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19 p.

198 TOEFL Writing Editing point 1/2


1. (Subject-verb agreement)
each, every: ,
Every student _____ given a test on the subject
Every boy and girl _____ to turn in the research paper.
Each student and professor _____ to the meeting
, to :
Playing sports ___ one of his favorite activities.
To skip classes ___ bad for your grade.
each, every: ,
Every student _____ given a test on the subject
Every boy and girl _____ to turn in the research paper.
Each student and professor _____ to the meeting
, to :
Playing sports ___ one of his favorite activities.
To skip classes ___ bad for your grade.
: of
(some of, a lot of, most of, half of, the rest of, sixty percent of, etc )
Some of the student ___ from Korea.
Some of the students _____ from Korea.
Most of the students behave well.
Sixty percent of buildings need to be repainted.
not onlybut also / eitheror:
Both he and I ____ excited about the field trip.
Not only Tom but also I ___ coming to the show.
Either my mother or my sisters _____ going.

A student who _____ to go on the field trip ____ to pay $20.

2. (Pronoun-antecedent agreement)
everyone, each, someone, anyone, neither, no one, nobody, etc:
Each of the women has brought ____ child. (NOT their career)
Everyone has his or her own aspiration (NOT their own)

19 p. 198 TOEFL Writing Editing point 1/2


Somebody left ____ jacket on the chair.
Neither of the girls brought her parents.
or, nor :
and :
Either J ane or Ann left her purse behind.
Neither J ohn nor Mike is finished with ___ dinner.
Barbie and Ken enjoyed _______ trip to France.
audience, class, committee, couple, crowd, faculty, family, group, staff, team, etc:
My family is big. ____ is composed of eight members.
I love my family very much, and _____ love me.

Incorrect: I was doing my homework when my sister comes home.
Correct: I was doing my homework when my sister ______ home.
I will tell you why he ran away.

Incorrect: I found out that the Nile River was the longest river in the world.
Correct: I found out that the Nile River ___ the longest river in the world.

4. (Parallelism)
and, but, or, nor, yet
I graduated from a medical school and becoming a doctor at a hospital. (X)
I graduated from a medical school and became a doctor at a hospital. (O)
not onlybut also, neithernor, eitheror, bothand
He excelled not only in singing but also in dancing. ()
He said either to study or to help him. (to)
I neither can dance nor sing. ()

Visiting a foreign country is more educational than to read from magazines and

19 p. 198 TOEFL Writing Editing point 1/2


Visiting a foreign country is more educational than ________ from magazines and

5. (Reference)

When Sam called Tom, he was playing computer games.
When Sam called Tom, Tom/ Sam was playing computer games.

In George Orwells book 1984, he talked about a world completely controlled by the
In George Orwells book 1984, George Orwell talked about a world completely
controlled by the government.
this, that, which.
We are going to the theater, which is good.
It is good that we are going to the theater.

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