Elephants and Lions - Oct 12th, 2014

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Theme: Big Things

Basic Truth: God loves me.
Key Question: Who helps you do big things?
Bottom Line: God helps me do big things.
Memory Verse: We have the Lord our God to help us. !hroni"les #:$% &LT
Bible Story: God helps me to do important things. The Lion and the Bear ' 1 Samuel 17:34-37
(ur )emory *erse +or this month goes li,e this:
We have the Lord our God to help us. !hroni"les #:$
We-ve got a brand ne. )emory *erse .ith motions to learn today/ This is a super duper one too/
0verybody "ome stand .ith me. (Pause.) (,ay/ 1irst% 2-ll say it .ith the motions then .e-ll do it
During the activity: 3We have (cross arms in front of you, ith han!s in fists) the Lord our God (one
han! on hi", the other "ointing to the s#y) to help us- ($oth han!s on hi"s), !hroni"les #:$. (%"en
han!s li#e a $oo#.). 2sn-t that a super duper )emory *erse? Let-s do it together in super slo.4mo.
(&e"eat in slo motion.) 1antasti"/ Let-s do it at normal speed this time. (&e"eat as many times as
't the en! of the activity: Who helps you do big things? (Pause.) ()ottom *ine+ God helps me do big
things/ 5.esome 6ob% +riends/ 7igh +ives all around/
SMALL GROUP LA!R "SGL#: Thin, about .hat it .ould be li,e to +ight a lion or a bear/ 2 .ould be
8( s"ared/ Would you be s"ared? (Pause.) 2-m sure 9avid had to be a little s"ared but that didn-t stop
him. 7e ,ne. it .as his 6ob to prote"t his sheep and that God .ould help him% so 9avid +ought o++ the
lion and he +ought o++ the bear/ Wo./ God really "an help us do big things/ Who helps you do big
$%&L!R' an( SGL: ()ottom *ine+ God helps me do big things.
SGL: (ur memory verse says% 3We have our Lord our God to help us%-
!hroni"les #:$. Let-s say our verse together .ith the motions so .e "an learn it.
$%&L!R' an( SGL: 3We have (cross arms in front of you, ith han!s in fists) the Lord our God (one
han! on hi", the other "ointing to the s#y) to help us- ($oth han!s on hi"s), !hroni"les #:$. (%"en
han!s li#e a $oo#.)
SGL: (ne more time/
B&G T%&'GS)
Oct 12th, 2014 .:. Elephant & Lion Rooms
Pathways Church Early Chilhoo !inistry
This *ee+,s Sco-e
Memory &n Motion
Ma+e &t Real "Small Grou-#
$%&L!R' an( SGL: 3We have (cross arms in front of you, ith han!s in fists) the Lord our God (one
han! on hi", the other "ointing to the s#y) to help us- ($oth han!s on hi"s), !hroni"les #:$. (%"en
han!s li#e a $oo#.)
SGL: :es% God .ill help us% even .hen .e-re a+raid. 9o you ever get a+raid o+ something you have to
do? (Pause.) )aybe going to the do"tor? (Pause.) (r turning the lights o++ at night? (Pause.)
8ometimes meeting ne. people "an be a little s"ary% too. Let-s ma,e a list o+ all the things that .e-re
a+raid o+ and .e "an use it .hen .e pray.
,rite !on the chil!ren-s names an! hat they say in your .ournal. &emem$er to "rint the or!s so
they can recogni/e their names an! letters.
This is a great list. Would anyone li,e to say your o.n prayer to God be+ore 2 pray?
0ive each chil! that ants to "ray the o""ortunity to !o so an! then close ith a "rayer that inclu!es
the list the chil!ren ma!e.
SGL: 9ear God% sometimes the things .e have to do s"are us. Than, :ou +or being .ith us and
helping us do those things. ;lease help < (rea! the chil!ren-s names an! hat they liste! in the
.ournal). 2 pray .e .ill trust :ou to give us the "ourage to do all o+ these things. We love :ou% God. 2n
=esus- name% amen.
1,al#-n-2al#3 is an activity that encourages chil!ren to al# an! tal# li#e animals that ill $e reference!
in to!ay-s )i$le story.
*hat /ou 'ee(: &o supplies needed
*hat /ou !o:
)efore the activity: 8pread out in an open area o+ the room.
During the activity: !all out the .ord lion, $ear, or shee" and .al, and tal, li,e that animal. Be over4the4
top in your motions and a"tions.
't the en! of the activity: Tal, about .hy you .ere .al,ing and tal,ing li,e lions% bears% and sheep.
*hat /ou Say:
)efore the activity: !ome on over% +riends% and stret"h out your arms. (Demonstrate.) )a,e sure you
"an move and stret"h and t.ist. (Pause.) That-s super be"ause .e are going to a"t li,e animals/
During the activity: 8ho. me ho. to .al, and tal, li,e a bear/ (Pause.) Grrrro..lll/ Grrrrro..l/ 8tomp/
8tomp/ (Pause.) Wo.ee/ :ou ma,e great bears/ &o. this time% let-s .al, and tal, li,e a sheep/
