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J. Milton, Sanson
Agonistes, Prologue
Activity 3

Virginia Apud Cceres

1) What kind of text is Miltons prologue? Try to describe it generic terms
(read carefully page 352/3). The Miltons prologue is an epistle, which is
used by the authors to explain their tragedies, in case of self-defence,
or explanation (Samson Agonistes Prologue; 352). It is a kind of letter to
introduce us the play, in this case the Samson Agonistes.

2) What qualities and effects are of paramount importance to describe
The qualities and effects to describe tragedy are:
The chorus is here introducd after the Greek manner, not
antient only but modern, and still in use among the Italians..
(Samson Agonistes Prologue; ibid).
They measure of Verse used in the Chorus is of all sorts, called
by the Greeks Monostrophic, or rather Apoleleymon, without
regard had to Strophe, Antistrophe or Epod (Samson
Agonistes Prologue; ibid).
In this tragedy, John Milton does not use or acts or scenes, which
usually appears in any ancient tragedy. The division into Act
and Scene referring chiefly to the Stage (to which this work never
was intended) is here omitted (Samson Agonistes Prologue;

3) What authorities does Milton cite to support his ideas on tragedy?

Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides, to Milton, they are the best writers
of tragedy

4) What are the reasons why Milton thinks that Tragedy is hold in so small
esteem in his times?

Milton thinks this tragedy held in such low esteem because it is mixed
with other common Interludes; happening through the Poets error
of intermixing Comic stuff with Tragic sadness and gravity; or
introducing trivial and vulgar persons, which by all judicious hath bin
counted absurd; and brought in without discretion, corruptly to gratifie
the people.

5) What distinguises Miltons tragedy from other kinds of tragedy?
Milton does not us either acts or scenes in his tragedies, while others
writers does.

6) What features from the generic repertoire do you recognize in Miltons
description of his own work?

Milton said that the circumscription of time wherein the whole
Drama begins and ends, is according to antient rule, and best
example, within the space of 24 hours (Samson Agonistes Prologue;

7) What is the use of Greek and Latin models in this description?

The writers cite out of Tragic Poets to adorn and illustrate thir
discourse... (Samson Agonistes Prologue; 348).

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