Use Case Requirement Lists

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Use Case Requirement Lists

Requirement Lists for Meeting and Facilities Scheduler System

s/n Requirement Use Case(s)
1 Book Constraints/Facilities Login
Check available rooms
Check available facilities
Confirm Meeting date
Book room and facilities
2 Send Automated Notifications and
Notify participants
Update attendant list
Send meeting reminders
3 Add/Send outcome of Meetings Record points discussed
Record unanimous
actions/late start date
Update minutes meetings
Upload minutes meeting
Send notifications of
updated meeting minutes
4 Produce Reports Draft meeting report
Update Manager

Use Case Descriptions
Use case: Book Constraints and Facilities
Brief Description: Super User books room and facilities for upcoming meeting
Actors involved: Manager, Superuser, Participants
Preconditions: Manager sends super user details of new meeting
Main Flow
- Manager notifies the superuser about new meeting. Manager/personnel provide meeting
details such as attendees, proposed date, required facilities, and theme. Superuser
enters these details into Vacancy file. System allocates automatically time, room and
shows available facilities. Superuser confirms meeting date with participants and books
rooms and facilities for unanimously agreed date.
Alternative Flows
- Desired room and/or facilities are unavailable for the time stipulated for the meeting and
system proposes another time and date.
- Proposed date and time is unsuitable for some participants
- Participants are unable to attend and hence send representatives
Post conditions:
- System books room and facilities for meeting date and time.
- Room and facilities are marked unavailable for same date and time in case of new

Use case: Send Automated Notifications and Reminders
Brief Description: Superuser sends notifications/reminders to all attendees of upcoming
Actors involved: Superuser, Participants
Preconditions: Meeting date is certain
Main Flow
- Superuser sends out proposed date and time for meeting to participants. Participants
reply stating if the timing is suitable for them or not and if or not theyd be attending or
sending in a representative. Superuser confirms meeting attendance, sends notification
of meeting date and reminder when the meeting date and time is nigh.
Alternative Flows
- Participants are unable to make and so make arrangements for a representative to be
there in place of them
Post condition
- Automated messages are sent as notifications for upcoming meetings as well as
reminders days before the meeting date.

Use Case: Add/Send outcome of Meetings
Brief description: Update minutes of meetings to upload on the system for participants viewing
Actors involved: Superuser, participants
Preconditions: Meeting has been conducted successfully
Main Flow
- Superuser takes down the minutes of the meeting as it is in procession. Superuser
documents the minutes penned down together with the outcomes of the meetings, the
actions as well as the early and late start dates of tasks unanimously agreed upon.
Superuser uploads this on system for all participants of the said meeting to view.
Notifications are sent to all participants when there is an update of meeting outcomes for
meetings they partook of.
Alternative Flows
- Certain outcomes may not have reached a unanimous decision and so are left pending
in their fulfillment.
Post condition
- All participants are able to view minutes of minutes online as well as download a
personal copy for their use.

Use Case: Produce Reports
Brief Description: Produce for Manager Library
Actors involved: Superuser, Manager
Preconditions: Minutes of concluded meetings would have been drafted
Main Flow:
- Superuser combines minutes of meetings, meeting outcomes, agenda of meeting met,
actions assigned, assignees, early start dates, late start dates, deadlines of tasks
assigned. This is similar to the minutes meeting but it is a more detailed report of what
went down during the meeting.
Alternative Flows
Post condition: The manager is handed a detailed report of each meetings activities.

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