensl ave your enemi es or bri ng
an onrushi ng mob to a halt.
Truenamer Acti on (11th level): When you
spend an acti on poi nt to take an extra acti on, you
regai n the use of Channel Di vi ni ty or A rcane I mpl e-
ment Mastery.
Supernal Li ngui st (11th level): Your study of
Supernal has given you a greater understandi ng of
the world. You gai n a +2 bonus to knowl edge checks.
Word of Life (11th level): I ncrease your heal i ng
surge value by your I ntel l i gence or Chari sma modi fi er.
C H A PT E R 3 | Cl asses
True Word Heal i ng (16th l evel ): Whenever
you use a power that lets you spend a heal i ng surge,
each al l y wi thi n 3 squares of you can al so spend a
heal i ng surge.
Utterance of Mockery Si v i s Truen a m e r A t t a c k 11
You speak words of Supernal so potent that your enemy loses its
senseof identity and mistakenly attacks itself.
Encounter 4- Charm, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence or Charisma vs. Will
Hit: As a free action, the target makes a basic attack against
itself and hits. If the target has multiple basic attacks, you
choose which attack it uses.
Sigil of Repulsion Sivis Truenamer Utility 1 2
You utter ancient words of Supernal, conjuring a silvery glyph
that repels your foes.
Daily 4 Conjuration
Minor Action Ranged 20
Effect: You conjure a glowing sigil in an unoccupied square
within range. Any enemy within 5 squares of the sigil
must spend 2 extra squares of movement for each space
it moves closer to the sigil.
Sustain Minor: The sigil persists.
Utterance Sivis Truenamer Attack 20
of Domination
You speak thetruename of your enemy, giving you temporary
dominion over it.
Daily 4 Charm, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence or Charisma vs. Will
Hit: The target is dominated (save ends).
Aftereffect: The target takes 4d10 + Intelligence or
Charisma modifier psychic damage.
Miss: The target takes 2d10 + Intelligence or Charisma
modifier psychic damage and is dazed until the end of
your next turn.
"There is only one way to escape my pursuit: through
Prerequi si te: Ranger, Hunter's Quarry cl ass fea-
ture, Mark of Fi ndi ng feat
Rangers i n H ouse Tharashk often become way-
fi nders, al l -purpose gui des who travel the world
hel pi ng to resolve the house's quarrel s. A wayfi nder
is part scout, part bounty hunter, and part i nqui si -
tive. A s a wayfi nder, you mi ght, over the course of a
season, gui de dragonshard prospectors through dan-
gerous wi l derness, capture a fugitive, uncover who's
smuggl i ng poi sons i nto the sl ums of Sharn, and even
expl ore a dungeon or two al ong the way. Your dragon-
mark gui des your attacks, whether you're fi ghti ng
hand-to-hand or wi th a bow. Once you determi ne
your quarry, you are rel entl ess in your pursui t of it.
Those who fl ee from you fi nd that there's no escapi ng
a wayfi nder, onl y a delay of the i nevi tabl e.
Wayfi nder Acti on (11th level): When you spend
an acti on poi nt to make an attack agai nst an enemy
you've desi gnated as your quarry, you can shift your
speed after the attack rol l .
Quarry's Arrest (11th level): When you hit a
creature desi gnated as your quarry, you can choose
to forego your H unter's Quarry damage in order to
i nstead slow the creature and prevent it from shi fti ng
unti l the end of your next turn. Doi ng thi s expends
your H unter's Quarry damage unti l the start of your
next turn.
Wayfi nder's Quarry (16th level): Whi l e a crea-
ture is desi gnated as your quarry, it grants combat
advantage to you.
Path of Least Tharashk Wayfinder Attack 11
The power of your dragonmark guides your strike, and its magic
lingers in the wound, weakening your foe's defenses.
Encounter Weapon
Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. lowest of Fortitude, Reflex, or Will
(melee) or Dexterity vs. lowest of Fortitude, Reflex, or Will
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage (melee) or 2[W]
+ Dexterity modifier damage (ranged). Until the start
of your next turn, the target takes a - 2 penalty to the
defense you hit.
Distant Quarry Tharashk Wayfinder Utility 1 2
Your dragonmark pulses with energy as you identify a distant
foe as your quarry.
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You designate one enemy that you can see as your
Path of Destruction Tharashk Wayfinder Attack 20
Your dragonmark flashes as you deliver a devastating attack.
You then take a couple of steps and unleash another crippling
Daily Weapon
Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon
Primary Target: One creature
Primary Attack: Strength vs. AC (melee) or Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage (melee) or 2[W] +
Dexterity modifier damage (ranged). The target gains vul-
nerable 1 to all damage until the end of the encounter.
Effect: Shift 2 squares and make a secondary attack.
Secondary Target: One creature
Secondary Attack: Strength vs. AC (melee) or Dexterity
vs. AC (ranged)
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage (melee) or 2[W]
+ Dexterity modifier damage (ranged). The secondary
target gains vulnerable 1 to all damage until the end of
the encounter. If you hit the same creature with both the
primary and secondary attacks, it gains vulnerable 2 to
all damage until the end of the encounter.
C H A P T E R 3 | Cl asses J
"The only noise my weapon makes is thesound of a body
hitting the floor."
Prerequi si te: Mark of Shadow feat, trai ned in
Steal th
You're among the deadl i est assassi ns that House
Thuranni has to offer. You are the scourge of H ouse
Phi arl an and anyone el se who has enemi es wi th the
coi n to afford your servi ces. You ki l l silently, and
you're adept at i nfi l trati ng enemy stronghol ds. You
el i mi nate targets wi th ruthl ess effi ci ency and return
to your house's compounds unscathed. Thuranni
shadow ki l l ers are careful to ensure that thei r deeds
go unnoti ced by most of Khorvai re's popul ati on.
Shadow-fade Acti on (11th level): When you
spend an acti on poi nt to take an extra acti on, you
become i nvi si bl e unti l the end of your next turn.
Thuranni Silence (11th level): A ny ally wi thi n 3
squares of you who is not trai ned i n Steal th gai ns a +3
bonus to Steal th checks.
ShadowWound (16th level): Once per round
when you hit an enemy granti ng combat advantage to
you, your attack al so deal s ongoi ng 5 necroti c damage
(save ends). You deci de whether to apply the ongoi ng
damage after maki ng the damage rol l . The damage
i ncreases to ongoi ng 10 necroti c at 21st level.
Thuranni Shadow Killer Attack 11 Descending
Darkness explodes from your dagger and rises aboveyour en-
emy before raining down ebon sheets that cling to thecreature's
Encounter Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex and Will. You make one attack
roll and compare the result against both defenses. The
target might be hit one or two times, depending on which
defenses are hit.
Hit (Reflex): 1 [W] + Dexterity modifier damage, and the
target is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Hit (Will): 1 [W] + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target
is blinded until the end of your next turn.
Thuranni Shadow Killer Utility 1 2
You point at a spot, and thelight retreats from it. Then you dis-
appear and step out of theshadows you ve created.
Daily Teleportation, Zone
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Effect: The burst creates a zone of darkness that lasts until
the end of your next turn. The zone blocks line of sight
for creatures without darkvision. You gain darkvision
until the end of your next turn and teleport to the burst's
origin square.
Sustain Minor: The darkvision and the zone persist.
Spectral Garrote 11 uranni Shadow Killer Attack 20
A translucent garrote forms
foe to useas your shield.
between your hands as you snare a
Daily Reliable, Weapon
Standard Action Melee 1
Target: One creature granting combat advantage to you
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d8 + Dexterity modifier damage, and you grab the
target. Until the grab ends, you have cover and can use
the following action.
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: An enemy makes a melee or ranged attack roll
against you that targets AC or Reflex
Effect: The triggering attack targets the creature grabbed
by you.
Sustain Minor: You sustain the grab, and the target takes
2d8 + Dexterity modifier damage.
I 11 A I' I I K [i I Cl asses
"look to the skies, my friends. There you'll find me."
Prerequi si te: Ranger, Beast Mastery cl ass feature
(see Martial Power, page 38), Mark of H andl i ng feat
I n the fi nal years of the L ast War, House Vadal i s
began trai ni ng gri ffon riderssoldiers mounted on
domesti cated gri ffons. A s a Vadal i s gri ffonmaster, you
had a hand in trai ni ng those gri ffons and thei r ri ders.
Wi th your dragonmark's power, you've become an
expert ri der who is at home on the back of a gri ffon.
Gri ffonmaster Acti on (11th level): When you
spend an acti on point to make an attack, your Vadal i s
bred gri ffon can take a standard acti on or a move
acti on after your attack. I f the gri ffon uses the acti on
to attack, the attack deal s l d6 extra damage.
Vadal i s Griffon (11th level): You can swap your
current beast compani on for a Vadal i s-bred gri ffon.
Vadal i s Ri tual Techni ques (16th level): You
have mastered and can perform the Commune wi th
Nature and Phantom Steed ri tual s as i f you had the
Ri tual Caster feat.
Griffon's Pull Vadalis Griffonmaster Attack 11
Your griffon reaches out with its beak and pulls your enemies
close. You then seize theopportunity to attack.
Encounter Beast, Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon (beast 2)
Primary Target: One creature
Primary Attack: Beast's attack bonus vs. Reflex
Hit: 1 [B] + beast's Strength modifier damage, and you
slide the target 3 squares into a space adjacent to your
Vadalis- bred griffon beast companion. Make a secondary
attack that is a melee weapon attack.
Secondary Target: One creature that was a primary target
Secondary Attack: Strength vs. AC. You have combat
advantage against the secondary target.
Hit: 1 [W] + Strength modifier damage.
Level 21: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage.
Invigorating Dive Vadalis Griffonmaster Utility 1 2
The rush of thewind and theanticipation of attacking your prey
giveyou and your griffon a surgeof vigor.
Daily Beast, Healing, Martial
Free Action Close burst 1
Requirement: You must be mounted on a creature that is
Trigger: You charge
Target: You and your beast companion
Effect: Each target regains hit points equal to your healing
surge value.
Ability Scores: Strength 20, Constitution 18, Dexterity
16, I ntelligence 2, Wisdom 12, Charisma 6
Size: Large
Speed: 6 squares, fly 8 squares
Defenses: AC 13 +level, Fortitude 14 +level, Reflex
12 +level, Will 12 +level
Hit Points: 16 +10 per level
Attack Bonus: Level + 4
Damage: 2d6
Melee Basic Attack: Claw; level +3 vs. AC; 2d6 +
Strength modifier damage.
Mount: The Vadalis-bred griffon is a mount.
Cooperative Charge: When the Vadalis-bred griffon's
rider charges, the griffon can make a claw attack as
a free action in addition to its rider's charge attack.
Trained Skills: Athletics, Endurance, Perception
Snatching Assault Vadalis Griffonmaster Attack 20
Your griffon grabs your enemy in its talons and whisks it away.
Daily Beast, Martial
Standard Action Melee beast 1
Target: One creature
Attack: Beast's attack bonus vs. AC
Hit: 2[B] + beast Strength's modifier damage, and the
target is grabbed. Until the grab ends, your Vadalis- bred
griffon beast companion can move the target without
needing to make a Strength attack.
Miss: 2[B] + beast's Strength modifier damage.
Effect: After the attack, your Vadalis- bred griffon beast
companion can move half its speed.
C H A PT E R 3 | Cl asses
When you reach 2TsH evel , you can choose an epi c
destiny. You can sel ect one of the following Eberron-
based epi c desti ni es i nstead of an epi c desti ny from
another source. A l though these epi c desti ni es are
grounded i n the EBERRON setting, you can, wi th your
DM's permi ssi on, choose one of them for a character
from any campai gn setti ng.
Nothing can stop you. You were born for this. It's who you
Prerequi si te: 21st level
Ever si nce you were young, you've had an i nsti ncti ve
sense that you were speci al . A s you grew ol der and
saw more of the worl d, you l earned of the Draconi c
Prophecy, and you began to recogni ze that you have
some part to play i n it. You real i zed that the reason
you felt speci al was because of your connecti on to the
You've di scovered tangi bl e, concrete i ndi cati ons
of your rol e i n the Prophecy. Your understandi ng of
the Prophecy mi ght be subtl e (a whi sper i n your head
that i mparts propheti c gui dance at key junctures in
your life), or it mi ght be overt (a reference to you in
anci ent texts that concern the Prophecy). Perhaps
dragons pay you a visit to tel l you of your rol e in the
Regardl ess of the way i n whi ch you l earned of your
destiny, you have embraced it. Your trai ni ng has pre-
pared you for the chal l enges you face, and woe beti de
anyone who stands i n your way. You are an agent of
fate, a representati ve of prophecy, and one can no
sooner hol d you back than stop ti me from passing.
Your ascendancy to i mmortal i ty is as much a col l ec-
tive experi ence as an i ndi vi dual one.
Agent of the Prophecy: Bound to the Draconi c
Prophecy, you are a pivotal part i n a narrati ve that
stretches forward and backward. Those who study
the Prophecy wi l l know your name, and you wi l l
i nspi re the acti ons of future champi ons of prophecy.
You wi l l move forward the events of the Draconi c
Prophecy, and when the Prophecy reaches its concl u-
sion, you wi l l have been a tangi bl e part of it.
Propheti c Bl essi ng (21st level): I ncrease
your Strength, Consti tuti on, or Dexteri ty by 2, and
i ncrease your I ntel l i gence, Chari sma, or Wi sdom
by 2.
Unstoppabl e Prophecy (21st level): Whenever
you fail a death saving throw, you gai n a +2 bonus to
attack rolls unti l the end of the encounter.
Cri ti cal J uncture (24th level): Whenever you
score a cri ti cal hi t, you can spend a heal i ng surge.
Propheti c Renewal (30th level): Whenever
you reach a mi l estone, you can regai n the use of an
expended dai l y attack power i nstead of gai ni ng an
acti on poi nt.
Champion of Prophecy Utility 26
Buoyed by a succession of victories, you unleash a potent attack.
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You gain a bonus to your next attack roll before the
end of your next turn. The bonus is equal to +2 per mile-
stone that you've reached since your last extended rest.
C H A PT ER 3 ] Cl asses
You lead a broken and scattered people into a new era of
Prerequi si te: 21st level
The Last War' s scars are felt deeply. Cities and
nations still reel from the ravages of the terrible
conflict. Khorvai re and its inhabitants bear visible
signs of the suffering wrought by the war. Countless
peoples are still adrift, searching for a home and
a purpose. The Prophecy chose you to lead these
people, to guide them to a new homel and and into a
future free from strife and torment. You were chosen
to be their champion, to defend them from a callous
world that has forgotten or dismissed them.
You might have become aware of fate's plan for you
early i n your career, or you could have come to your
mission late. Your destiny could be the culmination of
unrelated events and experiences that led you to bind
yourself to a chosen people. Now you have become a
champion of a dispossessed people, and you intend to
bring hope to them through your leadership.
Long after you die, your name wi l l live on as a
symbol of heroism and hope i n the hearts of those
you champion. When you select this epic destiny,
choose a group of forsaken or broken people, such
as Cyrans, shifters, members of House Phiarlan,
warforged, tieflings, or any other dispossessed group.
You need not yourself be a member of this group. As
the campaign progresses through the epic tier, seek
opportunities to help your people and to strengthen
their presence i n the world.
Hero of Prophecy: Your chosen people have
long believed that a hero woul d come and lead them
from oblivion. Fragments from the Draconic Proph-
ecy and from the visions of mystics predicted your
coming. When you accepted the champion's mantle,
your mission and purpose became clear, and you
have since sought every opportunity to help your
people. Your efforts might culminate i n a final battle
against your people's principal enemies. I n your
enemies' defeat, you can attain the salvation that you
have long sought. Your people might raise you up as
a king or a queen, or perhaps you wi l l instead simply
ascend into their cultural consciousness as a savior.
Regardless, your trials wi l l be retold i n stories and
songs for millennia until i n memory you become
something more than mortal. To your people, you
wi l l remai n an eternal symbol of hope and a promise
of a better future.
Lead toVi ctory (21st level): Whenever you shift,
each ally wi thi n your line of sight can shift an equal
number of squares as a free action. The ally must end
the shift closer to you than he or she began.
Burden of Leadershi p (24th level): When an
enemy's attack bloodies an ally adjacent to you, you
can spend a healing surge to allow that ally to regain
hit points as if he or she had spent a healing surge.
Dri ven by Duty (30th level): The first time
you drop to 0 hit points or fewer after an extended
rest, you can spend a healing surge as an immediate
interrupt. Any ally who can see you regains 2d6 hit
points. Any hit points i n excess of an ally's maxi mum
number of hit points become temporary hit points.
Dispossessed Champion Utility 26
Your selfless commitment to your people is legendary.
Daily Stance
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the stance ends, any ally within 3 squares of
you gains resist 10 to all damage and is immune to fear
effects. In addition, until the stance ends, you can use a
minor action once per round to allow an ally within 3
squares of you make a melee or ranged basic attack as a
free action.
C H A PT E R 3 | Cl asses
Nothing less than the complete restoration of Cyre will sat-
isfy you.
Prerequi si te: 21st level
I n the fi nal years of the L ast War, prophets and sooth-
sayers warned of i mpendi ng doom. They descri bed
a si ngul ar event that woul d change the face of Khor-
vaireand bri ng rui n and death to the l and. These
warni ngs cul mi nated wi th the Day of Mourni ng,
and none can now deny the truth of these prophe-
ci es. A few of Cyre's survivors remember that these
same mysti cs al so spoke of salvation, of a person who
would undo what had befal l en Cyre. Thi s person, the
prophets said, woul d heal the l and and prevent simi-
l ar catastrophes from ravaging the worl d. You are the
mourni ng savior the foretel l i ngs predi cted, chosen
by the Prophecy to stand fast agai nst the threat of the
Mournl and and stop its corrupti on from spreadi ng
farther across Khorvai re.
A s a mourni ng savior, you face a daunti ng task. You
must shoul der the responsi bi l i ty of restori ng heal th
and vigor to the l and and of stopping the spread of an
i nexpl i cabl e tai nt.
Mourni ng Panacea: Once you compl ete your
fi nal quest and unl ock the Mourni ng's secret, you
real i ze what must be done to remove the tai nt that
pl agues the l and. Onl y through sacri fi ce can you
contai n the wel l spri ng of evil that contami nates Cyre.
Once you make peace wi th thi s terri bl e task, you
wal k i nto the Mournl and and vani sh i nto its mi sts.
For a ti me, there is no change. A s the seasons
pass, though, the gl oom shroudi ng Cyre thi ns. The
horrors stal ki ng the rui ned l andscape turn agai nst
one another i n an orgy of vi ol ence. When the
transformati on is compl ete, nothi ng remai ns of the
magi cal phenomenon that erased an enti re nati on.
Wreckage l i es strewn across the countrysi de, but
rather than di shearteni ng the Cyran refugees, it
embol dens them. They resol ve to rebui l d what was
lost and restore thei r homel and to its former glory.
You mi ght be an unsung hero, but through your sac-
ri fi ce, the Mourni ng is reversed, and l i fe can thri ve
i n Cyre once more.
Mournl and Dedi cate (21st level): You are
accustomed to the Mournl and's effect. You gai n a
+5 bonus to skill chal l enges rel ated to the peri l s of
the Mournl and. You are i mmune to the Mournl and
liiX. affl i cti on di sease, and you i gnore obstacl es and fan-
tasti c terrai n uni que to the Mournl and. I n addition,
whi l e wi thi n the Mournl and, you and any ally wi thi n
5 squares of you can benefi t from heal i ng powers.
Whi l e outsi de the Mournl and, heal i ng powers that
target you or any ally wi thi n 5 squares of you restore
2d6 extra hi t poi nts.
Memory of Cyre (24th level): When you spend
an acti on poi nt to take an extra acti on, any noncon-
struct, non-undead enemy adjacent to you takes a - 2
penal ty to attack rol l s and al l defenses (save ends).
Cyran Vengeance (30th level): When you first
become bl oodi ed duri ng an encounter, you gai n one
acti on poi nt. You must spend thi s acti on poi nt before
the end of your next turn. Usi ng thi s acti on poi nt does
not count agai nst your normal acti on poi nt expen-
di ture duri ng combat. I n addition, i f you spend the
acti on poi nt to make an attack agai nst an undead or
aberrant creature, you gai n a bonus to the attack rolls
and damage rol l s equal to your Chari sma modi fi er.
Cleansing Presence Mourning Savior Utility 26
Even theterrible curseplaguing theMournland can't withstand
your purifying presence.
Daily Healing
Standard Action Close burst 20
Target: Each ally in burst
Effect: Each target can spend a healing surge. Any hit
points in excess of the target's maximum number of hit
points become temporary hit points.
In addition, you permanently negate the effect of fan-
tastic terrain within the burst that has a magical or super-
natural origin, including but not limited to blood rock,
fonts of power, illusions, loadstones, mirror crystals, pillars
of life, sacred circles, permanent portals, and teleporters.
C H A PT E R 3 | Cl asses
You become one with the Silver Flame.
Prerequi si te: 21st level, any di vi ne cl ass, must
worshi p the Silver Fl ame
From the Si l ver Fl ame's i ncepti on, its purpose i n the
worl d has been cl ear. I t was forged from a commi t-
ment to stand fast agai nst the growi ng darkness, to
seek out and destroy evil's champi ons, and to carry
the banner- of puri ty and l i ght. A l though many ral l y
to the Silver Fl ame, onl y a sel ect few ever feel its
puri fyi ng fl ames burn away the darkness cl oudi ng
thei r souls and recei ve true cl ari ty of vi si on. One
does not choose to become a vessel for the Si l ver
Fl ame, but rather, the Fl ame chooses hi m or her to
be a vessel .
A s a subl i me fl ame, you have unfl i nchi ng devo-
ti on and piety, and you are dedi cated to servi ng the
pri nci pl es on whi ch the Church of the Silver Fl ame
was founded. You mi ght serve the Church faithfully,
or perhaps i nstead you commune di rectl y wi th the
Silver Fl ame. Regardl ess, your devoti on unl ocks a
deeper understandi ng of your purpose i n the worl d.
A s a subl i me fl ame, you can channel the power
of those who have come before you. Eventual l y,
thi s power mi ght l ead you to merge wi th the Si l ver
Fl ame and become an i mmortal extensi on of its
di vi ne wi l l .
J oi ni ng the Fl ame: You have spent your life
combati ng corrupti on and evil i n the name of the
Silver Fl ame. You have experi enced an awakeni ng
of purpose, and as you face your fi nal enemy, the
last vestiges of doubt burn away. Wi th your ul ti mate
victory, you feel a tug upon your soul that draws you
toward Thrane for one fi nal pi l gri mage. You cross
the countrysi de, returni ng to Fl amekeep to enter the
Cathedral of the Silver Fl ame. There, you step i nto
the fi re and undergo a transformati on. The argent
fi re sears away your fl esh, al l owi ng your mi nd and
soul to joi n wi th the Silver Fl ame. You take your pl ace
as part of the eternal fi res, l endi ng your power, your
knowl edge, and your fai th to its hol y purpose. A s part
of the Fl ame, you channel strength i nto those who
come after you, worki ng to attai n the promi se of para-
dise i n the worl d.
Chosen of the Fl ame (21st l evel ): A t the end of
an extended rest, choose one of your fi re or radi ant
dai l y attack powers. You gai n one extra use of the
power unti l the end of your next extended rest.
Argent Vessel (24th l evel ): The fi rst ti me you
drop to 0 hi t poi nts or fewer after an extended rest,
each enemy adjacent to you takes 10 fi re damage
and 10 radi ant damage, and each al l y adjacent to
you regai ns 20 hi t poi nts. A t the start of your next
turn, you regai n hi t poi nts equal to your heal i ng
surge val ue.
Wrath of Silver Fl ame (30th level): Whenever
you use a radi ant attack power, the attack deal s 2d6
extra fire' damage. Whenever you use a fi re attack
power, the attack deal s 2d6 extra radi ant damage.
Silver Flame's Embrace Sublime Flame Utility 26
You erupt into a column of living silver flame.
Daily Divine, Stance
Immediate Reaction Personal
Trigger: An enemy bloodies you
Effect: Until the stance ends, you gain a +2 bonus to all de-
fenses and to saving throws. In addition, until the stance
ends, whenever an enemy hits you with a melee attack,
it must succeed on a saving throw or become blinded
until the start of its next turn.
C H A PT E R 3 ] Cl osses
HEROES STAND apart. They face more
danger, suffer more pai n, and wi n more treasure
than do the ordi nary deni zens of Eberron. Most
adventurers die far sooner than other peopl e, but
those heroes who survi ve can achi eve great power
and fame.
A s a hero, you have many ways of maki ng yoursel f
stand apart from the everyday i nhabi tants of Eber-
ron. The choi ces you make when you create your
character can set your hero on a path that can l ead to
glory. I n the same way that heroes are di fferent from
common peopl e, each hero is di sti nct from al l other
heroes. A warforged arti fi cer and a changel i ng rogue
will have di fferent roads to greatness, and the ways
in whi ch each of these heroes chooses abi l i ti es and
equi pment wi l l di sti ngui sh hi m or her even further.
Each character's devel opment over the course of a
campai gn is uni que.
However you choose to set your hero apart, thi s
chapter contai ns the abi l i ti es, weapons, and magi c
you need to make that hero one of a ki nd.
Thi s chapter i ncl udes the following secti ons.
Feats: The dragonmarks, and al so race- and cl ass-
speci fi c feats i mportant to the world of Eberron.
Methods of channel i ng the di vi ni ty of the Soverei gn
Host and of other Eberron dei ti es are al so i ncl uded.
Equi pment: The weapons of the Tal enta pl ai ns
and potent magi c i tems powered by dragonshards,
and al so ri tual s used by the dragonmarked houses
and by other powerful groups.
Ri tual s: Mysti c practi ces known wi del y by those
possessi ng dragonmarks and by any others wi th
knowl edge of anci ent ri tes.
C H A PT E R 4 Character Opti ons
The E BE R R O N Player's Guide provi des both generi c feats
and feats ori ented toward the setting.
Some feats i n thi s secti on have the "[ Dragonmark | "
expressi on. These feats are associ ated wi th Eberron's
dragonmarks. A character can have onl y one such
dragonmarked feat. Each nonaberrant dragonmark
allows you to master certai n ri tual s as i f you had the
Ri tual Caster feat. To use one of these ri tual s, you
must still acqui re the ri tual and master it, and your
level must still equal or exceed the ri tual 's level. Your
DM can expand the list of ri tual s as he or she deems
appropri ate.
A t the heart of the dragonmarked houses of Eberron
are bl oodl i nes of dragonmarked hei rs that are each
of a single race. The Mark of H eal i ng appears al most
exclusively among the hal fl i ngs of H ouse J orasco, for
exampl e, and the marked hei rs of H ouse Canni th are
al l humans of a single l i ne. A s a player character, you
may choose to be an excepti on, because heroes are
uni quel y si gni fi cant i ndi vi dual s.
I f you choose a dragonmark for your character, you
have four opti ons:
You coul d choose to be a member of a dragon-
marked house and its bloodlinefor exampl e, i f you
choose to bear the Mark of Storm, you woul d be a
hal f-el f member of H ouse L yrandar and rel ated to
the other dragonmarked hei rs of the house. I n thi s
case, you have much in common wi th the NPC hei rs
of H ouse L yrandar. You wi l l be i nfl uenced by the
acti ons and goal s of your house, al though you and
your DM can determi ne to what extent you wi l l be
drawn i nto house pol i ti cs.
You can take a dragonmarked feat at initial character
creation or during character advancement. In the latter
case, the mark spontaneously develops as a result of the
stresses and exposures of your adventures. Such mani-
festations of the Draconic Prophecy are not unheard
of in Eberron.
Dragonmarked feats should not be casually retrained
(seePlayer's Handbook, page 28). A PC's place in the Dra
conic Prophecy is not abandoned or reassumed soeasily.
A DM would be well within his or her rights to require
that a dragonmark be a lifelong commitment on the part
of any PC.
You coul d choose to be a di stant offshoot of a
dragonmarked bl oodl i ne, shari ng the race that most
commonl y mani fests the mark but unencumbered
by ties to its house. For exampl e, you coul d be a half-
el f wi th the Mark of Storm but wi thout ties to H ouse
L yrandar. You'd be an anomal y; i f H ouse L yrandar
became aware of you, it woul d take steps to bri ng you
and your wayward bl oodl i ne i nto the house.
You coul d choose to be a member of some other
race, even a race that has no dragonmarked house of
its own. You can choose to bear the Mark of Storm
even i f you're an elf, a human, or a warforged. I n thi s
case, your dragonmark is a di rect mani festati on of
the Prophecy and has nothi ng to do wi th the bl ood-
l i ne of the house. You'l l probabl y never meet an NPC
in the worl d l i ke you, and H ouse L yrandar woul d not
cl ai m you.
You coul d choose to bear an aberrant dragonmark
wi thout any concern for your character's race. A ber-
rant marks are more common among those races that
have dragonmarked housesalthough a member of
any race coul d bear onebut they're still rare. The
exi stence of an aberrant dragonmark on a member of
any race is di sturbi ng to the houses, and you woul d
be wi se to avoid thei r attenti on.
Feats in thi s secti on are avai l abl e to characters of any
level, as long as they meet the prerequi si tes.
Benefi t: Whenever you hi t an enemy wi th a daily
attack power, that enemy takes a -2 penal ty to saving
throws agai nst ongoi ng damage unti l the end of the
Benefi t: Whenever you hit an enemy wi th a dai l y
attack power, that enemy takes a -2 penal ty to Wi l l
unti l the end of the encounter.
A member of any race might develop an aberrant dragon-
mark. Nomatter whoyou are, such a mark brands you as
an outsider. Since the War of the Mark, only the twelve
marks associated with the dragonmarked houses are
deemed acceptable. If you bear an aberrant mark, you
should beware of those who might hate and hunt you
for that reason.
Despite the similar terms used, aberrant dragonmarks
have nospecial connection tocreatures of the aberrant
C H A PT E R 4 | Character Options
Benefi t: Whenever you hi t an enemy wi th a daily
attack power, that enemy takes a -1 penal ty to attack
rolls agai nst you unti l the end of the encounter. Thi s
is a fear effect.
Prerequi si te: A rti fi cer
Benefi t: Whenever you use an arti fi cer power
that targets a weapon or an i mpl ement, the next
attack rol l wi th that weapon or i mpl ement before the
end of the encounter gai ns a +1 bonus.
Prerequi si te: Elf, any arcane cl ass, A erenal
Benefi t: Choose one arcane uti l i ty power of every
level you know. Each ti me you gai n a new level of
arcane uti l i ty powers, you l earn one extra uti l i ty
power of that l evel . I n other words, you know two
arcane uti l i ty powers of each level, one of whi ch you
can use on any gi ven day. A fter an extended rest,
you choose whi ch arcane uti l i ty powers of each level
you can use that day. Thi s feat doesn't change the
number of arcane uti l i ty powers you can use each
day. I f you have the Spel l book cl ass feature, the extra
arcane uti l i ty power you gai n is i n addi ti on to the
extra power gai ned through that feature.
Prerequi si te: Elf, A erenal background
Benefi t: You gai n a +1 feat bonus to damage rol l s
wi th necroti c powers. The bonus i ncreases to +2 at
11th level and +3 at 21st level.
I n addi ti on, when you spend an acti on poi nt to
take an extra acti on, you al so gai n thi s bonus to
attack rol l s wi th necroti c powers unti l the end of
your next turn.
Benefi t: You can make al chemi cal i tems of your
level or lower. You must have the correct formul a and
an appropri ate skill.
Speci al : You can take thi s feat i nstead of the
Ri tual Caster feat granted by your cl ass feature.
Prerequi si te: Channel Di vi ni ty cl ass feature,
must worshi p the Spi ri ts of the Past
Benefi t: You gai n the Channel Di vi ni ty power
ancestral guidance.
Channel Divinity: F eat P o w e r
Ancestral Guidance
You call upon theancestor spirits to guideyour path.
Encounter Divine
Free Action Personal
Trigger: You make a skill check and dislike the result
Effect: You gain a power bonus to the triggering roll equal
to your Wisdom modifier.
Prerequi si te: Channel Di vi ni ty cl ass feature,
must worshi p A rawai
Benefi t: You gai n the Channel Di vi ni ty power
Arawai s abundance.
Channel Divinity: F eat P o w e r
Arawai's Abundance
Arawai shelters those who receive her blessings.
Encounter Divine, Healing
Minor Action Close burst 10
Target: One ally in burst
Effect: The target can spend a healing surge and gains a +2
power bonus to all defenses until the end of your next
Prerequi si te: Channel Di vi ni ty cl ass feature,
must worshi p A ureon
Benefi t: You gai n the Channel Di vi ni ty power
Aureon's instruction.
Channel Divinity: F eat P o w e r
Aureon's Instruction
You tap into Aureon's vast wisdom to aid in your research and
Encounter Divine
Free Action Personal
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, when you make a
knowledge or monster knowledge check you make two
rolls and use the higher result.
Prerequi si te: Channel Di vi ni ty cl ass feature,
must worshi p Bal i nor
Benefi t: You gai n the Channel Di vi ni ty power
Balinor's prey.
Channel Divinity: Balinor's Prey F eat P o w e r
The hunt is sweet, but the kill is far sweeter.
Encounter Divine
Minor Action Ranged 5
Target: One creature
Effect: The next melee or ranged attack that hits the target
before the end of your next turn deals 1 d6 extra damage.
Level 11: 2d6 extra damage.
Level 21: 3d6 extra damage.
C H A PT E R 4 | Character Options
Name Prerequisites Benefit ]
Aberrant Mark of Contagion
Enemy hit with daily power takes -2 penalty to saving throws
against ongoing damage
Aberrant Mark of Madness
Enemy hit with daily power takes -2 penalty to Will
Aberrant Mark of Terror
Enemy hit with daily power takes a -1 penalty to attack rolls
against you
Accurate Magic Weapon Artificer Enhanced weapons or implements gain +2 bonus to next
attack roll
Aerenal Arcanist Elf, arcane power source,
Aerenal background
Learn extra utility spells
Aerenal Half- Life Elf, Aerenal background +1 damage with necrotic power, +1 attack with action point
when using a necrotic power
You can craft alchemical items of your level or lower
Ancestral Guidance Channel Divinity, must
worship Spirits of the Past
Use Channel Divinity power ancestral guidance
Arawai's Abundance Channel Divinity,
must worship Arawai
Use Channel Divinity power Arawai's abundance
Aureon's Instruction Channel Divinity,
must worship Aureon
Use Channel Divinity power Aureon's instruction
Balinor's Prey Channel Divinity,
must worship Balinor
Use Channel Divinity power Balinor's prey
Beacon of Dol Arrah Channel Divinity,
must worship Dol Arrah
Use Channel Divinity power beacon of Dol Arrah
Boldrei's Shelter Channel Divinity,
must worship Boldrei
Use Channel Divinity power Boldrei's shelter
Component Modification Warforged With warforged resolvepower, each component grants you
1 extra temporary hit point
Defensive Minions Artificer +2 to all defenses of summoned creatures
Eldeen Companion Shifter, Beast Mastery
class feature
Beast companion gains benefit from your shifter racial powers
Forceful Defense Artificer +1 to ally's AC when you hit with force power
Group Mindlink Kalashtar All allies can communicate telepathically
Immutability Improved Warforged
Gain +2 to saving throw when using warforged resolvepower
Improved Warforged Resolve Warforged Gain 5 extra temporary hit points with warforged resolvepower
Kol Korran's Boon Channel Divinity,
must worship Kol Korran
Use Channel Divinity power Kol Korran's boon
Light Within Channel Divinity,
must worship if- Yannah
Use Channel Divinity power light within
Mark of Detection Roll two d20s on Perception checks, sense magic, perform
certain rituals
Mark of Finding Shift when enemy who grants combat advantage to you
shifts, perform certain rituals
Mark of Handling

Gain access to the special abilities of your mount, improve
beast companion abilities, perform certain rituals
Mark of Healing Grant saving throw to ally you heal, perform restoration
Mark of Hospitality
Enhanced healing powers, perform certain rituals
Mark of Making Create magic items of your level + 2 or lower, perform certain
Mark of Passage Move extra square when shifting or teleporting, perform
certain rituals
Mark of Scribing Gain additional languages, +2 to Diplomacy checks, perform
certain rituals
Mark of Sentinel Shift before or after using an opportunity attack, perform
certain rituals
Mark of Shadow Remain hidden after missed attack, perform certain rituals
C H A PT E R 4 ] Character Options
Name Prerequisites Benefit
Mark of Storm
Slide targets with thunder or lightning powers, gain bonus to
fly speed, perform certain rituals
Mark of Warding
Increase all defense bonuses by 1, enhanced mark penalty,
perform certain rituals
Master Crafter Artificer
Create magic items of your level + your Intelligence modifier
or lower
Master Mixer Artificer Create alchemical items of your level + 3 or lower
Might of Dol Dorn Channel Divinity,
must worship Dol Dorn
Use Channel Divinity power might of Dol Dorn
Mror Stalwart Dwarf, Mror Holds
+1 attack using axes and hammers before you move
Onatar's Gift Channel Divinity,
must worship Onatar
Use Channel Divinity power Onatar's gift
Potent Restorables Artificer Targets of healing powers regain 2 extra hit points
Quori Shield Kalashtar Gain resist psychic 5 + one- half level
Shapeshifting Contortionist Doppelganger Escape as a minor action, no penalties for squeezing
Shield of the Silver Flame Channel Divinity, must
worship the Silver Flame
Use Channel Divinity power shield of the Silver Flame
Shifter's Agility Shifter +5 to Acrobatics and Athletics when using racial power
Sovereign Justice Channel Divinity, must
worship the Sovereign Host
Use Channel Divinity power sovereign justice
Sturdy Shifter Shifter Gain temporary hit points when using racial power
Talenta Warrior Halfling, Talenta Plains +2 damage and proficiency with Talenta boomerang, Talenta
background sharrash, and Talenta tangat
Telepathic Sensitivity Kalashtar +5 to Perception when detecting creatures
Traveler's Gift Channel Divinity, must
worship the Traveler
Use Channel Divinity power Traveler's gift
Undying's Command Channel Divinity, must
serve the Undying Court
Use Channel Divinity power undying's command
Warforged Tactics Warforged +1 attack bonus against targets adjacent to allies
Xen'drik Weapon Training Drow +2 damage and proficiency with drow long knife and Xen'drik
Prerequi si te: Channel Divinity class feature,
must worship Dol Arrah
^^^f^^^^l^^^u^r^ ^ i ^rer^S^e^er^^^^^^
Benefi t: You gain the Channel Divinity power Minor Action Close burst 1
beacon of Dol Arrah.
Targets: You and each ally in burst
Effect: Each target gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses
Channel Divinity: Feat Power 1
until the start of your next turn.
Beacon of Dol Arrah
Prerequi si te: Warforged
Benefi t: For each warforged component you have
(page 113), your warforged resolve racial power grants
1 extra temporary hit point, up to a maxi mum equal
to your Constitution modifier.
You let Dol Arrah's light shine through.
Prerequi si te: Warforged
Benefi t: For each warforged component you have
(page 113), your warforged resolve racial power grants
1 extra temporary hit point, up to a maxi mum equal
to your Constitution modifier.
Encounter Divine
Minor Action Close burst 5
Target: You and each ally in burst
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, each target can
reroll any damage die roll of 1 or 2 when using a radiant
attack power.
Prerequi si te: Warforged
Benefi t: For each warforged component you have
(page 113), your warforged resolve racial power grants
1 extra temporary hit point, up to a maxi mum equal
to your Constitution modifier.
In addition, all squares within 5 squares of you are
illuminated by bright light until the end of your next turn.
Prerequi si te: Artificer
Prerequi si te: Channel Divinity class feature,
must worship Boldrei
Benefi t: A creature you summon using an arti-
ficer summoni ng power has a +2 feat bonus to all
Benefi t: You gain the Channel Divinity power
Boldrei's shelter.
C H A PT E R 4 | Character Options ^
Prerequi si te: Shi fter, ranger, Beast Mastery cl ass
feature ^
Benefi t: Whenever you use your longtooth shifting
or razorclaw shifting raci al power, your beast compan-
ion al so gai ns the benefi t of the power's effect.
Prerequi si te: Artificer
Benefi t: Whenever you hit an enemy wi th a force
power, one al l y adjacent to that enemy gai ns a +1
bonus to A C unti l the end of your next turn.
