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First Steps In Learning Piano 1
First Steps In Learning Piano 2

First Steps In Learning Piano
Learn Piano Notes, The Scale of C and A Simple Tune
Prepared by Phil ell
You are free to make copies of this report report and give them
away to anyone you know who wishes to learn to play piano.

Click Here To Read My Review Of Piano For All
First Steps In Learning Piano !

"ello Future Pianist.

I always like to stress that playing #usic is not nearly as di$$icult as it
see#s. It does not take a genius to be a good #usician. %ou can learn to
do a#a&ing things with your hands. It 'ust takes the desire and
#otivation to do so(.and don)t $orget practice* +Practice #akes per$ect.,
-hink about it. to e/cel at any pro$ession. activity. hobby. sport etc. it
takes a lot o$ practice. For e/a#ple. Footballers practice like 0RA1%
every day o$ the week $or "ors to #aintain their ability(
#ood $ews%

-his introduction to playing the piano does not re2uire an insane a#ount
o$ practice. 3y the end o$ this report you will have a good idea o$ how to4
1. eter#ine which notes are which on a Piano
2. Play notes on the Piano
!. Play a 5#a'or) scale in the 6ey o$ 0
7. Play a si#ple song
First Steps In Learning Piano 7

T"e $otes On a Piano
-his is a Piano 6eyboard with the 89-:S written on each key.
Let #e break it down $or you. -here are 98L% 12 notes in e/istence
and they repeat the#selves over and over again in what we call
59ctaves) Pronounced ;9ctives<. An 9ctave obviously re$ers to the
nu#ber = ;9ct.<
>usical 8otes are identi$ied by letters o$ the alphabet. -he letters in
#usic are A. 3. 0. . :. F. ?. -here is $o 5"). A$ter 5?). it si#ply starts
over at 5A) again ;see above<.
"ow can you have #ore than one 5A)@ -he -98: o$ the note sounds the
sa#e. but the PI-0" is higher or lower.
-here are #any 5A)s) on the piano and #any o$ the other letters as well.
-he lowest 5A) will sound e/tre#ely low like a 3ass and will not be very
distinguishable. -he highest 5A) will sound very high pitched like a $lute or
piccolo. -he best e/a#ple o$ an 9ctave I can think o$ is in the song
5"appy 3irthday.)
In the #iddle part where you sing +"appy 3IR-"Aday to so and so(,. the
word 5"appy) is a 0 $or e/a#ple. and the word 3IR-" is also be a 50)
note but one octave above. It)s a big stretch. a whole = notes* So it)s =
notes $ro# 5A) to 5A) and 50) to 50) and so on. -hus. it)s called an 59ctave).
So. back to #y original point. id you reali&e what I said@ -here are
First Steps In Learning Piano B

98L% 12 notes in e/istence* -his #akes #usic a lot easier than you
thought doesnCt it.
:D:R% S98? %9E)D: :D:R ":AR FAS >A: EP 9F A 09>3I8A-I98
9F -":S: 12 89-:S.
8o #atter how co#plicated a piece by >o&art is. there are only 12 notes
to choose $ro#4
A. 3. 0. . :. F. ? and then back to 5A).

-he 3lack 6eys are in sets o$ 2 and !. I call the# 5twins) and 5triplets).

-o the le$t o$ the 5-wins) is the note 50). -o the le$t o$ the 5triplets) is the
note 5F).
-he twins and triplets repeat the#selves over and over again and the
note at the beginning o$ the# will always be the sa#e.
In $ront o$ every pair o$ twins the note will always be 50).
In $ront o$ every pair o$ triplets the note will always be 5F).
-his will help you #e#ori&e which notes are which. without writing the
notes on each key*
First Steps In Learning Piano G

Fhat do the 5H) signs #ean@
-he H sign stands $or +Sharp,.

