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KakaoTalk Chats with YZF Andy

8:26 PM, 6 decembrie 2013

8:26 PM, 6 decembrie 2013, you : (lips) i really missed everyone. and i drank a
lot of Jager in ur memory (hurray)
11:50 PM, 6 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Oh nice jager (best) we / I missed u too
11:51 PM, 6 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I hope everything is good with u (lips)
12:54 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I liked the first pic u Had on
4:28 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : (tongue) you saw it lol
4:28 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Lol I did
4:28 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I know how u look (tongue)
4:29 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : now i am not a mistery
4:29 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : maybe it wasn't me(cool)
4:29 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I know it was u
4:29 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Lol
4:30 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : U send me a pic before on sunset (tongue)
4:30 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : how do you know that?(beam)
4:30 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : oh well...there goes my secret(cry)(beam)
4:31 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : U on the window
4:31 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (beam)
4:32 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : it was the only pic i had because i reseted my
phone to factory settings but i hope you will still talk to me (surprised) even
the mistery is not there
4:32 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : now i need to find out who are you(beam)
4:32 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Mmmmmmmmm let me think
4:32 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (beam)
4:33 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Of course I will
4:33 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I send u a pic before
4:34 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : hmm are u shure?
4:34 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : (grumpy)
4:34 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Well was the seen
4:34 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : But I was there
4:34 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : i saw only ur glasses lol
4:35 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Lol
4:35 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : What color
4:35 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : but no problem. it.does't matter. this isn't a
dating service. lol
4:35 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Lol I know (tongue)
4:36 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : your brother is recovered?
4:36 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Yes he is back at work now and soon will b
e playing soccer with me
4:37 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : How about u, better ???
4:40 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : not better but i will be (satisfied)
4:40 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : i am glad to be back with my friends
4:41 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : We are too
I was surprised when u left (cry) I couldn't sleep for 2 weeks (worried)
4:45 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : are you kidding?
4:45 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : i hope ain't true
4:45 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : (grumpy)
4:51 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Lol but I was sad didn't expect it
4:54 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : (worried) i was sad also. i make my life compli
cated. i dunno what i want
4:56 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : back to sleep now, it's 5 a.m (zzz)
4:57 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I hope everything works out for u, I don't
like to see u sad (worried) sweet dreams
4:58 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : thanks.i hope that too. but i feel like a stupi
d little girl
5:01 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I don't know what happened
Was family or personal
5:03 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : U don't have to answer that question.
5:03 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : If u don't want to
5:04 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : both (beam) lucky me
5:04 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : it's so complicated. but it will pass. is just
a matter of time
5:05 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : We'll help u pass it and keep u happy
5:05 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : i just realized that no one can tell me what to
do with my life and i need to keep doing things i like
5:07 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Well is your life you need to tell yoursel
f what to do with your life not others
And yes the things that make you happy is the best way to go
5:07 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : yup. i will find a way to manage things
5:09 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Well I didn't tell u before but I knew a g
irl from Romania and she was very sweet
Not a girlfriend just a very good friend
5:09 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : how did you met her? online? and u tasted her?
(happy)(cute) i am not sweet
5:10 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : U are very sweet that was my point (tongue
5:11 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I used to work with her
5:12 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : really? online or she came to u?
5:12 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I never tried dating online I always thoug
ht it`s fake but I see some ppl that got married from online dating
5:13 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Not online I worked with her at the same j
5:14 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : niicee. this thing with online dating isn't fak
e. i didn't try it but it's risky
5:15 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : and what are the chances to find someone close
to you, same town... hard to have a long distance relationship
5:16 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : so that's why you liked me, because you remembe
red her...
5:16 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : (tongue)(cute)
5:16 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Online dating is not all fake but risky li
ke u said 1 out of 1000 is the right one
5:17 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : and 999 chances to find a serial killer
5:18 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : For your information she was just a good f
And I like u for who u are funny and sometimes evil
5:19 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (devil)
5:19 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Jk the evil part lol
5:20 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : that's not prior for me, to find someone. i nee
d to focus on my family now and on my happiness. it was a hard year for me and i
don't wanna go back and struggling for my life. it's a sad and long story and i
t's useless to start and tell. you will need three days and three nights to find
out everything. enough about my fucked up life. do you belive in one love? (hap
5:21 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : i am evil when i need to, but most of the time
i am funny and i like to be sarcastic. this is the evil part of me. i am crazy b
ut i am a girl and this tells all(blush)
5:24 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (beam)
5:24 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Yes family first i`m with u there
5:27 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : We all have a point in life that was hard
to pass but u got to try rising, don't let the pass eat you from inside
5:29 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : no really. did you loved?
5:29 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : i wanna find something
5:29 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : an answer
5:29 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : you said it. i feel like something it's eating
me, cannot get rid of the past(worried)
5:29 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : it's like i'm stucked. i am afraid of moving on
. and life is about courage and getting into unknown
5:31 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Well it`s normal, love and feelings are re
al and they have that effect on ppl but don't let it drive you
Be strong and try to move on one day at the time
5:34 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : the fact is that i spent like 8 yrs with someon
e, i luved him but now we are not on the same page, i dunno if i still luv him,
maybe it's just a habbit of having him in my life. i can't see myself with someo
ne else but also if i am with him, i am not happy. what the fuck? can you explai
n this?
5:35 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Yes I can
5:41 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Here is my way of dealing with that, if u
lose the love or feeling for someone and u try and try to make it better, U do e
verything to make it work and still the same, it`s time to move on
The best life someone can have is being happy with who they with
The life that U try to fix and still can't fix it its just wasting valuable time
of your life
My point is if no happiness in a relationship = no happiness for the rest of the
ir life
5:43 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Sorry but that`s what I think can't be wit
h someone that i`m not happy to spend the rest of my life
5:45 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I don't really know your situation but tha
t`s my opinion of not being happy with my partner
5:48 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : that's mine too. we want to make it work but it
doesn't. i have a feeling that i have to let it go
5:48 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : for sure, happy is the last word i can bring in
5:48 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : i know i deserve more but i feel stuck
5:52 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Well it just happened and it`s normal to f
eel that way give it sometimes
Just don't let stress get you (kiki)
5:52 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : here goes another hour. i think only time will
5:52 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Go out with friends and have fun
5:53 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : who knows. it's not that bad to stay single(ton
5:53 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Not at all I am lol(tongue)
5:54 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : better than stay single and do things that i li
ke rather than beeing with someone that tells me what to do
5:56 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : yeah but it's difficult when you spent so many
yrs, 24/7 next to someone and one day you wake up and realize you want something
else. i left 4 months ago, i feel like i luv him but when i stay with him and h
e is starting to tell me what to do, i wanna run. i think i need to clear up my
mind because this ain't luv. lol :-) maybe the prince will come and save me soon
6:03 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I`m not saying better single but not to st
ay and take or give orders relationship should be equal on both sides
We all need someone to spend the rest of our life's bit with the right one not s
omeone.that makes u feel unhappy
6:09 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : (worried)
6:11 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Be happy
6:11 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (beam)
6:11 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : U with us now lol
6:16 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, you : i am (happy)
7:53 AM, 7 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Good night
2:03 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : -780531679.jpg
2:04 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : This is me no glasses lol
5:22 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : so, if i got ur pic, is this a dating chat? (be
5:30 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Lol but I don't have yours (tongue)
5:32 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : omg. u`ve seen it on my profile(relieved)
5:33 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : and if i send you my pic that means this is a d
ating service? (kiki)(tongue)(cute)
5:35 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : It don't have to be if u don't want too bu
t it can be a friendship chat as a start (wink)
5:37 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Well I saw u but u took the pic out
5:43 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : -1180527740.jpg
5:44 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : as a start? (happy) leaving the joke behind, yo
u look nice (i am not allowed to say "hot", because ain`t a date), and now i am
revelead (sneer) keep the secret for you
5:45 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : -937615841.jpg
5:45 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : and this is what i had as a profile
5:47 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Well since im not allowed to say (hot) bec
ause this is not a dating chat
U looking very nice lol(tongue)
5:47 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (happy)
5:47 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : crazy
5:48 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : and thanks
5:48 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : And thank u
5:48 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : maybe we allow things (satisfied)
5:49 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : and you, with glasses? (cute)
5:51 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I lost those photos when I was in Michigan
I changed my phone
5:53 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (satisfied) i wear glasses also but not full ti
me. only when i am tired and i need to read, stay on computer. but this aint hap
pening often (cute)
5:53 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Did u just take that photo not the profile
5:54 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : maybe (beam)
5:54 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I only wear sunglasses so far
5:54 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : you think i look like that at 5 am? (beam)(beam
5:55 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : now i get it. i thought u wear glasses because
u said: "this is me without..." so
5:55 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I like the 5am look is that sleepy look th
at I like
5:56 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : hihi(relieved)
5:56 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Because the pic I send before was in Michi
gan and was wearing white sun glasses
5:57 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : yeah really sleepy. i usually don`t have proble
ms waking up early in the morning, but if i have nothing to do and someone is tr
ying to wake me, the devil comes out of me(satisfied)
5:58 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Lol
5:58 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : That morning devil is funny tho
5:59 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : oh don't want to see another morning devil, bes
ide the angry one (cute)(happy)(relieved)
6:01 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Lol
6:02 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I liked your designs
6:02 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : You showed it here once
6:02 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : what designs?
6:02 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : oohhh
6:02 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (cute)(satisfied)(relieved)
6:03 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Is that what you do for fun
6:04 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : i do things related to beauty
6:06 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Like u (kiki)
6:07 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (satisfied)
6:08 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : like me? i am ugly (cute) i make myself beautif
ul using technology (embarrassed)
6:10 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Mmmmmm take a pic now and send it and i`ll
tell u, but im sure it`s not true (tongue)
6:14 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : hahaha... a pic of my face or pyjamas? i usuall
y sleep naked. you choose (cute)(tongue)(beam)
6:16 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Better lol(tongue)(tongue)(wink)
6:17 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : hahahha(tongue)
6:19 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : So what is your work there
6:20 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : makeup artist and nail technician (beam)
6:20 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : girl stuff (blush)
6:21 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Oh there is a lot of those here every step

6:22 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Nail and beauty stuff it`s all over here
6:22 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Lol
6:23 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : omg on the main chat things are going crazy, i
better stop (tongue)
6:23 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : yeah,.here also but there is room for everyone
6:24 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (beam)
6:25 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : What do u mean is room for everyone
6:27 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : with makeup and nails (tongue), even there are
thousands around, we have our clients. and i am a freelancer, not working in a f
ix spot.
6:32 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Like for yourself not for someone else
6:33 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : yup. i work only for me. as much as i want, whe
never i want
6:33 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : i make my own schedule and i like it
6:36 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Very nice
6:36 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Work for yourself
6:36 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : i wanted to ask you, what was the name of ur ro
manian friend? just curious. and she lived there or she came from Romania for a
working trip?
6:37 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : U work with girls and guys or just girls
6:37 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : i will. also next year i want to open a beauty
center where ladies can do things for them, like a SPA Center
6:38 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : slimming and beauty. reshape body
6:38 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : 99,9% girls. but i can do makeup for guys if ne
eded. but no
6:39 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : you? if we are asking about work. now i see ur
interested in me. i wonder why (cute)
6:39 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Very nice organized
6:39 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Lol
6:39 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : That`s what it means
6:40 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : i am organized. maybe too much sometimes. but a
lso i like to let things happen, being spontaneous
6:42 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Well u can't plan all.your life it`s no fu
n lol(tongue)
6:42 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Spontaneous is fun too
6:44 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : i know. when it comes to work i am serious
6:45 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : but when it comes to everyday life i am a mess
6:45 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I like adventures sports basically being a
6:48 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : same here. i am into sports since i was 6 yrs o
6:50 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : What do you play
6:50 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Or used to
6:53 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : oohh.. i started with roller blades(from 6 yrs
until now - i am a pro), then voleyball, basketball, i hope i spell it right unt
il now, a thing on water and boat( don`t know how to translate and i am lazy to
google it) - here is called caiac (something like a canoe), and athletism (a few
yrs), street dance, coreography, now only roller blades-bike-gym (smile)
6:54 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : fitness now in winter time, no more bike for me
6:54 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : About my friends name from Romania was cal
led Jessica but it wasn't her real name she told me her real one but can't remem
ber started with R I think she came from Romania
6:55 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : not aerobic or girl stuff. i am sick of girl st
uff (tongue)
6:55 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : R? we have Ramona, Roxana ... there are too man
y. no point, i thought you knew (tongue)
6:56 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Not her real name
6:57 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : tell me about ur sports
7:04 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Well I like soccer as u know it my number
1 sport,Snowboarding,Gym, Swim
Bike used to go, no one to ride with now
More sports that I used to do but nothing like being a pro or being serious just
for fun and being active
7:06 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : soccer is no 1 sport in our country, most popul
ar. i can ride with ya (beam)
7:06 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : i like to swim also. forgot about that. i am a
seaside fan
7:07 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I like wavy water to swim
7:08 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : more force on ur body
7:08 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I like to surfing but never tried it
7:08 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : here no surfing
7:14 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Is like snowboarding on water lol
7:14 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Does it snow where u are
7:15 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : 2073999374.jpg
7:15 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : this was 2 yrs ago
7:16 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : we have winter sports, you must go to the mount
ain side
7:17 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : that was in the city
7:17 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : lol
7:17 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : you barely could walk thru the snow, taller tha
n knees
7:18 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : 3 years ago my car got covered with snow I
only could see half of my car window
7:18 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : No work for 2 days
7:19 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (smile)(beam) it`s fun cleaning the car, shovel
the snow around
7:20 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : here all the cars were fully covered, when you
go outside (thank god to the parking lots), you are wondering which one is yours
7:20 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I couldn't get to the car so I waited for
the snow cleaning trucks to clean the roads
7:21 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Lol
7:21 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (beam) u could make a way thru
7:21 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (tongue)
7:21 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : No, it was deep
7:23 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : deep? sounds good (tongue)(tongue)(tongue)
7:23 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Dirty
7:23 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (tongue)
7:24 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (cute)
7:24 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (emoticon)
7:25 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : for you is late night and for me is early morni
ng, we are allowed to have dirty minds(relieved)
7:25 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I don't blame u (tongue)(beam)(wink)
7:26 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : U still in bed
7:27 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : yup. why? wanna join? (cute)
7:27 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Yup
U still no clothes lol
7:27 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : it`s sunday, nothing to do. maybe cleaning the
house but that`s it
7:28 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : hihi...i have a shirt and panties. during summe
r is different (tongue)
7:29 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (emoticon)Mmmmmm
7:30 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : cannot show u
7:30 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : i am shy (tongue)
7:30 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : but if you insist (beam)(beam)(beam)
7:30 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I insist (beam)(beam)
7:31 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (tongue)
7:31 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (worried) i`m sad lol
7:32 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : -1492872453.jpg
7:32 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : sad? why?
7:33 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : i am sorry if it`s too much but you asked for i
t. you forced me (tongue)
7:34 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Lol is that really u
7:34 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Don't be I asked for it
7:35 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : why? yes i admit, is me. again, keep it a secre
t. i cropped that pic because i don't want to be porn
7:35 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : you might run away
7:35 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (beam)
7:36 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : too much...sorry(relieved)
7:36 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : i should have cropped more
7:36 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Is nothing scary there to run away
7:36 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : No u should have left it alone
7:36 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : winter sleep wear (beam)
7:37 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : No cropped
7:37 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : neeaahh. already i've shown you too much
7:37 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Lol
7:38 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : No
7:40 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Well its more then what I expected lol
7:41 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I hope is u I like the color of panties
7:41 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : not so much but i wanted to wear those. i prefe
r black(beam)
7:42 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : so it was too much (worried)
7:42 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : No I wanted the uncut pic (worried)
7:43 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (satisfied)
7:44 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : from game, to sports and porn .. lol. oh let`s
not forget about drinks
7:44 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : until yesterday you didn`t know my face and now
u've seen my panties (worried)(relieved)
7:46 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Well that`s a progress hope we keep talkin
g about everything
7:46 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : sweet dreams my friend (beam)
7:46 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : if you would like, i am here (wink)
7:47 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Sweet dreams to you
I will have wonderful dreams (cute)
7:47 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (beam)
7:48 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : lol.. watch out with those dreams, u will need
to tell me all about if i will be involved (tongue)(beam)
7:48 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : U didn't tell me your dreams from before I
7:49 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : hahaha you got me (confused)
7:49 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : good memory
7:49 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Yes I did
And i`ll tell you tomorrow what I saw in my dreams
7:49 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : yes i owe you. maybe we will have the chance to
tell the dreams, not to write
7:50 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : ok ok. cannot wait to hear that (beam)(tongue)(
7:50 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Sounds a good idea
7:50 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (wink)
7:50 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (lips)
7:51 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Ok good night got to sleep
Very sleepy here
7:51 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I`m about to start my dream
7:51 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : go go. same here. now is 8 am for me but who ca
res. good night ! (lips)(relieved)
7:53 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : keep room for more. because we have more to com
e (tongue) this is just the beginning
7:53 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Ok i`ll stop it when it`s too much
7:53 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : loool(beam)(beam)(beam)
7:54 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Good night sweetheart
7:54 AM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : Good Night ! (satisfied)(relieved)
12:42 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Good morning (wink)
12:42 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : Good Morning ! (beam)(wink)
12:43 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : how was ur night? i hope not to stresfull
1:04 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : It was very nice night but can't tell u no
w it`s long and got no time
Getting ready for work (tongue)(wink)(cute)
1:08 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : don't worry about me. but if you tell someone i
am screwed (wink)
1:15 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I`m not telling anyone
1:15 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (angry)
1:15 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : i know. i trust u(tongue)
1:16 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : And you too, don't tell
1:16 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : i won`t. i didn`t saw ur underwear (tongue)
1:16 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Lol
1:17 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Not yet lol
1:17 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (tongue)
1:17 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : But don't want too
1:18 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : my lips are sealed. LOL .. oh well. i am patien
t (tongue)
1:20 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : It`s very cold here
1:20 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : i bet. i can warm you up if you want.
1:21 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : it`s 5 in the morning, damn
1:21 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Please warm me up I need u
1:21 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (beam)
1:21 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : one day ...
1:21 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : It`s 17F here
1:22 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Ok good because i`m cold
1:27 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Here ppl call Chicago windy city because t
he weather changes one day it`s warm the next one it`s cold
1:27 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : holly s#%t... that means -8C. here are 4C now
1:28 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Lol I need u to warm me up please
1:29 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : ooh i could warm you somehow but you must go to
work (cute)
1:30 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I know i`m driving to work now
1:30 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : But i`m cold
1:30 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : oh, drive safe. how many hours you work? when y
ou will be back home?
1:31 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : turn the heat on, even if your fuel will drop b
1:31 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : About 9-10 hours
1:32 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (worried) so much
1:32 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : drive safe please. let the phone down. i need y
ou (satisfied)
1:33 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Ok i`ll text u later
1:33 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : yes. don't worry. i will be around. take care p
lease (wink)
9:28 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : where are you, my friend?
9:49 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Still at work (kiki)
9:49 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : How was your day
9:49 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (cry)
9:50 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I know (cry)
9:51 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I`m very sleepy too
9:55 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : how much time until you finish? and tomorrow yo
u start again?
9:55 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : you had a weird breakfast, for a sporty man lik
e you, pizza? (beam)
9:56 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : my day was long, not much to do. i feel a littl
e bit sad but it will past, hope really soon
9:56 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : That`s my good breakfast egg whites pizza
that`s a good healthy breakfast
9:58 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Me after work got to go to my cousin he ne
ed me to help him with he's computer
Not happy (worried)
9:59 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : proteins for muscle and carbs for fat (beam)
9:59 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : want some apple pie from McDonald? this i serve
now (tongue)
9:59 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : oh well, that`s a sad news for me, i thought i
will have you only for myself (blush)
10:10 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : -207775051.jpg
10:10 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Snowing here
10:11 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : you're in the middle of nowhere?? (tongue)
10:12 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : tell me and i come rescue. i'm starting feelin
g my cold feet
10:12 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : U do have me for yourself just got to hel
p him
10:12 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : It`s my work, not many houses around
10:12 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (beam) naah. i am greedy
10:13 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I like greedy (wink)
10:13 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (beam)
10:13 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I got to walk across the bridge to get to
my car
10:15 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Tomorrow after work i`m all yours (crushe
10:16 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I don't have to get up that early tomorro
w only had 3:30 hours of sleep last night
But was worth it I got to know more about you (wink)
10:18 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (beam)(tongue)(relieved) more. you said it
10:19 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : and tomorrow your work is from... to...? tell
me what time is there now, so i can tell the difference beetwen us
10:19 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : here is 10:20 pm
10:20 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Now is 2:20 pm
10:20 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Tomorrow I get out at 4 pm
10:21 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Might be late for you
But i`m off Tuesday all day
10:21 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : So u are 8 hours ahead
10:22 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : yup. i knew that but i wanted to be sure
10:22 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : tuesday? (cry)
10:22 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : ok ok
10:23 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Tomorrow if you not a sleep we can talk
10:23 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : and this weekend (wink)(beam)
10:23 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Yes
10:23 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : let`s not worry too much
10:23 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (tongue)
10:23 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (wink)
10:23 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : let things happen
10:24 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Yes
10:24 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : you know chances that we will meet in this lif
e are really low
10:24 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : so i will have fun with ya as much as i can, e
ven if it's on a free app (tongue)
10:25 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : i will be honest. i like you
10:25 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : not going to hide that
10:25 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Well I liked u long time a go
10:25 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (tongue)
10:25 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (cool)
10:25 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : yeah right
10:25 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : And about meeting u never know ????
10:25 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : why? (beam)
10:26 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : yeah. that`s why i said low chances. not impos
10:26 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : you've been to Europe?
10:26 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I am from there I said it before on kakao

10:27 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : really? didn`t see that
10:27 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : from where?
10:28 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I`m from Albania, been in US for 15 years
, only been in Albania one time since I left there
10:29 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : lol. that`s awesome
10:29 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : how old are u now?
10:29 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I got my family here and some cousin
10:29 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : how come u left so young?
10:29 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Yes
10:29 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I`m 30 going for 31
10:30 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (wink)
10:30 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Very hard
10:30 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : perfect (tongue)(tongue)
10:30 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I know i`m not supposed to ask age but if
u don't mind u can tell me
10:31 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : that`s why you knew about Romania? because we
are close
10:31 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : how old u think i am?(beam)
10:31 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Lol
10:31 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (beam)
10:31 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Yes
10:32 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Oh i`ll say 22
10:32 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (beam)(beam)(beam)(beam)(beam)(beam)(beam)(bea
10:32 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : lmfao
10:32 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : i knew you will say that
10:32 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : How
10:32 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : much more(wink)
10:32 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : because all my clients say that
10:32 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Better be safe lol
10:32 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : no really
10:33 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : tell me ur birth date and i will tell you mine
10:33 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Well u look young
10:33 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : ur born in 1983? 82?
10:33 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : thanks. i am born in 1985 (beam)
10:33 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : so 28.5 yrs old
10:34 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : February 3 /83
10:34 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : may 2/85
10:34 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : lol
10:34 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : say it: perfect (tongue)(beam)
10:34 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : That`s why u said perfect
10:34 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (beam)
10:34 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (beam)
10:35 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : What is your horoscope
10:35 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : ooohh.. thats baad (devil)
10:35 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : taurus
10:36 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : don`t wanna mess with me
10:36 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (grumpy)
10:36 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Aquarius
10:36 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : but i don`t belive in this
10:37 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Me too never read that
10:37 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : let`s see if we are compatible
10:37 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : We don't need horoscope
10:37 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Lol
10:38 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : i belive in general sayings about signs .. lik
e stubborn or something else
10:38 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : i am curious
10:38 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : can i watch or is too much?(relieved)
10:39 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : About my sign
10:40 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : U can check it out
10:40 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Got to drive in snow i`ll check here when
i`m on red light
10:41 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : "your aquarius has a special charm, myserious
and seductive. at the beginning he is distant, even cold, intellectualist, and h
is mind will fascinate you. taurus lives in the present, aquarius in the future.
an important difference that will often stay in the way of communication" lol..
short story
10:42 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : i will check only urs and see how u are. drive
safe pls
10:43 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : i am reading "seducing the aquarius man" (tong
10:44 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : it says u attract with ur kind heart and with
ur intelligence., humour and loving eyes (crushed)
10:44 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Lol
10:45 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : ur difficult to describe because you bring alo
ng a world full of contradictions and paradoxes
10:50 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : original thinking, curious, likes experiencing
. independent. stubborn. cares for friendship. the aquarius man can love very de
eply but he won`t show it very often. lol: the aquarius can love with sincerity
but it is possible that he will avoid making any commitment. he can have a marri
age born of friendship and complicity, to a nice, intelligent woman who is as in
dependent as he is. it will work in the spirit of absolute reciprocal freedom"
10:50 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : done with bullshits (cool)
10:51 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : i understood that ur smart and hot (tongue)
10:51 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Lol don't know if i`m all that(beam)
10:51 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (confused)
10:51 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (beam)
10:54 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I don't wanna see what Taurus says I like
u just like that (lips)
10:54 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (relieved)
10:54 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (lips)
10:55 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : nice one
10:55 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : i got it
10:58 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : ur on your way to your cousin? i should have a
sked you what you work, after you asked me, but ain't so important
10:59 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : but i am curious
11:00 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : when i saw ur first pic with a glass i was won
dering how you look like. That is not important, but to know who u share ur drin
ks with(cute)
11:06 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I work as a chef and going to school for
food service supervisor . I work in a nursing home
11:07 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Nutrition is part of my job
11:08 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : niiiceee. i like
11:08 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : andy is ur name?
