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L T P/D Total Theory : 60
3 1 - 4 Sessional : 40
Total : 100
Duration of Exam: 3 Hrs
!ourier Series : Euler"s !ormulae# $on%itions for !ourier ex&ansions# !ourier
ex&ansion of fun'tions ha(in) &oints of %is'ontinuity# 'han)e of inter(al# *%% + e(en
fun'tions# Half-ran)e series
!ourier Transforms : !ourier inte)rals# !ourier transforms# !ourier 'osine an% sine
transforms Pro&erties of !ourier transforms# $on(olution theorem# Perse(al"s i%entity#
,elation -et.een !ourier an% La&la'e transforms# !ourier transforms of the %eri(ati(es
of a fun'tion# /&&li'ation to -oun%ary (alue &ro-lems
!un'tions of a $om&lex 0aria-les : !un'tions of a 'om&lex (aria-le# Ex&onential
fun'tion# Tri)onometri'# Hy&er-oli' an% Lo)arithmi' fun'tions# limit an% 'ontinuity of
a fun'tion# Differentia-ility an% analyti'ity
$au'hy-,iemann e1uations# 2e'essary an% suffi'ient 'on%itions for a fun'tion to -e
analyti'# Polar form of the $au'hy-,iemann e1uations# Harmoni' fun'tions#
/&&li'ation to flo. &ro-lems# $onformal transformation# Stan%ar% transformations
3Translation# 4a)nifi'ation + rotation# in(ersion + refle'tion# 5ilinear6
Pro-a-ility Distri-utions : Pro-a-ility# 5aye"s theorem# Dis'rete + $ontinuous
&ro-a-ility %istri-utions# 4oment )eneratin) fun'tion# Pro-a-ility )eneratin) fun'tion#
Pro&erties an% a&&li'ations of 5inomial# Poisson an% normal %istri-utions
Linear Pro)rammin) : Linear &ro)rammin) &ro-lems formulation# Solution of Linear
Pro)rammin) Pro-lem usin) 7ra&hi'al metho%# Sim&lex 4etho%# Dual-Sim&lex
Text Book
1 Hi)her En)) 4athemati's : 5S
8 /%(an'e% En)) 4athemati's : E 9rey:i)
Reference Book
1 $om&lex (aria-les an% /&&li'ations : ,0 $hur'hil; 4' 7ra. Hill
8 En)) 4athemati's 0ol <<: SS Sastry; Prenti'e Hall of <n%ia
3 *&eration ,esear'h : H/ Taha
4 Pro-a-ility an% statisti's for En)ineer : =ohnson PH<
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
B. Tech. III Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax 4ar?s : 100
3 8 - @ Theory : 60
Sessional : 40
Duration : 3 hrs
Analysis of stresses and strains:
/nalysis of sim&le states of stresses an% strains# elasti' 'onstraints# -en%in) stresses#
theory of sim&le -en%in)# flexure formula# 'om-ine% stresses in -eams# shear stresses#
4ohrAs 'ir'le# Prin'i&le stresses an% strains# torsion in shafts an% 'lose% thin .alle%
se'tions# stresses an% strains in 'ylin%ri'al shells an% s&heres un%er internal &ressure
Theory of Columns:
Slen%erness ratio# en% 'onne'tions# short 'olumns# EulerAs 'riti'al -u'?lin) loa%s#
e''entri'ally loa%e% short 'olumns# 'ylin%er 'olumns su-Be'te% to axial an% e''entri'
Bending moment and shear force in determinate beams and frames:
Definitions an% si)n 'on(entions# axial for'e# shear for'e an% -en%in) moment
Three hinged arches:
hori:ontal thrust# shear for'e an% -en%in) moment %ia)rams
Deflections in beams:
<ntro%u'tion# slo&e an% %efle'tions in -eams -y %ifferential e1uations# moment area
metho% an% 'onBu)ate -eam metho%# unit loa% metho%# &rin'i&le of (irtual .or?#
4ax.ellAs La. of ,e'i&ro'al Defle'tions# >illiot"s 4ohr %ia)ram
Analysis of statically determinate trusses:
<ntro%u'tion# (arious ty&es# sta-ility# analysis of &lane trusses -y metho% of Boints an%
metho% of se'tions# analysis of s&a'e trusses usin) tension 'oeffi'ient metho%
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 Stren)th of 4aterials Part-<# STimoshen?o# /ffiliate% East->est Press# 2e.
8 4e'hani's of Soli%s# Prasa%# 0 S 7a?)otia Pu-# 2e. Delhi
3 Elementary Stru'tural /nalysis# =ain# / 9# 2em $han% + 5ros# ,oor?ee
4 Elementary Stru'tural /nalysis# >i-ur + 2ooris# 4'7ra. Hill 5oo? $o#
@ Stru'tural /nalysis# 5ha(i?atti# S S# 0i?as Pu-House# 2Delhi
B. Tech. III Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax 4ar?s : 100
4 1 - @ Theory : 60
Sessional : 40
Duration : 3
Masonry Construction:
<ntro%u'tion# (arious terms use%# stone masonry-Dressin) of stones# $lassifi'ations of
stone masonry# safe &ermissi-le loa%s# 5ri'? masonry--on%s in -ri'? .or?# layin) -ri'?
.or?# stru'tural -ri'? .or?-'a(ity an% hollo. .alls# reinfor'e% -ri'? .or?# Defe'ts in
-ri'? masonry# 'om&osite stone an% -ri'? masonry# )lass -lo'? masonry
Cavity and Partition Walls:
/%(anta)es# &osition of 'a(ity# ty&es of non--earin) &artitions# 'onstru'tional %etails
an% &re'autions# 'onstru'tion of masonry 'a(ity .all
Damp-Proofing and Water-Proofing:
Defe'ts an% 'auses of %am&ness# &re(ention of %am&ness# materials use%# %am&-
&roofin) treatment in -uil%in)s# .ater &roofin) treatment of roofs in'lu%in) &it'he%
Roofs and Floors:
Ty&es of roofs# (arious terms use%# roof trusses-?in) &ost truss# 1ueen &ost truss et'
!loor stru'tures# )roun%# -asement an% u&&er floors# (arious ty&es of floorin)s
Doors and Windows:
Lo'ations# si:es# ty&es of %oors an% .in%o.s# fixures an% fastners for %oors an%
Acoustics, Sound Insulation and Fire Protection:
$lassifi'ation# measurement an% transmission of soun%# soun% a-sor-er# 'lassifi'ation
of a-sor-ers# soun% insulation of -uil%in)s# .all 'onstru'tion an% a''ousti'al %esi)n of
au%itorium# fire-resistin) &ro&erties of materials# fire resistant 'onstru'tion an% fire
&rote'tion re1uirements for -uil%in)s
$lassifi'ation# re1uirements of )oo% stru'tural stone# 1uarryin)# -lastin) an% sortin)
out of stones# %ressin)# an% &olishin)# &re(ention an% seasonin) of stone
Brick and Tiles:
$lassifi'ation of -ri'?s# 'onstituents of )oo% -ri'? earth# harmful in)re%ients#
manufa'turin) of -ri'?s# testin) of -ri'?s
Tiles: Terra-'otta# manufa'turin) of tiles an% terra-'otta# ty&es of terra-'otta# uses of
Limes, Cement and Mortars:
$lassifi'ation of lime# manufa'turin)# artifi'ial hy%rauli' lime# &o::olona# testin) of
lime# stora)e of lime# 'ements 'om&osition# ty&es of 'ement# manufa'turin) of or%inary
Portlan% 'ement# testin) of 'ement# s&e'ial ty&es of 'ement# stora)e of 'ement
4ortars: Definition# &ro&ortions of lime an% 'ement mortars# mortars for masonry an%
$lassifi'ation of tim-er# stru'ture of tim-er# seasonin) of tim-er# %efe'ts in tim-er# fire
&roofin) of tim-er# &ly.oo%# fi-er-oar%# masonite an% its manufa'turin)# im&ortant
<n%ian tim-ers
Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals:
Definitions# manufa'turin) of 'ast iron# manufa'turin) of steel from &i) iron# ty&es of
steel# mar?eta-le form of steel# manufa'turin) of aluminium an% :in'
Paints and Varnishes:
5asi' 'onstituents of &aints# ty&es of &aints# &aintin) of .oo%# 'onstituents of
(arnishes# 'hara'teristi's an% ty&es of (arnishes
Definition# 'lassifi'ation of &lasti's# 'om&osition an% ra. materials# manufa'turin)#
'hara'teristi's an% uses# &olymeri:ation# 'lassifi'ation# s&e'ial (arieties
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 5uil%in) $onstru'tion# Sushil 9umar# Stan%ar% Pu-# 2 Delhi
8 5uil%in) 4aterial# ,an)a.ala
3 $onstru'tion En)ineerin)# CS Sane
4 5uil%in) $onstru'tion# 7ur'haran Sin)h# Stan%ar% Pu-# 2 Delhi
B. Tech. III Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax 4ar?s: 100
3 8 - @ Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessional: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
!lui% &ro&erties# mass %ensity# s&e'ifi' .ei)ht# s&e'ifi' (olume an% s&e'ifi' (olume
an% s&e'ifi' )ra(ity# surfa'e tension# 'a&illarity# &ressure insi%e a %ro&let an% -u--le
%ue to surfa'e tension# 'om&ressi-ility (is'osity# 2e.tonian an% 2on-ne.tonian flui%s#
real an% i%eal flui%s
Kinematics of Fluid Flow:
Strea%y + unstea%y# uniform an% non-uniform# laminar + tur-ulent flo.s# one# t.o +
three %imensional flo.s# stream lines# strea? lines an% &ath lines# 'ontinuity e1uation
in %ifferential form# rotation an% 'ir'ulation# elementary ex&lanation of stream fun'tion
an% (elo'ity &otential# rotational an% irrotational flo.s# )ra&hi'al an% ex&erimental
metho%s of flo.nets
Fluid Statics:
Pressure-%ensity-hei)ht relationshi&# )au)e an% a-solute &ressure# sim&le %ifferential
an% sensiti(e manometers# t.o li1ui% manometers# &ressure on &lane an% 'ur(e%
surfa'es# 'enter of &ressure# 5uoyan'y# sta-ility of immerse% an% floatin) -o%ies#
%etermination of meta'entri' hei)ht# flui% masses su-Be'te% to uniform a''eleration#
free an% for'e% (ortex
Dynamic of Fluid Flow:
EulerAs e1uation of motion alon) a streamline an% its inte)ration# limitation of
5ernouliAs e1uation# Pitot tu-es# (enturimeter# *rfi'emeter# flo. throu)h orifi'es +
mouth &ie'es# shar& 'reste% .eirs an% not'hes# aeration of na&&e
Dimensional Analysis and Hydraulic Similude:
Dimensional analysis# 5u'?in)hum theorem# im&ortant %imensionless num-ers an%
their si)nifi'an'e# )eometri'# ?inemati' an% %ynami' similarity# mo%el stu%ies# &hysi'al
mo%elin)# similar an% %istorte% mo%els
Open Channel Flow:
Ty&e of flo. in o&en 'hannels# )eometri' &arameters of 'hannel se'tion# uniform flo.#
most e'onomi'al se'tion 3re'tan)ular an% tra&e:oi%al6# s&e'ifi' ener)y an% 'riti'al
%e&th# momentum in o&en 'hannel# s&e'ifi' for'e# 'riti'al flo. in re'tan)ular 'hannel#
a&&li'ations of s&e'ifi' ener)y an% %is'har)e %ia)rams to 'hannel transition# meterin)
flumes# hy%rauli' Bum& in re'tan)ular 'hannel# sur)es in o&en 'hannels# &ositi(e an%
ne)ati(e sur)es#
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 Hy%rauli' an% !lui% 4e'hani' -y P24o%i + S4Seth
8 <ntro%u'tion to !lui% 4e'hani's -y ,o-ert >!ox + /lan T4'Donal%
3 !lui% 4e'hani's Throu)h Pro-lems -y ,=7ar%e
4 En)ineerin) !lui% 4e'hani's -y ,=7ar%e + /74iraB)ao?er
B. Tech. III Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax 4ar?s: 100
3 1 - 4 Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessional: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
Fundamental Principles of Surveying:
Definition# o-Be'ts# 'lassifi'ation# fun%amental &rin'i&les# metho%s of fixin) stations
Measurement of distances:
Dire't measurement# instruments for measurin) %istan'e# instruments for ma?in)
stations# 'hainin) of line# errors in 'hainin)# ta&e 'orre'tions exam&les
Compass and Chain Traversing:
4etho%s of tra(ersin)# instruments for measurement of an)les-&rismati' an% sur(eyorAs
'om&ass# -earin) of lines# lo'al attra'tion# exam&les
Definition of terms use% in le(elin)# ty&es of le(els an% staff# tem&orary a%Bustment of
le(els# &rin'i&les of le(elin)# re%u'tion of le(els# -oo?in) of staff rea%in)s# exam&les#
'ontourin)# 'hara'teristi's of 'ontours lines# lo'atin) 'ontours# inter&olation of
Plane Table Surveying:
Plane ta-le# metho%s of &lane ta-le sur(eyin)# ra%iation# interse'tion# tra(ersin) an%
rese'tion# t.o &oint an% three &oint &ro-lems
Theodolite and Theodolite Traversing:
Theo%olites# tem&orary a%Bustment of theo%olite# measurement of an)les# re&etition an%
reiteration metho%# tra(erse sur(eyin) .ith theo%olite# 'he'?s in tra(ersin)# a%Bustment
of 'lose% tra(erse# exam&les
Dses of ta'heometry# &rin'i&le of ta'heometri' sur(eyin)# instruments use% in
ta'heometry# systems of ta'heometri' sur(eyin)-sta%ia system fixe% hair metho%#
%etermination of ta'heometri' 'onstants# tan)ential systems# exam&les
$lassifi'ation of 'ur(es# elements of sim&le 'ir'ular 'ur(e# lo'ation of tan)ent &oints-
'hain an% ta&e metho%s# instrumental metho%s# exam&les of sim&le 'ur(es Transition
$ur(es-Len)th an% ty&es of transition 'ur(es# len)th of 'om-ine% 'ur(e# exam&les
0erti'al $ur(es: 2e'essity an% ty&es of (erti'al 'ur(es
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to -e set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 Sur(eyin) 0ol< + << -y 5$Punmia
8 Sur(eyin) 0ol< -y TP9anit?ar
B. Tech. III Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax 4ar?s: 100
8 1 - 3 Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessional: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
Definition# o-Be't# s'o&e an% su- %i(ision of )eolo)y# )eolo)y aroun% us The interior
of the earth <m&ortan'e of )eolo)y in $i(il En)ineerin) &roBe'ts
Physical Geology:
The external an% internal )eolo)i'al for'es 'ausin) 'han)es# .eatherin) an% erosion of
the surfa'e of the earth 7eolo)i'al .or? of i'e# .ater an% .in%s Soil &rofile an% its
im&ortan'e Earth1ua?es an% (ol'anoes
Mineralogy and Petrology:
Definition an% mineral an% ro'?s $lassifi'ation of im&ortant ro'? formin) minerals#
sim&le %es'ri&tion -ase% on &hysi'al &ro&erties of minerals ,o'?s of earth surfa'e#
'lassifi'ation of ro'?s 4ineral 'om&osition# Textures# stru'ture an% ori)in of <)neous#
Se%imentary an% 4etamor&hi' ro'?s /ims an% &rin'i&les of strati)ra&hy Stan%ar%
)eolo)i'al/strati)ra&hi'al time s'ale .ith its su- %i(ision an% a short %es'ri&tion -ase%
on en)ineerin) uses of formation of <n%ia
Structural Geology:
!orms an% stru'tures of ro'?s 5e%%in) &lane an% out'ro&s Di& an% Stri?e
Elementary i%eas a-out fol%# fault# Boint an% un'onformity an% re'o)nition on out'ro&s
<m&ortan'e of )eolo)i'al stru'tures in $i(il En)ineerin) &roBe'ts
Applied Geology:
Hy%ro)eolo)y# .ater ta-le# s&rin)s an% /rtesian .ell# a1uifers# )roun% .ater in
en)ineerin) &roBe'ts /rtifi'ial re'har)e of )roun% .ater# Elementary i%eas of
)eolo)i'al in(esti)ations ,emote sensin) te'hni1ues for )eolo)i'al an% hy%rolo)i'al
sur(ey an% in(esti)ation Dses of )eolo)i'al ma&s an% inter&retation of %ata# )eolo)i'al
Suitability and stability of foundation sites and abutments:
7eolo)i'al 'on%ition an% their influen'e on the sele'tion# lo'ation# ty&e an% %esi)n of
%ams# reser(oirs# tunnels# hi)h.ays# -ri%)es et' Lan%sli%es an% Hill-slo&e sta-ility
Improvement of foundation rocks:
Pre'aution an% treatment a)ainst faults# Boints an% )roun% .ater# retainin) .alls an%
other &re'autions
Geology and environment of earth.
