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Brother Dumitru Duduman
July 14,1932 - May 5, 1997
The following is copied with the permission of Hand of Help, -- -- the publishers of Brother
Dumitru Duduman's literature. They were ery !ind in giing this permission, and re"uested that we not integrate these
prophecies with other prophets, or edit the content. #'m sure they would be glad to gie permission to others who want to
gie a $hand of help$ in getting the message out. There is so little time left.
%&%' (outh )rd. (t.
*atertown, *isconsin +)&,-
.,'&/ '&0-,,%&
Hand of Help, #nc.
Preface from What Saith the Scripture
by Tom Stewart
"The a#$e% of the LORD e#campeth rou#& about them that fear Him' a#& &e%i(ereth them" )P*a%m +,-./0
We wou%& %i1e to apo%o$i2e to a#yo#e who ha* (i*ite& our web*ite33 http-44www0WhatSaithTheScripture0com 33 *i#ce
ye*ter&ay )arch +5'5667/0 We ha& 8u*t a&&e& a *ectio#' with the permi**io# of Du&uma#9* Ha#& of He%p
or$a#i2atio# 33 http-44www0ha#&ofhe%p0com 33 co#tai#i#$ the prophecie* of Dumitru Du&uma#' a Roma#ia# :hri*tia#
who prophe*ie& of Go&9* comi#$ 8u&$me#t o# the U#ite& State* of America0 We ha& %ocate& a copy of Dumitru9*
te*timo#y that we thou$ht wa* the *ame a* what we ha& a%rea&y rea& e%*ewhere0 !# our ru*h to put Du&uma#9*
importa#t prophecie* o#%i#e' we #e$%ecte& a mo*t importa#t *tateme#t i# the te;t of hi* te*timo#y' which appeare&
%i1e a# e#&or*eme#t of ormo#i*m0 r0 Du&uma# wa* a&&re**i#$ a $roup of peop%e i# Utah )USA/' who were
mai#%y ormo# ):hurch of <e*u* :hri*t of Latter Day Sai#t*/0
The te;t of Du&uma#9* a&&re** co#tai#e& what appeare& to be a# e#&or*eme#t of the fa%*e cu%t of ormo#i*m'
the =oo1 of ormo#' a#& <o*eph Smith0 Stra#$e%y' we #otice& a $%ari#$ e#&or*eme#t about the =oo1 of ormo#
at the e#& of the te;t' a#& remo(e& it' a**uri#$ our*e%(e* that thi* wa* ob(iou*%y a corruptio# of the ori$i#a%
ma#u*cript0 After po*ti#$ Du&uma#9* prophecie*' we were chec1i#$ throu$h the te;t of Dumitru9* te*timo#y' whe#
we &i*co(ere&33 to our horror33 that our po*te& te;t ha& refere#ce* that e#&or*e& ormo#i*m> We be%ie(e' a%o#$
with Dumitru Du&uma#' that ormo#i*m i* a fa%*e cu%t of Sata#? howe(er' we &e*ire' %i1e Dumitru' that the*e
&ecei(e& peop%e wou%& come to the %i$ht of *a%(atio# throu$h <e*u* :hri*t a%o#e0 "To the Law a#& to the Te*timo#y-
if they *pea1 #ot accor&i#$ to thi* WORD' it i* becau*e there i* #o %i$ht i# them" )!*aiah 7-@A/0 Nee&%e** to *ay' we
imme&iate%y pu%%e& the corrupte& (er*io# of Dumitru Du&uma#9* te*timo#y? but' that i* #ot the e#& of the *tory0
We 1#ew that Du&uma# &i& #ot e#&or*e ormo#i*m becau*e of a *tory that came to u* from the peop%e at
Dumitru9* Ha#& of He%p or$a#i2atio#0 )Dumitru Du&uma# &ie& o# ay B'566.33 6 &ay* before Ra#&y =u%%oc19* ay
5,'566. &ate0 ! am *ure there i* *i$#ifica#ce here0/ Let me #ow te%% what ! ca# remember of thi* *tory about
Dumitru Du&uma# a#& a# a#$e% of the LORD0
!# the ear%y 96A9*' Cir$i#ia =o%&ea )&au$hter of Dumitru/ wa* approache& by ormo# church officia%*' *ee1i#$
Dumitru to *pea1 i# their churche*0 Du&uma# ha& pre(iou*%y &ec%i#e& to &o *o0 Her father bei#$ away' Cir$i#ia
attempte& to po%ite%y' but firm%y &ec%i#e their reDue*t0 Whe# they co#ti#ue& to pre** her for a po*iti(e commitme#t
for Dumitru to come? *he f%ippa#t%y *ai&33 to her imme&iate re$ret33 her father wou%& come if they wou%& fu%fi%% *ome
ri&icu%ou*%y e;tra(a$a#t &ema#&*0 They a$ree&' to her &i*may0 Dumitru %ear#e& of hi* #ew commitme#t' a#&
&etermi#e& that thi* wa* the LORD9* way of *howi#$ him *omethi#$ that he mu*t &o0
!# Utah' Dumitru wa* *how# a picture of <o*eph Smith0 There were hi$h ormo# church officia%* pre*e#t0 They
a*1e& him throu$h ichae% =o%&ea' hi* $ra#&*o# a#& i#terpreter' what he thou$ht of <o*eph Smith0 Dumitru
bo%&%y *tate& that <o*eph Smith #ow *too& at the ha#& of Sata#0 ichae% to%& hi* $ra#&father that he cou%&#9t te%%
them0 Dumitru to%& ichae% to *ay it e;act%y that way0 O# &oi#$ *o' the &i$#itarie* 1ept a *trai$ht face' *howi#$ #o
Dumitru Du&uma# *po1e at a %ar$e church for about three hour*0 A%% pre*e#t were *tra#$e%y Duiet0 No o#e mo(e&
about or %eft0 A%% *tare& *trai$ht at Du&uma#0 ichae% re%ate& that he ha& #ot *ee# thi* happe# before' *i#ce he
ha& bee# Dumitru9* i#terpreter at a%% the other e#$a$eme#t*0 After the %ecture' ma#y wa#te& to touch r0
Du&uma#33 for *ome *tra#$e rea*o#0 Whe# #umerou* peop%e ha& c%eare& away' the mayor approache& r0
Du&uma#' a#& a*1e& him if he a%way* ha& a# a#$e% whe# he *po1e0 ichae% rep%ie& that they be%ie(e& that e(ery
:hri*tia# ha& a $uar&ia# a#$e%0 The mayor to%& him that a* Du&uma# *po1e' there wa* a hu$e a#$e% behi#& him0
The a#$e% )probab%y Gabrie%' who ha& appeare& to Dumitru ma#y time* i# hi* #ee&/ wa* *o %ar$e that he co(ere&
the pipe* of the or$a#0 E(i&e#t%y' the a#$e% wa* (i*ib%e to the au&ie#ce' thu* accou#ti#$ for their &eath%y *i%e#ce0
A* a re*u%t of Dumitru9* mi#i*teri#$ to the*e peop%e' report* ha& bee# recei(e& that @AA to +AA peop%e ha&
accepte& <e*u* :hri*t0
Go& wi%% *e#& Hi* a#$e%* to protect Hi* peop%e0 "For He *ha%% $i(e Hi* a#$e%* char$e o(er thee' to 1eep thee i# a%%
thy way*" )P*a%m 65-55/0 We ca# be &e%i(ere& from phy*ica% &a#$er' a* we%% a* i#opportu#e *ituatio#* that our
to#$ue* &ra$ u* i#to> "Set a watch' O LORD' before my mouth? 1eep the &oor of my %ip*" )P*a%m* 5,5-+/0
:o#cer#i#$ the A#$e% Gabrie%' we a$ree with Dumitru9* ow# wor&*' "Go& b%e** him0"
Tom a#& Eatie Stewart
"We ha(e a%*o a more *ure WORD of prophecy? whereu#to ye &o we%% that ye ta1e hee&' a* u#to a %i$ht that *hi#eth
i# a &ar1 p%ace' u#ti% the &ay &aw#' a#& the Day Star ari*e i# your heart*" )@ Peter 5-56/0
Dumitru a#& hi* wife aria are from Norther# Roma#ia a#& %i(e& o# a *ma%% farm c%o*e to the So(iet bor&er0 He
pa*tore& a *ma%% cou#try church #ear their farm0 O(er a# 57 year perio& he &e%i(ere& hu#&re&* of thou*a#&* of
=ib%e* a#& ai&* to the So(iet U#io#0
!# 567A Dumitru &e%i(ere& o(er 5AA'AAA New Te*tame#t* which were u*e& e;te#*i(e%y at the o*cow O%ympic*0
!# Au$u*t of 567A Dumitru wa* arre*te&' impri*o#e& a#& i#terro$ate& for fi(e mo#th*0 He wa* beate# a%mo*t
e(ery &ay a#& repeate&%y *hoc1e& i# a# e%ectric chair0 Arre*t a#& i#terro$atio# became a co#ti#uou* way of %ife
for Dumitru0 !# 567+ he wa* hu#$ by hi* wai*t a#& beate# o# three &iffere#t occa*io#*0 He *uffere& #i#e bro1e#
rib* a#& to&ay ha* &eformitie* o# hi* rib ca$e0
Fi#a%%y' the authoritie* $a(e Dumitru three choice*? a me#ta% ho*pita%' pri*o#000 or e;pu%*io# to the U#ite& State*0
The choice wa* har& for Dumitru becau*e of hi* %oya%ty to hi* home%a#&' but he fe%t hi* fir*t %oya%ty wa* to Go&0
They pac1e& their c%othe* a#& mo*t pri2e& po**e**io#*' but the officia%* refu*e& to %et them ta1e a#ythi#$' *o
they %eft their home%a#& a#& frie#&* empty3ha#&e&0 Go& ha& a rea*o# for bri#$i#$ Dumitru to thi* cou#try a#& ha*
$i(e# him a me**a$e for America0 The me**a$e i* har& a#& ma#y peop%e wi%% be u#ab%e to recei(e it' but the Lor&
ha* promi*e& a (ictory to tho*e who wi%% %i*te#0
Throu$hout Dumitru9* %ife' Go& ha* c%ear%y 1ept Hi* ha#& o# him0 The Lor&9* protectio# ha* carrie& him throu$h
per*ecutio#* that *hou%& ha(e %eft him &ea&0 Without Go&9* &i(i#e i#ter(e#tio#' Dumitru wou%& #ot be here to&ay0
He i* a %i(i#$ e;amp%e of Go&9* promi*e of protectio# to tho*e who wi%% put their tru*t i# the Lor&0 A* the =ib%e
promi*e*' Dumitru Du&uma# ha* tru%y Wa%1e& Throu$h the Fire Wfthout =ur#i#$0 )!*aiah ,+-@/
The fo%%owi#$ i* from "Dream* a#& Ci*io#* From Go&"' with a&&itio#a% &ream* a#& (i*io#* which Dumitru recei(e&
*i#ce the pub%icatio# of Throu$h the Fire Without =ur#i#$0
Thi* boo1%et i* a compi%atio# of &ream*' (i*io#*' a#& prophecie* Go& $a(e to =rother Dumitru Du&uma# *i#ce
567, that he fee%* compe%%e& to *hare0 They are *hare& for o#e purpo*e- to *tir the heart of ma#1i#& that we wi%%
tur# from ALL thi#$* that are &i*p%ea*i#$ to Go&' a#& %i(e a ho%y %ife a#& %i(e i# Hi* protectio# #ow a* we%% a* whe#
per*ecutio# come* upo# our %i(e*0
Thi* i* NOT mea#t to be a me**a$e of fear' but a ca%% to ho%i#e**0 We are comma#&e& by Go& to proc%aim that
which He te%%* u*' %e*t we be he%& accou#tab%e0
"So# of ma#' ! ha(e appoi#te& you a watchma# to the hou*e of !*rae%? whe#e(er you hear a wor& from y mouth'
war# them from e0 Whe# ! *ay to the wic1e&' 9Fou *ha%% *ure%y &ie9? a#& you &o #ot war# him or *pea1 out to war#
the wic1e& from hi* wic1e& way that he may %i(e' that wic1e& ma# *ha%% &ie i# hi* i#iDuity? but hi* b%oo& ! wi%%
reDuire at your ha#&0 Fet if you ha(e war#e& the wic1e&' a#& he &oe* #ot tur# from hi* wic1e&#e** or from hi*
wic1e& way' he *ha%% &ie i# hi* i#iDuity? but you ha(e &e%i(ere& your*e%f0 A$ai# whe# a ri$hteou* ma# tur#* away
from hi* ri$hteou*#e** a#& commit* i#iDuity' a#& ! p%ace a# ob*tac%e before him' he *ha%% &ie? *i#ce you ha(e #ot
war#e& him' he *ha%% &ie i# hi* *i#' a#& hi* ri$hteou* &ee&* which he ha* &o#e *ha%% #ot be remembere&? but hi*
b%oo& ! wi%% reDuire at your ha#& Howe(er' if you ha(e war#e& the ri$hteou* ma# that the ri$hteou* *hou%& #ot *i#'
a#& he &oe* #ot *i#' he *ha%% *ure%y %i(e becau*e he too1 war#i#$? a#& you ha(e &e%i(ere& your*e%f0"
33 E2e1ie% +-5.3@5 )NAS/
3 September 567, 3
Late o#e #i$ht ! cou%& #ot *%eep0 The chi%&re# were *%eepi#$ o# the %u$$a$e0 y wife a#& &au$hter were cryi#$0 !
we#t out*i&e a#& wa%1e& arou#&0 ! &i&#9t wa#t them to *ee me cry0 ! wa%1e& arou#& the bui%&i#$' cryi#$ a#&
*ayi#$' "Go&> Why &i& you pu#i*h meG Why &i& you bri#$ me i#to thi* cou#tryG ! ca#9t u#&er*ta#& a#ybo&y0 !f ! try
to a*1 a#ybo&y a#ythi#$' a%% ! hear i*' 9! &o#9t 1#ow0"9
! *toppe& i# fro#t of the apartme#t a#& *at o# a %ar$e roc10 Su&&e#%y a bri$ht %i$ht came towar& me0 ! 8umpe& to
my feet becau*e it %oo1e& a* if a car wa* comi#$ &irect%y at me' attempti#$ to ru# me &ow#> ! thou$ht the
Roma#ia# Secret Po%ice ha& trac1e& me to America' a#& #ow they were tryi#$ to 1i%% me0 =ut it wa*#9t a car at a%%0
A* the %i$ht approache&' it *urrou#&e& me0 From the %i$ht ! hear& the *ame (oice that ! ha& hear& *o ma#y time*
i# pri*o#0 He *ai&' "Dumitru' why are you *o &e*paire&G"
! *ai&' "Why &i& you pu#i*h meG Why &i& you bri#$ me to thi* cou#tryG ! ha(e #owhere to %ay my hea& &ow#0 !
ca#9t u#&er*ta#& a#ybo&y0"
He *ai&' "Dumitru' &i&#9t ! te%% you ! am here with you a%*oG ! brou$ht you to thi* cou#try becau*e thi* cou#try wi%%
! *ai&' "The# why &i& you bri#$ me here to bur#G Why &i&#9t you %et me &ie i# my ow# cou#tryG Fou *hou%& ha(e %et
me &ie i# 8ai% i# Roma#ia>"
He *ai&' "Dumitru' ha(e patie#ce *o ! ca# te%% you0 Get o# thi*0" ! $ot o# *omethi#$ #e;t to him0 ! &o#9t 1#ow what it
wa*0 ! a%*o 1#ow that ! wa* #ot a*%eep0 !t wa* #ot a &ream0 !t wa* #ot a (i*io#0 ! wa* awa1e 8u*t a* ! am #ow0 He
*howe& me a%% of :a%ifor#ia a#& *ai&' "Thi* i* So&om a#& Gomorrah> A%% of thi*' i# o#e &ay it wi%% bur#> !t9* *i# ha*
reache& the Ho%y O#e0" The# he too1 me to La* Ce$a*0 "Thi* i* So&om a#& Gomorrah0 !# o#e &ay it wi%% bur#0" The#
he *howe& me the *tate of New For10 "Do you 1#ow what thi* i*G" he a*1e&0
! *ai&' "No0"
He *ai&' "Thi* i* New For10 Thi* i* So&om a#& Gomorrah> !# o#e &ay it wi%% bur#0"
The# he *howe& me a%% of F%ori&a0 "Thi* i* F%ori&a'" he *ai&0 "Thi* i* So&om a#& Gomorrah> !# o#e &ay it wi%% bur#0"
The# he too1 me bac1 home to the roc1 where we ha& be$u#0 "A%% of thi* ! ha(e *how# you 3 !N ONE DAF !T W!LL
! *ai&' "How wi%% it bur#G"
He *ai&' "Remember what ! am te%%i#$ you' becau*e you wi%% $o o# te%e(i*io#' o# the ra&io a#& i# churche*0 Fou
mu*t ye%% with a %ou& (oice0 Do #ot be afrai&' becau*e ! wi%% be with you0"
! *ai&' "How wi%% ! be ab%e to $oG Who 1#ow* me here i# AmericaG ! &o#9t 1#ow a#ybo&y here0"
He *ai&' "Do#9t worry your*e%f0 ! wi%% $o before you0 ! wi%% &o a %ot of hea%i#$ i# the America# churche*' a#& ! wi%%
ope# the &oor* for you0 =ut &o #ot *ay a#ythi#$ e%*e be*i&e* what ! te%% you0 Thi* cou#try wi%% bur#>"
! *ai&' "What wi%% you &o with the :hurchG" He *ai&' "! wa#t to *a(e the :hurch' but the churche* ha(e for*a1e# me0"
! *ai&' "How &i& they for*a1e youG"
He *ai&' "The peop%e prai*e them*e%(e*0 The ho#or that the peop%e are *uppo*e& to $i(e <e*u* :hri*t' they ta1e
upo# them*e%(e*0 !# the churche* there are &i(orce*0 There i* a&u%tery i# the churche*0 There are homo*e;ua%*
i# the churche*0 There i* abortio# i# the churche*? a#& a%% other *i#* that are po**ib%e0 =ecau*e of the *i#' ! ha(e
%eft *ome of the churche*0 Fou mu*t ye%% i# a %ou& (oice that they mu*t put a# e#& to their *i##i#$0 They mu*t tur#
towar& the Lor&0 The Lor& #e(er $et* tire& of for$i(i#$0 They mu*t &raw c%o*e to the Lor&' a#& %i(e a c%ea# %i(e0 !f
they ha(e *i##e& u#ti% #ow' they mu*t put a# e#& to it' a#& *tart a #ew %ife a* the =ib%e te%%* them to %i(e0"
! *ai&' "How wi%% America bur#G America i* the mo*t powerfu% cou#try i# thi* wor%&0 Why &i& you bri#$ u* here to
bur#G Why &i&#9t you at %ea*t %et u* &ie where ALL the Du&uma#* ha(e &ie&G"
He *ai&' "Remember thi*' Dumitru0 The Ru**ia# *pie* ha(e &i*co(ere& where the #uc%ear warehou*e* are i#
America0 Whe# the America#* wi%% thi#1 that it i* peace a#& *afety 3 from the mi&&%e of the cou#try' *ome of the
peop%e wi%% *tart fi$hti#$ a$ai#*t the $o(er#me#t0 The $o(er#me#t wi%% be bu*y with i#ter#a% prob%em*0 The# from
the ocea#' from :uba' Nicara$ua' e;ico'000" )He to%& me two other cou#trie*' but ! &i&#9t remember what they
were0/ "000they wi%% bomb the #uc%ear warehou*e*0 Whe# they e;p%o&e' America wi%% bur#>"
"What wi%% you &o with the :hurch of the Lor&G How wi%% you *a(e the o#e* that wi%% tur# towar& youG" ! a*1e&0
He *ai&' "Te%% them thi*- how ! *a(e& the three you#$ o#e* from the fur#ace of fire' a#& how ! *a(e& Da#ie% i# the
%io#* &e#' i* the *ame way ! wi%% *a(e them0"
The a#$e% of the Lor& a%*o to%& me' "! ha(e b%e**e& thi* cou#try becau*e of the <ewi*h peop%e who are i# thi*
cou#try0 ! ha(e *e(e# mi%%io# <ew* i# thi* cou#try' but they &o #ot wa#t to reco$#i2e the Lor&0 They &i&#9t wa#t to
tha#1 Go& for the b%e**i#$* they recei(e& i# thi* cou#try0"
"!*rae% &oe*#9t wa#t to reco$#i2e <e*u* :hri*t0 They put their faith i# the <ewi*h peop%e i# America0 =ut' whe#
America bur#*' the Lor& wi%% rai*e :hi#a' <apa# a#& other #atio#* to $o a$ai#*t the Ru**ia#*0 They wi%% beat the
Ru**ia#* a#& pu*h them a%% the way to the $ate* of Pari*0 O(er there they wi%% ma1e a treaty' a#& appoi#t the
Ru**ia#* a* their %ea&er*0 They wi%% the# u#ite a$ai#*t !*rae%0"
"Whe# !*rae% rea%i2e* *he &oe* #ot ha(e the *tre#$th of America behi#& her' *he wi%% be fri$hte#e&0 That9* whe#
*he wi%% tur# to the e**iah for &e%i(era#ce0 That9* whe# the e**iah wi%% come0 The#' the church wi%% meet <e*u*
i# the air' a#& He wi%% bri#$ them bac1 with Him to the ou#t of O%i(e*0 At that time the batt%e of Arma$e&&o# wi%%
be fou$ht0"
Whe# ! hear& a%% of thi* ! *ai&' "!f you are tru%y the a#$e% of the Lor&' a#& e(erythi#$ you ha(e to%& me i* true' the#
a%% you ha(e *ai& mu*t be writte# i# the =ib%e0"
He *ai&' "Te%% e(eryo#e to rea& from <eremiah B5-735B' Re(e%atio# chapter 57' a#& Hechariah chapter 5,' where
:hri*t fi$ht* a$ai#*t tho*e who po**e** the earth0 After Hi* (ictory'" the a#$e% *ai&' "there wi%% be o#e f%oc1 a#& o#e
Shepher&0 There wi%% be #o #ee& for %i$ht0 The Lamb of Go& wi%% be the Li$ht0 There wi%% be #o *ic1#e**' #o tear*'
a#& #o &eath*0 There wi%% o#%y be eter#a% 8oy a#& Go& wi%% be the ru%er0 There wi%% be o#%y o#e %a#$ua$e0 O#%y o#e
*o#$0 A#& #o #ee& for a tra#*%ator>"
"A#&' Dumitru'" he co#ti#ue&' "a wor& of war#i#$0 !f you 1eep a#ythi#$ from the America# peop%e that you are to%&'
! wi%% pu#i*h you *e(ere%y0"
