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Does Rh Negative Blood Type Equal Alien Heritage?
Why does the human race have so many different blood types and Rh values when we supposedly
came from 'Adam and Eve'? The biblical story of evolution no longer works as a viable explanation for
evolution. Now what? Was our race genetically manipulated or were we seeded here from other star
systems by aliens or more likely, our galactic star families?
Are you an Rh Negative blood type? If so you could be a decendent of the ancient astronauts
About a year and a half ago my sister Bonnie and I were discussing some of the unusual
characteristics of our family. Bonnie had a problem with infants haemolytic disease. She has 0 negative
blood. She has written a book including this problem called "The Deux" by Venus Thaddeus. One of the
questions we asked was why does this haemolytic disease occur? Why, along with the Rh negative
blood does our family have such a high IQ (135-140 average). Why so many psychic experiences?
Why this urge to ask "why?" Why the early maturity or the large head and eyes? Why have, we always
felt we were "different" from other people. And so many other things to set us apart.
Alien Jesus
We were raised in the church, but we never received answers to the questions we asked. Why doesn't
anyone else ask these same questions? We are not satisfied with the answer "just because". Are there
others out there who ask the same questions? Then we heard about the possibility of the ancient
astronauts and the pieces started to fall into place.
For the past decade many people have been working to prove that the earth has been visited by
extraterrestrial beings. Who are these visitors? Why did they come? Why did they leave? Did they
If earth was visited in the ancient past, are there any descendants of these visitors? If all mankind are
not descendants of these visitors, which ones are? Who are the "Children of Israel?" Why was their
seed blessed? Why were they told not to inter-marry with other people and to circumcise their sons for
identification? Why were they told to preserve their geneology? Where did Adam and Eve's sons go to
get their wives, if they were the only "humans" on earth?
Many scientists believe that modern man evolved from ape-like primates. They have much proof to
back up their theories, including modern blood analysis and comparative studies between modern man
and lower anthripoids, such as the chimpanzee and the Rhesus monkey.
It has been proven that the majority of mankind
(85%) has a blood factor common with the rhesus
monkey. This is called rhesus positive blood. Usually
shortened to Rh positive. This factor is completely
independent from the A, B, 0 blood types.
In the study of genetics, we find that we can only
inherit what our ancestors had except in the case of
mutation. We can have any of numerous
combinations of traits inherited from all our
ancestors. Nothing more and nothing less.
Therefore, if man and ape evolved from a common
ancestor, their blood would have evolved the same
way. Blood factors are transmitted with much more
exactitude than any other characteristic. It would
seem that modern man and rhesus monkey may
have had a common ancestor sometime in the
ancient past. All other earthly primates also have this Rh factor. But this leaves out the people who are
Rh negative. If all mankind evolved from the same ancestor their blood would be compatible. Where
did the Rh negatives come from? If they are not the descendants of prehistoric man, could they be the
descendants of the ancient astronauts?
All animals and other living creatures known to man can breed with any other of their species. Relative
size and color makes no difference. Why does infant's haemolytic disease occur in humans if all
humans are the same species? Haemolytic disease is the allergic reaction that occurs when an Rh
negative mother is carrying a Rh positive child. Her blood builds up antibodies to destroy an ALIEN
substance (the same way it would a virus), thereby destroying the infant. Why would a mother's body
reject her own offspring? Nowhere else in nature does this occur naturally. This same problem does
occur in mules - a cross between a horse and donkey. This fact alone points to the distinct possibility of
a cross-breeding between two similar but genetically different species.
TRIVIA: The bible leads us to believe that we are all descendents of Noah and his
family, but how does that explain the genetic diversity within various ethnic
populations? It doesn't, but we are not supposed to ask questions like this. We are
supposed to have "faith" in a system created by man to control man.
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No one has tried to explain where the Rh negative people came from. Most, familiar with blood factors,
admit that these people must at least be a mutation if not descendants of a different ancestor. If we are
a mutation, what caused the mutation? Why does it continue with the exact characteristics? Why does
it so violently reject the Rh factor, if it was in their own ancestry? Who was this ancestor? Difficulties in
determining ethnology are largely overcome by the use of blood group data, for they are a single gene
characteristic and not affected by the environment.