Note: The &hysi'al stu%y of ro'? sam&les an% minerals may -e &erforme% in the
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 / Text 5oo? of 7eolo)y -y P9 4u?herBee
8 Physi'al an% 7eneral 7eolo)y -y S97ar)
3 En)ineerin) an% 7eneral 7eolo)y -y Pra-in Sin)h
4 <ntro%u'tion of Physi'al 7eolo)y -y /Holmes

B. Tech III Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax 4ar?s - 100
- - 8 8 0i(a-0o'e - 40 mar?s
Sessional - 60 mar?s
Duration E 3 Hours
1 0erifi'ation of re'i&ro'al theorem of %efle'tion usin) a sim&ly su&&orte% -eam
8 0erifi'ation of moment area theorem for slo&es an% %efle'tions of the -eam
3 Defle'tions of a truss- hori:ontal %efle'tion + (erti'al %efle'tion of (arious
Boints of a &in- Bointe% truss
4 Elasti' %is&la'ements 3(erti'al + hori:ontal6 of 'ur(e% mem-ers
@ Ex&erimental an% analyti'al stu%y of 3 hin)e% ar'h an% influen'e line for
hori:ontal thrust
6 Ex&erimental an% analyti'al stu%y of -eha(iour of struts .ith (arious en%
F To %etermine elasti' &ro&erties of a -eam
G Dniaxial tension test for steel 3&lain + %eforme% -ars6
H Dniaxial 'om&ression test on 'on'rete + -ri'?s s&e'imens
B. Tech. III Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s:100
- - 8 8 0i(a-(o'e: 40 mar?s
Sessionals: 60 mar?s
Duration: 3 hours
1 To %etermine meta'entri' hei)ht of the shi& mo%el
8 To (erify the 5ernoulliAs theorem
3 To %etermine 'oeffi'ient of %is'har)e for an *rifi'emeter
4 To %etermine 'oeffi'ient of %is'har)e of a (enturimeter
@ To %etermine the (arious hy%rauli' 'oeffi'ients of an *rifi'e 3$
# $'# $(6
6 To %etermine 'oeffi'ient of %is'har)e for an *rifi'e un%er (aria-le hea%
F To 'ali-rate a )i(en not'h
G To %etermine 'oeffi'ient of %is'har)e for a mouth &ie'e
H of a -y 0is'ous /nalo)y 4o%el an% San% 5ox 4o%el
10 To stu%y %e(elo&ment of -oun%ary layer o(er a flat &late
11 To stu%y (elo'ity %istri-ution in a re'tan)ular o&en 'hannel
18 0elo'ity measurements -y 'urrent meter# float# %ou-le float 3%emonstration
13 Ex&eriment on 0ortex formation 3%emonstration only6
B.Tech.III Semester(Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s:100
- - 3 3 Sessionals: 60 mar?s
0i(a-(o'e: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hours
1 $hain sur(eyin): $hainin) an% 'hain tra(ersin)
8 $om&ass tra(ersin)
3 Plane ta-lin): metho%s of &lane ta-le sur(eyin)# t.o &oint + three &oint
4 Le(elin): Profile le(elin) an% &lottin) of lon)itu%inal se'tion an% 'ross
se'tions y le(elin) Permanent a%Bustment of le(el
,e'i&ro'al le(elin)
$ontourin) an% &re&aration 'ontour ma&
@ Dse of tan)ent 'linometer
B.Tech.III Semester(Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax 4ar?s : 100
- - 8 8 (i(a (o'e : 40
Sessional : 60
Duration : 3 hrs
1. Typical drawings of:
a6 $a(ity >all
-6 5on%s in -ri'? .or?
'6 7rilla)e foun%ation
2. Preparation of building drawing mentioning its salient features including the
following details:
a6 Plan an% Se'tional Ele(ation of stair 'ase#
-6 Plan an% Se'tional Ele(ation of Doors
'6 Plan an% Se'tional Ele(ation of >in%o.s
%6 Plan an% Se'tional Ele(ation of 0entilators
e6 Plan an% Se'tional Ele(ation of !loor
f6 Plan an% Se'tional Ele(ation of roof
)6 7roun% floor &lan
h6 T.o Se'tional Ele(ations
i6 !ront an% Si%e Ele(ations
@ 5uil%in) $onstru'tion# Sushil 9umar# Stan%ar% Pu-# 2 Delhi
6 5uil%in) 4aterial# ,an)a.ala
F $onstru'tion En)ineerin)# CS Sane
G 5uil%in) $onstru'tion# 7ur'haran Sin)h# Stan%ar% Pu-# 2 Delhi
HUM 201
L T P Total
3 1 - 4 Sessional : 40 4ar?s
Theory : 60 4ar?s
Total : 100 4ar?s
Duration of Exam : 3 Hrs
4eanin) of so'ial 'han)e# nature of so'ial 'han)e# theories of so'ial 'han)e
The %ire'tion of so'ial 'han)e# the 'auses of so'ial 'han)e# the &ro'ess of so'ial
'han)e !a'tors of so'ial 'han)e E the te'hnolo)i'al fa'tors# the 'ultural fa'tors# effe'ts
of te'hnolo)y on maBor so'ial institutions# so'ial nee% of status system# so'ial relations
in in%ustry
4eanin) of <n%ustrial E'onomi'# Pro%u'tion !un'tion# its ty&es# Least $ost
$om-ination# La. of 0aria-le Pro&ortion# La.s of ,eturn E <n'reasin)# $onstant +
!ixe% + (aria-le 'osts in short run + lon) run# o&&ortunity 'osts# relation
-et.een /$ + 4$# D-sha&e% short run /$ $ur(e
Pri'e + *ut&ut Determination un%er 4ono&oly in short run + lon) run Pri'e
Dis'rimination# Pri'e Determination un%er Dis'riminatin) 4ono&oly $om&arison
-et.een 4ono&oly + Perfe't $om&etition
4eanin) of 4ana)ement# $hara'teristi's of 4ana)ement# 4ana)ement 0s
/%ministration# 4ana)ement E /rt# S'ien'e + Profession# !ayol"s Prin'i&les of
Personnel 4ana)ement E 4eanin) + !un'tions# 4an& E Pro'ess of
4an& Plannin)# ,e'ruitment + Sele'tion E Sele'tion Pro'e%ure
Trainin) E *-Be'ti(es + Ty&es of Trainin)# 0arious 4etho%s of Trainin)
La-our Le)islation in <n%ia E 4ain &ro(isions of <n%ustrial %is&utes /'t 1H4F;
4ar?etin) 4ana)ement E Definition + 4eanin)# S'o&e of 4ar?etin)
4ana)ement# 4ar?etin) ,esear'h E 4eanin)# *-Be'ti(es
Pur'hasin) 4ana)ement E 4eanin) + *-Be'ti(es# Pur'hase Pro'e%ure#
<n(entory $ontrol Te'hni1ues
!inan'ial 4ana)ement E <ntro%u'tion# *-Be'ti(es of !inan'ial %e'isions#
Sour'es of !inan'e
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 I4o%ern E'onomi' TheoryJ De.ett# 99# S $han% + $o
8 IE'onomi' /nalysisJ 9P Sun%haram + E2 Sun%haram 3Sultan $han% +
3 I4i'ro E'onomi' TheoryJ 4L =hin)an 39onar? Pu-lishers P(t Lt%6
4 IPrin'i&les of E'onomi'sJ 4L Seth 3La?shmi 2arain /))
E%u'ational Pu-lishers E /)ra6
@ I/n <ntro%u'tion to So'iolo)yJ# D, Sa'h%e(a + 0i%ya 5husan
6 ISo'iety E /n <ntro%u'tory /nalysisJ# ,4 4a'l(er $harles H Pa)e
F IPrin'i&les an% Pra'ti'es of 4ana)ement : ,S 7u&ta; 5D Sharma; 2S
5halla; 9alyani
1 I*r)ani:ation an% 4ana)ement : ,D /)) Tata 4'7ra. Hill
8 5usiness *r)ani:ation an% 4ana)ement : 4$ Shu?la
B. Tech. IV Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax 4ar?s: 100
3 8 - @ Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessionals: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hours
Statically Indeterminate Structures:
<ntro%u'tion# Stati' an% 9inemati' <n%etermina'ies# $asti)lianoAs theorems# Strain
ener)y metho%# /nalysis of frames .ith one or t.o re%un%ant mem-ers usin)
$asti)lianoAs 8
Slope deflection and moment Distribution Methods:
/nalysis of 'ontinuous -eams + &ortal frames# Portal frames .ith in'line% mem-ers
Column Analogy Method:
Elasti' 'entre# Pro&erties of analo)ous 'olumn# /&&li'ations to -eam + frames
Analysis of Two hinged Arches:
Para-oli' an% 'ir'ular /r'hes# 5en%in) 4oment Dia)ram for (arious loa%in)s#
Tem&erature effe'ts# ,i- shortenin)# /xial thrust an% ,a%ial Shear for'e %ia)rams
Unsymmetrical Bending
<ntro%u'tion $entroi%al &rin'i&al axes of se'tions# 5en%in) stresses in -eam su-Be'te%
to unsymmetri'al -en%in)# shear 'entre# shear 'entre for 'hannel# /n)les an% K
Cable and suspension Bridges:
<ntro%u'tion# uniformly loa%e% 'a-les# Tem&erature stresses# three hin)e% stiffenin)
7ir%er an% t.o hin)e% stiffenin) 7ir%er
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 Stati'ally <n%eterminate Stru'tures# $9 >an)# 4'7ra. Hill 5oo? $o# 2e.
8 /%(an'e% Stru'tural /nalysis# /9 =ain# 2em $han% + 5ros# ,oor?ee
3 <n%eterminate Stru'tures# ,L =in%al# S $han% + $o# 2e. Delhi
4 Theory of Stru'tures# 0ol <# SP 7u&ta + 7SPan%it# Tata 4'7ra. Hill# 2e.
B Tech IV semester (civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax 4ar?s: 100
3 - 8 @ Theory: 60 4ar?s
Sessional : 40 4ar?s
Duration 3 Hours
Pro&erties of stru'tural steel <S,olle% se'tions an% <S s&e'ifi'ation
<m&ortan'e# (arious ty&es of 'onne'tions# sim&le an% moment resistant# ri(ete%# -olte%
an% .el%e% 'onne'tions
Design of Tension Members:
<ntro%u'tion# ty&es of tension mem-ers# net se'tional areas# %esi)n of tension mem-ers#
lu) an)les an% s&li'es
Design of Compression Members:
<ntro%u'tion# effe'ti(e len)th an% slen%erness ratio# (arious ty&es of se'tions use% for
'olumns# -uilt u& 'olumns# ne'essity# %esi)n of -uilt u& 'olumns# la'e% an% -attene%
'olumns in'lu%in) the %esi)n of la'in) an% -attens# %esi)n of e''entri'ally loa%e%
'om&ression mem-ers
Column Bases and Footings:
<ntro%u'tion# ty&es of 'olumn -ases# %esi)n of sla- -ase an% )usseste% -ase# %esi)n of
)usseste% -ase su-Be'te% to e''entri'ally loa%in)# %esi)n of )rilla)e foun%ations
Design of Beams:
<ntro%u'tion# ty&es of se'tions# )eneral %esi)n 'riteria for -eams# %esi)n of laterally
su&&orte% an% unsu&&orte% -eams# %esi)n of -uilt u& -eams# .e- -u'?lin)# .e-
'ri&&lin) an% %ia)onal -u'?lin)
Gantry Girders:
<ntro%u'tion# (arious loa%s# s&e'ifi'ations# %esi)n of )antry )ir%er
Plate Girder:
<ntro%u'tion# elements of &late )ir%er# %esi)n ste&s of a &late )ir%er# ne'essity of
stiffeners in &late )ir%er# (arious ty&es of stiffeners# .e- an% flan)e s&li'es 3-rief
intro%u'tion6# $urtailment of flan)e &lates# %esi)n -eam to 'olumn 'onne'tions:
<ntro%u'tion# %esi)n of frame% an% seat 'onne'tion
1 Stru'tural of (arious ty&es of .el%e% 'onne'tions 3sim&le an% e''entri'6
8 5eam to 'olumn 'onne'tions 3frame% + seat 'onne'tions6
3 $olumn -ases- sla- -ase# )usseste% -ase an% )rilla)e foun%ation
4 Plate )ir%er
@ ,oof truss
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 Desi)n of steel stru'tures# /S/rya + =L/Bmani# 2em 'han% + 5ros# ,oor?ee
8 Desi)n of steel stru'tures# 4,a)hu&ati# T4H Pu-# 2e. Delhi
3 Desi)n of steel stru'tures# S4/9a:mi + S9=in%al# Prenti'e Hall# 2e. Delhi
4 Desi)n of steel stru'tures# S9Du))al# T4H Pu-# 2e. Delhi
B. Tech. IV Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total
3 8 - @ 4ax 4ar?s: 100
Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessionals: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hours
Laminar Flow:
2a(ier Sto?eAs e1uation# Laminar flo. -et.een &arallel &lates# $ouette flo.# laminar
flo. throu)h &i&es-Ha)en Poiseuille la.# laminar flo. aroun% a s&here-Sto?esAla.
Flow through pipes:
Ty&es of flo.s-,eynol%As ex&eriment# shear stress on tur-ulent flo.# -oun%ary layer in
&i&es-Esta-lishment of flo.# (elo'ity %istri-ution for tur-ulent flo. in smooth an%
rou)h &i&es# resistan'e to flo. of flui% in smooth an% rou)h &i&es# Stanton an%
4oo%yAs %ia)ram Dar'yAs .eis-a'h e1uation# other ener)y losses in &i&es# loss %ue to
su%%en ex&ansion# hy%rauli' )ra%ient an% total ener)y lines# &i&es in series an% in
&arallel# e1ui(alent &i&e# -ran'he% &i&e# &i&e net.or?s# Har%y $ross metho%# .ater
Drag and Lift:
Ty&es of %ra)# %ra) on a s&here# flat &late# 'ylin%er an% airfoil# %e(elo&ment of lift on
immerse% -o%ies li?e 'ir'ular 'ylin%er an% airfoil
Boundary layer analysis:
5oun%ary layer thi'?ness# -oun%ary layer o(er a flat &late# laminar -oun%ary layer#
tur-ulent -oun%ary layer# laminar su--layer# smooth an% rou)h -oun%aries# lo'al an%
a(era)e fri'tion 'oeffi'ient# se&aration an% its 'ontrol
Compressible flow:
5asi' relationshi& of thermo%ynami's 'ontinuity# momentum an% ener)y e1uations#
&ro&a)ation of elasti' .a(es %ue to 'om&ression of flui%# 4a'h num-er an% its
si)nifi'an'e# su-soni' an% su&ersoni' flo.s# &ro&a)ation of elasti' .a(e %ue to
%istur-an'e in flui% ma'h 'one# sta)nation &ressure
Pumps and Turbines:
,e'i&ro'atin) &um&s# their ty&es# .or? %one -y sin)le an% %ou-le a'tin) &um&s
$entrifu)al &um&s# 'om&onents an% &arts an% .or?in)# ty&es# hea%s of a &um&-stati's
an% manometri' hea%s# !or'e exe'ute% -y flui% Bet on stationary an% mo(in) flat
(anes# Tur-ines-'lassifi'ations of tur-ines -ase% on hea% an% s&e'ifi' s&ee%#
'om&onent an% .or?in) of Pelton .heel an% !ran'is tur-ines# 'a(itation an% settin) of
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 Hy%rauli's + !lui% 4e'hani's -y P24o%i an% S4Seth
8 !lo. in *&en $hannels -y SSu-raminayam
3 <ntro%u'tion to !lui% 4e'hani's -y ,o-ert 2!ox + /lan T4a'nol%
B. Tech. (Civil) IV Semester
L T P/D Total 4ax 4ar?s: 100
3 8 - @ Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessionals: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hours
Soil Formation and Composition
<ntro%u'tion# soil an% ro'?# Soil 4e'hani's an% !oun%ation En)ineerin)# ori)in of
soils# .eatherin)# soil formation# maBor soil %e&osits of <n%ia# &arti'le si:e# &arti'le
sha&e# inter&arti'le for'es# soil stru'ture# &rin'i&al 'lay minerals
Basic Soil Properties
<ntro%u'tion# three &hase system# .ei)ht-(olume relationshi&s# soil )rain &ro&erties#
soil a))re)ate &ro&erties# )rain si:e analysis# sie(e analysis# se%imentation analysis#
)rain si:e %istri-ution 'ur(es# 'onsisten'y of soils# 'onsisten'y limits an% their
%etermination# a'ti(ity of 'lays# relati(e %ensity of san%s
Classification of soils
Pur&ose of 'lassifi'ation# 'lassifi'ation on the -asis of )rain si:e# 'lassifi'ation on the
-asis of &lasti'ity# &lasti'ity 'hart# <n%ian Stan%ar% $lassifi'ation System
Permeability of Soils
<ntro%u'tion# Dar'yAs la. an% its (ali%ity# %is'har)e (elo'ity an% see&a)e (elo'ity#
fa'tors affe'tin) &ermea-ility# la-oratory %etermination of 'oeffi'ient of &ermea-ility#
%etermination of fiel% &ermea-ility# &ermea-ility of stratifie% %e&osits
Effective Stress Concept
Prin'i&le of effe'ti(e stress# effe'ti(e stress un%er hy%rostati' 'on%itions# 'a&illary rise
in soils# effe'ti(e stress in the :one of 'a&illary rise# effe'ti(e stress un%er stea%y state
hy%ro-%ynami' 'on%itions# see&a)e for'e# 1ui'? 'on%ition# 'riti'al hy%rauli' )ra%ient#
t.o %imensional flo.# La&la'eAs e1uation# &ro&erties an% utilities of )ra&hi'al
metho% of 'onstru'tion of flo.nets# &i&in)# &rote'ti(e filter
<ntro%u'tion# role of moisture an% 'om&a'ti(e effe't in 'om&a'tion# la-oratory
%etermination of o&timum moisture 'ontent# moisture %ensity relationshi&# 'om&a'tion
in fiel%# 'om&a'tion of 'ohesionless soils# mo%erately 'ohesi(e soils an% 'lays# fiel%
'ontrol of 'om&a'tion
Vertical Stress below Applied Loads
<ntro%u'tion# 5oussines1As e1uation# (erti'al stress %istri-ution %ia)rams# (erti'al stress
-eneath loa%e% areas# 2e.mar?As influen'e 'hart# a&&roximate stress %istri-ution
metho%s for loa%e% areas# >ester)aar%As analysis# 'onta't &ressure
Compressibility and Consolidation
<ntro%u'tion# 'om&onents of total settlement# 'onsoli%ation &ro'ess# one-%imensional
'onsoli%ation test# ty&i'al (oi% ratio-&ressure relationshi&s for san%s an% 'lays#
normally 'onsoli%ate% an% o(er 'onsoli%ate% 'lays# $asa)ran%eAs )ra&hi'al metho% of
estimatin) &re-'onsoli%ation &ressure# Ter:a)hiAs theory of one-%imensional &rimary
'onsoli%ation# %etermination of 'oeffi'ients of 'onsoli%ation# 'onsoli%ation settlement#
$onstru'tion &erio% settlement# se'on%ary 'onsoli%ation
Shear Strength
<ntro%u'tion# 4ohr stress 'ir'le# 4ohr-$oulom- failure-'riterion# relationshi& -et.een
&rin'i&al stresses at failure# shear tests# %ire't shear test# un'onfine% 'om&ression test#
triaxial 'om&ression tests# %raina)e 'on%itions an% stren)th &arameters# 0ane shear test#
shear stren)th 'hara'teristi's of san%s# normally 'onsoli%ate% 'lays# o(er-'onsoli%ate%
'lays an% &artially saturate% soils# sensiti(ity an% thixotro&y
Earth Pressure
<ntro%u'tion# earth &ressure at rest# ,an?ineAs a'ti(e + &assi(e states of &lasti'
e1uili-rium# ,an?ineAs earth &ressure theory# $oulom-As earth &ressure theory#
$ulmannAs )ra&hi'al 'onstru'tion# ,e-hannAs 'onstru'tion
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
Books Recommended
1 5asi' an% /&&lie% Soil 4e'hani's -y 7o&al ,anBan# /S, ,ao# 2e. /)e
8 Soil En)) in Theory an% Pra'ti'e# 0ol <# !un%amentals an% 7eneral Prin'i&les
-y /lam Sin)h# $5S Pu-#2Delhi
3 En))Pro&erties of Soils -y S97ulati# Tata-4')ra. Hill#2Delhi
4 7eote'hni'al En)) -y PPurshotam ,aB#Tata 4')ra. Hill
@ Prin'i&les of 7eote'hni'al En)ineerin) -y 54Das#P>S 9E2T# 5oston
B. Tech IV Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s:100
3 1 - 4 Theory:60mar?s
Sessionals:40 mar?s
Duration:3 hrs
Trigonometrical Levelling:
<ntro%u'tion# hei)ht an% %istan'es--ase of the o-Be't a''essi-le# -ase of o-Be't
ina''essi-le# )eo%eti'al o-ser(ation# refra'tion an% 'ur(ature# axis si)nal 'orre'tion#
%ifferen'e in ele(ation -et.een t.o &oints
Trian)ulation systems# 'lassifi'ation# stren)th of fi)ure# sele'tion of trian)ulation
stations# )ra%e of trian)ulation# fiel% .or? of trian)ulation# trian)ulation 'om&utations#
intro%u'tion to ED4 instruments
Survey Adjustment and Treatment of Observations:
Ty&es of errors# %efinition of .ei)ht &f an o-ser(ation# most &ro-a-le (alues# la. of
a''i%ental errors# la. of .ei)hts# %etermination of &ro-a-le error 3%ifferent 'ases .ith
exam&les6 &rin'i&le of least s1uares# a%Bustment of trian)ulation fi)ures -y metho% of
least s1uares
Definitions of astronomi'al terms# star at elon)ation# star at &rime (erti'al star at
hori:on# star at 'ulmination# 'elestial 'oor%inate systems# 2a&ierAs rule of 'ir'ular &arts#
(arious time systems: si%ereal# a&&arent# solar an% mean solar time# e1uation of time-its
Elements of Photogrammetry:
<ntro%u'tion: ty&es of &hoto)ra&hs# ty&es of aerial &hoto)ra&hs# aerial 'amera an%
hei)ht %is&la'ements in (erti'al &hoto)ra&hs# stereos'o&i' (ision an% stereos'o&ies#
hei)ht %etermination from &arallax measurement# fli)ht &lannin)#
Introduction of remote sensing and its systems:
$on'e&t of 7<S an% 7PS -5asi' $om&onents# %ata in&ut# stora)e + out&ut
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
Books Recommended
1 Sur(eyin) 0ol8 -y 5$Punmia
8 Sur(eyin) 0ol3 -y 5$Punmia
3 Sur(eyin) 0ol8 -y TP9anit?ar
4 Hi)her Sur(eyin) -y / 4 $han%ra
B. Tech IV Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax 4ar?s:100
- - 8 8 Sessionals: 60 mar?
