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PLEASE BRING A BAGGED LUNCH (unless othe!"se s#e$"%"e&'( )ATER( HAT(

WEEK 1, Wednesday, July 6th Snozelen Room/Picnic Lunch at Almonds Farm
in Meaford
We will be leaving from behind Deacons Home Hardware at 9:3 am and returning to
the same !lace for !ic" u! at 3:3 !m# $lease remember your lunch# We will have a
chance to tour a sno%elen room &a multisensory soothing and stimulating setting'# We
will also get to interact with some farm animals while we are there#
WEEK !" Wednesday, July (3
) Westside #o$l and Pizza Lunch
We will be leaving from behind Deacons Home Hardware at (: am and returning
to the same !lace for !ic" u! at 3:3 !m# *ost of day includes + games of bowling,
shoe rental, !i%%a lunch and drin"# ,f you wish any additional snac"s while at the
bowling alley, !lease bring additional s!ending money#
WEEK %") Wednesday, July + & Elm'ale (un)le *oo
We will be leaving from behind Deacons Home Hardware at 9:3 am and will return
to the same !lace at -:3 !m# We will discover an e.citing and educational outdoor
adventure at the /lmvale Jungle 0oo# 1here is a gift sho!, snac" bar and s!ecial feed
for the animals you may wish to !urchase &additional s!ending money needed for
these items'# 2ou will need to bring your lunch or money for the snac" bar if you wish#
WEEK +" Wednesday July +3
Port El)in Flea Mar,et and Picnic
We will be leaving from behind Deacons Home Hardware at 9: am and returning to
the same !lace for !ic"4u! for 3: !m# 2ou will need to bring s!ending money if you
wish to !urchase anything from the mar"et or ride the train &additional 56#6 !er
!erson'# $lease bring your lunch with you#
WEEK -" Wednesday, 7ugust 3rd4 Sau.le Falls and Mini)olf
We will be leaving from behind Deacons Home Hardware at 9: am and will be
returning to the same !lace for 3: !m# $lease bring your lunch# We will be en8oying
a great day outdoors in 9auble#
WEEK /" Wednesday, 7ugust (
) #lue$ater Par,/ S$immin)
We will be s!ending the day at :luewater $ar"# We will be doing some crafts and
games and will en8oy our lunch there before heading over to the !ool for the
afternoon# $lease remember your bathing suit and towel#
WEEK 0" Wednesday, 7ugust (3
Movies and Joe Tomatoes
We will be leaving from behind Deacons Home Hardware at (:(6 am and will return
to the same !lace for 3:3 !m &times may be sub8ect to change due to availability of
movie4return time to follow'# 1he cost of the day includes trans!ortation and lunch at
Joe 1omatoes# 2ou will need to bring additional s!ending money if you wish to
!urchase snac"s at the theatre#
WEEK 1" Wednesday, 7ugust +- ) 2reamchasers 3orse Sta.les
We will be leaving from behind Deacons Home Hardware at 9:3 am and returning at
3: !m# We will be en8oy a full day of learning about horses and how to care for
them as well as en8oying a riding lesson# 2ou will need to bring your lunch with you#
$lease wear comfortable stretchy !ants &8ogging !ants or leggings' and if you have a
!air of rubber boots or wor" boots, !lease also wear those#
PLEASE BRING A BAGGED LUNCH (unless othe!"se s#e$"%"e&'( )ATER( HAT(
WEEK 1, Wednesday, July 6th Snozelen Room/Picnic Lunch at Almonds Farm
in Meaford
We will be leaving from behind Deacons Home Hardware at 9:3 am and returning to
the same !lace for !ic" u! at 3:3 !m# $lease remember your lunch# We will have a
chance to tour a sno%elen room &a multisensory soothing and stimulating setting'# We
will also get to interact with some farm animals while we are there#
WEEK !" Wednesday, July (3
) Westside #o$l and Pizza Lunch
We will be leaving from behind Deacons Home Hardware at (: am and returning
to the same !lace for !ic" u! at 3:3 !m# *ost of day includes + games of bowling,
shoe rental, !i%%a lunch and drin"# ,f you wish any additional snac"s while at the
bowling alley, !lease bring additional s!ending money#
WEEK %") Wednesday, July + & Elm'ale (un)le *oo
We will be leaving from behind Deacons Home Hardware at 9:3 am and will return
to the same !lace at -:3 !m# We will discover an e.citing and educational outdoor
adventure at the /lmvale Jungle 0oo# 1here is a gift sho!, snac" bar and s!ecial feed
for the animals you may wish to !urchase &additional s!ending money needed for
these items'# 2ou will need to bring your lunch or money for the snac" bar if you wish#
WEEK +" Wednesday July +3
Port El)in Flea Mar,et and Picnic
We will be leaving from behind Deacons Home Hardware at 9: am and returning to
the same !lace for !ic"4u! for 3: !m# 2ou will need to bring s!ending money if you
wish to !urchase anything from the mar"et or ride the train &additional 56#6 !er
!erson'# $lease bring your lunch with you#
WEEK -" Wednesday, 7ugust 3rd4 Sau.le Falls and Mini)olf
We will be leaving from behind Deacons Home Hardware at 9: am and will be
returning to the same !lace for 3: !m# $lease bring your lunch# We will be en8oying
a great day outdoors in 9auble#
WEEK /" Wednesday, 7ugust (
) #lue$ater Par,/ S$immin)
We will be s!ending the day at :luewater $ar"# We will be doing some crafts and
games and will en8oy our lunch there before heading over to the !ool for the
afternoon# $lease remember your bathing suit and towel#
WEEK 0" Wednesday, 7ugust (3
Movies and Joe Tomatoes
We will be leaving from behind Deacons Home Hardware at (:(6 am and will return
to the same !lace for 3:3 !m &times may be sub8ect to change due to availability of
movie4return time to follow'# 1he cost of the day includes trans!ortation and lunch at
Joe 1omatoes# 2ou will need to bring additional s!ending money if you wish to
!urchase snac"s at the theatre#
WEEK 1" Wednesday, 7ugust +- ) 2reamchasers 3orse Sta.les
We will be leaving from behind Deacons Home Hardware at 9:3 am and returning at
3: !m# We will be en8oy a full day of learning about horses and how to care for
them as well as en8oying a riding lesson# 2ou will need to bring your lunch with you#
$lease wear comfortable stretchy !ants &8ogging !ants or leggings' and if you have a
!air of rubber boots or wor" boots, !lease also wear those#
If you are a youth between the ages of 13-18, please join us for our
BPACL Suer !ay "rips
!ay trips run e#ery $e%nes%ay fro &uly '-August ()
, (*11+
Please fin% atta,he% a !ay "rip -egistration .or, Inforation Sheet,
A,ti#ity Perission .or an% Parent/0uar%ian Contra,t+
.or ore inforation on this year1s suer youth a,ti#ities, please ,onta,t2
Cathy Ir#ing at 34156 43)-*443 e7t 81(1
.or inforation on fun%ing or to a9e payent arrangeents, please
Bryan Barbour at 34156 43)-*443 e7t 81*4
Please ensure that you return the registration for 3with payent or payent
arrangeents6 an% a,ti#ity perission for by no later than :on%ay, &uly ),
(*11 to Carol at the BPACL ain offi,e to ensure that you ha#e you ha#e a
Late registrations will not be a,,epte%+

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