"How wi%% ! 1#ow that thi* i* for rea% 3 that it wi%% rea%%y happe#G" ! a*1e&0
"A* a *i$# that ! ha(e *po1e# to you' tomorrow before you wa1e ! wi%% *e#& *omeo#e to bri#$ you a be&' a#& at
#oo# ! wi%% *e#& you a car a#& a buc1et of ho#ey0 After which' ! wi%% *e#& *omeo#e to pay your re#t0" )*ee chapter
The# the a#$e% %eft0
Why &i& Go& #ame America FSTERF =A=FLONG
3 567, 3
"Te%% them' becau*e a%% the #atio#* of the wor%& immi$rate& to America with their ow# $o&* a#& were #ot *toppe&0
E#coura$e& by the free&om here' the wic1e&#e** be$a# to i#crea*e0 Later o#' e(e# thou$h America wa*
e*tab%i*he& a* a :hri*tia# #atio#' the America# peop%e be$a# to fo%%ow the *tra#$e $o&* that the immi$ra#t* ha&
brou$ht i#' a#& a%*o tur#e& their bac1* o# the Go& who ha& bui%t a#& pro*pere& thi* cou#try0"
3 February 56' 5676 3
! wa* a*%eep thi* after#oo#' whe# ! wa* awa1e#e& by the whi##y of a hor*e' a#& the crac1 of a whip> A* ! ope#e&
my eye*' ! *aw a ma# o# a re& hor*e0 "Get up' Dumitru>" the ma# *ai&0 A* ! *too& up' ! wa* imme&iate%y 1#oc1e&
&ow# by hi* power0 "Get up>"
he repeate&0 ! *too& up' but ! wa* 1#oc1e& &ow# a$ai#0 ! $ot up' a#& wa* 1#oc1e& &ow# a thir& time0 ! a*1e& him
why he &i& that to me0 "To *how you my power'" he *ai&0
The ma# wa* rea&y for war0 He wore a he%met' ha& $u#* a#& 1#i(e* a%% arou#& hi* wai*t' a machi#e $u# hu#$
arou#& hi* #ec1' a#& he ha& a *wor& i# o#e ha#&0 He *ai&' "! am a# a#$e%' a#& ha(e bee# *e#t &ow# by Gabrie%0
Why i* your heart *o *a& becau*e ma#y peop%e &o#9t accept the me**a$eG Peop%e are happy becau*e there i*
peace here' but i# a *hort whi%e it wi%% cha#$e i#to war>> ! am *e#t to ta1e peace off the earth0" )Re(e%atio# I-+3,/
The a#$e% we#t o#' "!# *ome p%ace*' war* wi%% *tart0 Peop%e wi%% rai*e their *wor&* a$ai#*t o#e a#other0" He
co#ti#ue&' "Do#9t be worrie&' but be happy> Why are you worrie& about the mo#eyG The crie*' prayer*' a#& fa*ti#$
of the o#e* i# your cou#try )Roma#ia/ ha(e reache& Go&0 Do#9t be Worrie&> Go%&' *i%(er a#& wea%th be%o#$ to Go&0
He wi%% #ot %et you &ow#0 Fou *ee' *ome peop%e'" *ai& the a#$e%' "&o#9t wa#t to be%ie(e the truth or the thi#$* that wi%%
Fi$ht har&' becau*e the fi$ht wi%% be har&er a* you co#ti#ue0 !t wi%% be har&er tha# it ha* e(er bee# u#ti% #ow'" he
*ai&0 "The &ay* are #umbere&' a#& what ! ha(e to%& you 2 happe#0"
With a #oi*e %i1e thu#&er a#& a f%a*h of bri$ht %i$ht' he 1#oc1e& me &ow# a fi#a% time a#& &i*appeare&0
3 <u#e 5676 3
Whi%e ! wa* i# Wi*co#*i# at a pa*tor9* home' &uri#$ a time of fa*ti#$ a#& prayer' a *a&#e** f%oo&e& me0 ! we#t
i#to my room a#& be$a# to pray i# to#$ue*0 Su&&e#%y' a hu$e mou#tai# appeare& before me0 Ha%f of the mou#tai#
f%ouri*he& with $ree# tree*' a#& the other ha%f wa* barre# a#& &e*o%ate0 The# ! hear& a bi$ e;p%o*io#' a#& a
powerfu% (oice *ai&' ":a%ifor#ia i* bur#i#$> :a%ifor#ia i* bur#i#$> :%imb to the top of the mou#tai#> There you wi%% be
! wa* &e*perate becau*e my fami%y wa* #ot with me' but i# :a%ifor#ia0 So ! be$a# to ca%% for them0 ! *aw :a%ifor#ia
e#$u%fe& i# f%ame*0 ! be$a# to c%imb the mou#tai#' a#& whe# ! %oo1e& bac1' ! *aw my wife &ra$$i#$ my three
$ra#&*o#* by the ha#&0 "Get up here fa*ter *o you wo#9t bur#>" ! *houte&0 The# ! *aw my &au$hter he%pi#$ her
hu*ba#& a%o#$' becau*e he wa* afrai& of fa%%i#$0 "Te%% them #ot to %oo1 bac1'" the (oice ca%%e&0 ! ye%%e& hi*
i#*tructio#* to them' a#& to%& them to hurry *o they wou%&#9t catch o# fire0
Fi#a%%y' a%% of u* were o# the top of the mou#tai#0 "Loo1 &ow#0" the (oice *ai&0 Loo1i#$ &ow#' ! *aw fire bur*ti#$ out
of the $rou#&' whi%e tree* a#& hou*e* &i*i#te$rate& before my eye*0 Peop%e were *creami#$ i# a$o#y a#& pai#0 !
*aw *ome of them tryi#$ to c%imb up the mou#tai#' but mo*t of them were#9t ab%e to0 The#' two me# &re**e& i#
white appeare&0 O#e of them *ai& i# a %ou& (oice' "Do you *ee how :a%ifor#ia i* bur#i#$G Thi* i* how it wi%% happe#0"
Tremb%i#$ with fear' ! reappeare& i# the pa*tor9* bac1yar&0 F%ame* were erupti#$ out of the $rou#&' *o ! be$a# to
*cream' "Get out of the hou*e a#& c%imb up the mou#tai# *o you wo#9t bur#> America i* bur#i#$>" Ru##i#$ out of
the hou*e' they *creame&' "Sa(e u*' <e*u*>" :o#fu*e&' ! *aw the two me# &re**e& i# white appeari#$ a$ai#0 O#e of
them *ai&' "See what ! ha(e *how# youG Thi* i* how it wi%% happe#0 The mou#tai# that you *ee before you i* <e*u*
:hri*t0 Tho*e who %i(e a ho%y %ife wi%% be *a(e&0 Whe# the attac1 come* a#& the cou#try bur#*' o#%y tho*e who9*
#ame* are writte# i# the =oo1 of Life wi%% be *a(e&0 Remember to te%% e(erybo&y what ! ha(e *how# you0"
Whe# the (i*io# e#&e&' ! to%& the pa*tor what happe#e& a#& ca%%e& my fami%y ri$ht away0 "!* there a#y fireG Ha*
a#ythi#$ happe#e&G" ! a*1e&0 Heari#$ that #othi#$ happe#e&' ! wa* o(er8oye&0
=y *ta#&i#$ o# the mou#tai#' we wi%% be *a(e&0
3 <u#e 5676 3
A* we co#ti#ue& to pray' a*1i#$ the Lor& whe# the*e thi#$* wou%& happe# to America' ! ha& a me**a$e from Go&
te%%i#$ me' "Do#9t be afrai&0 Fir*t' there wi%% be a re(o%utio# i# Roma#ia' a#& the# the troub%e* wi%% come upo#
America0 Howe(er' thi#$* wi%% $et better i# Roma#ia before a#ythi#$ happe#* to thi* cou#try0"
3 December B' 5676 3
! ha& 8u*t retur#e& home from Wi*co#*i#0 E(ery time ! praye&' a (ery bi$ *tar wou%& appear i# fro#t of me0 Thi*
happe#e& about *i;tee# time* i# a perio& of a few &ay*0 E(ery time the *tar wou%& appear' it wou%& ma1e a $reat
#oi*e a#& ! wou%& a%way* tremb%e0 For a few *eco#&* it wou%& 8u*t *ta#& up hi$h a#& the#' at $reat *pee& it wou%&
fa%% to the $rou#&> ! praye& to$ether with my fami%y for a# a#*wer0
After the 5Ith time' the a#*wer came0 ! hear& a (oice *ay' "Do you *ee thi* *tarG !t repre*e#t* America0 Thi* i*
how fa*t the fa%% of America wi%% be> A* fa*t a* that *tar fe%%>"
The# the (oice *ai&' "! %o(e the :hri*tia#* i# thi* cou#try becau*e of a%% the $oo& &ee&* they ha(e &o#e' a#& for
the he%p they ha(e $i(e# tho*e i# #ee&0 ! b%e**e& thi* cou#try *o other peop%e wou%& be fe& from it0"
The (oice a%*o *ai&' "There wi%% be a time of preparatio# for the peop%e0 The o#e* who #ee& to repe#t *hou%& &o it
#ow' before it i* too %ate0 The time without troub%e wi%% %a*t u#ti% the tota% #umber of the cho*e# i* fu%fi%%e&0" )Oba&iah
y prayer i* that Go& wi%% ha(e mercy o# thi* #atio#0
3 <a#uary 566A 3
! ha& re*i$#e& my*e%f to the fact that ! wou%& #e(er be ab%e to retur# to Roma#ia0
Whi%e ! wa* *itti#$ o# my be& i# a mote% room i# ichi$a#' a pi%%ar of %i$ht appeare& before me0 The %i$ht wa* (ery
powerfu%0 !#*i&e the %i$ht ! *aw a face0 A (oice *ai&' "Fou wi%% be $oi#$ to Roma#ia' but &o #ot be afrai&' for ! wi%% be
with you a#& #othi#$ wi%% happe# to you0 Fou wi%% retur# to your home i# peace0"
The# he to%& me' "Do #ot cea*e to te%% my peop%e to repe#t' for a *hort time wi%% pa**' the# ! wi%% *tart 8u&$i#$ the
o#e* who #ow &i*ho#or a#& &i*obey me0" The# the %i$ht &i*appeare&0
With 8oy a#& coura$e i# my heart ! *ai&' "!f Go& i* with me who ca# be a$ai#*t meG"
3 Apri% 566A 3
Whi%e comi#$ bac1 from Roma#ia ! wa* $i(e# thi* (i*io#- A* ! wa* *itti#$ i# the *eat' a white bir& with a $o%&e#
a#& *hi#y bea1 appeare&0 !# it9* bea1 it ha& a %etter which it ope#e& with it9* feet a#& a (oice *ai&' "Rea&0"
The %etter *ai&' "! wa* with you i# Roma#ia a#& ! am with you #ow whi%e you retur#0 =ecau*e you were #ot partia%
a#& you $a(e to e(erybo&y0000becau*e you obeye& a#& &i& a* ! to%& you to &o000my b%e**i#$* wi%% be o(er you e(e#
more tha# they ha(e bee#0 Do e(erythi#$ that ! put i# your heart to &o' a#& ! the Lor& wi%% he%p you0 ! wi%% ope# the
&oor* which were #ot ope#e& u#ti% #ow' a#& ! wi%% b%e** you *o you ca# wor1 for e0 ! am with you0" The# the bir&
c%o*e& the %etter' a#& wa(i#$ $oo& bye with it9* wi#$' &i*appeare&0
3 <u#e I' 566A 3
O# the #i$ht of <u#e Ith ! cou%&#9t *%eep' but with troub%i#$ thou$ht*' the time pa**e& fa*t e#ou$h0 Whe# ! %oo1e&
at the c%oc1 it wa* a%rea&y mi&#i$ht0 Getti#$ o# my 1#ee* ! *pe#t Duite a whi%e prayi#$' a#& afterwar&* ! we#t to
be&0 The &ream that ! ha& that #i$ht ma&e me *ha1e a%% o(er0 !t terrifie& me0
!# fro#t of me appeare& a ma# with a ha#&*ome face' but he wa* (ery bi$0 Sta#&i#$' he cou%& reach the hea(e#*
with hi* hea&' but hi* feet were #ot o# a#ythi#$ *o%i&0 There wa* thu#&er comi#$ out of hi* mouth0 He too1 the
*tar*' the moo#' a#& the *u# a#& put them i# a te#t0 The# ! *aw #o more %a#& or peop%e' but o#%y the *1ie* which
were %i1e water0 ! became fri$hte#e& a#& a*1e&' "What i* happe#i#$ hereG Where are a%% the peop%eG"
He the# *howe& me a (ery bi$ te#t0 Throu$h the crac1 of the &oor ! *aw a (ery bri$ht %i$ht0 !t wa* *o powerfu% that
! cou%&#9t %oo1 at it *trai$ht0 Throu$h the %i$ht#i#$ ! hear& a (oice that *ai&' "=eho%&' thi* i* the camp of Go&' i#
which *it the cho*e# o#e*0"
Whe# ! %oo1e& throu$h the %i$ht of the te#t ! *aw :hri*t0 The# ! hear& a (oice *ay' "The*e are a%% my re&eeme&
which are o# the earth who ha(e a c%ea# %ife a#& who are wa*he& i# my b%oo&0"
After that ! hear& a %ou& c%ap of thu#&er0 The# ! wo1e up0 ! we#t a#& to%& my fami%y a#& #ow ! wa#te& to *hare it
with you0
Re(e%atio# @5-+' "A#& ! hear& a %ou& (oice from hea(e# *ayi#$' "=eho%&' the taber#ac%e of Go& i* with me#' a#& He
wi%% &we%% with them' a#& they *ha%% be Hi* peop%e' a#& Go& Him*e%f wi%% be with them a#& be their Go&0"
3 5665 3
So ma#y peop%e were a*1i#$' "Whe# wi%% it happe#G Whe# Wi%% America bur#G" ! praye& a#& a*1e& Go&' "What wi%% !
te%% peop%e whe# they a*1 me whe# it wi%% happe#G" That #i$ht a# a#$e% came a#& touche& me o# the ha#& a#&
*ai&' "Dumitru' wa1e up> Sit up> Get your =ib%e a#& rea& Ho*ea ,-I36 a#& Ho*ea I-53+0"
"Te%% the peop%e of America that o#e &ay with the Lor& i* a* a thou*a#& year*' a#& a thou*a#& year* a* o#e &ay0 !f
they wi%% repe#t a#& tur# bac1 to Go&' they wi%% ma1e it throu$h the *eco#& &ay to the thir& &ay0 !f they &o#9t' they
wi%% #ot ma1e it0"
!! Peter +-7' "=ut' be%o(e&' be #ot i$#ora#t of thi* o#e thi#$' that o#e &ay i* with the Lor& a* a thou*a#& year*' a#&
a thou*a#& year* a* o#e &ay0"
3 arch 5665 3
Roma#* 5-57' "For the wrath of Go& i* re(ea%e& from hea(e# a$ai#*t a%% u#$o&%i#e** a#& u#ri$hteou*#e** of me#'
who *uppre** the truth i# u#ri$hteou*#e**0"
The a#$e% of Go& (i*ite& me two time* i# o#e wee10 The fir*t (i*it wa* o# the #i#th of arch at about B-AA p0m0
Su&&e#%y ! fe%t a $reat wea1#e** pa** o(er me0 ! we#t a#& %ai& i# be& thi#1i#$ that ! wa* e;hau*te& a#& #ee&e&
to re*t0 At o#ce a bei#$ appeare& before me0 He wa* &re**e& i# white' a#& hi* face *ho#e *o bri$ht%y that you
cou%& #ot *ee hi* feature*0 He *hoo1 me a#& *ai&' "Wa1e up' for ! mu*t te%% you *omethi#$0" Whe# ! ope#e& my
eye* ! *aw the a#$e% of Go& ha& a piece of paper that wa* writte# i# Hebrew0 He *ai&' "Rea&"0 Whe# ! be$a# to %oo1
at the %etter* they tur#e& i#to Roma#ia#0 The *cro%% rea&- "Do #ot cea*e to te%% peop%e to fear me a#& &raw c%o*er to
me000" That wa* a%% ! ha& a cha#ce to rea& becau*e o#e of my $ra#&*o#* 8umpe& o# my %e$*' a#& e(erythi#$
! wa* (ery *a&&e#e&' *o ! be$a# to pray ear#e*t%y that the a#$e% wou%& retur# with the re*t of the me**a$e0 !
*pe#t the #e;t few &ay* mo*t%y i# prayer0 The#' a ma# &re**e& i# white appeare&0 He %oo1e& (ery *tra#$e to me
becau*e he %oo1e& %i1e a# or&i#ary ma#0 ! thou$ht of a*1i#$ him who he wa*' but before ! $ot a cha#ce to *ay a
wor&' he be$a# to ta%1 to me0 "E(erythi#$ ! ha(e *how# you' a#& to%& you are thi#$* that happe#e&' are happe#i#$'
a#& wi%% happe#0 Do #ot for$et to te%% e(eryo#e to wor*hip Go& with a%% their heart0" He co#ti#ue& with
e#coura$eme#t' a#& *ome &irectio# for me per*o#a%%y' a#& for my fami%y0 Whe# he fi#i*he&' ! a*1e&' "Who are
"! am the o#e who i*' a#& wa*' a#& wi%% a%way* be with you'" he *ai&0 Whe# he fi#i*he& thi* *e#te#ce he wa*
*u&&e#%y *urrou#&e& by a powerfu% bur*t of %i$ht' a#& he &i*appeare&0
3 ay 5665 3
!# my &ream' the *u# a#& the moo# appeare& i# the hea(e#* i# a more powerfu% i#te#*ity tha# ! ha& #e(er *ee#
before0 Su&&e#%y two me# came out of the %i$ht? o#e out of the *u#' a#& o#e out of the moo#0 The o#e i# the *u#
be$a# to *pea10 "! am the So# of Ri$hteou*#e**' a#& ! wi%% *oo# come to 8u&$e the wor%&> Get up a#& wor1 NOW
whi%e it i* *ti%% &ay' for #i$ht i* *oo# comi#$ whe# you #o %o#$er *ha%% be ab%e to wor10 ! wa#t to *tre#$the# you' for
! *ti%% ha(e wor1 for you to &o0 Loo1 to your %eft0"
Whe# ! %oo1e& to my %eft' ! *aw a b%ac1 c%ou& furiou*%y approachi#$' with %i$ht#i#$ a#& thu#&er boomi#$ out of it>
!t co(ere& the hori2o#' a#& *oo# co(ere& the *u# a#& moo#0 A hea(y *me%% fi%%e& the p%ace where ! *too&' ma1i#$
it (ery &ifficu%t to breathe0 "What ca# thi* horrib%e *te#ch beG'" ! a*1e&0
"Thi* i* how #uc%ear fa%%out *me%%*'" He rep%ie&0
The# *u&&e#%y' i# the &ar1#e** of the c%ou&' far away from where ! *too&' there wa* a %itt%e f%ic1er of %i$ht0 The
Coice i# the *u# *ai&' "Wa%1 towar& the %i$ht0"
A* ! be$a# to fo%%ow the f%ic1er of %i$ht' a%% of my fami%y wa* *u&&e#%y with me0 We 1ept wa%1i#$ o# a (ery #arrow
path' a#& after a (ery %o#$ a#& e;hau*ti#$ trip we arri(e& at the ba#1 of a bi$ bo&y of water0 A$ai# the Coice
*po1e' "Fou mu*t $et acro** the water>" ! became troub%e&' becau*e there wa* #o way we cou%& cro**0 The#
*omethi#$ %i1e a *1i %ift appeare& before u*0 The (oice a$ai# *po1e' "Get o#0" =efore we e(e# ha& time to thi#1' we
arri(e& o# the other *i&e of the bo&y of water0 The# the (oice *ai& to me' "Do #ot be Duiet0 Te%% the peop%e that time
i* (ery *hort' a#& the troub%e W!LL come o#to the earth0 ! wi%% *ti%% a%%ow a time for the *ou%* of tho*e that ! wa#t to
*a(e0 Te%% the peop%e that ! am a 8ea%ou* Go&' a#& ! wa#t them a%% for me0 Te%% them to pray more a#& wor*hip me
with a%% their heart* i# ho%i#e**' a#& c%ea#%i#e**0"
The# ! awo1e000000
3 <u%y ,' 5665 3
O# the mor#i#$ of <u%y ,' 5665' ! wa* cou#*e%e& by the Ho%y Spirit who to%& me thi*- "What % a*1 of my peop%e i* to
1eep peace i# their heart*0 ! &o a%%ow tria%* to come o(er them0 Thi* i* to 1eep them humb%e0 Do #ot wait' but try to
$et c%o*er to Go&0 For har& &ay* are at ha#& whe# a powerfu% &ar1#e** wi%% *et o(er thi* cou#try0 Wic1e&#e** a#&
*i# ha(e reache& their e#&' a#& the A%mi$hty a#& Ri$hteou* O#e wi%% ta1e re(e#$e o# the *i#0 =e ho%y' a#& &raw
#ear the Lor& with your %ife a#& a c%ea# heart 3 with fa*ti#$ a#& prayi#$ 3 *o ! ca# *pare you i# the &ay* of troub%e0
The &ay of the Ho%y O#e9* terrib%e wrath i* $etti#$ c%o*e' a#& e(eryo#e wi%% recei(e their 8u*t rewar&? for Go& i* a
ri$hteou* 8u&$e0 Do #ot be %a2y' but come before me o# your 1#ee* more ofte#0"
Afterwar&*' the Spirit of Go& e#coura$e& me' te%%i#$ me to be *tre#$the#e& becau*e my fi$ht wi%% $et har&er *ti%%'
but Go& wi%% ma1e me more tha# (ictoriou* o(er e(erythi#$0
3 Au$u*t 5665 3
!t wa* har& for me to fa%% a*%eep %a*t #i$ht0 ! praye& a %ot0 Whe# ! fi#a%%y fe%% a*%eep' ! ha& a &ream0
! wa* i# a (a%%ey with mou#tai#* arou#& it0 Someo#e ye%%e& at me' "Ru# a#& hi&e> Rai# i* comi#$>"
! thou$ht' "!9m #ot afrai& of the rai#0" ! %oo1e& arou#& a#& cou%& #ot *ee a#yo#e0 The# ! hear& pea%* of thu#&er> A
powerfu% bo%t of %i$hte#i#$ pa**e& ri$ht by me> Out of it came two bei#$*>
They a*1e& if ! wa* afrai&0 ! *ai&' "Fe*0" They a*1e& if ! 1#ew who they were0 ! *ai& "No0"
They *ai&' "We are hea(e#%y bei#$*0" Their c%othe* were white a* *#ow0 They ha& eye* that were pe#etrati#$0
There wa* a %i$ht i# them *o bri$ht ! cou%& har&%y %oo1 at them0 Their hair wa* white a* woo%' a#& it wa* %o#$'
$oi#$ &ow# their bac1*0 O#e of them ha& a boo1 a#& the other ha& a# i#1 we%% attache& to hi* be%t' a#& a %ar$e pe#
i# hi* ha#&0 There wa* a# era*er o# o#e e#&0
The o#e with the pe# *ai&' "! wa* *e#t to comp%ete the boo1 of the Ge#ti%e*0 Do you wa#t to *ee your #ame*G" !