The Basque people of Spain and France have the
highest percentage of Rh negative blood. About
30% have (rr) Rh negative and about 60% carry
one (r) negative gene. The average among most
people is only 157%-Rh negative, while some
groups have very little. The Oriental Jews of Israel,
also have a high percent Rh negative, although
most other Oriental people have only about 1% Rh
negative. The Samaritans and the Black Cochin
Jew also have a high percentage of Rh negative
blood, although again the Rh negative blood is
rare among most black people.
Could the Basque people be one of these colonies? Or could it have been the original colony on earth?
The origin of the Basques is unknown. Their language is unlike any other European language. Some
believe that Basque was the original language of the book of Genesis. Some believe it was the original
language of the world and possibly of the creator.
Genesis 6:2 "The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and took them wives, all of
which they chose." Who were the children of these marriages? Genesis 6:4 "God came into the
daughters of men, and they bare children to them, and the same became mighty of old." From the King
James Bible dictionary we find: "menchildren - men of Israel, male children of God, not children of man
- Ex. 34:23." Ex. 34:7 states "The iniquity of the father will be unto the children unto the fourth
generation." It is plain that something is inherited, could it be the blood?
Blood is mentioned more often than any other word in the Bible, except God. These two words you will
find on almost every page, blood and God! (The blood of the Gods?) This message has been written
for thousands of years. There is a connection between the blood and the Gods.
The American Indians had the tradition of making good friends, "blood brothers", if they thought they
were worthy. Could this tradition have been for a reason? Could they have actually been checking to
see if they were blood brothers (the same type blood)? The clumping (aggulation) that occurs when Rh
positive and Rh negative blood are mixed is visible to the naked eye. Could they have been told, by
their ancestors, that their blood was different from that of the rest of mankind except for their brothers
and sisters, from other tribes, scattered throughout the earth. Indian tradition declares that their
ancestors were of cosmic origin. The Indian totem pole is actually a family genealogy.
Why all this preoccupation with genealogy among different people scattered throughout the earth? No
other animal on earth has this preoccupation with ancestry. Where did this tradition come from?
People scattered throughout the earth, who have had no-known contact with each other all
simultaneously got the urge to chart their family tree. Why? How important could this have been to
primitive cave men? Struggling to survive, to chart their genealogy? They had no understanding of
modern genetics and inheritance. So why should they preserve their genealogy? Were they told, by the
ancient astronauts, to preserve their heritage, until a future date when they would return and it would be
understood? Until a time, like now, when their descendent would be able to understand the message
they were leaving.
Although they probably didn't realize the importance of preserving their genealogy, they were told that
future generations would understand. Are we that future generation? Was there a message left for us
to understand? Do we have the courage to look for the answer?
Do we really want to know or would we rather keep our heads buried in the sand? What we don't know
will still affect us. You will not see unless you look. Only through knowledge will we find truth.
SPIRITUAL PSYCHOLOGY: Albert Einstein: The important thing is not to
stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help
but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the
marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a
little of this mystery every day.
I have searched, in vain, for scientific proof that the Rh negative blood was a natural earthly
occurrence. Instead I have found proof that the Rh negative had not evolved on earth in the natural
course of events.
For many years people have been searching for the wrong thing. Could the true "missing link" actually
be man himself? The unknown link between earth and the stars - hybrid man. Man may be the missing
link between primate and extraterrestrial. It seems inconceivable to me that those working on the
evolution theory have overlooked this possibility. How can they state, that these people are lacking a
factor contained in all other earthly primates, including the naked ape, and not ask why? What other
characteristics are common among these people that are uncommon to other people? Is there a real
difference other than just a different blood?
A very good comparative study between man and the primates can be found in Max Flindt's book
"Mankind, Child of the Stars," Fawcett publisher, Books 1 and 2. He has
documented many of the characteristics we may have received from our
cosmic ancestors. It does show quite conclusively that mankind is a
hybrid between our cosmic ancestor and our earth ancestor. I have
merely carried this idea to its logical conclusion. If mankind is a hybrid
descendant of the ancient' astronauts, surely there would be some,
appearing periodically, who would be genetically very similar to them.
Would this not include their psychic powers? Could the great sleeping
prophet, Edgar Cayce, have been one of these? Could Jesus Christ also
have been one of these? A true descendant of the ancient astronauts. If
he was a true genetic duplicate of them he would also have their powers
and possibly their knowledge. I cannot say whether he was born with
this knowledge or whether he established psychic communication with
our cosmic family, but it is plain that he had powers far beyond those of
mortal man. Could he have been an example of what the ancient
astronauts were like? Jesus stated that the Father and him were one. Could he have actually meant
that literally? He may have been an exact duplicate of his (our) ancient Father. He may have even been
a clone of the cosmonauts. Everyone knows the story of his virgin birth and the heavenly intervention.