Prerequi si te: Kal ashtar
Benefi t: You can faci l i tate conversati on between
all your al l i es. A ny ally wi thi n the range of your tel ep-
athy can communi cate wi th you and any other ally or
al l i es wi thi n the range of your tel epathy.
Prerequi si tes: Warforged, I mproved Warforged
Resol ve feat
Benefi t: When you use your warforged resolve
raci al power, you can make a saving throw agai nst
any effect i nstead of onl y agai nst an effect that deal s
ongoi ng damage. You gai n a +2 feat bonus to that
saving throw.
Prerequi si tes: Warforged
Benefi t: When you use your warforged resolve
raci al power, you gai n 5 extra temporary hit poi nts.
Prerequi si te: Channel Di vi ni ty cl ass feature,
must worshi p Kol Korran
Benefi t: You gai n the Channel Di vi ni ty power Kol
Korran's boon.
Channel Divinity: Feat Power
Kol Korran's Boon
No healing is wasted.
Encounter Divine
Free Action Close burst 5
Trigger: A healing power restores an ally within 5 squares of
you to his or her maximum hit points
Target: The ally targeted by the triggering power
Effect: The target gains temporary hit points equal to any
hit points the triggering power restored in excess of the
target's maximum number of hit points.
Prerequi si tes: Channel Di vi ni ty cl ass feature,
must worshi p il-Yannah
Benefi t: You gai n the Channel Di vi ni ty power
light within.
Channel Divinity: Light Within Feat Power
An arc of light shoots from your chest and brightens the ground.
Encounter Divine, Implement, Healing, Zone
Minor Action Ranged 5
Effect: You spend a healing surge, and a zone of healing
light appears in an unoccupied square within range. Until
the end of your next turn, each ally that ends its turn
within the zone regains hit points equal to your healing
surge value.
In addition, all squares within 10 squares of the zone are
illuminated by bright light until the end of your next turn.
Benefi t: When you make a Percepti on check, you
make two rolls and use the hi gher resul t.
You can al so sense the presence of
magi c as i f you were trai ned in
A rcana (Player's Handbook, page
181). You can use Percepti on
i nstead of A rcana for the check.
You can master and perform
ri tual s i n the di vi nati on category as
i f you had the Ri tual Caster feat. I n
addi ti on, you can master and perform
the Bani sh I l l usi ons (page 116), Eavesdropper's Foil
(page 116), and Scry Trap (page 118) ri tual s as i f you
had the Ri tual Caster feat.
Benefi t: When an enemy
granti ng combat advantage
to you is adjacent to you and
shi fts, you can shift 1 square
i nto a square it vacates as a
free acti on.
You can master and per-
form the Detect Object (PH
303), Detect Secret Doors (PH 303),
Fi nd the Path (page 117), and I nquisitive's Eyes
(page 118) ri tual s as i f you had the Ri tual Caster feat.
Benefi t: You can use a creature's mount powers as
i f you had the Mounted Combat feat.
Whi l e you are mounted on a
natural beast, the mount gai ns a
+2 feat bonus to speed and a +1
feat bonus to A C.
I f you have a beast compan-
ion, your beast compani on gai ns
a +2 feat bonus to speed and a +1
feat bonus to A C.
You can master and perform the A ni mal Messen-
ger (PH 300) and Steed Summons (page 119) ri tual s
as i f you had the Ri tual Caster feat.
C H A PT E R 4 Character Options
Benefi t: Whenever yon use a
heal i ng power on an ally or use H eal
to al l ow an ally to spend hi s or her
second wi nd, that al l y can al so make
a saving throw.
You can master and perform ritu-
als in the restoration category and the
Remove A ffl i cti on (PH 311) ritual as i f
you had the Ri tual Caster feat.
Benefi t: Whenever you or an ally wi thi n 10
squares of you uses a heal i ng power
duri ng a short rest, that power
restores the maxi mum number of i
hit poi nts possi bl e. f ^*vAr '
You can master and perform \ J^^\ J 1
the Eye of A l arm (PH 304), Fan
tasti c Recuperati on (page 117),
Secure Shel ter (page 118), and
Travel ers' Feast (PH 313) ri tual s as i f you had the
Ri tual Caster feat.
Benefi t: You have mastered the
Enchant Magi c I tem ri tual and can
perform it as i f you were two levels
hi gher.
You can make al chemi cal i tems
as though you had the A l chemi st feat
and were two levels hi gher.
You can master and perform ritu-
als i n the creati on category and the
Make Whol e (PH 309) ri tual as i f you
had the Ri tual Caster feat.
Benefi t: Whenever one of your powers lets you
shift, you can shift 1 extra square.
Whenever one of your
powers lets you tel eport, you
can tel eport 1 extra square.
You can master and perform
ri tual s in the travel category and
the Enhance Vessel (page 117),
Fi nd the Path (page 117), Pass-
wal l (PH 310), Phantom Steed (PH
310), Steed Summons (page 119), and Water Wal k
(PH 315) ri tual s as i f you had the Ri tual Caster feat.
Benefi t: Choose four l anguages.
You can speak, read, and wri te
those l anguages fl uentl y. When you
gai n a level, you can retrai n one of
these l anguages i nstead of a feat, a
power, or a ski l l .
You gain a +2 bonus to Di pl omacy
You can master and perform ri tual s
as i f you had the Ri tual Caster feat. Fur-
thermore, you can create scrol l s in hal f the
normal ti me (that is, the same amount of ti me
it takes create a ritual book).
Benefi t: Whenever an enemy pro-
vokes an opportuni ty attack from you,
you can shift 1 square as a free
acti on before or after you make
the opportuni ty attack.
You can master and perform
the Eye of A l arm (PH 304), Eye
of Warni ng (PH 305), and Magi c
Ci rcl e (PH 309) ri tual s as i f you had
the Ri tual Caster feat.
Benefi t: Whenever you make an attack and mi ss
every target whi l e hi dden, you
remai n hi dden.
Whenever you make an attack
and mi ss every target whi l e
invisible, you remai n i nvi si bl e.
You can master and perform
ri tual s in the decepti on and scry-
ing categori es and the Knock
(PH 307), Maski ng Shroud (page
118), Secret Page (PH 311), and Shadow Wal k (PH
312) ri tual s as i f you had the Ri tual Caster feat.
Benefi t: Whenever you hit an enemy
wi th a thunder or l i ghtni ng power,
you can slide that enemy 1 square.
You gai n a +1 bonus to speed
when fl yi ng.
You can master and per-
form the Endure El ements (PH
304), Enhance Vessel (page 117),
Summon Wi nds (page 119), and
Water Wal k (PH 315) ri tual s as i f you had
the Ri tual Caster feat.
C H A PT E R 4 1 Character Options
Benefi t: Whenever one of your powers
grants a bonus to a defense, i ncrease
that bonus by 1.
Whenever you mark an
enemy, that enemy takes a
- 3 penal ty to attack rolls for
attacks that don't target you
i nstead of the normal - 2 penal ty.
You can master and perform
ri tual s i n the wardi ng category and
the Fl ui d Funds (page 118), Knock (PH
307), and L eomund's Secret Chest (PH 307) ri tual s
as i f youhad the Ri tual Caster feat.
Prerequi si te: A rti fi cer
Benefi t: When you use the Enchant Magi c I tem
ri tual to create a magi c i tem, you can create a magi c
i tem of your level +your I ntel l i gence modi fi er or
Prerequi si te: A rti fi cer
Benefi t: You can make al chemi cal i tems of your
level +3 or lower. You must have the correct formul a
and an appropri ate ski l l .
Speci al : You can take thi s feat i nstead of the
Ri tual Caster feat granted by your cl ass feature.
Prerequi si te: Channel Di vi ni ty cl ass feature,
must worshi p Dol Dorn
Benefi t: You gai n the Channel Di vi ni ty power
might of Dol Dorn.
Channel Divinity: F eat P o w e r
Might of Dol Dorn
Draw from Dol Dorn's strength, and you shall know victory.
Encounter Divine
Free Action Personal
Trigger: You hit an enemy with a melee attack
Effect: You gain 5 temporary hit points and a +5 power bo-
nus to Athletics checks until the end of your next turn.
Level 71:10 temporary hit points.
Level 21:1 5 temporary hit points.
Prerequi si te: Dwarf, Mror Hol ds background
Benefi t: A t the start of your turn, you gai n a +1
feat bonus to attack rol l s usi ng axes and hammers
unti l you move.
Prerequi si te: Channel Di vi ni ty cl ass feature,
must worshi p Onatar
Benefi t: You gai n the Channel Di vi ni ty power
Onatar's gift.
F eat P o w e r Channel Divinity: Onatar's Gift
Onatar's wisdom burns likea raging fire within you.
Encounter Divine, Fire
Free Action Close burst 2
Trigger. You miss an enemy with a melee or ranged attack
Target: You or one ally in burst
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, the target gains a
+2 bonus to Will and the target's attacks deal 2 extra fire
Level 11:5 extra fire damage.
Level 21:10 extra fire damage.
Prerequi si te: A rti fi cer
Benefi t: Your heal i ng powers restore 2 extra hi t
poi nts. The extra hi t poi nts i ncrease to 3 at 6th level,
to 4 at 11th level, to 5 at 16th level, to 6 at 21st level,
and to 7 at 26th level.
Prerequi si te: Kal ashtar
Benefi t: You gai n resi stance to psychi c damage
equal to 5 +one-hal f your level.
Prerequi si te: Doppel ganger
Benefi t: You can use the escape acti on as a mi nor
acti on i nstead of a move acti on.
I n addition, you do not grant combat advantage or
take a penal ty to attack rolls whi l e squeezi ng.
Prerequi si te: Channel Di vi ni ty cl ass feature,
must worshi p the Silver Fl ame
Benefi t: You gai n the Channel Di vi ni ty power
shield of the Silver Flame.
Channel Divinity: F eat P o w e r
Shield of the Silver Flame
Those under theaegis of theSilver Flame have nothing to fear.
Encounter Divine
Minor Action Close burst 3
(5 at 11th level, 7 at 21st level)
Target: You and each ally in burst
Effect: Each target can make a saving throw against a
charm effect, a fear effect, or a psychic effect. A target
that saves gains temporary hit points equal to your
Charisma modifier.
C H A PT ER 4 | C har acter Options
Prerequi si te: Shi fter
Benefi t: When you use your shi fter raci al power,
you gai n a +5 feat bonus to A crobati cs and A thl eti cs
checks unti l the raci al power ends.
Prerequi si te: Channel Di vi ni ty cl ass feature,
must worshi p the Soverei gn Host
Benefi t: You gai n the Channel Di vi ni ty power sov-
ereign justi ce.
Channel Divinity: Sovereign Justice F eat P o w e r
Through your allies' exploits, you can attain victory even if you
Encounter Divine
Immediate Reaction Close burst 10
Trigger: An enemy damages you
Target: One ally in burst
Effect: The target gains 5 temporary hit points.
Level 17:10 temporary hit points.
Level 27:15 temporary hit points.
Prerequi si te: Shi fter
Benefi t: Whenever you use your shi fter raci al
power, you gai n 5 temporary hi t poi nts. The tempo-
rary hit poi nts i ncrease to 10 at 11th level and 20 at
21st level.
Prerequi si te: H al fl i ng, Tal enta Pl ai ns
Benefi t: You gai n profi ci ency and a +2 feat bonus
to damage rolls wi th the Tal enta boomerang, the Tal-
enta sharrash, and the Tal enta tangat.
Prerequi si te: Kal ashtar
Benefi t: You can sense the stray thoughts of
nearby creatures. You gai n a +5 feat bonus to Percep-
tion checks opposed by a creature's Steal th check.
Prerequi si te: Channel Di vi ni ty cl ass feature,
must worshi p the Travel er
Benefi t: You gai n the Channel Di vi ni ty power
Traveler's gift.
Enhanced Resistive Formula
Extended Telepathy
Improved Immutability
Quori Backlash
Artificer, healing infusion
class feature
Channel Divinity: Traveler's Gift F eat P o w e r
The enigmatic god of change lifts your burdens.
Encounter Divine
Standard Action Close burst 3
Target: Each ally in burst
Effect: Each target is no longer marked and can shift 1
square as a free action.
Prerequi si te: Channel Di vi ni ty cl ass feature,
must worshi p the Undyi ng Court
Benefi t: You gai n the Channel Di vi ni ty power
undying's command.
Channel Divinity: F ea t P o w e r
Undying's Command
Undead pose littledanger to those in service to the Undying
Encounter Charm, Divine, Implement
Standard Action Close blast 3
(5 at 11th level, 7 at 21st level)
Target: One undead creature in blast
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: The target is dominated until the end of your next turn.
Prerequi si te: Warforged
Benefi t: You gai n a +1 bonus to mel ee attack rol l s
agai nst an enemy that is adjacent to an ally.
Prerequi si te: Drow
Benefi t: You gai n profi ci ency and a +2 feat bonus
to damage rolls wi th the drow long kni fe and the
Xen'dri k boomerang.
A ny feat in thi s secti on is avai l abl e to a character
of 11th level or hi gher who meets the feat's other
prerequi si tes.
Prerequi si te: 11th level, arti fi cer, healing infusion
cl ass feature
Benefi t: When your resistive/ ormula grants tem-
porary hit poi nts to you or an ally, that character can
grant an equal number of temporary hi t poi nts to one
al l y wi thi n 5 squares of hi m or her.
Target and ally gain temporary hit points from resistive
formula power
Increase telepathy range to 10
Gain improved immutability power, +2 to saving throws
after using second wind
Deal psychic damage when you take psychic damage, are
dazed, or are dominated
C H A PT E R 4 | Character Options
Name Prerequisites Benefit
Fluid Anatomy Doppelganger Chance to convert critical hit to regular hit
Quori Desperation Kalashtar Remain conscious for a round when dying
Reinforcing Healing Artificer +2 to all defenses of target of your healing powers
Warforged Fortification Improved Immutability Gain warforged fortification power
Name Prerequisites Benefit
Student of Artifice Int 13 Gain training in Arcana, use healing infusion power, wield
artificer implements
Prerequi si te: 11th level, kal ashtar
Benefi t: The range of your tel epathy i ncreases to
10 squares.
Prerequi si tes: 12th level, warforged, I mmutabi l -
ity feat
Benefi t: You gai n the improved immutability feat
power, whi ch repl aces a utility power at level 12, level
16, level 22, or level 26.
I n addi ti on, whenever you use your second wi nd,
you gai n a +2 bonus to saving throws unti l the end of
your turn.
Feat Power Improved Immutability
Seemingly through your determination alone, your living con
struct body proves inviolate.
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: You are subjected to an effect that a save can end
Effect: You end the triggering effect.
Prerequi si te: 11th level, kal ashtar
Benefi t: Whenever an enemy dazes, domi nates,
or deal s psychi c damage to you, that enemy takes
psychi c damage equal to 5 +your Wi sdom modi fi er.
The damage i ncreases to 10 +your Wi sdom modi -
fi er at 11th level and 15 +your Wi sdom modi fi er at
21st l evel .
A ny feat in thi s secti on is available to a character of 21st
level or hi gher who meets the feat's other prerequisites.
Prerequi si te: 21st level, doppel ganger
Benefi t: Whenever a creature scores a cri ti cal hit
agai nst you, make a saving throw. On a save, the criti-
cal hit is i nstead a normal hi t.
Prerequi si te: 21st level, kal ashtar
Benefi t: The fi rst ti me you drop to 0 hit poi nts or
fewer duri ng an encounter and don't di e, you do not
fall unconsci ous as a resul t of that condi ti on. A t the
end of your next turn, you fall unconsci ous i f you are
still dying.
Prerequi si te: 21st level, arti fi cer
Benefi t: Whenever you restore hit poi nts to an
ally, that al l y gai ns a +2 bonus to all defenses unti l the
end of your next turn.
Prerequi si te: 22nd level, I mproved I mmutabi l i ty
Benefi t: You gai n the warforgedfortification feat
power, whi ch repl aces your level 22 utility power.
Feat Power
Warforged Fortification
You'reso tough, sometimes even the worst hits don't daunt you.
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: A creature scores a critical hit against you
Effect: The triggering attack is instead a normal hit.
The following cl ass-speci fi c mul ti cl ass feat allows you
to dabbl e in the arti fi cer cl ass. See pages 208 and 209
i n the Player's Handbook for rul es on mul ti cl assi ng.
I f you take a cl ass-speci fi c mul ti cl ass feat, you
count as a member of that cl ass for the purpose of
meeti ng prerequi si tes, i ncl udi ng prerequi si tes for
feats, paragon paths, epi c desti ni es, and ri tual s.
Prerequi si te: I nt 13
Benefi t: You gai n trai ni ng i n A rcana.
Once per day, you can use the arti fi cer's healing
infusion power. The i nfusi on you create cannot be
repl eni shed.
I n addi ti on, you can wi el d arti fi cer i mpl ements.
C H A PT E R 4 | C har acter Opti ons
A world l i ttered wi th the wreckage of fal l en civili-
zati ons, Eberron is home to the rel i cs of vani shed
soci eti es consumed by war, corrupti on, and magi c.
Many such i tems are mere curi osi ti es, anti qui ti es to
be col l ected and studi ed. A few i tems, however, hol d
great power, and heroes wi l l go to great l engths to
obtai n them.
The following unusual armaments are empl oyed by
the warri ors of Eberron's uni que cul tures.
Some of these weapons have the defensi ve prop-
erty that first appeared in Adventurer's Vault. A
defensi ve weapon has the following properti es:
A defensi ve weapon grants you a +1 bonus to A C
whi l e you wi el d it i n one hand and wi el d another
mel ee weapon i n your other hand. Wi el di ng more
than one defensi ve weapon does not i ncrease thi s
bonus. To gai n thi s benefi t, you need not attack wi th
the defensi ve weapon, but you must be profi ci ent
wi th it.
Cutti ng Wheel : Ori gi nati ng from the mys-
teri ous l ands of Sarl ona, the cutti ng wheel is a
bl aded di sk wi th a guarded handl e at one si de.
Weapon Prof. Damage Range Price Weight Group Properties
Cutting wheel +2 1d6 10 gp 1 lb. Light blade Defensive, off- hand
Drow long knife +3 1d6 5/ 10
15 gp
2 lb. Heavy blade Heavy thrown, off- hand
Talenta tangat* +2 1d8 20 gp 81b. Heavy blade High crit, versatile
"This weapon can be wielded one- handed by a small character.
Weapon Prof. Damage Range Price Weight Group Properties
Talenta sharrash* +3 1d8 30 gp 101b. Heavy blade, polearm High crit
Thi s weapon can be wielded two- handed by a small character.
Double Weapons
Weapon Prof. Damage Range Price Weight Group Properties
Double scimitar +2 1d6/ 1d6 40 gp 15 1b. Heavy blade Defensive, high crit, off- hand
Zulaat +2 2d4/ 2d4 30 gp 12 lb. Heavy blade, polearm Defensive, off- hand
I Weapon Prof. Damage Range Price Weight Group Properties
Talenta boomerang +2 1d4 10/ 20
5 gP
1 lb. Light blade Light thrown
Xen'drik boomerang +2 1d6 6/ 12 10 gp 2 lb. Light blade Light thrown
C H A PT E R 4 | Character Options
Many wheel s feature spi kes or barbs to protect the
wi el der's hand.
Doubl e Sci mi tar: The Val enar el ves made thi s
weapon famous. The doubl e sci mi tar features a
curvi ng bl ade extendi ng out from each side of its
handl e.
DrowLong Kni fe: Thi s bl ade is three-quarters
the l ength of a l ongsword, and ends in an outwardl y
curvi ng hook. Too sl ender to be consi dered a short
sword and too big for a dagger, it's known as a long
kni fe.
Tal enta Boomerang: These weapons are
common among the hal fl i ng tri bes of the Tal enta
Pl ai ns. Si mpl e curved, pol i shed sti cks, a tal enta boo-
merang automati cal l y return to a profi ci ent wi el der's
hand after a ranged attack wi th the weapon is
resol ved.
Tal enta Sharrash: A weapon from the Tal enta
Pl ai ns, the sharrash features a si ckl el i ke bl ade at the
end of a pol e.
Tal enta Tangat: A nother weapon from the
Tal enta Pl ai ns, thi s curved sword is mounted on a
short haft.
Xen'dri k Boomerang: Xen'dri k drow use a
three-pronged boomerang for hunti ng smal l game. I t
automati cal l y returns to a profi ci ent wi el der's hand
after a ranged attack wi th the weapon is resol ved.
Zul aat: Thi s Ri edran weapon features a gl ai vel i ke
bl ade at ei ther end.
The fol l owi ng mundane i tems are general l y avai l abl e
throughout the Five Nati ons and refl ect some of the
soci al compl exi ti es of the tenuous peace won at the
end of the Last War.
Arcane Signet Ri ng: These gol den or silver ri ngs
are created for members of the dragonmarked houses
as a means of i denti fi cati on. Each ri ng contai ns intri-
cate patterns that become visible onl y when worn by
the person for whom it was constructed.
Hunter's Kit: Thi s bundl e contai ns bottl es of
vari ous ani mal scents, a gui de to edi bl e fl ora, a smal l
kni fe, snares, and other useful tool s. A hunter's kit
grants a +2 bonus to Nature checks made to forage.
I denti fi cati on Papers: Members of the mi ddl e
and upper cl asses in the Five Nations carry iden-
ti fi cati on papers i ssued by thei r governments and
notari zed by H ouse Sivis. Each set contai ns a descri p-
tion of the holder, a portrai t, and other detai l s.
(Players may photocopy and customi ze the illustra-
tion of the i denti fi cati on papers.)
I nquisitive's Kit: Thi s gear i ncl udes several
contai ners made from di fferent materi al s, brushes,
mundane dusts, tweezers, pi cks, probes, a magni fyi ng
gl ass, i nk and qui l l s, parchment, and a smal l journal .
A n inquisitive's kit grants a +2 bonus to Percepti on
checks to search an area for somethi ng speci fi c.
Letter of Marque: The ki ng of Brel and issues Let-
ters of Marque to groups expl ori ng Xen'dri k's rui ns.
Travel ers may visit and expl ore the conti nent freely,
but those who sell Xen'dri k's treasures wi thout the
proper documentati on face fi nes, i ncarcerati on, and
forfei ture i f caught. (Pl ayers may photocopy and cus-
tomi ze the i l l ustrati on of the l etter of marque.)
Spel l shard: Spel l shards are fragments of crystal
that contai n power and knowl edge, usual l y of an
arcane nature. I f your cl ass woul d normal l y store its
arcane powers i n a spel l book, you can i nstead store
your powers i n a spel l shard i f you possess one.
A ll the enchantments and features avail-
abl e through a tome are al so avai l abl e through a
spel l shard. Members of any cl ass can use a spel l shard
in pl ace of a ri tual book or a ri tual scrol l .
Travel Papers: Crossi ng nati onal boundari es is
risky wi thout a set of notari zed travel papers. L i ke
i denti fi cati on papers, they i ncl ude personal detai l s
Item Price Weight
Arcane signet ring 150gp
Hunter's kit 50 gp 5 lb.
Identification papers, standard
Identification papers, with portrait
Inquisitive's kit 40 gp 4 lb.
Letter of marque 500 gp
Spellshard 100 gp 1/ 2 lb.
Traveling papers 2 sp
about the travelerplace of resi dence, occupati on, and
desti nati on. (Players may photocopy and customi ze
the i l l ustrati on of the travel papers.)
Khorvai re's economy and prosperi ty would not
be what they are today wi thout the servi ces of the
dragonmarked houses. What follows are a few of the
servi ces these powerful i nsti tuti ons offer.
Service Price
House Lyrandar 50 gp for going from one
airship kingdom to an adjacent
kingdom, up to 300 gp for
trips to other continents
House Lyrandar elemental 10 gp to the closest port
of call, up to 150 gp for
trips to other continents
House Orien coach/ caravan 1 gp per stop
House Orien lightning rail 5 gp per rail stop
House Orien mail service 5 cp per mail stop
House Sivis message station 5 gp per page transmitted
House Sivis translation rituals 2 gp per page translated;
Cost of components plus
10%of market price
Skycoach, across city 1
House Canni th: Thi s dragonmarked house
makes a great deal of profit through the sale of both
magi cal and mundane goods in the marketpl ace.
House encl aves can provide access to crafters or ritu-
als to repai r damaged or broken objects.
House J orasco: For creatures beaten badly,
affl i cted wi th a di sease, or even dead, a H ouse
J orasco encl ave is the equal of any templ e when it
comes to heal i ng.
House Kundarak: Thi s house provi des protec
ti on of rooms or objects. The Banki ng Gui l d provi des
l etters of credi t, money-changi ng servi ces, and vaults
throughout the Five Nati ons.
House Lyrandar: Famed for its fl yi ng vessels,
H ouse L yrandar offers passage on ai rshi ps capabl e of
coveri ng 20 mi l es per hour. For a more modest pri ce,
the house al so offers passage by el emental gal l eons to
any port i n Khorvai re.
House Ori en: Commandi ng travel by l and, H ouse
Ori en oversees the l i ghtni ng rai l , el emental coaches,
and the mai l servi ce that connects ci ti es across cen-
tral Khorvai re.
House Sivis: A H ouse Sivis message station can
transmi t messages to any other message stati on
on the conti nent i n a moment's ti me. H ouse Sivis's
scri bes al so provi de transl ati on servi ces and docu-
ment authenti cati on.
C H A PT E R 4 | Character Opti ons
sudran evpebirjoabas been bti y nepsrwieb n chose oppn
Thebexmm of rf*;ferret: nxivcIatncemsophetORrcif anbi
orren&fliK [^xinriiecaidifsroop riieexpec
topeapReseu txi ti
Letall nirnnmbrhts/erreri ktwrvanb be\ van.nebtfxirarrpDiiea c t tnnpo r x;ro sell tcernsopbsrcniai! BIT AN
Reropeaeb piom rne lanbs op Xenbn.feTPTTIKXU ben; m possession op a let teR such as THE one,!
>by my hanb as w ctgei
Kikt;cal m e R e s t pRom
besaiibeb benen back i
nocamzeb nliiemanneti, boesstanb n commission op a crime ac/inst rheCROTOT, op RudarVb,anb ar
punchasessix.ii itemsprtorn si rh a penson stanbs as an accomplice tosuch a aume.
Grpen i/nben myhanb an&seai op aurns rbes bay op n rhe yeaa. op the Kixibon
f T
'tmafc i;TXn\ jfc. i AssessOROf Annquines Shaan
C H A PT E R 4 | Character Options
The process of creati ng al chemi cal i tems is si mi l ar to
the process of performi ng ri tual s (see chapter 10 of
the Player's Handbook). A s wi th performi ng ri tual s, a
character usi ng al chemy must fi rst take a speci al feat
(see "Feats," page 86). To create an al chemi cal i tem,
you must have the A l chemi st feat and the correct
formul a, and you must spend the ti me and the com-
ponent pri ce requi red. A l chemi cal components are
the same as those used in ri tual s. For more i nforma-
tion, see Adventurer's Vault.
Each al chemi cal formul a has a category that defi nes
the type of i tem it creates.
Curati ve: These i tems aid i n heal i ng or in over-
comi ng adverse and debi l i tati ng effects.
Oils: These concocti ons are appl i ed to i tems (typi-
cal l y weapons), granti ng them temporary properti es
or powers.
Poi son: A poi son is a toxi n that hampers or harms
a creature.
Volatile: A n i tem of thi s type expl odes or expands
when shattered or broken. I t often deal s damage
of a speci fi c energy type, such as aci d, col d, fi re, or
l i ghtni ng.
Other: Some i tems create mi scel l aneous effects
that don't fall i nto the other al chemi cal categori es.
L i ke poti ons and el i xi rs, al chemi cal i tems are con-
sumabl e i tems. They contai n one-ti me powers that
are expended when you use them, renderi ng the
i tems i nert or destroyi ng them.
Many of the al chemi cal i tems presented here, or
in books such as Adventurer's Vault, requi re you to
make an attack as part of usi ng the power. These
i tems i ncl ude an attack bonus, whi ch shoul d not be
adjusted based on ability score modi fi ers or one-hal f
your level, al though other bonuses and penal ti es to
attack rolls apply normal l y.
Some al chemi cal i tems can be modi fi ed to change an
aspect of the item's functi on (for exampl e, turni ng an
i tem i nto ammuni ti on). Changi ng an item's functi on
typi cal l y i ncreases the item's level and cost.
When an al chemi cal i tem is converted i nto ammu-
ni ti on, you can use the i tem wi th a ranged weapon,
such as a bow, a crossbow, or a sling. The item's range
becomes the range of the weapon, but it conti nues to
use the i ndi cated attack modi fi er. You do not i ncl ude
a weapon's profi ci ency bonus or enhancement bonus
in the attack, and you repl ace the weapon's damage
and effect wi th those of the ammuni ti on. For exam-
ple, a successful ranged basi c attack usi ng a crossbow
bolt converted i nto level 4 al chemi st's spark ammu-
ni ti on al l ows you to make an area burst 1 attack at
range 15/ 30 that deal s l d6 l i ghtni ng damage, and
the target takes a - 1 penal ty to attack rolls unti l the
start of your next turn.
Name Price (gp) Key Skills
Acidic fire 200 Arcana, Thievery
Alchemist's spark 120 Arcana, Thievery
Clear- path mist 375 Arcana, Nature
Clockwork bomb 160 Arcana, Thievery
Gray flower perfume 800 Heal, Nature
Heartflow 90 Nature, Thievery
Inferno oil 200 Arcana, Nature,
Keen oil 600 Arcana, Thievery
Lodret leaf 200 Heal, Nature
Noxious grenade 700 Arcana, Thievery
Panther tears 100 Heal, Nature
Resonance crystal 160 Arcana, Nature
Spotted toadstool venom 600 Nature, Thievery
Suppression crystal 120 Arcana, Nature
Tension wheel 120 Arcana, Thievery
Tethercord 120 Arcana, Nature,
Wound patch 120 Heal, Nature
The following al chemi cal i tems trace thei r ori gi ns
to Eberron, al though they can be used wi th any
campai gn.
Level : 5
Category: Vol ati l e
Ti me: 30 mi nutes
Component Cost: See bel ow
Market Pri ce: 200 gp
Key Skill: A rcana or Thi every (no check)
The substance contai ned by the glass vi al is an
unstabl e soup of aci d and expl osi ve chemi cal s. When
the contai ner shatters, it spl ashes burni ng death in all
di recti ons.
C H A P T E R 4 Character Options
Acidic Fire Level 5+
Alchemist's Spark Ammunition
Green flames burn and spread boiling acid in all directions.
Lvl5 50 gp Lvl20 5,000 gp
LvMO 200 gp Lvl25 25,000 gp
Lvl 15 1,000 gp Lvl30 125,000 gp
Alchemical Item
Power (Consumable Acid, Fire): Standard Action. Make
an attack: Area burst 1 within 10; +8 vs. Reflex; 1 d6 fire
damage, and ongoing 2 acid damage (save ends).
Level 10: +13 vs. Reflex; 1 d6 fire damage, and ongoing 5
acid damage (save ends).
Level 15: +18 vs. Reflex; 2d6 fire damage, and ongoing 5
acid damage (save ends).
Level 20: +23 vs. Reflex; 2d6 fire damage, and ongoing 10
acid damage (save ends).
Level 25: +28 vs. Reflex; 3d6 fire damage, and ongoing 10
acid damage (save ends).
Level 30: +33 vs. Reflex; 3d6 fire damage, and ongoing 1 5
acid damage (save ends).
Level : 3
Category: Vol ati l e
Ti me: 30 mi nutes
Component Cost: See bel ow
Market Pri ce: 120 gp
Key Skill: A rcana or Thi every (no check)
The cerami c contai ner hol di ng al chemi st's spark has
two chambers. When shattered, the chemi cal s vapor-
ize and mi x to create a bri ght di scharge of l i ghtni ng.
Level 3+
The shattered flask releases two clouds that quickly coalesce and
release a dazzling blast of energy.
Lvl 3 30 gp Lvl 18 3,400 gp
Lvl 8 125gp Lvl 23 17,000 gp
Lvl 13 650 gp Lvl 28 85,000 gp
Alchemical Item
Power (Consumable 4- Lightning): Standard Action. Make
an attack: Area burst 1 within 10; targets each creature
in burst; +6 vs. Fortitude; 1 d6 lightning damage, and the
target takes a -1 penalty to attack rolls until the start of
your next turn.
Level 8: +11 vs. Reflex; 2d6 lightning damage and a - 1
penalty to attack rolls.
Level 13: +16 vs. Reflex; 3d6 lightning damage and a -1
penalty to attack rolls.
Level 18: +21 vs. Reflex; 4d6 lightning damage and a -1
penalty to attack rolls.
Level 23: +26 vs. Reflex; 5d6 lightning damage and a -1
penalty to attack rolls.
Level 28: +31 vs. Reflex; 6d6 lightning damage and a - 1
penalty to attack rolls.
Modi fi cati on: A mmuni ti on (level +1). The item's
component cost corresponds to the tabl e bel ow.
Lvl 4
Lvl 9
40 gp
Lvl 14 800 gp
Lvl 19
Lvl 24
Lvl 29
4,200 gp
21,000 gp
105,000 gp
Level : 8
Category: Other
Ti me: 30 mi nutes
Component Cost: See bel ow
Market Pri ce: 375 gp
Key Skill: A rcana or Nature (no check)
Ordi nary undergrowth cannot stand agai nst thi s
concocti ona mere dusti ng causes pl ants to wi ther
and di e.
Clear- Path Mist
Level 8+
The mistclears out theunderbrush, making your path easier to
Lvl 8 125gp Lvl 23 17,000 gp
Lvl 13 650 gp Lvl 28 85,000 gp
Lvl 18 3,400 gp
Alchemical Item
Power (Consumable Poison): Standard Action. Make
an attack: Close blast 3; targets plants; +11 vs. Reflex;
1d4 poison damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save
ends). In addition, you remove any difficult terrain cre-
ated by flora such as foliage or undergrowth within the
area of the attack.
Level 13: Close blast 5; +16 vs. Reflex; 1 d4 poison damage,
and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
Level 18: Close blast 5; +21 vs. Reflex; 2d4 poison damage,
and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
Level 23: Close blast 5; +26 vs. Reflex; 2d4 poison damage,
and ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends).
Level 28: Close blast 5; +31 vs. Reflex; 3d4 poison damage,
and ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends).
Level : 4
Category: Vol ati l e
Ti me: 15 mi nutes
Component Cost: See bel ow
Market Pri ce: 160 gp
Key Skill: A rcana or Thi every (no check)
A cl ockwork bomb is a smal l box, about a foot on a
side, covered wi th spri ngs, di al s, gauges, and knobs.
It issues an unnervi ng ti cki ng sound, and vi brates so
violently that it moves about. When the ti mer goes
off, the devi ce expl odes.
C H A PT E R 4 | Character Options
Clockwork Bomb
Level 4+
Level 3+
You set thedevice on theground and hope that it detonates
when you want it to.
Lvl 4 40 gp LvM9 4,200 gp
Lvl 9 160gp Lvl 24 21,000 gp
Lvl 14 800 gp Lvl 29 105,000 gp
Alchemical Item
Power (Consumable Fire): Minor Action. Place the clock-
work bomb in your space or in a square adjacent to you,
and decide how many rounds pass before the bomb goes
off (6 rounds maximum). Each round, at the start of your
turn, move the clockwork bomb one square in a direction
of your choosing and roll a d6. On a roll of 6, the bomb
detonates prematurely. If the clockwork bomb is hit by
an attack (the bomb has the same defenses as its user), it
also explodes. When the bomb detonates, make an at-
tack: Area burst 1 centered on the bomb's space; targets
each creature in burst; +7 vs. Reflex; 1 dl 0 fire damage.
Special: Once the bomb is set, it can be disabled with a DC
17 Thievery check.
Level 9: +12 vs. Reflex; 2d10 fire damage; DC 19 Thievery.
Level 14: +17 vs. Reflex; 3d10 fire damage; DC 23 Thievery.
Level 19: +22 vs. Reflex; 4d12 fire damage; DC 27 Thievery.
Level 24: +27 vs. Reflex; 4d1 2 fire damage; DC 29 Thievery.
Level 29: +32 vs. Reflex; 5d1 2 fire damage; DC 33 Thievery.
Level : 10
Category: Other
Ti me: 15 mi nutes
Component Cost: 200 gp
Market Pri ce: 8 00 gp
Key Skill: H eal or Nature
Thi s perfume is made from the rare grayfl ower,
known to grow onl y in Q'barra's swamps. The gray-
fl ower's fai nt scent is enough to confound even the
sharpest sense of smel l .
You spray theperfume into theair and for a moment, the blind
creature can't locate you.
Alchemical Item 200 gp
Power (Consumable): Minor Action. You are invisible to
creatures that see using blindsight until the start of your
next turn.
Level: 3
Category: Poi son
Ti me: 15 mi nutes
Component Cost: See bel ow
Market Pri ce: 90 gp
Key Skill: Nature or Thi every (no check)
H eartfl ow weakens an i ndi vi dual 's sel f-control . The
concocti on is a red powder that is usual l y mi xed wi th
food or dri nk.
The target's eyes glaze as a smile spreads across his face.
Lvl 3 30 gp Lvl 18 3,400 gp
Lvl 8 125gp Lvl 23 17,000 gp
Lvl 13 650 gp Lvl 28 85,000 gp
Alchemical Item
Power (Consumable Poison): Minor Action. Apply heart-
flow to an adjacent item of food or drink; it retains potency
until the end of the encounter. To administer the poison
without the target noticing, make a Thievery check against
the target's Perception check. A creature that consumes
food or drink containing heartflow is subject to an attack:
+6 vs. Fortitude; the target takes a - 5 penalty to Insight
checks and a - 2 penalty to Will defense (save ends both).
Level 8: +11 vs. Fortitude.
Level 13: +16 vs. Fortitude.
Level 18: +19 vs. Fortitude.
Level 23: +26 vs. Fortitude.
Level 28: +31 vs. Fortitude.
Level : 5
Category: Oi l
Ti me: 1 hour
Component Cost: See bel ow
Market Pri ce: 200 gp
Key Skill: A rcana, Nature, or Thi every (no check)
Thi s volatile oil is hi ghl y combusti bl e but burns
qui ckl y. I nferno oil is usually kept in a dark glass vial
to bl ock light and prevent the substance from igniting.
Inferno Oil Level 5+
Your weapon leaves behind a faint traceof oil, but it's enough to
set your enemy ablaze when it's exposed to open flame.
Lvl 5 50 gp Lvl 20 5,000 gp
Lvl 10 200 gp Lvl 25 25,000 gp
Lvl 15 1,000 gp Lvl 30 125,000 gp
Alchemical Item
Power (Consumable): Standard Action. Apply inferno oil
to your weapon or to one piece of ammunition. Make a
secondary attack against the next creature you hit with
the coated weapon or ammunition: +8 vs. Reflex; the
target gains vulnerable 5 fire (save ends).
Level 10: +13 vs. Reflex; vulnerable 5 fire.
Level 15: +18 vs. Reflex; vulnerable 10 fire.
Level 20: +23 vs. Reflex; vulnerable 10 fire
Level 25: +28 vs. Reflex; vulnerable 15 fire.
Level 30: +33 vs. Reflex; vulnerable 15 fire.
Level : 10
Category: Oi l
Ti me: 1 hour
Component Cost: 200 gp
Market Pri ce: 600 gp
Key Skill: A rcana or Thi every (no check)
When you rub thi s thi n oil on a bl aded weapon, it
hones the edge to razor sharpness.
C H A PT E R 4 | Character Options
Lvl Name Component Cost (gp)
2 Panther tears 25
3 Alchemist's spark 30
3 Heartflow 30
3 Tethercord
3 Woundpatch 30
4 Alchemist's spark (ammunition) 40
4 Clockwork bomb 40
4 Resonance crystal 40
4 Suppression crystal 40
4 Tension wheel 40
5 Acidic fire 50
5 Inferno oil 50
5 Lodret leaf 50
8 Alchemist's spark 125
8 Clear- path mist 125
8 Heartflow 125
8 Tethercord 125
9 Alchemist's spark (ammunition) 160
9 Clockwork bomb 160
9 Resonance crystal 160
10 Acidic tire 200
10 Grayflower perfume 200
10 Inferno oil 200
10 Keen oil 200
10 Spotted toadstool venom 200
11 Noxious grenade 350
13 Alchemist's spark 650
13 Clear- path mist 650
13 Heartflow 650
13 Tethercord 650
13 Woundpatch 650
14 Alchemist's spark (ammunition) 800
14 Clockwork bomb 800
14 Resonance crystal 800
14 Suppression crystal 800
14 Tension wheel 800
15 Acidic fire 1,000
15 Inferno oil 1,000
15 Lodret leaf 1,000
Keen Oi l Level 10
The sword sweeps throughyour enemy, cutting through its ar-
mor and flesh in onedeadly arc.
