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TelAlert Advanced

Installation Guide

Version 7.0

Copyright 2005 - 2013 MIR3, Inc.
TelAlert Advanced Installation Guide
This document is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. The distribution and sale of this product
are intended for the use of the original purchaser only per the terms of the Agreement.
This document may not, in whole or part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated,
reduced, or transferred to any electronic medium or machine-readable form without prior written
consent in writing from MIR3, Inc.
MIR3, TelAlert, IN, inEnterprise, inEnterprisePRO, inAlertCenter, inAlertCenterPRO, inCampusAlert
inGovAlert, inGovAlertPRO, inSalesTalk, inTechCenter, inTechCenterPRO, inWebServices,
inConnect, inConsole and Enterprise Access Control are trademarks of MIR3, Inc. All other product
and company names are marks of their respective holders.
This document is the property of MIR3, Inc. and may not be distributed in any manner except with
the express written permission of MIR3, Inc.

Software Version: TelAlert Advanced 7.0
Document Revision: 5.0

MIR3, Inc.
3398 Carmel Mountain Road
San Diego, CA 92121

Phone: 858.724.1200
Fax: 858.724.1201


Table of Contents

Introduction ..................................................................................... 5
Web Download ............................................................................................ 7
Getting Licenses ........................................................................................ 8
Basic Configuration Information .................................................................. 8
Architecture .............................................................................................. 10
Typical Configuration ............................................................................... 11
Fully Distributed Configuration .................................................................. 12
System Requirements ................................................................................ 12
How TelAlert Works ...................................................................................... 12
Planning ......................................................................................... 13
Reviewing and Analyzing Network Topology ..................................................... 13
Review Security Policy ................................................................................... 14
Review Integration Points with Third-Party Applications ...................................... 15
Review Integration Points with In House Applications ......................................... 15
Username/Password Considerations ................................................................ 15
Identify Notification Device Types and Service Providers .................................... 16
Pre-Installation Tasks .................................................................................... 16
Installing TelAlert Advanced on Windows Platforms ....................... 17
Installation Tasks for Windows Platforms ......................................................... 18
Installing the TelAlert Messaging Server .......................................................... 18
Installing the TelAlert Database ...................................................................... 19
Installing the TelAlert WebApplication Components ............................................ 22
Post-Installation Tasks .................................................................................. 24
Installing TelAlert Advanced on Unix Platforms .............................. 25
Installation Steps for Unix.............................................................................. 25
Install TelAlert Messaging Server ............................................................... 26
Install TelAlert Database ........................................................................... 26
Install TelAlert Web Application .................................................................. 27
Install Notification Handler .............................................................................. 28
Upgrading From TelAlert 6e ............................................................ 29
Overview ..................................................................................................... 29
TelAlert 6e Upgrade Tasks ............................................................................. 29
Upgrading TelAlert Messaging Server .............................................................. 30
Overview ............................................................................................... 30
Upgrade Authorization Code ...................................................................... 30
Upgrading TelAlert Messaging Server on Windows ........................................ 30
Upgrading TelAlert Messaging Server on UNIX ............................................. 31
Configuring TASync (Windows and UNIX Platforms) ...................................... 31
Upgrading the TelAlert Web Application Components ......................................... 32

Web UI Database Upgrade from 6.0.5 or Newer ................................................ 34
Falling Back to Previous Version...................................................................... 37
Related Technical Documentation ................................................... 39
Related Technical Documentation .............................................................. 39


The TelAlert Advanced Installation Guide describes how to install the TelAlert Messaging Server and TelAlert
Advanced Web UI application. This document also contains instructions for upgrading previously installed
Messaging Server and Web UI application to the current version. The current version of the TelAlert Web
application is version 7.0. The current version of the TelAlert Messaging Server is version 5.72. TelAlert
Web UI version 7 requires Messaging Server version 5.72 or greater.
This Guide does not include instructions on how to install, configure, or integrate TelAlert with third-party
data sources.

Guide Conventions
The following information provides keys to help identify information in this Guide:
Example Purpose
telalertc -i
DestinationName -m
Italicized text within a command
line example represents a
variable. In the above example,
DestinationName is the
invocation of an item in
TelAlerts configuration file;
message represents the
message text to be sent by
2001/03/16 11:50:11>Event
[21]Alert Completed (23),
Status: [81]Message
sent, TelamonTestPage
Command line text Text representing information
entered by the user at the command line or presented by
TelAlert as output is shown in a monospaced font.
The same monospaced font is used to represent file names,
file extensions, and lines of code drawn from TelAlert files.
Where a single line is too long to be represented as such,
the continuation is indented.

Click OK.

