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GK Power Capsule September 2014 (The Hindu Reiew!

1" Reserve Bank Governor Raghuram Rajan left all

key rates unchanged citing increased risks to
inflation and difficult external situation
especially on the geopolitical front. The RBI also
retained the growth projection for the current
fiscal at 5.5 per cent. The apex ank sees !"#$
growth at $.% per cent.
1. Bank Rate & ' ( )*nchanged+
2. ,ash Reserve Ratio & - ( )*nchanged+
#. ./R & 00 ( )*nchanged+
4. Repo Rate & 1 ( )*nchanged+
$" Reverse Repo Rate & 2 ( )*nchanged+
%" 3arginal .tanding Rate & ' ( )*nchanged+
2" 4resident 4rana 3ukherjee authorised
5igilance ,ommissioner Ra&i to a't as 'hie( o(
Central )i*ilan'e Commission (C5,+ until the
appointment of the ,entral 5igilance
#" 6ustice Hand+ala ,a-shminara+anaswam+
.attu was sworn/in as the 42nd Chie( 6ustice
of India on 01 .eptemer 07#-. 8e succeeded
,hief 6ustice R3 /odha who demitted office on
02 .eptemer 07#-.
4" 9I9:3; Treasurer 0 Panneerselam was
sworn/in as Chie( 1inister o( Tamil 2adu. 8e
replaced the former 9I9:3; chief 6 6ayalalithaa.
$" 3shra( Ghani 3hmad4ai was sworn in as
president of 9fghanistan.
%" The Bangladesh government appointed S+ed
1ua44em 3li as the new Bangladesh 8igh
,ommissioner to India.
5" Suresh Prabhu was appointed as Prime
1inister 2arendra 1odi6s Sherpa for the
Group of 07 annual .ummit 07#-. The G<07
annual summit will e held in Brisane from #5
=ovemer to #$ =ovemer 07#-. .herpa is a
senior official responsile for preparing the
agenda for leaders to consider during the
7" India T5 chairman and editor/in/'hie( Ra&at
Sharma was appointed as the new president
of the =ews Broadcasting 9ssociation )=B9+ for
the year 07#-<07#5.
8" /ieutenant General Ri4wan 3-htar was
appointed as the new head o( the 4akistan>s
spy agency Inter<.ervices Intelligence )I.I+.
10" *. 4resident Barack ?ama nominated Indian<
9merican Ri'hard Rahul )erma as the next *.
9massador to India.

11" ,alitha Kumaraman*alam was appointed as
chairperson of 2ational Commission for
12" ,hinese 4resident Ai 6inpin* appointed ,e
9u'hen* as China:s new 9massador to India.
1#" 9ctor ,eonardo .iCaprio was appointed as
;nited 2ations 1essen*er of 4eace with a
special focus on climate change.
14" The International Bconomic 9ssociation
appointed Kaushi- <asu as president/ele't o(
the asso'iation be*innin* .eptemer 07#-.
This G; ,apsule has een prepared y ,areer 4ower Institute :elhi )!ormerly ;nown as Bank 4ower+. This has
een prepared on the asis of news and events appeared in The 8indu =ewspaper in the month of .eptemer 07#-.
8oweverC he will continue to serve as .enior
5ice 4resident and ,hief Bconomist of @orld
1$" 3eghalaya Goernor= .r" Krishan Kant Paul
was swornin as the Goernor of 3anipur.
1%" .enior I9. officer Subhash Chandra Gar* was
appointed as the >?e'utie :irector )B:+ of
@orld Bank.

15" !ormer ,hief 6ustice of IndiaC Palaniswam+
Sathasiam was appointed as the new Governor
of ;erala. 8e will replace .heila :ikshit.
17" !ormer *... spy agency contractor >dward
Snowden and 3lan Rusbrid*er= editor of The
Guardian won Right /ivelihood 9ward.
18" ,ricketer Sa'hin Tendul-ar and Stee @au*h
o( 3ustralia were sele'ted as Bradman
8onouree 07#-.