%oo1e& a#& *aw that a%% the #ame* of my fami%y were writte# there' a#& they were circ%e&0 ! a*1e& why the were
circ%e&0 He *ai&' "The &e(i% &oe*#9t %i1e what you &o a#& fi$ht* powerfu%%y a$ai#*t a%% you &o0 ! ha(e circ%e& your
#ame* *o ! ca# $i(e you e;tra protectio#0"
He ope#e& the bac1 of the boo1 a#& cou#te& out , remai#i#$ b%a#1 pa$e* at the e#&0 "Whe# the*e are fi%%e&'" he
*ai&' "the boo1 of the Ge#ti%e* wi%% be comp%ete0 The# ! wi%% retur# to my peop%e0 Some of the #ame* that are %i*te&
here wi%% be era*e&0 ! wi%% era*e the #ame* of tho*e who ha(e moc1e& Go& a#& te*te& the Spirit of Grace0 ! wi%%
rep%ace them with other #ame*0"
! *tarte& to a*1 what the , pa$e* mea#t' but before ! cou%& a*1 the mea#i#$' he thru*t the pe# i#to the i#1 we%%' a*
thou$h *%ippi#$ a *wor& i#to a *cabbar&0 A* he &i&' there wa* *uch treme#&ou* thu#&er a#& %i$hte#i#$ that ! fe%%
&ow#0 The# ! wo1e up0
3 5665 3
After ! praye& ! we#t to *%eep0 Whi%e ! wa* *%eepi#$ ! &reame& *omeo#e wa* te%%i#$ me' "Rai# i* comi#$>"
! %oo1e& arou#& but *aw #o o#e0 =ut *u&&e#%y there wa* thu#&er a#& %i$hte#i#$' a#& a re& c%ou& appeare&0 !# it9*
mi&*t were the hammer a#& *ic1%e of :ommu#i*m0 O# the other *i&e wa* a#other c%ou&' but with #o u#u*ua%
co%or*0 Su&&e#%y' a# i#te#*e%y bri$ht *tar appeare& out of the c%ou&0 The# the re& c%ou& be$a# to *urrou#& the
c%ou& with the *tar' a#& trie& to capture it0 !mme&iate%y' a white c%ou& appeare&' bur*ti#$ forth with $reat thu#&er
a#& %i$hte#i#$0 Whe# it appeare&' the re& c%ou& wa* &i*membere&0 The# two me# appeare& out of the white c%ou&0
O#e ha& a face %i1e the *u#0 !t wa* *o bri$ht ! cou%& #ot %oo1 at it0 The other ha& a humb%e face' a#& ha& a boo1 i#
hi* ha#&0 He ope#e& the boo1' a#& *ai&' "Loo10" He be$a# to cou#t the b%a#1 pa$e* of the boo10 There were o#%y
three a#& a Duarter empty pa$e*> The# he *ai&0 "!t wo#9t be %o#$0 =e prepare&0 Whe# the*e pa$e* are fi%%e&' The
Grace wi%% %ea(e the $e#ti%e*0 Draw c%o*er to me #ow' more tha# e(er 3 a#& be ho%y' becau*e har& time* are
comi#$0" The# the ma# with the boo1 *ai& '"Loo1 to the ri$ht0" Whe# ! %oo1e& to the ri$ht' ! *aw a beautifu% $ar&e#
fi%%e& with a%% 1i#&* of f%ower*0 =ut ! ha& #e(er *ee# ANF of the*e 1i#&* before0
The# ! wo1e up0
3 <a#uary @+' 566@ 3
!t wa* %ate0 After prayer ! we#t to *%eep0 !# my &ream' ! hear& a %ou& #oi*e0 ! be$a# to %oo1 arou#& me0 Whe# !
%oo1e& up' ! *aw a bi$ *tar i# the *1y but' it9* tip* were be#t0 Su&&e#%y' ! hear& the *ou#& of hoofbeat*' which were
$etti#$ c%o*er a#& c%o*er0 Whe# ! %oo1e& where the #oi*e wa* comi#$ from' ! *aw four hor*e* pu%%i#$ a# o%&
fa*hio#e& chariot0 !# the chariot were four me#0 They were arme& with hea(y arti%%ery a#& they be$a# to *hoot at
the *tar0 The *tar be$a# to bur#0 The# it fe%% from the *1y0 ! wo1e up a#& to%& i1e the &ream0 He a*1e& me what it
mea#t0 Whe# ! to%& him ! &i&#9t 1#ow' he to%& me to pray' a#& if it wa* of Go&' He wou%& %et me &ream it a$ai#0
! praye&' a#& a$ai# trie& to fa%% a*%eep0 ! wa* #o&&i#$ off' whe# a$ai# ! hear& the #oi*e a#& *aw the *tar with it9*
be#t tip*0 A$ai# ! hear& the hoofbeat*0 =ut thi* time whe# ! %oo1e& up' there were *i; hor*e*? a#& *i; me# were i#
the chariot0 A%% of them ha& ma*1* o# a#& they were arme&0 A$ai# they be$a# to *hoot at the *tar0 The *tar be$a#
to bur# a$ai# a#& fe%%0 Fri$hte#e&' ! wo1e up0 =ei#$ troub%e&' ! praye& a$ai# a#& a*1e& Go& for a# e;p%a#atio#0 !
cou%& #ot fa%% a*%eep for a few hour*' but whe# ! &i&' the *ame &ream came a$ai#0 Thi* time the #oi*e wa* e(e#
$reater0 A$ai# the *tar appeare&' with the *ame croo1e& tip*0 A$ai# ! hear& the hor*e*0 Thi* time thou$h' there
were#9t four or *i; hor*e*0 There were ei$ht hor*e*? a#& ei$ht me# were i# the chariot0 A$ai# they fire& upo# the
*tar' a#& it fe%%0 Thi* time' whe# it hit the $rou#&' it b%ew up0 !# the *ame p%ace where the *tar u*e& to be' appeare&
a ma# &re**e& i# white0 He *ai&' "The *tar repre*e#t* America0 The rea*o# the tip* are croo1e&' i* becau*e
America ha* fa%%e# away from the Truth' a#& the Way of Go&0 The ei$ht hor*e*' a#& the me# i# the chariot'
repre*e#t ei$ht 1i#$* that wi%% ri*e up a$ai#*t America a#& wi%% o(ercome her0" The# the &ream e#&e&0
That *ame mor#i#$' &uri#$ my prayer time' ! *aw a re& f%a$ with %i$ht b%ue a#& white i# the %eft cor#er0 !t wa*
b%ee&i#$0 ay Go& 1eep u* awa1e' a#& rea&y0
3 <u#e +' 566@ 3
! &reame& ! wa* o# the *hore of a ri(er0 Whe# ! %oo1e& i#to the water ! *aw that it wa* (ery &irty0 ! wa#te& to
catch fi*h' but ! cou%&#9t becau*e the water* were *o mu&&y0 ! a*1e& my*e%f' "How ca# ! catch fi*h from thi* ri(erG
There i* #o c%ea# water a#ywhere to c%ea# up afterwar&*0"
Whe# ! %oo1e& further up the ri(er' ! *aw a %ar$e patch of c%ea# water comi#$0 Whe# it came by me' ! chec1e& the
c%ea# water with my ha#& to *ee if it wa* co%&0 Whe# ! fe%t the water' a powerfu% ray of %i$ht came &ow# *urrou#&i#$
me0 The %i$ht e#ab%e& me to *ee ma#y fi*h0 ! wa* *urpri*e& to *ee how ma#y fi*h were there0
Whe# ! %oo1e& up' ! *aw the %i$ht wa* comi#$ from the moo#0 Whe# ! %oo1e& c%o*er' ! *aw a ma# i# the moo#0 Hi*
face wa* *o *hi#y ! cou%& #ot %oo1 %o#$0 ! %oo1e& bac1 i#to the water0 A (oice to%& me' "Start fi*hi#$ #ow' becau*e
the time i* (ery *hort0 Soo# there wi%% be #o more opportu#ity to fi*h0" The (oice *ou#&e& *o c%o*e it fri$hte#e& me0
The ma# %oo1e& *o far away' but the (oice wa* c%o*e0 ! %oo1e& up0 The# ! hear& the (oice a$ai#0 The ma# *ai&'
"The ray of %i$ht that you *ee i* my (oice0"
The# he *ai&' "Loo1 how ma#y fi*h are before you0" Whe# ! %oo1e& &ow# ! *aw ma#y more fi*h tha# before0 The
ma# *ai& the *eco#& time' ":atch them #ow0 Fi*h #ow0 Fi*h whi%e you ca#0 For i# a *hort time the fi*hi#$ *ha%% be
o(er0" Whe# ! %oo1e& bac1 towar& the moo#' it ha& cha#$e& i#to a re& arch' %i1e a rai#bow0 The ma# wa* ho%&i#$ it
i# hi* ha#& by a cor#er0 He *ai& to me' "See thi* moo#G Soo# it9* %i$ht wi%% $o out0" ! a*1e&' "Where am !G" The# !
wo1e up0
Re(e%atio# 7-5@' "The# the fourth a#$e% *ou#&e&- a#& a thir& of the *u# wa* *truc1' a#& a thir& of the moo#' a#& a
thir& of the *tar*' *o that a thir& of them were &ar1e#e&? a#& a thir& of the &ay &i& #ot *hi#e' a#& %i1ewi*e the
#i$ht0 "
!*aiah 5+-5A' "For the *tar* of hea(e# a#& their co#*te%%atio#* wi%% #ot $i(e their %i$ht? The *u# wi%% be &ar1e#e& i#
it* $oi#$ forth' a#& the moo# wi%% #ot cau*e it* %i$ht to *hi#e0 "
!*aiah @,-@5' "!t *ha%% come to pa** i# that &ay that the Lor& wi%% pu#i*h o# hi$h the ho*t of e;a%te& o#e*' a#& o#
the earth the 1i#$* of the earth0 "
3 <u#e 566@ 3
! &reame& ! wa* i# F%ori&a' i# a mote% room0 Su&&e#%y' ! wa* *itti#$ o# a ba%co#y o# the *eco#& f%oor wai#ti#$ for
ichae% to come0 ! hear& *cream*' a#& ! *aw me#' wome# a#& chi%&re# who were ru##i#$ 3 *ome fa%%i#$ a%o#$ the
way0 Amo#$ the peop%e o# the *treet there wa* a%*o a po%iceme# with a bu%%hor#' who 1ept ye%%i#$' "Eeep ru##i#$>
There9* a rabi& &o$ %oo*e' a#& it9* comi#$ thi* way0"
The#' *u&&e#%y a* ! wa* %oo1i#$ to *ee what wou%& happe#' ! *aw a (ery bi$ &o$ that wa* foami#$ at the mouth0
Whe# he wa* ri$ht be%ow me' he $row%e&' a#& tur#e& i#to Sa&&am Hu**ei#> :ha#$i#$ bac1 i#to a &o$' he be$a# to
ru# after the peop%e0 Ru##i#$ after the &o$ wa* a hor*e' which wa* *o bi$' hi* hea& reache& the *eco#& f%oor
where ! wa* *ta#&i#$0 Whe# he wa* about to pa** me' he *toppe& for a few *eco#&*' a#& the $a%%ope& after the
The# ! wo1e up0
3 No(ember 7' 566@ 3
)a prophecy/ "Dar1 &ay* a#& &ay* of *a&#e** are *oo# comi#$'" *ay* the Lor&0 "Not %o#$ wi%% pa** a#& the O#e
who i* to come wi%% come a#& He wi%% #ot tarry0 The &ay* are comi#$ whe# the 1i#$* of the earth wi%% wai% %ou&%y0
The e(i% that you *ee bei#$ a%%owe& o(er Roma#ia i* becau*e the peop%e' i# their $ree&' ha(e become corrupt0
They ha(e *tarte& to practice wic1e&#e** a#& they are prou&0 E(e# *ome of y peop%e whom ! ha(e cho*e# ha(e
$i(e# i# to *i#fu% thi#$* be%ie(i#$ that they are fi$hti#$ o#%y for them*e%(e*0 Thi* i* why ! the Lor& ha(e a%%owe&'
a#& &o a%%ow the har&*hip*0 Do #ot be a*to#i*he& by what you *ee' for the po(erty a#& hu#$er wi%% $row0 The
har&*hip* wi%% be e(e# $reater0 =ut it wi%% #ot be a%%owe& for %o#$ becau*e the prayer* of the hu#$ry chi%&re# ha(e
reache& e0"
"E(erythi#$ i* prepare& for the 1i%%i#$' the batt%e* a#& the crime*0 The p%u#&er* a#& the troub%e* are c%o*e a#&
*ha%% come to pa** i# a *hort time0 After a%% thi*' thi#$* wi%% cha#$e i# *uch a way that you &i& #ot thi#1 po**ib%e0
Tho*e that are hau$hty' ! the Lor& wi%% humb%e0 Fou wi%% recei(e with the *ame cup that you $i(e 3 if you are poor or
if you are a 1i#$0 Go& i* #o re*pecter of per*o#*0 After a%% the*e thi#$* happe# i# Roma#ia' the e(i% wi%% tur# towar&
the cou#try that you #ow %i(e i#0")USA/
"Te%% my peop%e to be prepare& a#& be carefu%'" *ay* the Lor&' "for e(erythi#$ ! ha(e &eci&e& wi%% happe#0 Do #ot
*ay i# your heart* that the Lor& ha* *ai& ma#y thi#$* that ha(e #ot happe#e& yet becau*e a%% thi#$* are &eci&e&
by e a#& e(erythi#$ ha* it9* appoi#te& time0 Draw c%o*er to the Lor& your Go& a#& cea*e &oi#$ e(i% thi#$* that !
may $i(e you (ictory0 ! the Lor& wi%% wor1 i# way* that you ca##ot e(e# ima$i#e' but be ho%y0"
"The *i# of the $reat whore ha* *prea& throu$hout the wor%&0 The *te#ch of her *i# ha* reache& me a#& it wi%% #ot
be %o#$ u#ti% ! wi%% rai*e the who%e Arab wor%&' the Ru**ia#* a#& other cou#trie* a$ai#*t her' that they may
&e*troy her0"
3 December 5@' 566@ 3
!# my &ream it *eeme& ! wa* i# fro#t of the apartme#t bui%&i#$ where ! %i(e0 A* ! wa* *ta#&i#$ a#& %oo1i#$ at the
o(erhea& c%ou&*' a b%ac1 bir&' of a $i$a#tic *i2e' *u&&e#%y appeare&0 !t wa* comi#$ towar& the $rou#& with $reat
*pee&0 A* it approache&' it *prea& it9* wi#$*0 Whe# ! %oo1e&' ! *aw that *omethi#$ wa* writte# o# the wi#$*0 !t
*ai&' "Power ha* bee# $i(e# to me to be ab%e to come a$ai#*t the :hri*tia#* i# a *hort time0"
O# the bea1 of the bir& wa* writte#' "! wa#t to ma1e war a$ai#*t the true :hri*tia#* 3 tho*e that *er(e Go& with
their heart*' their %i(e*' a#& their actio#* #ot o#%y i# #ame0 We9%% *ee if they wi%% be ab%e to *ta#& up a$ai#*t me000
We9%% *ee000 ! am a warrior0 ! fi$ht a$ai#*t :hri*t0"
Thi* bir&' of u#&e*cribab%e *i2e' wa* #e(er ca%m0 !t *oare& up a#& &ow#0 A* ! watche&' ! wa* ab%e to *ee how
terrifyi#$ a#& mea# it %oo1e&0 Su&&e#%y' it &roppe& a ribbo# which *ai&' "!t wi%% #ot be %o#$ before ! wi%% &ec%are
war a$ai#*t the :hri*tia#*0 ! my*e%f wi%% fi$ht with a%% my *tre#$th0" A$ai# it be$a# to *oar upwar&*0 The#'
*u&&e#%y' a c%ou& of rai#' thu#&er' a#& %i$ht#i#$ appeare&> A %i$ht#i#$ bo%t hit the bir& a#& it fe%% to the earth0 To
me it *eeme& &ea&0 Fee%i#$ $reat 8oy that it wa* &ea&' ! we#t to *tu&y it more c%o*e%y0 A* ! wa* %oo1i#$ at it' it
rai*e& it9* hea& a#& *ai&' "Do you rea%%y thi#1 !9m &ea&G ! 8u*t p%aye& &ea& becau*e ! &i& #ot wa#t :hri*t to be
ma& at me0 !# a *hort time' thou$h' ! wi%% be a%%owe& to fi$ht a$ai#*t the :hri*tia#* i# thi* cou#try0" The# it *hot up
%i1e a# arrow' a#& circ%e& o(er me o#ce0 !t &roppe& a %etter' that wa* writte# i# E#$%i*h0 ! $a(e the %etter to my
&au$hter to rea&0 !t *ai&' "! wa* $i(e# power o# earth to fi$ht a$ai#*t a%% tho*e that *er(e a#& &o the wor1 of Go&0
! ha(e *uccee&e& i# &e*troyi#$ *ome' a#& other* ! ha(e ta1e# pri*o#er0 !# a *hort time ! wi%% be a%%owe& to fi$ht
a$ai#*t you' a#& other* %i1e you0 3Lucifer0" Terrifie& a#& troub%e& by my &ream' ! wo1e up a#& to%& my fami%y0 Now
! am a%*o te%%i#$ it to you0
3 <a#uary 566+ 3
Whi%e i# a mote% room i# F%ori&a' ! ha& the mo*t awe*ome &ream ! ha(e e(er ha&0 ! &reame& that ! wo1e up a#& !
wa* %oo1i#$ towar& a far wa%%0 Whi%e %oo1i#$ at thi* wa%% ! *aw <e*u* :hri*t appear with ma#y crow#*0 Le$io#* of
a#$e%* were *urrou#&i#$ Him0 !# the &ream ! mu*t ha(e thou$ht it wa* the retur#i#$ of our Lor&' becau*e ! be$a#
to cry out' "Lor&' ! tha#1 you for comi#$ for me> Lor&' ! tha#1 you for comi#$ to ta1e me home>" ! wa* ye%%i#$ *o
%ou&%y that ! wo1e up from my ow# *cream*0 ! the# rea%i2e& that whe# that mome#t come*' ! wi%% ha(e #o time to
thi#1 about a#yo#e e%*e0 ! wi%% 8u*t be cau$ht up i# the $reat 8oy that :hri*t ha* come to ta1e me home0
3 arch B' 566+ 3
!# my &ream' it wa* a* if my fami%y a#& ! were i# a $ar&e# a#& we wa#te& to pic1 f%ower*0 We were a%% %oo1i#$
arou#& tryi#$ to *ee which f%ower* were the mo*t beautifu%0 ! %oo1e& towar& the *1y0 A* ! %oo1e& at the *1y' ! *aw
the hea& a#& ha#& of a ma#0 A* ! co#ti#ue& to %oo1 ! *aw the ha#& be$i##i#$ to write- "Te%% the peop%e #ot to
be%ie(e that the thi#$* ! ha(e *ai& are fairy ta%e* a#& u#truth*0 The &ay of terror i* fa*t approachi#$- it i* c%o*e0 !