0i(a-(o'e: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
1 To %etermine the 'oeffi'ient of %ra) -y Sto?eAs la. for s&heri'al -o%ies
8 To stu%y the &henomenon of 'a(itation in &i&e flo.
3 To %etermine the 'riti'al ,eynol%As num-er for flo. throu)h 'ommer'ial &i&es
4 To %etermine the 'oeffi'ient of %is'har)e for flo. o(er a -roa% 'reste% .eir
@ To stu%y the 'hara'teristi's of a hy%rauli' Bum& on a hori:ontal floor an%
slo&in) )la'is in'lu%in) fri'tion -lo'?s
6 To stu%y the s'ourin) &henomenon aroun% a -ri%)e &ier mo%el
F To stu%y the s'ourin) &henomenon for flo. &ast a s&ur
G To %etermine the 'hara'teristi's of a 'entrifu)al &um&
H To stu%y the momentum 'hara'teristi's of a )i(en Bet
10 To %etermine hea% loss %ue to (arious &i&e fittin)s
B. Tech. IV Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s:100
Sessional: 60 mar?s
- - 8 8 Pra't/0i(a-0o'e: 40 mar?s
Duration:3 hrs
1 0isual Soil $lassifi'ation an% .ater 'ontent %etermination
8 Determination of s&e'ifi' )ra(ity of soil soli%s
3 7rain si:e analysis-sie(e analysis
4 Li1ui% limit an% &lasti' limit %etermination
@ !iel% %ensity -y:
i6 San% re&la'ement metho%
ii6 $ore 'utter metho%
6 Pro'torAs 'om&a'tion test
F $oeffi'ient of &ermea-ility of soils
G Dn'onfine% 'om&ressi(e stren)th test
H Dire't shear test on )ranular soil sam&le
10 Dn'onsoli%ate% un%raine% 3DD6 triaxial shear test of fine )raine% soil sam&le
1 Soil Testin) for En)ineers -y SPra?ash# P9 =ain# 2em $han% + 5ros#,oor?ee
8 En)ineerin) Soil Testin) -y Lam-i# >iley Eastern
3 En)ineerin) Pro&erties of Soils an% their 4easurement -y =P5o.les# 4'7ra.
4 Soil En)ineerin) in Theory an% Pra'ti'e# 0ol<<# 7eote'hni'al Testin) an%
<nstrumentation -y /lam Sin)h# $5S Pu-
B. Tech. IV Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax 4ar?s: 100
- - 3 3 Sessionals: 60 mar?s
0i(a-(o'e: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
1. Theodilite:
Stu%y of theo%olite# measurement of hori:ontal an)le# measurement of (erti'al
an)le# Permanent a%Bustment
2 Tacheometry:
Ta'heometri' 'onstants# 'al'ulatin) hori:ontal %istan'e an% ele(ations .ith the
hel& of ta'heometer
3 Curves:
Settin) of sim&le 'ir'ular 'ur(es -y off set metho%# off set from 'hor% &ro%u'e%#
off set from lon) 'hor% an% -y %efle'tion an)leetho%
4 Trirangulation:
/n exer'ise of trian)ulation in'lu%in) -ase line measurement
B. Tech. V Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s:100
3 1 - 4 Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessional: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
Trans&ortation an% its im&ortan'e Different mo%es of trans&ortation 5rief re(ie. of
history of roa% %e(elo&ment in <n%ia an% a-roa%: ,oman# Tresa)ne# Telfor% an%
4a'a%am 'onstru'tions ,oa% &atterns $lassifi'ation of roa%s# *-Be'ti(es of hi)h.ay
&lannin)# Plannin) sur(eys Saturation system of &lannin)
Highway Plans, Highway Alignment and Surveys:
4ain features of 80 years roa% %e(elo&ment &lans in <n%ia ,e1uirements of an i%eal
hi)h.ay ali)nment !a'tors affe'tin) ali)nment Sur(eys for hi)h.ay ali)nment
Cross Section Elements and Sight Distance Considerations:
$ross se'tion elements: fri'tion# 'arria)e.ay# formation .i%th# lan% .i%th# 'am-er#
<,$ re'ommen%e% (alues Ty&es of terrain Desi)n s&ee% Si)ht %istan'e# sto&&in) si)ht
%istan'e# o(erta?in) si)ht %istan'e# o(erta?in) :ones# interme%iate si)ht %istan'e# si)ht
%istan'e at interse'tions# hea% li)ht si)ht %istan'e# set -a'? %istan'e $riti'al lo'ations
for si)ht %istan'e
Design Of Horizontal and Vertical Alignment:
Effe'ts of 'entrifu)al for'e Desi)n of su&erele(ation Pro(i%in) su&erele(ation in the
fiel% ,a%ius of 'ir'ular 'ur(es Extra-.i%enin) Ty&e an% len)th of transition 'ur(es
7ra%ient# ty&es# (alues Summit 'ur(es an% (alley 'ur(es# their %esi)n 'riterion 7ra%e
'om&ensation on 'ur(es
Traffic Characteristics And Traffic Surveys:
,oa% user an% (ehi'ular 'hara'teristi's Traffi' stu%ies su'h as (olume# s&ee% an% * +
D stu%y Par?in) an% a''i%ent stu%ies !un%amental %ia)ram of traffi' flo. Le(el of
ser(i'e P$D $a&a'ity for non-ur-an roa%s $auses an% &re(enti(e measures for roa%
Traffic Control Devices:
Traffi' 'ontrol %e(i'es: si)ns# si)nals# mar?in)s an% islan%s Ty&es of si)ns Ty&es of
si)nals Desi)n of an isolate% fixe% time si)nal -y <,$ metho% <nterse'tions at )ra%e
an% )ra%e se&arate% interse'tions Desi)n of a rotary Ty&es of )ra%e se&arate%
Highway Materials:Soil And Aggregates:
Su-)ra%e soil e(aluation: $5, test# &late -earin) test Desira-le &ro&erties of
a))re)ates 0arious tests# testin) &ro'e%ures an% <,$/<S s&e'ifi'ation for suita-ility of
a))re)ates Pro&ortionin) of a))re)ates for roa% 'onstru'tion -y trial an% error an%
,outhfu'h metho%
Bituminous Materials and Bituminous Mixes:
Ty&es of -ituminous materials: -itumen# tar# 'ut-a'? an% emulsions 0arious tests#
testin) &ro'e%ures an% <,S/<S s&e'ifi'ations for suita-ility of -ituminous materials in
roa% 'onstru'tion 5ituminous mix# %esira-le &ro&erties 4arshallA metho% of mix
%esi)n 5asi' 'on'e&t of use of &olymers an% ru--er mo%ifie% -itumen in -ituminous
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 Hi)h.ay En)) -y S99hanna + $E7=usto# 2em $han% + 5ros#,oor?ee
8 Prin'i&les of Trans&ortation an% Hi)h.ay En)) -y 70,ao#Tata 4'7ra. Hill
Pu-# 2Delhi
3 Traffi' En)) /n% Trans&ort Plannin) -y L,9a%iyali#9hanna Pu-Delhi
4 Traffi' En)) -y 4atson# T4#Smith#>S an% Hur%#P>4'7ra. Hill 5oo?
$o# 2e. Cor?
B. Tech. V Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s:100
4 8 - 6 Theory:60 mar?s
Sessional:40 mar?s
Duration:4 hrs
Elementary treatment of concrete technology:
Physi'al re1uirements of 'ement# a))re)ate# a%mixture an% reinfor'ement# Stren)th an%
%ura-ility# shrin?a)e an% 'ree& Desi)n of 'on'rete mixes# /''e&ta-ility 'riterion#
Design Philosophies in Reinforced Concrete:
>or?in) stress an% limit state metho%s# Limit state (/s .or?in) stress metho%# 5uil%in)
'o%e# 2ormal %istri-ution 'ur(e# 'hara'teristi' stren)th an% 'hara'teristi's loa%s# %esi)n
(alues# Partial safety fa'tors an% fa'tore% loa%s# stress -strain relationshi& for 'on'rete
an% steel
Working Stress Method:
5asi' assum&tions# &ermissi-le stresses in 'on'rete an% steel# %esi)n of sin)ly an%
%ou-ly reinfor'e% re'tan)ular an% flan)e% -eams in flexure# steel -eam theory# in(erte%
flan)e% -eams# %esi)n exam&les
Limit State Method:
5asi' assum&tions# /nalysis an% %esi)n of sin)ly an% %ou-ly reinfor'e% re'tan)ular
flan)e% -eams# minimum an% maximum reinfor'ement re1uirement# %esi)n exam&les
Analysis and Design of Sections in shear bond and torsion:
Dia)onal tension# shear reinfor'ement# %e(elo&ment len)th# /n'hora)e an% flexural
-on%# Torsional# stiffness# e1ui(alent shear# Torsional reinfor'ement# Desi)n exam&les
Columns and Footings:
Effe'ti(e len)th# 4inimum e''entri'ity# short 'olumns un%er axial 'om&ression#
Dniaxial an% -iaxial -en%in)# slen%er 'olumns# <solate% an% .all footin)s# Desi)n
Serviceability Limit State:
$ontrol of %efle'tion# 'ra'?in)# slen%erness an% (i-rations# %efle'tion an% moment
relationshi& for limitin) (alues of s&an to %e&th# limit state of 'ra'? .i%th# Desi)n
Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing:
,e1uirements of )oo% %etailin) 'o(er to reinfor'ement# s&a'in) of reinfor'ement#
reinfor'ement s&li'in)# /n'horin) reinfor'in) -ars in flexure an% shear# 'urtailment of
One way and Two Ways Slabs:
7eneral 'onsi%erations# Desi)n of one .ay an% t.o .ays sla-s for %istri-ute% an%
'on'entrate% loa%s# 2on-re'tan)ular sla-s# o&enin)s in sla-s# Desi)n exam&les
Retaining Walls:
$lassifi'ation# !or'es on retainin) .alls# %esi)n 'riteria# sta-ility re1uirements#
Pro&ortionin) of 'antile(er retainin) .alls# 'ounterfort retainin) .alls# 'riteria for
%esi)n of 'ounteforts# %esi)n exam&les
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 Desi)n of ,einfor'e% $on'rete Stru'tures#PDayaratnam#*xfor% + <5H
8 ,einfor'e% $on'rete-Limit State Desi)n# /9=ain# 2em $han% +
3 ,einfor'e% $on'rete# <$Syal + /#9#7oel# /H#>heeler + $oDelhi
4 ,einfor'e% $on'rfete Desi)n# S2Sinha# T4H Pu-#2Delhi
@ SP-163S+T6-1HG0# ADesi)n /i%s for ,einfor'e% $on'rete to <S:4@6# 5<S#
6 SP-343S+T6-1HGF AHan%-oo? on $on'rete ,einfor'ement an% Detailin)A# 5<S#
F ,einfor'e% $on'rete Desi)n E Pillai an% 4enon# T4H# 2e. Delhi
B. Tech. V Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax 4ar?s: 100
3 1 - 4 Theory: 60 4ar?s
Sessional: 40 4ar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
Hy%rolo)i' 'y'le# s'o&e an% a&&li'ation of hy%rolo)y to en)ineerin) &ro-lems#
%raina)e -asins an% its 'hara'teristi's# stream )eometry# hy&sometri' 'ur(es
!orms an% ty&es of &re'i&itation# 'hara'teristi's of &re'i&itation in <n%ia# measurement
of &re'i&tation# re'or%in) an% non re'or%in) rain)a)es# rain)a)e station# rain)a)e
net.or?# estimation of missin) %ata# &resentation of rainfall %ata# mean &re'i&itation#
%e&th -area -%uration relationshi&# fre1uen'y of &oint rainfall# intensity -%uration-
fre1uen'y 'ur(es# &ro-a-le max &re'i&itation
Evaporation & Transpiration:
Pro'ess# e(a&orimeters an% em&iri'al relationshi&s# analyti'al metho%# reser(oir
e(a&oration an% metho%s of its 'ontrol# trans&iration# e(a&otrans&iration an% its
measurement# PenmanAs e1uation an% &otential e(a&otrans&iration
<nfiltration &ro'ess# initial loss# infiltration 'a&a'ity an% measurement of infiltration#
infiltration in%i'es
!a'tor affe'tin) run-off# estimation of runoff# rainfall-run off relationshi&s#
measurement of sta)e-staff )au)e# .ire )au)e# automati' sta)e re'or%er an% sta)e
hy%ro)ra&h# measurement of (elo'ity-'urrent meters# floats# area (elo'ity metho%#
mo(in) -oat an% slo&e area metho%# ele'troma)neti'# ultra-soni' an% %ilution metho%s
of stream flo. measurement# sta)e %is'har)e relationshi&
Dis'har)e hy%ro)ra&h# 'om&onents an% fa'tors affe'tin) sha&e of hy%ro)ra&h# effe'ti(e
rainfall# unit hy%ro)ra&h an% its %eri(ation# unit hy%ro)ra&h of %ifferent %urations# use
an% limitations of DH# trian)ular DH# Sny%erAs syntheti' DH# floo%s# rational metho%s#
em&iri'al formulae# DH metho%# floo% fre1uen'y metho%s# 7um-elAs metho%# )ra&hi'al
metho%# %esi)n floo%
Ground Water:
*''urren'e# ty&es of a1uifers# 'om&ressi-ility of a1uifers# .ater ta-le an% its effe'ts on
flu'tuations # .ells an% s&rin)s# mo(ement of )roun% .ater# Dar'yAs la.# &ermea-ility
an% its %etermination# &orosity# s&e'ifi' yiel% an% s&e'ifi' retention# stora)e 'oeffi'ient#
Well Hydraulics:
Stea%y state flo. to .ells in un'onfine% an% 'onfine% a1uifers
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 En)ineerin) Hy%rolo)y -y 9Su-ramanya# T4H# 2e. Delhi
8 Hy%rolo)y -y H4,a)hunath
3 Hy%rolo)y for En)ineers -y Linsely# 9ohler# Paulhus
4 Elementary Hy%rolo)y -y 0PSin)h
B. Tech. V Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s: 100
3 1 - 4 Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessionals: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
Sub-Surface Exploration
Pur&ose# sta)es in soil ex&loration# %e&th an% lateral extent of ex&loration# )ui%elines
for (arious ty&es of stru'tures# )roun% .ater o-ser(ations# ex'a(ation an% -orin)
metho%s# soil sam&lin) an% %istur-an'e# maBor ty&es of sam&lers# soun%in) metho%s-
S$PT# D$PT# SPT an% inter&retation# )eo&hysi'al metho%s# &ressure-meter test#
ex&loration lo)s
Drainage & Dewatering
<ntro%u'tion# %it'hes an% sum&s# .ell &oint systems# shallo. .ell system# %ee& .ell
%raina)e# (a'uum metho%# Ele'tro-osmosis# 'onsoli%ation -y san% &iles
Shallow Foundations-I
Desi)n 'riteria for stru'tural safety of foun%ation3 i 6 lo'ation of footin)#3ii6 shear
failure 'riterion# 3iii6 settlement 'riterion# ultimate -earin) 'a&a'ity# mo%es of shear
failure# ,an?ineAs analysis Ter)a:iAs theory# S?em&tonAs formula# effe't of flu'tuation of
7>T # effe't of e''entri'ity on -earin) 'a&a'ity# in'line% loa%# <S $o%e
re'ommen%ations# fa'tors affe'tin) -earin) 'a&a'ity# metho%s of im&ro(in) -earin)
Shallow Foundations-II
0arious 'auses of settlement of foun%ation# allo.a-le -earin) &ressure -ase% on
settlement# settlement 'al'ulation# elasti' an% 'onsoli%ation settlement# allo.a-le
settlement a''or%in) to <S$o%e Plate loa% test an% its inter&retation# -earin) 'a&a'ity
from &enetration tests# %esi)n -earin) 'a&a'ity
Shallow Foundations-III
Situation suita-le for the shallo. foun%ations# ty&es of shallo. foun%ations an% their
relati(e merits# %e&th of foun%ation# footin) on slo&es# u&lift of footin)s# 'on(entional
&ro'e%ure of &ro&ortionin) of footin)s# 'om-ine% footin)s# raft foun%ations# -earin)
'a&a'ity of raft in san%s an% 'lays# (arious metho%s of %esi)nin) rafts# floatin)
Pile Foundations-I
<ntro%u'tion# ne'essity of &ile foun%ations# 'lassifi'ation of &iles# loa% 'a&a'ity# stati'
analysis# analysis of &ile 'a&a'ity in san%s an% 'lays# %ynami' analysis# &ile loa% tests#
ne)ati(e s?in fri'tion# -atter &iles# lateral loa% 'a&a'ity# u&lift 'a&a'ity of sin)le &ile#
un%er-reame% &ile
Pile Foundations-II
7rou& a'tion in &iles# &ile s&a'in)# &ile )rou& 'a&a'ity# stress on strata#
settlement analysis# %esi)n of &ile 'a&s# ne)ati(e s?in fri'tion of &ile )rou&# u&lift
resistan'e of &ile )rou&# lateral resistan'e# -atter &ile )rou&
Drilled Piers and Caisson Foundations
Drille% &iers-ty&es# uses# -earin) 'a&a'ity# settlement# 'onstru'tion &ro'e%ure
$aissons-Ty&es# -earin) 'a&a'ity an% settlement# 'onstru'tion &ro'e%ure
.ell foun%ations-sha&es# %e&th of .ell foun%ations# 'om&onents# fa'tors affe'tin) .ell
foun%ation %esi)n lateral sta-ility# 'onstru'tion &ro'e%ure# sin?in) of .ells#
re'tifi'ation of tilts an% shifts# re'ommen%e% (alues of tilts + shifts as &er <S3H@@
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
Books Recommended
1 5asi' /n% /&&lie% Soil 4e'hani's -y 7o&al ,anBan + /S, ,ao 2e. /)e <nt
8 /nalysis an% Desi)n of Su--Stru'tures -y S.amisaran# <5H + *xfor%
3 Prin'i&les of !oun%ation En)inerin) 5y 54%as# P>S 9ent# 5oston
4 !oun%ation /nalysis + Desi)n -y =E5o.les# 4'7ra. Hills
@ Desi)n /i%s in Soil 4e'hani's + !oun%ation En)ineerin) -y S,9aniraB#