11:08 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (cute)
11:08 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Andi
11:09 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : cute (satisfied)
11:09 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (beam)
11:09 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Is yours Alice
11:09 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : yup (happy)
11:10 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : Alice in Zombieland
11:10 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Alice is my boss at work and Alice boss i
n CC lol
11:10 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : if u need time with ur cousin just say it and
i am off. i know u are really tired
11:10 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : lol
11:11 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : i am not ur boss
11:11 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : Joe is
11:11 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I like u more
11:11 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Lol
11:11 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : of course (cute)
11:12 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : but i am no ones boss. i just helped him when
he was on vacation
11:12 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Lol I know
11:13 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I`ll be at my cousins house in a min
11:14 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : ok ok. then i let you do ur thing with his com
puter. whats wrong with it? reinstalling win?
11:21 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : No, virus, I might have to do a recovery
don't know how bad it is
11:21 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Well re-install win lol
11:22 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : lol. easier to do that
11:22 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : the hard part comes after. when u have to inst
all all the drivers
11:22 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : and programs
11:23 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : His is from this year not too bad
When I had to do my parents computer theirs is old that was a pain in the ass lo
11:24 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : ooohh don`t tell me. i know
11:27 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Ok sweetheart i`ll talk to you later im h
So I can pay some attention to my cousin
But i`ll be thinking of you (crushed)
11:27 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (relieved)
11:28 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : ok (how can i call you) (grumpy)
11:28 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : hmmm
11:31 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : i will think about something
11:34 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Skype
11:35 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : no nooo
11:35 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : you called me sweetheart i dunno how to call y
11:35 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : skype, not yet. still shy (relieved)
11:36 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : i will call you "cutie" (cute)(happy)
11:38 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Call not video
11:39 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Cutie mmmm really lol
11:39 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : neah..not cutie
11:39 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : baby? too much. not yet
11:40 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : how you like to be called? :-)
11:40 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : and no call yet. you'll laugh of my english
11:41 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : omfg... i am so sorry, ur not mine, you are ur
cousin now. i go cut my fingers ! it`s almost midnight and i enjoy talking to y
11:43 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Me too u can call me what u want baby sou
nds fine with me (wink)
11:48 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : not yet. too early. i need to get to know you
more (cute)
11:49 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : now i get out from this room, if i won't, i wi
ll disturb you all day
11:50 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Lol I like when u bother me
11:50 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (satisfied)
11:52 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : -723147067.jpg
11:54 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I can't concentrate lol
11:55 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : (devil)
11:55 PM, 8 decembrie 2013, you : yes you can !
12:22 AM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Good night sweetheart (lips)
12:23 AM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : That was a good night kiss
12:23 AM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : good night baby boy (lips)
12:23 AM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Oh baby lol
12:23 AM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I like it
12:23 AM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : i know (relieved)(wink)
12:23 AM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : (blush)
5:53 AM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : (lips)
5:56 AM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : That was a good night kiss (cute) (but i think
ur already sleeping). i get back to mine (bubble)
12:16 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : -1666453136.jpg
12:16 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : this will help you wake up faster (tongue)
12:17 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : a small (gift) from me (wink)
1:54 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Good morning cutie pie
2:21 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : Good morning sweetie (wink)
2:25 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : 1953962567.jpg
2:25 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : (lips)
2:25 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : This is my car now some snow
2:25 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : what a mess (grumpy)
2:25 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (lips)
2:26 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : get inside, quick, and turn on the heat. fuck t
he snow, drive like that (satisfied)(cute)
2:30 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : need to go out for an hour. i text you when i g
et back (wink)
2:32 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Ok
3:27 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : back baby boy (beam)
3:28 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : are you at work now?
3:28 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : i know you don't have much time to chat
3:38 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Yes i`m at work now (lips)
3:39 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : What u gonna do today
3:39 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : (lips)
3:40 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Busy at work but i`ll find time for my bab
y girl (confused)(tongue)(wink)
3:40 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : i finished my things. i am home now. need to co
ok something for tonight. after that i will take a hot bubble bath, and relaxing
night (wine)
3:40 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : aaawwww(relieved)
3:40 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : yours? (crushed)
3:41 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : i missed you. funny, dunno why because i don't
know you and we didn't talk much,.but i was checking my phone every 5 minutes to
see if you're up (tipsy)
3:42 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : i guess that means i missed you (omg)
4:10 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Same here (beam)(beam) well at the beginni
ng didn't talk much remember what my sign says (tongue)
4:10 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I check my phone for you to say something
4:15 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Let me know what u gonna cook
4:18 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : oh i will cook something easy, some rice with v
egetables (onion,carrot, mushrooms, soy sauce, garlic), and i will have some chi
cken on the grill. why chef? (tongue) i know you are better than me. maybe one d
ay we will cook one for another (beam)
4:21 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I`m not Better just wanted to know what's
your dinner actually I love soy sauce
And your dinner sounds yummy I wish I was invented for dinner (kiki)
4:22 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I like the idea of cooking for us at the s
ame dinner table(smile)
4:22 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Looking at each other
4:23 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : (cool) ur invited baby
4:24 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : but is sad you won't be here on time. but i mak
e a promise now: one day i will cook something for you (if you would like) (wink
4:24 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : that means, starting today, i will do anything
to acomplish my promise (blush)
4:33 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Lol sounds good
And I do like that one day we can cook for each other
4:36 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : And about your English u said that don't s
ound good
Well as u know i`m not from US originally I was the same was when I came here no
English at all I went school for 2 years to learn English because like my sign
says I was looking at the future (beam)(beam)(beam) BS
I know I needed to learn good English to do better
4:37 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Got some mistakes on spelling i`m writing
fast lol
4:45 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : don't worry about mistakes because i understand
everything, don't bother to correct (wink). so you wanna hear my voice? (tongue
4:46 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : maybe we will talk one day. soon. who knows. i
wanna see you (satisfied)
4:47 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Sounds perfect
4:47 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : you've got skype, maybe tuesday when you will b
e home, or this weekend
4:48 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : i'm so shy (relieved)
4:48 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : dunno about you
4:48 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : i wanna know you more (tongue)
4:50 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Ok well we don't have to do this soon we c
an wait after the battle
4:51 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Or when u feel comfortable
4:52 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : yup. when is the time. no rush. but i still wan
na know more about you (tongue)
4:52 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : if it's possible and you are willing to share
4:54 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Yes u can ask anything
4:54 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I`ll share with you
4:57 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Where in Romania do you live
5:00 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : capital - Bucharest (smile)
5:01 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : you cook so much there? don't you have a small
5:05 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Actually I don't cook much if no one is on
vacation I only cook every other weekend lol usually my day goes dealing with c
omplaints diet chances / drama with employees ordering food receiving food
5:05 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Stuff like that
5:09 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : My break is mixed with office work at the
same time lol
5:10 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : :-) is really interesting what ur doing
5:10 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : But this month been busy because of holida
ys we got to prepare a heat of time thats why looks I've been busy 24/7
5:10 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : december is busy for everyone (angry)
5:11 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : hmm...dunno how to ask you because i don't find
my words
5:12 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : And after this we get state surveyor they
come every year and it`s game on when they come everyone goes crazy lol
5:12 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : U can ask anything (wink)
5:12 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : you said about online dating,you've heard about
happy endings. do you belive in this? you think there are chances you can meet
the right person online?
5:22 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Of course there is happy ending everywhere
but u got to make sure who u talking to is not someone else
And i`m open with you because we been talking on CC a lot so it`s different I th
It`s not like we just started talking or we are on kakao online dating well not
when we first started
5:23 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : So i`m liking u
5:25 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Maybe our Destiny it`s online after all lo
5:25 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : On things that we didn't believe in the be
5:27 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : our destiny is online? that means that me and y
ou are going to have only an online friendship or the destiny of this planet is
to meet the "one and only" online (tongue)
5:28 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : i don't think that far,it was just a question t
o see your point of view. i wanted to chat with you more, long time ago, because
i liked how you think and what you do, it intrigued me somehow
5:29 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : when i got your attention? (cute)
5:32 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : and i wanna tell you now, i am honest and real.
i don't send fake pictures, i don't lie. because this is the only way to find h
appiness. if i would lie to you, i would lie to myself. i am the adept of truth
5:33 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy :
No what I ment was our Destiny starts with online dating and move on to meeting
eachother for sure
5:33 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : for sure? oh i start dreaming (satisfied)
5:37 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : you are far away, i know nothing is impossible.
until now, i like you. no rush for anything. i'm usually very curious, when i g
ot a question, i will ask, even if we don't talk about that. all day long i am t
hinking about you, questions to know you more (relieved) probably, i look like a
fool, desperate, but i like to make friends
5:38 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : do you feel butterflies in ur stomach when you
see that you got a message from me? (beam)
5:39 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : joking (tongue)(cute)(embarrassed)
6:00 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Yes I do lol
Yea no rushing I do wanna know more about you and take it from there we still do
n't know each other well
Maybe after awhile u don't like me no more lol(tongue)
6:06 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : same for you. maybe you won`t like me anymore.
we will see
6:09 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : related to this, here comes a question: do you
think two people work together being the same (having a lot of things in common,
same thinking) or being different (like magnets - opposites DO attract). who wi
ll succeed?
6:30 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I`ll answer when get some time
6:30 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Busy now sorry
6:30 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (worried)
6:42 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : i know ! do not worry and take your time sweeti
e. i will be around (lips)
7:13 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : It depends on ppl attitude how different
from each other the way they are different. there is good ways and bad ways of b
eing different
Different is a good relationship if it`s in a good way if the each other underst
and to do stuff that makes your partner happy and get the same in return doing s
tuff u don't usually do can be fun actually very fun
But if there is bad attitude from one partner different is no fun no more lol
Same is fun too but not exactly the same
Well it don't matter how we are as long as life is happy and no fighting a lot ,
To make the relationship hard
7:37 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : (lips)
7:37 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : when you fight with ur partner is important to
find who's guilty or to find a solution?
7:42 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Solution
7:43 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Who is guilty it`s not the way, you're not
in court lol
7:47 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Am I in some kind of test lol
7:48 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : It`s ok I did say u can ask anything (kiki
8:05 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : noooo ... no test. i am home, bored, drinking s
ome beer and thinking about ways to know you better. i stop now because i don't
want to look suspicious
8:05 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : but i like all your answers (best)
8:05 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : 12 o'clock for you, 4 more hours of working? (g
8:10 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Oh no I like for you to know more about me
that way when u say that is the right answer I know we are in the same page
8:11 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : yes, i think the same, i will do the same. i wo
uld like to ask you one more(beam)(beam)(beam)
8:12 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : (relieved)(relieved)(relieved)
8:12 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : maybe is from the beer or the curiosity inside
8:12 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Yes ask me more please
8:12 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : (devil)
8:13 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : this is a hard one (cute)
8:13 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Ok give it to me
8:13 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : three important things in a relationship, that
keeps them close(or more than 3), but if you put less then 5, give a percentage
8:14 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (beam)
8:14 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : (happy)
8:15 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : i know and i am sorry..but this is the last one
. and i promise i will answer any question you have, no matter what
8:15 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Ok that one got to wait
Got some work to do first
8:15 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : It`s ok I like the questions
8:15 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : yup. answer when you can. not today
8:16 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : and do ur work, i know i put ur brain at work
8:16 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Will be today just that one will take litt
le more time to answer can't be on phone for long time
8:16 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (tongue)
8:20 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : i will send you a (gift) if i like ur answer (b
ut be honest and don't be ashamed of something), and the best part is that i giv
e you the chance to make a wish so i can fulfill it ((gift)). (beam)
8:58 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I promise I will say what I feel, is the t
ruth no lies
9:00 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : (emoticon)anxious
9:28 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : sweet baby, i am going to bed. it's early but t
omorrow i wake up early, need to solve some things and i got gym, need to be wel
l rested (worried)
9:29 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, you : take care of you, i wish you a nice day (lips)
9:35 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Good night sweetheart rest happy
11:39 PM, 9 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I`m out of work now
1:27 AM, 10 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Communication is a good start to a health
y and long relationship
Honesty begin honest is a way to show your partner that you really like them and
trust them
Trusting is very important in relationships make your partner feel warm around s
omeone they trust and love
Love its the most important thing if no love relationship will be short and spi
rituality painful to whom is committed to spend the life with you
Commitment is another important thing in relationships, commitment can make your
relationship stronger so if something small comes along like and argument you d
on't run away because you are committed and love your partner thats why the comm
unication is the number 1 on my list because that`s how you start in the beginni
ng by communicating. And there are more things like: Passion, Friendship, Open m
inded, Out going and more. Thats what I got
1:29 AM, 10 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (kiki)
1:29 AM, 10 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I hope I passed (grumpy)
2:30 AM, 10 decembrie 2013, you : (omg) you passed sweet angel ! your answer was
incredible ! now i owe you! you deserve a (gift) (tell me whatever you wish for
), and i am willing to answer to all your questions from now on, without avoidin
g, without lying. You are amazing, that's all I can say (wink)
2:32 AM, 10 decembrie 2013, you : for now, I am speachless (not because it's 2.3
0 am, and i woke up just to chat with you a little bit - but your words stole my
2:55 AM, 10 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : (relieved)
2:55 AM, 10 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Well I want u to????? Wait
2:56 AM, 10 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : I want my prize to be you talking to me t
hats all I ask for very simple your presence it`s enough for me
2:57 AM, 10 decembrie 2013, you : aaawwww...let`s move on Line. tho' i like more
this one. for me ain't hard to switch
2:58 AM, 10 decembrie 2013, you : i thought you will take advantage. you don't h
ave to pick ur prize now, wait and keep that in your mind. never know when you n
eed it (beam)
2:59 AM, 10 decembrie 2013, you : listen to me, i gave you two steps advantage,
ask me whatever and i'm forced to answer, and make a wish (blush)
3:00 AM, 10 decembrie 2013, you : lock those in a box and put them under your be
d. play the game. later it might get interesting (tongue)
3:00 AM, 10 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Ok I'll take it then (tongue)
3:01 AM, 10 decembrie 2013, YZF Andy : Let`s move on (line )
3:01 AM, 10 decembrie 2013, you : (blush) aight
8:04 YZF Andy And im not bugging you right
8:04 Alice nope. i am bugging you
8:05 YZF Andy No you're not
Ok to make it sound better we bugging each other
8:05 Alice i liked you long time ago but i didn`t had the gut to say it. di
dn`t know how you would react. i was afraid of not saying something wrong ... ma
ybe you got a gf and i dont like to bother. ain`t my style
8:06 Alice yes ! bugging eachother in the best way possible
8:06 Alice i usually act when i'm sure about something, not having doubts
8:07 YZF Andy I liked you Before u left and when u left I said I lost
8:07 Alice and everything came natural. i didnt planned this
8:07 Alice :-(
8:07 YZF Andy [Sticker]
8:07 Alice one reason for my returning was you
8:07 Alice ooppss ...
8:08 YZF Andy But now u back
8:08 YZF Andy No it wasn't
8:08 YZF Andy Was CC
8:08 Alice but if you liked me, why didnt u said something?
8:08 Alice like me as a cc buddy?
8:09 YZF Andy Well the same reasons didn't wanna bug you
8:09 YZF Andy Didn't know if you wanted the same thing
8:09 Alice CC? there are days that i dont go into the game. before i was so
addicted. first thing in the morning was to check the game, now i check the cha
t with you. explain this ...
8:09 YZF Andy U was saying that you had someone
8:10 Alice months ago ... 5-6
8:10 Alice i left in July but things werent good for one year
8:10 Alice actually i left from his place in January, we split in July
8:11 Alice but now we are here
8:11 Alice who cares about what we should have done
8:12 YZF Andy I know
8:13 Alice what "thing" you wanted from me and werent shure if i want the s
ame? to get to know eachother more?
8:13 YZF Andy I was saying I don't like to bother my nature
Thats why I was saying I don't like the pics you would put on with someone
8:13 Alice i like that we build a friendship first...
8:13 YZF Andy Lol
8:14 Alice :-(
8:14 YZF Andy U remember I would say the all the time
8:14 Alice oh my
8:14 Alice i am stupid
8:15 YZF Andy Lol
8:15 YZF Andy No u not
8:15 Alice i am sorry
8:15 YZF Andy No nothing to be sorry
8:15 YZF Andy We didn't know each other like that
8:16 YZF Andy Now lets move on
8:16 YZF Andy Thats old news
8:16 Alice [Sticker]
8:16 YZF Andy Lol
8:16 Alice yes baby ur right
8:16 Alice i feel bad
8:16 Alice but hmm.. I LIKE YOU !
8:16 YZF Andy Lol
8:17 YZF Andy Nothing to feel.bad
8:17 Alice if it was possible, right now i would come to see you
8:17 Alice if you were in Europe, i would be in the next flight
8:18 YZF Andy Ill go there next year
8:18 Alice i know
8:18 Alice next year it might be december 2014
8:18 YZF Andy Maybe we can take a vacation together where do you like
to go
8:19 Alice dont care. as long as the person i like is with me
8:19 YZF Andy Lol no December it can be January
8:19 Alice ohhh really?
8:19 YZF Andy Just saying don't know yet
8:20 Alice yes i know
8:20 Alice hope it wont be december
8:20 Alice lol
8:20 Alice i might die until then :-P
8:20 YZF Andy Well I can't take vacation from work until state surveyo
r comes to our building
8:20 Alice and when is that?
8:21 YZF Andy Thats the only time that I can't take any time off
8:21 Alice :-) yeah because is busy
8:22 YZF Andy Its open from December 15 to march
8:22 Alice oh well, you let me know because i will be ready. even if we don
t like eachother when we see, at least we get good memories
8:22 YZF Andy They can come anytime
8:23 Alice ok ok so not later than March. is good. because spring will come
and we dont need a lot of clothes
8:23 YZF Andy No its not busy the are the state to check the building
if we are doing the right thing and if they find something they will give the co
mpany a really big fines
9:34 Alice you are amazing ! i think i'm starting to know for sure that i a
m not wrong about you !
9:36 Alice do you belive in long distance relationships?
9:36 Alice usually, you got problems with trust?
9:37 YZF Andy I didn't believe on online dating either but here we are
9:37 Alice you know what i like about you? that you express your feelings,
and show to me what you think
9:38 Alice so you don't belive too much in long distance
9:39 YZF Andy I'm starting to believe
Never happened to me
9:39 Alice i belive. you know why, because i have trust. nothing is.impossi
ble and i am the kind of person that can adapt to anything because i am confiden
t..and when i have something to offer (and whom), i offer all, even my soul
9:39 YZF Andy How about you
9:39 Alice not for me. is a new thing
9:40 Alice never tried
9:40 Alice but i am optimistic
9:40 YZF Andy Thats good tp hear because im coming for your soul
9:40 YZF Andy To
9:40 Alice dunno why. i hope my heart doesnt fail. my intuition is good usu
9:41 Alice lool
9:41 Alice hahaha funny
9:41 Alice my heart is waiting to be stolen
9:41 YZF Andy Will be soon mine too
9:42 Alice [Sticker]
9:42 YZF Andy I am impressed the way we ended up like this
9:42 YZF Andy [Sticker]
9:42 Alice yes me tok
9:43 Alice faith? destiny? lol who knows, who cares
9:43 Alice if someone sees what our chatroom look like ... lmfao
9:43 YZF Andy Lol yes we make our own
9:43 Alice it looks like we are together and know eachother for a long time
9:43 YZF Andy We got more texts then main chat
9:44 YZF Andy Lol
9:44 Alice and all we talked before was:"andy pls write rival stats"
9:44 YZF Andy Well we do for what over 5 months now
9:44 YZF Andy Lol
9:44 Alice lol yes crazy
9:45 Alice this tehnology leads too all kind of thingd
9:45 YZF Andy Yes hope not bad things
9:45 YZF Andy Only good
9:45 Alice neah .. why bad?
9:46 Alice be positive sweetie, dont attract bad things
9:46 YZF Andy Just saying in general
9:46 YZF Andy I am
9:46 Alice yup. i am not a serial killer
9:46 YZF Andy No about us
9:46 Alice not a murderer
9:46 Alice so u will be safe
9:46 Alice hope ur not a pimp
9:47 Alice lol
10:24 Alice ur my boyfriend now? (love)(hahaha)
10:24 Alice or not yet, until we meet?!
10:26 Alice either way, i am taken, not available anymore ! (blowkiss)
10:48 YZF Andy [Photo]
10:49 YZF Andy Don't make fun of me lol
10:49 YZF Andy JK u can make fun
10:52 YZF Andy U my cyber girlfriend lol
10:52 YZF Andy For now
10:53 YZF Andy Put on Facebook in relationships
10:55 YZF Andy Sorry had to get ready for a minute I can't leave the ho
use I talk to you too much wonder why ?????
10:55 YZF Andy [Sticker]
14:17 YZF Andy I treat as im being treated u treat me sweet and loving
I will will treat you my best
14:18 Alice of course !
14:18 Alice what you give is what you get
14:18 YZF Andy Yes
14:19 Alice i saw that we think the same. even qe live in different worlds,
we were raised different, we have the same concepts
14:21 YZF Andy So far has been perfect and will be I feel it
14:21 Alice same
14:21 YZF Andy [Sticker]
14:21 Alice i have a good feeling too
14:22 Alice because we guide our life almost the same. i have to see you in
front of my face to see how real you are
14:23 Alice i need you as a friend, lover, life partner and everything else.
a man with ur way of thinking is hard to find and i want to receive what you ha
ve to offer, and also to appreciate
14:24 YZF Andy Well don't wanna say im this and that because we all can
talk and say nice words
The only thing to show you that im what I say I am is to show in person
14:25 Alice i know. and only time will tell
14:25 Alice but i know you are honest because you have no interest of lying
14:25 YZF Andy Not at all
14:26 YZF Andy Im just looking for the right one as you
14:27 Alice what is the point of playing stupid games one with another? for
me is important to find the one that can love me as i am, sometimes funny,.somet
imes sad, maybe angry, maybe calm, i dont wanna be judged and i don't want to be
told what i can or cannot do. i just want happiness, i know isn't hard to find.

14:28 Alice you think i am the right one? i hope you are too because i am ti
red of waiting ...
14:29 Alice is bad that we are far apart
14:29 YZF Andy Yes I really do think you are
14:29 Alice i know we can meet once, aint that hard, but what the f#@k we wi
ll do if we cannot stay apart? we will suffer
14:30 Alice i am scared
14:30 Alice you are serious baby, you really are .. (cony kiss)(love)
14:31 Alice i hope i am not dreaming
14:31 YZF Andy No your not sweetheart I really do think so
I hope u been waiting for someone like me
14:32 YZF Andy Simply and looking for fun 24/7 lol
14:32 Alice and let me tell you a thing, if i love someone and i know he is
the one, i would follow everywhere, no matter what
14:34 YZF Andy Would u like to come in US
14:34 Alice i dont want to think how much i will miss you and i will suffer,
only dreaming about the day we will meet. one step at a time,.even if it looks
like we are in a hurry
14:35 YZF Andy Better would follow me to US
14:35 Alice dont know if i can. i dont know that. but lets.not think so far
14:35 YZF Andy Ok let the time decide
14:36 Alice if we like eachother and we are happy we will look if is possibl
14:36 Alice yes
14:36 Alice only time will tell
14:36 Alice i see myself in ur arms
14:36 Alice :-(
14:36 YZF Andy Yes (lips)
14:36 Alice doesnt matter where... in jungle
14:37 Alice so weird angel. the.feeling i have from inside, is strong
14:37 Alice i wonder why
14:38 YZF Andy Because we like each other
14:38 Alice how come an Angel like you isnt taken?
