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This List of dental schools in the U.S. includes major academic institutions in the U.S.

that award
advanced professional degrees of either D.D.S. or D.M.D. in the field of dentistry.[1] t does not
include schools of medicine! and it includes "# schools of dentistry in $" states! the District of
%olum&ia! and 'uerto (ico. t also includes several schools of osteopathic medicine which award
DDS)DMD degrees in addition to a D* medical degree.
University of +la&ama School of Dentistry! ,irmingham
+.T. Still University! the +ri-ona School of Dentistry and *ral .ealth! Mesa
Midwestern University %ollege of Dental Medicine/+ri-ona! 0lendale
1oma 1inda University School of Dentistry! 1oma 1inda
University of %alifornia! 1os +ngeles School of Dentistry! 1os +ngeles
University of %alifornia! San 2rancisco School of Dentistry! San 2rancisco
University of the 'acific +rthur +. Dugoni School of Dentistry! San 2rancisco
The .erman *strow School of Dentistry of US%! 1os +ngeles
3estern University of .ealth Sciences %ollege of Dental Medicine! 'omona
University of %olorado School of Dental Medicine! +urora
University of %onnecticut School of Dental Medicine! 2armington
District of Columbia
.oward University %ollege of Dentistry! 3ashington
1a4e 5rie %ollege of *steopathic Medicine! School of Dental Medicine! ,radenton
6ova Southeastern University %ollege of Dental Medicine! 2t. 1auderdale
University of 2lorida %ollege of Dentistry! 0ainesville
0eorgia (egents University %ollege of Dental Medicine![7] +ugusta
Midwestern University %ollege of Dental Medicine! Downers 0rove
University of llinois at %hicago %ollege of Dentistry! %hicago
Southern llinois University School of Dental Medicine! +lton
ndiana University School of Dentistry! ndianapolis
University of owa %ollege of Dentistry! owa %ity
University of 8entuc4y %ollege of Dentistry! 1e9ington
University of 1ouisville School of Dentistry! 1ouisville
1ouisiana State University School of Dentistry! 6ew *rleans
University of 6ew 5ngland %ollege of Dental Medicine! 'ortland
University of Maryland at ,altimore School of Dentistry! founded as the ,altimore %ollege
of Dental Surgery! ,altimore
,oston University .enry M. 0oldman School of Dental Medicine! ,oston
.arvard School of Dental Medicine! ,oston
Tufts University School of Dental Medicine! ,oston
University of Michigan School of Dentistry! +nn +r&or
The University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry! Detroit
University of Minnesota School of Dentistry! Minneapolis
University of Mississippi Medical %enter School of Dentistry! :ac4son
University of Missouri / 8ansas %ity School of Dentistry! 8ansas %ity
Missouri School of Dentistry ; *ral .ealth at +.T. Still University! 8ir4sville
University of 6e&ras4a Medical %enter %ollege of Dentistry! 1incoln
%reighton University School of Dentistry! *maha
University of 6evada at 1as <egas School of Dental Medicine! 1as <egas
(oseman University %ollege of Dental Medicine at .enderson! 6evada
$ew &erse!
(utgers School of Dental Medicine! 6ewar4 =formerly University of Medicine and Dentistry
of 6ew :ersey / UMD6:>
$ew 'or
%olum&ia University %ollege of Dental Medicine! 6ew ?or4 %ity
6ew ?or4 University %ollege of Dentistry! 6ew ?or4 %ity
State University of 6ew ?or4 at ,uffalo School of Dental Medicine! ,uffalo
State University of 6ew ?or4 at Stony ,roo4 School of Dental Medicine! Stony ,roo4
$orth Carolina
University of 6orth %arolina School of Dentistry! %hapel .ill
5ast %arolina University School of Dental Medicine! 0reenville
The *hio State University %ollege of Dentistry! %olum&us
%ase 3estern (eserve University School of Dental Medicine! %leveland
University of *4lahoma %ollege of Dentistry! *4lahoma %ity
*regon .ealth ; Science University School of Dentistry! 'ortland
Temple University! Maurice .. 8orn&erg School of Dentistry! 'hiladelphia
University of 'ennsylvania School of Dental Medicine! 'hiladelphia
University of 'itts&urgh School of Dental Medicine! 'itts&urgh
)uerto *ico
University of 'uerto (ico School of Dentistry! San :uan
South Carolina
Medical University of South %arolina %ollege of Dental Medicine! %harleston
University of Tennessee .ealth Sciences %enter %ollege of Dentistry! Memphis
Meharry Medical %ollege School of Dentistry! 6ashville
,aylor %ollege of Dentistry! Te9as +;M .ealth Science %enter! Dallas
University of Te9as .ealth Science %enter at .ouston School of Dentistry! .ouston
The Dental School at The University of Te9as .ealth Science %enter at San +ntonio! San
University of Utah School of Dentistry! Salt 1a4e %ity
(oseman University of .ealth Sciences %ollege of Dental Medicine! South :ordan
<irginia %ommonwealth University School of Dentistry! (ichmond
University of 3ashington School of Dentistry! Seattle
.est -irginia
3est <irginia University School of Dentistry! %harleston and Morgantown =main campus>
Mar@uette University School of Dentistry! Milwau4ee

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