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SAP Basis Training

Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Features of SAPGui. ........................................................................................................................ 4
Transaction SM02 ............................................................................................................................ 5
Transaction SM01 ............................................................................................................................ 6
Transaction SM28 ............................................................................................................................
Transaction SM5! ............................................................................................................................
Transaction S"#C$%S$ ..................................................................................................................... !
Transaction SCC4 .......................................................................................................................... 10
Transaction SCC" .......................................................................................................................... 12
Transaction SCC& .......................................................................................................................... 12
Transaction SMG' ........................................................................................................................ 1&
Transaction SCC1 .......................................................................................................................... 14
Transaction SM50 .......................................................................................................................... 14
Transaction SM51 .......................................................................................................................... 15
Transaction SM04 .......................................................................................................................... 15
Transaction SM1& .......................................................................................................................... 16
Transaction SM12 .......................................................................................................................... 18
Transaction SM&5 .......................................................................................................................... 1!
Transaction SM21 .......................................................................................................................... 20
Transaction ST22 .......................................................................................................................... 21
Transaction ST01 .......................................................................................................................... 22
Transaction ST05 .......................................................................................................................... 24
Transaction ST11 .......................................................................................................................... 25
Transaction ST0&% ........................................................................................................................ 26
Transaction STA( .......................................................................................................................... 2
Transaction ST02 .......................................................................................................................... 28
Transaction )S06 .......................................................................................................................... &0
Transaction )S01 .......................................................................................................................... &0
Transaction (BAC)C*P#T .............................................................................................................. &2
Transaction A"11 .......................................................................................................................... &4

Transaction A"08 .......................................................................................................................... &5
Transaction SM66 .......................................................................................................................... &5
Transaction S+56 .......................................................................................................................... &6
Transaction SSAA .......................................................................................................................... &
Transaction S+01 .......................................................................................................................... &8
Transaction S+#M .......................................................................................................................... &!
Transaction S+10 .......................................................................................................................... 40
Transaction PFCG .......................................................................................................................... 41
Transaction PF+( .......................................................................................................................... 45
Transaction S+02 .......................................................................................................................... 45
Transaction S+0& .......................................................................................................................... 4
Transaction ,-20 .......................................................................................................................... 48
Transaction S$01.S$0!.S$10 ........................................................................................................ 50
Transaction STMS .......................................................................................................................... 51
Transaction ,-10 .......................................................................................................................... 5
Transaction ,-04 .......................................................................................................................... 58
Transaction SM6& .......................................................................................................................... 5!
Transaction SM"G ......................................................................................................................... 60
Transaction SP11 .......................................................................................................................... 61
Transaction SP12 .......................................................................................................................... 62
Transaction SPA( .......................................................................................................................... 6&
Transaction SP01 .......................................................................................................................... 66
Transaction S$!& .......................................................................................................................... 6
Transaction SM&6 ......................................................................................................................... 6!
Transaction SM& .......................................................................................................................... 2
Transaction SPAM .......................................................................................................................... &
Transaction SA#%T ......................................................................................................................... 5

Features of SAPGui.
T/e 0ifferent features on t/e #nitia1 SAPGui screen2
Maintain Fa3ourites
Acti3ate 0is41a5 of Tec/nica1 na6es in 6enu tree
Acti3ate 7uic8 cut an0 Paste feature 9/en re:uire0
Acti3ate to 0is41a5 t/e *e5 i0s in 0ro4 0o9n 1ist 9/ere3er it is a3ai1a;1e.
A11 t/e fo11o9ing transactions e<41ore0 using t/e Menu tree un0er Too1s.

Transaction SM02
#n t/is transaction 5ou can sen0 6essages to users 9/o are 1ogge0 in an0 ne9 users 1ogging to
t/e c1ient. T/is 6essage is a c1ient s4ecific an0 can a1so ;e 1anguage s4ecific or generic.
#n t/e first & 1ines 5ou 6aintain t/e te<t to ;e co66unicate02 t/en ser3er na6e is t/e c/osen
fro6 t/e 1ist2 in C1ient 5ou 6aintain t/e nu6;er of t/e c1ient for 9/ic/ t/e 6essage to ;e sent
an0 t/e 1anguage can ;e 6aintaine0 so t/at on15 to t/ose users 9/o are 1ogge0 in t/at 1anguage
9i11 recei3e t/e 6essage.
B5 0efau1t t/e s5ste6 /as $<4ir5 0ate an0 ti6e of t/e current 0a5 an0 (e1etion 0ate.
T/is can ;e c/ange0 accor0ing to re:uire6ent.

Transaction SM01
T/is transaction is use0 for t/e contro1 of transaction co0e in case t/e ;usiness re:uires t/at t/e
users 9/o are aut/ori=e0 to carr5 t/e transactions are to ;e sto44e0 te64orari15.
>ou enter t/e transaction co0e as in0icate0 in t/e 4icture FS00 an0 t/en 4ress $nter 8e5 9/ic/
1ists it in screen2
C1ic8ing on t/e transaction an0 c/ose t/e ;utton "oc8.+n1oc8 to togg1e as re:uire0.

Transaction SM28
T/is transaction is to 4erfor6 c/ec8 t/e SAP s5ste6 insta11ation 0oes not contain errors 0uring
t/e 4rocess of insta11ation2 9/ic/ if an5 nee0s to ;e atten0e0. T/is is one ti6e acti3it5 after t/e
insta11ation on15.
Transaction SM59
#n t/is transaction t/e ,e6ote Function Ca11 ?,FC@ are 6aintaine0 t/at is re:uire0 for
co66unication ;et9een t/e SAP s5ste6s in t/e 1ocation an0 a1so to e<terna1 s5ste6s an0
4rogra6s. T/is is setu4 accor0ing to t/e re:uire6ents an0 t54e of connection.
ABAP connection is use0 for co66unicating ;et9een t/e SAP s5ste6s2 TCP.#P connection is use0
for t/e nonAsa4 s5ste6s or #P A00ress.
#n an ABAP connection t/e in4ut 3a1ues to ;e 6aintaine0 B
%a6e of ,FC
(escri4tion of ,FC
Target /ost
S5ste6 nu6;er
Gate9a5 Cost

Gate9a5 Ser3ice

C1ient nu6;er
+ser na6e
)n 6aintenance after sa3e2 t/e connection Test can ;e 4erfor6e0 to c/ec8 t/e connecti3it5 is
4ro4er15 esta;1is/e0 an0 t/e ti6e ta8en.
Transaction SLICESE
T/is is use0 to 6aintain 1icense certificates for t/e s5ste6 recei3e0 fro6 SAP. T/e 1icense is
issue0 ;5 SAP for t/e co6;ination 8e5 SAPS#(2 Car09are 8e5 t/at is to ;e 4ro3i0e0 o3er t/e
)n recei4t of t/e 1icense fi1e fro6 SAP2 sa3e it on to 5our PC an0 e<ecute t/is transaction an0
se1ect %e9 "icenses an0 se1ect #nsta11 1icense2 t/is 1ea0 to a ne9 9in0o9 9/ere 5ou can ;ro9se
an0 c/ose t/e fi1e sent ;5 SAP an0 )4en. Again t/is is a oneti6e o4eration after t/e SAP s5ste6

Transaction SCC!
T/is is a crossAc1ient transactionE an5 c/anges 6a0e 9i11 affect a11 t/e c1ients in t/e SAP s5ste6.
T/is is a contro11e0 transaction 9/ic/ is to ;e aut/ori=e0 useri0 on15.