(Pause.) Baaaa/ Baaaa/ Wander here% .ander there. 8uper sheep/ But .hat about .al,ing and tal,ing
li,e a < lion? (Pause.) >oar/ >oar/ 8trut/ 8trut/ :ou .ere the best lions and bears and sheep 2 have
ever seen or heard/ (&e"eat as many times as !esire!.)
Ma+e &t 0un
't the en! of the activity: 2+ you had +un a"ting li,e a bear% give me your best gro.l/ (Pause.) Wo./ 2+
you had +un a"ting li,e a lion% give me your best roar/ 8uper/ 2+ you had +un a"ting li,e a sheep% give me
your best baa/ (Pause.) 1antasti"/ Today in our Bible story .e-ll hear about a lion% a bear% and a sheep/
Go( %el-s Me
10o! 4el"s 5e3 is an activity that hel"s to !evelo" fine motor, language, an! thin#ing s#ills an! it
encourages creativity.
*hat /ou 'ee(: God 7elps )e 5"tivity ;ages% "rayons or mar,ers
*hat /ou !o:
During the activity: Give ea"h "hild a "opy o+ God 7elps )e% and tal, .ith them about a big thing
that they "an do. 0n"ourage the "hildren to dra. a pi"ture o+ themselves doing something big inside
the s?uare on their a"tivity page. Go around to ea"h "hild as he dra.s and as, him .hat he is doing in
the pi"ture. 1ill in the blan, +or the "hildren at the bottom o+ their page.
*hat /ou Say:
)efore the activity: (ur Bible story today .as about ho. God helped 9avid do a really big thing. God
.ants to help you do big things% too/ Let-s thin, +or a minute. What are some big things God "an help
you do? (Pause.) 7o. about sharing a toy .ith a +riend or brother or sister that doesn-t share .ith you?
(Pause.) That-s pretty big. (r .hat about "leaning your room all by yoursel+? (Pause.) That-s big/ (h% 2
,no./ What about +orgiving someone .ho hurts you? (Pause.) )aybe they pushed you do.n and hurt
your ,nee@ that .ould be a really big thing +or sure/ 2 .ant you to thin, o+ something big God "an help
you do and then dra. a pi"ture o+ it inside the s?uare on your paper. When you-re +inished .e "an tell
ea"h other about our pi"tures.
0o to each chil! hile they !ra an! say: Tell me about your pi"ture. (,rite hat the "icture is in the
$lan# at the $ottom of the "age.) That-s a.esome/ Who helps you do big things? (Pause.) ()ottom
*ine+ God helps me do big things.
't the en! of the activity: (0ive each chil! the o""ortunity to share his "icture ith everyone.) :ay/
:our pi"tures all loo, great/ :ou "an ta,e them home and tell your +amily that God helps you do big
things. Who helps you do big things? (Pause.) ()ottom *ine+ God helps me do big things/
*al+ On
1,al# %n3 is an activity that encourages chil!ren to learn this month-s 5emory 6erse through $alance
an! gross motor s#ills.
*hat /ou 'ee(: Lion% Bear% 8heep% and 9avid and tape.
*hat /ou !o:
)efore the activity: Ta,e the Lion% Bear% 8heep% and 9avid and tape them in a path on the +loor.
Ma+e &t 0un
Ma+e &t 0un)
During the activity: Wal, the path o+ pi"tures and .hen you stop on the pi"ture o+ 9avid% everyone says
the )emory *erse together. 2+ you stop on an animal% everyone ma,es that animal sound.
't the en! of the activity: 8tand on a spot on the path and say the )emory *erse one more time
*hat /ou Say:
)efore the activity: Loo, on the +loor/ 2 see a path o+ lions% bears% sheep% and 9avid/ Let-s .al, the path
and .henever 2 stop on 9avid% .e-ll say the )emory *erse together. ;ut your .al,ing +eet on. Let-s get
During the activity: 7ere .e go/ We-re .al,ing% .al,ing% .al,ing% and stop. What pi"ture did 2 stop on?
(Pause.) What does that animal sound li,e? (Pause.) Great 6ob/ Let-s .al, some more/ We-re .al,ing%
.al,ing% .al,ing% and stop. What pi"ture did 2 stop on? (Pause.) 2 landed on 9avid/ We need to say our
)emory *erse. 2t says% 3We have the Lord our God to help us%- !hroni"les #:$. 8ay it .ith me. 3We
have the Lord our God to help us%- !hroni"les #:$. 1antasti"/ Let-s ,eep .al,ing/ (&e"eat as many
times as !esire!.)
't the en! of the activity: 0verybody pi", a pi"ture to stand on so .e "an say our )emory *erse all
together. 3We have the Lord our God to help us%- !hroni"les #:$. Great 6ob% my +riends/ =ust li,e God
helped 9avid do big things% 7e "an help us% too. Who helps you do big things? (Pause.) ()ottom *ine+
God helps me do big things/
2+ you happen to +inish up .ith these a"tivities early +eel +ree to use any o+ the a"tivities in the pres"hool
game binder. 2+ you are unsure as to .here to +ind this binder% please "onta"t your servi"e "oa"h.
'ee( More

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