105 Review of The Sacraments Worksheet

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Review of the Sacraments

Sacrament Human Level Spiritual Level

Baptism The infant is introduced to a life of love through the
efforts of his/her_______________________________.
This sacrament takes away ___________________
Baptism initiates the one baptized into
onfirmation !assing from the childhood state of taking" to the
mature state of ___________________________
The sacrament of maturity by means of_____________
The #oly Spirit descends upon the one who is
The recipient assumes his/her hristian
$ucharist % communal celebration of those who share similar
The sharing of a ritual meal by an assembly of people
who all believe in____________________________
Receiving the Body and Blood
Re&enactment of 'esus( sacrifice on )ount
Reconciliation The community forgives any offenses against itself
through its representative " the _________________
*od forgives our______________________
But in order to receive *od(s forgiveness" we must
confess our sins and also be__________________
)atrimony +life work, )an and woman together for___________________
Bringing children into the people of ______________
-hat *od has .oined together" let no man
/nion of husband and wife is a symbol of the union
between hrist and #is_____________
#oly 0rders ommunity chooses and sets apart a representative to
be its leader of______________________________
The priest is ordained to become
%nointing of the Sick #uman support in one(s last______________________ *od prepares the soul for_____________________
2or each of the sacraments" list the element of the rite that is most essential for the sacrament. 3n other word" what part of the ritual is most
important for the sacramental action to take place4 *ive both the words and the gestures.
1. Baptism5the priest pours________________________________________________________________________________________
while saying6__________________________________________________________________________________________________
7. onfirmation +%, the bishop lays hands on__________________________________________________________________________
+B, and anoints the forehead of________________________________________________________________________
+, while saying6 +8ame, to be sealed with______________________________________________________________
9. $ucharist5the priest celebrant says
+%, :This is______________________________________________________________________________________;
+B, and :This is___________________________________________________________________________________;
+, :<o this in____________________________________________________________________________________;
+<, Then the participants all receive____________________________________________________________________
=. Reconciliation +%, the penitent tells the priest________________________________________________________________________
+B, and the priest says" :3 absolve______________________________________________________________________
>. )atrimony5the bride and groom in the presence of the priest and the witnesses each say______________________________________
?. #oly 0rders +%, the bishop lays his hands on the head of_____________________________________________________________
+B, and then says6 :-e ask you" almighty 2ather" to give these servants of yours the dignity of_____________________
@. %nointing of the Sick +%, the priest anoints the head and hands of each sick" old" or__________________________________________
+B, Then he says6 :Through this holy anointing and his great love for you" may the Aord fill you with the power of the
+, The priest adds6 :3n #is goodness" may #e ease your suffering and eBtend his saving grace to you" freed from all
power of_________________________________________________________________________________________
C. The only sacrament in which the words and the sign are eBactly the same___________________________________________________
D. -hich two sacraments have the same sign4___________________________________________________________________________
1E. -hat is the sign for these two sacraments4___________________________________________________________________________
11. -hich two sacraments include these words6 :3n the name of the 2ather" Son" and Spirit4;______________________________________
/sed with permission from )ark Fuinn. Seven Sacraments -orkteBt"
-inged Aion !ress" D=11 S. !leasant %venue" hicago" 3ll. ?E?7E&>?=@G 1DD>
Sacrament Human Level Spiritual Level
Baptism The infant is introduced to a life of love through the
efforts of his/her parents
This sacrament takes away original sin
Baptism initiates the one baptized into the
Church, Christian community, people of God
onfirmation !assing from the childhood state of taking" to the
mature state of giving
The sacrament of maturity by means of accepting,
responsibility, commitment
The #oly Spirit descends upon the one who is
The recipient assumes his/her hristian
Responsibilities, role, obligations, duties
$ucharist % communal celebration of those who share similar
Ideals, beliefs, faith
The sharing of a ritual meal by an assembly of people
who all believe in God, Christ
Receiving the Body and Blood of Christ
Re&enactment of 'esus( sacrifice on )ount
Calvary, Golgotha
Reconciliation The community forgives any offenses against itself
through its representative " the priest
*od forgives our sins
But in order to receive *od(s forgiveness" we must
confess our sins and also be absolved, forgiven
)atrimony +life work, )an and woman together for ever, life
Bringing children into the people of God, love
-hat *od has .oined together" let no man put
asunder, apart
/nion of husband and wife is a symbol of the union
between hrist and #is people, church, faithful,
#oly 0rders ommunity chooses and sets apart a representative to
be its leader of liturgy, celebration, worship, assembly,
The priest is ordained to become another Christ
(reason for no woman priests)
%nointing of the Sick #uman support in one(s last sickness, agony, suffering,
illness, moments, day, hour, breath
*od prepares the soul for death, heaven, glory,
1. Baptism5the priest pours water on the forehead of the one to be baptized
while saying6 I baptize you in the name of the ather, !on, and "oly !pirit
7. onfirmation +%, the bishop lays hands on the one to be confirmed, recipient, the candidate
+B, and anoints the forehead of the recipient with oil
+, while saying6 +8ame, to be sealed with the gift of the "oly !pirit
=. $ucharist5the priest celebrant says
+%, :This is my body;
+B, and :This is my blood;
+, :<o this in memory of me or remembrance of me;
+<, Then the participants all receive communion, the #ucharist, the bread and wine
=. Reconciliation +%, the penitent tells the priest his$her sins
+B, and the priest says" :3 absolve you from your sins in the name of the ather, and of the !on and of the "oly !pirit
>. )atrimony5the bride and groom in the presence of the priest and the witnesses each say I take this woman$man to be my lawfully
wedded wife$husband

?. #oly 0rders +%, the bishop lays his hands on the head of the ordained or the recipient
+B, and then says6 :-e ask you" almighty 2ather" to give these servants of yours the dignity of the priesthood
@. %nointing of the Sick +%, the priest anoints the head and hands of each sick" old" or dying person
+B, Then he says6 :Through this holy anointing and his great love for you" may the Aord fill you with the power of the
"oly !pirit
+, The priest adds6 :3n #is goodness" may #e ease your suffering and eBtend his saving grace to you" freed from all
power of sin, evil
C. The only sacrament in which the words and the sign are eBactly the same %atrimony
D. -hich two sacraments have the same sign4 Confirmation and "oly &rders
1E. -hat is the sign for these two sacraments4 'aying on of hands
11. -hich two sacraments include these words6 :3n the name of the 2ather" Son" and Spirit4; (aptism and Reconciliation

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