20" 8indi<language feature film ,iar:s .i'e was
sele'ted (or Andia6s o((i'ial entr+ in the 07#5
?scars 9wards for the Best !oreign /anguage
!ilm category. The film is directed y Geethu
3ohandas. The 12th ?scar 9wards event will
take place in the *. on 00 !eruary 07#5.
21" Goind 1ishra= the renowned Hindi author
was *ien the Saraswati Samman in =ew
:elhi. 8e was given the .amman for his novel
:hool 4audhon 4ar that was pulished in 0771.
22" The @orld 8ealth ?rganisation honoured
Bangladesh and Timor</este with .outh Bast
9sia Regional 9ward for Bxcellence in 4ulic
2#" Court= an Andian moie written and dire'ted
b+ Andian writer Chaitan+a Tamhane won the
/ion of the !uture & /uigi :e /aurentiis award
for a :eut !eature at the 2#st 5enice !ilm
24" B Ba+alalithaa= the Chie( 1inister o( Tamil
2adu was (ound *uilt+ in the disproportionate
assets case y the .pecial ,ourt in Bangalore.
The ,ourt pronounced a jail term of - years and
fined #77 crore rupees to her.
2$" The -#st ,hief 6ustice of India ),6I+C Rajendra
3al /odha retired.
2%" .outh 9frica denied visa to :alai /ama for =oel
.ummit. 8e was scheduled to attend the #-th
world summit of =oel peace laureates in ,ape
Town in ?ctoer 07#-.
25" Taslima 2asreen= the 'ontroersial writer o(
<an*ladesh in (irst week of .eptemer was
given a one<year long visa that allows her to stay
in India till 9ugust 07#5.
27" The 4resident 4rana 3ukherjee was on a visit
to 5ietnam from #- to #2 .eptemer 07#-.
28" .ushma .warajC the *nion 3inister of Bxternal
9ffairs and 3inister for ?verseas Indian 9ffairs
visited Bahrain.
#0" !ormer International cricket umpire
1ohammad Ghouse died following a rief
#1" The British aid workerC .aid Haines was in
news as he was beheaded b+ Aslami' .tate of
IraD and .yria )I.I.+ militants.
#2" !reedom fighter and veteran journalist 6itendra
,handra 4aul.
##" 4rominent Bangladeshi 2a4rul San*eet sin*er
Ciro4a <e*um died in :haka due to heart and
kidney prolems.
#4" /egendary *. comedian and talk<show host 6oan
Rivers died.
#$" The worldEs oldest test cricketer =orman
Gordon died in 6ohannesurg. 8e was a former
.outh 9frican international fast owler.
#%" !ormer 9ttorney General of India Goolam >ssa&i
)ahanati died of a heart attack in 3umai.
#5" 4eopleFs /ieration 9rmy )4/9+ of ,hina on 07
.eptemer 07#- pitched seven tents at 4oint
%7R 4ost in ,humar area of /adakh within the
Indian Territory.
#7" The !ores India magaGine released The #77
Richest Indian /ist 07#-. 9s per the listC the top
#77 richest tycoons in India are all illionaires
for the first time.. 9ccording to the !ores India
/istC the Top #7 Richest people of IndiaH #.
3ukesh 9maniI 0. :ilip .hanghviI %. 9Gim
4remjiI -. 4allonji 3istryI 5. /akshmi 3ittalI $.
8induja rothersI 2. .hiv =adarI 1. Godrej
familyI '. ;umar BirlaI #7. .unil 3ittal.
#8" @orld population will reach ## illion y 0#77
and it was highly unlikely that gloal population
will stailiGe y the end of 0#77 according to *=
40" ;43G<!I,,I study has ranked India among top
three medical tourism destinations in 9sia. The
other two countries within 9sia that receive
maximum medical tourists are Thailand and
41" The @orld Bank Group approved #75 million *.
dollars grant for Bola Bmergency Response
project to fight Bola in GuineaC /ieria and
.ierra /eone.
42" *= ,limate ,hange .ummit 07#- was held at *=
headDuarters in =ew "ork on 0% .eptemer
07#- to put the planet on course towards
reversing gloal warming. The purpose of the
07#- ,limate .ummit was to raise political
momentum for a meaningful universal climate
agreement in 4aris in 07#5.