Alchemical Item 200 gp
Power (Consumable): Minor Action. Apply keen oil to an
axe, a heavy blade, a light blade, a polearm, or a spear.
Until the end of your next turn, you can score a critical hit
with this weapon on a roll of 19- 20.
Level : 5
Category: Curati ve
Ti me: 15 mi nutes
Component Cost: See bel ow
Market Pri ce: 200 gp
Key Skill: H eal or Nature (no check)
Lvl Name Component Cost (gp) I
15 Spotted toadstool venom 1,000
16 Noxious grenade 1,800
18 Alchemist's spark 3,400
18 Clear- path mist 3,400
18 Heartflow 3,400
18 Tethercord 3,400
19 Alchemist's spark (ammunition) 4,200
19 Clockwork bomb 4,200
19 Resonance crystal 4,200
20 Acidic fire 5,000
20 Inferno oil 5,000
20 Spotted toadstool venom 5,000
21 Noxious grenade 9,000
23 Alchemist's spark 17,000
23 Clear- path mist 17,000
23 Heartflow 17,000
23 Tethercord 17,000
23 Woundpatch 17,000
24 Alchemist's spark (ammunition) 21,000
24 Clockwork bomb 21,000
24 Resonance crystal 21,000
24 Suppression crystal 21,000
24 Tension wheel 21,000
25 Acidic fire 25,000
25 Inferno oil 25,000
25 Lodret leaf 25,000
25 Spotted toadstool venom 25,000
26 Noxious grenade 45,000
28 Alchemist's spark 85,000
28 Clear- path mist 85,000
28 Heartflow 85,000
28 Tethercord 85,000
29 Alchemist's spark (ammunition) 105,000
29 Clockwork bomb 105,000
29 Resonance crystal 105,000
30 Acidic fire 125,000
30 Inferno oil 125,000
30 Spotted toadstool venom 125,000
The deni zens of OJ barra's wi l derness someti mes use
l odret leaves as a preventati ve when movi ng through
areas famous for spawni ng di sease. Mi xi ng the leaves
wi th speci al reagents gives you protecti on agai nst
some di seases.
Chewing on the infused leaf provides added insurance against
Lvl 5 50 gp Lvl 25 25,000 gp
Lvl 15 1,000 gp
Alchemical Item
Power (Consumable): Minor Action. Gain a +2 bonus to
Fortitude defense against attacks made by diseases of
10th level or lower. This effect lasts until the end of the
Level 15: Diseases of 20th level or lower.
Level 25: Diseases of 30th level or lower.
C H A PT E R 4 | Character Options
Level : 11
Category: Vol ati l e
Ti me; 1 hour
Component Cost: See bel ow
Market Pri ce: 700 gp
Key Skill: A rcana or Thi every (no check)
The noxi ous grenade is a metal cani ster fi l l ed wi th
foul -smel l i ng chemi cal s. Once i gni ted, it burns
qui ckl y, fi l l i ng the area wi th si ckeni ng smoke.
Noxious Grenade Level 11 +
Plumes of green smoke pour from thesputtering flame, sending
a rancid stench into the air.
Lvl 11 350 gp Lvl 21 9,000 gp
Lvl 16 1,800 gp Lvl 26 45,000 gp
Alchemical Item
Power (Consumable Poison, Zone): Standard Action.
Make an attack: Area burst 1 within 10; targets each
creature in burst; +14 vs. Fortitude; the target takes a - 2
penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
The burst creates a zone; all squares within the zone
are lightly obscured. The zone lasts until the end of your
next turn. Each creature that enters the zone is subject
to an attack from the noxious gas: +14 vs. Fortitude; the
target takes a - 2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
Level 16: +19 vs. Fortitude.
Level 21: +24 vs. Fortitude.
Level 26: +29 vs. Fortitude.
Level: 2
Category: Other
Ti me: 15 mi nutes
Component Cost: 25 gp
Market Pri ce: 100 gp
Key Skill: H eal or Nature (no check)
A n eyedropper hol ds a few drops of a dark purpl e
fl ui d. When the fl ui d is pl aced i n your eyes, you fi nd
you can see cl earl y in di m light.
Panther Tears Level 2
For a moment your vision is blurry, but when you blink away
theexcess liquid, you seeclearly through the gloom.
Alchemical Item 25 gp
Power (Consumable): Minor Action. You gain low- light
vision until the end of your next turn.
Level : 4
Category: Other
Ti me: 1 hour
Component Cost: See bel ow
Market Pri ce: 160 gp
Key Skill: A rcana or Nature (no check)
To keep a resonance crystal from shatteri ng, it is
stored i n a soundproof wooden box. The cl ear crystal
vi brates wi th the slightest sound.
Resonance Crystal Level 4+
The crystal amplifies noise until it becomes unbearable to all in
its proximity.
Lvl 4 40 gp Lvl 19 4,200 gp
Lvl 9 160gp Lvl 24 21,000 gp
Lvl 14 800 gp Lvl 29 105,000 gp
Alchemical Item
Power (Consumable): Standard Action. Make an attack:
Ranged 10; +7 vs. Fortitude; the target gains vulnerable
5 thunder until the end of your next turn.
Level 9: +1 2 vs. Fortitude; vulnerable 5 thunder.
Level 14: +1 7 vs. Fortitude; vulnerable 10 thunder.
Level 19: +22 vs. Fortitude; vulnerable 10 thunder.
Level 24: +27 vs. Fortitude; vulnerable 1 5 thunder.
Level 29: +32 vs. Fortitude; vulnerable 15 thunder.
Level : 10
Category: Poi son
Ti me: 30 mi nutes
Component Cost: See bel ow
Market Pri ce: 600 gp
Key Skill: Nature or Thi every (no check)
Found throughout the Q'barran swamps, the spotted
toadstool is renowned for its poi sonous qual i ty. The
l ocal l i zardfol k make a venomous paste that they use
to coat thei r weapons.
Spotted Toadstool Venom Level 10+
This green-gray poison paste robs its victim of strength.
Lvl 10 200 gp Lvl 25 25,000 gp
Lvl 15 1,000 gp Lvl 30 125,000 gp
Lvl 20 5,000 gp
Alchemical Item
Power (Consumable Poison): Standard Action. Apply
the spotted toadstool venom to your weapon or to one
piece of ammunition. Make a secondary attack against
the next target you hit with the coated weapon or am-
munition: +13 vs. Fortitude; the target is weakened until
the end of your next turn.
Level 15: +18 vs. Fortitude.
Level 20: +23 vs. Fortitude.
Level 25: +28 vs. Fortitude.
Level 30: +33 vs. Fortitude.
C H A PT E R 4 | Character Options
Level : 4
Category: Other
Ti me: 1 hour
Component Cost: See bel ow
Market Pri ce 120 gp
Key Skill: A rcana or Nature (no check)
A suppressi on crystal catches sound and energy trap-
ping them and safely bl eedi ng them.
Suppression Crystal Level 4+
The crystal diminishes the lightning holt and silences the
Lvl 4 40 gp Lvl 24 21,000 gp
Lvl 14 800 gp
Alchemical Item
Power (Consumable): Minor Action. Until it triggers or
until the end of the encounter, you are protected by the
suppression crystal. As an immediate interrupt that oc-
curs automatically when you are first hit by a thunder or
a lightning attack, you gain resist 5 thunder and resist 5
lightning until the end of your next turn. If this power is
used but the resistance is not triggered before the end of
the encounter, the crystal is still consumed.
Level 14: Gain resist 10 thunder and resist 10 lightning.
Level 24: Gain resist 15 thunder and resist 1 5 lightning.
Level : 4
Category: Other
Ti me: 1 hour
Component Cost: See bel ow
Market Pri ce: 120 gp
Key Skill: A rcana or Thi every (no check)
This compl ex devi ce sprouts cogs and levers, and
attaches to a crossbow. When acti vated, it i ncreases
the bowstri ng's tensi on in order to fi re the projecti l e
wi th greater force.
Tension Wheel Level 4+
With a click, the tension wheel unlocks and propels the holt
through your enemy.
Lvl 4 40 gp Lvl 24 21,000 gp
Lvl 14 800 gp
Alchemical Item
Requirement: You must be holding a crossbow.
Power (Consumable): Minor Action. Place the tension
wheel on your crossbow. The next time you make an
attack with the crossbow, its normal and long ranges
increase by 2 squares and it deals 2 extra damage.
Level 12: 4 extra damage.
Level 22: 6 extra damage.
Level: 3
Category: Other
Ti me: 1 hour
Component Cost: See bel ow
Market Pri ce: 120 gp
Key Skill: A rcana, Nature, or Thi every (no check)
The tethercord is a spri ngl i ke devi ce wi th two smal l
expl odi ng packets fi l l ed wi th di l uted sovereign gl ue.
Thi s useful devi ce keeps an enemy on a short l eash.
Tethercord Level 3+
You fling the device at theenemy; onesidesticks to the creature
while theother bonds with the ground.
Lvl 3 30 gp Lvl 18 3,400 gp
Lvl 8 125 gp Lvl 23 17,000 gp
Lvl 13 650 gp Lvl 28 85,000 gp
Alchemical Item
Power (Consumable): Standard Action. Make an attack:
Ranged 5/ 10; +6 vs. Reflex; the target cannot move
more than 3 squares from the space it occupies when it
is hit (save ends).
Level 8: +11 vs. Reflex.
Level 13:+17 vs. Reflex.
Level 18:+21 vs. Reflex.
Level 23: +26 vs. Reflex.
Level 28:+31 vs. Reflex.
Level : 3
Category: Curati ve
Ti me: 1 hour
Component Cost: See bel ow
Market Pri ce: 120 gp
Key Skill: H eal or Nature (no check)
The woundpatch l ooks l i ke a swatch of human ski n.
One sti cky side keeps it in pl ace when appl i ed to an
i njured creature.
Woundpatch Level 3+
You slap thefleshy bandage on your ally and thepatch knits
with thecreature's flesh to closethe wound.
Lvl 3 30 gp Lvl 23 17,000 gp
Lvl 13 650 gp
Alchemical Item
Power (Consumable Healing): Minor Action. Place the
woundpatch on yourself or another living creature. Until
the end of the encounter, the next time the creature
spends a healing surge, it regains 5 extra hit points.
Level 13:10 extra hit points.
Level 23:1 5 extra hit points.
C H A PT E R 4 | Character Options
L ike any worl d, Eberron is full of all ki nds of magi c
i tems. A l though the i tems i n thi s secti on are rel ated
to the fai ths and practi ces of Eberron's i nhabi tants,
they can be adapted for use i n any setting.
I n general , a holy symbol empl oyed by a di vi ne
servant assumes the shape and appearance of the
symbol of the rel i gi on the character serves. Symbol s
of devotees of the Silver Fl ame are covered wi th a sil-
very col or and gai n styl i zed fi re i magery, whi l e those
worn by champi ons of the Soverei gn H ost turn i nto
a blue and gold symbol known as the Octogram. The
holy symbol s descri bed here, however, are keyed to
a speci fi c deity or religion and requi re a parti cul ar
devotion to use. They never change shape.
2 Nonagon of Kol Korran +1 520
2 Onatar's forge +1 520
3 Emblem of Dol Dorn +1 680
3 Bright jewel of il-Yannah +1 680
3 Leaves of death+1 680
3 Octogram of the Sovereign Host +1 680
3 Psalter of Aureon +1 680
4 Icon of the Silver Flame +1 840
7 Medallion of Dol Arrah +2 2,600
7 Nonagon of Kol Korran+2 2,600
7 Onatar's forge+2 2,600
7 Spirit reliquary +2 2,600
8 Bones of the Traveler +2 3,400
8 Bright jewel of il-Yannah +2 3,400
8 Emblem of Dol Dorn+2 3,400
8 Hearth of Boldrei+2 3,400
8 Horns of Balinor+2 3,400
8 Leaves of death+2 3,400
8 Octogram of the Sovereign Host +2 3,400
8 Psalter of Aureon +2 3,400
8 Sheaf of Arawai+2 3,400
9 Icon of the Silver Flame+2 4,200
10 Domino of Olladra+2 5,000
12 Medallion of Dol Arrah+3 13,000
12 Nonagon of Kol Korran +3 13,000
12 Onatar's forge+3 13,000
12 Spirit reliquary+3 13,000
13 Bones of the Traveler +3 17,000
13 Bright jewel of il-Yannah +3 17,000
13 Emblem of Dol Dorn+3 17,000
13 Hearth of Boldrei+3 17,000
Lvl Name Price (gp) I
13 Horns of Balinor +3 17,000
13 Leaves of death +3 17,000
13 Octogram of the Sovereign Host +3 17,000
13 Psalter of Aureon +3 17,000
13 Sheaf of Arawai +3 17,000
14 Icon of the Silver Flame +3 21,000
15 Domino of Olladra +3 25,000
17 Medallion of Dol Arrah +4 65,000
17 Nonagon of Kol Korran +4 65,000
17 Onatar's forge +4 65,000
17 Spirit reliquary +4 65,000
18 Bones of the Traveler +4 85,000
18 Bright jewel of il- Yannah +4 85,000
18 Emblem of Dol Dorn +4 85,000
18 Hearth of Boldrei +4 85,000
18 Horns of Balinor +4 85,000
18 Leaves of death +4 85,000
18 Octogram of the Sovereign Host +4 85,000
18 Psalter of Aureon +4 85,000
18 Sheaf of Arawai +4 85,000
19 Icon of the Silver Flame +4 105,000
20 Domino of Olladra +4 125,000
22 Medallion of Dol Arrah +5 325,000
22 Nonagon of Kol Korran +5 325,000
22 Onatar's forge +5 325,000
22 Spirit reliquary +5 325,000
23 Bones of the Traveler +5 425,000
23 Bright jewel of il- Yannah +5 425,000
23 Emblem of Dol Dorn +5 425,000
23 Hearth of Boldrei +5 425,000
23 Horns of Balinor +5 425,000
23 Leaves of death +5 425,000
23 Octogram of the Sovereign Host +5 425,000
23 Psalter of Aureon +5 425,000
23 Sheaf of Arawai +5 425,000
24 Icon of the Silver Flame +5 525,000
25 Domino of Olladra +5 625,000
27 Medallion of Dol Arrah +6 1,625,000
27 Nonagon of Kol Korran +6 1,625,000
27 Onatar's forge +6 1,625,000
27 Spirit reliquary +6 1,625,000
28 Bones of the Traveler +6 2,125,000
28 Bright jewel of il- Yannah +6 2,125,000
28 Emblem of Dol Dorn +6 2,125,000
28 Hearth of Boldrei +6 2,125,000
28 Horns of Balinor +6 2,125,000
28 Leaves of death +6 2,125,000
28 Octogram of the Sovereign Host +6 2,125,000
28 Psalter of Aureon+6 2,125,000
28 Sheaf of Arawai +6 2,125,000
29 Icon of the Silver Flame +6 2,625,000
30 Domino of Olladra +6 3,125,000
C H A PT E R 4 | Character Options
Bones of the Traveler Level 8H
Emblem of Dol Dorn Level 3 +
An eight-pointed configuration of four crossed and rune-inscribed
bones sows chaos and confusion, if your fickle deity desires.
Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp
Lvl 13 +3 17,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp
Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp
Implement (Holy Symbol)
Prerequisite: You must worship the Traveler or the Dark Six
to use this holy symbol.
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus
Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy with
an implement attack using this holy symbol. Effect: One
ally within 5 squares of the enemy you hit can shift a
number of squares equal to this item's enhancement
bonus as a free action.
Level 3+
Bright Jewel of il- Yannah
When you focus your mind, this jewel on thesilver chain blooms
with violet light. Your foes know thepurity of il-Yannah.
Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp
Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp
Lvl 13 +3 1 7,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,1 25,000 gp
Implement (Holy Symbol)
Prerequisite: You must worship the Path of Light to use this
holy symbol.
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1d6 psychic and radiant damage per plus
Power (Daily Psychic): Free Action. Trigger: You score a
critical hit against an enemy with a divine radiant power
using this holy symbol. Effect: That enemy is stunned until
the end of your next turn.
Level 10+
Domino of Olladra
The numbers on this white and gray domino's face change ev-
ery timeyou usea prayer, emphasizing your deity's capricious
Lvl 25 +5 625,000 gp
Lvl 30 +6 3,125,000 gp
Lvl 10 +2 5,000 gp
Lvl 15 +3 25,000 gp
Lvl 20 +4 125,000 gp
Implement (Holy Symbol)
Prerequisite: You must worship Olladra or the Sovereign
Host to use this holy symbol.
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1d6 damage per plus
Power (Daily): Immediate Reaction. Trigger: An ally within
your line of sight hits with an attack. Effect: You roll a
d20. If your roll is higher than the d20 roll of the trigger-
ing ally's attack, that attack scores a critical hit. If your
roll is lower than the d20 roll of the triggering ally's at-
tack, you take a - 2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of
your next turn.
A red shield crossed by a silver sword embodies Dol Dorn's
demand that his followers endure any suffering necessary to
accomplish what is right.
Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp
Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp
Lvl 28 +6 2,1 25,000 gp
Lvl 3 +1 680 gp
Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp
Lvl 13 +3 17,000 gp
Implement (Holy Symbol)
Prerequisite: You must worship Dol Dorn or the Sovereign
Host to use this holy symbol.
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d8 damage per plus, or +1 d10 damage per plus
while bloodied
Power (Encounter): Free Action. Trigger: You are first
bloodied during an encounter. Efject: You gain a power
bonus to damage rolls of attacks using this implement
equal to your Strength modifier until the end of your next
Hearth of Boldrei Level 8+
Brandishing this orange and gray shelter your
ally from harm by scattering his enemies.
Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp
Lvl 13 +3 17,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp
Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp
Implement (Holy Symbol)
Prerequisite: You must worship Boldrei or the Sovereign
Host to use this holy symbol.
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus
Power (Daily Implement): Immediate Reaction. Trigger:
An ally within 10 squares of you that you can see is hit by
an attack. Efject: Make an attack: Area burst 1 centered
on the ally hit by the triggering attack; targets enemies;
Wisdom vs. Fortitude; the target is pushed a number of
squares equal to the symbol's enhancement bonus away
from the ally.


Holy symbol
Holy symbol
of Dol Dorn
C H A PT E R 4 | Character Options
Holy symbol
of Balinor
Horns of Balinor
Holy symbol
of Kol Korran
Level 8+
These horns fashioned from blackened bone help focus attention
against your prey. Through theblessing of Balinor, its death will
beswift and merciful.
Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp
Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp
Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp
Lvl 13 +3 1 7,000 gp
Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp
Implement (Holy Symbol)
Prerequisite: You must worship Balinor or the Sovereign
Host to use this holy symbol.
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d8 damage per plus, or +1 d12 damage per plus
against a creature marked by you or an ally
Property: Whenever you deal maximum damage to
an enemy with an implement power using this holy
symbol, you also mark that enemy until the end of your
next turn.
the Silver Flame Level 4+
Whenyou intone prayers to theSilver Flame, argent fire erupts
from theflame-shaped icon around your neck.
Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp
Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp
Lvl 14 +3 21,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,000 gp
Implement (Holy Symbol)
Prerequisite: You must worship the Silver Flame to use this
holy symbol.
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d6 fire and radiant damage per plus
Power (Daily Fire, Radiant): Free Action. Trigger. You
hit an enemy with an implement power using this holy
symbol. Effect: That enemy takes ongoing 5 fire and
radiant damage (save ends).
Level 14: Ongoing 10 fire and radiant damage (save ends).
Level 24: Ongoing 20 fire and radiant damage (save ends).
Holy symbol of
the Sovereign Host
Leaves of Death Level 3+
The blacfe leaves that make up this symbol replenish themselves
when you consume one to gain theaid of the ancestors.
Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp
Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp
Lvl 13 +3 1 7,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp
Implement (Holy Symbol)
Prerequisite: You must worship the Undying Court to use
this holy symbol.
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d6 necrotic damage per plus
Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You spend an action
point to take an extra action. Effect: You can make a
saving throw. You gain a bonus to the saving throw equal
to this item's enhancement bonus.
Level 7+
Medallion of Dol Arrah
The light from thesun face adorning this golden medallion pu-
rifies the body and soul with thefires of heaven.
Lvl 7 +2 2,600 gp Lvl 22 +5 325,000 gp
Lvl 12 +3 13,000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000 gp
Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp
Implement (Holy Symbol)
Prerequisite: You must worship Dol Arrah or the Sovereign
Host to use this holy symbol.
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d6 radiant damage per plus
Power (Daily Radiant): Free Action. Trigger: You reduce
an enemy to 0 hit points with an implement power using
this holy symbol. Ejfect: You deal radiant damage equal
to your Charisma modifier plus this holy symbol's en-
hancement bonus to each enemy within 5 squares of the
enemy you hit.
Nonagon of Kol Korran Level 2 +
The nine-sided coin glimmers even though no light shines upon
its surface.
Lvl 2 +1 520 gp Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp
Lvl 7 +2 2,600 gp Lvl 22 +5 325,000 gp
Lvl 12 +3 13,000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000 gp
Implement (Holy Symbol)
Prerequisite: You must worship Kol Korran or the Sovereign
Host to use this holy symbol.
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus
Power (Encounter Healing): Free Action. Trigger: An ally
you can see scores a critical hit. Ejffect: The triggering ally can
choose to hit normally and instead spend a healing surge.
C H A PT E R 4 | Character Options
Holy symbol
of Onatar
Octogram of the Sovereign Host Level 3-i
The Celestial Crown of theSovereign Host embodies theunity of
thedeities-a mighty forcefor light and good.
Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp
Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp
Lvl 13 +3 17,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp
Implement (Holy Symbol)
Prerequisite: You must worship the Sovereign Host or any
deity represented by the Sovereign Host to use this holy
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d8 damage per plus
Power (Daily): Minor Action. You regain the use of your
Channel Divinity class feature.
Level 2+ Onatar's Forge
The crossed hammer and tongs blaze white-hot asyou channel
your deity's wrath.
Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp
Lvl 22 +5 325,000 gp
Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000 gp
Lvl 2 +1 520 gp
Lvl 7 +2 2,600 gp
Lvl 12 +3 1 3,000 gp
Implement (Holy Symbol)
Prerequisite: You must worship Onatar or the Sovereign
Host to use this holy symbol.
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d6 fire damage per plus
Property: The first implement power you hit with during an
encounter using this holy symbol deals extra fire damage
equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Power (Daily): Minor Action. One weapon in your square
or in a square adjacent to you gains a bonus to its next
damage roll before the end of your next turn equal to the
symbol's enhancement bonus.
Psalter of Aureon
Level 3-i
The open book depicted by your symbol reveals the world's se-
crets to you.
Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp
Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp
Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp
Lvl 3 +1 680 gp
Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp
Lvl 13 +3 1 7,000 gp
Implement (Holy Symbol)
Prerequisite: You must worship Aureon or the Sovereign
Host to use this holy symbol.
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus
Property: You gain an item bonus to knowledge checks
equal to this item's enhancement bonus.
Sheaf of Arawai
Level 8+
Through this/ inely/ ashioned bundle of wheat stalks, Arawai's
abundance sustains you.
Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp
Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp
Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp
Lvl 13 +3 1 7,000 gp
Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp
Implement (Holy Symbol)
Prerequisite: You must worship Arawai or the Sovereign
Host to use this holy symbol.
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus
Property: You do not need to eat or drink. All conditions
and effects still affect you normally.
Power (Daily): Immediate Reaction. Trigger. You or an ally
you can see is subjected to an effect that a save can end.
EJfect: You or the ally makes a saving throw against the
triggering effect with an item bonus to the saving throw
equal to the symbol's enhancement bonus.
Level 7H
Spirit Reliquary
You take heart knowing that your ancestors' bones rest inside
theintricately carved box around your neck.
Lvl 7 +2 2,600 gp Lvl 22 +5 325,000 gp
Lvl 12 +3 13,000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000 gp
Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp
Implement (Holy Symbol)
Prerequisite: You must worship the Spirits of the Past to use
this holy symbol.
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus
Property: You gain an item bonus to saving throws against
charm effects and fear effects equal to this symbol's
enhancement bonus.
Power (Daily): Minor Action. You gain an item bonus to
your next attack roll, skill check, ability check, or saving
throw before the start of your next turn equal to this
symbol's enhancement bonus.
C H A PT E R 4 | Character Options ^
Most arti fi cer rods are equi pped wi th di al s, l evers,
and knobs. They can al so i ncl ude fold-out screw-
dri vers, spanners, and other useful tool s. Such
accoutrements do not affect the i tems' useful ness to
other cl asses that use rods as i mpl ements.
Shieldin Level 2+
Lvl Name Price (gp)
2 Rod of deadly casting +1 520
2 Rod of elemental shielding +1 520
2 Rod of repair +1 520
7 Rod of deadly casting +2 2,600
7 Rod of elemental shielding +2 2,600
7 Rod of repair +2 2,600
12 Rod of deadly casting +3 13,000
12 Rod of elemental shielding +3 13,000
12 Rod of repair +3 13,000
17 Rod of deadly casting +4 65,000
17 Rod of elemental shielding +4 65,000
17 Rod of repair +4 65,000
19 Ingot liberatis +4 105,000
22 Rod of deadly casting +5 325,000
22 Rod of elemental shielding +5 325,000
22 Rod of repair +5 325,000
24 Ingot liberatis +5 525,000
27 Rod of deadly casting +6 1,625,000
27 Rod of elemental shielding +6 1,625,000
27 Rod of repair +6 1,625,000
29 Ingot liberatis +6 2,625,000
Level 19+
An entwining runic pattern covers this heavy metal bar, which
aids in freeing your allies from adverse effects.
Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,000 gp
Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp
Implement (Rod)
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus
Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy with
an implement power using this rod. Efject: You and each
ally within 10 squares of you rolls a saving throw with a
+2 bonus.
Level 2+
Infused with war magic and covered in death symbols, this rod
amplifies lethal magical strikes.
Lvl 2 +1 520 gp
Lvl 7 +2 2,600 gp
Lvl 12 +3 1 3,000 gp
Implement (Rod)
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d10 damage per plus. When you roll a 10 on
one of the critical hit damage dice, you can roll the die
again and add both results to your critical hit damage.
Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp
Lvl 22 +5 325,000 gp
Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000 gp
The gauges on this thick baton arefestooned with elemental
runes, marking it as an artificer's implement. It augments spells
that protect against energy.
Lvl 1 7 +4 65,000 gp
Lvl 22 +5 325,000 gp
Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000 gp
Lvl 2 +1 520 gp
Lvl 7 +2 2,600 gp
Lvl 12 +3 13,000 gp
Implement (Rod)
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus
Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy with
an implement power using this rod. Effect You and each
ally adjacent to you gains resistance equal to 5 + your
Constitution modifier against acid, cold, fire, or lightning
(you choose one) until the end of your next turn.
This rod's wielder shares in thebenefits heor shegrants to an
Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp
Lvl 22 +5 325,000 gp
Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000 gp
Lvl 2 +1 520 gp
Lvl 7 +2 2,600 gp
Lvl 12 +3 1 3,000 gp
Implement (Rod)
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus
Power (At- Will): Free Action. Trigger. You hit an enemy
with an implement power using this rod. Effect: Until the
end of your next turn, whenever you use an artificer heal-
ing power on an ally, you regain hit points equal to this
rod's enhancement bonus.
A rti fi cers prefer staffs made from metal so that they
can be used as tools when a bit of leverage is needed.
These staffs typi cal l y feature studs al ong thei r l engths
and are capped wi th crescent wrenches or wedges
not unl i ke those found on pry bars.
Lvl Name Price (gp)
4 Battle staff+1 840
5 Staff of artifice +1 1,000
8 Staff of the blinking artifice +2 3,400
9 Battle staff +2 4,200
10 Staff of artifice +2 5,000
13 Staff of the blinking artifice +3 17,000
14 Battle staff +3 21,000
15 Staff of artifice +3 25,000
18 Staff of the blinking artifice +4 85,000
19 Battle staff +4 105,000
20 Staff of artifice +4 125,000
23 Staff of the blinking artifice +5 425,000
24 Battle staff +5 525,000
25 Staff of artifice +5 625,000
28 Staff of the blinking artifice +6 2,125,000
29 Battle staff+6 2,625,000
30 Staff of artifice +6 3,125,000
C H A PT ER 4 | Character Options
This steel-shod staff is useful for staff wielders who prefer to get
into thethick of battle.
Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp
Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp
Lvl 29 +6 2,625,000 gp
Lvl 4 +1 840 gp
Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp
Lvl 14 +3 21,000 gp
Implement (Staff)
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d8 damage per plus
Property: Whenever you make a weapon attack with this
staff, you can score a critical hit on a roll of 19- 20.
Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You miss with a melee
attack using this staff. Effect: Reroll the attack roll and use
the second result, even if it is lower than the first.
Level 5H
Staff of Artifice
Mechanical parts swirl around theend of this segmented steel
shaft. When you infuse an artifice with creation, thestaff gives
a slight hum.
Lvl 20 +4 1 25,000 gp
Lvl 25 +5 625,000 gp
Lvl 30 +6 3,125,000 gp
Lvl 5 +1 1,000 gp
Lvl 10 +2 5,000 gp
Lvl 15 +3 25,000 gp
Implement (Staff)
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus
Power (At- Will): Free Action. Trigger. You hit an enemy
with an implement power using this staff. Effect: Until
the end of your next turn, creatures summoned by your
artificer powers gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls and dam
age rolls.
Level 8+ Staff of the Blinking Artifice
Artifices created with this staff flicker from oneplace to thenext
across the battlefield.
Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp
Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp
Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp
Lvl 13 +3 1 7,000 gp
Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp
Implement (Staff)
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus
Power (At- Will): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy
with an implement power using this staff. Effect: Until
the end of your next turn, creatures summoned by your
artificer powers can shift 2 squares as an immediate
interrupt action triggered by being hit by a melee or
ranged attack.
L i ke other i mpl ements used by arti fi cers, wands often
serve a doubl e purpose. A sturdy desi gn allows the
arti fi cer to empl oy the wand as a tool, usual l y as a
screwdri ver or a chi sel . Such wands are made from a
metal alloy, most commonl y bronze.
Lvl Name Price (gp)
4 Master's wand of static shock +1 840
4 Master's wand of thundering armor +1 840
9 Master's wand of static shock +2 4,200
9 Master's wand of thundering armor +2 4,200
13 Precise wand of runic resistance +3 17,000
14 Master's wand of static shock +3 21,000
14 Master's wand of thundering armor +3 21,000
18 Keen bite wand +4 85,000
18 Precise wand of runic resistance +4 85,000
19 Master's wand of static shock +4 105,000
19 Master's wand of thundering armor +4 105,000
23 Keen bite wand +5 425,000
23 Precise wand of runic resistance +5 425,000
24 Master's wand of static shock +5 525,000
24 Master's wand of thundering armor +5 525,000
28 Keen bite wand +6 2,125,000
28 Precise wand of runic resistance +6 2,125,000
29 Master's wand of static shock +6 2,625,000
29 Master's wand of thundering armor +6 2,625,000
Keen Bite Wand Level 18+
Artifices you create with this wand have a vicious bite.
Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,1 25,000 gp
Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp
Implement (Wand)
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1d6 damage per plus
Property: Creatures summoned with your artificer powers
using this wand can score a critical hit on a roll of 19- 20.
Power (Daily Arcane, Conjuration, Implement): Stan-
dard Action. As the artificer's barbed automaton power
(page 52).
Level 44
Master's Wand of Static Shock
You have mastered thestatic shock spell, and you can bind your
foes with eldritch chains of lightning.
Lvl 4 +1 840gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp
Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp
Lvl 14 +3 21,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,000 gp
Implement (Wand)
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d8 damage per plus
Property: When your static shock using this wand reduces
the damage its target would deal, until the end of your
next turn all attacks made by your allies adjacent to
the target deal extra lightning damage equal to your
Constitution modifier.
Power (Encounter Arcane, Lightning, Implement):
Standard Action. As the artificer's static shock power
(page 47).
C H A PT E R 4 | Character Options ^j ^Bf c
Master's Wand of Thundering Armor Level 4-t
Your ally's armor rumbles with thedread power of thunder.
Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp
Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp
Lvl 14 +3 21,000gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,000 gp
Implement (Wand)
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d8 damage per plus
Property: When your thundering armor using this wand
pushes a target, it pushes the target a number of squares
equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Power (Encounter Arcane, Implement, Thunder): Stan-
dard Action. As the artificer's thundering armor power
(page 47).
Precise Wand of Runic Resistance Level 13-
You are deadly accurate with your runic resistance spell.
Lvl 13 +3 17,000 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000gp
Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp
Implement (Wand)
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus
Property: You gain a +1 item bonus to attack rolls using
runic resistance using this wand.
Power (Daily Arcane, Implement; Varies): Standard
Action. As the artificer's runic resistance power (page 51).
If your first attack roll with this power hits, you score a
critical hit against that target.
Lvl Name Price (gp) 1
2 Avenging ash totem +1 520
2 Oalian's balance totem +1 520
7 Avenging ash totem +2 2,600
7 Oalian's balance totem +2 2,600
7 Winter's heart totem +2 2,600
9 Fickle twilight totem +2 4,200
9 Totem of enduring vigilance +2 4,200
12 Avenging ash totem +3 13,000
12 Oalian's balance totem +3 13,000
12 Winter's heart totem +3 13,000
14 Fickle twilight totem +3 21,000
14 Totem of enduring vigilance +3 21,000
17 Avenging ash totem +4 65,000
17 Oalian's balance totem +4 65,000
17 Winter's heart totem +4 65,000
19 Fickle twilight totem +4 105,000
19 Totem of enduring vigilance +4 105,000
22 Avenging ash totem +5 325,000
22 Oalian's balance totem +5 325,000
22 Winter's heart totem +5 325,000
24 Fickle twilight totem +5 525,000
24 Totem of enduring vigilance +5 525,000
27 Avenging ash totem +6 1,625,000
27 Oalian's balance totem +6 1,625,000
27 Winter's heart totem +6 1,625,000
29 Fickle twilight totem +6 2,625,000
29 Totem of enduring vigilance +6 2,625,000
The drui ds and shamans of the El deen Reaches
use a vari ety of totems, but members of a speci fi c
sect empl oy totems that embody thei r purpose and
pl ace in the worl d. A s wi th other totems, these i tems
are fashi oned from organi c materi al s assembl ed to
resembl e the spirit or sect to whi ch the pri mal char-
acter is sworn.
Level 2+
Avenging Ash Totem
The ashes staining the totem remind you of civilization's ravages
against nature.
Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp
Lvl 22 +5 325,000 gp
Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000 gp
Lvl 2 +1 520 gp
Lvl 7 +2 2,600 gp
Lvl 12 +3 1 3,000 gp
Implement (Totem)
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d6 fire damage per plus
Property: Constructs take 1 extra damage from primal
implement powers that use this totem.
Level 12: 2 extra damage.
Level 22: 5 extra damage.
Power (Daily Fire): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an en
emy with a primal implement power using this totem.
Ejffect: The enemy you hit takes 5 extra fire damage.
Level 12:10 extra fire damage.
Level 22: 20 extra fire damage.
Level 9+
This gray bone, ever shrouded in shadow, symbolizes the ancient
trucebetween thefey and thedruids of theEldeen Reaches.
Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp
Lvl 14 +3 21,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,000 gp
Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp
Implement (Totem)
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1d6 damage per plus
Property: You gain a +1 item bonus to Bluff checks and
Stealth checks.
Power (Daily Teleportation): Free Action. Trigger. You
hit an enemy with a primal implement power using this
totem. Effect You teleport a number of squares equal to
the totem's enhancement bonus.
Oalian's Balance Totem Level 2+
Reflecting thebalance between civilization and the wilderness,
half of this totem is carved with runes, and theother half is un-
shaped except by nature.
Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp
Lvl 22 +5 325,000 gp
Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000 gp
Lvl 2 +1 520 gp
Lvl 7 +2 2,600 gp
Lvl 12 +3 13,000 gp
Implement (Totem)
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus
Property: You gain a +1 item bonus to Diplomacy checks
and Nature checks.
Power (Daily Healing): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an
enemy with a primal implement power using this totem.
Effect: An ally adjacent to you or the target enemy can
spend a healing surge and regain extra hit points equal to
the totem's enhancement bonus.
C H A PT E R 4 | Character Options
Totem of Enduring Vigilance Level 9+
This totem is carved with eyes big and small to remind you to be
watchful against daelkyr aberrations.
Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp
Lvl 14 +3 21,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,000 gp
Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp
Implement (Totem)
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus
Property: You gain a +1 item bonus to Arcana checks and
Perception checks.
Property: Creatures with the aberrant origin take 1 extra
damage from primal implement powers using this totem.
Level 14: 2 extra damage.
Level 24: 5 extra damage.
Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy with
a primal implement power using this totem. Efject: The
enemy cannot use teleportation powers or be the target
of teleportation powers (save ends).
Winter's Heart Totem Level 7+
Let your heart-of-pine badge warn everyone of thecoming doom
that shall cleanse this world.
Lvl 7 +2 2,600 gp Lvl 22 +5 325,000 gp
Lvl 12 +3 13,000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000 gp
Lvl 1 7 +4 65,000 gp
Implement (Totem)
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d6 necrotic damage per plus
Power (Daily Necrotic): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an
enemy with a primal implement power using this totem.
Efject The attack's damage type changes to necrotic and
the attack deals 2d6 extra necrotic damage.
Level 17 or 22: 3d6 extra necrotic damage.
Level 27:4d6 extra necrotic damage.
The i nnovati ons and advancements in the Five
Nations woul d not be possible wi thout the di scovery
and use of dragonshards. By unl ocki ng the power
they contai n, arti fi cers, magewri ghts, and other
arti sans power magi c i tems, bi nd el emental s i nto
vehi cl es, create constructs, and bui l d a wi de range
of fabul ous i tems. When bound to an exi sti ng magi c
i tem, a properl y attuned dragonshard can also aug-
ment or i mprove the item's capabi l i ti es.
Each of the three types of dragonshards is named
accordi ng to thei r ori gi n: Si berys dragonshards,
Khyber dragonshards, and Eberron dragonshards.
Si berys dragonshards swirl wi th vei ns of golden light.
Khyber dragonshards are mi dni ght bl ue wi th oily
bl ack vei ns. Eberron dragonshards, usual l y found
encased i n geodes, are cri mson wi th darker swi rl s.
A ny character can affi x a dragonshard augment
to a magi c weapon or remove one al ready affi xed,
duri ng ei ther a short or an extended rest. Most aug-
ments provi de a property, but some al so grant access
to a power. A magi c weapon can accept onl y one
dragonshard augment at a ti me.
Lvl Name Price (gp)
1 Eberron shard of animosity 360
1 Eberron shard of ruin 360
2 Eberron shard of lightning 520
2 Khyber shard of the fiery depth 520
2 Siberys shard of merciless cold 520
3 Siberys shard of radiance 680
3 Siberys shard of the mage 680
5 Eberron shard of bleeding wounds 1,000
8 Khyber shard of death's embrace 3,400
8 Khyber shard of life drinking 3,400
11 Eberron shard of animosity 9,000
11 Eberron shard of ruin 9,000
12 Eberron shard of lightning 13,000
12 Khyber shard of the fiery depth 13,000
12 Siberys shard of merciless cold 13,000
13 Siberys shard of radiance 17,000
13 Siberys shard of the mage 17,000
18 Khyber shard of death's embrace 85,000
18 Khyber shard of life drinking 85,000
21 Eberron shard of animosity 225,000
21 Eberron shard of ruin 225,000
22 Eberron shard of lightning 325,000
22 Khyber shard of the fiery depth 325,000
22 Siberys shard of merciless cold 325,000
23 Siberys shard of radiance 425,000
23 Siberys shard of the mage 425,000
28 Khyber shard of death's embrace 2,125,000
28 Khyber shard of life drinking 2,125,000
This crimson crystalflares whenever it's in thepresence of an
otherworldly being.
Lvl1 360 gp Lvl 21 225,000 gp
Lvl 11 9,000 gp
Dragonshard Augment (Weapon)
Property: You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls when using
the augmented weapon against elemental or immortal
Level 11: +3 bonus.