A c1ient /as 3arious c/aracteristics t/at are 6aintaine0 consi0ering for 9/ic/ 4ur4ose t/e c1ient
is use0.
#n t/e 4icture a;o3e2 t/e c1ient is 150 6eans t/e transactions t/at are carrie0 in t/is c1ient is on15
accessi;1e for users assigne0 to t/is c1ient. "ogica1 s5ste6 is a 3a1ue 9/ic/ /as 0e4en0enc5 in
t/e transactions as it gets tagge0 9it/ t/e transaction 0ata2 if an5 c/ange is 0one t/en t/e
re1e3ant 0ata 9i11 ;e 1ost e3en t/oug/ e<ists in t/e s5ste6. Cence 6a8ing a c/ange of t/e 1ogica1

s5ste6 once 0efine0 is not to ;e 0one in Pro0uction s5ste6. C1ient ro1e 0efines for 9/ic/
4ur4ose t/e c1ient is use0 for2 it can ;e
SAP reference c1ient2 Test c1ient2 Custo6i=ing c1ient2 (e6o c1ient or Pro0uction c1ient. #n
(e3e1o46ent t/e c1ient 150 is set as Custo6i=ing c1ient2 c1ient 160 set as Test c1ient an0 c1ient
10 as test c1ient.
'e a1so contro1 /ere 9/et/er in t/is c1ient c/anges can ;e carrie0 out ;5 aut/ori=e0 consu1tant2
it can c1ient 0e4en0ent o;Fects or c1ient in0e4en0ent o;Fects. (oes t/e c1ient is 4rotecte0 or not
4rotecte0 for o3er 9riting. Per6ission on CATT an0 eCATT functiona1it5 is 4er6itte0 or no.
T/e c/ec8;o< at t/e ;otto6 can ;e set accor0ing to t/e re:uire6ents. To 4rotect fro6 c/anges
0uring c1ient co45 an0 4erfor6ing a u4gra0e of soft9are.
Transaction SCCL
T/is is use0 for t/e creation of ne9 c1ients 9/en re:uire0 after t/e 6aintenance in transaction
SCC4. "ogin into t/e ne9 c1ient 9it/ user SAPG an0 PASS2 /ere t/e 0e4en0ing u4on t/e c/oice of
SAP 4rofi1e 0ifferent o;Fects are co4ie0 into fro6 t/e 0efine0 source c1ients. #n a ne9 c1ient to ;e
use0 for testing2 t/e SAPHA"" 4rofi1e is use0 fro6 c1ient 000 an0 001.
First15 t/e 9it/ test run c/ec8e0 in t/e 4rogra6 is e<ecute0 in fronten0 or in ;ac8groun0 to
3erif5 t/e s5ste6 /as sufficient resources in ter6s of s4ace2 6e6or5 for co641eting a successfu1
c1ient co45.
Transaction SCC"
T/is can ;e use0 to 6onitor t/e 4rocess of c1ient co45 t/at is running in ;ac8groun0 or c/ec8 t/e
1og of front en0 4rocess.

Transaction SMG#
#n t/is transaction 9e can 6onitor t/e status of t/e gate9a5 ser3ice ?sa4g900@ on t/e SAP
s5ste6 for a11 c1ients2 it is a status at t/at 4oint of ti6e an0 is 05na6ic in nature.

Transaction SCC1
B5 t/is transaction 9e can i64ort t/e c/ange re:uests fro6 one c1ient to anot/er 9it/in t/e
sa6e SAP s5ste6. T/e c/ange re:uest containing c1ient 0e4en0ent o;Fects t/at are 6o0ifie0 in
one custo6i=ing c1ient ?150@ ;e i64orte0 to testing c1ient ?160@.
>ou enter t/e source c1ient nu6;er fro6 9/ere it is to ;e i64orte0 an0 enter t/e trans4ort
re:uest2 c/ec8 inc1u0e re:uest Su;tas8s. $<ecute once 9it/ Test ,un to 3erif5 t/ere are no
errors an0 t/en unc/ec8 t/e Test ,un an0 e<ecute to i64ort eit/er Start #66e0iate15 or
Sc/e0u1e as Bac8groun0 Io;.
Transaction SM50
To 6onitor t/e status of a11 t/e 9or8 4rocesses in t/e SAP s5ste62 t/is is use0. T/is 1ists a11 t/e
9or8 4rocess 9it/ t/eir t54e2 current status2 an0 4rogra62 user i02 action ;eing 4erfor6e0 at
t/at 4oint of ti6e. T/is is a19a5s 05na6ic an0 a goo0 screen 3ie9 is to /a3e 9or8 4rocesses free
?9aiting@ so t/at an5 ca11 ;5 a user can ;e ta8en u4 i66e0iate15 9it/out an5 0e1a5 in res4onse
#n case a 9or8 4rocess is stuc8 t/en 9e cance1 t/e 9or8 4rocess Fo; se1ecting B ProcessJCance1
9it/out core. #n case t/e 9or8 4rocess is sto44e0 after an error in one of t/e Fo; it 9as
e<ecuting2 t/en ,estart it c/oosing B ProcessJ ,estart after error J>es so t/at t/e 9or8 4rocess
is a3ai1a;1e for t/e users.

Transaction SM51
#n t/is transaction2 9e can 6onitor t/e sa4 s5ste6 instance 9/et/er it is acti3e an0 t/e 3arious
t54es of 9or8 4rocesses are configure0 on t/e s5ste6. T/e Ser3er na6e is 6a0e of
Costna6eKSAPS#(Ks5ste6 nu6;er
B5 c/oosing t/e ,e1ease notes in t/e 4icture 9e can fin0 t/e 1e3e1 of *erne1 a441ie0 to t/e SAP
s5ste6. T/is *erne1 1ists a11 t/ose errors t/at 9ere fi<e0 ;5 SAP in t/is 4atc/ 1e3e1.
Transaction SM0!
B5 t/is transaction 9e can c/ec8 /o9 6an5 users are 1ogge0 into t/e s5ste6 an0 in 9/ic/ c1ient
an0 /o9 6an5 session eac/ user is generate0 an0 in eac/ session 9/at transaction is ;eing
e<ecute0. 'e a1so /a3e t/e ti6e 9/en t/is session 9as starte0. T/e ter6ina1 use0 ;5 t/e +ser2
t54e of connection an0 t/e a6ount of storage s4ace uti1i=e0 ;5 t/e user 0e4en0ing u4on t/e
transaction an0 se1ection o4tions.

#n t/is transaction 9e can 4ic8 4articu1ar user an0 en0 t/e session if re:uire0.
Transaction SM1"
#n t/is transaction 9e 8ee4 trac8 of t/e status of t/e +40ate ser3ice is Acti3e2 in case it is not
acti3e t/en 9e acti3ate fro6 t/e +40ate A06inistrator.

To 6onitor t/e 1ist of u40ates t/at /a3e fai1e0 9e can c/oose t/e 4erio0 using Fro6 0ate an0
e<ecute eit/er F8 or c1ic8 t/e e<ecute ;utton.
T/is 1ists t/e infor6ation 1i8e C1ient2 +ser2 (ate2 Ti6e2 Tco0e an0 Status 9it/ t/e fai1ure of
u40ate 1e3e1.
#f an5 u40ates fai1e0 recor0s are foun0 t/en2 9e can 0eter6ine reason for t/e fai1ure an0 contact
t/e user an0 4ro3i0e infor6ation. After fi<ing t/e reason for error2 t/e recor0 status can ;e reset
an0 ,e4eat +40ate can ;e e<ecute0 for entr5 in 0ata;ase $1se t/e recor0 can a1so ;e 0e1ete0
fro6 t/e 1iste0 an0 t/e user can 4ost t/e sa6e transaction for t/e sa6e 0ata set to get 0esire0
u40ate in t/e 0ata;ase.