4'7ra. Hills
6 !oun%ation Desi)n -y Ten)# Prenti'e Hall# <n%ia
B. Tech. V Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s:100
3 8 @ Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessionals: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
Construction Management
Si)nifi'an'e# o-Be'ti(es an% fun'tions of 'onstru'tion mana)ement# ty&es of
'onstru'tions# resour'es for 'onstru'tion in%ustry# sta)es for 'onstru'tion# 'onstru'tion
team# en)ineerin)
Construction Contracts & Specifications
<ntro%u'tion# ty&es of 'ontra'ts# 'ontra't %o'ument# s&e'ifi'ations# im&ortant 'on%itions
of 'ontra't# ar-itration
Construction Planning
<ntro%u'tion# .or? -rea?%o.n stru'ture# sta)es in &lannin)-&re-ten%er sta)es# 'ontra't
sta)e# s'he%ulin)# s'he%ulin) -y -ar 'harts# &re&aration of material# e1ui&ment# la-our
an% finan'e s'he%ule# limitation of -ar 'harts# milestone 'harts
Construction Organization
Prin'i&les of *r)ani:ation# 'ommuni'ation# lea%ershi& an% human relations# ty&es of
*r)ani:ations# *r)ani:ation for 'onstru'tion firm# site or)ani:ation# tem&orary
ser(i'es# Bo- layout
Network Techniques in Construction Management-I:CPM
<ntro%u'tion# net.or? te'hni1ues# .or? -rea? %o.n# 'lassifi'ation of a'ti(ities# rules
for %e(elo&in) net.or?s# net.or? %e(elo&ment-lo)i' of net.or?# allo'ation of time to
(arious a'ti(ities# !ul?ersonAs rule for num-erin) e(ents# net.or? analysis #
%etermination of &roBe't s'he%ules# 'riti'al &ath# la%%er 'onstru'tion# float in a'ti(ities#
share% float# u&%atin)# resour'es allo'ation# resour'es smoothin) an% resour'es
Network Techniques in Construction Management-II-PERT
Pro-a-ility 'on'e&t in net.or?# o&timisti' time# &essimisti' time# most li?ely time#
la&se% time# %e(iation# (arian'e# stan%ar% %e(iation# sla'? 'riti'al &ath# &ro-a-ility of
a'hie(in) 'om&letion time# 'entral limit theorem
Cost-Time Analysis
$ost (ersus time# %ire't 'ost# in%ire't 'ost# total &roBe't 'ost an% o&timum %uration#
'ontra'tin) the net.or? for 'ost o&timisation# ste&s in time 'ost o&timisation#
illustrati(e exam&les
Inspection & Quality Control
<ntro%u'tion# &rin'i&les of ins&e'tion# enfor'ement of s&e'ifi'ations# sta)es in
ins&e'tion an% 1uality 'ontrol# testin) of stru'tures# statisti'al analysis
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
Books Recommended
1 $onstru'tion Plannin) + 4ana)ement -y PS7ehlot + 54Dhir# >iley
Eastern Lt%
8 PE,T + $P4 -Prin'i&les + /&&li'ations -y LSSrinath /ffiliate% East-.est
3 ProBe't Plannin) + $ontrol .ith PE,T + $P4 -y 5$Punmia + Pu- Delhi
4 $onstru'tion 4ana)ement + Plannin) -y 5sen)u&ta + H7uha# Tata 4'7ra.
B. Tech. (Civil) V Semester
L T P/D T 4ax 4ar?s: 100
3 1 - 4 Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessional: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 Hours
Water Quantity:
<m&ortan'e an% ne'essity of .ater su&&ly s'heme >ater %eman%s an% its (ariations
Estimation of total 1uantity of .ater re1uirement Po&ulation fore'astin) Luality an%
1uantity of surfa'e an% )roun% .ater sour'es Sele'tion of a sour'e of .ater su&&ly
Ty&es of inta?es
Water Quality:
<m&urities in .ater an% their sanitary si)nifi'an'e Physi'al# 'hemi'al an%
-a'teriolo)i'al analysis of .ater >ater 1uality stan%ar%s
Water Treatment:
*-Be'ti(es# treatment &ro'esses an% their se1uen'e in 'on(entional treatment &lant#
se%imentation E &lain an% ai%e% .ith 'oa)ulation Ty&es# features an% %esi)n as&e'ts
4ixin) -asins an% !lo''ulation units !iltration E me'hanism in(ol(e%# ty&es of filters#
slo. an% ra&i% san% filtration units 3features an% %esi)n as&e'ts6 Disinfe'tion
&rin'i&les an% aeration
Water Distribution:
Distri-ution system E 7ra(ity system# Pum&in) System# Dual system# Layout of
Distri-ution System E Dea% En% System# 7ri% <ron System# ,in) System# ,a%ial
System# their merits an% %emerits Distri-ution ,eser(oir-fun'tions + %etermination of
stora)e 'a&a'ity
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 >ater Su&&ly an% Se.era)e: E> Steel
8 >ater Su&&ly En)ineerin): S, 9shirsa)ar
3 >ater Su&&ly En)ineerin): S9 7ar)
4 >ater Su&&ly En)ineerin): 5$ Punmia
4anual on >ater Su&&ly an% Treatment: 4inistry of Dr-an De(# 2e. Delhi
B. Tech V Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s:100
- - 8 8 0i(a/Pra't: 40 mar?s
Sessional: 60 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
1 /))re)ate <m&a't Test
8 Los-/n)eles /-rasion Test on /))re)ates
3 DorryAs /-rasion Test on /))re)ates
4 De(al /ttrition Test on /))re)ates
@ $rushin) Stren)th Test on /))re)ates
6 Penetration Test on 5itumen
F Du'tility Test on 5itumen
G 0is'osity Test on 5ituminous 4aterial
H Softenin) Point Test on 5itumen
10 !lash an% !ire Point Test on 5itumen
B. Tech. V Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax 4ar?s: 100
- - 8 8 Sessionals: 60 mar?s
0i(a-(o'e: 40 mar?s
Duration : 3 hrs
Tests on Cement
1 Stan%ar% 'onsisten'y of 'ement usin) 0i'atAs a&&aratus
8 !ineness of 'ement -y Sie(e analysis an% 5laineAs air &ermea-ility metho%
3 Soun%ness of 'ement -y Le-$hatelierAs a&&aratus
4 Settin) time of 'ement# initial an% final
@ $om&ressi(e stren)th of 'ement
6 4easurement of s&e'ifi' )ra(ity of 'ement
F 4easurement of Heat of Hy%ration of 'ement
Tests on Aggregate
1 4oisture 'ontent an% -ul?in) of fine a))re)ate
8 !ineness mo%ulus of 'oarse an% fine a))re)ates
Tests on Concrete
1 >or?a-ility of 'ement 'on'rete -y 3a6 Slum& test# 3-6 $om&a'tion fa'tor test#
3'6 !lo. ta-le test#
8 $om&ressi(e stren)th of 'on'rete -y 3a6 $u-e test# 3-6$ylin%er test
3 <n%ire't tensile stren)th of 'on'rete-s&lit 'ylin%er test
4 4o%ulus of ru&ture of $on'rete -y flexure test
@ 5on% stren)th -et.een steel -ar an% 'on'rete -y &ull-out test
6 2on-%estru'ti(e testin) of 'on'rete
Books Recommended:
1 $on'rete 4anual-4L7am-hir# Dhan&at ,ai + Sons# 2Delhi
8 $on'rete Te'hnolo)y-4L7am-hir# Tata 4'7era. Hill# 2Delhi
3 $on'rete Te'hnolo)y E 2e(ellie# Pearson E%u'ation
B. Tech. V Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s: 100
- - 8 8 Pra't/0i(a-0o'e: 40 mar?s
Sessional: 60 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
1 7rain Si:e /nalysis-Hy%rometer metho%
8 Shrin?a)e Limit Determination
3 ,elati(e Density of 7ranular Soils
4 $onsoli%ate% Draine% 3$D6 Triaxial Test
@ $onsoli%ate% Dn%raine% 3$D6 Triaxial Test .ith Pore >ater Pressure
6 $onsoli%ation Test
F Dn%istur-e% Sam&lin)
G Stan%ar% Penetration Test
H Dynami' $one Penetration Test
10 4o%el Plate Loa% Test
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 Soil Testin) for En)ineers -y SPra?ash + P9=ain# 2em $han% + 5ros#
8 En)ineerin) Soil Testin) -y Lam-i# >iley-Eastern
3 En)ineerin) Pro&erties of Soils + Their 4easurement -y =E 5o.les# 4'7ra.
4 Soi l En)i neeri n) i n Theor y + Pra't i 'e -y /l am Si n)h# 0ol <<#
7eot e'hni 'al Test i n) + <nst rument at i on# $5S Pu-
B. Tech. V Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s:100
- - 8 8 Pra't: 40 mar?s
Sessional: 60 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
1 To %etermine the &H (alue of a )i(en sam&le of .ater .aste .ater
1 To %etermine the tur-i%ity in )i(en .ater .aste .ater sam&le
8 To %etermine the a'i%ity of )i(en sam&le of .ater .aste .ater
3 To %etermine the al?alinity of )i(en sam&le of .ater .aste .ater
4 To %etermine tem&orary an% &ermanent har%ness in a )i(en .ater sam&le
@ To %etermine the 'hlorine %oes re1uire% for a )i(en .ater sam&le
6 To %etermine total sus&en%e%# sus&en%e%# %issol(e% setta-le soli%s in a se.a)e
F To %etermine the 'hlori%e 'on'entration in a )i(en sam&le of .aste .ater
H To %etermine the sul&hate 'on'entration in )i(en .ater sam&le
t h

B. Tech. VI Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s: 100
3 - 8 @ Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessional: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs#
Elementary Plastic Analysis and Design:
<ntro%u'tion# S'o&e of &lasti' analysis# ultimate loa% 'arryin) 'a&a'ity of tension
mem-ers an% 'om&ression mem-ers# flexural mem-ers# sha&e fa'tor# me'hanisms#
&lasti' 'olla&se# analysis# &lasti' analysis a&&lie% to steel -eams an% sim&le &ortal
frames an% %esi)n
Design of Water Tanks:
<ntro%u'tion# &ermissi-le stresses# %esi)n of 'ir'ular# re'tan)ular an% &resse% steel tan?s
in'lu%in) sta)in)
Design of Steel Stacks:
<ntro%u'tion# (arious loa%s to -e 'onsi%ere% for the %esi)n of steel sta'?s# %esi)n of
steel sta'?s in'lu%in) foun%ation
Transmission line to.ers# mi'ro.a(e to.ers# Desi)n loa%s# 'lassifi'ation# %esi)n
&ro'e%ure an% s&e'ifi'ation
Cold Formed Sections:
<ntro%u'tion an% -rief %es'ri&tion of (arious ty&es of 'ol% forme% se'tions# lo'al
-u'?lin)# 'on'e&ts of effe'ti(e .i%th an% effe'ti(e se'tions# elements .ith stiffeners#
%esi)n of 'om&ression an% -en%in) elements
Industrial Buildings:
Loa%s# )eneral arran)ement an% sta-ility# %esi)n 'onsi%erations# %esi)n of &urlins#
%esi)n of roof trusses# in%ustrial -uil%in) frames# -ra'in)s an% ste&&e% 'olumns
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 Desi)n of Steel Stru'tures# /S/rya + =L/Bmani# 2em $han% + 5ros#
8 Desi)n of Steel Stru'tures# PDayartnam# >heeler Pu- /llaha-a%
3 Desi)n of Steel Stru'tures# 7aylor% + 7aylor%# 4'7ra. Hill#
2e.yor?/<nternational Stu%ents E%n# Toyo 9o)a?usha# To?yo
4 <S:G00-1HG4# <n%ian Stan%ar% $o%e of Pra'ti'e for 7eneral $onstru'tion in
@ <S-G01-1HF@# <n%ian Stan%ar% $o%e of Pra'ti'e for Dse of $ol% forme% li)ht
)au)e steel stru'tural mem-ers in )eneral -uil%in) 'onstru'tion
B. Tech. VI Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s:100
3 8 - @ Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessionals: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
Introducti on:
<rri)ation-ne'essity# a%(anta)es# %isa%(anta)es# im&a't of irri)ation on human
en(ironment # nee% an% %e(elo&ment of irri)ation in <n%ia# 'ro&s an% 'ro& seasons#
i%eal 'ro&&in) &attern an% hi)h yiel%in) (arieties of 'ro&s
Soil-water relationship and irrigation methods:
Soil-.ater relationshi&# root :one soil .ater# infiltration# 'onsum&ti(e use# fiel%
'a&a'ity# .iltin) &oint# a(aila-le moisture in soil# 7$/# $$/# intensity of irri)ation#
%elta# -ase &erio%# 9or %e&th# 'ore &erio%# fre1uen'y of irri)ation# %uty of .ater#
relation -et.een %elta# %uty an% -ase &erio%# irri)ation re1uirement# floo%in) metho%s#
-or%er stri& metho%# 'he'? -asin an% furro. metho%# assessment of irri)ation .ater#
s&rin?ler irri)ation# fa(ora-le 'on%itions# s&rin?ler systems# hy%rauli's of s&rin?ler
irri)ation# &lannin)# %esi)n an% maintenan'e of s&rin?ler systems# %ri& irri)ation-
'om&onents &arts# a%(anta)es an% limitations# suita-ility of %ri& irri)ation
Canal irrigation:
$om&onent of 'anal %istri-ution system# ali)nment of 'hannels# losses in irri)ation
'hannels# %esi)n %is'har)e# silt theories an% %esi)n of allu(ial 'hannels# 'om&arison of
9enne%yAs an% La'eyAs theories# 'anal se'tion an% %esi)n &ro'e%ure# 7arrets an%
La'eyAs %ia)rams
Water logging and land reclamation:
>ater lo))in)-effe'ts# 'auses an% measures of &re(ention# linin) of irri)ation 'hannels#
ty&es of linin)# %esi)n of line% 'hannel lan% %raina)e# o&en %rains# %esi)n
'onsi%erations# a%(anta)es of tile %rains# %e&th of tile %rains# layout of 'lose% %rains#
%is'har)e an% s&a'in) of 'lose% %rains# %iameter of tile %rain# outlets for tile %rains#
maintenan'e of tile %rains# &ur&ose of lan% re'lamation an% metho%s of lan%
River Training:
$lassifi'ation of ri(ers# ri(er trainin) an% its o-Be'ti(es# 'lassifi'ation of ri(er trainin)
.or?s# metho%s of ri(er trainin)# mar)inal em-an?ments# )ui%e-an?s# s&urs# 'utoffs#
-an? &it'hin) an% laun'hin) a&ron
Canal outlets:
$lassifi'ation# re1uirements of a )oo% outlet# %esi)n of &i&e# /P4 an% o&en flume
outlet# flexi-ility &ro&ortionality# settin) an% sensiti(ity of outlet
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 <rri)ation# >ater ,esour'es an% >ater En)) -y P24o%i
8 !un%amentals on <rri)ation En)) -y 5harat Sin)h
3 <rri)ation En)) + Hy%rauli' Stru'tures -y S97ar)
4 <rri)ation En)) -y S9Sharma
@ <rri)ation-Theory + Pra'ti'e -y /4 4i'hael
6 <rri)ation E Theory + Pra'ti'e -y 7L /sa.a
B. Tech. VI Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax 4ar?s: 100 mar?s
8 - 8 4 Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessional: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
Prin'i&les of estimation# units# items of .or?# %ifferent ?in%s of estimates# %ifferent
metho%s of estimation# estimation of materials in sin)le room -uil%in)# t.o roome%
-uil%in) .ith %ifferent se'tions of .alls# foun%ation# floors an% roofs# ,5 an%
,0$$ .or?s# Plasterin)# >hite-.ashin)# Distem&erin) an% &aintin)# %oors an%
.in%o.s# lum& sum items# Estimates of 'anals# roa%s et'
Specification of Works:
2e'essity of s&e'ifi'ations# ty&es of s&e'ifi'ations# )eneral s&e'ifi'ations# s&e'ifi'ation
for -ri'?s# 'ement# san%# .ater# lime# reinfor'ement; Detaile% s&e'ifi'ations for
Earth.or?# $ement# 'on'rete# -ri'? .or?# floorin)s# DP$# ,$$# 'ement &lasterin)#
.hite an% 'olour .ashin)# %istem&erin)# &aintin)
Rate Analysis:
Pur&ose# im&ortan'e an% re1uirements of rate analysis# units of measurement#
&re&aration of rate analysis# &ro'e%ure of rate analysis for items:- Earth.or?# 'on'rete
.or?s# ,$$ .or?s# reinfor'e% -ri'? .or?# &lasterin)# &aintin)# finishin)3.hite-
.ashin)# %istem&erin)6
Public Works Account:
<ntro%u'tion# fun'tion of P> %e&artment# 'ontra't# )ui%elines# ty&es of 'ontra'ts# their
a%(anta)es an% %isa%(anta)es# Ten%er an% a''e&tan'e of ten%er# Earnest money#
se'urity money# retention money# measurement -oo?# 'ash -oo?# &re&aration#
examination an% &ayment of -ills# first an% final -ills# a%ministrati(e san'tion#
te'hni'al san'tion
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 Estimatin) an% $ostin) for 5uil%in) + $i(il En))>or?s -y PL5hasin#
S$han% + $o# 2Delhi
8 Estimatin)# $ostin) + S&e'ifi'ation in $i(il En)) -y 4$ha?ar-orty#
3 Estimatin) + $ostin) in $i(il En)): Theory + Pra'ti'e -y 52Dutta#
SDutta + $o# Lu'?no.
