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CONTENT page no.

1. Preface 4
2. Integrated Passenger Information System 6
3. Digita Coc! "it# $PS Sync#ronisation 13
4. Optica %i&re Comm'nication 1(
). Digita Teecom E*c#ange 24
6. +ainet Net"or! 2,
%irst of a I "o'd i!e to #eart f'y t#an! t#e +ESE-+C2 DESI$N
-ND ST-ND-+D O+$-NIS-TION3 04C.NO/ 51inistry of
%or gi7ing me t#is goden opport'nity to 'ndergo t#is s'mmer
training. T#is training "o'd not #a7e &een s'ccessf' "it#o't t#e
endea7o'r and s'pport from 1r. D.N.Ti"ari 5ED8Teecom63 1r.
+...Pandey and 1rs. .amini Ti"ari3 1r. D...Sing#3 1r. -n!'r
Sri7asta7a3 1r. Enogo 9ar"a3 1r.Nitin .'mar3 1r.1anis# $'pta3 1rs.
Sad#ana -ggar"a5Training Inc#arge6. I am aso gratef' to my parents
for enco'raging me to 'ndergo t#is training .I "o'd aso i!e to e*tend
my sincere T#an!s and gratit'de to 1r. Nitin :ain 52.O.D;E.C.E6 and
1s. +as#mi <is#7a!arma for permitting me to 'ndergo t#is training.
It "as "ay &ac! in 1()3 "#en t#e first train ran &et"een
1'm&ai and T#ane. Since t#en 161 years #a7e passed and t#e
Indian +ai"ays #a7e 'ndergo drastic impro7ements and is no"
t#e argest rai net"or! in -sia.
Today a passenger can &oo! a tic!et at 2ydera&ad to tra7e from
De#i to 9angaore3 &oard t#e train at specified time and reac#
#is destination "it#o't "orrying a&o't t#e n'm&er of #is or
ri7ers t#at fas in &et"een. T#an!s to t#e +DSO t#e eite "ing
of t#e ministry of Indian +ai"ays "#ic# performs t#e foo"ing
1. De7eopment3 adoption for ne" tec#ni>'es and
standardisation of materias and prod'cts speciay needed &y
t#e Indian +ai"ays.
2. Pro7iding cons'tancy and inspection of critica and safety
items of roing stoc!s3 ocomoti7es3 signaing3 teecom and
trac! components.
The main branches of RDSO are:;
1. 9ridges and str'ct'res
2. Carriage3 "agons and traffic
3. Defence +eseac#
4. Engine De7eopment
). %inance and -cco'nts
6. Signa and teecomm'nication
,. Trac! testing mac#ines and monitoring
(. $eot#erma engineering
?. 1eta'rgy and c#emica E.1.43 eectric oco and po"er
1@. Traction instaation and A'aity ass'rance
Except this the RDSO houses the foo!in" state of the art
testin" aboratories:#
1. -ir &ra!e and dynamometer
2. 9 and S a&
3. Diese engine de7eopment a&
4. %atig'e testing a&
). $eotec#nica3 meta'rgica and cinica a&
6. Signa trac! testing a&
,. 1o&ie testing a&
(. Teecom a&
T#e Integrated Passenger Information system comprises of
foo"ing 7ita parts=;
1. One ca&inet "it# t"o PCs "it# re>'ired soft"are and
2. One min. 3;ine singe sided dispay &oard "#ic# "or!s as t#e
Train -rri7a Depart're Dispay 9oard 5T-D96.
3. One -t a $ance Dispay 9oard 5-$D96
4. Coac# $'idance Dispay 9oard 5C$D96
). T"o comm'nication #'&s 51 1CD2B1PCD26
6. One CCT< 5C32D6
,. -'dio anno'ncement de7ice8ampifier
No" to 'nderstand t#ese dispay &oards in detai
"e need to go t#ro'g# some &asic ingredients of t#eir circ'it
design. T#ey can &e s'mmariEed as foo"s=;
1. %irsty3 it s#o'd &e noted t#at t#e 0EDs are arranged in
parae oops so t#at e7en if one of t#em maf'nctions3 t#e rest
of t#em !eeps "or!ing.
