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Friday Oct 3, 2014



Vol. 9






October 6, 2014

Fiji PM To United Nations - We Did It

Continued On Page 3

Five years ago Prime Minister Voreqe

Bainimarama promised the United
Nations General Assembly he would
introduce Fijis first genuine democracy
by September 2014
And he stood on the same podium in
New York and said: It is my honour to
inform you that with the support of the

Fijian people, I have kept that promise

and I return here today as the duly-elected
Prime Minister of the Republic of Fiji.
He said he led his FijiFirst political
movement to a decisive victory in the
first election to be held under the new
Constitution on the basis of equal votes
of equal value.

This Constitution replaced three previous

constitutions since Fijis independence
from Britain in 1970. He said previous
governments were chosen under a
weighted and discriminatory formula
that separated the various communities
and favoured some citizens over others.
For nearly four decades, we laboured

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under a system that was undemocratic,

unjust and unfair. Indeed, we were a case
study of a nation that was supposedly
democratic and casting itself as such, but
failing to meet some basic democratic
standards: A common and equal citizenry,
a common identity and a level playing
field on which every citizen can excel.

Friday Oct 3, 2014


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Fiji News


Friday Oct. 3 , 2014

Praveen Bala On Moving

Preparations On 2015
Fiji Forward
National Budget Underway
Newly-appointed Local Government
Minister Parveen Bala will be visiting
all municipalities and kick-start
reforms tailor-made for individual
Mr Bala who has been Fijis longest
serving mayor said Fiji towns and
cities needed to have clear guidelines
and boundaries.
He said that while some municipalities
had been tainted with corruption in the
past, it would now no longer be the
Filling the office previously held

Preparatory work is currently underway

for the 2015 National budget expected
to be held in November.
A special budget forum will be held this
Saturday in Suva where businesses,
the financial sector, civil society and
employee groups have been invited
to have an input in the formulation of
In a public notice, the Minister for
Finance Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum says
the policies will be underpinned by
the current economic growth and the
manifesto of Fiji First.
Some of the areas the manifesto has

promised to address is increasing the

electricity subsidy for low-income
families from the current 75 kilowatts
per hour to 85 kilowatts, as well as the
provision of 91,250 liters of water free
of charge per year to Fijian households
earning less than a total annual income
of $30,000.
Based on their manifesto as well, you
can also expect to see in the budget zero
VAT on powered milk, rice, edible oil,
tin fish, flour, sharps and medicines.
Taxpayers earning less than $20,000 a
year should also expect free medicine
prescribed by a doctor.

FNPF New Balance $3.66B

THE total balance for Fiji National
Provident Fund (FNPF) members
account was $3.66 billion as of June
30 this year compared with $3.39b last
The fund, in its 2014 annual report,
recorded 13,943 new memberships
bringing the total membership number
to 395,246.
This marked an increase of 11.8 per
cent on the 2013 figures. The report
said active employers totaled 8900
for this year compared with 8383
last year. Of the 8900, 912 were new
employers registered while more than
500 employers' accounts were closed.
"The total contributions collected were
$375.7m, averaging $31.3m per month.
"This is an increase of 9 per cent on the
previous year's collection of $343.7m."
It said the collection in June this year of
$34.7m was the highest ever achieved.
For contribution debtors, the fund said
the balance of unpaid contribution was
$9.3m at the end of the financial year

compared with $8.5m recorded last

"This is an increase of 9.4 per cent
in debt and was identified during
compliance check with employers
registered with FNPF.
"The fund is working with the
government and pursuing smarter ways
of ensuring that employers conform
to the mandatory payment of their
workers FNPF's contributions."
It said this would supplement present
strategies such as issuing a thirdparty with garnishee orders, placing
departure prohibition orders on
directors, inspections, prosecution and
public relations.
The fund said unidentified contributions
received this year totaled $6.58m.
"These contributions were not distributed
to members because of insufficient
information supplied by employers.
"This is an increase of 3.5 per cent
compared with last year's balance of


by Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, Mr Bala

said his predecessor had started work
already on various municipalities.
Mr Bala said his first role would be to
ensure various special administrators
were in office as soon as possible.
He said that towns and cities were the
face of Fiji.
Mr Bala was aware of the mammoth
task which lay ahead of him but he
believed his years of experience as Ba
mayor and later Ba, Tavua and Lautoka
special administrator gave him an edge
over others.

Praveen Bala

New Secretary General Of

Parliament Ready For Challenge

Fijian woman whose job will be

to ensure the smooth running of
Secretary General of Parliament
Viniana Namosimalua said she is also
relishing the challenge ahead.
A former secretary to cabinet,
Namosimalua said she will be ably
assisted by experienced staff who

recently returned from special training

in India.
It will be a challenge up to a point because
after that we have to set parliament ready
and well have to educate ourselves
very quickly on the standing orders and
getting parliamentarians to understand
what really happens in there said



Going Digital SOON


Viniana Namosimalua

Friday Oct 3, 2014

Fiji News


Fiji Only Country To Offer New Parliament To Have

Aid To
Technological Equipment

FIJI is the only country so far to have

offered any assistance to the sinking
nation of Kiribati.
And this is despite the Kiribati Government
being in constant contact with much larger
powers within the region.
"We've talked to every government,
not to any particular government, at
the international level and we have
always made this point and I must
say that up to now, there's been only
one government, one country that
has offered a very positive response,"
Kiribati President Anote Tong says.
"And that is Fiji during the Fiji
President's visit to Kiribati this year."
He said the offer from President Ratu Epeli
Nailatikau gave his government hope.
"He made a very large statement to

the international community and what The new Fijian Parliament is set to thats your last chance, UNDPs
the president said was a very human become one of the most advanced parliamentary expert, Dyfan Jones.
response and what he said was this: House of Representatives in the region. For broadcasting of the proceedings,
"If ever Kiribati should find itself in a Among the many technological the Parliament is fitted with broadcast
situation where they have to relocate, equipment inside the debating cameras.
then Fiji will be willing to relocate."
chamber, our new 50 seat Parliament The media gallery and also three rooms
"And this is very gratifying. It gives has also being fitted with a state of the are allocated for translators.
us hope that there is humanity in this art electronic voting system.
Whats also interesting about the new
world but up until now, Fiji has been 4 The new Parliament is technology Parliament is that interjections during
the only country to come forward."
intensive, first MPs will be issued with debate are not all recorded.
President Tong also explained his a tablet each with all documentation of So if Im in a middle of a speech
government was getting the Kiribati 4 what happens here come through them. and I say this is very important and
people ready if there was a need for When theyre having the debate, you shut out no this is rubbish, I will
migration providing them with theyre also able to access information say I disagree with you..therefore in
training for different skill sets.
through their tablets - once they go the record I made reference to you,
"One of our responsibility as a out of this building, the information Hansard will need to record your
government is to prepare them for that here just phases out so its kept here.. interjection..if I just continue speaking
possibility by providing training so the information is kept here, said and I ignore you unless its picked up
those who choose to do so will be able Secretary General to Parliament, by the microphone or its part of the
to do so as people who will have skills. Viniana Namosimalua.
proceedings, it wont be recorded,
"So that they can go as people with Also, MPs will be voting electronically, added Jones.
skills, not second-class citizens. That is with raising hands a thing of the past.
Meanwhile, the opening of the new
our strategy.
So you only have 30sec..its up to the Parliament next Monday will see the
"What we are doing is preparing our Speaker but usually 30 sec..you need election of the new Speaker, Deputy
people to be able to migrate on merit to be on your seat and actually vote Speaker, Leader of the Opposition and
so if Fiji has a place for them and their and when she says the vote is closed, Approval of the Standing Orders.
skills, then obviously Fiji will be the
"But we're not targeting any particular
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Fiji News


Friday Oct. 3 , 2014

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Parliamentarians are not above the law,

despite their new privileges, the new
3 Year
were reminded.
Former Clerk to the Victorian State
2.69%in Australia, Wayne
Tunnecliffe, said privileges like
freedom of speech in Parliament had to
be exercised with responsibility.
He reminded the mixed gathering of
FijiFirst, SODELPA and NFP
parliamentarians that the Speaker of
the House would clamp down on
un-parliamentary behaviour like namecalling, defamation and personal
However, he said parliamentary
speech privileges did not extend
outside parliament so members had to
be careful about comments that were
repeated outside, particularly to media.
Mr Tunnecliffe helped facilitate a
session along with another Australian
specialist, Russell Grove, former

Parliamentary Clerk to the New South

Wales State Parliament.
Mr Grove said Parliament needed
to encourage more inclusive debate
because wisdom was not limited to one
side of the House.
The specialists took part under the
auspices of the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP) that
has been a key player in the capacitybuilding programme for the new Fijian
parliament. The UNDP has been part
of the Fiji
Parliamentary Support project that
includes the New Zealand Aid
Programme, European Union and
Australian Aid.
As part of the project, parliamentary
specialists from other countries,
particularly Australia, have been
brought into the country to help
with the induction of the new Fijian






Prime-0.70%, Prime @3.0






Fijis Molasses Finds New

Market In Asia
Shipping Fees Remain

Molasses produced by the Fiji Sugar

Corporation (FSC) has new market in
Asia with the first shipment already
sent through the United Molasses.
FSC executive chairman Abdul Khan
said the new market has fetched better
price for the corporation earned from
molasses export.
We are getting better price for our
molasses and we are earning around
an extra US$8 (FJD$15.35) - US$10
(FJD$19.19) per tonne from our
shipments to Asia, Mr Khan said.
We have already sent one shipment
and another shipment of 35, 000 tonnes
will be leaving our shores later this
month (October).
FSC and ultimately sugarcane farmers
stand to benefit from the sale of
molasses at a higher price meaning
a financial windfall for the country's
15,000 growers.

In compliance with the Sugar Master

Award, 70 per cent of all proceeds
from sugar processing after deducting
industry cost will go to the growers.
FSC earned close to $10 million from
molasses sales in 2011 and Mr Khan
said molasses sales continued to be
a lucrative by-product of sugarcane
Apart from international sales, the
country's biggest brewery Carlton
Brewery and so is Rewa Dairy Co
operative that uses molasses as a
supplement in cattle feed. produced
by the Fiji Sugar Corporation (FSC)
has new market in Asia with the first
shipment already sent through the
United Molasses.
FSC executive chairman Abdul Khan
said the new market has fetched better
price for the corporation earned from
molasses export.

Fees related to three shipping

regulations remain unchanged, the
Ministry of Works said in a move
it described as an effort to correct
misinformed sections of the public.
The fees, related to the Marine Registration
Marine Coasting-Trade Amendment
Regulations 2013 and Marine Survey
Fees Amendment Regulations 2013, were
reduced following a Cabinet endorsement
last year.
Permanent secretary for Works,
Transport and Public Utilities
Commander Francis Kean, in an
earlier interview, said the ministry
was encouraged by the support from
stakeholders since the reduction in fee
was announced last year.
He said the revised fee structure survey
for vessels that weighed less than
10 tonnes was $92, marking a drop
from $230 prior to October 25 last year.
The coasting trade licence, which
governed vessels that were less than
10 metres in length, was reduced to
$17.25 from $57.50 Cdr Kean said.
Vessels that weighed less than 100 gross
tonnage could qualify for a licence by
paying the minimal fee of $28.75 from
the previous sum of $143.75, he said.

misinformation that was out to the

general public and to reassure the
citizen and the maritime transport
stakeholders that the fees remain
unchanged as it was announced in
October 2013.
operators/ship owners to have their
vessels less than 100 gross tonnage,
survey fees for vessels less than 10
tonnes and the coasting-trade licence
for vessels less than 10 metres in
length registered and surveyed prior
to the commencement of the Maritime
Transport Decree 2013 (MTD) and the
Ship Registration Decree 2013 (SRD)
on October 17, this year.
"It is promising to see the feedback
and number of boat owners that come
to register their ships.
"It encouraged people to comply with
the two decrees Maritime Transport
Decree and Ships Registration Decree."
He said the enforcement date for the
two decrees was moved to October 17.
"At the moment we are still collating
data for all boat owners in the country.
"This is an exercise we will need to
undertake to make sure that we have a
proper and a thorough database for all
boat and shipowners here in Fiji," he

Friday Oct 3, 2014

David Lingam

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Fiji News


Fiji Reinstated To The Commonwealth

Following 'Credible Elections'

Fiji has been re-admitted to the

Commonwealth, eight years after the
nation was first suspended following a
military coup.
The organisation's London-based
secretariat said the decision to reinstate
the Pacific nation is in recognition of
democratic elections held last month.
"The group concluded that Fiji's 6
suspension from the Councils of
the Commonwealth should be
lifted in recognition of the credible 6
elections held on 17 September 2014
and the assumption of office by a
democratically elected government,"
the London-based Commonwealth
Secretariat said.
Fiji was suspended in the wake of the
2006 coup led by Frank Bainimarama,
who also won the election and the
abrogation of the country's constitution
in 2009.
The Pacific nation's return as a full Residents line up to cast their votes in Fiji's election, which election monitors
found free and fair
member of the Commonwealth follows
a decision by the Commonwealth strengthen the country's democratic by an international observer group as
Ministerial Action Group at its 44th culture, encouraging them to explore being largely free and fair, representing
opportunities for dialogue and national the will of the people.
meeting in New York.
However, some opposition groups
The statement called on all stakeholders reconciliation.
in Fiji to continue working together to Last month's elections were regarded have claimed irregularities.

FEA Is Forced To Fork Out Up To $18

Million A Month For Diesel

Aside from forking out millions for

fossil fuels, the FEA will have to invest
an additional 35 million dollars for brand
new 40 megawatt diesel generators.
The irony there is that while Government
has set the country an ambitious target
of 90 percent renewable energy usage
by 2015, mother nature is forcing our
power utility to revert to fossil fuels
out of necessity.
As part of its long term back up
plan, the Authority is forking out a
staggering 60 to 70 million dollars to
set up a heavy fuel oil plant here at the
Kinoya Power Station.
Once that capacity comes in and with

this 40MGW, then obviously going

in the future we have a good backup
plan, said FEA CEO, Hasmukh Patel.
In its bid to address the current drought
situation, the Fiji Electricity Authority
is forking out 35 million dollars to
purchase 40 Mega watt diesel plants.
The plants are being strategically
placed at various locations around the
We have this containerized generators
that comes in the capacity of 1 or 1.6
MGW. So you talking about good 20

to 25 or even 30 units of that weve

purchased. In the last 3 to 4 months, we
have been installing these diesel units
throughout Fiji, he said.
15 to 20 Mega Watt of generators has
already been commissioned.
Of course when we run that 40MGW,
its going to cost us more money in
fuel, added Patel.
With all these plans in place, the
Authority hopes it will go a long way in
improving the efficiency of electricity

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Fiji News


Ceremonial Guns For Fiji

Six new $10.2 million ceremonial guns
were received by the Commander of
the Republic of the Fiji Military Forces
(RFMF), Brigadier-General Mosese
The guns, donated by the South
Korean government, were handed over
at RFMF Engineers headquarters at
Nabuni Camp, Nabua.
According to the Commander, each
gun weighs 1.7 tonnes and costs $1.7
Were thankful to South Korea and I
must confirm that there are no strings
attached to the grant, he said.
He said RFMF was fortunate that South
Korea could help them at a very critical
period in its history.
The Commander said they had been
using the 25-pounders since the early
decades of last century.
The old 25-pounders were brought into
Fiji in the early 20s and have continued
to be the RFMF ceremonial guns.
The RFMF had asked for South Korean
aid to help them maintain their tradition
in firing ceremonial guns.
We have got this 105mm guns and
were very proud to be the recipient of

this great grant from the Government

of South Korea.
The guns he said when fired could send
shells as far as 12 miles.
He said they were the biggest guns
acquired by the RFMF to date.
South Korea also trained RFMF
officers to use the six new guns during
the Fiji Day celebration.
It is a very impressive piece of
weaponry and a very impressive
celebration for RFMF. It is very critical
to our tradition and cultures.
Similar guns saw service in the Second
World War. They were originally
American designed guns.
South Korea has designed its own
version based on the American model.
The guns, he said, were also used
during the Korean war.
They could be easily transported
anywhere. The guns were still being
used in South Korea.
The Commander said at the moment
they would be used for ceremonial
purposes but could also fire explosives
if required.
These six will last us for quite a few
years, he said.

Jail, Detention For Couple

With Fake NZ Spouses
A Fijian couple who pretended to be in
relationships with New Zealanders to
get residency in this country have been
sentenced after being found guilty
of providing false and misleading
information to Immigration New
Imraan Khan was sentenced in the
Auckland District Court to 20 months'
imprisonment and Berlinda Williams
was sentenced to 12 months' home
INZ said in a statement that Williams
applied for residence in 2008 based on
her marriage to a New Zealand citizen.
In her application she said she had
been living with her husband for one
year and four months and that they
were living together in a genuine and
stable relationship.
After assessing the information
provided, INZ approved Williams'
residence application.
In 2010 INZ received a work visa
application from Khan, who was
applying based on his marriage to a

New Zealand citizen.

Khan provided a number of documents
in support of his work visa application,
some of which appeared to show a
connection with Williams.
Further investigation established that,
despite each being married to New
Zealand citizens, Khan and Williams
had in fact been in a relationship and
had never lived with their New Zealand
During the investigation, Williams
approached witnesses and tried to
make them change the statements
they had provided to INZ, leading to
charges of perverting the course of
justice in addition to those of providing
false and misleading information to
INZ fraud investigator John Marston
said it had been a complex case.
"Despite the significant effort put in by
these two offenders to gain residence
by deception, their ruse was picked
up by our staff and they have paid the
price," Marston said.




Going Digital SOON


Friday Oct. 3 , 2014

CCF Seeks Revival Of

Freedom Bill

Fijis Citizens Constitutional Forum

is moving to revive a bill on freedom
of information as the new parliament
prepares to sit for the first time next
The civil society group helped draw up
a draft bill ten years ago but it never
came to fruition due to the 2006 coup.
The Forums CEO Akuila Yabaki says
such a law was stipulated in the 1997
constitution but never implemented.
He says a freedom of information
law is important as under the 2013

constitution access to information may

be limited.
And I think the fact that weve been
hindered by newspaper censorship,
media censorship all these years I think
it will be a breath of fresh air, to be able
to take this through and provide the
framework for freedom of information
into the future.
Reverend Yabaki says now its business
as usual, CCF is looking forward to
engaging critically with the government
and the opposition.

Friday Oct 3, 2014

Fiji News


Fiji And Russia Review Bilateral Relations

Bainimarama and Russian Foreign
Minister Sergey Lavrov reviewed the
bilateral relations between Fiji and
Russia during a meeting at the United
Both sides expressed satisfaction with
the steady progress being made in the
relationship between the two nations.
The upcoming attendance of eight
Fijian diplomats and military officers
at the Russian Service Institute in
Moscow formed a key part of the
The Prime Minister also took the
opportunity to welcome the Russian

Defence Ministers expected visit

to Fiji in early 2015 and thanked
Minister Lavrov for the educational
opportunities that Russia has offered
Fiji and other Pacific Islands at the
federal university in Vladivostok.
He said that Fiji intended to respond
positively to this offer.
Minister Lavrov congratulated the 8
Prime Minister for the successful
completion of the Fijian General
Election and for the Prime Minister's 8
victory. Prime Minister Bainimarama
thanked Russia for its participation in
the Multinational Observer Group that
monitored the election.