So i$ you see 5AH) that #eans + 5A) Sharp., 0H I 0 sharp and so on.
-he Sharps ;H)s< are the black keys. T"e very ne&t key to t"e RI#HT
of any given key is t"e 'S"arp( of t"at note)
9n the piano. the distance between any note to the very ne/t note
;whether the ne/t note is a black key 9R white< is called a 5hal$Astep). So
$ro# 5A) to 5AH) is a hal$ step. Fro# 5AH) to 53) is also a hal$ step.
$O* $OTIC+ ',( and 'C() -here are no sharps in between the# but
they are still considered a 5"al$AStep). -his is very i#portant to
understand because a lot o$ people think that i$ you go a 5hal$Astep) $ro#
one letter the ne/t note will be that letter 5Sharp). -his is true $or >9S-
notes e/cept $or 53 to 0) and 5: to F). I$ you look at the piano above you)ll
see that : goes right to F and they are both white keys and the sa#e $or
3 to 0. -hese are S-ILL "ALFAS-:PS. -here is no 53H) because 53H)
would 'ust be called 50). An 5:H) would 'ust be called 5F). -hese are the
-F9 e/ceptions.
I$ you skip a hal$Astep and go directly $ro# let)s say. 5A) to 53). it is called
a *"ole Step. Re#e#ber those e/ceptions now* -he di$$erence $ro# 53)
to 50) is $OT a whole step. Re#e#ber. $ro# 53) to 50) is a "ALFAS-:P
because they are right ne/t to each other. So $ro# 53) to 50-) would be a
F"9L:AS-:P. Sa#e goes $or 5:) to 5F) ;hal$ step<. Fro# 5:) to 5F-) would
be the F"9L: S-:P.
-he reason why people get con$used with this is because $ro# every
other white key to the ne/t white key is a F"9L: S-:P because there is
a black key in between which is the hal$ step.
First Steps In Learning Piano J

Learning T"e 'C( Ma.or Scale
Scales are a very i#portant $unda#ental o$ #usic. -he 5Scale) #akes up
the sounds 5oAReA>iAFaASoALaA-iAo.) It)s called the 5>a'or Scale) and it
is one o$ the >AI8 #odes o$ #usic.
-here are 5#a'or) and 5#inor) scales. -he 5#a'or) scale sounds #ore
happy while the 5#inor) scales sound sad. :very song you)ve ever heard
was either in a 5#a'or) or 5#inor) key.
96 so your RI?"- hand is nu#bered as $ollows(%our thu#b is $inger
nu#ber 1. inde/ $inger is nu#ber 2 . #iddle $inger is nu#ber !. ring
$inger nu#ber 7. and pinky $inger nu#ber B.
%our L:F- hand is the sa#e. -hu#b is $inger nu#ber one. and so on.
-hey go opposite ways but the thu#b is still nu#ber 1 and so on.
Fe are going to learn the scale o$ 0 with our RI?"- hand $irst. -he right
hand is the lead hand in the piano and plays the i#portant lead #elodies
o$ a song.
-he le$t hand is an acco#pani#ent and plays chords and bass lines.
-he 50 >a'or Scale) is as Follows4
C/ 0/ +/ F/ #/ A/ ,/ C
>oving $ro# L:F- to RI?"-. Finger nu#ber 9ne will play the $irst 50).
-hen $inger nu#ber 2 plays 5) $ollowed by Finger H! which plays 5:).
$O* PA1 ATT+$TIO$! 9n the F9ER-" 8ote which is 5F). you will cross
your thu#b underneath your #iddle $inger ;$inger H!< and play the 5F)
with your -"E>3* -his allows you to $inish the rest o$ the scale with the
rest o$ your hand using $ingers 1. 2. !. 7. B.
In case this was con$using. the $ingering $or 0. . :. F. ?. A. 3. 0 would
be $ingers4 1. 2. !. 1. 2. !. 7. B.

A$ter the third noteK 5:) you 0R9SS your thu#b E8:R8:A-" your
First Steps In Learning Piano =

#iddle $inger ;which is still on 5:)< and play the ne/t note to the right o$
5:) which is 5F) with your -hu#b.
8ow. when you co#e back down the scale(;to the le$t< you play every
note that you played on the way up the scale A8 with the SA>:
So. the scale would be C/ 0/ +/ F/ #/ A/ ,/ 0. 3. A. ?. F. :. . 0.
Fingers are4 2/ 3/ 4/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6. 7. !. 2. 1. !. 2. 1.