4#" The G<20 ,abour and >mplo+ment 1inisterial
meet was held at 1elbourneC 9ustralia.
44" The two rothersC 3'hin and Sartha- 2arula o(
.elhi be'ame the (irst eer contestants to win
2 crore rupees in the television showC ;aun
Banega ,rorepatiC hosted y 9mitah Bachchan.
4$" 9ustralian 4rime 3inister Tony 9ott returned
two stolen antiDue statues of 8indu deities to
Indian 4rime 3inister =arendra 3odi. ?ne of the
idols is a =atarajaC the dancing .hiva that
elongs to the ,hola dynasty of ##th<#0th
century. The other sculpture is of
9rdhanariswara which represents .hiva in half<
female form. It elonged to the #7th century.
4%" The reied 2alanda ;niersit+ started its
(irst session with 1$ students in its makeshift
campus at the Buddhist pilgrim town of RajgirC
aout #77 km from 4atna.
45" ?peration 3egh Rahat & a rescue operation
undertaken y Indian 9rmy during 6ammu and
;ashmir floods Indian 9rmy on #' .eptemer
07#- completed rescue ?peration 3egh Rahat in
6ammu and ;ashmir.
47" .R4! ).pecial Rhino 4rotection !orce+ is to e
setup to protect Rhinos from poaching in 9ssam.
It will e created in 9ssam with the help of
,entral funds.
48" Barauni ound /ucknow & Barauni express
collided with the coaches of /ucknow ound
3aduadih</ucknow ;rishak Bxpress near
Gorakhpur station at =andnagar railway
$0" Bollywood actor 2aseeruddin Shah released
his autobio*raph+ 3nd then 0ne .a+H 9
$1" 57 years of man in space was authoured b+
Gari- Asraelien= <rian 1a+ and :avid 6 Bicher.
$2" The .upreme ,ourt of India formed a five
memer committee to evaluate the damage
caused y devastating floods in 6ammu and
;ashmir )6J;+ in .eptemer 07#-.
$#" 8 :evaraj ,ommittee reported that most of the
deemed universities are not fit for eing a
university. It said that out of -# , category
deemed universities only #7 universities are
found to e fit for eing a university.
$4" *nion !inance 3inister 9run 6aitley constituted
8 R ;han panel to assess the amount of
unclaimed deposits in the 44! accounts and 4ost
?ffice saving schemes.
$$" Bomay 8igh ,ourt set up 5 5 :aga ,ommittee
to conduct forensic audit of =.B/ and liDuidate
the assets of its defaulting orrowers in the over
5577 crore rupees payments scam.
$%" .ivaramakrishnan committee constituted y the
*nion Government to suggest the place to uild
the capital city of 9ndhra 4radesh sumitted its
$5" *nion Goernment de'lared 2$ September as
3nt+od+a .iwas" 3nt+od+a diwas was
obsered to mar- the 87th birth anniversary
of 4andit :eendayal *padhyay.
$7" =ational 8indi :ivas )8indi :ay+ was oserved
across India on #- .eptemer 07#-.
$8" The India<*. ,omined 3ilitary Training
>?er'ise 9udh 3bh+as 07#- concluded at
Ranikhet in *ttarakhand.

%0" Indian 9ir !orce gifted a vintage :akota aircraft
from its museum to Bangladesh 9ir !orce.
%1" .trategic !orce ,ommand of India successfully
test<fired nuclear weapons capale allistic
missile 9gni<I with a range of 277 ;m. The
missile was launched from the Integrated Test
Range )ITR+ at @heeler IslandC Balasore off the
?disha ,oast.
%2" India>s first 9ir 5eteran Rally was held at the 9ir
!orce 9uditoriumC .uroto 4ark in =ew :elhi.
%#" IndiaFs largest naval offshore patrol vessel I=.
.umitra was commissioned into Indian =avy.
%4" Indo<=epal joint military exercise .urya ;iran<
5II concluded on %# 9ugust 07#- at 4ithoragarh.
