1826 Spiritual Explanation For The Eruptions .... Service in The Light ....

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... through Bertha Dudde

Spiritual explanation for the eruptions ....
Servie in the light ....
!n order to "a#e the spiritual su$stane feel its $anish"ent% it
"ust $eo"e a&are of $oth its o&n state of restraint as &ell as
the freedo" of &ill. !t "ust experiene the first as pain and
regard the other as &orth striving for% then it &ill al&a's
partiipate to release itself fro" the first state in order to attain
freedo" of &ill.
So the $eings of light "ust trans"it the latter to &or#s of
reation &hose spiritual su$stane still lingers in dar#ness. (hese
"ust find the ra' of light agreea$le and onstantl' desire "ore.
)ene% it "ust &ant to asend to &here there is an a$undane of
)o&ever% ever' e"anation of light is the result of helpful ativit'%
that is% in so"e for" or other the ativit' of $eing of servie
"ust o"e first $efore e"anations of light an happen on a
regular $asis.
*lthough ever' external for" is exposed to the e"anation of
light% 'et the entirel' hardened spirit turns a&a' fro" it and
ta#es an infinitel' long ti"e $efore it opens itself to the light% i.e.%
until it allo&s itself to $e affeted $' it. But then the desire for it
&ill $urst through &ith ele"entar' po&er.
(hen ever'thing that previousl' &as do&n $elo& &ill push
to&ards the surfae and strive for light% and the spiritual
su$stane desiring it &ill $e released fro" its long aptivit'
through eruptions and &ill ontinue its proess of develop"ent in
a different external for".
*nd suh a po&erful eruption is approahing the +arth% &hose
$ound spiritual $eings long for li$eration% for light and helpful
*nd the spiritual su$stane languishing do&n $elo& in dar#ness
espeiall' strives up&ards &hen the spiritual $eings on earth fail
to "a#e use of the a$undane of light it reeives and effetivel'
ignores it. (hen the i""ature spiritual su$stanes &ill see# to
a,uire this a$undane of light and strive for it &ith ele"entar'
po&er% &hih "anifests itself through natural disasters and
reates funda"ental hanges &ith regards to spiritual urrents.
For then the spiritual su$stane% having reahed the earth-s
surfae% &ill detet ever' spiritual urrent to a large extent and
&ill therefore &ithdra& spiritual strength fro" alread' higher
developed $eings &hih disregard this strength and "a#e no use
of it% &hih often signifies these $eings- ph'sial death on
earth ....
(he i""ature spiritual su$stane avails itself of spiritual strength
$' onsidera$l' hanging its external for"% that is% $' having
provided aess for the light. Fro" then on this spiritual
su$stane an ontinue its proess of develop"ent on earth% thus
freel' strive to&ards the light% it onl' "ust use the strength at its
disposal through helpful ativit'.
)o&ever% one the longing for light has a&a#ened in the spiritual
su$stane% it &ill no longer resist $eing of servie in so"e &a' or
other% for it experienes this ativit' as a "eans of reeiving
"ore light and at the sa"e ti"e feels the loosening hain of its
external for"% and although the proess of develop"ent no&
orresponds to the la& of o"pulsion the $eing is nevertheless
&illing to ta#e it% its o&n &ill% al$eit inhi$ited% onurs &ith divine
&ill ....
.u$lished $' friends of ne& revelations of God / !nfor"ation%
do&nload of all translated revelations% the"e0$oo#lets at1

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