Level 21: +5 bonus.
Eberron Shard of Bleeding Wounds Level 5
Your weapon cuts a bloody swathe through your Joes when pow-
ered by this blood-red dragonshard.
Lvl 5 1,000 gp
Dragonshard Augment (Weapon)
Property: Whenever an attack with the augmented
weapon deals ongoing damage to a creature, increase the
ongoing damage value by 2.
C H A PT E R 4 I Character Options ~
When you hind this flashing dragonshard crystal to your weap-
on, sparks fly whenever it strikes an enemy.
Lvl 2 520 gp Lvl 22 325,000 gp
Lvl 12 13,000 gp
Dragonshard Augment (Weapon)
Property: You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls with light-
ning attacks that use the augmented weapon.
Level 12: +3 bonus.
Level 22: +5 bonus.
Level 1 +
Affixing this pulsing red stone to your weapon helps you smash
through any obstacle.
Lvl 1 360 gp Lvl 21 225,000 gp
Lvl 11 9,000 gp
Dragonshard Augment (Weapon)
Property: You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls when using
the augmented weapon against an object.
Level 11: +3 bonus.
Level 21: +5 bonus.
Nf f l mfM.B! , l J rrJ i !ffg
When you affix this sinister deep blue dragonshard, your weap-
on blackens and exudes a deathly aura.
Lvl 8 3,400 gp Lvl 28 2,125,000 gp
Lvl 18 85,000 gp
Dragonshard Augment (Weapon)
Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You score a critical hit
against an enemy with the augmented weapon. EJffect:
That enemy gains vulnerable 5 necrotic (save ends).
Level 18: Vulnerable 10 necrotic (save ends).
Level 28: Vulnerable 15 necrotic (save ends)
This cerulean dragonshard drinks deep theblood you draw with
your weapon.
Lvl 8 3,400 gp Lvl 28 2,125,000 gp
Lvl 18 85,000 gp
Dragonshard Augment (Weapon)
Power (Daily Healing): Free Action. Trigger: You bloody
an enemy with an attack that uses the augmented weap-
on. Effect: You regain 10 hit points.
Level 18: 20 hit points.
Level 28: 30 hit points.
Khyber Shard of the Fiery Depth Level 2H
This cobalt dragonshard has a molten coreand is hot to the
Lvl 22 325,000 gp
Lvl 2 520 gp
Lvl 12 13,000 gp
Dragonshard Augment (Weapon)
Property: You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls with fire
attacks that use the augmented weapon.
Level 12: +3 bonus.
Level 22: +5 bonus.
Level 2+
Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold
This amber dragonshard pulses with blue-white light.
Lvl 2 520 gp Lvl 22 325,000 gp
Lvl 12 13,000 gp
Dragonshard Augment (Weapon)
Property: You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls with cold
attacks that use the augmented weapon.
Level 12: +3 bonus.
Level 22: +5 bonus.
425,000 gp
Theshard glows with thelight of Siberys.
Lvl 3 680 gp Lvl 23
Lvl 13 17,000 gp
Dragonshard Augment (Weapon)
Property: You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls with radi-
ant attacks that use the augmented weapon.
Level 13: +3 bonus.
Level 23: +5 bonus.
Property: When not affixed to a weapon, this dragonshard
illuminates a 10- square radius with bright light.
Siberys Shard of the Mage Level 3+
This orange dragonsharc
used as an implement.
crystal enhances a weapon when it is
Lvl 3 680 gp Lvl 23 425,000 gp
Lvl 13 17,000 gp
Dragonshard Augment (Weapon)
Property: You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls with imple-
ment attacks that use the augmented weapon.
Level 13: +3 bonus.
Level 23: +5 bonus.
C H A PT E R 4 ] Character Options
Warforged can use i tems just l i ke other races, yet as
living constructs, warforged can al so uti l i ze i tems
speci fi cal l y desi gned or enchanted for them. A war-
forged component often grants a speci al advantage to
a warforged. Warforged components are not worn or
carri ed; i nstead, they are ei ther attached to or embed-
ded i n a warforged. L i ke normal i tems, warforged
components have categori es, such as armor, weapons,
i mpl ements, cl othi ng, ri ngs, and wondrous i tems, and
they occupy a warforged's i tem slots.
Whi l e you are consci ous, an affi xed warforged
component can be removed from you onl y i f you are
wi l l i ng to have it removed. Whi l e you are uncon-
sci ous, a component can be removed by anyone.
A ffi xi ng or removi ng an attached component is a
mi nor acti on and takes five mi nutes.
The onl y di fference between an attached com-
ponent and an embedded one is that an embedded
component is often hi dden or retractabl e. Percepti on
checks to l ocate an embedded component affi xed to
your body take a - 5 penal ty.
Warforged components of certai n i tem categori es
have the fol l owi ng speci al rul es.
A r mor : A rmor is an attached component.
A ttached armor wei ghs three-fourths its normal
wei ght for determi ni ng your l oad.
Shi el d: A shi el d is an attached component. A n
attached heavy shi el d al l ows you to hol d i tems i n the
shi el d arm's hand as i f you were usi ng a light shi el d.
Weapon: Weapons can be embedded or attached
components. Two-handed weapons cannot be
attached or embedded. A one-handed ranged or
mel ee weapon can be attached to a hand, al though
you can still have onl y one weapon per hand, regard-
less of whether the weapon is hel d normal l y or
attached. A n attached weapon occupi es your hand,
and you must remove it to free the hand.
A one-handed weapon that has the off-hand or
light thrown property can be embedded. A n embed-
ded weapon is retractabl e, stored i n a space wi thi n
your forearm. Whi l e the weapon is stored, it does not
occupy a hand. A n embedded weapon can be drawn
or retracted as a mi nor acti on. You can have onl y one
embedded weapon i n each arm wi th the excepti on of
shuri kens: You can have up to five shuri kens embed-
ded i n one arm.
I mpl ement: A ny i mpl ement that can be wi el ded
i n one hand can be attached or embedded. A n
attached or embedded i mpl ement functi ons exactl y
l i ke an attached or embedded weapon. A hol y symbol
is the onl y i mpl ement that need not be embedded in
a warforged's hand or arm. A hol y symbol embed-
ded on a warforged's body does not occupy an i tem
slot, al though as wi th worn hol y symbol s, i f you are
Lvl Name
2 Armblade +1 520
2 Delver's light 520
2 Mithral plating +1 520
3 Armbow +1 680
3 Warsoul weapon +1 680
4 Adamantine plating +1 840
4 Disk of energy resistance +1 840
4 Essence of the scout +1 840
5 Command circlet 1,000
5 Spiked soles 1,000
6 Final messenger 1,800
7 Armblade +2 2,600
7 Mithral plating +2 2,600
8 Armbow +2 3,400
8 Warsoul weapon +2 3,400
9 Adamantine plating +2 4,200
9 Disk of energy resistance +2 4,200
9 Essence of the scout +2 4,200
12 Armblade +3 13,000
12 Mithral plating +3 13,000
13 Armbow +3 17,000
13 Warsoul weapon +3 17,000
14 Adamantine plating +3 21,000
14 Disk of energy resistance +3 21,000
14 Essence of the scout +3 21,000
17 Armblade +4 65,000
17 Mithral plating +4 65,000
18 Armbow +4 85,000
18 Warsoul weapon +4 85,000
19 Adamantine plating +4 105,000
19 Disk of energy resistance +4 105,000
19 Essence of the scout +4 105,000
22 Armblade +5 325,000
22 Mithral plating +5 325,000
23 Armbow +5 425,000
23 Warsoul weapon +5 425,000
24 Adamantine plating +5 525,000
24 Disk of energy resistance +5 525,000
24 Essence of the scout +5 525,000
27 Armblade +6 1,625,000
27 Mithral plating +6 1,625,000
28 Armbow +6 2,125,000
28 Warsoul weapon +6 2,125,000
29 Adamantine plating +6 2,625,000
29 Disk of energy resistance +6 2,625,000
29 Essence of the scout +6 2,625,000
weari ng or hol di ng more than one hol y symbol , none
of your symbol s functi on. Two-handed i mpl ements,
such as staffs, cannot be attached or embedded.
Nonmagi cal i tems can be attached or embedded at
no extra cost. A magi c i tem can be modi fi ed i nto
C H A PT E R 4 i Character Options
an attached or embedded component usi ng the
Enchant Magi c I tem ri tual (Pl ayers Handbook, page
304). Changi ng an i tem in thi s way works exactl y
l i ke resi zi ng armor and has no component cost. I n
addi ti on, when you resi ze magi c armor, you can al so
transform it i nto a warforged component as part of
the same ri tual .
A few itemsusually the creati ons of H ouse Canni th
exist solely as warforged components. The following
i tems are exampl es of such creati ons.
T relet
Level 5
e Plating
+4 105,000 gp
+5 525,000 gp
+6 2,625,000 gp
Level 4+
Binding heavy adamantine plates to your body gives you insur
ance against your enemies' attacks.
Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19
Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 24
Lvl 14 +3 21,000 gp Lvl 29
Armor: Plate (attached component)
Requirement: You must have the living construct racial trait
to use this item.
Enhancement: AC
Property: You gain resist 1 to all damage.
Level 14 or 19: Resist 2 to all damage.
Level 24 or 29: Resist 5 to all damage.
Armblade Level 2+
This serrated sword blade/ its snugly over oneof your arms.
Lvl 2 +1 520 gp Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp
Lvl 7 +2 2,600 gp Lvl 22 +5 325,000 gp
Lvl 12 +3 13,000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000 gp
Weapon: Heavy blade, light blade (attached component)
Requirement: You must have the living construct racial trait
to use this item.
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus
Property: You gain a +2 item bonus to opportunity attacks
made with this weapon.
Armbow Level 3+
This magic crossbow generates its own bolts.
Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp
Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp
Lvl 13 +3 17,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,1 25,000 gp
Weapon: Crossbow (attached component)
Requirement: You must have the living construct racial trait
to use this item.
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus
Property: This crossbow becomes a one- handed weapon.
Property: This crossbow does not expend bolts.
Granted to thebest warforged commanders during the Last
War, thecommand circlet is a mark of distinction and honor.
Item Slot: Head (attached component) 1,000 gp
Requirement: You must have the living construct racial trait
to use this item.
Property: You gain telepathy 20. You can communicate with
any other creature that has a language and is within line
of sight.
Power (Daily): Immediate Reaction. Trigger: A living
construct ally is hit by a fear effect that a save can end.
Efject: The ally can make a saving throw against the
triggering effect.
Level 2
Delver's Light
Often attached to theforehead or chest, this magic gem gives off
light powered by your life force.
Wondrous Item (embedded component) 520 gp
Requirement: You must have the living construct racial trait
to use this item.
Power (At- Will): Free Action. The delver's light sheds dim
light to a radius of 20 squares.
Power (At- Will): Free Action. The delver's light sheds bright
light to a radius of 20 squares.
Power (At- Will): Free Action. The delver's light sheds no
Disk of I Resistance
Level 4+
The runes inscribed around thegemstone set in thecenter of this
metal disk arewards to protect you from magical attacks.
Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp
Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp
Lvl 14 +3 21,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,000 gp
Item Slot: Neck (attached component)
Requirement: You must have the living construct racial trait
to use this item.
Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and Will
Power (Daily): Immediate Reaction. Trigger: You are hit
by a fire, force, lightning, psychic, radiant, or thunder
attack. Effect: You gain resist 5 against one of the attack's
triggering damage types until the end of the encounter.
Level 14 or 19: Resist 10.
Level 24 or 29: Resist 20.
Essence of the Scout Level 4+
By installing this metal disk in your chest, your movements
make scarcely a sound.
Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp
Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp
Lvl 14 +3 21,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,650,000 gp
Item Slot: Neck (embedded component)
Requirement: You must have the living construct racial trait
to use this item.
Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and Will
Property: You gain a +2 item bonus to Stealth checks.
Power (Daily): Minor Action. You gain a +5 power bonus
to your next Stealth check made before the end of your
next turn.
C H A PT E R 4 | Character Options
This warforged communication device is built to resemble a
small winged animal, yet it is an intricate assembly of clock-
work pieces.
Wondrous Item (embedded component) 1,800 gp
Requirement: You must have the living construct racial trait
to use this item.
Property: You have a mechanical messenger within you. The
messenger has speed 8 and can function for 8 hours once
it leaves you (see below). After 8 hours, the messenger
deactivates. A creature can reactivate the messenger
by making a DC 20 Arcana check and then spending a
healing surge, at which point the messenger continues in
its task to deliver a message (see below). A warforged can
reactivate the messenger by embedding it.
A creature that is not the recipient of a message can
make a DC 25 Arcana check to view the messenger's
programmed image and hear its message. A creature that
makes a DC 30 Arcana check can learn the messenger's
intended destination and recipient.
Power (Daily): Standard Action. You program the messen-
ger with an image of what you currently see, a statement
of up to 25 words, and a destination or a message recipi-
ent. The messenger retains this information until you use
this power again or until you die.
Power (At- Will): Free Action. You activate the messenger,
and it leaves for its programmed destination or recipient
and delivers its image and statement.
Power (At- Will): No Action. Trigger: You are killed. Effect:
You activate the messenger, and it leaves for a destina-
tion or a message recipient you choose. The messenger
carries an image of the last image that you saw while
conscious, and it delivers the message that you have
been killed.
Plating Level 2H
The lightweight metal protects your vitals while still allowing
you maximum flexibility andfull range of motion.
Lvl 2 +1 520 gp Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp
Lvl 7 +2 2,600 gp Lvl 22 +5 325,000 gp
Lvl 12 +3 13,000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000 gp
Armor: Plate (attached component)
Requirement: You must have the living construct racial trait
to use this item.
Enhancement: AC
Property: This armor has no armor check or speed penalty.
Warsoul Weapon
Level 3+
When this weapon is attached, you strikewith superior speed
and agility.
Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp
Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp
Lvl 13 +3 17,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp
Weapon: One- handed melee weapon (attached component)
Requirement: You must have the living construct racial trait
to use this item.
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus
Property: You gain a +2 item bonus to initiative checks.
Power (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger: An enemy
adjacent to you shifts. Effect: Make a melee basic attack
with this weapon against the triggering enemy.
Spiked Soles
Level 5
These sole plates sprout tiny spikes, which aid in climbing and
in keeping your footing.
Item Slot: Feet (attached component) 1,000 gp
Requirement: You must have the living construct racial trait
to use this item.
Property: You gain a +5 item bonus to Athletics checks for
Power (Encounter): Immediate Reaction. Trigger: You are
hit by an effect that pushes, pulls, or slides you. Effect:
You ignore the triggering forced movement. You are
slowed until the start of your next turn.
C H A PT E R 4 | Character Options
The world of Eberron is ri fe wi th ri tual s. Whether
astoni shi ng i nnovati ons devel oped by the A rcane
Congress or anci ent ceremoni es taught by the Great
Drui d Oal i an, ri tual s are cornerstones of Eberron's
soci eti es.
Lvl Ritual Key Skill I
1 Conceal Dragonmark Arcana
2 Fluid Funds Arcana
3 Summon Winds Arcana or Nature
4 Eavesdropper's Foil Arcana
6 Ancestral Whispers Religion
6 Find the Path Nature
6 Steed Summons Arcana
7 Spirit Idol Heal
8 Inquisitive's Eyes Arcana
10 Enhance Vessel Arcana
10 Secure Shelter Arcana or Nature
11 Banish Illusions Arcana
12 Seeming Arcana
14 Masking Shroud Arcana
16 Fantastic Recuperation Heal
20 Scry Trap Arcana
You commune with the ancestral spirits, seeking their
wisdom and experience to aid your cause.
Level: 6
Category: Divination
Time: 1 hour
Duration: 24 hours
Component Cost: 140 gp
Market Price: 360 gp
Key Skill: Religion (no check)
You invite the spirit of an ancestor to inhabit your body
for a time. Choose one skill in which you are not trained.
For the ritual's duration, you are considered trained in
that skill.
The greater the hero who calls the spirits, the more
the spirits demand. The component cost of this ritual
increases to 700 gp for an 11th-level caster, 3,600 gp for
a 16th level caster, 18,000 for a 21 st-level caster, and
90,000 for a 26th- level caster.
What was hidden is now revealed.
Level: 11
Category: Warding
Time: 1 hour
Duration: 24 hours
Component Cost: 720 gp
Market Price: 1,800 gp
Key Skill: Arcana (no check)
You weave a ward against illusions in a close burst 4. Any
invisible creature within the area or that enters the area
becomes visible. In addition, illusion powers take a -2
penalty to attack rolls, and creatures in the warded area
gain a +5 bonus to Insight checks against illusions.
Before your eyes, the complex marking fades from view.
Level: 1
Category: Deception
Time: 10 minutes
Duration: Until broken
Component Cost: 10 gp
Market Price: 50 gp
Key Skill: Arcana
You conceal a dragonmark on yourself or on an adjacent
willing target. Creatures that examine the area where the
mark is hidden are entitled to a Perception check against
your Arcana check result to notice the deception. When
you use any powers or effects related to the dragonmark,
the effect is broken and the ritual ends.
You broach the sensitive topic with confidence, for you are
certain that no one will overhear you.
Level: 4
Category: Warding
Time: 10 minutes
Duration: 4 hours
Component Cost: 80 gp
Market Price: 175 gp
Key Skill: Arcana (no check)
You ward an area no more than a close burst 3 against
eavesdropping. Each creature outside the area that
attempts to listen to communication within the area
takes a - 10 penalty to its Perception checks. The ward
moves with you for its duration.
C H A PT E R 4 | Character Options
Your chariot is faster, better, and stronger.
Level: 10
Category: Exploration
Time: 1 hour
Duration: 24 hours
Component Cost: 400 gp
Market Price: 1,000 gp
Key Skill: Arcana (no check)
You bolster a vehicle with eldritch power. For the ritual's
duration, the vehicle gains a +2 bonus to speed and to all
You wave away your companions' WEARINESS.
Level: 16
Category: Restoration
Time: 1 hour
Duration: Instantaneous
Component Cost: 3,600 gp
Market Price: 9,000 gp
Key Skill: Heal (no check)
You absorb the fatigue that you and your allies have suf-
fered and cast it away. At the end of the ritual, you and
your allies gain the benefits of an extended rest without
spending any time resting. You cannot use this ritual if you
could not normally begin an extended rest (see Player's
Handbook, page 263).
Greater heroes accrue greater fatigue and require
more effort to recuperate. At 21st level, this ritual costs
9,000 gp to perform. At 26th level, this ritual costs
45,000 gp to perform.
THE clouds, the trees, and even the grasses bend to show you
the way.
Level: 6
Category: Exploration
Time: 1 hour
Duration: 8 hours or until discharged
Component Cost: 144 gp
Market Price: 360 gp
Key Skill: Nature (no check)
As part of performing the ritual, you must name a destina-
tion you have visited at least once. For the duration of the
ritual, you know in which direction your destination lies
and you can travel 10 extra miles per day when heading
toward that destination. This ritual is discharged when
you reach your destination.
C H A PT E R 4 | Character Options
You can always make change.
Level: 2
Category: Creation
Time: 1 minute
Duration: I nstantaneous
Component Cost: 0 gp, plus a focus worth 100 gp
Market Price: 100 gp
Key Skill: Arcana (no check)
Special Requirement: You must have the Mark of Ward-
ing feat to master and perform this ritual.
You drop coins, gemstones, or other valuable items into
a specially prepared coffer and close the lid. When you
open the lid, a quantity of coins appears in the box equal
to the value of the items deposited inside. With this ritual,
you can exchange a number of silver coins for a smaller
number of gold coins of equivalent value, exchange a
gemstone for its worth in gold, or exchange an art object
for coins. Magic items and mundane equipment are not
affected by this ritual.
Focus: A coffer.
You close your eyes to find your center. When you open
them, you see the crime scene in a new light.
Level: 8
Category: Divination
Time: 10 minutes
Duration: I nstantaneous
Component Cost: 125 gp
Market Price: 680 gp
Key Skill: Arcana
You cast your senses back through time to observe your
current location as it was up to a number of hours ago no
greater than your Arcana check result. You can observe
the scene as if you were there, although you cannot affect
Those who watch from afar have a hard time sensing you.
Level: 14
Category: Warding
Time: 10 minutes
Duration: 1 day
Component Cost: 8 40 gp
Market Price: 4,200 gp
Key Skill: Arcana (no check)
Special Requirement: You must have the Mark of Ward-
ing feat to master and perform this ritual.
This ritual renders you and up to five allies invisible to
all scrying sensors, such as those created by the View
Location ritual. Although these sensors cannot perceive
you, they can perceive the results of your actions, such as
when you or your allies interact with the environment,
fight enemies, and so on.
He can try to look, but he's going to pay for it.
Level: 20
Category: Scrying and Warding
Time: 30 minutes
Duration: 24 hours or until discharged
Component Cost: 5,000 gp
Market Price: 25,000 gp
Key Skill: Arcana
This ritual creates a ward around you that warns you
about scrying in your area. You become automati-
cally aware of any scrying sensors that perceive you.
This awareness wakes you if you are asleep. When you
become aware of a sensor in this manner, you can choose
to destroy it and end the ritual that created it, unless the
sensor or the creature is higher level than you. You can
also choose to observe the creature that created the
sensor, using your Arcana check result to determine how
long you can observe that creature.
Arcana Check Result Duration
19 or lower 1 round
20- 24 2 rounds
25- 29 3 rounds
30- 39 4 rounds
40 or higher 5 rounds
The terrain erupts in a flurry of activity as the land leaps
to your command, erecting a shelter for you and your
Level: 10
Category: Creation
Time: 30 minutes
Duration: 8 hours
Component Cost: 200 gp
Market Price: 1,000 gp
Key Skill: Arcana or Nature (no check)
You create a sturdy lodge large enough to accommodate
eight Medium creatures. The ritual uses materials found
in the area, so the lodge can be formed of snow, stone,
wood, or even sod. The lodge encloses a close burst 4 in
size. The interior is dry and clean and includes nine bunks,
a long table with stools, and a writing desk.
The shelter is not heated or cooled, but it is immune to
fire and impervious to all damage. Access to its interior is
C H A PT E R 4 | Character Options
by two shuttered windows, a single door, and a chimney.
Furniture can be removed from the shelter, but it vanishes
along with the lodge when the ritual's duration expires.
You and your allies move through the guarded outpost
without attracting unwanted attention.
Level: 12
Category: Deception
Time: 10 minutes
Duration: 4 hours (special)
Component Cost: 680 gp
Market Price: 1,700 gp
Key Skill: Arcana
Upon completing the ritual, you and up to eight allies
assume the appearance of any Medium humanoid
creatures. The ritual allows you to assume the general
appearance of a particular race, but not of a unique
creature. The ritual's effect is centered on you; if any ally
moves more than 5 squares away from you, the ritual's
effect ends for that ally.
Creatures viewing or interacting with you or your allies
can make an Insight check to detect the deception. The
check's DC equals your Arcana check result. A creature
is allowed a check the first time it sees you and each
time it interacts with you or one of your allies. If the crea-
ture touches you or an ally, it automatically realizes the
A mote of light divides in two, each glowing speck settling
on the eyes of the prepared corpse. When the magic hinds
itself to the dead flesh, it shields it from decay.
Level: 7
Category: Restoration
Time: 1 hour
Duration: I nstantaneous (see text)
Component Cost: 150 gp, plus a focus worth 150 gp
Market Price: 520 gp
Key Skill: Heal (no check)
This ritual is performed on an adjacent corpse. It binds
the soul to the focus, preventing its passage to Dolurrh.
The target must be willing to allow the ritual to take
effect, otherwise the ritual fails. Once so bound, the soul
rests in state of torpor.
At any time thereafter, once per day, you can ask a
single question of the corpse as if you had performed the
Speak with Dead ritual, and, as with the ritual, the corpse
knows only the information it knew in life.
You can perform the Raise Dead ritual on a corpse
preserved by this ritual regardless of how long it stays in
stasis. You cannot restore life to a creature that died from
old age.
If the focus or corpse is destroyed before the target is i/ i
restored to life, the soul is released and the ritual ends.
Focus: A specially prepared phylactery.
You whistle andyour mount appears.
Level: 6
Category: Travel
Time: 1 hour
Duration: Until discharged
Component Cost: 75 gp
Market Price: 360 gp
Key Skill: Arcana (no check)
Use this ritual to attune yourself to a single nonhostile
creature that has the mount keyword. The creature must
be present for the entire ritual. At any time in the future,
you can summon the creature into an adjacent space as a
minor action, at which time the ritual is discharged. You
can have only one creature attuned to you at a time with
this ritual.
You send out a call, and a stirring breeze answers.
Level: 3
Category: Exploration
Time: 10 minutes
Duration: 8 hours
Component Cost: 50 gp
Market Price: 125 gp
Key Skill: Arcana or Nature (no check)
You conjure a stiff breeze and direct it. You can increase a
sailing vessel's speed by 2 miles per hour while you keep
the winds in the vessel's sails. You can dismiss the winds
as a free action.
C H A PT E R 4 | Character Options
C H A P T E R 5
THE WORLD of Eberron boasts an enormous
vari ety of cul tures and soci eti es, as wel l as mul ti pl e
branches of hi story and devel opment. Thi s chapter
presents the known regi ons of Eberron, di vi ded i nto
three categori es: the Five Nati ons, greater Khorvai re,
and the world beyond Khorvai re.
I n addi ti on, other el ements of i mportance to
adventurers are di scussed. I n Eberron, a character's
race, pl ace of ori gi n, dragonmark (or l ack of one), and
other detai l s of hi s or her hi story can i nfl uence the
ki nd of hero that character becomes. Thi s chapter
offers i nformati on about Eberron that a pl ayer can
use when creati ng a character's background. Sampl e
adventurers are presented for each of the major
regi ons of Khorvai re, for each of the dragonmarked
houses, and for each of the new races i ntroduced
i n thi s book. Each background has ski l l s associ ated
wi th it.
Thi s chapter i ncl udes the following secti ons.
Greater Khorvai re: I nformati on avai l abl e to any
character from the Five Nati ons, fol l owed by i nforma-
tion speci fi c to each regi on. Thi s secti on i ncl udes an
overvi ew of major communi ti es and other geographi c
features, as wel l as i nformati on about each region's
popul ati ons, cul ture, and rel i gi ons.
Beyond Khorvai re: I nformati on commonl y avail-
abl e to the i nhabi tants of regi ons outsi de Khorvai re.
Dragonmarked Houses: Exampl es of character
backgrounds for members of each of the dragon-
marked houses.
Other Background El ements: Ways i n whi ch a
character's history, occupati on, and race mi ght i nfl u-
ence hi s or her adventuri ng style.
C H A PT E R 5 | World of Eberron
Yes, much of the conti nent l i es outsi de thei r bor-
ders, and yes, the so-cal l ed "Fi ve" are i n fact, today,
onl y four. Sti l l , there can be no argument that the
Five Nati ons represent the heart of Khorvai re, and
perhaps of Eberron. Thei r cul tures and customs
mi ght di ffer, and thei r geography mi ght vary wi del y
from one to the next, but each of the Fi ve Nati ons is
i nextri cabl y l i nked to the others by chai ns of com-
merce, of hi story, and of sl ow recovery from the
L ast War.
The Fi ve Nati ons were once uni ted as the Ki ng-
dom of Gal i far, encompassi ng most of Khorvai re.
A fter the death of Ki ng J arot, however, the ki ngs
and queens of the Five Nati ons vi ed for control .
The resul t was the L ast War, a devastati ng confl i ct
that raged for over a century and l eft no corner of
the conti nent untouched. The destructi on of Cyre
on the Day of Mourni ng, fol l owed by the Treaty of
Thronehol d, fi nal l y put an end to the war and left
Khorvai re di vi ded i nto the vari ous nati ons, ki ng-
doms, and regi ons of today. Yet few ci ti zens of the
Five Nati ons bel i eve that the struggl e is trul y over,
and each nati on gl ares wi th suspi ci on and resent-
ment at its nei ghbors.
Today, as the ki ngdoms of the Five Nati ons strug-
gle to rebui l d, they are more i nterested i n economi c
recovery than i n overt confl i ct. Neverthel ess, a con-
stant col d war of espi onage, border ski rmi shes, and
economi c mani pul ati on exi sts between al l four sur-
viving nati ons, and cul tural hatred and bi gotry run
Most of the popul ati on of the Five Nati ons is human,
for Gal i far was a human- domi nated ki ngdom. A t var-
ious pl aces i n the Five Nati ons, hal f-el ves, dwarves,
gnomes, and hal fl i ngs are al so common. A l l the
other races of Khorvai re- shi fters and orcs, el adri n
and changel i ngs, gobl i ns and ti efl i ngsappear in
smal l er numbers, and nowhere in the Five Nati ons
do they approach domi nance. Thei r real ms are found
el sewhere, outsi de these "ci vi l i zed" regi ons. Preci sel y
how well the nonhuman races are accepted i n the
Five Nati ons depends on the prevai l i ng atti tudes of a
nati on or a communi ty. Raci al prejudi ce i n the Five
Nati ons isn't as common as cul tural ani mosi ty; the
average human is more accepti ng of a member of
another race from hi s own nati on than he or she is of
another human from a di fferent ki ngdom.
The overwhel mi ng majori ty of the ci ti zens of the
Five Nati ons grant thei r devotion to the Soverei gn
Host, and worshi pers of the Si l ver Fl ame make up
the next most common fai th. The Bl ood of Vol has an
establ i shed fol l owi ng i n Karrnath: Devotees of other
rel i gi ons i n the Five Nati ons are so scattered as to
consti tute onl y an i nsi gni fi cant mi nori ty.
Many adventurers of the Five Nati ons are veterans
of the Last Wari f not as frontl i ne soldiers then as
i nfi l trators, saboteurs, sentri es, mercenari es, or war
profi teers such as thi eves and smuggl ers. A l though
some adventurers have lofty and worthwhi l e goal s,
others turn to adventuri ng out of avari ce.
For K i ng and Countr y: You adventure not on
your own behal f but i n the name of your soverei gn
(or, alternatively, your fai th, your home city, your
dragonmarked house, or some other organi zati on of
When you create a character for an EBERRON campaign, you
can enhance your character with rich background details
from the world of Eberron. The information in this chapter
can help you shape your character's history, outlook, and
Although you can choose as many background elements
as you wish, most character backgrounds incorporate three
Regional: Where is your character from? Is he or she
an urbanite from Sharn, an academic from Aundair, or
a farmer from the Eldeen Reaches?
Dragonmark: Does your character have a dragonmark?
If so, is it an acknowledged or an aberrant mark? Is
your character's race one of those most frequently
associated with the dragonmark? Is he or she con-
nected with a dragonmarked house?
Other Background Elements: What other aspects of his
or her life most strongly influenced your character? Was
it race, occupation, or events from childhood? Was your
character most shaped by his or her experiences in the
Last War?
Regardless of howmany background details you use,
when you create a character, you may (with your DM's
consent) choose one of the following benefits:
Gain a +2 bonus tochecks with one of the skills associ-
ated with your background.
Add one skill associated with your background toyour
class's skill list before choosing your trained skills.
C H A PT E R 5 I World of Eberron
whi ch you are a part). You are a loyal servant, doi ng
what you're told regardl ess of whether you under-
stand the purpose. Perhaps you feel that you're a
part of somethi ng l arger and more i mportant than
yoursel f, or you mi ght just be worki ng for whoever
pays the best. Ei ther way, the choi ces you make aren't
necessari l y your own.
Rolevlaying Tips: You speak often and ferventl y of
the ki ng or the fai th you serve (unl ess, of course, your
servi ce is secret). You undertake the adventures and
the tasks that you are told to, and you pursue endeav-
ors that benefi t your patron, even when you are not
commanded to do so.
Two kingdoms in the Five Nations maintain national
intelligence and espionage services: Aundair com-
mands the Royal Eyes, and Breland operates the
King's Citadel. Karrnath lacks such an organization,
but the individual spies of the various Karrnathi
lords-all whom are spied on by operatives of King
Kaius I ll-are equally effective. These two organiza-
tions are perfect resources for adventurers who seek
to serve their homelands.
Rel uctant Adventurer: You're an adventurer
by necessi ty, not by choi ce. H avi ng grown up wi th
the vi ol ence of the Last War, you know nothi ng but
combat; your skills l end themsel ves to adventure
and war, and to nothi ng el se. You delve i n anci ent
rui ns purel y for profit, and you'll undertake whatever
tasks offer the right mi x of ri sk and reward. You don't
necessari l y l ack a moral code; you just haven't found
a hi gher cause to whi ch to devote your war-shaped
tal ents.
Rolevlaying Tips: You are pragmati c and little
i mpresses you. Outwardl y, you scoff at passi onate
adventurers who fight for a great cause, but i nwardl y,
you wi sh you felt the same sense of purpose.
Uncoveri ng the Truth: Many questi ons remai n
unanswered from the days of the L ast War. The
l argest by far is the death of Cyre on the Day of
Mourni ng. What happened? Who was responsi bl e?
Can it occur agai n? Other mysteri es remai n as wel l :
unsol ved war cri mes, unexpl ai ned di sappearances, ^
and sightings of strange creatures that nobody can
name. You have devoted yoursel f to seeki ng the
answers to one or more of these mysteri es, perhaps so
that justi ce mi ght be done, perhaps for fame, or per-
haps just out of si mpl e curi osi ty.
Rolevlaying Tips: Nothi ng grabs your attenti on l i ke [
a good mystery. You probabl y have one or two spe-
ci fi c questi ons you want answered, and it is to these 3-
matters that you devote most of your attenti on. How-
ever, you treat any l i ngeri ng mystery as a chal l enge
you can scarcel y resist.
Vengeance for Past Wrongs: You seek retri bu-
ti on for wrongs commi tted duri ng the L ast War. Thi s
reckoni ng mi ght be broad, such as a hatred of a par-
ti cul ar nati on for thei r acti ons agai nst your own, or
somethi ng far more speci fi c, such as the destructi on
of your hometown by a parti cul ar mi l i tary l eader. You
have devoted yoursel f to revenge, constantl y seeki ng a
means by whi ch you can thwart the objecti ves of your
enemy unti l the day you fi nal l y have the power to
destroy it.
Rolevlaying Tins: You are gri m and dri ven, unwi l l -
ing to devi ate from the path of vengeance. You grow
enraged i f anyone sings the prai ses of your enemy.
You prefer adventures that bri ng you nearer to your
goal and al l ow you to pit yoursel f agai nst your enemy
or hi s or her mi ni ons, but when you l ack such oppor-
tuni ti es, you undertake other adventures, honi ng
your powers for the day of final confrontati on.
A undai r is two nati ons i n one. Pastoral vi l l ages and
farml ands l i ne its borders or cl uster around the
keeps of the region's feudal l ords. The peopl e here are
si mpl e, even rusti c. The nati on's great ci ti es, however,
are alive wi th commerce and bustl e wi th a crowd
nearl y as cosmopol i tan as that of Sharn. The houses
of government and i nsti tuti ons of hi gher l earni ng
nearl y burst wi th the l earned, the scholarly, and the
magi cal l y i ncl i ned. Yet whether one is l i steni ng to
schol ars or farmers, mages or l aborers, A undai ri ans
speak of thei r nati on wi th pri de. They are uni fi ed in
Thronehold was the home of Galifar's kings for centuries,
but it was abandoned at the start of the Last War. No
government holds the castle, and nolord rules the island
on which it stands. Its sole occupants are the Throne
Wardens, House Deneith soldiers charged with protect-
ing the castle.
Belowthe castle's walls stands Throneport, a small
town that arose during the old kingdom's height.
Throneport contains a high population of criminals,
exiles, mercenaries, and other scum that settled there
during the years Thronehold was abandoned. Although
the Five Nations returned tothe island, the city remains
neutral ground, and the criminal element continues to
thrive. As a character from Throneport, you might be a
representative of one of the nations whois hoping one
day tobring order tothe city or perhaps take up lordship
of the castle. Or you might instead be a member of the
unlawful el ement-an exile or a criminal who is trying
tothwart attempts by the Five Nations tobring order to
the city.
C H A PT E R 5 j World of Eberron
thei r identity, and they don't care how greatl y thei r
customs and preferences vary.
Currentl y rul ed by Queen A ural a, A undai r is focused
on movi ng i nto the future and l eavi ng the devastati on
of the L ast War behi nd. The l and-owni ng ari stocracy
works to bui l d up the nation's resources, and Queen
A ural a extends al l possi bl e courtesi es to the dragon-
marked houses, hopi ng to transform her nati on into
the preemi nent center of commerce for the Five
Nati ons. A undai r is al so the heart of arcane studi es.
A pprenti ce wi zards and other woul d-be casters come
here to attend vari ous col l eges, such as the A rcane
Congress. I f A undai r is to have any advantage i n
future confl i cts wi th its nei ghbors, it wi l l stem from
the nation's arcane supremacy.
A undai r is still struggl i ng to recover from the war,
wi th both its mi l i tary power and domesti c resources
at low ebb. But A urala's efforts are gui di ng A undai r
into a relatively swift regrowth, so hopes are hi gh for
the nation's l ong-term survival. Queen A ural a and her
supporters seem eager for war to resume; A undai ri ans
are a proud, courageous, stubborn peopl e. These traits
al l owed them to stand up to larger, more di sci pl i ned
armi es duri ng the war, and these trai ts i nspi re A un-
dai ri ans to strive for more than mere survival.
A l though much of A undai r consi sts of smal l vi l l ages
and unnamed communi ti es, it al so contai ns several
large ci ti es, and al l boast great i mportance to the
nati on as a whol e. Because of its extensi ve agri cul -
tural trade, the roads are wel l mai ntai ned i n al l but
the most di stant reaches.
A r cani x: A smal l yet vitally i mportant vi l l age,
A rcani x sits on the shores of L ake Gal i far. The peopl e
work to meet the needs of the wi zards who dwel l
in the three great towers that fl oat i n the ai r above
the vi l l age. Wi thi n these towers' l abyri nthi ne hal l s,
cl assrooms, l aboratori es, l i brari es, and vaults, mages
struggl e to master arcane secrets and teach spel l s to a
new generati on of students.
F ai r haven: The capi tal of A undai r, Fai rhaven is
the nation's economi c heart. Wi de, strai ght streets
provi de easy travel, al l owi ng merchants to del i ver
goods to Fai rhaven's bustl i ng markets, i ncl udi ng
the famous Di stant Exchange. More than anythi ng
el se, Fai rhaven is a ci ty of l earni ng, home to an
uncountabl e number of i nsti tuti ons that range from
ful l -fl edged uni versi ti es to ti ny pri vate school s, each
educati ng students in a wi de vari ety of topi cs.
Fai r hol d: The ancestral home of A undai r's rul ers,
the fortress of Fai rhol d ri ses above all other struc-
tures in Fai rhaven. I ts towers, mi narets, and wal l ed
keeps host the royal family, as well as the vari ous
courts and the garri son of the Kni ghts A rcane.
Passage: The onl y large ci ty i n western A undai r,
Passage sits on the shores of L ake Gal i far. Passage is
a major encl ave of House Ori en, whi ch runs most of
the city's commerce and government. The city is the
beati ng heart of the l i ghtni ng rai l system, for most
rail carts are repai red and mai ntai ned here. Many
consi der Passage the gateway between the ci vi l i zed
l ands and the El deen Reaches.
Stormhome: The pri mary encl ave of H ouse
L yrandar, Stormhome is techni cal l y a part of A undai r
but functi ons as an i ndependent communi ty. A mbas-
sadorsboth offi ci al and covertof many nati ons and
organi zati ons meet in the i sl and's vari ous restaurants,
taverns, and other establ i shments.
Uni versi ty of Wynarn: The most respected
i nsti tuti on of hi gher l earni ng i n al l Khorvai re, the
Uni versi ty of Wynarn occupi es a sprawl i ng compl ex
of si x great structures in the ci ty of Fai rhaven. Due to
the rel axed admi ssi ons qual i fi cati ons put i nto pl ace
to i ncrease attendance duri ng and after the Last War,
students of all races and all cul tural and soci al back-
grounds can be found here.
The peopl e of A undai r are, by and l arge, a stubborn
and patri oti c folk. Over hal f of al l A undai ri ans are
human. A mong the major ci ti es, hal f-el ves, elves, and
gnomes make up a si gni fi cant mi nori ty, but these
races are uncommon in the pastoral communi ti es.
