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Full JCR Pre-term Meeting

October 2014, 7pm, Bar


Annie You Yuan (Treasurer)
Alice Hobbs (Womens Officer)
Zac Freud (Ents Officer)

1: Presidents Welcome

Welcome back everyone. Thanks are due to Nick for performing two roles in
Phils absence. We have an exciting term ahead, and congratulations to the Ents
team for organising freshers week so well.

2: First Day

Meet and greet on the 4
(first day of freshers week). JCR members have to
show people where to go and answer any questions. JCR members may go to
brunch but not all at once. The communications team will be sorting the
noticeboards and the Ents team will be clearing out the JMA cupboard.

Corridor reps are sorted but Ents need to put up posters of the relevant reps in
the corridors. Corridor reps are in charge of settling in the freshers and for block

Meet The JCR in the Reddaway: everyone should be there and make a very short

Freshers bop: corridor reps with their corridors, families with families.
Everyone should continue to check the rotas, including the more extensive
one posted by Phil to the JCR group.

3: Second Day

JCR Welfare breakfast: Everyone should attend as turnout is usually quite high.
Pan, Ashwin and Jake will stay in the Newton puband help with pool/pub quiz
during the pub crawl on the 5

4: Tuesday

Matriculation shepherding requires JCR members (selected by Phil- check the

5: CUSU Freshers Fair

Those assigned to this are reminded that they must walk with the freshers
rather than cycling to the Kelsey Kerridge.

6: Scavenger hunt and Punting

Freshers will go round town finding clues. JCR will buy a prize for the team that
win. This is the responsibility of the Ethical team. Setoff will be from the caf.

7: Movie Night

Ents are holding a screening of the Great British Bakeoff Final. Popcorn will be
provided. This is currently scheduled to be held in the Gordon Cameron but JCR
are considering moving it to the newly refurbished Walter Grave to encourage
freshers to use it.

8: JCR Refurbishment

Its not meant to be pink. The conference team will move out on the 4
and the
permanent furniture will be moved in.

9: Speed mating:

Carl and Ged will lead this with Eleanor. They will judge the atmosphere and
carry on/finish early depending on how well it turns out.

10: Billy Day & Societies Fair

These are both sorted and will be run by the Clubs and Societies team.

11: Plans for the rest of term:

At the first meeting of term proper, the sub-committees will be presenting their
plans for the rest of term.

12: AOB

12a: International Freshers

International freshers week, led by Matteo, is going well.

Matteo requires four volunteers to host the cross cultural event and four volunteers
to set up international bop. Phil will coordinate this. Matteo also needs helpers
throughout the week.

The communications team will help with publicity for the upcoming international

13b: Graduate Studies

On the 13
at 7PM there is a graduate studies information evening in the Gordon
Cameron. This is now on the noticeboards.

The next meeting of term will be a full JCR meeting on Thursday 9
at 8.30pm in the Societies Room. A doodle poll will also be circulated to
decide upon a new regular meeting time.

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