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Mrea Solidarnosti (Solidarity Network) is a group of art activists whose goal is to consolidate public

with powerless workers in troubled Croatian factories such as Dalmacijavino, Jadrankamen and
UZOR, and also to create new open spaces of democracy. Through public discussions, performances,
public art and exhibitions we are pointing out problems that workers are facing each day such as not
received salary, mass decommission, company bankruptcies caused by illegal actions of the company
owners etc. All of these problems have their roots in contemporary political and social relations so
we think that the only possible answer is developing new relations based on civic solidarity with an
accent on communication, mutual education, open discussion, direct democracy and resistance to
dysfunctional social and political structures.

Solidarity Exhibition, Jadrankamen factory, Island Bra, June 2012

Over the past year Mrea Solidarnosti organized several exhibitions, art protests, public actions,
happenings and open discussions which successfully slipped through media censorship. In March,
after Croatian government announced bankruptcy proceedings for drinks factory Dalmacijavino, in
collaboration with a factory workers, we took one of factory branches and made it a temporary
autonomous zone guarded by workers, artists and citizens. During 'occupation period' we set an
exhibition in which over 60 visual artists and musicians participated showing their solidarity with
concerned workers.

Roundtable with workers, Dalmacijavino factory, Split, March 2012

It is important to say that the artworks which were presented there were conceptual, not describing
physical facts but rather presenting ideas and definitions based on our view of contemporary
capitalist society. These artworks are (mostly) avoiding academic forms, imaginary conceptions and
constructs, and by using elements of real they are creating critical images/ideas. Brought into the
factory or public space these artworks transform it's worn out nature into something different and
active. By this we are giving this space a new meaning and a new function. Besides established art
program, there were also daily organized round tables for discussions about possible solutions of a
Result of our action was a government decision of keeping factory alive by temporary reducing part
of its production and a future possibility of increasing it back where it was before.

Video projections and open discussion with workers,
Jadrankamen factory, Island Bra, June 2012

Using the same model we spread to other factories, in summer 2012 we went on island Bra to
support workers of Jadrankamen, factory which is producing white stone from which many of
cultural sites and statues in Mediterranean are made of.
Currently we are in collaboration with a textile company UZOR for which was also declared

Protest after arrests of workers, Court of justice in Split, August 2012

Our main idea in this ongoing project is to promote a broadened political/art form whose particular
parts such as artworks, roundtables, lectures, video projections and also the consequential
interpretations and actions, are equally important, and as such, create a unique political/artistic
collective space. This space is vital because of it's ability to connect separated disciplines like art,
politics and others, and by now it has already shown the possibility of completely disparate social
groups working together; something that contemporary political forms have so far failed to do.

Videos of solidarity exhibitions and roundtables (it will be translated to English):

- Dalmacijavino - PIPI:
- Dalmacijavino:
- Dalmacijavino:
- Jadrankamen:
- Jadrankamen:

On this Young Artists Biennial we are gonna present our work in performative way which will include
video documentation of our previous projects, materials used till now, artifacts from protests and
from the factories, banners, etc. It will all be presented in one hour long performance and cca 30 min
long discussion with the audience.
Our goal is to connect with a local organizations, get familiar with problems or specific situations
concerning directly Ancona, to share ideas, exchange opinions, and see is it possible to accomplish
collaboration with other groups of interests. We want to create an field of active exchange.
All of this is gonna be taped and later on, if possible, presented on the exhibition.
If there will be enough space, we are willing to bring some of artworks exhibited in Croatian

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