Transaction SM12
B5 t/is transaction 9e 6onitor t/e 6aster 0ata or transaction 0ata t/at is 1oc8e0 e<c1usi3e15 for
a 4articu1ar SAP user i0 for 4erfor6ing 6o0ifications at t/at 4oint of ti6e. #n suc/ case2 ot/er
users 9/o tr5 to access t/e sa6e 0ata set 9i11 ;e sto44e0 ;5 t/e $n:ueue ser3ice gi3ing
infor6ation of t/e 0ata ;eing 1oc8e0 ;5 t/e +ser i0.
Cere in initia1 screen 5ou can run for a 4articu1ar user an0 c1ient or 9it/ G 9e run for a11
#n t/e 4icture it s/o9s at t/at 4oint of ti6e in c1ient 102 +sers 9/o /a0 e<c1usi3e15 accessing
0ata set in SAP for 9/ic/ ot/ers cannot 6o0if5. T/e re1ate0 ta;1e an0 ot/er infor6ation is
4ro3i0e0 a1so t/e ti6e fro6 9/en t/is is 1oc8e0. #f 5ou 0ou;1e c1ic8 a 1ine t/en 9e get furt/er
0etai1s 1i8e in ;e1o9 4icture.
A 0ecision can a1so ;e 6a0e in case un0er certain circu6stances it 6a8es to 0e1ete t/e 1oc8 for
t/e 0ata set. T/en 9e can 0o it using t/e icon (e1ete.

Transaction SM"5
To 6onitor t/e ;atc/ sessions t/at are create0 ;5 t/e users fro6 0ifferent 6o0u1es transactions.
#n t/is transaction 9e can start t/e 4rocessing of a session2 re1ease a session t/at /as sto44e0
9it/ error an0 0e1ete a session if re:uire0.

As s/o9n in t/e screen fi1ter on 0ate2 create0 ;5 can ;e a441ie0 to re0uce t/e 1ist of sessions to
re3ie9. T/e sessions can ;e 0ifferent stages of t/e 4rocessing 1i8e %e92 #ncorrect2 Processe02 #n
Process2 #n ;ac8groun02 Being create0 an0 "oc8e0. #n case a session is en0e0 9it/ error2 t/en
using t/e F1ag icon t/e session can ;e re1ease0 for reA4rocessing. T/e session can ;e 4rocesse0
in t/e front en0 6o0e 9/ere t/e 0ata set of t/e session can ;e 3ie9e0 /o9 it is ;eing 4rocesse0
;5 t/e 4rogra6 in 0ifferent screens 0e4en0ing u4on t/e transaction co0e for 9/ic/ t/e session
9as create0.
Transaction SM21
#n t/is transaction t/e SAP s5ste6 1og is 0is41a5e0 for t/e 3a1ues in4utte0 in t/e initia1 screen.
T/e 3a1ues t/at can ;e 6aintaine0 is t/e Fro6 (ate

T/e 1ist can ;e restricte0 for Pro;1e6s )n152 Pro;1e6s an0 6essage an0 A11 6essages. T/e
infor6ation in t/is 1ist can furt/er use0 to ana15=e t/e errors 9/ic/ are in0icate0 9it/ ,e0 sign
un0er Priorit5. A1so 9e get infor6ation of Tco0e t/at 9as use0 ;5 t/e user 9/en t/e error got
Transaction ST22
T/is transaction 1ists t/e ABAP 0u64s generate0 in t/e s5ste62 9e can restrict for a 0ate2 user
as re:uire0. T/is eac/ recor0 in0icates t/e reason for t/e error2 transaction co0e2 3aria;1es t/at
cause0 t/e error. T/e t54es of error can ;e of 3arious 8in0s for 9/ic/ action is to ;e ta8en to fi<
t/is error fro6 /a44ening again after ana15sis. For t/is 9e refer a1so t/e SAP notes on
/tt4D..ser3ice.sa4.co6.notes 9it/ t/e searc/ ter6s of t/e na6e of 4rogra62 transaction or ot/er

Transaction ST01
B5 t/is transaction2 9e can set t/e s5ste6 trace on to ana15se ;5 c/ec8ing t/e re:uire0
4ara6eters an0 acti3ate t/e trace )% for a 4erio0. T/e trace is nor6a115 8e4t off as t/is in3o13es
t/e storage s4ace2 it is acti3ate0 for a s/ort 4erio0 of ana15sis an0 t/en Trace is set to )FF. After
t/is using t/e ana15sis can ;e 6a0e on t/e 0ata t/at is recor0e0 0uring t/e Trace 4erio0.

Transaction ST05
T/is transaction is use0 to set 4erfor6ance trace for a user or a11. 'it/ t/is on acti3ation of t/e
trace t/e user transactions gets ca4ture0 in to t/e trace fi1e 9it/ infor6ation on t/e 4rogra6
na6e2 ta;1e na6e2 recor0s fetc/e0 against eac/ S7" co66an0 t/e s5ste6 4erfor6e0 9it/ t/e
3aria;1es accor0ing to transactions an0 3a1ues.
T/e ;utton Acti3ate Trace sets t/e trace on for a11 users2 Acti3ate Trace 9it/ Fi1ter in 9/ic/
+serna6e2 Transaction co0e or Progra6 na6e. After a set 4erio0 t/e Trace nee0s to ;e
(eacti3ate02 t/en 'e can (is41a5 Trace

T/e 0ata ca4ture0 in t/e trace is use0 for ana15sis an0 see 0uration ta8en for t/e e<ecution of
eac/ S7"2 ta;1e accesse02 4rogra6 na6e2 Action2 nu6;er of recor0s2 return co0e.
Transaction ST11
+sing t/is transaction 9e can 3ie9 t/e trace fi1es for a11 t/e 9or8 4rocesses t/at /a44en at t/e
)S 1e3e1 9it/ start of SAP an0 o4erationa1 status of SAP 9or8 4rocess.

)n 0ou;1e c1ic8ing a fi1e t/is gi3es t/e 0etai1s of t/e
Transaction ST0"
#n t/is 9e can 6onitor t/e 9or81oa0 on to t/e SAP s5ste6. Cere 9e /a3e 0ifferent 3ariants 9/ic/
can ;e use0 for ana15=ing t/e 0ata t/at is ca4ture0 on a 0ai15 ;asis2 t/en 9ee8s an0 Mont/ ;asis.

T/e rig/t section of t/e screen 4ro3i0es 0ifferent o4tions t/at can ;e e<4an0e0 to fin0 t/e
3arious statistics t/at t/e s5ste6 is ca4ture0 ;5 0ou;1e c1ic8ing to t/e 0a5.9ee8.6ont/.
'e t/en 9i11 /a3e infor6ations 1i8e Transaction 4rofi1e 9/ic/ gi3es t/e transactions t/at
consu6e 6ore ti6e in e<ecution2 res4onse co64are0 to ot/er transactions use0 in t/at 4erio02
si6i1ar15 6ore infor6ations can ;e foun0 un0er ot/er no0es for ana15sis.
Transaction STA$
T/is is a1so for 6a8ing ana15sis of 9or81oa0 for a 0efine0 3a1ues in t/e in4ut screen 1i8e 0ate2
ti6e an0 a6ount of 4erio02 for a 4articu1ar SAP +S$, of 6u1ti41es2 s4ecific Transaction2 c1ient