%$" The *nion 3inistry of =ew and Renewale
Bnergy announced the organisation of the first
Renewale Bnergy Gloal Investors 3eet J Bxpo
)RB<I=5B.T+. The meet is scheduled to e held
on #5 !eruary 07#5 in =ew :elhi.
%%" 4rime 3inister =arendra 3odi launched the
countryFs iggest<ever cleanliness drive that is
expected to cost over Rs $0C777 croreC asserting
that the K.wachh BharatK mission is Keyond
politicsK and inspired y patriotism. The ,ainet
had last month decided to merge the F=irmal
Bharat 9hiyanFC a campaign for rural sanitation
with .wachh Bharat 3ission.
%5" 4rime 3inister =arendra 3odi has directed the
*niDue Identification 9uthority of India )*I:9I+
to ensure Luniversal coverageM under 9adhaar
y 6une 07#5. The current 9adhaar enrolment is
aout $1 croreC which means over 57 crore
people will have to e rought under its amit
within the next eight months. /ast monthC the
union cainet set a target of #77 crore
enrolment under 9adhaar y the end of next
%7" Targeting a five<fold jump in Indo<*. trade to
*.: 577 illionC 4rime 3inister =arendra 3odi
and *. 4resident Barack ?ama pledged to
deepen economic cooperation and will set up a
joint program to oost usiness investment.
%8" *. government welcomes IndiaFs offer for *.
industry to e the lead partner in developing
smart cities in 9jmer )Rajasthan+C
5ishakhapatnam )9ndhra 4radesh+ and
9llahaad )*ttar 4radesh+.
50" *. 4resident Barack ?ama and Indian 4rime
3inister =arendra 3odi agreed to deepen *.<
Indian cooperation on maritime security to
ensure freedom of navigation in what amounts
to a response to ,hinaFs naval muscle<flexing in
51" India and the *. decided to set up an inter<
agency contact group to address liaility and
technical issues hindering installation of
9merican<origin nuclear reactors in India.
52" India and *. agreed to extend their defence
agreement for another #7 years which is
expected to give a ig oost to cooperation in
this key area etween the two countries.
5#" The government announced setting up of four
task forces to lay down the roadmap for
developing four new regulatory agencies N
4ulic :et 3anagement 9gency )4:39+C
!inancial .ector 9ppellate Triunal )!.9T+C
!inancial :ata 3anagement ,entre )!:3,+ and
Resolution ,orporation )R,+.
54" 43 =arendra 3odi and 4resident Barack ?ama
issued an India and the *. vision statement
K,halein .aath .aathH !orward Together @e GoK
promising that their Kstrategic partnershipK
would work to comat terror threats and
prevent the spread of weapons of mass
5$" The government is planning to introduce a fresh
Bill in the winter session of 4arliament to repeal
over a #C777 archaic laws in the financialC socialC
land and infrastructure sectors.
5%" The next 4arvasi diwas will e held in
9hmedaad in 6anuary 1<' next year. The
4ravasi :iwas will coincide with the #77 years
of coming ack of 3ahatma Gandhi next year.
55" .tandard J 4oor>s improved its rating outlook
for India to LstaleM from Lnegative even as it
retained the credit rating at LBBB<M. 9mong the
other major rating firmsC 3oody>s maintains
Baa% rating for India with stale outlook while
!itch rates the country>s creditworthiness at
BBB< with a stale outlook.
57" .tandard and 4oorFs warned that it could
downgrade rating of crisis ridden .yndicate
Bank if its asset Duality deteriorates. It has
raised the rating outlooks on ## Indian anks
and financial institutions to stale from negative.
These includeC Bank of IndiaC 8:!, BankC I,I,I
BankC I:BI BankC Indian BankC I:!,C ;otak
3ahindra BankC ;otak 3ahindra 4rimeC .tate
Bank of India and *nion Bank of India.
58" Revising IndiaFs G:4 upwards y 7.% per cent to
$.% per cent in 07#5C 9sian :evelopment Bank
)9:B+ has said the economy shows a new
promise of turnaround after the election
rought a stale government in 3ay.
