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Dear Co-Workers :
Kansas G.ity Mo*>
Oct. 24, 1933;
TDelieve that yon wtVl he intereBted in knowing
that we now have 1030, of the 1600necessary for the journey to
our new location on the Tibetan border, that annual contributions
toward, living link supx^ort totalling 910, have been assured us, ana
that we are preparing to sail on the Japanese ship Rio de Janeiro Ma-
ru, leaving Houston for Kobe Hovember 17, 1933.
Of the 910., 790. comes from five churches, two
In Buffalo, Hew York, one at Streator, 111., one^at Oohasset, Minn.,
and one at Glearwater, Nebraska. A dear friend in Colorado has as-
sumed the support of our son Edgar Aylsworth, returning with us, him
self a little missionary who has already spent more than six years
among the Tibetans. 'In addition to this, we have received undesig-
nated individual pledges totalling 13. a year, which we will use
our beet judgii).ent to place against the most urgent need, lurtner
funds are necessary if the \7ork is not to be handicapped by
of equipment and support, especially v/ith reference to the ju.dical
work for which as yet no pledges have been received.
In these last days of opr preparation, won*t you
nrav for us ? That we may be given wisdom in selecting our outpt,
that our children may not lack needful things, that 'f'
and of good courage, we earnestly request that you pray for us, .-her
are other things that we would say, but the time is too short.
Yours in Hie glad service.
After Nov. 15, 1933, please address us
c/o Associated Mission Treasurers,
23 Yuen Ming Yuen Road,
Shanghai, China.
Route 1, Box 27,
Fairbanks, Texas.
And after Jan. 1,,1934, general correspondence should be addressed
to us at
Yea Chi, Yunnan,
West China.
Via Yunnanfu.
Fairbanks; Texas9
Not. 1, 1933.
Mr. W. R. Errett, Treasurer,
Standard Missionary Funds^ >
Box 5, Sta. N,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Dear Brother Errett
This is to aoknowledgcjwith thanks, the re
ceipt of the following contributions to our transportation fund.
I have also made acknowledgement to each of the parties who con
tributed. The first two I had already acknowledged, and I presume
that my letters have ere now reached your office.
^ 1. Under date of Oct. 12, 1933, check for ij5, from Glenv/ood Ave..
Church of Christ, Buffalo, N.Y.
2, Under date of Oct. 15, 1933, currency to the amount of $2.00,
y C. W. Mann, 3029 College Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. As specified, I
forwarded 3/5 of this amount to the Duncans and Mrs. Ogden.
3. Under date of Oct. 20, 1933, $5, currency to be divided amongst
the Duncans and Mrs. Ogden. I am forwarding $3. of this to the others.
y This was from Mrs. M.M, Earll, Rt. 2, Augusta, Kansas.
/4. Under date of Oct. 23, 1933, check from Mrs. Nellie McCi:llough,
^ 926 Jsy 3t,, Colusa, Calif.
/5. Oct. 24, 1933, letter dated Oct. 20, 1933, with draft for $100.
y from Emma Oliver, Gen. Del., Tacoma, Wash.
23, 1933, check dated Oct. 18, 1933, from Mrs. A. DeGarmo
^>^ 5016 7th Ave., N.E., Seattle, Wash., to the amount of $5.
Upon our return here yesterday to complete
our packing and other preparations we found considerable mail, in
cluding the four last named contributions forwarded from your of
fice. These four and^ others we found here increased out t&avel
fund by $175., bringing it up to $1275, and leaving a balance of
$325. yet needed to complete the $1600. transportation fund we
are raising to take us back to the Tibetan border. We are to sail
Nov. 17th from Houston on the Japanese ship, Rio de Janeiro Maru,
which sails from Los Angeles on Dec. 3d bounfl for Kobe, The New-
lands, I believe, are to sail from Los Angeles Nov. 10th on a fast
Dollar liner bound for Hongkong. We shall probably meet them at-the
latter port. We would appreciate a statement in the Christian Stand
ard to the effect that mail sent to us c/o Williams, Dimond & Co.,
520-523 Board of Trade Bldg., W. 7th St., Los Angeles, Calif., not
later than Nov. 28th will reach us at that port.
With sincere thanks and appreciation for these
and past favors, we are
Sincerely in His service,
, cu..v<^^
Rt. 1, Box 27, .
Fairbanks, Texas.

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