Within procedural (how-to) text, boldface words are
characters that can be typed or elements that can be can
clicked. Within overview or conceptual text, bolded words
may simply represent concepts that have been highlighted
to emphasize their relative importance.
Go to the Add User
Within procedural text, numbered steps denote actions that
should be followed in sequence.
Click Save (to save
your work).
Click Cancel to exit
without saving.
Within procedural text, bulleted text denotes available
options. Within overview or conceptual text, bulleted text
also denotes supporting information that is subordinate to
the major topic being discussed in the Guide.

The light bulb icon denotes a helpful tip.

The information icon denotes reference material.

The note icon indicates definitions or considerations that
help you understand the related task.

Message Formatting

In this guide, message text passed on the command line is enclosed in quotation marks.
This is not required in all cases, but placing message text in quotation marks is
Chapter 2: Planning | 7

File Locations
The default TelAlert installation causes TelAlert to be installed in /usr/telalert in /tmp on UNIX
systems, or in c:\Program Files\telalert on Windows. There are various subdirectories located under
these main directories. While using these defaults is not required, all references to file locations in the
TelAlert documentation assume (for simplicity of representation) that these default settings have been used.
Also, this guide represents TelAlert file locations using UNIX notation; in this regard, the key difference to
be noted by Windows users is the use of forward slashes instead of back slashes.
Web Download
TelAlert Advanced software can be downloaded from the TelAlert Web site:
TelAlert Technical Support contact information can be accessed at:
Click on the support link.must match the operating system of your TelAlert server machine, as follows:
Windows, Linux, HP-UX, Solaris x86, Solaris SPARC or AIX.
To administer or configure TelAlert Messaging Servers from a remote Windows desktop workstation,
download the TelAlert Desktop package. TelAlert Desktop is available only for Windows, but it can
administer a TelAlert Messaging Server running on any supported operating system: Windows, Linux, HP-
UX, Solaris x86, Solaris SPARC or AIX.
Broken Lines in the telalert.ini File

In the .ini file excerpts presented in this guide, an ampersand (&) may appear at the
end of a line. This symbol informs TelAlert to treat the next line as a continuation of the
preceding one.

To break a line in the .ini file so that it continues on the next line, place an ampersand
at the end of the the line, just prior to the continuation. Otherwise, TelAlert will treat the
continuation as a new line.

Any white space before the & character will be retained in the logically concatenated
single line. Any leading white space on the continuation line will be removed.

Note that line breaks in this document due to page width do not necessarily correspond
to line breaks in telalert.ini. As noted above, line breaks that occur in this document due
to page width are indented on the following line.

Getting Licenses
Initial license keys for time-limited evaluation copies of TelAlert Messaging Server can be obtained from the
TelAlert Web site:
MIR3 will provide temporary licenses upon request.
Temporary licenses are time-limited and are not tied to a specific IP address.
Permanent licenceses are tied to specific IP addresses.
A temporary license can be updated to a permanent license after the install; no configuration data
will be lost.

Basic Configuration Information
Before beginning the installation, collect the information pertinent to your situation. One or more of the
following categories may apply. See Chapter 2 for more information.
All Installations
File locationswhere you want to install TelAlert Advanced. (Windows asks for only one directory.
UNIX will ask for directories for executable, configuration, work, and temporary files. Defaults are
A username and password for the primary Administrator of the TelAlert Advanced installation (if
Username and password format for users accessing the web interface.
If messages will be sent by modem, email, or both.
Installations Involving a Telephone Line
The area code associated with the telephone line to which a modem is connected.
The number required by a PBX to get a dialtone for placing a local outside call - 8 or 9 is the
commonly required value. If this procedure does not apply, disregard this instruction.
The number required by a PBX to get a dialtone for placing a long distance call - 8 or 9 is the
commonly required value. If this procedure does not apply, disregard this instruction.
Dial or enter a country code to call another country outside of the current location. After receiving a
dialtone, enter the country code before the long distance number. In the United States, 1 is the
country code. If this procedure does not apply, disregard this instruction. Click the following link to
obtain country codes for various countries:
Confirm that a TelAlert Enterprise License has been obtained before installing
the Messaging Server that uses the TelAlert Web UI.

When installing the Messaging Server for TelAlert that will be managed using the TelAlert
Web UI, make sure the license contains the keyword: EnterpriseFeatures =
Chapter 2: Planning | 9
Installations Involving Email Messaging
The hostname or IP address of the SMTP server that will send your email messages.
A valid From address.
A valid To address (UNIX only; used for testing).
Installations Involving a Modem
The port used by the modem.
The speed of the modem.
The model of the modem.
Installations involving a Dialogic Telephony Card
The Dialogic-assigned number of the voice line on the card to which you have connected the
telephone line
No, only during the actual install process.