Monasavu Dam Once

Again Nears Critical Levels
The Fiji Electricity Authority is footing
17 to 18 million dollars a month in fuel
imports to cope with the shortfall from
its Wailoa Power Station as levels at
the Monasavu Dam continues to drop
and nears critical levels.
And once again, the FEA is finding
its power generation mix tilting a
little more towards diesel generators,
burning a hole in their pockets.
The current water level at the Monasavu
Hydro Dam is just 9 to 10 meters above
the critical level.
The FEA says this is the direct result
of almost 9 straight months of below
average rainfall within the Monasavu
region itself.
In the last 6 months right from April
up to September, FEA has changed its
power generation mix in favor of fossil
fuels. From April, we started increasing
the amount of electricity that we
generate in Viti Levu from fossil fuel.
Especially for the months June, July,
August and September, our generation
mix has been practically 30 percent
from Monasavu and 70 percent fossil
fuel, FEA CEO, Hasmukh Patel said.
This has since forced the FEA to once
again increase its reliance of back up
diesel generators.

Patel says this is the only option to

ease the load off Monasavu, which is
already near critical levels.
The safe operating level is about
715 meters above the sea level and
right now we are about 725 meters.
We say 715 meters is a safe working
level but we could go down a meter
or two below 715 meters, but then we
are running the risk. As the dam level
goes down, than we expect some mud
or trash to come in to the tunnel and we
dont want that, added Patel.
With the dry spell expected to continue
for the coming weeks and months,
FEA is once again appealing for energy
$17-$18 million in fuel bill a month
has been the highest in the history of
FEA and Fiji. So therefore we request
our customers to use electricity wisely.
Obviously although we have incurred
a very huge expenditure in fuel bill, we
have not passed any of these costs to
our customers nor do we intend to do
so, he said.
In its last financial year, the FEA
managed to generate up to 60 percent
of its energy from renewable energy.
If this dry spell continues, repeating
that could be a huge challenge.

Vodafone Fiji Slashes SMS

A mobile company has announced
a reduction in the cost of its short
message service (SMS).
Announcing the new rate, Vodafone
Fiji revealed the new texting rates has
been slashed from 15 cents to 7 cents
on net call.
Chief marketing officer Sanjeewa
Perera says they are recognising the
ever-increasing popularity of text
messaging services as a way to keep
in touch for more than 750,000 of their

"Our customers have been asking for
promotions around SMS and here we
are. This is the first time for Vodafone
Fiji or any mobile operator in the
country to offer this rate; no one can
beat that.
"The introduction of this new Voda-toVoda SMS rate is aimed to facilitate the
outreach and communications for our
customers. Customers can text on all
Vodafone numbers."

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Fiji News


Love Affair Ends In


Fourteen-year-old Ashna Devi, a

Year Nine student of Vunimono High
School, Nausori, was found dead at a
remote vacant farm house in the hills of
Wainikia Settlement, Viria, Naitasiri.
Her lover, a 35-year-old farmer,
married with three children, was found
injured and taken to hospital.
A distraught Urmila Wati, Ashnas
mother, said She was my youngest
child and the brightest. When I received
the news, I did not know how to react.
I just cried.
Ashna was also very reliable and we
were very dependent on her since she
had big dreams of becoming a lawyer.
She was talkative, polite and most
people looked up to her as a role
Ashnas sister, Ashika Devi, said Ashna
and the man were having an affair.
We reported the matter to the Police
in December last year and the man was
charged and appeared in court. The
case is still pending, Ashika said.
Sunil Chand, the staff nurse at Naqali
Health Centre who treated the pair,

said Ashna was already dead from

excessive loss of blood. Mr Chand said
Ashna and the man were covered with
stab wounds but he was still alive when
he was taken to the hospital.
It appeared they were in a kind of
suicide pact but the police will have to
confirm it, he said.
The man was admitted in serious
condition at the Intensive Care Unit
of Colonial War Memorial Hospital in
Mrs Urmila Wati said Ashna
disappeared from home on Wednesday
On Thursday morning, the wife of the
man called to check if Ashna was at
home. She said her husband had also
disappeared, Mrs Devi said.
The families then reported the matter
to the Police who started the search.
Someone called us and reported that
they have been found in a vacant house,
five kilometres away.
When we arrived at the scene, the
Police had already removed the
bodies, she said.

Friday Oct. 3 , 2014



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DPP Confirms Legal Power

Director of Public Prosecutions has
clarified that they are the only authority
before the courts that can withdraw
In a statement, Christopher Pryde has
also assured women who are victims
of domestic violence that there are
proper legal procedures under Fijian
laws that can be implemented to
protect them.
He says these procedures include
measures such as restraining orders
against the accused and name
suppression in court.

He adds that the State is also able to

assist victims in the form of witness
allowances and referrals to counselors.
Pryde said that once a complaint has
been made to the Police and a charge
filed in court, it is the Director of
Public Prosecutions alone and not the
victim that has the power to withdraw
a charge.
The Office of the Director of Public
Prosecutions is now working on a
brochure to raise awareness of victims
rights and their role and responsibilities
in the criminal justice system.

Brewing Green Sugar For Taste

WWF South Pacific and renowned
spirits company Bacardi have started
works on the usage of "green sugar"
for their products.
Global Sustainability director for
family-owned Bacardi, Dave Howson
said the key ingredient for their
award-winning Bacardi Rum was the
inclusion of molasses a by-product
of sugar cane.
Mr Howson said this would ensure
viable sugarcane production.
He added their work with WWF was
to improve farming practices and
operations through model sugarcane
"That, in turn, helps reduce degradation
of the Great Sea Reef," Mr Howson
"Our goal is to return to the environment
at least as much as we take away."
Mr Howson said such model farm
programs had set a sustainability
standard for others in the industry to

Meanwhile, a WWF South Pacific
statement said their best farming
practices included the use of organic
fertiliser, proper agriculture practices
such as terracing and careful row
distancing of sugarcane crops.
The statement said the practice
helped control nutrient and seed
run-off into waterways leading to
the Great Sea Reef, which protected
Fiji's natural beauty and the future
of its economy.
"The model farm is co-ordinated by
WWF Pacific's Sustainable Sugar
"The model farm is located within
the Labasa sugar mill cane producing
Bacardi, famous for its rum and other
spirits, is leading the industry by
pledging to have 100 per cent of the
sugarcane derived products used in
its Bacardi rum come from a certified,
sustainable source by 2022.

FLP Mourns Death Of

Party Member

THE Fiji Labour Party is mourning the

death of its assistant secretary General
Kini Marawai. FLP leader Mahendra
Chaudhry said Mr Marawai, who hailed
from a chiefly clan in Cakaudrove but
never used his traditional title, would
be sorely missed by the party.
"He was noted for his humility and amiable
personality and mixed readily with people
from all walks of life," he said.
"Kini was a liberal thinker with a deep
commitment to democracy, the rule of
law and social justice.
"Despite not being in good health for
the past two years, he participated
actively and constructively in the
affairs of the party," Chaudhry said.
Mr Marawai, 60, contested the 2014
General Election.

"He died last Friday as he reportedly

had an enlarged heart.
"He will be buried at Somosomo
Village on Taveuni on Saturday."
He is said to have started his career
as a journalist with The Fiji Times
before leaving to work as a high school
teacher in Suva and Taveuni.
While working as a schoolteacher, he
served as branch president of the Fijian
Teachers Association in Taveuni and
later the Suva East branch.
He left Fiji after the 1987 coups to take up
legal studies in the UK, graduating with an
LLB from the University of Southampton
in 1992. Mr Marawai returned to Fiji and
served as legal officer in the AttorneyGeneral's Chambers until 1999 when he
left to take up private practice.


Fiji News


MPS Receive Induction


Members of Parliament must reach

beyond the party divide to ensure that
they work together for the benefit of all
During the MP Induction Programme
organised by the United Nations
Development Programme and the
Parliament Secretariat, UNDP resident
representative Ms Osnat Lubrani said
Parliament will be a central institution where
people will expect their voices to be heard.
There is hope that Parliament will be
a place for robust but respectful debate
and discussion, a Parliament where
differing views can be voiced but also
where consensus can be found.
Being an MP is an enormous privilege
and a great responsibility, Ms Lubrani
reminded the elected MPs gathered in
Secretary General to Parliament, Mrs
Viniana Namosimalua told the elected

MPs that the secretariat will provide

them with all the right support to help
them fulfill their role to move the
country forward.
She said the induction programme was
to guide the new members on what life
as an MP will be like.
It is a calling that demands nothing
short of being open, transparent
and accountable to everyone, Mrs
Three experts, who have worked in
Australian and Canadian Parliamentary
system, spoke to the elected MPs
on their rights and responsibilities,
privileges, on the role of Government
and Opposition.
The Standing Orders which will
guide the conduct of MPs was also
extensively discussed.
The half day programme ended with a
tour of the Parliament complex.

Free Education To Extend

To Pre-School Students

The current free education for primary

and secondary school students will
extend to the pre-school students from
the beginning of the second term in
This was revealed during the 114th
Fiji Principals Association Conference
closing remarks by the Minister for

Education, National Heritage, Cultural

and Arts Dr Mahendra Reddy.
Reddy said there are several new
initiatives that will be announced
soon after he gets cabinet
He said all these are geared towards
dealing with improving quality of
education, reducing administrative
work by teachers, improving teachers
contact hours and improving classroom
Reddy told the 170 principals present
at the conference that most of them are
there but we need a major change in
work culture, attitude and commitment
from the significant few.
Meanwhile, he said Fiji is a fairer, a
more just, and a more compassionate
society and against the backdrop of the
rapidly strengthening economy, our
war against poverty, crime, sickness
and climate change will soon prevail if
we make change in education work for
us and not against.

Friday Oct. 3 , 2014

Minister Visits FNCDP


The Fiji National Council for Disabled

Persons will be an avenue where
unfolding opportunities will eventuate,
said Minister for Women, Children and
Poverty Alleviation Rosy Akbar.
Minister Akbar visited the FNCDP
Complex for the first time in her
Ministerial capacity and encouraged
the centre to maximise its potentials.
The National Sewing Centre and the
Ability to Shine Production Centre is
just the beginning of the initiatives of
the Ministry, Minister Akbar said.
With regular capacity building
initiatives provided for the persons
with disabilities, a gateway also opens
up for them in the open market of
employment opportunities.
The Minister also urged the FNCDP
staff to be strategic in the way they see
Be a visionary player in the center,
implement and accommodate new
initiatives that will not only benefit the
center but will attract other persons

living with disabilities around Fiji,

Minister Akbar said.
Be accommodative for the new
recipients coming in for the sewing
machines or any capacity building
training program held at the center.
Commending the Ministers visit,
FNCDP member, Akanisi Lutu said
that she was happy to meet the new
Minister for Women.
I am grateful to the Minister for
taking time out of her busy schedule
to visit us and share with us words of
encouragement, Mrs Lutu said.
The Ministry of Women has also
been committed in their work towards
assisting us.
Similar sentiments were shared by
Mere Tuivaturogo.
I am happy that the Minister came
today and saw the work that I am
doing here in the sewing centre, Ms
Tuivaturogo said.
At the sewing centre I usually help the
teacher look after the other ladies.

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time with Prime Minister Voreqe

Bainimarama at a talanoa session in
San Francisco.
A Facebook invitation was posted by
Laisane Kedrabuka inviting people to
meet the Prime Minister at the Holiday
Inn, South San Francisco.
Mr Bainimarama travelled to New
York to address the United Nations
General Assembly, his first overseas
trip since his resounding victory in the


2014 General Elections.

The San Francisco talanoa session was
being organised by the FijiFirst North
America Chapter Committee. A general
invitation to all American Fijians,
FijiFirst supporters and friends had
been extended through social media.
Organisers had emphasised that
no substantive formal welcome
ceremonies would be extended to the
Fijian leader, instead focusing on the
opportunity to spend time with him.

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Friday Oct. 3 , 2014



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Fiji News


Goundar Shipping Invested

$1.8 Million For Better Services
Goundar Shipping has invested $1.8
million to acquire the former RAPCO
Building in Walu Bay in a bid to boost
its services.
The building on Freeston Street was
chosen because of the close proximity
to Port Muaiwalu. It will cater for
their main office, ticketing section,
warehouse and all other Goundar
Shipping departments.
Company managing director George
Goundar noted they are still finalising
the paper works with stakeholders
and banks involved in the whole
Mr Goundar said the $1.8 million was
supposed to be invested in another
vessel however, they decided it better
to purchase the building which was
owned by Food 4 Less Supermarket.
The company is expecting to close the
settlement by the end of this week and
move in next month.
Goundar Shipping has offices in
Labasa, Suva and Savusavu.
Mr Goundar, amidst its expansions,
revealed plans to open an office in
Kadavu to make it easy for the travelling
public to have access to their services.

We are growing. In three years, we

have made three major investments
and our plan is to invest $10 million
in Fiji. My wife is financing all my
investments in Fiji from Canada, he
The company plans to get two more
ships in the next two years that would
take the total in fleet to four to cater for
the Fijian market.
Hope from Government
Now that we have completed elections,
it was challenging the past year, I hope
the government will look into maritime
issues, Mr Goundar said.
I hope government invests more
time in looking into duty concessions.
Acquiring ships from abroad is not
cheap. Thats why we need them to
give us a tax break.
Maintenance of vessels costs a lot
because there are no dry dock facilities
to cater for my large vessels. I have to
send my vessels to New Zealand or
Papua New Guinea or Tahiti, so the
cost is higher.
We are hoping government will look
into it and reinvest into the maritime
industry so that it can be viable.

Children Raised In
Residential Homes

A TOTAL of 156 children are raised

in 11 residential homes around the
St Christopher's Home in Nakasi,
outside Suva, topped the list with
35 children, according to the latest
statistics by the Women, Children and
Poverty Alleviation Ministry while
Treasure Children's Home in Nadi was
second on the list with 25 children, and
Dilkusha Children's Home third on 24.
Minister Rosy Akbar said the
overarching goal for children in
residential homes was more than
just financial and the drive was to
prepare them holistically towards a
disciplined and self-reliant future. She
said financial support was also given
towards infrastructure as the homes
were mandated to be compliant to
residential standards.
"There exists biannual audits of all
homes to check on compliance and
monitor actions that are needed to

progress, thereby, meeting the desired

standards of care for all the children,"
Ms Akbar said.
"The ministry also carries out
monitoring of the homes and it also
meets with all the home managers on
a monthly basis to review the services
and map ways for efficiency.
"The ministry pays a critical role to
reunite children with their families and
promote family unity."
The St Minas Children's Home in Nadi
and the Veilomani Boys Home in Ba
both housed 17 children, the Boys
Centre in Suva catered for 13 boys,
while Pearly Gates Home in Suva
catered for 10 children.
The lone home in the North Lomani
Au Children's Home in Savusavu
looked after nine children, Homes
of Home in Suva looked after four
children, while Lautoka Special School
and Suva Crippled Children Society
catered for a child each.




Going Digital SOON


Friday Oct. 3 , 2014


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Fiji Elections Office

Clarifies Payout Process
The Fijian Elections Office has
confirmed that it has identified missing
details of more than 1000 Polling Day
Workers and Count Clerks.
According to a statement, it has
been confirmed that because of that,
payment deposits to the bank accounts
have not been successful.
All polling officials are now advised
to re-check their details such as bank
account, FNPF and TIN Numbers.
The Elections Office has successfully
deposited wages for 3,512 Polling Day
An additional 155 staff are yet to

submit their bank account details.

Supervisor of Elections Mohammed
Saneem says the first step is to verify
the attendance of the staff and then the
relevant salary payable is calculated.
He says this is then verified to ensure
accuracy and then the money is
deposited into their Bank accounts.
Saneem adds that all polling day
staff had performed well and he has
assured them that they will get their
salary as soon as possible, but to
avoid unnecessary issues later, the
elections office is being cautious in the
processing of their salaries.


Fiji News


Increase In Allowance
THE Ministry of Women, Children and
Poverty Alleviation has increased their
care and protection allowance from
$60 to $100 a child monthly to ensure
children raised in residential homes are
given quality care. Minister Rosy Akbar
said since children in those homes were
under State care, the government had a
responsibility to ensure their safety and
protection at all times.
In an interview, Dilkusha Home sisterin-charge Deaconess Leba Laveti raised
concerns that monthly allowances for
these children were not enough to cater
for their needs, especially for academic
She said apart from the children's
needs at the home, there were other
requirements from schools which
needed to be attended to. These were
requirements such as school field
trips, which may require a lot of

money, and staff members sometimes

faced difficulties in trying to meet the
demands from schools to help those
Ms Akbar said the ministry had already
taken a step forward in terms of
ensuring children in residential homes
were given quality care.
"Through Cabinet approval, the
monthly allowance allocation per
child as of last year has increased from
$60 to $100. Apart from the monthly
allowances, the ministry also provides
funding to residential homes through
its budget allocation to the grant to
non-government organisations," she
the department, assist in the
implementation of these standards by
providing funding as requested by the

Safe Fiji Means More


Fijis Minister for Defence Timoci

Natuva has urged all police offices to
work together for a brighter future.
While visiting the police force
headquarters, Natuva said officers
needed to work together to lure in more
investors into a safe Fiji.
Following the elections the potential
is bright for Fiji and we must work
together to gain the confidence of

not only every Fijian but potential

investors," Natuva said.
Our internal security must be
maintained and we must work together
to ensure law and order is at its best as
it contributes to the overall growth of
the economy."
Natuva said he was looking forward to
working with the Fiji Police over the
next four years.

Public Invited To Minitry

Of Defence Display

Ministry of Defence, National Security

and Immigration will be displaying
their services at the Government
Service Centre this week.
The ministrys director for national
security Viliame Wilikilagi said that
the Ministry was focussing on the
creating opportunities for the public to
learn more about the services that they
We want to bring the services closer
to the public especially in the areas of
passport application and the issuance
of permits for security companies, Mr
Wilikilagi said.
We have the relevant agencies like the
Fiji Police Force and the of Fiji Military
Forces, this will be a good opportunity
for youths to find out how they can
seek employment in this area, he said.
Mr Wilikilagi encouraged members of

the public to visit the various booths

and learn more on the different services
provided by the ministry.
Tomu Kolitagane of Lautoka visited
the booth and was delighted with the
services displayed at the centre.
These types of services will be very
helpful to the public especially when
we apply for passport, I was able to
get access to a form and apply for my
passport instead of lining up at the
main office, Mr Kolitagane said.
Representatives from the Fiji Police
Force, Department of Immigration and
RFMF will also be part of the weeklong exhibition.
Immigration officer Rasieli Bau
encouraged the general public to visit
the booths if they have questions on
issuance and renewal of passports and
applications on citizenship.