H al fl i ngs appear wi th moderate frequency in these
more di stant communi ti es, but shi fters are rare; shift-
ers were once more common, but they were dri ven
from A undai r by Silver Fl ame zeal ots more than 150
years ago. On rare occasi ons, orcs and hal f-ores of
El deen, and even the occasi onal ti efl i ng family, settl e
on thi s side of the border; the common folk of the
regi on di strust these forei gners but rarel y engage in
open hostility.
Most A undai ri ans worshi p the Soverei gn Host,
but adherents of the Silver Fl ame account for a sig-
ni fi cant mi nori ty. Several of A undai r's ci ti es contai n
encl aves of Silver H ost "puri tans," extremi sts far more
fanati cal than the average Thrane.
The peopl e of A undai r are acutel y fashi on-
consci ous. Nobl es prefer bri ght col ors, feathered
hats, l ong ski rts, coats or cl oaks, and ruffl ed or puffy
sl eeves. Poorer folk cannot afford to keep up wi th
such fashi ons, but they often own a single "fancy"
outfi t that poorly model s the styles of a generati on or
two gone by.
A dventurers from A undai r have the same range of
objecti ves and moti vati ons as adventurers from the
other nati ons, but A undai ri ans are i ncl i ned to focus
thei r efforts toward rebui l di ng and restori ng thei r
nati on. The queen's efforts at expandi ng A undai r's
C H A PT ER S | World of Eberron
economi c and i nternal resources have i nspi red much
of the popul ace, and adventurers have adopted her
objecti ves. *
If you are from Aundair, you can choose Endurance
and Nature (if you are from a small village) or Arcana
and History (if you are from one of the cities) as your
associated skill.
Arcane Seeker: You've acknowl edged that arcane
supremacy is the last, best hope for A undai r's secu-
rity. You seek out anci ent ri tual s and arti facts, hunt
down potenti al casters for recrui tment to the nation's
arcane col l eges, and even spy on the vari ous mysti cal
endeavors of other ki ngdoms.
Roleployin^j Tips: You are fasci natedeven
preoccupi edwi th tal es and studi es of magi c. The
sl i ghtest whi sper of anci ent l ore or hi nt of a magi c
arti fact grabs your attenti on. You focus speci fi cal l y
on the arcane, not necessari l y because you thi nk it's
superi or to other forms of magi c but because you
know it's A undai r's greatest strength.
Reach Expl orer: A undai ri ans harbor deep
resentment for the "Reachers," whom they vi ew as
trai tors, as wel l as for the provi si ons of the Treaty
of Thronehol d that gave what were once A undai r-
i an terri tori es to the El deen Reaches. You mi ght
share thi s hatred, or you mi ght be curi ous about
thi s wi l derness that spreads beyond your doorstep.
Whi chever the case, you are determi ned to l earn
al l you can about the El deen Reachesi ts peopl e, its
communi ti es, its anci ent drui di c hi stori esi f onl y to
ensure that it cannot threaten the peace and securi ty
of A undai r.
Rolevlaying Tips: You bel i eve that the safety of A un-
dai r hi nges upon a fi rm understandi ng of the threats
posed by the El deen Reaches. You mi ght want to see
those terri tori es absorbed back i nto A undai r, or you
mi ght be content wi th peaceful coexi stence. Ei ther
choi ce requi res you to expl ore, study, and understand
the El deen Reaches and the surroundi ng wi l derness.
Of al l the Five Nati ons, Brel and has made the great-
est soci al and economi c recovery fol l owi ng the war.
Brel and has vast tracts of workabl e l and- i t is one
of the major food producers of K horvai re- as well
as a soci ety of great personal freedoms, whi ch has
i nspi red i mmense loyalty and patri oti sm i n its citi-
zenry. The Brel i sh are proud of thei r heri tage and
consi der themsel ves cosmopol i tan, and the nati on
currentl y l eads al l others i n soci al progress. Brel and's
peopl e are convi nced that thei r soci al and economi c
advancements wi l l keep them at the forefront of the
Five Nati ons for generati ons to come.
The peopl e of Brel and are fond of thei r venerabl e
sovereign. Ki ng Boranel al l ows hi s peopl e an unpar- JZ
al l el ed degree of freedom. The parl i ament supporti ng
and enforci ng Boranel 's rul e is el ected by popul ar
vote, and thi s level of ci vi c parti ci pati on transl ates
i nto a powerful loyalty on the part of the ci ti zenry.
However, Ki ng Boranel 's heal th is fai l i ng, and some UJ
Brel i sh are uncertai n i f any of his potenti al hei rs can ~
live up to hi s exampl e.
Brel and's soci al advancements come at a cost. I ts
thri vi ng i ndustri es and wi de soci al freedoms are a
breedi ng ground for cri me and corrupti on. A l though
the abuses of Thrane's theocracy are more wi del y
known, Brel and's vari ous government agenci es are
more general l y corrupt. Organi zed cri mi nal gui l ds
and cri me fami l i es operate throughout the nation's
ci ti es, mani pul ati ng the country's fi nances and even
its l egi sl ati on.
A l though Brel and's farms aren't i ndi vi dual l y as
producti ve as the ri chest of A undai r's, the nati on
boasts a greater amount of qual i ty farml and than any
of the other Five Nati ons. Thi s agri cul ture, combi ned
wi th Brel and's thri vi ng manufacturi ng i ndustri es,
makes the nati on economi cal l y sel f-suffi ci ent and
stabl e. Thi s status has resul ted i n the greatest concen-
trati on of dragonmarked encl aves and busi nesses i n
the Five Nati ons.
A l though about hal f of its popul ati on lives outside of
its urban centers, Brel and boasts more major ci ti es
and tradi ng hubs than any of its nei ghbors. Sharn, the
famed Ci ty of Towers, is the pri de of Brel and and its
major tradi ng center.
Argonth: A fl oati ng fortress bui l t by H ouse Can-
ni th duri ng the war, A rgonth is one of two mobi l e
ci tadel s bui l t duri ng the L ast War, and it is the onl y
one to have survi ved. Brel and's mi l i tary uses A rgonth
to patrol Brel and's borders, and onl y mi l i tary person-
nel are permi tted aboard. When A rgonth sets down
every week, a smal l vi l l age spri ngs up as the l ocal s
gather to supply its needs.
The Bl ack Pi t: A terri bl e crevi ce i n the earth
from whi ch strange creatures emerge, the Bl ack Pit
is l ocated i n a val l ey i n the Bl ackcap Mountai ns. I t
appears to l ead to the depths of Khyber. A smal l and
unsavory town of the same name overl ooks the pit.
Brokenbl ade Castl e: The home of Ki ng Boranel
and the royal fami l y, thi s great castl e ri ses from a
smal l ri ver i sl and i n the mi ddl e of the capi tal ci ty of
Wroat. A ful l y functi oni ng keep, Brokenbl ade con-
tai ns suffi ci ent staff and supplies to survive a siege of
many years.
Cragwar: L ocated i n the foothi l l s of the Black-
cap Mountai ns, Cragwar changed hands between
A undai r and Brel and numerous ti mes duri ng the
C H A PT E R 5 I World of Eberron
war. Today, it is pri mari l y a mi l i tary outpost. The
surroundi ng regi on remai ns unstabl e because of its
l ocati on al ong the A undai r border and near the Bl ack
Pi t and the Greenhaunt Forest, both rampant wi th
The Ki ng's Forest: Thi s wooded regi on is a pre-
serve that can be legally hunted onl y at the express
i nvi tati on of the ki ng. A l though patrol l ed by Kni ght
Rangers, the forest is al so a hotbed of outl aws, brig-
ands, and poachers.
Morgrave Uni versi ty: L ocated in Sharn,
Morgrave is the most famousor, i n some ci rcl es,
i nfamousi nsti tuti on of hi gher l earni ng in Khor-
vai re. A l though not as respected as uni versi ti es such
as Wynarn, it is well known for its easy admi ssi ons
pol i ci es and for its rough-and-tumbl e approach to
NewCyre: A fter the Mourni ng, Ki ng Boranel
granted thi s terri tory to Cyran refugees and allows
them to live and govern themsel ves as they see fit.
Orcbone and Sterngate: These fortresses stand at
the forefront of Brel and's defenses, guardi ng agai nst
attack from Droaam and Darguun, respecti vel y.
Sharn: See the following secti on for i nformati on
about Sharn.
Wroat: Brel and's capi tal city ri ses on both sides
of the H owl i ng Ri ver. Thi s city is the center of H ouse
Medani 's power as wel l as of Brel and's government.
I n addi ti on to Brokenbl ade Castl e, Wroat is home
to the obsi di an tower that is the headquarters of the
King's Ci tadel and to the great Parl i ament H al l i n
whi ch the government del i berates.
A fter humans, gnomes make up the l argest propor-
tion of Brel and's popul ati on, especi al l y i n Wroat and
the vari ous communi ti es al ong the Zi l argo border.
Hal f-el ves, elves, and dwarves appear i n reasonabl e
numbers, and other racesi ncl udi ng changel i ngs,
the vari ous gobl i ns of Darguun, and the occasi onal
eladrinlive i n Brel and as wel l .
A s i n A undai r, Brel and's popul ati on is devoted
largely to the Soverei gn Host, wi th a si gni fi cant
mi nori ty worshi pi ng the Silver Fl ame. Brel i sh aren't
especi al l y devout; they prefer to put thei r fai th in
themsel ves, thei r nei ghbors, and thei r government
rather than i n dei ti es. I n the major ci ti es, cul ts of
other fai thsparti cul arl y the Bl ood of Vol - can be
Brel and's urban popul ati on l acks a uni fi ed style
of dress or decorati on, i nstead focusi ng largely on
uti l i tari an garments or on whatever foreign fashi ons
stri ke thei r fancy. I n some cases, thi s vari ety of per-
sonal di spl ay seems l i ke a del i berate effort, as though
k Brel and's ari stocrats are demonstrati ng that thei r
fashi ons cannot be restri cted any more than thei r
other personal freedoms can be.
Brel i sh adventurers most often focus thei r attenti ons
on the nation's borders, si nce most of the i nteri or is
relatively safe. Brel and can be the steppi ng stone to
greater adventures, however, thanks to Sharn and to
Brel and's proxi mi ty to more dangerous regi ons.
If you are from Breland, you can choose Diplomacy
or Insight as your associated skill.
Defender of Civilization: Droaam, Darguun, the
El deen Reaches, and the Mournl and stand beyond
Brel and's borders. Perhaps no other ci vi l i zed region
is surrounded by so much savagery, mystery, and
danger. A n enormous number of Brel i sh adventurers
focus on thi s parti cul ar fact, devoti ng themsel ves to
studyi ng and fi ghti ng one or more of these threats to
Brel i sh securi ty.
Rolevlaying Tips: You focus on adventures near
Brel and's borders, parti cul arl y i f they al l ow you to
i mprove Brel and's defenses or weaken its enemi es.
You mi ght have a probl em worki ng wi th gobl i ns, orcs,
and other creatures you consi der enemi es.
Hardboi l ed Hero: You've seen al l sides of ci vi l i za
ti on, from the stylish to the seedy. You mi ght di sl i ke
the darker aspects of society, but you're i nti matel y
fami l i ar wi th them. You know the worst that peopl e
have to offer, and you've done terri bl e deeds to sur-
vive. Yet you hope, eventually, to prove yoursel f better
than the shadows through whi ch you wal k.
Rolevlaying Tips: You've done a lot you're not proud
of, and you're wi l l i ng to do it agai n, al though, even i f
you don't admi t it to yoursel f, you'd rather not have
to. You hel p others pri mari l y for money or other gai n,
but i n your heart of hearts, you al so do it for a shot at
redempti on.
A l though part of the nati on of Brel and, Sharn is a
soci ety in its own right. Peopl e and cul tures of nearl y
every i magi nabl e sort are brought together there. They
tal k, they do busi ness, they travel together, they pass
one another on the street, and the resul t is a true melt-
ing pot, perhaps the onl y one i n all the Five Nati ons.
Members of monstrous or di sfavored races who
aren't wel comed in Sham's towers can fi nd a pl ace in
the shadows deep beneath the lofty spires and float-
ing towers that give the Ci ty of Towers its ti tl e.
Sharn isn't just the cul tural center of Khorvai re, it's
al so the economi c one- at l east as far as its ci ti zens
are concerned. "I f it can be bought, it can be bought
here" is a common saying among the city's markets.
Goods and servi ces are avai l abl e i n Sharn from
C H A PT E R 5 I World of Eberron
across the conti nent and even occasi onal l y from
across the seas. I t's an open secret that not all these
goods and servi ces are l egal , despi te the best efforts of
the Sharn Watch.
Travel across Sharn, and between its various levels,
occurs using massi ve lifts and, for the wealthy, sky-
coaches held aloft by magi c or pul l ed by beasts such as
hippogriffs. Order is mai ntai ned, as much as possible,
by the Watch, and the city is rul ed by a city counci l ,
the L ord Mayor, and a vast governmental bureaucracy.
Population: Approximately 200,000. Humans form
a plurality of the population (roughly one third), but
members of every race are represented in this cos-
mopolitan city.
Government: Seventeen representatives of Sham's
wards form a city council that appoints a Lord Mayor
and administers the city's vast bureaucracy.
Defense: The Sharn Watch enforces the laws of the
city and patrols the streets, but the Watch is riddled
with corruption. A branch of the Watch called the
Guardians of the Gate monitors the activities of
foreigners in the city, alert to the possibility of espio-
nage and subterfuge. The Redcloak Battalion, an
elite military unit, activates in situations that require
extreme force.
H umans form the greater part of Sham's popul ati on,
but every other major race of Khorvai re can be found
i n Sharn, and even the rarer peopl es consti tute a siz-
abl e number of the city's resi dents.
That same vari ety appears i n the rel i gi ous prac-
ti ces of Sham's ci ti zenry. A l though the Soverei gn
H ost and the Silver Fl ame have the most followers
here, the Bl ood of Vol, the Dark Si x, and even more
obscure faithssuch as the vari ous drui di c bel i efs
and the Path of Lightappear wi th regul ari ty. Cul ts
of the Dragon Bel ow exi st i n Sharn as wel l , but even
here, they must mai ntai n secrecy.
A dventurers i n Sharn are often outsi ders passi ng
through on thei r way to more exoti c l ocal es. But
Sham's ci ti zens al so turn to adventuri ng and have
thei r own parti cul ar objecti ves.
If you are from Sharn, you can choose Insight or
Streetwise as your associated skill.
Expl or er of the Under gr ound: You know you
needn't wander far from home to fi nd adventure,
si nce countl ess rui ns exi st beneath your feet. You're
C H A PT E R 5 | World of Eberron
determi ned to investigate al l the numerous cata-
combs, hi dden chambers, lost communi ti es, and
subterranean rui ns on whi ch the Ci ty of Towers was
bui l t- partl y for the fame and fortune,'bf course,
but al so because you cannot hel p but wonder what
threats mi ght l urk, unseen and ready to stri ke,
beneath thi s wondrous city.
Rolevlaying Tips: You prefer to stay cl ose to home,
argui ng that any experi ence to be had i n exoti c
l ocal es can be had just as wel l i n Sharn, "where the
exoti c makes del i veri es." You're fasci nated by the
noti on of lost cul tures beneath the modern world,
and you wonder i f modern ci vi l i zati on coul d benefi t
from lost knowl edge.
Morgrave Schol ar: You work for Morgrave Univer-
sity as a procurer of anti qui ti es or a schol ar of anci ent
lore. You mi ght be a hi red adventurer and treasure
hunter, di spatched to recover rel i cs for the University,
or you coul d be an i nstructor who moonl i ghts as a
combi nati on of archeol ogi st and grave robber.
Roleplaying Tips: You're i nterested i n l earni ng
about lost cul tures and forei gn peopl es. You express
far more i nterest i n the schol arl y and hi stori cal val ue
of the treasures you fi nd than i n thei r monetary
worth or magi cal power. Whether thi s atti tude is
genui ne or onl y a facade to cover up mercenary greed
depends on what sort of person you are.
Once the strongest basti on of the Five Nati ons,
Karrnath suffered terri bl y duri ng the L ast War. A
proud mi l i tary tradi ti on and a drive for excel l ence
in al l aspects of life empowered Karrnath before the
war. However, the reputati on of its mi l i tary proved
false after A undai r del i vered several swi ft defeats
duri ng the war. Karrnath used necromancy to create
undead l egi ons from its fal l en sol di ers, to no avail.
Today, Karrnath struggl es agai nst pl ague and fami ne.
Karrnath is one of the oldest human cul tures i n
Khorvai re. I t is still the mi ghti est mi l i tary power on
the conti nent, and Ki ng Kai us I I I is still Karrnath's
rul er. A l though some Karrns do not trust the ki ng,
they acknowl edge that he is methodi cal , powerful ,
and ski l l ed. Between hi s own abi l i ti es and those of
the l ords, general s, and l andowners who support hi m,
Kai us coul d transform Karrnath i nto an unstoppabl e
force once agai n. Thi s ambi ti on causes the other
nati ons to eye Karrnath wi th wari ness, despi te Ki ng
Kaius's publ i c support for peace.
The nati on is hardl y i n a posi ti on to engage i n an
extended mi l i tary campai gn. Even though Karrnath
boasts ri ch farml and, it l acks a suffi ci ent number
of experi enced farmers to work it, and much of it
still lies fal l ow two years after the end of the war.
The nati on trades l i vestock and l umber for the food
staples it requi res, but its popul ati on barel y survi ves.
A growi ng number of nobl es, general s, and warl ords
see the army as a vi abl e solution to thi s probl em, and
i nsi st that Karrnath can take what it needs from its
nei ghbors. So far, cool er heads have prevai l ed.
Unl i ke peopl e el sewhere, Karrns aren't horri fi ed
at the noti on of undeath, due to the l arge numbers of
undead that servedand still servein the Karrnathi
mi l i tary. Karrnath's cul ture is focused on mi l i tary
servi ce; Karrns val ue di sci pl i ne and strength, and
they have more respect for a l eader they fear than for
one they love.
A l though anci ent structures found across Karrnath
predate Gal i far, following the L ast War Karrnath
contai ns the l argest number of modern mi l i tary
structures of any of the remai ni ng Five Nati ons. Every
terri tory is rul ed by a warl ord who swears feal ty to
Ki ng Kai us. Travel wi thi n the nati on is rel ati vel y safe
near the major communi ti es, where the roads are
patrol l ed by warl ords' soldiers, but a journey through
more rural regi ons can prove dangerous.
Atur: The Ci ty of Night stands beneath the peaks
of the A shen Spi res, where it remai ns cl oaked i n
shadows for al l but a few hours each day. For the
living, the city is known as a hotbed of debauchery,
bursti ng wi th taverns and bordel l os. Bel ow the city
lie the Vaults of the Dead, where Karrnath's undead
soldiers await future orders.
The Cri mson Monastery: A l arge, l abyri nthi ne
compl ex overl ooki ng A tur, the Cri mson Monastery is
the heart of the Bl ood of Vol fai th i n Karrnath.
Crownhome: A heavi l y bui l t, thi ckl y wal l ed mili-
tary fortress, Crownhome is the seat of government
and the l ocati on of Ki ng Kaius's home i n Korth.
Karrl akton: Karrl akton, one of the nation's
greatest ci ti es, suffers terri bl y from its proxi mi ty to
the Mournl and. The popul ace lives under a pal l of
despai r, and many have fl ed the city. They have been
repl aced by crazed prophets and doomsayers who
predi ct the end of the cityif not the worldwhen the
Mourni ng spreads. Still, the ci ty survives as one of the
preemi nent sources of arms and armor i n Khorvai re.
Korth: The capi tal and l argest city of Karrnath,
Korth is a mi l i tary ci ty wi th its heavy stone bui l di ngs
and strai ght, narrow roads. The ci ty is di vi ded i nto
five major wards, each wi th its own parti cul ar fl avor
and cul ture and each marred by the scars of siege.
The Ni ghtwood: Ostensi bl y a forest preserve, the
Ni ghtwood is known for the monstrous creatures that
emerge from the forest's center. L ocal rumor cl ai ms
that the forest hi des a fi ssure that reaches to Khyber.
Rekkenmark: Rekkenmark is yet another of
Karrnath's great cities that has lost its purpose si nce
the war. L ocated at the termi nus of Whi te A rch
Bridge, the city's role as a center of trade was lost when
C H A PT E R 5 I World of Eberron
the bridge was destroyed duri ng the war. Today, the
city is known pri mari l y for the Rekkenmark A cademy.
I t was once the most prestigious mi l i tary academy in
the nati on, and al though it was forced to cl ose duri ng
the war, the academy has recentl y reopened its doors,
bri ngi ng some economi c life back to the city.
Senti nel Tower: A great fortress i n the heart
of Karrl akton, Senti nel Tower is a House Denei th
encl ave and the home to Denei th's Senti nel Marshal s.
Taer Syraen: The Wi nter Citadel is an el adri n
stronghold, a city of needl e-thi n spires and web-work
bridges; a steep wal l of ice surrounds it. Every night,
el adri n kni ghts ride forth, spreadi ng frost throughout
the surroundi ng territory. Ki ng Kai us is said to be on
the verge of decl ari ng Taer Syraen a threat to Karrnath
and unl eashi ng hi s full mi l i tary mi ght against it, due to
the refusal of the el adri n to accept ambassadors.
The Zi ggurat of the Twelve: A great fl oati ng
fortress that casts its shadow over Wol l vern Park i n
Korth, the Zi ggurat is the headquarters of the Twelve,
an arcane organi zati on founded by the dragon-
marked houses duri ng the earl y days of the Ki ngdom
of Gal i far.
The peopl e of Karrnath are a di sci pl i ned peopl e
accustomed to mi l i tary law. A fter humans, who make
up over hal f the popul ati on, dwarves consti tute the
second l argest group i n Karrnath, unsurpri si ng given
the nation's proxi mi ty to the Mror Hol ds. H al fl i ngs,
often from the Tal enta Pl ai ns, are the next most
common, followed by hal f-el ves and elves. I n pursui t
of Karrnath's efforts to i mprove its mi l i tary mi ght, it
has begun to accept dragonborn warri ors i mmi grat-
ing from Q'barra.
For a ti me, the Bl ood of Vol was the government-
supported state rel i gi on of Karrnath. Those days have
ended under Kai us I I I , but the fai th is still practi ced
commonl y throughout the nati on. Most of Khorvai re's
ci ti zens devote themsel ves to the Soverei gn Host, and
a si zabl e mi nori ty worshi ps the Dark Si x.
Karrns favor dark cl othi ng, cri sp l i nes, and mi l i tary
dress; formal wear among ci vi l i ans cl osel y resembl es
offi ci al uni forms. Bri ght col ors are consi dered appro-
pri ate onl y for chi l dren, and weari ng such colors to a
formal functi on is a mi nor faux pas.
I ndi vi dual s wi th combat-appropri ate ski l l s- marti al ,
arcane, or otherwi sehave few choi ces i n Karrnath.
They become adventurers or serve in the Karrnathi
mi l i tary. Someti mes, they do both.
If you are from Karrnath, you can choose Athletics or
I ntimidate as your associated skill.
Defender of Goodwi l l : Of al l the Five Nati ons, i/ i
Karrnath is the most di strusted by the others, wi th ^
good reason. K arrnath makes use of undead on the
battl efi el d, boasts a hi gh proporti on of l ords and
general s tryi ng to tal k thei r ki ng i nto a new war,
al l ows the macabre Bl ood of Vol to fl ouri sh wi thi n w
its borders, and still associ ates wi th the Emeral d
Cl aw. You're determi ned to hel p your nati on mai n-
tai n the peace by doi ng what you can to counter
such negati ve percepti ons. You engage i n sel fl ess
acts for the benefi t of others, l etti ng al l k n o w that
Karrnath can produce heroes as wel l as vi l l ai ns.
You battl e undead, work to thwart the ambi ti ons of
warmongers, and stand agai nst the endeavors of the
Emeral d Cl aw.
Rolevlaying Tips: You speak frequentl y of the glo-
ri es of K arrnath- not just its accompl i shments but
al so the more positive aspects of its cul ture and the
advantages to al l i f the other nati ons woul d ally wi th
it. You grow personal l y angry, even offended, at evils
commi tted by Karrns or i ndi vi dual s associ ated wi th
them, and you take whatever steps you can to counter
these acts.
Seeker of Lost Gl ory: You're determi ned to
restore Karrnath to its ri ghtful pl ace as the pre-
emi nent nati on of Khorvai re. You mi ght do thi s by
seeki ng magi c rel i cs, suppl i es, and resources for the
government's use, or you mi ght be more di rect, seek-
ing to i nsti gate a new war where Karrnath's mi l i tary
strength mi ght prove domi nant.
Rolevlaying Tips: Everythi ng you do is for the glory
of Karrnath. You take offense when anyone speaks
ill of your homel and, and you view every adventure
i n terms of what sort of benefi t it can provi de your
nati on.
Cyre is no more. The Purpl e J ewel of Gal i far's Crown,
the most beauti ful and arti sti cal l y advanced of the
Five Nati ons, ceased to exi st on the Day of Mourni ng.
Four years ago, wi thout warni ng and wi thout expla-
nati on, foul gray mi sts swept out from the nation's
center, l eavi ng behi nd a broken, twi sted l and of
horrors. That the fear i nspi red by the Mourni ng l ed,
eventually, to the Treaty of Thronehol d and the end of
the L ast War is of little sol ace to Cyre's survivors, who
struggl e today to make thei r way through a world that
fears and di strusts them.
No PCs live i n the Mournl and. The associ ated
skills are avai l abl e to PCs who were born i n Cyre
before the Day of Mourni ng and who have struggl ed
to survive el sewhere in the following years.
Cyre was twi ce the vi cti m of the Last War. Ki ng J arot's
daughter Mi shann should have, by all ri ghts and tra-
di ti ons, assumed the throne, but she was prevented
C H A PT E R 5 | World of Eberron
from doing so by her ambi ti ous siblings. For a hun-
dred years, Cyrans vi ewed the Last War as a personal
affront, a war agai nst them as a nati on. L osing both
Cyre and Queen Dannel to the Mourni ng was a
doubly heavy blow, and survivors still harbor grudges
against al l the other Five Nati ons.
Duri ng its heyday, Cyre was a l and of plenty, wi th
lush farml ands, thri vi ng ci ti es, tradi ti ons of art, and
el egant styles. A s the pri mary battl eground of much
of the L ast War, however, it was dyi ng by i nches even
before the Day of Mourni ng. I ts outl yi ng settl ements
were al l but razed, and its ci ti es were fi l l ed wi th the
hopel ess, the homel ess, and the desti tute.
The Mournl and of today is a bl asted, twi sted waste-
l and. The dead-gray mi sts that choke the l and are
poi sonous to mi nd, body, and soul, and the beasts
that dwel l wi thi n are foul abomi nati ons.
Eston: The Mourni ng grievously damaged thi s
mi ni ng townonce the former center of H ouse
Canni thwhen many of the surroundi ng hi l l si des
col l apsed i nto the mi ne shafts. I t is a common desti-
nati on for treasure hunters si nce the warehouses are
said to hol d lost Canni th creati ons.
The Fi el d of Rui ns: The site of the l ast major mi l -
i tary engagement of the L ast War, the Fi el d of Rui ns
is the fi nal resti ng pl ace of thousands of Brel i sh,
C H A PT E R 5 I World of Eberron
Thrane, and Cyran soldiers, as wel l as Zil, Val enar,
and Darguun mercenari es. The mi sts at the forefront
of the Mourni ng swept over the battl e here, and to
thi s day, the bodi es, weapons, and war machi nes that
lie where they fell show no sign of decay.
The Gl ass Pl ateau: Thi s enormous stretch of
l and around the dead ci ty of Maki ng is glass that has
mel ted i nto jagged protrusi ons and di zzyi ng, i mpos-
sible shapes.
Metrol : The former capi tal of Cyre sits on the
banks of the Cyre Ri ver, and it is sai d to be a study i n
contradi cti ons. Even though many wards lie i n rui ns,
others appear untouchedexcept for the dead-gray
mi sts and the absence of any living creatures. Reports
cl ai m that the royal pal ace of Vermi shard, the light-
ni ng rai l station, and the Soverei gn Host's Cathedral
still stand today.
Troni sh: Formerl y a major stop al ong the light-
ni ng rai l , Troni sh is now a ci ty rul ed by aberrant
beasts that are rumored to take thei r orders from a
monstrosi ty dwel l i ng deep wi thi n L ake Cyre.
H umans, hal f-el ves, and hal fl i ngs are common sur-
vivors of the Mourni ng, al ong wi th the occasi onal
shi fter or changel i ng. Most peopl e of Cyre followed
the Soverei gn Host, whi ch is true of most survivors,
but some have turned away from the rel i gi on, or el se
devoted themsel ves to darker fai ths i n thei r search for
vengeance or succor.
Cyran fashi on tended toward bri ght col orssi mi l ar
to A undai ri an fashi on but wi thout the fl amboyance
of A undai r's hats and ruffl es. Cyran style al so favored
l arge amounts of jewel ry, in quanti ti es that others
someti mes found gaudy. A l though some Cyran survi-
vors try to bl end i n to thei r new homes, others cl i ng
defi antl y to the fashi ons of the dead nati on.
Most Cyrans who survi ved the Day of Mourni ng did
so because they fl ed before the mi sts. Wi th no nati on
to cal l thei r own and others watchi ng them wi th vigi-
l ant suspi ci on, it's unsurpri si ng that Cyran survivors
l ean toward i ti nerant, adventuri ng l i festyl es.
If you are from Cyre, you can choose Endurance or
Streetwise as your associated skill.
Cyran Avenger: You burn wi th an undyi ng need
for vengeance agai nst the destroyers of your home-
l and. Dependi ng on your bel i efs and atti tudes, you
mi ght devote yoursel f to investigating the mysteri es
of the Mourni ng, hopi ng to di scover who or what
was responsi bl e so that you can wreak retri buti on
upon them. Your hatred mi ght reach wi der, i nspi ri ng
you to act agai nst the governments and mi l i tari es of
al l those nati ons who battl ed Cyre duri ng the Last
War, hol di ng them al l equal l y responsi bl e. I t's even
possi bl e that you hol d al l ci ti zens of every nati on
responsi bl e, taki ng your "vengeance" by acti ng as
an outl aw bri gand and wayl ayi ng travel ers of every
stri pe (al though thi s atti tude probabl y isn't vi abl e for
a PC in most campai gns).
Roleplayin^j Tips: You are bi tter and angry. You feel
that Cyre and its ci ti zens are the vi cti ms of hi story.
You deri ve your onl y pl easure from contempl ati ng
vengeance on the parti es you deem responsi bl e. You
mi ght step off the path of retri buti on l ong enough
to hel p others i n needfeel i ng sympathy for thei r
pl i ght because of your ownor the sufferi ng of
others mi ght be meani ngl ess to you si nce it cannot
match your own.
Homel and Seeker: Even though New Cyre in
Brel and is a start, it's not much of a homel and. You're
determi ned to fi nd a home for al l Cyran survivors,
somewhere worthy of the great l egacy Cyrans carry.
That mi ght mean maki ng yoursel f useful enough to
convi nce one of the exi sti ng nati ons to carve out a
parcel of l and for you, or it coul d mean creati ng a civ-
i l i zati on out of the wi l derness of Khorvai reor even
of Xen'dri k. Whatever it takes, you're determi ned to
make it happen.
Rolevlaying Tips: You speak frequentl y of the glories
of Cyre and urge that Cyran cul ture must be preserved.
You're qui ck to volunteer for any adventure that offers
the opportuni ty ei ther to prove your worth to someone
who can aid your endeavors or to explore uncl ai med
lands i n search of a new Cyran homel and.
The center of the remai ni ng Five Nations and the
heart of the Silver Fl ame, Thrane has a hei ghtened
sense of its own i mportance. A major mi l i tary and
economi c power in the regi on, Thrane's theocrati c
government is ostensi bl y devoted to stampi ng out
evil and maki ng life better for al l . However, privi-
leges of power can someti mes lead to arrogance and
corrupti on. Still, Thrane's peopl e aspi re to lead vi rtu-
ous lives, and Thrane coul d potenti al l y become the
bri ghtest light in a darkened world.
Thrane is rul ed, spi ri tual l y and temporal l y, by the
Church of the Silver Fl ame. The Keeper and the
Counci l of Cardi nal s make al l pol i ti cal deci si ons;
Queen Di ani i r'Wynarn hol ds a purel y symbol i c
position. Thi s arrangement began when the Church
stepped i n to take the rei ns of power from Pri nce
Dasl i n earl y i n the L ast War. A l though Thrane is pri-
mari l y known as a rel i gi ous center, it has tradi ti ons of
archery that served the ki ngdom wel l duri ng the war.
Many Thranes l earn to use the bow, and Thrane's sol-
di ers are renowned for thei r deadl y accuracy.
Thrane's pri mary l i abi l i ty is its i nabi l i ty to sup-
port itself. I t exports texti l es, wool , and l i vestock, but
havi ng suffered deep l osses in peasant levies duri ng
the war, it has i nsuffi ci ent manpower to produce
staple grai ns. Thus, even those facti ons of the Church
who woul d prefer a more i sol ati oni st stance for thei r
nati on rel uctantl y acknowl edge that they must con-
ti nue to i nteract wi th thei r nei ghbors.
Those i nteracti ons have been strai ned si nce the
end of the war. I n addi ti on to the normal di strust
felt on al l sides, the common folk of other nati ons
vi ew the Church of the Silver Fl ame as an oppressive
i nsti tuti on that seeks to convert others by force. How-
ever, thi s vi ew exaggerates the situation; onl y a smal l
facti on of the Church engages in such practi ces, and
other rel i gi ons are tol erated wi thi n Thrane proper.
Neverthel ess, thi s opi ni on spreads wider, as tal es of
the Church's i ntol erant few outwei gh the words and
deeds of the more moderate.
Thrane's l argest communi ti es are cl ustered i n the
east, wi th the western reaches of the ki ngdom largely
given over to ranchi ng and new efforts at expandi ng
the nati on's avai l abl e farml and. The upper cl ass of the
nati on is mostl y composed of a pri estl y caste and its
al l i es; a growi ng mi ddl e cl ass stands between them
and the poor who work the l and.
C H A PT E R 5 | World of Eberron
Arul dusk: Thi s rapi dl y growi ng city on the
l i ghtni ng rai l was, through sheer l uck or di vi ne inter-
venti on, spared the worst of the ravages of the L ast
War. A s such, it is a hi ghl y prosperous communi ty
and consi dered bl essed by adherents of the Silver
Fl ame.
Daskaran: Once a major tradi ng center, Daskaran
was damaged hundreds of years ago by a major fi re
and has never trul y recovered. Thrane has put little
effort i nto rebui l di ng it.
Fl amekeep: Both the spi ri tual and pol i ti cal seat
of power, Fl amekeep houses the l argest popul ati on
of any city in Thrane. It hosts the Cathedral of the
Silver Fl ame, the hol i est site in the faithpilgrims
come from all over Khorvai re i n hopes of gai ni ng
admi ttance. I n addi ti on to the hol y sanctuary, the
Cathedral i ncl udes the offi ces and apartments of the
Keeper of the Fl ame and the Counci l of Cardi nal s, as
well as a full garri son of sol di ers.
Shadukar: Shadukar was a thri vi ng city unti l
Karrn's foot soldiers reduced it to a burned-out rui n.
Karrnath's Cyran al l i es crossed the sound on soar-
wood skiffs to hammer the city's defenses whi l e the
Karrns attacked.
Sigilstar: Si gi l star is the home of the largest com-
muni ty of mages in thi s largely di vi ne-magi c-focused
nati on. The presence of the mages, in addi ti on to the
city's posi ti on at the convergence of several major car-
avan routes, the l i ghtni ng rai l , and the Thrane River,
have al l owed Si gi l star to grow swi ftl y from a mi nor
communi ty i nto a tradi ng center that mi ght soon rival
A rul dusk.
Thal i ngard: Thi s great fortress, standi ng near the
Cathedral of the Silver Fl ame i n Fl amekeep, is the
ancestral home of Thrane's royal fami l y.
Thal i ost: A n A undai ri an city captured duri ng the
Last War and ceded to Thrane formal l y at Throne-
hol d, Thal i ost is a hotbed of troubl e. The peopl e
frequentl y protest Thrane rul e, and the response of
the city's governor, A rchbi shop Sol har Dari znu, has
been to crack down wi th ever more savagery. (Note:
A PC nati ve to Thal i ost gai ns the regi onal benefi t of
A undai r, rather than that of the rest of Thrane.)
Because the rel i gi on of the Silver Fl ame appeal s pri-
mari l y to humans, Thrane is the onl y one of the Five
Nati ons in whi ch humans are predomi nant. Hal f-
elves, elves, and dwarves resi de in Thrane in smal l
numbers, and other races can be found i ndi vi dual l y
here and there, but an overwhel mi ng number of
Thrane's i nhabi tants are human.
Even though the Silver Fl ame is domi nant in
Thrane, the Church does not forbid other religious
practi ces. Templ es to the Soverei gn H ost are not
uncommon, and other good-al i gned fai ths, such
as the Path of Light or the occasi onal drui di c sect,
C H A PT E R 5 | Worl d of Eberron
appear as wel l . Whi l e not wi del y embraced in
Thrane, the Bl ood of Vol is tol erated. However,
permi tti ng these other fai ths is not the same as
fully accepti ng them. Some regi ons of Thrane are
cosmopol i tan in thi s regard, but others are not so
open-mi nded, and practi ti oners of al ternati ve faiths
often fi nd themsel ves persecuted by thei r nei ghbors.
Other rel i gi ons, such as worshi p of the Dark Si x, are
squel ched upon discovery.
Thrane fashi on is somewhat asceti c. Even though
they don't focus on dark hues to the extent that the
Karrns do, Thranes favor si mpl e, uti l i tari an garb in
relatively muted col ors. Fol l owers of the Fl ame wear
a symbol of thei r faith openly, somewhere on thei r
A l though some Thranes take up adventuri ng for the
vari ety of reasons presented el sewhere, most of them
do so for the sake of the Silver Fl ame.
If you are from Thrane, you can choose I ntimidate or
Religion as your associated skill.
Fl ame I nqui si tor: One of the precepts of the
Silver Fl ame is to destroy evil, and you have taken
thi s precept to heart. You mi ght set out to fi nd what-
ever evil you can, but you can al so choose a parti cul ar
form of evil on whi ch to focus your efforts. You coul d
be somethi ng of a Church-sancti oned pol i ce offi cer,
rooti ng out cri me and corrupti on, but more likely,
you're a hunter of undead or a demon slayer.
Rolevlaying Tips: You are devoted to the hunt,
determi ned to make the world a better pl ace by
el i mi nati ng evil wherever you fi nd it. You mi ght pi ck
a parti cul ar type or ori gi n of creature on whi ch to
focus your efforts. You can be si ngl e-mi nded in the
pursui t of your chosen targets, and at ti mes your zeal
borders on obsessi on.
Silver Evangel i st: The word of the Silver Fl ame
must be spread for the betterment of everyone.
A l though some pi l gri ms set out to spread the teach-
ings of the Silver Fl ame, you've chosen a more acti ve
approach. You seek to perform i mpressi ve deeds, to
draw people's attenti ons as you hel p them in thei r
ti me of need i n order to show them the way to the
Silver Fl ame.
Rolevlaying Tips: You seek out every opportuni ty to
do good for others in the name of the Fl ame and not
your own. Prosel yti ze when the opportuni ty ari ses,
offer prayers to the Fl ame before every endeavor, and
give thanks after every success. You don't hate the
followers of other fai ths; you feel sorry for thei r mi s-
gui ded bel i efs and hope to show them the true way.
A l though the peopl e of the Five Nati ons see them-
selves as the cul tural , hi stori cal , and economi c heart
of Khorvai reand i ndeed, thi s opi ni on mi ght be
tr ue- they are hardl y the conti nent's onl y peopl e.
A vast array of nati ons, ki ngdoms, and regi ons
stretch across Khorvai re, and the conti nent teems
wi th strange peopl e and monsters (preci sel y whi ch
is whi ch depends on whom you ask). The nati ons
outsi de the five ki ngdoms have thei r own cul tures,
thei r own bel i efs, thei r own agendas, and thei r own
None of these regi ons can enti rel y escape the
i nfl uence of the Five Nati ons, but nei ther are they
necessari l y bound to those troubl ed, tumul tuous
l ands. A nd i f another war breaks out, these outsi de
nati ons coul d end up the confl i ct's true victorsor its
greatest vi cti ms.