wi%% #ot %et o#e wor& that ! ha(e *ai& $o u#&o#e0"
A* ! wa* rea&i#$ what the ha#& ha& writte#' two me# &re**e& i# white *u&&e#%y appeare&0 They po*itio#e&
them*e%(e* o# each *i&e of the hea& a#& ha#&0 O#e of the me# be$a# to *pea10 "Te%% the peop%e to prepare' for the
&ay of terror wi%% *oo# be upo# them0 ! wi%% ha(e mercy o# tho*e who to&ay obey me- tho*e that &epart from *i#
a#& &raw c%o*er to me0 ! wi%% $i(e (ictory to tho*e that wi%% obey to&ay0" The *eco#& ma# *po1e' *ayi#$ the *ame
wor&*0 The# e(erythi#$ &i*appeare&' a#& a$ai# ! wa* aware of my *urrou#&i#$*0 ! wa* i# the $ar&e# %oo1i#$ at
the mo*t beautifu% f%ower* ! ha& e(er *ee#0 Their beauty wa* beyo#& wor&* or &e*criptio#0 E(erythi#$ be$a# to
fa&e a#& ! wo1e up0
3 ay .' 566+ 3
O#e #i$ht' whi%e i# Ore$o#' ! &reame& the *1y wa* $etti#$ &ar10 The# *u&&e#%y it tur#e& pitch b%ac1> !t wa* a* if
the who%e wor%& ha& $o#e &ar1 at that mome#t> A%% the peop%e were i# a fre#2y> They became &i*orie#te&' a#&
*ome were e(e# *creami#$0 After *ome time' we hear& the *ou#& of a# army approachi#$0 Soo#' we *aw them
comi#$ out of the b%ac1 mi*t0 A%% were &re**e& i# b%ac1' e;cept o#e0 That o#e *eeme& to be their %ea&er0 He wa*
&re**e& i# a re& robe with a thic1 b%ac1 be%t o(er hi* wai*t0 O# hi* hea&' he ha& a *i$#0 A* ! %oo1e&' ! *aw that i#
hi* ha#& he he%& the *ame 1i#& of *harp *pear a* e(eryo#e e%*e i# hi* army0
"! am Lucifer>" he e;c%aime&0 "! am the 1i#$ of thi* wor%&> ! ha(e come to ma1e war a$ai#*t the :hri*tia#*>"
!t %oo1e& a* thou$h a%% the :hri*tia#* were hu&&%e& to$ether i# o#e bi$ $roup0 Some be$a# to cry whe# they hear&
thi*0 Other* be$a# to tremb%e' whi%e *ome 8u*t *too& without *ayi#$ a#ythi#$0 Lucifer co#ti#ue& to *pea10 "A%% of
tho*e that wa#t to fi$ht a$ai#*t my army a#& thi#1 they ca# be (ictoriou*? $o to the ri$ht0 Tho*e that fear me? $o to
the %eft0"
O#%y about a Duarter of the $roup *teppe& to the ri$ht0 A%% the other* we#t to the %eft0 The# Lucifer or&ere& hi*
army' "De*troy tho*e o# the ri$ht>"
The army be$a# to a&(a#ce a#& Duic1%y *urrou#&e& the :hri*tia#* o# the ri$ht0 A* they be$a# to c%o*e i# o# u*' a
powerfu% %i$ht appeare& a#& e#circ%e& u*0 The#' a# a#$e% of the Lor& *po1e0 "Ta1e out your *wor&* a#& fi$ht0
Defe#& your*e%(e* a#& be (ictoriou* o(er the e#emy0"
"What *wor&*G" A ma# i# the $roup a*1e&0
"The Wor& of the Lor& i* your *wor&'" the a#$e% a#*were&0 Whe# we u#&er*too& what the a#$e% mea#t' we be$a# to
Duote (er*e* from the =ib%e0 The#
*u&&e#%y' a* if we were o#e (oice' we be$a# to *i#$ a *o#$0 Our (oice* thu#&ere& *o %ou&%y' that the Dar1 army
be$a# to retreat i# fear0 They &i& #ot ha(e the coura$e to come a$ai#*t u* a#ymore0
Lucifer' the# fi%%e& with ra$e' tur#e& to tho*e o# the %eft0 "Fou' who a%% of your %ife ha(e bee# tryi#$ to p%ea*e two
ma*ter*' becau*e you cou%& #ot *ta#& a$ai#*t me? ! ha(e the power to &e*troy you0"
He the# or&ere& hi* army to attac10 !t wa* a tota% ma**acre0 The o#e* o# the %eft cou%& #ot &efe#& them*e%(e*0
O#e by o#e they a%% fe%%0 Thi* 1i%%i#$ *eeme& to $o o# for a %o#$ time0 After a whi%e we cou%& actua%%y *me%% the
*te#ch of the &ea&0
"Why cou%& they #ot be protecte& a%*oG" *omeo#e a*1e&0
The a#$e% a#*were&- "=ecau*e a%% their %ife they ha(e bee# %u1ewarm0 =ecau*e of their hypocri*y' the true church
ha* bee# b%a*pheme&0 They ha(e brou$ht &i*re*pect to the wor& of Go&0 They were #ot c%ea#0"
A* we co#ti#ue& to %oo1' we *aw the *u# comi#$ o(er the hori2o#0 The b%ac1 c%ou&* be$a# to brea1 up0 The# they
&i*appeare&0 O#%y o#e wa* %eft 3 o# which Lucifer a#& hi* army *too&0 Lucifer %oo1e& at me *ha1i#$ hi* fi*t* a#&
*ai&' "! wi%% &e*troy you e(e# if ! ha(e to throw my *pear at you from here>" The# that c%ou& &i*appeare& too0
A* ! %oo1e& arou#& ! be$a# to *ee face* that ! reco$#i2e& amo#$ our $roup0 ! *aw a pa*tor from =e%%f%ower 3
a#other from !#&ia#a 3 o#e from ichi$a# 3 a* we%% a* ma#y of my America# frie#&*0 Thi* *tre#$the#e& me
$reat%y0 The# ! awo1e0 The fir*t thou$ht that came to my mi#& a* ! awo1e wa* that thi* ha& bee# the %a*t fi$ht of
the &e(i% a$ai#*t the church0 !f we remai# faithfu%' we wi%% be (ictoriou*0
3 <u#e 56' 566+ 3
! &reame& ! wa* i# a fie%& with *ome ba*1et* of cherrie*' a#& *trawberrie*0 ! wa* *uppo*e& to $o *omewhere with
them0 Su&&e#%y a hu$e *u# appeare& i# the hea(e#*0 !t wa* about three time* %ar$er tha# a #orma% *u#0 !t
became *o hot ! cou%& bare%y breathe0 A (ery $reat #umber of a#$e%* were *i#$i#$ arou#& the *u#0 There wa* a
(ery #arrow *tra#& of %i$ht comi#$ from the *u#' a%% the way &ow# to earth0
A%% of the a#$e%* be$a# to *i#$ with their trumpet*0 Whe# they be$a# to *i#$ by mouth' the wor&* to the *o#$ were-
"y peop%e' wa1e up> Do #ot tarry> Do #ot wait> The time i* (ery *hort> U#ti% #ow ma#y ha(e tra(e%e& o# the wi&e
path' but #ow you mu*t tra(e% o# the #arrow path that you may be *a(e&0 Thi* i* the fi#a% batt%e of the &e(i%0 Wa1e
up> Wa1e up> Now the e#emy i* ma1i#$ war a$ai#*t a%% the chi%&re# of Go&> !t i* the fi#a% batt%e> a#y ha(e bee#
ta1e# pri*o#er' but you mu*t be *tro#$0"
A$ai# the trumpet* be$a# to *ou#&0 The a#$e%* of Go&' be$a# tra(e%i#$ up a#& &ow# the #arrow *tra#& of %i$ht
whi%e b%owi#$ their trumpet*0 O#e of the a#$e%* %oo1e& towar& me a#& *ai&' "Why are you &i*coura$e& a#& *a&G
Do #ot %o*e your faith0 ! wi%% repay a%% your wor1 a#& *ufferi#$0 The eye* of ma#y are %oo1i#$ towar& your wife to
*ee if *he wi%% be hea%e&0 !# a *hort time *he wi%% be0"
"Where i* the re*t of my fami%yG" ! a*1e&0
"Loo10 They are comi#$'" the a#$e% re*po#&e&0
A* ! %oo1e& behi#& me' ! *aw #ot o#%y my fami%y' but ma#y other peop%e0 A%% were &re**e& i# white robe*' a#& were
wa%1i#$ towar& the #arrow *tra#& of %i$ht0 "Thi* i* the way towar& *a%(atio#'" the a#$e% *ai&0 "The *u# that you *ee
i* :hri*t' The or#i#$ Su# that wi%% *hi#e *o bri$ht%y' a%% the wor%& wi%% *ee Him0" The# ! wo1e up0
3 September 566+ 3
)a prophecy/ ":ea*e hea&i#$ the way you ha(e bee# $oi#$ a#& tur# to me'" *ay* the Lor&0 "Lucifer' who i* arme&
for war o# hi* hor*e' i* comi#$ with a powerfu% army behi#& him to ta1e (e#$ea#ce a$ai#*t the chi%&re# of Go&0
The &ay i* c%o*e- a &ay of terror whe# Lucifer wi%% try to a##ihi%ate a%% tho*e that %i(e a c%ea# %ife> A &ay of pai# a#&
terror i* #ear0"
"!f you cou%& *ee what i* bei#$ prepare& a#& what wi%% happe#' you wou%& *ure%y Duit &oi#$ e(erythi#$ you 1#ow i#
your heart to be wro#$' a#& wou%& *ee1 peace more tha# e(er0 =e prepare&' be ho%y' a#& &o#9t $i(e i# to the
temptatio#* a#& impu%*e* of the e#emy0 See1 the Lor& your Go& with a%% your heart0 Tho*e who wi%% be c%ea#' tho*e
who wi%% be ho%y' ! wi%% #ot for$et0 ! wi%% *a(e them'" *ay* the Lor&0 "The armie* of the &e(i% are comi#$ with $reat
fury a$ai#*t tho*e who wor*hip e' a#& tru%y *ee1 e0 Pray that ! may $i(e you *tre#$th' *o that before the *torm
come* ! may *a(e you a#& $i(e you the 8oy0"
"Tho*e that %i(e i# &efi%eme#t' that me&itate upo# e(i% thi#$*' wi%% ha(e #o e*cape0 They wi%% #ot ha(e y protectio#0
! wi%% &e*troy =aby%o#'" *ay* the Lor&' "becau*e of the wic1e&#e** a#& b%a*phemy of thi* cou#try0 Not o#%y here'
but where(er there i* *i#' ! wi%% pu#i*h it har*h%y0 O#%y the ri$hteou* wi%% ! *a(e? *ome e(e# out of the mi&*t of the
"A$ai# ! te%% you' a &ar1 c%ou& i* $athere&0 Lucifer' *ta#&i#$ o# hi* b%ac1 hor*e' i* rea&y for war0 The trumpet* of
the &e(i% are *ou#&i#$ &ay a#& #i$ht' to a%% the &emo#* of the &eep to be prepare& to ma1e war a$ai#*t tho*e who
tru%y %i(e their %i(e* for Go&0 There wi%% be *uch $reat turmoi% that o#%y few wi%% e*cape0 Tho*e that to&ay o#%y carry
the #ame of "be%ie(er" wi%% fi$ht with fury a$ai#*t tho*e who wor*hip e with a c%ea# heart0 Thi* i* why ! ha(e
re(ea%e& thi* to you0 =ecau*e the &ay* are #umbere&0"
"! re(ea% to you' ! *pea1 to you' ! *how to you'" *ay* the Lor&' "but ma#y &o #ot wa#t to remember' *ayi#$ to
them*e%(e*' 9!* it tru%y the Lor& *pea1i#$ thi*G9 Other* become *care& for the mome#t' but the# they for$et a#&
#e(er become pure0 a#y of tho*e who carry the #ame of 9:hri*tia#9 are o(ercome by $ree&' for#icatio#'
&ru#1e##e**' a#& a pur*uit for $reat wea%th0 There i* #o time to %o*e0 The &ay of &e*tructio# a#& terror i* comi#$
*oo#0 The &e(i% i* a$itate&' a#& a $reat &eceptio# i* bei#$ prepare&0 =ut ! te%% you' &o #ot fear0 ! ha(e the power to
protect tho*e who obey me0 Fou mu*t remember the wor& of Go&' for if you wi%% #ot obey' the &ay of terror wi%%
come a#& you wi%% *uffer to$ether with the wic1e& a#& &efi%e&0 ! wi%% pu#i*h a%% the wic1e&#e** of thi* wor%&' a#& a%%
the *i# of thi* p%ace0 =e awa1e a#& waiti#$' becau*e if you wi%% #ot' you wi%% be pu#i*he& a* the wic1e&' a#& a%*o
%o*e your *a%(atio# for your &i*obe&ie#ce0 Di*obe&ie#ce i* pu#i*he& more tha# a#ythi#$'" *ay* the Ho%y Spirit0
"Pray for your chi%&re#' a#& *top them from &oi#$ wor%&%y thi#$*0 Te%% them that the wrath of Go& i* comi#$' a#&
that they mu*t be prepare& for that &ay0 Te%% them to rea& the =ib%e a#& pray' that ! may a%*o *a(e them0"
"The $reat &ay' the &ay of terror' the &ay of aff%ictio#' of pai#? the &ay of the pu#i*hme#t of =aby%o#' prophe*ie& i#
the =ib%e' i* *oo# comi#$' a#& ! wi%% o#%y *pare the ri$hteou*'" *ay* the Lor&0 "! for$i(e who ! wa#t' ! ma1e ho%y
who ! wa#t' a#& ! prepare who ! wa#t0 <u&$e #o o#e' for i#e i* the 8u&$me#t'" *ay* the Lor&0 "Each of you 8u&$e
your*e%f0 Pray a#& &raw c%o*e to me' a#& if you wi%% obey ! wi%% come to your ai&0 ! wi%% *e#& a chariot of *a%(atio#
a#& ta1e each o#e out i# hi* appoi#te& time0"
3 No(ember .' 566+ 3
O# the Ith of No(ember ! ha& a &ream' a#& the# a* u*ua% ! praye& a#& *ai&' "!f thi* &ream i* of Fou Lor&' %et me
&ream it o#e more time0" The#' o# the #i$ht of the .th' Go& $a(e me the &ream o#ce a$ai#0
!# my &ream ! hear& a $reat commotio#' a#& a* ! %oo1e&' ! *aw a b%ac1 c%ou& comi#$0 From thi* $reat &ar1#e**
a ma# wa* ri&i#$ o# the bac1 of a &ra$o#0 The ma# wa* Lucifer0 He wa* ye%%i#$ a* %ou& a* He cou%&' "We are
comi#$ to ma1e war a$ai#*t the ho%y> We come to be (ictoriou* o(er the ho%y0 We wi%% beat the ho%y> Cictory i*
The#' ! *aw me#' wome# a#& chi%&re#3 ye%%i#$ terrifie&3 a#& ru##i#$>
! *aw other* whom ! 1#ew were :hri*tia#* $etti#$ o# their 1#ee*' prayi#$' "Lor&' *a(e u*> Lor&' $i(e u* (ictory>
Se#& your $%ory> Sa(e our %i(e* Lor&> Do#9t %et u* &ow#> Thi* i* our %a*t batt%e' whe# the &e(i% wa#t* to &efeat u*>"
A* e(eryo#e wa* 1#ee%i#$' a#& prayi#$' *u&&e#%y ! hear& the &e(i% ye%%i#$' "Grab him>" ! the# rea%i2e& that he wa*
referri#$ to me0 ! trie& to ru#' but ! cou%& #ot becau*e my feet hurt0 So ! 8u*t *tarte& wa%1i#$0 =ut from behi#&' !
hear& the (oice which co#ti#ue& to ye%%' "Grab him> Grab him' a#& %et u* tie him i# chai#* becau*e he ha* cau*e&
me much &e*tructio#>"
Whe# ! thou$ht that they wou%& $rab me' a%% the peop%e of Go&' a%thou$h *care&' be$a# to cry out' "<e*u*> <e*u*>"
Su&&e#%y ! *aw the b%ac1 c%ou& &i*appear0 The# two me# &re**e& i# *hi#i#$ c%othe*' appeare&0 They were of
$i$a#tic *i2e' becau*e ! remember ! cou%& #ot *ee their hea&* too we%%0 They both *po1e with thu#&eri#$ (oice*?
"Do #ot fear0 :hri*t i* the Cictor0" Each of them ha& a boo1 i# hi* ha#&*0 The boo1*' each the *i2e of a tab%e' were
co(ere& with $o%& threa&0 The# the two me# put the boo1* &ow# o# a $reat tab%e a#& *po1e to me *ayi#$' "Ope#'
a#& rea&>"
! ope#e& the fir*t boo1 a#& wa* to%&' "Thi* i* the =oo1 of Life0" The ma# o# my %eft *ai&' "Whoe(er fi#&* hi* #ame
i# thi* boo1 wi%% be *a(e&>" The# He *ai&' "Ope# the *eco#& boo1>" The wor&* "=oo1 of the Ge#ti%e*" wa* *craw%e&
o# it0 ! ope#e& it a#& be$a# to tur# pa$e after pa$e' upo# which ! *aw a%% 1i#&* of &iffere#t #ame* writte#0 Whe# !
reache& the e#& of the boo1' ! fou#& that there were o#e' a#& three Duarter pa$e* %eft b%a#1 3 u#writte#0 The# o#e
of the two me# *ai& to me' "Whe# the tota% #umber of the $e#ti%e* i* comp%ete&' the writi#$ i# thi* boo1 wi%% be
fi#i*he&0 At that time' what ! ha(e *how# you wi%% happe#- it i* the# that the bea*t wi%% try to &o batt%e a$ai#*t the
Ho%y0 Remember what ! te%% you 3 be prepare&' %i(e a ho%y %ife' a#& &o #ot thi#1 that you ha(e much time to %i(e o#
thi* earth> <e*u* i* *oo# retur#i#$>"
The# ! be$a# to hear a choir *i#$i#$' "<e*u* i* retur#i#$> <e*u* i* retur#i#$> =e prepare&' a#& be ho%y0 =e rea&y'
for the (ictory *ha%% be Hi*>" Whe# ! %oo1e&' there wa* a choir of a#$e%*0 Their (oice echoe& *tro#$er' a#&
*tro#$er' "<e*u* i* retur#i#$>"
Whi%e they were *i#$i#$' the tab%e with the boo1* wa* %ifte& up a#& the two me# *po1e- "O#e of u* i* the a#$e% of the
Ge#ti%e*' a#& o#e of u* i* the a#$e% of the peop%e of !*rae%0 Do #ot be afrai&0 See1 the Lor& #ow0 Time i* (ery *hort
a#&' a* you *aw the armie* of Sata# a&(a#ci#$' thi* i* how it wi%% happe#0" The# the two me# were %ifte& up0 !