Going Digital SOON


Friday Oct. 3 , 2014

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Fiji News

Australia To Appoint New

High Commissioner Soon

Australia will soon appoint a permanent

High Commissioner to Fiji.
The appointment is an indication of
improved diplomatic relations between
Fiji and Australia.
Acting Australian High Commissioner
to Fiji, Glenn Miles confirming
the name proposed for ambassador
Margaret Towmey, she was put
forward to the Fiji Government, she
wasnt rejected. They just said now
is not time and weve now moved
forward and we expect all that happen

hopefully fairly soon, said Acting

Australian High Commissioner, Glenn
Miles says Australia has been
impressed with Fijis successful return
to democracy and looks forward to
future collaboration.
Two days ago, Fiji government
Commissioner for Australia and
New Zealand in the dailies. So we
will continue in those discussions.
We expect we will have a high
commissioner in place soon.

Fijis Sugar Industry To

Compete For EU Markets

Fijis sugar industry will have to move

up a notch if it wants to compete for the
lucrative European markets after 2017.
The European Union says to ensure
that happens, it will be working closely
with local authorities to ensure Fiji
sugar maintains its competitive edge
once our export quota comes to an end
in 2 years time.
2017 might seem like a long way off,
but with hundreds of millions of export
revenue at stake and thousands of jobs
depending on the industry, time is
already running out.
In 2017 the European sugar market
will no longer have specific benefits for
developing countries like Fiji. In other
words there would be an open market
competition. We are committed to
engage on how Fiji sugar industry can
best compete in this market, said E.U
Head of Delegation, Andrew Jacobs.

The E.U has also some suggestions if

the sugar industry is to compete for
European markets.
:Fijis sugar production needs to be
more efficient. I know there has been
a lot of progress in the last 2 to 3 years
but there is still more work to be done,
Ambassador Jacobs said.
Any financial assistance to the industry
is likely to come from the 406million
dollar 11th European Development
That is likely to be one of the focal
sectors of our cooperation, something
covering sustainable rural livelihoods
so that we can help benefit those
working in the sugar belt while
benefiting also the sugar industry
European Union has 28 member
countries with close to half a billion

Friday Oct. 3 , 2014


Head Teachers Advocate

For Healthy Living

The health of those who look after our

schools has been a concern for the Fiji
Head Teachers Association.
The association convened for its
Annual Conference in Suva where
wellness of head-teachers was a major
It is often said wellness is key to
productivity in any work place.
For these head teachers, they are no
It all starts from god health,
physically, socially, mentally and
spiritually. Given the rate of fatalities
with head teachers now, its a great
concern, because that trickles down to
and destabilizes administrative duties
and quality delivery, FHTA president,
Neumi Vola said.
Focus was also on incorporating
financial literacy programme right
from primary schools as part of 100
million dollar Access to Quality

Education Programme of the Australian

I think its becoming increasingly
important that you teach children
about financial literacy or financial
well being. So just educating them
about the pros and cons of buying on
hire purchase, how to manage their
bank account, what to do in terms
of budgeting, all these are crucial as
they age, the acting Australian High
Commissioner, Glenn Miles said.
The Head teachers Association also
has some proposals for government.
We support all the education ministrys
initiatives. We have experienced the
first year and we would really like to
see these continuing because to me,
21st century classroom education can
be delivered through this initiative,
Vola added.
The association has close to 700

China-Fiji Ministerial
Talks At The UN

Dairy Limited To Finalise Milk Price

The Fiji Cooperative Dairy Limited is a
step closer to finalising a proper pricing
agreement for dairy farmers and Fiji
Dairy Limited.
This comes after funding from the Fiji
Government and New Zealand Aid as
well as the Fiji Crop and Livestock
Council for new dairy experts to help
draw up a proper pricing structure.
According to the Fiji Cooperative Dairy
Limited, dairy farmers are not getting
the true value of their hard-work.
Why we saying its low if you look at the
last two years, the price of feed has gone
up by over 30%..the minimum increase
which is molasses has gone up over 3036 percent if you look at other milk mix
copra and other things they have gone
sky high and minimum wage for a farmer
is $2 and fuel costs have gone up, said
FDCL CEO, Sachida Nand.
The FCDCL is pushing for a formal
pricing agreement that will give
farmers more certainty.
FCDCL says, the current price was
agreed to with Fiji Dairy Limited in
a gentlemens agreement, something
they have attempted to renegotiate

with the buyer recently.

We have tried it..we have gone to
the processor but its better to have an
agreement in place because we should
be not be running to the processor.
FCDCL says, there are other issues
farmers also want addressed in a formal
agreement with FDL.
There are other issues that also needs
to be in the milk supply, treatment that
is likely at the collection logistics that
looks at individual responsibilities that
looks at individual responsibilities that
looks at the grades, the quality issues
and everything.
A Milk Purchase Agreement is being
drafted by New Zealand Consultants
Tuia Group funded by NZ Aid which
is also funding party negotiations that
will be facilitated by the Minister for
Agricultures Office.
To get impartiality in the entire process..
the entire process is being handled by
Fiji Cooperative Council so FCDCL and
farmers and FDL being another party.
Fiji Dairy Limiteds Chief Executive Vishwa
Sharma was not responding to various
attempts to get a comment from the company.

The Foreign Ministers of China and

Fiji held a bilateral meeting at the
UN Headquarters. At the meeting,
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi
congratulated Fiji on the successful
conclusion of national elections and
the formation of the new government.
Fijian Foreign Minister, Ratu Inoke
Kubuabola thanked China for its

steadfast support in recent years and

for its financial assistance towards the
holding of the elections.
The Ministers spent half an hour
thoroughly reviewing the steady progress
of development cooperation between
China and Fiji. Both Ministers expressed
satisfaction at the deepening of bilateral
relations between their two countries.


Fiji News


Friday Oct. 3 , 2014

Fiji Songwriter Allegedly Bashed By Officers After Row

With PM Frank Bainimarama Over Song Rights

Fijian authorities must fully investigate

allegations army officers bashed a man
who sent angry text messages to Prime
Minister Frank Bainimarama, Amnesty
International says.
The human rights group said it has
credible information four army officers
assaulted 60-year-old teacher Josefa
Bilitaki at his home last week.
It said the man earlier had an angry
exchange of text messages with Mr
Bainimarama, alleging that his songs
were used without permission during
the recent election campaign.
Mr Bainimarama's Fiji First Party won
59.2 per cent of the vote in last month's
Mr Bilitaki's daughter said four army
officers appeared at her father's house
on Friday night to question him.
She said her father was then taken to
another location and was punched by
the officers.
She said he had some bruises and a cut
lip and is in hospital being treated for
health issues not related to the alleged
Fiji's police commissioner Ben
Groenewald released a statement saying
the incident was being investigated.

He said a "task team" visited Mr

Bilitaki and took him to a police station
for the "alleged offence of annoyance".
Commissioner Groenewald said Mr
Bilitaki fell ill the next day and was
taken to hospital with high blood
"I visited him today and he is in a
satisfactory condition. The allegation
of assault against Mr Bilitaki is void of
all truth," he said in the statement.
"I am urging people not to jump to
conclusions [based] on what they read
on social media.
"The case is under investigation and
will be submitted to the Office of
Director Public Prosecution once
He said the interference of military
personnel in policing issues was
"unacceptable" and would be discussed
researcher Kate Schuetze said Fiji
needs to show it is taking human rights
issues seriously.
"Change within security forces doesn't
happen overnight. But what we need
to see is a clear indication from the
top that these sorts of cases will be


investigated," she said.

"That people, if found to be involved in
them, will be held accountable and that
anyone that orders these attacks will
also be held responsible."
Allegation consistent with previous
reports: Amnesty
Ms Schuetze said the allegation is
consistent with previous reports
of assault by military and police
authorities in Fiji.
Last month, Vilikesa Soko died in
custody after police arrested him in
August in relation to the robbery of a
foreign exchange store.
An autopsy revealed he died from
massive internal injuries. Four police
officers have been suspended over his

death but no charges have been laid.

That case followed the circulation of a
video last year showing what appeared
to be prison officers torturing two
One man was savagely beaten with
batons and metal bars while handcuffed.
The other was set upon by a dog as its
handler urged the animal on.
At the time Mr Bainimarama said he
would stand by the officers in the video
and argued they were just doing their
No-one has been arrested in relation to
that case.
Fiji's military head Brigadier Mosese
Tikoitonga has not responded to the

The Nausori Hospital will soon be

relocated to Vunivivi Hill as it is
currently located in a flood-prone area.
An evaluation is currently being
undertaken through geo-tech drilling
to determine the suitability of the new
site which is expected to be completed
in three weeks' time. The evaluation

comes after preliminary schematic

design for the hospital was endorsed
by the Health Ministry.
If results are favourable then the
ministry will continue with the next
phase of construction.
The work by landmark surveyors is
expected to cost around $35,000.

Relocation Of Nausori Hospital


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Canada News


Friday Oct. 3 , 2014


B.C. Doctors Urge Provincial Ministers To Take A Stand

On Public Health Care

Provincial and territorial health

ministers will gather in Banff this
week and advocates of Canadas public
health-care system are urging them to
protect medicare while they are there.
Dr. Vanessa Brcic of the B.C. Health
Coalition said a lack of federal
leadership on health care has led
to a proliferation of private healthcare services across the country, with
British Columbia leading the way.
In other provinces we dont see quite
as much for-profit investment as we do
in B.C., Brcic said Monday at a news
conference held outside the Cambie
Surgery Clinic in Vancouver.
Theres definitely a tremendous
movement towards for-profit care,
simply because the profit that you can
make from illness and suffering is
absolutely tremendous.
The B.C. government is in negotiations
to resolve a long-running dispute with
the private Cambie clinic, nestled on
a tree-lined street near the sprawling
Vancouver General Hospital complex

in Vancouver.
A 2012 audit of a 30-day period
at the clinic found patients were
illegally charged for nearly $500,000
in services. Under the Canada Health
Act, doctors may not bill patients
privately for procedures that are
publicly insured.
The audit found 205 incidents where
the clinic billed patients for services
covered by medicare. The Medical
Services Commission ordered the
clinic to stop its billing practice and
threatened a court injunction.
But Dr. Brian Day, who founded
the clinic about two decades ago,
countered with a lawsuit against the
B.C. health minister and the attorney
general, arguing that the prohibition is
a violation of the charter right to life,
liberty and security.
A trial set to begin last month in B.C.
Supreme Court was delayed until at
least next March while the two parties
try to reach an out-of-court settlement.
Officials at the Cambie clinic declined

B.C. Man Sentenced In U.S.

Prison For Selling Fake Airbags

a request for an interview.

Health Minister Terry Lake was not
available for comment, but said in an
email statement that the priority of his
ministry is to uphold the provincial
Medicare Protection Act.
We expect and require these clinics
to come into full compliance with the
law, Lake said.
If that goal can be reached through
a settlement, the province is willing
to explore that. If not, the court will
resolve the dispute, he said.
Physicians who are practising at these
clinics can bill the Medical Services
Plan for medically necessary services,
as long as they are complying with the
Medicare Protection Act, Lake said,
adding that he could add no further
comment on a case before the courts.
The coalition supports a settlement
but sent a letter last week to Lake,
Attorney General Suzanne Anton and
the chairman of the Medical Services
Commission, urging them to send a
strong message with any potential deal.

We want to ensure that the B.C.

government fully holds Dr. Day and his
for-profit clinic to account and that the
over-billing practices stop today, and
that a full, extensive audit is called,
said Edith MacHattie, co-chairwoman
of the health coalition.
The two groups want a full audit of the
clinic and hefty penalties for billing
patients privately for services covered
under the public system. But they also
support an out-of-court resolution.
The number of taxpayer dollars that
have already been spent on the case
are tremendous and we want our tax
dollars going toward the health-care
system and not the legal battle, said
Wait lists are unacceptably long in
some cases, she said, but for-profit
health care is not the answer.
When you have a scarce resource
like doctors and nurses and those are
working only for the select few who
can afford high-cost services, then
everyone else ends up waiting longer.

Hunter Shoots Himself

While Driving
Hunter had gun on lap when it accidently went off in his vehicle

A man is recovering in hospital after

accidentally shooting himself in the
arm while driving.
Calgary police say EMS got a call
Monday night from a man who said he
shot himself in the left arm while he
was driving.
It happened at about 7:30 p.m MT
in the 11000 block of 146th Avenue

The man was hunting on his property
earlier and had his gun sitting across
his lap when it went off, officials
He was taken to hospital in stable
Police say it was an accident and no
charges are likely to be laid.




A Canadian man who sold counterfeit

airbags over the Internet has been
sentenced by a U.S. District Court in
Seattle to sixteen months in prison and
ordered to pay $33,000 in restitution.
The court heard that 25-year-old Abdul
Masood Qayumi of Surrey, BC, and his
brother, Abdul Masih Qayumi, bought
counterfeit Honda, BMW and Toyota
airbags from China and sold them on eBay.
Homeland Security Investigations
agents purchased and tested two of
the airbags, which failed to deploy as
designed, and one of them shot flames
from the top and bottom, with its cover
being ejected towards the driver.

In sentencing, Judge John Coughenour

said time in prison was needed to
express the seriousness of the offence
because Qayumi was importing
extremely dangerous counterfeit goods
into America.
Qayumi claimed he didn't know the
airbags were fake and posed a risk of
death or serious harm, but the judge
said he knew about airbags and if he
didn't have knowledge of the dangers
then he was reckless.
The brothers entered guilty pleas in
July to the charges, and Abdul Masih
Qayumi will be sentenced by the same
court next week.


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Canada News

Staples Closes 15 Stores In


Staples Canada closed 15 of its

331 stores in Canada at the end of
September, saying it is shutting
underperforming locations in an effort
to improve its results.
The office supplies retailer has seen
in-store sales slump as more orders,
especially those from big businesses,
move online.
In March, U.S. parent Staples Inc.
announced a plan to shut as many as
225 stores in Canada and the U.S.
In Canada, it waited until the end of
the important school supplies shopping
system to shut 15 of its stores.
A Staples spokeswoman declined to
say which stores were affected or how
many people were laid off.
"For up-to-date information on local
stores, customers can visit our store
locator on Staples.ca. Beyond that, we
dont have any further information to
share," she said in an email.

Rivals such as Grand & Toy and Office

Depot are also closing retail stores to
move all of their business online.
Staples must also compete with
Amazon.com and Best Buy for
e-commerce sales.
In its latest financial report for the
second quarter, Staples reported sales
of $5.2 billion, a decrease of two per
cent compared to the second quarter of
2013. Its profit declined 19 per cent,
from $103 million to $82 million.
It said it had closed 80 stores in North
America so far this year and planned
another 60 closures by the end of 2014.
CEO Ron Sargent said Staples had
accelerated growth in its delivery
business and introduced innovations
such as in-store pickup windows for
online orders to increase retail traffic.
Staples has also widened its office
supplies product line and built on its
copy and printing business.

Friday Oct. 3 , 2014

Winter Tires Now A Requirement

On Some Highways Around BC
You could face a fine of $120 for having improper tires

Starting Octover 1st, youll need

winter tires if youre driving on certain
highways around the province.
Its still sunny and warm down here,
but Bob Gilowski with VSA Highway
Maintenance says its not uncommon
to see snow on the Coquihalla this time
of year.
People should be prepared for the
unexpected and anticipate that winter
storms could occur any time of the

year, especially now as we get closer

into winter.
You could face a fine of at least $120 if
you dont have the proper tires.
Winter tires are required on mountain
passes until March 31st.
A record amount of snow fell on the
Coquihalla last Februray, measuring
just over 300 centimetres. The previous
record for that month was around 220

Health Canada says it is banning

imports of some medications and drug
ingredients produced in India due to
concerns about quality.
The agency took the action against Apotex
Pharmachem India, Apotex Research
Private Ltd. and IPCA Laboratories.
It says it has "significant concerns"
with the manner in which research
data is collected and reported, raising
serious doubts about quality and safety.
The agency says until it is satisfied that
production processes at the three sites
meet international standards, it will
keep these products off the market.
Health Canada stresses there are "no
specific safety issues" with products
now on the market from those
companies, nor has a recall been

It adds that consumers should not make

any change to their medication without
first consulting with a healthcare
Health Canada also said certain
medically necessary products may be
excluded from the ban on the condition
they are tested by an independent third
The move follows a recent report that
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
banned imports from an Apotex
factory in Bangalore after discovering
problems there.
But the Toronto Star investigation
suggested Health Canada's attempt
to ban imports from the facility was
ignored by the company and that the
now-banned drugs continued to be sold
in Canadian pharmacies.

Health Canada Bans Some

Drugs From India Due To
Quality Concerns

Mother Of Surrey Six Victim Hopes For Justice Ahead

Of Verdicts
Cody Haevischer and Matthew Johnston pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder charges

Its been nearly seven years since the

Surrey Six murders and the mother of
the one of the innocent victims hopes
justice will finally be served.
Tomorrow, verdicts are expected to be
handed down for two of the accused in
the killings.
Cody Haevischer and Matthew
Johnston have been on trial for more
than 100 days. Theyve pleaded not
guilty to first-degree murder and
conspiracy to commit murder charges.
Eileen Mohans son, Chris, was one
of two innocent by-standers killed
that night. Shes attended all but three
days of the trial and says every day is a
struggle for her. The way I look at it,
you cannot walk to the doorstep of my
home and steal the precious, innocent
life of my only son and expect to walk
free in the streets.
Shes hopeful the two spend life behind
bars. Theres nothing I can do, nothing
I can say that would make this wrong
so right. The only thing I decided to do

was to attend the trial and represent my

son in hopes that justice will prevail.
Mohan adds sitting in court listening
to testimonies and evidence has
been horrific. Watching them sit
there, smiling, laughing, their family
members can come and visit them,
theyre breathing, theyre walking,
theyre talking. The most hurtful part
is that my son is not here. It hurts.
There are times that I do break down,
but my son was such a loyal person.
I cannot give up on him. I have to be
strong for Christopher. I have to see
this through.
Crown Counsel has called more than
70 witnesses to the stand.
There are two other trials linked to the
case that have yet to begin, including
one for well-known gangster Jamie
Bacon. Gang leader Michael Le
pleaded guilty to conspiracy after the
trial began and was sentenced to 12
The killings happened on October 19th,

2007 at the Balmoral Towers in Surrey.

Corey Lal, his brother Michael Lal,
Eddie Narong, and Ryan Bartolomeo

were killed execution-style. Two

innocent victims, Ed Schellenberg and
Chris Mohan were also killed.