Could this have been implanting a clone into Mary's sterilized egg? Could the whole egg have actually
been an implant?
The Rh negative blood, which appears not to have originated on earth, may prove to be a major factor
in proving mankind is a hybrid. It is not the whole answer but it is a key for unlocking the genetic puzzle
of our heritage. Tissue factors will also prove to be quite revealing. Scientists are now able to determine
the tissue factors of 5000 year old mummies. Could some of these mummies have been the ancient
astronauts? Why were these mummies preserved well enough for us to analyze their blood and tissue
factors? Could there be a message in the genetic factors of the mummies themselves?
There is an interesting fact found in the book "X-Raying the Pharaohs" by James Harris and Kent
Weeks, 1973 (Scribners). Upon x-raying the tomb of Makare, high priestess of Ammon, it was found
that the infant buried with her labeled Prince Moutenihet was actually a female hamadryas baboon. An
examination of Makare showed she had given birth shortly before dying. Could she have given birth to
the baboon found with her? Why else would it have been buried with her? A genetic throwback?
My research has shown that the majority of those with psychic powers also have Rh negative blood.
Most psychic and faith healers also have this blood. Strangely enough, many of those doing research
into the ancient astronaut theory and other phenomena also have Rh negative blood.
Erich von Daniken has Rh negative blood and a thirst for the truth. Brad Steiger also has Rh negative
blood. His new book "Gods of Aquarius" considers this possibility. Robert Antone Wilson, author of
"Illuminus", also has this blood. There are many others too numerous to list here.
Why is there such a large percentage of negative in these unusual fields? Could we have a vague
memory of what we are looking for? It has been said that a question is not asked until the answer is
There are about 5,000 known blood factors and all of these must contribute to the complete picture.
But the Rh negative blood is the place to start our search.
A comparative analysis is now being done and we need your help. If you are reading this, you must be
one of the lost children of Israel. Anyone else would not have read this far.
Janet Swerdlow writes to a reader:
BloodlinePosted: April 14, 2002
Just a question on my bloodline which is kinda interesting Im half Korean (Siberian base, with the
possibility of a little Russian), a quarter Japanese, and a quarter Sicilian - do you know if the alien
heritage is in conflict, or if it may explain my unpredictable patterns? Im O neg. blood - any relevancy?
Stewarts Reply: You cannot look at it as a conflict of alien heritage. Your mind-pattern attracted those
genetics. If you are unpredictable, it is because you want to be. You also have to look at the imprinting
on your as a child that enhanced this behavior. The negative blood type simply means that there is
more Reptilian factor than mammalian and given your East Asian heritage, that is not surprising.
Book of Revelations
Posted: April 14, 2002
Hi Stewart: I am new to your site and am ordering 3 of your books. While I dont know whos truth to
believe I am open to hearing what everyone has to say on both sides. Please answer these questions.
1). Chemtails are being used to open certain peoples DNA to "expose them". 2).What blood types and
corresponding RH factor are they targeting? 3).Whats the importance of this?
Stewarts Reply: I have talked about this extensively. Please read through the archives. They are
targeting Rh negative factor with 30-40% Reptilian DNA out of the total.
The Book of revelations says who ever doesnt take the mark of the beast will be put to death, then
says whoever does take it will be put to death at the second coming of "Christ". What should a person
do in this damned if you do damned if you dont scenario saturate?
Stewarts Reply: That is correct. That is because it was written by Eliminate writers. And what is their
favorite saying "resistance is futile". So that is why I emphasize that you must work on your own mind-
pattern and not be so concerned with the external world.
Isnt revelation just an account of a coming battle between two opposing alien races? Thank you.
Stewarts Reply: On the surface, yes. But it is mostly a battle about left and right-brain function.
The Rh-negative Factor
"Reptilian Traits"(the DRAGON within).
Distribution of Blood Types of Blood Donors
O Rh-positive 37 percent A Rh-positive 36 percent B Rh-positive 9 percent AB Rh-positive 3 percent O
Rh-negative 7 percent A Rh-negative 6 percent B Rh-negative 1 percent AB Rh-negative 1 percent
Quetzalcoatl aka Thoth
There is a hypothesis that Quetzalcoatl (Rh-Negative blood
factor) was a viking, sole survivor of a sea exploration or a
Celtic person from the Tribe of DANA.