14:38 Alice am i so lucky?
14:39 Alice i knew i am but...that much?
14:39 YZF Andy Because just like an Angel like u been in messed up rela
14:40 Alice wrong ones
14:40 YZF Andy Yes
14:40 YZF Andy [Sticker]
14:40 Alice who knows... i am s curious
[LINE] Chat with Andi
14:59 Alice Good morning sweet angel !!! (lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)
15:01 Andi How are u . Im going to get a shower now
15:06 Alice I just got a new phone and i am adjusting things in it. I was pl
aying CC on my mom phone and i got tired begging for it all day so i went to sig
n a contract with the phone company
15:06 Alice How was your sleep? I know it wasn`t that much, guess you are ti
15:08 Alice I transferred the game and installed kakao and Line.. soon i nee
d to go to the postal office to take a package
15:27 Andi Ok getting ready for work now
15:28 Alice Ok i know you must go. I missed you. While i was in a break at t
he gym i was looking at ur pics(1 heart)(heart)
15:29 Andi Keeping me in mind that`s sweet (lips)(rose stalk)
15:30 Alice Yes. Thinking about you no matter what
15:33 Andi Ok talk to u later got to drive
15:33 Andi Keep me in mind until we meet
15:33 Alice Yes baby ! I will
15:34 Alice I go to the postal office now
15:34 Alice See you later. Drive safe !
15:34 Alice (heart)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)
15:45 Andi Love you too
15:45 Andi [Sticker]
16:12 Alice I am back home. Now I need to put in order the products. Kinda b
usy today but always around for you
16:15 Alice So hard when i have a new phone, until i get used with it. But t
his one is way better than my mom's
16:16 Andi What phone did u get
16:19 Andi U think is a good idea to change the game now sometimes a week f
or Gree to give you your game back
16:22 Alice The cheapest with android on it. Is called Vodafone Smart Mini.
Better than nothing. Because of Joe i am playing on multiple devices. That guy i
s crazy. By the way, i told him that i have a new job and i work everyday, becau
se he wants to put me leader on R1 and i am tired of doing so much. Is just a ga
16:24 Alice I transferred the game with funzio account. Is okay. Just that i
am waiting for my main YZF HawkGirl to be back. I sent them a report issue on 7
16:25 Alice Thats why i choose an android phone. Is okay. It looks nice and
it moves fast, ain`t slow. As main phone i got a Samsung Galaxy S2
16:27 Alice [Sticker]
16:28 Alice Is so cold outside today, i was freezing, especially after worko
ut, i had legs and abs today, i ruined myself, worked too much, but i wanna get
back in shape faster
16:38 Andi U are perfect like u are
16:39 Andi I used to have Vodafone phone company back in Albania lol
16:39 Alice :-)
16:39 Alice 15 yrs ago?
16:40 Andi Yes lol
16:40 Andi We got AMC and Vodafone there
16:40 Alice I think ur country and mine are similar
16:40 Andi I think so
16:41 Alice You look European
16:41 Alice LoL
16:41 Andi Well im from there
16:41 Alice Yup
16:41 Andi But stay in US
16:42 Alice I know. Where in US, didn't had the chance to ask you
16:42 Andi Chicago area
16:42 Alice That's nice. And is so cold out there!?
16:43 Andi This day was usually not
16:43 Andi This cold
16:43 Alice I am in bed now, i think the cold from outside took me. I will m
ake a hot tea to warm me up a little
16:43 Andi But every building have a heating system so u only feel it when
u outside
16:44 Alice Yeah, of course
16:44 Alice I know that. Same here. Is not the jungle in Romania
16:45 Alice Also i am coughing since yesterday, hope is not a cold
16:46 Andi I know is not a jungle I was just saying (oops)
16:47 Alice [Sticker]
16:47 Andi Lol What is the coldest temps there
16:47 Alice I was only joking
16:48 Andi I know
16:48 Alice -20 C. Dunno how much in F
16:49 Alice KO needs you in main
16:49 Alice Are you busy today at work?
16:50 Andi I`ll be later
16:52 Andi U send me lots of pic which is the most recent one
16:54 Alice The one with the bubble bath
16:55 Alice But with my face, the one with blue dress or orange. They are do
ne in the same period. I will give you more when i got time
16:56 Alice And i will do more for you these days, especially for you
16:58 Alice I got thousands of pics. I used to pose and also being the photo
grapher. Just for fun, hobbies of mine
16:59 Alice ?Cancelled Call
17:00 Alice Just playing (oops)
17:05 Andi well I saw it but says I can't use it
17:15 Alice We can. But i will see you on Skype, maybe this weekend if i don
't get a cold
17:25 Andi Mmm I like the idea but we will be in battle mode lol
17:27 Alice We only need to watch for 50 min. We won't talk all day (not :-)
). You need to stay focused?
17:29 Alice Only for a few minutes. I need to destroy the barrier between us
17:53 Andi Ok sounds good me i`ll be at my parents place after friday spend
ing the weekend there
17:54 Andi I hope I don't scare u away
17:54 Alice Then nooo. I let you spend the time with them. I don't wanna be
seen. We talk when ur home
17:55 Alice Nooo. I am still here and will be here
17:55 Alice [Photo]
18:51 Andi U will that`s nice
18:51 Andi First one is wrong
19:09 Andi Hi
19:10 Andi [Sticker]
19:26 Alice Hi baby ! Just finished everything
19:26 Alice I got a gift for you, to make your day easier
19:26 Alice [Photo]
19:34 Andi Did u just take that
19:34 Andi Looks good
19:35 Alice Is an old pic
19:35 Alice I looked for it to show u
19:35 Alice [Photo]
19:36 Alice This is the most recent one. I took it around one month ago
19:36 Andi Yummy
19:36 Andi Wanna have you for dessert every meal
19:39 Alice Last one for today (hahaha)
19:44 Alice :-)
19:54 Alice I would like to see ur face
19:56 Alice [Photo]
19:57 Alice Before i go to sleep
20:08 Alice [Sticker]
20:15 Andi i`m here staring at the pics
20:17 Alice Why are you staring at them? (please!)
20:23 Alice Mister !!!
20:24 Alice I am feeling sick here !! I go get some sleep
20:28 Alice I cannot wait for the weekend ! We talk later or tomorrow. I am
out now
20:30 Alice [Sticker]
20:39 Andi Good night sweetheart i`m staring at something that I like (oops
20:39 Andi [Sticker]
20:39 Andi (lips)(lips)
20:40 Alice Almost felt into dreams world
20:40 Alice (lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)
21:17 Alice Today i didn't tell you how much i like you and i thank you for
showing up into my life
21:32 Alice (This is like telling you 'i luv you' everyday)
21:38 Alice [Sticker]
21:40 Andi Mmmm I love u when u love me (lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)
21:40 Andi [Sticker]
21:41 Alice (ah...)(ah...)(ah...)
21:43 Andi Why u crying
21:44 Andi Sweet baby
21:46 Alice Because i feel sick and i cannot sleep,cannot talk to you becaus
e you are working. I want to see ur pretty face.. to hear ur sweet voice
21:48 Alice I want to be happy all my life, next to you ! Loving each other
everyday, more and more ! I am too sentimental at this hour (scream)
21:49 Alice Oh never mind, i am just crazy
21:49 Alice [Sticker]
21:50 Andi Lol no you`re not crazy u just love your baby like I love mine
21:50 Alice I leave you alone now, you must focus on ur job, people need you
21:52 Alice [Sticker]
21:53 Alice Can you see it? It's all yours ! Hide it in a secret place! No o
ne else will have it!
22:02 Andi I see it and keep it there, don't let it out for no one
Do you promise
22:05 Andi ???????
22:17 Andi Let it out when we meet
1:01 Andi Im out of work finally
1:40 Alice [Sticker]
1:41 Alice Okay, got in, heart is inside my chest, no thieves around (lips)
1:43 Andi Lol you'll do that for me
1:44 Alice Of course
1:44 Alice When i say something it remains
1:44 Alice I woke up just to talk with you. In order to maintain this relat
ionship i must do some small sacrifices, the difference between us is big so ...
is 2 a.m now
1:45 Andi Good I like your strategy
1:45 Andi Oh baby you can sleep
1:46 Alice I am serious baby, no joking, no playing, no fooling around
1:46 Andi Me too
1:46 Andi [Sticker]
1:46 Alice I don't wanna sleep. No gym for me tomorrow, i got a cold unfort
unately so i need to stay inside
1:47 Andi Sorry to hear that I wish I was there to make u a hot tea
1:48 Alice How was your work? Are you tired?
1:48 Alice Ooh, my father will spoil me (please!)
1:48 Andi No it was a exercise I had the stuck to put away
1:48 Alice Until you take control
1:48 Andi And going to play soccer
1:49 Alice Nice ! You still got energy
1:49 Andi Yes baby I said I was active I like to keep it that way
1:50 Andi I like to feel tired weird but I do
1:50 Alice How often do you play, how many times a week? U are with ur frie
nds or you got a team?
1:50 Andi So u can get me tired anytime
1:51 Andi Now once a week summer is different play more if I can
1:51 Alice Same here. And tell me when you need to go, don't lose time, i w
ill get back to sleep
1:51 Andi Friends only
1:51 Andi Not now in 5 hours
1:51 Alice Is nice, i like !
1:52 Andi But u can sleep u need some to feel better
1:52 Alice Not now, later
1:52 Alice So you play late night
1:53 Andi Just got to pick my brothers car from the shop later . It`s don
1:53 Andi Yes 10 pm
1:53 Andi And I got to work at 5:30am
1:53 Andi Lol
1:53 Alice Just tell me every time you must go somewhere :-)
1:54 Alice You play much? One hour?
1:54 Andi Ok
1:54 Andi 1:30
1:54 Andi Non stop
1:55 Andi I liked your pics
1:55 Andi Very hot
1:55 Alice But is weird, how you found ppl in US to play soccer? They are m
ore into football, soccer is more known in Europe
1:55 Alice Thanks (moon grin)(please!)
1:56 Alice I got more for you
1:56 Andi Lol
1:57 Andi They are all from Albania
1:57 Alice Now is 6 pm there right?
1:58 Alice Wow, nice. You got 11 Albanian friends to play (moon wink)
1:58 Andi Send what u can I like all your pics
1:59 Alice I was a fan of soccer when i was younger, i was going all the ti
me to the stadium
1:59 Andi Well I don't hang out with them but we get together in game
2:00 Alice I had a favorite team, i have pics with all players, i was a fan
2:00 Andi Ok send it
2:00 Andi If u can
2:00 Andi I used to go at the stadium too in Albania
2:01 Alice Oh i got them on dvds, they are memories. But i will show you so
2:01 Andi Ok
2:02 Andi I don't have many friends here because ppl move a lot around her
2:02 Alice Now i don't like it anymore because the players aren't for the g
ame/show, only for the money, so they play bad
2:02 Andi Some of my friends are gone in different parts of US
2:02 Alice Yeah, same here, not many friends
2:15 Alice Beside that? Not much, just usual stuff that come from the heart
2:17 Alice As you can see until now, you think is too much workout?
2:17 Alice I don't want to get really big, but i am never satisfied
2:18 Alice [Photo]
2:18 Andi I like you so far a lot hope is the same for you
2:18 Andi Not just the pics but the way u think and make me laugh
2:19 Alice Yes i know aren`t the pics, those are only for entertainment
2:19 Alice I liked you before, without knowing how you look
2:23 Andi Shit my phone froze I had to restart it
2:23 Andi Good to know sweetheart
2:24 Alice Frozen because i send you so many pics (moon wink)
2:25 Andi It got overheated with you
2:26 Andi That's why
2:26 Alice LoL, thanks, then i stop, don't want to brake ur phone
2:27 Andi No please I can put in in freezer to cool it off lol
2:27 Alice Hahaha ur funny
2:29 Andi Do you have a different way to keep in touch in case the phone b
raks or something happens because I don't wanna lose u and I can't find
2:29 Alice Yes, tell me what you want from me
2:30 Alice I was thinking about this too
2:30 Andi Like an e-mail
2:30 Alice I don't even know ur kakao/line user name. I need to get thru Jo
e lol
2:31 Alice
2:31 Andi I`ll give u mine
2:31 Andi My internet is acting up very slow
2:32 Alice And my phone no is +40734 420 306 (u can use it just like i wrot
e - try it)
2:32 Andi
2:33 Andi I can't call from my phone it`s not long distance
2:33 Alice Give me ur no
2:34 Alice I'll call
2:34 Alice So you really don't wanna lose me (please!)
2:34 Alice [Sticker]
2:35 Andi 6309010183
2:35 Alice I need the country code
2:37 Andi Lol I don't know . Give me a sec
2:37 Alice I try
2:37 Andi I think is 011
2:38 Alice It worked?
2:39 Alice Is 001
2:39 Andi I didn't get a call
2:39 Andi ???
2:39 Alice 00 is the international prefix and 1 is for us
2:40 Alice Really...i wonder who i called
2:40 Alice Loolll
2:40 Andi Lol
2:40 Andi (630)901-0183
2:40 Alice I figure this out
2:42 Andi Call again if u can because it is 001
2:42 Alice I called
2:42 Andi It worked I think
2:42 Alice I now it is 001
2:43 Alice I dialled with + this time +1 630 .
2:43 Andi [Photo]
2:43 Alice Ya think? It appeared or no
2:43 Alice Yes
2:43 Alice I called longer
2:43 Alice That`s mine
2:44 Andi Lol u was quick I was gonna answer lol
2:44 Alice Go ahead :-)
2:45 Alice Want that? But from the cold my throat is feeling dried and i co
ugh, not a good first impression
2:47 Alice So now you got more of me
2:47 Andi I`ll call with a different number just say hi and hang up
2:48 Alice Noooo
2:48 Alice Shy baby here
2:48 Alice Lol
2:48 Alice We can call on Line for free
2:49 Andi Ok
2:49 Alice Why call, just say hi and hang up...we talk lol
2:49 Andi U say u shy
2:50 Alice But i would like to see you because we don't know each other and
the voice might sound ridiculous
2:50 Andi It`s ok when we get ready just wanted something to back it up if
we lose each other here
2:50 Alice I am
2:50 Alice When i see a call from u my heart will beat faster and i get ner
2:50 Alice Like a baby girl lol
2:51 Alice I know...silly(please!)
2:51 Andi No its not we give it time then lol
2:51 Andi [Sticker]
2:52 Alice I would luv to talk and see. I could be ready anytime now. But t
omorrow you got work, friday a party and weekend with parents. Maybe Tuesday whe
n you are free
2:53 Alice (lips)(lips)(lips) i would kiss you all my life (lips)(lips)(lip
2:54 Alice And i will get nervous anytime, not only first, my heart pops up
LoL because i like you a lot, can't you tell (oops)
2:54 Andi Me too (lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(rose stalk)(rose sta
lk)(rose stalk)(3 hearts)
2:56 Andi Its ok baby we wait when u ready
And I get nervous too
2:56 Andi I might hang up on you Before I say anything lol
2:57 Alice You don't seem nervous.
2:57 Alice Really?
2:57 Alice How cute (please!)
2:57 Andi Well it might not sound like that but I do get nervous
2:57 Alice I am ready but we need time. I don't want to be in a hurry
2:58 Andi Ok
2:59 Alice When you got time, create a skype account, so we will be ready w
hen the time comes. If you not really busy and got 5-10 min (it might be read "h
alf a day"), on Tuesday, tell me
3:00 Alice [Sticker]
3:00 Andi Ok I will . I`m so nervous now
3:01 Alice Why now?
3:01 Alice For next week?
3:01 Andi Because it`s getting close
3:01 Alice I know. I am more anxious
3:02 Andi I might hide when it comes lol
3:02 Alice I will be nervous when i will here the "ring" and until you pick
3:02 Alice You hide, i come after you and kill you
3:03 Andi Lol or kiss me
3:03 Alice I give you time so that`s why i let you chose and tell me when y
ou want to talk
3:04 Alice I would kiss you everywhere
3:05 Alice Oh if we like each other on skype, in person will be much better
3:05 Andi Mmmmm everywhere
3:05 Alice Eeeeevvvveeerrryyywhere !!!!!!
3:05 Andi [Sticker]
3:05 Andi I like it
3:05 Andi I will too
3:06 Alice [Sticker]
3:06 Andi Tuesday it`s perfect to talk
3:07 Alice You will pick the hour because i don't know what schedule you wi
ll have. I will be home because it will be afternoon for me when you wake up
3:08 Alice Can i ask you something? Regarding relationships. Don't wanna kn
ow many details, only general
3:09 Andi Ok like around 10 pm
3:09 Andi 10 am not pm
3:09 Alice That will be 6 pm for me. Perfect
3:09 Andi Yes send it but im going to pick the car
3:09 Andi I`ll answer when I get back won't take long
3:11 Alice Your longest relationship with someone, how much it was? But i d
on't force you to answer because if is delicate, i don't want to bring bad memor
3:11 Alice Yes take ur time pls. I just shot it (hahaha)
3:13 Alice I am only curious, not that it matters so much, is only for me
3:14 Andi Ok later will back.soon(lips)(lips)(lips)
3:15 Alice (lips)(lips)(lips)
3:15 Alice Drive safe !
3:23 Andi Almost 5 years
3:23 Alice A lot! Long time ago?
3:23 Andi I will answer every questions
3:24 Alice Same here (lips)
3:24 Andi About 3 years ago we split up
3:24 Alice And the reason?
3:24 Alice Sorry
3:24 Andi It`s ok
3:25 Alice You are driving? If yes, i keep my mouth shut because you need t
o pay attention
3:51 Andi Well we didn't think we was made for each after all that time an
d she wanted to move to a different state but that was not it
It was just that we didn't get along all the time just like you with your ex I g
uess and we said it`s better to split up. Basically that was it sad but it happe
3:52 Andi Sorry I was driving now im home
3:54 Andi So was no point of following if there was no love
4:04 Andi Its going to be -3F tonight very cold
4:05 Alice I am cold now also
4:05 Andi Seems that you went to sleep
4:06 Alice Now im up
4:06 Andi Oh u here I thought u a sleep
4:06 Andi So that was my long story
4:06 Alice I was but i let my phone with sounds
4:07 Andi Lol sorry wake u up
4:07 Andi U can go back to sleep sweetheart
4:07 Alice You lived together? I know i didn't ask only one question
4:08 Andi Its ok
4:08 Alice U didn't wake me up, in fact i wanted to be waken up by you when
u come back
4:08 Andi I`ll answer all
4:08 Alice Do not worry because i can sleep all day
4:09 Andi We didn't really lived together but there was times we spent a m
onth or two living together
4:10 Alice I know aint good to talk about past but as long as there are no
feelings and everything is healed
4:10 Andi It was 3 years a go
4:10 Alice Oh ok. So beside that, nothing else serious
4:10 Alice Yes i know
4:11 Andi Not really
4:12 Andi Waiting to find someone to be by my side and spend my life with
4:12 Alice (lips)(lips)(lips)(lips) i am done. Thank you for clearing up my
mind. I know i am crazy because i am thinking about those things but better to
ask if i feel the need, even if is early or useless. But i want to know more abo
ut you
4:13 Andi Yes no problems sweetheart ask all u can
4:13 Andi Here is one for you now
4:14 Alice Is good that you wait for that and you didn't lose hope. Usually
you could get focused only on work, and finding someone ain't a priority
4:14 Alice Yes shoot !
4:14 Andi Do you smoke weed or any drugs
4:15 Alice Oh u wanted to ask you same thing. And even if you only smoke
4:15 Alice I don't smoke
4:15 Alice Nothing
4:15 Alice And i don't have a problem with who smokes
4:16 Alice You?
4:16 Alice I rather drink
4:20 Alice Don't smoke
4:21 Alice LoL
4:21 Andi I smoke cigarette not much I can go days with out smoking
4:21 Alice I rather drink some wine this weekend than smoke
4:22 Alice The smoke bothers me but i can live with it, really
4:23 Andi I don't smoke like that I smoke outside not inside
4:23 Alice My father smokes a lot and i think thats why i got a problem wit
h it, the smell, my home is full of smoke
4:24 Alice That's ok
4:24 Alice U can smoke if i go out but if i can resist, why do
4:24 Alice Ain't healthy at all
4:25 Alice Also alcohol isn't but i don't get drunk everyday
4:25 Andi I know When I smoke is with friends or at a bar
One pack of cigarettes last for a month or more for me
4:26 Alice I am more with 5 meals a day and do sport 3 times/week
4:26 Alice As you say now it sounds that you can live without them easily
4:27 Andi I don't get drunk and not every day just when im happy or go out
to a restaurant or friends my baby ( you )
4:28 Andi I can do with out them no problem
4:28 Alice (lips)(lips)(lips) i want you so so much !!!!!
4:28 Andi Just sometimes I wanna smoke one cigarette
4:28 Andi Lol
4:28 Andi I want u too
4:29 Alice That is not a problem !
4:29 Alice Soon you need to get ready for playing
4:40 Alice I've been waiting for you all my life !
4:40 Andi Me too for you
4:40 Alice But i am letting out and i will
4:41 Alice Shure you wanna meet? Maybe is too much for you
4:41 Andi Well trying new things just makes the relationship stronger and
4:42 Andi Yes sweetheart I do wanna meet u
4:44 Andi (3 hearts)(rose stalk)
4:44 Alice [Sticker]
4:44 Andi [Sticker]
4:44 Alice This is you, running
4:44 Andi Lol I see that
4:45 Andi No I don't run from my baby
4:45 Alice Joking. Hope not to scare you sweety, i need a man in my life, n
ot a boy
4:45 Alice Because i am strong and i know what i want
4:46 Andi I know baby I hope i`m that lucky man
4:46 Alice I hope that too
4:46 Alice You need to go in 10 min
4:46 Alice [Sticker]
4:47 Alice Or one hour
4:47 Andi No it`s just 9pm
4:47 Andi In 30 minutes need to get ready
4:47 Alice Yes ur right. I will add a clock for Chicago
4:47 Andi Need to start getting ready
4:48 Andi In 30
4:48 Alice Ok ok. So time is not out yet
4:48 Andi U are 8 hours ahead
4:48 Andi No in 30 mins
4:49 Andi I play 10:30 need to start drinking at 10
4:50 Alice Drinking? Lol..why? Before play. To warm up?
4:50 Alice [Sticker]
4:50 Alice I like
4:50 Alice U enjoy things
4:51 Andi Very much
4:52 Andi When.I go somewhere like a vacation I like to enjoy to the maxim
um don't like to come back with integrates
4:52 Alice Same here
4:53 Alice You prefer seaside or mountain ?
4:53 Andi Regret
4:53 Alice I understood don't worry
4:53 Andi Wrong word Integrates
4:53 Alice Yes i know
4:54 Andi Lol
4:54 Andi U awesome
4:54 Andi [Sticker]
4:55 Alice Wwhhyy?
4:55 Alice [Sticker]
4:55 Andi Just awesome in all points.
4:55 Andi Perfect
4:55 Alice [Sticker]
4:55 Andi Funny
4:55 Alice Ooohh noo wrong
4:55 Andi Why
4:56 Alice [Sticker]
4:56 Alice This sticker
4:56 Andi Loving
4:56 Andi Smart
4:56 Andi And hot
4:56 Andi Lol
4:56 Alice I start blushing around
4:56 Alice Honest .let me help you
4:57 Alice You cannot know that for sure now
4:57 Andi Lol sorry I left some out
4:57 Alice Ur the same
4:57 Andi Yea u are honest
4:57 Alice First i like u are smart and funny
4:57 Andi Me funny noooooo
4:58 Alice Then comes the rest and i appreciate everything, every small ges
ture it counts. I see all ur tryin' to do
4:58 Alice Ur really funny
4:58 Andi Smart I don't know but I'll take it lol
4:59 Alice I saw ur reply to Joe when u told him on main chat that he is ol
d . I was laughing a lot
4:59 Alice You are smart baby
5:18 Alice With you, there is another story
5:18 Alice Because i could see we think the same regarding future and life
5:18 Andi I like him too and the team and specially you that`s why I stay
in the team from day 1
5:19 Andi Ok now lets get back to our conversation
5:19 Andi Lol
5:20 Alice Yes Angel
5:20 Alice How u started playing cc ? And u play since ...?