Oldest Pig In The World Lives In


Ernestine is the oldest pig ever recorded at the ripe old age of 23
A Calgary couple can now lay claim Jude King. "So we started preparing our
to a Guinness World Record after their documentation as we thought well she
pot-bellied swine was confirmed as the deserves to get in there. She's older."
oldest pig ever.
Jude King says they're expecting a
Ernestine, a Vietnamese pot-bellied certificate in the mail from Guinness
pig already sporting a few grey hairs, next week.
celebrated her 23rd birthday in July.
"Well she knows she's a big deal," she
Her owner says she's shy, loves to laughed. "She gets a few extra grapes
cuddle and doesn't eat too much.
and raspberries, you know, just because
The 70-pound swine is the beloved she's old."
household pet of Calgarians Jude and King says it took three months to
Dan King.
get the paperwork together to prove
"Dan just Googled it one day and found Ernestine's age.
out that the oldest pig on the Guinness She is six months older than the previous
World Records was actually about seven record holder. The life expectancy for
months younger than Ernestine," said the average pot-bellied pig is 15.


Canada News

Friday Oct. 3 , 2014


Air Canada Begins

Ebola Risk Low, But Some
Crackdown On Oversized Infections Expected, Says
Carry-On Baggage
B.C. Medical Officer
System in place to screen people arriving with symptoms from Africa

If you already feel the squeeze every time you travel by air in this country,
prepare for a bit more. Air Canada is enforcing strict rules on how much you
can bring on board.
Air Canada has started cracking down with their carry-on luggage who might
on passengers with oversized carry-on want to circumvent, or say How can
luggage, beginning with a trial program I get around not paying the additional
at Torontos Pearson International $25? said Erickson.
It was about three or four years ago
Extra staff were posted at the airports now that European low class carriers
departure areas Tuesday to check started this policy and the first thing
travellers luggage and ensure their that passengers did was bulk up on
bags will fit safely into the overhead their carry-on, he said.
Transport Canada allow passengers to
The trial program comes less than a carry two unchecked items like carrymonth after Air Canada announced on luggage, knapsacks, camera bags
passengers buying the lowest fare seats and some garment bags.
would have to pay $25 for their first Air Canada states a personal item can
checked bag on domestic flights and measure up to 16 cm by 33 cm by 43
flights headed to the Caribbean and cm, and a standard item like a suitcase
Mexico. The new fees will come into can measure up to 23 cm by 40 cm by
effect on Nov. 2.
55 cm, including wheels and handles.
Air Canada is following on the heels of Some frustrated travellers at Pearson
WestJet, who announced on Sept. 15 it airport were irate with the new baggage
would charge $25 for the first checked fee, calling it a cash grab.
I really think they shouldnt be
Rick Erickson, an aviation expert doing it. From Air Canada, they are
based in Calgary, said the move brings not a discount airliner. If they want
Canadas airlines in line with its U.S. to do it with their discount airlines I
and European competitors.
understand that, said traveller Mark
[Air Canada has] made it pretty clear Goldhar. But at the end of the day, its
theyre going to watch closely people just infuriating.

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B.C.'s provincial health officer says it

would not be surprising to see cases of
the Ebola virus appear, but that there is
no reason for alarm.
"We likely think over the next six
months [we'll] probably import a case
or two, or maybe even three," Dr. Perry
Kendall said.
"But the chances of them once
they're in hospital and isolated
infecting anybody else is slim."
The province is prepared to deal with
such cases, should they arise, he said.
Kendall's comments came after news
of the first confirmed case of the virus
diagnosed in the United States, in
Canadian and U.S. health officials
stressed on Wednesday that the risk
to the public is low, given that health
systems in North America include
clean water, protective equipment such
as masks, gowns and gloves that are in
short supply in West Africa.
Health Minister Rona Ambrose and Dr.
Gregory Taylor, Canada's chief public
health officer, also discussed the Ebola

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outbreak in West Africa Wednesday at

the meeting of federal, provincial and
territorial health ministers in Banff,
"Canada is very well prepared,"
for infectious diseases like Ebola,
Ambrose said.
Kendall said the risk to British
Columbians remains low, and that
Ebola can only be spread through
direct contact with bodily fluids from
someone with symptoms.
According to the World Health
Organization, the fatality rate is around
50 per cent.
Kendall said there is a system in place
for people arriving from Africa who
have shown signs of illness, but so far
there have been no confirmed cases in
"Certainly not in B.C. we have had
cases that we have tested."
The patient diagnosed in the U.S.
had recently arrived from Liberia,
and health officials are tracing and
monitoring those people he had contact

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Friday Oct. 3 , 2014



Try This Practice Test - Discover Canada

1) Which two provinces produce

more than three-quarters of
Canadian manufactured goods?
A. British Columbia and Ontario.
B. Alberta and Ontario.
C. Quebec and Manitoba.
D. Ontario and Quebec.
2) When is the fixed election date of
Canada's federal election?
A. March 1st every five years after
the last election.
B. The second Friday in September
every four years following the most
recent election.
C. There's no fixed date of Canada's

federal election.
D. The third Monday in October every
four years following the most recent
3) What three oceans border
A. Pacific, Indian and Arctic.
B. Indian, Pacific and Atlantic.
C. Atlantic, Arctic and Hudson Bay.
D. Pacific, Arctic and Atlantic.
4) Which province is Canada's major
producer of oil and gas?
A. Quebec.
B. British Columbia.
C. Alberta.
D. Yukon.
5) What does voting by secret ballot
A. Only the candidate you vote for can
watch your marked ballot.
B. No one can watch you vote or look
at your marked ballot.

C. No one can watch you vote except

the election officer.
D. The voter should not tell anyone for
whom he/she voted.
6) Which two provinces are on the
Atlantic coast of Canada?
A. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.
C. Prince Edward Island and Ontario.
D. British Columbia and Yukon.
7) Which party becomes the Official
A. The party picked by the Queen.
B. The opposition party with the most
C. The opposition party with the most
D. The opposition party with the least
8) Which provinces are connected to
Ontario by land?

A. New Brunswick and Newfoundland.

B. Manitoba and Quebec.
C. Quebec and Prince Edward Island.
D. Quebec and Saskatchewan.
9) What region is called the 'Land of
the Midnight Sun'?
A. The Northern Territories.
B. Nunavut.
C. Yukon.
D. Northwest Territories.
10) Which territory shares a border
with another country?
A. British Columbia.
B. Northwest Territories.
C. Yukon Territory.
D. Alberta.





Canadians In The Dark About Immigration Numbers: Survey

Most Canadians dont seem to have
the foggiest notion of how many
immigrants and refugees this country
admits every year.
When asked the question, during
Citizenship and Immigration Canadas
2013-14 annual tracking survey, 43
per cent of the Canadian adults polled
wouldnt even hazard a guess. Fully
one third thought the number was less
than 100,000 a year.
In fact, for the past decade, Canada
has opened its doors to about 250,000
immigrants and refugees a year.
(Only nine per cent of those surveyed
suggested a number remotely close to
Ignorance of the facts, however, didnt
stop most of the 3,016 participants
polled by Harris/Decima from
answering when asked whether there
were too many, too few or about the
right number of immigrants coming to
Canada every year.
Twenty-six per cent said there were
too many, 10 per cent said too few and
52 per cent said the number was about
right. The rest said they didnt know.
After they were told the actual number

admitted each year, the number who

said there were too many jumped to
36 per cent. Nine per cent said too few
immigrants were admitted, while 48
per cent thought the number was about
When asked if Canada should increase,
decrease or maintain its immigration
intake over the next five years, nearly
half favoured the status quo, about
one-third advocated a decrease and 15
per cent wanted immigration levels to
Luc Turgeon, a University of Ottawa
political scientist who has studied
public attitudes toward immigration,
said he wasnt surprised by the
widespread ignorance of actual
immigration levels.
In numerous countries it has been
proven that people have no idea how
many immigrants their countries are
letting in, he said.
Turgeon said the Conservative federal
government has sent a number of
signals to reassure its base that its
keeping a close eye on people admitted
to Canada.
Those signals include tightening the

rules for refugees, making it more

difficult for refugees to access publicly
funded health care and hinting that
changes are in the works to the live-in
caregiver program.
Theyve done enough, in terms
of reforms, to show their base that
nobodys going to have a free ride if
they come to Canada, Turgeon said.
Over the past couple of decades,
Canadians have generally become
more accepting of immigration,
Turgeon said.
In the 1980s, when Canada was only
admitting about 150,000 immigrants
and refugees a year, significant
proportions of Canadians were in
favour of reducing the number.
Though annual admissions have
increased by about 100,000 since then,
half of Canadians consistently say the
country is admitting about the right
number of immigrants.
In fact, said Turgeon, Canada is one of
the few countries in the world where
attitudes toward immigration have
remained generally positive over the
past 15 years. In Europe, but contrast,
attitudes have become incredibly

more negative, he said.

One of the key factors is that weve
always made an economic case for
immigration. People really buy into it.
The 2013-14 tracking survey found that
nearly 80 per cent of Canadians agree
immigration is necessary if Canada is
to sustain its economic growth.
However, when asked if Canada
should be helping unemployed
Canadians rather than looking for
skilled immigrants to fill jobs, the
same number 80 per cent agree,
including 51 per cent who express
strong agreement.
Just over three-quarters of those
surveyed were born in Canada, while
23 per cent were born in other countries.
Interestingly, there was little difference
in the survey results between views
expressed by native Canadians and
immigrants, though the attitudes of
those born elsewhere were slightly
more positive toward immigration and
its benefits.
The survey, conducted between Feb.
7 and Feb. 20, 2014, has a margin of
error of 1.78 per cent, plus or minus, 19
times out of 20.

Friday Oct. 3 , 2014


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Friday Oct. 3 , 2014

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Friday Oct. 3 , 2014


Foods That Burn Away Fat

If theres one mistake thats sabotaging
diets all over the world, its this:
Thinking that food is your enemy
in the battle against fat. In reality,
nutritionists say, some foods actually
turn up the heat on your metabolism,
boosting the bodys ability to burn fat.
Pack your diet with these 5 foods, and
the pounds will peel off faster and
with a lot less misery.
1. Apples

To keep the pounds at bay, eat an

appleor twoa day. Apples are high
in pectin, which binds with water and
limits the amount of fat your cells can
absorb. Apples are also high in fiber,
which makes you feel full; numerous
studies have found that eating an apple
a half hour to an hour before a meal
has the result of cutting the calories
of the meal. Recent research suggests
eating apples has other benefits, too;
the antioxidants in apples appear to
prevent metabolic syndrome, the
combination of high cholesterol, high
blood pressure, and prediabetes that
tends to accompany thickening around

the waist.
2. Oats

Wrongly tarred with the carb brush,

oats are a whole grain, and are high in
soluble fiber, so they cut cholesterol
and blood fat. Theyre also high on
what nutritionists call the satiety
index, meaning oats have tremendous
power to make you feel full. Oats
digest slowly, so they dont raise your
blood sugar, and they keep you feeling
filled up well into the late morning.
Oatmeal is, oddly enough, one of the
best foods to help you sleep, as well.
Old-fashioned steel-cut and rolled oats,
with up to 5 grams of fiber per serving,
are best, but even instant oatmeal has 3
to 4 grams of fiber per serving.
3. Cinnamon

Okay, so its not exactly a food, its

a spice, but so much the better; it
doesnt add calories, while helping
you burn fat. According to a recent
study of diabetics, cinnamon appears
to have the power to help your body
metabolize sugar. Eating as little as 1/4
to 2 teaspoons of cinnamon a day was
found to reduce blood sugar levels and
cut cholesterol from 10 to 25 percent.
So add cinnamon to smoothies, sprinkle
it on your cereal, or flavor your coffee
with it.
4. Pine Nuts

Rich in heart-healthy fatty acids,

particularly the aptly named pinolenic
acid, pine nuts have been found to
boost levels of the so-called satiety
hormone, ghrelin, which signals your
brain that youre full. When ghrelin
levels are high, not only do you not
feel hungry, youre more able to resist
cravings. According to studies done
in Korea, a big producer of pine nuts,
these same fatty acids have been shown
to prevent the formation of belly fat,
considered the most dangerous kind. In
another report on foods that help you

lose weight, I discuss almonds, which

have many of the same benefits as pine
5. Eggs

In case you hadnt heard, eggs have

been rehabilitated. In fact, nutritionists
wish those warnings about the dangers
of eggs had never been issued. Because
theyre a concentrated form of animal
protein without the added fat that
comes with meat, eggs are a nutritional
powerhouse and the perfect way to start
your day with a bang of energy. (And
theyre fine, at least in moderation,
for those restricting cholesterol, too.)
Dietary studies have repeatedly found
that when people eat an egg every
morning in addition to (or instead of)
toast or cereal, they lose twice as much
weight as those who eat a breakfast
thats dominated by carbs.
Food has much more power than we
give it credit for; some foods sabotage
sleep, other foods help our bodies fight

Health Benefits Of Cucumbers

Cucumbers are the fourth most

cultivated vegetable in the world and
known to be one of the best foods
for your body's overall health, often
referred to as a superfood. Cucumbers
are often sprayed with pesticides so
it is important to buy organic or even
better, grow them yourself.
Here are 10 Benefits of cucumbers:
1.Quick pick me-up - Cucumbers
are a good source of B vitamins. Put
down your sodas and coffee and eat a
cucumber slice.
2. Rehydrates body and replenishes
daily vitamins - Cucumbers are
95 percent water, keeping the body
hydrated while helping the body
eliminate toxins. Cucumbers have
most of the vitamins the body needs
in a single day. Don't forget to leave
the skin on because the skin contains
a good amount of vitamin C, about
10 percent of the daily-recommended

3. Skin and hair care - If you don't like

to eat the skin, it can be used for skin
irritations and sunburns as aloe would
be used. Place a slice over puffy eyes
and its anti-inflammatory properties
help reduce puffiness. The silicon and
sulfur in cucumbers help to stimulate
hair growth.
4. Fight cancers - Cucumber are known
to contain lariciresinol, pinoresinol,
and secoisolariciresinol. These three
lignans have a strong history of
research in connection with reduced
risk of several cancer types, including
breast cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine
cancer and prostate cancer.
5. Home care - Eliminates a foggy
mirror. Before taking a shower, rub a
cucumber slice along a mirror and it
will eliminate the mirror fogging up.
Instead of WD40, take a cucumber
slice and rub it along a squeaky hinge
and your door will stop squeaking.
6. Relieves bad breath - Take a slice

of cucumber and press it to the roof of

your mouth with your tongue for 30
seconds, the phytochemcials will kill
the bacteria in your mouth responsible
for causing bad breath.
7. Hangover cure - To avoid a morning
hangover or headache; eat a few
cucumber slices before going to bed.
Cucumbers contain enough sugar, B
vitamins and electrolytes to replenish
many essential nutrients, reducing
the intensity of both hangover and
8. Aids in weight loss and digestion
- Due to its low calorie and high water
content, cucumber is an ideal diet for
people who are looking for weight loss.
The high water content and dietary fiber in
cucumbers are very effective in ridding the
body of toxins from the digestive system,
aiding digestion. Daily consumption of
cucumbers can be regarded as a remedy
for chronic constipation.

cholesterol and controls blood

pressure - Cucumber juice contains a
hormone which is needed by the cells
of the pancreas for producing insulin
which has been found to be beneficial
to diabetic patients. Researchers found
that a compound called sterols in
cucumbers may help reduce cholesterol
levels. Cucumbers contain a lot of
potassium, magnesium and fiber. These
work effectively for regulating blood
pressure. This makes cucumbers good
for treating both low blood pressure
and high blood pressure.
10. Promotes joint health, relieves
gout and arthritis pain -Cucumber is
an excellent source of silica, which is
known to help promotes joint health by
strengthening the connective tissues.
They are also rich in vitamin A, B1, B6,
C & D, Folate, Calcium, Magnesium,
and Potassium. When mixed with carrot
juice, they can relieve gout and arthritis
pain by lowering the uric acid levels

World News

28 www.fijitimescanada.com

Friday Oct. 3 , 2014

California Becomes First

Death Toll Rises As Toxic
State To Ban Plastic Bags Gas Halts Search At Mount

SACRAMENTO, California Gov. Jerry

Brown on Tuesday signed legislation
imposing the first statewide ban in the
U.S. on single-use plastic bags, driven
to action by a buildup of litter and
damage to aquatic ecosystems.
A national coalition of plastic bag
manufacturers immediately said it
would seek a voter referendum to
repeal the law, which is scheduled to
take effect in July 2015.
Under the law, plastic bags will be
phased out of large grocery stores
starting next summer and convenience
stores and pharmacies in 2016. The
law allows grocers to charge a fee of
at least 10 cents for using paper bags.
State Sen. Alex Padilla credits the
momentum for statewide legislation to
the more than 100 cities and counties,
including Los Angeles and San
Francisco, that already have such bans.
The measure marks a major milestone
for environmental activists who have
successfully pushed plastic bag bans
in cities across the U.S., including
Chicago, Austin and Seattle.
"This bill is a step in the right direction
it reduces the torrent of plastic polluting
our beaches, parks and even the vast
ocean itself," Brown said in a signing

"We're the first to ban these bags, and
we won't be the last."
Plastic bag manufacturers have
aggressively pushed back through their
trade group, the American Progressive
Bag Alliance, which aired commercials
in California blasting the ban as a cashgiveaway to grocers that would lead to
a loss of thousands of manufacturing
"If this law was allowed to go into
effect, it would jeopardize thousands of
California manufacturing jobs, hurt the
environment, and fleece consumers for
billions so grocery store shareholders
and their union partners can line their
pockets," Lee Califf, executive director
of the manufacturer trade group, said
in a statement.
Paper bag manufacturers also opposed
Padilla's bill. The American Forest
and Paper Association, a trade group,
says it unfairly treats their commonly
recycled products like plastic, while
holding reusable plastic bags to a lower
standard for recyclable content.
Responding to the concerns about job
losses, the bill includes $2 million in loans
for plastic bag manufacturers to shift their
operations to make reusable bags.

Tourist From Leeds

Raped After Urinating At
Oktoberfest Munich

A MALE tourist has been raped after

going to urinate in bushes at the
Oktoberfest beer festival in Munich.
The 24-year-old from Leeds in England
was at the edge of the festival arena at
Theresienwiese in the Munich borough
of Ludwigsvorstadt-Isarvorstadt when
he was sexually assaulted.
Bavaria Police said in a statement
that the tourist was approached by a
stranger, who made it clear he wanted
to have sex with him.
The victim refused. Immediately
his head was jolted back and he was
dragged to the ground, where a second
man held him down while he was
The two men ran off after the incident.
There are 1500 toilets at the Oktoberfest
festival and a kilometre of urinals but
the numbers often prove insufficient for
drinkers and many go to the outskirts
of the fields to relieve themselves..