Email Alerts
Email is not the most efficient or reliable notification medium since the Internet is sometimes subject to
delays and not everyone checks for new email messages with the same frequency. It can be useful,
however, for low-priority messages. In addition, in some organizations, TelAlert is configured to send a
copy of messages sent via pager to the recipients email address. Used in this way, email can serve as an
effective means for backing up other media or for creating records of messages that individual users may
Note: The messaging server installation program will provide an option for automatically setting up an
email configuration. The installer will prompt for the the hostname or IP address of the SMTP server. If
sending Alerts by email, obtain the SMTP server hostname or IP address running the messaging server

TelAlert Advanced is a combination of several different software components:
TelAlert Web application (running on the J2SE JRE and Tomcat)
TelAlert Messaging Server (and TelAlert Desktop)
TelAlert database schema (running on MS SQL, MySQL, or Oracle)
TelAlert Advanced uses n-tier architecture with Java and network communication technologies providing
various services to the user. It is built on a TCP/IP-based protocol, and is a component-based distributed
solution. It incorporates Web server, RDBMS, security, and transaction technologies.
The user connects to the TelAlert Web application hosted on a Tomcat Web server. The Web server validates
the logged on user, gets the information from the data sources and generates an HTML page dynamically.
Changes made by the user are stored in the SQL database. Alerts sent from the different message sources
are routed to the TelAlert Messaging Server, which in turn sends them to the designated destinations.
Acknowledged Alerts are routed back on the reverse path into the database.
The TelAlert Messaging Server installer also installs TelAlert Desktop, a Windows-based administrative
interface used for advanced system configuration tasks. TelAlert Messaging Server can be installed on a
non-Windows machine, as long as theTelAlert Desktop is installed on a Windows machine. To do so, see the
TelAlert Desktop User Guide for installation instructions.
Simple Shared Configuration
In a simple shared configuration, all of the software components reside on one machine (see Figure 1
below). This setup usually best serves small- to medium-sized organizations. The advantage of this setup is
that it allows problems to be isolated in one physical area.

Figure 1. Simple Shared Configuration

Chapter 2: Planning | 11
Typical Configuration
In a typical enterprise configuration, there are several TelAlert Web application servers and the TelAlert
database resides on a remote machine (see figure 2 below).

Figure 2. Typical Enterprise Configuration

Fully Distributed Configuration
A fully distributed configuration is more likely to be used in a large enterprise organization (see Figure 3).
In this setup, the TelAlert Advanced software components are installed on separate machines for each

The advantage of this setup is the breakdown of function to the specialized hardware and personnel. The
hardware and personnel are focused on performing a specific function, which helps keep the system
running at peak performance.

Figure 3. Fully Distributed Configuration

System Requirements
See the TelAlert Advanced Release Notes Version 7.0 for System Requirements.
How TelAlert Works
The TelAlert Messaging Server follows instructions issued by TelAlert users and applications; itcan accept
instructions from users via TelAlert Desktop, TelAdmin (a configuration tool in TelAlert Desktop), and the
TelAlert Web UI.
The TelAlert Messaging Server can also accept instructions from integrated applications via calls
to TelAlert API functions or Java methods, and from command-line clients.
Chapter 2: Planning | 13


Reviewing and Analyzing Network Topology
TelAlert processes may be deployed on a single server or across multiple servers. TelAlert processes
communicate the TCP socket connections. The diagram below shows TCP ports that are used by various
TelAlert processes. The diagram below is intended to assist in opening firewalls.

Figure 4. TelAlert Ports

The diagram above illustrates the ports used by the various components of TelAlert. All ports listed are the
defaults and most can be modified.