4 5uil%in) $onstru'tion Estimatin) -y 7eor)e H$oo&er# 4'7ra. Hill 5oo?
$o# 2e. Cor?
B. Tech. VI Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s:100
3 8 - @ Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessionals: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
Earth Dams:
<ntro%u'tion# ty&es of se'tions# earth %am foun%ations# 'auses of failure an% 'riteria for
safe %esi)n# 'ontrol of see&a)e throu)h the em-an?ment# 'ontrol of see&a)e throu)h the
foun%ation# %raina)e of foun%ations# 'riterion for filter %esi)n <ntro%u'tion to ro'? fill
Stability of slopes:
$auses of failure# fa'tors of safety# sta-ility analysis of slo&es-total stress analysis#
effe'ti(e stress analysis# sta-ility of infinite slo&es ty&es of failures of finite slo&es#
analysis of finite slo&es-mass &ro'e%ure# metho% of sli'es# effe't of &ore &ressure#
!ellinius metho% to lo'ate 'enter of most 'riti'al sli& 'ir'le# fri'tion 'ir'le metho%#
TaylerAs sta-ility num-er# slo&e sta-ility of earth %am %urin) stea%y see&a)e# %urin)
su%%en %ra. %o.n an% %urin) an% at the en% of 'onstru'tion
Braced Cuts:
De&th of unsu&&orte% (erti'al 'ut# sheetin) an% -ra'in) for %ee& ex'a(ation#
mo(ements asso'iate% .ith sheetin) an% -ra'in)# mo%es of failure of -ra'e% 'uts#
&ressure %istri-ution -ehin% sheetin)
<ntro%u'tion# ty&es of 'offer%ams# %esi)n an% lateral sta-ility of -ra'e% 'offer%ams#
%esi)n %ata for $ellular 'offer%ams# sta-ility analysis of 'ellular 'offer%ams on soil an%
ro'?# inter-lo'? stresses
Cantilever Sheet Piles:
Pur&ose of sheet &iles# 'antile(er sheet &iles# %e&th of em-e%ment in )ranular soils-
ri)orous metho%# sim&lifie% &ro'e%ure# 'antile(er sheet &ile# &enetratin) 'lay an%
limitin) hei)ht of .all
Anchored Bulkheads:
4etho%s of %esi)n# free earth su&&ort metho% in 'ohesionless an% 'ohesi(e soils# fixe%
earth su&&ort metho% in 'ohesionless soils-5lumAs e1ui(alent -eam metho%
Soil Stabilization:
Soil im&ro(ement# shallo. 'om&a'tion# me'hani'al treatment# use of a%mixtures# lime
sta-ili:ation# 'ement sta-ili:ation# lime fly ash sta-ili:ation# %ynami' 'om&a'tion an%
'onsoli%ation# 5ituminous sta-ili:ation# 'hemi'al sta-ili:ation# &re-'om&ression# lime
&ile an% 'olumn# stone 'olumn# )routin)# reinfor'e% earth
Basics of Machine Foundations:
Terminolo)y# 'hara'teristi's elements of a (i-ratory systems# analysis of (i-ratory
motions of a sin)le %e)ree free%om system-un%am&e% free (i-rations# un%am&e%
for'e% (i-rations# 'riteria for satisfa'tory a'tion of a ma'hine foun%ation# %e)rees of a
free%om of a -lo'? foun%ation# 5ar?enAs soil s&rin) 'onstant# 5ar?enAs metho% of a
%eterminin) natural fre1uen'y of a -lo'? foun%ation su-Be'te% to (erti'al os'illations
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
Books Recommended:
1 /nalysis an% Desi)n of !oun%ation an% ,etainin) Stru'tures -y S Pra?ash#
7o&al ,anBan + SSaran# Sarita Pra?ashan
8 /nalysis an% Desi)n of Su- Stru'tures -y S.ami Saran# <5H *xfor%
3 5asi' an% /&&lie% Soil 4e'hani's -y 7o&al ,anBan an% /S, ,ao# 2e.a)e
4 Soil Dynami' -y Shamsher Pra?ash# 4'7ra. Hill
@ !oun%ation Desi)n -y Ten)# Prenti'e Hall
6 Soil 4e'hani's + !oun%ation En)ineerin) -y 5harat Sin)h# Shamsher Pra?ash#
2em $han% + 5ros# ,oor?ee
F Soil 4e'hani's an% !oun%ation En)ineerin) -y /lam Sin)h
B. Tech. VI Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total
3 1 - 4 Theory:60 mar?s
Sessionals:40 mar?s
Duration:3 hrs
Influence lines:
<ntro%u'tion# influen'e lines for three hin)e% an% t.o hin)e% ar'hes# loa% &osition for
4axS! an% 54 at a se'tion in the s&an
Influence Line for statically indeterminate Beams:
4uller-5reslau Prin'i&le# <L for 54 + S! for 'ontinuous 5eams
Fixed Arches:
Ex&ression for H an% 54 at a se'tion# Elasti' 'entre
Rolling Loads:
<ntro%u'tion# Sin)le 'on'entrate% loa%# uniformly %istri-ute% loa% lon)er than s&an#
shorter than s&an # t.o &oint loa%s# se(eral &oint loa%s# 4ax54 an% S!/-solute#
Kani's Method:
/nalysis of 'ontinuous -eams an% sim&le frames# analysis of frames .ith %ifferent
'olumn len)ths an% en% 'on%itions of the -ottom storey
Approximate Analysis of frames:
3i6 for (erti'al loa%s# 3ii6 for lateral loa%s -y Portal metho% + $antile(er metho%
Matrix Methods
<ntro%u'tion# Stiffness $oeffi'ients# !lexi-ility $oeffi'ients# De(elo&ment of flexi-ility
+ stiffness matri'es for &lane frame# 7lo-al axis an% lo'al axis# analysis of &lane
frame# &in Bointe% an% ri)i% Bointe%
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
Books Recommended:
1 <n%eterminate stru'tures# ,L=in%al S$han% + $o#2Delhi
8 /%(an'e% Stru'tural /nalysis-/9=ain# 2em$han% + 5ros#,oor?ee
3 Stru'tural /nalysis-/ Dnifie% /&&roa'h# DSPra?ash ,ao## Dni(ersity Press#
4 Stru'tural /nalysis-/ unifie% 'lassi'al + 4atrix /&&roa'h# /7hali +
/42e(ille#$ha&man + Hall Lon%on
@ Theory of Stru'utres#- 0ol <+<<#- SP7u&ta + 7SPan%it# Tata 4'7ra. Hill#
6 5asi' Stru'tural /nalysis E $S ,e%%y# Tata 4'7ra. Hill# 2e. Delhi
B. Tech. (Civil) VI Semester
L T P/D Total 4ax 4ar?s: 100
8 1 - 3 Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessional: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
Collection of sewage:
<m&ortan'e of sanitation# Systems of se.era)e E se&arate# 'om-ine% an% &artially
se&arate Luantity of sanitary se.a)e an% (ariations Sha&es of E 'ir'ular an%
e)) sha&e% Desi)n of se.ers# self-'leansin) (elo'ity an% slo&es# $onstru'tion an%
testin) of lines materials Boints an% a&&urtenan'es
Sewage Characterization:
Luality &arameters- 5*D# $*D# Soli%s# D*# *il + 7rease <n%ian Stan%ar%s for
%is&osal of effluents into inlan% surfa'e sour'es an% on lan%
Sewage Treatment:
*-Be'ti(es# se1uen'e an% effi'ien'ies of 'on(entional treatment units Preliminary
treatment# s'reenin) an% )rit remo(al units Theory an% %esi)n as&e'ts of &rimary
treatment# se'on%ary treatment- a'ti(ate% slu%)e &ro'ess + its mo%ifi'ations# Tri'?in)
filter# slu%)e %i)estion an% %ryin) -e%s
Sta-ili:ation &on%# aerate% la)oon# D/S5 &ro'ess # se&ti' tan? an% <mhoff tan?
Disposal of Sewage:
Dis&osal of se.a)e -y %ilution E self-&urifi'ation of streams Se.a)e %is&osal -y
irri)ation 3se.a)e treatment6
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
Recommended Books:
1 >aste >ater En)ineerin): 4et'alf an% E%%y
8 Se.a)e an% Se.a)e Treatment: S9 7ar)
3 Se.a)e an% Se.a)e Treatment: S, 9rishansa)ar
4 >ast e >at er En)i neeri n): 5 $ Punmi a
4anual on Se.era)e an% Se.a)e Treatment: 4inistry of Dr-an De(# 2e. Delhi
B. Tech. VI Semester (Ci vi l )
L T P/D Total 4ax 4ar?s-100
- - 8 8 0i(a-0o'e-40
Sessional- 60
Duration: 3 hrs
1 Ex&eriment on a t.o hin)e% ar'h for hori:ontal thrust + influen'e line for
Hori:ontal thrust
8 Ex&erimental an% analyti'al stu%y of a 3--ar &in-Bointe% Truss
3 Ex&erimental an% analyti'al stu%y of %efle'tions for unsymmetri'al -en%in) of a
$antile(er -eam
4 5e))As %eformeter- (erifi'ation of 4uller 5reslau &rin'i&le
@ Ex&erimental an% analyti'al stu%y of an elasti'ally 'ou&le% -eam
6 S.ay in &ortal frames - %emonstration
F To stu%y the 'a-le )eometry an% stati's for %ifferent loa%in) 'on%itions
G To &lot stress-strain 'ur(e for 'on'rete
B. Tech. VI Semester (Ci vi l )
CE-316 Building Design Planning and Drawing
L T P/D Total 4ax 4ar?s 100
- - 3 3 Sessional 60
0i(a-(o'e 40
Duration: 3 hrs
1 De(elo&in) .or?in) of sin)le storie% resi%ential
-uil%in) from the )i(en line &lan
8 Pre&arin) line &lan of resi%ential -uil%in) from the )i(en
3 De(elo&in) su-mission of the a-o(e as &er
re1uirement of the &lan san'tionin) authority 3Se&arate %ata shoul% -e )i(en to
e(ery stu%ent6
4 De(elo&in) .or?in) of storie% frame% stru'tures
3/&artment -uil%in)6 from )i(en line &lan
@ De(elo&in) line &lans of &u-li' -uil%in) from the )i(en
%ata 3minimum 8 line &lans6
6 !ree han% s?et'hes : %e(elo&ment of free han% s?et'hes
of 'om&onents of -uil%in) an% ele(ation features of -uil%in) su'h as -al'onies#
'haBBas# et'
H 5uil%in) $onstru'tion# Sushil 9umar# Stan%ar% Pu-# 2 Delhi
10 5uil%in) 4aterial# ,an)a.ala
11 $onstru'tion En)ineerin)# CS Sane
18 5uil%in) $onstru'tion# 7ur'haran Sin)h# Stan%ar% Pu-# 2 Delhi
B. Tech. VI Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s:100
- - 3 3 Pra't : 40 mar?s
Sessional: 60 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
1 $om&utation of a roots of a &olynomial usin)
a6 5ise'tion metho%# 3-6 2e.ton-,a&hson metho%
8 Solution of linear simultaneous e1uation suin) 7auss Elimination / 7auss
=or%an / Trian)ulation fa'tori:ation metho%
3 Solution of system of non-linear e1uation usin) fixe% &oint / 2e.ton ,a&hson /
mo%ifie% 2e.ton-,a&hson metho%
4 /nalysis of multis&an 5eam an% frames usin) stiffness matrix metho%
@ /nalysis of Plane frame an% s&a'e !rame usin) automate% soft.are
6 /nalysis of a three storeye% an% ten storeye% -uil%in) usin) automate%
F <ntro%u'tion to /uto $/D
Stu%ents shoul% -e en'oura)e% to .rite 'om&uter &ro)rams to sol(e %ifferent
'i(il en)ineerin) &ro-lems
t h
B. Tech. VII Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s: 100
4 - - 4 Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessional: 40 mar?s
Duration: 4 hrs
Continuous Beams:
5asi' assum&tions# 4oment of inertia# settlements# 4o%ifi'ation of moments#
maximum moments an% shear# -eams 'ur(e% in &lan-analysis for torsion# re%istri-ution
of moments for sin)le an% multi-s&an -eams# %esi)n exam&les
Flat slabs and staircases:
/%(anta)es of flat sla-s# )eneral %esi)n 'onsi%erations# a&&roximate %ire't %esi)n
metho%# %esi)n of flat sla-s# o&enin)s in flat sla-# %esi)n of (arious ty&es of stair'ases#
%esi)n exam&les
$om-ine% footin)s# raft foun%ation# %esi)n of &ile 'a& an% &iles# un%er-reame% &iles#
%esi)n exam&les
Water Tanks, Silos and Bunkers:
Estimation of >in% an% earth1ua?e for'es# %esi)n re1uirements# re'tan)ular an%
'ylin%ri'al un%er)roun% an% o(erhea% tan?s# <nt:e tan?s# %esi)n 'onsi%erations# %esi)n
Silos an% 5un?ers-0arious theories# 5un?ers .ith slo&in) -ottoms an% .ith hi)h si%e
.alls# -attery of -un?ers# %esi)n exam&les
Building Frames:
<ntro%u'tion# 4em-er stiffnesses# Loa%s# /nalysis for (erti'al an% lateral loa%s# Torsion
in -uil%in)s# Du'tility of -eams# %esi)n an% %etailin) for %u'tility# %esi)n exam&les
Yield Line Theory:
5asi' assum&tions# 4etho%s of analysis# yiel% line &atterns an% failure me'hanisms#
analysis of one .ay an% t.o .ay re'tan)ular an% non-re'tan)ular sla-s# effe't of to&
'orner steel in s1uare sla-s# %esi)n exam&les
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 Plain an% ,einfor'e% $on'rete# 0ol8# =ai 9rishna + *P=ain# 2em $han% +
8 Pre-Stresse% $on'rete# 29rishna ,aBu# T4H Pu-#2#Delhi
3 Desi)n of Prestresse% $on'rete Stru'tures# TCLin# =ohn >iley + Sons#
4 ,einfor'e% $on'rete-Limit StaT)e Desi)n# /9=ain# 2em $han% + 5ros#
@ <S 1343-1HG0#<S $o%e of Pra'ti'e for Prestresse% $on'rete
6 <S 33F0-1HF63Part < to <06# <n%ian Stan%ar% $o%e of Pra'ti'e for Li1ui%
,etainin) Stru'tures
F <S 4@6-8000# <n%ian Stan%ar% of Pra'ti'e for Plain an% ,einfor'e% $on'rete# <S
1GH3# 4386 + 13H80 <n%ian Stan%ar% $o%e of Pra'ti'e for Earth1ua?e ,esistant
Desi)n of Stru'tures
B. Tech. VII Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s: 100
3 1 - 4 Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessionals: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
Regulation works:
$anal falls-ne'essity an% lo'ation# %e(elo&ment of falls# %esi)n of 'istern element#
rou)henin) %e(i'es# %esi)n of Sar%a ty&e fall# an% %esi)n of strai)ht 7la'is fall *ff-
ta?e ali)nment# 'ross-re)ulator an% %istri-utory# hea% re)ulators# %e(i'es to 'ontrol silt
entry into the off-ta?in) 'hannel an% silt eBe'tor# 'anal es'a&es# ty&es of es'a&es
Cross drainage works:
$lassifi'ation an% their sele'tion# hy%rauli' %esi)n as&e'ts of a1ue%u'ts# sy&hon
a1ue%u'ts# su&er &assa)e# 'anal sy&hon an% le(el 'rossin)# %esi)n of transitions
Diversion canal headworks:
0arious 'om&onents an% their fun'tions# layout &lan# sele'tion of site for %i(ersion
hea%.or?s# 5li)hAs 'ree& theory# 9hoslaAs metho% of in%e&en%ent (aria-les# use of
9hoslaAs 'ur(es# (arious 'orre'tions# silt ex'lu%ers
Storage Headworks:
Ty&es of %ams# sele'tion of a site# )ra(ity %am-t.o %imensional %esi)n# for'es a'tin)#
sta-ility 'riterion# elementary &rofile of a %am# 'utoffs an% %raina)e )alleries# ar'h
%ams-'onstant an)le an% 'onstant ra%ius ar'h %am# sim&le %esi)n an% s?et'hs# most
e'onomi'al an)le# Earth %am# %esi)n &rin'i&les# see&a)e throu)h earth %ams# see&a)e
line# 'ontrol of see&a)e# %esi)n of filters
Spillways and Energy Dissipaters:
Essential re1uirements of s&ill.ay an% s&ill.ayAs 'a&a'ity# ty&es of s&ill.ays an% their
suita-ility# *)ee s&ill.ays# 'hute# si%e 'hannel# shaft an% sy&hon s&ill.ays# ener)y
%issi&ation -elo. s&ill.ays# stillin) -asins# DS5, an% <S Stillin) 5asins
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 <rri)ation# >ater ,esour'es an% >ater En)ineerin) -y P24o%i
8 !un%amentals on <rri)ation En)ineerin) -y 5harat Sin)h
3 <rri)ation En)ineerin) an% Hy%rauli' Stru'tures -y S97ar)
4 Theory an% Desi)n of <rri)ation Stru'tures 0ol< + << -y ,S0arshney# 7u&ta +
B. Tech. (Civil) VII Semester
CE - 405 Transportation Engineering - II
L T P/D Total 4ax 4ar?s: 100
3 1 - 4 Theory: 60 4ar?s
Sessional: 40 4ar?s
Duration: 3 Hours
Design of Flexible Pavements:
Ty&es of &a(ements !lexi-le an% ri)i% &a(ements $om&onents of a &a(ement an%
their fun'tions !a'tors affe'tin) %esi)n of &a(ements Desi)n of thi'?ness of a flexi-le
&a(ement -y 7rou& <n%ex metho%# $5, metho% 3in'lu%in) latest <,$ )ui%elines6#
Triaxial metho% an% 5urmister"s metho%
Design Of Rigid Pavements:
>ester)aar%"s theory# 'riti'al lo'ations of loa%in)# loa% an% tem&erature stresses
$riti'al 'om-ination of stresses <,$ )ui%elines for %etermination of thi'?ness of a
ri)i% &a(ement =oints: re1uirements# ty&es# &atterns S&a'in) of ex&ansion an%
'ontra'tion Boints !un'tions of %o.el an% tie -ars
Highway Construction : Non-Bituminous Pavements:
5rief intro%u'tion to earth.or? ma'hinery: sho(el# hoe# 'lamshell# %ra)line# -ull%o:ers
Prin'i&les of fiel% 'om&a'tion of su-)ra%e $om&a'tin) e1ui&ments 7ranular roa%s
$onstru'tion ste&s of >54 >44 $onstru'tion of 'ement 'on'rete &a(ements
Sli&-form &a(ers 5asi' 'on'e&ts of the soil sta-ili:e% roa%s# use of )eo-