%oo1e& arou#& to *ee what wa* happe#i#$0 E(eryo#e wa* cryi#$0 =ut they were tear* of 8oy0 Cictory wa* our*0
The#' a#other choir of a#$e%* appeare& which be$a# to *i#$' "<e*u* the Sa(ior' wa#t* to *a(e the peop%e' but #ot
tho*e who ha(e b%a*pheme&' a#& cur*e& Him0 O#%y tho*e that ha(e %i(e& a c%ea# %ife' a#& ha(e fou$ht for <e*u*'
without ho%&i#$ o# to thi* %ife' but $i(i#$ it a%% to :hri*t0"
The a#$e%* o#ce a$ai# be$a# to *i#$ with a%% *ort* of i#*trume#t*0 They *a#$ *o beautifu%%y> Whi%e the choir of
a#$e%* *a#$' a $ar&e# of u#&e*cribab%e beauty appeare&0 !t wa* (ery bi$' a#& i# it were a%% 1i#&* of f%ower* which
$a(e off a %o(e%y fra$ra#ce0 The *me%% of the f%ower* wa* *o *tro#$ it a%mo*t ma&e me &i22y0 At e(ery cor#er of the
$ar&e# there wa* a# a#$e% with a fiery *wor& which he *wu#$ arou#&0 ! trie& to $o i# a#& *ee what wa* i# the
$ar&e#0 Whe# ! $ot there ! wa* *toppe& a#& to%&' "No o#e' #o foot of earth%y ma# i* a%%owe& to e#ter here0 O#%y the
ho%y wi%% e#ter0 !t i* #ot your time to e#ter #ow0 Whe# you are ca%%e&' that i* whe# you wi%% e#ter0 Now' $o bac10" The
a#$e% *pu# the *wor& before me' a#& thi* fri$hte#e& me0
The# a#other choir of a#$e%* the *i2e of chi%&re#' appeare&0 Whi%e ho%&i#$ ha#&* they be$a# to *i#$' "<e*u* i*
retur#i#$> Wa1e up' peop%e? be ho%y' for your *a%(atio# i* <e*u*0 He i* (ictoriou*>"
Their (oice* 3 their *o#$ 3 echoe& i# $%oriou* *p%e#&or' a#& whi%e they co#ti#ue& to *i#$ ! hear& a %ou& #oi*e0
E(erythi#$ &i*appeare&' a#& ! awo1e0
3 December 6' 566+ 3
)a prophecy/ "a#y are tho*e who *it #e$%ectfu% %o(i#$ the wor%& a#& the thi#$* of the wor%&0 a#y *ee1 the %ife of
the earth' but they &o #ot prepare them*e%(e* to meet the Ho%y O#e0 <e*u* i* comi#$> Do #ot be %a2y> Terror a#&
$reat pai# i* comi#$ upo# the earth0 The &e(i% wi%% ta1e upo# him*e%f power' a#& he wi%% attempt to ma1e war with
the ho%y0 =ut :hri*t the (ictoriou* o#e wi%% come a#& wi%% *a(e Hi* peop%e0 Prou& me#? a%% tho*e who prete#& to be
teacher*' yet #e(er %i(i#$ the %ife? a%% tho*e who *ay they wor*hip e' yet their heart* are far from e'" *ay* the
Lor&' "! wi%% ma1e them part of the *ufferi#$' torme#t' a#& terror *o they wi%% ca%% upo# e0 =ut ! wi%% #ot a#*wer0
Tho*e that to&ay humb%e them*e%(e* a#& *ee1 e with a c%ea# heart' i# that &ay' the har& &ay' wi%% be $%a& a#&
wi%% re8oice0 The power of the &e(i% wi%% i#crea*e $reat%y i# thi* cou#try' a#& ma#y :hri*tia#* wi%% fa%% i# it9* chai#*'
becau*e they ha(e &i*ho#ore& e with their %i(e* 3 i# their pri&e' their arro$a#ce a#& their (a#ity? thi#1i#$ they
are ho%y a#& wor*hipi#$ me' yet NECER REALLF wor*hipi#$ e0"
"The wi#&* a#& the *torm* that wi%% be$i# a$ai#*t the :hri*tia#* i# thi* cou#try wi%% ta1e ma#y0 Tho*e who remai#
*ta#&i#$ wi%% be (ery few0 Humb%e your*e%(e*0 =e ho%y0 See1 e more tha# e(er' 1#ee%i#$ before e ofte#' that i#
the har& &ay* ! may *a(e you'" *ay* the Lor&0
3 <a#uary 566, 3
O#e #i$ht' &uri#$ a (i*it to Te;a*' ! wa* u#ab%e to *%eep becau*e ! wa* #ot fee%i#$ we%%0 !# my fru*tratio# ! be$a#
to tearfu%%y pray to Go&' "Lor&' if you wa#t me to co#ti#ue thi* wor1' a#& tra(e% where you *e#& me' $i(e me hea%th'
! pray0 Gi(e me *tre#$th becau*e ! fee% %i1e ! ca#9t &o it a#ymore0"
! co#ti#ue& prayi#$ fer(e#t%y with a%% my heart0 Su&&e#%y' a white3haire& ma# with a mee1 appeara#ce appeare&
be*i&e my be&0 ! became te#*e' but he %oo1e& at me with mercy0 He put hi* ha#& o# my hea& a#& be$a# to *tro1e
my forehea& *ayi#$ to me' "!t i* har& for you0 ! 1#ow you are *ufferi#$> =ut it wo#9t be much %o#$er before you wi%%
%ea(e the*e p%ace*' becau*e o#%y i# thi* way ca# ! protect you>"
Surpri*e& by what ! ha& 8u*t hear&' ! a*1e&' "Lor&> =ut there are *o ma#y i# thi* cou#try who %o(e you 3 who ha(e
&e(ote& their %i(e* to wor*hipi#$ you 3 what wi%% you &o with themG"
"At the appoi#te& time'" he *ai&' "! wi%% *pea1 to them' %i1e ! *pea1 to you' a* to what they mu*t &o0"
Without rea%%y thi#1i#$ about it' ! rai*e& my ha#&' a#& p%ace& it o# my forehea& o(er hi* ha#&0 ! fe%t him with&raw
hi* ha#& from u#&er mi#e0 The# e(erythi#$ &i*appeare&0
3 <a#uary +' 566, 3
!t wa* pa*t mi&#i$ht0 U#ab%e to *%eep' ! $ot o# my 1#ee* a#& be$a# to pray0 ! &o #ot 1#ow how %o#$ ! praye&' but
*u&&e#%y ! be$a# to *ee a $reat fire i# the hea(e#*0 !t wa* *o powerfu% that to me it *eeme& %i1e the *1y wa*
bur#i#$0 The# a ma# &re**e& i# *hi#y c%othe* *teppe& out of the fire0 O# hi* hea& He ha& a he%met0 !# Hi* ri$ht
ha#& He ha& a *wor& out of which f%ame* of fire 1ept erupti#$0 !# Hi* %eft ha#& He ha& a trumpet i#to which He
be$a# to b%ow0 The *ou#&* that the trumpet ma&e were actua%%y wor&* which were uttere& i# ma#y &iffere#t
%a#$ua$e*0 ! &i& #ot u#&er*ta#& what they were *ayi#$' but ! cau$ht *ome Hebrew wor&* a#& a%*o *ome E#$%i*h
wor&*0 Whe# ! wa* *trai#i#$ to u#&er*ta#& a#& troub%i#$ my*e%f o(er what the (oice ha& *ai&' ! hear& it *pea1 i#
Roma#ia#0 "Thi* i* the %a*t war#i#$'" the trumpet b%ew' "The &ay of Go&9* (e#$ea#ce i* comi#$ upo# the earth a#&
upo# thi* p%ace> =e prepare& a#& be ho%y' y peop%e' that ! may *a(e you>"
After the*e wor&*' arrow* of fire be$a# to &a#ce o# the *1y0 They were *o powerfu% that ! became *care&0
=e$i##i#$ to pray a$ai#' ! *aw the *ame thi#$ a%% o(er0 The#' whi%e *ti%% prayi#$' the *ame thi#$ wa* *how# to me a
thir& time0
3 <a#uary @,' 566, 3
!t wa* *e(e# o9c%oc1 i# the mor#i#$ whe# ! wo1e up0 ! *ti%% fe%t a %itt%e tire&' *o ! *taye& i# be& %o#$er to re*t0 The#
! fe%% a*%eep a#& &reame& that ! wa* i# a# America# church *er(ice' whe# the bui%&i#$ be$a# to mo(e (io%e#t%y0
=ecau*e they &i& #ot 1#ow what wa* happe#i#$' the peop%e i#*i&e pa#ic1e& a#& Duic1%y be$a# to ru# out0 !
*uccee&e& i# wa%1i#$ out a%*o' but with e(ery *tep ! trie& to ta1e' it *eeme& %i1e ! wa* *i#1i#$ i#to the $rou#&0 !
be$a# to %oo1 arou#& to fi#& *omethi#$ to *upport my*e%f with *o ! cou%& wa%10 ! hear& a (oice that *ai&' "Loo1 up'
a#& *ee the hea(e#*>"
! %oo1e& up0 A* far a* the eye cou%& *ee' a%% the *1y wa* b%oo& re&0 ! *ai&' "Lor&> What &oe* thi* mea#G Why i* the
*1y re&G" The# ! remembere& my father te%%i#$ me that before the $reat war the *1y tur#e& b%oo& re&0
A* ! *too& %oo1i#$ towar& the *1y a c%ou& *u&&e#%y appeare&0 Three me# came out of the c%ou&0 The mi&&%e o#e
wa* &re**e& i# *hi#y c%othe* a#& wa* of (ery $reat *tature0 He *hi#e& *o bri$ht%y that ! cou%& #ot %oo1 at him0 The
other two' o#e o# hi* ri$ht' a#& o#e o# hi* %eft' were prepare& for war0 They ha& weapo#* i# their ha#&* that were
poi#te& towar& the i#habita#t* of the earth0 Tremb%i#$' ! a*1e&' "Lor&' what am ! *eei#$G What &oe* a%% thi*
Whe# the o#e i# the mi&&%e *po1e i# a thu#&erou* (oice' a%% tho*e arou#& me were ab%e to *ee him- "! am <e*u*
:hri*t who $a(e my %ife for you0 a#y of tho*e whom ! $a(e my %ife for' to&ay &i*ho#or me' %i(i#$ i# *i# a#& thi#$*
that are wro#$0 The ho#or a#& $%ory ! &e*er(e i* #ot $i(e# to e0 For thi* ! ha(e #o more mercy' but wi%% *oo#
retur# i# $%ory a#& ho#or a* 8u&$e to 8u&$e a%% the i#habita#t* of earth0 =ut fir*t' ! wi%% 8u&$e tho*e that carry the
#ame of :hri*tia#*' yet ha(e trie& to &ecei(e e0 =ecau*e of them y #ame wa*' a#& i*' &i*ho#ore& a#&
b%a*pheme& before tho*e that &o #ot 1#ow e"0
"A#& about you"' He *ai& to me' "be awa1e> =e o# $uar& more tha# e(er' for you wi%% $o throu$h ma#y tria%*0 Now
the batt%e wi%% be$i# to $et har&er0 The &e(i% i* rea&y to be$i# war a$ai#*t the :hri*tia#*' a#& ! ha(e a%%owe& thi*0"
The# the two me# be*i&e him be$a# to fire their weapo#*0 A *a%(o of fire came out' %i$hti#$ the *1y' a#& it be$a# to
bur#0 The o#e who *ho#e bri$ht%y *too& i# the mi&*t of the f%ame*' cryi#$ out with a %ou& (oice' "Do #ot fear> A%%
tho*e who wor*hipe& e a#& ha(e %i(e& a c%ea# %ife 3 tho*e that *uffere& here o# earth 3 wi%% ha(e 8oy0 For ! am the
o#e who wi%% 8u&$e a%% of the #atio#a%itie* of the earth0 ! wi%% *pare #o o#e' a#& wi%% #ot ha(e mercy or $race for
a#yo#e0 The &ay whe# ! wi%% pu#i*h a#& co#&em# i* comi#$0 ! te%% the*e thi#$* for e(eryo#e to hear0 Har& &ay* of
*ufferi#$ are comi#$ to thi* p%ace a#& o(er the who%e earth0 The har&*hip* wi%% be *o $reat that the mi#&* of ma#
wi%% #ot be ab%e to u#&er*ta#& it0 !t wi%% be *o har& that me# wi%% 1i%% them*e%(e*0 ! wi%% 8u&$e throu$h torme#t' pai#
a#& *ufferi#$' a#& wi%% ta1e re(e#$e with $reat har*h#e** for a%% *i#0 The Father ha* a%%owe& me to a(e#$e my
*pi%%e& b%oo&0"
The other two be$a# to fire their weapo#* a$ai#' but thi* time a b%ue f%ame came out0 ! fe%% with my face to the
$rou#&0 The o#e i# the mi&&%e ye%%e&' "Get up> ! wa#t to *how you the 8u&$me#t of the peop%e a#& the wic1e&0 =ut
the har&e*t 8u&$me#t wi%% be recei(e& by the church becau*e they 1#ew y wor& a#& y power' but ma#y of them
&i*ho#ore& e' $i(i#$ i#to &efi%eme#t' a&u%terie*' wic1e&#e**' a#& &i*ho#ore& y #ame before me# who &i& #ot
1#ow e0 For thi*' ! am fi%%e& with ra$e' a#& ! ha(e bee# $i(e# the authority to ta1e re(e#$e a$ai#*t the
i#habita#t* of the earth 3 tho*e who ha(e &i*ho#ore& e0"
The two that *too& at either *i&e of Him be$a# to fire a$ai#0 A hea(e#%y choir appeare& a#& be$a# to *i#$ a *o#$
i# the mo*t beautifu% *p%e#&or- "<e*u* i* a%i(e0 <e*u* %i(e*0 <e*u* i* a%i(e0 <e*u* rei$#*0 <e*u* i* comi#$ i# $%ory0
<e*u* i* #o %o#$er Sa(ior' but retur#* a* <u&$e0" ! be$a# to cry0 ! crie& with tear* of 8oy0 ! wa* i# a# atmo*phere of
i#cre&ib%e beauty0
The choir co#ti#ue& to *i#$ a* the two me# with the weapo#* i#tro&uce& them*e%(e*0 The o#e o# the ri$ht *ai&' "!
am the hea& of the Lor&9* armie*' Gabrie%"0 The o#e o# the %eft *ai&' "! am ichae%' the %ea&er of the Lor&9* armie*0
We are at the Lamb9* comma#&' a#& where(er the Lamb $oe*' we accompa#y Him0" The choir co#ti#ue& to *i#$
a#& e(erythi#$ be$a# to fa&e0 ! wo1e up with the wor&*' "<e*u* i* #o %o#$er comi#$ a* a Sa(ior' but a* a 8u&$e"0
3 arch 566, 3
! ha& $o#e to be& ear%y 3 about 7-AA p0m0 ! wo1e up betwee# mi&#i$ht a#& 5-AA a0m0 ! $ot up a#& praye&' the# we#t
bac1 to be&0 ! &reame& there wa* a %ot of turmoi% out*i&e' a#& ! 1ept heari#$ e(eryo#e ye%%' "<e*u* i* comi#$>
<e*u* i* comi#$>" ! %oo1e& out' a#& *aw a (ery %ar$e re& c%ou&0 Whe# ! %oo1e& at it' it9* outer e&$e* cou%& #ot be
*ee#0 A* ! co#ti#ue& to %oo1' ! *aw a ta%% ma# come out of the c%ou&0 He wa* *o ta%% that' a%thou$h hi* feet touche&
the $rou#&' ! cou%& #ot *ee hi* hea&0 Ray* of %i$ht be$a# to e;p%o&e out of the ma#0 Whe# o#e wou%& pa** by me' !
wou%& fa%% to the $rou#&0 ! cou%& #ot %oo1 at him with my eye* becau*e he wa* too bri$ht0 He the# be$a# to ha#& me
%etter*0 They were a&&re**e& to certai# churche*0 ! 1#ew that the*e mu*t be America# churche* becau*e ! &i&
#ot reco$#i2e the #ame* a* bei#$ Roma#ia#0 The fir*t %etter *ai&' "y peop%e who are &i*coura$e& a#& beate# by
the *torm*' ma#y who ha(e %et them*e%(e* be beate# by the e#emy' *ta#& up> :ry out before Go&' that He may
*a(e you>"
The ma# 1ept comi#$ a#& $i(i#$ me more %etter* with #ame* of churche* of &iffere#t &e#omi#atio#*' a#& a%*o
i#&epe#&e#t churche*0 He $a(e me (ery ma#y paper*0 The# he *ai& to me' "Whe# you fi#i*h ta1i#$ the*e paper*
where you are *uppo*e& to' you wi%% *ee *omethi#$ that you ha(e #e(er *ee# before0"
There wa* a thu#&er a#& the (oice *po1e a$ai#- "Te%% a%% my peop%e to pray a#& to repe#t0 The &ay* ha(e bee#
*horte#e& becau*e of a%% the i#iDuitie*0 y peop%e' repe#t' becau*e the &ay* are #umbere&0"
! be$a# to *ee the &ay* pa**i#$ by' but whe#e(er the ray of %i$ht wou%& pa** by me' ! wou%& fa%%0 The &ay* were
pa**i#$ *o Duic1%y that ! cou%& #ot cou#t them0
The (oice *po1e a$ai#' "Te%% my peop%e that ! trie& to wa1e them up throu$h powerfu% *torm*' fire*' f%oo&* a#&
earthDua1e*' but e(e# the# they wou%& #ot wa1e up0 Thi* i* why ! wi%% pour out my wrath whe# they %ea*t e;pect it0"
The a#$e% $a(e me a *cripture- <oe% @-5@35+' "Now therefore *ay* the Lor&' Tur# to e with a%% your heart' with
fa*ti#$' with weepi#$ a#& with mour#i#$0 So re#& your heart' a#& #ot your $arme#t*? Retur# to the Lor& your Go&
for He i* $raciou* a#& mercifu%' *%ow to a#$er' a#& of $reat 1i#&#e**? a#& He re%e#t* from &oi#$ harm0 "
After the*e thi#$*' the c%ou&' a#& the a#$e% be$a# to fa&e away0
Whe# ! awo1e' ! wa* wet with *weat000
3 <u%y %' 566, 3
!t wa* pa*t mi&#i$ht0 ! cou%& #ot *%eep becau*e ! fe%t i#*i&e that Go& wa* $oi#$ to *pea1 to me' *o ! be$a# to
pray0 After ! praye&' ! we#t to be& a#& fe%% a*%eep0 ! &reame& that ! be$a# to hear thu#&er a#& *ee %i$ht#i#$0 The
earth be$a# to mo(e a#& *ha1e (io%e#t%y0 ! ye%%e& to my fami%y' "Wa1e up' becau*e *omethi#$ i* happe#i#$
out*i&e>" Whe# ! $ot out*i&e there wa* *uch a &ar1#e** that ! cou%& #ot *ee a#ythi#$0 Fet' i# that $reat &ar1#e**'
! cou%& hear the (oice* of chi%&re#' wome# a#& me# *creami#$0 ! to%& my fami%y to be carefu% of how they wa%1e&0
From the c%ou&* that re%ea*e& thi* &ar1#e** o# the earth' ! hear& a powerfu% (oice *ay' "! am ta1i#$ re(e#$e
a$ai#*t the *i#0 ! am ta1i#$ re(e#$e that they may *ee my power> With a* much a* !9(e b%e**e& them' that i* how
much ! wi%% *e#& &e*tructio#> ! wi%% *e#& *torm*' hea(y rai#*' f%oo&i#$' earthDua1e*' hurrica#e* a#& tor#a&oe*'
becau*e ! wa#t them to *ee my power' a#& 1#ow that without e they ca# &o #othi#$0 They tru*te& i# them*e%(e*
a#& i# their ow# *tre#$th*0 Thi* i* why ! wi%% pu#i*h thi* p%ace0"
The earth mo(e& a* if it were o# water0 The peop%e %i(e& i# a comp%ete terror? each o#e ye%%i#$ %ou&er the# the
other 3 #ot bei#$ ab%e to u#&er*ta#& a#ythi#$0 The earth *hoo1 *o (io%e#t%y that ! wa* u#ab%e to wa%10 Su&&e#%y' i#
the mi&*t of a%% the tumu%t' a %i$ht appeare& 3 more powerfu% tha# a#y !9(e e(er *ee#> !# the *hi#i#$ %i$ht there were
two me#0 O#e of them *ai& to me' "! came to ta%1 with you0 ! wi%% *e#& $reat p%a$ue* o(er America a#& ! wa#t you to
be aware0 ! am the o#e who ta%1e& with you i# the pa*t a#& ! am ta%1i#$ with you #ow0 ! to%& you what wi%% happe#
i# thi* p%ace0 =e cautiou*' for the time i* &rawi#$ #ear>"
After *ayi#$ the*e wor&*' he too1 out a *cro%% which be$a# to u#ro%% (ery Duic1%y0 !t wa* *o %o#$ that ! cou%& #ot
*ee it9* e#&0 O# thi* fir*t *cro%% of paper were writte# a%% 1i#&* of #ame*0 =e*i&e each #ame wa* %i*te& either
"pu#i*h'" a type of &i*ea*e' )a%% 1i#&* were %i*te&/' "tria%'" or "torme#t0" Tho*e #ame& wi%% ha(e to $o throu$h what i*
%i*te& by their #ame' i# or&er to be c%ea#*e& a#& be ab%e to *ta#&0
That *cro%% wa* the# ro%%e& up a#& *ea%e&' a#& a *eco#& o#e wa* brou$ht out0 O# it wa* writte#' "Peace' 8oy i# the
Ho%y Spirit' *a%(atio# or (ictory for tho*e that %o(e& e a#& wor1e& for e a#& 1ept their %ife c%ea# 3 #ot for the
hypocrite*' the prou&' the boa*tfu%' the hatefu%000" )000#or other* which ! ca##ot reca%%0/ The *cro%% co#ti#ue& to pa**
by *%ow%y before my eye* u#ti% it fi#i*he& pa**i#$0
The# a thir& *cro%% wa* ope#e& which ha& #ame* writte# o# it' a%*o0 Fet there wa* *omethi#$ writte# o#%y be*i&e
the #ame* o# the top ha%f0 From the ha%fway mar1 &ow# by each #ame there were f%a*hi#$ *tar*0 ! a*1e& what thi*
mea#t0 O#e of the me# *ai& to me' "The*e are tho*e with whom the #umber wi%% be comp%ete&0 The *ee& of Go& ha*
reache& their heart*' a#& i* e(e# #ow wor1i#$ towar& repe#ta#ce0 Whe# the tota% #umber wi%% be comp%ete' a%% of
the &e(a*tatio# wi%% be$i#0 U#ti% the#' ! wi%% *e#& $reat p%a$ue* o(er America that they may wa1e up from the *%eep
with which they are *%eepi#$' a#& from their *e%f re%ia#ce? that they may *ee their pri&e a#& boa*tfu%#e**0"
!t the# be$a# to rai# ice a#& hai%0 The peop%e were *catteri#$ a%% o(er #ot 1#owi#$ which way to $o0 From the terror
of the *cream* ! wo1e up0
Thi* &ream wa* *o rea% to me' that ! we#t &irect%y out*i&e to *ee if it were #ot happe#i#$ at that mome#t0
3 No(ember @5' 566, 3
)a prophecy/ "Awa1e# my peop%e"' *ay* the (oice of the Lor&0 "=e pa**i(e #o %o#$er0 Draw c%o*er to&ay more tha#
e(er' for the &ay of my (e#$ea#ce i* rea&y to be$i#0 ! wi%% *ha1e the earth from it9* fou#&atio#' a#& ! wi%% reDuire
pu#i*hme#t of a%% tho*e that *ay they &o my wi%%' yet throu$h what they &o they b%a*pheme my #ame0 ! wi%% pu#i*h
prophet*' preacher*' *i#$er*' a#& a%% tho*e that &o a wor1' yet they &o it for their ow# $%ory0 ! wi%% 8u&$e' a#&
pu#i*h the e#tire wor%&0 O#%y tho*e that to&ay *it at my feet i# mee1#e**' weepi#$' a#& wor*hipi#$ me' a*1i#$ for
my he%p' wi%% re8oice i# the protectio# of the arm of the Lor& o# that &ay0"
"For*a1e e(ery e(i% thou$ht' a%% the empty wor&*' a%% co(etou*#e**' pri&e a#& hypocri*y' becau*e i# whate(er you
are u*e&' it i* #ot you &oi#$ it but ! the Lor&0 Where are my c%ea# $ift* that ! ha(e poure& amo#$ you? *pea1i#$ i#
to#$ue*' prophecy' a#& other $ift* that were $i(e# u#to youG Where i* my powerG" *ay* the Lor&0
":ha#$e your heart* to&ay' my peop%e' for the &ay* are #umbere& u#ti% ! wi%% be$i# to a(e#$e0 y eye *ee* i# the
%i$ht' a* we%% a* i# the &ar1#e**' my peop%e0 There i* #o where you ca# hi&e from the eye of Go&0 Liar*' impo*tor*'
tho*e that are co(etou*' a#& a%% tho*e that ha(e o#%y a form of Go&%i#e**' but &e#y the power of Go&' ! wi%% 8u&$e
them' a#& the# ! wi%% 8u&$e the who%e wor%&0 ! wi%% *ha1e it from it9* fou#&atio#*0 !# ma#y p%ace* there wi%% be
ma**acre*0 Tho*e that to&ay wor*hip me with faithfu%#e** wi%% be the o#%y o#e* protecte& o# that &ay0 The hor# i*
rea&y to *ou#& for the *tart of the batt%e0 The &ay* are #umbere& u#ti% you wi%% hear the *ou#&' whe# the armie* of
hea(e# wi%% be$i# the batt%e a$ai#*t the i#habita#t* of earth0 No army i# the wor%& wi%% be ab%e to *ta#& a$ai#*t the
armie* of hea(e#' a#& the army of he%% wi%% #ot be ab%e to rai*e it9* hea& a$ai#*t the Lor&9* army0 Fet' tho*e that
wor*hipe& me i# *pirit a#& i# truth' ! wi%% protect' for ! am Go&0 E(erythi#$ you *ee arou#& you wi%% be #o more0
E(erythi#$ wi%% be &e*troye& a#& bur# i# fire0 Do #ot be pa**i(e0 Draw c%o*e to me' for ! come to a(e#$e' a#& fu%fi%%
a%% that wa* *ai& i# the pa*t'" *ay* the Lor&0
3 <a#uary @5' 566B 3
)=rother Du&uma# wa* i# Roma#ia at thi* time/
! fe%% a*%eep *ometime arou#& mi&#i$ht0 About @-AA a0m0 ! hear& a %ou& (oice *ayi#$ to me "Dumitru> Wa1e up> !
