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Complete the second sentence so that it jeans the same as the first, using
no more than three words !past perfect, past continuous, used to"
1.- We went to London for the first time.
We _________________ to London before.
2.- I recognised her at once.
I knew at once I _________________ her before.
3.- The police arrived too late so the robber escaped.
!" the police arrived _________________escaped.
#.- The phone call interr$pted m" breakfast.
I _________________ when the phone rang.
%.- &ichael took a deep breath and dived into the water.
'fter &ichael _______________ a deep breath he dived into the water.
(.- Terr" was fatter.
Terr" ________________ be so thin.
).- *ohn was s$re his ke"s were not in his pocket.
*ohn was s$re _________________ his ke"s in his pocket.
+.- When he was "o$nger ,on-alo pla"ed basketball.
,on-alo _________________ basketball when he was "o$nger.
..- We missed the b$s so we took a ta/i.
We took a ta/i beca$se __________________ the b$s.
10.- In those da"s we spent the s$mmer in the mo$ntains.
In those da"s we _________________ the s$mmer in the mo$ntain.
11.- 1$san left before m" arrival.
When I ________________ alread" left.
12.- In the middle of the lesson m" phone rang.
While I _________________ a lesson m" phone rang.
13.- I pla"ed chess almost ever"da" when I was "o$ng.
I __________________ chess almost ever" da" when I was "o$ng.
1#.- I didn2t want to go witho$t taking a photo.
I didn2t want to go $ntil ________________ a photo.
1%.- 3igel felt sick from eating too man" cakes.
3igel felt sick beca$se he ________________ too man" cakes.

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