Dependi ng upon one's poi nt of view, Darguun is
ei ther the strong ri ghtful hei r of a defeated l and,
or it's a scab growi ng over the wounds of decepti on
and decei t. A nati on of warri ors bui l t on the rui ns of
Cyran settl ements, Darguun was born less than three
decades ago in a si ngl e moment of betrayal . A harsh,
dangerous l and, Darguun still struggl es to determi ne
preci sel y what sort of nati on it isand what ki nd it
wi l l become.
Before the Last War, the regi on now cal l ed Darguun
was a terri tory of Cyre. The gobl i ns of the nearby
mountai ns were retai ned as mercenari es by H ouse
Denei th and hi red out to the vari ous nati ons (mostl y
Cyre) duri ng the war. The hobgobl i n warl ord H aruuc UJ
i nsti gated the sudden, bl oody rebel l i on agai nst the
gobl i ns' Cyran empl oyers, dri vi ng the humans and
other races out or ensl avi ng them, H aruuc decl ared zc
the terri tory he seized to be the i ndependent gobl i n 0
nati on of Darguun. Today, Darguun is rul ed by the
L hesh H aruuc Shaarat'kor, the Ki ng of the Cri mson ^
Bl ade. H aruuc is of the Ghaal 'dar, the strongest of
Darguun's tri bes.
Darguun gobl i ns conduct slaving rai ds on nearby 'T,
communi ti es, and travel ers through the nati on are
subject to attack and capture unl ess they carry a
fl ag of passage purchased i n one of Darguun's major
ci ti es or at a Darguun embassy. I t is a l awl ess nati on
by others' standards. However, the gobl i ns do have a
code of rul e; it's just not one most outsi ders general l y
recogni ze. The nati ons of Khorvai re despi se Darguun
but consi der its exi stence a necessary evil, preferri ng
the current situation to havi ng the mul ti tudes of gob-
l i ns compl etel y uncontrol l ed and uncontai ned as they
once were.
Darguun boasts several major communi ti es, most
bui l t on the rui ns of pri or soci eti es. However, the
majori ty of gobl i ns still dwel l i n mountai n caves or
bel ow ground. Wi de stretches of farml and surround
those caves and underground ci ti es, the fields ti l l ed
pri mari l y by slaves. Roads wi nd past broken towers
and rui ned villages untouched si nce the days of the
Last War.
Gorgonhorn: A n outpost i n the last ferti l e ground
before the Mournl and, Gorgonhorn is Darguun's fi rst
l i ne of defense agai nst the creatures that emerge from
that terri bl e wastel and.
Rhukaan Draal : The l argest ci ty i n Darguun,
Rhukaan Draal is the home of L hesh H aruuc and
hi s Razor Crown Cl an. A patchwork metropol i s of
Goblin, hobgoblin, and bugbear PCs from Darguun should
determine which of the various clans and factions they
come from. The three factions presented here are the
primary power groups of Darguun, but players are free to
discuss with their DM the possibility of playing a member
of a different tribe.
Ghaal'dar: Currently the nation's dominant power, the
various Ghaal'dar tribes have the least focus on specific
goals and traditions and, thus, the greatest personal free-
dom for members. A PC might be an honorable warrior
trying tomake amends for his people's betrayal of Cyre,
a protege of Lhesh Haruuc seeking to prove her worth,
or a mercenary out tomake a living amid a people she
doesn't understand.
The Heirs of Dhakaan: Highly disciplined and devoted
to the restoration of the ancient goblin empire, the
Dhakaani tribes are currently split by internecine strife.
They look down on other goblins and consider them-
selves the true preservers of a noble past. A Dhakaani
PC might be a noble contending for the leadership of her
people, an adventurer seeking ancient relics toaid the
struggle, or a seeker of lost symbols of goblin culture that
could be used tounite the squabbling clans.
Marguul: Bugbears can be full members of the Mar-
guul tribes, and they possess a violent streak to make
even other Darguuls take notice. A Marguul PC might be
a slaver (if the campaign allows for such occupations), a
bugbear or other goblin seeking toprove her worth and
advance through the cut-throat ranks of the tribe, or an
escaped slave trying tostay one step ahead of his former
C H A PT E R 5 [ World of Eberron
anci ent stone structures and canvas shantytowns
bui l t on the rui ns of a Cyran trade center, Rhukaan
Draal is a hotbed of vi ol ence and i ntri gue. Rep-
resentati ves of the vari ous gobl i n cl ans, as wel l as
cri mi nal fugi ti ves from other nati ons, conduct busi -
ness i n the shadow of H aruuc's pal ace, the 100-foot
tower of cri mson grani te cal l ed K haar Mbar'ost, or
the Red H ouse.
Shae J ori dal : A ci ty of emeral d spi res, thi s el adri n
ci tadel remai ns under constant siege by the region's
gobl i n tri bes. Great magi c has al l owed the el adri n to
survive thus far, but L hesh H aruuc conti nues to mar-
shal forces to wi pe out the el adri n resi stance.
Vol aar Draal : A n all but i mpenetrabl e Dhakaani
city bui l t i nto the side of a mountai n and wi ndi ng
through its heart, Vol aar Draal is the greatest source
of Dhakaani weapons. I ts vaults are said to hold l ore
and magi c dati ng back to the A ge of Demons.
Wyvernskul l : One of the few gobl i n ports,
Wyvernskul l is a major hub of the Darguun slave
Gobl i ns and hobgobl i ns make up the greater portion
of Darguun's popul ati on; al though bugbears hol d a
great deal of power, they are not especi al l y numerous.
Slavesmostly humans, kobol ds, and the occasi onal
gnomeround out the popul ace. A few members
of these races remai n free, ei ther through havi ng
made themsel ves useful or by wi nni ng thei r freedom
through skill at arms. Darguul s parti cul arl y despi se
elves due to vari ous grudges agai nst Val enar, and
most consi der orcs to be savages.
No common faith uni tes Darguul s. Many gobl i ns,
i ncl udi ng L hesh H aruuc, worshi p a pantheon consist-
ing of several Soverei gn Host deities; others worshi p
the Dark Si x, parti cul arl y the Shadow and the Mock-
ery. Most Dhakaani gobl i ns acknowl edge no god at
al l .
Gi ven thei r violent, mi l i tari sti c cul ture, numerous
Darguul s adopt an adventuri ng lifestyle. The majori ty
remai n wi thi n the borders of thei r own homel and,
but some travel far and wi de, l earni ng to operate
among the other peopl es of the conti nent. Ventur-
ing out i nto the world and living among other races
make Darguun adventurers the most l i kel y to come
to understand and accept members of other races as
potenti al equal s.
If you are from Darguun, you can choose Athletics or
Endurance as your associated skill.
Darguun Mercenary: The gobl i ns' most frequent
i nvol vement wi th other races through the years
has been as mercenari es, and al though Darguun's
betrayal of Cyre has destroyed what little trust the
gobl i ns mi ght have enjoyed, others still fi nd them
useful soldiers. You work privately or through the aus-
pi ces of H ouse Denei th or H ouse Tharashk; in ei ther
case, you go where you're told and fight for whom
you're toldas long as the pri ce is ri ght.
Rolevlaying Tips: You don't have a moral agenda
per se, but you mi ght cl i ng to your own code of honor.
You just want to fight or adventure as you're pai d to
do. You know that outsi ders don't trust gobl i n mer-
cenari es, so you make every effort to abi de by your
contracts, knowi ng that even one change of heart
coul d rui n your chances of ever bei ng hi red agai n.
Escaped Slave: You managed to escape your
oppressive Darguul masters, and now you seek to
make your way in the world whi l e avoiding capture
and puni shment. You mi ght adventure to make a
living on the run, or you mi ght be l ooki ng for a way
to achi eve revenge or arrange the l i berati on of loved
ones back home.
Rolevlaying Tips: You fear capture far more than
death, and you resist any noti on of cooperati on
wi th your ensl avers. That resi stance doesn't have to
i ncl ude all Darguun gobl i ns- you mi ght be a gobl i n
yourselfand it doesn't mean you object to slavery as
an i nsti tuti on (al though you mi ght). You're just deter-
mi ned that it wi l l never agai n happen to you.
Peace-Seeker: You recogni ze that Darguun must
fi nd a way to live al ongsi de the other nati ons, even
i f the majori ty of Darguul s do not. The hatred that
humans and other races feel for gobl i ns wi l l one day
turn to vi ol ence, and though you know your peopl e
are the greatest warri ors in the worl d, you al so know
that you coul d not stand agai nst al l of Khorvai re's
i nhabi tants. A l though you do not turn away from who
and what you are, you do what you can to prove to the
other nati ons that Darguun need not be an enemy.
Rolevlaying Tips: Seek out adventure al ongsi de
members of other races, and do not hesi tate to prove
your worth to humans, dwarves, or gnomes i n need.
You need not l i ke them and you don't put up wi th
mi streatment, but you do your best to work wi th
them, rather than agai nst them. A s much as possi bl e,
you keep your word when you give it to them, and
prevent your fellow gobl i ns from harmi ng members
of other races wi thout just cause.
A t the northwestern edge of Khorvai re, the bl asted
l ands form a twi sted wi ndow i nto the past. For here,
where monsters roam and barbari an tri bes eke out
an exi stence ami d the horrors, is the l oudest echo of
the A ge of Demons, a l and that hasn't fully recovered
even after thousands of years.
The majori ty of creatures native to the Demon
Wastes are monsters, l esser demons and fi ends who
have slipped free from Khyber or monstrous human-
oids who woul d sl aughter strangers rather than speak
to them. H uman and ore barbari an cl anscal l ed
Carri on Tri bes by outsi ders- roam the badl ands. Most
tri bes are as vi ol ent and twi sted as the monsters that
dwel l here, and they devote themsel ves to demoni c
powers, but a rare few stand fast agai nst the crushi ng
evil, seeki ng to defeat it or at l east to prevent it from
spreadi ng to the l ands beyond. Foremost among these
are the Ghaash'kal a, a confederati on of four cl ans of
orcs that devote themsel ves to contai ni ng the mal i gn
i nfl uence of the Demon Wastes. Over the years, the
cl ans have accepted hal f-ores, humans, and ti efl i ngs
as members.
Despi te the dangers, adventurers and expedi ti ons
travel here, seeki ng to exploit the ri ch resources, both
mi neral and magi cal , that the Demon Wastes have
to offer. Many such foolish expl orers never return,
but those who do become ri ch. H ouse Tharashk is
the onl y ci vi l i zed enti ty to have a permanent encl ave
herethat anyone knows of, anyway.
The Demon Wastes consi sts of jagged mountai ns and
foothi l l s, cracked and bl asted badl ands, and shat-
tered deserts. Vol canoes bel ch toxi c smoke i nto the
air, and porti ons of the l and are poi sonous.
A shtakal a: A great brass and basal t metropol i s
surrounded by a permanent, fl esh-ri ppi ng sand-
storm, A shtakal a is said to be a ci ty of demons and
rakshasas left over from a pri or age. It is a basti on of
evil and vi ol ence, one of the worst pl aces Khorvai re
has to offer.
Bl ood Cr escent: Thi s smal l communi ty is an
outpost of H ouse Tharashk, whi ch uses thi s l ocati on
to l aunch expedi ti ons to search for dragonshards and
other weal th. Ci ti zens hol e up here agai nst the occa-
si onal rai ds by Carri on Tri bes and other, far more
fearsome foes.
F ester i ng H ol t: One of the few survi vi ng native
communi ti es i n the Demon Wastes, Festeri ng Holt is
a common way station for adventurers seeki ng A sh-
takal a or other i nfamous (and supposedl y weal thy)
pl aces of adventure. The peopl e here are slightly
more ci vi l i zed than the Carri on Tri bes, but travel ers
who stop here often vani sh.
The L abyr i nth: The L abyri nth is a two-hundred-
mi l e maze of broken chasms, rocky outcroppi ngs,
sheer wal l s, and hazards such as geysers and rock-
slides. Bands of demons and savage humanoi ds
hunt its passageways, barel y hel d at bay by the
Ghaash'kal a who dwel l in and around the l abyri nth.
The L ake of Fi r e: A great l ake of lava in the bowl
of a mi ghty vol cano, the L ake of Fi re is said to be
C H A PT E R 5 I World of Eberron
home to an i mpri soned fi end that attracts all manner
of demons and savage cul ti sts.
Tri bes of humans, orcs, hal f-ores, ti efl i ngs, kobol ds,
and gnol l s wander the Demon Wastes, consumi ng
anythi ng they encounter- i ncl udi ng one another.
Demons stal k the badl ands as well, and even the
most fearsome of tri bes know to give these horrors a
wi de berth.
Most of the Carri on Tri bes worshi p a tri bal spirit;
many of these are fi endi sh powers from the A ge of
Demons. Even tri bes that do not engage in evil activi-
ti es still practi ce spirit worshi p and remai n i gnorant
of the rel i gi ons of Khorvai re. The Ghaash'kal a wor-
shi p a vari ant of the Silver Fl ame known as the Kal ok
Shash. The four cl ans of the Ghaash'kal a are the J aa-
sakah, the Kastar, the Maruk, and the Vaanka.
Survi val is an adventure in the Demon Wastes. Sti l l , a
rare few devote themsel ves to a greater purpose.
If you are from the Demon Wastes, you can choose
Endurance or Religion as your associated skill.
Guardi an of the Gates: Perhaps you cannot
destroy the evil that ravages the Demon Wastes, but
you are not going to permi t it to spread to the rest of
Khorvai re. You mi ght be one of the Ghaash'kal a, a
member of a Carri on Tri be, or an outsi der who dis-
covered the evil here and chose to stay to combat it.
Whatever the case, you patrol the passageways of the
L abyri nth, the Shadowcrags or I cehorn Mountai ns,
or one of the other routes out of thi s hel l on Eberron.
None shal l pass your vigil.
Roleplayin^Tips: Try to convi nce outsi ders to avoid
the Demon Wastes. A l l ow nothi ng to pass out of the
Wastes, unl ess you are certai n it is not evil. You are
gri m and determi ned; you know you'll eventual l y
face death or worse at the hands of the evil you fight,
but each day you can put that off is one more day the
peopl e beyond the mountai ns need not fear.
Outl and Gui de: Despi te the hazards that you
have spent a l i feti me avoiding or defeati ng, peopl e
still come to the Wastes from outsi de, searchi ng
for gold or glory. You're happy to accompany them,
doi ng your best to gui de them around the dangers, or
at l east showi ng these i gnorant outl anders how best
to battl e them. You mi ght be a gui de for payment, or
you mi ght see it as a mi nor way you can fight back
agai nst the evils of your l and, faci ng them al ongsi de
peopl e wi th powers and resources your fellow tri be
members l ack.
Rolevlaying Tips: You give advi ce and di recti on
constantl y and assume thatat least in the Demon
Wastesyou know better than your compani ons.
A l though you di sparage thei r poor deci si ons, you
never hesi tate to hel p your al l i es out of a j am. Even
though you scoff at thei r i gnorance and fool i shness in
comi ng here, you al so admi re thei r courage and envy
thei r lives beyond the Wastes.
Survi vor: You don't care about thwarti ng evi l
or protecti ng the worl d, you're just happy to have
survi ved the Demon Wastes. You mi ght be as
adventurous as anyone el se, but you're searchi ng for
more tool s and powers to ai d i n your tri be's or fam-
ily's survi val , not adventuri ng out of any desi re to
see justi ce done.
Rolevlaying Tips: You prefer to avoid confl i ct when
possi bl e, but when you must fight, you stri ke hard
and fast, wi thout mercy or remorse. You undertake
adventures onl y when you thi nk the rewards out-
wei gh the ri sks.
Droaam is a l and of monsters, creatures thatto the
outsi de eye- make even the gobl i n tri bes of Darguun
look ci vi l i zed. The mountai n passes of Droaam teem
wi th gi ants and gargoyles, and the forests are thi ck
wi th trol l s and orcs more savage than the fi ercest
tri bes of the El deen Reaches.
Yet the regi on contai ns more than random hor-
rors. Rul ed by the mysteri ous Daughters of Sora Kel l ,
Droaam grows ever more di sci pl i ned, ever more
structured- and the peopl e of Khorvai re grow ever
more fri ghtened.
The Treaty of Thronehol d does not recogni ze Droaam
as a nati on. But its rul ers, the Daughters of Sora
Kella covey of hagsgovern it as one. A decade ago,
Droaam was a regi on i n anarchy, its monstrous tri bes
and peopl e warri ng agai nst one another. Today, a
number of regi onal warl ords, i ncl udi ng the medusa
Sheshka (the Queen of Stone) and the oni mage Drul
Kantar, rul e regi ons of Droaam, and al l swear fealty
to the Daughters. The nati on functi ons, roughl y but
effectively, as a cohesi ve whol e despi te the vi ol ence,
chaos, and bl oodshed that is still the norm wi thi n
i ndi vi dual terri tori es.
For years, Brel and cl ai med the regi on now
cal l ed Droaam, but few humans ever attempted to
establ i sh col oni es there; it is the abode of monsters.
Droaami sh mercenari es were effecti ve duri ng the
L ast War, and fear of thei r strengthand the hope
that the Droaami tes mi ght prove val uabl e al l i es
shoul d war come againhas prevented the Five
Nati ons from movi ng agai nst them. Thi s has not
cal med publ i c nervousness at havi ng monsters on
Brel and's borders, or hal ted those monsters' occa-
si onal rai ds i nto ci vi l i zed l ands.
C H A PT E R S I World of Eberron
The Daughters of Sora Kel l organi zed the construc-
ti on of the major Droaami sh fortresses and ci ti es
over the past ten years; many of these communi ti es
are bui l t on the rui ns of anci ent Dhakaani gobl i n
encl aves. Most Droaami tes dwel l i n ti ny vi l l ages,
wi thout even formal roads to provi de connecti ons
between towns.
Cazhaak Draal : The seat of Sheshka's power, the
Stonel ands is a rocky regi on surroundi ng an anci ent
hobgobl i n rui n. A great evil i n eons past petri fi ed al l
life in the regi on, l eavi ng statues of hobgobl i ns, other
gobl i ns, humanoi d slaves, and even pl ants. Today, the
ci ty is occupi ed pri mari l y by medusas and thei r basi-
lisk hounds.
Graywal l : The gateway between Droaam and
Brel and, Graywal l has a quarter devoted to humans
and other nonmonstrous humanoi ds from beyond
the mountai ns. L egi ti mate merchants, mercenary
empl oyers, and cri mi nal s from al l over Khorvai re
can be found here ami d the nati ve gobl i ns, orcs, and
gnol l s.
The Great Crag: The capi tal of Droaam is a
wi ndi ng city of new constructi on, old gobl i n rui ns,
and warrens runni ng through the mountai n at the
nati on's center. The Daughters of Sora Kel l rul e a
popul ati on of harpi es, gargoyles, and other monstrous
humanoi ds. H ouse Tharashk mai ntai ns an encl ave
here, from whi ch it negoti ates mercenary contracts
wi th the Droaami tes.
Lost: The l egendary ci ty of the doppel gangers,
L ost is said to be abl e to change the shape of its bui l d-
ings and even its roads as easi l y as its i nhabi tants
change thei rs. Onl y the city's i nhabi tants and the
Daughters of Sora Kel l know its l ocati on.
The Venomous Demesne: Thi s regi on is a tief-
ling fi efdom, rul ed by L ord Bal Mol esh. Recentl y
di scovered by the Daughters of Sora Kel l , these tief-
lings are slowly i ntegrati ng i nto the feudal structure
of Droaam, addi ng thei r el dri tch mi ght to the physi-
cal strength of the other nati ves.
Zni r: The Droaami sh gnol l tri bes meet i n
Znirone of the pri mary gnol l communi ti es i n
Droaamonce a year to honor thei r ancestors and
renew thei r pact to avoid the demoni c i nfl uences that
rul e the gnol l s of other l ands.
The i nhabi tants of Droaam are mostl y monsters:
Gnol l s, orcs, and gobl i ns make up the greater porti on
of the popul ati on. Shi fters and doppel gangers are
not uncommon, and trol l s, ogres, pri mi ti ve gi ants,
harpi es, gargoyles, mi notaurs, and even more exoti c
beastsas wel l as smal l popul ati ons of humans and
tieflingsare found i n reasonabl e numbers as wel l .
A popul ace thi s diverse has no single, defi ni ng style;
the ci ti zens of Droaam dress i n whatever fi nery and
carry whatever goods they can afford and are strong UJ
enough to keep.
Much of Droaam's popul ati on rejects gods enti rel y. ^
Others worshi p the Dark Si x or, more rarely, form
cul ts of Khyber. The worshi p of the Dark Si x i n
Droaam is di fferent from el sewhere, focusi ng on both ;~
the positive and the negati ve aspects of those dei ti es. ^
(For i nstance, the Shadow is vi ewed as the giver of LU
monstrous powers such as the songs of harpi es and TJJ
the petri fyi ng gaze of medusas.) Droaami tes have
little to do wi th the Soverei gn H ost, and they di strust (j
and despi se the Silver Fl ame.
Pl enty of opportuni ty for adventure exi sts i n these
wi l d, monster-cl ai med l ands. The tri ck, of course, is
for the monsters of Droaam to be the i nsti gators of
adventure, rather than the vi cti ms of it.
If you are from Droaam, you can choose Dun
geoneering or Nature as your associated skill.
Bl ood-Feud Fugi ti ve: The ascensi on of the
Daughters of Sora Kel l has reduced the i nterneci ne
bl oodshed wi thi n Droaam but hasn't stopped it.
Fami l y, tri bal , raci al , and regi onal confl i cts rage non-
stop, and l osers cannot expect mercy. You travel to
escape such a feud, tryi ng to stay a step ahead of your
foes or seeki ng a way to go back and snatch vi ctory
from the jaws of your nei ghbors.
Rolevlaying Tips: You're paranoi d, wai ti ng for the
day your enemy catches up wi th you. You assume
that everyone is lying to you unti l proven otherwi se,
and you try to keep an eye out for danger at al l ti mes.
Once you're certai n you can trust someone, you rel y
on that person heavi l y and do everythi ng you can to
keep hi m or her alive, grateful that you're no l onger
al one.
Loyal Servant: You've found a purpose fi ghti ng
and adventuri ng i n the name of one of Droaam's lead-
ers. You mi ght follow a regi onal warl ord, or you coul d
serve one of the Daughters; you mi ght be a warri or,
a spy i n the servi ce of Sora Katra's growi ng cri mi nal
empi re, or a hunter of anci ent magi c.
Rolevlaying Tips: You're still adjusti ng to the i dea
that life i n Droaam can have a l arger purpose. You're
unshakabl y loyal to whatever power you serve, even
when you don't enti rel y understand why somethi ng is
bei ng asked of you.
I nner Beast: You have a monstrous side. You
adventure because it gives you the chance to ki l l
monsters and take treasure; you don't care all that
much about who or what you're ki l l i ng.
Rolevlaying Tips: You snarl and growl a lot. Vi ol ence
is your fi rst recourse. The onl y reason you hol d your-
sel f in check is to stay on your al l i es' good sides.
C H A PT ER 5 ] World of Eberron
Thar ashk Mer cenar y: Perhaps you fought in
the Last War, or maybe you're just good at battl e;
at any rate, you've attracted the attenti on of House
Tharashk. Fi ghti ng is in your bl ood, and i f you can
earn money doing itfar more than you ever would
worki ng for another Droaami teso much the better.
Rolevlaying Tips: I ni ti al l y, you mi ght seek weal th
and the chance to wage battl e. A s you experi ence the
outsi de worl d, however, you mi ght come to under-
stand how compl i cated life is and fi nd somethi ng
more to bel i eve inor you mi ght react to the hatred
and mi strust you encounter by retreati ng even fur-
ther i nto your bl oodl ust.
A largely untamed regi on, the El deen Reaches is
home to both si mpl e farmers, practi ti oners of the
most pri mal magi c, fri endl y vi l l agers, and savage
tri bes. I t is a fountai n of life, a l and where nature,
unchecked by the wal l s of ci vi l i zati on, spreads in all
its beautifuland terribleglory.
A undai r once cl ai med much of the Reaches. Duri ng
the L ast War, when A undai r moved its forces farther
east and left thi s regi on unprotected, the peopl e suf-
fered great depredati on at the hands of bandi ts. The
drui di c Wardens of the Wood eventual l y stepped
forth to protect the peopl e, and the Reachers angri l y
procl ai med thei r i ndependence from A undai r. Today,
Thronehol d recogni zes the El deen Reaches as an
i ndependent l and, al though many A undai ri ans seek
to recl ai m the terri tory.
The drui ds have been the greatest power in the
El deen Reaches for hundreds of generati ons. They
stand guard agai nst natural threats and warri ng
facti ons, as well as a vast array of aberrant horrors
that lurk in the depths of El deen's woods, spawned
by anci ent horrors i mpri soned there si nce ti me
i mmemori al .
The eastern Reaches l ook si mi l ar to western A undai r,
wi th wi de expanses of farml and and smal l , cl ustered
communi ti es. Farther west, towns are uncommon,
the roads fade away, and Eberron's forests repl ace
open fi el ds.
The Gl oami ng: A semi mythi cal regi on in the
mi dst of the Toweri ng Wood, the Gl oami ng is a
regi on where nature revels in its ugl i ness. Si ckened
trees droop over parasi te-i nfested soil, and di sease-
l aden bi ti ng i nsects fill the ai r wi th droni ng. Some
bel i eve that the Gl oami ng formed around a mani fest
zone l i nked to a corrupted pl ane.
Gr eenhear t: The center of government of the
El deen Reaches, Greenheart is al so the seat of power
of the Wardens of the Wood, the most potent and
best loved of El deen's drui di c sects. The city's popul a-
tion swells duri ng religious ceremoni es, and al though
the drui ds al l ow no trade wi th outsi ders wi thi n the
town's borders, they happi l y provi de room and board
to merchants who conduct busi ness el sewhere in the
El deen Reaches.
Shae Loral yndar: A magni fi cent city of el adri n,
Shae L oral yndar appeared in the Toweri ng Wood at
ti mes throughout history. A fter the Day of Mourni ng
rocked the natural world, however, the ci ty appeared
once more and has si nce proved unabl e to return to
the Feywi l d, l eavi ng its ci ti zens to di strustful l y adapt
to the world around them.
The Toweri ng Wood: The l argest forest in al l of
Khorvai re, the Toweri ng Wood occupi es over hal f of
the El deen Reaches, coveri ng its enti re western side.
Everyone knows that the Toweri ng Wood is home
to beauti ful , mi schi evous fey, vari ous predators, and
anci ent horrors from a bygone age.
The Twilight Demesne: Thi s large sylvan grove
is sacred to both fey and drui ds. Fey gather here to
pay homage to the court of Shae L oral yndar and for a
wi de vari ety of ceremoni es.
Varna: Varna is the tradi ng center of the El deen
Reaches and the doorway to A undai r. Merchants
travel here to sell and purchase goods, i ncl udi ng raw
materi al s from the woods and exoti c creatures such
as magebr ed ani mal s and hi ppogri ffs. Much of thi s
busi ness occurs through the town's H ouse Vadal i s
encl ave. H ouse Vadal i s and the Wardens of the
Woods cooperate i n the effort to rid the town and its
surroundi ngs of poachers.
H umans make up l ess than hal f of all Reachers, and
the majori ty of those are descended from A undai r-
i an ci ti zens, al though some can trace thei r ancestry
back to the ori gi nal Sarl onan i mmi grants. H al f-el ves
and shi fters each make up a si gni fi cant mi nori ty,
fol l owed by gnomes, hal fl i ngs, hal f-ores, orcs, and
el ves. The drui di c sects are made up of orcs and
Sarl onan-descended humans, al though other races
appear in thei r ranks from ti me to ti me. A few par-
ti cul arl y weal thy Reachers dress i n old A undai ri an
fashi ons, but the majori ty dress in heavy wool s,
fabri cs, and l eatherswhatever serves them best i n
thei r dai l y l abors.
Western El deen is the domai n of the drui di c
fai ths, al though the Wardens do not prevent ci ti zens
from following other rel i gi ons. Near the A undai r
border, worshi p of the Soverei gn Host is common.
Most Reachers are si mpl e farmers, but the dangers of
the wi l d are more than suffi ci ent to i nspi re some to
take up more adventuresome l i festyl es.
C H A PT E R 5 I World of Eberron
If you are from the Eldeen Reaches, you can choose
Athletics or Nature as your associated skill.
Border Defender: The Demon Wastes, the
Shadow Marches, Droaam, andof courseA undai r,
wi th its l i ngeri ng resentment of your freedom, sur-
round your borders. You are determi ned to see the
El deen Reaches remai n free and (relatively) safe. A nd
i f that requi res bl oodshed at the borders, so be it.
Rolevlaying Tips: You mi strust al l of El deen's neigh-
bors, convi nced that each has ul teri or desi gns on
your newly freed l and. You do not automati cal l y hate
everyone who comes from these areas, but you do not
easi l y accept thei r presence. You avoid adventures
that take you too far from home unl ess you have
reason to thi nk that you can use the experi ence and
treasures you fi nd to further your own cause.
Reach Warden: You have set out to protect
nature and the El deen Reaches from the aberrant
evils l urki ng in its mi dst. You mi ght be a member,
or at least an ally, of the Wardens of the Wood, but
you coul d just be a l one adventurer wi th a cause. You
mi ght even be a member of one of the other drui di c
sects, al though such sects are consi dered darker than
the Wardens.
Rolevlaying Tips: The natural world is sacred. You
don't object to peopl e cutti ng down trees for fi re-
wood, but Eberron must be protected from unnatural
evils such as aberrant creatures and demons. You'll
fight any evil you come across, but you're trul y dri ven
when those forces are cl earl y aberrant.
Vengeance-Seeker: The horrors of past ages
emerged from the wood to slay your fami l y on thei r
farm. A n ancestor of yours was slain duri ng the Silver
Fl ame's purge of l ycanthropes more than 150 years
ago. The drui di c Chi l dren of Wi nter caused a fami ne
that nearl y wi ped out your hometown. You were a loyal
soldier duri ng the war and are still bi tter about bei ng
abandoned by A undai r. A ny one of these scenari os, or
somethi ng enti rel y different, has driven you to seek
vengeance against those who have caused you harm.
Rolevlaying Tips: Not every adventure has to revolve
around the object of your vendetta, because each
new skill you gai n is one more step toward the fi nal
confrontati on. You're not shy about expressi ng your
hatred, however, and you take every opportuni ty to
hurt or i mpede your foe.
L hazaar is ei ther a wretched nati on of pi rates, out-
l aws, murderers, and brawl ers, or the home of the
world's best mari ners and ri chest seagoi ng mer-
chants, dependi ng on who you askor, for that matter,
where you're standi ng. Consi sti ng of a ti ny stri p of
Khorvai re proper and a vast archi pel ago, the L hazaar
Pri nci pal i ti es stand at the edge of ci vi l i zati on, and of
ci vi l i zed law.
The L hazaar Pri nci pal i ti es are not a fully uni fi ed
nati on but are i nstead a seri es of terri tori es, each
rul ed by a so-cal l ed sea pri nce. The regi on remai ned
largely untouched duri ng the Last War. I ndi vi dual
sea pri nces al l i ed wi th vari ous nati ons, but the vio-
l ence rarel y reached them di rectl y, and thi s status
made the Pri nci pal i ti es a favored haven for outl aws
and deserters. The Pri nci pal i ti es struggl e to be
accepted as l egi ti mate tradi ng partners today because
they have been unsuccessful in shaki ng thei r ram-
buncti ous and violent reputati on and i n dri vi ng the
pi rates from thei r mi dst.
Laws and statutes vary dramati cal l y between
di fferent provi nces of L hazaar, maki ng vi ol ence or
arrest a di sti nct possi bi l i ty over even mi nor mi sun-
derstandi ngs, but masters of the region's i ntri caci es
can move about freely. Such folk make a solid living
here, ei ther through trade or through other, illegiti-
mate enterpri ses.
The vari ous communi ti es on the i sl ands of the archi -
pelago come and go; one village spri ngs up even as
another is abandoned. No map or catal og contai ns
them al l , but the Pri nci pal i ti es' major sites and fea-
tures i ncl ude the following.
Dreadhol d: The most i nfamous pri son in all of
Khorvai re, Dreadhol d contai ns cri mi nal s from across
the Five Nati ons. It stands on a ti ny i sl and just beyond
the ti p of Cape Far.
The Gray Ti de: A rol l i ng gray mi st cl oaks the
waters surroundi ng the I sl e of L astpoi nt. Thi s haze
cl i ngs to wood, fl esh, and sail, and it chi l l s the bone
and shivers the soul. No one has ever expl ored the
center of the mi sts, but travel ers who pass near it
report strange noi ses and vi l e, stench-l aden wi nds.
The Pi rate Exchange: Despi te the name, the
Pi rate Exchange is no cri mi nal gatheri ng; it is the
l argest l egi ti mate market i n thi s regi on of Khorvai re.
L ocated in Regal port, it is the best pl ace to purchase
any l ocal good i magi nabl e, as well as wonders from
Sarl ona and even A rgonnessen.
Port Krez: One of the true pi rate havens of the
Pri nci pal i ti es, violent and vi ce-ri ddl ed Port Krez sits
on the outermost edge of the regi on, stari ng out over
the empty sea. Pi rate fl eets l aunch thei r attacks from
here, knowi ng that no outsi de law can touch them.
Port Verge: The seat of power for one of the sea
pri nces, Port Verge is not yet a major tradi ng center.
But Port Verge is on the bri nk of becomi ng a power
to rival Regal port; Nobl es and merchants are pouri ng
more money i nto the Port, and its ambi ti ous pri nce
C H A PT E R S | World of Eberron
conti nues to make deal s wi th H ouse L yrandar (whi ch
hopes to cut i nto H ouse Thuranni 's domi nance in the
regi on).
Regal port: The capi tal of the L hazaar Pri nci pal i -
ties (i nsomuch as its i nhabi tants acknowl edge one)
and home to H i gh Pri nce Ryger, Regal port is every-
thi ng a ri ch and relatively l aw-abi di ng seaport should
be. The courts are fair, the watch is more or less
honest, and pi rates fi nd it easi er to bother other ci ti es.
Tempest I sle: A mountai nous i sl and covered in
perpetual storms, Tempest I sl e is said to hol d the
hi dden treasures of whol e generati ons of pi rates. Sti l l ,
given that no one knows what causes the storms and
that few who go there ever return, not many adven-
turers are i ncl i ned to search for those treasures.
The human majori ty of L hazaar is joi ned by a
substanti al popul ati on of gnomes, hal f-el ves, and dop-
pel gangers. Smal l er but still notabl e numbers of elves,
dwarves, hal fl i ngs, and dragonborn round out the
popul ace, standi ng out but fully accepted for the vari-
ous strengths and skills they have to offer.
The styles of the L hazaar Pri nci pal i ti es vary from
isle to isle, but they tend toward the stereotypi cal
"mari ner" l ook. L ong coats and pl umed hats are
favored, as are l oose pants and tuni cs for ease of
mobi l i ty; the ri ch wear hi gh boots, and the worki ng
cl ass tend toward si mpl e sandal s or bare feet. Bri ght
or ri ch col ors are i n style, partl y to show that one
can afford the dyes and partl y because they show up
better than dark col ors i f one falls overboard.
Most L hazaari tes have little ti me for rel i gi on. Reli-
gious fol l owers tend toward worshi p of the Soverei gn
Host, parti cul arl y Kol Korran, wi th the occasi onal
prayer to propi ti ate the Devourer thrown i n for
good measure. A rare few worshi p the Bl ood of Vol,
al though the majori ty of L hazaari tes fear that faith
and its strange practi ces.
L hazaar is a haven for fugitives and cri mi nal s fl ee-
ing from other juri sdi cti ons. I t is a relatively l awl ess
region where the brave and the ski l l ed can make
a hefty amount of coi n, so it comes as no surpri se
that L hazaar both draws and creates its fai r share of
If you are from the Lhazaar Principalities, you can
choose Athletics or Thievery as your associated skill.
Fugi ti ve on the Run: You have fl ed your
homel and and are one step ahead of the l aw (or an
i nfl uenti al templ e, dragonmarked house, or other
power that hol ds a grudge agai nst you). L hazaar
mi ght not have al l the comforts of home, but it is at
l east relatively ci vi l i zed, and you are certai n you'll
see your enemi es comi ng before they spot you. A nd
i f worst comes to worst, it's easy enough to hop a shi p
and start runni ng agai n.
Roleplaying Tips: You never l et down your guard.
You mi ght be mostl y safe from the hunters who
seek you, but "mostl y" fi nds a lot of peopl e hanged.
Enough cri mi nal s and pi rates dwel l here that the
kni fe i n your gut mi ght not even bel ong to your old
enemi es. You adventure to earn coi n but try to keep a
l ow profi l e.
Hi gh-Seas Corsai r: You're not comfortabl e unl ess
you can feel the deck of a shi p movi ng beneath your
feet and taste the salt in the breeze. You mi ght be
an unscrupul ous pi rate, out for profit, or you coul d
be a hero of the seas, tracki ng down cri mi nal s and
protecti ng merchants and passenger ships from sea
monsters and other pi rates. You mi ght even be an
expl orer, seei ng what strange l ands and stranger
peopl es exi st beyond the hori zon.
Roleplaying Tips: You choose adventures that take
you out to, or at l east near, the sea. You speak of the
ocean at every opportuni ty and regal e your al l i es
wi th tal l tal es of your adventures on the hi gh seas.
You mi ght al so curse frequentl y and use col l oqui al -
i sms such as "matey" and "ahoy."
Aspi ri ng Uni fi er: You support the efforts of one
of the sea pri nces to take power from Hi gh Pri nce
Ryger and transform L hazaar i nto a uni fi ed nati on.
You know it'll be di ffi cul t, but you trul y bel i eve
that life here would be better and more stableand
cri mi nal s and pi rates more easi l y rooted outunder a
single authori ty.
Roleplaying Tips: You tout the vi rtues of law and
order, even when doi ng so makes you unpopul ar.
Your efforts are focused on the evils wi thi n L hazaar,
i ncl udi ng cri mi nal organi zati ons and pi rate groups.
A ncestral home to all of Khorvai re's dwarves, the
Mror Holds are l ocated in a rugged fronti er regi on of
rocky pl ai ns and craggy mountai ns. H ere, dwarven
cl ans compete to mi ne the ri ch vei ns of ore and for
the money and trade of the conti nent's nati ons.
The Mror Hol ds is not a si ngl e nati on but a confeder-
ati on of dwarven cl ans. Gal i far conquered the Mror
H ol ds nearl y a thousand years ago, a vi ctory partl y
due to the cl ans' ceasel ess i nterneci ne wars, and
the dwarves decl ared thei r i ndependence duri ng
the Last War. The cl ans still compete and engage in
feuds, but these confl i cts now take the form of politi-
cal machi nati ons and economi c struggl es, rather
than open war.
^C H A PT E R 5 | World of Eberron
The I ron Counci l , a body consi sti ng of representa-
tives of every cl an except H ouse Kundarak (whi ch
remai ns neutral ), governs the Mror Hol ds. The
counci l 's pri mary purpose is to medi ate di sputes and
make deci si ons that affect al l cl ans equal l y. Other
than these issues, however, the cl ans govern them-
selves, maki ng al l i ances wi th outside nati ons, sel l i ng
the fi nest ores avai l abl e on Khorvai re, and (through
H ouse Kundarak) provi di ng banki ng servi ces.
The I ronroot Mountai ns are the source of Mror's ri ch
ores; a speci fi c cl an cl ai ms each vei n. Mi nes literally
honeycomb the mountai ns, and the slopes are dotted
wi th ci ti es, fortresses, and camps.
Ferrous House: The meeti ng hal l of the I ron
Counci l wi thi n the capi tal of Krona Peak, Ferrous
H ouse is a center of power and controversy. The hal l
stands on Cl an Mroranon l ands, just bel ow the cl an
estate, causi ng other cl ans to feel Cl an Mroranon
is symbol i cal l y asserti ng authori ty over the enti re
nati on.
The Fi st of Onatar: Thi s acti ve vol cano i n the
southern reaches of the I ronroot Mountai ns is a hol y
site to followers of the Soverei gn H ost, parti cul arl y
The Goradra Gap: A gash i n the earth over a
hundred mi l es long, thi s horri d chasm is home to
monstrous beasts. L egend cl ai ms that it l eads to
Korunda's Gate: The home of H ouse Kundarak,
Korunda's Gate was once one of the greatest mi ni ng
and pol i ti cal powers i n the regi on. The H ouse has
si nce stepped out of pol i ti cs (officially) and l eases
mi ni ng rites to other cl ans. Many of the Korunda's
Gate mi nes have been transformed i nto the famous
Kundarak vaults, where treasures and funds from
across the conti nent are stored under great security
for a fee, of course.