70" In a id to make the country a manufacturing
huC 4rime 3inister =arendra 3odi promised
easy an effective governance to enale ease of
doing usiness as he launched the F3ake in
IndiaF campaign.
71" 3umai has emerged as the least expensive city
in the world to live and work inC according to a
latest real estate analysis. British capital /ondon
has overtaken 8ong ;ong as the most expensive
city to rent living and working space.
72" The *nion government said the proposed Goods
and .ervices Tax could ecome a reality from
9pril #C 07#$. The finance ministry is set to
introduce the ,onstitution )##5th 9mendment+
Bill in the winter session.
7#" India and ,hina inked #0 pacts in a range of
areas including railways and outer space as
Beijing pledged investments of *.: 07 illion
over five years in a id to oost economic ties
and address IndiaFs concerns over trade deficit.
74" The Indian Railways will get assistance from its
counterpart in ,hina for semi<high speed
corridorsC which allow trains to run at a speed of
up to 077 km per hour.
7$" India has retained its sixth position in terms of
numer of illionaires with #77 such people
collectively having *.: #25 illion in networthC
while gloally the numer of uer<rich has
reached a record high of 0C%05 persons
according to the @ealth<A and *B. Billionaire
,ensus 07#-.
7%" 4.* oil marketers not only wiped out their
Lunder<recoveryM on diesel in the fortnight
ended .eptemer #5 ut also reported a
marginal over<recovery of %5 paise a litre on its
sales. The developmentC mainly due to monthly
price hikes since 6anuary 07#% and also helped
hugely y a relatively low gloal crude oil price.
75" 4ension !und Regulatory and :evelopment
9uthority has set up a panel of expertsC headed
y former .ei chief G= BajpaiC to review
investment norms for =ational 4ension .ystem
)=4.+ schemes for the private sector.
77" Industrial and infrastructure project proposals
will get security clearance within #0 weeks as
the 8ome 3inistry has streamlined the process
y issuing a detailed guideline in this regard.
78" To sort out the liaility issue plaguing Indian
nuclear reactorsC the ,entre has asked General
Insurance ,ompany )GI,+ to work on a model
that could e applied to insure such facilities in
the country.
80" 9 new index ,reative 4roductivity Index ),4I+
ranks 6apan as the most efficient among 9sian
countries while 3yanmarC 4akistan and
,amodia are least efficient. India is at #-th
rank. The 9sian :evelopment Bank said it
developed the index with the Bconomist
Intelligence *nit to give policymakers a tool to
assess how est to foster innovation and
creativity in 9sian economies.
81" @ith the target of providing houses for all y
0700C a new integrated =ational 8ousing
3ission will e launched soon y merging some
of *49Fs flagship schemes like 6==*R3 and
Rajiv 9was "ojana.
82" Boeing has delivered the fifth maritime patrol
aircraft 4<1I to India as part of a deal for eight
aircraft to support the Indian =avyFs maritime
patrol reDuirements.
8#" !inance minister 9run 6aitley is unlikely to
attend the G<07 finance ministers and central
ank chiefs> meeting in ,airnsC 9ustraliaC on
.eptemer 07 and 0#C as he is recovering from a
diaetes management surgery. 3inister of state
)finance and commerce+ =irmala .itharaman
will attend the meeting instead.
84" The Bxpenditure 3anagement ,ommission
headed y Bimal 6alanC will sumit its interim
report y 6anuaryC in time for its
recommendations to e incorporated in the
!"#$ Budget.
8$" Rating agency 3oodyFs said prospects have
rightened with growth rate expected to
accelerate to 5.0 per cent in 07#- and $.5 per
cent y end of 07#5.
8%" The ,ainet ,ommittee on Bconomic 9ffairs has
cleared sale of governmentFs ##.%$ per cent in
=84,. The government also gave a go< ahead to
the much<awaited #7 per cent stake sale in ,oal
India /tdC which could fetch over Rs 0%C777
crore to the excheDuer. Government also cleared
5 per cent disinvestment in oil major ?=G,C
which may fetch the excheDuer aout Rs #1C777
85" RBI said guarantorsC group firms and
management can also e classified as wilful
defaulters y lenders. If the guarantor refuses to
comply with the demand made y the anker
despite having sufficient means to make
payment of the duesC such guarantor would also
e treated as a wilful defaulter.