RECURSION HARMONICS : The Enveloping Wave of Compassion?
Blood Factor ( Rh+ or Rh-) and Morphogenetic Field Tuning.
* Your Rh status describes whether or not you have a protein on the surface of red blood cells. If you
don't have the Rh factor, you're considered Rh-negative; if you have it, you're Rh-positive. About 85
percent of people are Rh-positive, though it varies by race. For African Americans, about 90-95 percent
are Rh-positive, and for Asians, the figure is 98 to 99 percent. Hmmmm
Rh-Negatives are RARE.
But, strangely.... a person with type O negative blood is considered to be a "Universal Donor". It means
his or her blood can be given to anyone, regardless of blood type, without causing a transfusion
The Rh-Negatives Factor is considered a "Mutation" of "Unknown Origin", which happened in Europe,
about 25,000-35,000 years ago. Then this group spread heavily into the area of what is now Spain,
England, Ireland, etc.
The Process of Alloimmunization
During the birthing process, blood cells from the unborn child can escape into the mother's
bloodstream. These cells are recognized as foreign if they are a different blood type from the mother
and a natural rejection process will ensue with the formation of antibodies. The process is known as
red cell alloimmunization.source
Scientific Explanation
Blood type A is the most ancient, and it existed before the human species evolved from its hominid
ancestors. Type B is thought to have originated some 3.5 million years ago, from a genetic mutation
that modified one of the sugars that sit on the surface of red blood cells. Starting about 2.5 million years
ago, mutations occurred that rendered that sugar gene inactive, creating type O, which has neither the
A or B version of the sugar. And then there is AB, which is covered with both A and B sugars.
Modes of Inheritance
In more than 98% of cases, the red blood cell incompatibility involves the Rhesus or Rh D antigen[Rh-
negative Factor] so the disease is known as Rhesus disease or Rh disease. Although the exact
percentage varies with race, 15% of the United States population is Rh-negative and 85% is Rh-
positive. If a Rh-negative woman conceives a child with a Rh-positive partner, the potential exists for
the child to inherit its father's Rh-positive blood type.[ There are two types of Rh-positive men. In 55%
of individuals, the man is heterozygous. In this situation, his genetics allow him to produce Rh-negative
offspring 50% of the time and Rh-positive offspring the remaining 50% of the time. In the second type of
a Rh-positive= individual, homozygous state.]
So... Rh-negative women with a Rh-positive partner are at RISK of spontaneous miscarriage and other
fetus REJECTION events. Hmmmm And a Rh-negative woman with a Rh-negative partner has even a
smaller chance of having a Baby born alive! Hmmmm... In animals this is seen as a problem, in
HYBRID Animals.
Rh-negative women and men have several "Unusual Traits" that Rh-positives don't. Some call them
"Reptilian Traits".
* An EXTRA-Vertebra (a "Tail Bone")....some are born with a tail(called a "Cauda").* Lower than normal
Body Temperature* Lower than normal Blood Pressure* Higher mental analytical abilities.* Higher
Negative-ion shielding (from positive "charged" virus/bacteria)around the body.* High Sensitivity to EM
and ELF Fields.* Hyper Vision and other senses.* Etc. (TS-MAJIC-NSC)
The researches of R. Frank, a scholar at the
University of Iowa, suggest that the Basques were
far-advanced in navigational skills and other aspects
of technology long before the rise of the Roman
Empire. The Basques, she believes, are the last
remnants of the megalith builders, who left behind
dolmens, standing stones, and other rock structures
all across Europe and perhaps even in eastern
North America.
Two facts set the Basque peoples apart from the
other Europeans who have dominated the continent
the past 3,000 years: (1) The Basque language is
distinctly different; and (2) The Basques have the
highest recorded level of Rh-negative blood (roughly
twice that of most Europeans), as well as
substantially lower levels of Type B blood and a
higher incidence of Type O blood.
Some probable technological feats of the Basques or their ancestors are:
Stonehenge and similar megalithic structures....A unique system of measurement based on the number
7, instead of 10, 12, or 60 Regular visits to North America long before Columbus to fish and to trade for
beaver skins. Recently unearthed British customs records show large Basque imports of beaver pelts
from 1380-1433. The invention of a sophisticated navigational device called an "abacus." (No relation
to the common abacus.)
