Eagle Point Mannual 2005 (Surface Modeling)

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Surface Modeling

Surface Modeling Concept

Surface Modeling is a program designed to generate a topographic map. This map is
generated from physical features of the original ground surface points and their respective
elevation and plan view feature line for proposed design. Flow line for ditches, building
outlines, walls and edges of roads or water are a few examples of these features.
To create a topographic map the conventional way, a ruler and calculator are used to
interpolate between points and feature lines to distinguish where the contour lines for a
specified contour interval would lie. Once these contour lines are established contour line
s are drawn to best represent the site. Miscellaneous feature lines, contours annotations
and spot elevations are then placed in CAD graphic. Depending upon size of project,
work that would have taken days or weeks to do by hand can now be done in minutes
with surface modeling.

Step By Step Procedure:

1: Make a new Folder and place the file (Drawing of the Project or points file) inside
this folder. One can give any suitable name to this folder and the file of the project.
2: Now click ok.
3: the following window will be opened.

4: click on Products, and then on Surface Modeling, following window will appear.

5. click on prepare, then on import ACSII> points.

6. Following window will appear. In the following wing in file name pick the CSV file
where you have save it. Click on apply.
7.In AutoCAD Command menu write Z, then enter and then write E, and enter, all the

points will appear in AutoCAD.

8. in AutoCAD tool bar click on Poly line

9. And draw Boundary all around the Points as shone below.

10. In Surface Modoling window click on Triangulate < Surface module. following
window will appear.
11. Now give Name to Surface Model. Select Boundry. Check Display Model and Place
Triangles. And click on apply

The AutoCAD will ask for Selection of Object.

After selection of object AutoCAD will Ask for Select Boundry

After selection of Boundry the Required will placed as shone below.

Now click on contour < make intermediate & Index. Below window will appear.
Check the first two and click on apply. AutoCAD will ask for Select Boundry

Then select Boundary. The AutoCAD will draw the contours of all the points. As shown
Annotate Contour
The Annotate contour command allows you to label the elevations of the contours that
have been created. You can annotate intermediate, index or user defined contours that
were created in Surface Modeling.

36: The same will be the procedure to “Annotate…” from Contours tab. Please
check the boxes “Intermediate” and “Index” and select “End Points”.
37: Please select the Object and press “Enter” on the keyboard.
“The End”

By Engr: Muhammad Imran

MSc Transportation Engg:
UET Taxila

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