Transaction ST02
B5 t/is transaction 9e 6onitor t/e 3arious 4ara6eter setting an0 uti1i=ation factors in si=e or
4ercentage t/at is 6aintaine0 for ;uffering.
T/ere are 0ifferent t54es of ;uffer in t/e s5ste6 use0 for s4ecific 4ur4ose as gi3en ;e1o9E
Ta;1e 0efinition ;uffer B Gi3es t/e 0etai1s of t/e 4ercentage of ta;1es ;uffere02 :ua1it5 of
0ata;ase access for fetc/ing recor0s to t/e user re:uests. #f t/e a11ocate0 s4ace for t/e ;uffer is
s6a11 an0 not a;1e to ;uffer t/e ta;1e 0efinitions2 t/en S9a4 /a44ens 9/ere t/e ta;1e 0efinitions
are re6o3e0 fro6 t/e ;uffer area an0 6o3e0 to te64orar5 ta;1es4aces 1i8e LPSAPT$MPM. T/e
;uffere0 o;Fects in ;uffer can a1so ;e 3ie9e0 ;5 c/oosing t/e ;utton ;uffere0 o;Fects. An5
c/anges to t/e 3a1ues of t/e 4ara6eter can ;e 0one using t/e #nstance Profi1e in transaction
,-10 ;5 6aintaining un0er t/e L$<ten0e0 6aintenanceM. T/e c/anging in 3a1ues /as to ;e 0one
in reference to t/e reco66en0ations ;5 SAP or an5 SAP %ote on15.

Si6i1ar15 t/ere are ot/er o;Fects B Fie10 0efinition ;uffer2 S/ort na6e ta; ;uffer2 #nitia1 recor0s
;uffer2 Progra6 ;uffer2 C+A ;uffer2 Screen ;uffer2 ca1en0ar ;uffer2 )T, ;uffer an0 $<4ort.#64ort
S/are0 6e6or5 ;uffer.
$ac/ 4ara6eter ;uffering 1e3e1 if it is at J!8N t/en 9e sa5 t/e s5ste6 4ro4er15 tune02 an0 if
ranges ;e1o9 t/en 9e tr5 to i64ro3e it ;5 a0Fusting in a Pro0uction en3iron6ent. '/ere a16ost
a11 t/e re1e3ant o;Fects are touc/e0 ;5 users re:uire0 for t/e ;usiness o4eration.
Transaction %S0&
B5 t/is transaction 9e 6onitor t/e 4ara6eters re1e3ant at t/e o4erating s5ste6 1e3e1. #n t/is 9e
notice t/e a6ount of t/e CP+ uti1i=ation2 Me6or5 uti1i=ation2 Car0 0is8 uti1i=ation ;et9een
rea0.9rite2 %et9or8 res4onse on "A%2
Transaction %S01
T/is transaction is use0 to 6onitor t/e Presentation ser3er2 (ata;ase ser3er an0 A441ication
ser3er. T/e 4resentation ser3er 6eans t/e PC.1a4to4 fro6 9/ere t/e user is 1ogge0 in to SAP2
(ata;ase ser3er is one 9/ere t/e SAP s5ste6 0ata;ase is running2 for a SAP S5ste6 9e /a3e
on15 one 0ata;ase ser3er2 A441ication ser3er is t/e s5ste6 9/ic/ is running a centra1 instance or
a 0ia1og instance 9it/ 0ia1og 9or8 4rocesses t/at ta8e t/e re:uests fro6 t/e 4resentation ser3er
an0 4ass onto 0ata;ase ser3er to get re:uire0 0ata.

$3en /ere 9e use t/is transaction to c/ec8 t/e co66unication 1e3e1 an0 fin0 4ac8et 1oss ;5
4inging to an5 of t/e s5ste6s.

Transaction $'AC%C(PIT
T/is is a centra1 transaction co6;ine0 toget/er 9it/ ot/er o10 transactions t/at e<iste0 in t/e
ear1ier 3ersions of SAP. )n o4ening (BAC)C*P#T 9e get fo11o9ing screenE
T/e rig/t 4ane of t/e screen contains no0es 1i8e Perfor6ance2 S4ace2 ;ac8u4 an0 reco3er52
Configuration2 Io;s2 A1erts2 (iagnostics an0 'i=ar0s.

Again eac/ 6aFor no0e contains ot/er su;Ano0es t/at ta8e to ne9 screen an0 gi3es 6ore
infor6ation on t/e 0ata;ase 0ifferent 4ara6eters.
T/e regu1ar tas8s t/at are 0one fro6 t/is transaction is running Bac8u4 of 0ata;ase2 c/ec8ing
t/e frees4ace of eac/ ta;1es4ace2 6onitor a441ication connecte0 to 0ata;ase2 o3er3ie9 of
;ac8u42 etcOO.

T/e actions to ;e 4erfor6e0 to 0ata;ase can ;e 0one ;5 c/oosing t/e 4ara6eter an0 s9itc/ing
to c/ange 6o0e an0 6aintain 3a1ues as 4er re:uire6ent.
T/e 0ata;ase 0iag 1og can ;e 3ie9e0 to c/ec8 t/e 0ifferent 6essages t/at are 1ogge0.
Transaction AL11
'e can access t/e 0ifferent fi1e s5ste6s t/at /a3e ;een 0efine0 an0 attac/e0 to a Para6eter. #n
t/is transaction 9e can 3ie9 a fi1e2 fin0 fi1es un0er a 0irector52
Fe9 i64ortant 0irector5 4ara6eters are (#,HCTH,+%2 (#,H(B2HC)M$2(#,H(ATA2
(#,H$P$C+TAB"$2 (#,HT,A%S. +sing t/e 0irector5 4ara6eters in t/e 4rofi1e or in 4rogra6 9e

can ca11 a fi1e fro6 t/e )S 1e3e1 in SAPGui on t/e user PC."a4to4. T/is is a1so use0 9/ere
custo6i=e0 0irector5 is 6aintaine0 for 6aintenance of t/e 0ocu6ents t/at can ;e attac/e0 to
SAP o;Fects 1i8e Purc/ase or0er2 Sa1es or0er2 7ua1it5 ins4ection certificate2 $ngineering B)M2
0ra9ing 9/en t/e (MS an0 *A4ro is acti3ate0 in t/e s5ste6.
Transaction AL08
T/is is a g1o;a1 3ersion of SM042 in 9/ic/ 9e can 6onitor t/e users 1ogge0 to a SAP s5ste6 fro6
6u1ti41e A441ication ser3ers. T/e nu6;er of users 1ogge0 using eac/ a441ication ser3er 9i11 ;e
s/o9n an0 t/e tota1 8in0s of connections 1i8e 0ia1og an0 ,FC .
Transaction SM&&
T/is is a g1o;a1 4rocess o3er3ie9 si6i1ar to 4rocess o3er3ie9 using transaction SM50. #n t/is 9e
can 6onitor t/e 9or8 4rocesses state in a11 t/e a441ication ser3er connecte0 to t/e 0ata;ase
+sing t/e Se1ect 4rocess Button 9e can c/oose t/e ot/er o4tions to 3ie9 t/e 9or8 4rocesses

#n t/is transaction t/e 9or8 4rocesses cannot ;e 6anage0 as in SM502 it is on15 a 6onitor 3ie9.
Transaction S)5&
+sing t/is transaction 9e can 6onitor t/e nu6;er of o;Fects t/at are ;uffere0 fro6 in0i3i0ua1
user aut/ori=ation ro1es an0 4rofi1es. T/is is on15 a 6onitoring too12 no furt/er action can ;e
ta8en fro6 9it/in t/is transaction.
'e can use t/is to ana15=e for a 4articu1ar user2 or reset t/e ;uffer for t/e user

Transaction SSAA
T/is is a co6;ination of 0ifferent transaction t/at are to ;e e<ecute0 ;5 a Basis 4erson on a 0ai15
2 9ee8152 6ont/152 on i641e6entation an0 on u4gra0e of t/e s5ste6. )n e<ecution 9it/ Function
8e5 F8 or C/oosing t/e icon . Furt/er eac/ no0e in0icating in ,e0 co1our in0icates t/is
transaction is not e<ecute0 to0a52 on e<ecution t/e ,e0 turns to Green2 in0icating t/is action
9as 4erfor6e0 to0a5. But it 0oes not ensure t/e Basis consu1tant 0i0 a 4ro4er re3ie9 of t/e
resu1ts an0 too8 an5 action. But t/is acts as a c/ec8 1ist 9/ic/ a Pro0uction su44ort 6e6;er is to
4erfor6 as 4er t/e SAP stan0ar0 gui0e1ines for a 4ro4er functioning of SAP S5ste6. T/is one
transaction 0oes a16ost co3er t/e transaction t/at are 0iscusse0 in t/is 0ocu6ent se4arate15.