Despite the attack and several other

violent incidents at Oktoberfest,
include an attempted rape of a woman,
several other sexual assaults and
brawls, police said crime is down so
far compared to last year.
By Saturday, there had been 3.3 million
visitors and 670 reported crimes
down 20 per cent on last year.
Most offences were pickpocketing and
assaults, including several drunken
fights, the newspaper reported.
Oktoberfest was shot by German police
after threatening staff and patients
with a fire extinguisher at a hospital in
He had reportedly woken up drunk
while being treated for a head wound
and refused demands to put down the
The police use of firearms is being
investigated by German authorities.




Going Digital SOON


TOXIC gases and ash from still-erupting Mount Ontake forced Japanese
rescue workers to call off the search for more victims as dozens of relatives
awaited news of their family members.
Rescuers found more bodies near the morning to a military helicopter that
summit of the volcano. They have had landed in a relatively wide-open
managed to airlift only 12 bodies area of the now bleak landscape, its
off the mountain since the start of rotors still spinning.
the eruption on Saturday because of The bodies were flown to a nearby
dangerous conditions.
athletic field and then taken to a small
How the victims died remains unclear, wooden elementary school in the
though experts say it was probably nearby town of Kiso, where they were
from suffocating ash, falling rocks, being examined in the gymnasium.
toxic gases or some combination of Family members of the missing waited
them. Some of the bodies had severe at a nearby municipal hall.
More than 200 soldiers and firefighters,
Survivors told Japanese media that they including units with gas detection
were pelted by rocks from the eruption. equipment, were part of the search
One man said he fled with others to the mission near the peak, said Katsunori
basement of a lodge, fearing that the Morimoto, an official in the village of
rocks would penetrate the roof.
Yuji Tsuno, a veteran mountain The effort was halted because of an
photographer, was near the summit. increase in toxic gas and ash as the
After taking pictures of the initial volcano continued to spew fumes, he
explosion as ash and debris rained said, adding that the rescuers reported
down, he quickly took refuge in a strong smell of sulphur.
a nearby hut, he told the TBS TV The eruption was the first fatal one
in modern times at the 3,067-meter
About 20 minutes later, when the mountain, a popular climbing
smoke partially subsided, he rushed destination 210 kilometres west of
out and began his descent. It was a Tokyo. An eruption occurred in 1979,
gamble, but he believed it was his only but no one died.
chance, he said.
The mountain began erupting at
I almost thought it was the end of my perhaps the worst possible time, with
life, he said in the interview.
at least 250 people taking advantage of
On his way down, he spotted a man a beautiful autumn Saturday to go for
heading up. I told him to go down a hike. The blast spewed large white
with me, but he said he had to check on plumes of gas and ash high into the
his child up there. I couldnt stop him, sky, blotted out the midday sun and
Tsuno said.
blanketed the surrounding area in ash.
The eruption caught seismologists Hundreds were initially trapped on the
by surprise. Although somewhat slopes, though most made their way
increased seismic activity had been down by Saturday night.
recorded for about two weeks, there About 40 people who were stranded
were no indications of a major overnight came down on Sunday.
eruption, said Satoshi Deguchi, a Many were injured, and some had to be
Japan Meteorological Agency official rescued by helicopters or carried down
in Nagano prefecture. Typical signs, on stretchers.
such as increased seismic rattling or Japans Fire and Disaster Management
underground structural movement, Agency said 59 people had been
were not detected.
injured, including 27 seriously. It was
Japanese TV showed soldiers carrying trying to determine if any people were
a series of body bags on Monday still missing.

World News


Friday Oct. 3 , 2014


New York Court Orders Indian PM Narendra Modi To

Face 'Attempted Genocide' Charge On Us Visit, Though
Protected By Immunity As Head Of State

A New York court has ordered

Narendra Modi to answer allegations
of "attempted genocide" over deadly
anti-Muslim riots, as he begins his first
US visit as India's Prime Minister.
The complaint relates to an outbreak
of anti-Muslim rioting in 2002 in the
western Indian state of Gujarat, where
Mr Modi served as chief minister
before he was elected Prime Minister
in May.
But a senior US administration official
said the case will not distract from his
visit to the United States.
"While we cannot comment specifically
on this lawsuit, I can tell you that as a
general legal principle, sitting heads of
government enjoy immunity from suits
in American courts," the official said.
Lawyers for rights group the American
Justice Centre filed a civil case seeking
damages from Mr Modi for what they
call "attempted genocide", according
to a copy of the petition obtained by
The Hindu newspaper.
"It is clear that justice for the plaintiffs
cannot be obtained in India because of
the condoning of this genocidal act of
state-sanctioned terrorism," reads the
petition, issued on behalf of victims of
the riots.
The Hindu said the court had issued a

Narendra Modi takes oath as India's Prime Minister

summons ordering him to respond to
the charges within 21 days.
Mr Modi, a Hindu nationalist, was
refused a US visa in 2005 over the
allegations, which he has always
He is in New York where he will
address the UN General Assembly

Five Family Members

Found Dead In Bedroom

A preliminary autopsy has ruled out a

violent assault as the cause of death of
five Utah family members, including
three children, found in the parents'
bedroom over the weekend, authorities
The examination found no evidence
of gunshot wounds, stabbing or other
visible injuries, investigators said.
The causes of death will not be known
until an analysis of blood samples
is concluded, police Lt. Dave Caron
said. The medical examiner's office
provided no time frame for the release
of those results.
Asked if foul play has been ruled out,
Caron said, "I don't rule out anything ...
We haven't ruled out anything except
there was no violent trauma. We're
going to look at everything."
He added, however, that he had been
inside the house and seen no signs of
a struggle.
The bodies were found Saturday night
in Springville, about 45 miles south of
Salt Lake City.

They were identified as Benjamin

Strack, 37; his wife, Kristi, 36; and
three of their children, Benson, 14,
Emery, 12, and Zion, 11.
A test of air in the house by firefighters
did not find any carbon monoxide, but
investigators have not ruled that out as
a possible cause of death.
The front door of the house was open
and the back door was cracked open
before firefighters arrived, Caron said,
and gas could have dissipated before
the test.
The bodies were found by an older son,
who went to the duplex after he did not
hear from the family as expected. His
name was not released.
Caron said someone either saw or
talked to the family earlier in the day,
but he was unsure about the last person
to make contact with them.
Benjamin Strack worked off-and-on
for years at the bricklaying company
AK Masonry, owner Alex Short said.
"We hadn't seen him for the last two
weeks," said Short.


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before heading to Washington for talks

with President Barack Obama.
A copy of the one-page summons,
which was obtained by the Rediff.
com website, named Mr Modi as
the defendant, describing him as "a
national and citizen of India, Prime
Minister and ex-chief minister of

"A lawsuit has been filed against you,"
said the summons, which was signed
by the clerk of the court.
"Within 21 days after service of this
summons on you... you must serve on
the plaintiff an answer to the attached
"If you fail to respond, judgment by
default will be entered against you for
the relief demanded in the complaint."
Although the American Justice Centre
was named as one of the four plaintiffs,
the other three were only identified as
"Asif, Jane Doe and John Doe".
No-one in Mr Modi's office was
immediately available for comment,
but India's law minister Ravi Shankar
Prasad said the government would
examine the summons.
"I don't know it. I am only hearing it
from you. We will examine it," he told
the Press Trust of India news agency.
Mr Modi has pledged national unity,
but he remains tainted by the riots on
his watch, which left at least 1,000
people dead.
A court investigation found he had
no case to answer, but some members
of religious minorities still fear a rise
in communal tensions under a Modi

Forbes Rich List Topped By

Bill Gates Again At $81B
Mark Zuckerberg sees biggest gain with wealth almost doubling to $34B

Microsoft founder Bill Gates is once

again the richest man in America,
worth nearly $81 billion according to
financial magazine Forbes.
Forbes released its 21st annual wealth
ranking on Monday night, and it
showed Gates stayed atop his throne,
with his wealth increasing by $9 billion
since last year.
The list of the 400 richest people was
largely unchanged from last year, with
the rich getting a lot richer, although
each at roughly the same pace.
The combined wealth of those on the
list rose 13 per cent to $2.29 trillion,
helped by a stronger U.S. stock market.
Gates's net worth was put at $81 billion,
up $9 billion from 2013.
Berkshire Hathaway founder Warren
Buffett remained in second place at
$67 billion. Oracle Corp. co-founder
Larry Ellison also kept his No. 3 spot

with $50 billion.

Brothers Charles and David Koch, coowners of Koch Industries Inc., stay
tied for fourth with $42 billion each.
There were 27 new members of the
list, including WhatsApp co-founder
Jan Koum in the 62nd spot. Facebook
announced plans to buy the mobile
messaging app for $19 billion in
The biggest gainer is Facebook CEO
Mark Zuckerberg, No. 11, whose net
worth grew $15 billion since last year
to $34 billion.
The net worth of America's wealthiest
people has risen in the years since
the financial crisis, widening the gap
between the exceptionally well-to-do
and the rest of the country. The average
net worth of a Forbes 400 member is
$5.7 billion, up from $5 billion last




Going Digital SOON


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World News

Friday Oct. 3 , 2014

Oklahoma Beheading Suspect Regains Consciousness

Police in Oklahoma said Saturday
theyve interviewed the man who
allegedly beheaded a 54-year-old
woman at his former workplace.
Alton Alexander Nolen, 30, was shot
inside the Vaughn Food processing
plant but regained consciousness
in the hospital, said Jeremy Lewis,
spokesman for the Moore police
Nolen was interviewed in the hospital;
police havent revealed what was said.
Police expect him to be released and
moved to a jail by early next week,
Lewis said.
Nolens Facebook page provides
no indication he planned to attack
He had recently converted to Islam
and started the page under the name
JahKeem Yisrael. The cover photo
appears to be of fighters holding
weapons. The postings include
numerous all-caps messages about
Islam and quotations from the
Quran, but make no reference to job
Some postings are political, such as one
that runs with an image of the Joker,
from Batman comics: AMERICA
CNN has confirmed with Moore police
that the Facebook page and the images
belong to Nolen.
No terrorism link found
Nolen had tried to convert co-workers
to Islam, officials said.
U.S. law enforcement officials said
there are no indications linking
Thursdays attack to terrorism. ISIS,
also known as the Islamic State, has
made a name for itself with several
videotaped beheadings in the Middle

Alton Alexander Nolen, 30, is seen in a photo released by the Logan County
Sheriff's Office
The Oklahoma Conference of
Churches issued a statement on
Saturday urging all Oklahomans and
people everywhere not to equate Mr.
(Nolens) actions with the beliefs and
practices of the Islamic Community in
The statement said that The Islamic
Community of Oklahoma has
consistently condemned all violence
most especially acts of violence
ostensibly carried out in the name of
Islam. Along with our Muslim brothers

and sisters we affirm that true Islam

is, in fact, a religion of peace and that
those inflicting violence in the name
of Islam are perverting Islam for their
own ends.
Suspect had lost his job
The attack happened very soon after
Nolen learned hed lost his job at
the processing plant. Police said he
walked into the front office of the plant
and attacked one of first people he
encountered, Colleen Hufford, 54.
He severed her head with a knife
and then attacked 43-year-old Traci

Johnson, who was in stable condition

at a nearby hospital for treatment of
numerous wounds, according to
He wasnt targeting anyone, wasnt
going specifically after them, the
police spokesman said. It appears they
were just in his way as he came in.
Nolen stopped attacking people when
he was shot by Mark Vaughan, who
besides being his companys CEO
has been a reserve deputy with the
Oklahoma County Sheriffs Office,
said Sheriff John Whetsel.
Nolen had been incarcerated until
March 2013, for possession of a
confinement and resisting an officer.
CNN affiliate KOKI reported Nolen
was arrested in 2006 when an officer
saw him throw a bag of crack cocaine
and a bag of marijuana out the vehicle
window as the officer pulled him over
for traffic violations.
Nolen was put on probation, KOKI
reported. In 2010, a state trooper
stopped Nolen for an expired tag and
discovered Nolen had outstanding
warrants, KOKI reported.
The trooper, Betsy Randolph, told
CNN on Saturday that Nolen started
struggling after she put a handcuff on
one wrist. Nolen ran and was arrested
after a 12-hour manhunt.
He kept looking over his shoulder
because he knew I wanted to shoot
him, but obviously I couldnt shoot
him in the back, Randolph told CNN.
If there had been any way to know the
things he is alleged to have done a few
days ago I would have killed him when
I had a chance.
A spokesman for Gov. Mary Fallin,
Alex Weintz, noted the governor had
blocked Nolen from receiving parole
in 2012.
Weintz said Saturday: The suspect
came up for parole in 2012 and the
governor denied his parole. She
reviewed his file and didnt think that he
was a good candidate for early parole.

Woman Sent Nude Photos Of Daughter To Lover

A childcare worker who sent graphic
nude photos of her daughter to her
lover has walked free from a Brisbane
The 41-year-old woman, who can't
be named for legal reasons, pleaded
guilty in the Brisbane District Court
on Tuesday to making and distributing
child exploitation material over several
months in 2010 and 2011.
The court heard the then-married
woman sent between 17 and 19 photos
of her 12-year-old daughter to a man
she was having an affair with.
Crown prosecutor Chris Cook said the
most graphic of these involved closeup shots of the girl's genitals, which
her mother told her was for a doctor.
Her barrister John Fraser said it would be

unfair to sentence his client to more jail

time, given the offences occurred before
she was sentenced last year to three-andhalf years' imprisonment for fraud.
The woman served 12 months actual
time in custody for the offence, which
involved stealing more than $63,000
from a child care centre she was
working at between 2008 and 2010.
Judge Sarah Bradley agreed, saying
she had made steps to rehabilitate since
her release. She also lost her blue card
to work in childcare and no longer had
contact with her children.
But Judge Bradley said it didn't
diminish the seriousness of the offence.
"You quite freely, over a period of
time, grossly betrayed your daughter
by exploiting her in this way," she told

the woman.
"It's clear that this offending must have
had a very significant impact upon
your daughter."
The woman was sentenced to two
years' probation for making the

material and two years' imprisonment,

to be wholly suspended for three years,
for distributing it.
The woman did not say anything to
waiting media as she walked from the


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Friday Oct. 3 , 2014


How To Win Over

Stubborn Children

Continued From Last Week

Offer options
Gently guide her toward the next step with
two choices, such as Do you want to dry
yourself off with the towel or should I
help you? Don't announce that bath-time
is over; simply start the process. Move
seamlessly through the getting-readyfor-bed routine, offering two options at a
time along the way, such as Which book
should we read before bedX or Y? If
your child balks at the choicesNeither!
I'm not going to bed!respond calmly,
That wasn't one of the choices. Did
you want this book or that one? Repeat
calmly as needed. Stubborn kids hate
hearing parents sound like broken records,
and they usually give in. If they don't,
simply say Okay, I guess you've chosen
not to have a book tonight. Good night,
sweetie! We'll try again tomorrow night!
Lights-out. And don't give in, even if your
kid puts up a fuss. Sticking to your word
practically guarantees you won't have a
repeat episode tomorrow night.
Establish a connection
Before actually moving your kids
toward the bedroom, use this technique.
Connect Before You Direct. Take a
few minutes to sit beside your child and
show interest in the game he's playing
or TV show he's watching. Ask a few
well-placed questions or say something
supportive like I can see why you like
this showit's really funny! When
kids feel connected to you, they're much
more likely to do what you ask next.
Negotiate a new bedtime
Bigger kids' sleep habits are starting to
change as they head toward tweendom.
If you prefer your child be in bed
with the lights out at 8:30 p.m., but he
swears he's not tired until 9 p.m., strike
a deal that he must be in his room and
quietnot coming out repeatedly to
bug youat 8:30. Then he can stay
up and read or play quietly, and you'll
trust him to put himself into bed when
9 p.m. rolls around. Strong-willed kids
see this kind of deal as a win on their
part because it gives them an added
measure of independence. But be clear
that if your child breaks the dealby

being loud, coming out of his room or

ignoring the new curfewyou'll go
back to the earlier lights-out time.
Dinnertime Dynamics
The power struggle
Your child refuses all veggies, eats only
white foods or insists he isn't hungry at
all. You fear he'll starve, and you resent
his attitude after you've worked so hard
to prepare the meal.
Sneaky strategies
Start small
Give picky eaters very small portions of
everything you're serving, then let them
choose what they want to eat, if anything.
The critical key to your sneakiness: Don't
say a word about the food. No pushing
your child to try just a bite. Talk about
your day, the weather, anything other than
food, since that's what picky eaters are
waiting fora chance to fight with you.
Dish up a dessert
If you know your child is just biding
his time until he gets his end-of-themeal treat, don't deny him, but do make
sure it's super small, like one chocolate
kiss or a vanilla-wafer cookie. You can
even put it on the plate with dinner so
your child knows that's all he's going
to get. That way, there's no more
bargaining with your child to eat real
food in return for sweets. He gets
dessert no matter what, and you won't
feel like you're caving in, because the
treat is so small and unexciting. Plus,
there's no way that little dessert will fill
your child up. If he's still hungryand
he will behe'll have to go back to his
entre and the accompanying veggies!
Keep your cool
Have one unchanging food alternative
your child can make himself if he
doesn't want what you're serving. It
should be easy, nutritious, something
you always have on hand and not
require cooking. Think beans, yogurt,
hummus, or even the good sandwich.
Even three-year-olds can smear peanut
butter on bread, and it's important for
stubborn kids to be in charge of the
alternate food. After a few meals of
this, most kids will weary of preparing
(and eating) their alternate food and
give in to what you're serving. If your
child decides to eat nothing at all,
supporting his decision and calmly
acknowledging, No problem. You can
have a big breakfast tomorrow.
Really headstrong kids can carry on
this act for a long time, however, so be
prepared. The most important thing here
is to keep calm and not have an emotional
reaction. Encouraging, but never forcing,
your child to eat a variety of foods should
be the main objective. Keep in mind, too,
that tastes change over time, so what a
child refuses to eat today may actually be
well-liked in several months.
Continued Next Week

The Fiji Times Canada is now available online



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Your Health

Friday Oct. 3 , 2014

Amazing Things Your Brain Does While You Sleep

We spend a third of our lives sleeping,
an activity as crucial to our health and
wellbeing as eating. But exactly why
we need sleep hasnt always been clear.
We know that sleep makes us feel more
energised and improves our mood, but
whats really happening in the brain
and body when were at rest?
Research has identified a number of
reasons that sleep is critical to our
health. When were sleeping, the brain
is anything but inactive. In fact, during
sleep, neurons in the brain fire nearly as
much as they do during waking hours
so it should come as no surprise that
what happens during our resting hours
is extremely important to a number
brain and cognitive functions.
Here are five incredible things your
brain does while youre asleep
and good reason to get some shut-eye
Makes decisions
The brain can process information
and prepare for actions during sleep,
effectively making decisions while
unconscious, new research has found.
A recent study published in the journal
Current Biology found that the brain
processes complex stimuli during sleep,
and uses this information to make
decisions while awake. The researchers
asked participants to categorise spoken
words that were separated into different
categories words referring to animals
or objects; and real words vs. fake words
and asked to indicate the category of
the word they heard by pressing right
or left buttons. When the task become
automatic, the subjects were asked to
continue but also told that they could fall
asleep (they were lying in a dark room).
When the subjects were asleep, the
researchers began introducing new
words from the same categories. Brain
monitoring devices showed that even
when the subjects were sleeping,
their brains continued to prepare the
motor function to create right and left

