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Name: Eden Songaling Section: BSAE 3E

Subject: Crop Science


At its simplest, biotechnology is technology based on biology - biotechnology harnesses
cellular and biomolecular processes to develop technologies and products that help improve our
lives and the health of our planet. We have used the biological processes of microorganisms for
more than 6,000 years to make useful food products, such as bread and cheese, and to
preserve dairy products.

Modern biotechnology provides breakthrough products and technologies to combat
debilitating and rare diseases, reduce our environmental footprint, feed the hungry, use less and
cleaner energy, and have safer, cleaner and more efficient industrial manufacturing processes.

To conserve, map and sustainably use bioresources.
To spread general awareness for the optimum utilization of biotechnology in the different
To optimally focus resources for R&D in biotechnology.
To encourage and facilitate introduction of biotechnology at the grass-root level to strengthen
the economy of the state.
To encourage rural biotechnological activities for the promotion of village level industries in the
To facilitate energy security and self-sustainability through promotion of biofuels.
To support employment generating schemes in the field of biotechnology.
To create centers of excellence as high quality support services to biotech industries.
To create or act as catalyst for the creation of infrastructure for biotech industries, e.g.,
biotechnology parks.
To develop competent human resources at different levels in the field of biotechnology.
To promote the field of bioinformatics which draws support from information technology.
To suitably address highly pertinent issues like intellectual property rights (IPR) protection,
biosafety and bioethics.
To coordinate and consolidate efforts by the various departments and government undertakings
having potential in the area of biotechnology.
To create congenial environment of biotech industry through process simplification in the
clearance of the commercial biotechnology projects.
To attract private investment for perceptible growth in biotechnological industries.
To facilitate the flow of venture capital funds and bank credit to biotech companies.
To extend fiscal incentives and concessions to biotechnology industry.
To provide an appropriate institutional framework to achieve the above objectives.

Plant biotechnology is a set of techniques used to adapt plants for specific needs or
opportunities. Situations that combine multiple needs and opportunities are common. For
example, a single crop may be required to provide sustainable food and healthful nutrition,
protection of the environment, and opportunities for jobs and income. Finding or developing
suitable plants is typically a highly complex challenge.
Plant biotechnologies that assist in meeting the challenge include genomics, molecular-
assisted selection, and transgenic crops (genetic engineering). These biotechnologies allow
researchers to detect and map genes, discover their functions, select for specific genes in
genetic resources and breeding, and transfer genes for specific traits into plants where they are
needed. NIFA funds research, training, and extension for developing and using biotechnologies
for food and agriculture. Areas of work include:
Genetic structures and mechanisms
Methods for transgenic biotechnology (also known as genetic engineering or bioengineering)
Identification of traits and genes that can contribute to national and global goals for agriculture
Plant genome sequences; molecular markers, and bioinformatics

Biotechnology is the use of living systems and organisms to develop or make useful
products, or "any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms or
derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use."
In plant, like rice it biotechnology has a great impact in developing the plant. Using the
genes of the plant it will help us to generate or regenerate the new specie of the plant. That will
help our farmers and us consumer to be productive and progressive.

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the most important cereal crop being grown (144.641 million ha)
with a production of over 468.275 million tons in the world. It is also probably the worlds most
versatile crop. Rice grows at more than 3000 m elevation in the Himalayas and at sea level in
the deltas of the great rivers of Asia. It feeds more than half the worlds population. About 90%
of the worlds rice is grown and consumed in Asia, where it contributes about 50% of dietary
energy. Rice is also a staple food in Latin America, parts of Africa, and the Middle East.

Transgenic plants production and application, generating marker-free transgenic plants,
genetic engineering and metabolic engineering of plant, molecular farming, abiotic stress
tolerance, transgenic in floriculture and ornamental plants, celery.
Secondary metabolite production with special reference to sennoside, genetic
transformation of potato and biosafety concerns, bioinformatics and its application to crop
improvement, intellectual property rights, biotechnological aspects of secondary metabolite
production, application of biotechnology in pharmaceutical sciences and production of
recombinant proteins, cyclotides, Hypericum perforatum and Gentiana punctata provide a
selected survey of key advances in the fascinating field of plant cell and tissue culture as a tool
in biotechnology. Besides covering basic techniques employed in leading laboratories
worldwide, follows an extended account of important applications in, for example, plant
propagation, gene technology and secondary metabolite production.

The effects of any new technology introduced on the scale anticipated for biotechnology
extend beyond the factories and research centers influencing our everyday lives.
The potential benefits include solving world food shortages, and improvements in
medicine, agriculture, and veterinary sciences. We can confidently expect biotechnological
solutions to many essential industrial processes that currently produce toxic effluents. An
increasing role for biotechnology in environmental management will undoubtedly follow.
Because the prospect of serious biohazards appears to be receding, it does not mean that strict
regulation of the new technology should be relaxed. Provided such vigilance is maintained,
mankind can look forward to a wide range of exciting prospects that stem from biotechnology.
To increase the quantity of the crop production as well as to produce specific
characteristics in plants, biotechnologists are having selective gene techniques which transfer a
great variety of genetic information in a more precise or controlled manner. Some of the major
industries all over the world are working on plant biotechnology with a wide range of target
molecule for pharmaceuticals aromas, biopesticides and enzymes. The principle objective of
plant biotechnology is to create new varieties of cultivated plants. Many of the initial studies
were with development of strains that give better yield.
One fear from the use of biotechnology is that the genes could be transferred to other
crops which they are not intended to go in and lead to problem, since the transfer of the genes
would not be known. Consumers could get an allergic reaction to the food when they consume
food that is contaminated with the gene or bacteria transmitted through cross-pollination
Seeds of GM crops are relatively higher in cost, so the poor farmers have a hard time reaching
With biotechnology, there are some fear of health risks that might not be know now and
developed later. This would really be devastating as the use Gm crops increasing throughout
the world

The benefits of biotechnology over weigh the downside in today's date. Since, it is really
important to increase the production of food to meet the needs of growing population.

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