Transaction S)01
T/is transaction is use0 to 6anage t/e SAP usersE it can ;e use0 for Creating a +ser2 C/anging a
+ser2 (is41a5ing2 (e1eting2 "oc8ing2 +n1oc8ing an0 Set ne9 4ass9or0. As in So1aris C/e6tec/ 9e
/a3e i641e6ente0 t/e Centra1 +ser a06inistration 6o0e12 a11 S5ste6 an0 c1ients cannot 4erfor6
a11 t/ese 6entione0 function using S+01. T/e SAP S5ste6 +$( an0 C1ient 150 are 0efine0 as t/e
contro11er of a11 c/i10 s5ste6s an0 c1ients integrate0 in t/e 6o0e1. $ac/ SAP s5ste6s c1ient 0002
001 an0 066 are not inc1u0e0 in t/is 6o0e1.
T/e transaction furt/er inc1u0es 6u1ti41e ta;s 9it/in in 9/ic/ ot/er infor6ation is to ;e
6aintaine0 as re:uire0 an0 so6e are 6an0atori15 to ;e 6aintaine0. T/e Genera1 infor6ation
contains2 %a6e of user in 2 4arts B "ast an0 First. 'e a1so can 6aintain 6ore infor6ations 1i8e

Co66unication 1anguage2 (e4art6ent2 Function2 Te1e4/one2 $6ai1 i02 Co64an5 a00ress2 +n0er
(efau1t Ta; A +ser t54e BL(ia1ogM2 Qa1i0 fro62 Qa1i0 to2 (efau1t 4ara6eters 1i8e "ogon 1anguage2
0ate for6at2 (eci6a1 For6at2 Ti6e for6at2 )ut4ut 0e3ice2 Ti6e =one of t/e user2 +n0er ,o1es B
6u1ti41e ro1es 9i11 ;e assigne0 a1ong 9it/ t/e c/i10 recei3ing s5ste6.
)n sa3ing t/e user 9i11 ;e 0istri;ute0 to t/e res4ecti3e c/i10 s5ste6s 9/ic/ 9ere assigne0 9/en
assigning ro1es un0er t/e Ta; A ,o1es.
T/e user in turn is trans6itte0 to t/e c/i10 s5ste6s in t/e for6 of #(oc ?#nter6e0iate (ocu6ent@
t/at can ;e 6onitore0 using t/e transaction '$022 t/e status of t/e #(oc.
Transaction S)IM
T/is is a transaction 9/ic/ /as ;unc/ of 4rogra6 re4orts t/at can ;e use0 to 4erfor6 ana15sis at
0ifferent 1e3e1s B +ser2 ,o1e2 Profi1es2 Aut/ori=ation2 Aut/ori=ation );Fects an0 Transactions.

+n0er eac/ no0e 9e /a3e furt/er no0es t/at can ;e e<ecute0 9it/ 3a1ues to restrict t/e sco4e of
re4ort an0 ana15=e re4ort.
Transaction S)10
'e use t/is transaction to 4erfor6 a c/ange2 it ;e eit/er a00ition or 0e1etion of an5 co66on ro1e
for fe9 of t/e +ser i0 or c/ange Co64an5 a00ress2 Para6eter2 )ut4ut 0e3ice or e3en 0e1ete
+sers fro6 t/e s5ste6. )n15 restriction in t/is transaction 9e /a3e is if so6et/ing is
0e1ete0.re6o3e0 or a00e0 t/en t9ice t/e transaction is to ;e 0one ;ot/ cannot ;e 6i<e0. T/is
transaction can a1so ;e effecti3e fro6 S5ste6 +$( an0 C1ient 150 for a00ition or 0e1etion of a
user. )n15 if t/e set of +sers are to ;e "oc8e0 or +n1oc8e0 t/en it can ;e 0one in t/e res4ecti3e
s5ste6 an0 c1ient using t/is transaction.

Transaction PFCG
To create a ro1e 9it/ a set of aut/ori=ation to e<ecute a set of transactions2 t/is transaction is
use0. #n t/e initia1 screen a na6e for t/e ro1e to ;e create0 is 6aintaine02 9e can create a Sing1e
ro1e or a co64osite ro1e ;asica115.

Furt/er a ro1e can a1so ;e create0 ;5 co45ing an e<isting ro1e as te641ate2 i64ort fro6 a fi1e on
+ser PC2 i64ort fro6 anot/er s5ste6 using ,FC or 6a8e t/e ro1e as c/i10 an0 is create0 ;5
0eri3ing fro6 anot/er ,o1e. '/en t/e ro1e is create0 ;5 0eri3ing fro6 anot/er ro1e2 t/en suc/
ro1es are 8no9n as (eri3e0 ,o1e. Main15 t/ere are fo11o9ing 8in0s of ro1esE
Sing1e ,o1e
(eri3e0 ,o1e
Co64osite ,o1e
A sing1e ro1e is inc1u0e0 9it/ a set of transactionsE t/is can a1so ;e 0one ;5 6u1ti41e 9a5s 1i8e B
0irect15 a00ing Transaction using t/e ;utton Transaction or Se1ecting fro6 t/e SAP Menu2 fro6
ot/er ro1e2 fro6 area 6enu2 #64ort fro6 fi1e or (eri3e fro6 anot/er ro1e as in 4icture.

After inc1u0ing t/e transactions an0 sa3ing2 6o3e t/e Aut/ori=ations Ta; to 6aintain ot/er
0etai1s for t/e transaction to ;e effecti3e. As a transaction is 6a0e u4 of a aut/ori=ation c1ass2
aut/ori=ation o;Fects an0 acti3ities t/at co641ete t/e 3a1ues for an5one to e<ecute a transaction.
#f an5 of t/e 3a1ues is 6issing or not 6aintaine0 t/en t/e user to 9/o6 t/e ro1e is assigne0 9i11
not a;1e to transact an0 co641ete t/e transaction.
#n t/e Aut/ori=ations ta; 9e 6aintain aut/ori=ation an0 generate 4rofi1e for t/e ro1e. #n t/e
4icture ;e1o9 notice t/e aut/ori=ation c1ass is at t/e en0 of t/e eac/ no0e of t/e tree. T/ese
furt/er e<4an0 to contain aut/ori=ation o;Fect t/at contains 4reA0efine0 e1e6ents t/at are
(o6ain.(ata e1e6ent 0efine0 in t/e 0ata 0ictionar5 an0 assigne0. (e4en0ing u4on t/e
co6;ination of 3a1ues t/e ro1e 9i11 4er6it for e<ecuting t/e transaction assigne0 to2 after
generating t/e ,o1e. a 4rofi1e is create0 for t/e ,o1e.
'it/in t/is transaction using t/e uti1ities fro6 t/e 6enu ;ar 9e can s9itc/ to ot/er transactions2
to generate t/e ro1es in 6ass2 a0Fust te<t of t/e ro1e 9it/ t/e Centra1 user a06inistration s5ste6
an0 co64are t/e user assigne0 to ro1es.