Human Genetics
Odd, the REPTILIAN "Aliens" like Abducting the Rh-Negative Humans.
*Human Genetic Traits and Conditions:
Hmmm... The widow's peak ; Tongue rolling ; Ear lobes ; Freckles ; Eye color ; Polydactyly ; Webbed
feet and/or hands ; Albinism ; Rh blood groups ; Cauda ; etc.
CAUDA EQUINA - The bundle of spinal nerve roots arising from the end of the spinal cord and filling
the lower part of the spinal canal(from approximately the thoraco-lumbar junction down). Embryology :
Caudally the tail region projects over the cloacal membrane.
Cauda : the tail.The embryonic Human HAS a TAIL! * We ALL my be part REPTILIAN. How does the
cauda equina develop?
In the third month, the spinal cord extends through the entire length of the embryo. With increasing age
the vertebral column and dura mater lengthen more rapidly than the neural tube and the caudal end of
spinal cord shifts to a higher level of the vertebral canal. As a result of this differential growth, the dorsal
and ventral rami of the spinal nerves= run obliquely from their segment of origin to the corresponding
level of the vertebral column.
In Sanskrit "Ketuu" =3D The south Lunar Node, also known as "Cauda= Draconis", in latin. The
"Dragon's Tail", in English. The Dragon's Tail (South Node):
Aspects to the South Node display the results of "Innate Unconscious Tendencies"[In the DNA?] and
"Karmic Patterns", as they emerge in life.
The Draconic Zodiac, is used by some astrologers searching for hidden spiritual truths. The Dragon,
TALI, Theli. Tali or Theli refers to the 12 Zodiacal constellations along the great circle of the Ecliptic;
where it ends there it begins again, and so the ancient occultists drew the Dragon with its tail in its
mouth. Some have thought that Tali referred to the constellation Draco, which meanders across the
Northern polar sky; others have referred it to the Milky Way; others to an imaginary line joining Caput to
Cauda Draconis, the upper and lower nodes of the Moon.
Once upon a time..... there were three zodiacs: the Sidereal, the Tropical, and the Draconic.
The Vertex, called a point of fateful encounters over which we have no conscious control, is the
intersection of the great circles of the ecliptic... In the Draconic Chart the ecliptic plane of the Sun, the
equatorial=20 plane of the Earth, and that of the Lunar orbit are all brought together....= Light paths
meet Earth. Hmmmm For the Earth (as a whole), this would be in August of 1999!
The Hero in our Fairy Tales became a great prince, won great love,= gained riches, achieved
greatness and acclaim by valiantly searching out and meeting the Dragon head on, face to face.
Set out on a journey and find the Dragon.
..... And everyone lived happily ever after...........** (except the dragon... : )
The Reptilians are tracking those with Rh-Negative Factor Blood. Going back into time....the Rh-Neg
Hybrids came from the DRACO Caverns in the Carpathian Mountains. They were mostly RED Haired,
with Green Eyes and Black haired, with Brown Eyes. They tried to infiltrate themselves into the
Blond/Brown Haired, with Blue Eyes, Civilization. They wanted to Mate with those who were not Rh-
Negatives. Most Rh-Negs have a Lower Body temperature and Blood pressure than Rh-Positives.
Many Rh-Negs are born with a CAUDA(tail) or an Extra Vertebra (Tail Bone). Rh-Negs are Hybrids.
They are Part Reptilian/part human. If two Rh-Negs try to have a baby it will usually die or be born a
"BLUE Baby", because it is Not processing oxygen properly. Thus "Blue-Bloods", if they survive. 5% of
the Earth's population are currently Rh-Negatives. But, they are 15% of the population of the England
and the USA.
Dr. Luigi Cavalli-Sforza from Stanford University wrote an article entitled "Genes, Peoples and
Languages" (Scientific American, Nov.'91). He pointed out the high Rh-negative concentrations among
the people of Morocco, the Basque country of Euskadi, Ireland, Scotland and the Norwegian islands.
The only people among these still to speak their original neolithic language were the Basques...
Also on the Rh-factor map, you will notice that the Icelandic=20 population has a very low incidence of
Rh-negative individuals, unlike the rest of Scandinavia.
