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Bronte School

Headmasters Newsleter 14
3rd October 2014
A day designated All in Winter uniform is inevitably going
to herald the start of an unprecedented heatwave. At Bron-
te, next Monday is that day. So, this is a reminder about
that, and if the Indian summer does contnue, that will be all
to the good
Two school trips have basked in this weeks mild and sunny
conditons. On Tuesday, Years 3 and 4 visited Horton Kirby.
This was followed the next day by the Year 1 and 2 visit to
Horton Kirby is an environmental educatonal centre, and
Years 3 and 4 learned about map symbols and then ploted
them onto a map using grid references. They also had the
opportunity to use a compass. They walked around the
village huntng for hidden clues about how Horton Kirby has
developed over tme. It was a thoroughly good day, fun as
well as educatve.

Groombridge set the scene for a magical day out, with its
enchanted forest and a host of other delights. Afer a trip
along the canal, the children spent some tme on the large
play equipment before tackling a 'hunt and seek' task in the
formal gardens. A really worthwhile tme.

Is there anyone who hasnt built Lego houses, castles or
towers, either as a child or as a parent? Only last week, I was
building a tower with our 2 year old son. I amused myself
with butresses and arches. He amused himself with piling
on brick upon brick and then knocking it all down in as de-
structve a way as possible. No diference really, just boys
playing with Lego. On Wednesday, Years 5 and 6 found
themselves using Lego rather more professionally. They built
houses from engineering drawings, and then designed their
own houses, using bricks of diferent sizes, each with a
cost atached. They had to keep to a budget, order the
right quanttesand build something that didnt fall down,
and that actually matched their designs.
Well done to the winning team of Sam Verrall, Rio Thind and
Adarsh Sivakumar, who will be representng Bronte in the
Kent fnals later in the term. We are very grateful to Sam
from the Medway Enterprise Business Partnership who so

ably led the session and hope that he will return next
term to deliver further STEM (science, technology,
engineering and maths) actvites. These actvites are
superb for developing teamwork and skills.

Next Fridays assembly takes the form of a Harvest Fest-
val thanksgiving service, when all children are asked to
bring in some non-perishable food.
This will subsequently be donated to the Salvaton Army,
for their work in supportng a local Food Bank. Each class
will have prepared a short piece for the assembly, per-
haps a poem or a song, relatng to harvest/food. Parents
are all most welcome the assembly starts at 11.20am.
We are hoping that Major Carton from the Salvaton Ar-
my will be able to atend too.
A leter has just gone out on Parentmail, with a reminder
of the various meetngs coming up over the coming
weeks. Next week sees the Bronte Friends AGM on Mon-
day 6
(7.00 for 7.30pm), and the Parents Council on
Thursday 9
(4.00pm). In the following week, on Thurs-
day 16
October, (6.30 for 7.00pm) there is a meetng
for Year 4 and 5 parents about the 11+ exam and 11+
preparaton. The Autumn Parents Strategy Meetng is on
12 November (6.30 for 7.00pm).

Looking Ahead
Mon 6
October All in Winter uniform
Bronte Friends AGM
(7.30pm, Hall,
refreshments from
Thurs 9
October Tag Rugby
Gravesend Rugby
Parents Council
Meetng (4.00pm)
Fri 10
October Harvest Festval
Tues 14
October Bronte hostng our
French partner
school, Ecole St
Pierre, Calais

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