5:22 Andi I was playing modern war . And saw CC with 5 stars . And downloa
ded it before the syndicates was created
5:23 Andi My first team was Yamaha R6 and been there since then
5:23 Alice I play since January 2013, almost one year for me
5:23 Alice Same for me. Randomly applied
5:23 Alice I liked the name
5:24 Andi I think I started later then u or before can't remember
5:25 Alice Dunno. When i was playing syndicates weren't there. Tho i had a
big contradiction with Joe because he said syndicates were created in autumn 201
2 but aint true
5:25 Alice When i first started it was only the game
5:57 Alice Ur so funny baby boy ! You make me smile everyday
6:02 Alice Time for you to go ! Have fun and take care of you !!!
6:05 Andi Ok
6:06 Andi [Sticker]
6:06 Alice (lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lip
8:58 Andi Shit im so.tired
8:58 Andi I`m home now
8:58 Alice Oh my god. You are not sleeping yet !!!
8:59 Alice What time you wake up? 6.30 am? You need to sleep angel !
8:59 Alice You had fun?
9:01 Andi No 4:30 am lol
9:01 Andi Yes I had lots of fun
9:02 Andi I wish u was there watching me lol
9:02 Alice Baby then go to sleep. You will sleep only 3 h
9:03 Alice Lol, why? You did good? I wish i was there for everything, not
only for watch you playing soccer
9:04 Alice Long time no see...and you said ur not funny (lips)
9:04 Andi Lol I know
9:04 Andi I didn't do good in game last week I didn't play
9:05 Alice :-) the important part is you had fun with ur friends
9:05 Alice You will be a zombie at work
9:06 Andi My legs hurt
9:06 Andi I got hit
9:06 Andi Man down
9:06 Andi Help
9:06 Andi I got hit 4 time at the same spot
9:06 Alice Hahaha
9:06 Alice Hope you won't brake a bone !
9:07 Andi Come and help your baby
9:07 Andi [Sticker]
9:07 Andi No more bones
9:07 Andi Lol
9:07 Alice I cannot do much for ur leg, only for ur eyes now. Do they hurt?
9:07 Andi No
9:08 Alice Lol ... wrong answer
9:08 Alice No pic for you
9:08 Andi Im eating some food before I go to sleep
9:08 Alice I guess ur hungry after sport
9:08 Andi Oh my eyes yes they hurt
9:08 Andi A lot
9:08 Alice Lmfao
9:08 Alice Too late
9:08 Andi How can u help
9:08 Alice [Sticker]
9:09 Andi With that
9:09 Andi [Sticker]
9:09 Andi Not funny
9:09 Andi Lol
9:09 Alice [Photo]
9:10 Alice Hurt? Want more?
9:10 Andi They still hurt
9:10 Alice [Photo]
9:10 Andi And don't fix them
9:10 Alice [Photo]
9:11 Alice Finished ! Hope that will make you sleep better !
9:11 Andi Mmmmmm?mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yummy
9:12 Alice [Sticker]
9:12 Andi U mad them blurry
9:12 Andi A lot
9:12 Andi Made
9:13 Andi I can't zoom it they blurry
9:13 Andi [Sticker]
9:13 Alice Thats the point! You get to see but not everything
9:13 Andi Lol I know
9:14 Andi U look very nice sweetheart
9:26 Alice [Sticker]
9:26 Andi Yes I know I will go now
9:27 Alice Please ! If you didn't had to work i could keep you all day, but
is not fair !
9:27 Andi Do u want me to send the Buenas Noches guy
9:28 Alice No thank you ! Send it to you in private
9:28 Andi U killing the fun
9:28 Alice [Sticker]
9:29 Alice Neah. I don't like death too much :-)))
9:29 Andi The evil is out
9:29 Alice [Sticker]
9:30 Andi Ok sweetheart good night have I good day
9:30 Alice Shit i chose them by mistake..trying to look for something
9:30 Alice Thank you ! I will be right here when you wake up (lips)(lips)(l
9:30 Alice Sweet dreams and everything else you want!
9:31 Alice I will be thinking about you !
9:32 Andi I will be dreaming about u (lips)
9:32 Alice (lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lip
9:32 Andi Going to make those blurry pics to be clear in my dreams
9:32 Alice I will miss you (blue)
9:34 Alice I sure hope so
9:34 Andi Ok good night now
9:35 Alice Good night my angel !!!!
9:35 Alice (lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)
9:35 Andi (3 hearts)(rose stalk)(lips)
13:00 Andi Gm baby girl mmmmmmmmmmmnnhaaaa(lips)?
13:12 Andi Shit is cold .Need your body temperature to warm me up
14:03 Alice [Sticker]
14:03 Alice Good morning my love !! (lips)(lips)(lips)
14:04 Alice I give you everything you need !
14:04 Alice 6 am, wow (blue)
14:05 Andi All I need is you (rose stalk)
14:05 Alice I just had my lunch
14:05 Alice (lips)(lips)(lips)
14:05 Alice I am all yours (cony kiss)
14:06 Andi Thats good to hear (lips)(3 hearts)Later got to burn some food
14:06 Alice Driving!? Or you are already at work?
14:06 Andi I`m at work
14:06 Alice Who needs you so early? Besides me (panic)
14:07 Alice You work until 4 pm?
14:07 Andi No 2 pm
14:07 Andi Today
14:07 Andi Talk to u later got to go (3 hearts)(3 hearts)(lips)(lips)(lips)
14:08 Alice So when you wake up so early you work until 2. Got it ;-)
14:08 Alice Yes baby! Do your things ! Nice to hear you (love)
14:53 Alice [Photo]
15:25 Andi Thats you
15:25 Alice Yes :-(
15:26 Alice Missing you
15:26 Andi Sorry
15:26 Alice Wanting you
15:26 Andi Miss u too
15:26 Alice No sorry
15:26 Andi I forgot no sorry lol
15:26 Andi Going back to work sweetheart
15:27 Alice [Photo]
15:27 Alice Yes i know !
15:27 Alice [Sticker]
16:36 Alice [Sticker]
16:38 Andi Love u too just got in for a minute to see my baby
16:39 Andi And killed the boss man down
16:39 Andi Lol
16:39 Alice (lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)
16:39 Alice Ur so busy there...and its early
16:40 Alice Almost 9
16:40 Alice (cony kiss)(cony kiss)(cony kiss)(cony kiss)(cony kiss)(cony kis
s)(cony kiss)(cony kiss)16:40 Andi Yes I cook today
16:40 Alice :-) yummy
16:41 Alice I think ur so cute
16:41 Alice [Photo]
16:41 Alice I wanna see you doing that one day...
16:41 Andi No u cute
16:42 Andi Soon baby soon
16:42 Andi I wanna see that too
16:42 Andi [Sticker]
16:42 Alice I wonder if will ever happen
16:42 Alice I want this so much
16:42 Andi U took my heart
16:43 Alice I now i can be happy with you
16:43 Alice You are the stole mine
16:43 Alice I am empty inside
16:43 Alice U should give it back to me
16:43 Andi I'll give it back when.I see you
16:44 Alice Lets play a short short game. But be honest with answer
16:44 Andi Got to go
16:44 Alice Ookay :-(
16:44 Alice See ya later
16:45 Alice And i dont want my heart back, keep it for the rest of your life
18:28 Andi Ok I will sweetheart my heart
18:43 Alice [Sticker]
18:43 Alice [Sticker]
18:44 Alice Baby ! (lips)(lips)(lips)
18:44 Alice I was looking at ur pics
18:44 Alice I am nostalgic
19:21 Alice [Photo]
19:22 Alice This is what i want in this life ! And i will make a wish on Chr
istmas (heart)
19:56 Andi [Sticker]
19:56 Andi You gonna wish that with me
19:59 Alice Are you sure? (love) you make me dream with my eyes open. I cann
ot wait for Tuesday to come, i am anxious to see you
19:59 Alice Two more hours of work...
20:00 Alice I've got so much to offer, hope you are ready to receive (please
21:31 Alice 30 min and you are out !
21:33 Andi Oh baby u are watching the time (love) and thinking about me (3
21:35 Alice Yes! Counting the minutes !
21:36 Andi [Sticker]
21:36 Alice I texted you every hour. I am in love (love)(please!)
21:36 Alice [Sticker]
22:02 Andi Good baby because I am too
22:02 Andi [Sticker]
22:05 Alice [Sticker]
22:05 Andi [Sticker]
22:14 Alice You got a wonderful personality, a good thinking, i like you fro
m inside ! I like everything about you !
22:36 Andi Ty baby you too very awesome
22:36 Andi I`m out now driving
22:36 Andi Got out 30 mins late
22:38 Alice Drive safe pls !
22:38 Alice I am waiting for you
22:39 Andi Ok
23:20 Andi Im home now
23:21 Andi Heading in CC for a min
23:21 Alice We finished but go
23:21 Alice I thought you will never arrive (blue)
23:21 Andi Lvl 10 its done
23:21 Alice Yup
23:21 Alice We finished
23:21 Andi What
23:21 Andi Really
23:22 Alice I want to finish individual but i don't think i can
23:22 Andi Oh shit that was quick
23:22 Alice Yes..after we finished 9/10 we already had weapons in inventory
23:22 Alice Yes
23:23 Alice Because some members already did 10/10 so we had 5 weapons in in
23:23 Andi Im close with Andy on lvl 10
23:23 Alice Go and check it
23:23 Alice I am still on 9/10 30/50 hits
23:23 Andi I did with andi and is done
23:24 Alice I will try but that means i need to stay up 4 h and is almost mi
dnight here
23:24 Alice I know i cannot finish individual but i don't care too much
23:25 Alice Happy to see you (lips)
23:25 Alice Welcome home (oops)
23:25 Alice LoL
23:25 Andi Me too don't bother much
23:25 Andi We can get prizes in battle
23:26 Andi Im happy to be home too
23:26 Andi By my sweetie
23:26 Alice Whatever :-) i won't play this all my life
23:26 Alice [Sticker]
23:26 Andi Me too
23:27 Alice Is getting harder everyday that passes
23:27 Andi I guess we found each other here (3 hearts)
23:27 Alice Are you tired?
23:27 Andi Yes very stressful
23:28 Alice I wonder if is really like that,daily
23:28 Andi I only do the syndicate once
23:28 Alice You got any plans for today?
23:28 Alice Need to eat?
23:28 Andi Yes here with u
23:28 Alice [Sticker]
23:29 Andi U my date
23:29 Alice :-)
23:30 Andi Who is grabbing your ass in pic
23:30 Alice I wanna shout from a roof top how much i like you
23:30 Alice Not me in the pic lol
23:30 Andi Remember I would say that all the time
23:30 Andi I know
23:30 Alice But the pic is yummy
23:31 Alice My answer should be YOU
23:31 Andi That should be u and me grabbing u
23:31 Alice Yeah :-)
23:31 Andi Lol
23:31 Andi Good
23:32 Andi [Sticker]
23:32 Alice [Sticker]
23:32 Andi Go get some to eat ill be here
23:33 Alice I am counting the days baby. Why i feel like i am in love? Am i
in a hurry for something? Why i cannot get you out of my head?
23:34 Andi Me too baby I check my phone a lot
23:34 Andi If u up
23:34 Alice What are u going to eat? And how you manage with food, living al
one, you cook?
23:35 Alice You think we are crazy? Wtf happened with our minds?
23:35 Andi I work in kitchen I eat mostly in there but I visit my parents a
lot im mostly there
My mom cooks 24/7
23:35 Alice Oohh glad to hear that because i was worried
23:36 Andi We got hypnotized
23:36 Alice Is good !
23:36 Alice Yes, we are under a spell
23:36 Andi I don't eat junk food
23:36 Alice Me neither
23:36 Alice Today i ate some spinach with eggs
23:36 Andi Rarely I get a hamburger
23:37 Alice Same :-)
23:37 Andi Mmm nice food
23:37 Alice Usually i eat cooked food
23:37 Alice Vitamins and proteins, tomorrow gym, hope not to get more sick
23:38 Andi Me too I cook at home too . But my mom cooks all the time so.I g
o there and eat usually
23:38 Andi Good don't because I need you
23:38 Alice I am still coughing but i cannot stay home again, my soul burns
for some movement
23:39 Andi Yes but don't be out in that cold for long time
23:39 Alice Is good that she is helping you with food and i hope you got at
least 3 meals/day and fruits
23:40 Andi I do
23:40 Alice That's good because this is important for me, i respect my meals
23:40 Alice Lol
23:41 Andi Let me go in game for a min
23:41 Alice We would be great together (sad)
23:41 Alice Yes goo pls
23:41 Andi (ok)(ok)(ok)(ok)
23:41 Andi Be back soon
23:44 Alice 3 more hours. Tyger teached me flight mode trick with Carmen Riv
era but still not fast enough
23:45 Alice 40/50 for lvl 9 (sad)
23:45 Alice I get 1000 energy in 20 min, he gets 1800 in 10
23:50 Alice Ur smart ! Teach me anything to finish this because i don't wann
a cry tonight (blue)
23:51 Andi Sorry sweetie if I new anything I would im just using gold and e
nergy trick
23:51 Andi How does he do that
23:51 Alice :-)
23:52 Andi 1800 in 10 mins is good
23:53 Andi I bought some gold when it was 40% off
23:54 Alice I go with wi fi on and flight mode off...go hit target then go t
o canal street..turn on flight mode and wi fi will be automatically turned off..
..i hit carmen then i exit and wait. Is this correct? He turns flight mode off a
nd wi fi on after those 10 min (but you cannot use phone or internet), i put the
m back right after i exit
23:55 Alice :-) crazy with gold
23:56 Andi Oh that . Yea I don't wanna keep my phone off like that
23:56 Alice :-)
23:56 Andi I got to talk to my baby
23:56 Alice I know (love)
23:57 Andi [Sticker]
23:57 Alice Ur so sweet, make time for talking with me
23:58 Andi Of course I will make time for you . Don't care about the game v
ery much
18:41 YZF Andy U need to.sleep now its late
18:42 Alice I know but i don't feel like it
18:42 Alice What will you do now?
18:43 Alice ?Missed Call
18:43 Alice Teaassssiiinnggg
18:43 YZF Andy [Sticker]
18:43 Alice [Sticker]
18:43 YZF Andy Don' quick
18:44 Alice I am not quick. Go on, answer and talk
18:46 Alice Waiting for the call?
18:46 Alice ?Missed Call
18:46 YZF Andy ?No Answer
18:46 Alice No. Done playing
18:46 YZF Andy U didn't pick up
18:47 Alice I answer but i don't talk
18:47 YZF Andy [Sticker]
18:47 YZF Andy Lol
18:47 YZF Andy Jk
18:53 Alice ?Calling Time 5:53
18:53 Alice ?Calling Time 0:12
18:58 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 4:17
18:58 YZF Andy 10 mins on the phone that awesome
19:00 Alice (relief)(relief)(relief)(relief)(relief)(relief)(relief)(relief)
19:01 YZF Andy That was fun
19:01 YZF Andy Right
19:02 Alice So we talk again or we see eachother saturday?
19:02 Alice My palms are all sweat
19:02 YZF Andy Lol why
19:03 YZF Andy Whatever you want sweetie we can talk or if u feel like
we can talk on Saturday
19:04 Alice Is 3 am here. I wanna talk to you all night
19:04 Alice Doesn't make any sense
19:04 Alice Lol
24:03 Alice Omfg, i feel like a train hit me. Sooo tired ! But happy ! (lips
5:42 Alice Back home now ! (lips). I am having lunch, some chicken breast o
n the grill and mix of vegetables (moon wink). Almost time for you to wake up (l
5:46 Alice [Photo]
5:50 YZF Andy Morning sweetheart
5:50 YZF Andy I like that sticker
5:50 Alice (lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)
5:51 YZF Andy How was your work out
5:51 YZF Andy [Sticker]
5:51 YZF Andy [Sticker]
5:51 Alice I believe in that quote
5:51 Alice Good morning sleepy head !
5:51 Alice [Sticker]
5:51 YZF Andy Yes sleepy head
5:51 YZF Andy U got.that right
5:51 Alice I hope i didnt wake you ip
5:52 YZF Andy No my phone was silent
5:56 YZF Andy Ill talk to you later maybe when I drive ill give u a ca
5:57 Alice If you can. You need to be safe pls
5:57 Alice No rush because we will talk tomorrow. I am here and i do as you
5:57 YZF Andy Its better to call then text when driving
5:58 Alice Of course !
5:58 YZF Andy Just wanna hear your sweet voice
5:59 YZF Andy Ok im going to get ready now (lips)(lips)(lips)(3 hearts
5:59 Alice [Sticker]
5:59 Alice Goo. I am waiting (heart)
6:28 Alice Waiting for ur call
6:29 YZF Andy Not yet still getting ready for work im 30 mins . If tha
ts ok with you
6:30 Alice 30 min, i will have grey hair
7:01 Alice ?Calling Time 1:04
7:06 YZF Andy ?No Answer
7:07 Alice ?Missed Call
7:08 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 0:42
7:36 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 26:48
9:49 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 2:08
11:30 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 8:38
14:29 YZF Andy Hey baby very sweet words (3 hearts)(rose stalk)(lips)
14:35 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 5:48
14:44 Alice ?Calling Time 8:37
14:45 YZF Andy I like talking to you
14:45 Alice Me too !!!
14:46 Alice Don't you worry about that baby ! I loose my words because I am
shy and at the moment I am not much a talker
14:46 Alice But with time ... you will be tired of me
14:47 YZF Andy No I like when.u talk . I really do
15:47 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 7:58
15:52 Alice ?Calling Time 4:37
15:55 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 2:48
15:55 YZF Andy ?No Answer
15:56 Alice ?Calling Time 0:03
16:20 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 23:59
16:32 Alice We talked half an hour and I felt like there were only 5 minutes
. Drive safe please ! I will try to wait for the next battle to start, do my hit
s, then go to sleep !
24:22 Alice Wow, nice picture !
24:22 Alice So dark there. Hope ur having fun !
24:23 Alice Earlier I felt asleep, now I am up
24:23 Alice And I think I luv you too (please!)(love)
10:10 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 15:00
11:29 Alice You downloaded Skype? ??
11:29 YZF Andy After I eat
11:30 Alice Looks good. What's that brown thing? Also best choice for a fast
11:30 YZF Andy Steak
11:30 Alice And your eggs are looking like I do them..I like them fried good
11:30 YZF Andy And I got some Greek yogurt
11:31 Alice To be crunchy on the bottom
11:31 YZF Andy Lol
11:31 YZF Andy Yes
11:31 Alice A lot of proteins in ur plate
11:32 YZF Andy [Photo]
11:32 YZF Andy Updated plate
11:32 Alice Yes that's better !
11:33 YZF Andy I didn't have breakfast and its lunch time
11:33 Alice Now it looks complete
11:33 Alice Okay baby! Eat please. I leave you for a second to enjoy ur meal
16:13 Alice I am starting to be sleepy (blue)
16:14 YZF Andy [Sticker]
16:15 Alice Don't want this. And is not so late. But I feel exhausted
16:15 YZF Andy JK sweetheart let me know when you sleep so I can say go
16:15 Alice I will try to stay more
16:16 YZF Andy You go when u we got.tomorrow too
16:16 Alice I know
16:16 Alice I will dream about you
16:17 YZF Andy I like when u dream about me because I want you just for
16:18 YZF Andy Im selfish about you
16:18 Alice Sure? U will keep me only for you?
16:20 YZF Andy Yes
16:20 YZF Andy Only for me
16:26 Alice l felt asleep for a min
16:32 YZF Andy Oh lol. U.should go to sleep sweetie
17:02 YZF Andy Good night sweetheart
17:04 Alice I am so sorry !
17:04 Alice My eyes were closing, I felt like a rock. I putted myself In the
bed for a second
17:06 YZF Andy Goto sleep baby
17:08 Alice I bother u?
17:08 Alice I told you I talk a lot
17:09 Alice Ok have ur drink and play. I'll do my hits and sleep again
17:15 YZF Andy Lol
17:20 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 4:44
18:07 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 18:14
18:20 YZF Andy I really wanna give it a try with us. I really like you
and will do what I can to meet and spend life together and happy
23:50 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 6:53
1:54 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 2:26
2:18 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 23:52
10:49 Alice ?Calling Time 3:10
11:29 Alice I am done. When you finish with ur lunch we can talk
11:30 YZF Andy Ok baby (blowkiss)
11:38 YZF Andy [Sticker]
11:53 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 3:56
12:03 YZF Andy Later sweetie (blowkiss)
13:11 YZF Andy Sorry baby.I wish I was there taking care of you
13:53 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 33:30
15:55 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 20:35
22:44 Alice Shall I go back to sleep?
22:46 YZF Andy Yes sweetie go to sleep
22:47 Alice [Sticker]
22:47 Alice I need this
22:50 Alice If only I could be by your side now ...
22:51 YZF Andy Mmmm sounds good sweetie
22:51 YZF Andy I want that too
23:29 Alice Sweet dreams baby boy ! (lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)
23:30 YZF Andy [Sticker]
23:31 YZF Andy Good night sweetheart
23:31 Alice [Sticker]
23:32 Alice :-(
23:34 Alice I wanna tell you every morning and every night that I Luv You (3
23:36 YZF Andy Me too baby
23:36 YZF Andy [Sticker]
23:36 Alice Sweet Dreams (blue)(love)(please!)
23:37 Alice LoL. Really?
23:37 YZF Andy Ok tomorrow then
23:40 Alice ?Calling Time 2:38
8:21 Alice ?Calling Time 19:10
13:59 Alice How long until you finish work? :-(
14:04 YZF Andy 2 more hours
14:05 Alice :-( I will sleep soon
14:06 Alice We talk tomorrow then
14:17 YZF Andy Ok sweet dreams
14:17 Alice [Photo]
14:31 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 14:03
17:28 Alice [Sticker]
17:28 Alice Back to sleep
6:58 Alice ?Calling Time 3:57
8:21 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 6:25
8:48 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 18:07
12:12 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 3:54
12:13 Alice I hate when is breaking
12:13 Alice I find myself talking alone
12:14 YZF Andy Lol sorry me too I'll try later
12:15 Alice Yes baby. Don't worry pls
13:23 Alice Let's make New Year's in Amsterdam (beam)
13:23 Alice [Sticker]
13:26 YZF Andy Amsterdam new year's ????
13:26 Alice Lol...yeah. half way for us
13:29 YZF Andy I got plans on that day my family and cousins going to.a
big party and I drive my parents there
That sounds really nice to see you there and party
I wish I could sweetie I really do
13:29 YZF Andy [Sticker]
13:30 YZF Andy We can make a small vacation one day to Amsterdam
13:32 YZF Andy Now u got me thinking about new year's it really sounds
good to me
13:49 Alice :-)
13:49 Alice Don't worry baby
13:49 YZF Andy And is short time too
13:49 YZF Andy [Sticker]
13:49 Alice I just said it because I don't go anywhere for new fr
iend just told me that thing we planned was canceled
13:50 Alice Oh..short time not really :-) I know is cheaper to get early tic
13:50 Alice I think I'll stay home. Alone :-(
14:08 YZF Andy Ill be around baby with you
14:09 YZF Andy Next year's we'll be together
If u still like me by then
14:14 YZF Andy I wanna see you very soon baby
14:21 Alice [Sticker]
14:21 Alice This is the first year I'll do it alone
14:22 YZF Andy Im so sorry sweetie I wish I could come
14:22 YZF Andy [Sticker]
16:37 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 2:24
16:38 YZF Andy Sorry I lost connection
16:40 Alice If only you could see my face now
16:41 YZF Andy How is your face sweetie
16:41 Alice One eye open
17:01 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 19:45
17:02 Alice [Sticker]
17:02 Alice Good night sweetie. Take care of you ! Drive safe and be good
17:16 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 7:42
18:38 Alice Sweet baby (lips)(lips)(lips)
19:05 YZF Andy ?No Answer
19:43 Alice ?Calling Time 37:19
19:50 Alice I killed your phone baby (blue)
6:22 YZF Andy Morning sweetie
6:25 YZF Andy My battery went out
And when I put to charge I those chargers with Usb connection I put it in phone
and look later it was not connected on the other side (blue)
6:34 Alice [Sticker]
6:34 Alice Good morning baby ! (lips)
6:35 Alice Is ok with the phone, to be honest, I thought I drove you mad an
d you are tired of me, because yesterday we spoke all day long
6:36 Alice I just got back homr. This morning I bought a Christmas tree and
decorations and after I was to the grocery store.