87" The =:9 government has decided to start
negotiations for a free<trade agreement )!T9+
with 4eru.
88" India has signed the free trade agreement )!T9+
in services and investments with the #7<memer
9ssociation of .outheast 9sian =ations )9sean+.
100" :eclaring the 6ammu and ;ashmir floods as
Knational level disasterKC 4rime 3inister
=arendra 3odi announced Rs #C777 crore as
special assistance for rehailitation.
101" .even years after the then 9ustralian 4rime
3inister 6ohn 8oward decided to sell uranium to
India. India and 9ustralia signed the civilian
nuclear cooperation agreement.
102" 9ndhra 4radesh ,hief 3inister = ,handraau
=aidu announced that the new capital of the
state would be lo'ated Daround )i&a+awadaK.
10#" India is among the worst< ranked countries
when it comes to taxation and inflation urden
on economyC as also in terms of the negative
impact of crimeC terrorism and health haGards on
usiness environmentC a @B! report said. ?ut of
#-- countries analysed y the @orld Bconomic
!orumC India ranks #%%rd in terms of inflationC
#%7th for taxes and #%#st for starting a usiness.
.witGerland has retained its top slot.
104" India will *et E#$ billion (rom Bapan over the
next five years for development projectsC
including uilding of smart cities and next
generation infrastructure.
10$" 6apan offered to provide financialC technical and
operational support to India for introduction of
ullet trains. The two 4rime 3inisters look
forward to the completion of the 6oint !easiility
.tudy on 8igh .peed Railway system on
9hmedaad&3umai route.

10%" 4rime 3inister =arendra 3odi signed
3emorandum of *nderstanding )3o*+ with
Bapanese P1 Shin4o 3be to turn )aranasi
into a Fsmart 'it+6 with help (rom K+oto"
105" The mu'h/awaited minimum monthl+
pension o( Rs"1=000 and a hi*her wa*e 'eilin*
o( Rs"1$C777 for social security schemes run y
retirement fund manager Bmployees> 4rovident
!und ?rganisation )B4!?+ will e implemented
from .eptemer #.
107" 3s. 3ridula .inha will e administered oath of
office as the Governor of Goa.
108" Bharatiya 6anata 4arty leader ,h. 5idyasagar
Rao was sworn in as 3aharashtra Governor. 8is
appointment followed the resignation of *49
appointed ;. .ankaranarayanan.
110" 9 four<memer high<level committee has een
set up under the former Cabinet Se'retar+
T"S"R" Subramanian to e?amine five laws
administered y the *nion 3inistry of
BnvironmentC !orests J ,limate ,hange.
111" Iran unveiled a new surface<to<air Talash<%
)Bffort<%C in 4ersian+ missile and two radar
systems 9rash<0 and ;ayhan.
112" The :epartment of 4ersonnel and Training has
notified amendments giving autonomy to the
/okpal search committee to shortlist and
recommend names independently for selection
of ,hairman and memers of the anti<corruption
11#" 3umai>s Bsplanade 8ouseC once the residence
of 6amsetji TataC founder of the Tata empireC and
the .hri .akhargad =ivasini :evi Temple
,omplex in .atara are among the #- projects
from #7 countries that agged the *=B.,? 9sia<
4acific 8eritage 9wards that were announced in
114" India and Bangladesh have reached a decision
on ratification of the /and Boundary 9greement
)/B9+ and ensure Gero order killings.
11$" ,hina will set up two industrial par-s in Andia=
one ea'h in Gu&arat and 1aharashtra.
11%" Tata ,onsultancy .ervices has reappointed 2
Chandrase-aran as ,hief Bxecutive ?fficer and
3anaging :irector for a five year term.