Turns out our brains are doing some very important work while were
responses based on the meaning of the
words they heard.
When the participants woke up,
however, they had no recollection of
the words they heard.
Not only did they process complex
information while being completely
asleep, but they did it unconsciously,
researchers Thomas Andrillon and Sid
Kouider wrote in the Washington Post.
Our work sheds new light about the
brains ability to process information while
asleep but also while being unconscious.
Creates and consolidates memories
While youre asleep, the brain is busy
forming new memories, consolidating
older ones, and linking more recent
with earlier memories, during both
REM and non-REM sleep. Lack of
rest could have a significant affect
the hippocampus, an area of the brain
involved in memory creation and
For this reason, sleep plays a very
important role in learning it helps us
to cement the new information were
taking in for better later recall.
Weve learned that sleep before

learning helps prepare your brain

for initial formation of memories,
Dr. Matthew Walker, a University of
California, Berkeley sleep researcher,
tells the National Institutes of Health.
And then, sleep after learning is
essential to help save and cement that
new information into the architecture
of the brain, meaning that youre less
likely to forget it.
Think twice before pulling an allnighter to study for your next exam: If
you dont sleep, your ability to learn
new information could drop by up to
40 per cent, Walker estimates.
Makes creative connections
Sleep can be a powerful creativitybooster, as the mind in an unconscious
resting state can make surprising new
connections that it perhaps wouldnt
have made in a waking state.
A 2007 University of California at
Berkeley study found that sleep can
foster remote associates, or unusual
connections, in the brain which
could lead to a major a-ha moment
upon waking. Upon waking from sleep,
people are 33 per cent more likely to

make connections between seemingly

distantly related ideas.
Clears out toxins
A series of 2013 studies found that an
important function of sleep may be to
give the brain a chance to do a little
of Rochester found that during
sleep, the brains of mice clear out
damaging molecules associated with
neurodegeneration. The space between
brain cells actually increased while the
mice were unconscious, allowing the
brain to flush out the toxic molecules
that built up during waking hours.
We need sleep, Dr. Nedergaard,
the studys lead researcher, told the
National Institutes of Health. It cleans
up the brain.
If were not getting enough sleep, our
brains dont have adequate time to clear
out toxins, which could potentially
have the effect of accelerating
Parkinsons and Alzheimers.
Learns and remembers how to
perform physical tasks.
The brain stores information into
long-term memory through something
known as sleep spindles, short bursts
of brain waves at strong frequencies
that occur during REM sleep.
This process can be particularly
helpful for storing information related
to motor tasks, like driving, swinging
a tennis racquet or practising a new
dance move, so that these tasks become
automatic. What happens during REM
sleep is that the brain transfers shortterm memories stored in the motor
cortex to the temporal lobe, where they
become long-term memories.
Practice during sleep is essential for
later performance, James B. Maas, a
sleep scientist at Cornell University,
told the American Psychological
Association. If you want to improve
your golf game, sleep longer.

Gastric Bypass Surgery Gives Better Health Benefits

Than Banding
A new research has revealed that
gastric bypass surgery gives better
health benefits than banding, like longterm weight loss, controlling type 2
diabetes and high blood pressure, and
lowering cholesterol levels.
The review at University of Texas
Southwestern found that those
undergoing gastric bypass operations
lost more weight, an average of
66 percent of their excess weight,
compared to 45 percent average excess
weight loss for those undergoing
gastric banding procedures.
Researcher Nancy Puzziferri said

that they now have the best evidence

available telling them this outcome
continues to be true even up to five
years after surgery, suggesting that
these procedures maintain their safety
profile long-term.
Gastric bypass surgery also lowered
hypertension better than gastric
banding and improved hyperlipidemia,
characterized by high levels of
lipoproteins in the blood.
Puzziferri added that the review
underscores the importance of thinking
about durable treatments, as obesity,

type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and

elevated cholesterol are chronic

illnesses, rather than focusing on shortterm results.

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Your Health


Eat These To Prevent


Diabetes isn't known as a silent killer just for kicks. The growing number
of people falling prey to this metabolic disease has raised quite an alarm
Being overweight, leading a sedentary believe that the healthy bacteria found
lifestyle, lack of exercise and in these fermented dairy products are
consumption of high calorie, sugary and responsible for this healthy beneficial
fatty foods are the reasons that give rise side-effect.
to this lifestyle ailment. Here's a list of Red
foods that help in preventing diabetes.
Resveratrol, a compound present in red
Turmeric: Studies claim that curcumin, wine helps in improving the function of
a compound found in turmeric may help blood sugar by regulating the hormone
delay if not prevent diabetes. There more insulin. However, there's no reason to
research to be done in order to determine get sloshed. Drinking in moderation is
the long-term effects of turmeric. the key.
However, early result show promise.
Cinnamon: Cinnamon has numerous
Strawberries: Strawberries look and health benefits. It helps in lowering
taste delicious. So there's no reason fasting blood glucose. Also, it is
why you should not eat them regularly. known to lower triglyceride levels,
Scientists are of the opinion that LDL cholesterol and improve insulin
consuming strawberries helps activate a sensitivity too. Sprinkle some powdered
protein in the body which reduces LDL cinnamon in your coffee or toast.
cholesterol and blood lipids. Both these Apples: Anthocyanin, a compound is
things play a factor in the development found in abundance in apples, which
of diabetes. Also, scientists who helps in regulating blood sugar levels.
conducted experiments on mice found Spinach: Spinach is rich in many
that consuming strawberries is beneficial nutrients which makes it so healthy. A
in lowering blood glucose levels.
British study showed that consuming
Cheese and yogurt: By this we mean spinach daily cuts down the risk of
low-fat cheese and yogurt. Experts diabetes by 14%.

'Five-A-Day' Fruits, Veggies

Consumption Can Be Good For
Mental Health Too
A new study has revealed that
consuming recommended five servings
of fruits and vegetables per day may
not only be good for people's physical
health but is also beneficial for their
mental wellbeing.
It was found in the study that 33.5
percent of people with high mental
wellbeing ate five or more portions of
fruit and vegetables a day, compared
with only 6.8 percent who ate less than
one portion.
31.4 percent of those with high mental
wellbeing ate three-four portions and
28.4 percent ate one-two.
Other health-related behaviors were
found to be associated with mental
wellbeing, but along with smoking
only fruit and vegetable consumption

was consistently associated in both

men and women. Alcohol intake and
obesity were not associated with high
mental wellbeing.
Low mental wellbeing has been
strongly linked to mental illness and
mental health problems, but high
mental wellbeing was more than the
absence of symptoms or illness; it was
a state in which people feel good and
function well. Optimism, happiness,
self-esteem, resilience and good
relationships with others are all part of
this state.
Mental wellbeing was important not
just to protect people from mental
illness but because it protects people
against common and serious physical


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Friday Oct. 3 , 2014


How Skin Pigment Protects

Us From UV Rays

To protect the body from the dangerous

ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun, skin
pigment converts UV radiation into
harmless heat through a rapid chemical
reaction, a study says.
"In this way, the pigment disarms the
energy in the UV light and prevents it
causing harmful chemical reactions," said
Villy Sundstram, a professor of chemistry
at the Lund University in Sweden.
Pigment in skin and hair comprises two
different types of melanin: eumelanin
and pheomelanin.
Eumelanin makes people develop a sun
tan and gives colour to brown and black
hair, whereas those with red hair and pale
skin have high levels of pheomelanin.
"We found that eumelanin converts
harmful UV radiation into heat with
almost 100 percent efficiency,"
Sundstram pointed out.
"The chemical reaction is incredibly
quick, taking less that a thousandth

of a billionth of a second," Sundstram

What happens in detail in the chemical
reaction is that a hydrogen ion - a
proton - is ejected from the pigment at
the same moment the UV light reaches
the pigment molecule.
The chain of events could be likened
to the melanin getting rid of the energy
of the UV light by shooting a proton
projectile very quickly.
This projectile in turn gives off energy
to the surrounding membrane tissue
in the form of heat, thus converting
dangerous UV radiation into harmless
heat, the findings showed.
"By understanding how the body
naturally protects itself against UV
light, we can develop better sun
protection products based on the same
principles," Sundstram maintained.
"This would provide better protection
against skin cancer," he emphasised.

gastric bypass surgery gives better

health benefits than banding, like longterm weight loss, controlling type 2
diabetes and high blood pressure, and
lowering cholesterol levels.
The review at University of Texas
Southwestern found that those undergoing
gastric bypass operations lost more
weight, an average of 66 percent of their
excess weight, compared to 45 percent
average excess weight loss for those
undergoing gastric banding procedures.
Researcher Nancy Puzziferri said
that they now have the best evidence
available telling them this outcome

years after surgery, suggesting that

these procedures maintain their safety
profile long-term.
Gastric bypass surgery also lowered
hypertension better than gastric
banding and improved hyperlipidemia,
characterized by high levels of
lipoproteins in the blood.
Puzziferri added that the review
underscores the importance of thinking
about durable treatments, as obesity, type
2 diabetes, hypertension, and elevated
cholesterol are chronic illnesses, rather
than focusing on short-term results.

Gastric Bypass Surgery Gives

Better Health Benefits Than
A new research has revealed that continues to be true even up to five

Tips For Healthy, Clean Teeth

Follow a simple daily regimen to get a sparkling smile...

- Brushing at least twice a day is new a toothbrush every three months.
mandatory. Also, brushing and rinsing - Fizzy drinks are very sweet, and can
your mouth every single time you have harm teeth.
sugary foods is very important.
- Smoking not only leads to serious
- Never brush immediately after eating diseases like oral cancer, but can also
acidic foods, as the tooth enamel can lead to discoloured unattractive teeth.
be worn out easily.
- Alcoholic drinks can erode your teeth.
- Whenever you are brushing your - Brush your teeth regularly. Avoid
teeth, you must brush your tongue as having sugary foods and if you do,
make sure you brush.
- Using a straw to drink acidic juices - Don't ignore visiting the dentist if you
or soda, can help dental health. Always have toothache or bleeding gums.
rinse your mouth thoroughly after - Regular dental check-ups are
eating and drinking.
important. and should be done every
- Don't use worn-out toothbrushes six months.
these can sometimes harm your gums. - Alcohol and smoking harm your
To clean your teeth properly, opt for teeth. It is best to avoid them.

This information is provided for knowledge and educational purposes only. Individuals should visit their physicians for more information on their health.

34 www.fijitimescanada.com


This week you will try to work for

development. You may face some
obstacles but by involving yourself in
spiritual matters will help you achieve
good position. Practicing meditation
and involving in spiritual practices may
bring relief. You will have lot of work
pressure but by systematic planning and
scheduling, you can shine well in your
work. You can make your work easy
by sensible planning and using your
intelligence. Earning money will be on
moderate scale and the earnings may not
serve your purpose. You may spend the
same for house renovation development.
You will have shortage of money and
this may be due to lack of favorable time
for you. You will not be able to enjoy
your time with your partner. You will
be frustrated in your mind and you may
show this in your behavior. Your insecure
feeling and unwanted worries will keep
you away from being completely fit. You
may be having pain in your legs.


Friday Oct. 3 , 2014


The week will be a boring one with

stressful situations and unwanted worries.
Practice of meditation/yoga will help
you handle such situations. You may be
compelled to travel with respect to your
work and may find it tiring too. You will
have high expenses and this will help you
to manage the situation easily. Earning
good amount of money will not be possible
for the week. Situations will not favor you.
Even if you are able to earn it will go as
wasteful expenses in the form of house reConstruction. You will have differences
with your partner. So you will need to
have friendlier attitude in moving with
your partner. Your ego will be reflected
in your behavior and this may affect
happiness in your relationship. Health of
your mother may cause concern. You may
need to spend money for health of your
family and this may become concern for
you. Health will not be so fine. You may
have digestion related problems


cold during the week. It will be wise

for you to avoid cold beverages.


This week indicates tasks. You will be

doing your job well on time but you
may commit small mistakes that may
cause worries for you. You will find your
work front to be good. You will gain the
goodwill of your colleagues and your
superiors. You will have chances for
earning good money, but you will not be
able to retain the money. So should be
careful about it. You will be able to fulfill
your needs for the week with the money
that is available for you. You will be able
to increase your savings also. You will
not find satisfaction with your partner but
your partner will be having satisfaction
with you. You will be more sincere in your
approach towards your partner. This will
pave way for a fine understanding. Some
small health issues like pain in legs will
be present. But you will find relief through
practice of meditation and prayers. Health
will be fine enough for the week. Your
courage will keep you fine.

This week indicates that you will be

trying for development which can work
in your favor. But you may have to lose
some comforts for the efforts you make.
Hard work will pave the way for success
and you will get appreciation from your
superiors. You will be comfortable with
your finances. You will be able to meet
your requirements easily and invest.
You will gain money but you will be
spending for spiritual purposes and this
will give you relief. You will be on a
casual travel with your partner. Due
to this, good rapport will be possible
with your partner. You will have some
insecure feeling that will reflect in your
behavior towards your partner. But
later you will repent for being so and
will make efforts to find happiness.
You will find yourself in fine health.
Determination and happiness will keep
you in fine health. You may have some
little stomach related problems.

Avoid taking major decisions. This will

be a passive week and you should be
patient in your approach. There may be
chances for some unknown fear in your
mind. You will find it tough to carry
out your work on time. There may be
chances of communication gap with your
sub-ordinates. You also need to have
some more patience in carrying out your
work. There will be chances for hidden
opposition from your colleagues. You will
have lot of expenses for your family and
there may also be chances for you to lose
money. So you need to be more careful.
You will not be able to utilize money
properly. It may go waste. You may
become emotional towards your partner.
You may have some uneasy attitude
with your partner. This may disturb the
happiness for the week. There may be
chances for digestion related problems for
you. It will be fine for you to drink plenty
of water to keep yourself in fine health.
You will have skin related problems.

It will be a favorable week despite the

hurdles. You will be able to achieve good
results by undertaking spiritual activities.
You will not be able to complete your work
on time. Hence it will be good for you to
plan and schedule your work. You may
have to meet with unexpected expenses
that will cause botheration for you. You
will have prosperity through finances.
But situations may arise in which you
have to make commitments. You may get
emotionally disturbed for the week and you
may show these feelings to your partner.
This will create less harmony. You will be
little adamant with your partner. This may
affect the atmosphere and expectations
that your partner will be having from you.
You may be prone to skin itching and
uneasiness. There will be dull situations for
you. You will not be having major health
problems on the week. You will be prone
to cold/cough.

You will find opportunities but may not

be able to utilize good chances. You can
achieve wonders in your job, if you work
according to a uniform time table and
this is required to cope with lot of job
pressure. You will have relaxed attitude
in carrying out your work. This kind
of approach and attitude towards your
work will enable you to achieve wonders
with ease. You may lose money despite
some favorable chances. You may have
to avoid unwanted spending for your
family. Money progress will be high and
you will be able to earn extra money in
the form of incentives/perks and this
will give you satisfaction. There may be
chances for you to be little moody and
this will affect your behavior towards
your partner. Health will be better,
provided if you are happy and take things
in easy manner. So be positive and relax.
You will be more energetic for the week.
This will keep you in fine health.

Take things easy and you can make

the week a better one by engaging
yourself in arranging for donations and
other useful activities. Your approach
towards work will be more systematic.
You will be showing your unique talent
in carrying out your work and you will
be able to handle even complex tasks.
You will be under work pressure, so
you may need to manage your work
with proper schedule. You will have
some luck also to earn some extra
money for the week. Finances will not
be flexible for you. You may have to
bear additional expenses. You will
be soft and sweet with your partner.
This will enable you to develop more
understanding with your partner.
You will even take lighter situations
seriously but you need to avoid that to
be friendlier with your partner. You will
be fit and require courage and energy to
handle situations. You will succumb to

You will be subjected to stress.

Pondering over your worries may
become burden on you. You will not
be able to complete your work on
time due to hectic schedules. Your
chances for making it big with respect
to your work may not be possible for
the week. You will have chances for
losing money. There is a need to be
careful with your finances and utilize
your resources well. Financial progress
will not be possible for the week.
You have to meet expenses that may
be in the form of renovation or reconstruction of your house. You need
to avoid egoistic feelings with your
partner. This is very much essential for
you to maintain happiness. You will be
aggressive in your mind. This kind of
attitude you may need to avoid while
conversing with your partner. You will
be prone to cold and it will be wise for
you to take better care of your health.





You may have to bear expenses for

health of your mother. This may be an
additional commitment for you.


You will find this week a pleasing one.

Everything will be in your favor. You
may enter into major ventures and this
will be productive for you. You will be
in a positive frame of mind. To make
yourself more confident, you need to be
more positive. There will be chances that
you may suffer from insecure feelings.
You will find it easy to complete your job
on time. You will be able to earn good
will of your colleagues and superiors
also. You will find considerable increase
in your bank balance. You will find
it difficult to manage your increasing
expenses. So plan well to save some
money. You will be having more sense
of humor and you will handle situations
well. Communication differences with
your partner may land you in arguments.
It will be wise for you to mend ways with
your partner. You will be more energetic
and fit. You need to take your food on
time. Drink plenty of water. There will be
chances for digestion related problems.


You will be having more energy and

determination in you. You will have the
essential intelligence to prove yourself
and decisions will be made in your favor.
You can achieve wonders through your
speech and communication. By this you
will be able to attract others and also gain
new friends and associates. You will be
more duty conscious and you will have
satisfaction with your progress. Money
progress will be fine for the week. You
can make use of the week by investing
in some useful schemes. You will be able
to meet your needs easily. You can earn
good amount of money by way of profits
through short-term loans. You will be
cool and enjoying with your partner.
You will also spend quality time moving
with your partner. You will have more
motivation in yourself. Your optimistic
nature will help you maintain fine health.


This week spiritual journey will bring

you relief. You will not find work
atmosphere pleasing and good for you.
You will find good growth in your job.
This will be possible by your sincere
and dedicated approach. You will earn
confidence of your superiors. Finance
will be available and you will be in a
position to save and utilize money for
useful purposes. You will be in a frame
of mind to understand your partner. It
is essential for you to be happy and
jovial with your partner. You will be
affectionate towards your partner.
This will create a healthy atmosphere
and bring happiness. You may need
to spend money for health of your
children, this may cause botheration
for you. You will be more optimistic
and this optimism will enable you
to maintain fine health. You will be
having enthusiasm also.