6:36 YZF Andy [Sticker]
6:37 Alice According to my basket, I'm a big drinker. Like my dad said, we
went for food and we come back with a lot of drinks (beer, wine)
6:42 YZF Andy I'll call u in 5 mins got to go start my car
6:44 Alice I'm drinking some hot tea, I was freezing outside
6:51 YZF Andy ?Cancelled Call
7:07 Alice ?Calling Time 15:05
7:21 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 13:04
7:33 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 11:07
8:16 Alice [Photo]
8:16 Alice This is what I ate for lunch (oops)
14:11 Alice I keep falling asleep. I will sleep soon. Sorry that I cannot w
ait for you to get home. I am tired since last night (blue) (lips)(lips)(lips)(
14:35 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 21:41
14:37 Alice Your laugh is amazing (1 heart) sweet and sexy (love) not cute(k
idding) nope
14:38 Alice Drive safe angel ! I close my eyes to get a few hours sleep. I'l
l set my alarm to wake me up in 3 hours (lips)(3 hearts)
16:17 YZF Andy [Sticker]
17:43 Alice [Sticker]
17:51 YZF Andy My baby is up
17:52 YZF Andy I got soccer tonight (kidding)
17:52 YZF Andy Not now in 4 hours
17:58 Alice [Sticker]
17:59 Alice You are hard to get
17:59 Alice Really hard (sad)
18:02 Alice Baby ! What ur doin'?
18:03 Alice I go back to sleep. I see that you are busy
18:03 Alice [Sticker]
18:06 YZF Andy No sweetie I was in the game
18:06 YZF Andy [Sticker]
18:07 YZF Andy Sweet dreams baby
18:07 Alice [Sticker]
18:08 YZF Andy Hi baby
18:08 YZF Andy Don't cry
18:08 Alice You don't want meee
18:08 Alice [Sticker]
18:08 YZF Andy Why u think that I want more then u know it
18:09 YZF Andy Im here for my baby all the time
18:09 Alice [Sticker]
18:09 Alice It seems like you wanna get rid of me
18:09 YZF Andy Can I call u
18:09 Alice I miss you so much
18:09 YZF Andy No sweetie
18:09 Alice Dunno. I'm sleepy head (aww)
18:10 YZF Andy I like u sleepy
18:11 YZF Andy [Sticker]
18:11 Alice [Sticker]
18:12 YZF Andy Yes sweetie yes
18:39 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 25:55
18:40 Alice You are so sweet ! (ah...) I don't get tired of your warm voice
(blue) I want you so much baby (brr)(blue)(sad)(ah...)(please!)
18:41 Alice I am falling for you (1 heart)(3 hearts)
6:52 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 7:56
7:45 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 20:21
7:46 Alice ?Calling Time 0:32
7:47 YZF Andy ?Cancelled Call
7:48 Alice ?Missed Call
7:48 YZF Andy ?No Answer
7:52 Alice ?Calling Time 3:35
7:52 Alice ?Missed Call
7:54 Alice ?Missed Call
7:55 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 1:33
8:02 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 6:46
9:28 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 8:33
21:40 Alice ?Calling Time 1:18:00
7:50 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 19:14
8:00 Alice ?Calling Time 8:52
8:01 Alice ?Missed Call
8:06 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 5:27
12:28 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 8:17
22:19 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 1:43:55
24:26 YZF Andy [Sticker]
24:27 Alice [Sticker]
24:29 YZF Andy Lol
24:33 Alice ?Calling Time 3:33
24:33 Alice [Sticker]
24:33 YZF Andy [Sticker]
24:34 YZF Andy Later sweetie
24:34 Alice Good night my love !!! Sweet dreams !!
24:34 Alice (lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(heart)(heart)(heart)(1 heart)(1 8
:05 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 4:13
10:09 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 10:11
10:33 Alice ?Calling Time 8:08
11:07 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 8:08
12:19 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 1:55
12:21 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 1:51
12:37 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 2:02
12:37 YZF Andy ?No Answer
12:42 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 3:33
13:52 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 0:41
14:38 Alice ?Calling Time 45:23
14:39 Alice [Photo]
14:41 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 2:39
16:38 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 1:17:55
5:15 Alice ?Calling Time 8:53
5:23 Alice ?Calling Time 7:35
5:33 Alice ?Calling Time 9:59
12:38 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 10:56
12:52 YZF Andy [Sticker]
13:32 Alice [Sticker]
14:10 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 9:02
14:11 Alice ?Missed Call
14:12 Alice ?Missed Call
14:18 Alice ?Calling Time 5:01
14:18 Alice ?Calling Time 0:15
14:36 Alice ?Calling Time 17:39
15:25 Alice I lost my Angel (please!)
15:25 Alice [Sticker]
15:29 YZF Andy Lol yes I am
15:29 YZF Andy And u are mine (funny)
15:30 YZF Andy U there
15:30 Alice You are my Angel and I am your Devil
15:30 Alice Yup
16:31 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 1:00:46
16:40 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 8:26
22:24 Alice ?Calling Time 12:18
8:04 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 6:18
8:37 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 8:44
8:38 Alice ?Calling Time 0:16
8:38 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 0:32
8:45 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 5:25
8:47 Alice ?Missed Call
8:51 Alice ?Calling Time 4:12
8:52 Alice ?Calling Time 0:47
9:43 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 2:13
10:12 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 12:56
11:08 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 17:54
11:17 Alice ?Calling Time 8:10
13:06 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 24:14
13:34 Alice ?Calling Time 3:29
19:20 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 10:18
20:49 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 1:28:27
24:10 Alice ?Calling Time 33:10
8:03 Alice [Sticker]
8:20 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 12:00
8:26 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 2:54
8:39 Alice ?Calling Time 12:38
8:42 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 2:15
10:57 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 24:29
11:08 YZF Andy ?No Answer
11:17 Alice ?Calling Time 8:47
11:22 Alice ?Calling Time 5:04
21:17 Alice ?Calling Time 8:43
22:30 YZF Andy [Photo]
22:31 YZF Andy [Photo]
22:35 Alice
23:19 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 2:01:39
5:18 Alice ?Calling Time 7:54
5:18 Alice [Sticker]
10:01 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 6:05
13:17 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 9:38
13:52 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 24:13
13:55 YZF Andy ?No Answer
13:55 YZF Andy ?No Answer
13:55 Alice ?Calling Time 0:15
14:21 Alice ?Calling Time 25:12
17:07 YZF Andy ?No Answer
17:07 YZF Andy ?No Answer
17:08 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 0:13
17:13 Alice ?Calling Time 3:45
18:47 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 2:29
5:30 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 24:14
6:12 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 3:28
12:29 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 12:28
16:41 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 14:24
16:56 YZF Andy ?No Answer
16:57 Alice ?Calling Time 0:44
17:20 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 1:29
17:40 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 19:08
17:42 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 1:21
7:41 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 0:56
11:02 YZF Andy ?No Answer
11:02 Alice ?Missed Call
11:32 Alice ?Calling Time 30:23
11:59 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 5:14
12:03 Alice I like how our chat room looks like, only calls (3 hearts)(lips)
(2 hearts)
12:49 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 19:18
14:56 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 55:49
9:39 YZF Andy ?Cancelled Call
9:53 YZF Andy ?Cancelled Call
10:12 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 8:40
11:19 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 1:03:54
11:56 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 2:53
12:03 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 6:58
12:06 Alice ?Calling Time 1:52
12:18 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 2:04
12:23 YZF Andy [Video]
12:32 Alice Nice coffee machine. When can I taste some of that?
12:42 YZF Andy .anytime
12:43 YZF Andy [Sticker]
12:44 Alice Hahahahahahaha no really
12:44 Alice [Sticker]
13:32 Alice ?Calling Time 32:53
19:42 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 12:41
19:56 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 4:12
24:03 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 9:00
24:03 YZF Andy ?No Answer
24:08 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 4:40
4:20 YZF Andy ?No Answer
12:15 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 0:48
13:14 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 58:23
14:15 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 36:34
15:22 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 6:26
19:33 Alice ?Calling Time 52:03
7:35 Alice [Video]
7:56 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 14:54
8:01 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 3:44
8:02 Alice ?Missed Call
8:14 Alice ?Calling Time 11:54
12:12 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 14:34
22:05 YZF Andy ?No Answer
22:21 Alice [Sticker]
22:33 YZF Andy [Sticker]
23:50 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 3:15
1:02 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 22:12
9:54 Alice ?Calling Time 6:42
12:12 Alice ?Calling Time 2:22
13:04 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 6:27
14:21 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 3:19
14:27 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 6:06
15:38 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 17:35
15:49 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 10:33
15:54 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 3:51
16:06 YZF Andy [Sticker]
16:07 YZF Andy [Sticker]
16:07 Alice Lol
16:07 Alice Thanks baby
16:07 Alice Love you ! I call you soon
16:46 Alice ?Calling Time 3:15
16:50 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 2:38
17:00 Alice [Sticker]
17:19 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 11:21
17:24 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 4:54
24:15 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 2:49
13:38 Alice ?Missed Call
13:39 Alice [Sticker]
14:12 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 11:42
14:23 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 10:54
15:07 YZF Andy [Sticker]
17:13 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 1:24:23
18:06 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 52:18
18:09 Alice ?Calling Time 3:03
6:17 Alice ?Calling Time 5:43
11:23 YZF Andy [Video]
11:26 Alice It's beautiful
11:26 Alice I like it when is like this. Stay inside, drinking something t
o warm you up...
11:26 Alice Nice view you got there
11:30 YZF Andy [Sticker]
11:40 Alice [Sticker]
13:53 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 1:44:28
15:39 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 6:27
16:11 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 30:56
8:08 YZF Andy ?No Answer
9:04 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 2:30
9:09 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 4:37
12:54 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 58:54
13:21 Alice ?Calling Time 25:52
17:32 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 24:20
5:39 Alice ?Calling Time 8:33
5:39 Alice Connection unstable
5:39 Alice I think we talk later
5:52 Alice ?Calling Time 1:34
9:07 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 9:10
10:23 Alice [Sticker]
13:13 YZF Andy [Sticker]
13:19 Alice One hour left (lips)
14:14 YZF Andy [Sticker]
14:35 Alice [Sticker]
14:35 YZF Andy [Sticker]
14:35 YZF Andy Running from u
14:36 YZF Andy [Sticker]
14:36 Alice Why? (sad)
14:36 YZF Andy JK . Can't never run from u
14:37 Alice Keep that in mind
14:37 Alice Where are u?
14:38 Alice I was in the kitchen. Having a talk with my father and eat some
toasted bread
14:40 YZF Andy Im still at work will be out in 10 mins
14:41 Alice [Sticker]
15:01 YZF Andy Hi sweetie
15:01 YZF Andy Where are u
15:01 Alice Hi babyyyyyy
15:01 Alice Herree
15:01 Alice Always here for you
15:02 YZF Andy ?No Answer
15:10 Alice ?Calling Time 7:44
15:22 Alice ?Calling Time 11:28
15:24 Alice ?Missed Call
15:32 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 6:37
15:40 Alice ?Calling Time 8:12
17:43 YZF Andy Can I call please please please
17:43 Alice No because is almost 2 am
17:43 YZF Andy [Sticker]
17:44 YZF Andy JK
17:44 Alice Yeah. Give me one min...I need to go to the bath
17:44 Alice Jk with what??
17:44 YZF Andy Just a voice call sweetie not.a video
17:44 YZF Andy That I was sad u said no
17:45 YZF Andy With the sticker
17:47 Alice Whaat? :-)
17:48 Alice U asked me if I'm sleepy and I said :"yes, maybe is from the bee
r not the fact that is almost 2 am"
17:49 Alice But that's how it is on internet and chat, misunderstanding. Ca
nnot wait to see you face to face, we will get along much better. No interrupti
17:51 YZF Andy Lol
17:51 YZF Andy Yes
18:29 Alice ?Calling Time 38:04
18:33 Alice ?Calling Time 4:12
18:37 Alice [Sticker]
18:40 Alice Still can't believe u are there
18:40 Alice And I will have you
18:43 YZF Andy Im here to stay(kidding)
18:43 YZF Andy U will be mine forever
18:43 YZF Andy And ever
18:43 YZF Andy Sleep well my Angel
18:44 Alice ?Calling Time 0:24
18:44 Alice [Sticker]
24:49 YZF Andy [Sticker]
24:53 Alice [Sticker]
1:35 Alice ?Calling Time 41:05
1:35 Alice ?Missed Call
1:57 YZF Andy [Sticker]
1:59 Alice [Sticker]
2:00 YZF Andy U got time
2:00 YZF Andy For a
2:11 Alice ?Calling Time 9:59
7:18 YZF Andy Morning sweetie
7:18 YZF Andy [Sticker]
7:18 Alice Hi baby (lips)
7:21 Alice Are you up for good? (content)(heart)
7:23 YZF Andy Still sleepy
8:13 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 28:59
10:25 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 31:51
13:24 YZF Andy What u doing
13:26 Alice Almost finished eating
13:27 YZF Andy Ok ill let u alone . Let me know when u done
13:29 Alice I'm done (kidding)
13:30 YZF Andy When are u ready for a call???
13:30 Alice Always? (oops)
13:58 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 27:38
14:44 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 44:35
14:46 YZF Andy [Sticker]
14:52 Alice [Sticker]
14:52 Alice [Sticker]
14:56 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 1:23
15:11 Alice [Sticker]
15:11 Alice I am like this: (love)
16:05 Alice I am sure that we are great together because you are an angel th
at came special for me (3 hearts)
16:06 Alice I can do it by myself but the reason you are in a couple is to d
o things together...
16:07 YZF Andy Yes sweetie no I in we lol
16:07 Alice And...I will marry you tomorrow !!!!!
16:07 Alice Yeah :-) I know (3 hearts)(1 heart)(2 hearts)
16:10 YZF Andy I like that sweetie we got to meet first I don't want u
to have doubts about us . I might not be what u expect in your life but ill do m
y best to earn that
16:12 Alice Baby ! Of course we must meet
16:12 Alice But with every day that passes I have stronger feelings and no d
16:13 YZF Andy We can try Skype now
16:13 YZF Andy What do u think
16:16 Alice I have 0 doubts regarding you ! You prove me everyday that you a
re all I want !
16:17 Alice We can try skype, is ok. The light is off and the cat is sleepin
g on my belly. I will disturb the baby
16:18 Alice I just want to be close to you baby ! As fast as possible becaus
e you drive me crazy and I'm dying without you !
16:19 YZF Andy Its ok we wait
16:21 Alice You are so pretty today. Our baby will be the cutest !
16:21 Alice Your smile is amazing
16:21 Alice Charming
16:21 Alice And your warmth (3 hearts)
16:22 Alice Cannot wait to be in your arms (lips)
16:22 Alice Let myself drowning
16:32 Alice If I loose you I will be broken (brokenheart)
16:33 YZF Andy U won't lose me because I love u
16:33 YZF Andy [Sticker]
16:34 YZF Andy Not separated heart(kidding)
16:34 Alice I hope never (please!)
16:41 Alice ?Calling Time 2:21
18:13 Alice Good bye my love (3 hearts)(2 hearts)(heart)(1 heart)(lips)(love
18:13 YZF Andy Good night my sweet love
24:32 Alice ?Calling Time 4:04
1:00 Alice ?Calling Time 23:29
1:08 Alice ?Calling Time 8:10
1:09 Alice ?Missed Call
1:13 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 3:33
1:18 Alice [Sticker]
1:18 Alice I love you so much !
1:18 Alice I want you mine forever !
1:22 YZF Andy Love u too
2:17 Alice Thinking about you all the time (love)
2:21 Alice [Photo]
4:58 Alice [Photo]
6:45 YZF Andy Morning love
6:46 Alice [Sticker]
6:46 Alice Good morning baby !
6:47 YZF Andy Love u sweetie (kidding)
6:47 Alice Love you too !!!
6:48 Alice I got back home one hour ago. Ate and now I bed, resting
6:50 YZF Andy Thats the baggy clothes they not baggy (kidding)
6:50 YZF Andy Nice pics
6:50 Alice Nope. I was changing in the locker room
6:51 Alice You didn't slept so much (blue)
6:52 Alice Get ready for work (2 hearts)
6:53 YZF Andy I will but is very cold I don't want too
6:54 Alice You need to (blue)
6:54 YZF Andy [Photo]
6:54 Alice Take care out there
6:55 YZF Andy [Sticker]
6:55 Alice That's -25 C ...shit !!!
6:56 Alice Feels like -41?
6:56 YZF Andy I know and it says feels like -42
6:56 YZF Andy Yes
6:56 Alice Because of the wind?
6:56 YZF Andy Shit
6:56 Alice Be careful
6:56 YZF Andy I will going to get ready
6:57 Alice Yes !
6:57 Alice Wow I'm Speachless.
7:12 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 10:19
8:19 YZF Andy [Sticker]
9:06 Alice I slept
9:06 Alice [Sticker]
9:10 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 1:39
9:31 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 21:07
11:27 YZF Andy [Sticker]
11:28 YZF Andy [Photo]
11:29 YZF Andy I look weird lol
11:35 Alice You look like a snow man !! You dressed up good ! I don't have c
lothes for such a temperature (blue)
11:36 Alice (lips)(2 hearts)(3 hearts)
11:36 Alice You are like a bear (please!)
11:49 Alice [Sticker]
11:53 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 0:34
12:15 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 15:07
12:43 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 28:13
12:44 Alice ?Missed Call
13:23 Alice The movie is called "12 years a slave"
13:26 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 34:57
13:27 Alice ?Missed Call
13:49 Alice ?Calling Time 22:01
13:54 Alice ?Missed Call
14:11 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 16:18
14:13 Alice ?Missed Call
14:13 YZF Andy Lol did u call me
14:14 Alice Yes by mistake
14:15 Alice It appeared so fast?
14:15 Alice I had a shortcut on my desktop and I didn't knew what that is...
so I pushed the button but I hanged up fast
14:15 Alice Sorry !!!
14:17 Alice [Photo]
14:18 Alice Right down corner (kidding)
14:18 Alice It's a shortcut for calls
14:54 Alice You + me *together* = perfect couple (2 hearts)
15:37 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 31:28
8:06 YZF Andy ?Cancelled Call
8:10 YZF Andy [Sticker]
10:04 Alice [Sticker]
10:05 Alice No sad face baby !
10:40 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 12:05
11:35 Alice ?Calling Time 13:24
11:42 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 5:13
11:59 Alice ?Calling Time 7:15
12:00 Alice [Sticker]
15:28 Alice ?Missed Call
15:29 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 1:01
17:51 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 45:14
19:04 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 59:11
1:18 Alice ?Calling Time 15:45
1:18 Alice ?Missed Call
1:27 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 7:26
8:16 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 38:53
8:17 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 0:51
8:50 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 21:17
11:59 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 12:00
17:41 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 5:13
17:41 Alice ?Missed Call
17:55 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 13:26
17:56 YZF Andy ?Cancelled Call
17:56 Alice ?Missed Call
18:14 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 17:22
1:01 Alice ?Calling Time 11:31
5:31 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 17:44
5:37 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 3:14
14:52 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 11:47
7:11 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 24:01
8:24 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 35:35
9:00 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 7:52
9:15 YZF Andy ?Cancelled Call
9:57 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 1:13
10:36 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 12:49
13:54 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 11:55
14:14 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 9:02
15:14 YZF Andy ?No Answer
15:17 Alice ?Calling Time 1:24
15:33 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 12:33
22:52 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 1:32:56
5:33 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 0:38
5:33 YZF Andy ?No Answer
5:34 Alice ?Calling Time 1:15
5:35 Alice [Sticker]
5:35 YZF Andy [Sticker]
5:35 Alice Sweet little baby ! (3 hearts) I wish I was there...
8:23 Alice ?Missed Call
8:36 Alice ?Missed Call
8:37 Alice ?Missed Call
8:47 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 10:16
8:49 Alice ?Missed Call
8:50 Alice ?Missed Call
8:54 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 2:17
9:08 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 11:33
10:10 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 12:22
14:35 Alice ?Calling Time 42:32
15:27 Alice ?Calling Time 35:31
15:50 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 22:22
17:56 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 1:25:15
22:22 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 2:47
22:25 Alice ?Calling Time 2:17
9:06 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 4:23
9:57 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 1:51
10:43 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 3:15
11:25 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 4:20
12:42 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 11:39
12:42 YZF Andy ?Cancelled Call
12:48 Alice ?Calling Time 5:37
14:01 Alice [Video]
14:01 Alice [Sticker]
14:03 Alice [Sticker]
14:03 Alice [Photo]
14:04 YZF Andy Lol looks good
14:04 Alice Hahahaha nooo
14:06 Alice Don't call me
14:06 Alice LoL
14:06 YZF Andy Yes I call u
14:06 Alice [Sticker]
15:04 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 57:31
16:15 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 5:07
18:02 Alice ?Calling Time 1:46:48
24:08 Alice ?Calling Time 25:48
8:03 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 34:40
11:24 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 5:20
11:24 Alice ?Missed Call
11:38 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 14:07
21:54 Alice ?Calling Time 1:34:21
22:52 Alice ?Missed Call
22:58 Alice ?Calling Time 5:44
5:43 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 23:25
5:45 YZF Andy ?Cancelled Call
5:50 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 5:04
9:01 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 4:42
12:34 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 5:34
14:34 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 3:44
14:42 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 5:27
15:08 YZF Andy ?No Answer
15:09 Alice ?Calling Time 0:41
15:11 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 0:59
15:15 YZF Andy ?Cancelled Call
20:19 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 13:27
22:38 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 2:14:18
23:07 Alice ?Calling Time 28:36
7:50 Alice ?Calling Time 0:08
7:53 Alice ?Calling Time 2:04
9:44 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 5:41
10:02 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 17:10
12:13 YZF Andy ?Cancelled Call
12:18 Alice ?Missed Call
12:26 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 7:31
20:24 Alice [Sticker]
20:24 Alice [Sticker]
23:40 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 32:52
24:29 Alice ?Calling Time 47:04
8:59 Alice ?Calling Time 59:11
10:36 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 15:41
13:23 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 9:50
13:53 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 27:43
14:52 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 2:21
17:40 Alice ?Calling Time 2:47:23
18:53 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 1:10:25
19:51 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 34:59
23:03 Alice ?Missed Call
23:15 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 10:39
24:05 YZF Andy ?No Answer
24:22 Alice ?Calling Time 15:35
7:05 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 8:31
8:09 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 28:13
9:14 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 8:36
10:15 YZF Andy ?No Answer
10:21 Alice ?Missed Call
10:28 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 5:04
10:29 Alice ?Missed Call
10:30 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 0:36
11:03 Alice ?Calling Time 2:22
11:06 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 2:52
13:04 YZF Andy ?No Answer
13:05 YZF Andy ?Cancelled Call
18:37 YZF Andy ?Cancelled Call
18:51 Alice ?Calling Time 4:57
19:42 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 50:39
19:43 Alice ?Missed Call
19:52 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 8:40
19:52 Alice ?Missed Call
19:52 YZF Andy ?Cancelled Call
21:31 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 1:38:56
21:34 YZF Andy ?Cancelled Call
22:02 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 25:47
22:46 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 13:26
5:45 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 22:50
10:32 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 2:54
12:08 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 13:26
12:12 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 3:43
14:03 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 32:56
15:06 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 47:42
17:53 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 1:36:38
18:51 Alice ?Calling Time 57:49
18:52 Alice ?Calling Time 0:51
6:36 Alice ?Calling Time 1:28
6:41 YZF Andy ?Cancelled Call
7:40 Alice ?Calling Time 58:03
9:52 Alice ?Calling Time 27:57
10:34 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 4:22
10:53 YZF Andy ?No Answer
10:54 Alice ?Missed Call
10:54 Alice [Sticker]
11:03 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 7:13
12:33 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 28:09
12:59 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 9:20
16:52 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 2:27:08
17:30 Alice ?Calling Time 20:06
18:31 YZF Andy ?Cancelled Call
23:51 Alice ?Missed Call
6:42 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 3:38
8:58 Alice ?Calling Time 25:06
11:32 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 1:05:15
12:11 YZF Andy ?Cancelled Call
12:30 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 3:42
12:45 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 14:42
19:23 Alice ?Calling Time 20:58
19:31 Alice ?Calling Time 7:37
19:33 Alice ?Missed Call
19:36 Alice ?Missed Call
20:02 Alice ?Calling Time 26:17
20:16 Alice ?Calling Time 13:23
20:20 Alice ?Missed Call
20:24 Alice ?Calling Time 3:43
20:25 Alice ?Missed Call
20:25 Alice ?Missed Call
20:45 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 18:45
22:10 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 50:43
8:36 Alice ?Calling Time 9:21
8:36 Alice ?Missed Call
9:56 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 0:20
9:58 Alice ?Calling Time 1:35
10:54 YZF Andy ?Cancelled Call
11:17 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 10:10
13:12 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 9:36
13:24 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 4:53
15:09 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 5:24
16:00 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 9:44
16:44 Alice ?Missed Call
16:49 Alice ?Calling Time 5:25
17:49 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 56:09
24:25 Alice ?Calling Time 2:23
24:54 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 15:30
24:58 Alice [Sticker]
24:58 Alice [Sticker]
24:59 YZF Andy [Sticker]
1:02 Alice Teleport yourself pls
7:40 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 5:08
9:01 YZF Andy ?Calling Time 8:45
11:53 Alice ?Calling Time 2:14
12:59 Alice ?Calling Time 47:11
20:21 YZF Andy ?Cancelled Call
20:22 YZF Andy ?Cancelled Call
21:34 Alice ?Calling Time 1:00:40
21:37 Alice [Sticker]
21:57 YZF Andy [Sticker]
22:00 Alice [Sticker]
4:21 ANDI Missed Call
4:22 ANDI Missed Call
5:34 Alice Calling Time 1:00:40
5:37 Alice [Sticker]
5:57 ANDI [Sticker]
6:00 Alice [Sticker]
9:13 ANDI Calling Time 8:36
22:05 Alice Cancelled Call
16:06 Alice Calling Time 33:34
16:14 ANDI Missed Call
16:21 Alice Calling Time 6:39
16:29 ANDI Calling Time 5:57
17:58 Alice Calling Time 4:28
18:09 ANDI Cancelled Call
22:01 ANDI Calling Time 10:37
4:13 Alice Cancelled Call
4:33 ANDI Calling Time 18:10
6:06 Alice Calling Time 1:33:06
6:36 Alice Calling Time 29:38
6:58 Alice [Video]
7:00 Alice Outside is a snow storm (shocked)
7:00 Alice Cannot see much from the video
7:01 ANDI What u doing outside
7:01 Alice I recorded when the wind was not blowing
7:01 Alice I'm not outside (hahaha)
7:02 ANDI [Sticker]
7:02 Alice Can u see the video?