mu*t *how you *omethi#$>" E(e# thou$h ! wa* i%%' ! 8umpe& to my feet' without rea%i2i#$ that ! wa* awa1e0 The# !
rea%i2e& ! wa*#9t e(e# i# Roma#ia0 ! *aw my*e%f i# America0
A powerfu% (oice *po1e *ter#%y to me' "Why ha(e you become &i*coura$e&G Why &i& you try to Due*tio# Go&'
thi#1i#$ i# your heart that ! ha(e %eft youG Why &o you 1eep *o much *a&#e** i# your heart' a#& *uch a $reat
mour#i#$ becau*e ! too1 your wifeG Why ha(e you a%%owe& your*e%f to become &i*coura$e& *o that you wi%% #o
%o#$er be ab%e to wor1 for me a* you ha(e u#ti% #owG Thi* i* why ! ha(e come to you' to *how you a re(e%atio#'
which you mu*t te%% the America# peop%e0"
The (oice boome& at me' te%%i#$ me to %oo1 to my ri$ht0 ! wa* awa1e 3 #ot *%eepi#$0 ! wa* *ta#&i#$' a#& ! tur#e&
my hea& a* or&ere&0 Whe# ! %oo1e&' ! *aw that there wa* a $reat f%oc1 of b%ac1 bir&*' with (ery *harp' %ar$e
bea1*0 Out of the bea1* came a b%i#&i#$ %i$ht' which you cou%& bare%y %oo1 at0 From their tai%* ! *aw f%ame* of fire
*hooti#$ out0 ! became (ery fri$hte#e&0 ! rubbe& my eye*' thi#1i#$ ! wa* a*%eep a#& &reami#$0 =ut ! wa* #either
*%eepi#$ #or &reami#$0
Thi* f%oc1 of bir&* *u&&e#%y tur#e& i#to airp%a#e* that &i& #ot ma1e a#y #oi*e0 America# airp%a#e* wou%& $o up'
tryi#$ to attac10 =ut a* they wou%& &raw c%o*e' they wou%& fa%% to the earth i# a b%a2e of fire0
O#ce a$ai#' ! hear& the (oice' but ! cou%& #ot *ee who wa* *pea1i#$ to me0 The (oice *ai&' "Loo1 hi$her tha# the
b%ac1 p%a#e*0" Whe# ! %oo1e&' abo(e the p%a#e*' ! *aw a he%icopter which ho(ere& abo(e them0 O# the *i&e of the
he%icopter there wa* a p%a#1' %i1e o# a *hip' where *o%&ier* were %i#e& up' &re**e& i# b%ac1' a%% arme& the *ame'
a#& of about the *ame *i2e0 From the ce#ter of the he%icopter' a p%atform be$a# to rai*e up0 !t ro*e hi$her tha# the
he%icopter it*e%f0
O# the p%atform wa* a thro#e0 The Pope wa* o# the thro#e' ye%%i#$ with a %ou& (oice' "! ha(e bee# $i(e# the power
to ru%e the earth a#& to fi$ht a$ai#*t the prote*ta#t*' that ! may o(erta1e them0"
A* ! watche& him with terror a#& fear 3 becau*e he wa* *urrou#&e& by a powerfu% force which wa* forme& by
p%a#e* a#& per*o##e% 3 *u&&e#%y a white c%ou& appeare& a#& co(ere& them' *o ! cou%& #o %o#$er *ee a#ythi#$0 Out
of the mi&*t of the white c%ou& came a ma# &re**e& i# *hi#i#$ c%othe*' weari#$ a *hi#y crow# o# hi* hea&0 He
*po1e to me0 Hi* (oice *ou#&e& %i1e thu#&er0 Whe# ! hear& hi* (oice' ! fe%% to the $rou#&0
He *ai&' "Remember e(erythi#$ you9(e hear&' e(erythi#$ you9(e *ee#' a#& e(erythi#$ you wi%% hear0 Te%% my peop%e'
becau*e o#ce a$ai# ! wa#t to wor1 with you more tha# ! ha(e u#ti% #ow0 The armie*' a#& the p%a#e* that you *aw'
a#& the =ea*t that *at upo# the he%icopter 3 the*e are the catho%ic power* which wi%% o(erta1e the ho%y' that the
wor&* prophe*ie& i# Re(e%atio# may come to pa**0 A ma8ority of my peop%e wi%% be o(erta1e# a#& tramp%e&
becau*e their %i(e* are #ot c%ea# before their Lor&0 Te%% thi* me**a$e to them> Do #ot be Duiet> For if you are Duiet'
! wi%% pu#i*h you> The churche* are frau&u%e#t )cou#terfeit' fa1e/0 They %i(e a %ife a* their heart* &e*ire' with their
ha#&* *tai#e& i# b%oo& 3 i# a&u%tery' i# *o&omy' a#& wor*hipi#$ *tra#$e a#& forei$# $o&*0 =ecau*e they ha(e
for*a1e# the true Go&' He ha* a%%owe& them to $o a* their heart* &e*ire&0 Now' te%% them> :ry out %ou&> Te%% them to
*top trea&i#$ the path their heart* &e*ire 3 to repe#t with a%% their heart*' that i# the &ay of the =ea*t9* a#$er !
may be ab%e to *a(e them' *o they wou%& #ot &e#y me0 The time i* (ery *hort' a#& the army of their *a%(atio# i*
a%rea&y prepare&0"
A$ai#' He *po1e to me' "Loo1 to your ri$ht0" Whe# ! %oo1e&' ! *aw *uch a (a*t army that my eye* cou%& #ot
e#compa** it0 "Thi* i* the army ! ha(e prepare& to *a(e my peop%e from the =ea*t9* $ra*p0 Do #ot for$et to te%%
them the wor&* that ! ha(e to%& you0 ! wi%% $i(e you a *pirit of remembra#ce0" The (oice co#ti#ue& *pea1i#$ to me'
"! wi%% come a#& bri#$ you more re(e%atio#* about the time* of the e#&0"
The# a$ai#' ! hear& a thu#&er0 The# the white c%ou& a#& the bei#$ &i*appeare&0 ! wa* *o terrifie& that ! wa*
u#ab%e to *%eep the re*t of the #i$ht0
3 No(ember @@' 566B 3
!t wa* a* if' ! wa* i# !*rae%0 A ta%% ma# came' too1 me by the ha#&' a#& *ai&' ":ome' %et me *how you the Ho%y :ity0"
Whe# we reache& the Ho%y :ity' a%% of it wa* co(ere& i# a b%ac1 #etti#$' from top to bottom0 O# top' at it9* pea1' the
city ha& a b%ac1 f%a$0
After *eei#$ the*e thi#$*' ! a*1e& the ma# that wa* with me' "What &oe* thi* mea#G "
"Loo1 up' a#& you wi%% *ee the mea#i#$'" he *ai&0 Whe# ! %oo1e& up' ! *aw a b%ac1 emb%em' o# which there wa* $o%&
writi#$0 !t *ai&' "!*rae%> Fou &i*ho#or e a#& you moc1 e0 Fou tru*t i# the power* of me#0 =ecau*e you wi%% #ot
retur# u#to e' ! ha(e thi* a$ai#*t you' a#& ! wi%% pu#i*h you with $reat fury0 Thi* i* a%*o to purify *ome who wa#t
to ca%% upo# me with a c%ea# heart0 The *hame a#& b%a*phemy that they ha(e cau*e& ha* reache& hea(e#0"
After ! rea& the*e thi#$*' the ma# *ta#&i#$ be*i&e me *ai&' "Let u* %ea(e thi* p%ace' or we wi%% be cau$ht i# the
wrath0" !t *eeme& ! wa* *u&&e#%y o# a# America# p%a#e' which wa* about to %a#& with me i# :a%ifor#ia0 Whe# ! wa*
about to &i*embar1' ! hear& *ire#* which how%e& %ou&%y' a#& a $reat *ou#& of ma#y p%a#e e#$i#e* wa* hear&0 The
ma# with me *ai&' "The pu#i*hme#t &raw* c%o*er0 Loo1 c%o*e%y a#& rea&0"
Whe# ! %oo1e& up' ! *aw a writte# *cro%% appear before my eye*0 The writi#$ wa* i# Roma#ia#0 !t *ai&' "America#
peop%e? tho*e of you who ha(e &i*ho#ore& a#& moc1e& me? you who ha(e brou$ht hatre& a#& b%a*phemy a$ai#*t
y #ame throu$hout the wor%&? for the*e thi#$* y (e#$ea#ce &raw* c%o*er0 A* for y chi%&re#' tho*e who ha(e
wor*hipe& e with a%% their heart*' ! wi%% fi$ht before them a#& ! wi%% $i(e them (ictory a#& *afety0 ! wi%% *eparate
tho*e who ha(e wor*hipe& e from tho*e who ha(e #ot' a* ! *eparate& Go*he# a#& E$ypt0" ! trie& to rea& it o#e
more time' but ! cou%& #ot0 The writi#$ ha& $athere& i#to the *cro%%0
The #oi*e of the e#$i#e* $rew e(e# %ou&er0 The ma# be*i&e me tur#e& to me a#& *ai&' "The*e are p%a#e* %oa&e&
with atom bomb*' a#& #o o#e' a#& #othi#$ wi%% be ab%e to *top them0" The#' *u&&e#%y' a $reat #umber of b%ac1
p%a#e* %ifte& off the $rou#& %i1e a f%oc1 of bir&*0 ! 1#ew the p%a#e* were America#' but ! ha& #o 1#ow%e&$e of what
their purpo*e wa* or what they were *uppo*e& to &o0 The# the writte# *cro%% wa* throw# before me0 ! *teppe&
c%o*er to pic1 it up' but whe# ! &rew #ear' ! *aw that it bur#e& with a b%ue f%ame0 The f%ame be$a# to c%imb i#to the
*1y0 A* ! wa* %oo1i#$ at the f%ame' ! hear& a (oice comi#$ from it *ayi#$' "y Wor& i* ri$hteou*0 ! am the :hri*t
who ha* brou$ht thi* #ew* to you0 Do #ot be Duiet0 Te%% the America# peop%e a%% that ! ha(e to%& you' a#& a%% that !
ha(e re(ea%e& to you ahea& of time? for the &e*tructio# which i* comi#$ o(er them ! &i& #ot a%%ow to come
u#a##ou#ce& 0 The pu#i*hme#t i* e(e# at the &oor0"
The ma# be*i&e me *po1e a$ai#' "Loo1 up0 " Whe# ! %oo1e& ! cou%& #ot *ee the *1y becau*e there were *o ma#y
p%a#e*0 The# the ma# *ai& to me0 "Tha#1 the Lor& for what He ha* *how# you0" The#' ! be$a# to pray a#& tha#1
Whi%e ! wa* prayi#$ ! hear& a prophecy for my*e%f0 "Get rea&y' a#& *a#ctify your*e%f' you a#& your*' that you a#&
your* may #ot ta1e part i# the tria%* that are ahea&0 Thi* i* why ! ha(e *how#0 you the*e thi#$*0 ! ha(e *how# you
what i* to come i# a *hort whi%e0 A%% that you ha(e *ee# i* at the &oor' becau*e the *i# a#& wic1e&#e** ha(e
reache& the thro#e of Go&9* mercy0" The# there wa* $reat %i$hte#i#$ a#& thu#&er0 ! fe%% to the $rou#& a#& wa*
awa1e#e& from my *%eep0
3 <a#uary 566I 3
A* ! wa* ri&i#$ i# the car from Ea#*a* towar& Nebra*1a' ! *aw a %ar$e *tar appear before me0 Thi* *tar
appeare&' a#& &i*appeare& before my eye* , time*0 ! to%& my $ra#&*o# what ! ha& *ee#' a#& he *ai&' "pray' a#&
*ee what Go& *how* you0
The #e;t e(e#i#$ a* ! wa* prayi#$' ! *aw the *tar a$ai#0 !t *ho#e with *uch i#te#*ity' that it too1 my eye*i$ht
away0 Two me# wa%1e& out of thi* *tar' &re**e& i# *hi#i#$ $arme#t*0 O#e *po1e to me- "Dumitru' %i*te# a#&
remember0 Four retur#i#$ to America wa* my p%a#' a#& my &eci*io#0 ! *ti%% ha(e #ame* to a&& to the #umber
before a%% the thi#$* that ! ha(e *how# you wi%% happe#0"
They ope#e& a $reat boo1 a#& *ai&' "&o you remember how ma#y pa$e* were %eft to fi%% whe# ! *howe& you %a*t
timeG Now' there i* but o#e pa$e %eft0 Whe# thi* i* comp%ete&' what ! ha(e to%& you wi%% happe# to America0" The
ma# procee&e& to te%% me that the time it wou%& ta1e for thi* pa$e to be fi%%e&' wou%& #ot be %o#$er' but *horter0 He
c%o*e& the boo1' a#& *ou#&* of thu#&er re(erberate&0 Fri$hte#e& of what ! ha& *ee#' ! co#ti#ue& to pray0
From the Apri% @AAA #ew*%etter of "Ha#& of He%p"
co#cer#i#$ Du&uma#9* prophecy tit%e&'
Go& Sti%% Tarrie*
!t i* with mi;e& emotio#* that ! write thi* to you thi* &ay0 Fir*t there i* 8oy at *eei#$ what Go& ha* *po1e# come to
pa**' *eei#$ it *%ow%y bei#$ fu%fi%%e& after , year*0 Seco#&%y' howe(er' there i* a fee%i#$ of e;pectatio# that come*
with 1#owi#$ that time i* *hort0 !9(e bee# prayi#$ for a %o#$ time a* to whether or #ot we *hou%& repri#t the &ream
my $ra#&father ha& co#cer#i#$ :hi#a i# 566I0 !# the e#& ! &eci&e& that remi#&i#$ you of what Go& ha* *po1e#
cou%& o#%y &o o#e thi#$' cau*e you to &raw c%o*er to Go&0
!9m *ure you9(e rea& of the te#*io# that ha* bee# create& betwee# :hi#a a#& America o(er Taiwa#0 Thi* te#*io#
wa*#9t appare#t , year* a$o whe# Go& re(ea%e& it throu$h a &ream0 We are #ot repri#ti#$ thi* to $%oat' or to *ay
we9re ri$ht' becau*e it wa* Go&9* re(e%atio# to be$i# with0 The rea*o# we are repri#ti#$ it #ow i* to reco#firm the
%o(e that Go& ha* to hi* chi%&re#' a %o(e that wou%& cau*e Him to war# u* year* before' a %o(e that e(e# to&ay
cau*e* Him to tarry a whi%e %o#$er that we may prepare our *pirit* for what i* comi#$0
Whe# ! *aw the accu*atio#* a#& threat* be$i# to f%ow from both *i&e*' ! $ot o# my 1#ee* a#& be$a# to ear#e*t%y
*ee1 the face of Go&0 ! praye& a#& a*1e& the Lor& if it wa* #ow' if thi* wa* the time whe# the prophecie* wou%& be
fu%fi%%e& a#& whe# America wou%& be 8u&$e&0 ! recei(e& #o a#*wer for @ &ay*' but o# the +r& &ay ! fe%t a *e#*e of
peace i# my heart' a (oice that *po1e to me *ayi#$' " Thi* i* mere%y the be$i##i#$0 The time i* #ot yet' but it i*
#ear0 They are te*ti#$ each other9* re*o%(e a#& fi#&i#$ out each other9* wea1#e**e*0"
Frie#&*' i# Hi* $oo&#e**' mercy a#& $race' Go& i* *ti%% a%%owi#$ a whi%e %o#$er for Hi* chi%&re# to retur# to Him
who%ehearte&%y0 He *ti%% tarrie* that we may be pure a#& *pot%e** before Hi* eye*0 O#%y He 1#ow* how much %o#$er
we ha(e0 A%% that we #ee& to 1#ow i* that He reDuire* u* to %i(e for Him0 y prayer i* that you ta1e thi* &ream a#&
thi* %etter a* yet a#other *tirri#$' a#other wa1e up ca%%' a#& if there i* a#ythi#$ that Go& #ee&* to purify i# your
%ife' you wou%& a%%ow Him to &o it0 The prayer* of a%% tho*e that wor1 with Ha#& of He%p are with you0 We 1#ow that
a%% you &o i# Hi* #ame wi%% be rewar&e& o#e &ay0
With %o(e i# :hri*t'
ichae% =o%&ea' <r0
A Ci*io# Recei(e& by =rother Dumitru Du&uma#
3 Apri% @@' 566I 3
! praye&' the# we#t to be&0 ! wa* *ti%% awa1e' whe# *u&&e#%y ! hear& a trumpet *ou#&0 A (oice crie& out to me'
!# my (i*io#' ! wa* i# America0 ! wa%1e& out of my home' a#& be$a# to %oo1 for the o#e who ha& *po1e# to me0 A*
! %oo1e&' ! *aw three me# &re**e& a%i1e0 Two of the me# carrie& weapo#*0 O#e of the arme& me# came to me0 "!
wo1e you to *how you what i* to come0 he *ai&0 ":ome with me0"
! &i&#9t 1#ow where ! wa* bei#$ ta1e#' but whe# we reache& a certai# p%ace he *ai&' "*top here>"
A pair of bi#ocu%ar* wa* ha#&e& to me' a#& ! wa* to%& to %oo1 throu$h them0
"Sta#& there' &o#9t mo(e' a#& %oo1'" he co#ti#ue&0 "Fou wi%% *ee what they are *ayi#$' a#& what they are prepari#$
for America0"
A* ! wa* %oo1i#$' ! *aw a $reat %i$ht0 A &ar1 c%ou& appeare& o(er it0 ! *aw the pre*i&e#t of Ru**ia' a *hort' chubby
ma#' who *ai& he wa* the pre*i&e#t of :hi#a' a#& two other*0 The %a*t two a%*o *ai& where they were from' but !
&i& #ot u#&er*ta#&0 Howe(er' ! $athere& they were part of Ru**ia# co#tro%%e& territory0 The me# *teppe& out of
the c%ou&0
The Ru**ia# pre*i&e#t be$a# to *pea1 to the :hi#e*e o#e0 "! wi%% $i(e you the %a#& with a%% the peop%e' but you mu*t
free Taiwa# of the America#*0 Do #ot fear' we wi%% attac1 them from behi#&0"
A (oice *ai& to me' "Watch where the Ru**ia#* pe#etrate America0"
! *aw the*e wor&* bei#$ writte#- A%a*1a? i##e*ota? F%ori&a0
The#' the ma# *po1e a$ai#' "Whe# America $oe* to war with :hi#a' the Ru**ia#* wi%% *tri1e without war#i#$0"
The other two pre*i&e#t* *po1e' "We' too' wi%% fi$ht for you0" Each ha& a p%ace a%rea&y p%a##e& a* a poi#t of attac10
A%% of them *hoo1 ha#&* a#& hu$$e&0 The# they a%% *i$#e& a co#tract0 O#e of them *ai&' "We9re *ure that Eorea
a#& :uba wi%% be o# our *i&e' too0 Without a &oubt' to$ether' we ca# &e*troy America0"
The pre*i&e#t of Ru**ia be$a# to *pea1 i#*i*te#t%y' "Why %et our*e%(e* be %e& by the America#*G Why #ot ru%e the
wor%& our*e%(e*G They ha(e to be 1ic1e& out of Europe' too> The# ! cou%& &o a* ! p%ea*e with Europe>"
The ma# *ta#&i#$ be*i&e me a*1e&' "Thi* i* what you *aw- they act a* frie#&*' a#& *ay they re*pect the treatie*
ma&e to$ether0 =ut e(erythi#$ !9(e *how# you i* how it wi%% REALLF happe#0 Fou mu*t te%% them what i* bei#$
p%a##e& a$ai#*t America#0 The#' whe# it come* to pa**' the peop%e wi%% remember the wor&* the Lor& ha*
Who are youG" ! a*1e&0
"! am the protector of America0 America9* *i# ha* reache& Go&0 He wi%% a%%ow thi* &e*tructio#' for He ca# #o %o#$er
*ta#& *uch wic1e&#e**0 Go& howe(er' *ti%% ha* peop%e that wor*hip Him with a c%ea# heart a* they &o Hi* wor10 He
ha* prepare& a hea(e#%y army to *a(e the*e peop%e0" !