The end user accesses the web interface from the end users system to the TelAlert web server via port
The web server communicates with the database server via the database softwares port. Typically,
Oracle would be 1521, MySQL would be port 3306, and MSSQL would be 1433.
The web server and the TA Desktop server, as well as any third-party ticketing servers such as Remedy
or HP Open View, communicate with the Primary TelAlert Server over port 25378.
The web server and the TA Desktop server communicate to the TelaConf server via port 25377.
There is no default port that the primary server communicates to the fail-over server via TASync, but
port 3701 is often used.
The primary server communicates with devices based on how the devices are set up for alerts, such as the
o Emails that employ POP3, port 110 will need to be configured.
o Communications with SNPP will need port 444 configured.
o If a [Port] definition is set to Type=Remote, then the remote TelAlert Messaging Server will be
listening on port 25376 for a connection from the master TelAlert server.
Review Security Policy
Review and document how TelAlert Advanced will access existing systems.
Determine whether the database, Web server, and other components satisfy the guidelines of your
Chapter 2: Planning | 15
Review Integration Points with Third-Party Applications
The following is a partial list of industry integrations. For a full list of application integrations, contact Mir3
Support (
Amdocs Clarify ClearSupport/HelpDesk
BMC Patrol Enterprise Manager
BMC Remedy Action Request System
BMC Remedy Help Desk
Computer Associates Unicenter Service Desk
Computer Associates Unicenter Network and Systems Management
HP Software Operations Manager (formerly HP OpenView IT/Operations) for Unix and Windows
HP OpenView ManageX
HP Software Network Node Manager
HP OpenView ServiceDesk
HP Software ServiceCenter (formerly Peregrine)
BMC Service Desk Express (formerly Magic Service Desk)
Tivoli Risk Manager
Tivoli Enterprise Console
Tivoli NetView
Review Integration Points with In House Applications
Which applications will your company integrate with?
How will in-house applications integrate with TelAlert Advanced?
If a prebuilt integration is not available, do you have the expertise to perform the integration in
Will the in-house application send Alerts using the TelAlert command line or using the API?
How is the third-party application going to send Alerts using TelAlert Advanced?
Will messages be sent one-way or two-way?
How is the in-house application going to handle messages received from the recipients?
Username/Password Considerations
Administrators may want to consider using the same naming convention for TelAlert User names
that is used for company email names or system login names.
Passwords should not be overly complicated in the case of using Interactive Text-To-Speech. When
TelAlert calls a user, it will ask for user authentication by providing a password. A complex
combination of letters and numbers can difficult to enter on a telephone keypad, and even more so
if the key pad has no letters printed on it.

Identify Notification Device Types and Service Providers
Document messaging devices/configurations that will be used. Include the IDs, service providers,
and dial-up numbers for the service provider.
Pre-Installation Tasks
After completing the planning tasks in the previous chapter, the servers are ready to be setas follows:
1. Refer to the Architecture and System Requirements sections in Chapter 2 and acquire the necessary
2. Install and configure the hardware.
3. Install the operating systems, the latest service packs and the most stable drivers.
Note: If upgrading an existing TelAlert 6e installation, please refer to the TelAlert Advanced
Upgrade Tasks section. The Messaging Server software must be upgraded for existing machine UMS
versions earlier than version of TelAlert 5.72. Check for installed versions of Tomcat and Java and compare
to the requirements in the TelAlert Advanced Release Notes.
4. Install the database server software on the appropriate machine.


Installing TelAlert Advanced
on Windows Platforms
This chapter describes how to install a new instance of TelAlert Advanced software components. The
purchase of TelAlert Advanced includes a TelAlert Advanced product license. This license includes a list of
keyword values. Before proceeding, print out the complete list of keyword values and refer to this list
when installing the TelAlert software components.
Note: Without a TelAlert Advanced-enabled license, you will not be able to proceed with the installation. A
standard TelAlert license will not work properly with TelAlert Advanced.

Installation Tasks for Windows Platforms
After printing out the TelAlert Advanced license, install the components in the following sequence:
1. TelAlert Messaging Server (TelAlert572.exe)
2. TelAlert Database Configuration Tool (database.exe)
3. TelAlert Web application (webapp.exe)
4. Reboot the system
Note: If Tomcat is already installed, you must stop the service before continuing.
Installing the TelAlert Messaging Server
To install TelAlert Messaging Server, do the following:
1. Download the TelAlert Messaging Server installation program (TelAlert572.exe) from the MIR3 download
location ( and save this file to a local directory.
2. Locate this file using the Windows File Explorer, then right click on the file to and open the Properties Dialog.
3. Select the Compatibility Tab and select the following options:
Check Run this program in compatibility mode checkbox.
Select Windows XP (Service Pack 3) compatibility mode.
Check Run this program as an administrator checkbox.
4. Click the OK button to apply changes to compatibility options.
5. Launch the TelAlert 5.72 Messaging Server installer and follow the install wizard instructions, shown in
Figure 5.

Chapter 3: Installing TelAlert 7| 19

Figure 5 TelAlert Messaging Server Installer Window
Installing the TelAlert Database
Before continuing, make sure the the database server software (MS SQL, MySQL, or Oracle) is installed.
During the installation of the TelAlert database, you will need to provide the following:
The IP address of the database server machine.
A username and password that provide sufficient permissions for creating a database and running
scripts on the database server. The username and password can be temporary--they will not be
needed after the TelAlert Advanced database is installed.

