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Emerging trend in E-Marketing is the management process

responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements
profitability. E-Marketing means Electronic marketing. Now days, vast people
using web of computer networks that connects users of all types all around the
world to each other and to an amaingly large information repository. !he web has
fundamentally changed customers notions of convenience, speed, price, product
information and service. "s a result, it has given marketers a whole new way to
create value for customers and build relationships with them.
#nternet usage and impact continues to grow up in #ndia. E-marketing has
reached $% million people of #ndia. "ll kind of new product are introduced in
online. !his is easy way to reach the people. Ne&t generation will completely rely
on e-marketing. E&ample' Motorola . (efore five years, Motorola mobile were
failure in the #ndian market . (ut now this is the leading mobile company in #ndia
using e-marketing. )o it is one of the best way to reach people easily and bring out
customer satisfaction and giving service to them . !he methods of marketing have
been changed and improved. E-marketing refers to the concept of meeting between
modern communication technologies and the age-old marketing principles that
humans have always applied.
*eople now go online in order to have a wide range of goods like clothing
from, books or electronics or about anything else from furniture from Ethan "llen or even +ailway tickets from the #ndian
Introduction to E-Marketing
,Marketing has changed. !raditional advertising does not work, brochure-like websites do not
work, the web has given people ultimate freedom of choice and of goods. -hen there are no
monopolies and constrictions, interrupting people.s lives is not effective marketing anymore.,
/amien Mulley
!here are no secrets. !he networked market knows more than companies do about their own
products. "nd whether the news is good or bad, they tell everyone.
"n online marketer now needs to find where people are congregating online and needs to engage
them in a meaningful way. (e it in matching with what they are looking for, watching how they
interact and understand what theyd like or listening to their natural opinions on your company
or market and reacting to that.
E-Marketing stands for 0electronic marketing. #n contrast to traditional marketing, E-Marketing
takes marketing techniques and concepts, and applies them through the electronic medium of the
internet. Essentially, E-marketing threads the technical and graphical aspects of online tools
together, allowing for design, advertising, brand development, promotion and sales.
Benefits of E-Marketing:
1lobal reach and access to varying demographics. " website can reach anyone anywhere
in the world who has access to the internet, you are only a search or a click of a button
away from any internet user. !his allows you to compete globally and test new markets
you may not be able to reach through traditional channels.
2an be more cost effective than traditional marketing techniques. !raditional techniques
such as television, press and radio would broadcast a message in a particular timeslot on
the assumption that the correct target audience was being attentive. E&pensive surveys
post campaign would give the marketer the evidence of campaign traction alongside the
obvious changes in revenue. E-Marketing allows you to track the results and instantly see
where wastage has occurred and learn quickly which marketing channels deliver best to
" website is a %$34 shopping destination. -ith a website and an online shopping engine
it is working even when your shop or office is closed. !he website also allows you to
communicate with customers about your product lines in depth so they can be fully
educated on your product benefits even before meeting your staff face to face.
-ebsite content can be entertaining and interactive. 5nlike the printed word or
television, there is possibility of opening up two-way communication with your customer.
!his can occur as simply as an instant email response to customers and as comple& as a
regularly updated blog or micro-blog
#nformation and ability to purchase in the one place. #t can be more cost-effective to
update and re-skin your online shop front than re-paint or re-house your real life company
shop fronts and the same goes for creating international versions.
#n the following sections, we will provide you with information on the following e-marketing
)earch Engine 6ptimisation 7)EM8
*aid )earch
/isplay "dvertising
"dvertising Networks
"ffiliate Marketing
)ocial Networking
9iral Marketing
Search Engine Optimisation (SEM)
Search engine optimization 7SEO8 is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a
web page in a search engine.s ,natural, or un-paid search results. #n general, the earlier 7or higher
ranked on the search results page8, and more frequently a site appears in the search results list,
the more visitors it will receive from the search engine.s users. )E6 may target different kinds of
search, including image search, local search, video search, academic search, news search and
industry-specific vertical search engines.
"s an #nternet marketing strategy, )E6 considers how search engines work, what people search
for, the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines and which search engines are
preferred by their targeted audience. 6ptimiing a website may involve editing its content,
:!M; and associated coding to both increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove
barriers to the inde&ing activities of search engines. *romoting a site to increase the number of
backlinks, or inbound links, is another )E6 tactic.
