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To the Somali People

The treaty of Peace, Integration and
We, the Somali Community, named collectively as the Somali
Tribe and severally as Somali clans, sub-clans and families, professing
common Islamic Faith, speaking the common related languages and dialects
and inhabiting the defined areas in Kenya across the borders in the Horn of
Africa, hereby give ourselves this treaty, called "the treaty of Peace,
Integration and Progress". This treaty is binding on all members of the
Somali tribe living in the country at the time of this treaty called Kenya.
Representatives append their signatures to this treaty and take oath that
they believe in the provisions of this treaty in letter and spirit.
We collectively and individually on our own behalf and on behalf of the entire
community agree that:
1. There will be no more collective clan responsibility for any crimes. We
agree to let all criminals face justice individually. We agree that
murderers, rapists, violent robbers and arsonists will not be pardoned
by any clan. We agree that where blood money or Diya is to be paid, it
will entirely be paid by the murderer and his or her immediate family
without help from any clan. That Diya will only be paid where the
victim's family forgives the murderer and asks for restitution and all
Diya will be in full without precedent arrangements.
2. We agree that with the signing of this agreement all clan colonial
borders are abolished and every Somali has the right to settle
anywhere, seek pasture and water anywhere in the lands inhabited by
the Somali. That measures to provide water, inculcate modern methods
of animal husbandry and reduce over-grazing will be the responsibility
of the community and its leaders.
3. With the signing of this agreement we create the "Somali Treasury
Fund" where we will all contribute according to our ability. The fund
will be managed by an independent trust and will be used for literacy,
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girls and women education, emergency, establishment of The Somali
University and building of community centres.
4. By signing of this agreement we establish the Justice Council which
will arbitrate any issues, deal with all cases of past injustices, resettle
all IDPs, return all stolen wealth to its owners, compensate those who
were most affected by past clan conflicts and identity any potential
future conflicts and mediate them. Membership of this Council will be
agreed upon by a national conference.
5. By signing this agreement we agree to foster social integration through
sports. We establish the Somali games to be held every three years on
rotation basis. The games will include soccer, wrestling, athletics and
others and will be held to the rules and regulations of all international
games. Prizes for the games will be funded from the "The Somali
Treasury Fund"
6. By signing this agreement we agree to promote free political
participation without limitation through clan and region and
leadership will only be judged on character and manifestos. We bind
ourselves to election of the most competent to positions of leadership.
We bind ourselves to reject divisive individuals and cast out those who
wish to divide us.
7. That this treaty protects all people of Somali extraction from
discrimination, eviction, attack and any other form of harassment. That
this treaty transforms all Somali clans and individuals into a common
brotherhood that will hold forever. That this treaty favours
Signed by:

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