To install the TelAlert database, do the following:
Make sure the database server is running.
1. Download and launch the TelAlert database installation program (database.exe). The first page of
the database installer is shown in Figure 6.
2. Locate this file using the Windows File Explorer, then right click on the file to and open the Properties
3. Select the Compatability Tab and select the following options:
Check Run this program in compatibility mode checkbox.
Select Windows XP (Service Pack 3) compatibility mode.
Check Run this program as an administrator checkbox.

Launch the TelAlert Database Configuration Tool and follow the install wizard instructions, shown in
Figure 5
When completing the Database Server Connection Information task, note the following:
IP Address - If all three TelAlert Advanced components are not being installed on a single
machine, replace localhost with the IP address of the database server host. Otherwise, leave
"localhost" in this field.
Username and password - Enter a username and password that provide sufficient permissions for
creating a database and running scripts on the database server. The username and password can be
temporary--they will not be needed after the TelAlert database is installed.
When completing the TelAlert Database Connection Information task, note that this information will be
used by the Web application to connect to the TelAlert database. It is recommended using the default
values: Database Name=telalert, Username=telalert, and Password=telapass. If changing
default values, write down the new values. The new values will be needed again when running the Web
application installation program.

Chapter 3: Installing TelAlert 7| 21

Figure 6. TelAlert Database Installer Window

Installing the TelAlert WebApplication Components
The Web application installation program installs the following components:
Apache Tomcat
TelAlert Advanced Web application
Note: Do not use the Web application installation program if Apache Tomcat is already installed on the
machine where the Web application will be installed.. Instead, contact MIR3 Technical Support.
To install the TelAlert Web application, do the following:
1. Locate the TelAlert Web application installation program (web_app.exe) and start the program by
double-clicking the link. This launches the TelAlert Web application installer shown in Figure 7.
2. Follow the instructions in the installer window. When entering the IP Address of your TelAlert
Messaging Server, enter localhost if the TelAlert Web application and TelAlert Messaging Server are
being installed on the same host machine. Otherwise, enter the IP address of the TelAlert Messaging
Server host machine.
Chapter 3: Installing TelAlert 7| 23

Figure 7. TelAlert Web Application Installer Window

Post-Installation Tasks
After installing TelAlert Advanced, login to the TelAlert Web user interface (TelAlert Web UI), change the
password, and complete the tasks listed in Common Configuration Tasks in the TelAlert Web UI Online Help.
Launch Internet Explorer. Enter the URL for the TelAlert Web UI login page as follows:
If the TelAlert Web application is on the local machine, use the following URL:
If the TelAlert Web application is on a remote machine, use the following URL:
http://<IP address of remote machine>/telalert
1. On the Login page, enter system and admin for the Username and Password, respectively.
2. To change your password, click the My Account link in the upper-right corner of the screen.
3. On the Edit My Account page, click the Change Password button.
4. Type your new password in the New Password and Confirm New Password fields
5. Click Save.
6. To view the Online Help, click the Help link that appears in the upper-right corner of every screen.
7. On the Admin | System Preferences page, set the default Time Zone for the system.
8. On the My Account page, set the Time Zone for the System Administrator user to the default
Time Zone for the system.

Using Existing Tomcat or Java installations

When installing on a server with existing implementations of either Java or Tomcat,
please refer to the TelAlert Advanced Release Notes for most recent compatible
version information.

Chapter 3: Installing TelAlert 7| 25


Installing TelAlert Advanced
on Unix Platforms

Installation Steps for Unix
Currently, MIR3 does not have an install application for Unix platforms, so the installation of the necessary
pieces must be installed separately. It is recommended that the installation be a fresh install, and then use
your current TelAlert configuration to import into the database.
A list of required installation files includes the following:
Java 1.6
Tomcat 5.5.27 or later Web Server
TelAlert 5.72 installer for your Unix platform
TelAlert Advanced v7.0 Web application
TADesktop v5.72 (for installing the TelAlert Desktop application on a Windows platform)
Database scripts for MySQL, Oracle, or MS SQLServer to create the schema and populate the data
base with the initial data. If a Windows platform is available, the Windows data base installer may
be used to install the necessary data base tables.
Current Telalert\TelAlert Advanced License, either a demo or permanent license will work.