Krona Peak: Cl an Mroranon's ancestral home
haswith that cl an's ri se i n weal th and power -
become the seat of government for the enti re H ol ds.
The ci ty is also the region's greatest tradi ng hub
because it sits on the major tradi ng route to the west.
Of al l the ci ti es of the Mror Hol ds, it is here that one
can fi nd the greatest number of races other than
dwarves, or operati ves of dragonmarked houses other
than H ouse Kundarak.
Nol drunthrone: A n empty ghost town, Nol-
drunthrone was the home of Cl an Nol drun, whi ch
di sappeared five centuri es ago. Efforts to l earn what
happened to them, or to retake the city, have all met
wi th fai l ure.
The dwarven cl ans of the Mror H ol ds make up over
hal f of the popul ati on of thi s ri ch mi ni ng regi on.
H umans and gnomes account for a si gni fi cant mi nor-
ity: merchants and mi ners who came here seeki ng
opportuni ty and were al l owed to stay under the aus-
pi ces of one of the cl ans. The i nfamous J horash'tar
ore tri bes l urk in the wi l ds and the unmapped cav-
erns. Thei r hatred of dwarves has grown to a burni ng
hatred for al l humanoi ds other than orcs.
Dwarven styles domi nate the regi on, i ncl udi ng
i ntri cate knot-work desi gns and strai ght, sharp edges
on both decorati on and cl othi ng. Work outfits are
si mpl e tuni cs wi th heavy leggings and boots, wi th no
real attenti on given to col or or fashi on. The ri ch, how-
ever, dress i n deep-hued robes and cl oaks, and large
gems are favored as the centerpi eces of jewel ry.
The Soverei gn H ost is the mai n rel i gi on regul arl y
practi ced wi thi n the Mror Hol ds; a few dwarves al so
pray to the Dark Sixto appease more than to honor
The great marti al tradi ti on of the dwarves, combi ned
wi th the cl an struggl es and great ri ches of the regi on,
spawn any number of adventuresome folks.
If you are from the Mror Holds, you can choose Dun-
geoneering or Endurance as your associated skill.
Deep Senti nel : The mi nes of the cl ans, and the
vaults and secure hol di ngs of H ouse Kundarak, are a
tempti ng pri ze for al l manner of thi eves, rai ders, and
monsters. Someone must stand between the mi ners
and the beasts of the Underdark that creep from
below, and someone must ensure that Kundarak's
reputati on for absol ute i mpregnabi l i ty remai ns i ntact.
That someone is you.
Rolevlaying Tins: You need not act as a passive
guard, wai ti ng for troubl e to come to you, al though
you do stand vigil when the need ari ses. I nstead, you
are acti ve i n protecti ng your fellows from vari ous
threats, such as cri mi nal conspi raci es agai nst the
vaults or monsters hunti ng vul nerabl e mi ners.
Hi red Hand: The cl ans still compete wi th one
another, and when economi c and pol i ti cal maneuver-
ing won't do the tri ck, espi onage and sabotage are the
order of the day. Si nce the cl ans cannot afford to be
l i nked to such acti vi ti es di rectl y lest they ri sk a return
to the days of open confl i ct, they hi re outsidersother
dwarves and even members of other racesto do thei r
di rty work.
Rolevlaying Tips: You're somethi ng of a mercenary,
but that doesn't mean you're an evil person. You're
hi red for spying, for sabotage, and possi bl y for guard-
ing agai nst those thi ngs, or for protecti ng a cl an's
peopl e, but you're no hi red assassi n.
Weal th: Between the ri ch vei ns of ore and the
Kundarak vaul ts, the Mror H ol ds probabl y contai n
C H A PT E R 5 I World of Eberron
more weal th than any three or four other nati ons-
even i f it doesn't al l bel ong to the H ol ds per se.
You mi ght make a living by guardi ng the weal th of
others, or you coul d be tryi ng to fi nd some for your-
self, hefti ng a pi ckaxe and a shovel when you aren't
wi el di ng a sword or a staff. You mi ght even be a
thi ef or a con arti st, tryi ng to fi nd your way i nto the
world's most i mpregnabl e bank. Whatever the case,
money dri ves you, and you won't stop unti l you have
a lot of it.
Rolevlaying Tips: You keep an eye out for your big
chance. You offer your servi ces to the wealthypossi-
bly to earn your pay, possi bl y to l earn the ins and outs
of thei r securi ty. You don't trust anyone at first, si nce
they mi ght be tryi ng to con you.
A wild l and of untamed fronti ers extends beyond the
Endworld Mountai ns. H ere, fugitives from the Last
War found an uncl ai med regionat l east, uncl ai med
by other humans, dwarves, or elvesin whi ch they
coul d escape the bl oodshed back home.
L i zardfol k, dragonborn, and kobol d communi ti es
can be found here. These bei ngs have ti es stretchi ng
back thousands of years and no desi re to lose thei r
l ands to the mammal s of the west.
Q'barra is divided i nto two general regi ons. New Gali-
far was founded by fugitives who fl ed the earl y years of
the Last War rather than shed the bl ood of thei r neigh-
bors, and H ope was founded by more recent expl orers
and fugitives. The former is a feudal, hi ghl y ordered
real m, whereas the latter consi sts of largely inde-
pendent, self-governed communi ti es. The Treaty of
Thronehol d recogni zes Q'barra as a nation but makes
no di sti ncti on between these two di sparate terri tori es.
The remai nder of the region is occupi ed by repti l i an
tri bes. Some lizardfolk and dragonborn are wi l l i ng to
trade wi th New Gal i far and Hope, but others use force
to drive the invaders out of thei r terri tori es.
Q'barra is lush and i ncredi bl y dangerous. It is a l and
of thi ck forests, jungl e foliage, ri ch soil, and murky
swamps- al l of whi ch swarm wi th life, parti cul arl y
wi th repti l es that can be deadl y to the unprepared
expl orer.
H aka' tor vhak: A n enormous ci tadel carved i nto
the side of a vol cano, H aka'torvhak is said to have
been created by demons in a bygone age. It is the
center of a pri mi ti ve religion practi ced by several
l i zardfol k and kobol d tri bes as wel l as by the occa-
sional dragonborn.
Ka'rhashan: Ka'rhashan is both the largest
dragonborn communi ty on Khorvai re and a site holy
to that race. The vol cani c glass and stone bui l di ngs
tri mmed in brass gl eam in the light. Thi s communi ty
permi ts outsi ders to enter, but a dragonborn must
accompany nondragonborn visitors to prevent the
occasi onal , foolish adventurer from attempti ng to loot
the city's sacred sites.
Mar'saval : A sunken ci ty whose towers protrude
from foul waters, Mar'saval is a trul y anci ent rui n said
to be fi l l ed wi th horri d magi c, lost treasures, and cor-
rupted l i zardfol k.
Newthrone: Newthrone is a forti fi ed port al ong
the Whi tecl i ff River, the seat of power of New Gal i far
and the capi tal of the recogni zed nati on of Q'barra.
I t's surpri si ngl y ci vi l i zed for the regi on, offeri ng com-
forts such as House Ghal l anda i nns and taverns as
well as mul ti pl e marketpl aces where humans, half-
l i ngs, l i zardfol k, and dragonborn mi ngl e.
Wyrmwatch: The heart of H ope, Wyrmwatch
is a smal l but growi ng vi l l age. I t has its own mi nes
and farms, maki ng it a vi abl e economi c power in the
regi on. Wyrmwatch is a theocracy, rul ed by puri tani -
cal Silver Fl ame extremi sts who despi se l i zardfol k
and di strust dragonborn.
L i zardfol k outnumber humans in Q'barra; dragon-
born and kobol ds exi st in roughl y hal f of humani ty's
numbers. A few other raceshal fl i ngs and hal f-el ves,
in parti cul arappear on occasi on, but they represent
a smal l mi nori ty. Some Chosen and I nspi red of Sar-
l ona dwel l in a Ri edran quarter i n Newthrone, al ong
wi th a ti ny number of kal ashtar who are keepi ng an
eye on thei r tradi ti onal enemy. The weal thy of New
Gal i far attempt to repl i cate the fashi ons of Gal i far
wi th fl owi ng gowns and ruffl ed tuni cs, but the major-
ity of Qbar r ans dress in whatever heavy garments
can stand up to the rigors of life on the fronti er.
Most of the humans in Q'barra worshi p the Sover-
eign Host or the Silver Fl ame, the former bei ng more
common in New Gal i far and the l atter bei ng more
common in H ope. Dragonborn are known to worshi p
the Soverei gn Host in thei r i ncarnati ons as dragon
soverei gns, whereas the l i zardfol k and kobol d tri bes
revere vari ous spirits or demons.
Gi ven the untamed nature of the fronti er, one coul d
argue that everyone who dwel l s in Q'barra is an
adventurer of some sort.
If you are from Q'barra, you can choose Endurance
or Nature as your associated skill.
Long Arm of the Law: Q'barra is a favored
refuge of fugitives from all nati ons. Someone has to
track these folks down to ensure they face justi ce
and to prevent cri mi nal s from overrunni ng New
Gal i far and Hope. You mi ght be a l i censed offi cer of
the law, such as a Denei th Marshal , or you coul d be
a bounty hunter; in ei ther case, Q'barra is nothi ng
more to you than a hunti ng ground of dangerousbut
Rolevlaying Tins: You don't want your quarry to see
you comi ng. You try to seem i nnocuous, all the whi l e
aski ng questi ons and subtly probi ng for i nformati on.
Lover of Solitude: You have no i nterest in bei ng
part of any society. You don't hate peopl e, and you're
wi l l i ng to go i nto town to trade and have the occa-
sional conversati on, but you'd rather be on your
ownor at least wi th a smal l , trusted group. You
live outsi de ci vi l i zati on, and you make a living as a
hunter, a gui de, or treasure seeker.
Rolevlaying Tips: You rarel y speak, and you don't
waste words when you do. You aren't del i beratel y
rude, but you have no pati ence for the ni ceti es of
soci al i nteracti on.
Preserver of the Past: New Gal i far was founded
to preserve the cul ture of shattered Gal i far, and the
dragonborn of Q'barra protect thei r rui ned ci ti es as
remnants of an empi re long lost. You mi ght hol d such
bel i efs, or you mi ght be a pi l gri m here to recapture
somethi ng lost i n the war. You're determi ned that a
past, a history, and a cul ture, all of whi ch the rest of
the conti nent has abandoned, wi l l never fully di e.
Rolevlaying Tips: You live your life by the precepts
of a largely dead cul ture, adheri ng to old fashi ons,
customs, and pol i ti cal vi ews. You speak often of past
gl ori es and of how bad ci rcumstances have become
in the modern worl d. Rel i cs of the past are far more
val uabl e to you than more l ucrati ve treasures.
A l and of fetid marshes and bi ti ng i nsects, pri mi ti ve
tri bes and sl i theri ng serpents, the Shadow Marches is
a regi on the rest of Khorvai re coul d happi l y i gnore-
were it not startl i ngl y ri ch i n dragonshards, and were
it not the l ocati on of a dragonmarked house's encl ave.
A l though not every last i nch of the Shadow Marches
is swampl and, it's true that most of it isand those
regi ons that aren't are ei ther thi ck woods or al ready
heavi l y farmed. The Shadow Marches is not a recog-
ni zed nati on and have no overarchi ng authority, so
no law exi sts to prevent the few arabl e regi ons from
bei ng rapi dl y exhausted. Most i nhabi tants dwell on
a subsi stence level. They construct homes on stilts
and rai se the few food cropsrice bei ng the most
common- that thri ve in the marsh.
C H A PT E R 5 | World of Eberron
The majori ty of Marchers live in cl ans scattered
across the Shadow Marches. A l though all are pri mi -
tive by the standards of the Five Nati ons, many have
i ntri cate crafts, anci ent tradi ti ons, and a wi l l i ng-
ness to i nteract wi th outsi ders. Others, however, are
savages in the worst senses of the word, attacki ng
outsiders on sight and worshi pi ng strange spirits of
the wi l d. The former dwel l on the outski rts of the
swamps, whereas the l atter make thei r homes deeper
in the bog, but thi s tendency is not a fi xed rul e.
The Shadow Marches boasts few major features or
communi ti es. Smal l vi l l ages are scattered across
the swamp. Bui l t on stilts or on the rare patch of
dry ground, these towns are home to the region's
more ci vi l i zed tri bes or to mi ners and prospectors
searchi ng for dragonshards (usually under the aegi s
of H ouse Tharashk). A few rui ns, remai ns from the
age when demons wal ked the surface of Eberron,
protrude from the swamps as wel l , al though onl y
the most degenerate tri bes are wi l l i ng to make thei r
homes there.
Dragonshard Fi el ds: Scattered across the
Marches are regi ons where dragonshards can be
found conceal ed wi thi n the l ocal rock i n great quanti -
ti es. H ouse Tharashk has catal oged and cl ai med the
known fields, but others surel y awai t discovery.
Slug Keep: A rui ned castl e from the earl i est days
of Gal i far, Slug Keep got its name from the masses of
slugs, snai l s, and si mi l ar creatures that crawl across
its wal l s on certai n ni ghts when the stars and the
Ri ng of Si berys al i gn.
Zar ash'ak: H ouse Tharashk constructed
Zarash'ak, the l argest settl ement i n the Shadow
Marches, to enabl e trade in the regi on. Because it sits
far from Zarash Bay, merchants use skiffs to move
thei r goods to and from the so-cal l ed Ci ty of Sti l ts.
Thi s practi ce has created a thri vi ng l ocal economy i n
ski ff bui l di ng, sal es, and steeri ng.
Whether they're wanderers or dwel l ers in the region's
far-fl ung vi l l ages, Marchers are an i nsul ar, tradi ti on-
dri ven peopl e who trust thei r fellow tri be mates and
fami l y members, and nobody el se. Over hal f the
popul ati on consi sts of orcs, who outnumber humans
more than two to one. Gobl i ns and hal f-ores make up
the other si gni fi cant peopl es of the regi on. Vi l l agers
dress i n l oose-fi tti ng, undyed tuni cs and leggings to
make work more comfortabl e, and they wear broad-
bri mmed hats and wooden sandal s or stilts whi l e
tilling the fields in the marsh. The more pri mi ti ve
tri bes favor l eathers or heavy fabri cs that keep out the
i nsects, repel at l east some water, and serve as make-
shift armor.
The ci ti zens of Zarash'ak worshi p a vari ety of
fai ths. Most other Marchers follow the teachi ngs of
the Gatekeeper drui ds, al though a few others grant
thei r devoti on to vari ous cul ts of the Dragon Bel ow.
Most devotees of Khyber cul ts keep thei r ri tes and
bel i efs hi dden, but there are pl aces i n the Shadow
Marches where such worshi p is conducted openl y.
Few come to the Shadow Marches for any l ength
of ti me unl ess they are adventurers, and few nati ve
Marchers are more than subsi stence farmers or tri bal
hunters unl ess they become the same.
If you are from the Shadow Marches, you can choose
Heal or Nature as your associated skill.
Cul t Hunter: You're determi ned to uproot and
destroy the region's Khyber cul ts. Thi s resol uti on
coul d be for the sake of the l ands beyond the Shadow
Marches, or you mi ght be a member of a l ocal tri be
who hates these cul ti sts. I n ei ther case, you won't
stop unti l you've extermi nated every cul ti st i n the
Rolevlaying Tips: You assume that any evil, any
threat, is rel ated to a Khyber cul t unti l proven other-
wi se. You're not shy about your hatred of them; you
know that thi s behavi or mi ght draw thei r attenti on,
but so be it. I t just makes it easi er to i denti fy them
when they try to kill you.
Dragonshard Prospector: I f outsiders are going
to become weal thy from the resources of your home-
l and, you're going to do the same. You mi ght hunt
for dragonshards, or you mi ght serve as a l ocal gui de
and guard for adventurers who do; ei ther way, you're
determi ned to take your share.
Rolevlaying Tips: You are very fami l i ar wi th the
known dragonshard fields, and study the knowl edge
of your tri be or vi l l age to fi nd others. You're fri endl y
to outsi ders, si nce you know that you can make a lot
more worki ng wi th them than agai nst them.
Expl orer of Civilization: You're fasci nated wi th
the noti on of life beyond a ti ny vi l l age or tri bal hunt-
ing ground. You don't necessari l y thi nk the world
beyond is better, but it's di fferent and i nteresti ng,
and you mi ght l earn secrets and make al l i es to sup-
port your fami l y. You travel the Marches beyond your
tradi ti onal home regi on, i nteract wi th outsi ders, and
adventure i nto the other nati ons of Khorvai re. You
seek weal th and power, yes, but al so an understand-
ing of the l arger worl d.
Rolevlaying Tips: Everythi ng is fasci nati ng to you.
You ask questi ons about how the worl d works and
study your compani ons as they i nteract wi th others.
You don't necessari l y approve of everythi ng you see,
but you're determi ned to take it al l i n.
C H A PT E R 5 | World of Eberron
A n enormous stretch of pri sti ne grassl ands and roll-
ing hi l l s that fade slowly i nto the wastes of the Bl ade
Desert, the Tal enta Pl ai ns remai n largely untouched
by the spread of ci vi l i zati on. A l though mi l i tary trai ns
and the l i ghtni ng rai l wend thei r way across the
grasses, the bul k of the nati on remai ns as it was si nce
before the empi re of Gal i far was born.
A l though recogni zed as a soverei gn nati on by the
Treaty of Thronehol d, the Tal enta Pl ai ns l ack any
sort of tradi ti onal governi ng body. The hal fl i ngs of
the regi on live as they have for thousands of yearsin
smal l nomadi c cl ans, travel i ng about the grassl ands
as they hunt, gather, trade, and occasi onal l y ski rmi sh
wi th one another. A chi eftai n cal l ed a lath, who is
el ected by every adult member of the fami l y, l eads
each tri be. Other than the lath, adult members of a
tri be are consi dered equal s.
The tri bes wander fixed ranges, settl i ng on occa-
sion i n tent vi l l ages for a few weeks before movi ng on.
Each of the cl ans keeps herds of di nosaurs as mounts,
beasts of burden, and food ani mal s. The bond
between a hal fl i ng and her di nosaur mount or com-
pani on is a sacred one, and the tri besfol k consi der the
di nosaurs i nval uabl e parts of thei r fami l i es.
Wi th the excepti on of Gatherhol d, the Tal enta Pl ai ns
boast no permanent settl ements. H al fl i ng tri bal
vi l l ages move wi th the seasons or wi th wanderi ng
game, and al though treaty permi ts Karrnath to keep
fortresses al ong the borders, even those settl ements
move at l east once every few years.
The Boneyard: The hal fl i ngs consi der thi s regi on
of the Bl ade Desert to be cursed, and they prevent
al l enti ti es that are not draconi c from enteri ng. The
regi on is repl ete wi th dragon bones, jutti ng l i ke dying
trees from the desol ate earth.
Gatherhol d: Bui l t al ong the coast of L ake Cyre,
Gatherhol d is the l argest Tal enta communi ty, but
its popul ati on is modest at best. The Tri bal Counci l
meets at l east three ti mes a year to deci de matters
that affect al l Tal entan cl ans, and duri ng these ti mes
the city's popul ati on swells to several thousand. Gath-
erhol d is al so the heart of H ouse Ghal l anda, whi ch
keeps several hundred members here even between
counci l gatheri ngs.
Krezent: Perhaps the onl y survi vi ng structure
on the face of Eberron constructed by the anci ent
couatl s, Krezent has si nce been cl ai med and occu-
pi ed by a tri be of yuan-ti .
The Wanderi ng I nn: A n enormous travel i ng
fai r and market, the Wanderi ng I nn is H ouse Ghal -
l anda's means of provi di ng servi ces and news to the
rovi ng hal fl i ng tri bes. I ts bri ghtl y hued tents appear
overni ght, ri ppl e i n the breeze for a few days, and
then vani sh as swi ftl y as they appeared.
The Tal enta tri bes are al l hal fl i ngs, and al though
hal fl i ngs dwel l el sewhere on the conti nent, the
greater porti on of them live here, just as thei r ances-
tors have done for mi l l enni a. H umans, changel i ngs,
and dwarves compri se the majori ty of Talenta's
nonhal fl i ng popul ati on, found pri mari l y i n Gather-
hold and the Karrn garri sons.
H al fl i ng tri bes make no concerted effort at uni fi ed
styles of dress, cui si ne, or adornment, but the lifestyle
of the pl ai ns tends to make them l ook al i ke. Tri be
members prefer outfits made of furs and l eathers,
wi th a thi ckness and degree of ruggedness dependent
enti rel y on the season and the tri be's terri tory. Deco-
rati on tends to take the form of smal l , mul ti col ored
beads, i ntri cate knots, and dyed furs.
Tri bes combi ne ani mal spirit and ancestor worshi p
wi th a reverence for Bal i nor of the Soverei gn H ost i n
hi s aspect of god of beasts and the hunt.
The lives of al l members of the Tal enta tri bes are
adventurous i n some ways. They rarel y sl eep i n the
same spot for more than a few ni ghts, they hunt for
survival, and they protect thei r fami l i es agai nst pred-
ators, but some nati ves take up a more del i beratel y
adventuresome exi stence.
If you are from the Talenta Plains, you can choose
Athletics or Endurance as your associated skill.
Ghal l anda Guardi an: Known for comfort, hospi-
tality, and el egance, H ouse Ghal l anda is consi dered
one of the l east marti al of the dragonmarked houses.
Yet someone has to do the j ob of guardi ng Ghal l an-
dan i nsti tuti ons and ensuri ng that merchants del i ver
promi sed goods, i nns and taverns remai n peaceful ,
and carni val s and parti es reach thei r desti nati ons. A s
a Tal enta hal fl i ng, you feel obl i gated to H ouse Ghal -
l anda (whether or not you're a member), and you take
it upon yoursel f to do what you can to keep its peopl e
and pl aces safe.
Rolevlaying Tips: You thi nk some of the l uxuri es
that so-cal l ed ci vi l i zed folk enjoy are silly, maki ng
them soft. That said, you ful l y understand how i mpor-
tant thei r patronage is to H ouse Ghal l andaand, i n
turn, to the economy of Gatherhol dso you keep your
opi ni ons to yoursel f. You're qui ck to resort to vi ol ence
to protect your charges, whi ch can someti mes cause
probl ems when you react more seri ousl y to an i nsul t
than society's rul es normal l y suggest.
Hunter and Then Some: Tal enta tri besfol k hunt
for the sake of thei r tri bes- to obtai n food, fur, tools,
C H A PT E R 5 I World of Eberron
and the l i ke. You've taken it a step further. Rather
than game ani mal s, you hunt monsters, protecti ng
your tri be from monstrous rampages and bri ngi ng
back any treasures you've gathered for your peopl e to
trade at the next cl an meeti ng.
Rolevlaying Tips: You're al ert for signs or tal es of
monsters, hi dden l ai rs, and anci ent rui ns. You prefer
adventures that keep you cl ose to home so that you
can better protect your tri be- but you'll wander pretty
far afi el d i f you bel i eve doi ng so is of suffi ci ent benefi t
to the fami l y.
Worl d Travel er: The outside world mi ght not
have much i mpact on the Tal enta Pl ai ns, but it does
i ntrude on a regul ar basi s- the operati ves of H ouse
Ghal l anda and H ouse J orasco, the l i ghtni ng rai l , and
the soldiers of Karrnath, to name a few exampl es.
You don't have the same fasci nati on wi th aspects of
ci vi l i zati on as do some adventurers from regi ons such
as the Shadow Marches. Rather, you're i nterested i n
seei ng how soci eti es functi on so that you can i ntro-
duce any advances that mi ght make your own tri be's
life easi er whi l e avoiding the pitfalls that make mem-
bers of those soci eti es soft and weak.
Rolevlaying Tips: You seek out opportuni ti es to
i nteract wi th peopl e from beyond Tal enta and to
adventure outsi de its borders. You're uni nterested
in the l arger worki ngs of ci vi l i zati on and more
i nterested in the little detai l s: magi c and techni cal
advancements, weaponry, crop growth, and anythi ng
el se that mi ght transl ate to tri bal use wi thout requi r-
ing your peopl e to give up your tradi ti ons.
The onl y true el ven nati on in Khorvai re, Val enar
is al so one of the youngest. I nhabi ted by a warri or
peopl e wi th no desi re to mai ntai n any connecti on
wi th thei r homel and, Val enar is i n a state of constant
confl i ct wi th its nei ghbors. Val enar mi ght be the
spark that i gni tes the next war.
The region now known as Val enar was once cl ai med
by Cyre. A number of A erenal elves who came to
Khorvai re as mercenari es to fight in the Last War
staked a cl ai m to the terri tory as the confl i ct pro-
gressed. These elves are more marti al i n nature than
thei r comrades who worshi p the Undyi ng Court, and
they want little more from life than the opportuni ty
for gl ori ous bl oodshed.
The elves of Val enar are divided into warcl ans.
Some cl ans serve as mercenari es for other nati ons,
and others practi ce and spar constantl y wi th one
another across Val enar. Still others wander the wilds
in search of glorious battleand they chafe that the
cl ose of hostilities of the Last War has made thei r sport
that much more difficult. H i gh Ki ng Vadallia, who
led a conti ngent of elves in Khorvai re duri ng the Last
War, rul es the nati on, but Val enar remai ns pri mari l y
a col l ecti on of warcl ans. The elves have little desi re to
establ i sh extensive bodi es of laws or any cul tural iden-
tity beyond thei r religious and marti al activities.
Val enar is wel l known for the magni fi cent war-
horses bred, trai ned, and ri dden into battl e by the
elves. Ori gi nal l y brought from A erenal , thi s breed of
warhorse is the envy of all Khorvai re, and the elves
take great precauti ons to ensure that no breedi ng
stock leaves thei r borders.
Warcl ans of Val enar dwell in temporary camps, set-
ti ng up wherever thei r maneuvers take them. The
majori ty of Val enar's permanent settl ements are
farmi ng communi ti es or strategi cal l y pl aced keeps in
whi ch the elves can take shel ter i f attacked.
P easants' Mar ket: The si ngl e l argest market in
Val enar is the Peasants' Market, l ocated wi thi n Taer
Val aestas. Thi s is the best pl ace in the nati on to buy
goods from anywhere in Khorvai re. Whi l e the elves
themsel ves rarel y engage in such mundane activi-
ti es as shoppi ng at a market, the human and hal f-el f
i nhabi tants of Val enar frequentl y visit the market on
behal f of thei r feudal l ords.
The Royal P al ace: The home of H i gh Ki ng
Vadal l i a, thi s bui l di ng in Taer Val aestas is the largest
permanent structure i n Val enar. Despi te its size, the
Royal Pal ace is a mi l i tary keep first and foremost.
Taer Val aestas: A wal l ed communi ty bui l t wi th
mi l i tary preci si on, Taer Val aestas was constructed
because the elves of Val enar recogni zed that a nati on
requi res a capi tal city.
The Templ e of the A ges: The center of Val enar
rel i gi on, the Templ e serves as a pl ace of worshi p and
trai ni ng for the Keepers of the Past, the pri ests of the
Spirits of the Past.
A number of humans, hal f-el ves, hal fl i ngs, and hob-
gobl i ns remai n in Val enar from the days before elven
rul e. The elves, however, who number nearl y hal f the
total popul ati on, consi der themsel ves the onl y true
ci ti zens. Members of al l other races are peasants and
serfs who pri mari l y perform the farmi ng, physi cal
l abor, and admi ni strati ve duties wi th whi ch the elves
cannot be bothered. A s a mi l i tary peopl e, Val enar's
ci ti zens have little i nterest in the arts, in fashi on, or
i n archi tecture that serves no mi l i tary purpose. Battl e
dress and fancy dress are one and the same, and dec-
orati on consi sts of trophi es won from foes or passed
down through the generati ons.
Val enar's elves worshi p the spirits of thei r
ancestorsparti cul arl y great warri ors or champi ons
of the peopl e. A few cl i ng to the bel i efs of the Undy-
i ng Court, al bei t wi th a heavi er focus on speci fi c past
heroes. The elves don't care who or what Val enar's
C H A PT E R 5 | World of Eberron
other i nhabi tants worshi p, as long as they're qui et
about it.
J ust about al l Val enar elves are soldiers of some sort
or another. The questi on is not what sorts of adventur-
ers does Val enar produce, but what sort stands out?
If you are from Valenar, you can choose Acrobatics or
Athletics as your associated skill.
Honorabl e Mercenary: You're no l ess anxi ous for
excuses to fight than your comrades are, but you're
determi ned to lift a bl ade or fl i ng a spell stri ctl y for
honorabl e causes. You fi rml y bel i eve that your ances-
tors woul d di sapprove of random bl oodshed, and you
struggl e i nstead to fi nd adventures and take merce-
nary commi ssi ons that meet your ethi cal standards.
Roleplaying Tips: I n your search for mercenary
contracts or adventure quests, the cause is at l east
as i mportant to you as the money. You l ook down on
other Val enar elves who fight wi thout concern for
cause, and you're qui ck to defend the weaknot nec-
essari l y because you bel i eve it's the right thi ng to do
(al though you mi ght) but because you feel doi ng so
i mpresses the ancestors.
Mi l i tant I nsti gator: The way for your peopl e to
prove themsel ves is through war, and i f the human
nati ons won't start one on thei r own, you'l l have to
hel p them al ong. You conduct rai ds on nei ghbori ng
mi l i tary communi ti es, ambush supply caravans, and
do everythi ng i n your power to provoke your neigh-
bors i nto attacki ng Val enar di rectl y.
Rolevlaying Tips: You seek out mi l i tary targets from
other nati ons, and undertake adventures that allow
you to remove great treasures from across the border.
You mi ght restri ct yoursel f to mi l i tary casual ti es, or in
a darker campai gn, you mi ght be wi l l i ng to shed civil-
i an bl ood i n order to sow confl i ct.
Peasant H er o: Your el ven lords thi nk that your
peopl e are good onl y for farmi ng and manual labor,
but you i ntend to teach them otherwi se. You lived i n
Val enar but were not an elf, so your opportuni ti es for
provi ng yoursel f were few. Now you've taken up bl ade
or spell and gone out i n search of fame and fortune.
Rolevlaying Tips: You take every opportuni ty to
showcase your prowess. You're not sui ci dal , but onl y
extreme ri sk wi l l keep you out of a fight or an adven-
ture. I t mi ght l ook l i ke you're showi ng off, but you're
tryi ng to prove yourselfto the elves, to the world,
and perhaps to yourself.
H omel and to a gnome cul ture that predates the ri se
of Gal i far, Zi l argo appears to be a l and of plenty, of
peace and prosperi ty, and of lush farms and well-
ordered ci ti es. Those who observe Zilargo's laws
never have reason to see it as anythi ng el se. But ene-
mi es of Zi l argo fi nd thei r secrets exposed and thei r
pl ans countered before they're executed. A nd indi-
vi dual s who break the peace or i nci te unrest vani sh
swi ftl y and compl etel y.
Zi l argo is rul ed by a counci l of representati ves from
al l its major ci ti es rather than by a si ngl e sovereign.
I t has mai ntai ned its i ndependence over the years
through di pl omacy and, on occasi on, the judi ci ous
use of bl ackmai l i nstead of through mi l i tary mi ght.
The gnomes here are experts i n al l matters arcane
C H A PT E R 5 | World of Eberron
and al chemi cal , and Zi l argo boasts perhaps the great-
est i ntel l i gence and spy network in Eberron. Even
though other nati ons coul d probabl y conquer Zi l argo,
the cost in i nformati on spread to its enemi es and
arcane secrets lost would far outwei gh any benefi t.
Gnome al chemi cal creati ons, magi c i tems, and
el emental -bound vessels are i n demand across Khor-
vai re. Unoffi ci al l y, gnomes and Zil organi zati ons al so
make money by provi di ng i ntel l i gence gatheri ng ser-
vi ces to outsi de powers.
Zi l argo is a beauti ful nati on; its bui l di ngs are fantasti c
mel di ngs of wood and stone, bui l t to offer comfort
to both gnomes and l arger creatures l i ke humans
and elves. Even the smal l est vi l l ages are bri ght and
bedecked wi th mi nor magi c.
Korranberg: The Ci ty of Knowl edge is the ances
tral home of H ouse Sivis and a reposi tory of l ore and
texts from across Khorvai re and throughout hi story.
I t's said that, i f one knew how to fi nd it, one coul d
l earn anythi ng here. Thi s ci ty is al so the home of the
Korranberg Chronicle, the most rel i abl e newssheet in
Khorvai re.
The Li brary of Korranberg: Occupyi ng nearl y
a quarter of Korranberg, the l i brary consi sts of enor-
mous underground vaults of l ore and a col l ege al most
as presti gi ous as Wynarn University.
Pyl as Pyri al : A gl i tteri ng tower al so cal l ed the
Gate of J oy, Pyl as Pyri al appeared al ong wi th the
other feyspi res i n recent history. Gnomes native to the
Feywi l d outnumber the el adri n popul ati on here.
The Street of a Hundred Templ es: Thi s di stri ct
of Korranberg boasts more templ es than any other
ci ty in Khorvai re, and it i ncl udes shri nes to every
i magi nabl e rel i gi on.
Trol anport: The center of the Zil shi pbui l di ng
trade, Trol anport is al so Zilargo's capi tal and contai ns
the tower of the Tri umvi rate, the nation's rul i ng coun-
ci l . I t is said that the goods in Trol anport's markets
are as many and as vari ed as the l ore i n Korranberg's
library, and H ouses L yrandar, Canni th, and Kun-
darak all have major encl aves here.
Zol anberg: The smal l est of Zilargo's three major
ci ti es, Zol anberg mai ntai ns its weal th and power by
mi ni ng the ri ch vei ns of ore and gems i n the Seawal l
Mountai ns. I t is the most marti al of gnome ci ti es
because its peopl e most frequentl y repel kobol d rai ds
from the Seawal l Mountai ns.
Zi l argo is known as the gnome homel and, and
gnomes make up well over hal f the popul ati on.
Other si gni fi cant popul ati ons i ncl ude humans and
dwarves and smal l er numbers of kobol ds and el adri n.
A l though the gnomes are more determi ned and devi-
\ ous i n thei r thi rst for knowl edge and l ocal i ntri gues,
most who dwel l here develop somethi ng of a taste for
secrets and mani pul ati ons. Gnomi sh styles favor long
coats or cl oaks and heavy boots, all in bri ght col ors
that woul d be consi dered gari sh in other cul tures.
Zi l argo has no predomi nant rel i gi on; the peopl e of
thi s nati on are free to worshi p whatever pantheons
they prefer. Members of all major faithsincluding
the Bl ood of Vol, the Dark Six, and Khyber cul ts-
practi ce wi thout persecuti on (as long as they don't
di sturb the peace).
Zi l argo is a peaceful , qui et nati on, but it still offers
substanti al opportuni ty for adventure.
If you are from Zilargo, you can choose Bluff or
Insight as your associated skill.
A gent of the Tr ust: Zilargo's ci ti zens keep the
peace not because they want to, but because they
never know who's watchi ng. I n fact, you are. You are
an agent of the Trust, the shadowy cabal that runs
both Zilargo's espi onage servi ces and its law enforce-
ment. When somethi ng happens to threaten the
peace, be it a conspi racy agai nst the government,
organi zed cri me, or monsters from the coast, it's your
j ob to deal wi th itquietly.
Rolevlaying Tips: You don't let on that you're more
than you appear, but you keep an eye out for troubl e.
You're an obsessive col l ector of i nformati on, not just
out of curi osi ty, but in case it becomes rel evant later.
Even you don't know much about the hi gher levels
of the Trust; your assi gnment is to take orders and
report back.
K or r anber g Chr oni cl er : You don't adventure for
weal th, for fame, or for glory; you adventure so you can
wri te about it. You're a chroni cl er for the Korranberg
Chronicle (or a si mi l ar organi zati on). I t's your j ob to
keep people i nformed about what's happeni ng in the
world, and that means traveling the world and seei ng
even its most dangerous troubl e spots for yourself.
Rolevlaying Tips: You want the truth, and nothi ng is
going to stop you. You are wi l l i ng to do whatever the
pursui t of the story requi res.
Thi r st for K nowl edge: L i ke most gnomes,
you consi der even the ti ni est pi ece of i nformati on
val uabl e, or at least potenti al l y so. Whether you're
sneaki ng i nto secured bui l di ngs to eavesdrop on the
ri ch and powerful or del vi ng i nto anci ent rui ns for
that one wal l of hi erogl yphi cs that nobody el se has
seen, you're happy onl y when you're l earni ng some-
thi ng you didn't know before.
Rolevlaying Tips: You pay cl ose attenti on to
everythi ng, fdi ng it away for future use. Nothi ng is
uni mportant, no matter how trivial it mi ght seem at
the ti me.
C H A PT E R 5 | World of Eberron
A l though Khorvai re represents the heart of Eberron,
it is onl y one of six conti nents. Many exoti c l ands lie
beyond Khorvai re's shores, wai ti ng to be expl ored.
The ancestral homel and of Eberron's elves, A erenal
is a real m that is al i en to most of Khorvai re's i nhabi t-
ants. Thi ck jungl es and exoti c fl ora cast deep shadows
across the l and, shroudi ng a soci ety steeped in a fasci-
nati on wi th death.
A erenal is open to travel ers and traders, al though the
A ereni rarel y offer a warm wel come to forei gners.
The Undyi ng Court, a counci l of rel i gi ous and
nobl e l eaders from pri or generati ons, rul es the elves
of A erenal . The members of thi s counci l are undead;
the A ereni refer to these i ndi vi dual s as the undyi ng.
The Undyi ng Court sel ects the Si bl i ng Kings
currentl y Bal aereth and Tezaera of the Mendyri an
lineto handl e day-to-day government busi ness. The
A ereni respect the wi sdom of the Undyi ng Court,
and thei r fai th recogni zes its members as emi ssari es
of thei r ancestors. Death fasci nates the A ereni , and
it i nforms thei r fashi ons and arts; they al so have a
propensi ty for the study of necromanti c and pl anar
magi c. Some A ereni even undergo al chemi cal pro-
cesses and mysti c ri tes i n order to appear dead. Most
elves of A erenal are members of vast extended fami -
lies, cal l ed l i nes, that have ties to counsel ors of the
Undyi ng Court.
The Tai rnadal elves of A erenal 's northern pl ai ns
have a warri or cul ture si mi l ar to that of the Val enar
elves. Tai rnadal fami l y divisions are cal l ed warcl ans,
and they are less devoted to the Undyi ng Court than
are other A ereni .
Most A ereni dwell on private estates i n the j ungl e-
smal l fami l y vi l l as rul ed by a nobl e l i ne. I n the north,
the wanderi ng el ven warcl ans practi ce a nomadi c
lifestyle, mai ntai ni ng onl y a few fortresses and
settl ements.
P yl as Tal aear : Thi s major A erenal port is the
gateway by whi ch outsi ders visit A erenal , al though
few traders ever travel beyond the city. The resi dents
of Pyl as Tal aear are more tol erant of outsi ders than
are other A erenal elves, and few undyi ng dwel l i n
the city.
Shae Cai r dal : Thi s ci ty is the capi tal of A erenal
and the home of the Si bl i ng Ki ngs. Much of the
ci ty stands atop enormous trees, and many of its
structures are shaped from living tree trunks. Shae
Cai rdal has the second l argest popul ati on of undyi ng LU
i n A erenal .
Shae Mor dai : Shae Mordai is the spi ri tual heart ^
of A erenal . I t is the home of the Undyi ng Court and cc
contai ns the l argest popul ati on of undyi ng i n A erenal . 0
Shae Thor i dor : Shae Thori dor is A erenal 's other ^
major port besi des Pyl as Tal aear. The Tai rnadal al so Q
control the city, and no undyi ng dwel l there. The
city's combati ve elven occupants are always eager
to prove thei r warri or ski l l s, and they can present a [j]
danger to forei gners. CO
Proud, haughty, and fasci nated wi th death, the elves
of A erenal compri se over two-thi rds of the conti nent's
popul ati on; the undyi ng account for most of the
remai ni ng one-thi rd. A smal l number of hal f-el ves
and traders of other races are al so permanent resi-
dents of A erenal .
