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Physics .

Chapter ( 2 ) / Kinetics .
Akram M. Mahmoud .
--- Kinetics
1 Force - Acceleration
2 Energy - Work
3 Impulse - Momentum
CH 2 / Kinetics __________________________________________________ 2
( 1 ) Force - Acceleration
Use Newtons second law to study un equilibrium cases .

Net force N
Mass kg

( 2 ) Energy - Work
CH 2 / Kinetics __________________________________________________ 3
Use energy and works laws to study un equilibrium cases .
= . =
Work .
Force N
Distance m
Angle between force and distance Deg.
The work is The force acts a displacement .
CH 2 / Kinetics __________________________________________________ 4

The energy is the ability to do work . Such as : Kinetic energy ,
potential energy , Thermal energy etc.
Kinetic energy is the energy of motion .
Potential energy is the energy of an object because of its position
from the center of gravity of Earth .
Conservation of energy principle : Mechanical energy is the
summation of kinetic and potential and equal to constant .
= + =

Power is the rate at which work is done . =

Kinetic Energy
Potential Energy
Mechanical Energy


( 3 ) Impulse - Momentum
Momentum is the product of mass and velocity
Impulse is the product of force and time . =
Newtons second law : It is the rate of momentum .
Impulse momentum theorem : A force acting on a mass during a time
causes the mass to change its momentum .
= =

Conservation of momentum : If net force is not exist , the total
momentum will remain constant . ( other form of Newtons first law )
CH 2 / Kinetics __________________________________________________ 5

Use impulse and momentum to study un equilibrium cases .


1 . What is net force is required to accelerate a 1500 kg race car to

2 . An astronaut with mass 75 kg travels to Mars . What is his weight :

A ) On Earth ?
B ) On Mars where = .

C ) What is the value of g on top of a mountain if the astronaut
weighs 683 N ?
3 . A student a box of books that weighs 185 N . The box is lifted
0.8 m . How much work does the student do ?
4 . A sailor pulls a boat along a dock using a rope at an angle

the horizontal . How much work is done by the sailor if he exerts a
force of 255 N on the rope and pulls the boat 30 m ?
5 . An electric motor lifts an elevator that weighs .

N a
distance of 9 m in 15 s . Calculate :

A ) Work . B ) Power .
CH 2 / Kinetics __________________________________________________ 6
6 . You throw a 0.145 kg baseball straight up in the air , giving it an
initial upward velocity of magnitude 20

. Find how high it goes ,

ignoring air resistance .
7 . A baseball of mass 0.14 kg is moving at +

. Calculate :

A ) The momentum of baseball .
B ) The velocity at which a bowling ball , mass 7.26 kg , would have
the same momentum as the baseball .
CH 2 / Kinetics __________________________________________________ 7
Givens = , =

Solution = = =
--- Givens Solution
A = .

= . =
B = .

= . =
C =

= .

Givens = , = .
Solution = = . =
Givens =

, = , =
Solution = cos = cos 60

CH 2 / Kinetics __________________________________________________ 8

Givens = . ,



= ,


+ = +

= =


. .
= .
CH 2 / Kinetics __________________________________________________ 9
= .

Required ) . )
= .


= .


= . ,

= .
Required )

) =

= . = .

= .

CH 2 / Kinetics __________________________________________________ 10

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