7:02 ANDI [Sticker]
7:02 ANDI What video
7:02 Alice Ooohhh I want those stickers
7:02 Alice [Video]
7:02 ANDI They free
7:03 Alice I will look for them but I dunno if they are still available
7:04 Alice I don't have them
7:05 ANDI And I saw the video now
7:05 ANDI Looks cold there
7:06 Alice I need you ?
7:06 ANDI Close your eyes and ill be there
7:06 Alice You know how much I want to hug you?
7:07 Alice Tired of my imagination, I want the real deal (kidding)
7:07 ANDI Lol
7:07 ANDI U will baby u will soon
7:08 Alice I think I will get some sleep. This way, time runs faster (blu
7:09 ANDI Yes baby
7:09 ANDI [Sticker]
7:12 Alice I'm passing out (shocked)
7:13 ANDI Ok baby ill talk to u later
7:13 ANDI Sweet dreams
7:13 Alice Yes. Don't stay up too late
7:13 ANDI No ill be a sleep soon too
7:13 Alice Thanks (3 hearts) I liked talking with you
7:14 ANDI Lol
7:14 ANDI Don't say thanks because I like talking to u too
7:14 Alice You know how to make me forget about things (kidding)
7:16 Alice Good night baby (3 hearts)
7:18 ANDI [Sticker]
7:19 ANDI Night baby
8:43 ANDI Very windy here too
9:57 Alice [Sticker]
13:25 Alice [Video]
14:48 ANDI [Sticker]
14:54 Alice [Sticker]
15:33 ANDI [Sticker]
15:52 Alice I want that ring (kidding)
16:15 Alice No Answer
16:38 Alice Calling Time 23:31
17:11 ANDI Calling Time 10:19
19:33 ANDI Calling Time 37:23
21:03 Alice [Sticker]
21:06 ANDI [Sticker]
21:59 Alice Calling Time 20:12
22:46 ANDI Calling Time 19:34
2:57 Alice Calling Time 2:00
6:43 Alice Calling Time 25:26
12:45 ANDI Cancelled Call
12:48 Alice Calling Time 2:42
13:46 Alice Calling Time 29:49
21:23 ANDI Calling Time 0:15
22:23 ANDI Calling Time 8:51
22:24 Alice Cancelled Call
22:50 ANDI Calling Time 24:26
22:52 ANDI Calling Time 0:37
23:54 ANDI They lost again
24:18 ANDI Calling Time 14:08
4:14 ANDI Driving baby u still up
4:14 Alice Almost falling
4:14 Alice Yes
4:14 Alice I put my phone on sound
4:15 Alice Just to make sure you wake me up
4:15 Alice If I pass out
4:32 ANDI Calling Time 17:22
7:12 ANDI Missed Call
8:21 Alice Cancelled Call
8:39 ANDI Calling Time 16:02
15:26 ANDI Calling Time 12:38
16:21 ANDI Calling Time 38:11
18:48 ANDI [Sticker]
18:49 Alice [Sticker]
19:01 ANDI [Sticker]
21:48 ANDI Calling Time 2:25
22:14 ANDI Cancelled Call
22:24 ANDI Calling Time 10:23
4:04 ANDI Calling Time 16:01
4:29 ANDI [Sticker]
4:31 Alice [Sticker]
4:32 ANDI [Sticker]
4:34 ANDI Calling Time 28:09
4:47 Alice Calling Time 12:33
13:21 ANDI Calling Time 11:04
13:36 Alice Calling Time 13:06
19:58 ANDI Calling Time 6:38
22:49 ANDI Calling Time 29:26
23:38 ANDI Missed Call
23:54 Alice Calling Time 15:15
4:26 ANDI Calling Time 9:11
5:11 ANDI Calling Time 5:35
5:16 Alice Calling Time 4:42
15:28 Alice [Sticker]
15:29 ANDI [Sticker]
15:30 Alice Hey sticker man (heart)(lips)
15:31 Alice Can I borrow a kiss?? I'll promise to give it back !!!
16:20 ANDI Calling Time 28:59
16:44 ANDI Calling Time 6:24
19:16 ANDI Calling Time 3:00
5:56 Alice Calling Time 45:02
13:42 ANDI Calling Time 23:32
2:01 Alice Cancelled Call
4:04 ANDI Calling Time 2:02:42
4:37 ANDI Calling Time 1:48
8:50 Alice Cancelled Call
8:58 ANDI Calling Time 8:17
16:15 Alice Calling Time 4:14
16:41 ANDI Missed Call
16:42 ANDI [voice message]
16:52 Alice I get home in 10 min
16:53 ANDI [Sticker]
16:56 Alice I'm at the store. .buying some cheese for quesadillas because I
17:01 ANDI Yummy can I have some please
17:06 Alice Can I call u angel?
17:06 Alice And I promise I will eat a piece for you
17:11 ANDI U can call when u want
17:17 Alice Calling Time 5:17
21:08 ANDI Calling Time 12:24
2:54 Alice Cancelled Call
3:07 Alice Calling Time 1:16
4:34 ANDI Calling Time 1:03:41
4:46 ANDI Calling Time 11:37
5:01 Alice No Answer
6:10 Alice Calling Time 1:09:25
7:50 Alice Cancelled Call
7:55 ANDI Missed Call
8:01 Alice [Sticker]
8:18 Alice Calling Time 15:15
8:18 Alice [Sticker]
8:18 ANDI [Sticker]
8:19 Alice I love you so much !
8:19 ANDI [Sticker]
8:19 Alice [Sticker]
8:19 ANDI Love u more(kidding)
8:19 Alice Yes, today you are allowed
8:19 ANDI Lol
8:20 ANDI Yes
8:20 Alice [Sticker]
8:20 ANDI Good night my love
8:20 Alice [Sticker]
8:20 Alice Good night my life
8:20 Alice (heart)(heart)(heart)(heart)(2 hearts)(3 hearts)
8:20 ANDI (glad)(blowkiss)(2 hearts)(1 heart)(lips)
13:58 Alice [Sticker]
14:44 Alice It must have been a rainy day when you were born the heavens wer
e crying because they lost their most beautiful angel. Happy birthday, my love!
14:44 Alice [Sticker]
16:08 ANDI [Sticker]
16:08 ANDI Love u sweetie
17:28 Alice What's with the ring my love? (oops)
17:35 ANDI [Photo]
18:14 ANDI Calling Time 35:22
21:27 ANDI Calling Time 5:29
21:55 ANDI Calling Time 3:57
21:58 Alice Calling Time 1:52
23:09 ANDI Calling Time 41:07
23:55 Alice Calling Time 45:13
24:54 ANDI Calling Time 48:27
5:14 Alice Calling Time 5:15
12:17 Alice [Sticker]
18:40 ANDI Missed Call
21:47 Alice Calling Time 45:32
22:59 Alice Cancelled Call
23:15 ANDI Calling Time 13:20
23:27 Alice Calling Time 9:46
23:49 Alice Calling Time 21:45
23:49 Alice Cancelled Call
23:51 ANDI Calling Time 1:21
6:54 ANDI Calling Time 2:49:14
15:57 ANDI Calling Time 1:23
15:57 Alice Calling Time 0:47
15:58 Alice Cancelled Call
16:18 Alice Calling Time 3:47
2:28 Alice Cancelled Call
2:42 ANDI Calling Time 12:40
4:55 Alice No Answer
6:34 Alice Calling Time 1:38:55
6:42 Alice Calling Time 7:35
15:36 ANDI Calling Time 3:47
16:11 Alice Calling Time 0:16
16:12 Alice Cancelled Call
16:12 ANDI Cancelled Call
16:13 Alice No Answer
16:36 Alice Calling Time 21:36
19:32 ANDI Calling Time 0:55
3:20 ANDI Calling Time 42:57
3:22 ANDI Calling Time 1:12
4:27 Alice No Answer
4:32 Alice No Answer
4:40 Alice Calling Time 7:27
6:53 Alice [Sticker]
6:53 Alice [Sticker]
6:53 Alice Cannot sleep (sad)(blue)
14:36 Alice Calling Time 6:22
16:13 Alice Calling Time 29:10
16:34 ANDI Calling Time 19:35
20:15 Alice Cancelled Call
20:47 ANDI Calling Time 5:51
3:00 Alice Calling Time 2:15
3:37 ANDI Calling Time 21:53
4:18 Alice Calling Time 39:19
4:25 Alice No Answer
4:44 Alice No Answer
4:51 Alice Calling Time 7:06
12:33 Alice Calling Time 3:16
13:23 Alice Calling Time 6:13
22:00 ANDI Calling Time 6:48
22:26 Alice Calling Time 25:49
22:31 ANDI Missed Call
22:55 Alice Calling Time 20:27
4:00 ANDI Calling Time 36:26
5:11 ANDI Missed Call
5:14 Alice Calling Time 2:39
8:10 ANDI Calling Time 9:48
9:16 Alice Calling Time 5:22
14:34 Alice Cancelled Call
14:37 Alice Calling Time 3:08
15:18 Alice Cancelled Call
15:54 ANDI Calling Time 36:00
16:19 ANDI Calling Time 3:39
16:30 Alice Calling Time 11:09
18:14 Alice Cancelled Call
19:43 ANDI Calling Time 15:21
23:45 ANDI Calling Time 35:19
5:47 Alice Calling Time 10:37
17:56 Alice [Video]
17:56 Alice Like that? Wait for the video
19:01 ANDI Cancelled Call
19:08 Alice Calling Time 4:50
19:11 Alice Calling Time 2:30
21:49 Alice Cancelled Call
22:42 Alice No Answer
22:43 ANDI Calling Time 51:13
22:48 Alice Calling Time 5:42
3:29 Alice Calling Time 6:34
4:08 ANDI Missed Call
7:40 ANDI Calling Time 6:10
7:40 ANDI Missed Call
7:41 ANDI Calling Time 0:19
7:42 Alice Calling Time 1:30
8:24 Alice [Video]
21:47 Alice Calling Time 6:34
6:05 ANDI Missed Call
6:18 Alice Calling Time 10:37
14:35 Alice Calling Time 2:23
15:58 Alice Calling Time 22:26
15:58 Alice Cancelled Call
16:00 ANDI Calling Time 0:23
16:05 Alice Calling Time 5:11
18:20 ANDI Missed Call
3:33 ANDI Calling Time 57:27
4:33 ANDI Missed Call
5:10 Alice Calling Time 36:41
5:17 Alice Calling Time 7:12
6:52 ANDI Calling Time 12:35
7:08 ANDI Calling Time 15:37
14:33 Alice Cancelled Call
14:40 Alice Calling Time 5:24
15:25 ANDI Calling Time 0:44
16:47 ANDI Missed Call
18:22 Alice Cancelled Call
18:23 ANDI Missed Call
18:40 Alice Calling Time 8:41
19:20 ANDI Calling Time 27:04
22:22 ANDI Calling Time 17:47
2:51 ANDI Calling Time 18:06
4:40 ANDI Calling Time 33:17
4:40 Alice No Answer
5:51 Alice Calling Time 1:09:56
5:54 ANDI [Sticker]
5:55 Alice I waaannntttt
5:55 ANDI Lol
5:55 Alice Noooooo
5:56 Alice U make me cry
5:56 ANDI Sorry
5:56 Alice [Sticker]
5:56 Alice Haha
5:56 ANDI I tried to send it to u
5:57 Alice [Sticker]
5:58 ANDI [Sticker]
5:58 Alice I dooooooo
5:58 ANDI [Sticker]
5:58 Alice When? (cat)
5:59 ANDI We when we go to sleep
5:59 Alice No no...the ring lol
5:59 ANDI [Sticker]
5:59 ANDI This one
6:00 Alice Aha
6:00 Alice [Sticker]
6:00 ANDI Its for you
6:00 ANDI [Sticker]
6:00 Alice I know. But when? (please!)
6:00 ANDI A.S.A.P
6:07 Alice [Sticker]
6:07 ANDI Yes
6:08 Alice Can I propose?
6:08 Alice Lol
6:08 ANDI Yes u can
6:08 Alice Hahaha
6:08 ANDI [Sticker]
6:08 Alice Give me a second to get ready
6:08 Alice Oh...nervous. .but I can't offer u a ring
6:09 ANDI Its ok
6:10 Alice [Photo]
6:10 Alice LoL
6:11 ANDI Yes I do
6:11 ANDI [Sticker]
6:12 Alice Happy me...this is a special day (kidding)
6:13 ANDI And happy me
6:13 Alice Baby. ..Let's sleep. We will celebrate tomorrow lol
6:13 Alice [Sticker]
6:14 ANDI Lol ok baby good night sweetie
6:14 ANDI [Sticker]
6:14 Alice Good night husband (3 hearts)(lips)
6:14 ANDI [Sticker]
6:15 Alice [Sticker]
6:15 ANDI Good night wife
6:15 Alice (please!)(please!)(please!)(please!)
8:20 Alice Cancelled Call
14:54 ANDI [Sticker]
16:00 Alice [Sticker]
18:51 ANDI Calling Time 11:00
3:50 ANDI Calling Time 29:42
3:55 Alice No Answer
3:58 ANDI Calling Time 1:14
4:49 Alice No Answer
4:53 Alice Calling Time 3:22
14:39 Alice Calling Time 3:21
15:49 ANDI Calling Time 22:40
15:51 ANDI Calling Time 1:02
15:52 ANDI Missed Call
16:00 Alice Calling Time 8:16
17:15 Alice Calling Time 13:44
23:27 Alice [Video]
23:45 ANDI Calling Time 9:16
5:02 ANDI Calling Time 1:46
8:16 ANDI Cancelled Call
8:44 Alice Calling Time 8:02
14:42 Alice Cancelled Call
17:51 ANDI [Sticker]
17:53 ANDI Our baby
2:38 ANDI Calling Time 17:53
2:38 Alice Cancelled Call
3:35 Alice Calling Time 56:38
5:25 ANDI Calling Time 23:34
17:01 ANDI Calling Time 12:02
18:36 ANDI Calling Time 2:28
2:30 ANDI Calling Time 3:32:34
6:33am, February 16, 2014, Andi: Don't ever forget that your baby loves you. And
will never get tired of you . I will be there for you all time. All I need just
some love in return to make me feel someone loves me (relieved). And I don't wa
nna lose you ever because I love you so much(heart)even that we haven't met yet
but I feel you're the one for me. I'll love you unconditionally
20:13 Alice No Answer
20:13 ANDI Calling Time 21:49
20:13 Alice No Answer
20:19 Alice Calling Time 5:52
21:24 Alice No Answer
21:24 ANDI Calling Time 57:00
21:25 Alice Cancelled Call
21:41 ANDI Calling Time 15:07
22:16 Alice Calling Time 34:56
23:19 ANDI Calling Time 58:21
23:19 Alice Calling Time 0:30
4:34 ANDI Calling Time 13:17
6:02 ANDI Calling Time 3:43
1:45pm, February 17, 2014, you : If I won't find it in your heart I won't look f
or happiness in any other place. To love means to give, and all I want in this w
orld is to give you the happiness you deserve, because as the sun brings warmth
and light, you brought the love and happiness into my life and you have made my
world a paradise which I want now to reveal it to you!
18:29 ANDI Calling Time 6:09
18:30 ANDI Calling Time 0:22
18:30 Alice Cancelled Call
20:21 ANDI Calling Time 5:38
3:24 Alice Calling Time 28:59
3:57 ANDI Calling Time 1:52
4:13 ANDI Missed Call
15:36 ANDI Calling Time 3:43
15:57 Alice Calling Time 15:14
16:10 Alice Calling Time 12:16
18:47 ANDI Calling Time 2:58
7:32pm, February 18, 2014, you : I feel so damn good (satisfied)
And of course I will arrange to have the chance to take a hot bath with you (hea
rt). In those two weeks we will be together I want to do as many things I can. I
won't waste any second. I want to learn a lot of things about you. The time wi
ll be short but, I will be happy only if I see you, hold you and kiss you. This
is what will satisfy my needs (crushed)
7:36pm, February 18, 2014, Andi : (heart)
7:37pm, February 18, 2014, you : I keep asking myself how is it possible to love
you more and more everyday. I wonder until when my love for you will grow. Unt
il my heart will explode? (omg)(curious)
7:38pm, February 18, 2014, Andi My Baby ? : No baby (relieved)
7:38pm, February 18, 2014, Andi My Baby ? : Call me when u get time
1:28am ANDI Calling Time 1:58
3:27am ANDI Calling Time 40:24
3:33am Alice No Answer
5:04am Alice Calling Time 45:13
2:48pm Alice Calling Time 4:04
3:01pm, February 19, 2014, you : I love you so much (satisfied)
3:02pm, February 19, 2014, Andi : Love u too
3:27pm, February 19, 2014, Andi : Hi my love i`m at work and thinking about u 24
3:27pm, February 19, 2014, Andi : U should be by my side all the time
3:54pm ANDI Calling Time 0:55
4:59pm, February 19, 2014, Andi : Te iubesc foarte mult
4:59pm, February 19, 2014, Andi : (tongue)
5:06pm, February 19, 2014, you : Baby ! (hurray)
5:07pm, February 19, 2014, you : Mmmm
5:07pm, February 19, 2014, you : And u keep saying that ur not amazing (worried)
5:07pm, February 19, 2014, you : What you just said it's simply perfect (embarra
2:42 ANDI Calling Time 25:19
2:48 Alice Calling Time 6:11
2:49 Alice No Answer
2:53 ANDI Calling Time 2:24
4:55 Alice No Answer
5:11 Alice Calling Time 16:20
13:57 ANDI Calling Time 26:47
13:59 ANDI Calling Time 1:15
17:03 ANDI Calling Time 2:47
5:17pm, February 20, 2014, you : If I will say I love you will you believe me? I
hope not, because love it's not meant to be spoken but to be proven.
And if I will whisper you thousands of words will you listen me? I hope so, beca
use in them you will find a thousands reasons to love me more.
22:05 ANDI Missed Call
22:37 ANDI Calling Time 29:52
23:41 ANDI Calling Time 28:49
11:53pm, February 20, 2014, Andi: I can't wait to meet you baby and hold you fin
ally in my arms because I really love you and i`m so ready to by yours forever .
Everyday we talk believe me baby I love u more and more, for some reason u just
make me love you so much everyday that passes and don't wanna lose you ever in
this life . U are so special to me and I will do everything to have u 24/7 by in
arms . And don't for get I love u (heart)
11:53pm, February 20, 2014, you : What the hell...u make me cry before sleep?
12:36am, February 21, 2014, you : I want to have a family with you (heart). Cute
little babies, average house, average life.I just want to be your wife. I want t
o be the mother of our children. I want you to be my husband, nobody else but yo
u. I want us to have babies, name how many. Kidding aside, I want to spend the r
est of my life with the one I love. I want to bake you cookies, cook dinner for
you, sleep with our angels, everything. We will go to amusement parks with our b
abies. We will celebrate their birthdays each year. We will go to our dream plac
es together. We will be together forever. Once again, I love you my sweet Angel
! I need to have you in my life everyday ! (lips)
12:37am, February 21, 2014, you : <Photo>
12:46am, February 21, 2014, Andi : (relieved) mmmm baby u melting me sweetie wit
h those sweet words you say and I will do everything to make that happen for us
and I will love you unconditionally forever . Our love will never die . We are s
o strong together that we will pass any obstacles if there is one(smile). I love
u and only you
4:42am ANDI Missed Call
8:41am ANDI Calling Time 9:30
01:40pm Alice Calling Time 29:00
10:28pm, February 21, 2014, Andi My Baby ? : Im gonna leave now sweetie
10:31pm, February 21, 2014, you : (lips)
10:35pm, February 21, 2014, you : I'm so sleepy baby
10:44pm, February 21, 2014, Andi : (heart)
10:44pm, February 21, 2014, Andi : I`m out
10:45pm, February 21, 2014, Andi : Sweet dreams love
10:45pm, February 21, 2014, you : (worried)
10:45pm, February 21, 2014, you : Miss you love
10:46pm, February 21, 2014, Andi : Can I call
10:46pm, February 21, 2014, you : Yeeeessss
10:46pm, February 21, 2014, Andi : Or u gonna sleep
10:46pm, February 21, 2014, you : But I'm sooo sleepy
10:46pm, February 21, 2014, you : Barely can talk
10:47pm, February 21, 2014, Andi : Calling...
11:19pm, February 21, 2014, Andi : 31:49
23:47 ANDI Calling Time 23:20
9:42 ANDI Calling Time 21:58
10:07 Alice Cancelled Call
15:54 ANDI [Sticker]
16:52 Alice Calling Time 8:20
17:20 ANDI Missed Call
19:13 ANDI Calling Time 2:44
19:19 ANDI Calling Time 2:02
19:20 ANDI Calling Time 0:19
19:22 Alice No Answer
19:23 ANDI Calling Time 1:12
19:24 Alice No Answer
19:39 ANDI Calling Time 14:53
7:55pm, February 22, 2014, you :
Always together
My hand its the hand of a friend, when it's difficult for you, remember it, it is
here so you can hang it when you fall, to caress you when your hurt, to defend
you when you are down.