2. Eac# dispay &oard consists of a po"er 1onitor 5P16
"#ic# s'ppies a constant 23@73 )@2E s'ppy to t#e &oard.
T#is s'ppy is gi7en to t#e S1PS "#ic# s'ppies constant
)7 dc to t#e 0EDs. T#is part consists of a transformer3 reay
and a DIP s"itc#. It s#o'd &e noted t#at t#e +DSO
standard for -C s'ppy is 16@7;2,@7 and t#is criteria needs
to &e maintained &y any man'fact'rer.
3. No"3 t#ese dispay &oards are controed from t#e PCs &y
t"o main 249s=;
1CD2 51ain data comm'nication 2'&6
PCD2 5Patform Data Comm'nication 2'&6
T#e Data comm'nication #'& is s#o"n &eo";=
T#e data from t#e PC is fed to t#e 1CD23 t#en to t#e
PCD2 "#ic# is directy connected to t#e dispay
T#e +DSO standard foo"ed for PC to #'&
connection is +S 232 and for #'& to dispay
de7ice is +S 422 ca&e connector.
0CD T<s 'sed for passenger assistance in
"aiting rooms and patform entrances s#o'd
meet t#e foo"ing specifications;=
No. of pi*es ; 1366F,6(
<ie"ing -nge ; 1,@81,@
9rig#tness 5cd8mE6 ; 4)@G 1@@@ for pasma
Contrast ; 1@@@=1
<ideo i8p ; s;7ideo3 composite 7ideo3 PC
anaog i8p 5+$93 ;S'&6
0amp 0ifetime H )@@@@ #rs
0ED dispay mod'e; 16F4(8(F4(
Temp range ; ;1@C to ,@C
2'midity H ?)I at 4@C
1'tiine dispay &oards aso #a7e a
"atc#dog circ'it "#ic# resets t#e processor in in
case it goes #ay"ire d'e e*terna dist'r&ance
ca'sed &y #ig# 7otage traction or ig#tening.
Dispay format for m'tiine dispay &oard=
46 0EDs 1(4 0EDs )@ 0EDs 1@ 0EDs 220EDs
T#e standard gap &et"een eac# co'mn is !ept 6 0EDs.
No" t#e dispay format for -$D9 is s#o"n &eo";=
23 0EDs 13) 0EDs 26 0EDs ) 0EDs 11 0EDs
2ere3 t#e standard gap of 1@ 0EDs is !ept &et"een eac#
T#e sc#ematic &oc! diagram for IPIS "it# t#e contro consoe
'nit 5CC46 rac! ayo't is gi7en in t#e foo"ing page.
T#e 7ario's acceptance test carried o't are as foo"s;=
1. <is'a inspection
2. Ins'ation resistance and performance test
3. System e7e f'nction test
4. 0ED parameter and end'rance test
Digital clock with
GPS Synchronisation
T#is section co7ers t#e tec#nica re>'irements of digita coc!
"it# $PS sync#roniEation consisting of master coc! and digita
coc! s'ita&e for patforms area and office compe*es of Indian
T#e specification of Digita coc! co7er tec#nica re>'irement of
$PS sync#roniEed coc!. T#ese coc!s are 'sed for dispaying
correct time at 7ario's ocations on patform3 in t#e contro and
ot#er rai"ay office. It aso co7ers t#e tec#nica re>'irements of
$PS recei7ers to &e 'sed for sync#roniEation and master coc!
for sync#roniEation of digita coc! "#en "ired in net"or!.