Install TelAlert Messaging Server
Note: Some system administrators prefer to create a User that will own TelAlert; this may make it
easier for you to set up the environment variables later in the install but is not necessary.
Run the following command to extract the TelAlert files:

uncompress -c /root/download/tmp2/telalert.tar.Z | tar xvf
tar -zxvf telalertunified.tar.Z
The files are extracted and placed in a sub-directory called telalert, under the directory where you copied the
.tar file. Example; if you copied the file to /tmp and ran the uncompress, there would be a directory named
telalert under /tmp; /tmp/telalert.
Change to the sub-directory created by the tar command as follows:
cd telalert
Run the install script, as follows:
The install script walks you through the remaining steps, most of which relate to the configuration information.
The install script will automatically start the telalerte and telaconfe processes.
Run the script below after install to set the environment variables, you may also want to set these in your
startup scripts, and in the profile of the User that owns TelAlert (possibly root). You can edit the to
see how the environment variablse are set.
. /etc/TelAlert/ (Or run it from the directory where you installed TelAlert)

Install TelAlert Database
Use instruction below to create and populate the TelAlert Advanced database. The Windows data base
installer may as an alternative. You will need sufficient privileges for creating the database, tables, and
There is a USE ^DATABASE_NAME^ statement at the beginning of each script. The scripts must be
edited to replace the ^DATABASE_NAME^ place holder with the actual name of the TelAlert database.
The USER_NAME and ^DB_PASSWORD^ place holders in the create_xxx.sql scripts must be
replaced with the actual user name and password values that will be used to authenticate access the the
TelAlert database.
The script names are listed below (where _xxx is substituted with; _mysql, _mssql or _oracle). These
scripts must be executed in the order listed below:
Chapter 3: Installing TelAlert 7| 27

Install TelAlert Web Application
1. Locate the tomcat webapps directory and create a sub-directory named telalert. The following
example assumes that tomcat is installed in /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps directory:
cd /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps
mkdir telalert
2. Copy the TelAlert Web UI archive file into the webapps/telalert directory. The following example
assumes that the Web UI archive file is located in /tmp and tomcat is installed in
cd /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/telalert
cp /tmp/webapps telalert_webui_unix.tar.gz .
3. Extract the contents of telalert_webui_unix.tar.gz into the webapps/telalert directory:
tar -zxvf telalert_webui_unix.tar.gz
4. Edit the file to update database connection information:
cd /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/telalert/WEB-INF/classes
5. Edit the file to update log path information.
cd /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/telalert/WEB-INF/classes
6. Update the host-configuration.address value in file. This file is
located in the telalert/WEB-INF/classes directory. Review the comments and other property
values in this file and make changes as needed.
7. Use the tomcat start/stop scripts to start or re-start tomcat:

Install Notification Handler
The Notification Handler process updates the Alerts and Sends tables in the TelAlert Advanced database
when the Messaging Server changes the status of an Alerts or DestSend. The TelAlert Advanced UI uses
the Alerts and Sends tables to show TelAlert information on the Alerts Tab.
Perform the following steps to install the Notification Handler:
1. Uncompress and extract the contents of tanotifhandler.tar.gz to the TELALERTBIN directory.
The TELALERTBIN directory is usually located in /usr/telalert. The following is an example of
commands used for extracting files from a tanotifhandler archive file located in the /usr/telalert
cd /usr/telalert
tar -zxvf tanotifhandler.tar.gz
Extracting the archive contents will result in creating the /usr/telalert/tanotif directory.
2. Update database connection information contained in the file. The
connection parameters in this file must match the connection information contained in the WEB-
INF/classes/ file.
3. Start the Notification Handler process.
cd /usr/telalert


Upgrading From TelAlert 6e
This chapter describes instruction on how to upgrade an existing TelAlert 6e software installation.
When you purchase TelAlert Advanced, you should receive a TelAlert Advanced product license by
email. This license includes a list of keyword values. Before proceeding, print out the complete
list of keyword values. You will need to refer to this list when you install the TelAlert Advanced
software components.
Note: Without a TelAlert Advanced enabled license, you will not be able to proceed with the
installation. A standard TelAlert license will not work properly.
TelAlert 6e Upgrade Tasks
The TelAlert Advanced v7.0 installer introduces a significant improvement over previous TelAlert
6e upgrades. Each of the TelAlert Advanced v6.2 components, Messaging Server, Web Server and
Database Server, require upgrades.
Messaging Server
First, the underlying TelAlert Messaging Server needs to be updated from v5.7 to v5.72.
Web Server
TelAlert Advanced v7.0 supports newer versions of Tomcat and Java. Upgrades to these
components need to be included in the overall upgrade plan.
Database Server
The most significant improvement in the upgrade process is for the Database Server. In the past,
users were responsible to run SQL scripts to update the database as part of the upgrade process.
TelAlert versions 6.2 and later automatically update the database when the Web application is
started. The database upgrade process supports TelAlert 6e releases back to v6.0.5 in a single
step. Customers running v6.0.4 or older should contact MIR3 customer support for specific