My eyes are the light of a star, when you get lost you can look at them, they ar
e the only one which doesnt lie you and always show you the right way. My words a
re the stars from the sky, made to stay there forever, some of them nicely fall,
but all are to delight your soul. My lifeits actually your life, two people in t
wo bodies with two minds and two hearts which beat separate, but beats in the sa
me time and doesnt matter what separate them. They always call each otherthats why
we will always holding hands, we will look into each other eyes, we will say so
many things, we will always be together, because this makes our life beautiful
20:29 ANDI Calling Time 3:57
24:58 Alice No Answer
24:59 ANDI Calling Time 3:31:40
1:00am Alice Calling Time 1:01
1:43am ANDI Calling Time 38:41
5:45am, February 23, 2014, you : Baby, I want you so much that I'm really scared
, I'm afraid that something bad will happen, I hope it's just a fear (worried)
I will try to stay positive, but as you said, the love is deep. I hope we will
fulfill all our dreams because we both deserve that, we are young, beautiful, s
mart, healthy, in love and we got dreams. It sounds too good to be true. Maybe t
here can be miracles, and not all the time, we need to fight with bad things. D
unno what the fuck I'm trying to say because I'm so sleepy, one eye open but I t
hink I can tell you one more time that I love you like crazy (grumpy)(heart)(hea
16:08 ANDI Calling Time 0:46
17:05 Alice Calling Time 57:38
18:04 Alice Calling Time 10:05
19:54 ANDI Calling Time 1:26:23
20:52 ANDI [Gift]
20:53 Alice [Sticker]
20:53 ANDI [Sticker]
21:05 Alice Calling Time 1:10:31
10:04pm, February 23, 2014, you : First, you will be my husband...second, nothin
g can keep us apart. Starting from this, we will work this out (satisfied)(wink)
10:07pm, February 23, 2014, Andi : Yes baby we will be strong only if we are tog
10:08pm, February 23, 2014, you : 5-6 months ago I was sharing a drink with you
in the main chat of CC and now we talk about how difficult is for us to be toget
her (hesitant)
10:08pm, February 23, 2014, you : Life can take you thru some imaginary places
10:08pm, February 23, 2014, you : Wow (omg)
10:09pm, February 23, 2014, Andi : It`s like a game that we got to fight to win
10:09pm, February 23, 2014, Andi : Do you have what it takes to play (devil)
10:09pm, February 23, 2014, you : Yup. That's what I wanted to tell you earlier,
we started playing this game, we need to finish it
23:07 ANDI Calling Time 18:59
24:19 ANDI Calling Time 8:55
1:31 ANDI Calling Time 56:28
6:39 Alice No Answer
6:39 ANDI Calling Time 24:54
6:44am Alice Calling Time 5:42
6:48am, February 24, 2014, Andi: Very much . Good night sweetheart and please ba
by don't stress yourself, be happy we found each other(crushed)
6:49am, February 24, 2014, you : Nothing will stop this ! Yesterday I read too m
uch and I got too emotional (frustrated). Time, money, papers ... (worried)
6:49am, February 24, 2014, you : I'm thankful for having you in my life ! If I w
asn't happy I wouldn't care ! (worried)
6:50am, February 24, 2014, you : You will be mine and I will be yours and one da
y we will be together (heart)
6:50am, February 24, 2014, Andi: I know baby but will find the best way for us s
weetie just lets not believe everything from the internet i`ll go and ask here
6:51am, February 24, 2014, you : I won't let this get away, not without fighting
until the last moment
6:51am, February 24, 2014, you : Try to get some sleep my love. You already got
too much on ur head with work (lips)(lips)(lips)
2:44pm, February 24, 2014, Andi: Calling...
3:15pm, February 24, 2014, Andi: 31:24
4:37pm, February 24, 2014, you : Calling...
4:48pm, February 24, 2014, you : 11:31
6:56pm, February 24, 2014, Andi: Calling...
7:38pm, February 24, 2014, Andi: 42:19
9:40pm, February 24, 2014, Andi: Calling...
10:07pm, February 24, 2014, Andi : 27:05
11:09pm, February 24, 2014, Andi: Calling...
11:40pm, February 24, 2014, Andi: 31:42
11:46pm, February 24, 2014, Andi: Calling...
11:48pm, February 24, 2014, Andi: 01:27
2:30am, February 25, 2014, Andi: Hello love it`s me again(tongue). Well I just w
anna start that I'll love u no matter what and how we gonna figure this situatio
n up. U will be in my mind all the time no matter how long will take until we'll
be together for good . I just hope we will have the same connection that we hav
e now and just not stress ourselve and be strong unit we finally have each other
. I want you very much and I really hope everything will work just perfectly til
l the end. I`m happy the way we are with each other and happy to have u in my li
fe. Everything will be fine as long as we are happy and love each other. And I k
now I love you a lot sweetheart and will wait for you to the end. I just hope yo
u'll do the same(worried). I can't lose you my love, it`s too late to lose you(w
orried). Now I know I will come A.S.A.P to you after I can and will show you tha
t I love you in person too . Sweet dreams my love (heart)(lips)
4:44am, February 25, 2014, you : Sweet baby, we will be together, no matter wha
t. I thought about how we wanted to do things before and something wasn't right
. I don't want to ruin what we have and also I can't rush with conclusions. Let
's be honest, we need to know more about each other, we can't make a conclusion
after we talked on Internet. A marriage means more and as you know, I want to
do it only once. Yes, I want to spend all my time with you, share a lot of beaut
iful moments, we need to find a solution for this, no one can keep us apart. I
feel it, we are meant to be together, but rush can ruin everything. I still lov
e you more than anything and it kills me because I cannot have you next to me wh
en I need it. Let's just hope for the best, eventually we will find our way to b
e together. As long as there is love and trust, we will work this out ! I swear
that you are the only one I want ! I can't wait to meet you in person, then, a
ll my worries will dissappear(lips)(lips)(lips)
4:57am, February 25, 2014, Andi: Can I call u for a sec
4:57am, February 25, 2014, you : Yes my love
4:57am, February 25, 2014, Andi: Just to hear ur sweet voice
4:58 ANDI Calling Time 0:37
4:58 ANDI Missed Call
5:00 Alice Calling Time 2:05
15:25 Alice Calling Time 33:54
3:49pm, February 25, 2014, Andi: Calling...
3:53pm, February 25, 2014, Andi: 04:02
4:09pm, February 25, 2014, Andi: Calling...
4:59pm, February 25, 2014, Andi: 49:41
2:39 ANDI Calling Time 1:55
2:47 ANDI Calling Time 0:35
2:47am, February 26, 2014, Andi : Calling...
3:14am, February 26, 2014, Andi : 26:47
4:19 ANDI Calling Time 58:58
5:52 Alice Cancelled Call
6:39 ANDI Calling Time 46:34
14:43 ANDI Missed Call
14:43 ANDI Missed Call
14:45 Alice Calling Time 2:06
15:05 ANDI Calling Time 18:26
15:09 ANDI Calling Time 3:48
6:26am, February 27, 2014, Andi : Love u baby(crushed)
6:32am, February 27, 2014, Andi : Going to sleep had a very busy day and tomorro
w will be the same (cry). But im thinking that I will meet you and makes me happ
6:33am, February 27, 2014, you : (heart)
6:33am, February 27, 2014, Andi: Love sweetheart very much (relieved)
6:33am, February 27, 2014, Andi: Hi baby(congrats)(congrats)(congrats)(congrats)
6:33am, February 27, 2014, you : I love you too baby boy
6:33am, February 27, 2014, you : (lips)
6:33am, February 27, 2014, Andi My Baby ? : Can I hear u
6:33am, February 27, 2014, you : More than you think
6:34am, February 27, 2014, you : I just want to be with you
6:59am ANDI Calling Time 23:28
2:09pm, February 27, 2014, Andi: Did u know I missed u a lot?
2:11pm, February 27, 2014, you : Of course I knew that. But did you know that I
missed you even more? (beam)(kiki)
2:12pm, February 27, 2014, you : Get ready for work baby ! I'm on my way home. B
ack from gym
2:12pm, February 27, 2014, you : (emoticon)
2:12pm, February 27, 2014, Andi : No I miss u more (angry)
2:53pm, February 27, 2014, Andi : Calling...
3:28pm, February 27, 2014, Andi : 34:56
6:55pm, February 27, 2014, Andi : Here thinking about u even when im very busy
6:56pm, February 27, 2014, you : (heart)
6:56pm, February 27, 2014, you : I know my sweet baby !
6:56pm, February 27, 2014, you : (lips)(lips)(lips) that's why I love you so muc
2:50am ANDI Missed Call
3:12am ANDI Calling Time 20:31
7:58am, February 28, 2014, you : I fall in love with you every morning and in ev
ery spoil and gesture of yours I find a thousand reasons to be happy. I get lost
into your eyes just like a butterfly on an endless plain full with flowers and
I find myself in your gestures and talks because you are the half of my heart an
d soul.
Am I that beautiful as your love and misses show me? What could make you so happ
y around me? Or youre just like me: the more I love you, your love grows in the s
ame way. If its like that, then I wonder where we will stop. In paradise?
You offered me so many lovely moments, you gave me so many priceless treasures,
youve sacrificed so much for my happiness and most of all, I think that you love
me more than I will ever deserve. You made me understand how beautiful love can
be, that gives everything without asking anything in return. You are such a spec
ial and wonderful man and I will always adore you just the way you deserve (hear
8:09am, February 28, 2014, you : I love you so much baby !
With every day that passes my heart beats faster, my palms are sweaty because th
e time when we will meet it's approaching. I'm anxious to meet you but I'm more
emotional when it comes to the fact to find out if we like each other or not. M
aybe I'm stressing out too much but I really need you in my life and I hope noth
ing goes wrong. Maybe these little worries will dissappear when I will have you
in my arms (lips)(lips)(lips
3:10pm, February 28, 2014, Andi: Calling...
3:12pm, February 28, 2014, Andi: 02:23
3:17pm, February 28, 2014, you : Calling...
3:25pm, February 28, 2014, you : 07:49
7:39 ANDI Calling Time 3:41
8:27 ANDI Calling Time 0:17
8:50 Alice Calling Time 21:57
15:17 Alice Calling Time 4:31
21:53 ANDI Calling Time 15:28
4:09 Alice Calling Time 26:53
4:16am, March 1, 2014, you : You are my life .... you are too good to be true. I
will love you a lot and I will take care of you (crushed)
4:16am, March 1, 2014, Andi: Ill try to go baby but I just wanted to say one mor
e time that I love u my life (heart)
4:16am, March 1, 2014, you : (heart)
4:17am, March 1, 2014, you : You are so special (heart)
4:19am, March 1, 2014, you : Wish you a good night and I cannot wait to see your
pretty face tomorrow (lips)(lips)(lips). I love you more than anything. Don't
forget that ! You are my world. It's weird how a complete stranger can become su
ch an important person in ur life. You will be my everything (lips)(heart)(crush
4:19am, March 1, 2014, Andi: U are more then anything to me (relieved)
4:20am, March 1, 2014, you : And I really appreciate every little gesture you do
4:20am, March 1, 2014, you : I can see how much you do for me. And you give me a
lot of reasons, every day, to love you forever (heart)
4:20am, March 1, 2014, Andi: U deserve everything and I'll be happy to do my bes
t to make u happy(heart)
4:21am, March 1, 2014, you : Same for you. You deserve only the best and I will
do everything I can to offer you as much as possible. Not only now, but my enti
re life (lips)
4:22am, March 1, 2014, you : Good night my sweet love (lips)(lips)(lips)(zzz)
4:22am, March 1, 2014, Andi: Good night my queen(relieved)
17:31 ANDI Calling Time 12:08
19:03 ANDI Calling Time 15:10
21:25 Alice Calling Time 3:29
21:47 ANDI Calling Time 12:54
21:47 ANDI Missed Call
21:48 ANDI Calling Time 0:33
22:36 ANDI Calling Time 47:58
1:59am Alice Calling Time 3:10:40
2:25am, March 2, 2014, you : I love your face, your smile, your eyes, your every
thing ! I want you to be mine forever and I'm not joking when I say it. You got
me completely with the way you are, so simple but in the same time you got a lot
to offer (heart). I know you might be tired of hearing how much I want you, how
anxious I am to hold you in my arms but I cannot stop saying. Especially kissi
ng those sweet lips of yours, they are demanding my kisses (lips). I love you, s
weet thing, and I will love you until my last breath ?
2:34am, March 2, 2014, Andi: (relieved) mmm baby you so sweet and I love you too
to the end. And I will always be there for you sweetheart. And my love for you
keeps have raising everyday and every second. I will always have u in my arms if
you'll allow me . And never let u go. Because I see what a treasure you are and
I want it u will be my most precious treasure . And I'll treat you like one. Sa
ying I love you its one thing but really showing you how much I love you will be
the real thing. And I wanna show you for real that I really love you sweetheart
15:11 ANDI Calling Time 19:39
17:25 ANDI Calling Time 53:25
1:17am ANDI Calling Time 2:23:20
2:00am ANDI Calling Time 33:44
4:34am, March 3, 2014, you : Oh baby, you'll be my everything for me. No one els
e will exist(lips)
4:35am, March 3, 2014, Andi: I love u mucho my love (heart) and u will be my eve
rything forever
4:35am, March 3, 2014, you : I'll go back to sleep my love, go and get ready(li
4:36am, March 3, 2014, you : Take care of you and have fun (lips)(lips)(lips)
4:36am, March 3, 2014, you : Don't forget that your baby loves you a lot and you
are her life (heart)
4:36am, March 3, 2014, Andi: I will baby. Sweet dreams love
7:56 ANDI Calling Time 0:08
8:12 Alice Calling Time 15:28
24:53 ANDI Calling Time 20:55
2:52am, March 4, 2014, Andi: Hi sleepy head. I want you very much with all my he
art I really hope this between us will be the most beautiful thing in our lives
because I really want this for me and you. Just to be a real family and I feel t
hat we connect with each other in every way possible, well, we still have to see
if in person we are better the on cyber and will me 100% me when we are togethe
r. I just want you to know me as I am. 2 weeks won't be enough to know each othe
r very good but we kind of have an idea how we are and we'll take it from there
one step at the time to our happiness and long life together I just want you to
know that I really love u and won't give up as long as we are in the same mind o
f wanting a family and most important loving each other. You brought me hope and
make me fall in love like a child that was looking for so long. If you will me
mine I promise that you'll be the only one for me. I can't wait to meet you and
hold/hug and squeeze you in my arms but not too much(tongue) and never let go .
I wanna spend the rest of my life waking up next to you and kiss every inch of y
our soft skin. This will be my priority number 1 . Everything I said about you t
hat I love, like, how beautiful you are, how funny, smart, lovely, kind, sweet I
mean everything its true and all those qualities made me really fall deep(cute)
in love with you. Sorry if I miss any othe qualities. But everything its unreal
that we meeting in 1 1/2 weeks and im really nervous / happy and exciting. This
time will be the longest wait. Counting each day like I wanna go now hold my ba
I love u like crazy(heart)lips)
6:23 ANDI Calling Time 15:06
3:38pm, March 4, 2014, Andi: Calling...
4:10pm, March 4, 2014, Andi: 31:04
4:49pm, March 4, 2014, Andi: Calling...
4:53pm, March 4, 2014, Andi: 04:18
3:41 ANDI Calling Time 8:44
15:51 ANDI Calling Time 26:21
4:42pm, March 5, 2014, Andi: Calling...
5:08pm, March 5, 2014, Andi: 25:36
5:42pm, March 5, 2014, you : U got such a pretty face (tipsy)
5:43pm, March 5, 2014, Andi: U very cute(cute)(relieved)
5:44pm, March 5, 2014, you : (cool) dunno how the hell you amazed me that much..
that spell of urs...keep it like this because you make me feel that I'm alive
5:50pm, March 5, 2014, Andi: Mmm you'll be really alive when we meet because I g
ot truck full of love coming your way and will drop on you I hope u ready to rec
eive all that love (omg)(omg)
5:53pm, March 5, 2014, you : I'm ready baby ! Never been so ready !But are you r
eady to offer that for your entire life?Because I'm gonna love you a lot ! You n
ever imagined that ! 5:54pm, March 5, 2014, Andi: (emoticon)
5:55pm, March 5, 2014, Andi: Give it to me baby I will be ready 24/7 forever but
just for you (tongue)
5:55pm, March 5, 2014, you : (beam)(tongue) I hope just for me
5:56pm, March 5, 2014, Andi My Baby ? : Only for you I don't cheat baby I promis
e (relieved)
22:00 Alice [Sticker]
2:16 Alice Calling Time 26:18
13:33 ANDI Calling Time 22:40
13:35 Alice Calling Time 1:53
16:13 ANDI Calling Time 4:40
23:13 ANDI Calling Time 5:57
2:20 Alice Cancelled Call
2:22 ANDI Missed Call
3:14 ANDI Calling Time 15:50
3:42 ANDI Calling Time 0:27
5:02 ANDI Calling Time 1:19:58
5:47 ANDI Calling Time 43:17
5:50 Alice [Sticker]
14:58 ANDI Calling Time 1:49
3:59 ANDI Calling Time 23:55
4:51 Alice No Answer
4:51 ANDI Calling Time 44:12
4:59 Alice Calling Time 7:29
14:49 ANDI Calling Time 6:14
16:10 ANDI Missed Call
21:30 ANDI Calling Time 12:22
23:20 ANDI Calling Time 1:45:52
23:59 ANDI [Sticker]
23:59 Alice Uuuuu that's nice
24:00 Alice [Sticker]
4:14 ANDI Calling Time 31:27
8:31 ANDI Calling Time 3:16
18:01 ANDI Calling Time 3:38
18:01 ANDI Missed Call
18:01 Alice Calling Time 0:04
18:10 Alice Calling Time 8:39
8:23pm, March 9, 2014, Andi: Calling...
8:27pm, March 9, 2014, Andi: 04:29
23:04 ANDI Calling Time 5:01
5:25am ANDI Calling Time 29:46
6:20am ANDI Missed Call
3:44pm, March 10, 2014, Andi: Calling...
3:44pm, March 10, 2014, you : I love you !!I love you !!
4:23pm, March 10, 2014, Andi: 39:33
7:25pm, March 10, 2014, Andi: Calling...
7:37pm, March 10, 2014, Andi: 11:43
20:26 Alice [Sticker]
10:44pm, March 10, 2014, Andi: Calling...
11:08pm, March 10, 2014, Andi: 23:49
3:40 ANDI Calling Time 45:53
4:05 ANDI Calling Time 20:07
13:37 ANDI Calling Time 4:27
2:08pm, March 11, 2014, Andi: Calling...
2:34pm, March 11, 2014, Andi: 26:06
7:09pm, March 11, 2014, Andi: Calling...
7:19pm, March 11, 2014, Andi: 10:14
7:42pm, March 11, 2014, Andi: (heart)I love my baby (lips)
7:43pm, March 11, 2014, you : I luv u too (worried)
7:43pm, March 11, 2014, you : So much baby
7:43pm, March 11, 2014, Andi My Baby ? : Calling...
7:46pm, March 11, 2014, Andi My Baby ? : 03:29
9:54pm, March 11, 2014, you : I want you so much. .two more days... I cannot wai
t baby(heart)(grumpy)
9:54pm, March 11, 2014, you : My baby will be in my arms (crushed)
9:54pm, March 11, 2014, Andi: I want you baby now please (cry)
22:14 ANDI Calling Time 16:38
11:29pm, March 11, 2014, Andi: Calling...
11:48pm, March 11, 2014, Andi: 18:19
4:24am ANDI Calling Time 34:30
4:44am ANDI Calling Time 20:19
4:45am Alice Cancelled Call
4:45am Alice Calling Time 0:17
4:45am ANDI Missed Call
2:32pm, March 12, 2014, you : Calling...
2:57pm, March 12, 2014, you : 24:45
4:35pm, March 12, 2014, you : Calling...
4:47pm, March 12, 2014, you : 11:51
5:21 Alice Calling Time 35:04
6:24pm, March 12, 2014, Andi: Calling...
6:32pm, March 12, 2014, Andi: 07:36
23:18 ANDI Calling Time 33:35
23:35 ANDI Calling Time 0:29
2:36am, March 13, 2014, Andi: Calling...
3:11am, March 13, 2014, Andi: 35:09
6:44am, March 13, 2014, Andi: Calling...
7:13am, March 13, 2014, Andi: 29:32
4:14pm, March 13, 2014, Andi: Calling...
4:20pm, March 13, 2014, Andi: 05:48
4:31pm, March 13, 2014, Andi: Calling...
4:33pm, March 13, 2014, Andi: 01:14
16:39 ANDI [Sticker]
16:45 Alice I don't have this
16:45 Alice [Sticker]
5:01pm, March 13, 2014, you : Calling...
5:19pm, March 13, 2014, you : 17:08
5:25pm, March 13, 2014, Andi: Calling...
5:40pm, March 13, 2014, Andi: 14:15
5:40pm, March 13, 2014, Andi: Calling...
5:46pm, March 13, 2014, Andi: 05:40
19:32 Alice [Sticker]
20:40, March 13, 2014, Andi: Calling...
20:40, March 13, 2014, you : What are you doing
20:48, March 13, 2014, Andi: 08:03
23:04, March 13, 2014, Andi: Calling...
23:16, March 13, 2014, Andi: 12:08
20:31 ANDI [Video]
6:37 Alice [Sticker]
6:38 Alice Love you a lot !!!!
10:38am, March 31, 2014, Andi: Calling...
10:38am, March 31, 2014, Andi: 00:11
10:39am, March 31, 2014, Andi: Calling...
10:50am, March 31, 2014, Andi: 11:45
10:09pm, March 31, 2014, you : I luv you baby ! A lot ! And I want you all my li
fe !!!!
10:10pm, March 31, 2014, you : I was looking at the pics I got with us, I realiz
ed that you made me so happy baby, barely recognized myself in those pics, with
that smile. I want you to be mine forever ?
10:11pm, March 31, 2014, you : I will defeat all my fears and I'll come to be ne
xt to you
10:18pm, March 31, 2014, you : (lips)
10:45pm, March 31, 2014, Andi: On the taxi baby
10:46pm, March 31, 2014, Andi: (emoticon)
10:46pm, March 31, 2014, you : (crushed)
10:46pm, March 31, 2014, you : Did you sleep?
10:49pm, March 31, 2014, Andi: No I didn't sleep sweetheart
10:49pm, March 31, 2014, you : (confused)(worried)(worried)10:49pm, March 31, 20
14, Andi: I wasn't feeling sleepy
10:50pm, March 31, 2014, you : That means you are really tired
10:50pm, March 31, 2014, Andi: How is the life with out me going(omg)
10:50pm, March 31, 2014, you : Bad..empty..lonely
23:43 ANDI Calling Time 20:46
11:01pm, March 31, 2014, you : Miss ur pretty face
11:47pm, March 31, 2014, you : You are so perfect (heart)
1:12am, April 1, 2014, Andi: (crushed)and u are perfect for me
1:12am, April 1, 2014, Andi: I love u so much (heart)
5:07am, April 1, 2014, you : (heart) I luv you baby
5:07am, April 1, 2014, you : And miss you (lips)
5:09am, April 1, 2014, you : I'm so happy that you feel the same way as I do (cr
18:41 ANDI Calling Time 0:22
19:04 ANDI Calling Time 21:59
19:06 Alice Calling Time 1:01
21:45 ANDI Calling Time 39:41
23:25 ANDI Calling Time 4:00
7:45am ANDI Missed Call
7:47am ANDI Sorry I pushed the wrong button sleepy baby . I'm going back to
sleep sweetie . I love you remember this (lips)(1 heart)
2:29pm, April 2, 2014, Andi: Good morning love
2:31pm, April 2, 2014, you : (beam)
2:31pm, April 2, 2014, you : Morning Sunshine (lips)(lips)(lips)
2:32pm, April 2, 2014, Andi: Hi love
2:32pm, April 2, 2014, you : (crushed)
2:32pm, April 2, 2014, Andi: (heart)
2:32pm, April 2, 2014, you : Miss you sweet baby
2:32pm, April 2, 2014, you : It's so haarrrddd
2:32pm, April 2, 2014, you : I cannot sleep at night
14:40 ANDI Calling Time 7:29
15:16 ANDI [Sticker]
15:16 ANDI [Sticker]
15:17 ANDI Calling Time 0:26
15:55 ANDI Calling Time 36:46
4:25pm, April 2, 2014, Andi: (emoticon)
4:29pm, April 2, 2014, you : You look so good !!!!I'm crazy about you (tipsy)
4:29pm, April 2, 2014, you : I luv everything about you(crushed)
4:31pm, April 2, 2014, you : (heart)
4:38pm, April 2, 2014, Andi: (lips)
4:38pm, April 2, 2014, Andi: (heart)
4:38pm, April 2, 2014, Andi: I love u more
5:42pm, April 2, 2014, you : You have no idea how much you mean to me, and how m
uch I want to spend my life with you (heart)
7:11pm, April 2, 2014, you : (lips) I miss kissing you
7:23pm, April 2, 2014, Andi: (crushed)
7:23pm, April 2, 2014, Andi: (lips)
7:24pm, April 2, 2014, you : And I cannot wait to be with you. I luv you angel (
7:32pm, April 2, 2014, Andi: Calling...
7:43pm, April 2, 2014, Andi: 10:46
10:00pm, April 2, 2014, Andi: Calling...
