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Reference No:
MS Piping
JOB CARD : 161
This method statement is made to describe the sequence of activities to erect the Piping.
Procedure :
The following steps should be taken to execute the mentioned task.
Erection of Scaffolding
Area for piping erection will be identified.
caffolding erection will be finished prior to erection of piping in specific area.
Piping Erection
The fabricated ! painted piping spools will be shifted to site for erection purposes.
The pipe spools requiring field "oints shall be welded at site. The pipe ends will be
prepared for welding after dimensional check at site.
#nspection of fit up will be performed as per approved $%P.
&eneral considerations for welding are mentioned below.
The piping with equipments will be erected ' supported plumb ' level such that there will be no
undue strain on corresponding equipment flange. The alignment of flanged "oints will be
according to the A() *.31.3 +chapter ,-.
#n case of flanged connections. the surfaces in contact with gaskets will be checked before
assembl/ and all traces of dirt oxides ' grease will be removed.
The flanges will not be "oined together without the insertion of gaskets.
All temporar/ gaskets shall identif/ b/ their handles exposed +0ike pades-. A color1coding
s/stem will be followed as per %T2, specifications.
All bolt heads will be assembled from the same side. A logical sequence of bolt tightening will be
followed to evenl/ tighten the flanges.
Pro"ection of stud bolts will be equal on both sides.
The screwed "oints will be thoroughl/ cleaned for dirt or an/ other foreign matter. Teflon tape
will be used for all screwed connections. The tape will be wound in correct direction. All excess
Teflon tape will be removed. %are will be taken that the tape does not enter inside of the pipe.
eal welding of screwed "oints will not be performed unless speciall/ permitted.
pecial attention will be given to ensure that in line items such as orifice flanges. spectacle
blinds. valves etc. are installed and oriented correctl/ as indicated on isometrics and drawings.
All spools will be cleaned prior to installation.
3or 145 and above piping a %leanliness %ertificate will be signed as per 67861P1$%P11388
approved b/ $atar &as.
The flange connections to 9otating )quipments will be 3ield :elds to control the parallelism.
All welding work will be according to approved :P and *31.3 and onl/ qualified welders will
be emplo/ed. ;eat treatment will be indicated on :P. wherever required.
The welding work location will be shielded against wind.
The weld surface will be cleaned with wire brush or grinding prior to welding operations to give
a surface free from rust. scale or mill coating.
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*etween each la/er of welding an/ cracks. pores or welding spatters will be removed b/ grinding
the surface before application of next la/er.
The appearance of finished welds will conform to A() *31.3 code ' :P and will exclude
an/ under cuts. spatters. and cracks.
3or flange to pipe connections if welding shrinkages can lead to misalignment. two similar
flanges will be "oined b/ inserting a temporar/ gasket and then welded.
3or socket welding the pipe ends will be cut straight.
Pipe Support Installation
The pipe support material for attachments welded to pipe will be of same pipe material as that of
All pipe supports as mentioned on the isometric drawings ' piping la/out drawings will be
installed at indicated positions.
3or pipe 1.1!<5 and below pipe supports will be fabricated and installed to suit at site.
The Pipe shoe length will be located central on pipe so that the entire shoe base is full/ in contact
with supporting steel work. Packing shims will be fitted as necessar/.
upport attachments to galvani=ed pipes will be welded prior to hot dip galvani=ing process.
Temporar/ pipe supports ma/ have to be installed if required during h/dro testing or for ease of
erection. The supports will be removed after completion of installation.
Pipe support installation will follow the pipe isometric installation.
Pressure Testing
All weld "oints will be left unpainted ! >? insulated prior to pressure testing.
All piping s/stems will be inspected for cleanliness before filling with test medium.
3or the purpose of pressure testing. test boundaries will be defined on P'#@s to form part of a
test package. #t will also include lines having same design pressure or whose pressure falls within
the maximum allowable pressure. The test package will indicate valves to be opened and flanges
or equipment to be isolated.
An completion of mechanical works for the test circuit. it will be isolated from other lines b/
means of blind flanges.
A minimum of < pressure gauges will be used. positioned at highest and lowest points of the
(ore than one test circuits with similar test pressure ma/ be linked together b/ temporar/ links
or spools.
Pneumatic test ma/ be substituted b/ h/draulic test with %T2, ! $& approval.
The instrument group will be consulted before h/dro test to ensure that no damage is caused to
inline instrumentation. #n line instrument will be removed prior to test.
The test pressure will be maintained for approved ! recommended time until the whole circuit is
inspected for an/ leakage. #n case of leakage. the line will be retested after repair.
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3or pneumatic test oil free air or inert gas will be used.
After successful ;/dro testing. the lines will be drained. The vent valve will be opened to
facilitate test water drainage.
9einforcing pads ! upport Pads will be tested before main test.
All pneumatic lines will flushed as per agreed procedure with pre1commissioning team.
After flushing process the lines shall be dried with oil free air. All traces of water shall be
removed as per pro"ect specifications.
After flushing the reinstatement activit/ will be started.
All the temporar/ gaskets will be replaced with original gaskets as per drawings ' specifications
An/ dumm/ spool used in lieu of control valve will be replaced with original installations.
All the reinstatement will be checked b/ @escon $% ! %T2, as per approved $%P.
After completion of reinstatement. lines will be released for final touch up painting ' insulation.
3lange color1coding s/stem will be applied after installation of definite gasket.
Insulation & Painting
:eld "oints will be blasted to A < B standard or power tool cleaning to T3 +3or the areas where
blasting is not possible- prior to stripe coating sub"ect to $& approval.
#nsulation will be done after obtaining painting clearance ! acceptance.
Prior to application of insulation metal surface will be made free of dust ' touch up paint will be
#nsulation ;AT ! %A0@ will be installed as per line list specifications.
Prior to installation #nsulation blanket will be checked for material as per specifications.
Ance blanket activit/ is finished cladding will be performed.
Per)it Re*uire)ents
Acti+it, Per)it
caffolding )rection %old :ork Permit
)rection of Piping ! ;/dro test %old :ork !;ot :ork Permit. ,ehicle )ntr/.
Touch up Painting %old :ork Permit
2A 2ob afet/ Anal/sis
#sometrics As per 2A* %A9@
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pecific instructions are give in attachment D2A* %A9@ %A(()?T5
Pre Prep-red / Su0)itted B, Re+ie1ed B, Appro+ed B,
DESCON Engineering CTJ2 3-t-r 4-s
?ame ' ignature: ?ame ' ignature: ?ame ' ignature:
@ate: @ate: @ate:

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