T#e Digita coc! s#a 'se $PS recei7ers to
recei7e correct time. T#e coc! s#o'd #a7e oca &attery &ac!ed
+ea Time Coc! 5+TC6 "#ic# s#a &e sync#roniEed to t#e time
information recei7ed from t#e $PS. In case of fai're of $PS
system3 t#e coc! s oca +TC time s#a &e dispayed. T#e coc!
s#a #a7e a &'it in $PS recei7er and s#a sync#roniEe time as
recei7ed from t#e $PS. 1aster coc! s#a &e 'sed to
sync#roniEe digita coc! "#en "ired in net"or!. In s'c# case3
digita coc! "i "or! as sa7e coc! "it#o't and $PS recei7er.
Some &asic eements of t#e circ'itry are s'mmariEed &eo"=;
i. 0EDs are connected s'c# t#at t#ey #a7e a common cat#ode
and a common anode. - tota of ,.) < is s'ppied to t#e se7en
segment dispay and eac# of t#e 0EDs recei7es a po"er of 2.)
ii. T#e +TC itsef c#ec!s "it# t#e $PS time e7ery 16
s#o'd &e noted t#at t#e patform coc! dispays time as
22=11 format "#ereas #e office coc! dispays time as
22=11=SS format.
iii. T#e $PS sync#roniEed coc! is set s'c# t#at its time is
incremented &y fi7e and #af #o'rs 5according to IST6 from t#e
$reen"ic# 1eridian Time of 0ondon.
i7. It s#o'd &e noted "#en t#e s'ppy is gi7en to 7ario's part of
t#e digita coc! 3 t#en cass D protection is pro7ided to t#e data
I8p;o8p ines "#ereas cass C protection is pro7ided to t#e -C
s'ppy ines.
The "enera specification can be "i)en as foo!:#
i. T#e dispay on a digita coc! s#a &e imm'ne from t#e effect
of 2)!7 traction ine or eectromagnetic or eectrostatic
ii. T#e coc! s#o'd &e co7ered "it# 4< sta&iiEed
poycar&onate s#eet "it# minim'm 3mm t#ic!ness to gi7e good
7isi&iity and protection against d'st.
iii. 0EDs "it# e>'a fringe and 'niform intensity are to &e 'sed
to ens're t#at t#e timing to &e dispayed "it# e*ceent contrast
so t#at no &ac! patc#es are 7isi&e on t#e dispay screen of t#e
i7. Digita coc! s#a &e capa&e of "or!ing in an am&ient
temperat're range of 1@Kc to ,@Kc and reati7e #'midity of ?)I
at 4@Kc "it#o't any degradation.
7. T#ere s#o'd &e &'it in po"er s'ppy to "or! directy on
23@< -C "it s#ort circ'it protection "it# propery rated f'se as
its inp't. Digita coc! "#en "ired in net"or!3 s#a
comm'nicate "it# master coc! on a m'ti;drop net"or!.
7i. T#ere s#o'd &e specific coating to protect t#e e>'ipment for
t#e foo"ing #aEards
-ir&orne contaminants i!e smo!e ad c#emica 7apo'rs.
Cond'cting materia i!e meta cip and fiing.
The specification of &PS recei)er can be "i)en as foo!:#
1. 01 fre>'ency3 C8- code3 (;c#anne minim'm contin'o's
trac!ing recei7er3 1 2E 'pdate rate.
2. It s#o'd s'pport N1E- protocos or seria ports "it#
config'ra&e &o'nd rate 5IT06 e7e.
3. %'y compati&e "it# SPS and acc'racy of more t#an 1@ms
and reac>'isition time &etter t#an 2 sec "it# #ot start t#en 1)
4. /arm start 9ette t#en )@ s and cod start &attery t#an 1(@ s.
). Operating temperat're ;4@Kc to ()Kc.
T#e sc#ematic diagram for digita coc! s'ita&e for patform
area is s#o"n &eo".
Optica fibre communication
Optica fi&re is a transparent medi'm #a7ing at east t"o ayers3
"it# different refracti7e inde*. T#e ig#t tra7e t#ro'g# t#e
centre part caed core3 "#ic# is co7ered &y an o'ter ayer caed
C0-D for protection.