10:09pm, April 2, 2014, Andi: 08:39
1:05am, April 3, 2014, Andi: Hi love
1:05am, April 3, 2014, Andi: I missed u a lot today
1:05am, April 3, 2014, Andi: I called but im sure u very sleepy
1:06am, April 3, 2014, Andi: Goodnight my Angel(heart)
2:42am, April 3, 2014, you : Here we go again, 2:40 a.m, like usual.My life it's
fucked up without you !I cannot wait for the day that I will hold you in my arm
s forever (heart)
2:45am, April 3, 2014, you : Can't do this, this is the third night when I get n
o sleep (worried) when you were next to me I had no problem, I was sleeping like
a baby
2:45am, April 3, 2014, you : Now I'm a mess (confused)
2:46am, April 3, 2014, Andi: (cry)
2:46am, April 3, 2014, Andi: Sorry baby
2:46am, April 3, 2014, Andi: I wish I could help
2:46am, April 3, 2014, you : (worried)
2:46am, April 3, 2014, Andi: I love u (smile)
2:46am, April 3, 2014, you : You can't
2:46am, April 3, 2014, Andi: Go back to sleep sweetie
2:46am, April 3, 2014, you : You are not here
2:46am, April 3, 2014, you : I can't
2:47am, April 3, 2014, Andi: (worried)
3:38am ANDI Calling Time 31:19
1:16pm, April 3, 2014, you : Calling...
1:35pm, April 3, 2014, you : 19:05
1:35pm, April 3, 2014, you : Calling...
1:38pm, April 3, 2014, you : 02:46
5:02 ANDI Calling Time 6:03
6:58 ANDI Calling Time 3:29
16:11 ANDI Calling Time 5:14
16:17 ANDI Calling Time 4:39
16:19 Alice Calling Time 0:36
16:42 Alice Calling Time 22:49
18:45 ANDI Calling Time 1:39
19:14 ANDI Calling Time 28:57
23:54 ANDI Calling Time 0:52
23:57 ANDI Calling Time 3:05
4:44 Alice [Sticker]
4:45 Alice Cute little thing ?
15:42 ANDI Calling Time 27:06
15:58 Alice Calling Time 13:28
6:02pm, April 5, 2014, Andi: Mmmm baby I miss u a lot (worried)
6:06pm, April 5, 2014, you : (beam)
6:08pm, April 5, 2014, you : I was in my mother's room, she bought some clothes
for my brother/wife/kids and wants to send them a package
6:09pm, April 5, 2014, you : What exactly do you miss baby? (relieved)(curious)
6:13pm, April 5, 2014, Andi: All about you sweetie everything your smile your ey
es your lips your face your skin your body. Basically everything about you
6:13pm, April 5, 2014, Andi: I`ll use bathroom baby
6:19pm, April 5, 2014, you : (beam)(crushed)(crushed)(crushed). Luv you
6:19pm, April 5, 2014, you : Going to take a shower right now
6:20pm, April 5, 2014, you : (emoticon)Ur so romantic
6:25pm, April 5, 2014, Andi: Yes
6:29pm, April 5, 2014, Andi: I will love u forever(tongue)(omg)6:29pm, April 5,
2014, Andi: U scared(confused)
6:40pm, April 5, 2014, you : Me scared? Of L.O.V.E. ???!!?!NEVER EVER !
6:40pm, April 5, 2014, you : Baby !
6:40pm, April 5, 2014, you : We are friends right? We can talk/ask about anythin
6:45pm, April 5, 2014, Andi: (tongue)
6:45pm, April 5, 2014, Andi: (beam)
6:45pm, April 5, 2014, Andi: Yes baby BFFs forever and husband and wife for eter
21:54 Alice Calling Time 57:22
23:37 ANDI Calling Time 36:24
24:17 Alice Calling Time 39:55
24:49 ANDI Calling Time 21:09
4:32am ANDI Calling Time 38:03
3:55pm, April 6, 2014, you : Really looking forward for my future, as you can se
3:55pm, April 6, 2014, Andi: Loses will result in wins later baby
3:55pm, April 6, 2014, Andi: (tongue)
3:55pm, April 6, 2014, you : I hope so
3:55pm, April 6, 2014, Andi: It will baby
3:55pm, April 6, 2014, you : I already got a win, I'm waiting for next (crushed)
3:56pm, April 6, 2014, you : Oh I'm so anxious about my life
3:56pm, April 6, 2014, Andi: And will be a big win for me too (crushed)
3:56pm, April 6, 2014, you : I really want to start a new life, to have a new be
ginning with such a wonderful guy like you
3:56pm, April 6, 2014, Andi: U making me melt sweetie(cry)
3:57pm, April 6, 2014, you : Naah, no need. I don't want you melted(wink)(beam)
3:57pm, April 6, 2014, Andi: And u are so special to me too
Very special(wink)
3:57pm, April 6, 2014, you : Oohh..I will be even more special (tongue) soon
3:57pm, April 6, 2014, Andi: I`ll melt and put me on your pancake
3:58pm, April 6, 2014, you : (emoticon)
3:58pm, April 6, 2014, you : No more pancakes
3:58pm, April 6, 2014, Andi: (beam)
3:58pm, April 6, 2014, Andi: DA
3:58pm, April 6, 2014, you : They are tricky, too tasty and make your ass really
fat !
16:18 ANDI Missed Call
16:23 Alice Calling Time 0:38
17:10 ANDI Missed Call
17:28 Alice Can I call you?
5:34pm, April 6, 2014, Andi: Calling...
5:45pm, April 6, 2014, Andi: 10:47
5:58pm, April 6, 2014, Andi: Calling...
6:06pm, April 6, 2014, Andi: 07:24
6:12pm, April 6, 2014, Andi: Calling...
6:20pm, April 6, 2014, Andi: 07:32
8:57pm, April 6, 2014, Andi: Calling...
9:04pm, April 6, 2014, Andi: 06:53
23:11 ANDI Calling Time 11:09
1:07 ANDI Calling Time 5:43
16:02 ANDI Calling Time 28:27
9:47pm, April 7, 2014, Andi: Hi love when can I call u
9:56pm, April 7, 2014, you : Now baby
9:56pm, April 7, 2014, you : I'm in my room
10:54pm, April 7, 2014, you : I love you !!!
11:26pm, April 7, 2014, Andi: Calling...
11:31pm, April 7, 2014, Andi: 04:08
24:19 ANDI Calling Time 0:40
24:25 ANDI Calling Time 5:27
24:25 ANDI Missed Call
24:28 ANDI Calling Time 2:16
24:28 ANDI Cancelled Call
24:59 Alice Calling Time 30:46
2:04 ANDI Calling Time 12:57
2:37 ANDI Calling Time 28:46
7:16 ANDI Calling Time 18:19
17:26 ANDI Calling Time 29:28
17:31 Alice [Sticker]
20:10 ANDI Calling Time 3:29
22:19 Alice Calling Time 7:45
22:39 ANDI Calling Time 2:16
2:17 Alice Calling Time 1:16:40
15:49 Alice Calling Time 24:31
16:17 Alice I cannot send you messages on Kakao
16:17 Alice I don't know why
19:01 ANDI Hi baby
19:12 ANDI Calling Time 10:35
10:28pm, April 9, 2014, Andi: Calling...
10:37pm, April 9, 2014, Andi: 08:00
4:22 ANDI Calling Time 2:43
15:01 ANDI [Video]
3:24pm, April 10, 2014, Andi: Calling...
3:26pm, April 10, 2014, Andi: 02:08
3:26pm, April 10, 2014, you : Calling...
3:30pm, April 10, 2014, you : 03:54
3:40pm, April 10, 2014, Andi: Calling...
4:05pm, April 10, 2014, Andi: 25:30
4:59pm, April 10, 2014, Andi: Calling...
5:39pm, April 10, 2014, Andi: 39:27
5:41pm, April 10, 2014, Andi: I miss u too love
5:42pm, April 10, 2014, you : (crushed) I need you baby
6:04pm, April 10, 2014, Andi: I need you and want you
6:04pm, April 10, 2014, you : I hope so
6:04pm, April 10, 2014, you : Because I don't wanna lose you
6:04pm, April 10, 2014, you : (worried)
6:09pm, April 10, 2014, you : I really see myself next to you for my whole life
6:16pm, April 10, 2014, Andi: Calling...
6:45pm, April 10, 2014, Andi: 28:59
23:47 ANDI Missed Call
8:54am, April 11, 2014, Andi: Calling...
8:59am, April 11, 2014, Andi: 05:16
9:33am, April 11, 2014, Andi: I love very much(relieved)(relieved)(crushed)
9:34am, April 11, 2014, you : (lips)(lips)
9:34am, April 11, 2014, you : Hope I didn't wake you
9:34am, April 11, 2014, you : Sweet dreams my love
2:30pm, April 11, 2014, you : <Photo>
2:35pm, April 11, 2014, Andi: Hi love very sleepy
2:36pm, April 11, 2014, Andi: Mmmm who's that cute.thing there
2:36pm, April 11, 2014, Andi: Good morning my love
2:37pm, April 11, 2014, Andi: (heart)
2:41pm, April 11, 2014, you : Morning Sunshine(heart)
2:41pm, April 11, 2014, you : Love of my life (lips)
2:44pm, April 11, 2014, Andi: Calling...
2:52pm, April 11, 2014, Andi: 08:06
15:57 Alice Calling Time 23:26
16:00 Alice Calling Time 1:34
16:01 Alice Calling Time 1:19
16:01 ANDI I'll call u later
4:55pm, April 11, 2014, Andi: Calling...
5:17pm, April 11, 2014, Andi: 21:32
8:01pm, April 11, 2014, Andi: Calling...
8:03pm, April 11, 2014, Andi: 02:21
8:05pm, April 11, 2014, Andi: Calling...
8:30pm, April 11, 2014, Andi: 24:26
4:02am ANDI Calling Time 43:17
1:18pm, April 12, 2014, Andi: Calling...
1:28pm, April 12, 2014, Andi: 09:58
1:39pm, April 12, 2014, Andi: Calling...
1:44pm, April 12, 2014, Andi: 05:22
4:08pm, April 12, 2014, Andi: Calling...
4:17pm, April 12, 2014, Andi: 08:01
6:19 Alice Calling Time 21:07
13:38 ANDI Calling Time 9:29
19:10 Alice Cancelled Call
8:12pm, April 12, 2014, Andi: Calling...
8:43pm, April 12, 2014, Andi: 30:52
9:54pm, April 12, 2014, Andi: Calling...
10:27pm, April 12, 2014, Andi: 32:41
23:19 Alice [Sticker]
23:38 ANDI Calling Time 2:46
23:40 Alice Calling Time 1:01
11:55am, April 13, 2014, Andi: Calling...
12:09pm, April 13, 2014, Andi: 13:46
21:55 ANDI Calling Time 3:44
9:57pm, April 13, 2014, Andi: Calling...
10:36pm, April 13, 2014, Andi: 39:27
10:52pm, April 13, 2014, Andi: Calling...
11:46pm, April 13, 2014, Andi: 53:19
11:46pm, April 13, 2014, you : Calling...
11:50pm, April 13, 2014, you : 03:09
00:01 Alice Calling Time 10:55
00:58 ANDI Calling Time 45:13
3:43pm, April 14, 2014, Andi: Calling...
3:48pm, April 14, 2014, Andi: 05:33
17:02 Alice Cancelled Call
17:44 ANDI Calling Time 5:39
21:34 Alice (hearts)(3 hearts)(two hearts)(heart wit blue bow)(cat attracted
5:56pm, April 15, 2014, Andi: Calling...
6:03pm, April 15, 2014, Andi: 06:32
6:04pm, April 15, 2014, Andi: Calling...
6:06pm, April 15, 2014, Andi: 01:44
6:06pm, April 15, 2014, Andi: Calling...
6:20pm, April 15, 2014, Andi: 13:13
7:13pm, April 15, 2014, you : My life (heart)
7:14pm, April 15, 2014, you : I love you so much (worried)
7:15pm, April 15, 2014, Andi: (heart)
7:15pm, April 15, 2014, Andi: I love u more
8:00pm, April 15, 2014, Andi: Calling...
8:36pm, April 15, 2014, Andi: 36:11
20:37 Alice Cancelled Call
21:31 ANDI Calling Time 54:21
21:39 Alice Calling Time 7:03
10:27pm, April 15, 2014, you : What's wrong with u?(surprised)
10:27pm, April 15, 2014, you : (lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)10:27pm, April 15,
2014, you : Thank you baby !
10:27pm, April 15, 2014, Andi: Im in love thats what wrong with me (tongue)
10:28pm, April 15, 2014, you : For making me so happy ! I mean...offering the ha
ppiest moments of my life ?
23:13 ANDI Calling Time 21:34
9:47 ANDI Calling Time 15:43
12:38 Alice Cancelled Call
2:39pm, April 16, 2014, Andi: Hi love
2:39pm, April 16, 2014, you : Morning baby
2:39pm, April 16, 2014, you : (worried)
2:39pm, April 16, 2014, Andi: Im sorry u couldn't sleep baby.I hope u ok
2:39pm, April 16, 2014, Andi: Morning love
2:40pm, April 16, 2014, you : Not really. I don't feel good at all
2:40pm, April 16, 2014, Andi: (worried)
2:40pm, April 16, 2014, Andi: Ok I'll get ready for work sweetie
3:15pm, April 16, 2014, Andi: Calling...
3:48pm, April 16, 2014, Andi: 32:19
17:51 ANDI Calling Time 31:15
6:03am ANDI Calling Time 1:04:51
7:13am ANDI Calling Time 15:14
4:50pm, April 17, 2014, Andi: Morning love
4:50pm, April 17, 2014, Andi: (heart)
4:53pm, April 17, 2014, you : Morning Sunshine
4:53pm, April 17, 2014, you : (lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)(lips)4:54pm, April 17, 20
14, you : I'm at the Gym (beam)(beam)(beam)
4:55pm, April 17, 2014, you : <Photo>
5:03pm, April 17, 2014, Andi: Nice gym baby
17:32 ANDI Calling Time 9:32
6:45pm, April 17, 2014, Andi: Calling...
7:12pm, April 17, 2014, Andi: 26:54
8:41am, April 18, 2014, you : Proud of you
8:41am, April 18, 2014, Andi: Ill call you
8:42am, April 18, 2014, you : I know you're good in everything u do
8:42am, April 18, 2014, you : Yup. Call on Line
9:00 ANDI Calling Time 17:51
9:01am, April 18, 2014, you : (emoticon)? I'm so lucky ?
9:01am, April 18, 2014, Andi: Im soooooooooooooo lucky too
9:01am, April 18, 2014, you : (emoticon)Good night sweet thing
15:43 ANDI Cancelled Call
15:45 ANDI Calling Time 0:31
6:49pm, April 18, 2014, you : When you can (when ur not really busy), call me be
cause I need to hear your sweet voice(crushed)
6:50pm, April 18, 2014, you : Oh and I can't wait to see you tomorrow (heart)
8:49pm, April 18, 2014, you : (lips)
8:49pm, April 18, 2014, you : I know you are busy
9:00pm, April 18, 2014, Andi: (heart)
9:00pm, April 18, 2014, Andi: Calling...
9:00pm, April 18, 2014, you : (crushed)
9:04pm, April 18, 2014, Andi: 03:49
9:50pm, April 18, 2014, Andi: (heart)
9:50pm, April 18, 2014, Andi: Hi love
9:52pm, April 18, 2014, you : Hi baby
9:52pm, April 18, 2014, Andi: I love I love I love I love love I love I love I l
ove I love I love I love I love I 9:52pm, April 18, 2014, you : (smile)
9:52pm, April 18, 2014, Andi My Baby ? : DA
9:52pm, April 18, 2014, you : Really?
9:52pm, April 18, 2014, you : Lmfao
9:53pm, April 18, 2014, you : Ur so funny
9:53pm, April 18, 2014, you : Why are u so cute?
9:53pm, April 18, 2014, Andi: DA DA DA DA DA DA DA (angry)(wink)(crushed)
9:53pm, April 18, 2014, you : I'm dropping dead here(beam)
9:53pm, April 18, 2014, Andi: De ce ???
9:53pm, April 18, 2014, you : I'm sooo muscles..I worked hard
9:54pm, April 18, 2014, you : I'm one eye open
9:54pm, April 18, 2014, you : I'm not at maximum capacity
9:54pm, April 18, 2014, Andi: Da da da excuses
9:54pm, April 18, 2014, Andi: (beam)
9:55pm, April 18, 2014, you : I want you here when u do that
9:55pm, April 18, 2014, Andi: (relieved)
9:55pm, April 18, 2014, you : (tongue)
9:55pm, April 18, 2014, Andi: Me too
9:56pm, April 18, 2014, you : On my birthday I'll make a beautiful cake, I'll ha
ve some candles and I'll make a wish
9:56pm, April 18, 2014, you : ONE wish I want to accomplish this year
9:56pm, April 18, 2014, you : (relieved)
9:56pm, April 18, 2014, Andi: Ce wish ???
9:57pm, April 18, 2014, you : To have you as my husband (confused)
9:57pm, April 18, 2014, Andi: (omg)
9:57pm, April 18, 2014, you : This I'll know you're mine forever(worried)
9:57pm, April 18, 2014, Andi: (crushed)mmmm I like that wish
9:57pm, April 18, 2014, you : Exactly two more weeks
9:57pm, April 18, 2014, Andi: (emoticon)
9:57pm, April 18, 2014, you : (emoticon)
9:59pm, April 18, 2014, Andi: Ok baby back to work now
9:59pm, April 18, 2014, you : I'll fall asleep cute thing. Can we talk tomorrow?
9:59pm, April 18, 2014, Andi: Ok love sweet dreams
9:59pm, April 18, 2014, you : I know you said that you'll call me but..
10:00pm, April 18, 2014, Andi: I know baby didn't start there yet. But if you sl
eepy go and get some sleep
10:00pm, April 18, 2014, you : Take care over there, you know I'll wake up later
. I love you so much and I'm sorry I cannot give you a good night kiss (worried)
2:40am, April 19, 2014, you : (emoticon)
2:41am, April 19, 2014, Andi: Hi baby(crushed)
2:41am, April 19, 2014, Andi: (stop)
2:41am, April 19, 2014, Andi: (cute)
2:41am, April 19, 2014, you : You're fast
2:41am, April 19, 2014, you : (emoticon)
2:41am, April 19, 2014, you : (emoticon)
2:42am, April 19, 2014, Andi: I was waiting for u(relieved)
2:42am, April 19, 2014, you : Where's my sweet little baby? (relieved)(tongue)
2:42am, April 19, 2014, you : (heart)(heart)(heart)(lips)(lips)2:42am, April 19,
2014, Andi: Here(stop)
2:43am, April 19, 2014, you : I luv you more than anything
2:43am, April 19, 2014, Andi: No I love u more(crushed)
2:43am, April 19, 2014, you : (worried)
2:43am, April 19, 2014, you : And I cannot wait to start building a beautiful li
fe together(heart)(embarrassed)
2:44am, April 19, 2014, Andi: Mmmmmm(relieved) I like how u think
2:44am, April 19, 2014, you : What are you doing sweetie? (lips)
2:45am, April 19, 2014, Andi: Watching TV relaxing I feel tired and sleepy
2:45am, April 19, 2014, you : I think like that because I'm crazy about you (omg
2:45am, April 19, 2014, you : Still early over there
2:46am, April 19, 2014, Andi: I know baby u going back to sleep or stay up???
2:46am, April 19, 2014, you : It depends (smile)
3:53 ANDI Calling Time 1:04:15
5:04 ANDI Calling Time 1:10:52
5:10 Alice Calling Time 4:07
5:26 Alice Calling Time 13:46
16:57 ANDI Calling Time 12:29
16:59 Alice [Sticker]
18:16 ANDI Calling Time 8:28
20:49 ANDI Calling Time 3:09
22:09 ANDI Calling Time 6:10
22:11 ANDI Calling Time 1:25
6:04am, April 20, 2014, you : I feel perfect when I have u in my life.
6:05am, April 20, 2014, Andi: Can I hear you for a sec.please
6:05am, April 20, 2014, Andi: And I'll let u go after a sec
6:05am, April 20, 2014, you : (smile)
6:06am, April 20, 2014, you : Baby you know that you can always call me
6:06am, April 20, 2014, you : I will go back to sleep
6:11 ANDI Calling Time 5:06
6:12am, April 20, 2014, Andi: (emoticon)
6:13am, April 20, 2014, you : Yours forever cute thing
6:13am, April 20, 2014, you : Only yours !
6:13am, April 20, 2014, you : You are my life(heart)
6:13am, April 20, 2014, you : (emoticon)
6:14am, April 20, 2014, Andi: (relieved). And im yours only too(heart)
13:33 ANDI Calling Time 6:59
15:37 ANDI Calling Time 15:48
21:29 ANDI Calling Time 8:49
22:04 ANDI Calling Time 1:19
5:43am, April 21, 2014, Andi: Where is my baby(worried)
5:50am, April 21, 2014, Andi: U having some deep sleep there baby(beam)(beam)(be
5:51am, April 21, 2014, Andi: Ill go to sleep soon too
5:59am, April 21, 2014, you : (heart)
6:01am, April 21, 2014, you : I slept so good
6:01am, April 21, 2014, you : Baby I wanna hear you. Still there?
6:01am, April 21, 2014, you : (worried)
6:01am, April 21, 2014, Andi: (beam)
6:02am, April 21, 2014, Andi: Yes im here (tongue)
6:02am, April 21, 2014, you : Call you
6:02am, April 21, 2014, Andi: Give me a sec baby
6:02am, April 21, 2014, you : U call
6:58am ANDI Calling Time 54:19
6:08pm, April 21, 2014, Andi: Your friend still there
6:12pm, April 21, 2014, you : Yup. Where are u?
6:22pm, April 21, 2014, Andi: Going to my car now
6:22pm, April 21, 2014, Andi: (heart)
6:22pm, April 21, 2014, you : Work or gym?
6:22pm, April 21, 2014, you : Call me with video for a second pls
6:22pm, April 21, 2014, you : I wanna see you
6:23pm, April 21, 2014, Andi: Work
18:25 ANDI Calling Time 1:57
18:29 Alice Calling Time 3:42
23:06 ANDI Calling Time 7:33
24:06 ANDI Calling Time 13:03
12:51am, April 22, 2014, you : I have a silly smile on my face
1:40am, April 22, 2014, you : I'm going to get some sleep (zzz)(beam)(tongue)(he
2:23am, April 22, 2014, Andi: Where is my surprise(relieved)
2:24am, April 22, 2014, Andi: Keep that smile all the time
4:04am, April 22, 2014, Andi: U love it when you happy and I'm very happy too. I
can't wait to come again and hold you as my wife(relieved).I LOVE YOU WITH ALL
MY HEART silly little girl that I love so much (happy)
4:35 ANDI Calling Time 7:16
5:46 ANDI Missed Call
16:27 ANDI Calling Time 38:58
17:04 ANDI Calling Time 1:42
18:29 ANDI Calling Time 6:51
6:29pm, April 22, 2014, Andi: Calling...
6:50pm, April 22, 2014, Andi: 20:54
4:35 ANDI Calling Time 16:53
4:36 Alice Cancelled Call
4:39 ANDI Calling Time 0:21
5:57 ANDI Calling Time 1:12:39
5:58 Alice [Sticker]
5:59 Alice LoL ... I luv you baby (3 hearts)(two hearts)(Cony attracted)(Sa
lly attracted)(Brown attracted)(heart and arrow)
6:01 Alice So much ! You are my life and every time I'm thinking about you
my heart beats faster !
And I talk ABOUT you with someone (friend/family), every day ! I want you so muc
h ?
6:02 Alice [Sticker]
6:05 Alice You made me a Bridezilla...this is you ???????
6:43 ANDI [Sticker]
7:07 ANDI Calling Time 23:29
20:05 ANDI Calling Time 39:43
22:43 ANDI Calling Time 2:29:41
23:25 ANDI Calling Time 40:59
23:26 Alice Calling Time 0:44
23:35 ANDI Calling Time 9:21
23:37 Alice Calling Time 1:45
15:32 ANDI Missed Call
2:11 ANDI Calling Time 44:28
3:54 ANDI Cancelled Call
4:27 ANDI Calling Time 19:39
9:51 ANDI Calling Time 43:25
17:14 ANDI Calling Time 30:50
18:51 ANDI Calling Time 36:06
18:52 ANDI Missed Call
19:38 ANDI Calling Time 27:14
23:38 ANDI Missed Call
23:42 ANDI Calling Time 3:43
18:33 ANDI Missed Call
3:22 ANDI Calling Time 2:21:11
3:22 Alice Cancelled Call
3:57 ANDI Calling Time 34:52
4:36 ANDI Calling Time 12:07

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