115" Bihar is the fastest growing .tate while Tamil
=adu is the worst performerC the latest data
released y the ,entral .tatistics ?ffice ),.?+
has revealed. Bihar>s Gross .tate :omestic
4roduct )G.:4+ grew #7.2% per cent during
07#0<#%. The second<est performing .tate is
3adhya 4radeshC which grew at '.1' per cent.
:elhi is third with a growth rate of '.%% per cent.
117" TeGu in 9runachal 4radeshI ;ishangarh in
RajasthanI 6harsuguda in ?dishaI and 8uli and
Belgaum in ;arnataka will soon get no<frills
118" ;olkata<orn British author =eel 3ukherjee>s
latest novel The /ives of ?thers has een
shortlisted for the prestigious Booker 4riGe
120" The Indian economy will grow at a rate of 5.$
per cent in 07#- according to *nited =ations
,onference on Trade and :evelopment
)*=,T9:+ said.
121" ACACA <an- laun'hed Anstant 1one+ Trans(er"
An whi'h 'ustomer 'an now trans(er mone+
(rom their a''ount to anyone in India with a
moile numer.
122" 3eghalaya Governor ;rishan ;ant 4aul has een
*ien additional 'har*e o( 1anipur and
12#" The Buropean *nion )B*+ decided to slap new
economic sanctions on Russia over its actions in
124" 4aypal will start accepting itcoin payments
through its susidiaryC BraintreeC the company
has announced.
12$" 8aryana and 3aharashtra will hold elections on
?ctoer #5C with counting of votes on ?ctoer
#'C as per the schedule announced y the
Blection ,ommission.
12%" ,hina will e the focus country for the -5th
International !ilm !estival of India )I!!I+ 07#-C
scheduled to e held in Goa etween =ovemer
07 and %7.
125" Retail inflation moderated slightly to 2.1 per
cent in 9ugust from 2.'$ per cent in 6uly.
127" India and 5ietnam signed seven agreementsC
including one for enhanced cooperation in the
oil sector. 02GC )idesh ,imited (0),! and
)ietnam 0il si*ned a ,etter o( Antent (,oA! (or
&ointl+ e?plorin* two more blo'-s"
128" India has warmed to the idea of the B,I3
)Bangladesh<,hina<India<3yanmar+ corridor
that could prove to e a game<changer in
regional linkages among the four countries. The
B,I3 corridorC long promoted y ,hinaC is
intended to link ;unming to ;olkataC 3andalay
)3yanmar+C :haka and ,hittagong.
1#0" ,hinese 4resident Ai 6inping made a special
announcement on opening a new route for
pilgrims to ;ailash<3ansarovar in the Tietan
9utonomous Region.
1#1" The Bxport<Import Bank of ,hina ),hina Bxim
Bank+ and the ,hina :evelopment Bank
,orporation ),:B+ signed various agreements
with .BIC I,I,I Bank and 9xis Bank.
1#2" 4ulic sector anks )4.Bs+ in India will need to
raise up to O%2 illion over the next -<5 years to
meet Basel III compliance normsC credit rating
agency 3oody>s said.
1##" The government has set up a high<level
committee headed y Biek :eroy to
reconfigure the Railway Board as well as to
suggest steps for resource moilisation for
major projects.
1#4" The government postponed the decision on
revising natural gas prices till =ovemer #5.
=:9 government had deferred the
implementation of the Rangarajan formulaC
approved y the previous *49<regimeC till
.eptemer %7.
1#$" The .upreme ,ourt cancelled 0#- coal locks
allocated since #''%.
1#%" Bamiyan has een selected to e the .99R,
cultural capital for a year eginning 9pril 07#5.
:haka will e the .99R, cultural capital in
07#$<#2. The year 07#$<#2 will also e declared
the .99R, "ear of ,ultural 8eritage.
1#5" ,ricket legend ;apil :ev has een honoured
with a /ifetime 9chievement award at a
ceremony in the 8ouse of /ords in /ondon.
1#7" ,hief 3inister 4rithviraj ,havan resigned from
his postC a day after the =ationalist ,ongress
4arty )=,4+ withdrew support to his
government and reduced it to a minority.

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