Transaction PF)$
#n t/is transaction as referre0 in t/e 4re3ious transaction2 9e 4erfor6 +ser 6aster co64arison
for a set of ,o1es using ranges or 1ist of ro1es. 'it/ t/e e<ecution of t/is transaction t/e users
9/o are assigne0 9it/ t/ese ro1es 9i11 ;e co64are0 an0 u40ate02 t/ere;5 effecti3e15 inc1u0e0
into t/e ;uffer of t/e +ser aut/ori=ation.
Transaction S)02
'it/ t/is transaction 9e 6aintain t/e 4rofi1es 6anua115 for a 4rofi1e2 ;ut t/is is rare15 use0 un1ess
9e nee0 a 4rofi1e 9/ic/ is not generate0 3ia a ro1e.
'e enter t/e 4rofi1e 3a1ue to ;e 6anua115 6o0ifie0 an0 continue2 9/ic/ ;rings ne9 screen t/at
can ;e e<4an0e0 ;5 0ou;1e c1ic8ing t/e ro9

Cere in t/is a;o3e 9e 6aintain 3a1ues to t/e e1e6ents an0 t/en acti3ate t/e 4rofi1e using t/e
Acti3ate icon ;utton.
Transaction S)0"
#n t/is 9e can 6aintain ne9 aut/ori=ation c1ass t/at is to ;e use0 as Custo6er aut/ori=ation
o;Fects for 9/ic/ t/e aut/ori=ation o;Fects an0 e1e6ents a1so to ;e create0 an0 co6;ine0 to t/e
c1ass to for6 a aut/ori=ation c/ec8 for a =Atransaction.
T/is re:uires 8no91e0ge of 0ata e1e6ents2 aut/ori=ation o;Fects an0 creating -Atransactions
9/ic/ is not in t/e sco4e of t/is 0ocu6ent.

Transaction *+20
T/is is anot/er transaction t/at gi3es a too1 to 4erfor6 t/e s5ste6 a06inistration t/at 9as 0one
using transaction SSAA. #n t/is transaction 9e /a3e a tree structure t/at 4erfor6s a set of
transactions an0 a1so 8ee4s a trac8 of a11 t/e a1erts t/at 9ere ca4ture0 0uring t/e o4eration of
t/e s5ste6. T/ere are 2 state of status B Current an0 )4en. #n t/e current status it gi3es
infor6ation of t/e current rea0ings fro6 t/e s5ste6 an0 in )4en status it gi3es a11 t/e 6essages
an0 1ists error 6essages in counts2 t/ese can ;e 0is41a5e0 ;5 c1ic8ing o3er t/e a1erts an0
ana15sis is 0one if t/e a1erts are re4etiti3e in nature.

Transaction SE01,SE09,SE10
T/ese transactions are for 6anaging t/e trans4ort re:uests ?C/ange re:uests@ t/at are create0
in t/e 4rocess of an5 0e3e1o46ents or c/anging t/e custo6i=ing structures an0 3a1ues. T/e
c/anges 6a0e in t/e 0e3e1o46ent acti3it5 t/at in3o13es t/e ABAP 0ictionar5 o;Fects are 8no9n
as L'or8;enc/ re:uestsM an0 ot/ers t/ose in3o13ing t/e #MG as LCusto6i=ing re:uestsM. 'it/
t/is transaction 9e c/ange t/e status of t/e c/ange re:uests fro6 LMo0ifia;1eM to L,e1ease0M.
A re1ease0 c/ange re:uest can ;e furt/er i64orte0 into ot/er s5ste6 as 4er t/e configuration in
Trans4ort 6anage6ent S5ste6.

T/e c/ange re:uest is re1ease0 ;5 t/e 4erson 9/o /as create0 fro6 res4ecti3e c1ient.
Transaction STMS
To 6o3e a 6o0ifie0 4rogra6 or custo6i=ing setting fro6 0e3e1o46ent to ot/er s5ste62 t/e
trans4ort 6anage6ent s5ste6 is use0. T/e transaction STMS gi3es t/e 0ifferent su; tas8s to
setu4 an effecti3e Trans4ort s5ste6. Pri6ari15 t/e 0e3e1o46ent s5ste6 is setu4 as Trans4ort

(o6ain Contro11er ?T(C@. T/e T(C 9i11 contain t/e stan0ar0 fi1e structure un0er 9/ic/ t/e a11 t/e
fi1es are store0 an0 s/are0 across to ot/er s5ste6 9/ic/ are integrate0 to t/is T(C.
Cere in t/e 4icture s5ste6 +$( is 6a0e as (o6ain Contro11er 9it/ 9/ic/ ot/er s5ste6s for6 a
4art of t/is (o6ain.
Furt/er in t/e s5ste6s2 a Trans4ort route is configure0 as /o9 t/e c/ange re:uests can 6o3e
fro6 one s5ste6 to ot/er.
As in 4icture2 T/e c/anges 6a0e in +B( s5ste6 9i11 ;e conso1i0ate0 in +B7 an0 t/en fina115
0e1i3ere0 to +BP. Si6i1ar152 c/anges 6a0e in +$( s5ste6 9i11 ;e conso1i0ate0 in +$7 s5ste6 an0
fina115 0e1i3ere0 to +$P s5ste6. T/ere is anot/er co64onent in trans4ort s5ste6 8no9n as
LTrans4ort "a5erM2 stan0ar0 1a5er SAP is for a11 o;Fects create0 ;5 SAP an0 a ne9 trans4ort 1a5er
L-+(%M is create0 for t/e B# s5ste6s an0 -+$( is create0 for t/e $CC s5ste6s. An5 c/ange
re:uest of t/e #MG co64onents an0 custo6er 0e3e1o4 ABAP o;Fects 9i11 4ass t/roug/
-+$(.-+(% 1a5er to :ua1it5 s5ste6.

C/ange re:uests are i64orte0 into a s5ste6 9/en it is in t/e ;uffer of a s5ste6 9/ere it is
re:uire0. T/is is contro11e0 9it/in t/e c/ange re:uest as to 9/at is t/e target s5ste6 9/en it 9as
+sing t/e icon LTruc8M 9e 6o3e to ne<t screen fro6 9/ere 9e can i64ort a re:uest2
)n 0ou;1e c1ic8ing to a s5ste6 9/ere i64ort is to ;e 6a0e2 9e 6o3e to ne<t screen2

#n 9/ic/ t/e 1ist of c/ange re:uests is 1iste02 if t/e status ?st@ of t/e c/ange re:uest is L,e:uest
9aiting to ;e i64orte0M in0icate0 ;5 is 4resent2
T/en accor0ing to t/e 4roce0ure of i64ort2 t/e c/ange re:uest is i64orte0 to t/e s5ste6 as
s/o9n in

A c/ange re:uest can ;e i64orte0 i66e0iate15 ;5 se1ecting o4tion L#66e0iateM or at a 0efine0
0ate an0 ti6e or after a e3ent occurring 9it/ certain 4ara6eters. First15 t/e c1ient 9/ere t/e
i64ort is to ;e 4erfor6e0 is entere02 9/ere t/e c1ient 0e4en0ent o;Fects in t/e c/ange re:uests
get to t/e rig/t c1ient. An0 C1ient in0e4en0ent o;Fects 9i11 /a3e effect across a11 c1ients e3en
t/oug/ 9e i64ort to c1ient 200.
T/e ,e:uest can ;e i64orte0 in a S5nc/ronous 6o0e or As5nc/ronous 6o0e. #f t/e S5nc/ronous
is use0 t/en t/e session is acti3e ti11 t/e co641etion of i64ort an0 if t/e session en0s or ;rea8s
t/en t/e i64ort fai1s. #n As5nc/ronous 6o0e t/e i64ort after initia1 c/ec8 in front en0 6o3es at
ser3er 1e3e1 an0 t/e action is not effecte0 e3en t/e session t/at starte0 t/e i64ort ;rea8s.fai1s or
c/ange0 to ot/er transaction.
T/e 1ast ta; )4tions2 in t/e i64ort screen contains certain c/ec8 ;o< 9/ic/ can ;e f1agge0 to
4erfor6 s4ecia1 action in a00ition to t/e nor6a1 #64ort og c/ange re:uest.