A l l of A erenal 's el f i nhabi tants worshi p the Undy-
ing Court, the Spi ri ts of the Past, or both. No other
rel i gi on is accepted among the permanent popul a-
tion, al though forei gners are not persecuted for
practi ci ng other bel i efs.
The elves of A erenal revere the undyi ng, but they
harbor a hatred for other forms of undead, parti cu-
larly those that feed on the living. Destroyi ng such
creatures is consi dered to be a rel i gi ous duty.
If you are from Aerenal, you can choose Arcana or
Religion as your associated skill.
The name A rgonnessen bri ngs a shudder to even the
bravest expl orers, for it is a l and of mystery and fear.
Vi ci ous ti des and murderous rocks surround it, and
fi erce barbari an tri bes i nhabi t its shores. Yet much
greater peri l s lie beyond its beaches.
A rgonnessen is the ancestral home of Eberron's
dragons, whi ch guard the l and's l egendary won-
ders. A nci ent ci ti es, enormous structures, and vast
treasures lie wi thi n A rgonnessen. A few expl orers,
adventurers, schol ars, and merchants have braved the
Dragonreach to l and on the beaches of Seren I sl and
or upon the coast of A rgonnessen. I f anyone has ever
travel ed beyond these l ands' borders, though, they
have left no evi dence of thei r di scoveri es.
The onl y regi on of A rgonnessen known to outsi d-
ers is Totem Beach, where most shi ps make l andfal l .
Huge stone monuments, bui l t by unknown powers
i n a bygone age, jut from the sands, l ooki ng out over
the sea. Beyond, a thi ck jungl e and the Great Bar-
ri er Mountai ns bl ock any vi ew of the conti nent's
i nteri or.
Sai l ors from the L hazaar Pri nci pal i ti es cl ash fre-
quentl y wi th the barbari ans of Seren, who attempt
C H A PT E R 5 | World of Eberron
to rai d passi ng shi ps. Most Seren barbari ans are
human, but a few dragonborn tri bes exi st as wel l .
Most dragonborn bel i eve that A rgonnessen is thei r
ancestral home, but the dragonborn of Q'barra came
to Khorvai re so long ago that they have no better
knowl edge of A rgonnessen than anyone el se.
If you are from Argonnessen, you can choose Athlet-
ics or Arcana as your associated skill.
The Frostfel l stretches across Eberron's northern
reaches and is a l and of bl i ndi ng snow, creaki ng gla-
ci ers, and jagged peaks. Wi th its anci ent treasures
and untouched l ands, the Frostfel l beckons to adven-
turers and expl orers l i ke a gl eami ng, uncut jewel .
For all the attempted expedi ti ons to the Frostfell,
little is known of thi s
eni gmati c regi on. Few
groups have returned
safely from expl orati on of the
regi on. One such group is the Way-
fi nder Foundati on, an organi zati on of
expl orati on and phi l anthropy led by the
hal fl i ng Boroman i r'Dayne. The foundati on's
members have reported great devi l -rul ed ci ti es in
the i ce, towers of frozen bone, and warm oases i n the
mi dst of frosty val es. However, most of thei r accounts
are contradi ctory.
The dwarven cl ans of the Mror Holds bel i eve that
they ori gi nal l y hai l from the Frostfel l .
If you are from the Frostfell, you can choose Endur-
ance or Nature as your associated skill.
I t is a real m wi thout hope, wi thout sanity, wi thout
lightbut not wi thout life. Endl ess darkness, crushi ng
rock, wi ndi ng corri dors, and sunl ess seas fill the vast-
ness beneath the surface of Eberron. Thi s real m is
Khyber, the Dragon Bel ow, an Underdark world that
l urk l i kes a ravenous maw beneath the feet of surface
dwel l ers.
Khyber is a real m of ni ghtmare. Demons that
stal ked Eberron a thousand generati ons ago lie
i mpri soned wi thi n its depths, and bei ngs of madness
sl i ther through its twi sted passageways. Foul spawn
and other aberrant creatures l urk in Khyber, orches-
trati ng pl ans to unl eash destructi on and madness
upon Eberron.
The passageways to Khyber are few, al though
rumors and anci ent texts tell of gapi ng pits on the
face of Eberron that l ead i nto its depths. Despi te
Khyber's horrors, many surface dwel l ers have an
unheal thy fasci nati on wi th the deni zens of the
Dragon Bel ow. Khyber cul ti sts grant thei r devo-
ti on and thei r sani ty to the foul bei ngs that dwel l in
the Underdark, hatchi ng vile plots to empower the
objects of thei r worshi p through sacri fi ces of bl ood;
they even conspi re to loose these creatures upon
Eberron's other i nhabi tants.
A few i ndi vi dual s brave Khyber's depths in search
of fortune or to destroy the evil that dwel l s there.
Treasure hunters seek val uabl e mi dni ght bl ue and
oily bl ack Khyber dragonshards, obtai nabl e onl y in
C H A PT E R 5 | World of Eberron
the darkest depths. A dventurers strive to destroy
anci ent bei ngs of evil, for the good of all or in order to
ensure thei r pl ace in the l egends of ages to come.
If you have spent a significant amount of time in
Khyber, you can choose Dungeoneering or Endur-
ance as your associated skill.
Torn by ages of war, paranoi a, rampant magi c, and
human exodus, Sarl ona is a conti nent deepl y affected
by the ravages of the past. A l though l arger than Khor-
vai re, its struggl es have reduced the popul ati on to
two pri mary cul tures: one that is grateful for the pros-
peri ty granted by its spi ri tual overseers and one that
bel i eves those spirits to be corrupt.
The conti nent of Sarl ona is relatively fl at, consi sti ng
of broad pl ai ns, the great Tashana Tundra, and a vast
desert. The weather is harsh, and fi erce storms flay
the l and, parti cul arl y in A dar.
Many detai l s of Sarl onan hi story have been lost
through war and catastrophe. I t is wi del y bel i eved
that the current ci vi l i zati on arose through the guid-
ance of otherworl dl y spirits, whi ch steered humani ty
away from total destructi on. Thus, the nati ons of Sar-
l ona have coal esced i nto two di sti nct regi ons.
Resi dents of Ri edra bel i eve that they represent the
crown of ci vi l i zati on. The I nspi red, fortunate indi-
vi dual s possessed and gui ded by spirits, serve as both
rel i gi ous and secul ar l eaders. Vi ol ence and cri me
are rare except for acts of sedi ti on, whi ch, accordi ng
to the I nspi red, are commi tted by those who have
been mi sl ed by evil spirits to turn agai nst the Path of
I nspi rati on.
I n di rect opposi ti on to Ri edra is A dar, a mountai n-
ous, rocky landone of the few such areas on the
enti re conti nent. Storm-bl asted and desol ate, A dar
is home to those who refuse the peace of Ri edra, for
they bel i eve it to be a l i e. H ere, nomadi c tri bes and
smal l communi ti es struggl e to survi ve, seeki ng to
adhere to the Path of Light and to aid others i n throw-
ing off the yoke of the Path of I nspi rati on.
Ri edra's popul ati on dwel l s in massi ve ci ti es and
mi l i tary basti ons, where they live under the watch-
ful protecti on of the I nspi red. Each such communi ty
boasts at l east one monol i th; these monol i ths are
central to Ri edran ci vi l i zati on and to the Path of
I nspi rati on.
A dar boasts fewer popul ati on centers, because the
l and won't support them and because living in dis-
persed communi ti es makes A darans less vul nerabl e
to attack from Ri edra.
Dar J i n (Ri edra): Riedra's most renowned port
and one of its largest metropol i ses, Dar J i n receives the
bul k of trade wi th Khorvai re and Stormreach. L ike
most Ri edran cities, it is divided i nto di stri cts, and few
outsiders are permi tted to leave the Forei gn Quarter.
Dvaarnava (Adar): Thi s hi dden port is the onl y
spot in all of A dar where ships can dock. The peopl e
here do busi ness wi th forei gners, but they remai n
al ert for Ri edran i nfi l trators.
Kasshta Keep (Adar): Bui l t i nto the side of a
great mountai n overl ooki ng the sea, Kasshta Keep
is the home of the Keepers of the Word, the greatest
rel i gi ous fi gures of the Path of Light. The peopl e of
the keep trade wi th outsi ders by usi ng magi cal lifts
C H A PT E R 5 j World of Eberron ..
that can haul cargos or enti re ships up to the ci ty
from the water bel ow.
I n Ri edra, humans and the I nspi red are the domi nant
race. Sarl ona is bel i eved to be the bi rthpl ace of human-
ity. Nonhumanssuch as shifters, changel i ngs, and the
occasi onal goliath and ogredwell in the region but
are second-cl ass ci ti zens. Members of nonhuman races
often joi n the mi l i tary because such servi ce is one of
the few ways for them to obtai n respect or position i n
Ri edran society. A dar also consi sts largely of humans,
al though its soci ety is not as raci al l y divided as is Ri e-
dra's. A dar's popul ati on i ncl udes the same races as
Riedra's, along wi th a sizable population of kal ashtar,
who hide from the agents of the I nspi red.
The Path of I nspi rati on is the onl y fai th permi tted
in Ri edra. Practi ce of other rel i gi ons is a cri mi nal
offense. I n A dar, the most common fai ths are the
Path of Light and an old form of worshi p of the Sover-
eign H ost.
If you are from Sarlona, you can choose Diplomacy
or Endurance as your associated skill.
South of Khorvai re, beyond the Thunder Sea,
Xen'dri k ri ses from the waves, beckoni ng to sage
and expl orer, merchant and adventurer. Deep i n
jungl es thi ck wi th foul creatures, the i vy-covered
cycl opean rui ns from the empi re of gi ants still stand,
thei r great secrets wai ti ng to be reveal ed and thei r
fabul ous magi cal treasures wai ti ng to be unearthed.
Vast deserts stretch out l i ke cupped hands to catch
the dragonshards that fall to Eberron from the Ri ng
of Si berys, and great mountai ns hi de wi ndi ng tun-
nel s and vast chasms that shel ter the tri bes of the
scorpi on-worshi pi ng drow.
Cartographers take i ncredi bl e ri sks to create
accurate maps of Xen'dri k, but no modern expl orer
has successful l y mapped the heart of the Conti nent
of Mysteri es. Gi ants, the descendants of anci ent
empi res, make thei r homes across the conti nent,
worshi pi ng strange, arcane powers or vi ol ent pri mal
spirits. Rel i cs and rui ns of a past demoni c age occa-
si onal l y bi rth horrors far worse than gi ants.
Yet for all its dangers, Xen'dri k attracts the i nter-
est of many of Khorvai re's i nhabi tants, parti cul arl y
the dragonmarked houses. Many of Eberron's
peopleincluding elves and warforgedcan trace
thei r l i neage to thi s forgotten l and, and they seek to
fill in the gaps of thei r own hi story. The ri ches of the
gi ants' empi re wai t for expl orers, as do the vast fields
of dragonshards. The jungl e l ands are verdant, and i f
they coul d be tamed, they woul d offer grand opportu-
ni ti es for farmi ng and settl ement.
Onl y a smal l number of settl ements establ i shed
by forei gners have survi ved on Xen'dri k. Most are
ti ny fronti er towns, mai ntai ned by a ri ch patron or a
dragonmarked house. The famous port of Stormreach
is the onl y one of them that has managed to become a
ful l -fl edged city.
If you are from Xen'drik, you can choose Nature as
your associated skill.
A n oasi s of ci vi l i zati on before one reaches the wi l ds,
Stormreach is known as the Gateway to Xen'dri k. It
is the starti ng poi nt for nearl y al l expl orati on i nto the
Conti nent of Mysteri es.
Stormreach's popul ati on is an ecl ecti c mi x of
races, wi th styles and fashi ons from across the world.
Natives of Xen'dri k prefer vari ous forms of spirit or
ancestor worshi p, whereas i mmi grants from Khor-
vai re conti nue thei r worshi p of the Soverei gn Host,
the Silver Fl ame, or occasi onal l y the Bl ood of Vol.
A communi ty of some sort has exi sted in Storm
reach's l ocati on si nce ti me i mmemori al . The current
city was constructed under the aegi s of the Ki ngdom
of Gal i far and the dragonmarked houses after they
managed to cl ear out a pi rate sanctuary, whi ch in
turn was bui l t on anci ent gi ant rui ns that still pro-
trude from the city's foundati on. Bui l di ngs of wood
and stone that woul d seem at home in any ci ty on
Khorvai re stand besi de anci ent monol i ths and repur-
posed pyrami ds. The ci ty is di vi ded i nto di stri cts and
wards, each wi th a uni que cul ture and story.
A ll thi rteen dragonmarked houses have encl aves
here, hopi ng to take advantage of any di scoveri es
made wi thi n the depths of Xen'dri k.
Population: Approximately 11,000. No single race
holds a clear majority here; humans, dwarves, half-
lings, elves, half-elves, and changelings walk side by
side with half-giants, goliaths, ogres, drow, and thri-
kreen, a humanoid insectlike race.
Government: The Storm Lords, a council made
up of representatives of Stormreach's five founding
families, govern the city with substantial advice from
the dragonmarked houses.
Defense: The Stormreach Guard officially keeps
the peace. Many members are ruffians and former
criminals, and corruption runs rampant throughout
the organization, making the Guard far better at
defending the city from outside threats than at keep-
ing the peace within. The Iron Watch, an elite unit
of warforged, and the Inquisitives, private detectives
licensed by the Finders Guild or House Tharashk, are
better at stopping crime.
I n Eberron, a character's dragonmark (or l ack of one)
is at l east as i mportant as the nati on in whi ch he or
she dwel l s. (See page 21 for a tabl e of whi ch races
each dragonmark is most cl osel y associ ated wi th.)
Canni th I nventor: You can't hel p thi nki ng up
new i nventi onswhether they're mechani cal , magi -
cal , or a strange mi x of the two. What's the cl ever
i nventi on or techni que that got you noti ced wi thi n
the H ouse? Do you have a rival who cl ai med credi t
for one of your i deas? A nd what great i nventi on is in
your head right now, awai ti ng the right rare materi al s
or powerful magi c to make it a real i ty?
If you are a Cannith inventor, you can choose Arcana
as your associated skill.
Canni th Ti nker: You served a stint wi th Can-
ni th's Ti nkers Gui l d, travel i ng from town to town
and earni ng coi n for H ouse Canni th by fi xi ng count-
less broken i tems. What strange communi ti es did
you visit? Di d you enjoy life on the road, or were you
bucki ng for a di fferent post wi thi n the H ouse? A nd
given that the Ti nkers Gui l d is less hi erarchi cal than
the rest of the H ouse, did you fi nd the egal i tari an
nature of the Ti nkers l i berati ng or frustrati ng?
If you are a Cannith tinker, you can choose Street-
wise or Thievery as your associated skill.
Canni th Warforged: You're one of the warforged
that H ouse Canni th kept rather than sold to one of
the Five Nati ons. What made you worth keepi ng-
were you unusual l y capabl e, or unl i kel y to do well in
a mi l i tary envi ronment? H ow do you feel about your
creators sel l i ng your fellow warforged as property?
A nd more broadl y, how do you reconci l e your loyalty
to the H ouse wi th your newfound legal freedom?
If you are a Cannith warforged, you can choose
Diplomacy or Insight as your associated skill.
Denei th Mercenary: You served wi th H ouse
Denei th's Bl ademarks Gui l d duri ng the Last War.
What major battl es did you take part in, and on
whi ch side? Were you ever wounded, and do you still
bear the physi cal or mental scars? Were you ever cap-
tured, besi eged, or caught behi nd enemy l i nes? H ow
woul d you characteri ze your rel ati onshi p wi th your
commandi ng offi cer?
If you are a Deneith mercenary, you can choose His-
tory or Intimidate as your associated skill.
Denei th Bodyguar d: A member of H ouse
Denei th's Defenders Gui l d, you gave up a life among
the Bl ademarks to guard an i mportant personage,
such as a nobl e, a general , or the sci on of another
dragonmarked house. Whom have you guarded,
and did you ever come under attack? Were you on
fri endl y terms wi th anyone you guarded? What
events did you wi tness whi l e acti ng as a bodyguard-
i ncl udi ng embarrassi ng, cri mi nal , trai torous, or
otherwi se si ni ster deeds that onl y the bodyguard's
code of si l ence prevents you from reveal i ng?
If you are a Deneith bodyguard, you can choose
Insight or Perception as your associated skill.
Marshal 's Deputy: A s a Senti nel Marshal , you
rode the trai l s wi th the best H ouse Denei th has
to offer, l earni ng what you coul d whi l e hel pi ng to
apprehend Khorvai re's most dangerous cri mi nal s.
What fugitives and war cri mi nal s have you brought
to justi ceand did any escape you? Do any convi cted
cri mi nal s have vengeful fami l i es or gangs? Whi ch
Senti nel Marshal did you serve under? Why aren't
you still hi s or her deputy?
If you are a Marshal's deputy, you can choose Intimi-
date or Streetwise as your associated skill.
Ghal l anda Encl ave Guard: You were responsi bl e
for keepi ng everyone safe wi thi n a Ghal l anda encl ave,
no matter what nati ons, H ouses, or mysteri ous orga-
ni zati ons wanted to violate the sanctuary of your
house. Whi ch encl ave did you guard? What unusual
or famous fugitives did you meet whi l e guardi ng the
encl ave? Di d you ever break up a confl i ct among those
who sought Ghal l anda's hospitality, and does someone
owe you thanks or bear a grudge as a resul t? Did you
ever smuggl e peopl e out of your enclaveor ki ck them
out because they were threateni ng others?
If you are a Ghallanda enclave guard, you can choose
Perception or Insight as your associated skill.
C H A PT E R 5 j World of Eberron ..
Ghal l anda Dawn-Bui l der: You were part of
Chervi na the A rchi tect's Dawn-Bui l der reti nue, con-
structi ng new House Ghal l anda encl aves far from
ci vi l i zati on. What encl aves bear the sweat of your
brow, and what dangers did you face whi l e maki ng
them? Di d you i nteract wi th Chervi na personal l y, and
did you bel i eve that she was gui ded by prophecyor
touched by madness?
If you are a Ghallanda Dawn-Builder, you can choose
Diplomacy or History as your associated skill.
Wanderi ng I nn Travel er: You spent much of
your adol escence i n the hal fl i ngs' ancestral home-
l and, the Tal enta Pl ai ns. You travel ed as part of a
massi ve Ghal l anda caravan, offeri ng a comfortabl e
respi te to the nomadi c tri bes of the pl ai ns. Why aren't
you still there? What great sights did you see on the
pl ai ns (thi nk especi al l y of events or pl aces that no one
i n Ghal l anda's urban encl aves would bel i eve)?
If you are a Wandering Inn traveler, you can choose
Endurance or Streetwise as your associated skill.
J orascoMedi c: H ouse J orasco sold its servi ces to
all the major combatants in the Last War, and you
tended to wounded soldiers in the aftermath of major
battl es. I n what battl es were you a medi c, and how
cl ose were you to the actual fi ghti ng? Were you ever
tempted to take part i n the battl e?
If you are a J orasco medic, you can choose Heal as
your associated skill.
J orasco I nvesti gator: You have a keen i nterest
in rare poi sons, exoti c di seases, and mysteri ous ail-
ments that have no known cause. I n the company of
more experi enced heal ers, you have travel ed across
Khorvai re l ooki ng for rare herbs or magi cal reagents
that would solve the mystery of these ai l ments and
make heal i ng possi bl e. What are the names of the
poi sons, di sease outbreaks, or epi demi cs you've deal t
wi th, and where did they take pl ace? I s there a mys-
teri ous ai l ment that has vexed your every effort? A nd
have you ever been affl i cted wi th the same condi ti on
you're tryi ng to cure?
If you are a J orasco investigator, you can choose Heal
or Insight as your associated skill.
Fol l ower of Sahemi : Sahemi the Emi ssary is a
H ouse J orasco hal fl i ng who came back to the H ouse
after a sojourn i n the El deen Reaches, contendi ng
that the Mark of H eal i ng coul d be used not just to
heal peopl e but to heal the l andspeci fi cal l y, the
Mournl and. You were one of hi s fi rst recrui ts, and
you l earned the ways of the drui ds and shamans of
the Reaches. H ow di d Sahemi recrui t you? What
part of hi s message resonated wi th you? Do you
sti l l bel i eve i n Sahemi 's crusade to heal the l and,
or have you become di si l l usi oned al ong the way?
H ave you been i nsi de the Mournl and and seen it
fi rsthand?
If you are a follower of Sahemi, you can choose Heal
or Nature as your associated skill.
I ron Gatekeeper: The I ron Gate, part of the
Wardi ng Gui l d, is a sel ect group of dwarf guards who
suppl ement H ouse Kundarak's magi c wards, traps,
and defenses. What were you assi gned to guard, and
what happened to the unl ucky thi eves who tested
House Kundarak's defenses? Di d you have a hand i n
the creati on or mai ntenance of the magi c traps? A nd
are you aware of any fl aws in the House's protecti ve
If you are an Iron Gatekeeper, you can choose
Arcana or Thievery as your associated skill.
Ghorad'din Recrui t: You received extensive
trai ni ng in the arts of stealth and subterfuge from the
Ghorad'di n, a secretive order that answers only to Lord
Morri kan d'Kundarak. You left your trai ni ng before
attai ni ng full membershi p in thi s shadowy group: Why
did you leave? What drew you to the Ghorad'di n in the
first pl ace- or did they seek you out? Can you still count
on the aid of the Ghorad'di n? Or do you fear they'll try
to kni fe you in the shadows someday?
If you are a Ghorad'din recruit, you can choose Bluff
or Stealth as your associated skill.
Korunda Vaul t-Keeper: You spent your youth
guardi ng the countl ess underground vaults bel ow
Korunda Gate, the largest encl ave of H ouse Kun-
darak. Many of the vaults contai n spectacul ar but
mundane treasure: pi l es of gold, pl ati num, gems, and
jewel ry. Other vaults contai n powerful weapons and
armorei ther l egaci es of bygone ages or exampl es of
the best in modern dwarven craftsmanshi p. What
wonders did you see i n the chambers you guarded?
Did you ever have to deal wi th thi eves or rai ders?
C H A PT E R 5 | World of Eberron
Were you ever tempted to take somethi ng from the
vaultsand did you resist the temptati on?
If you are a Korunda vault- keeper, you can choose
Dungeoneering or History as your associated skill.
Lyrandar Ai rshi p Sailor: You are at home on
the deck of an ai rshi p, traversi ng the ski es of Eber-
ron. You have fl own through massi ve thunderstorms
and fought off everythi ng from hungry wyverns to
murderous sky pi rates. What stri ngs did you pull to
recei ve such a pl um assi gnment? Why did you leave
the ai rshi p for the life of an adventurer?
If you are a Lyrandar airship sailor, you can choose
Athletics or Perception as your associated skill.
Lyrandar Rai ncal l er: You travel ed wi th a crew
of rai ncal l ers, performi ng weather-i mprovi ng ritu-
als for l anded nobl es, armi es, and governments
wi th the coi n to afford H ouse L yrandar's servi ces.
What pl aces have you vi si ted whi l e performi ng your
duti es? Wer e you ever cl ose to the acti on duri ng the
L ast War?
If you are a Lyrandar raincaller, you can choose Ath-
letics or Nature as your associated skill.
Lyrandar Pri vateer: You served on H ouse L yran-
dar's el emental gal l eons, keepi ng shi ppi ng routes
safe from pi racy and monster attacks. What was your
speci fi c rank and duty aboard your shi p: lookout, cat-
apult operator, boardi ng mari ne, or navigator? Was
your shi p ever capsi zed, or were you marooned on an
i sl and or confronted wi th muti ny? What Khorvai ri an
ports of cal l did you look forward to- or dread?
If you are a Lyrandar privateer, you can choose Acro-
batics or Athletics as your associated skill.
Thousand Yard Stare: You've been where few
peopl e dare go: i nsi de the Mournl and. A s part of a
heavi l y armed, mounted col umn, you patrol l ed the
peri phery of what was once Cyre, tryi ng to ensure
that the Thrane and Brel i sh communi ti es to the
west stayed safe. What made you seek out such a
post? What was your rel ati onshi p wi th Channara
d'Medani , head of the Thousand Yard Stare? What
< was the worst i nci dent you ever saw on patrol ?
If you are a member of the Thousand Yard Stare, you
can choose Endurance or Perception as your associ-
ated skill.
Basilisk's Gaze: Tal dor d'Medani gave you
mental trai ni ng i n preparati on for joi ni ng the Basi-
lisk's Gaze, a H ouse Medani group that hunts down
war cri mi nal s. The Basi l i sk's Gaze gave you esoteri c
trai ni ng in observati on and reason, but what was the
actual trai ni ng l i ke? H ow did you wi nd up l earni ng
from Tal dor i n the fi rst pl ace? A nd why did you sus-
pend your trai ni ng?
If you are a member of the Basilisk's Gaze, you can
choose Arcana or Perception as your associated skill.
C H A PT E R 5 | World of Eberron
Ori en Couri er: You took part in del i veri ng
ti me-sensi ti ve or hi gh-ri sk parcel s for H ouse Ori en,
i ncl udi ng di pl omati c packets, rare magi c i tems, and
seal ed contai ners about whi ch no questi ons were
asked. What pl aces did you go, and how did you
travel there: a fast horse or gri ffon, a l i ghtni ng rai l ,
or a tel eportati on portal ? Di d you ever fail to make
a delivery, or fi nd yoursel f unabl e to because some-
thi ng si ni ster happened to the reci pi ent?
If you are an Orien courier, you can choose Acrobatics
or Stealth as your associated skill.
Orien Smuggl er: You work i n the part of the house
that doesn't officially existthose who use the Mark
of Passage to pass through borders without attracting
legal entangl ements. What goods did you smuggle, and
what was the most common origin and destination?
Did you elude border patrols, pay off guards, befuddl e
them wi th charm magi c, or slip disguised goods right
under thei r noses? Were you ever caught?
If you are an Orien smuggler, you can choose Bluff or
Stealth as your associated skill.
Caravan Scout: You're accustomed to scouting out
ahead of everyone else, maki ng sure the road is safe
for the valuables aboard a House Ori en trade caravan,
not to menti on your comrades and the passengers
traveling wi th the caravan. What routes do you know
l i ke the back of your hand? What monsters and bandi t
gangs have you had to deal wi th? Were you ever lost i n
the wi l derness, wi th or without your caravan?
If you are an Orien caravan scout, you can choose
Athletics or Perception as your associated skill.
ShadowAcrobat: You were part of the travel i ng
troupe known as the Carni val of Shadows, a group
of dancers, acrobats, and musi ci ans who engage i n
cl oak-and-dagger work for H ouse Phi arl an under
the gui se of nomadi c entertai ners. What was your
performer's rol e i n the caravanand what did you
real l y do when everyone was di stracted by your
compatri ots? Di d you have any parti cul ar ri val ri es or
fri endshi ps among the other members of the Carni -
val? Do you mi ss performi ng before a crowd?
If you are a Shadow acrobat, you can choose Acro-
batics or Athletics as your associated skill.
Phi arl an A r chi vi st: The headquarters of H ouse
Phi arl an's Demesne of Memory i n Fai rhaven has a
l i brary contai ni ng much of the i ntel l i gence that the
H ouse obtai ned duri ng the L ast War. Your j ob was to
catal og, col l ate, and anal yze al l the i nformati on found
in vari ous sources: tattered tomes, preci se mi l i tary
orders, or hasti l y scri bbl ed notes i nked in a spy's own
bl ood. What was the most i ncendi ary i nformati on
you saw whi l e researchi ng i n the Tower of Memory,
and under what condi ti ons woul d you reveal it?
What was the key pi ece of i nformati on that you were
unabl e to fi nd for your masters? Mi ght a more di rect
approach obtai n the mi ssi ng secret?
If you are a Phiarlan archivist, you can choose Arcana
or History as your associated skill.
P r ophecy Sage: H ouse Si vi s tri es to keep track
of the Draconi c Prophecy, and you were part of
that effort. You took part i n di pl omati c mi ssi ons
to speak wi th dragons, and you studi ed hi stori cal
records and mysti cal texts to l earn what the future
mi ght hol d. Wer e you i nterested in what the Proph-
ecy means for the worl d, for H ouse Si vi s, or for you
personal l y? Wer e you part of any si gni fi cant di s-
coveri es? Do feel the Draconi c Prophecy is affected
by the acti ons of a few key dragonmarked peopl e-
i ncl udi ng you?
If you are a Prophecy sage, you can choose Arcana or
Diplomacy as your associated skill.
Tasker's Dream: You were involved wi th H ouse
Sivis's psi oni cs and l i ngui sti c research headquarters
in Krona Peak. What i nqui ri es were you part of?
What did you see to justi fy the extensi ve two-way
wards that surround the Krona Peak encl ave? A nd
what transl ati onswri tten or verbaldid you do?
Di d you l earn anythi ng parti cul arl y sensitive or
If you are a member of Tasker's Dream, you can
choose Arcana or Insight as your associated skill.
War Couri er: Duri ng the L ast War, you were
responsi bl e for del i veri ng top-secret orders to armi es
in the fi el d. Whi ch army did you work for, and what
ki nd of rel ati onshi p did you have wi th its general s?
Di d you ever come under attack or arri ve in the
aftermath of a major battl e? Di d you ever peek at the
orders before del i veri ng themand i f so, what did you
l earn?
C H A PT ER 5 World of Eberron
If you are a war courier, you can choose Athletics or
Stealth as your associated skill.
Tharashk Prospector: Dragonshards have had a
grip on your heart si nce you were a chi l d, and you've
scoured the Shadow Marches i n search of Eberron's
most val uabl e commodi ty. Have you ever struck it
ri ch, onl y to l ose your fortune through fraud, bad
l uck, or dissolute living? Woul d you l i ke to repay any
rivals for jumpi ng one of your cl ai ms? What monsters
and natural hazards of the Shadow Marches have you
had to deal wi th?
If you are a Tharashk prospector, you can choose
Dungeoneering or Nature as your associated skill.
Li ondrake's Roar Mercenary: Duri ng the l atter
days of the L ast War, you served wi th the L i ondrake's
Roar, a H ouse Tharashk mercenary outfit composed
of gnol l s, ogres, mi notaurs, gargoyles, harpi es, and
other monsters. H ow did you feel about fi ghti ng wi th
these monstrous troops? Do you dread faci ng any par-
ti cul ar monsters i n battl e because of your experi ence?
If you are a Liondrake's Roar mercenary, you can
choose Nature or Dungeoneering as your associated
Tharashk Gatekeeper: You trai ned wi th the
drui di c arm of H ouse Tharashk, usi ng the Mark of
Fi ndi ng to di scover and secure the seal s that bi nd the
horrors from Xori at. Whether or not you're a drui d,
you're accustomed to worki ng wi th drui ds and i n
the wi l d pl aces of the worl d. H ow did it feel the fi rst
ti me you encountered a seal you knew had a resti ve,
eons-ol d demon behi nd it? Were you fri endl y wi th
the Gatekeeper drui ds? I s there a parti cul ar lost seal
you're still l ooki ng for and hopi ng to secure before
the ravages of ti me unl ock the demon beyond?
If you are a Tharashk Gatekeeper, you can choose
Arcana or Nature as your associated skill.
Thuranni Stonespur Recrui t: You recei ved
assassin's trai ni ng i n the warrens beneath Stonespur
I sl and i n the L hazaar Pri nci pal i ti es. But you left
before joi ni ng the Shadow Network. Di d you have
qual ms about somethi ng you were asked to do? Di d a
rival orchestrate your washi ng out of the program? Or
did a hi gh-ranki ng member of the H ouse ask you to
leave Stonespur but refuse to say why?
If you are a Thuranni Stonespur recruit, you can
choose Acrobatics or Stealth as your associated skill.
Cl andesti ne Courti er: To the gossip traders
i n Khorvai re's nobl e courts, you were just another
Thuranni hanger-on, possessed of enough money and
personal magneti sm to make you a wel come guest
at nobl e courts across the l and, often for months at a
ti me. But your masters i n H ouse Thuranni knew the
truth: You were engaged i n espi onage at every stop
on the soci al cal endar. The secrets you l earned i n
A undai r i n summer were sold to the hi ghest bi dder
in Karrnath before the leaves fellor better yet,
C H A PT ER 5 I World of Eberron
exchanged for even more val uabl e secrets. A t what
courts did you l i nger as you made the ci rcui t from
manor to manor? Di d you have to deal wi th rivals
from H ouse Phi arl an?
If you are a clandestine courtier, you can choose
Bluff or Insight as your associated skill.
Dragon's Path: Thi s mysti cal order wi thi n H ouse
Thuranni tri es to uncover the secrets of the Draconi c
Prophecy, but unl i ke the prophecy sages of H ouse
Sivis, the Dragon's Path wants to shi ne bri ght daylight
on the Draconi c Prophecy and, i f possi bl e, break
it. What worri es you about the Prophecy, or what
brought you to the Dragon's Path i n the fi rst pl ace?
Di d you see signs of the Draconi c Prophecy in your
own l i fe? Di d you feel trapped by fate and want to
fi nd a way out? I s there still a speci fi c aspect of the
Prophecy you try to thwart?
If you are a member of the Dragon's Path, you can
choose Arcana or History as your associated skill.
Vadal i s Handl er: A t the house's Erl askar Manor
encl ave, you saw dozens of monsters gathered from
al l over Khorvai re. Your j ob was to study them, l earn
how they coul d be put to use, trai n them, and eventu-
ally rai se thei r offspri ng i n captivity. What speci fi c
monsters did you work wi th? Di d you feel at ease
around them, or were you cauti ous of thei r i nherent
danger? Di d the monsters ever escape or otherwi se
pose a danger to you and your fellow handl ers?
If you are a Vadalis handler, you can choose Dun-
geoneering or Nature as your associated skill.
Vadal i s Griffon Ri der: I n the fi nal days of the
Last War, armi es started depl oyi ng Vadal i s gri ffon
ri ders agai nst other gri ffon ri ders. A nd unl i ke the
other dragonmarked houses doing busi ness wi th
the warri ng states, H ouse Vadal i s had a bri ef i nter-
nal battl e. You fl ew one of those gri ffons i nto battl e:
What happened? Di d you down any enemy ri ders-
and did they survive the battl e to seek vengeance?
What other dangers did you face from the ground?
Do you mi ss the sensati on of fl i ght, or are you glad to
be on the ground?
If you are a Vadalis griffon rider, you can choose
Acrobatics or Nature as your associated skill.
Vadalis Botani st: House Vadalis sends you on
expedi ti ons across Khorvai re to fi nd rare herbs,
strange fruits, and other of the botani cal wonders that
it tends i n the greenhouses of its Foal swood encl ave
just outside of Varna. Wher e did you go on the House's
behal f, and what dangers did you face whi l e searchi ng
the wi l derness? Di d you ever have to use the rare herbs
you were seeki ng on your own behal f? A nd is there a
parti cul arl y potent pl ant you still seek today?
If you are a Vadalis botanist, you can choose Heal or
Nature as your associated skill.
These backgrounds detai l some of the aspects of your
bi rth, upbri ngi ng, and hi story that mi ght affect your
personal i ty and career today.
Chi l d of TwoWorl ds: You were ei ther born to
parents on two di fferent sides of the L ast War, or you
were rai sed hal f your life i n one pl ace and hal f i n a
rival regi on. You never felt trul y at home i n ei ther
l and, but you l earned qui ckl y how to bl end i n wi th
the peopl e of both of your homes.
If you are a child of two worlds, you can choose an
associated skill from either region of your origin.
Deserter: You refused to vol unteer to fight i n the
L ast War, and i n the l atter years, when many of the
nati ons passed laws requi ri ng servi ce, you fl ed rather
than be pressed i nto the front linesor maybe you
were a soldier at one ti me, but you abandoned your
servi ce. A re you still a wanted cri mi nal , or has your
home regi on offered amnesty for deserters? Why did
you run? Was it cowardi ce or a moral objecti on to the
battl e? I f you ri sked i mpri sonment to avoid vi ol ence,
then why did you become an adventurer?
If you are a deserter, you can choose Endurance or
Bluff as your associated skill.
Mist-Touched: You have been touched, body and
soul, by the dead-gray mi sts of the Mournl and. Di d
you wi tness the Day of Mourni ng? Have you spent
l onger i n the Mournl and than other adventurers? Or
are you, for some reason, more suscepti bl e to its touch
than others?
C H A PT E R 5 [ World of Eberron
If you are mist-touched, you can choose Endurance
or I ntimidate as your associated skill.
Refugee: Your home is gone, destroyed in the L ast
War, or perhaps annexed by a nati on whose oversight
you refuse to accept. (Cyre is one exampl e, and pl enty
of others exi st, from Thrane- cl ai med Thal i ost to the
hundreds of namel ess haml ets devastated by the
war.) You have turned to a life of wanderi ng. But are
you searchi ng for a new home, or for a way to rebui l d
or recl ai m your old one? Do you adventure because
there's nothi ng el se left for you?
If you are a refugee, you can choose Endurance or
Streetwise as your associated skill.
Commi ssi oned Offi cer: You held rank i n one of
the vari ous mi l i tari es involved i n the L ast War, and
you di rected soldiers in the thi ck of combat. Di d you
resi gn your commi ssi on? Were you di scharged from
the army? I n ei ther case, why?
If you are a commissioned officer, you can choose
Insight or I ntimidate as your associated skill.
Enl i sted Soldier: You served on the front l i nes of
the Last War, shoul der to shoul der wi th dozens, even
hundreds, of others. For years, all you knew were
long, agoni zi ng days of wai ti ng, followed by mi nutes
or hours of swi ngi ng a bl ade or sl i ngi ng a spel l at your
foes, tryi ng to kill them before they coul d ki l l you.
If you are an enlisted soldier, you can choose Athlet-
ics or Endurance as your associated skill.
I nqui si ti ve: For you, adventuri ng isn't about
great weal th or fi ghti ng bl atant, monstrous evils i n
the wildit's about protecti ng soci ety from the more
subtl e evils wi thi n. You coul d be a city guard, a
H ouse Denei th Marshal , or just a pri vate ci ti zen; your
goal is to solve cri mes and protect those who cannot
protect themsel ves.
If you are an inquisitive, you can choose Insight or
Streetwise as your associated skill.
Player's Handbook and Player's Handbook 2 offer back-
ground opti ons for the races presented i n those books.
Those races parti cul ar to Eberron are presented here.
Cul tural Assi mi l ator (Changel i ng): Like most
changel i ngs, you've spent your ti me dwel l i ng among
the members of the other races. You've paid more
attenti on than most, however, or perhaps you're abnor-
mal l y fasci nated by other peopl es. Whatever the case,
you've become skilled at i nteracti ng wi th them.
If you are a changeling cultural assimilator, you can
choose Diplomacy or Insight as your associated skill.
Natural Chamel eon (Changel i ng): Duri ng your
youth, you were forced to hi de rather than rely on
your ability to change shape, and you adapted accord-
ingly. Was your fami l y at war wi th other changel i ngs?
Di d you or a relative make an enemy of a caster or
creature capabl e of seei ng through your di sgui se? Di d
others of your own fami l y torment you? A nd do any of
these enmi ti es l i nger today?
If you are a changeling natural chameleon, you can
choose Bluff or Stealth as your associated skill.
Vi gi l ant (Kal ashtar): The kal ashtar are watchful
for agents of the quori , the I nspi red, or other enemi es
of the Light. Whether you've suffered attacks from
those groups i n the past or are just natural l y para-
noid, you are watchful and al ert. You pay careful
attenti on to the body l anguage and words of everyone
you i nteract wi th.
If you are a kalashtar vigilant, you can choose Insight
or I ntimidate as your associated skill.
Mental Basti on (Kal ashtar): The dual spi ri tual
nature of your mi nd is abnormal l y strong, perhaps
because you are descended from a parti cul arl y potent
quori . I t's far more di ffi cul t for others to force you to
act outsi de your i ntenti ons.
If you are a kalashtar mental bastion, you can choose
Arcana or Insight as your associated skill.
Unstoppabl e Soldier (Warforged): You've been
trainedor builtto be the perfect ki l l i ng machi ne.
You are qui ck to take advantage of any opportuni ty or
openi ng your foes offer. You cannot be stopped unti l
you compl ete your mi ssi on.
If you are a warforged unstoppable soldier, you can
choose Athletics or Endurance as your associated skill.
C H A PT E R 5 | World of Eberron ^-

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