syntheti's# reinfor'e% 'ement 'on'rete &a(ements# &restress 'on'rete &a(ements# roller
'om&a'te% 'on'rete &a(ements an% fi-re reinfor'e% 'on'rete &a(ements
Construction of Bituminous Pavements:
0arious ty&es of -ituminous 'onstru'tions Prime 'oat# ta'? 'oat# seal 'oat an% surfa'e
%ressin) $onstru'tion of 5DS7# Premix 'ar&et# 54# D54 an% /$ 5rief 'o(era)e of
ma'hinery for 'ostru'tion of -ituminous roa%s: -itumen -oiler# s&rayer# &ressure
%istri-uter# hot-mix &lant# 'ol%-mix &lant# ti&&er tru'?s# me'hani'al &a(er or finisher#
rollers 4asti' as&halt <ntro%u'tion to (arious <,$ an% 4*ST s&e'ifi'ations
Highway Maintenance:
Pa(ement failures 4aintenan'e o&erations 4aintenan'e of >54# -ituminous
surfa'es an% 'ement 'on'rete &a(ements Pa(ement e(aluation 5en?leman -eam
<ntro%u'tion to (arious ty&es of o(erlays
Highway Drainage and Hill Roads:
Surfa'e %raina)e: ty&es# -rief %esi)n Ty&es of su--surfa'e %raina)e S&e'ial
'hara'teristi's of hill roa%s: )eometri's# hair &in -en%s# 'onstru'tion of hill roa%s#
%raina)e of hill roa%s# maintenan'e &ro-lems of hill roa%s
Highway Economics and Finance
2ee% of e'onomi' e(aluation Hi)h.ay user -enefits an% 'osts 4etho%s of e'onomi'
e(aluation: -enefit 'ost ratio metho%# net &resent (alue metho%# internal rate of return
metho%# 'om&arison Hi)h.ay finan'e
Se'tions of tunnels: a%(anta)es# limitations an% suita-ility of ea'h se'tion Shaft Pilot
tunnel Dri(in) tunnel in ro'?s: se1uen'e of 'onstru'tion o&erations# full fa'e metho%#
hea%in) an% -en'h metho%# %rift metho% Dri(in) tunnels in soft )roun%: se1uen'e of
'onstru'tion o&erations# nee%le -eam metho%# shiel% tunnelin)# 'om&resse% air
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
Recommended Books
1 Hi)h.ay En)) by S99hanna + $E7 =usto# 2em $han% 5ros# ,oor?ee
8 Prin'i&les an% Pra'ti'e of Hi)h.ay En)) by L,9a%iyali# 9hanna Pu-lishers#
3 Prin'i&les of Pa(ement Desi)n by Co%er#E= + >it':a?#4># =ohn >iley an%
Sons# DS/
4 Tunnel En)ineerin) by S$Saxena# Dhan&at ,ai Pu-li'ations# 2Delhi
@ / text -oo? of Tunnel# 5ri%)es an% ,ail.ay En)) by SP5in%ra# Dhan&at ,ai
B. Tech. VII Semester (Ci vi l )
L T P/D Total 4ax 4ar?s: 100
- - 3 3 Pra't: 40 mar?s
Sessional: 60 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
Pre&arin) sheets reinfor'ement %etails in 'ase of:
1 !lat sla-s
8 Dn%er)roun% an% *(erhea% >ater Tan?s
3 $om-ine% !ootin)s# Pile !oun%ations# ,aft foun%ation
4 T-5eam 5ri%)e
@ Silo/5un?er
B. Tech. VII Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax 4ar?s: 100
- - 3 3 Sessional: 60 mar?s
0i(a-(o'e: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
Complete design and drawing of the following:
1 Desi)n of .eirs an% -arra)es on &ermea-le foun%ation for surfa'e an% su-
surfa'e flo. 'on%itions
8 Desi)n of 7ui%e 5an?s
3 !loo% ,outin) usin) ste& -y ste& metho%
4 Desi)n of Sy&hon /1ue%u't
@ Desi)n of Sar%a ty&e fall + slo&in) )la'is fall
6 See&a)e line in a homo)eneous earth %ams on im&ermea-le foun%ation .ith
hori:ontal %raina)e
F Desi)n of *)ee S&ill.ay an% stillin) -asin
Note: Em&hasis .oul% -e )i(en to the 'om&uter ai%e% %esi)ns of some of a-o(e
B. Tech. VII Semester (Civil) (Departmental Elective)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s: 100
3 1 - 4 Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessionals: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
1 Introduction:
<m&ortan'e of ro'? me'hani's# 'om&osition of ro'?s# )eolo)i'al an%
litholo)i'al 'lassifi'ation of ro'?s# 'lassifi'ation of ro'?s for en)ineerin)
&ur&oses# ,LD metho% of 'lassifi'ation of ro'?s
Theories of 5rittle failure
8 Laboratory Testing of Rocks:
0arious metho%s of o-tainin) ro'? 'ores# metho%s of sam&le &re&aration#
metho%s of remo(in) en% fri'tion of the ro'? sam&les $om&ression testin)
ma'hine# uniaxial 'om&ression stren)th of ro'? sam&les# metho%s of fin%in)
tensile stren)th-%ire't an% in%ire't metho%s# 5ra:ilian test# shear -ox test#
triaxial shear test# &un'h shear test
3 In-situ Testing of Rocks:
!iel% %ire't shear test on ro'? -lo'?s# fiel% triaxial stren)th# use of flat Ba'?s#
'ham-er test# &late loa% test# 'a-le Ba'?in) test
4 Stress Evaluation in Field:
Stress-relief te'hni1ue3o(er 'orin)6# use of strain )au)es# -ore hole#
%eformation 'ell# &hoto-elasti' stress meter# stress measurement .ith flat Ba'?
Hy%rauli's !ra'turin) Te'hni1ues
@ Stabilization of Rocks:
,o'? -oltin)# &rin'i&le of ro'? -oltin)# (arious ty&es of ro'? -olts# a&&li'ation
of ro'? -oltin) !iel% testin) of ro'? -olts an% 'a-le an'hors
6 Elastic and Dynamic Properties of Rocks:
Stress-strain -eha(iour %ynami' &ro&erties# resonan'e metho% an% ultra-soni'
&ulse metho%
F Pressure on Roof of Tunnels:
Tra& %oor ex&eriment# Ter:a)hiAs theory# 5ieraumer# ?ommerel# Proto%ya?ano(
G Stress Around the Tunnels:
5asi' %esi)n an% Prin'i&les of tunnels in ro'?s# %esi)n of &ressure tunnels in
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 ,o'? 4e'hani's# 0ol<# <<# <<<# <0 -y Lama#etal
8 !un%amentals of ,o'? 4e'hani's -y =ae)er an% $oo?
3 ,o'? 4e'hani's -y Sta)) + Kien?
4 ,o'? 4e'hani's + Desi)n of Stru'tures in ,o'?s -y *-ert + Du(ell
@ ,o'? 4e'hani's + En)ineerin) -y =ae)er
6 /rt of Tunnelin) -y S'h:y
B. Tech. (Civil) VII Semester (Departmental Elective)
L T P/D Total 4ax 4ar?s : 100
3 1 - 4 Theory: 60 4ar?s
Sessional: 40 4ar?s
Duration: 3 Hours
1. Transport Planning Process
Status of trans&ortation in <n%ia *-Be'ti(es an% s'o&e of trans&ort &lannin)
Dr-an# re)ional an% national trans&ort &lannin) Trans&ort &lannin) &ro'ess#
(arious sta)es Lan% use an% traffi'
2. Transportation Survey
Definition of stu%y area Konin) Ty&es of sur(eys *-D sur(eys <n(entories of
existin) trans&ort fa'ilities# lan% use an% e'onomi' a'ti(ities
3 . Trip Generation
Tri& &ur&ose !a'tors affe'tin) tri& )eneration Tri& )eneration estimation -y
multi&le linear re)ression analysis# -rief re(ie. of 'ate)ory analysis# a%(anta)es
an% limitations of these metho%s
4. Trip Distribution
4etho%s of tri& %istri-ution 5asi' 'on'e&ts of uniform fa'tor metho%# a(era)e
fa'tor metho% an% o&&ortunity mo%el Tri& %istri-ution -y )ra(ity mo%el
5. Traffic Assignment
Prin'i&les of assi)nment /ssi)nment te'hni1ues /ll or nothin) assi)nment
5rief re(ie. of multi&ath assi)nment# 'a&a'ity restraint assi)nment an%
%i(ersion 'ur(es
6. Modal Split
7eneral 'onsi%erations for mo%al s&lit !a'tors affe'tin) mo%al s&lit 5rief
intro%u'tion to (arious metho%s of mo%al s&lit
7. Evaluation
2ee% for e(aluation Se(eral &lans to -e formulate% Testin) $onsi%erations in
e(aluation E'onomi' e(aluation# -asi' &rin'i&les# -rief intro%u'tion to (arious
metho%s of e'onomi' e(aluation# 'om&arison
8. Mass Rapid Transit Systems
Pro-lems of Dr-an Trans&ort <ntro%u'tion to 4,TS ,e1uirements of 4,TS
Ty&es of 4,TS 4,TS in <n%ia
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
3i6 Traffi' En)) /n% Trans&ort Plannin) by L,9a%iyali# 9hanna Pu-lishers#
3ii6 Hi)h.ay En)) by S99hanna + $E7 =usto# 2em $han% 5ros# ,oor?ee
3iii6 <ntro%u'tion to Trans&ort Plannin) by 5ruton# 4=# Hut'hinson Te'hni'al
E%u'ation# Lon%on
B. Tech. (Civil) VII Semester (Departmental Elective)
L T P/D Total 4ax 4ar?s : 100
3 1 - 4 Theory: 60 4ar?s
Sessional: 404ar?s
Duration: 3 Hours
1. Introduction and Traffic Characteristics
*-Be'ti(es an% s'o&e of Traffi' En)) *r)ani:ational set u& of traffi' en)ineerin) %e&artment
in <n%ia <m&ortan'e of traffi' 'hara'teristi's ,oa% user 'hara'teristi's 0ehi'ular
'hara'teristi's 4ax %imensions an% .ei)hts of (ehi'les allo.e% in <n%ia Effe'ts of traffi'
'hara'teristi's on (arious %esi)n elements of the roa%
2. Traffic Surveys
4etho%s of 'on%u'tin) the stu%y an% &resentation of the %ata for traffi' (olume stu%y# s&ee%
stu%y an% ori)in an% %estination stu%y S&ee% an% %elay stu%y Par?in) sur(eys *n street
&ar?in)# off street &ar?in) /''i%ent sur(eys $auses of roa% a''i%ents an% &re(enti(e
measures Dse of &hoto)ra&hi' te'hni1ues in traffi' sur(eys
3. Highway Capacity
<m&ortan'e S&a'e an% time hea%.ay !un%amental %ia)ram of traffi' flo. ,elationshi&
-et.een s&ee%# (olume an% %ensity Le(el of ser(i'e P$D Desi)n ser(i'e (olume $a&a'ity of
non-ur-an roa%s <,$ re'ommen%ations 5rief re(ie. of 'a&a'ity of ur-an roa%s
4. Traffic Control
Ty&es of traffi' 'ontrol %e(i'es Traffi' si)ns# )eneral &rin'i&les of traffi' si)nin)# ty&es of
traffi' si)ns ,oa% mar?in)s# ty&es# )eneral &rin'i&les of &a(ement mar?in)s Desi)n of rotary
7ra%e se&arate% interse'tions 4is'ellaneous traffi' 'ontrol ai%s an% street furniture
5. Signal Design
Ty&es of si)nals Lin?e% or 'oor%inate% si)nal systems Desi)n of si)nal timin)s -y trial 'y'le
metho%# a&&roximate metho%# >e-stor"s metho% an% <,$ metho%
6. Traffic Regulation And Management
2ee% an% s'o&e of traffi' re)ulations ,e)ulation of s&ee%# (ehi'les an% %ri(ers 7eneral traffi'
re)ulations 4otor (ehi'le a't S'o&e of traffi' mana)ement Traffi' mana)ement measures:
restri'tions on turnin) mo(ements# one .ay streets# ti%al flo. o&erations# ex'lusi(e -us lanes#
traffi' restraint# roa% &ri'in)
7. Traffic And Environment
Detrimental effe'ts of traffi' 0ehi'ular air &ollution Situation in <n%ia 0ehi'ular emission
norms in <n%ia an% a-roa% /lternate fuels !a'tors affe'tin) fuel 'onsum&tion /r-ori'ulture
8. Computer Application, Traffic Simulation
$om&uter a&&li'ation in traffi' en))# trans&ort &lannin) an% &u-li' trans&ort Traffi'
simulation# a%(anta)es Ste&s in simulation S'annin) te'hni1ues <ntro%u'tion to <ntelli)ent
(ehi'le hi)h.ay system 0arious ty&es of <0HS
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 Traffi' En)) /n% Trans&ort Plannin) by L,9a%iyali# 9hanna Pu-lishers# Delhi
8 Hi)h.ay En)) by S99hanna + $E7 =usto# 2em $han% 5ros# ,oor?ee
3 Traffi' En)) by 4atson# T4# Smith# >S an% Hur%# !># 4'7ra.- Hill 5oo?
$o# 2e. Cor?
4 Traffi' !lo. Theory by Dre.# D,# 4'7ra.- Hill 5oo? $o# 2e. Cor?
B. Tech. VII Semester (Civil)
(Departmental Elective)
L T P Total 4ax 4ar?s: 100
3 1 - 4 Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessional: 40 mar?s
Time: 3 hours
5asi' 'on'e&ts of remote sensin); /ir-orne an% s&a'e -orne sensors; Data a'1uisition;
Di)ital ima)e Pro'essin); ,estoration; Enhan'ement; Se)mentation feature extra'tion;
$lusterin) e%)e %ete'tion;
7eo)ra&hi' <nformation System; <ntro%u'tion to 4i'ro.a(e remote sensin) an% 7lo-al
Positionin) System;
/&&li'ations to >ater resour'es; Lan% use an% erosion; !orestry; En(ironment an%
Dse of rele(ant soft.are for ,emote sensin) an% 7<S a&&li'ations
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
(1) 7PS an% Sur(eyin) usin) 7PS -y 7o&i S# Tata 4'7ra. Hill
(2) <ntro%u'tion to 7<S -y $han)# Tata 4' 7ra. Hill
(3) /n <nt ro%u't i on t o 7eo)ra&hi 'al <nformat i on Syst ems -y
Hey.oo%# $ornel i us an% $ar(er# Pearson E%u # 2e. Del hi
B. Tech. VII Semester (Ci vi l )
(Departmental Elective)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s: 100
3 1 - 4 Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessional: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
1. Environment and Human Activity:
,esour'es# &ollution# reuse an% en(ironmental mana)ement
2. Management of Aquatic Environment:
>ater 1uality 'ontrols Draina)e -asin a'ti(ities an% .ater &ollution The
im&a't of human a'ti(ity on a1uati' resour'es The 'ontrol measures# re)ional
1. Air Quality Management:
/tmos&here# effe't of human a'ti(ity on air 1uality# .aste %is&osal alternati(e
*&timi:ation# &lannin) of .aste %is&osal
2. Waste Management:
>aste %is&osal metho%s# <m&a't of .aste %is&osal of human a'ti(ity
3. Land Use Management:
<m&a't of lan% use on human life $ontrol of ha:ar%s in lan% use# mana)ement
of lan% use
4. Environmental Assessment:
2ational en(ironmental &oli'y# im&li'ation of en(ironment assessment in %esi)n
&ro'ess Pre&aration of assessment# 1uantifi'ation 7eneral re1uirements of
en(ironmental stan%ar%s Te'hni1ues of settin) stan%ar%s
7. $ase stu%ies of E</ of ri(er (alley &roBe'ts an% thermal & &roBe'ts
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 En(ironmental <m&a't /nalysis -y ,9=ail an% L0Dr-an
8 En(ironmental <m&a't /ssessment -y $anter
3 En(ironmental <m&a't /ssessment -y =7lasson
B. Tech. VII Semester (Civil)
(Departmental Elective)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s: 100
3 1 - 4 Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessional: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
Dnit <
/ir &ollutants# Sour'es# 'lassifi'ation# $om-ustion Pro'esses an% &ollutant emission#
Dnit <<
Effe'ts on Health# (e)etation# materials an% atmos&here# ,ea'tions of &ollutants in the
atmos&here an% their effe'ts-Smo?e# smo) an% o:one layer %istur-an'e et'
Dnit <<<
/tmos&heri' %iffusion of &ollutants an% their analysis# Trans&ort# transformation an%
%e&osition of air 'ontaminants on a )lo-al s'ale# /ir sam&lin) an% &ollution
measurement metho%s# &rin'i&les an% instruments# /m-ient air 1uality an% emission
stan%ar%s# 'ontrol &rin'i&les#
Dnit <0
,emo(al of )aseous &ollutants -y a%sor&tion# a-sor&tion# rea'tion an% other metho%s
Parti'ulate emission 'ontrol# settlin) 'ham-ers# 'y'lone se&aration# >et 'olle'tors#
fa-ri' filters# ele'trostati' &re'i&itators an% other remo(al metho%s
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 /ir 1uality mana)ement -y 4 2 ,ao#
8 /ir &ollution an% health -y De-ashree 4u?herBee #Somnath Ha:ra
3 /ir &ollution: air 1uality mana)ement -y /rthur $ Stren
B. Tech. VII Semester (Civil)
(Departmental Elective)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s: 100
3 1 - 4 Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessional: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
/'ts: >ater a't# >ater $ess a't# /ir a't# En(ironment Prote'tion a't an% their amen%ments#
>il%life a't an% !orest a'ts
,ules an% ,e)ulations: ,e(ie. of .ater rules# air rules an% en(ironment rules .ith s&e'ial
referen'e to- Stan%ar%s of emission or %is'har)e of en(ironmental &ollutants
Treaties: Earth Summit# /)en%a-81# 9yoto Proto'ol# 5io%i(ersity treaty# 4onteral Proto'ol#
,amsar $on(ention of >atershe% mana)ement
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to -e set 'o(erin) entire sylla-us
Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E 1uestions out of E<7HT
Text Books
1 ,E 4unn# En(ironmental <m&a't /ssessment# =ohn >iley# 2e. Cor?# DS/
8 Pollution $ontrol La. Series; P$L/8/8001# $entral Pollution $ontrol 5oar%# 2e. Delhi
3 E%s# =ain an% $lar?# En(ironmental Te'hnolo)y /ssessment an% Poli'y# =ohn >iley# 2e.
Cor?# DS/
4 2ational $onser(ation Strate)y an% Poli'y Statement on En(ironment an% De(elo&ment#
7o(t of <n%ia# 2e. Delhi
@ / )ui%e to 4anufa'ture# Stora)e an% <m&ort of Ha:ar%ous $hemi'als ,ules# 4inistry of
En(ironment an% !orests# 7o(t of <n%ia# 2e. Delhi
B. Tech. VII Semester (Civil)
CE-425 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
L T P/D Total 4ax 4ar?s: 100
3 1 - 4 Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessional: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
Effe'ts of in%ustrial .astes on streams# se.era)e systems an% .aste.ater treatment
4inimi:in) the effe'ts of in%ustrial effluents on .aste .ater treatment &lants an%
re'ei(in) streams-'onser(ation of .ater# &ro'ess 'han)e# reuse of .aste .ater# (olume
re%u'tion# stren)th re%u'tion# neutrali:ation# e1uali:ation an% &ro&ortionin)
Po&ulation e1ui(alent <n%ustrial effluent stan%ar%s for %is&osal into inlan% surfa'e
.ater sour'es an% on lan% for irri)ation
Stu%y of the <n%ustries from .aste )eneration# 1uality an% its treatment
in'lu%in) -rief o(er(ie. of manufa'turin) &ro'ess:
Textile# tannery# su)ar mill# %istillery# %airy# &ul& + &a&er# metal &latin)# oil refinery#
nitro)enous fertili:ers# thermal & &lants an% ra%io a'ti(e .astes
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 <n%ustrial an% Ha:ar%ous >aste Treatment -y 2L2emero. + /Das)u&ta
8 <n%ustrial Effluents -y 24ani(asa?am
3 >aste >ater Treatment -y 42,ao + /9Dutta
t h

B. Tech. (Civil) VIII Semester
CE 402 Railways and Airport Engineering
L T P/D Total 4ax 4ar?s: 100
3 1 - 4 Theory: 60 4ar?s
Sessional: 40 4ar?s
Duration: 3 Hours
Introduction, Permanent Way And Rails
,ail trans&ortation an% its im&ortan'e in <n%ia Permanent .ay: re1uirements an%
'om&onents 7au)es in <n%ia an% a-roa% Sele'tion of )au)e $onin) of .heels /%:in)
of slee&ers ,ails: fun'tions# 'om&osition of rail steel# ty&es of rail se'tions#
re1uirements of an i%eal rail se'tion# len)th of rails Defe'ts in rails $ree& of rails
Lon) .el%e% rails an% 'ontinuously .el%e% rails
Sleepers, Fastenings And Ballast
Slee&ers: fun'tions# re1uirements of an i%eal slee&er Ty&es of slee&ers: .oo%en# 'ast
iron# steel an% 'on'rete slee&ers# a%(anta)es# %isa%(anta)es an% suita-ility of ea'h ty&e
Slee&er %ensity !astenin)s for (arious ty&es of slee&ers: fish &lates# s&i?es# -olts#
-earin) &lates# ?eys# 'hairs# Ba.s# tie -ars Elasti' fastenin)s 5allast: fun'tions#
re1uirements# ty&es of -allast an% their suita-ility
Points And Crossings
2e'essity Turnout: (arious 'om&onents# .or?in) &rin'i&le'h: 'om&onents# ty&es
$rossin): 'om&onents an% ty&es Desi)n elements of a turnout# %esi)n of a sim&le
turnout Layout &lan of tra'? Bun'tions: 'rosso(ers# %iamon% 'rossin)# sin)le-%ou-le
sli&s# thro.'h# turn ta-le# trian)le
Signaling, Interlocking And Train Control
Si)nals: o-Be'ts# ty&es an% 'lassifi'ation Sema&hore si)nal: 'om&onents# .or?in)
&rin'i&le ,e1uirements / &rin'i&les of a )oo% interlo'?in) system 5rief intro%u'tion to
%e(i'es use% in interlo'?in) 4etho%s of 'ontrol of train mo(ements: a-solute -lo'?
system# automati' -lo'? system# 'entrali:e% train 'ontrol an% automati' train 'ontrol
Geometric Design Of The Track
7ra%ients# )ra%e 'om&ensation Su&er ele(ation# 'ant %efi'ien'y# ne)ati(e su&er
ele(ation 4aximum &ermissi-le s&ee% on 'ur(es Tra'ti(e resistan'es# ty&es Haulin)
'a&a'ity of a lo'omoti(e
Stations, Yards And Track Maintenance
Stations: fun'tions an% 'lassifi'ation =un'tion# non-Bun'tion an% terminal stations
Car%s: fun'tions# ty&es 4arshallin) yar%: fun'tions# ty&es 4aintenan'e of rail.ay
tra'?: ne'essity# ty&es of maintenan'e 5rief intro%u'tion to me'hani:e% maintenan'e#
4SP an% DT4
Introduction And Airport Planning
/ir trans&ortation# its im&ortan'e an% 'hara'teristi's# status in <n%ia Layout &lan of an
air&ort an% its -asi' elements: terminal area# a&ron# taxi.ay# run.ay# han)er /ir'raft
'hara'teristi's# their effe't on elements of an air&ort Site sele'tion of an air&ort
$lassifi'ation of air&orts
Runway Layout And Pavement Design
,un.ay orientation# >in% ,ose %ia)ram 5asi' run.ay len)th $orre'tions to -asi'
run.ay len)th ,un.ay &atterns Differen'e -et.een hi)h.ay an% run.ay &a(ement
Ty&es of run.ay &a(ements Desi)n fa'tors for run.ay &a(ement 5rief intro%u'tion to
%esi)n of thi'?ness of a run.ay &a(ement
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 / text -oo? of ,ail.ay En)ineerin) by S$Saxena an% SP/rora# Dhan&at ,ai
Pu-li'atios# 2Delhi
8 ,ail.ay Tra'? En)) by =S4un%ray# Tata 4'7ra.-Hill Pu-lishin) $o Lt%
3 /ir&ort Plannin) an% Desi)n by S99hanna# 47/rora# 2em $han% 5ros#
4 The Plannin) an% Desi)n of /ir&orts by ,o-ort HornBeff# 4'7ra. Hill 5oo?
@ /ir Trans&ortation Plannin) an% Desi)n by 0iren%er 9umar + Satish $han%ra#
7al)otia Pu-li'ations# 2Delhi
B. Tech. VIII Semester (Civil)
CE-404 Bridge Engineering
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s: 100
3 1 - 4 Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessionals: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
Definition# 'om&onents of -ri%)e# 'lassifi'ation of -ri%)es# sele'tion of site #
e'onomi'al s&an# aestheti's 'onsi%eration# ne'essary in(esti)ations an% essential %esi)n
Standard Specifications for Roads and Railways Bridges:
7eneral# <n%ian ,oa% $on)ress 5ri%)e $o%e# .i%th of 'arria)e .ay# 'learan'e# (arious
loa%s to -e 'onsi%ere% for the %esi)n of roa%s an% rail.ay -ri%)es# %etaile% ex&lanation
of <,$ stan%ar% li(e loa%s
Design Consideration for R. C. C. Bridges:
0arious ty&es of ,$$ -ri%)es3-rief %es'ri&tion of ea'h ty&e6 # %esi)n of ,$$
'ul(ert an% T--eam -ri%)es
Design Consideration for Steel Bridges:
0arious ty&es of steel -ri%)es 3-rief %es'ri&tion of ea'h6# %esi)n of truss an% &late
)ir%er -ri%)es
Hydraulic & Structural Design:
Piers# a-utments# .in)-.all an% a&&roa'hes
Brief Description:
5earin)s# Boints# arti'ulation an% other %etails
Bridge Foundation:
0arious ty&es# ne'essary in(esti)ations an% %esi)n 'riteria of .ell foun%ation
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 Essentials of 5ri%)e En)ineerin)# D=0i'tor# *xfor% + <5H Pu-2Delhi
8 Desi)n of 5ri%)es# 29rishna ,aBu# *xfor% + <5H# 2Delhi
3 5ri%)e De'? /nalysis# ,PPama + /,$usens# =ohn >iley + Sons
4 Desi)n of 5ri%)e Stru'tures# T,=a)a%ish + 4/=airam# Prenti'e Hall of
<n%ia# 2Delhi
B. Tech. VIII Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s:100
3 1 - 4 Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessional: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
Water Resources Planning:
,ole of .ater in national %e(elo&ment# assessment of .ater resour'es# &lannin)
&ro'ess# en(ironmental 'onsi%eration in &lannin)# system analysis in .ater &lannin)#
some 'ommon &ro-lems in &roBe't &lannin)# fun'tional re1uirements in multi&ur&ose
&roBe'ts# multi&ur&ose &lannin)# -asin.ise &lannin)# lon) term &lannin)
,eser(oir &lannin)-%e&en%a-le yiel%# se%imentation in reser(oir# reser(oir 'a&a'ity#
em&iri'al-area re%u'tion metho%
Economic and Financial Analysis:
4eanin) an% nature of e'onomi' theory# mi'ro an% ma'ro e'onomi's# the 'on'e&t of
e1uili-rium# e1ui(alen'e of ?in%# e1ui(alen'e of time an% (alue# 'ost -enefit#
%is'ountin) fa'tors an% te'hni1ues# 'on%itions for &roBe't o&timality# 'ost -enefit
analysis# 'ost allo'ation# se&ara-le an% non-se&ara-le 'ost# alternate Bustifia-le an%
remainin) -enefit metho%s# &rofita-ility analysis
Water Resources Systems Engineering:
$on'e&t of systemAs en)ineerin)# o&timal &oli'y analysis# simulation an% simulation
mo%elin)# nature of .ater resour'es system# analo) simulation# limitations of
simulation# o-Be'ti(e fun'tion# &ro%u'tion fun'tion# o&timality 'on%ition# linear# non-
linear an% %ynami' &ro)rammin)# a&&li'ations to real time o&erations of existin)
system# hy%rolo)i' mo%elin) an% a&&li'ations of -asi' 'on'e&ts
Applications of System Approach in Water Resources:
/&&li'ations of system en)ineerin) in &ra'ti'al &ro-lems li?e hy%rolo)y# irri)ation an%
%raina)e en)ineerin)# %istri-ution net.or?# mathemati'al mo%els for fore'astin) an%
other .ater resour'es relate% &ro-lems
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to -e set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 >ater ,esour'es En)ineerin) -y Linseley an% !ran:ini
8 E'onomi's of >ater ,esour'es En)ineerin) -y =ames an% Lee
3 *&timisation Theory an% /&&li'ations -y SS,oy
4 >ater ,esour'es Systems Plannin) + E'onomi's -y ,S0arshney
B. Tech. (Civil) VIII Semester
L T P/D Total 4ax 4ar?s : 100
- - 8 8 Sessional : 60 4ar?s
Pra't /0i(a (o'e: 40 4ar?s
Duration : 3 Hours
1 !la?iness an% Elon)ation <n%ex of a))re)ates
8 S&e'ifi' )ra(ity an% .ater a-sor&tion test on a))re)ates
3 S&e'ifi' )ra(ity of -itumen
4 Pro&ortionin) of a))re)ates
@ 4arshall"s sta-ility test
6 Stri&&in) test on a))re)ates
F Determination of -itumen 'ontent
G $5, la- test on soil
H Traffi' (olume stu%y usin) (i%eo)ra&hy te'hni1ue
10 Traffi' s&ee% stu%y usin) (i%eo)ra&hy te'hni1ue
B. Tech. VIII Semester (Civil)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s:100
- - 8 8 Pra't: 40 mar?s
Sessional: 60 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
1 To %etermine the a'i%ity of a se.a)e sam&le
8 To %etermine the al?alinity of a se.a)e sam&le
3 To %etermine total# sus&en%e%# %issol(e% an% setta-le soli%s in a se.a)e sam&le
4 To %etermine (olatile an% fixe% soli%s in a se.a)e sam&le
@ To %etermine oil an% )rease in a se.a)e sam&le
6 To %etermine the 'hlori%e 'on'entration in a se.a)e sam&le
F To %etermine the sul&hate 'on'entration in a se.a)e sam&le
G To %etermine the 5*D of a )i(en se.a)e sam&le
H To %etermine the $*D of a )i(en se.a)e sam&le
10 To %etermine the T*$ of a )i(en se.a)e sam&le
11 To %etermine the fe'al 'ount of a )i(en se.a)e sam&le
18 4i'ros'o&i' stu%ies of a se.a)e
B. Tech. VIII Semester (Civil)
(Departmental Elective-III)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s: 100
3 1 - 4 Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessional: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
1. Introduction:
Sour'es of & estimation of .ater & ne'essity an% im&ortan'e of
harnessin) small hy%ro & flo. %uration an% & %uration 'ur(es# loa%
'ur(e# loa% fa'tors# 'a&a'ity fa'tors# utili:ation fa'tors# firm an% se'on%ary
2. Types of Hydro Power Plants:
Elements of Hy%ro & 'lassifi'ation of hy%ro-& &lants# run-of-ri(er
&lants# stora)e &lants %i(ersion 'anal %e(elo&ment# &um&e% stora)e &lants# ti%al
& &lants# -ase loa% an% &ea? loa% &lants in a & )ri%
3. Intakes:
<nta?e stru'tures# fun'tions an% their ty&es# 'om&onents of inta?es-fore-ay#
trash ra'?s# )ates an% (al(es# for'e re1uire% to o&erate )ates
4. Conveyance System:
Pensto'?s# %esi)n 'riterion# e'onomi'al %iameter an'hor -lo'?s# 'ra%les an%
footin)s# .ater hammer# instantaneous 'losure of & 'anal# sur)e tan?#
sur)es in 'anals
5. Turbines:
Ty&es of tur-ines# s&e'ifi' s&ee% an% 'lassifi'ation of tur-ines# syn'hronous
s&ee%# s'roll 'asin)# flumes an% %raft tu-es# %imensions of s'roll 'asin) an%
%raft tu-es# settin) of tur-ines
6. Power House:
7eneral layout an% arran)ements of hy%ro-& units# num-er an% si:e of
units# su--stru'ture# s&a'in) of units# su&er-stru'ture# un%er)roun% &
stations# ti%al &
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 >ater En)ineerin)# Dan%e?ar# 44# Sharma#92
8 Hy%ro-Ele'tri' En)ineerin) Pra'ti'e 0ol< #<< + <<< 5ro.n =7
3 >ater En)ineerin)# 5orro.s# H9
4 >ater De(elo&ment# 0ol< + <<# 4osonyi#E
@ >ater En)ineerin)# 44Deshmu?h
B. Tech. VIII Semester (Civil)
(Departmental Elective)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s:100
3 1 - 4 Theory:60 mar?s
Sessionals:40 mar?s
Dutration:3 hrs
1. Introduction:
<n%ian ri(ers# floo%# floo% &ro-lems# ri(er mor&holo)y# -eha(iour of ri(er flo.#
role of se%iments in ri(ers# 'han)es in re)imes# ri(er )au)in)# 'auses of floo%
an% losses# alle(iation of floo%in)
2. Hydrologic Statistics:
Pro-a-ilisti' treatment of hy%rolo)i' %ata# fre1uen'y + &ro-a-ility fun'tions#
statisti'al &arameters# fittin) a &ro-a-ility %istri-ution# &ro-a-ility %istri-ution
fort hy%rauli' (aria-les
3. Flood Mitigation by River Protection:
5asis of ri(er en)ineerin)# flo. ty&es# resistan'e flo. # ener)y slo&e# -a'?.ater
effe't# three %imensional flo.# 'ir'ular an% heli'oi%al flo.# ri(er im&ro(ement
.or?s# ri(er sur(ey# &rote'tion -y em-an?ment# %is'har)e 'a&a'ity# %esi)n of
%y?e# sta-ility analysis of %y?es# -an? &rote'tion# -an? re'ession# ty&es of -an?