Paid Search:
*aid search is an ine&pensive and scalable form of -eb marketing and can be a great way to
draw qualified visitors to your website. *aid search marketing campaigns involve bidding
for ad placement in a search engine.s sponsored links for keywords related to your
business offering< you pay the search engine a small fee for each click on your paid ad
7hence the name pay-per-click marketing8.
Display adertising
/isplay advertising is a type of advertising that typically contains te&t 7i.e., copy8, logos,
photographs or other images, location maps, and similar items. #n periodicals, display advertising
can appear on the same page as, or on the page ad=acent to, general editorial content. #n contrast,
classified advertising generally appears in a distinct section, was traditionally te&t-only, and was
available in a limited selection of typefaces.
/isplay advertisements are not required to contain images, audio, or video' !e&tual
advertisements are also used where te&t may be more appropriate or more effective. "n e&ample
of te&tual advertisements is commercial messages sent to mobile device users, or email.
6ne common form of display advertising involves billboards. *osters, fliers, transit cards, tents,
scale models are e&amples of display advertising.
)ponsorship is a cash and3or in-kind fee paid to a property 7typically in sports, arts,
entertainment or causes8 in return for access to the e&ploitable commercial potential associated
with that property, according to #E1
-hile the sponsoree 7property being sponsored8 may be nonprofit, unlike philanthropy,
sponsorship is done with the e&pectation of a commercial return.
-hile sponsorship can deliver increased awareness, brand building and propensity to purchase, it
is different from advertising. 5nlike advertising, sponsorship can not communicate specific
product attributes. Nor can it stand alone, as sponsorship requires support elements.
!dertising net"ork
"n online adertising net"ork or ad net"ork is a company that connects advertisers to web
sites that want to host advertisements. !he key function of an ad network is aggregation of ad
space supply from publishers and matching it with advertiser demand. !he phrase ,ad network,
by itself is media-neutral in the sense that there can be a ,!elevision "d Network, or a ,*rint "d
Network,, but is increasingly used to mean ,online ad network, as the effect of aggregation of
publisher ad space and sale to advertisers is most commonly seen in the online space. !he
fundamental difference between traditional media ad networks and online ad networks is that
online ad networks use a central ad server to deliver advertisements to consumers, which enables
targeting, tracking and reporting of impressions in ways not possible with analog media
Social Media Marketing
)ocial media marketing refers to the process of gaining traffic or attention through social media
Marketing ;and is the sister site to )earch Engine ;and that covers all facets of internet
marketing, including these popular topics within social media marketing'
!ffiliate Marketing
"ffiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or
more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate.s own marketing efforts. !he
industry has four core players' the merchant 7also known as .retailer. or .brand.8, the network 7that
contains offers for the affiliate to choose from and also takes care of the payments8, the publisher
7also known as .the affiliate.8, and the customer. !he market has grown in comple&ity, resulting in
the emergence of a secondary tier of players, including affiliate management agencies, super-
affiliates and specialied third party vendors.
Microblogging is a broadcast medium that e&ists in the form of blogging. " microblog differs
from a traditional blog in that its content is typically smaller in both actual and aggregated file
sie. Microblogs ,allow users to e&change small elements of content such as short sentences,
individual images, or video links,.
!hese small messages are sometimes called microposts.
"s with traditional blogging, microbloggers post about topics ranging from the simple, such as
,what #.m doing right now,, to the thematic, such as ,sports cars., 2ommercial microblogs also
e&ist to promote websites, services and products, and to promote collaboration within an
)ome microblogging services offer features such as privacy settings, which allow users to
control who can read their microblogs, or alternative ways of publishing entries besides the web-
based interface. !hese may include te&t messaging, instant messaging, E-mail, digital audio or
digital video.
Viral Marketing
#nternet advertising or marketing that spreads e&ponentially whenever a new user is added. 9iral
marketing assumes that as each new user starts using the service or product, the advertising will
go to everyone with whom that user interacts.
$iral marketing, iral adertising, or marketing #uzz are buwords referring to marketing
techniques that use pre-e&isting social networking services and other technologies to try to
produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing ob=ectives
Bongu Engineering 2ollege, *erundurai

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