Transaction *+10
To 6aintain a SAP s5ste6 certain 4rofi1es are create0 9/ic/ contro1 t/e starting of s5ste62
setting t/e 0ifferent 4ara6eters for running a SAP S5ste6 4ro4er15 as 0esire0.
T/ere are nor6a115 & 8in0s of 4rofi1es B
1. (efau1t 4rofi1e
2. Start 4rofi1e
&. #nstance 4rofi1e
T/e (efau1t 4rofi1e contains t/ose 4ara6eters 9/ic/ is a441ica;1e to a11 instances of t/e SAP
s5ste6. A Start 4rofi1e e<ists for eac/ instance t/at is create0 in t/e SAP $n3iron6entE it can ;e
Centra1 ser3ices instance2 ABAP Centra1 ser3ices instance or a Centra1 instance an0 instances for
Ia3a a441ications. A #nstance 4rofi1e contains a11 t/ose 4ara6eters t/at are re1e3ant on15 to t/at
instance as 0escri;e0 a;o3e.
%or6a115 a t54ica1 4rofi1e contains2 A06inistrati3e 0ata2 Basic 6aintenance an0 e<ten0e0
6aintenance 3ie9s.
#nitia115 a 4rofi1e is create0 at t/e ti6e of insta11ation at t/e )S 1e3e12 t/is nee0s to ;e i64orte0 to
t/e SAPG+# 9it/ t/e sa6e na6e as in )S an0 i64ort an0 sa3e a1ong 9it/ Acti3ation. $ac/
c/ange in a 4rofi1e re:uires a restart of SAP s5ste6 to get effecti3e.

T/e 1ist of SAP 4ara6eters can ;e 3ie9e0 using 4rogra6 ,SPA,AM t/at 1ists a11 t/e 3a1ues of t/e
4ara6eters 9/ic/ are not su;stitute0 ;5 t/e custo6er an0 are using t/e 0efau1t 3a1ues as set ;5
SAP for fe9 of t/e6.
Transaction *+0!
#n t/is transaction 9e create t/e 0ifferent o4eration 6o0es 0istri;ute0 on an /our15 ;asis of a
+sing t/e )4eration 6o0e fro6 t/e 6enu ;ar2 9e can create 6u1ti41e o4eration 6o0es 1i8e S/ift
A2 S/ift B s/o9n in 4icture. Furt/er for eac/ o4eration 6o0e 9e can assign t/e /ost2 start 4rofi1e
an0 instance 4rofi1e. %e<t if re:uire0 9e can togg1e ;et9een t/e nu6;er of 9or8 4rocesses
0efine0 for (ia1og an0 Bac8groun0 4rocesses ;5 increase or 0ecrease using t/e icon B or K
against t/at is 6aintaine0 in t/e corres4on0ing instance 4rofi1e.

B5 t/is 9a52 9it/out re:uiring to sto4 an0 start t/e SAP s5ste6 2 9e can 0istri;ute t/e a11ocation
of 9or8 4rocesse0 ;et9een t/e 0ia1og an0 ;ac8groun0 4rocesses in certain 4erio0 of ti6e. T/is
feature can a1so ;e acti3ate0 for a 4articu1ar 0a5 on15 ;5 assigning t/e )4eration 6o0e for a
4articu1ar 0a5 of t/e 5ear or a range.
Transaction SM&"
T/is transaction co0e is use0 for 6anaging t/e o4eration 6o0es to t/e 24 /ours of a 0a5.

T/is can ;e 0one ;5 se1ecting a ;egin ti6e an0 en0 ti6e an0 t/en assign a 4articu1ar o4eration
6o0e as re:uire0.
Transaction SMLG
#n case 9/ere 9e /a3e 6u1ti41e instances for a SAP s5ste6 t/roug/ 9/ic/ t/e users can 1ogon to
SAP2 t/en 9e create 6u1ti41e 1ogon grou4s an0 assign t/e6 to a a441ication ser3er. T/e nu6;er
of users 9/o connecte0 9it/ 0ifferent 1ogons can ;e 3ie9e0.
Fin0 9/at is t/e res4onse ti6e for eac/ 1ogon grou4s

Transaction SP11
T/is transaction is for 6onitoring t/e nu6;er of Te6se o;Fects ?Te64orar5 Se:uentia1 );Fects@
t/at 9ere create0 for eac/ Fo;. T/ese Fo;s can ;e 4rint Fo;s2 ;atc/ Fo;s2 ;ac8groun0 Fo;s. T/e
infor6ation gi3es t/e nu6;er of o;Fects create02 storage occu4ie02 e<isting in 9/ic/ a11 c1ients2
;5 userA9ise.

)n c/oosing L"ist o;FectsM 9e get t/e 1ist of Te6se o;Fects in t/e s5ste6 as 4er t/e 3a1ues
entere0 in t/e initia1 screen.
C/oosing a 1ine 9e can 3ie9 t/e infor6ation t/is Te6se contains ;5 c/oosing t/e Attri;utes #2
Contents or (e1ete t/e Te6se o;Fect as re:uire0.
Transaction SP12
T/is transaction co0e contains a06inistration o4tions for t/e Te6se o;Fects2
'e can 0o 6e6or5 a11ocation for t/e an0 t/e free s4ace in t/e a11ocate0 s4ace2 1ist a11 o;Fects as
in SP11 an0 run Consistenc5 c/ec8. T/e consistenc5 1ists t/e inconsistenc5 ;et9een t/e Te6se
o;Fects an0 t/e o;8ect 1ist suc/ as S4oo1 re:uests or Io; 1ists.

Transaction SPA$
+sing t/is transaction2 9e can create e1e6ents t/at are re:uire0 for 4rinting2 1i8e B Font2 4a4er
si=e2 0e3ice t54es2 out4ut 0e3ices2 s4oo1 ser3ers2 access 6et/o0 for out4ut. 'e a1so can 4erfor6
a06inistrati3e functions 1i8e 0e1eting o10 s4oo1 re:uests2 consistenc5 c/ec8 of t/e s4oo1
0ata;ase2 Settings2 Print re:uest o3er3ie9.