Upgrading TelAlert Messaging Server
If you are upgrading to TelAlert Messaging Server 5.7.2 from an earlier version, you do not need
to go through the entire installation process. This chapter provides information essential for
anyone upgrading. Please read the release notes for details on what has changed in version
Upgrade Authorization Code
Upgrades of permanent installations require an Upgrade Authorization Code. This is a requirement
with TelAlert Messaging Server 5.7.2. The Upgrade Authorization Code verifies that the TelAlert
Messaging Server host with a particular IP address has a current support contract. Customers with
multiple TelAlert Messaging Servers need to obtain separate Upgrade Authorization Codes for each
one. Upgrade Authorization Codes will be emailed to each supported customer. If your Upgrade
Authorization Code was lost or misdirected, you may obtain a duplicate from:

This code will be an alphanumeric value always starting with letter 'U', for example U2345876
TelAlert Messaging Server time-limited evaluation installations cannot be upgraded. If an
evaluation installation is converted to a permanent installation by replacing the license key, then
the now-permanent installation can be upgraded.
Upgrading TelAlert Messaging Server on Windows
1. Close any other applications that are running. You do not have to stop TelAlert Messaging
2. Shut down the Tomcat server.
3. Prepare the installation files and launch the install.
4. Follow the prompts presented by the install program, which will detect your current
installation and take you down a path designed especially for upgraders. Note that the
install program will not overwrite any files that you may want to preserve. It handles the
issue of overwriting files in different ways, depending on the type of file.
In the case of files that must be updated as part of the upgradeexecutables,
primarilyit copies the old file into a backup directory it creates in the current
directory and then overwrites the original.
In the case of files that you may have modifiedscripts and files containing
configuration information for service providers and modemsit leaves the original
intact and places the new file in a corresponding location in a parallel directory
structure created under new. It will be your responsibility to copy the new one in place
of your original should you choose to use the updated version.
6 If it is not done automatically, restart the TelAlert Messaging Server using this command
telalert stop
telalert -start
Chapter 4: Upgrading TelAlert6e | 31
Upgrading TelAlert Messaging Server on UNIX
1. Log on as the user who owns TelAlert Messaging Server, or as root. (To see who owns TelAlert
Messaging Server, go to the directory that contains telalerte. Then determine its owner by
giving this command: ls -l telalerte.).
2. Prepare the installation files and launch the install script.
3. Follow any prompts presented by the install script. If the install program can determine the
locations of all previously installed TelAlert Messaging Server components, it will proceed with
the upgrade without prompting. If it cannot, it will ask for specific these locations.
4. Note that the install script backup files from the previously installed version
5. In the case of files that must be updated as part of the upgradeexecutables, primarilyit
copies old files into a backup directory it creates within the current directory and then
overwrites the original. Copy the new one in place of the original if the updated version is
Configuring TASync (Windows and UNIX Platforms)
The TelAlert Version 7 Web UI uses the TaSync process to synchronize the sections file with the
Web UI database. Perform the following ssteps the configure TaSync process on either the UNIX or
Windows Messaging Server platform:
1. Stop TelAlerte using the following command: telalert -stop
2. Verify that tasync.hosts file exists in the telalert bin directory and and contains the local host
IP address (
On Windows systems the following command will test if the file exists and display the
contents: type tasync.hosts
On UNIX systems the following command will test if the file exists and display the contents:
cat tasync.hosts
3. If the tasync.hosts file does not exist in the tealert directory or does not contain IP Address, the use the following command to create and/or append to the file:
echo >> tasync.hosts
4. Use the following command to add the {TaSync_WebUI} definition to the sections file's
[Process] section:
telaupd -merge TaSync_WebUI.ini telalertcm
The following is an example shows the expected output that results from entering the
command on a Windows Messaging Server (the {TASync_WebUI} Not Found error message is
C:\Program Files\TelAlert>telaupd -merge TaSync_WebUI.ini -telalertcm
Error*[Process] {TASync_WebUI} Not Found
Note Writing c:\PROGRA~1\TelAlert\telalert.sects.20130306185155
Note [Process]
Note {TASync_WebUI}
Note 0 Warnings, 0 Errors
Note [Process] {TASync_WebUI} Added
5. Start TelAlerte using the following command: telalert -start

Upgrading the TelAlert Web Application Components

6. Shutdown the existing TelAlert 6e Web Administrative User Interface. For Windows, this is done
by stopping the TelAlert 6e Tomcat service. Backup the existing configuration files to retain your
application settings i.e. database configuration. These configuration files should be backed-up so
that they can be used after the upgrade. They are all located in the same directory/folder under
the servlet container: telalert/WEB-INF/classes
In Unix/Linux:
In Windows:
c:\program files\telalert\web\server\webapps\telalert\WEB-INF\classes Connection parameters to the TA messaging server(s) Location of Batch Import data, plus other internal parameters
hibernate.*: Database connection parameters
o hibernate.cfg.xml: Prior to
o Starting with Location of log and audit files plus logger configuration settings
7. Backup 6e Files and Delete TelAlert Folder. (Recommended step)
a. Backup current 6e version to tar/zip files before updating in the event of failed
b. Delete the existing TelAlert folder located in:

<TelAlert 6e>/web/server/webapps/telalert

where <TelAlert 6e> is where your application is installed.
1. Install the new files. Extract the telalert web tar/zip files into the existing
webapps/telalert directory. This will overwrite all existing files (including the existing
configuration files).
Be Sure You Know the System User Password

The next login after the steps below will require the System user to login first. No other
activity will be allowed until this login is done and the upgrade process completes.
DO NOT start the process below if you do not have a valid password available for the
System user.
Chapter 4: Upgrading TelAlert6e | 33
Note: Use folder names or maintain subdirectory paths or whatever is the correct
command in the unzip/intar tool being used.
2. Update the configuration files that were backed up in Step 2 to configure the new configuration
files in Step 3 to the webapps/telalert directory. Some files have not changed and can be
copied back. Other files may have additional changes, so editing the new file is the proper
method. set the connection parameters set the file location set the file location this is a new file starting with If upgrading from a
version prior to, use the database connection values from the
hibernate.cfg.xml file
3. Delete the Tomcat cache under the Tomcat work folder.
<TelAlert 6e>/web/server/work/

where <TelAlert 6e> is where the application is installed.
On a Windows server, the default location is:
C:\Program Files\TelAlert6e\web\server\work\Catalina\localhost
On a Unix server, the default location is:
4. Restart TelAlert Tomcat service.
In Unix/Linux:
In Windows:
Restart the TelAlert Apache service.

Web UI Database Upgrade from 6.0.5 or Newer
The TelAlert Web application checks the database version during startup initialization. The Web
application will automatically upgrade the data base schema if needed. This automatic upgrade
process not supported when upgrading from v6.0.4 or versions earlier than v6.0.4. Contact MIR3
support to assist with the upgrade when upgrading from v6.0.4 or earlier.

1. Log into TelAlert Web UI as the System user. The Login page will indicate that an upgrade is
in progress and only the System user will be allowed to login (see figure 8).

2. Press the Update button on the upgrade confirmation page to start the automatic upgrade.
The upgrade page will automatically refresh to indicate the upgrade progress.

IMPORTANT: Do not navigate away from this page until the upgrade completes.

Note: The last step in the upgrade process may take several hours to complete.

Figure 8. Upgrade Login Page

Upgrade from TelAlert 6e v6.0.4 or Older
The TelAlert version 7 Web application will automatically perform required database
upgrade steps when upgrading from v6.0.5 and newer. Please contact MIR3 support for
upgrade instructions when upgrading from Web application v6.0.4 or versions earlier
than v6.0.4.
Chapter 4: Upgrading TelAlert6e | 35

Figure 9. Upgrade Confirmation Page

Figure 10. Upgrade Status (while Upgrade is in Progress)

Figure 11. Upgrade Complete

Chapter 4: Upgrading TelAlert6e | 37
Falling Back to Previous Version
If things go wrong with the upgrade, fall back to the previous configuration by following these

1. Stop Tomcat.
2. Stop TelAlert.
3. Restore the TelAlert6e data base from the backup created in step 6 above.
4. Restore the telalert.sects file from the backup created in step 2 above.
5. Delete the current /telalert directory under /webapps.
6. Copy in the /telalert directory under /webapps you moved in step 8 above.
7. Delete the /work folder under Tomcat.
8. Start TelAlert (telalert start).
9. Issue: telaconf sectsread telalertcm.
10. Start Tomcat.
11. Log into TelAlert6e.


Related Technical

Related Technical Documentation
This section provides references to other technical documentation that may assist in the
installation and operation of TelAlert Advanced. Detailed information may also be found on
TelAlerts operation and integration with other help-desk applications in the TelAlert
documentation suite. The following documents are available:
TelAlert Administrator Guide - This guide contains detailed information on how to use
recipient-related features in the TelAlert system functions. It assumes that TelAlert is
installed and that configuration and administration ready to begin.
TelAlert Keyword and Command Reference - This is a reference guide documenting
keywords and their values. This information is used for configuring TelAlert; depending on
the keyword, keyword values are set using the TelAdmin tool in TelAlert Desktop or the
TelAlert Web UI.
TelAlert Voice and Hardware Guide - This guide contains complete instructions on
sending Text-To-Speech (TTS) notifications using a TelAlert Dialogic telephony card.

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