The most distinctive members of the European branch of the human tree are the Basques of France
and Spain. They show unusual patterns for several genes, including the highest rate of the Rh-negative
blood type. Their language is of unknown origin and cannot be placed within any standard
Consider Iceland, 1% of its population is Rh-negative. The population of Iceland is about two-third of
Scandinavian and one-third of Irish descent. Scandinavia, Ireland, and the British Isles show from 16%
to 25% and above Rh-negative. The other populations with a proportion of Rh-negative individuals
similar to Iceland occupy the eastern half of Asia, Madagascar, Australia and New-Zealand.
Lucotte, G. & Hazout, S. (1995) "Y-chromosome DNA haplotypes in= basques", a report on population
genetics sent to UNESCO .source
Q17. Are the Basques genetically different from other Europeans?
A17. Apparently, yes. It has long been known that the Basques have the highest proportion of rhesus-
negative blood in Europe , and one of the highest percentages of type-O blood (55%). Recently,
however, the geneticist Luiga Luca Cavalli-Sforza has completed a gene map of the peoples of Europe,
and he finds the Basques to be strikingly different from their neighbors. The genetic boundary between
Basques and non-Basques is very sharp on the Spanish side. On the French side, the boundary is
more diffuse: it shades off gradually toward the Garonne in the north. These findings are entirely in
agreement with what we know of the history of the language.
Q18. Does this mean the Basques are directly descended from the earliest known human inhabitants
of Europe, the Cro-Magnon people who occupied western Europe around 35,000 years ago?
A18. Nobody knows. This is possible, but we have no real evidence either way. The only evidence we
have is negative: the archeologists can find no evidence for any sudden change in population in the
area for thousands of years before the arrival of the Celts and later the Romans in the first millennium
The people of the Basque region have a greater than 50 percent concentration of the RH negative
gene,. The frequency decreases in relation to the distance from the Basque region into the rest of the
world until there is very little evidence of this gene. This genetic mapping helps to show that a mutation
from RH positive to RH negative occurred somewhere in the Basque area of Europe maybe as much
as 40,000 years ago, as he discussed later. Basques are not regional inhabitants of an area, as some
believe - they are a completely separate and distinct race whose origins are shrouded in mystery.
Although to all outward appearances they seem to be part of the so called "white" or "caucassian" race
group, they have distinct genetic differences which does not allow their being classified as part of that
"white" race. For example : Basques are believed to have been the originators of the RH negative
blood factor - the original genetic pool from which this factor came. While RH negatives are a small
minority in the "white" and other races, and practically non-existent in "orientals", the current Basques
still are over 33 % RH negative. Another salient genetic feature is the the shape and sutures (bone
joints) of cranial bones of Basques[The Reptilian skull ridge]. A third skeletal difference is the tendency
to having a thicker breast bone.
According to Alex Collier...
The Alpha Draconians, a reptilian race composed of master geneticists, tinker with life - which from
their perspective exists as a natural resource. The Draconians look at lifeforms which they have
created or altered as a natural resource. Apparently, the Alpha Draconians created the primate race,
which was first brought to Mars and then to Earth. The primate race was then tinkered with....
I was researching this topic a little bit more last
night, more particular, how blood types and Rh
factors (positive/negative) may be related to ET
Negative rh blood (whether it be O, A, B or AB
negative) is only found in 15% of the population.
If there is a 12 strand DNA template, it would most
likely reside in Rh+ blood for this reason.
That being said, in China, over 99% of the population
has Rh+ blood. The Mayans are also 98% O Rh+
Group O is the oldest of the blood groups. All
humans in the Stone Age would have been group O.
The second oldest group is the Group A. This group
appeared between 25,000 and 15,000 BC around
the time farming developed. Group B emerged
between 15,000 and 10,000 BC when tribes began
migrating from Africa to Europe, Asia and the
Americas. The newest and rarest group is Group AB.
This only appeared between 500 to 1,000 years ago.
It is thought to be due to the intermingling of the
other groups over many centuries. Approximately
10% of the populations of Japan, China and Pakistan have this group.