Friday Oct. 3 , 2014



Yo Yo Honey Singh Injures His Back And Head In US

Rapper Yo Yo Honey Singh, who has been ill for a while, apparently slipped during rehearsals for SLAM! tour and could not perform
at some of the concerts in US
Last week, Honey Singh made a quick
trip to India from the US, where he
has been busy performing as part of a
promotional tour for Happy New Year.
He flew down to Mumbai since he had
to shoot for his show, Raw Star, and a
day later, he flew back to the US to join
the film's team.
Sources say that the singer was visibly
tired and unwell when he was in India
and when he went back to the US,
he is said to have tripped during a
rehearsal. A source says, "Honey has
been travelling a lot of late and his
packed schedule is not helping either.
He has been juggling things between
his reality show and this tour. While

in the US, he tripped during rehearsals

for one of his performances and it turns
out he has hurt his back and head."
The singer, who is still in the US, is
expected to return in a day or two.
Another source says, "Honey was
keen to join the cast and be part of the
remaining performances.
But he couldn't do so because of his
injury; he had to miss out on the last
three concerts. Even before reaching
the US, he was feeling under the
weather. Now due to his fall, he's
sporting a bandage on his head and
is expected to recover soon. Doctors
have advised him to take rest." Honey's
spokesperson confirmed the story.





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Friday Oct. 3 , 2014

Naseeruddin Doesn't Regret Not Playing Gandhi

auditioned for the lead role in Richard
Attenborough's 'Gandhi', has no regrets
over not been selected to enact the
iconic character.
When Shah learnt about Attenborough's
prospective film, he didn't give much
of a thought to the possibility of
playing the role as he was 14 then.
But when the iconic British director
was to visit Mumbai in the late 1970s,
Shah thought the prospect was worth
pursuing this time.
"My aim, however, was not to play
Gandhi. I just wanted to be a star in
an international project. I dreamt of
playing Zorro. So I have no regrets
that Gandhi's role finally went to Ben
Kingsley," 64-year-old Shah told PTI
in an interview.
"I regret that I am not an international
star like Ben Kingsley. But then if I had
got the role what would have become
of Ben Kingsley," he says in a lighter
But he feels he was "not enough skilled
at that time as Ben to have pulled it off
the way he did."
However, he says that it is a "pungent
irony" that in his entire career, this is
one role which he went after and it
eluded him completely.
When Shah was in London auditioning
for the role, there were reports in the
media back home that an Indian has
been chosen for the role of Gandhi.
"I later deducted that Ben had in fact
already been cast as Gandhi and this
whole process of tom-tomming all of
us being tested and sneaking the news
to the press in India that I had been
chosen was a masquerade conducted
to pre-empt objections that inevitably
would have arisen if a white actor were
announced straightway," Shah writes
in his 'And Then One Day,' which was
released recently.
The actor says that the response his
book, a candid recount of almost four
decades of his life, has received so far
astonishes him.
"I did not expect such a warm reaction.

The writing field has embraced me and

it feels very good. I was expecting it to
be patronised and condescended. I feel
very thrilled. I do not consider myself
as a writer. I have no vanity about it.
I have written it as the way I felt it
should be written," he says.
Shah said he is not much interested
in writing a second part of his
autobiography. "There is not much
interesting in the second part. There was
almost a smooth going. I don't see any
point just mentioning which films I did,
which were good or which were bad.
"Unless I can hit upon some insight
which would make telling all those
things relevant," the actor of films like
'Nishant', 'Aakrosh', 'Sparsh', 'Albert
Pinto Ko Gussa Kyon Ata Hai', and
'Ardh Satya' says. "My life has been
as fascinating as fiction and there have
been so many characters in school and
my family as well.
I might just write stories about some
of them," says Shah, who excelled in
literature and composition in school.
His school life saw him living in an

The film starring Shahid Kapoor and

Shraddha Kapoor
Vishal Bhardwajs Haider starring
Shahid Kapoor, Shraddha Kapoor, Tabu,
Irrfan Khan and Kay Kay Menon has
been released. Tabu, who plays Shahids
mother in the film, hosted a special
screening of Haider for her friends.
Celebrities present at the do were
Tusshar Kapoor, Randeep Hooda, Anu

Malik, Abbas Tyrewala, Rajkumar

Santoshi, Ken Ghosh and Rajesh
Khera. Tabus performance in the film
has been well applauded by the critics
and the actress seems happy with the
feedback received.
Directed by Vishal Bhardwaj, Haider is
an adaptation of William Shakespeares
Hamlet. Shahid Kapoor plays the
titular role in the movie.

imaginary world with no real friends.

He could not understand a thing in
class and it was mainly movies, annual
school plays and observing characters
around that he found interest.
"The teachers were contemptuous. But
they were interesting characters. I used
to love watching them," he says.
"We saw a lot of movies also ranging
from 'Mickey Mouse' to 'Citizen Kane'.
Every Wednesday night we used to
watch movies. Otherwise the school
was sheer misery. Physical discipline
was very harsh. We got walloped at the
drop of a hat," he recalls.
"I was not a bookish person. In school
I only read Billy Bunter and Beatles,
film and sports magazines and comics.
I started reading much later in life. I
stumbled upon J D Salinger's 'Raise
High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and
Seymour: An Introduction' when I was
in FTII. It is a description of a funeral and
I was falling over myself laughing after
reading it. And since then I developed a
fondness for reading," he says.
Shah said that theatre is something that

he never ignored. "I have devoted every

moment I could to theatre. A lot of our
plays have been prepared on movie
sets, rehearsals and readings were done
in the make-up rooms. In between
shooting 'Mirza Ghalib' we prepared a
play called 'Odd Couple' in the makeup room. There has been no stage in
my life when I abandoned theatre and
did not do any play," he says.
According to him, all his education has
happened by the plays he has read and
done. "Because doing a play involves
study of a different kind as well. If you
are doing 'Antigone', then you read
about the playwrights of that time. Or
if you are doing a Samuel Beckett, it's
better to read about his plays. I found
this a very adorable way of educating
myself. I read the stuff which I love
and it helped."
Though he didn't have a role model in
Bollywood, he tried modeling himself
on various Western actors. "The first
was Spencer Tracy. Then there was Gary
Cooper and Stuart Granger and Anthony
Quinn, Steve McQueen, Jose Ferrer, Peter
O'Toole and Rex Harrison followed."
But if there was one person who made a
mark on Shah, it was Geoffrey Kendal,
the English actor-manager who
delivered Shakespeare performances
throughout India. "Geoffrey Kendal
is definitely the last word," he says.
He feels there is a real dearth of good
writers in the Hindi film industry and is
concerned about the "rehash" going on.
"tremendously talented, hardworking
and persevering actors" like Irrfan
Khan, Nawazuddin Siddiqui and
Manoj Bajpayee and wishes them
strength and gain in popularity so that
it can be proved that actors too can
become popular stars.
He regards his role of zamindar Amrish
Puri's brother in his debut film 'Nishant'
as his best. "I empathised closely with
the character. The moment Shyam
(Benegal) narrated the story I was
sure that I could play and I knew the
character very well," he says.

Tabu Hosts A Special Screening Of Haider For


Friday Oct. 3 , 2014


Another Newbie Under

Salman's Umbrella

Salman Khan has apparently offered wrestler Varinder Singh Ghuman a role
in one of his films on Gama Pehalwan

Salman Khan is known to be generous

when it comes to helping newcomers
in the industry. He has spotted a lot of
talent in the past and buzz has it that
thanks to him, India's first vegetarian
wrestler, Varinder Singh Ghuman,
who will be seen in Kamal Sadanah's
directorial debut, Roar - Tigers of the
Sunderbans, will also star in a film
based on Gama Pehalwan.
Sources say that Salman first spotted
Varinder during the shoot of Sadanah's
film; the actor apparently discussed
casting him in Sohail Khan's Sher
Khan. But their conversation was not
taken forward since Sohail's film got
delayed. That said, Salman recently
met the wrestler at the first look launch
of Kamal Sadanah's film, and that's
where Salman apparently spoke to
Varinder and roped him in to play a

wrestler in Gama Pehalwan.

Says Varinder, "I was rehearsing for an
action sequence with actor Allan Amin
for Kamal Sadanah's film at Mehboob
Studios when Salman dropped in on
the sets since he was shooting for one
of his films at the same studio. He then
met me and offered me a role in Sher
Khan, but the film got pushed ahead.
When we met again recently, he offered
me a pivotal role in this film based on
Gama Pehalwan's life. I will be playing
a wrestler in the film."
The wrestler says that he was surprised
to see that the actor knew a lot about
him. "We discussed my diet and a few
body-building techniques. The film on
Gama Pehalwan will go on the floors
first and I am hoping that I will also be
a part of Sohail bhai's Sher Khan," he


Krushna, Abhishek Join

Tusshar In An Adult

Krushna, Abhishek has bagged a

role in the third instalment of Kyaa
Kool Hain Hum. Riteish Deshmukh
reportedly wants to take a break from
adult comedies and will not be a part of
the venture.

"The film will have three leads. Tusshar

and Krushna have been finalised and
talks are on with the third actor,"
informs a source. When contacted,
Krushna confirmed being a part of the

My Father Is Proud That

I Made It On My Own Kanwar Dhillon

Actor Kanwar Dhillon, who plays the lead role in the new TV drama Hum
Hain Na, says the show is different from the usual saas-bahu stories that
dominate the small screen
Kanwar, son of veteran film and TV
actor Deep Dhillon, plays the role of a
devoted son in the Varanasi-set drama.
Former Bigg Boss contestant Pratyusha
Banerjee stars opposite him in the Sony
TVs show . I play the role of Bunty
on the show. This guy is the perfect son
and friend. After a long time a maleoriented show has come on TV and it is
very light-hearted. It is different from
the typical saas-bahu stories on TV,
said Kanwar.
Kanwar, who was previously seen in

Do Dil Ek Jaan and The Buddy Project,

says he always wanted to be an actor
as his father was a great influence on
him. I have seen his life and I always
wanted to be here. The best part of my
journey is that I made it on my own. I
knew that I will get there and I knew
that I wanted to learn the hard way. My
father is proud of this, he says.
The actor has previously worked in
serials like Na Bole Tum Na Maine
Kuch Kaha Season 2 and Do Dil Ek


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Friday Oct. 3 , 2014


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Friday Oct. 3 , 2014

Kill The Messenger (PG) ****

Hard Copy!

By Robert Waldman

Good journalism is truly a fine art.

Truth at times can be stranger than
fiction. Harken back to the days of
Woodard and Bernstein to encounter
investigative reporting with a
more modern though equally if not
more relevant twist with Kill The
Messenger. Serious and sensational
is this EOne Entertainment muted
thriller that boasts a top talented cast
now enthralling viewers at Select
Cineplex Odeon Theatre around B.C.

By now everyone is aware of the war

on drugs. Kill The Messenger reveals
the murky underbelly of corrupt
government practices. Here it's up to a
small town reporter named Mark Webb
who somehow stumbles on a tangled
web of drugs, dirty money and a plan
to fund rebels in Central America.
Steady as a rock Jeremy Renner nails
the character of one idealistic journalist
willing to risk all to get at the truth.
Stonewalling bureaucrats Do what

they can to block his path every step

of the way
Chilling and highly entertaining with a
stellar cast helps turn this 112 minute
drama into must see entertainment.
Full of real footage of political leaders
trying to sway the public this tale shows
just how far some in government will
go to hide the truth and deceive the
public. Tense with great atmosphere
throughout here's one story too hard to
believe it's true. But it is

The world's most famous bachelor,

George Clooney, has broken a vow
to remain single and married human
rights lawyer Amal Alamuddin during
a weekend of lavish celebrations in
The Italian city of gondolas and palazzi
looked like Hollywood on the Adriatic
as A-list guests cruised between luxury
hotels for the extravaganza, billed as
the party of the year even as details
were kept largely secret.
Rosenfield, broke a long silence about the
actor's personal life on Saturday, issuing
a statement confirming the marriage.
"George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin
were married today (September 27) in
a private ceremony," he said.
Actors Matt Damon and Bill Murray
mingled with model Cindy Crawford,
Vogue editor Anna Wintour and U2
singer Bono at a reception on the terrace
of the plush Cipriani hotel ahead of a
gala dinner on Saturday night.
A tuxedo-clad Clooney helped guests
onto water taxis at the hotel before
heading across the lagoon for the main
party at the seven-star Aman Hotel in
the 16th-century Palazzo Papadopoli
on the Grand Canal.
Passing vaporetti public boats tilted
sideways as passengers crowded to see
the two-time Oscar winner, who waved
to onlookers.
At the hotel there were drinks in a
rear garden before dinner in the main
dining room, where the pair were to
say their vows informally ahead of a
civil service on Monday, according to
local reports.
Clooney had vowed never to marry
Kentucky-born Clooney, who shot to

stardom in the television series ER, had

vowed never to remarry after his 1993
divorce from actress Talia Balsam and
was said to have made a $US100,000
bet with actress Michelle Pfeiffer that
he would stay single.
who had no previous connection
to Hollywood, has represented
Ukrainian former prime minister Yulia
Tymoshenko at the European Court
of Human Rights, and WikiLeaks
founder Julian Assange in extradition
The lawyer, who is based in Britain,
also advised former United Nations
secretary general Kofi Annan on the
conflict in Syria, an issue about which
Clooney has spoken publicly.
Clooney has also led campaigns to
highlight the plight of refugees in
Darfur, Sudan, and is expected to
donate the fees earned from selling
rights to the wedding photos to that
As the sun shone over Venice, locals
and tourists were excited to witness a
memorable moment in the city's long
history of hosting stars for its film
festival, the world's oldest.
"I thought he was like the world's most
eligible bachelor so I didn't realise he
was ever going to get married, but I
guess if you're going to get married,
what better spot than a beautiful Italian
city like Venice?" said Canadian tourist
Philip De Vooght.
"She will keep him on his toes because
she is bright," said Judith Graham, 59,
from Surrey, England.
"He's had all these actresses fawning
over him before. I hope he'll be happy."
Celebrations with a taste of Venice

A slick, wooden speedboat called

Amore brought the couple into the
city on Friday in a convoy of boats, a
modern-day version of the ceremonial
entrances of the Doges of the Venetian
Republic, which lasted from the late
seventh century until 1797.
Alamuddin, 36, who is rumoured
to have 12 outfit changes prepared
for the weekend, wore a black-andwhite striped dress as she arrived with
Clooney on the speedboat.
She reportedly chose an Alexander
McQueen wedding dress.
Guests were ferried around the city
in speedboats bearing small flags
marked with "AG", for Amal and
George, and a canopy was erected in
front of the Aman Hotel on Saturday
to shield guests from prying eyes and

George Clooney Marries Lawyer Amal

Alamuddin In Venice

The official ceremony was held on

Monday at Venice's town hall, the
14th-century Ca' Farsetti palace.
Italian media reported the former
mayor of Rome, Walter Veltroni, a
film buff and friend of Clooney, would
Venice's city government said it would
close a few of the town's narrow
pedestrian streets for two hours on
"Considering that the location of the
ceremony is likely to become a target
for people attracted by the celebrity
status of the event, high numbers could
be a problem for traffic and pose a
threat to those people's safety," the
local government said.

Friday Oct. 3 , 2014


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For Women/ Relationship

How To Tackle Your


Veena outlines on how to deal with the

other woman in your marriage

She's the most important woman in

your marriage, so, sharing a tricky
relationship with her can spell trouble
for wedded bliss. But how do you
handle your relationship with the
With extreme care, caution and
strategic planning, advises Veena. The
Delhi-based writer spent the last year
meeting women across the country,
especially those locked in prolonged
conflict with their moms-in-law.
Eleven of them, with names changed to
protect their identity, have made it to
the published book. What started out as
an exercise to listen to and share funny
stories about the mother-in law, quickly
mutated into a platform where women,
protected by anonymity, shared their
anxious experiences and lessons they
learnt on the way.
Veena -whose own MIL was "sweet
enough to pitch in by searching for case
studies" says the most effective advice
she can offer is keep your distance.
"Research has proved that with every
yard between you and your mom-in-law,
the chance of your relationship with your
husband lasting, improves," she says.
The first meeting
Veenas first story is of Rachna, who
met her mother-in-law at a wedding
sangeet. Noticing that she had ordered
a non-alcoholic drink, "Auntyji" asked
her about it, to which Rachna lied
saying, she didn't drink.
"This right here," points out Veena, "is
the first wrong step." While there was
of course, no way Rachna could have
foretold that this woman was her future
mother-in-law, far too many women try
and project a different personality the
first time they meet their in-laws. "We
wear a salwaar kameez or act demure,
tailoring our responses to match what
we think our MILs would want. We
want to be accepted at that point," she
adds. The other mistake young women
make is to hope the blow will weaken
over time. In the case of Anshika, who
was told by her mother-inlaw what to
expect in her marriage (she couldn't
work, she agreed to it all.
"We think the mother-in-law will go
slack over time. But that doesn't happen
and when you try and assert yourself,
she feels cheated because you are no
longer adhering to her rules," she adds.
The only way out is to assert yourself
from day one and be true to who you
are. You need to let them know what
you are capable of doing.
Gently, but firmly, lay down your own
Emotional blackmail
Veena shares the exchange she
personally had with her mom-inlaw over the issue of wearing a
mangalsutra. "`My own daughter does
not wear one, how can I ask you to?'
was her standard strategy. I suppose

a `better' daughter-in-law would

have immediately slapped on the
mangalsutra and demonstrated how
she was better than the daughter...I just
smiled in agreement," Veena writes.
This, she suggests, is a good strategy
to tackle emotional blackmail that's
bound to come your way at least once.
"You either ignore her or agree with
what she's saying so that there are no
arguments. If the relationship is an
equal one, you could also be pleasant
but offer a tongue-in-cheek reply that
sends her a message to back off," says
Talking about Supriya, whose story
makes its way into the book, Veena
says it took a family tragedy for her
to clear a misunderstanding with her
mom-in-law. "Now, Supriya says she
is in a position to point out her momin-law's flaws. It may be simple things
like saying, `Mum, that's not a nice
thing to say' etc. But it should not take
a tragedy for that to happen. If you
haven't changed the equation yet, now
is a good time to start."
The guy is not his family
The most important lesson to remember
for those dating a man they plan to marry,
is that his family needn't be like him.
"Just because the son is liberal doesn't
mean his parents will be cool. It's a good
idea to check the lay of the land when
you are in the courtship stage," she says.
Go over to his place as a friend, and
observe the parents and their marriage.
"Your future spouse is likely to
demonstrate their traits, and possibly
reflect a similar equation in your
marriage. If you don't like what you
see, have the courage to ask yourself if
this is what you want," she adds.
Isn't it asking for too much -the perfect
guy with the perfect family?
Veena says no family is ideal. "But
think about what you are willing to
compromise on. If you are going to
be locked up once the ring is on your
finger, will you make peace with that?
Is the guy worth it?"
The question of kids
You are married, its four months and
here comes the question you have been
dreading: Now that you are settled,
when are you gifting us grandchildren?
Not only is the question awkward,
but an honest answer is fraught with
the possibility of throwing up further
complications. What if you don't want
a child at the moment, or for a few
years or ever?
"I'd say, immediately blame the son.
Tell her you are fine with the thought
but he feels we should wait. The
mother-in-law is likely to fall in line.
Parents don't tend to exert as much
pressure on the man," she adds.
The prerequisite here of course, is that
the man is on your side. In fact, says
Veena, you must wisely choose a man
who will always be in your corner of
the boxing ring. "That's the sort of
marriage that has a happy ending."

