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Software Engineering 1211501075


Oleh :
1. Christian Yonathan S 1211501075

Software Engineering 1211501075
Chapter 4
4. An important communication principle states prepare before you communicate. How should
this preparation manifest itself in the early work that you do? What work products might result as
a consequence of early preparation?
Answers :
a. Research the business domain that the software will address
b. Understand the stakeholders who will specify requirements
c. Develop a defined strategy for requirements gathering
d. Understand the goals for each of the stakeholders
e. Understand that negotiation will occur

Software Engineering 1211501075
Chapter 6
2. An analysis rule of thumb is that the model should focus on requirements that are visible
within the problem or business domain. What types of requirements are not visible in these
domains? Provide a few examples.
Many infrastructure requirements are not visible in the problem or business domain.
For example, what functions are required to manage global data, what functions are
required to implement network communication; what functions are required to
implement a user interface;
10. What is an analysis package and how might it be used?
An important part of analysis modeling is categorization. That is, various elements of the
analysis model (e.g., use cases, analysis classes) are categorized in a manner that
packages them as a groupingcalled an analysis packagethat is given a representative
name. To illustrate the use of analysis packages, consider the video game that I
introduced earlier. As the analysis model for the video game is developed, a large number
of classes are derived. Some focus on the game environmentthe visual scenes that the
user sees as the game is played. Classes such as Tree, Landscape, Road, Wall, Bridge,
Building, and Visual Effect might fall within this category. Others focus on the characters
within the game, describing their physical features, actions, and constraints. Classes such
as Player (described earlier), Protagonist, Antagonist, and Supporting Roles might be
defined. Still others describe the rules of the gamehow a player navigates through the
environment. Classes such as Rules Of Movement and Constraints On Action are
candidates here. Many other categories might exist. These classes can be grouped in
analysis packages as shown

Software Engineering 1211501075
Chapter 7
15. How does the navigation model differ from the interaction model?
Navigation model = defines the overall navigation strategy for the Web App. For example
look at picture below

Interaction model = describe the manner in which users interact with the Web App.

Software Engineering 1211501075
Chapter 5
10. What do use case exceptions represent?
We have defined use case exceptions as ways use cases fail to deliver their perceivable benefit of
value. There are several kinds of exceptions.
1) System initiated: e g., a required component is unavailable somewhere in the system of
systems being used that is not recoverable within this execution of the use case
2) User initiated: e.g., the user cancels out of the use case
3) Benefit not delivered
Note that in the Building Requirements Consensus Methodology an exception is defined as a
failure to deliver the benefit of the use case. It is not defined by the mechanism that prevents the
benefit from being delivered. Some people get confused on this point. They think that because
the user cancels the execution of the use case that this is not a use case exception. After all,
they say, it is a user action! However, once the execution of a use case has started, the question
is Was the benefit delivered? If the answer is No, there are only two possibilities.
Either the use case is still executing and the benefit might still be delivered
Or there was an exception that prevented the delivery of the benefit

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