I question whether the elites bloodline run in the 15% category of Rh- blood? For example, look at this
Former U.S Presidents
Former President Eisenhower Type O-Neg Former President John F. Kennedy Type AB-Neg Former
President Richard Nixon Type O-Neg Former President Bill Clinton AB-Neg Former President George
W. Bush Sr. Type A-Neg
Pharaoh Ramses II Type B-Neg Shroud Of Turin was AB-Neg is this correct? Prince Charles Type O-
Neg and his late Grandmother Queen Elizabeth Type O-Neg
Interesting Authors
Zacharia Sitchin Type Neg Brad Steiger O-Neg Erik Von Daniken Type O-Neg Robert Anton Wilson
Type Neg
Mick Jagger Type AB-Neg Fox Mulder "X-files" Type O-Neg Marilyn Monroe was Type AB-Neg Dan
Aykroyd Type O-Neg
High Profile Murders
O.J. Simpson is Type A-Neg "who killed" Ron Goldman Type O-Neg Laci Peterson Type O-Neg
I'm not religious, but if the bible myth were true, then we should all have the same blood type... which
proves the bible is BS. There's something more to this but I haven't nailed it down yet.
And that being said, it's entirely possible that Rh- blood types may have special abilities or talents that
Rh+ don't have. I'm sure those in power have a firm grasp of the differences between blood types.
One has to also ponder the significance of how your soul and your blood type are related (or not
Here's an interesting table showing blood types compared to ethnicity:
Your Rh status describes whether or not you have a protein on the surface of red blood cells. If you
don't have the Rh factor, you're considered Rh-negative; if you have it, you're Rh-positive. About 85
percent of people are Rh-positive, though it varies by race. For African Americans, about 90-95 percent
are Rh-positive, and for Asians, the figure is 98 to 99 percent. But, strangely.... a person with type O
negative blood is considered to be a "Universal Donor". It means his or her blood can be given to
anyone, regardless of blood type, without causing a transfusion reaction.
The Rh-Negatives Factor is considered a "Mutation" of "Unknown Origin", which happened in Europe,
about 25,000-35,000 years ago. Then this group spread heavily into the area of what is now Spain,
England, Ireland, etc.
Strange Facts Concerning Rh-Negatives
* Rh-negative women and men display Reptilian Traits:
* An EXTRA-Vertebra (a "Tail Bone"). Some are born with an actual tail (called a "Cauda"). In Sanskrit,
Ketuu = The south Lunar Node, also known as Cauda/Draconis, in latin, "dragon's tail" in English.
* Lower than normal Body Temperature
* Lower than normal Blood Pressure
* Higher mental analytical abilities
* Higher Negative-ion shielding (from positive "charged" virus/bacteria) around the body
* High Sensitivity to EM and ELF Fields
* Hyper Vision and other senses
* Have a strong sense of mission or purpose
More TRAITS found in RH negatives
There are certain similarities that occur to those having RH negative blood - according to some who
have it there are common patterns found, which include the following:
1. predominance of green or hazel eyes that change color, also blue eyes
2. reddish hair , brown
3. low pulse rate
4. low blood pressure
5. keen sight or hearing
6. ESP
7. extra rib or vertabrae
8. UFO connections
9. love of space and science
10. a sense of not belonging to the human race
11. piercing eyes
12. para-normal occurrences
13. psychic dreams
14. truth seekers
15. desire for higher wisdom
16. empathetic illnesses
17. deep compassion for fate of mankind
18. a sense of a 'mission' in life
19. psychic abilities
20. unexplained scars on body
21. capability to disrupt electrical appliances
22. alien contacts (Many Starseeds are RH negative)
Distribution of Blood Types of Blood Donors:
O Rh positive: 37 percent A Rh positive: 36 percent B Rh positive: 9 percent AB Rh positive: 3
percent O Rh negative: 7 percent A Rh negative: 6 percent B Rh negative: 1 percent AB Rh
negative: 1 percent
It also makes me wonder if the 15% that Project Camelot and webbot Clif High are talking about are
the 15% with Rh negative blood types?
Anne Hayes stated that most of the population has the "Angelic Human" 12 strand DNA Kristos
template, which would infer that those with a Rh POSITIVE blood type would fall into this category.
It's also possible that those with Rh negative may have a higher strand DNA than the Kristos template.
Hayes went on to say something along the lines that even if you have a small percentage of the 12
Strand DNA Kristos template, that you would be part of the ascension.
What probably makes the most sense is that these 15% of the population were some of the original
inhabitants of Earth, most likely being seeded here from at least one star nation. Blue eyed inhabitants
only date back to 10,000 years ago, which were most likely a 2nd generation of inhabitants from
various star nations. Through interbreeding, the blue eyed gene has been passed on to Rh negative
people, but each blood type most likely represents your particular link to any given star nation that
contributed to the populating of this planet.
For some people, this will be their first time here. Let's try to make a nice impression for all of our

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