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Recce Checklist

Name of location: 5 Whitegates close, Hethersett NR9 3JG. Moms house is !ong"ie#, NR9 3JN
Things to take:
Stills Camera

$o take some images of the rooms #ith the characters in, kee%ing in
min& i&eas for m' &igi%ack.
Mobile phone

(mergenc' contact for actors an& to kee% track of time
Notebook, pen,

Male a note #hich images ha"e )een shot, %ossi)le e&its an& notes
on lighting for %ost e&iting
Programme risk assessment

*n the e"ent of an emergenc'

Gi"en to actors %re"iousl' on call sheet

+ee% aims clear in min& an& the "ariet' of shots * #ant to use.

Make sure #e ha"e arri"e& an& left #ith all the e,ui%ment, nothing
left )ehin&
Talking to people:
Confirm onership

-s it.s a frien&.s house, %ermission has alrea&' )een grante&
!"change details
!"plain intentions

Gi"e them #ritten u% %ro/ect of #hat m' filming.s %ur%ose is an&
#hat it #ill inclu&e
Disc#ss fees/contract
!ditorial polic$
%re passes re&#ired'
(es No
%)ailabilit$ and timings Make sure to arrange time rest of famil' is oka' for house to )e
*ocal e)ents
Dress code
(es No
Cop$right iss#es
(es No
Children+s details
(es No
*andmarks for directions
Neighbo#r dist#rbance
(es No
Make sure %la'ing of music isn.t too lou& an& actors are ke%t un&er
,isk of trespass
(es No
Internal access

-ehicle access


$oilets are situate& aroun& the house if necessar'.
Traffic control needed'
(es No

Just in case out&oor shots can.t )e com%lete& &ue to #eather
con&itions, filming can still commence insi&e if necessar'.
Safet$ for ha.ardo#s
Tidal aters
(es No
(es No
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Position of the s#n Will all )e filme& insi&e so this in&oor lighting is more of a concern,
e0ce%t for &ancing scene #here lighting #ill ho%efull' )e sunn'
/indo direction
Poer s#ppl$
Numerous %laces to charge e,ui%ment aroun& house.
Si.e of location
Strobing (es No
T-/comp#ter screens (es No
$r' to kee% camera a#a' from filming these
Is floor le)el' (es No
Sec#re place for kit (es No
+ee% all e,ui%ment in one &esignate& room so nothing is in the #a'
or lost #hen not in use.
Smoke alarms/sprinklers (es No
$his #on.t )e an effecting issue as it #ill )e )asic filming #ith no
s%ecial effects
*isten -s * inten& to create a music "i&eo #ith no &iegetic soun& o"er the
to% or %re"ious to the song starting, this #on.t )e necessar'
Traffic/roadorks (es No
%ircraft (es No
!lectrical ha.ards (es No
Schools (es No
/eather (es No
Backgro#nd m#sic/P% s$stem (es No
%ir conditioner/fridges/etc (es No
/ooden floors (es No
Things for director:
Take photos
1or the %ossi)le use of the &igi%ack
0-s/top shots
$oo use as esta)lishing shots of the scene, %ossi)l' take another
fe# shots
%dditional contrib#tors (es No
!ating 1oo& an& &rinks #ill )e a"aila)le on site, #ith some %ossi)l' )eing
use& as %ro%s for the scene. -&&itional resources can )e )ought
)efore shooting )egins.
Check to make sure 'ou2"e co"ere& all 'ou nee& an& #rite more notes if necessar'
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