Friday Oct. 3 , 2014


Does Your Friendship Have

An Expiry Date?
Back at school, chances were you could
never imagine living without your
best friend. You spent hours planning
your grown-up lives together and
promising to be friends forever.
But then university hit, partners came
(and went) and new jobs, families
and children somehow got in the way.
Suddenly the person you once thought
would be there forever was no longer
in your life.
All friendships have a life cycle, a
social psychologist says. When you
find friendships fizzling out naturally,
it says nothing about either of you as
a person, but as your life changes its
inevitable that the people you surround
yourself with will change as well.
In fact, research from Utrecht
University in the Netherlands indicates
that women cycle through half of their
friends every seven years.
So its not just childhood friendships
that are prone to the fizzle factor.
Any friendship that is based around
you having the same experience
be it school, university, work, being
neighbours or having children at the
same time might have a limited life
and its important to remember thats
completely normal.
As your life moves on, every inch of
distance between you and your friends
lives requires a little bit of extra effort
on both sides, which sometimes you
just dont have the time for. There just
arent enough hours in the day to keep
up with every friend youve had in
your life.
Experts say there is no right answer to
the number of friends you should have,
how often you should see your friends
or how long a friendship should last.
How your friendships evolve really says
more about your personal evolution
than anything else. If your friends
change, it means youre changing and
becoming a different person as well.
Buck the trend

While some friendships fall by the

wayside, others will stand the test of
time no matter what is thrown at them.
Making time for the friends you want
to keep in your life is as important as
making time for your family.
One of the biggest obstacles a female
friendship will run into is when one
person becomes a parent for the first
time. Some women have this idea that
when theyre parents, their whole life
has to centre around their children and
their childrens experiences, but a truly
happy and satisfied mother is one who
can find some time no matter how
little to connect with their pre-baby
Friendships that last are ones that are
constantly developed and nurtured.
A friendship is like any other important
relationship you need to invest in it if
you want it to grow.
Facebook isnt enough
While it is convenient for staying in
touch with old and new friends do
not make a mistake - Facebook status
like or wall post as staying in touch
with your friends.
While Facebook or other social
networks are a great supplement to
your real friendships, you shouldnt
mistake your online friendships as the
real deal.
Make regular real-life catch-up dates
with your Facebook friends. No
amount of online messaging, emailing
or wall posts can beat an hour or two
chatting over a coffee.
Reconnect with old friends
Social media is the easiest way to track
down an old friend, but its important to
remember people and circumstances
change. Your friends behaviour or
values might be very different to your
own. It doesnt mean the reconnection
cant happen try to re-establish the
essence of why you were friends in the
first place and leave all that other stuff

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Friday Oct. 3 , 2014



Mahatma Gandhi
The festival of Gandhi Jayanti is
observed in India, on October 2nd the
birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi,
the father of the nation, with reverence
all over the country. Mohandas
Karamchand Gandhi,also known as
'Bapu' or 'Father of the nation', the
apostle of peace was born on October
2,1869 at Porbandar in Gujarat.
Gandhi Jayanti is observed as a national
holiday in India. A solemn celebration
marking the birth date of Gandhiji, the
father of the nation, includes prayer
meetings at the Raj Ghat where he
was cremated. People visit Raj Ghat
or pay homage to Gandhi wherever his
statues are erected. Verses and prayers
are read out from the holy books of all
the religions. Gandhi's favourite song,
Raghupati Raghava, is invariably sung
at all the meetings associated with him.
About Mahatma Gandhi (October 2,
1869 - January 30, 1948)
Mahatma Gandhi was a national
icon who led the struggle for India's
independence from British colonial
rule, empowered by tens of millions of
common Indians. He was a man who
did what he said and led an exemplary
and a transparent life.
He was the son of Karamchand
Gandhiand Putlibai, Karamchand's
fourth wife.
He was married to Kasturba Gandhi
at the age of 13 and had four kids. He
studied law in U.K and practiced law in
South Africa. But he left his profession
and returned to India to join the Indian
freedom struggle. Throughout his life
he opposed any form of terrorism or
violence, instead using only the highest
moral standards. His philosophy of
nonviolence, for which he coined
the term satyagraha, has influenced
national and international nonviolent
resistance movements to this day. From
the time he took charge of the freedom
struggle in 1918 he was lovingly called
as "Mahatma" meaning "Great Soul"
by millions of Indians. By means
of nonviolent civil disobedience,
Gandhi helped bring about India's
independence from British rule,
inspiring other colonial people to

work for their own independence and

ultimately dismantling the British
Empire. Gandhi often stated that his
principles were simple; drawn from
traditional Hindu beliefs: truth (satya)
and nonviolence (ahimsa).
Famous Quotes of Mahatma Gandhi
"Whenever you are confronted with an
opponent. Conquer him with love."
"Ahimsa means not to injure any
creature by thought, word or deed, not
even to the supposed advantage of this
"I claim no perfection for myself. But I do
claim to be a passionate seeker after Truth,
which is but another name for God."
"I have nothing new to teach the world.
Truth and non-violence are as old
as the hills. All I have done is to try
experiments in both on as vast a scale
as I could."

"Poverty is but the worst form of

Favorite Bhajan's of Mahatma
Prayer meetings were an important part

of Mahatma Gandhi and Kasturba's

life. All religions and faiths were given
equal importance in the daily recitation
of prayers. The prayers always
culminated by proclaiming "Although
we call you by different names, you are
One, Give us the wisdom to understand
this, O Lord"
Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram
Vaishnav jana to tene kaiye
Mahatma Gandhi Assassinated
January 30th, 1948
On this day, Mohandas Karamchand
Gandhi was heading to an afternoon
prayer meeting in New Delhi when out
of the crowd gathering around him,
rushed a man brandishing a Beretta
revolver. The man a Hindu militant
called Nathuran Godse went straight
up to Gandhi and shot him three times
at point-blank range. As Gandhi fell to
the floor, his assassin stood still, neither
running away, nor killing himself and,
after a moment of dazed silence, he
was seized by police to the hysterical
cries of Kill him! Kill him! from
the crowd. Two hours later, Mahatma
Gandhi, the Hindu spiritual leader
who had contributed so much towards
Indian independence, was dead.
Gandhis violent death stands in
stark contrast to his own non-violent
protests, especially in the form of
civil disobedience. However, that he
was killed in this way highlights the
resentment that his beliefs and policies
aroused in certain sections of Indian
society, and particularly among more
extreme Hindus.

US President Barack Obama along with his wife Michelle Obama laying a wreath to
pay homage at the Mahatma Gandhi Samadhi at Rajghat in New Delhi

44 www.fijitimescanada.com


Sweet And Spicy Chicken



1 tbsp canola oil
2 chicken breast, thinly sliced
1/2 red pepper, thinly sliced
1 cup finely chopped pineapple
1/4 cup red pepper jelly
3 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp light soy sauce
1/2 tsp hot-red-chili flakes
1 green onion, thinly sliced

Greek Lemon Pilaf

2 tablespoons butter or margarine
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 cup long grain rice
2 tablespoons orzo pasta
2 cups chicken broth
1/4 cup lemon juice
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
1 In a heavy saucepan, saute onion in

butter until tender.

2 Add rice and orzo and cook, stirring,
for 2 minutes.
3 Add chicken broth and lemon juice
and bring to a boil.
4 Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for
20 minutes or until rice is tender and
liquid has been absorbed.
5 Fluff pilaf up with fork and stir in
chopped parsley.

Heat a large non-stick frying pan
over medium-high. Add oil, then
chicken. Stir-fry chicken for 3 to
4 min. Add pepper, pineapple, red
pepper jelly, lemon juice, soy and
chili flakes. Cook until pepper is
tender-crisp, about 2 to 3 more min.
Sprinkle with green onion. Serve
over rice.

Baked Salmon With Herbs

You'll Need:
1 + lb salmon fillet, skinned
5 cups cold water
1 cup salt
Herb mixture:
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
1 tablespoon chopped chives
1 tablespoon chopped thyme
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon
1 teaspoon grated lemon peel
2 tablespoons butter [room temperature]
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (180
degrees C). Divide the salmon filet
into four equal pieces. Add the water
and the salt to a large bowl and add the

Friday Oct. 3 , 2014

salmon [this will brine the salmon and

lock in its flavor], letting it sit for about
10 minutes.
Meanwhile, mix the herbs and the
lemon peel in a small bowl. Cut the
butter in with the herbs until the herbs
are evenly distributed throughout the
Remove the salmon from the salt water,
rinse and dry them well. Place the salmon
on a baking sheet lined with parchment
paper, skin side down. Spread the butterherb mixture over the top of the salmon
and bake for about 8 minutes [or until the
salmon is cooked through].
cauliflower goes best with this dish.

Hoisin Wraps
200g cooked turkey or chicken, cut
into strips
4 tbsp hoisin sauce
2 flour tortillas
cucumber, deseeded and shredded
4 spring onions, trimmed and finely
finely chopped chillies
Heat the grill to high. Mix the turkey

or chicken with half of the hoisin

sauce so that its coated, then spread
out onto an ovenproof dish and grill
until sizzling. Warm the tortillas
under the grill or according to pack
Spread the tortillas with the rest of the
hoisin sauce, then use to wrap up the
turkey or chicken with the cucumber,
onions and chillies. Cut in half and
enjoy while still warm.



Friday Oct. 3 , 2014


Ba Wins Veterans

Ba Veterans side
The Ba veterans side was crowned the
new RC Manubhai /Apco Coatings Fiji
International Veterans champion on
Sunday at Prince Charles Park in Nadi.
The side ousted defending champions
Suva Masters in the semifinals 2-0
to book a place in final against New
Zealand Lautoka Masters.
Final turned out to be a tight contest
as both teams remained goal less after
normal and two spells of extra time.
NZ Lautoka Masters was awarded a
penalty in the dying stages but the shot
hit the cross bar.
Penalty kicks decided the fate of clash
as Ba came out strong to clinch the title
with a 4-3 victory.
Dhiren Chandra, Jope Lomu, Chandra
Segran Naidu and Mosese Valewalu
were on target for the Ba Veterans side.
Joji Rasila, Waisale Rasoki, Devend
Krishna successfully converted three
of the five NZ Lautoka penalties.
Ba Veterans side walked away the first
prize money of $4000 and NZ Lautoka
Masters settled with the runner up
prize of $2000.
Ba Veterans captain Apimeleki Vunisa
applauded his side and management
for the effort.
We are happy with the win as our
opponents gave us a hard match but
I thank the boys for the effort this
weekend, he said.
The likes of Jope Lomu, Apimeleki
Vunisa, Mosese Valewalu, Jone
Sakele Naulu, Tomu Saiwale, Elias
Mohammed and Viliame Batidegei

were some of the reps in the Ba

Veterans side while their opponents
had the services of Waisale Rasoki and
Penaia Bale.
NZ Lautoka Masters president Albert
Lal said they were unlucky.
We had the chance but could not nail
the penalty. We are disappointed but
happy to reach the final, he said.
Earlier in the semifinals NZ Lautoka
Masters thumped Nadroga Veterans
4-1. Ba beat Suva Masters 2-0.
Mohammed Yusuf, the Fiji FA NZ
liaison officer thanked the participating
The former Fiji greats displayed
wonderful football over the four days
and must be commended for their
effort. The public present at the venue
enjoyed the matches and we hope to
see the event get bigger in the coming
years, Yusuf said.
Suva Masters player/manager Tama
Vosuga backed the idea of an annual
veterans tournament.
A tournament like this has given the
former reps an opportunity to come
together. This goes to show that Fiji
Football Association has not forgotten
about the former national and district
reps and I must thank them. I hope that
this event will continue to be staged
and get bigger and better, Vosuga
The NZ Fiji FA INC. and Fiji FA have
jointly organised the international
veterans tournament for the past two


Brazil Book Spot In

Spectacular Style

Brazil became the first side from South

America to seal their spot at the FIFA
Women's World Cup Canada 2015,
booking their place in fine style with
a 6-0 win over neighbours Argentina.
Six different scorers were on target
in the victory in the final stage of
the Copa America Femenina, which
ensured their great rivals can now no
longer over take them, with the 2007
runners-up now atop of the four-team
table with six points.
They become the 14th side to punch
their ticket to Canada next year.
Joining them are Colombia who
had their spot confirmed thanks to
Ecuador's 3-2 victory over Argentina
in the final round of the 2014 Copa
America Femenina.
Argentina was the only team that could
have qualified ahead of Colomobia
going into the last round, but they had
to beat Ecuador and hope Colombia
lost to Brazil in the final match of the
competition. With the defeat, Argentina
left with one point.
Ecuador finished third with three points
thanks to their courageous performance
against Argentina in which they came
back from a 2-0 deficit.
At the Estadio Olimpico Atahualpa in
Quito, Argentina took the lead with
goals from Stephanie Banini in the
24th minute and Florence Bonsegundo
five minutes later.
But La Tricolor showed tremendous

character as Carina Caicedo scored

in the 36th minute to give them
momentum. In the second half, Ingrid
Rodriguez equalised in the 60th minute
and Giannina Lattanzio scored the
decisive winner in the 77th minute.
Ecuador, for the first time in their
history, will have to get through an
intercontinental play-off against the
fourth-place CONCACAF side for a
chance to qualify for Canada 2015.
The CONCACAF tournament will
be played in the United States from
October 15-26.
Brazil was crowned champions of the
Copa America Fememina Ecuador
2014 after their goalless draw with
Colombia is the 15th finalist confirmed
for next year's final competition, which
will be played from June 6 to July 5 in
six host cities across Canada.
From 129 competing nations the
24 finalists will be known by late
November ahead of the December
62014 Official Draw.
The 15 finalists already confirmed are
Canada (host), Brazil and Colombia
from South America, England, France,
Germany, Norway, Spain, Sweden and
Switzerland from Europe and Australia,
China PR, Japan, Korea Republic and
Thailand from Asia.
The Oceania qualifiers, the OFC Women's
Nations Cup is scheduled for October 2529 in Lae, Papua New Guinea.

Brazil became the first South American side to qualify for Canada 2015

46 www.fijitimescanada.com

Friday Oct. 3 , 2014


Mark Donnelly, Canucks Anthem Singer, Takes Spill

During O Canada
On-ice carpet trips up Donnelly while singing the national anthem on skates during BCHL game

We've seen anthem singers take spills

before, but Mark Donnelly tripping
over a red carpet while on skates may
take the cake.
Many hockey fans know Donnelly for
his inspired renditions of O Canada
at home games for the Vancouver
Well, last Friday night, Donnelly
provided us with a moment that may
overshadow his singing.
Donnelly was invited by the Penticton
Vees of the British Columbia Hockey
League to sing the national anthem
ahead of their home opener October 3.
Perhaps bored with standing and
singing, 'Mr. O Canada' took the
opportunity to increase the difficulty

level by lacing up the skates.

That turned out to be a poor decision.
As Donnelly approached centre ice,
barely two lines into the anthem, he
failed to notice the red carpet laid on
the ice for the opening ceremonies, and
nearly face planted on the ice.
But like a true professional, Donnelly
barely missed a beat and continued
singing, nearly falling again while
trying to regroup.
You can hear the fan recording the
video chuckle at the mishap.
It's not the first time Donnelly has
attempted the sing and skate. In
February 2013, Donnelly completed
the anthem on skates without

Two Coaches To Attend

World Cup Conference

Association (Fiji FA) delegation
will travel to Malaysia to attend the
FIFA Technical Study Group (TSG)
The three-day event which will focus
on the technical and tactical analysis
of the 2014 FIFA World Cup will
be held from October 29-31, 2014
as acting Fiji FA technical director
Ravinesh Kumar and national coach
Juan Carlos Buzzetti have been
nominated by Fiji FA to attend.
A report on FIFA.COM states that the
tactical flexibility displayed by teams,
the fast-paced and attacking football
seen after a long season, the impact
made by individual attacking players
and the successful implementation
of both goal-line technology (GLT)
and vanishing spray are among the
key conclusions of FIFAs technical

It further states that in addition to the

presentation of the 2014 FIFA World
Cup report produced by the FIFA
TSG, at each event the delegations
will look at the coaching and football
development trends following FIFAs
flagship event, as well as medical and
refereeing matters. A special session
will also focus on FIFA World Cup
champions Germany.
These conferences are essential
platforms that enable us to share the
main technical findings from the FIFA
World Cup with the confederations and
member associations, thus becoming a
concrete educational tool to promote
football development around the
world, says FIFA Secretary General
Jrme Valcke.
With the preparation for the 2015 FIFA
Under-20 World Cup underway the
conference is set to be useful one for
the Fiji FA delegation.

Lionel Messi Will

Reportedly Face Court Trial
For Tax Evasion Charges

The case against Lionel Messi and his

father, Jorge Horacio Messi, for tax
evasion took another turn as the judge
denied an appeal from the Barcelona
forward. It sets the stage for a court
BBC News reported the ongoing
litigation surrounds image rights.
Spanish officials claim the pair avoided
more than 4 million in taxes by filing
fraudulent returns during a three-year
period starting in 2007. Potential
punishment includes six years in prison
and a large fine.
The report also included comments
from Messi after learning of the
"We have never committed any
infringement," he said on his Facebook
page. "We have always fulfilled all our
tax obligations, following the advices
of our tax consultants who will take
care of clarifying this situation."
In June, it appeared the younger Messi
was set to get dropped from the case.
Dermot Corrigan of ESPN reported
the Barca forward argued he had no
knowledge of any illegal activity
concerning untaxed revenue from
image rights.
A judge agreed, stating there was no
evidence to suggest he was directly
involved with the alleged misconduct.
There were plans to move forward with
the case against his father, though.
Now the latest twist. EFE (via AS
English) reports a magistrate in
Barcelona has thrown out the appeal of
the football superstar:
"Despite support from the public

prosecutor's office for the appeal

presented by Messi on the basis that
it believes that there is no evidence of
wrongdoing on the part of the player,
and which requested 'the dismissal of
proceedings to that effect,' the public
prosecutor challenged the appeal and
the judge ruled that it is a 'subjective
opinion' that Messi 'was on the
periphery of the financial, contractual
and tax management of his income,'
despite his father's control over those
Just when it looked like Messi could
get cleared of the charges, the case
once again moves to the forefront.
No dates were released for a potential
court trial, and it's unclear if any new
evidence emerged to suggest the
Argentine international knew more
than previously reported.
It's also currently unknown whether
the case could force him to miss time
for Barcelona.


Friday Oct. 3 , 2014


Friday Oct. 3 , 2014







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