2e CO+E #as t#e refracti7e inde* greater t#an t#e
cad. T#e transmission of ig#t ta!es pace &y t#e tota interna
refection. 9ased on refracti7e inde* of core3 fi&re may &e
cassified into t"o gro'ps;=
Step inde* fi&re
$raded inde* fi&re
T#e O%C is ad7antageo's o7er modes of comm'nication
&eca'se of t#e foo"ing=;
1. 0arge &and"idt#;= ig#t of greater t#an 1@ t#o'sand $2E can
&e passed t#ro'g# it and it can carry #'ndred miion times
more information t#en teep#one ine.
2. 0o" atten'ation;= ess t#en @.@2d& 8!m at 1))@nm. T#'s a
repeater ess in! is e*ceeding 2@@!m "it# a tota po"er
margin of 2@d& can &e o&tained.
3. Imm'ne o E1 and +% interference=;since optica fi&re made
of perfecty dieectric materia so t#ey do not interfere "it#
optica signa propagating t#ro'g# t#e fi&re.
4. Signa sec'rity;= since t#e fi&re radiates no E1
energy3&'gging on t#e comm'nication in! t#o'g# tapping of
E1 energy is rendered 'seess .
). 0o" cross ta!;= t#e cadding pre7ents t#e escape of ig#t
energy from t#e fi&re3 so o7erapping of t#e fieds of fi&re in
t#e ca&e is a7oided.
6. Eectrica isoation;= d'e to t#e ins'ating materia of fi&re3 it
is free from danger of s#ort circ'it. T#e a&sence of any
c'rrent in optica signa propagation3 r'es so't# t#e
possi&iity of generation of spar!s.
Fibre i*entification scheme of rai!a+s:#
T#ere are &asicay t#ree type of optica fi&re t#at are fo'nd
1. 0oose t'&e ca&e =;
2. Sotted core ca&e=;
3. Centra t'&e ca&e=;
2e optica fi&re 'sed in rai"ay are coo'red "it# readiy
disting'is#a&e and d'ra&e coo'r for easy identification .since
rai"ay 'se ony oose t'&e ca&es3 t#e coors
&'e3orange3green 3and nat'ra is 'sed . Co'nting is done from
&'e to orange and t#e rest are of nat'ra coors.
The schematic *ia"ram of optica fibre use* in for
communication purpose:#
T#e OTD+ is a 7ita a& testing e>'ipment. It meas're and
dispays #e progression of atten'ation aong optica fi&re . It
ao"s an insig#t to t#e fi&re. T#e fi&re atten'ation3 'niformy
spice and connector ooses3 &reac!s and fi&re engt# can &e
e7a'ated. It is aso 'sed to c#ec! t#e contin'ity of t#e fi&er and
indicate t#e &rea! of t#e fi&er to appro*imate #e engt#. It ao"s
a reso'tion of @.)m.
-n OTD+ is s#o"n &eo"=;
It "or!s on t#e principe t#at t#e aser diode con7erts t#e eectric
p'se into an optica p'se. 2is is inLected into t#e fi&er 'nder
testing. -fter some time if t#e signa is scattered #e OTD+
detectors detects t#e &ac! scattered signa. Since #e p'se tra7es
at constant 7eocity3 it is capa&e of correating #is time reated
&ac! scattered e7e to its corresponding distance.
'EC,A%$CA- SP-$CERS =;
T#is is 7ery 7ita too of t#e ca&e assem&y accessory. T#is
de7ice is 'sed for spicing or Loining t"o ends of an optica fi&re
.T#is process re>'ire a 7ery s!ied professiona. %irst3 t#e 'pper
cadding of t#e fi&re is remo7ed3 and t#en is ceaned "it#
isopropy aco#o to remo7e imp'rities. T#en t#e ends are
caref'y #af siced 'sing a fi&re c'tter "#ic# is t#en paced into
t#e spicer for Loining. 2e Loint is t#en co7ered "it# a sea to
gi7e it strengt# &y t#e 'se of same spicer.