A* ! %oo1e&' a $reat army' we%% arme& a#& &re**e& i# white' appeare& before me0
"Do you *ee thatG" the ma# a*1e&0 "Thi* army wi%% $o to batt%e to *a(e y cho*e# o#e*0The#' the &iffere#ce
betwee# the Go&%y a#& the u#$o&%y wi%% be e(i&e#t0"
A Dream Recei(e& by =rother Dumitru Du&uma#
3 <u#e' 566I 3
<eru*a%em !*rae%
A &ream recei(e& by =rother Dumitru Du&uma# <u#e a#& 57th' 566I i# Tiberia*' !*rae%0 The &ream wa* fir*t
recei(e& o# the 5 .th a#& the# a$ai# o# the 57th0 For two &ay* afterwar&* Dumitru wa* phy*ica%%y *ic1 e(ery time
he trie& to recou#t thi* &ream *o it cou%& be recor&e&0
After ei$ht &ay* of tra(e%i#$ throu$h !*rae%' ! a*1e& my*e%f- "Why &i& ! come hereG A%% ! *ee i* %a#& a#& a peop%e
that are wic1e&0 Why &i& ! come hereG After ! thou$ht about thi*' ! praye& a#& fe%% a*%eep0
!# thi* &ream the fi(e of u*? my*e%f' my two $ra#&*o#* a#& the coup%e we were *tayi#$ with i# !*rae%' were o# the
Sea of Ga%i%ee i# !*rae% a#& we were %oo1i#$ arou#&0 We #otice& how #ice a#& warm it wa*0 A $oo& p%ace for a
(acatio#0 At o#ce' ! hear& a (oice from my %eft *i&e0 !t *ai&- "Fou &i&#9t come 8u*t for thi*0 Loo1 at me0" ! %oo1e&
a#& *aw a ma# i# white' *hi#i#$ c%othi#$0 He wa* cryi#$ with tear* ru##i#$ &ow# hi* chee1*0
"Who are you' a#& why &o you cryG" ! a*1e&0
"! am <e*u* :hri*t' a#& ! am %oo1i#$ o(er my b%oo& re%ati(e* a#& my peop%e for whom ! $a(e my %ife0 Their *i#*
ha(e put a wa%% betwee# Go& a#& them*e%(e*0 Go& ha* &eci&e& to bri#$ bac1 a%% of the *cattere& peop%e from the
#atio#*0 !#*tea& of tha#1i#$ Go& for watchi#$ o(er them' $i(i#$ them *afe pa**a$e' they ha(e become e(e# more
wic1e& tha# they were i# the #atio#* they %eft0 ! am cryi#$ becau*e of the tribu%atio# that i* to o(ercome them0
They *ay they 1eep the Sabbath' but they &o#9t0 They *ay the 1eep my %aw*' but they &o #ot0 A%% the #atio#* of the
wor%& ha(e their eye* o# thi* p%ace' thi#1i#$ that thi* p%ace i* ho%y0 They come to *ee1 ho%i#e**' a#& *ee a#
e;amp%e i# thi* p%ace0 Thi* p%ace i* #ot ho%y' but ha* become &efi%e&0 =ecau*e of thi*' Go& ha* &eci&e& to ta1e
peace from thi* cou#try0 They &o #ot tru*t i# the peace Go& pro(i&e*' but *ee1 to ma1e their ow# peace0 Go& ca#
#o %o#$er *ta#& their *i#*0 =ecau*e of their wic1e&#e**' %oo1 a#& *ee how pu#i*hme#t wi%% come upo# !*rae%0"
! the# *aw a c%ou& of airp%a#e*' i# formatio# from the %eft )Go%a# Hei$ht*L/ a#& a %ar$e army comi#$ from a cor#er
)Farmou1 Ri(er (a%%eyL/ with e(ery 1i#& of weapo#0 They ha& hor*e*' carria$e*' car*' ta#1*' a#& *o%&ier* o# foot0
! be$a# to hear *creami#$ from my ri$ht' a#& a*1e&- ":a# you *top thi*G"
"U#ti% they pa** throu$h har& time*' they wi%% #ot reco$#i2e me a* Go&' a#& wi%% #ot ca%% upo# me for he%p0" He
a#*were&0 "Fou wi%% be *a&' a#& *orrowfu% whe# you %ea(e thi* p%ace'" <e*u* *ai&' "but after a time your heart wi%% be
fu%% of 8oy0 Te%% tho*e who %o(e me' that ! fir*t %o(e& them0 They wi%% be *a(e&0 ! am the eter#a% O#e0 ! &o #ot cha#$e0
E(erythi#$ that ! ha(e to%& you wi%% come to pa**0"
"Fou wi%% $o i# peace" <e*u* *ai&0 The# there wa* a %ou& roar of thu#&er' a#& we were %oo1i#$ for a p%ace to hi&e
becau*e we thou$ht that the war ha& *tarte&0 A %i$ht#i#$ bo%t came &ow# i# fro#t of u*' but <e*u* *ai&- "Do #ot be
afrai&' you wi%% %ea(e thi* p%ace i# peace0 Te%% the peop%e what you ha(e *ee#0"
LWe were (i*iti#$ the Ga%i%ee a#& ! poi#te& i# the &irectio# where the airp%a#e* a#& army came from' a#& the
peop%e ! wa* *tayi#$ with i&e#tifie& the*e p%ace*0
3 Ci*io# recei(e& No(ember @6' 566I 3
A* ! wa* %ayi#$ i# my ho*pita% be&' %oo1i#$ o(er the face* of my fami%y' three me# appeare& be*i&e me0 O#e ha& a
$%obe i# hi* ha#&' a#& he be$a# to rotate it a#& poi#t out certai# cou#trie* *ayi#$- "Thi* i* where the &e*tructio#
wi%% come from0" ! &o#9t remember a%% the p%ace* he poi#te& to' but ! remember ! *aw e;ico' :uba' a#& the
A%a*1a# bor&er0 The# o#e of the me# *po1e to me? "we fou$ht a$ai#*t &earth for you0 !t wa* a har& fi$ht0 Do #ot
fear you wi%% #ot %ea(e0 Fou *ti%% ha(e wor1 to &o0"
Su&&e#%y' + *tar* appeare& behi#& them0 O#e of them a*1e&? "Do you 1#ow what that mea#*G"
"No" ! a#*were&0
"We wo#9t *ay e;act%y' but it probab%y mea#* that i# a#other + year* a $reat ma**acre wi%% occur0" The# the *tar*
tur#e& i#to b%oo&' a#& e(erythi#$ &i*appeare&0
3 Recei(e& arch @6' 566. 3
! wa* fi*hi#$ with Ser$iu a#& Da#ie%' my two $ra#&*o#*0 We were i# a p%ace ca%%e& Hot Spri#$*0 Su&&e#%y' a moo#
appeare&' which *hi#e& e;cee&i#$%y bri$ht0 Si; *ma%%er moo#* came out of the %ar$e o#e0 A* e(ery moo#
appeare& it wou%& cau*e wi#&*' *torm* a#& tor#a&oe* to *tart0 The peop%e *eeme& (ery a$itate&? they wou%& ru#
from p%ace to p%ace0 ! the# to%& my $ra#&*o#' "We ha(e #owhere to ru#0 There are mou#tai#* a%% arou#& u* a#& the
*torm* are $etti#$ wor*e0" Tree* were f%yi#$ arou#&' home* were bei#$ &emo%i*he& a#& a%thou$h the wi#& wa*
b%owi#$ with *uch i#te#*ity' we &i& #ot fee% it0 Da#ie% wa* (ery *care&0 A ma# appeare& at the e&$e of the moo#
ho%&i#$ a *ma%%er moo# i# hi* ha#&0 "The*e wi%% be 8u*t *ome of the pu#i*hme#t* thi* cou#try wi%% e#&ure" he *ai&0
"Throu$h wi#&' *torm*' tor#a&oe* a#& &i*a*ter* ! wi%% wea1e# their *tre#$th0" The# ! awo1e0
Two &ay* before ta1i#$ my father to the ho*pita%' ! hear& hi* (oice i# the ear%y mor#i#$ hour*0 " ! *aw *omethi#$0"
A* u*ua% ! $ot my recor&er a#& we#t to hi* be&*i&e0 He wou%& #ot %et me recor& it0 ! &o#9t remember e(erythi#$ he
*ai&' but ! wou%& %i1e to *hare with you that which ! &o remember0 y father *tate&' "The Lor& *howe& me a (ery
%ar$e bear0 !t wa* a* bi$ a* a bui%&i#$' a#& it be$a# to &o batt%e with a# u#arme& ma#0" "Do you *ee what ! ha(e
*how# you" a (oice *ai&' "Thi* i* how it wi%% be whe# the har&*hip* come o(er America0 No o#e wi%% be ab%e to
&efe#& her0 O#%y tho*e that tru*t i# e wi%% be *pare&0 E(erythi#$ wi%% *tart a* a hea(y rai# o# a *u##y &ay0 At a
time you %ea*t e;pect it0" There wa* more' but ! &o #ot remember the re*t0
by Dumitru Du&uma#9* &au$hter'
Cir$i#ia =o%&ea
!t wa* #ot a &ream000
!t wa* %ate0 ! am *ure it wa* pa*t mi&#i$ht o# the @Bth of ay' a#& ! ha& 8u*t retur#e& from a har& &ay9* wor10
Fir*t ! ha& $o#e to a few (i%%a$e* to $i(e he%p0 Afterwar&*' ! be$a# prayi#$ for a few hour*0 ! %ay i# my be&
%i*te#i#$ to a prophecy ! ha& recei(e&0 Su&&e#%y' ! be$a# to *ee e(e# thou$h my eye* were *hut0 ! *aw a#
imme#*e f%ower $ar&e#0 The f%ower* were a* ta%% a* a ma# with a hea%thy *tem' but the bu&* were b%ue a#& be#t
forwar&0 E(ery f%ower o#%y ha& o#e bu&0 A c%ou& *u&&e#%y appeare& #ear the $ar&e# a#& it appeare& to be (ery
c%o*e to the $rou#&0
A ma# &re**e& i# white *too& o# the c%ou&0 He wa* *%i$ht%y ta%%er tha# a #orma% ma# a#& i# hi* ha#& he ha& a
trumpet i# which he be$a# to b%ow0 The *ou#&* that came out of thi* trumpet wou%& tur# i#to %etter* which wou%&
the# tur# i#to wor&* i# the *1y a#& the# i$#ite' bur#i#$ up i# the hea(e#*0 ! &i& #ot u#&er*ta#& the writi#$
becau*e it wa* a# u#1#ow# to#$ue0 ! &i&' howe(er' reco$#i2e that it wa* i# Hebrew0
There were a ha#&fu% of comet* i# the *1y which %oo1e& to be peacefu%0 Su&&e#%y three of them' a%% &iffere#t *i2e*
be$a# to hea& towar& the earth0Whe# they hit the $rou#&' there wa* tota% &e(a*tatio#0
A* ! %oo1e& up' the *1y tur#e& b%ac1 a#& ! *aw thu#&er0 The thu#&er wa* a%*o b%ac10 A &ar1 c%ou& %ifte& up a#& it
be$a# to rai#0 Whe# ! %oo1e& c%o*er ! *aw that it wa* #ot rai# but &rop* of b%oo&0
A* ! %oo1e& to my %eft' ! *aw a#other a# *ta#&i#$ o# a#other c%ou&0 He wa* (ery ta%%' &re**e& i# white' with Hi*
ha#&* rai*e& hi$h0 Each time He mo(e& Hi* ha#&*' fireba%%* wou%& come out of Hi* fi#$er*0 ! %oo1e&' awe*truc1' at
the a#9 * hei$ht a#& the way Hi* face *ho#e a#& ra&iate&0 The# a powerfu% (oice *ai&-
"Remember what ! ha(e *how# you0 Thi* wi%% be the be$i##i#$ of the pai# that ! wi%% a%%ow upo# the earth0"
He repeate& thi* phra*e a$ai#' after which He *po1e to me-
"Fou prepare your*e%f' be *tro#$ a#& &raw c%o*e to e with fa*ti#$ a#& prayer for ! wi%% come to *how you thi#$*
more terrifyi#$ tha# the*e0"
The# e(erythi#$
by Dumitru Du&uma#9* &au$hter'
Cir$i#ia =o%&ea
AER!:A W!LL =URN' !#ter(iew
)A# i#ter(iew with Dumitru Du&uma#/
Thi* materia% i* ta1e# from a tape tit%e&' America Wi%% =ur#>' which i* &i*tribute& by the Lea$ue of Prayer PO =o;
,A+7' o#t$omery AL +I5A+0 !t co#*i*t* of a co#(er*atio# betwee# a# i#ter(iewer' Du&uma# a#& a# i#terpreter0
The #ature of the re(e%atio#* i* *omewhat aw1war& becau*e the i#terpreter i* &oi#$ a ru##i#$ tra#*%atio# of
Du&uma# *pea1i#$ i# hi* #ati(e to#$ue0 The (oice we are Duoti#$ i* the i#terpreter0
!# the be$i##i#$ of the i#ter(iew' Du&uma# te%%* *omethi#$ of hi* e;perie#ce* u#&er commu#i*t per*ecutio# i#
Roma#ia' a#& hi* *uper#atura% &e%i(era#ce with the a**i*ta#ce of the A#$e% Gabrie%0
At a time of &eep &i*coura$eme#t' after comi#$ to America' he o#ce a$ai# e#cou#ter* the A#$e% Gabrie% who ha* a
me**a$e for him to $i(e to the :hurch0
"He *ai& "America wi%% bur#0" ! *ai& "How wi%% America bur#G" ! *ai& why &i& you bri#$ me here' why &i&#9t you %et
me &ie i# 8ai% i# Roma#ia0" He *ai&' "! to%& you to ha(e patie#ce0" a#& he *ai& $et o# thi* here #e;t me0 ! $ot o#
*omethi#$0 !t wa*#9t a (i*io#0 !t wa*#9t a &ream0 ! wa* awa1e %i1e !9m awa1e #ow0 A#& he *howe& him a%% o(er
:a%ifor#ia0 He *howe& him La* Ce$a*0 A#& he *ai&' 9Do you *ee what !9(e *how# you hereG" He *ai& thi* i* So&om
a#& Gomorrah a#& a%% of thi*' i# o#e &ay it wi%% bur#0" "He we#t a#& he *howe& him New For1 a#& he *ai& "Thi* i*
New For10 A#& he *ai& thi* i* So&om a#& Gomorrah0 !# o#e &ay it wi%% bur#0" He we#t a#& *howe& him F%ori&a0 A#&
he *ai&' "Thi* i* F%ori&a0" A#& he *ai&' "E(erythi#$ that !9(e *how# you' i# o#e &ay it wi%% bur#0" "! *ai&' 9How wi%% it
bur# i# o#e &ayG9" =ecau*e the Ru**ia# *pie* ha(e fou#& out the mo*t powerfu% #uc%ear warehou*e* i# America0
A#& whe# the America#* wi%% thi#1 it9* peace a#& *afety' the commu#i*t* from America wi%% *tart a Re(o%utio#
a$ai#*t the $o(er#me#t' a#& the $o(er#me#t wi%% be bu*y with them0 A#& the#' he *ai&' from the ocea#' from :uba'
from Nicara$ua' from e;ico' a#& he to%& him two other cou#trie* but he &o#9t remember the*e0 A#& they wi%%
bomb the #uc%ear warehou*e*0 A#& America wi%% bur#0
! *ai& "What wi%% you &o with the churchG" He *ai& "The church ha* for*a1e# him0" ! *ai& "How come you &o#9t ha(e
peop%e ri$ht here i# AmericaG" The a#$e% *ai& "Remember what ! ha(e to%& you0 Fou wi%% $o o# te%e(i*io#0 Fou wi%%
$o o# ra&io0 Fou wi%% $o i# churche*0 No matter where you wi%% be' te%% them e(erythi#$ that ! to%& you0
Te%% them that !9m #ot with the church #o more0 =ecau*e the peop%e $i(e prai*e* to them*e%(e*0 The ho#or that9*
*uppo*e& to be $i(e# to :hri*t' the peop%e ta1e it o# them*e%(e*0 !# the churche*' there i* &i(orce*' there9*
a&u%tery i# the churche*' there9* homo*e;ua%ity i# the churche*' there9* abortio# i# the churche* a#& e(ery 1i#& of
*i# i# the churche*0 A#& they tur# *ome of the churche* for bu*i#e**e* for mo#ey0 A#& a%% the e(a#$e%i*t*' they
o#%y preach *a%(atio# a#& happi#e**0
=ut they &o#9t wa#t to *how the &e*tructio#0 They &o#9t wa#t to *how the har& time* that wi%% come upo# America0
A#& that9* why !9(e brou$ht you here0 =ecau*e thru your mouth ! wa#t to wa1e up a %ot of peop%e0 =ecau*e ! %o(e
thi* cou#try0 A#& ! wa#t to *a(e the church0"
! *ai& "How wi%% you *a(e themG !f America wi%% bur#' how wi%% you be ab%e to *a(e themG" He *ai& "Te%% them thi*'
the way !9m te%%i#$ you0" He *ai& "The way ! *a(e& the three you#$ o#e* from the fur#ace of fire? How ! *a(e&
Da#ie% from the %io#* &e#? ! wi%% *a(e them the *ame way0" He *ai& "Te%% them to *top *i##i#$0 Te%% them to tur#
towar&* the Lor&0 =ecau*e he #e(er $et* tire& of for$i(i#$0 A#& they mu*t %oo1 for the Lor& with a%% their heart*0
=ecau*e i# a *hort time it wi%% happe#0 E(erythi#$ that ! 8u*t to%& you0 Te%% them &o #ot be afrai& of troub%e0
=ecau*e ! wi%% be with you0"
He *ai& that "! wi%% $o before you a#& ! wi%% wor1 powerfu%%y0 He *ai& "! wi%% hea% a %ot of peop%e of their *ic1#e**0 A#&
! wi%% ope# the &oor *o you ca# $o o# te%e(i*io# a#& o# the ra&io0" A#& that9* what it happe#e&0 =ecau*e the Lor&
ha& &o#e a %ot of hea%i#$ upo# America# churche*0 A#& tho*e peop%e that were hea%e& they we#t o# the te%e(i*io#0
They were i# :a%ifor#ia' i# Utah' i# !#&ia#a' i# i**ouri' a#& other *tate*0 A#& the Lor& ha& ope#e& the &oor*0
A#& ! *po1e o# the te%e(i*io#? ! *po1e o# the ra&io0
A#& !9%% #e(er 1eep Duiet0 A* %o#$ a* ! ha(e breath i# me0 ! wi%% *ou#& the trumpet *o the America# :hurch wi%%
wa1e up0 =ecau*e America too1 the bib%e a%% o(er thi* wor%&0 =ecau*e America#* &i& $o a* mi**io#arie* a%% o(er
thi* wor%&0 =ut America fe%% from the truth0 A#& the church from America? they fe%% from the truth0 A#& :hri*t wa#t9*
to *a(e them0 =ut o#%y if they wi%% *top *i##i#$? a#& they wi%% tur# towar&* him0"
A#& the A#$e% *ai& a%*o? he *ai& that "The Lor& ha* b%e**e& thi* cou#try0 =ecau*e of the <ewi*h peop%e that i* i#
thi* cou#try0" He *ai& that "o(er here he ha* . mi%%io# <ewi*h0 Which they #e(er ta*te& of torture0 They #e(er we#t
thru torture*? thru har& time*? a#& the Lor& ha* b%e**e& them i# thi* cou#try0 =ut they &o#9t wa#t to reco$#i2e the
Lor&0 They *tarte& *i##i#$0 A#& they *tarte& a%% 1i#&* of e(i% thi#$*0 A#& the Lor& wa#t* to pu#i*h them to$ether
with America0 A#& !*rae% i* #ot reco$#i2i#$ the e**iah' becau*e they put their faith o# the <ewi*h peop%e from
America0 A#& the Lor& wi%% pu#i*h America0
A#& the# whe# America wi%% be pu#i*he&' a%% the peop%e wi%% be fri$hte#e&0 The Lor& wi%% $i(e power to :hi#a a#&
<apa#' a#& other #atio#*0 A#& they wi%% $o a$ai#*t the Ru**ia#* a#& they wi%% beat the Ru**ia#*0 He *ai& they wi%%
pu*h them a%% the way to the $ate* of Pari*0 O(er there they wi%% ma1e a treaty of peace0
A#& a%% the peop%e' they wi%% tur# towar&* !*rae%0 That9* whe# the war of Arma$$e&o# wi%% be0 He *ai& that !*rae%
wi%% be fri$hte#e&0 They wi%% #ot ha(e the he%p from America #o more0 A#& the# they wi%% ca%% upo# the e**iah0
That9* whe# the e**iah wi%% come0 !# the he%p of !*rae%0
=ut the church mu*t meet the me**iah0 We mu*t $et our*e%(e* rea&y *o we ca# meet the Lor&0 =ecau*e :hri*t wi%%
*et o# the ou#t of O%i(e* to$ether with the church0"
A#& he to%& him thi*' "Te%% thi* to a%% the peop%e0 Te%% them to rea& from the bib%e0" ! a*1e& him' he *ai&' "!f you9re