-he ,old letters and nu#bers are going 5up) the scale which is le$t to
right. -hen on the way back 5down) the scale. ;not bold< it is right to le$t.
5Ep) re$ers to EP I8 PI-0". and 5own) re$ers to 9F8 I8 PI-0".
Fhen you play notes $ro# le$t to right you will always be going EP in
pitch $ro# a L9F sound all the way on the le$t. it gets higher and higher
as you #ove to the right and all the way on the right is the "I?":S-
pitched note. -here$ore. when you play to the right you are going 5up).
I have prepared a video to show you what the 50 >a'or Scale) looks and
sounds like* I play it slow at $irst. then #ediu#. then $ast. 0lick the link
below and a page will open in your web browser with the video.
Scale of C Ma.or
First Steps In Learning Piano L

How To Play Ot"er Scales
-here is a >a'or scale $or :D:R% key.

-here is an 5A >a'or Scale) a 53 >a'or Scale. even $or the H)s. 5AH) >a'or
Scale. starts on a black key 5AH) $or e/a#ple.
-hey ALL sound like 5oAReA>i() but they 'ust start on a di$$erent pitc".
,t don(t worry/ I HA7+ A S+CR+T *+APO$% :veryone loves the 50
>a'or Scale) because it is ALL white keys.
:very other scale has a black key in it. whether it)s one. two. three or
Instead o$ #e#ori&ing :A0" o$ the 12 >a'or Scales. which would take a
lot o$ ti#e. you can use a secret $or#ula that will allow you to play any
#a'or scale based on a pattern. Anything you can do in one spot on the
piano. you can do in another spot.
Re#e#ber I talked about Fhole Steps and "al$ Steps@
Fell. i$ you look at the 50) #a'or scale you can see that there is a pattern
to the scale.
A$ter the starting 50). the ne/t note is 5). -he distance between these
notes is a Fhole Step.;because you skip over 0H and go to <
Lets call a Fhole Step 5F) and a "al$ Step 5").
-he pattern o$ the 0 >a'or scale is4

F. F. ". F. F. F. ".
Pretty easy to re#e#ber i$ you see the pattern4 two whole steps and
then a hal$ step $ollowed by three whole steps and a hal$ step.
T"is "olds tre for +7+R1 MA8OR SCAL+%%% T"at 9akes it A LOT
First Steps In Learning Piano 1M

Let)s test this out(-he ne/t >a'or Scale. the 5 >a'or Scale) would be
. :. FH. ?. A. 3. 0H. .

-his obeys the rule* A$ter the $irst note 5) it $ollows the pattern4

F. F. ". F. F. F. ".
. :. FH. ?. A. 3. 0H.
1st F. F. ". F. F. F. ".
-he $irst note can not be a whole step or a hal$ step because you need to
be re$erring to the distance between -F9 notes to have a whole step or
a hal$ step.
First Steps In Learning Piano 11

Learn a Si9ple Song
Scales are so i#portant because :D:R% song that is in a 5>a'or) key will
be #ade up o$ 98L% -": 89-:S 9F -": >AN9R S0AL:. So. i$ the song
is in 50 >a'or) such as -"9ESA8S o$ songs are(the song would consist
o$ 98L% -": 89-:S 9F -": 0 >AN9R S0AL:*
-he song 5>ary "ad a Little La#b) is in the key o$ 50 >a'or). -his #eans
that every note in this song will be a note in the 50 >a'or Scale).
"ere are the notes $or 5>ary "ad a Little La#b.)
!. 2. 1. 2. !. !. !. 2. 2. 2. !. B. B
:. . 0. . :. :. :. . . . :. ?. ?

!. 2. 1. 2. !. !. !. 2. 2. !. 2. 1
:. . 0. . :. :. :. . . :. . 0.
-he nu#bers are the $ingers you should use.
-he letters are the notes on the piano. -he nu#bers
are right above the corresponding letter.
I have prepared a video to show you what the song looks and sounds
like* 0lick the link below and a page will open in your web browser with
the video.
Mary Had A Little La9:
%ou have learned the basics o$ playing the piano. the >a'or Scale o$ 0
and your $irst song*
First Steps In Learning Piano 12

Ti9e To #et Serios A:ot Playing T"e Piano
I$ you really want to learn to play piano 2uickly then you need the
course +Piano For All, by Robin "all. %ou can read #y review o$ the
course here4
Piano For All Review
9r 0lick on the I#age below to $ind out #ore about the course

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