&rote'tion .or?s# 'hannel im&ro(ement# 'utoffs %i(ersion# -y&ass 'hannel#
'utoff 'hannel# floore% .ays# floo% &lain :eroin)# s&rea%in) )roun%s
4. Flood Mitigation by Reservoirs:
Desi)n fa'tors# stora)e 'a&a'ity %eterminations# se1uent &ea? al)orithm
metho%# li(e stora)e# ri&&le mass 'ur(e floo% routin)# floo% stora)e# %ea%
stora)e# reser(oir 'lassifi'ation# reser(oir se%imentation# %istri-ution of
se%iments in reser(oirs# measurement of se%iment yiel%s# se%iment loa%
measurement# 4oo%As metho%# life of reser(oir# reser(oir o&eration -ase% on
annual stora)e an% re)ulation# sin)le an% multi &ur&ose reser(oirs# )ate
o&eration s'he%ule# maximum an% minimum flo. o&eration# multi &ur&ose
reser(oir o&eration# reser(oir e'onomi's-'ost -enefit ratios# o&timisation of
5. Flood Forecasting & Warning:
5asi' %ata# 'ommuni'ation net.or?# fore'astin) te'hni1ues an% &ro'e%ures#
fore'ast of rainfall# runoff from rainfall# fore'astin) sta)es# &ea? tra(el time#
fore'ast re&ortin) floo% .arnin)# En)ineerin) metho%s for floo% fi)htin)
6. Engineering Economics of Flood Control:
Estimation of floo% %ama)es# estimation of -enefits of floo% 'ontrol# 'ost
-enefit analysis of floo% 'ontrol &roBe't
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 !loo% $ontrol + Draina)e En)) -y S27hosh
8 Hy%rolo)y + !loo% $ontrol En)) -y S97ar)
3 Hy%rolo)y + >ater ,esour'es En)) -y 9$Patra
B. Tech. VIII Semester (Civil)
(Departmental Elective)
L T P/D Total 4ax 4ar?s: 100
3 1 - 4 Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessional: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
Pro&erties of /1uifers# !ormation 'onstants# 'om&ressi-ility of a1uifers# E1uation of
motion for stea%y an% unstea%y )roun% .ater flo. in isotro&i' homo)eneous a1uifers#
Du&itAs assum&tions Dn'onfine% flo. .ith a re'har)e# tile %rain &ro-lem 7roun%
.ater ex&loration an% metho%s of in(esti)ations
Effe't of -oun%aries# interferen'e of .ater# lea?y a1uifers# ThiemAs e1uili-rium formula
for un'onfine% an% 'onfine% a1uifers an% %etermination of hy%rauli' &ro&erties of
a1uifers Partial &enetration of an a1uifer -y a .ell# s&heri'al flo. in a .ell 2on
e1uili-rium formula for a1uifer 3unstea%y ra%ial flo.s6
Tu-e.ells# o&timum 'a&a'ity# siltin) of tu-e.ell# %esi)n of tu-e.ells in %ifferent
a1uifers# tu-e.ell ty&es# &arts# -ore hole# strains# its ty&es# .ell &i&e# 'asin) &i&e# -lin%
&i&e $onstru'tion an% .or?in) of tu-e.ells# site sele'tion# %rillin) o&eration# 'a-le
tool metho%# hy%rauli' metho%# ri(ers ,otary 4etho% an% %rillin) flui%s# .ell s'reen
assem-ly installation# (erti'ality an% ali)nment of tu-e.ells# )ra(el &a'?in)#
%e(elo&ment of tu-e.ells# si'?ness# in'onstru'tion an% 'orrosion an% failure of
tu-e.ells# Pum&in) e1ui&ment an% hy%rauli' testin) of &um&s
/rtifi'ial re'har)e of )roun% .ater# 'onsi%erations an% metho%s# re'har)e
te'hni1ues in%u'e% infiltration# .ater s&rea%in)# floo%in)# -asins# %it'hin)#
mo%ifi'ation of natural 'hannels# irri)ation# re'har)e &its# shafts an% re'har)e .ells
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 7roun%.ater Hy%rolo)y# D9To%%# =ohn >iley + Sons <n'2e.yor?
8 7roun%.ater# H4,a)hunath# >iley Eastern Lt%# 2 Delhi
B. Tech. VIII Semester (Civil)
(Departmental Elective)
L T P Total 4ax 4ar?s : 100
3 1 - 4 Theory :604ar?s
Sessional :40 4ar?s
Duration :3 hrs
1. Gravity Dams
Dam &arameters# $riteria for sele'tion of %am sites# =oints + ?eys# $oolin)
arran)ement# >ater sto&s at Boints# $losin) )a&s# for'es a'tin) on %ams# Ty&es of loa%s#
Elementary &rofile of a )ra(ity %am# Ste& -y ste& metho%# Sta-ility analysis metho%s#
Safety 'riteria# 7ra(ity analysis# <nternal stress 'al'ulations# 7ra&hi'al %etermination of
shear stress# Effe't of foun%ation elasti'ity on stresses# 7alleries# 5eha(iour of 'on'rete
)ra(ity %am su-Be'te% to earth1ua?es# Thermal stresses
2. Arch Dams
De(elo&ment of ar'h %am# 0alleys suite% for ar'h %ams# /r'h %ams layout# Ty&es of
ar'h %ams# /&&urtenant .or?s# Thin 'ylin%er theory an% most e'onomi'al 'entral
an)le# Desi)n of ar'h %am# Suita-ility at a-utments# Effe'ts of foun%ation elasti'ity on
the -eha(iours of ar'h %am
3. Buttress Dams
Ty&es of -uttress %am# Sele'tion of ty&e of -uttress %am# 4ost e'onomi'al &rofile
ha(in) no tension# Desi)n &rin'i&les# 5utterss %esi)n -y Dnit 'olumn theory# 5asi'
sha&e of -uttress# Desi)n of multi&le ar'h %am# Pro(ision of s&ill.ays an% outlet
4. Spillways and Energy Dissipaters
!a'tors affe'tin) %esi)n# $om&onents of s&ill.ays# Ty&es of s&ill.ays# Desi)n
&rin'i&les Hy%rauli' %esi)n o)ee s&ill.ay# Si%e 'hannel s&ill.ay# $hute s&ill.ay#
Sy&hon s&ill.ay# Shaft-s&ill.ay# Ener)y %issi&ation -elo. s&ill.ays# 5u'?et ty&e
ener)y %issi&aters# Desi)n of (arious ty&es of stillin) -asins
5. Weirs and Barrages
Desi)n of .eirs + -arra)es on &ermea-le foun%ation# 9hosla theory of in%e&en%ent
(aria-le# D&stream an% %o.nstream &rote'tion # !lo.nets# %esi)n of slo&in) 7la'is
.eir# 'al'ulation for hy%rauli' Bum& an% u&lift &ressure
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
Books Recommended:
1 En)ineerin) for Dams -y $rea)er# =ustin + Hin%s# >iley Eastern P(t Lt% Delhi
8 $on'rete %ams -y , S 0arshney# *xfor% + <5H Pu- $o Delhi
3 Dams Part-1 )ra(ity Dams -y 9 5 9hushalani# *xfor% + <5H# Delhi
4 Desi)n of .eirs on &ermea-le foun%ations# $5<P Pu- 2o80# Delhi
@ Hy%rauli' Desi)n of s&ill.ays# /S$E te'hni'al En)) 2o8# Desi)n 7ui%es as
a%a&te% from the DS /rmy $or&s
B. Tech. VIII Semester (Civil)
(Departmental Elective)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s:100
3 1 - 4 Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessionals: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
1. Seismology:
<ntro%u'tion# &late te'toni's# earth1ua?e %istri-ution an% me'hanism# seismi'ity#
seismi' .a(es# earth1ua?e ma)nitu%e an% intensity# seismi' :onin) an%
2. Single Degree of Freedom Systems:
0arious ty&es of %ynami' loa%s# (i-ration of sin)le %e)ree of free%om system#
!ree an% for'e% (i-rations# ty&es of %am&in)# 'riti'al %am&in) Transmissi-ility#
(i-ration measurin) instruments# res&onse s&e'trum
3. Multi-degrees of Freedom(MDOF)Systems:
E1uation of 4otion# normal mo%es an% natural fre1uen'ies# semi-%efinite
systems# %ynami' (i-ration a-sor-ers# (i-ration %am&ers# &rin'i&le of
ortho)onally# Sto%olas metho%# Hol:erAs metho%# matrix metho%# mo%al analysis
an% its limitations 4o%e su&er &osition metho%
4. Seismic Analysis and Design:
7eneral &rin'i&les# assum&tions# seismi' 'oeffi'ient metho%# res&onse s&e'trum
metho%# stren)th an% %efle'tion# %esi)n 'riterion for stru'tures# si)nifi'an'e of
%u'tility# %esi)n an% %etailin) for %u'tility# 'o%al &ro(isions# %esi)n exam&les
5. Seismic Performance, Repair and Strengthening:
4etho%s for assessin) seismi' &erforman'e# influen'e of %esi)n %u'tility an%
masonry infills# 'riterion for re&air an% stren)thenin)# re&air an% stren)thenin)
te'hni1ues an% their a&&li'ations# a%%itions of ne. stru'tural elements
6. Vibrational Control:
7eneral features of stru'tural 'ontrol# -ase isolation# a'ti(e an% &assi(e 'ontrol
system Earth1ua?e resistan'e %esi)n as &er <S:1GH3# <S4386 an% <S13H80
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
Books Recommended:
1 Elements of Earth1ua?e En)ineerin)# =ai 9rishna# / , $han%ershe?aran +
5raBesh $han%ra # South /sian Pu- 2e. Delhi
8 Dynami's of Stru'tures# $lou)h + Pen:ion# 4'7ra. Hill
3 Earth1ua?e En)ineerin)# C-M Hu#S-$Liu an% >Don)# E an% !2 Sons#
4 Earth1ua?e ,esistant $on'rete Stru'tures# 7eor)e 7 Penelis an% = 9a&oors# E
+ !2 Sons# 4a%ras
@ Stru'tural Dynami's# 4ario Pa:# $55 Pu- 2 Delhi
6 ,$$ Desi)n -y 2 9rishna ,aBu
F Limit State Desi)n of ,$$ -y / 9 =ain
B. Tech. VIII Semester (Civil)
(Departmental Elective)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s: 100
3 1 - 4 Theory: 60 mar?s
Sessional: 40 mar?s
Duration: 3 hrs
1 Concrete as Structural Material:
<ntro%u'tion# &re&aration of 'on'rete# )ra%es of 'on'rete# a%(anta)es of
'on'rete# 'on'e&t of 1uality 'ontrol
2 Concrete Making Materials:
$ement# tests on 'ement 3&hysi'al tests6# ty&es of Portlan% 'ement# (arious
ty&es of 'ement-or%inary Portlan% 'ement# ra&i% har%enin) 'ement# lo. heat
'ement# sul&hate resistant 'ement# &ortlan%-&o::olona 'ement# hi)h stren)th
Portlan% 'ement# hi)h alumina 'ement# .ater&roof 'ement# .hite Portlan%
'ement# hy%ro&ho-i' 'ement# 'oloure% Portlan% 'ement
/))re)ates# 'lassifi'ation of a))re)ates -ase% on &etro)ra&hy# si:e# sha&e +
textures# %eleterious su-stan'es in a))re)ates# -ul?in) of fine a))re)ate# sie(e
analysis# )ra%in) of a))re)ates as &er <S-3G3-1HF0 !ineness 4o%ulus#
4aximum si:e of a))re)ate Luality of mixin) .ater# 'urin) .ater
3 Properties of Concrete:
<ntro%u'tion# .or?a-ility# fa'tors influen'in) .or?a-ility# measurement of
.or?a-ility# re1uirements of .or?a-ility# &ro&erties of har%ene% 'on'rete# stress
an% strain 'hara'teristi's of 'on'rete# Coun)As mo%ulus of 'on'rete# 'ree& an%
shrin?a)e of 'on'rete# &ermea-ility of 'on'rete# %ura-ility of 'on'rete sul&hate
atta'?# fire-resistan'e# thermal &ro&erties of 'on'rete# 'onstru'tion Boints#
ex&ansion an% 'ontra'tion Boints
4 Production of Concrete:
<ntro%u'tion# -at'hin) of materials# mixin) of 'on'rete materials# trans&ortation
of 'on'rete# 'om&a'tion of 'on'rete# rea%y mixe% 'on'rete# (i-rators# <nternal
(i-rators# external (i-rators# 'on'rete 'urin) an% form.or? remo(al
5 Non-Destructive Testing of Concrete:
Si)nifi'an'e of 2on-Destru'ti(e Testin)# ,e-oun% Hammer# Dltrasoni' &ulse
(elo'ity te'hni1ues# Penetration te'hni1ues# &ullout tests# (i-ration metho%s#
,a%ioa'ti(e te'hni1ues $o(er meter# 'ore-tests
6 Deterioration of Concrete & its Prevention:
$auses of 'on'rete %eterioration# %eterioration -y .ater# surfa'e .eir# frost
a'tion# %eterioration -y 'hemi'al rea'tions# sul&hate atta'?# al?ali-a))re)ate
rea'tion# 'orrosion of em-e%%e% steel in 'on'rete Pre(ention of %eterioration of
F Repair Technology for Concrete Structures:
Sym&toms an% %ia)nosis of %istress# e(aluation of 'ra'?s# re&air of 'ra'?s#
'ommon ty&es of re&airs# %istress in fire %ama)e% stru'tures# un%er.ater
8 Special Concrete:
Li)ht .ei)ht 'on'rete# %efinition an% its &ro&erties# a&&li'ations# hi)h stren)th
'on'rete# %efinitions# its &ro&erties an% a&&li'ations# mass 'on'rete# .aste
material -ase% 'on'rete# short'rete# fi-er reinfor'e% 'on'rete: 4aterials !i-ers-
ty&es an% &ro&erties# ferro'ement# &olymer 'on'rete 'om&osites# hea(y-.ei)ht
'on'rete for ra%iation shiel%in)
9 Prestressed Concrete:
<ntro%u'tion# 5asi' 'on'e&ts# 'lassifi'ation an% ty&es of &restressin)#
&restressin) systems# &ro&erties of materials# &retensione% an% &ost-tensione%
'on'rete elements
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
1 7am-hir#4L#A$on'rete Te'hnolo)yA# T4H Pu-2Delhi
8 Shetty# 4SA$on'rete Te'hhnolo)yA# S$han% + $o2Delhi
3 2e(ellie# / 4# N$on'rete Te'hnolo)y"# Pearson E%u'ation
B. Tech. VIII Semester (Civil)
(Departmental Elective)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s:100
3 1 - 4 Theory:60 mar?s
Sessional:40 mar?s
Duration:3 hrs
!iel% 'on%itions# -oun%ary 'on%itions# fun'tional a&&roximation# finite %ifferen'es
metho%# %e(elo&ment of finite element metho%
Element Properties:
Dis&la'ement mo%els# relation -et.een the no%al %e)rees of free%om an% )enerali:e%
'oor%inates# 'on(er)en'e re1uirements# natural 'o-or%inate systems# sha&e fun'tions#
element strains an% stresses# %e(elo&ment of element stiffness# matrix an% e1ui(alent
no%al loa%s# stati' 'on%ensation
Isoparametric Elements:
<so&arametri'# su&er-&arametri' an% su--&arametri' elements# 'om&utation of stiffness
matrix of iso&arametri' elements# 'on(er)en'e 'riteria for iso&arametri' elements#
numeri'al inte)ration te'hni1ue usin) 7auss Lua%rature
One Dimensional Element:
Truss element# analysis of &lane truss &ro-lem# Hermitian -eam element# -eam on
elasti' foun%ation# solution of -eam &ro-lem
Plane Stress and Plane Strain Analysis:
Trian)ular elements# re'tan)ular elements# iso&arametri' elements# &at'h test#
axisymmetri' soli% element
Plane Bending Analysis:
Dis&la'ement fun'tions# &late -en%in) elements# re%u'e% inte)ration# stress smoothin)
Conduction Heat Transfer:
!ormulation of finite element metho% for heat 'on%u'tion# (arious .ei)hte% resi%ual
te'hni1ues# one %imensional heat 'on%u'tion# t.o %imensional 'on%u'tion heat transfer
Direct Stiffness Method of Analysis and Solution Technique:
/ssem-la)e of elements# %ire't stiffness metho%# -oun%ary 'on%itions an% rea'tions#
7auss elimination an% matrix %e'om&osition
Finite Element Analysis Software:
Pre-an% Post-&ro'essors finite element analysis soft.are# error estimates an% a%a&ti(e
a 9rishnamurthy# $S#A!inite Element /nalysis-Theory an% Pro)rammin)A# T4H
- $oo?# ,D#4al?us#DS an% Plesha#4E#A$on'e&t an% /&&li'ations of !inite
Element /nalysisA# =ohn >iley + Sons# 2e. Cor?
' Desai# $S an% /-el#=!#A<ntro%u'tion to the !inite Element 4etho%A# /ffiliate%
East->est Press P(tLt%2Delhi
% 4ani'?a Sel(am#09#A!inite Element PrimerA# Dhan&at ,ai Pu-#2Delhi
e The !inite Element 4etho% E *$ Kein?':# , / Taylor# 5H Pu-# Lon%on
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
B. Tech. VIII Semester (Civil)
(Departmental Elective)
L T P/D Total 4ax4ar?s:100
3 1 - 4 Theory:60 mar?s
Sessional:40 mar?s
Duration:3 hrs
Settin) out of .or?s; <m&ortant Sur(ey 4etho%s; $on'rete Te'hnolo)y; Stru'tural Steel
!a-ri'ation an% Ere'tion 4etho%s + Pro'e%ures# Tem&orary Stru'tures E Sta)in) +
Stora)e >or?s; $on(entional !orm.or? Systems; Plant layout + 4aterial Han%lin);
Prefa- $onstru'tion
5asi' 4etho%s in !oun%ation En))# 5uil%in) !inishes; Different ty&es of floorin) +
-est &ra'ti'es# External an% <nternal .all finishes# 'oatin)s an% 'la%%in)s# !alse
'eilin)s# finishes in Entran'e lo--ies
$onstru'tion E1ui&ment su- systems# 7roun% Dri(e# >ire ,o&es# 5elts# Tires#
Ele'tri'al motors# 5earin)s Stati' Plants E $om&ressors# 7enerators# >ater &um&s#
$rushers 5rief %etails of Ex'a(ation an% Earth mo(in) an% other e1ui&ments#
Pro&erties# maintenan'e an% s'he%ules
<m&ortan'e# s'o&e# o-Be'ti(e an% fun'tion of materials mana)ement <nte)rate%
a&&roa'h to materials mana)ement $lassifi'ation of 'onstru'tion materials# Estimatin)
of materials re1uirement# &lannin)# Pro'urement
Note for Paper-setter: E<7HT 1uestions are to set sele'tin) at least T>* 1uestions
from ea'h unit# 'o(erin) entire sylla-us Stu%ents .ill -e re1uire% to attem&t !<0E
1uestions sele'tin) at least *2E 1uestion from ea'h unit
a 4ehta P9 an% 4onterio P4 $on'rete 4i'rostru'ture# Pro&erties an%
4aterials# 3
e%n 4'7ra. Hill 2e. Cor? 8006
- ,an).als S$ ,an).ala 9S + ,an).ala 99# $onstru'tion of
Stru'ture + 4ana)ement of .or?s# 3
e%n $harotar Pu-lishin) House#
/nan%# 8000
' /huBa 99# 4aterial 4ana)ement# 1
e%# $5S Pu-lishers an%
Distri-utors re&rint# 1HHH
% 7o&al?rishnan &# Han%-oo? of 4aterials 4ana)ements# Prenti'e Hall
*f <n%ia# 2e. Delhi 1HHG
e 0arma# 4ahesh# $onstru'tion E1ui&ment an% its Plannin) an%
a&&li'ation# 4etro&olitan 5oo? $om&any 3&6 Lt%# 1HH4 3,e&rint-

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