the A#$e% of the Lor&' where &oe* it *ay i# the bib%e what you 8u*t to%& meG" A#& he *ai& "Te%% them to rea& thi*0 !#
<eremiah B5-735B0 a#& Re(e%atio#' chapter 570 O(er there it te%%* e;act%y what wi%% happe# to America0 A#& how
America wi%% bur#0 A#& the batt%e that :hri*t wi%% $o a$ai#*t' he9%% fi$ht a$ai#*t a%% the #atio#*0 How :hri*t wi%% fi$ht
a$ai#*t a%% the #atio#*0" He *ai& "Te%% them to rea& from Hechariah' chapter 5,0"
Whe#e(er ! put my ha#& o# the =ib%e' ! wa* %ear#e& by the Lor&0 =ecau*e e(erythi#$' what the A#$e% of the Lor&
*ai&? it wa* prophe*ie& before0 With the mea#i#$ about thi* cou#try0 =ecau*e a%% the e(a#$e%i*t* a#& a%% the
America# preacher*? they o#%y ta%1 about the *a%(atio# of the peop%e0 They ta%1 about the happi#e** of the peop%e0
=ut they &o#9t wa#t to preach the true wor& of the Lor&0 A#& the America# pa*tor* they ca##ot *pea1 the truth #o
more0 =ecau*e if they *pea1 the truth to the peop%e' the peop%e wi%% %ea(e the church0
=ut we wi%% ha(e to a#*wer before the Lor& of the teachi#$ that we $i(e to other peop%e0 A#& we mu*t preach the
true wor& the way it9* writte#0 A#& ! wi*h to (i*it America# :hurche* a* much a* po**ib%e0 A#& ! mu*t te%% a%% the
peop%e to tur# towar&* the Lor&0 So o# the &ay whe# America wi%% be o# fire' *o they wi%% be ab%e to be *a(e&0 A#& a
%ot of time*' i# my *ufferi#$' whe# ! wa* bei#$ torture&' the a#$%e of the Lor& wa* #e;t to me0 ay the Lor& b%e**
by Dumitru Du&uma#
From the December 5666 New*%etter of "Ha#& of He%p"
A e**a$e from ichae% =o%&ea
! 1#ow that ma#y rumor* ha(e bee# circu%ate& a(er the pa*t + year* co#cer#i#$ my $ra#&father9* %a*t re(e%atio#0 A%thou$h we9(e trie& to
1eep them i# the fami%y u#ti% the appropriate time' ma#y of you ha(e writte# i# a#& i#Duire& co#cer#i#$ their co#te#t0
Thi* i* part%y the rea*o# why we &i&#9t pub%ici2e that there were *ti%% re(e%atio#* %eft0 a#y of you wou%& ha(e writte# i# a*1i#$ for hi#t*' or
c%ue*' wa#ti#$ to 1#ow before it wa* time0 E(e# tho*e c%o*e*t to u*' frie#&* a#& fami%y member* ha(e trie& i#ce**a#t%y to fi#& out the
co#te#t0 A%% wi%% be ma&e 1#ow# i# &ue time0
The (i*io# that wa* pub%i*he& i# thi* i**ue of the #ew*%etter i* the fir*t of three re(e%atio#* that we were $i(e# *pecific i#*tructio# #ot to
re%ea*e u#ti% their appoi#te& time0 WhyG The Lor& 1#ow* a%% thi#$*0
Two more remai#' a &ream' a#& a prophecy0 The*e two wi%% be re%ea*e& whe# their appoi#te& time arri(e*0 ! pray you are b%e**e& rea&i#$
thi* (i*io# a* ! wa* tra#*%ati#$ it' a#& hope that it *pea1* to your heart0
With %o(e i# :hri*t'
ichae% =o%&ea <r0
Ha#& of He%p' !#c0
A Ci*io# Recei(e& by =rother Dumitru Du&uma#
3 Apri% 5@' 566. 3
! wa* o# a %ar$e p%ai#' it *eeme& to $o o# fore(er0 ! cou%&#9t *ee the e&$e*' but ! 1#ow ! wa* *omewhere (ery hi$h0
The c%ou&* *eeme& *o c%o*e to where ! *too& that if ! cou%& reach out' ! cou%& touch them0 ! be$a# to %oo1 arou#&
i#*i*te#t%y' but a%% ! cou%& *ee wa* thi* p%ai# co(ere& with beautifu% $ra** that wa* a%% the *ame hei$ht0 The *1y
wa* ca%m a#& beautifu% a#& there wa* a fee%i#$ of peace i# thi* p%ace0
There were #o bui%&i#$*' #o tree*' #o f%ower*' 8u*t the earth a#& the *1y0 A* ! co#ti#ue& to %oo1 arou#& me' ! *aw
a cha#$e i# the *1y0 The c%ou&* be$a# to ro%% to the *i&e*' a#& ! *aw a city come &ow# from the c%ou&*0 !t
co#ti#ue& to &e*ce#& u#ti% it reache& the $rou#& where ! *too&0 ! wa* ama2e& by what ! *aw' a#& ! be$a# to *tu&y
it i#te#t%y0 ! ha(e tra(e%e& thi* wor%& a %ot' but ! ha(e #e(er *ee# a#ythi#$ %i1e ! wa* *eei#$0
The e#tire *tructure wa* *o beautifu% that it too1 your breathe away0 !t wa* a%% white a#& it *ho#e *o bri$ht%y that
o#e cou%& bare%y %oo1 at it0 !t wa* *o %ar$e that if ! *too& at o#e cor#er a#& %oo1e& to *ee the other e#&' ! cou%&
#ot0 A* ! wa* tryi#$ to fi#& a# e#tra#ce i#to thi* p%ace' ! *tu&ie& the wa%%* a#& cou%&#9t ma1e out what they were
bui%t from0 !t *eeme& that it wa* bui%t a* a who%e' a%% from o#e $ia#t ma**0 There wa* #o bric1*' there were #o
crac1* i# the wa%%*' there wa* #o mortar0
A* ! *too&' to my %eft wa* a bui%&i#$ that wa* (ery ta%%' a#& *ma%%er bui%&i#$* co#ti#ue& a%o#$ the wa%%0 !t *eeme&
%i1e the e#tire city wa* u#&er o#e roof0 A%thou$h the bui%&i#$* were &iffere#t' they were co##ecte& betwee#
A* ! co#ti#ue& to %oo1' ! *aw the *tair* that %e& to the e#tra#ce' a#& they *ho#e bri$hter tha# a#ythi#$ ! ha(e e(er
*ee#0 They were $i$a#tic' a* wa* the wa%% that *urrou#&e& the city0 No o#e wou%& e(er be ab%e to force their way
i#to thi* p%ace0 ! &o#9t 1#ow what *ort of materia% it wa* bui%t from' but ! $ot the impre**io# that tho*e i#*i&e' cou%&
*ee out0 Wa#ti#$ to fi#& out what waite& i#*i&e' ! be$a# to c%imb the *tair*0 ! &i&#9t $et (ery far' becau*e ! hear& a
powerfu% (oice which &row#e& out e(erythi#$ e%*e0
E(e# if ! wa#te& to co#ti#ue wa%1i#$ ! cou%& #ot0 !t wa* a* if ! wa* para%y2e&0
"Te%% my peop%e' that their wor*hip towar& e mu*t #ot be out of fear' but out of %o(e0 Of what u*e wi%% it be to them
if ! wou%& te%% them whe# the fi#a% hour wi%% *tri1eG What they mu*t &o i* wor*hip who%ehearte&%y0 ! ha(e a%rea&y
*e#t them a $ui&e0 They ha(e y Wor&0 !# my Wor& it ha* a%rea&y bee# re(ea%e& that ! wi%% come a* a thief i# the
#i$ht0 Te%% them that co#cer# o(er tomorrow *hou%& #ot be fou#& i# them0 They mu*t be faithfu%' a#& fi$ht the $oo&
fi$ht0 Lo(e me a* ! ha(e %o(e& them' %i(i#$ i# %o(e0
=eho%& &e*tructio# i* fa*t approachi#$' but ! wi%% #ot he*itate to protect for my cho*e#0 Tho*e that *ow mercy'
*ha%% recei(e mercy from e0 Te%% my peop%e #ot to worry about the *ea*o#*' but to me&itate o# how they wi%%
*ta#& before e0 Ur$e them to prepare for that &ay whe# ! wi%% *how y power0
Whe# ! tur#e&' ! *aw a *ma%% chi%& that wa* tryi#$ to c%imb the *tair*0 He trie&' but becau*e he wa* *o *ma%% he
cou%& #ot ma1e it to the #e;t *tep0 Hi* %au$hter howe(er echoe& throu$hout %i1e a be%%0 E(e# thou$ht he 1ept
fa%%i#$' he *howe& #o *i$# of *a&#e**' but 8u*t 1ept tryi#$0
"Di&#9t ! %ea(e you with thi* parab%e a* a# e;amp%eG"
The# e(erythi#$ &i*appeare&0
33D0 Du&uma#
"Two more remai#' a &ream' a#& a prophecy0
The*e two wi%% be re%ea*e& whe# their appoi#te& time arri(e*0" 330 =o%&ea
From the <u#e @AAA New*%etter of "Ha#& of He%p"
co#cer#i#$ Du&uma#9* *eco#& of three fi#a% me**a$e*
A e**a$e from ichae% =o%&ea
E#coura$eme#t to Greater :ommitme#t
A* the time co#ti#ue* to march o#' a#& the &ay* of &ar1#e** approach *wift%y' the chi%&re# of Go& are *tirre& to actio#0 !t i* #ot a po%itica%
actio# or a parami%itary actio#' but the actio# of the heart0 Go&9* war#i#$ to tho*e who wou%& hear Hi* (oice i* e(er pre*e#t0 He co#ti#ue*
to *pea1 #ot to the wor%&' becau*e the wor%& &oe* #ot 1#ow Him0 He *pea1*' that we who are *ea%e& with the Ho%y Spirit' who are *a(e& by
Hi* *he& b%oo&' may 1#ow the time* a#& *ea*o#* a#& %i(e accor&i#$%y0
A* *omeo#e who %i(e* #o more tha# @A mi%e* from the Ru**ia# bor&er' ! *ee thi#$* from a &iffere#t per*pecti(e0 The fact that bitter#e**
a#& co#tempt' if #ot outri$ht hatre&' a$ai#*t America i* o#ce a$ai# u#iti#$ Ru**ia' i* e(i&e#t i# you#$ a#& o%& a%i1e0 Whe# a ma# ha*
#othi#$ more to %o*e he become* mo*t &a#$erou*0 Po(erty a#& hu#$er ha(e become *o rampa#t that mo*t are wi%%i#$ to embrace a#yo#e
that wi%% poi#t out the %i$ht at the e#& of the tu##e%0 They wi%% fo%%ow a#yo#e that ca# fi#& a reme&y' a#& wi%% promi*e them pa*t $%orie*0
Perhap* the*e thi#$* are #ot a* e(i&e#t i# America' at %ea*t #ot yet0 =ut accor&i#$ to what Go& ha* *po1e#' e(e# whe# they *ee a%% the
*i$#* they wi%% be pa**i(e0 We' a* chi%&re# of Go&' ca# #o %o#$er affor& to be pa**i(e0 We ca# #o %o#$er affor& to *ay' "There9* a%way*
tomorrow0" To&ay we mu*t commit our*e%(e* a#& our fami%ie* to the cau*e of :hri*t0 We mu*t comp%ete%y &e(ote our %i(e* to
ri$hteou*#e**' o#%y *ee1i#$ tho*e thi#$* which are of Go&0 A%% the a#*wer* to e(ery Due*tio# we ha(e ha& co#cer#i#$ pa*t' pre*e#t a#&
future we wi%% fi#& i# Him0 A%% the thi#$* we are *earchi#$ for we wi%% fi#& at the foot of the :ro**0 Li(e for Him' wor1 &i%i$e#t%y whi%e it9* *ti%%
&ay' 1#owi#$ that *oo#' &ar1 &ay* wi%% come0 ay the $race of :hri*t i#habit your heart*' a#& may the b%e**i#$* of Go& be poure& o(er
you a#& your9*0
With %o(e i# :hri*t'
ichae% =o%&ea' <r0
Ha#& of He%p' !#c0
empha*i* by WStS
A Ci*io# Recei(e& by =rother Dumitru Du&uma#
3 Apri% 566. 3
! 1#e%t be*i&e my be& to pray' a* ! &o e(ery #i$ht before $oi#$ to *%eep0 After fi#i*hi#$ my prayer ! ope#e& my
eye*' but ! wa* #o %o#$er i# my room0 !#*tea& ! fou#& my*e%f i# a fore*t0 ! %oo1e& arou#& a#& to my ri$ht ! *aw a
ma#' &re**e& i# white' who poi#te& a fi#$er a#& *ai&'
"See a#& remember0"
!t too1 me a whi%e to fi#& what he wa* %oo1i#$ at0 !t wa* a *ma%% bear who *eeme& ha%f &ea& %yi#$ o# the $rou#&0
A* ! co#ti#ue& to watch thi* bear' it be$a# to breathe &eeper0 With e(ery pa**i#$ mi#ute it *eeme& to re(i(e it*e%f'
a#&' a* ! watche&' it co#ti#ue& to become a#$rier0 !t tha# be$a# !t the# be$a# to $row0 Soo# it wa* %ar$er tha# the
fore*t f%oor a#& a* it $rew %ar$er it co#ti#ue& to become a#$rier0 !t tha# be$a# to paw the $rou#&' *o that whe# it*
paw hit the $rou#&' the earth wou%& *hu&&er0 The bear co#ti#ue& to &e(a*tate a%% that wa* i# it* path u#ti% it came
upo# *ome me# with *tic1* tryi#$ to fe#& it off0 =y thi* time the bear ha& become *o %ar$e that it *imp%y cru*he&
the me# u#&erfoot a#& co#ti#ue& it* rampa$e0 ! wa* *tu##e& by what ! *aw a#& a*1e& the ma# *ta#&i#$ be*i&e
"What &oe* thi* mea#G"
"At fir*t ' they thou$ht the bear wa* &ea&'" the ma# *ai&0 "A* it wi%% be$i# to *tir o#ce a$ai#' they wi%% co#*i&er it
harm%e**0 Su&&e#%y it wi%% $row *tro#$ o#ce more with purpo*e a#& (io%e#ce0 Go& wi%% b%i#& the eye* of tho*e who
co#ti#ue to tramp%e o# the *acrifice of :hri*t9* b%oo&' u#ti% the &ay the bear wi%% *tri1e *wift%y0 Thi* &ay wi%% catch
them u#prepare& a#& it wi%% be 8u*t a* you *aw0"
The ma# *ai&' "Te%% my peop%e that the &ay* are #umbere& a#& the *e#te#ce ha* bee# pa**e&0 !f they wi%% *ee1
y face a#& wa%1 i# ri$hteou*#e** before e' ! wi%% ope# their eye* that they may *ee the &a#$er approach0 !f
they o#%y %oo1 to the approachi#$ &a#$er' they too wi%% be cau$ht up a#& tramp%e& u#&er foot0 O#%y i#
ri$hteou*#e** wi%% they fi#& *afety0"
Su&&e#%y ! wa* a$ai# by my*e%f i# my room' o# my 1#ee*' with *weat co(eri#$ my face0
Dumitru Du&uma#
From the December @AAA New*%etter of "Ha#& of He%p"
A e**a$e from ichae% =o%&ea
P*a%m 6@-B3I " O LORD' how $reat are thy wor1*> a#& thy thou$ht* are (ery &eep0 A bruti*h ma# 1#oweth #ot? #either &oth a foo%
u#&er*ta#& thi*0"
A* ! *it a#& write thi* to you to&ay' there i* *ti%% a $reat co#fu*io# that ha* co(ere& America from a%% four cor#er*0 Grow# me# are i#
pa#ic' the wor%& i* ho%&i#$ it* breath ea$er to *ee the outcome of thi* turmoi%' a#& thou*a#&* of hypothetica% *ituatio#* are bei#$ throw#
arou#& by e(eryo#e0 With a%% that ha* bee# $oi#$ o# the pa*t few wee1*' ! am bur&e#e& to *hare my co#(ictio# with you0 Go& i* *ti%% i#
co#tro%0 No matter how b%ea1 the *ituatio# *eem*' #o matter how improbab%e the outcome of a%% that i* happe#i#$' be *tro#$ i# the
1#ow%e&$e that Go& i* *ti%% i# co#tro%0 A* chi%&re# of Go&' thi* i* a* far a* we ha(e to $o before bei#$ f%oo&e& with peace from abo(e0 We
1#ow that the creator of a%% thi#$*' *ee# a#& u#*ee#' i* &irecti#$ a%% thi#$* *o we mu*t %ea(e the outcome i# Hi* ha#&*0
There are $reater thi#$* that *hou%& co#cer# u* i# the*e &ay*0 There are i**ue* that *pa# far beyo#& thi* f%e*h i#to eter#ity0 A* we &raw
c%o*er a#& c%o*er to the e#& of yet a#other year' o#e thi#$ i* certai#0 With each pa**i#$ &ay' we are o#e &ay c%o*er to our Lor&9* retur#0
Howe(er' we are a%*o o#e &ay c%o*er to the approachi#$ &ar1#e**0 Let u* a%% be$i# to&ay i# *earchi#$ our heart* a#& *ee1i#$ the face of
Go& to *ee if perhap* there i* *ti%% a#ythi#$ there that i* hi#&eri#$ our re%atio#*hip with Him0 Our re%atio#*hip with our eter#a% Father
mu*t *uperce&e a%% other thi#$*0 We are Hi* chi%&re#' a#& a* the time approache* He year#* to re(ea% more of Him*e%f to each a#&
e(eryo#e of u*0 y prayer* are co#ti#ua%%y with you' a* ! hope your* are with me0 ay your heart* be fi%%e& with peace thi* Ho%i&ay
Sea*o# 1#owi#$ that whate(er may come' our Go& i* *ti%% i# co#tro%0
:o%o**ia#* +-5,35B' "A#& abo(e a%% the*e thi#$* put o# charity' which i* the bo#& of perfect#e**0
A#& %et the peace of Go& ru%e i# your heart*' to the which a%*o ye are ca%%e& i# o#e bo&y? a#& be ye tha#1fu%0"
ichae% =o%&ea <r0
Ha#& of He%p' !#c0
A Ci*io# Recei(e& by =rother Dumitru Du&uma#
3 566. 3
"! ha(e *po1e to you a* a father *pea1* to hi* ow# chi%&re#0 ! ha(e *how# you what wi%% be that you may prepare
your heart* a#& *tre#$the# your *pirit* for the &ay of batt%e0 Dar1 &ay* are *oo# comi#$ upo# the earth0 Day* of
mour#i#$ a#& $reat *a&#e**0 ! tarry for tho*e who *ee1 me with a pure heart0 ! $i(e *tre#$th to tho*e who *ee1
me co#ti#ua%%y0 The %aw%e** o#e ha* bee# prepare&' a#& he i* rea&y to re(ea% him*e%f0 He await* hi* re%ea*e0 He
wi%% come with a %yi#$ to#$ue a#& &ecei(i#$ wor&*0 ! wi%% protect y ow#' a#& ! wi%% &e%i(er them e(e# out of the
c%utche* of the e#emy0 Tho*e that wi%% be *tro#$ u#ti% the e#&' tho*e that wi%% be ca%%e& to be %i(i#$ te*timo#ie* for
my #ame9* *a1e wi%% recei(e the crow# of %ife0 Let ri$hteou*#e** be your ba##er' a#& y wor& be your $ui&e0 =e
roote& i# the truth0 A* the &aw# come* to cha*e away the #i$ht' *o wi%% the &ar1#e** ru%e o#%y for it* a%%otte& time0
=e *tro#$ i# the 1#ow%e&$e that ! protect a#& watch o(er a%% who are i#e0 Ame#0"
Dumitru Du&uma#
"! ha(e fou$ht a $oo& fi$ht'
! ha(e fi#i*he& my cour*e'
! ha(e 1ept the faith-
He#ceforth there i* %ai& up for me a
:row# of Ri$hteou*#e**'
which the LORD' the Ri$hteou* <u&$e'
*ha%% $i(e me at that &ay- a#& #ot to me o#%y'
but u#to a%% them a%*o that %o(e Hi* appeari#$0"
@ Timothy ,-.37
Throu$h the Fire Without =ur#i#$' i* the te*timo#y of =rother Du&uma#0 !t i* a(ai%ab%e from Ha#& of He%p' %ocate&
5A5@ South +r&0 St0
Watertow#' Wi*co#*i# B+A6,
)6@A/ @AI3665A
E3mai%- ha#&ofhe%pMyahoo0com
Ha#& of He%p' !#c0
)Note- P%ea*e &o #ot u*e the pho#e #umber that i* *ometime* circu%ate& o# the !#ter#et- )B,5/ 6@7355,@0 Thi* i* a# o%& pho#e #umber0 !t
&oe* #ot be%o#$ to Ha#& of He%p a#y %o#$er0 !t wa* to%& me' from Ha#& of He%p' that they e;pre**%y wi*h a#yo#e a&(erti*i#$ the o%&
#umber to p%ea*e up&ate their *ite with the #ew #umber0
Tha#1 you0

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