To a user on15 t/e )ut4ut 0e3ice is of i64ortance2 t/e ot/er e1e6ents of 4rinting are t/e
res4onsi;1e of t/e Printer a06inistration.
#n an out4ut 0e3ice t/e co64onents are2 na6e of 4rinter2 s4oo1 ser3er it is ser3ice0 ;52 0e3ice
t54e t/at is co64ati;1e 9it/ t/e 4rinter2 access 6et/o0 for t/e Fo; to fo11o9 9/en a 4rint out is
triggere0 ;5 an a441ication.
%a6e of )ut4ut 0e3ice is 4ic8e0 ;5 +ser 9/en gi3ing a 4rint co66an0 fro6 an a441ication
S4oo1 ser3er is t/e SAP #nstance 9/ic/ 9i11 ;e use0 to 4rocess t/e 4rint co66an0 fro6 t/e
4resentation ser3er to S4oo1 1ist.
(e3ice t54e is t/e 0ri3er t/at is use0 for con3erting t/e instructions recei3e0 fro6 SAP to 4rinter.
Access Met/o0 is t/e 6et/o0 9it/ 9/ic/ t/e Fo; is co66unicate0 to t/e 4rinter

T/e stan0ar0 1ist of 4rinters t/at is co64ati;1e 9it/ SAP is 9it/ t/e su441ier of t/e Printer. A
conso1i0ate0 1ist is a1so a3ai1a;1e in t/e SAP %ote.
T/e 3arious 8in0s of Access 6et/o0s to ;e use0 is a1so a3ai1a;1e t/at can ;e use0 is 0ifferent
scenario is gi3en ;e1o9 ?e<traction fro6 SAP /e14@

Transaction SP01
'it/ t/is transaction 9e can 6onitor t/e nu6;er of s4oo1 re:uests an0 a1so /o9 6an5 s4oo1
re:uests 9ere out4utte0 un0er t/e )ut4ut re:uests.

#n t/e 1ist 9e can a1so set fi1ters to 3ie9 t/at 9ere successfu115 4rinte02 en0e0 9it/ error2
4rocessing or 9aiting. T/e 4rint Fo; can ;e re4rinte0 9it/ t/e origina1 4ara6eters or c/ange an0
4rint to anot/er 4rinter or 4age for6at.
Transaction SE9"
T/is is t/e transaction to create a transaction for a Progra6 9it/ certain 3ariant or 9it/out
3ariant. #n t/is 9e 0efine Lne9 transaction co0eM an0 gi3e a te<t to it. T/en 6a8e a c/oice fro6
t/e 4ossi;1e start o;Fect. (e4en0ing u4on t/e se1ection t/e ne<t screen c/anges an0 4ro3i0e
fie10s for entering t/e Progra6 na6e2 3ariant2 screen nu6;er2 access 6et/o0.

Transaction SM"&
#n t/is 9e create Fo;s t/at can ;e one ti6e run or a 4erio0ic running Fo; accor0ing to t/e setting.
#n t/e initia1 screen 9e nee0 to gi3e na6e for t/e Fo;2 s4oo1 1ist reci4ient if re:uire0
%e<t un0er Ste4 9e assign a 4rogra6 9it/ a 3ariant is assigne0 to t/e Fo; an0 t/e user t/at is
use0 to e<ecute t/e Fo;

'e can /a3e a 4rogra6 fro6 9it/in t/e SAP2 ABAP Progra62 $<terna1 co66an0 a3ai1a;1e at )S
1e3e1 or $<terna1 4rogra6 on anot/er s4ecific /ost.
%e<t 9e assign 9/en t/e Fo; is to ;e e<ecute0 ;5 c/oosing Start Con0ition2

T/e Fo; can ;e starte0 #66e0iate2 on a s4ecific 0ate.ti6e2 After a Io;2 After e3ent2 At o4eration
6o0e or on a s4ecific 0ate for a factor5 ca1en0ar
T/e 4erio0 can ;e 6a0e 4erio0ic action 9/ere in t/e sa6e Io; 9it/ t/e sa6e 4ara6eter settings
9i11 ;e e<ecute0 on a Cour2 (a52 'ee815 or Mont/ ;asis.

Transaction SM"-
#n t/is transaction2 9e can 6onitor t/e status of t/e Fo;s t/at are create0 ;5 a user an0 for
s4ecific 0ates.
T/e 1ist of Fo; can ;e restricte0 using t/e Io; status c/ec8 ;o< f1ags2

A Fo; can ;e 6anage0 in t/is transaction 1i8e2 cance1 a Acti3e Fo;2 c/ange fe9 4ara6eters of a
Fo; or 0e1ete a Fo; fro6 t/e sc/e0u1e.
Transaction SPAM
T/is transaction is effecti3e on15 in c1ient L000M of a SAP s5ste6. "ogging to c1ient 000 9e can
a4415 4atc/es to t/e soft9are t/at are insta11e0 in t/e s5ste6.
To insta11 4atc/es2 first15 t/e 4atc/es t/at 0o9n1oa0e0 fro6 /tt4D..999.ser3ice.sa4.co6.s90c for
t/e re:uire0 soft9are as 4er t/e 6aintenance o4ti6i=er tic8et create0 in t/e so1ution 6anager
for a co64onent an0 SAP s5ste6. T/is i0entifies t/e 4atc/es nee0e0 for t/e s5ste6 9it/
reference to t/e re1ease0 4atc/es ;5 SAP.
After 0o9n1oa0 t/e 4atc/es first15 is to ;e un4ac8e0 using co66an0 SAPCA, B<3f R0o9n1oa0e0
4atc/ fi1eJ to fo10er .usr.sa4.trans.$
%e<t 9e u41oa0 t/e 4atc/es fro6 t/e A441ication ser3er using t/is transaction if t/e5 are e<isting
in A441ication ser3er t/en use A441ication Ser3er e1se if fro6 t/e PC t/en use Fro6 Fronten0.
After i64ort t/e 4atc/es are a3ai1a;1e in t/e ne9 su44ort 4ac8ages 1ist t/at can ;e 0is41a5e02
/ere 9e 0eci0e on t/e i64ort :ueue to ;e i64orte0. T/e i64ort :ueue 0e4en0s on t/e 4atc/ 9e
are i64orting2 if it /as an5 0e4en0enc5 on ot/er o;Fects t/e5 s/ou10 ;e first i64orte0 e1se to ;e
inc1u0e0 in t/e :ueue.
)nce t/e :ueue is create02 t/en 9e C/oose #64ort 7ueue2 t/e i64ort can ;e e<ecute0 in
fronten0 6o0e or in ;ac8groun0 6o0e e1se sc/e0u1e at a 0ate an0 ti6e in ;ac8groun0.
T/e i64ort 4rocess can ;e 6onitore0 ;5 re3ie9ing i64ort 1og at SAPGui 1e3e1E e1se at )S 1e3e1 in
fo10er .usr.sa4.trans.t64 9e can fin0 9/ic/ fi1e is ;eing 4rocesse0.
)nce t/e i64ort :ueue 4asses t/e P/ase LTestH#64ortM t/en t/e :ueue cannot ;e 0e1ete0 an0 it
/as to get 4rocesses successfu115.
"ast15 t/e :ueue i64ort is co641ete0 ;5 LConfir6M fro6 t/e 6enu ;ar.
'e can 0is41a5 t/e 4atc/ 1e3e1 of t/e insta11e0 SAP Co64onents using Pac8age "e3e1.

Transaction SAIT
T/is is a si6i1ar to t/e transaction SPAM2 9it/ t/e 0ifference ;eing t/is 9i11 insta11 a ne9 A00Aon
to t/e e<isting SAP s5ste6 9/ic/ is co64ati;1e 9it/ t/e 4ro0uct.
T/e 4rocess of t/e 1oa0ing2 :ueuing2 i64orting an0 co641eting i64ort is sa6e as in SPAM.
After 1oa0ing t/e 4rocess is starte0 using Start ;utton an0 continues as se:uentia1 ste4s 9/ic/
are gui0e0 ;5 t/e transaction itse1f 9it/ Continue ;utton ti11 co641etion of i64ort successfu115.

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