E*cept t#is a po"er meter is aso empoyed to e7a'ate t#e
amo'nt of po"er transfer ooses and scattering t#ro'g# t#e
optica fi&er.
T#e sc#ematic diagram of 1ec#anica Spicers is gi7en &eo"=;
T#e str'ct're of po"er meter is s#o"n &eo"=;
T#e p'rpose of an e*c#ange is to esta&is# comm'nication
&et"een t"o persons no matter "#ere7er t#ey may &e3 7ia a
teep#one. T#e e*c#ange at +DSO #as mainy t#ree different
1:# T#e indoor 'nit
2:# T#e po"er pant
1:# T#e o'tdoor 'nit
T#e s'ppy t#at is o&tained from t#e po"er pant is 4(< DC
"#ic# is again o&tained from a S1PS &ased c#arger or t#e
&attery instaed i.e. one of t#em constanty !eeps r'nning.
No" t#e indoor 'nit consists of t#e foo"ing=;
Contro Car*s:#T#ese are 'sed as e*c#ange s"itc#ing and t#ey
consist of t#e
1. Processor card "#ic# performs t#e f'nction of s"itc# &ased
programming and ringing
2. $ro'p controer card creates an interp#ase &et"een t#e
processor and ot#er s#ef cards
1. Po"er s'ppy card again #as t#e same f'nction of s'ppying
4(< DC to ot#er 'nits.
The periphera shef# It consists of t#e foo"ing=;
1. Perip#era po"er s'ppy card 5PPS6 "#ose Lo& is simpy
proper distri&'tion of po"er.
2. T#e ringer po"er s'ppy card 5+PS6 "#ose Lo& is to s'ppy
po"er to 7ario's teep#ones for ringing.
1. T#e S0S Card; T#is consists mainy of t#e 24 S0S s'&scri&er
card "#ic# connects 24 anaog teep#ones.
2. T#e S%T Card; T#is consists of t#e 24 S%T s'&scri&er card
"#ic# connects 24 digita teep#ones.
E1 Car*# T#is is a 7ery 7ita eement of any eetronics
e*c#ange and it consists of 32c#annes.
O't of t#ese 3@ c#annes are 'sed as 7oice c#annes and t#e
remaining t"o c#annes are 'sed for administrati7e p'rpose.
2ere a 14J is generay 'sed to con7ert 3@ inp't 7oice
c#annes to 1 o'tp't.
Trun3 Car*# It is 'sed for &oo!ing cas to t#e operator.
OTD -ines# It is 'sed ony in oca operations.

Rainet %et!or3
T#e common types of net"or!s t#at are in 'se today are
gi7en &eo"=;
1:# -oca Area %et!or3# In t#is net"or!3 comp'ters3 printers3
and ot#er accessories are reati7ey near to eac# ot#er and
p#ysicay connected 'sing ca&es or infrared in!s. It may e*ist
"it#in a singe &'iding or a gro'p of &'idings.
2:# 'etropoitan Area %et!or3# T#is is a arge scae net"or!
connecting many corporate0-Ns toget#er and is managed &y a
gro'p of net"or! pro7iders.
1:# 4i*e Area %et!or3# T#is connects comp'ters across a
"ide geograp#ica area. T#e remote 0-Ns are connected 7ia
teecom net"or! or 7ia internet t#ro'g# an ISP.
2:# Campus Area %et!or3# It foo"s t#e same principe as
0-N3 ony on a arger and a di7ersified scae. 2ere different
camp's offices and organisations can &e in!ed toget#er.
5:# ,ome Area %et!or3# In t#is net"or! contained "it#in a
'serMs #ome3 digita de7ices from m'tipe comp'ters and
perip#era de7ices of a person can &e in!ed toget#er.

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